zr-art-world · 2 months
Thinking about changing my social media handles, Thoughts???
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I want a new user name that reflects what I am currently doing and what I am planning on doing in the future, especially for my youtube. I am planning on making videos talking about and drawing my oc's, making fan art, and talking about cartoons, anime, comics, and video games(Especially old/obscure or cult classics and old fandom knowledge)
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kinnisvarakool · 3 years
Suursaadik, minister ja abilinnapea avasid Tallinnas riigi koroonakindlaima hotelli
Tallinna kesklinnas taasavasid Soome suursaadik Timo Kantola, ettevõtlus- ja infotehnoloogiaminister Andres Sutt ning abilinnapea Aivar Riisalu 12,5 miljoni euro eest renoveeritud Nordic Hotel Forum neljatärnihotelli. Hotellihoone uuendusprojekt hõlmas kogu maja renoveerimist, viirusetõrjelahenduste paigaldamist, kahe uue restorani avamist ning heaolukeskuse laiendamist. Nordic Hotel Forumi juhi…
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imababblekat · 6 years
Long transformers scenario/ imagine idea
human companion from transformers prime got ground-bridged/ transwraped to transformers animated. At first kinda losses their mind as everything is different than the bots and cons they know, (like how tfp Arcee And tfa Arcee are VERY different) but after explaining themselves things calm down,later even tells the autobots events from their world like scraplets , dark Energon (and the zombiecons) and the iacon relics. Bit fond of tfa Optimus and bumblebee due to how different they are to tfp’s. Like how childish and verbal bee is and how expressive Optimus is and that the title prime is a ranking and not how the readers definition of “prime”. Also When meeting sari the reader gets a Miko vibe off her.
Submitted by @ally-artaku
Oooo!! I like this!! They quickly become a second family to the reader, but over time it’s obvious they really miss their home and as much as they love the new friends they’ve made, they ofc want to go back. The bot’s all knows this and try their hardest to help them get back. In the meantime, they get to do and have so many cool, fun experiences with them! Have become the third pea in the pod for shenanigans with Bee and Sari, learn cool fighting moves with Prowl, etc. By far, the most surprising and terrifying thing they discover that’s different from their world is the immense size difference between Autobot’s and Decepticons.
Thank you for sending this in. I quite like this idea. ^^
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fleur-de-leap · 5 years
🎨 for kicks and giggles?
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I associate you with Rodimus too much NOT to do very fire-related colors, especially since you seem to use them in your art a lot. 
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mari-strider · 5 years
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a lil thing for @ally-artaku
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kinnisvara · 6 years
1Partner: Tallinnasse kerkib Eesti esimene nutikas premium-klassi butiikhotell
Tegemist on Eesti esimene premium-klassi kuuluva hotelliga, kus kliendid saavad kogeda tipptasemel hotellikülastust ka ilma personaliga suhtlemata.
Tegemist on uute nutikate lahendustega, mis teevad hotellikülastuse kiireks, mugavaks ja privaatseks. Hoonesse ja hotelli tubadesse saab klient siseneda kas numbritest koosneva koodiga või ennast sisse skaneerida uste juures telefonist või paberilt…
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rubybii · 6 years
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Linksonas at Gerudo!
Left to right Al @ally-artaku , Toffee @aletheinvader, Yaha(ha) @linecrosser, Honi @championinblue, Ra @unknownartist94
Response to this post ! Thanks for responding it was fun to hear about your linksonas and make them into drawing!
Al: choice of drink is soda. Loved the time in Wind waker and the sea. Travels around with violin previous belonging to korok Makar. She’s the only female among those linksonas so she does not need a disguise.
Toffee: Very princess like. Loves magic, talking about crushes, Sidon and shiney jewelerie. Choice of drink- alcoholic cotton candy cocktail.
Yaha(ha)- You already probably know this snarky asshole from my previous posts. First one to jump in the party. Likes fuzzy sugar water and watch other’s behaviour.
Honi- What there is to say..He’s just chilling and is happy he can have some break in nice company, and he adores Gerudo beer in hot days.
Ra- sun child, is quite introvert and likes some peace, red eyes and freckles, drinks milk and love photography. He wishes for bigger memory for his sheikah slate.
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@artaku-chan. John Dough
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8-opossums · 6 years
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@anitartistbullshit is actually just another troll blog trying to get others angry due to the pathetic tragedy that is their life. They might be desperate for attention, but I don’t anyone wants to be the ones giving it to them.
I mean it should have been obvious when they could spell anti right.
@captain-seahorse @ramennoodlelord @morekichuwathanyou @dingalow-personal @peri-artaku
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seanterobuku-blog · 8 years
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Permata Aurorius (Saga Artakusiad #1) Rizal telah dibawa oleh suatu kuasa ghaib ke alam Aurora yang penuh misteri. Oleh sebab pada dirinya terdapat tanda-tanda kebesaran seperti tercatat dalam kitab-kitab kaum Aurora, dia telah diangkat sebagai pemimpin atau Artakus puak Armorikus.
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avikanish · 9 years
Kicking it old school with Star Wars VFX
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kinnisvarakool · 3 years
12,5 miljoni eest riigi koroonakindlaimaks hotelliks renoveeritud Nordic Hotel Forum valmistub taasavamiseks
12,5 miljoni eest riigi koroonakindlaimaks hotelliks renoveeritud Nordic Hotel Forum valmistub taasavamiseks
Tallinna kesklinnas paiknev neljatärnihotell Nordic Hotel Forum tegi sektori viimaste aastate ühe suurema, 12,5 miljoni eurose investeeringu. Hotellihoone omaniku Kapiteli ja operaator Nordic Hotelsi koostöös tehtud uuendusprojekt hõlmas kogu maja renoveerimist ning viirusetõrjelahenduste paigaldamist. Uuenenud hotell valmistub vaatamata kasvavatele koroonanumbritele augustis uksi avama. Nordic…
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moon-boat · 10 years
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Protect this baby at all cost ;A;
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gorrem · 10 years
Artaku interview with Devon Cady-Lee
Interview with Artaku podcast! Basically my whole life story, and my opinions on dinosaurs, and then I cry a lot.
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kinnisvarakool · 5 years
1Partner: Tallinna kesklinnas avatakse täiesti uut tüüpi hotell
1Partner: Tallinna kesklinnas avatakse täiesti uut tüüpi hotell
1Partner Ehitus andis Silikaat Grupile üle Pärnu maanteel augusti lõpus avatava Eesti esimese nutika butiikhotelli Nothel.
Notheli juhi Maarja-Liis Toomiku sõnul on tegemist Eesti majutusturul täiesti uut tüüpi hotelliga. “Kui üldjuhul on hotellituba lihtne kuubik, siis Nothel meenutab rohkem kodu, mille toad on suured ja mitmetasandilised, sisaldades täisfunktsionaalseid kööke ning eraldi…
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kinnisvara · 6 years
Tallinnasse kerkib Eesti esimene nutikas premium-klassi butiikhotell, kus kliendid saavad kogeda tipptasemel hotellikülastust ka ilma personaliga suhtlemata
Tallinnasse kerkib Eesti esimene nutikas premium-klassi butiikhotell, kus kliendid saavad kogeda tipptasemel hotellikülastust ka ilma personaliga suhtlemata
Silikaat Grupi juht Vello Kunman ja ettevõtja Simar Selezov teevad olulised sammud nõudliku hotellikülastaja mugavuse suunal ning ehitavad Tallinna kesklinna Eesti esimese nutika butiikhotelli.
Ehitushanke võitnud 1Partner Ehituse tegevjuhi Üllar Hinno sõnul on tegu Eesti esimese Premium-klassi kuuluva hotelliga, millel pole tavapärast personali ning kõik süsteemid on automaatsed. “Inimene saab…
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