#Army Nutrition Guide
supp-up · 9 months
Merry Christmas 2023 from SUPP UP.
Merry Christmas 2023 from SUPP UP. #merrychristmas2023 #militarychristmas #merrychristmas #bingcrosby #veteranschristmas
Merry Christmas 2023 from SUPP UP. Every year I always see a stats spike on the blog around this time of the year…and that’s significant, because it makes me happy knowing that people still love to read the various Military Christmas poem renditions of ‘Merry Christmas, My Friend – A Marine’s Poem‘ over the years (6+ years and going strong) and continue to pick up the print versions of them over…
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
To all of you who are feeling behind on survival skills, worried you won't be able to succeed in life because you're not allowed to learn/not able to learn, I want you to know that some basics are extremely easy to get once you're able to try it on your own, or even just have one person explain it to you.
When I ran away from home, I didn't know how to cook, I wasn't allowed to learn, and first month or so, I was preoccupied with just learning how to cook. What I learned was that it was far more easy than my parents ever made it seem. If you're trying to cook just for proper nutrition and not make some fancy meals, most of what you have to do is heat the groceries, and salt them. If you cut up some vegetables and put them in water an add salt, you will have a soup. If you lay them on a tray and put them in the oven, you've made food. You can put stuff in a pan with some oil and stir it on heat and you have a meal. For basic eating, it can be really that simple. I also was able to pick stuff up just from my roommates, who would happily answer my questions, and a lot of people out there will happily explain to you how they make a certain food, and of course, there's video tutorials for specific meals, if you want to make something more complex. Once you have absolute freedom in the kitchen, you will pick this up rapidly.
I have never used a washing machine prior to running away, and then one person showed me once how to use one, and that was that. I was washing-machine certified after that. I gained extra knowledge about cleaning it on the internet, and some people randomly had tips for me about it. I learned to handwash later as well, and that works good too.
I've struggled at the beginning, to find easy and cheap ways to get stuff; the most common way to get things is to go to the store, but I didn't have a lot of money, and buying things was too expensive for me. I've since discovered just where to find the second-hand markets, how to get people to give me their old clothing so I never have to buy any, how to temper with stuff I have so I wouldn't have to buy anything, at this point I even know how to fix shoes and sew my own stuff. I've fixed blinds on almost every window in here, without even knowing how, I just dismantled everything and figured it out. I've put together closets and lamps. I've learned to open up my own laptop and change the parts inside, I've even changed the screen on my own, by watching a video on how it's done. I've learned how to repaint walls, how to tend to plants, how to maintain a living space. Often I'd see someone else who is able to do these things, and just ask. People who are not parents have no reason to gatekeep this information, and they proudly told me how they do it.
I've learned to organize my stuff to the point where I'm able to easily clean a big mess, and I don't get overwhelmed with things anymore. I've had to do some reading on the internet to figure out the situation with finances and economy, and I also asked some people, got wildly different answers from every person. When I have the opportunity to chat with someone who has a specific job, I ask them about what they do, and have them describe to me how that field of work functions. It gave me insight into a lot of inner workings of society that were previously a mystery to me.
I was able to figure this all out while having zero faith in myself; I believed I was stupid, incapable of survival, honestly thought I would be dead within few months. I was reading army survival guides so I could survive in the wild if I ever got homeless. I was learning even without believing that all of this would help me, it's only now looking back at everything that I understand how much knowledge I gained just from trying it and doing it in every possible way until it clicked.
The most complex for me, were the social skills, since I'm still easily scared of people. But I am slowly making progress on that and finding better ways to deal with people's behaviours. Being curious works well because people love when someone is curious about them and shows interest in what they do. It's been a revelation that outside of my home, I really can just ask any question I am interested about, and will usually get some kind of an answer, and not 'how do you not know this already'. Outside of abusive homes, you're not expected to know everything, without ever being told.
While survival skills and independence are deeply forbidden in an abusive situation, being out of one will practically guarantee you that you'll get them. Sometimes you'll be forced to learn some stuff like cleaning and cooking and you'll have no choice but to learn, and it will become easier the more you do it. But nobody will make you feel bad for not doing it right the first time, there will be no punishment, no berating, you're free mess it up any amount of times, without any consequences. I would say that maybe you wasted some time and effort, but no time or effort is truly wasted when you're learning something; rather it takes that time and effort to learn. But it's not painful, it's not shameful, it's not forbidden anymore. You can learn a lot of things at your own ease and convenience, without worrying about someone's opinion on what you're doing. You can also learn dumb things and never be criticized or called out on it, you can do absolutely ridiculous stuff that brings you joy and no harm is done.
I know feeling behind sucks, and it feels shameful and horrible, but the good news is that you can catch up very quickly, and not only that. If you really want to have a lot of survival skills under your belt, and you keep learning, you will soon know more than most people do. You can out-do any person out there if you have a passion for it. I had people who were telling me how to do basic stuff, surprised at me knowing more than they knew, just months later. It's a great feeling!
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 month
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Decided to show their full designs.
The Shadows of the gods or The Pillars of Darkness:
They guard the borders of Earthbread from the forces outside, Humans, Wizards all of them are a threat to the Light’s wonderful paradise of freshly baked cookies. Each one is a Shadow of the gods entirely and sometimes even worshipped as minor deities called ‘Legends’
They go by many names.
The Shadows of The Divine
The Pillars of Darkness
The Guardians of Earthbread.
Each Pillar follows the will of each god.
Grim Reaper/Deathly Licorice Cookie:
The Shadow and Angel of The Abysmal Gingerdozer…he who places those to eternal slumber. The final sleep of death. By the will of the Abysmal One does he follow, plague, destruction and malnutrition follow his path, for the lone path of death is not one many want to follow…
The Grim Reaper was created as a gift by The Nameless…given away to his brother to keep his titles afloat. Representing the dark black void of death, the quick release of silence the night offers in the dark…The Angel soars from on high guarding the borders from all directions. To the East he resides as that is birthplace. Go east if you wish to enter the realm of the dead, but beware for he is watches upon the endless sky…
The Cookies of this realm worship him as the deity of death, out of respect for keeping the order of this world…as thus he is called ‘The Pillar of Death’
Empyreal Pomegranate Cookie:
The Shadow and Priestess of the Ethereal Strawberry Cookie. She presides over the faithful and grants the blessings of luck upon those whose hearts are pure. The Priestess follows the will of the goddess of love, however blind her faith may be…
The Empyreal Vassal blesses those who put their whole faith in the gods and grants the chosen luck and grace throughout their lives. Protection is sought out once you seek her, as she protects those who are persecuted and scorned. To the North is where she resides for love and faith is the direction of the coldest hatred. She protects her side of the border with her unwavering curses of hatred. Go North if you wish for her aid, pass her trials of faith and she will protect you.
The Cookies of this realm worship her as a deity of protection, due to their unwavering faith in her abilities she is henceforth known as ‘The Pillar of Faith’
Jubilant Poison Mushroom Cookie:
The Shadow and Servant of the Glorious Gingerbright. They guide the young and nurtures the forgotten. Children are called to follow their path and adhere their example. They provide nutrition for the young, tend to the youthfulness of children, and most of all listen to the cries of the forgotten…
The Jubilant Deity brings forth the life within children. The freedom and development of their lives. Some say that this type of love is chaotic, but for the eyes of the deity, children deserve to experience even the slightest amount of joy. They are revered as their patron god and above all protector. They protect their side of the border with the poison of chaos. Go forth South for their protection, for they accept all children in their land.
The Cookies of this realm worship them as a deity of chaos, the reason why their name has switched to poison…though they call upon the freedom of the youth they are also known to be quite the trickster…thus they are named ‘The Pillar of Chaos’
Impervious Red Velvet Cookie:
The Shadow and Knight of The Apoditic Wizard Cookie. He resides over all matters of warfare and battle. The concept of war and strife is etched unto his mind. The Final Witness of the true nature of the Witches, The Impervious one protects his side of the borders with an Iron Fist.
The Impervious Knight reigns over a tower made of cakes, guarded by the legendary cake hounds of the ancient recipes of the Wizards. Using these he creates an army capable of protecting the cookies from all harm. He guards his side of the borders with pure might. Go West to seek out his domain, but beware for none make it back alive…
The Cookies of this realm worship him as a deity of war. Though they fear his might they respect him as a protector. Thus naming him ‘The Pillar of War’
The Dark Enchantress Cookie:
Much like the Nameless, His shadow bears no name, but a title. Created from the dough of the Wizards her might shines the night sky into pure oblivion. The shadows is where she lurks, the endless night is where she wakes. Born with the anger and sorrow of the Light she soars the sky with her army of cakes in tow.
The Dark Enchantress bears the weight of the darkness reminding the cookies of the balance between dark and light. The Shadows can aid and hide those who need protection. But blind those from the sights of their enemies. A reminder that the darkness is neither friend nor foe…She protects the borders of Earthbread with the might of the gods by her side. Go to the center of Earthbread, seek out the Millennial Tree…and pray tell she will be there.
The Cookies of this realm regard her as a deity of darkness, out of respect and pure awe in her the Cookies dub her ‘The Pillar of Darkness’
Each of these Pillars have a role to play in protecting the borders of Earthbread…may they reign eternal in their will of protection…
I blame @cuppajj’s Beast Ancients AU for reviving my inspiration back from the dead. I’m trying to plan out the Legends’ backstory but let’s just say I’m also trying to figure out the main story.
Aka the actual plot of the AU. ‘That time I adopted a god’
Cause I haven’t really given Gingerbrave a direct motive for leaving and turning mortal. I’m THIS tempted to do an LMK Nuwa move. For him tbh.
But yeah here’s the Pillars of Darkness folks.
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akshat01045 · 1 month
Why mango is called king of fruits
Mango Fruit Mastery: A Complete Guide Mango Fruit is a tasty fruit that grows in warm places. It is sweet and very good for you. It has many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help improve your health.
People all over the world look forward to mango Fruit season. They want to enjoy its tasty juiciness.
Some health benefits of the fruit are better digestion, healthier skin, a lower chance of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, and a stronger immune system.
Many people love mango fruit. This is not surprising because it has a unique flavour and several health benefits.
Why is mango a king of fruits The title "King of Fruit" for any fruit depends on several factors. These factors include taste, nutritional value, cultural importance, color, size, and availability.
What is the king of fruits, and why is it called that? The Amrafal is known as the king of fruits. This name comes from its great taste, strong smell, and many health benefits. Many cultures see mangoes as a sign of wealth and plenty. This belief adds to their status as the king of fruits.
King of Fruits in India The Aam is the best mangoes in India and Indonesia. This fruit is loved by many because of its sweet and juicy taste. People also enjoy using it in different recipes. Mangoes grow in many places, and each area has its special type.
India has many tasty mangoes. They include the well-known Alphonso mangoes from Maharashtra and the Himsagar mangoes from West Bengal.
The best time to enjoy mangoes is usually from May to July. However, people eat mangoes all year long in different ways. They like mango juice, chutney, pickles, and meals that use spices to make their taste better.
Ratnagiri Hapus Mango Fruit Devgad Alphonso Mango Fruit Alphonso Mango Fruit Kesar Aam Online Alphonso Mango King of Mango Alphonso Mango fruit is often called the King of Mangoes. This mango fruit is popular because of its rich aroma and sweet taste. It has a creamy texture that many people enjoy. While it started in India, Alphonso mangoes are now grown in several parts of the world.
They are popular in the summer when they are fresh. People look forward to their arrival to taste their unique flavour.
Alphonso mangoes are very popular in fruit sorbets and smoothies. Their creamy golden-red flesh makes them a favourite among mango fruit lovers.
The sweetness of Alphonso mangoes is really loved. It is like the sweetness that Sanskrit poets thought mango buds give to the voice.
What are the health benefits of eating mango fruit? Mango fruit is a fruit that has many health benefits. It is full of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
This vitamin helps improve the immune system and supports healthy skin. Mangoes also have antioxidants and fiber, which are good for digestion and general wellness. Enjoy this king of fruits as a tasty and healthy snack!
The Mango King of Fruits: A Fruity King with Superpowers! Nutritional Benefits Have you ever heard of a tasty and healthy fruit that has a crown? Yes, that’s right! This tropical fruit is special; it is known as the king of the fruit kingdom. But what makes it so special to have this fancy title?
Let's take a look inside its juicy center and find out its secret powers:
Vitamin C Champion Imagine a shield that keeps you safe from illness – that’s what it does! And the best part?
It is filled with amazing power! One bite strengthens your body, helping you stay fit and battle those annoying germs. It’s like having a small army of Vitamin C soldiers ready to protect you!
Fiber Fiesta for Digestion Ever feel hungry after a snack? You won’t feel that way with Alphonso! It is full of fibre. Think of it as a small broom that cleans your stomach.
It keeps you feeling full for a longer time and helps with digestion. There will be no more stomach growls before lunch when you have mango as your snack!
Vitamin A Superstar Vitamin A is like a superhero for your eyes. It helps you see better in the dark. Think of it as a tiny flashlight. It keeps your vision strong and healthy. So, when you read at night, grab some Vitamin A. It’s nature’s way to help you see better!
Antioxidant Avengers Think of superoxides as little bad guys that can make you unwell. But tropical fruit Alphonso has a special tool – antioxidants! These include quercetin and mangiferin. They are like superheroes that fight off the bad guys and help keep your body healthy and joyful.
Digestive Doctor Mango is the King of Fruits Sometimes, our stomachs need some extra care. Luckily, they have special enzymes. These enzymes work like little doctors. They help break down food and make sure everything runs smoothly. With a mango doctor at work, tummy problems are a thing of the past!
Cholesterol Superhero Mango Fruit Mangoes can help lower cholesterol. Using them regularly can give good results. They contain antioxidants such as quercetin and mangiferin. These antioxidants combat harmful free radicals that can block your arteries. Additionally, the fiber in mangoes helps to clear cholesterol from your blood vessels.
C Vitamin helps increase good cholesterol. Mangoes may not be a magic solution, but they can really help your cholesterol levels! They are also rich in potassium, which is important for keeping your blood pressure in check.
One of the primary reasons the mango is crowned "King of Fruits" is its delightful ability to tantalize the taste buds with its sweetness and unique flavor profile.
Beyond mere pleasure, this rich fruit boasts high amounts of potassium and high amount of fibre, contributing to overall health and aiding digestion. Regular practice of this method helps improve your digestion.
The regular practice of including mangoes in your diet can yield positive results, thanks to their impressive nutrition value. Their glutamine acid content supports brain health, while the generous dose of C Vitamin helps boost immunity.
With mangoes providing a whopping 76 per cent of the daily minimum C Vitamin intake, it's easy to see why they're a royal addition to any fruit bowl!
Bonus Superpowers with King of Fruits Mango Immunity Booster: C Vitamin and antioxidants team up. They help keep you strong and protected from getting sick. Brain Builder: Antioxidants support your brain. They help it grow and learn new things, like training for your mind! Glowing Skin Guru: C Vitamin and antioxidants keep your skin healthy and radiant. It's like a natural beauty treatment from within! Tummy Friend: Fiber is great for your tummy. It helps things move smoothly, so no more grumpy rumbles with tropical fruit! Low Glycemic Index: Low Glycemic Index (GI) is 51. GI shows how fast food raises blood sugar. Foods with a lower GI, like mangoes (GI 51-56), raise blood sugar slower. This helps avoid blood sugar spikes, which is good for people with diabetes or prediabetes. So, the next time you see a yellow tropical fruit, remember it's not just any fruit. It's a king with special powers!
And with all these great benefits, it's easy to see why the King of Fruit has its crown.
So, grab one. Take a bite. Enjoy the magic of the king of fruits!
Why Mango is Called the King of Fruits The mango is a tasty and juicy fruit. It is called the "King of Fruits" because many people love it. Its sweet taste and bright color make it popular. The mango is full of important nutrients. Its soft flesh and nice smell please the senses. This gives fruit lovers all over the world a wonderful experience.
Mango: A Multifaceted Gem The mango is more than just a tasty fruit. It has many health benefits too. Mangoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and good compounds called antioxidants.
These can help make you feel good and stay healthy. A lot of vitamin C in mangoes helps boost your immunity. The vitamin A in mangoes is good for your eyes and helps with skin repair. Mangoes also have fibre, which is helpful for digestion. They contain digestive enzymes that promote gut health.
Mango is known as the "king of the fruits." This is because it offers many benefits. It has high levels of vitamins C and A, along with 25 different kinds of carotenoids. In fact, mangoes provide 75 per cent of the daily needed vitamin C. They also have a good amount of vitamin B, which helps the function of the digestive system. This means they support efficient digestion.
Thanks to these qualities, mango nutrition is considered exceptional and promotes good digestive health.
Eating mangoes as part of your diet can be very helpful. They have glutamine acid, which can support regular sleep patterns and a healthy mood. Mangoes provide nutrients that fight ageing and help with the maintenance of collagen. This makes them a great choice for those wanting to slow signs of aging. They also promote the growth of all bodily tissues, particularly the type of tissue that helps keep good skin elastic. This can prevent wrinkles and sagging, providing about 75 per cent of the daily minimum vitamin C intake needed to produce collagen.
Mango is known as the "king of fruits," and it earns that title. It helps support a healthy brain with lots of B vitamins and other nutrients. Adding mango to your diet is good for your brain and overall well-being. This fruit is packed with vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity. It also contains vitamin A, which is important for good vision and skin repair. Plus, the fiber in mango helps with digestion and promotes gut health. So, it is a great fruit to include in your meals.
The mango's title as "King of Fruits" is well-deserved, stemming from a combination of its exquisite taste, rich nutritional value, and numerous health benefits. Its generous amounts of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, contribute to boosting immunity and combating premature aging.
The high fiber content aids digestion, while the presence of glutamine acid supports a healthy brain and gut. Moreover, mangoes offer a natural skin cleanser and effective homemade remedy due to their vitamin content and ability to promote collagen production. While its high sugar content warrants moderation for those managing high blood sugar, the abundance of potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and its fiber content contributes to a healthy diet. Truly, the mango's delightful taste, coupled with its vast health benefits, makes it a royal treat worthy of its title.
Mangoes are rich in 25 types of carotenoids. They also provide 75 per cent of the daily minimum vitamin C intake. With high levels of B vitamins, mangoes help with efficient digestion. They support the digestive system too.
The mango, often called the "king of fruits," is great for our health. It has a lot of vitamin C, which helps boost our immune system. It also contains vitamin A, which is good for our vision and skin repair. Mango is a wonderful source of nutrition.
The fibre in the fruit helps with digestion and is good for gut health. This makes it a great choice for any diet. Mangoes also have 25 types of carotenoids and give you 75% of the daily vitamin C you need. They are rich in B vitamins, which are important for keeping the digestive system working well.
Why Mango is Called King of Fruits: A Symphony of Flavor and Nutrition The mango is called a royal fruit because it has a great mix of taste and health benefits. Its sweet flavour, with a hint of tartness, makes it very enjoyable to eat.
The bright colour of the mango also shows that it has lots of antioxidants. These antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress and support cell health. This mix of tasty flavour and health advantages makes the mango stand out among other fruits.
Alphonso Fruit: The Crown Jewel Among the many types of mangoes, the Alphonso is the best. It comes from the Konkan region of India. This mango is known for its sweet taste, creamy feel, and great smell. The unique flavor of Alphonso and its high quality have made it very popular. It stands out as the top choice for mango lovers.
Alphonsomango.in: Your Source for the Best Alphonso Mangoes At Alphonsomango.in, we love giving our customers the best Alphonso mangoes. We get our mangoes straight from farmers in the Konkan region of India. This means you get the freshest and finest fruit. We also have different delivery options. This makes it simple for you to enjoy our tasty mangoes.
Order your Alphonso mangoes today and experience the taste of royalty!
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gary232 · 3 months
About me
Political: Beliefs Neo-Liberal Globalism, Liberal Socialist Libertarian free trade, free thought, markets according to the world consumers, Nonreligious About me, Single retired from the army. I am 63 and Married 2x, Universal in thought, logic, reason, and critical thinking. Want to spend more time enhancing my retirement. I like to travel to beach towns, beaches, and seafood, and I would like to live in another tropical country. Internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, and meeting people from different cultures. Freethinker, free-spirited. Like music, karaoke, economics, social trends, and geopolitics. Nutrition and herbs are multicultural. I like rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft, southern, and classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. Born on John Lennon's birthday and born the year Kennedy was elected.,   I think money matters, so don't tread on my freedoms, I can be mysterious, regenerate quickly, radiate worth, and be happy, excited, and visionary, with no boredom; the past you learn from and use as a reference for the now and future. don't like being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is essential, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, it's my journey, express myself when needed, desires are important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can adapt quickly, backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good natured, good cheer, like parties, Internet guidances over human guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is essential, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money grubbers.
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40sandfabulousaf · 3 months
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大家好! For my weekly simple breakfast out of compassion for starving Palestinians in Gaza, I tried truffle carbonara flavoured kuai shu mian (instant noodles). Again, I added more water to thin out the sauce. For the price, this was quite tasty, although the truffle fragrance was pretty faint. The noodles were QQ and slurpable, a must for me. This will pair well with smoked salmon if I buy more in future, or I can pour in canned diced tomatoes to make the sauce more flavourful. Overall, not bad; it's something I'll eat again after I've tried other brands.
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Near the coffee shop where I sometimes have WFH lunch is a hawker centre housing various food stalls. One of them specialises in Chinese spinach soup and it was awarded the Michelin Guide's Bib Gourmand in 2023. I decided to try their Chinese spinach noodle soup with sliced fish. The large bowl contained thick slices of tender fresh fish, dried shiitake mushroom, goji berries, crisp spinach, sliced ginger, minced pork and highly slurpable noodles. I especially liked the steaming hot, slightly cloudy, robust and flavourful broth. Yum, this meal was both nutritious and delicious! They fully deserved their award. Will definitely return to try their other dishes.
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FL, an old friend of 15 years, and I finally met for the first time since covid. Over a delicious mala lunch, we brought each other up to speed with our lives. When he shared the photo of us in our group chat with other mutual friends, they asked why I met him and not them! 😅 It's just easier to coordinate schedules with 1 person vs a group with several people, but yeah, it's about time all of us gather again, just like the good old days. FL and I shared a bowl of fish, chicken, pork skin, meatballs, cabbage, mushrooms and noodles. My goodness it was SO yummy! The food stall is quite out of the way, so I hope to return when I catch up with friends who live or work near that area. It is 1 out of 9 stalls owned by Antho's wife, so I'm happy to support it when I can.
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Meanwhile, I can count on our vibrant hawker culture for tasty, moderately healthy meals. From yong tau foo soups boasting a whopping 8 varieties of vegetables - golden and shiitake mushrooms, Chinese spinach, Napa cabbage, broccoli, carrot, radish and okra along with tau kwa (firm tofu) and a hardboiled egg - to cai fan salad comprising bittergourd, Chinese spinach and celery with cabbage and enoki mushrooms as well as steamed egg, these colourful meals are visually appealing on their own, no artsy fartsy plating required. And that's without mentioning what nutrition bombs these meals are!
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Over 37,500 Palestinians have been killed and close to 86,000 wounded as the genocidal war in Gaza continues. Much of the war-torn strip is in ruins, the land uninhabitable. Infrastructure such as schools, places of religious workship and hospitals have been destroyed. Meanwhile, survivors are still at risk of dying from starvation and malnutrition. Even as I continue to have my weekly simple breakfasts out of compassion for Palestinians in Gaza, I also pray for the parties which continue to arm Israel to face the wrath of God. May retribution come soon for these evil beings. 下次见!
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The Ultimate Guide to Successful Weight Loss with CICO Diet
Weight loss– the eternal quest for a slimmer silhouette is a never-ending one. Fads and potions abound, promising quick fixes. But what if there were a simpler, more knightly approach? Enter the CICO diet, the brave champion against excess weight!
CICO Diet: Champion of Calorie Control
CICO, or "Calories In, Calories Out," is a fundamental principle, not a specific diet. Imagine your body as a mighty castle. Food is your incoming supply – the delicious feasts you consume. Calories are the units used to measure this supply. Your body also burns calories throughout the day – your basal metabolic rate (BMR), the energy used for basic functions, and additional calories burned through activity. This outgoing flow is akin to the castle's defenders, constantly repelling invaders (calories).
The Quest for Calorie Control
Here's where the CICO diet shines. To conquer unwanted weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means ensuring your "Calories In" are less than your "Calories Out." It's like having fewer attackers than defenders – your castle becomes leaner and stronger!
CICO Diet: Your Tools for Success
● Track Your Calories:
Knowledge is power! Use apps or journals to record your food intake and estimate calorie expenditure. This awareness is your trusty sword and shield.
● Embrace Delicious Variety:
CICO doesn't restrict food groups. You can savor pizza and still lose weight, as long as it fits your calorie budget. Think of it as a diverse army, with healthy options as your loyal knights.
● Move Your Body:
Exercise burns calories, further boosting your "Calories Out." It's like calling in reinforcements – cardio becomes your cavalry, strength training your archers.
Benefits of the CICO Diet
The CICO diet approach to weight management offers several advantages for those looking to lose weight:
CICO doesn't restrict specific foods or food groups. As long as you maintain a calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume), you can enjoy the foods you love in moderation. This can make CICO an easier diet to stick with compared to restrictive plans.
Weight Loss Potential:
The core principle of CICO aligns with the basic science of weight loss: creating a calorie deficit. By tracking your calorie intake and ensuring it's lower than what your body burns, you will lose weight.
Awareness and Education:
The CICO diet can be an eye-opening experience. Tracking calories helps you understand the varying calorie content of different foods. This newfound awareness empowers you to make informed choices about your diet.
Following the CICO diet doesn't require purchasing expensive diet products or meals. You can implement it using free calorie-tracking apps or websites.
Sustainable Weight Management:
CICO isn't a quick fix, but it can promote sustainable weight loss. By learning healthy portion control and mindful eating habits, you can develop long-term strategies for maintaining a healthy weight.
Freedom of Choice:
You control what you eat, not a rigid meal plan. It's like having a customizable suit of armor, tailored to your preferences.
Nutrition perfectionism can be counterproductive. It might lead to constant worry about food or weight, guilt trips over what you eat, or a cycle of restrictive diets. These signs could indicate an unhealthy relationship with food or an eating disorder. Remember, disordered eating and eating disorders don't discriminate.
Weight loss in some cases, is not just about overeating, it happens due to suppressed trauma inside. There is more to your weight loss journey. Only a holistic doctor can help you achieve the desired results.
Start Your CICO Diet Journey with Nina Ross Functional Medicine
Conquering weight loss with the CICO diet method is a revolutionary change to your lifestyle, but sometimes some need a helping hand. That's where Nina Ross Functional Medicine comes in! We offer the support and guidance you need to navigate your CICO journey toward a healthier, slimmer you.
Why Choose Nina Ross Functional Medicine for Your CICO Success?
Expert Support:
Our team of licensed dietitians and certified health coaches are well-versed in CICO principles. They will help you create a personalized calorie plan that considers your lifestyle, preferences, and goals. We conduct in-depth consultations to understand your health history, goals, and challenges.
Beyond the Numbers:
We go beyond just counting calories. We take a functional medicine approach, addressing underlying factors that might hinder weight loss, such as hormonal imbalances, gut health issues, and nutrient deficiencies. We also emphasize nutritional counseling to ensure you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Motivation & Accountability:
Sticking to the CICO diet can be challenging. Our coaches will be your cheerleaders, offering ongoing motivation and accountability. They will help you navigate roadblocks and celebrate your victories. Lifestyle coaching is introduced to help you integrate CICO principles seamlessly into your daily routine.
Sustainable Strategies:
We don't believe in quick fixes. We will equip you with the knowledge and tools to develop sustainable eating habits that support your CICO goals for the long term.
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hasufin · 4 months
If there's one thing I'm really getting from reading about historical foods, it's that people in the past were, by modern standards, extremely malnourished.
The Union Army of the American Civil War was, relatively speaking, quite well-supplied. Yet if you look at their rations - the rations which were specifically approved by Congress, not even taking into consideration issues with logistics, availability, and fouling of foods, they were basically given beef, pork, salt beef, sometimes salted cod, and bread. These were supplemented with various vegetables (usually desiccated, which is not great for nutritional value; and besides which many of the desiccated vegetables were starchy things like carrots and potatoes), vinegar, beans, and rice. We recognize today that even at best, this is a diet lacking in essential nutrients, and doubtless made those soldiers more prone to infection and illness, and having a harder time healing from injuries.
The Southern army fared even worse - while their official ration was at the outset identical (the definitive guide on the American infantry was written by a Confederate), they had to significantly reduce the official ration, and due to lack of availability were seldom able to provide even a shadow of the official obligation. A Union soldier said his Southern counterparts were subsisting on "parched corn and peas", and this seems to be borne out. Truthfully, it sometimes seems remarkable the CSA held on as long as it did: they simply did not have the means to support an army at all.
But going further back, you see this throughout history. Not merely with armies, but with anything in which you see official records: hard bread (which we today know as hardtack), beans, pickled vegetables, and limited supplies of meat. The Japanese peasants are noted to have lived on little but millet and rice porridge, and nowhere near enough of that (an issue which becomes particularly appalling when you consider The Tale of Genji, and how nobles of that time were assigned the output of hundreds of peasant households to subsidize lavish lifestyles). In Europe of the middle ages, you often see many people if not literally starving, then living off of extremely monotonous and limited diets - pottages with little else in them, waybread, and sometimes meat from trapping and fishing, if that.
And if you go truly far back, to the late neolithic, you find that remarkably early sedentary people had a worse diet than their nomadic counterparts - being limited to whatever was available in their area, and whatever they had figured out how to preserve. At the time, beer was not consumed for the alcohol, but for the calories; pickling and salting were critical, and salt was one of the most important resources for millennia.
What I'm getting at is, we do in fact live in an age of great bounty. Not only are our caloric needs met, they are met with varied foods in which the seasons have little sway; we seldom suffer from nutrient deficiency, and we are able to both identify food sensitivities and find alternatives. Moreover, our food supply is astoundingly safe: we do not fear ergot poisoning, we seldom open a bag of flour to find it destroyed by insects or rodents, and food poisoning is so much less prevalent that it's astonishing.
When people talk of the past, I think this sort of thing is so often overlooked. Would you be content to live on a loaf of bread and perhaps a bowl of soup? How would you feel if you had to choose between not eating at all, or eating meat which had begun to go rancid? if one day out of ten you were likely to be incapacitated with what I shall delicately call "stomach troubles"?
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fojfitfitness · 6 months
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Master Best Physical Fitness for Indian Army
Discover the definitive guide to achieving peak physical fitness for Indian Army service with Fojfit. Our comprehensive resources and expert insights provide aspiring recruits with the training techniques, nutrition plans, and mindset strategies needed to meet and exceed the rigorous standards set by the Indian Army. Whether you're preparing for basic training or aiming for elite units, Fojfit equips you with the tools to optimize your strength, endurance, and overall performance.
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supp-up · 9 months
It's Christmas Eve.
It's Christmas Eve. #merrychristmas #christmaseve #suppup #supp_up #christmas2023 #merrychristmas2023 #bingcrosby #military #veterans
It’s finally Christmas Eve 2023. I genuinely hope all those deployed are having a great Christmas no matter the situation, and that those who had the chance to come home remember those who haven’t. Out of all the days of the year, I think Christmas is the time to set aside differences and put the human back in humanity – and the only way for real humanity to work is positive cooperation and…
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barkoutloudseo · 7 months
The Power of Novel Protein for Your Pets
Imagine a world where your dog's meals are more than just fuel for playtime. Picture a dish that ignites their inner athlete, soothes their sensitive tummy, and even shields them from unseen threats. This isn't a fantasy; it's the reality unlocked by the power of novel protein, and Bark Out Loud's Salmon & Turkey Adult Dog Food is here to be your guide.
Forget the usual chicken suspects. Novel proteins like salmon and turkey offer a unique path to pawsome health. By introducing protein sources your dog hasn't encountered before, you unlock a treasure trove of benefits. This is especially true for pups battling allergies, as naturally hypoallergenic novel proteins reduce the risk of itchy skin, upset stomachs, and other woes. Think of it as offering your furry friend a fresh, delicious start, free from the worries of common allergens.
But Bark Out Loud's Salmon & Turkey formula goes beyond mere novelty. It's crafted with your dog's holistic well-being in mind, offering a symphony of benefits that will have your pup dancing with joy:
Muscle Maestro
With a 24% high-quality protein content, this recipe is like a personal trainer in a bowl. Whether your dog's a playful puppy or a seasoned adventurer, they'll have the energy to explore new territories, conquer walks with unwavering enthusiasm, and cuddle you all night long. Imagine those boundless zoomies fueled by the power of protein!
Hypoallergenic Haven
Does your dog struggle with food allergies? This formula becomes a safe haven, offering a naturally hypoallergenic solution. Finally, mealtime can be a source of joy, not discomfort. Picture those soulful eyes sparkling with relief as they savor their food without a worry in the world.
Low-Grain Harmony
While some grains offer benefits, Bark Out Loud strikes the perfect balance with a low-grain composition. Your dog gets the good stuff from grains without the potential for digestive issues associated with high-grain diets. Think happy tummy, happy dog, ready for even more tail wags!
Prebiotic Party
Say goodbye to tummy troubles! This formula throws a gut-friendly prebiotic party, promoting healthy digestion and a happier, more energetic pup. It's like having a tiny army of good bacteria working inside your dog, keeping their digestive system purring like a well-oiled engine.
Antioxidant Army
Just like us, dogs need antioxidants to fight free radicals and stay healthy. Bark Out Loud's formula adds a special blend of super herbs and antioxidants, supporting your dog's immune system and overall well-being.Think of it as an invisible shield protecting your furry friend from harm, ensuring they stay pawsitively healthy for years to come.
Skin & Coat Magic
Does your dog dream of a coat that gleams like polished silver? Look no further than the fresh salmon included in this recipe. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it nourishes their skin from the inside out, promoting a healthy, luxurious coat that will turn heads (and collect compliments) wherever you go.
Joint Journey
As our furry friends age, joint health becomes crucial. This formula includes glucosamine HCL and chondroitin sulphate, two superheroes supporting strong and agile joints. Imagine those zoomies lasting longer, those walks being more enjoyable, thanks to the power of this formula!
Sweetness Without the Fuss
No added sugars here! This formula keeps things natural and healthy, avoiding the potential health complications associated with added sugars. It's all about the good stuff, fueling your dog's body without any unnecessary extras.
Preservative-Free Peace of Mind
Worried about hidden ingredients? Rest assured, Bark Out Loud's formula is 100% preservative-free. You can feed your dog with confidence, knowing they're getting the purest, most natural nutrition possible.
With its exceptional blend of premium ingredients, thoughtful formulation, and unwavering dedication to quality, Bark Out Loud's Salmon & Turkey Adult Dog Food is more than just a meal – it's a promise of health, happiness, and boundless wagging tails.
Ready to witness the transformation? Open a bag, pour a bowl, and watch the power of novel protein unfold. Shiny coats, boundless energy, and a tail that wags with boundless joy – it's all within reach. Give your dog the gift of health and happiness, and embark on a journey together, fueled by the delicious power of Bark Out Loud's Salmon & Turkey Adult Dog Food. Remember, a healthy dog is a happy dog, and Bark Out Loud is here to help you unlock your pup's hidden potential, one pawsome bite at a time!
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jayeshkhade10 · 7 months
Crafting the Perfect Bowl: A Guide to Selecting the Best Rice Cooker
Hello, dear readers! Today, we're embarking on a delightful culinary journey to explore how to choose the best rice cooker that meets all your grain-cooking needs. From the aromatic basmati to the ancient quinoa and the convenience of modern electric rice cookers, this guide promises to walk you through selecting the ideal cooker for Persian rice, quinoa, and beyond. So, buckle up as we dive into this flavorful adventure, keeping it informative, conversational, and sprinkled with a dash of creativity.
Deciphering Your Grainy Desires
The quest for the perfect rice cooker begins with a reflection on what you cherish most in your grains. It's not merely about cooking; it's about crafting experiences, from the fluffy peaks of Persian rice to the hearty wholesomeness of quinoa. The ideal cooker transforms these visions into reality, catering to your lifestyle and grain preferences with finesse.
The Jewel of Persian Kitchens: Best Persian Rice Cookers
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Persian rice is an art form, renowned for its signature fluffiness and the coveted golden tahdig. The best Persian rice cookers are those that respect this tradition, equipped with features that not only cook the rice to perfection but also master the art of the perfect crust. Seek out models boasting a dedicated tahdig function and non-stick pots that promise the effortless unveiling of your culinary masterpiece.
Imagine This: Your dining table gleams under the soft lights, adorned with a platter of Persian rice, its tahdig shimmering like a golden crown. Your guests are mesmerized, their admiration a testament to the prowess of your chosen rice cooker.
The Superfood Specialist: Best Quinoa Rice Cookers
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In the realm of healthful grains, quinoa reigns supreme, demanding a gentle touch to unlock its nutty essence and fluffy texture. The champions in this category are quinoa rice cookers with quinoa-specific settings, ensuring every grain is a burst of perfectly cooked nutrition, making your journey to health both delicious and effortless.
Picture This: Amidst the hustle of your daily routine, a dependable quinoa rice cooker works silently, transforming simple seeds into a fluffy, nutritious base for your meals. It's convenience, health, and taste, all at the push of a button.
The Versatile Virtuoso: Best Electric Rice Cookers
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For those who revel in diversity, the best electric rice cookers are akin to culinary Swiss Army knives. These marvels adapt to your whims, whether it's Persian rice today or quinoa tomorrow, offering settings for an array of grains. They embody the pinnacle of convenience and versatility, making them indispensable allies in your gastronomic explorations.
Envision This: A lazy Sunday afternoon, the air filled with anticipation as your electric rice cooker hums quietly, its contents soon to complement the array of dishes awaiting their grainy counterpart. It's the ease and assurance of perfectly cooked rice, every time.
Navigating the Maze of Choices
In your quest for the perfect rice cooker, consider these navigational aids:
Capacity: Match the cooker's size with your household's needs to avoid the woes of too little or too much rice.
Specificity: Aim for cookers with settings tailored to your favorite grains, ensuring each bowl is a testament to perfection.
User-Friendliness: Choose a cooker that promises a hassle-free experience, from intuitive controls to effortless cleaning.
Extra Features: Delight in models that offer more than just cooking—think steamers, timers, and warming functions for that extra touch of magic in your kitchen.
FAQs for the Curious Cook
Can I venture beyond Persian rice with a Persian rice cooker?
Absolutely! While engineered for Persian rice, these cookers are versatile enough to embrace other grains. Just remember, the path to perfection might require adjusting water ratios and cooking times.
Is it possible to find a rice cooker that excels with both rice and quinoa?
Indeed, several top-tier electric rice cookers are designed to masterfully handle both rice and quinoa, equipped with settings for each to guarantee impeccable results every time.
In Conclusion
Embarking on the quest for the best rice cooker is an adventure in its own right, blending practicality with culinary dreams. Whether your heart is set on a Persian rice cooker, a quinoa specialist, or a versatile electric model, the perfect choice is out there, waiting to transform your grain cooking experience. Here's to the joy of cooking and the magic of perfectly prepared grains at the touch of a button. Happy cooking, and may your meals always be memorable!
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bovinecollagenpowder · 8 months
The ABCs of Vitamin Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide
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Welcome to the world of vitamin supplements, where the alphabet plays a crucial role in enhancing your overall well-being. From vitamin A to zinc, these tiny powerhouses can make a significant difference in your health journey. Today, we'll delve into the ABCs of vitamin supplements, providing you with a comprehensive guide to understanding and incorporating these essential nutrients into your daily routine.
Chapter 1: The Basics of Vitamin Supplements
Let's start with the basics. What are vitamin supplements, and why should you consider adding them to your daily regimen? Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies need in small amounts to function properly. While a balanced diet is the ideal way to get these nutrients, sometimes life gets in the way, and supplements become a valuable addition to our routine.
Chapter 2: Exploring the A's, B's, and C's
Vitamin A, B-complex, and vitamin C form the foundation of any well-rounded supplement regimen. Vitamin A supports vision and immune function, B-complex vitamins play a crucial role in energy metabolism, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts your immune system. It's like giving your body a daily dose of vitality!
Chapter 3: The Sunshine Vitamin - D
Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," plays a vital role in bone health and immune function. While spending time outdoors is an excellent way to boost your vitamin D levels, supplements can be a game-changer, especially during the winter months or if you have limited sun exposure.
Chapter 4: The Elixir of Youth - E and Collagen
Vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, helps protect your cells from damage. Now, let's talk about bovine collagen supplements, the not-so-secret elixir of youth. Collagen is a protein that provides structure to your skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues. bulk bovine glandulars, derived from cows, are gaining popularity for their potential benefits in promoting skin elasticity and joint health.
Incorporating bovine collagen supplements into your routine can be as easy as adding a scoop to your morning smoothie or coffee. Not only does it offer potential anti-aging benefits, but it also supports joint health, making it a versatile addition to your supplement arsenal.
Chapter 5: Tailoring Your Supplement Regimen
Your nutritional needs are unique, and your supplement regimen should reflect that. Consider factors such as age, lifestyle, and specific health goals when tailoring your vitamin intake. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized advice and ensure you're getting the right nutrients for your individual needs.
Chapter 6: Navigating the World of Multivitamins
Multivitamins are like the Swiss Army knives of the supplement world, offering a convenient way to cover a broad spectrum of essential nutrients. When choosing a multivitamin, look for one that suits your age group, gender, and health goals. Remember, a well-balanced diet remains the foundation, and multivitamins are there to fill in the gaps.
Chapter 7: Making Informed Choices
Not all supplements are created equal. Quality matters, so opt for reputable brands that undergo third-party testing to ensure purity and potency. Reading labels and understanding the source of ingredients, such as bovine collagen in supplements, empowers you to make informed choices about what goes into your body.
In the vast alphabet soup of vitamin supplements, finding the right combination for your needs can be a transformative journey. From the essential A's, B's, and C's to the potential benefits of bovine collagen supplements, each nutrient plays a unique role in supporting your health and well-being. So, take charge of your health, explore the possibilities, and let the ABCs of vitamin supplements guide you towards a happier, healthier you.
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nirbobharvey · 8 months
Tornado Emergency Preparedness – What to Do and Who to Call
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Avoid being unprepared for the devastation and calamity tornadoes cause when they touch down and roar through your community. Knowing how to prepare and what to expect during and after such a disaster will help get you quickly on your feet.
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New Image Roofing Atlanta assembled this comprehensive guide for tornado preparedness, damage mitigation, and recovery.
Tornado Watch Vs. Tornado Warning
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When weather conditions are primed for tornado formation, the National Weather Service (NWS) will issue advisories to all communities in that area. Some people still confuse the difference between a watch and a warning. Consider the following explanations:
Tornado Watch – issued by the NWS when weather conditions in an area suggest an increased severe weather risk capable of producing a tornado.
Tornado Warning – The NWS releases a Tornado Warning when a tornado has been observed or detected by weather radar. A warning means you should immediately seek shelter.
Tornado Preparedness
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Tornadoes are unpredictable and destructive natural forces that can wreak havoc on homes and communities. Being prepared for these emergencies is crucial to ensuring your loved one’s safety and minimizing potential damages. Here’s how you can stay a step ahead:
Create and Rehearse an Emergency Plan – Develop a detailed emergency plan including a designated safe room or shelter in or near your home. Practice tornado drills with your family to ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go when a tornado warning is issued.
Put Together an Emergency Kit (Evacuation Go-Bag) – Assemble a comprehensive emergency kit containing essentials like water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, clothes, important documents, and medications. Keep the kit in your designated safe area for easy access during a tornado.
Creating an evacuation go-bag is a crucial step in emergency preparedness. In times of crisis, having a well-equipped bag ready to go can make a significant difference. Here are the essential items for an emergency kit or evacuation go-bag:
1. Identification and Important Documents
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Personal identification (ID, passport, driver’s license)
Emergency contact information
Insurance information
Medical records and prescriptions
Copies of important documents (insurance, birth certificates, marriage certificates, deeds)
2. Communication Essentials
Fully charged cell phone and charger
Multiple charged device batteries
Portable power bank
Battery-operated or hand-crank radio
Emergency whistle
3. First Aid Kit
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Adhesive bandages and sterile dressings
Antiseptic wipes
Pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen)
Prescription medications
Tweezers and scissors
First aid manual
4. Clothing and Personal Items
2 or 3 changes of clothes (including undergarments and socks)
Sturdy shoes or boots
Hat and gloves
Rain poncho or jacket
Personal hygiene necessities (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, feminine hygiene products)
Bath and hand towels
5. Shelter and Bedding
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Lightweight, compact emergency shelter (tent or tarp)
Sleeping bag or blanket
Travel pillows
Space-saving emergency blankets or wraps
6. Nutrition and Hydration
Non-perishable, easy-to-open food items (granola bars, energy bars, canned goods)
Bottled water or water purification tablets
Compact water filter or purification system
Lightweight mess kit or reusable utensils
Note: Some companies like Ready Hour, Augason Farms, and My Patriot Supply produce shelf-stable meals and snacks packaged for long-term storage (similar to MREs issued to troops by the military).
7. Tools and Multi-Function Items
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Multipurpose tool or knife (Swiss Army knife)
Duct tape
Ropes or paracord
LED flashlights with extra batteries
Glow sticks
8. Navigation and Maps
Local maps
GPS device (Device service may be interrupted if not satellite-enabled)
Whistle with a compass and thermometer
9. Cash and Important Cards
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Cash (including coins)
Credit/debit cards
Prepaid phone card
Note: Convenience stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants depend on power and connectivity to process credit or debit card payments.
10. Personal Comfort Items
Notepad, post-its, and pen
Entertainment items (book, playing cards)
Comfort items for children (stuffed animals, toys, games)
11. Miscellaneous Items
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Face masks
Emergency contact information for friends and family members
Compact umbrella
Personal protection items (gloves, long-sleeve shirts, masks, etc.)
Sanitation and waste disposal supplies (toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, wet wipes, soap, etc.)
12. Special Needs Items
Baby formula and diapers (if applicable)
Specialized medical equipment or supplies
Pet essentials (if evacuating with pets)
Customize your go-bag based on your and your family’s specific needs. Periodically review and update the contents to ensure everything is in good condition and that it meets your current needs. Consider the climate and potential hazards in your region when assembling items for your evacuation go-bag.
Stay Informed – Stay updated on weather forecasts and tornado warnings. Invest in a NOAA weather radio for real-time alerts. Additionally, download weather apps (The Weather Channel) on your smartphone to receive notifications and updates.
Read more about NOAA weather radios and programming at weather.gov/mob/nwr
Fortify Your Home – Consider reinforcing your home by installing storm shutters, impact-resistant windows, and a reinforced roof. These measures can help minimize damage caused by strong winds and flying debris.
Tornado Damages – Roof and Home
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Tornadoes impact varied locations across the country every year, bringing tremendous winds and destruction (from minor cosmetic damages to catastrophic structural failures) in their paths. Although tornadoes are most common in the Central Plains, the Midwest, and the Southeast, they have been reported in all 50 states. Consider the following hazards:
Wind Damage – Tornadoes generate powerful winds capable of causing extensive roof, gutter, siding, and window damage. Check for loose or missing shingles, damaged gutters and siding, and broken windows after a tornado has passed.
Tip: Have your roofing system thoroughly inspected by a professional roofer and repaired or reinforced before a storm system ravages your community.
Flying Debris – Tornadoes can lift and hurl debris at high speeds, leading to significant structural damage. Inspect your property for signs of impact, like dents or punctures in the roof, siding, and windows.
Note: Keep all lawn furniture and decorations safely stored when not in use and move potted plants indoors when the weather looks ominous.
Tip: Have trees annually inspected and pruned to keep them healthy and sturdy.
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Water Damage – Tornadoes are often accompanied by hail and significant rainfall. Inspect your home for water leaks and damage to ceilings, walls, and floors. Promptly address any water-related issues to prevent mold and further deterioration.
Structural Damage – Tornadoes can compromise a home’s structural integrity. Look for leaning walls, sagging ceilings, or any potential foundation issues. Structural damages should be addressed promptly to avoid costly problems.
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Emergency Services (Post Tornado)
After experiencing a tornado’s immense power and destruction, you may experience a sense of helplessness. The following services will help you get your bearings:
Emergency Response Teams – After a tornado, local emergency response teams and agencies will be on the scene to provide immediate assistance. Follow their instructions and seek shelter in designated areas.
Medical Assistance – In a tornado’s aftermath, medical assistance may be required. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be deployed and on hand to provide aid and attend to any injuries promptly.
Utility Restoration – Contact utility companies to report gas leaks, electrical issues, or water supply disruptions. Strictly avoid using damaged utilities until they have been inspected and deemed safe by professionals.
Community Support – Local community centers, churches, and shelters may provide assistance, including food, water, clothing, transportation, and temporary housing. Stay informed about available resources and support services in your area.
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Having a list of important emergency numbers readily available is crucial during a natural disaster or any emergency situation. Ensure that all family members are aware of the following numbers, and consider keeping a printed copy in your emergency kit. Here’s a list of key emergency numbers:
Emergency Services – 911 – This universal emergency number can be dialed for immediate assistance from police, fire, medical, and other emergency services.
Local Emergency Management Agency – Find the contact information for your local emergency management agency, which is responsible for coordinating disaster response and recovery efforts in your area.
Non-Emergency Police Line – In situations that require police assistance but are not immediate emergencies, having the non-emergency police line for your local law enforcement agency is crucial.
Fire Department – Save the direct number to your local fire department for non-emergencies or for information about fire safety and prevention.
Hospital and Medical Facilities – Keep the contact information for the nearest hospital and medical facilities in case of injuries or medical emergencies.
Poison Control Center – 800-222-1222 (United States)
Reporting Utility Disruptions
Know how to reach your utility providers to report gas leaks, power outages, or water-related emergencies.
Gas Emergency (gas company)
Power Outage (electric company)
Water Emergency (water utility)
Tip: Refer to your monthly service statements or contact your property management company to discover and record these numbers.
Local Weather Information
Tune in to local weather channels or radio stations for up-to-date information on weather conditions and alerts.
Tip: Download a weather app on your mobile device for notifications and alerts.
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National Weather Service (NWS)
The NWS provides nationwide weather alerts and forecasts. Be aware of their local contact number for relevant information.
Animal Control – Humane Society
If you have pets or encounter animals in distress, having the number for animal control services is crucial.
The Humane Society of the United States – 866-720-2676
American Red Cross
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The American Red Cross is a valuable resource during disasters, providing shelter, assistance, and support. Know how to contact your local Red Cross chapter.
American Red Cross Main Phone Number – 800-733-2767
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
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FEMA provides assistance and resources during major disasters. Familiarize yourself with their contact information for guidance and support.
FEMA Helpline – 800-621-3362 (TTY – 800-462-7585) (United States)
Tip: Download and use the FEMA mobile app.
Other Essential Emergency Contacts
Consider researching and documenting the following agencies and providers for your records and future reference:
1. Local Government Offices – Save the numbers for your local government offices, including city hall and county offices, for additional information and assistance.
2. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) – CERT teams are trained community volunteers who assist emergency services during disasters. Know how to contact your local CERT for additional support. Search for a local program or register your group at community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/welcome-to-cert?language=en_US
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3. Insurance Providers – Keep an updated list of contact numbers for your insurance providers, including:
Note: Major insurance providers will typically deploy emergency response teams to communities suffering significant damages from severe storms.
4. Family and Friends – Keep a printed list of contact numbers for family members and close friends who may not be living with you. Formulate a communication plan in case of separation during an emergency.
5. Neighbors and Local Support – Establish a community network and know the contact information for neighbors or local community groups that can provide support during emergencies.
Note: Local emergency numbers and services may vary. Always follow local guidelines and stay informed about the specific emergency numbers relevant to your region.
How to Get Your Home and Roof Repaired
After a severe weather event, it is crucial to act quickly to assess damages, file claims, and have repairs or replacements made (claims are expedited first-come-first-served). Consider the following:
1. Document Damages – Take photographs and videos of all tornado-related damages to your home, both interior and exterior. This documentation will be crucial when filing insurance claims and working with contractors.
Tip: Schedule free home and roof inspections and evaluations to obtain professional reports on your home’s sustained damages. Schedule your roof inspection now. Visit newimageroofingatlanta.com/roofing-services/roof-maintenance/roof-inspections
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2. Contact Your Insurance Provider – Notify your insurance company as soon as possible after the tornado. Provide them with a detailed description of the damages and the documentation you have collected. Begin the claims process promptly.
3. Choose Reputable Contractors – Choose experienced and reputable contractors for repairs. Request and Obtain multiple quotes, check references, and verify credentials before making any decision. Ensure the contractors are licensed, bonded, and insured.
4. Coordinate with Insurance Adjuster – Work closely with your insurance adjuster and contractors during the inspection process. Ensure that all damages are thoroughly assessed and included in the insurance claim.
5. Timely Repairs – Once your insurance claim is approved, schedule repairs promptly. Address structural issues, roof damage, water and mold remediation, and any other necessary repairs or services to restore your home to its pre-tornado condition.
Tornado Emergencies
In this article, you discovered crucial information about tornado preparedness, roof and home damages caused by tornadoes, emergency services available post-tornado, and steps to getting your home, roof, and life put back together.
Taking time to assemble the things and plans you need during a natural disaster minimizes the chaos experienced after such events.
Failure to prepare for an eventual tornado or severe weather event will leave you physically, emotionally, and financially vulnerable in the catastrophic aftermath.
Sources: www.weather.gov ready.gov/tornadoes cdc.gov/disasters/tornadoes/prepared.html redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/tornado.html humanesociety.org/contact-us
New Image Roofing Atlanta
2020 Howell Mill Rd NW Suite 232 Atlanta, GA30318 (404) 680-0041
To see the original version of this article, visit https://www.newimageroofingatlanta.com/tornado-emergency-preparedness-what-to-do-and-who-to-call/
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getmymettle · 8 months
Diving Deep into Protein: Your Go-To Guide for Daily Intake and Why It Matters
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Hey there! Let's chat about protein, shall we? Most of us think of it as just a muscle booster, but there's so much more to it. Think of protein as the Swiss Army knife of nutrients—helping out with our immune system, enzyme functions, and even our hormones. Buckle up as we unravel the world of protein and its role in our daily lives.
What's Protein All About?
Alright, let's dive into the details, but let's make it enjoyable! Protein is like a team of 20 amino acids, often called the "builders" behind our muscles. Depending on how these amino acids team up, they decide the job a protein does in our body.
Complete Proteins: These are the rockstar's of the protein world! Incorporating these into your daily protein intake can make a significant difference. Think meat, fish, dairy, and soy. They've got all the essential amino acids packed in.
Incomplete Proteins: Found mainly in plant sources like beans, legumes, and grains, these are the cool kids from the plant world. While they might miss a few amino acids, integrating them into your protein intake per day ensures you're getting diverse nutrients.
How Much Protein Do We Really Need?
Imagine your body as a car, and protein as its fuel. Ensuring the right daily protein intake for muscle growth or even just maintaining health is crucial. Typically, we're looking at about 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram you weigh. So, if you're doing the math's, that's roughly 46 grams for gals and 56 grams for guys daily. But hey, everyone's unique! Age, how active you are, and your health play a part in how much protein you need protein needed per day.
Protein and Those Muscles:
Dreaming of those toned arms or a strong core? Elevating your daily protein intake for muscle growth can be a game-changer. To really boost those biceps and abs, many experts nod towards a daily intake between 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram.
Protein's Cool Perk: Weight Management
Here's a neat trick protein plays—it keeps you feeling full longer! So, if you're on a weight journey, managing your protein intake for weight loss is essential. A protein-rich meal can help you eat fewer calories, making weight management more straightforward. For those aiming to shed some pounds, the protein game plan looks similar to muscle gain, around 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram.
Picking the Right Proteins:
All proteins have their unique vibe. To get the full spectrum of benefits, from muscle gain to weight loss, it's essential to balance your protein intake. Animal-based ones like lean meats provide a complete set of amino acids, while plant-based options, when combined smartly, can also offer a balanced profile.
Wrapping Up:
So, there you have it—a friendly chat about protein and why it's your body's BFF. Whether you're gunning for that gym-toned look, managing your weight, or just living your best life, understanding the significance of daily protein intake is key. And hey, if you're ever in doubt, a quick chat with a nutrition guru can help you tailor your protein game to fit just right. Cheers to staying protein savvy!
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dranjanakalia · 10 months
Achieve Your Health Goals with the Best Dietician in DWARKA - Dr. Anjana Kalia
1.  Dr. Anjana Kalia - Your Path to Achieving Health Goals in DWARKA
In the vibrant community of DWARKA, Dr. Anjana Kalia stands as a beacon of health and wellness, guiding individuals on their journey to optimal well-being. With a distinguished career spanning over two decades, Dr. Kalia brings a wealth of experience and expertise in weight loss and dietary guidance.
2. The Importance of Health Goals and Nutrition
In a world where hectic lifestyles often take precedence, it's imperative to recognize the importance of setting and achieving health goals. Dr. Anjana Kalia understands that a harmonious balance between health goals and proper nutrition is the key to unlocking one's fullest potential and living a vibrant life.
3. Meet Dr. Anjana Kalia - A Trusted Dietician in DWARKA
Dr. Kalia is not just a dietitian; she is a wellness architect. Armed with a Bachelor's in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) and a Fellowship in Applied Food, she seamlessly integrates the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern dietary science. Her holistic approach sets her apart as a trusted health advisor in DWARKA.
4. The Role of a Dietician in Achieving Optimal Health
Beyond simply crafting meal plans, Dr. Kalia plays the crucial role of an architect of well-being. Her approach transcends the ordinary, considering every aspect of an individual's life—medical history, health aspirations, profession, lifestyle, and even ethnic background. This comprehensive perspective allows her to tailor personalized dietary plans that resonate with each client's unique needs.
5. Services Offered by Dr. Anjana Kalia for Personalized Nutrition Plans
Dr. Kalia's services extend to a diverse range of health needs, including weight loss, diabetes management, hypertension, obesity, and PCOD. Her commitment to personalization ensures that each nutrition plan is not only effective but sustainable in the long run, adapting to the evolving needs of her clients.
6. Success Stories and Testimonials from Dr. Anjana Kalia's Clients
The true measure of a healthcare professional lies in the success stories of their clients. Dr. Kalia's track record is adorned with inspiring tales of transformation. From politicians and professionals to army aspirants and millennials, her approach resonates with individuals from all walks of life. Testimonials echo the tangible impact of Dr. Kalia's personalized guidance.
7. How to Get Started with Dr. Anjana Kalia and Achieve Your Health Goals
Embarking on your health journey with Dr. Kalia is a straightforward and empowering process. By scheduling a consultation, you open the door to unravelling the intricacies of your unique health landscape. From there, Dr. Kalia crafts a personalized roadmap aligned with your goals, ensuring that every step is guided by her wealth of expertise and your individual needs.
8. Invest in Your Health with Dr Anjana Kalia for a Better Tomorrow
Your health is an invaluable investment, and Dr. Kalia understands this fundamental truth. Her approach is not just about providing a diet plan; it's an investment in your future self. Grounded in the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, her guidance paves the way for a holistic lifestyle transformation that extends beyond immediate health goals.
9. Take the First Step Towards a Healthy Lifestyle with Dr Anjana Kalia
As you consider your path to optimal health, let Dr. Anjana Kalia be your partner in this transformative journey. With personalized nutrition plans rooted in the profound wisdom of Ayurveda, she unravels the secrets of holistic well-being. Your first step towards a healthier, happier you starts here. Take that step today and embrace the vitality of Dr. Kalia's expert guidance.
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