#Armin should have been the next HANJI. JEAN the next Erwin and MIKASA the next Levi
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thelastsirenssong · 2 years ago
Jean Kirstein send tweet
#BRO I FORGOT.... HE.#he's so#yk when Eren was like oh you're just doing this shit to get into the interior? fuckass#and Jean was like dude kiss MY ass please you think you can beat the TITANS???!?!?!?!?!? LMFAOOOOO#like dude was right#no one should have questioned Jean#and he STILL took the reins during the battle of trost he was like fuck it guys we go hard or we go hOME#home being of course the heavenly realm the sand place all eldians go to or whatever LMFAOOO BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKED#and Jean still said nope. WE RIDE MFS!!!!#and for thaf he deserves yk the titangrip 1000 whatever you get the idea#I fucking. LOVE Jean he's my king#Armin being the like new commander shit or whatever when Jean was gearing up over the course of the show to be an excellent leader was#some fucking BULLSHIT like WHY build his relationship with Eren like that just to make him another side character like fucking CONNIE#whatever Isayama eat my ass for that one#Armin should have been the next HANJI. JEAN the next Erwin and MIKASA the next Levi#but y'all not ready for THAT conversation#Jean fucks idgaf#Jean 'oh shit this all actually has purpose and meaning if I want it to and I had to lose my city and my best friend to see it' is so#it's just amazing writing to create a new leader who was INSPIRED fo lead first by Eren and the Mikasa and THEN Armin#and he should have fucked them all and become the survey corps leader WHAT I SAID WHAT I SAID#mmm....c......comm....commander Jean....?#yeah dude#yeah oh I FUCK with that HEAVY#bc Erwin was usually the brains behind the operation and while Jean didn't have that? he had the same drive#to stand for the fallen#idk anyway that's my jean rant#back to the cave HAHA
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melishade · 3 months ago
Attack on Prime The Future Anthology: Snowball Fight (Rematch)
StrongArm and Sideswipe I
Strongarm and Sideswipe II
Winter Anthology:
Snowball Fight I
Snowball Fight II
The Survey Corps demand a rematch with Optimus.
Levi sneezed as the cold winds blew once more on Paradis. The fields were blanketed in white once more, the trees no longer had their leaves, and-!
"Bring it on!" Sasha screamed before chucking a snowball directly at Miko head. The agent rolled to the side before grabbing some snow and hiding behind a tree. She compacted it into a snowball and was prepared to throw it, but Sasha threw another one, forcing Miko to hide behind the tree more. Sasha was about to throw another one, but she felt the hairs on her back stand up before dodging a snowball that Jack had thrown out of the corner of her eye. She looked down behind her snow wall to see Armin on the ground, his chest covered in snow.
"You're weak, Armin!" Sasha pointed before throwing her snowball at Jack. Miko threw a snowball at Sasha once more, but Mikasa swatted the snowball away with a stick before grabbing a snowball and running after Miko.
Meanwhile, Gabi, Falco, and Colt were laughing with delight as the trio rolled in the snow, getting the frozen water all over their winter coats. It was their first time actually experiencing the element, and they wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. Rafael, Jean, and Pieck were finishing up the last of their decorations on the snowman they built together.
"Finally got building a snowman off my bucket list," Rafael grinned as he put a top hat on the snow scuplture.
"Can't you go anywhere in the world to make one?" Pieck asked.
"My first time seeing snow was when I got involved with the Autobots," Rafael explained, "If that didn't happen, then I would have been living in the desert until I went to college. And who knows if I went to a place with snow."
"The snow is making my leg colder though, and I don't like it," Jean grumbled.
Levi felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Erwin offering him a cup of tea. The captain took it and took small sips, noticing the difference in taste. "What kind of tea is this?"
"Apple tea!" Hanji grinned, popping up behind Erwin.
"You can make tea from apples?" Levi questioned in confusion.
"Apparently you use apple peels!" Hanji explained.
"Hm." Levi took another sip, "How's the arm treating you?"
"I'm thinking about taking it off," Erwin grumbled. "Every time it touches my skin, it feels like ice."
"Maybe there is a way to make the arm reattach, like Jean's leg," Hanji suggested.
"The arm is connected to my nervous system," Erwin reminded.
"Doesn't mean that it should stop us," Hanji proclaimed.
A few moments later, the veteran trio heard the familiar sound of a spacebridge and turned their attention to see Optimus driving through it.
"Hello, Boss Bot!" Hanji waved, "How was the geopolitics?"
"I do not wish to discuss it," Optimus grumbled as he activated his holoform.
"If the world leaders are being a pain in the ass, just let Buckethead handle it," Levi suggested, "The one thing he's good at is scaring people."
"I have been avoiding the world leaders for quite some time," Optimus admitted, "Megatron informed me that it was a problem and I had to address it."
"At least it's over for today," Erwin reassured.
Falco stopped rolling in the snow when he noticed Optimus standing next to Erwin. "Hello, Mr. Optimus Prime!"
Levi nearly choked on his tea while Hanji snickered.
"Optimus will do just fine!" The Prime reassured.
Sasha noticed the Prime, wondering why he was here for a brief moment, before devious and infuriating thought crossed her mind. "YOU OWE US A REMATCH!"
Everyone stared in confusion while Sasha grunted when Jack landed a hit directly to the back of her head.
"Um...rematch?" Pieck questioned.
Levi blinked in realization before slouching in his wheelchair. "Oh god no."
"Oh god yes!" Hanji exclaimed with delight.
"Wait, what's going on?" Erwin asked.
"YOU OWE US A SNOWBALL FIGHT OPTIMUS!" Sasha pointed at the Prime.
"Sasha, no-!"
"Sasha, YES!" Miko yelled in agreement, cutting Armin off.
"I will have to abstain," Optimus proclaimed.
"No, you are not abstaining!" Sasha stomped over to him, "You're fighting all of us because Armin cheap shotted you and I refuse to accept it!"
Erwin snapped his head to Hanji and Levi. "What happened?"
"The 104th challenged Optimus to a snowball fight a few years ago. He only participated because I managed to phrase it as a training exercise which got him to participate. And that resulted in everyone getting their asses handed to them. But Armin somehow managed to sneak up on him and win the match," Hanji summarized.
Erwin looked at them like they were insane. "Optimus Prime lost a snowball fight?"
"Yes," Levi answered.
"Sasha, I must insist that-!"
"No! All of us!" Sasha gestured to her friends, "Versus you! Same rules as last time! We have to land one hit on you with the snowball!"
"Pass." Jean raised his hands in surrender before walking away.
"Coward!" Sasha yelled at him.
"I just got used to walking again!" Jean reminded before pointing to his prosthetic, "And this leg is cold!"
"Then you'll be support!" Sasha declared.
"Sasha you were dangling from a tree last time we did this!" Jean reminded.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this," Jack told Miko and Rafael.
"Oh, we're doing this!" Miko grinned.
"I'm with Jean on this one," Pieck agreed, gesturing to her cane, "I'll never have the same mobility that I used to."
"Fine!" Sasha pointed to Armin. "You!" Then Mikasa. "You!" Then Jack. "You!" Then Miko. "You!"
"YES!" Miko cheered.
"You three!" Sasha pointed to the Warrior Cadets.
"Uh...." Colt wasn't sure if he should say no.
"And you!" Sasha finally pointed to Rafael. "Where's Annie?!" Sasha demanded.
"I think she's with her dad," Gabi recalled.
"Besides, I don't think she wants to fight Optimus," Hanji reminded.
"Then you two!" Sasha pointed to Hanji and Erwin.
"No," They both said in unison.
"Why?!" Sasha demanded.
"Girl, I know my limits," Hanji reminded in annoyance.
"I am practicing self-preservation." Erwin sipped more of his tea.
"I still have not agreed to this," Optimus declared.
Hanji raised a finger and was about to speak, but Optimus shot them a warning look, causing them to recoil a little.
"C'mon, Optimus!" Sasha begged, "Don't you want revenge on Armin for getting the jump on you?!"
"Why are you dragging me into this?!" Armin demanded.
"I am not going to participate," Optimus declared.
"You know," Rafael began, "You did break your promise in bringing me that snowball."
Miko gasped in mocking disbelief. "Optimus Prime broke a promise?!"
"What is happening?" Pieck was at a loss for words, "Are they blackmailing Optimus?"
"Oh, yeah, he's a softie. He's gonna fold," Hanji declared.
"You should make up for that promise~," Rafael suggested.
"Jack." Optimus turned to the eldest.
"Well you did break a promise," Jack retorted.
"There was a scraplet infestation," Optimus shot back.
"That's not an excuse, Chief!" Miko warned, "Snowball fight! Snowball fight!"
"Snowball fight! Snowball fight!" Sasha chanted along with her.
Jack looked at Rafael and the two shrugged before joining in. "Snowball fight! Snowball fight!"
Optimus could feel his eyes twitching at the chanting, knowing for a fact that it wasn't going to relent. "I will only do one-!"
"YES!" At least half of them cheered.
"Yeah, I'm gonna sit this out," Jean proclaimed as he started to walk away.
"Nope!" Sasha grabbed the hem of Jean's coat and dragged him back.
"What?! Hey, what the hell?!" Jean squawked.
"Um, we've never really been in a snowball fight," Colt spoke up.
"Oh, you are going to love it," Miko reassured with a grin.
"Or get hurt," Mikasa muttered under her breath. She remembered the last time she went up against Optimus in a snowball fight.
Pieck walked up to the veteran trio. "Should I be worried about Gabi, Falco, and Colt?"
"Hmmmm," Hanji hummed in thought.
"The fact that you're thinking about it is concerning me," Pieck stated.
"Prime will go easy on them," Levi reassured.
Moments later, the humans stood across from Optimus, each side having their snowballs and defenses ready. But not one person moved. The other side was waiting for the other to make their move. Pieck couldn't help but feel the tension in the air, and shivered at the cold wind.
"I don't think it seems fair that Optimus is all by himself," Falco confessed, causing everyone to be distracted for a brief moment. But it was enough for Optimus to make the first move. He threw two snowballs, one that hit Colt in the side of his head, and the other hitting Armin square in the chest. Both ended up hitting the snow hard.
"I knew you had it out for Armin!" Sasha grinned. Everyone yelped and ducked as Optimus started pelting them with snowballs.
"I'm just gonna crawl away," Armin groaned before he started shimming his way across the snow, grabbing Colt in the process.
Miko couldn't help but start cackling. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
"You go left and I go right!" Jack ordered Miko as he grabbed some snowballs, "Raf, help Gabi and Falco make more!"
"Don't need to tell me twice!" Gabi frantically started making more snowballs.
"I'll throw from here! I'm not moving!" Jean declared.
"We'll cover you!" Sasha and Mikasa stated. Jack nodded before he and Miko bolted from the snow wall. Mikasa stayed close to Jack while Sasha followed behind Miko.
Optimus' eyes darted at the two teams that split off and quickly tried to target them. The two teams managed to find some cover behind some trees before throwing their snowballs. Optimus quickly ducked before hiding behind his own snow wall. He was getting overwhelmed. He could try running into the forest like last time, but he was certain that they would be prepared for that. He needed to take out the weakest first, or at least take out the support.
He needed to get to where Jean, Rafael, Gabi, and Falco were. He needed to get to their stock pile.
Sasha was ready to throw another snowball, but flinched when her vision became blurry. When it regained focus, she saw the energy coming off of everyone once more. "Damn it, not again."
"You okay?" Miko asked her.
"I'm fine!" Sasha snapped at her before turning her attention to where Optimus was hiding. She gasped when she saw glowing energy coming from behind the wall. It was blue and bright and fluid, almost divine. Sasha grew tense when that energy grew more rigid and guarded. Almost as if-!
Sasha gasped when Optimus jumped over the snow wall and bolted straight for the four they left behind their makeshift fort.
"He's heading for the others!" Sasha shouted.
Mikasa didn't know what overcame her, but she bolted, and fast, rushing over to Optimus faster than anyone could think. Mikasa slid down low and threw a snowball directly for Optimus' face, but the Prime bent backwards to dodge it. The snowball hit a tree, causing it the shake and make the snow hanging on the branches crash to the ground.
Mikasa tried to make another snowball, but Optimus was faster. He dug his hand into the snow and flung it directly at Mikasa. She quickly rolled out of the way before the snow hit her, but broke focus when she saw Optimus getting ready to throw a snowball. Mikasa was ready to dodge, but was surprised when Optimus threw the snowball somewhere else. She followed the trajectory and winced when the snowball hit Jean directly in the face.
"Ooo," Miko winced as Jean hit the ground.
"Jean, you're weak!" Sasha shouted.
Jean raised a finger over the fort. "I told you I didn't want to participate!"
"Revenge!" Gabi shouted before throwing a snowball at Optimus, reigniting the fight. Mikasa yelped when Optimus grabbed her by the coat and used her to block a few of the snowballs. Mikasa grunted before kicking Optimus in the chest, causing him to drop her. Mikasa threw punches at Optimus, but Optimus was quick to block them.
"Mikasa! Snowball fight! Not fist fight!" Jack threw a curve ball right for Optimus' back, but the Prime ducked at the last minute and the ball hit Mikasa in the face.
"Sorry!" Jack apologized.
Optimus was prepared to throw a snowball at Jack, but stopped when he heard the snow crunch behind him. The Prime grunted when Miko jumped on his back and pulled at his hair, nearly causing him to lose his balance.
"Throw it! Throw it!" Miko shouted.
Mikasa quickly ran out of the line of fire as everyone else threw their snowballs. But in a split second, Optimus fell backwards. Miko yelled as she let go of his hair and crashed into the ground. The Prime had managed to dodge all the snowballs thrown his way before flipping backwards over Miko. He grabbed some snow and compacted it quickly before throwing it in Miko's face.
Erwin and Pieck could only watch the fight in disbelief while Hanji and Levi watched with apathy. Meanwhile, Armin, Colt, and Jean finally made it to the sidelines, but elected to remain on the floor out of pain and fear.
"This isn't a snowball fight. This is a full-blown fight," Erwin declared.
"Every time I see Optimus' fighting capabilities, it makes me grateful to be alive yet fearful at the same time of Optimus' abilities," Pieck gulped.
"You should have seen it when Optimus was fighting Megatron," Hanji added, "Those two were monsters."
Armin and Jean groaned in agreement.
"Miko, move!" Miko yelped when Sasha rushed forward and jumped before throwing a snowball at Optimus. Miko rolled out the way while Optimus dodged Sasha's throw. Optimus noticed Jack and Mikasa rushing forward to throw their snowballs, but Optimus ducked down and spun, using his leg to trip all three of them. Mikasa was the first to get up at lightning speed, sliding between Optimus' legs and grabbing the holoform jacket. She pulled it back to pull him down, but gasped when the jacket disappeared into sparks, leaving only the holoform shirt.
"What the-!"
"Cheater!" Sasha screamed at him. Sasha grunted when Optimus grabbed her by the face and threw her towards their snow fort. Rafael pulled Falco and Gabi down as Sasha crashed into the snow, ruining the snowballs they had set up. Before Sasha could get an intact snowball to throw, she grunted when Optimus threw one directly at her face. The huntress' head fell back against the snow in defeat.
"This is insane!" Falco cried.
"Nah, I gotta agree with Miko: this is the most fun that I've had in ages!" Rafael grinned.
"Any ideas would be great right now!" Gabi screamed.
Rafael thought it over before looking up at the trees. "Yeah, you two are bait!"
"What?!" Falco and Gabi screamed as Rafael ran to the trees.
"Sasha are you okay?!" Jack called out, earning a loud groan in response. Jack yelped when Optimus threw a snowball at his head, but the agent jumped to the side in response. Optimus dug his hand into the snow to throw at Jack, but Mikasa jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. Optimus grunted as Mikasa yanked him back, giving Jack an opening. Jack quickly grabbed some snow to compact into a ball and was prepared to throw it, but Optimus grabbed Mikasa by her coat and threw her at Jack. Both ended up hitting the snow hard, unable to get up in time as Optimus threw snow at the both of them.
Optimus then turned his head to the damaged snow wall, his eyes falling to Gabi and Falco. He ran over to them, causing them to scramble back into a tree and hold each other for dear life. Optimus jumped over Sasha's unmoving body, grabbing two intact snowballs before walking over to them. Optimus was about to throw it at them and call the game over, but...Falco's eyes darted upward. Why would they-! Wait, where's Rafael?!
Optimus heard something above him and grunted in surprise when a pile of snow fell atop all three of them. He looked up to see Rafael grinning down at him from the tree branch, holding a snowball in his hand. He stretched his arm out and dropped the snowball atop of the Prime's head.
"We won!" Rafael called out.
"Nice!" Miko cheered while Jack and Mikasa groaned in unison.
Erwin couldn't help but feel his eye twitch. "He lost, again?"
"At least this time, it wasn't a lucky shot," Levi commented as Rafael climbed down the tree.
"Sorry guys," Rafael apologized as he dusted the snow off of Falco and Gabi.
"It's okay, Mr. Esquivel," Falco said.
Rafael winced. "Don't call me that. Makes me feel old."
Optimus dusted the snow off of his own body before going over to assist the others to their feet. He offered Mikasa his hand, and the Ackerman grunted and took it. As Optimus pulled her to her feet, Optimus noticed the shine in her eyes had faded to the blue that had now replaced her gray eyes. Optimus' mouth formed a thin line before he went to assist Jack to his feet.
"That was so much fun!" Miko tackled Optimus into a hug from behind, "We should totally do it again!"
"NO!" Falco, Gabi, Colt, and Jean shouted.
"I believe that I am done with snow activities for the day," Optimus declared.
"You sure?" Hanji sauntered their way over to Optimus, "You don't want to help with building a huge snowman or something?"
"Oh please!" Miko begged.
"That would actually be a lost safer," Pieck agreed.
"And we didn't get to do that today! We want to do all the snow stuff!" Gabi declared.
"I-!...suppose that would suffice," Optimus relented.
"Giant snowman!" Miko exclaimed with delight.
Megatron had arrived at the island and planted his pedes in the snow. He couldn't help but shiver a little at the sensation of the cold weather but chose to ignore it. He was only coming here because he wanted to check on Optimus after the Prime had left that meeting with the world leaders. He looked so tired and annoyed, but he asked to be left alone for a now. However, he figured enough time had passed for Optimus to cool down.
He arrived at the coordinates he remembered Optimus used and was stunned to see a comically large snowman, about half the size of the Prime. He saw the Prime compacting the snow to make it sturdy while the rest of the humans were talking about decorations to put on the massive snow pile. However, Optimus didn't seem to mind at all. He seemed content with helping the humans out with this tedious task.
At least this helped ease the pain in his spark.
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3rensgf · 4 years ago
stupid/annoying, but endearing, things they do in a relationship eren, armin, jean, connie, erwin, levi, reiner, bertholdt, porco, zeke, colt, hanji, mikasa, sasha, annie, pieck
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word count: 2.3k
warnings: one mention of sex in erens, reader uses makeup in jeans, mentions of injuries and dilf!reiner in reiners
notes: this is a gn!reader. there are mentions of makeup being used, but i feel like any gender can use makeup. it's not even anything serious like a beat face. just some lip gloss n mascara. chapstick too but thats not makeup. it's just one line, so you can skip over it if you would like to!
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✩ eren bites you. its not even in a sexual way, he just likes to bite. they’re like a second form of kissing to him. you could be chilling together on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll just chomp on your shoulder. even when you were trying to focus on something, he swings by, bites then leaves. eren has no shame, so he does it in front of your friends too. you could be having a normal conversation with mikasa and he’ll just bite you, then the two of you carry on as if it was normal. it’s not normal. but you love it. sometimes you bite him back too. but only in private.
✩ armin gives you random things he finds. armin likes to go out and explore, with or without you. when he comes back after an adventure you opted out of, he always has something for you he found. a rock, a seashell or a cool flower are just some of the things he gets for you. if he can’t find something, he finds a gift shop to get you something instead, saying, “well, (y/n), i did find it in the gift shop.” he always looks so proud giving it to you, rambling about the story of how he found your gift. you have a small box tucked away with all the treasures he gives you.
✩ jean steals your things. whenever he comes over, he likes to mooch off your possessions. if he’s spending the night at your place and needs a shower, he’s using your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. if his lips are chapped, he swipes your lip balm to use on himself. one time you even walked in on him trying your mascara and lip gloss. another time he had your clothes on his giant frame. but he always replaces whatever he uses, venmoing you within the next few days with some cash and a sorry note. “sorry for using ur lip balm baby, buy some more <3” with $20 attached to it. you tell him that lip balm doesn’t even cost that much, but he tells you to treat yourself to lunch with the extra money.
✩ connie makes plans without letting you know beforehand. at 3am, you are woken up by an influx of messages and calls from your boyfriend. in your sleepy state you go to answer him, only to be told to get dressed and come out. he’s right outside of your house and hungry. you remind him it’s very early in the morning and you both have class. “but i’m hungry and craving burgers,” he repeats. you have no choice to get in the car with him. this can happen throughout the day, not just early in the morning. one time he whisked you away in the middle of your online class because he didn’t tell you he bought tickets to a movie showing in 30 minutes. the memories you share on these spontaneous dates are always your favorite ones with him.
✩ erwin buys you whatever you like in bulk. it’s not even an exaggeration when you say bulk. you mention one thing to him, and the next day there are boxes upon boxes sitting on your kitchen counter. “these oranges taste pretty good,” you mumble to yourself as you peel your 2nd one. erwins sharp ears hear this, and first thing in the morning he’s off to buy multiple bags of your supposed favorite oranges. it takes you days, sometimes weeks, to finish whatever he decided to buy you. you always tell him he doesn’t need to buy so much, but he never listens. though, you always appreciate how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes.
✩ levi cleans up for you and ruins your organization. it’s always a blessing when someone else decides to take on the burden of cleaning for you, and you thought you hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who loved to clean, clean, clean. but it could get annoying when you suddenly couldn’t find anything you placed anywhere. if you’re anything like me, you’re messy but organized. you know where things are. when levi comes to clean, he places things where he thinks they should go. you’re sent on a wild goose chase looking for your pencil case, only for it to be in a completely different drawer than the one you usually kept it in. despite this behavior, it’s always nice to come home from a long day from school to see your desk organized. what was once a mess of papers and other supplies have been filed into their correct places, the table wiped down from any lingering coffee stains and your supplies being organized in a way so you knew where everything was. sometimes there’d be a plate of fruit with the note, “good luck on your exams,” written in your boyfriends neat writing beside it.
✩ reiner coddles you too much. whenever you express any sort of discomfort, reiner is always rushing to your side. “are you hurt? do you need medical attention? how many fingers am i holding up?” he asks, checking you for any cuts or bruises. thank you, honey, but i’m fine. just bumped into the counter. despite that, he’s dragging you over to the bathroom to fix up your imaginary injuries. you always find it a bit much when you’re fine. it’s during the times where you’re actually hurt where you learn to appreciate it. he’s so gentle cleaning your cuts, kissing them softly once they’re dressed. you wonder if he’d be like that with your future children.
✩ bertholdt is too nervous around you. it’s been years since the two of you got together, and he still refuses to make eye contact with you. his hands get sweaty and shake when you attempt to hold his hand. he always stumbles over his words when speaking to you as he tries to find the right words to say. he even blushes when he introduces you to other people as his significant other! you remind bertholdt over and over again that he doesn’t need to be so shy around you. but you cant help but coo over him showing up for your date, flustered mess and thrusting flowers into your hand. “they reminded me of you,” he said quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. you giggle and press a kiss to his hot cheeks.
✩ porco is too cocky for his own good. he’s always parading around the house, boasting about his latest achievements. he beat colt in a video game colt was a supposed god in. he can throw a baseball farther than zeke. he can run faster than pieck. if he’s taller than you, he's always making fun of you for being shorter than him. if you’re taller, you’re not exempt from his wrath either. he’s boasting about how he’s perfect height to not hit his head on doorways. he never goes as far as to hurt your feelings, always knowing when to stop. though he has a big ego, he would let it crash and burn just to see you smile after beating him at smash bros. you laugh and taunt him, happy you beat him in one thing. he doesn’t mind, instead watching you with a soft smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
✩ zeke forces you to work out with him. and it’s not like in the afternoon to help you stretch out. it’s not light yoga or a couple minutes on the treadmill. no, this man wakes you up at ass crack in the morning to take you on a 5 mile hiking trip. you barely have any time to register what is happening around you before you’re already standing at the start of the trail with your gear. “come on! we can’t slack off!” he says, clapping his hands together. the sun is beating down on you and your feet hurt, but this man doesn’t let you stop for a break. “we’re almost there,” he says. your complaining goes out the window when he shows you the view at the top. its one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. hiking up long ass trails to see beautiful views with your boyfriend was so worth it in the end.
✩ colt accidentally turns your dates into babysitting sessions. you show up at his house with the promise of a good time, only to be met with a guilty looking colt and his little brother falco behind him. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, “gabi got sick with the cold, so i couldn’t drop him off there. i hope you don’t mind him staying.” you hide your disappointment behind a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically as to not hurt either of their feelings. you just wanted to spend some alone time with your boyfriend, and it would have to wait. hanging out with falco wasn’t actually that bad. the three of you had an amazing time together, watching tv, playing games and even baking together. if you hate kids, you can’t bring yourself to hate falco; he’s just the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. you and falco are already asking colt when the three of you can hang out again when you have to go back home.
✩ hanji is always talking. you don’t discourage them from talking about their interests. they’re very passionate about the things they love, and can’t help talking about them. its like the scene where hanji kept eren up all night talking about titans. when you’re trying to focus on something or go to sleep, hanji is just yapping away. you’re honestly amazed at their ability to never run out of things to say about the most mundane things. hell, one time they talked for an hour and a half about a building color they saw when they were out one day. but hanji just looked so happy when talking. their face would break out into a huge grin, and their arms would fly around as they told their story. it was too cute for you to tell them to stop.
✩ mikasa hovers too much. every corner you turn, every place you go to, mikasa is following. she claims she’s not clingy, but in reality she is. it’s like a cat who hates affection, but needs to be in the same room as you at all times. you don’t mind her following you into the bedroom or living room or kitchen. you had to draw a line when she tried to follow you into the bathroom. even when you’re out, she’s always following you around. you tell her it’s okay to break off from you and spend some time by herself, but she always shakes her head and follows you to your next destination. you’re always grateful for her hovering when a group of drunk people try hitting on you, whistling and telling you they’ll give you a good time. but one look at your girlfriend who showed up from out of nowhere, and they’re running away with their tails between their legs.
✩ sasha eats your food. she can’t help it. she likes to snack. she’s always hungry. and you get that. to stop things like this from happening, you have separate places to keep your food. just so sasha and you have your favorite snacks and takeout separated. you respect the rule, but your girlfriend seems to lose her reading skills when hungry, one too many times you have walked in on her with her hand deep into a bag of your chips, something you’ve been waiting to eat all week when you were supposed to watch that new horror movie on netflix with her. you huff and puff and retreat to your bedroom. sasha comes back after a few hours, looking upset with tons and tons of snacks in her arms. “i’m sorry i ate your chips,” she frowns. she sets down all the food she got on your bed. “i got all these snacks you liked as an apology. and 3 bags of your favorite chips.” you could never stay mad at her cute face.
✩ annie complains about spending time with you. “i like my alone time,” she says, brushing you off when you asked why she didn’t want to watch a movie with you. some people were introverted, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than with someone else. you were like that too; you had your moments where you didn’t feel like being around your girlfriend. but it became an annoying problem when she constantly shot down your attempts to hang out with you. when she finally agrees, she’s always finding something to complain about. but during important dates or when you’re not in the best mood, she’s always the first to remind you or initiate a hang out/date. she shuts her mouth and enjoys her time with you, not one criticism or groan leaving her lips. she would never admit it, but being around you made her so happy.
✩ pieck is always sleeping. you have to wait a few hours to get a text or call back from pieck because she’s always dozing off somewhere. “sorry sweets,” she yawns into the mic, “was taking a nap. need something?” good luck trying to reach your girlfriend during an emergency. when you come home with takeout for dinner because neither of you wanted to cook, she’s sleeping at the dinner table. when you’re watching a movie she wanted to watch, she’s snoring away, curled up at the end of the couch. during lectures you share together, she has her head in her arms and has the audacity to ask you for your notes in the end. and it’s not like she’s not getting enough sleep, no. she gets her recommended 8 hours of sleep and then some. it’s nice to have a sleepy girlfriend, though, when you’re dead tired from living. you drag your feet into the bedroom to see her about to take her nth nap for the day. she notices your zombie-like state and opens up her arms for you. the two of you cuddle and nap together, sleeping the stress away.
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everseeking · 4 years ago
Hi! Is it okay to ask for a Levi smutxfluff where he's benched from injuring his leg but it's getting a lot better. His fem! S/o is part of his squad and he gets the report that she was in a life threatening situation but she made it safe and he's waiting for the scouts to return. He waits for them and doesn't know what to feel fjejfjs im sorry this is hella long!!! Also no manga spoilers/references please
 - hello !! thank you so much for requesting ! that’s totally okay and don’t apologize for the length, it helped me out having details :) there aren’t any manga spoilers or references, but there are season 2 spoilers in case anyone hasn’t finished it yet. i hope you enjoy and thank you again for requesting <3
- levi ackerman x reader
- warnings: season two spoilers, nsfw contains smut; hand job, oral (giving), fingering, cream pie, slight overstimulation but not much, AFAB!reader
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once again, levi injured his damn leg.
after being temporarily handicapped from his leg injury when he initially fought the female titan, he made a personal vow to never let an injury like that happen to him again. it was a major setback and seriously hindered his abilities. but unfortunately, titans makes no promises.
it was during an expedition, of course, and things were taking a turn for the worst. levi was unaware that his squad would be needed on an expedition the next day, so he kept them up late the night before to polish their skills as much as possible. during the mission, it was clear they could barely keep their eyes open.
levi was extremely stressed out, worrying about his team as well as what he was going to say to erwin later when he yelled at the commander for such a late notice on the mission. for now, the captain had to make up for much of his team's slack. as much as the kids wanted to put up an argument when he flew in and stole their prey, they kept their mouths shut. there was no way they could’ve finished the job on their own and knew their protests weren't worth it, as it felt kind of wrong to argue with someone who was saving their lives.
it was brutal work since he too was bordering onto exhaustion, but levi pushed through and helped his team clean up the last hoard of titans. just when he thought he was in the clear, a titan came up on sasha and tried to grab her. if he had gone any slower to finding her, he wouldn’t have been able to save her. but thankfully, levi was able to use the last bit of his gas all at once to throw himself forward and push her out of the way.
he seriously couldn’t catch a break as this resulted in him getting himself caught in the titan's grip. his blades weren't drawn prior to being grabbed so cutting himself out was impossible. the giant had levi's entire lower half engulfed in its hand. if his second in command hadn’t been there he would have for sure been a goner.
it was y/n’s turn to play hero, as she flew in and swiftly sliced the titan's nape, freeing not only her captain but also her partner from definite doom.
levi wished he could say it was a clean save, but he couldn't deny the bone crunching he heard below him. they arrived back home in one piece with only levi's broken leg to report.
so not only had he injured his leg again, but it was worse than his sprained ankle from the forest. the captain was even more upset when the medics informed him that he had to be benched for six weeks. that meant no physical activity for six weeks. yes, that includes sex.
over the course of his healing, there were many times when he claimed to be okay so he could accompany his team on expeditions, only to be rushed back to bed by his colleagues. many people even urged y/n to nail down the door to her and levi’s shared room in order to keep him trapped in there. y/n laughed off the idea, not even considering it because she knew levi would only feel more tempted to break out. a few nails wouldn’t stop him. the only thing he could say he enjoyed about his time off was having y/n as his "personal nurse," when she wasn’t off with the rest of the team. she still had to stop things from getting too heated every now and then.
“doctor’s orders !” she’d always say as she stopped a heated make out session or after he had tried to pull her into his lap.
when it came to more domestic care, levi hated having her watch after him. he definitely appreciated it, but the last thing he wanted was to be a burden to her. he wasn’t just burdening her with his personal care, but also the burden of the entire team since she would be his replacement for the time being. many times he tried to wave off his partner and tell her he could manage on his own before he finally told her he didn’t want to have to rely on her. he was surprised when she brushed back the hair in front of his forehead to kiss his forehead, whispering that she wanted to take care of him and help him. 
finally, he had reached the sixth week and was ready to hit the sky again. the morning of the latest mission, y/n noticed levi had a bit of a pep in his step as he prepared to venture outside the walls for the first time in a few weeks. she giggled at his poor attempts to get excited since he wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, but she felt a little guilty since she didn't have the heart to tell him that he was once again sitting this one out.
hanji had pulled y/n aside the night before and broken the news to her. she explained that although his road to recovery had been going well, he needed to take one more week to ensure that he was completely healed. it hurt y/n’s heart a little bit to hear this. over the last few weeks she watched her partner practically counting down the days until his return, so she made sure to tell hanji that she wouldn't be the one breaking the news to him.
hanji also knew how restless her friend was and wasn't sure if she would comeback alive after telling him the news, so she waited until the last possible second to tell him. literally, word got around that it was time to make the final preparations before heading off when she pulled him aside and told him.
he was enraged to say the least. he grabbed the front of hanji's shirt and pulled her down to his level as he began to chew her out in front of everyone. the soldiers awkwardly shuffled past the two, definitely not wanting to get involved. it wasn't until y/n came and informed the two of them that it was time to go when he finally let go of her. hanji laughed nervously and decided to give the couple one last minute of alone time as she headed back to her squad.
there was a lot they wanted to say to each other, levi wanting to tell y/n to be careful and y/n wanting to apologize for not telling him sooner, but they both knew this wasn't the time for a conversation. y/n put on a determined face and told him that she would do her best to lead the team in his place, offering him a salute, then headed over to join the others.
levi was super bummed. he waited behind and watched as the horses left to make their way towards the outer walls before he sulked to himself and retreated back to his quarters to finish the less exciting side of his job; paperwork.
it had been a few hours since the cadets had left that morning, so the golden sunlight that was now pouring through levi's windows notified him that they should be back any minute now. he stood up from his small desk and stretched his back that had started to stiffen up from sitting in his chair for the last few hours. many nights had been spent sleeping in the same chair, but he swore it was more comfortable sleeping in it than doing paperwork it in.
he took a look around the room and saw the rays of sun illuminated the dust particles floating through the air. it annoyed him to say the least, as he had yet to find a way to clean the air. for now, he would settle for sweeping the room one last time. just as he was pulling a broom out of the closet, a hard knock came from his door.
"captain levi ?" a young soldier called from the other side. levi was slightly annoyed that he was being interrupted, but he managed to keep the ‘this better be important,’ thoughts to himself.
he placed the broom back in the closet and made his way to the door. upon opening it, he saw the distressed look on the soldier's face.
"what is it ?" levi pryed, not really sure what to expect at this point.
the soldier straightened up and cleared his throat. "the first group from today's expedition has arrived with a report. the rest of the scouts are on their way back now, but i was told to hand you the part of the report that regards the condition of your team." the boy held out the paper in his hand for his superior to take.
levi practically ripped the paper out of the soldier’s hand, causing him to flinch a little, but it was understandable. a million scenarios were playing through levi’s mind about what could have happened. he feared that once again he had lost his entire squad and had to start all over again. it was a pain he never wanted to live through again, especially since his lover was apart of his team this time.
his eyes quickly scanned the clearly hastily scribbled words, searching for words like death, killed, and eaten. the was almost at the end of the page when he realized he hadn’t heard anything terrible yet. eren ended up not needing the use his titan form, mikasa had another impressive kill streak, armin and connie were in a bit of a predicament but got out fine, and jean and sasha were safe too. the only one that had been yet to mentioned was y/n.
in an attempt to distract a group of titans from one of her fellow soldiers whose ODM gear was malfunctioning, y/n l/n used herself as bait. she was successful in saving the soldiers life, but one of the titans caught ahold of one of her gear’s cables and she was thrown to the ground. l/n was found unconscious by armin arlert and she is currently being watched until the group arrives and she can be transported to the infirmary for a full check up.
levi’s heart sank deeper and deeper into his stomach with every word he read. y/n was always putting others first regardless of how dangerous a situation was. she was selfless to a fault. he warned her many times that something like this would happen, but she never listened. her heart would never let her not help someone in need. it was one of the things he loved about her the most.
the awkward shuffling of the messenger soldier’s feet brought levi back to reality. before waving him off, levi asked if there was any more information than what was shared in the report, but he shook his head.
the soldier finally left, leaving levi frozen in the middle of his room. the report was too vague for him to know what to think or do. 
how high was she from the ground when she fell ? did she just get knocked out ? or did she hit her head hard enough to cause internal bleeding ? 
the thought that her current condition could be much different from the report also crossed his mind. y/n was stated to only be unconscious, but she could have gotten worse since. 
there’s no point in pondering the what-ifs, he reminded himself, but it was easier said than done. he moved over to his neatly tucked bed and sat down on the edge of it, resting his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands.
he didn’t know what he would do if he lost her. what the team would do if they lost her. before he could fall back into his dark thoughts about his partner’s condition, a large commotion came from outside alerting him that the cadets were back.
with a small stumble as he jumped up from his bed, levi sprinted out of his room to go outside. there were already a lot of people crowding around the carts and horses, so he did his best to slip past them all. the people in the way that had managed to see his face instantly moved aside, not wanting to anger the captain after seeing the intense look on his face.
after making his way to the front of the crowd, levi scanned the area in search of y/n, having no luck until he heard a familiar voice yelling ‘captain.’
his eyes met with eren’s who was waving frantically in order to flag down his captain who was now quickly making his way over to the group.
“she’s alright,” the titan shifter called out over the other voices in the crowd. levi didn’t want to get his hopes up as he wasn’t sure how accurate eren’s words were, but regardless, a wave of relief came over him.
as he pulled up next to the cart they were sitting in, levi also met armin, who nodded in agreement with what eren was saying. the blond opened his mouth to add onto what his friend had said, when he was interrupted.
“where’s levi ?”
hearing his partner’s voice almost brought levi to his knees. the weight of not knowing her condition finally fell off his shoulders. he peered over the side of the cart to see y/n laying on the ground on her back with a white bandage wrapped around her entire head. her face instantly lit up when she saw him.
the girl jumped up and threw herself onto the captain, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug. if this were any other situation he would’ve told her to get off of him, but right now he allowed himself to wrap one arm around her back and placed his free hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer to him.
levi couldnt bring himself to scold her for being too rough while she was injured. instead, he sighed and hugged her tighter.
“thank god you’re okay,” he breathed out against her hair. he felt her smile widen as she nuzzled her head deeper into the crook of his neck.
after the two finally pulled apart from each other, levi immediately took y/n to the infirmary where they confirmed she only had a minor concussion.
the moment they entered their shared room for the night, levi pulled y/n in for another hug. she graciously accepted, wrapping her tired arms around his middle.
he pulled back and brought up a hand to brush her hair away from her face so he could place a soft kiss on her forehead where her bandages previously were.
y/n placed her hands on levi’s cheeks and gently pulled his face down so she could plant a kiss on his lips. levi eagerly kissed back and began taking careful steps backwards to lead her onto the bed.
they now sat on the edge of the bed and kiss turned more passionate, with y/n opening her mouth to swipe her tongue across levi's lower lip asking for entrance into his mouth. he eagerly accepted, greeting her tongue with his own as they made out.
without breaking the kiss, y/n carefully straddled herself onto levi's lap taking extra care to not put too much pressure on his healing leg. however, her plans became a lost cause when he grabbed her hips to meet his. her eyes widened as she felt his bulge between her legs. tension built up in her core as she instinctively rolled her hips forward to grind herself against his clothed crotch.
it was levi's turn for his eyes to widen as a wave of pleasure swept across his body. he broke the kiss to meet his partner's lustful eyes as she recoiled her hips back once again to bring herself more pleasure. he sharply inhaled before kissing her deeply one last time before throwing her off his lap.
y/n flopped down on the bed next to him, laughing, but she took the hint and started undressing herself like he did. once their clothes were in a messy heap on the floor, levi took a moment to pull her head close to him so he could kiss the side of it, worried he had only made her concussion worse when he threw her off of him moments ago.
“are you okay ?” he pressed, lips still against her head.
y/n laughed and placed her hand on top of his that was on the side of her head. “i told you a million times that im okay, my love.”
“and i’ll ask you a million more times just to be sure,” he replied, pulling back.
as he moved away, y/n grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him in for another deep kiss. one of the captain's hands placed itself on the small of her back to pull her closer while the other felt around behind her looking for the bed. once he gripped the sheets, he brought the hand up to the other side of her back and took a step to turn his own back towards the bed, then fell onto it, pulling y/n down with him so she would land on top of him.
he cringed as he remembered her concussion and quickly asked if she was okay, only for her to laugh once again and reassure him she was fine. before levi could ask anymore questions or make anymore quips, she returned her lips to his. their tongues explored each other’s mouths, searching every inch of each other’s caverns.
she pulled her lips away from his to smile at him while she slowed her breathing. the sight alone was enough to make levi fall in love all over again. her messy h/c hair fell perfectly, combined with her eyes filled with pure adoration from looking at him and the goofy smile that was on her lips. no one had ever looked at him the way she had. his eyes tore apart from hers and trailed down to see the rest of her body.
"you're absolutely perfect," he whispered, just loud enough for y/n to hear as he took in every curve on her body. levi thanked the stars that the moon was bright enough tonight to let him see the soft pink hue that spread across her cheeks as he complimented her.
she leaned in close to his ear and whispered "as are you," back to him. each movement of her lips tickled against his earlobe. it sent a shiver down his spine. y/n shifted her body weight so that she was now sitting up and straddling his lap once again. her right hand met his strong chest, then dragging down to his toned abdomen followed by his lower stomach.
y/n scooted back so she could get a full view of  his hardened cock. her index finger traced a straight line from the base of his member to the tip. it took a lot of self control for levi keep himself from shuddering as her nail softly grazed the side of his cock.
levi propped himself up with his elbows. to get a good look at what she was doing. he watched as her hand went back to the base of his shaft and her fingers wrapped around it. she started slowly pumping him, resulting in his breaths becoming deeper. he closed his eyes for a mere second when a new wave of pleasure swept across him that made his eyes roll back in his head.
y/n had lowered her face and began sucking on just the head of his cock while her hand's pace quickened. her cheeks hollowed out from the pressure of sucking his tip and he fisted one of his hands into her hair. he didn't push her head down, rather, he gripped it to stimulate pleasure for her as well as to let her know he was enjoying what she was doing.
she hummed against him and started to incorporate her tongue as she swirled it around his head, which sent yet another wave of pleasure throughout his body. when y/n added her free hand to the mix, using it to fondle his balls, the stimulation almost became too much for levi to stand. he used the fist in her hair to pull her off him and up to his face.
a small dribble of spit leaked out of the corner of her mouth. before y/n had a chance to wipe it, levi was pulling her forward and swiping his tongue against her mouth to lick it off, then planted open mouth kisses down her face and up her jawline until he reached her neck where began to suck her skin and create a few hickeys. she slowly leaned her head back to give him better access to her neck.
she said a silent thank you when she realized the marks were placed just low enough to be hidden by the collar of her white shirt so no one would know a thing the next day. everyone already freaked out enough when they found out y/n and levi were a couple.
without removing his lips from her neck, levi lifted y/n from her hips then moved one of his hands to feel the folds of her pussy. she was soaking wet, so all her had to do was cover his index and middle fingers with his slick before he slowly slid them both inside of her. a low moan came from y/n’s parted lips as levi’s fingers went deeper inside of her. 
he pumped them slowly, reaching deeper each time until he was knuckles deep into her core. when he curled his fingers to hit her g-spot, she had had enough.
“inside of me...i need you inside of me levi,” y/n moaned, digging her nails into his back. levi laughed to himself at how desperate his lover had become from just his fingers. it was clear to him that he needed to avoid any injuries that could put a halt to his sex life at all costs from now on. 
he pulled his wet fingers out of her and gripped his cock, making sure to cover it with her juices that were still on his fingers so it would be easier to push inside of her, then positioned himself with her entrance. y/n moaned once again as his tip rubbed against her folds before sliding into her. she sharply inhaled as his head entered her. levi gave her a moment to signal that she was ready before thrusting deeper inside of her. after a few weeks of abstinence, y/n needed a bit longer to get adjusted.
after about a minute, levi was able to thrust his hips up and push his full length inside of her as she dug her nails deeper into his back. he knew it was payback for him marking up her neck when she broke her hazy gaze to give him a smirk. just for that, he pulled himself almost completely out of her, then thrusted balls deep back into her, hard.
y/n’s hand flew off her partner’s back and onto her mouth to stifle the loud moan that almost escaped. she shot him a fake glare and he returned the smirk she had given him earlier. levi wanted nothing more than to hear her call out his name loudly, but it wasn’t worth the harassment he’d face from his colleagues the next day.
after she had composed herself, y/n removed her hand from her mouth and placed it on her partner’s bicep. he stopped thrusting into her, knowing she wanted to take over. just like he had thought, y/n started to rock her hips so she was grinding on him much like she had done whilst they were still clothed.
the pleasure was much more enjoyable now that he was inside her. each time she rolled her hips forward, his cock hit her cervix. now it was levi’s turn to stifle a moan, as y/n road him into ecstasy. his grip on her hips increased which most definitely left yet another mark on her skin.
the fact that y/n was biting her lower lip also didn’t go unnoticed by the captain. whenever she did this it was a sure fire way of telling him she was close to her release. he wrapped one arm around her back and in a swift motion flippped both of them over so that y/n was on her back and he was hovering over her.
she let out a small squeal at his sudden shift and wanted to scold him for not being careful with his leg, but her words were lost as he snapped his hips against hers. she once again went to cover her mouth to avoid her moans escaping, but levi’s hands interlocking with her own prevented her from doing so. he gave both her hands a quick squeeze before going back to thrusting himself into her. her eyes stayed trained on his, while his watched the way she engulfed his cock. it drove him so crazy she could feel him twitch inside of her. he high was near, but there was no way he was going to let himself finish before his partner.
he focused more on his thrusts, moving his hips better so he would hit her g-spot harder with each thrust. the way he rolled his hips to meet her core finally sent her over the edge. he kissed her deeply as she moaned against his lips while he continued to ride out her climax. even after she had come down from her high, levi kept thrusting into her, chasing his own release.
the overstimulation was enough to send her over the edge again, this time being joined by his own release. he let out a low grunt as he finished inside of her painting her inner walls with his cum.
levi pumped into y/n three more times before he stopped and fell onto her chest, not even bothering to pull out. after six weeks of no sex, their orgasms were both super intense.
“maybe we should wait another six weeks before our next round if it’s gonna be that good again,” y/n teased.
levi’s head shot up so he could see her face. y/n bust out laughing when he finally realized she was kidding. levi rolled his eyes and pushed himself off her so he could slide out of her.
the mix of their juices that escaped her as he unsheathed his cock from her made his member twitch back to life, becoming hard again.
“or i guess we could go again right now,” y/n added after sitting up herself and seeing his hard on.
levi smiled and pushed her back down gently then hovered over top of her once again.
“that’s more like it.”
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smallblip · 4 years ago
Okay, but (sorry for my english) I just really love modern hc where they perform as the band No Name during their school festival (their identities are already known and that people know they belong to one of the most famous group in the school /with nanaba and erwin/).
Levi’s the face of the group and almost half of the fans have him as their bias but they really thinks he’s asexual or bi or even gay since they never knew anyone who had been his girlfriend and he doesn’t seem to be that person to be involved in any romance.
But then he surprises everyone when during their performance, he just grabs hange’s ponytail and kissed her deeply.
And people were just like—oh, shit, wait, what.... levi just—kissed his friend....his....friend.....Hange....the Hange
Then the crowd went wilder and even Levi’s fans just gasped with excitement because—damn that’s hot!
Even Hange herself were surprised but she couldn’t do anything since levi’s grip was too strong, lost in his own world as he ravishes her with kisses as if he doesn’t give a shit about everyone watching them
she doesn’t even know how long it lasted.
Then there’s Erwin in the crowd, capturing every moment with a camera because he’s the only one who wasn’t surprised about this
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Stop the presses!
“Breaking news! Levi Ackerman frontman of No Name is having an illicit love affair!”
“It’s not breaking news if everyone already knows...” Porco rolls his eyes. Connie groans. Great. Now Porco is in his shot. The school’s journalism club is essentially him and Sasha with her phone’s camera. They do not have the skill nor the budget to edit him out.
“Who’s he dating then?” Sasha shoots back.
“Heard it’s a girl from another school.” Porco shrugs.
“Heard he’s gay...” Reiner offers.
“You just want him to be gay...” There’s sniggering and Reiner wants to punch Porco, but he’s a man of discipline, so no violence before breakfast.
“It’s just a rumour! He isn’t dating anyone! Levi’s too cool to date.” Eren says, gagging at the mention of the word. A literal child.
“Who would wanna date him?” Mikasa scoffs.
“Everyone in the school apart from you, Mikasa...” Petra says, “he’s dreamy...”
Connie urges the discussion on, Sasha capturing all of this. This is the best content they’ve gotten all week. “Come on! There are no bad answers!”
“Maybe he’s dating a fan?” Bertholdt says.
“Maybe he’s dating Hanji... They do seem rather close?” Pieck says, and the silence and scowls are intended to shame her. Connie looks at the aluminium foil on Pieck’s head. Right. The Signs movie screening organised by the conspiracy society is today.
“No bad answers except that one...” Connie says.
“You’re the talk of the town again...” Mike says, “they were discussing you on the school’s YouTube channel.”
Levi tsks. He doesn’t know why Mike bothers with that crap. It’s a pretty high quality production... he had justified, but there’s nothing high quality about Sasha’s shaky hands and Connie’s head covering half the frame. Everyone knows Mike enjoys the gossip, and there’s no one that enjoys it more. Except maybe Erwin.
“Do tell! Who is the enigmatic Levi Ackerman dating?” Erwin teases. He knows he’s not getting anything out of tight-lipped Levi. But it’s still worth a shot. Also worth seeing how annoyed he can get. Plus it’s not like they don’t already know.
If the canteen hadn’t been so goddamn full, Levi would’ve relocated long ago. Then again, his lunch groups hasn’t changed since his first day at school. The routine works.
“I’m sure you boys would be the first to know...” Nanaba chuckles. She had been the first to know and frankly. Levi’s inability to confess has been getting stifling. The only thing that really breaks the conversation though? Hanji tripping and landing face first on the table, lucky for her Levi moves her tray out of the way, saving her lunch, “watch it four eyes!”
“What did I miss?” Hanji asks, eyes already gleaming at the possibility of new knowledge.
“We were just talking about Levi’s illicit love affair.” Mike says. This is getting interesting.
“Awww Levi! You didn’t tell your ol’ pal Hanji that you were seeing someone?”
The rest of them exchange looks. God she’s so goddamn oblivious.
“Eat. We’ve got band practice before class.” Levi says, fingers already working to peel Hanji’s orange for her.
Nanaba winces. So goddamn oblivious.
“So we enter school today and Sasha what do we see?”
“Merch!” Sasha pops in front of the screen and does jazz hands with Connie.
“In the lead up to the big No Name concert, everyone’s donning their best No Name merch! First, let’s speak to the best in the game, Armin Arlert.”
Armin fidgets awkwardly, “ahaha I’m just a fan who just happens to make high quality merch.” Modest for someone earning big bucks from his enterprise.
“Ah... And you have competition this year!” Connie says into the microphone, which is really just rolled up newspaper.
“Well... The quality of my work speaks for itself...” Armin smiles sheepishly at the camera, but there’s something insidious in his eyes. Armin has to admit having sole monopoly over No Name merchandising in school has gone a little stale. Surely a little competition will spice things up.
“So Zeke, care to tell us more about your entry into the merchandise game?” Connie asks the bearded boy. Who has a full grown beard at their age? Connie makes a mental note to insert “sells bootleg merch” in the little panel that runs below Zeke’s interview. The whole school is also pretty sure Zeke had been behind the whole oregano debacle last year- someone had been passing oregano off as weed and selling it to the younglings.
“What’s there to say? Mine’s cheaper.” Zeke winks.
“So, satisfied customer. Why did you choose to buy Armin’s merch over Zeke’s?” Connie asks.
Pieck glances down at her Hanji shirt, “Armin got Hanji’s nose right.” She smiles.
In the background Armin and Eren are yelling at one another.
“How could you Eren! I thought we were best friends!” Armin says. Maybe the competition spiced things up a little too much.
“It was cheaper Armin! So much cheaper!”
Eren is wearing the ugliest shirt in school so, is it really worth it though?
“We are absolutely not blowing our budget on a confetti canon!”
“But Levi!” Hanji whines, “you already rejected so many of my ideas...”
“May I remind you that your previous ideas include a guillotine on stage, you repelling from the ceiling-“
“A tiger...” Mike adds and Hanji shoots him a look, traitor...
“It was two tigers...” she mutters under her breath. “Aww Levi you never let me do anything fun!” She pouts and Mike watches as Levi’s resolve slips an inch. There’s nothing more disgusting than the weakness of a man in love. Mike rolls his eyes. He had told Erwin if he wanted in on the action, he should join their band. There’s just so much to see that Mike has honestly had his fill. Or maybe he’s just saying it. Damn Nanaba was right, he enjoys this more than he’d care to admit.
“If you shut up through the next five songs, I’ll buy you dinner.”
“What about me?” Mike huffs.
“Deal!” Hanji shouts triumphantly, “and if you let me sing the chorus with you on this next song at the concert I’ll buy you dessert!”
“Almost as if I’m invisible...” Mike mutters.
“Fine... Deal... If you can hit the notes that is...”
“Ohhhh snap!” Mike says, and Levi turns to him for a high five. Mike smashes a beat on his drums. Hanji deadpans.
Ba dum fuckin tiss indeed.
“So it’s two days before the festival and the big No Name concert. Today, we’ve got a special treat for you. Roving reporter Jean Kirschtein will find out more about Levi’s love affair, straight from the horse’s mouth!”
Jean shoots Connie a dirty look. But the pun had not been intended. Connie mouths a quick apology before continuing, “but first, a word with the people closest to him-“ Connie nudges Jean towards the general direction of Erwin, Nanaba and Mike. Remember you owe me Jean! Connie whispers harshly when he senses his friend’s hesitation, now go!
Jean groans once more. God his reputation was going to take a hit. He’s vice captain of the soccer team for God’s sake. He doesn’t need this.
“Erwin Smith! A word? Uh... Thoughts on the rumours surrounding Levi Ackerman’s love life?” Jean asks. “Erwin Smith, football captain, history club president, student council treasurer, overall overachiever, and Levi Ackerman’s friend” appears on the screen. They all know if anyone’s likely to spill, it’s going to be Erwin.
Erwin’s eyes light up, he’s finally going on the channel he watches religiously with Mike. There’s so much he can contribute, so much gossip to share, so much insight. Maybe they would even invite him as a panelist on their show. The sheer power! He looks at Nanaba and she frowns at him and shakes her head. Ah damn it! He knows she’ll tear into him if he divulges too much.
“That’s strictly on a need to know basis.” Erwin grins.
“Well... Can you give us anything at all?” Jean asks. Please for the love of god he needs to pay Connie back somehow for setting him up on that date with Mikasa. God is generous but he can easily take it all away.
“We have good, solid guesses, but other than that... No... We can’t confirm anything...” Erwin answers, but not before glancing at Nanaba. She’s nodding. Good, that’s a good answer. Ambiguous enough to keep people wanting. Erwin is relieved. Jean isn’t however, he’s now certain that his debt is going to be rolled along a tab he will soon never be able to pay.
“Oh and the history society’s having quiz night next week, be there or be square!” Erwin plugs.
“Nerd!” Nile yells from across the hallway and Mike chortles.
It doesn’t take Jean long to find Hanji, after all she’s president of the biology club, so why wouldn’t she be in a lab elbow deep in a vat of something Jean doesn’t want to know the name of. It’s her kingdom with a whopping total of four subjects.
“Hanji Zoë, I’m here to ask for the latest on Levi Ackerman’s love life-“
Hanji Zoë- the school’s resident oddball, the genius herself, in the flesh, eating a checkerboard cookie. She looks up at him and there are crumbs on her face.
“Oh! Hi Jean!” Hanji looks up momentarily, “that’s easy, Levi’s in love with me.” She winks at Jean and chuckles. Jean’s jaw drops, surely she’s kidding. Hanji’s known for that after all- her quick wit and dismal personal hygiene. He chuckles awkwardly. “Yeah... Okay...”
“See you at the concert?” She beams at him and he replies enthusiastically. Is she kidding? Everyone’s gonna be there. But Jean remains strategic, he leaves right before she gets the chance to talk his ear off about joining her club again. “Shoot... There goes another one...” she says under her breath as he exits the lab.
Jean bumps into Levi when he’s leaving the lab, odd, what’s Levi doing here, no matter, Jean has a job to do.
“Levi Ackerman! Care to comment on the recent rumours surrounding your-“
“No.” Levi interjects and heads off.
Jean flips the camera so he’s in it, “well, that’s the scoop. Back to you Connie and Sasha.”
“It’s the day of the festival! But really the whole school is buzzing with anticipation for the No Name concert!” Connie announces into his makeshift mic.
“Will there be another accident on-stage this time? Will Levi Ackerman reveal more on his secret romance? Is there even a secret romance to begin with? More importantly, will Porco Galliard finally pay for his own food at the festival?”
“Hey!” Porco whips his head around to glare at Connie, “did Reiner get you to say that?”
Connie shrugs, “we’ll find out after these messages...”
The concert is a blast, from a spectacular entrance (choreographed, no doubt, by one Hanji Zoë), to Mike’s drum solo, to Levi’s vocal riffs. But there’s an anticipation of another sort- will Levi Ackerman finally address the rumours of his love affair?
“My Levi-Hanji senses are tingling Nanaba...” Erwin says mid-concert. As the self-proclaimed expert on school gossip, there’s no gossip sweeter than that which surrounds his two best friends. Nanaba thinks it’s an overstatement of his abilities.
But Nanaba feels it too- the electricity in the air, “i think it’s finally happening!” She says, nothing short of a vision.
Levi announces the last song for the night, and he makes his way over to Hanji during the last chorus.
Sasha’s cameras are rolling. She holds her breath, for what she doesn’t know, but she feels it coming, call it director’s intuition if you will.
Hanji looks at Levi and beams past the bandages over their eyes, now upgraded to a material they can actually see through, ever since that one accident with Hanji trying to execute a stage dive completely blind. It’s not fun explaining to the ER nurse how you managed to fracture your arm in so many locations.
Hanji’s expression changes to one of confusion when Levi closes the distance between them. This isn’t part of any plan. Her lips part in a gasp. The crowd falls silence, breath collectively held in anticipation. It’s happening. The most significant and exciting moment of their young lives.
What in the name of Maria, Rose, and Sheena!
Levi grabs Hanji by her ponytail and crashes his lips into hers. She forgets how to function, her guitar now hanging limp and forgotten. But her arms find their way around Levi’s neck. It’s just Mike on the drums now, roaring with laughter.
“Hell yes!” Mike exclaims and it’s captured by one of the mics, joined by Nanaba and Erwin at exactly the same time. There’s a flash from Erwin’s phone, there, immortalised in a photo forever. He knows it’ll come in handy one day. For blackmail or for a future wedding montage. Either is fine.
What just happened?
Connie’s jaw is hanging.
“Levi Ackerman and... and... Hanji Zoë?” Connie says, more for his own benefit than for his audience. Because this is Hanji they’re talking about? The Hanji Zoë? Resident evil genius, overall weirdo, oddly magnetic and popular amongst both the boys and the girls, Levi’s childhood friend Hanji Zoë? The answer had been staring them right in the face! Levi at the biology labs, Levi glowering at her, the bickering, the chemistry on and off stage.
Connie whips his head over to Pieck, and she winks at him, told you so!
“I don’t believe it! Stop the presses! Levi Ackerman, frontman of No Name, in love with the brilliant, the magnetic, the one and only... Hanji Zoë!”
Hanji is kissing Levi back with fervour, until they’re both blushing and giddy, the music long forgotten, and when everyone is done gawking, the crowd erupts in violent cheering. Who would’ve thought emotionally constipated Levi, Levi whose private life has been kept a secret for so long, safe from the prying hands of the school press and his loyal fans, would choose to make an announcement like this. What a night! What a spectacle!
“I guess that’s all for tonight folks, and what a fantastic and surprising evening it has been!” Connie laughs, “I’m Connie Springer, and you heard it here first!”
The confetti canon goes off. And Hanji watches with uninhibited joy as confetti rains down on the stage.
“So... Tigers next time?” Hanji says, unwrapping the bandages from her face, her eyes glazed over and more beautiful than anything Levi has ever seen. He scoffs, pressing another kiss to her lips for posterity.
“Don’t push it...”
(A/N: prompt so good I had to write a mini fic! Thank you anon💖💖💖)
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years ago
Levi x Reader Tea Parties
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Summary: You’re a new addition to the Scout Regiment, and you bring along with your six-year-old daughter. An unexpected bond forms between you and the Corporal when he seems to be attached to your daughter and spends quite a bit of time with her.
(D/N) = daughter’s name
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"Everyone, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be joining us, the Scout Regiment, today and I expect all of you to make her comfortable here," Commander Erwin announced as you slightly stood in front of him, his hands on your shoulders. "I wouldn't mind giving her a little tour," a brown-haired boy smirked to his friend. "Shut up, Jean. Can't you see she has someone already?" another boy with turquoise eyes whispered, gesturing to the little girl beside you, gripping your hand.
Little did they know, you could hear their conversation, despite them trying to be secretive. You watched them as they spoke, or more like argued, as the tall, blonde man next to you was saying things that were at the back of your mind. "Cadet (Y/N)?" "... Oh, sorry. Yes?" You found it a little unusual to be addressed like that. "If there's anything you need, just come to me. Don't be shy." "Okay. Thank you, Sir." "And..." His crystal eyes scanned the crowd before he called out two names, "Armin, Mikasa!" Said people approached both of you, saluting to him, which he dismissed with the wave of his hand. "I need both of you to help (L/N) settle in and show her around. Is that okay?" "Yes, Sir." "Thank you. I'll be off then." You flashed a smile at them, radiating your friendly nature. They smiled in return and greeted you before you noticed their gaze fall onto the (H/C)-haired female next to you. "This is my daughter. (D/N)." "How old is she?" Mikasa asked. "She'll be six in a couple of months," you replied prior to crouching down. "Say hi to Mikasa and Armin, sweetie." The young girl threw herself at you in order to hide from the new people, causing you to chuckle softly. "She's shy. But in about a week she'll be fine with everyone." "She's really cute. And she looks a lot like you," Armin commented. "Aw, thank you,” you grinned in response as you could literally see a single question swimming in his orbs. A question which has been asked a couple of times prior. "I'm twenty-six, by the way. So I'm not young compared to you lot." "Wow. I would have guessed you were about eighteen." You giggled. "That's very flattering. Anyway, should we get going?" "Oh, yeah." All three of you started to walk around the castle and they introduced you to any people you met along the way and showed you the rooms you went past. As you wandered around, you made conversation with them, finding out that they were sweet people. And you told them a bit about yourself, but not too much since they were still new people to you. "(Y/N), right?" The brown-haired boy from earlier took your hand and pressed his lips against it. "Yes..." "Jean, stop it." Mikasa slapped his hand away. "I don't see a ring." "Jean!" "I-it's fine. He's right, I'm not married;;." "I can give you another tour later if you want." You arched an eyebrow and shook your head in disbelief. This teenager is trying to hook up with someone who is twenty-six and has a child? "I didn't come here to be flirted with by some guy I just met." "Well, in a few months, my offer will still be there," he smirked before walking away. How cocky can that idiot get? Did he not get the message that you don't want that kind of interaction with him? "Forget about him. He's a jerk." "I see that--" "Oh my god!! You're (Y/N)?! I'm Hanji! It's nice to meet you!!" A brunette came sprinting towards you, jumping onto you as a male strolled behind her with a crease settled in between his eyebrows. "AWWW!!! Is that your daughter?! She's adorable, I could just eat her!!!" "Sh*tty Glasses, you going to f*cking kill her before a titan does." "Hanji, could you get off of her?" Armin asked. "Excuse me, Hanji? I'm kind of getting squished between you and the floor." "Oh, sorry!" She sprung off of you before laughing maniacally at the sight in front of her, which was the raven and your daughter. "What the f*ck are you doing, you sh*tty brat?" the raven snapped at your daughter, who tugged at his trousers and bit the fabric. "Are you trying to strip me?" He tried kicking her away. That guy is stupid to think that he could talk to (D/N) like that and swear in front of her and kick her. No one would want to mess with your daughter because they would suffer from a mother's wrath. Everyone should know that you never want to anger a mother through their child. That's when their ugly side comes out and no one wants that. "Hanji," you said through gritted teeth as she looked at you. "Who is he?" "That's Levi!" "LEVI!! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT?! I swear, I'll beat the crap out of you if you don't stop!!" He scoffed. "As if I'm scared of a newbie like you." "Corporal, I think you should take a look at her." Oh, damn. You look like you could destroy humanity with that glare directed on that one male. Titans will run away from you if they saw you right now. And from the way your nails dug into your palm, you could probably rip through your skin. "Fine, here's your daughter." He gripped the back of her dress and dropped her in front of you before casually leaving the scene. "It's not my fault she wanted to see me naked." "I don't think anyone will want to see you naked with an attitude like that," you spat, causing him to stop and face you. "Tell that to me when those hundreds of women leave me alone." "Hundreds of women who have no taste," you muttered. "Damn, I've never seen anyone talk to Corporal like that," Armin whispered. "How did (Y/N)'s personality switch just like that?" "It's that mother's wrath thing. Just don't do anything to her daughter," Hanji notified them. "Do you have a problem with me?" Levi crossed his arms over his chest. "Just don't be like that with my daughter and I won't have a problem with you." "Okay." "Did Shorty just say 'okay'? He didn't fight back? He listened to someone he just met a couple of minutes ago?" Hanji rambled in shock before wiggling her eyebrows with a goofy grin. "Looks like someone's taken a liking to (Y/N)~" "Shut up, Sh*tty Glasses," he snarled before turning around and walking away. "Why would I like a brat like her? And I barely know anything about her." "Hanji's always like this. Forget about what she says. Whatever she says isn't true most of the time," Mikasa told you. "Okay. Let's just get out of here." "Well, we've basically shown you everything. Oh, we forgot the most important thing - your room." "Mikasa, Armin!" a voice called, causing the three of you to come to a halt. "Have you seen Horse Breath?" "Why?" "He put horse sh*t in my shoes. That b*stard." "I mean, we saw him like five minutes ago. He might be outside." "Thanks," he grinned. "Who's Horse Breath?" you inquired. "Jean." "I see..." When you arrived at your room, they gave you the key and left you to settle in. There was a double bed and a bedside table with a single lantern, sitting atop it. A chair settled in a corner of the room and there was a wardrobe.
You approached a door and reached for the cold knob, opening the door to see a small bathroom. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you closed the door and sat down on the bed where your daughter already lay. You brushed the hair from her face, giving her a tender smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Do you like it, sweetie?" She nodded before sitting up. "I like Levi, too." "What? Why?" "He's nice." "How is he nice?" "He wasn't being rude to me. I saw him smile when he tried taking me off his leg." "I didn't notice." "He's nice, mummy. You didn't need to get angry." "I'll need to see just how nice he is," you murmured before a couple of knocks sounded, so you got up to open it and saw Erwin standing there. You invited him, standing to the side and widening the door as he walked in. Before this, you failed to see that Levi was behind him and he stepped inside as well. "How do you like it?" Erwin asked. "It's so much better than where I lived before." "You're lucky. You're one of the few brats who get their own room," Levi stated in a monotonous voice. "I'm grateful for that." The blonde smiled at you, averting his gaze to (D/N). "Hello, (D/N)." "Hi!" "Looks like she already likes you," you beamed, staring at your daughter in admiration before resting your features and turning to the shorter male. "And, Corporal Levi, she seems to like you as well." "Maybe she's one of the hundreds who don't have taste." "... Sorry about that, I didn't mean it. You know, just don't hurt my child in any way." "I know I shouldn't if I want to stay in my current, healthy state." You laughed softly, but he had no sign of amusement on his visage. That is until your daughter held his index finger, looking up at him with gleaming orbs. This time you were able to see the tiniest of smiles sneak its way to his lips. "Levi, will you play with me?" "No. I have work to do, brat." "Don't get annoyed when he calls her brat because he calls nearly everyone that," Erwin told you, knowing about the little commotion since Hanji had informed him. You nodded in response. "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you later." "Bye, Sir." "Aww, what about after that?" (D/N) pouted. "I have to train my squad." "And after that?" "It'll be dinner and then your bedtime." "How about tomorrow?" "I don't know." "Come on, (D/N). He has to do some work." "But I want to play with him." "Baby, we aren't here for fun. Not everyone will be able to play with you." "Will you play with me, mummy?" "No. She has cleaning duty," Levi answered for you. "Cleaning! Can I help?!" "She likes to clean?" "Yeah. We both love to," you said as you picked her up, noticing that (D/N)'s hand was still wrapped around his forefinger. He saw what you were looking at and snatched his finger away, almost immediately. "Look, Erwin, they're like a family," Hanji whispered excitedly as she looked through the gap in your door. "Hanji, leave them alone." The female sighed heavily, silently closing the door before it suddenly opened again, revealing Levi who frowned at the both of them. "What are you doing?" he asked the brunette and blonde. "We were just passing by." "What are you doing, Shorty?" "I'm talking to an idiot." He left the two and made way to his office. ~/~ Seven months have gone past since you became a Scout and people enjoy you and your daughter's presence. Most scouts are grateful that you would do most of the work since they do a poor job and you end up doing it again. Everyone loves your daughter, especially and surprisingly, Levi who apparently doesn't have time to play with her, but you find them playing different games every day. Most of the time it would be tea parties and you love to see Levi interact with her and see his soft side. Once you changed into your uniform, you left your room to go clean which your daughter volunteered to do with you. You started to clean the corridors, mopping the floors, wiping windows and dusting any surfaces. Sasha and Connie were cleaning as well, or more like messing around.  "Hey, you two?" "Yeah?" "You can go. I'll clean since you guys aren't doing anything." "Really?! You're amazing!!" You smiled at them as they ran off like little kids. (D/N) was more mature than them even though they're like triple her age. You dunked the mop in the bucket and wrung it out, so it isn't soaked before dragging it across the floor, doing a better job than the scouts that did it before. You blew a strand of hair away from your face and rolled your sleeves up since they had decided to travel down your arms. "Have some rest, honey," you told the little girl cleaning alongside you. "I'm fine." "I think both of you should rest. You've been cleaning for at least two hours," a voice chimed in. "We're fine, Sir." "What about you? Are you tired, (D/N)?" "A little bit. but it's fine." "Go rest, darling. You've done enough." "But I want to help you, mummy." "(D/N), go,” you ordered, your tone stern but gentle. "Okay." "Sir, would you mind taking her to our room, please?" "Of course." Erwin strolled beside her as you watched them disappear as they went further away. Since you were finally alone, it enabled you to clean quicker.
And when you were finally done, you sighed in relief, glad you were finally done after another half hour of tiring your muscles.
Your content expression soon turned dark when two boys came tumbling your way, shouting profanities at each other. Eren floored Jean, who sprung back up almost immediately and was about to throw a punch to the other's face, but you caught his wrist, preventing him from harming Eren any further. "What are you doing?" "That titan idiot punched me for no reason." "It was an accident. I was training and you got in the way. You just need glasses to see where you're going!" "You need glasses to see what you're punching!!" "Shut up, both of you!" you demanded and they silenced. "If you were outside, how the hell did you end up here?" "Oh, I don't know." Jean shrugged. You rolled your eyes, freeing his wrist from your grip and he rubbed the, now, red skin. "Honestly, you guys are so immature." "He started--" "I don't care. I'm just going to my room and I would like it if I don't hear any fighting." "Sorry, (Y/N)." "You're still young. You haven't matured yet like you were supposed to a few years ago." "You know, you make it sound like you're old, but you're still young. So what if you're twenty-six? That's still young," Eren stated. "Thank you. But I feel old when I see you." "Age doesn't matter. I would love to have you in my bed at any age." "Shut up, Jean." You rolled your eyes once again, leaving the two and making your way to your room, opening the door to find your daughter and Levi on the bed, having yet another tea party. Hearing her giggle caused a tender smile to edge onto your lips as you closed the door and padded to the bed, where they sat, and stood by it. "Hi, mummy!!" She got up from the bed and hugged your legs as you ruffled her hair. "Hey, honey. Did you have fun?" "Yeah! Levi played with me." "Looks like you had time to play with her again." "I still have work to do, but Erwin asked me to stay with her." "You can go do your work now if you want." "I can leave my work for later," he replied reluctantly, not wanting to admit that he would rather stay with (D/N). "I wouldn't think you were good with kids, seeing as how you seem to be harsh with the cadets." "She isn't at that age when she's spoiled and bratty. Or when she's annoying like the other brats here." "Was that a compliment?" Levi ignored you, watching (D/N) climb back onto the bed and she jumped onto his lap, spilling the hot contents in his mug over him. He hissed when the tea seeped through his clothes and tried to keep his patience at the cause of the accident. He stood up as you rushed to pass him a cloth. "Sorry." You gave an apologetic smile. "You can go to the bathroom and change out of your clothes while I get you some from your room. I would give you mine, but I doubt they will fit." "Just take your a*s and get me clothes," he grumbled. You nodded, despite the rudeness, and left your room, pacing to his office to get a spare uniform. You took out a pristine, white shirt and some neatly folded trousers before hurrying back to your room, careful to not crease the clothing. Knocking lightly on the bathroom door, it opened a few seconds later to reveal a shirtless Levi. Quickly, you passed him the clothes, trying to not get distracted by his abs and the scars that adorned his skin. He wordlessly closed the door before you sat on your bed, next to (D/N) who was strangely quiet. She probably just felt bad for spilling the tea on her new 'best friend'. You pulled her into your arms and kissed her cheek, resting your chin on the top of her head as she buried her face in your chest. "It's okay, baby," you said quietly. Upon hearing the click of the door, you flitted your eyes towards it and the raven came into sight as you gave him a small smile. He took the (H/C)-haired girl away from you, holding her in his arms and brushing a few locks from her face. His back faced you, so you weren't able to see the smile he owned. "I'm not angry at you." "You aren't?" "Of course not." She flung her arms around him, grinning which turned into laughter when he tickled her, squirming in his hold. You let a grin grace your lips; you wouldn't mind Levi being (D/N)'s step-father. Wait. No. What am I thinking? Shut up, brain, you thought, fighting your mind that decided to develop feelings for the male during the time you spent here. He placed her back on the ground and straightened her clothes for her, fiddling with a few strands of her hair as he stood behind her, now facing you. As he gazed at you, you could sense that he wanted to say something, so you lifted an eyebrow, questioning his silence. His eyes motioned to (D/N), letting you know that he doesn't want her to be here while he talks to you. You gave a discreet nod in understanding, ending your telepathic conversation there. "Sweetie, do you want to go play with Hanji?" "Okay!" "I'll be right back. I'll take her to Hanji." You took her petite hand in yours, leading her down the corridor as you thought about what Levi would want to speak about. You didn't notice Hanji until (D/N) squealed her name, darting towards her. "Hi!! What do you need?" "Can you stay with her for a while? I need to do something." "Sure!" "Thank you." When you wandered back to your room, you closed the door behind you as you sat back down on the bed, leaning against the headboard and crossed your legs after taking your shoes off, and patted the spot in front of you for Levi, who was still standing in the same spot as if he hadn't moved at all. He joined you on the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge with his feet on the floor. "What did you want to talk about?" "I don't think anyone has asked you yet." "What?" "Who's the father of (D/N)?" Silently, you stared at the sheets that spread over the mattress you rested on. Even after seven months of getting to know the people here, you weren't prepared to answer this question. And they were respectful enough to not inquire you on a subject you never seemed to like bringing up. "He..." you started before swallowing. "He died when the Colossal and Armored Titan attacked Shiganshina. We were fleeing from our house and I had (D/N) in my arms. I was so focused on getting to safety that I didn't realise my husband wasn't near us. When I looked back--" Your voice cracked as you bowed your head and let your hair fall to cover your face. There weren’t any tears, but you just wanted to conceal your expression. "You don't need to carry on if you can't," he whispered, fighting back the urge to hug you. "No. I-I'm fine." You pushed your hair back, keeping your eyes on the material underneath you, which seemed to be more attractive that the man in front of you. "I looked back and I saw a three-metre titan, who grabbed my husband. I saw him look at me as I froze, not able to think about what to do. I was useless and couldn't save the person I loved the most when he was right in front of me." "We all have times like that. And there wouldn’t even have been something you could do without gear." "But he was right there. I saw him get devoured by that damn monster. But he didn't have any fear shown on his face, I could see a smile. I don't even know why he was smiling, but I'm glad he was. At least, I wouldn't have an image of him screaming. Since then, I wanted to join the Survey Corps to be more useful but I waited until (D/N) was old enough to wander around here by herself. She is still quite young, though, she's really mature for her age and I'm happy to see that she doesn't seem full of misery. She was only a year old when her father died, so I doubt she knows anything about him apart from what I tell her. She always loves to hear stories about him and her full attention is at me when I tell her. Every memory I have of him is still fresh, even after all these y--" "(Y/N)!!!" You were startled by the sudden outburst and the slam of your door. Head snapping in that direction, you see Hanji standing there without (D/N). "Hanji, where's (D/N)?" "I don't know!!" "What do you mean you don’t know?!" you yelled. "I went to get Eren, so I left her in my office. I was literally like five minutes and when I went back, she was gone! I don't know where she went and so I came here because I thought you would know where she is." "Hanji, I leave you with her for like ten minutes and you already lost her?!" "I'm sorry!" "Gosh, I'll go look for her myself," you mumbled, trodding past Hanji. "Shorty, what are you doing here?" "I was talking to (Y/N)." "About what?" "You don't need to know." "You guys are hiding something from me!! Tell me!" "No. I have to go look for a girl that someone lost." You paced through the castle, looking in all the possible places she could be, but still couldn't find her even with the help of Levi. A heavy sigh slipped past your lips as you leaned against the wall, your eyes on the ceiling. "Where can she be?" "We haven't checked my room and Erwin's room." "Oh my gosh! You're right! How did I forget about that?" Levi went to his office as you ran to Erwin's and hastily knocked before opening it with no hesitation. "Sir, have you see (D/N)?" "No. What happened?" You quickly explained what happened before jogging to Levi's room to find your daughter in his arms. You beamed and took her from his grip, peppering her face with kisses. "Don't leave the person I leave you with, baby," you whispered as you rested your forehead on hers. "I got bored, so I went to look for Levi. I was going to wait here until he came back." "So, you're just going to forget about your mother and look for him? I see how it is." "No. I love you more, mummy." "More? So you love him? How close are you with my daughter, Levi?" He had allowed you to call him Levi due to the time all three of you have spent together and you were able to form some kind of friendship with him. There was a slight smirk on his lips, while you noticed the flicker of amusement in his ashen hues. "Anyway, we're going to go to the mess hall for dinner. You coming?" He glanced at his desk, where a meagre pile of paperwork sat before looking at both of you and proceeded to walk, letting you know he will come. He shut his door and strolled next to (D/N) as you were on her other side. Anyone who would see you three, and didn't know you, could mistake you for a small, happy family. "AWWWWWWW!!!!!" You rolled your eyes, knowing who it was and it just had to be her to see you. But none of you stopped, ignoring the squealing behind you. "Hanji, you sound like a kettle about to explode! Can you shut up?" you snapped, turning around once being fed up. "You guys are so cute!! I love it! Like you love each other!" "Shut up!!" both of you shouted as the door to the mess hall opened. Silence fell upon the room as they all looked your way. "... Hey, guys!" You shone a smile at them, acting as if nothing happened. "(D/N), in the near future, Levi's going to be your dad," Hanji snickered quietly to the young girl, and you shot daggers at her. "Sh*tty Glasses, shut your f*cking mouth." The pure girl gasped at Levi's words, her (E/C) orbs wide as she stared at him. He apologised to her and strode to a table, forgetting about the people gazing at him. You went to a different table and sat down, not bothering to communicate with anyone since you weren't in a great mood due to Hanji. ~/~ "Mummy!! Mummy!!! Wake up!" "Yes, darling?" you murmured as you were still half asleep. "Mummy!" You were fully awake now, looking at the adorable face in front of yours as (D/N) bounced on you with excitement. "What do you want?" "It's my birthday today!!" "Okay." "Muuuuuummyyyyyy!!!!" "I'm joking, baby. Happy birthday!" you laughed as you plopped her down next to you, tickling her. "Stop!! Stop it!" she giggled.
You stopped tickling her and gave a loving kiss on her cheek as she caught her breath. When you got out of bed, you stretched as a yawn left your mouth. Both of you freshened up and got ready for the day, leaving your room to have breakfast. "Mummy, did you get me a present?" "Of course, I did. I'll give it to you later." "I want to see if Levi got me something!" You weren't exactly looking forward to seeing Levi since you would end up talking to him. And then, Hanji would come out from nowhere and irritate the hell out of you. And you don't want to be grumpy today because then (D/N) wouldn't be as enthusiastic as she is now. When you entered the mess hall, it was already full of scouts who came up to her and wished her a happy birthday. A few gave small presents, due to having little money, which varied of different chocolates and sweets, and that sort of thing. Once you finished eating, you left the building but let (D/N) stay in the mess hall as they all played with her and kept her company. You roamed the grounds of HQ to have some fresh air after all the people that surrounded you minutes before. When you reached the stables, you decided to stroke your chestnut horse. "What's wrong?" You turned around to see Levi nearing you, and gave him a miniature smile. "Nothing." "(D/N) is thrilled to have all the attention, but I couldn't go to her yet since I don't have a present." "Levi, you're her best friend. How could you do that?” you teased. “She was excited to see what you would get her." "I didn't have time to. What did you get her?" "A bicycle." "That's expensive." "I know, but I wanted to make her happy, unlike some other people that failed to do that since they forgot about her birthday." "Shut up. I didn't forget. I was planning to get her something, but I had a lot of work to do," he protested. "I know. I'm kidding," you grinned. "I could say that the bike is from both of us. I mean, I just don't want her to be disappointed that you didn't get anything for your best friend." "You're going to pester me because of this, aren't you?" "Yep! But I'll say it was from both of us." "Thanks." "What? That's the first thanks I've heard from you. You probably just feel bad for forgetting about your best friend's birthday present." "Tch. Well, I didn't forget about the present I got for you." "A present for me? Why?" "Do you not want it?" "What is it?" "Close your eyes." Hesitantly, you complied and lidded your eyes, waiting for him to tell you to open your eyes. But he never did. Instead, you felt gentle hands settle on either side of your hips and lips press against yours, which is when you opened your eyes in shock and saw his eyelids in place of his eyes. After realising what was happening, you returned the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his lips morph into a smirk. "Oooo~! What's happening here~? Looks like they decided to have a party of their own." You parted straight away and saw the huddle of scouts which Hanji and (D/N) stood in front of. A light blush dusted onto your cheeks as you stood behind Levi, who faced the bunch with a glare. "See, I told you that Levi will be your dad in the future, (D/N)." "Levi, mummy? Is that true?" "... I mean... we don't know what going to happen in the future..." you responded nervously. "I want Levi to be my dad!" She dashed towards him and jumped up, so Levi could lift her up. "And I want you to be my daughter," he hummed softly, making sure no one heard him. From here, your future with Levi takes a step forward. You don't know what the future holds for you, (D/N) and Levi, so you don't know if you will be a small, happy family. But for now, you'll cherish every moment you have with Levi and remember every moment, big or small, to tell any other children you have. To think that (D/N) having tea parties with Levi is what brought you two together.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 4 years ago
The Rest Of Our Lives
Levi Ackerman x Reader
It had all finally came to an end, the world could finally try its best to heal from years upon years of death.
Speaking of healing, he had gone through the worst of it over the years. And finally, he has the rest of his life to heal.
But he can't do it alone...
(Spoiler Warning!!! This story contains spoilers for the end of the Attack on Titan manga!!!)
It had been three years since that fateful battle. So many lives had been lost that day, good and bad, friend and enemy. Even the majority of the human population, eighty percent to be specific, had been wiped out just for the slim chance of peace, and even then, it wasn't completely guaranteed. But for now, all was calm. That day, was the battle between titan and human, heaven and earth. The day the dreaded rumbling had began, and soon ended. It resulted in many deaths and plenty of injuries, the worst landed upon Levi Ackerman. Humanity's strongest soldier was nearly killed, but he wasn't given that title for nothing. He was still living today, though missing a few fingers, a working eye, and finally his permanently damaged leg. It wasn't too much of a problem, as there were no longer any titans to fight. Though, it was somewhat, shameful in his eyes. That after everything, a busted leg is what holds him down. He wasn't even elderly, and yet he needed constant help. He grateful for the help however, though he wished he didn't have to burden people with his problem so much.
But, it wasn't a burden or a problem to her.
She was there by his side for as long as he can remember. She fought by his side during expeditions, comforted him during his low points, and even risked her life over and over to keep him safe and alive. He can't say he's never done the same for her. Maybe it was her constant attention and care, that made him fall in love with her. At the time, it was horrible. He fell in love with someone he could so easily loose, but now in a world free of titans, he could love her as much as he wanted. And the same goes for her. They both confessed their love for each other shortly before the rumbling began, then he proposed to her after everything settled.
And so, here they were, in their own little cabin next to a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall pine trees. They both were outside today, rested on the bench that sat right before the lake. Hand in hand, her head leaning on his shoulder. Their gentle breaths in sync with one another. The calmness of the quiet air, aided to their ease. For once in their lives, they felt no need for worry or panic, or when the next attack from the titans would be. And they would never need for such worries again.
Her eyes slowly opened, she smiled as the first thing she saw, was her soon to be husband. Even with the scars, he was still as handsome as ever. Though, his eyes were distant and somewhat empty. Why? "Levi?" She spoke softly. "Are you ok?" Levi finally blinked, sighing softly he looked down at you. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She sits up to meet his gaze. "You seem, a little distant. Are you tired?" Levi shakes his head before placing his hand on his scar. "Just thinking." He muttered. Was that what this was about? This would happen every now and then, Levi would just stare at himself in the mirror. Well, less himself and more at his blinded eye, the two long scars that covered it. It started from the top of his eye down to his lip. He considered himself lucky, that explosion Zeke Yeager caused could have just killed him all together. But it only costed him an eye and a few fingers.
Still she wondered, did he hate how he looked now? He never commented on it before, so she just assumed he didn't care. But the way his overall expression would falter anytime he saw it, or tried to lifted his hand, or even when he tried to stand. "Levi? You know I didn't think less of you because of those scars." She placed her hand on top of his damaged one. "Or your hand. Or your leg. I still love you. I always have and I always will. This doesn't change a thing." Y/n say softly, trying to reassure him. "I...I know that Y/n. But....it's not that...not this time." Levi looks up at the sky. It was a soft orange, signifying the end of the day. "Every time I wake up, I wonder when it will happen." Y/n blinks a few times, not really understanding. "When what will happen?" She asks. "When they will come back. The titans. Before, at any moment, we could die at the hands of those giant bastards." Y/n would be lying if she said she hadn't felt the same at sometimes.
"But Levi, that was before. They're gone now. There are no more titans, we're safe." She explains to him.
"For how long?"
The panic in his voice was clear. Y/n took both of his hands and held them in her own. Her eyes full of sincerity as she spoke. "Levi, I know how you're feeling. But, you were there that day. We both were, the titans are gone. They died along with Eren." It still pained you to say it. Though in the end Eren was acting rash and out of hand, you still remembered him as the same young boy with hope in his heart that one day, the world would be a one without titans. It was a shame that he let it go to his head, and because of that, he was responsible for nearly exterminating all of humanity. Therefore, he had to face the consequences of his actions and pay the ultimate price. Poor kid...
"There are no trace of titans left. We're safe. You're safe. And you will never have to worry about stuff like that ever again." You bring his hands up and kiss them gently. Making sure he felt your love, even through his missing fingers. "And I won't ever leave your side. I'll always be here for you Levi. To care for you, to love you, for the rest of our lives."
A sudden wetness on your hands made you flinch. You look up to expecting to see rain, but instead, you saw Levi, crying. He sniffles a few times before leaning closer to you, until his head rested on your shoulder. You smiles and rub his back in a soothing manor. Through his sobs, you could make out a feint "thank you" from Levi.
You meant every word. You will always be there for him. And he in return would always be there for you. You two will always have each other, for the rest of your lives.
Another year has come to pass, Levi and Y/n had finally married, and proud to call themselves Mr and Mrs Ackerman. And Mrs Ackerman was expecting and due to deliver soon. There were congratulations given all around. From Armin, Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner, even Falco and Gabi. Even Mikasa. It was a bit surprised that she came to visit. Mikasa had became distant ever since Eren died, she was the one that killed him after all. She had been by Eren side for many many years, and in the end, she was the one that put him to rest. It took quite a toll on her. But she was recovering, slowly but surely.
Y/n wished so desperately that Hanji and Erwin could have been here today. Though, she bet that Hanji would have been pretty sad without having anymore titans to experiment on. But deep down she knew, that they were still here, even if she couldn't see them. Levi knew it as well. They would both regularly visit their graves to pay respects and generally just talk about what's going on in their lives. Hanji would have been so thrilled to know that Levi and Y/n settled down to start a family. From the very beginning, Hanji had always hoped you two would get together. She even went as far as teasing her and Levi, which would normally result in a kick to the back from Levi. Not too hard though, he didn't want to break her spine. And Erwin, he would just be happy to see Levi happy with someone. And of course Levi's former squad would be happy that he was at peace with himself. They all would be so proud of him.
When it came time for Y/n to deliver, it was one of the most stressful and wonderful days of Levi's life. Fortunately, Y/n was just fine afterwards and gave birth to a healthy and beautiful little girl. She resembled Levi the most, with her black hair and her grey-blue eyes. She had some of Y/n's features as well, like her skin tone and her facial features.
"What should we name her?" Y/n spoke softly as she held her baby close. "We haven't came up with a name for her yet?" Levi mutters. They were spending more time preparing themselves for a new addition to their small family, that they hardly had time to think of one. Levi gently stroked his daughter's cheek, she gave a tiny smile in return before her face returned to a more sleepy one. It made Levi's heart race. This was his daughter, he made that! Well, really Y/n did, but it meant just as much to him. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever think that he would have children. Then again, he never thought he would meet someone like Y/n either. Levi's stone expression dropped, a smile of his own made it onto his face.
"Levi, I've actually had one in mind for a while. But, I wasn't sure if...you would be ok with it." Y/n spoke hesitantly. Levi held her hand, such a small gesture, made sure she knew she didn't have to keep anything from him. "I know how close you were to Farlan and Isabell." Levi's breathing halted for a second. "More specifically, how much Isabell looked up to you. I know she saw you as a brother, but...what I'm trying to say is, what if we named her, Isabell?" Y/n looked down at her baby, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. It was true, Farlan and Isabell were like family to Levi, it was devastating the way they died. He wasn't there to help them, if he was, maybe they would be here today. He missed them dearly...
When Levi didn't respond, Y/n became worried. "I-I mean, we don't have to. I was just-"
"It's perfect." Levi cut her off. "Our little Isabell." He says with another warm smile. Y/n returned the smile before kissing her daughter's head. "Welcome to the world, Isabell." She whispers.
With this, Levi knew he was living for so much more. He had a woman who loved him with all her heart, despite how he looks now. And now, he had a child. Though this world was without titans, it doesn't mean there won't be another danger that was out there, just waiting to snatch his happiness away from him. But Levi wouldn't let it. Levi swore this very day, to protect his wife and daughter with everything he had. Despite injury, despite age, he would never let anything or anyone harm his family. Because for now on, it will be only them, together.
For the rest of their lives.
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(This was not stolen! This story was reposted from my Wattpad account!)
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theglitterypages · 4 years ago
Hi! I’m a new follower so i’m not quite sure if you accept requests now but if u do! i have this request that i think would be really nice!
I just read ur one shot called “behind the scenes” and i literally fell in love with it! I was thinking if you could do a sequel or part two where levi and reader talk about what he said in the interview and come to terms with their feelings for each other and then he says that they will take it slow and court reader properly.
After that, they would have like cute moments together like, she goes live on ig or such and he join and then flirts with her through the comment section 😆🥰 they have like small dates. And then when they film again for the next season, the other actors will ask what’s the deal with the both of them and Levi says he’s courting reader ><
Just a thought hehe i hope you have a great day!
Title: Behind The Scenes Part Two
Pairings: Levi x fem! Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3000
A/N: Hello darling, I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been a little busy in cleaning our house these days and I'm trying to spend less time using gadgets that's why I rarely find time to write. Anyways, I hope you'll like this one. This is not proofread so Expect many errors, I will edit this in no time. Thanks for requesting dearie💗💗💗
Read Part 1 Here
“Let's see each other next season! Good luck on your upcoming projects especially you Miss Marvel!” Zeke walked towards you and hugged you tight.
The whole cast just finished eating dinner, it was a dinner filled of laughter, the whole cast talked about the days on set, the silly things and other stuffs. Throughout the years of filming attack on titan, every one became each other's best friends and every time the filming are finished it's kinda sad because it will take time before you guys start filming together again.
“Goodnight everyone!”
Levi guided you towards the parking lot, his car was parked beside Eren who's now opening the door for Mikasa. “Drive straight my sister home, it's late.” Eren nodded and saluted to Levi before he climbed up the car and drove off.
Levi, on the other hand also opened the door of the car for you before he entered the car himself.
“Thanks for driving me home, Lev. Do you want go inside for some tea?”
“It's fine, I don't wanna keep you up. We barely had enough time to sleep these days because of the promotions and stuffs.” Despite of saying that Levi is still standing in front of you, his eyes are full of hesitation and he kept opening his mouth just to pursed his lips together again as if holding himself back.
You are holding yourself back as well, you wanted to talk about what he said on the interview, you wanted to make things clear but you're too scared to do so.
Levi is a man who's hard to read, you wouldn't know if what he's saying is for the sake of fun or it is because he meant it.
Maybe he said that because you two are good friends, right, that's the only logical reason that popped into your mind.
You smiled fakely, trying to hide your disappointment to the fact that he's not gonna say anything, you get ready to turn your back on him to go inside your house but Levi suddenly held your hand, causing you to look back at him with wide eyes, “W-What is it?” you stammered.
“I mean it.”
“You mean what?”
Your heart is beating so fast, you're suddenly wondering it is because of Levi or it is because you have a heart problem.
Levi sighed and squeezed your hand gently as he looked into your eyes, he prepared himself a lot of times already but why is he getting afraid all the time?
He wanted to say it, say that this is more than just a friendship, that this is more than a job, that what he's doing is not a publicity stunt but he's tongue-tied. His mind went blank the moment he met your gaze, everything that he practiced before all of this has gone into the abyss.
But if he won't take a step forward, he'll always be at the same place and he wouldn't want that.
“I like you—no scratch that, I'm in love with you.”
“We had no liquor earlier so you can't be drunk. I have no times for jokes right now Lev.” you wanted to say that you like him too but what if this is just a joke? Can you afford to lose the friendship you to has?
Levi took a deep breath before he slowly nipped your chin and leaned down, his lips almost touching yours. “I know this is ridiculous but I..fell in love with you. At first I thought it was just because I'm portraying a man who's possibly in love with your character but as time passes by, I realized I'm not portraying Levi's feelings anymore.” he closed his eyes and gulped hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he do so.
“On Erwin's last day on shoot, I've realized that my remaining time with you are short and I realized that I'm not ready to let all of this end just like that.”
“Okay so Levi you'll be choosing between Armin and Erwin, you know what to do just show us that you're heartbroken without obviously doing it and then once Samantha and Hanji came in look at Samantha with a face of relief, because in this scene Levi is glad to see her alive.” Levi nodded to the director, the make up artists put more fake bloods all over his face and when he sat nearby Erwin, the latter opened his eyes.
“Come on, man. Loosen up, the camera's not yet rolling.” Erwin smiled, Levi is a passionate actor and he gives his best in his craft, this series for example, Levi doesn't have any stunt doubles, he learned martial arts for the role and he did great portraying Levi Ackerman.
“Lights, Camera, Action!”
The scene went well and everyone cheered since this is the last day of filming for Erwin's character, Armin immediately hugged his older co-actor, Jean and Connie did the same while Mikasa and Sasha are clapping and smiling at the production team.
You and Levi are standing side by side behind Erwin, “This is sad.” you commented while Levi sighed beside you, “Imagine what my old guy feels.” Levi told you referring to his character in the series, you shrugged your shoulders and walked towards Erwin to hug him.
“You're the best, Commander Erwin.” you smiled and did the salute in the series before chuckling, “Shinzou wo Sasageyo!” you told him and the other actors heard you, everyone started doing the salute and shouted, “Shinzou wo Sasageyo!” Erwin looked around and smiled at everyone.
“Oh come on! It's not like I'm real dead, it's just my character.”
That wraps up the filming that day, while everyone was busy taking pictures with Erwin because this is his last day, Levi remained watching the whole cast from afar.
His eyes landed on you as you cry hugging Erwin, telling him that you'll miss working with him.
That was when Levi had come to realize that once this series is finished, he will never be ready to share the last moment on and off screen with you.
He's been working in this industry for a long time, not all friendships formed in work could last after a project is done, that was one of the reason why he's doing his best not to get attached especially in leading ladies but right now, for working so long with these whole cast it is inevitable to be attached to someone so similar to him yet different in other ways.
A small smile made its way across his lips as he see you laugh with the casts as you stood beside his sister.
One thing has come to his mind at that moment, he will never be ready to let you go.
End of Flashback
“I don't want to pressure you or anything. We can take it slow, I'm ready to court you properly, I haven't done any of that before but I'll do everything...let's just give it a try.”
All you could do was stare at him, blinking slowly as you tried processing everything he said, it was surprising to see him tremble like this, you can feel how cold his hands are and how his eyes are glassy because of the tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
“Well...I like you too but we'll take things slow, right? I don't want any of us to be hurt.”
“I understand—wait, what? You like me too?”
“Should I take that back?”
You yelped with surprise when he hugged you tightly, his arms wrapped around you as he whisper sweet nothings on your ear.
“Levi it's too tight.” you giggled and he immediately pulled away, his cheeks are red so are his ears, he's cute with that blush but the way he smiled at you makes you feel like you've won the lottery, who knew you could see the Levi Cold Ackerman smile like this?
“I promise, I'll do my best.” he told you before pressing his lips on your forehead.
“Miss Y/N? Ahm the show asked if you could go live on Instagram to entertain the fans and inform them that you'll be in the Night Show.” you smiled at the staff and took the tablet in her hands since you'll be using the show's account to go live.
You started the live while your hairstylist is still fixing your hair, “As you guys can see my beloved hairstylist is not yet done fixing my hair, I will be at the Night Show! Oh my gosh I don't know what to say next, I'm just gonna read the comments.” your hairstylist laughed at your silliness and took a glance on the screen before turning her attention back to your hair.
“Okay, @ynsupremacy says she's been waiting for me to appear on the show. Oh thank you very much dearie! I've always wanted to be here too thanks for your support.”
“Oh my gosh take it easy babes, I can't read everything in just one go.”
You scrolled through the comments and sees a familiar username, “Someone deadass spammed the comment section you guys, Levi you little bastard stop spamming. Let my babies talk to me.” you narrowed your eyes at the screen before reading Levi's comment.
“I can't believe Angels go live on Instagram, says @captainlev.”
You looked back at your hairstylist after hearing her read Levi's comment, you blushed and she laughed at your reaction before shaking her head. “What? I was just reading. Nice on Captain Lev!” she smirked at the camera before looking back at you.
“I'll be back in a minute.” she said before walking out of the room.
You could still see Levi's comments but you did your best to ignore it so you could talk to your fans. “Hello @erenlegalwife happy birthday! I'm gonna tell Eren that it's his legal wife's birthday.” you chuckled. It's amusing to see their usernames, the comments are also hilarious but there are some bashers in the comments. You didn't mind them and just proceeded in interacting with your fans.
Another comment was shown but before you could even read it someone covered your eyes and you squealed, you removed their hands off your eyes and when you looked back you gasped in surprise.
“You kept on ignoring my comments, meanie.” Levi smirked as he opened his arms, asking for a hug and when you're too slow to hug him he's the one to walk towards you and hug you tight as he laughed loudly. “I scared you big time didn't I?” he teased.
You hit his back and pullled away from the hug. “God, I hate you.” it's been two months since you two confessed to each other, just like what he said, you two are taking it slow.
You guys are going out on dates from time to time yet there's no official relationship status, you didn't need the label actually, you're sure Levi wouldn't break your heart or anything, you just want to enjoy every time that you're with him.
“Okay, Levi will be joining us too but believe me I have no idea that he's a guest as well.” you told the fans as they ask you in the comment section.
“Figured I gotta surprise you, it's much better this way right?”
“You told me you're filming for that movie, big liar.”
Levi laughed and pinched your cheeks gently, “Sorry, I just want to surprise you.” he smiled sweetly and you looked away, blushing. “Pft. Never mind...” you bit your lower lip and scrolled through the comments but Levi already read something out loud.
“Ooh... @levisamlover says ‘you two look good together, just date already’ thank you for that. I also think that we look really good with each other, thanks for supporting my claim.” he smirked.
“Are you sure you're fine with us just having a date at home? Well you probavly don't wanna let the press see us.” Levi asked as he wrapped jis arms around your shoulder, pulling you close to him as you two watch a movie.
“Hmm, nah the press has been seeing us two a lot but I don't care, I just want to stay close with you like this.” you told him, hugging him sideways, Levi chuckled and kissed the top of your head before feeding you some popcorn.
In the middle of the movie, Levi looked down on you just to see you asleep with a pout on your lips. He chuckled to himself and he slowly scoop you up being careful not to wake you up. He carried you towards your bedroom and he lay you down on the bed gently.
He smiled at your sleeping form before kissing your forehead. “I love you, do you know that? The day's ending yet I'm still 'ere falling in love with you again and again, deeper and deeper at every moment that passes by.” he took his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you, it became his new hobby, he's not the type to love taking pictures before but now that he has you, he wants to capture every moment.
He wants every moment to be saved, so he can go back to it every time that he misses you.
“Nice job YN! Another action stunt beautifully done!”
You let out a sigh of relief when you're done filming your part, you guys are filming Eren's fight with the War Hammer Titan, along with the Survey corps fighting scene.
When you've finally done your part you immediately sat on the floor, feeling drained because of the insane stunts you had to do.
Levi was quick to hand you a bottled of water, he also naturally took his handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe your sweats, technically it is your PA's job but Levi was way faster than them.
Zeke and Reiner who just got finished their parts too, laughed at the scene because your PA was standing awkwardly as she watch Levi steal her job. “Man, I can't be the only one feeling that something changed with this two.” Zeke smirked nudging Reiner's sides, the latter hummed to agree before flicking his eyes on you and Levi.
“He's not even using his trailer anymore. He's with her all the time, Levi is acting sus.”
“Not to mention the fact that they kept on stealing glances all the time.” Hanji appeared behind the two holding her phone in her hand as she captures a photo of you and Levi laughing together. “Once we caught 'em in the act they'll spill the beans, believe me.” Armin who just finished filming also appeared holding his bottled water.
“I have a plan.” Hanji smirked deviously.
“What, you're telling me to flirt with YN? Mikasa, I don't want to get killed by your brother.” Eren complained when he found out that the plan that they were thinking was getting Levi jealous so he would spill the tea.
Mikasa glared at Eren and smacked the back of his head. “Just do it, we'll be here to do something once he attempt to kill you.” Eren stared at her unbelievably before looking at his older brother. “Why don't you tell Armin to do it?” Zeke pushed his glasses up his nose before shaking his head. “Nah, Armin is like her son, Levi won't get jealous but you, a fuckboy would appear as a threat.” Zeke explained and everyone agreed.
“Man you're the one who flirts like a Seahorse.” Armin told him.
Eren narrowed his eyes, unable to understand Armin's sentence. “What do you mean by that smart-ass?” he growled.
“Seahorses flirts a lot, you're just like them.”
“I hate you all.”
Zeke got impatient of his brother's drama and he immediately pushed him towards your direction, the poor man almost landes face flat on the floor if you weren't able to grab his arm.
“Eren!” you gasped and helped him up, when Eren got up his face is pale, he smiled awkwardly and looked back at his brother to send a glare on his way before looking back at you. “You look beautiful today, YN.” he complimented.
You were taken aback by the sudden compliment so you just smiled before tapping his back, “Thanks, you look handsome today too, nice stunts by the way.” Eren looked around and he sees no traces of Levi so he loosened up a bit.
“I was just wondering if you'd like to have some coffee, there's this new coffee shop nearby and I've heard they have nice coffee.”
“Oh yes su—”
“She doesn't like coffee.”
Eren wanted to run when he heard Levi spoke behind him but he had no choice but to look at him, “Hey Lev! What's up?” Levi raised his brow to Eren, he didn't respond to him and went to your side as he glares at Eren.
“Play nice.”
“What am I? Your dog?” he whispered and you glared at him. “I'm just saying that you should act nice.” Levi crossed his arms over his chest and let out a deep breath. “I am nice.” you shook your head and massaged the bridge of your nose, there's no point in calming a jealous Levi.
“Ohohoho! I see what's happening here! Seems like sugar plum and captain grumpy is hiding somethin' eh? Spill it. What's with the possesiveness and lovey-dovey moments?”
Levi's eyes widened for a secons before he looked away, his ears and cheeks are red. Zeke's teasing smirk tells him that the man already know something, Hanji, Mikasa and Armin's stares are also meaningful, it seems like they're pressuring him to give an answer.
Levi clicked his tongue and acted cool as he looked at his co-actors and sister.
“I'm courting her, got any problem with that? Flirt with her again and you're done, Yeager.” he held your hand and dragged you away from the group while Zeke and Eren's laughter boomed at the whole set.
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januaryedgelordess · 4 years ago
I'd like to discuss a SnK theory with someone, it's on the possibility of a different (or expanded) AnR theory.
Disclaimer: Perhaps you should read this post with the lyrics for Akatsuki no Requiem by Linked Horizon in mind, but I also don't stand by the original reddit theory a 100%.
One of the questions that lingers around the fandom is: "who would've survived the Rumbling had it been done as originally implied by the themes and foreshadowing of the story?". Some believe only Eren and Historia would have had that chance, but they might be mistaken.
The first proof I have in order to back this claim is AnR's official art as drawn by WIT Studio during the production of season three of the anime:
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(Note: these are originally four different images, the source of this collage is vaguely anitwt).
Just as shown in the original PV by Linked Horizon, each of these characters are standing by a gravestone while holding a bouquet and looking conflicted. Now, to counter the original AnR theorists, I propose that Eren —and by extension, Historia— weren't the only ones to live on with regret in their hearts, instead, Levi and Hanji survived as well.
Why did they survive? Is my conclusion solely based on these pictures? Well, just in part.
I believe Attack on Titan was never meant to be a one-sided story, and that one of the various themes that weren't thoroughly explored in the later chapters, a theme which was instead rushed and swiftly overlooked, is that of the conflict between "Nationalism" and "Internationalism". It's obvious and needless to point out that Yaegerists were the former, but the latter never take a name for themselves. However, we get a rough idea of who they might be, one of them is clearly Hanji Zoe:
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Another internationalist is obviously Onyankopon:
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Another one is Armin and so on, and so on.
Are they the only type on people on Earth? Of course not. Notably you also have those who have egotistical motivations, like Jean, who just wants to get married and live a peaceful life in the inner cities; or the Hizuru ambassador, Kiyomi, whose motivation is monetary gain. The world isn't black and white in AoT so, to clarify, it's unnecessary to classify every character in the dichotomy here presented.
Now, if Yams hadn't downplayed this interaction, we may have had a better thought out plan to stop the Rumbling and, possibly, a less moronically cringy way for "The Alliance" to be presented.
Why is that? It's because of various reasons. First, one of the most observant characters, Hanji, is notable for having spied on some of Eren and Historia's interactions (the "You look happy — that's because I am" scene for example) but by the end of the story the audience never got a reason as to why this observant behavior happened. If Hanji really is as cunning and observant as she is portrayed to be, she should've been the first character to suspect that Eren is the father and, therefore, that Historia's pregnancy's due date was off. Instead of the survey corps discussing this info, we get some random officers discussing irrelevant rumours about it. Isayama I mean, Kawakubo played Hanji Zoe dirty, in my opinion, in this scenario.
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If Hanji had noticed that important information, and if that info had been shared with the Survey Corps, as was natural for her character to do, "the Alliance" may have had been able to act sooner against the AT.
Now, would more prep time save the world from devastation? No, I don't believe so. I believe it would, instead, make them have a slightly more realistic last fight by a) having them recruit actual soldiers and weapons for the final showdown, heck, if they have enough time even other countries would chime in, vs Hallu-chan and the Attach Titan; and, therefore, b) not having them rely on a Deus Ex Machina to defeat Eren.
That way, Hanji would live on with regret, knowing the Alliance did everything in their power to defeat the Attack Titan but failed miserably in the end. Instead of having her smile as her ghost-self at whatever the hell the canon battle achieved, she'd mourn the world that's been lost, and she'd feel regret for not being able to save it.
Now, for Levi I haven't done a thorough analysis yet, but I believe it's not difficult to see why humanity's strongest soldier would survive this ordain. I'd really like to hear someone else's thoughts on that matter.
Also, I'm in no way trying to imply LeviHan was supposed to be part of a kino ending, but I'm not too into that ship so I'd like to hear someone else's thoughts about it and on why they were the only two members of the alliance to survive according to WIT Studio's AnR official art.
Now, onto the second part of "who survived the Rumbling?". The next piece of information contradicts previous statements, and it also contradicts an AnR ending to some extent, but bare with me, please.
Exhibit A, Mikasa and Armin should have survived:
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However, for Kruger's prophecy to succeed, I stand by my previous statement that "the Alliance" should've acted sooner, and that Armin is part of the Internationalist faction ready to "save humanity". Why do I believe that? It's easy, first, let's remember this quote from the moment Erwin died:
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Note how, not only does Eren say Armin will save the humans, he also implies Mikasa will know it'll happen (so she'll be alive by the time the battle ends).
And, piggybacking on that moment as well, Armin would've been able to use his intellect to make a plan to divert the Rumbling titans. I'm adding this here to stress something that can't be stressed enough: Armin shouldn't have had to fistfight Eren twice, and he shouldn't have had to steal someone else's kill. Now onto that kill...
Should Mikasa have been the one to deal Eren's final blow? In the canon version of the story it's shown, in a rather cringy way, how she has to make up a whole different scenario inside her mind to get the mental strength to kill him. To me, Mikasa instead should've used the devastation caused by the Rumbling to completely break away from Eren's character and to be able to see past the "you're being brainwashed" narrative. Now, besides some of Isayama's interviews, there's other proof to back this up: the Historia-Mikasa parallels in Ending 4 and Ending 1:
Ending 1: https://youtu.be/O4wezNlsxB0
Ending 4: https://youtu.be/o05UK9lXtC0
We see some petty similarities in both: how both girls seem to be inside a pond or a lake, a snip of them running when they were young, etc.; but we also see some more important things for this theory: their growth as a person (how they survived whatever the past cast upon them), and them catching up to the people who they look up to and love.
Now, two things we know about Historia are that her beloved Ymir left her and she had to learn to accept it and move on; and that her sister, Frieda, died and she, without initially knowing even that she'd lost her, had to learn how to live on her own when she was young. Would Mikasa and Eren be able to have an end like that? I think it was implied that it was possible, but other than that, as part of any healthy development of her character, it is important for her to move on just as the Eldian Queen did: even if Eren chose to live a life apart from her (like Ymir did to Historia's early knowledge) or even if he were to die (like Frieda did).
Also, I have some doubts about Mikasa being the one who was supposed to kill Eren, since the one who was foreshadowed to be a Helos' parallel, and who'd fit the role just as well is Reiner, but I won't discuss that here.
So, to me, Mikasa was never an Internationalist, but for the sake of her character, a break-away from Eren should've been a good conclusive act.
As to some other parallels between Mikasa and Historia we have this part:
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In which it is implied that they share the same burden by birth, and the same destiny, possibly. Mikasa is shown to be embarrassed about it but Historia seems to be thoroughly delighted.
With this parallel I'd also like to recall two other threads left undone: the Azumabito clan and the Ackerman mystery.
First, the Azumabitos. It's implied that their land is to "the Orient", and we also get a small snip during the Rumbling which implies they have a coast (it's obvious their country is a direct reference to Japan, needless to say). All of which would imply that, as it does in the Real World ™️, Hizuru is almost the Eastern-most Nation of AoT's world as well, and therefore, it may be one of the last countries that the Rumbling would have reached. If you add that they were the first people to send an ambassador to Paradis, you get: Hizuru being the first nation to be included in a possible Internationalist "Alliance" (had it been done in the appropriate time) against the Attack Titan; and you also get that this would increase their possibilities of surviving, at least just in part, the Rumbling.
Why is this important? Because AnR's lyrics do not imply the world will be completely and absolutely obliterated. AnR's lyrics imply the world will live on but the power dynamic of the world will be reversed: Paradis will rule, while the rest will be forced inside the cage.
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Now, the Ackermans. Just as Historia and Zeke posses a special particularity by virtue of birth (they are direct descendants of Ymir), which make them valuable assets to "breed" for whoever is using the Eldians (be it Marley, the Azumabitos, or the First King), I believe the outside world would be interested, at any part of the story, to have an Ackerman in their line of defense against the Eldians. In this case the Mikasa-Historia parallel is strengthened, simply because it would be interesting to see Levi or Mikasa confront that part of their destiny (to make the Ackerman clan continue for the sake of a plan, while acknowledging they're the only survivors). Perhaps Hizuru would've been the country to try and make use of that potential? This parallel was, of course, never used, but it would've been delightful to see it exploited at some point in the AoT timeline. However I acknowledge that continuity is impossible in a world without titans, unless one of the surviving countries on Earth are in serious need of Olympic competitors, of course, so perhaps it should've been mentioned before The Rumbling arc.
Well, this turned out to be more like a vent or a rant than a theory now, and I wish I could've had discussed it quietly with someone instead of just posting it here. There are some other nuances to this analysis that I would like to explore in the future (since this isn't thoroughly thought out) In the meantime what do you all think of a new AnR theory like this one? Does it make a little sense? At least a bit? I hope so. Thank you for reading and sorry about the grammar mistakes.
TLDR: I believe Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Historia, Hanji and Levi should have survived and also it's possible for Hizuru to have survived. Please feel free to point out any flaws.
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things-happens · 4 years ago
In Memory
Levi Ackerman x gn! Reader
Armin Arlert x gn! Reader
Erwin Smith x gn! Reader
Mikasa Ackerman x gn! Reader
hola 😎 i have a request for ya! which i do hope you like cause I literally spent hALF aN hoUR thinking of how it should go... anyWAYS, i’m gonna request it rn cause why not? .. anyways—maybe a hc for Levi, Armin, Erwin, Mikasa, and Pieck; their S/O’s favorite memories with them are playing in their mind. They wished it happened again. people thought they (they = pieck, levi, armin - yk)—people thought they went crazy. out of their mind insane. They do often smile, when they hear their S/O’s laugh. They cry when they hear their S/O’s screams. They couldn’t save them in time. they were now dead. // now do keep in mind, that this all happened weeks after their S/O’s death. they felt so useless at the fact that they couldn’t save them in time. the one they loved the most...
Note: I DELETED THIS AND HAD TO MADE THE POST so... please like and share thank you. Also I'm not caught up on season 4 but I know what has happened so I don't know Pieck's personality, I didn't want to get her wrong.
Prompt List
Summary: their s/o passed, they blame themselves and other and sadly cannot cope.
Warnings: Death, Blood, Feels and Fluff Words: a lot just a lot
Levi Ackerman (Sadderdaze)
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Somethings never change for Levi losing the ones he loves left and right but why did he think that would change with y/n.
During the Battle of Shiganshina, Y/n was by Levi’s side the whole time.
They always was anyways, the lone survivor of Levi’s Squad after the 57th Expansion. Years ago, they vowed the loyalty for him then again 3 years later, till death did them part.
They both lead the group of soldiers to eliminate the Beast Titan.
As the Beast began to throw rocks everyone took covered in an abandoned town, after the first-round y/n and Levi resurfaced on the roofs.
They both noticed the beast was readying for another throw, yelling for the other to go bad into cover.
“GO BACK!” Y/N yelled into their cupped hands; they still couldn’t hear them.
Levi started to run to help them, only to be held back, y/n telling him there isn’t enough time.
Levi protested only for Y/n starting to push him back down to between the houses.
Suddenly, Y/n gave him a hard push on his back making him lad down on the ground. Looking back up to his love, their leg of in a now, missing part of the roof.
Levi quickly shot back up to help them out, grabbing their hands pulling as hard as he could.
“Levi… LEVI! Please take cover, you’ll die.”
“I’m not leaving you behind… not again.”
Levi had left Y/n in charge of his squad as he joined Erwin in the 57th Expansion. Nearly dying because of the Female Titan and protecting Eren.
Y/n pulled their arm away from him, giving him one final hard push in the chest right before the rock came pass them.
“I love you” they whispered.
As Levi flew back to the ground, he held eye contact with them all of his memories going through his head, knowing that this was the last time he would see of them, forever.
As for y/n, all their memories flew through them.
Late nights with Hanjie, mornings drinking tea with Erwin and Levi.
Levi… the night of their wedding, cake, slow dancing together, then stargazing. Oh, what they’d give to do that one more time with him.
Then they were gone.
Days later, everyone was concerned about the Captain. They could hear his cries and sobs when they’d pass his room. If you’d knocked, his cries would stop, and he’d stay silent till he watched your feet leave.
Every time Hanjie would open his door to bring breakfast or dinner, they could see the hopefulness in his eyes only for them to fall. Not like he ate till he was starving and knew he had too.
Years later, as Levi slept at night, he could still hear the whisper and cries of his love. That’s all he could hear ever, yet now he hid it well.
The nights he couldn’t sleep he’d walk through the halls of the fallen soldiers. In the middle of all the paintings, was Erwin. A gold frame shining in the moon light. Next to him was y/n.
They also had a golden frame and at the top were their favorite floor in their favorite color. Whomever painted it, Levi thought they did an amazing job.
The captured the brightness of their eyes, their gloss on their hair and the perfection on their hands.
Levi sat on his knees, lightly placing his hand on theirs. Wishing he could feel them just one more time.
“I bet you’re not popular with the ladies…” Zeke sighed.
Levi looked down thinking about y/n for the first time since the battle. “I was popular enough…”
Armin Arlert (When Will I See You Again)
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Most people admired Y/n relationship with Armin, never put a title on side thing but the two and others knew they loved each other.
And when y/n died… well it was hard on everyone.
Since Armin inherited the Colossal Titian he saw and heard y/n die with his own eyes or really with Bertholdt eyes.
They stood by Armin till the very end or what they thought was the end.
The two stood in front of the giant titan, directing him. The plan… they knew they were going to die but it was with Armin and that’s all y/n would ever want.
Bertholdt let out the burning steam, burning them alive. y/n’s eyes looked at Armin, they screamed and cried till nothing… black.
Armin on the other head was giving the Titan Serum, eating Bertholdt and becoming the monsters he hated.
From the second he woke from the shift, all he could thing of was Y/n.
Where are they?
Are they okay?
Then and dare he say naturally, the memories caved in.
Seeing through his predecessor’s eyes, he remembered his love burn to death. Hearing their caries and he saw them always looking at him.
He cried and blamed himself for their death, y/n thought they were dying together but Eren couldn’t let him live in peace.
“they died thinking they were with me.” He whispered.
He always tired to keep his resentment in around Eren and Mikasa, but everyone could here him scream in pain in the forest next to the HQ.
He used Bertholdt’s memories to see them together all the time, Sasha and Mikasa would become worried he wasn’t grieving well but soon like screams every night stop.
Instead, it was quite crying at night, which wasn’t any better for anyone.
Then they left to find the Sea, one thing that could make Armin come to peace with himself.
Reaching the ocean everyone would play and have fun their but looking down in the water, Armin could’ve sworn he saw his love looking back at him but alas he lost the sight as fast as he saw it.
He knew Y/n would and still is by his side everyday till death brought them back to each other.
Erwin Smith (My Kind of Woman)
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Everyone knew Erwin as a very stoic man, a calm gentle giant but with a heart and will of Iron.
And that was true, but that was after someone not one would talk about.
Their name is Y/n, Erwin Smith’s great love.
In 845, the Survey Corps returned from an expiation, but most do not know what happened.
“Four abnormals on the right wing!” some one shouted
Erwin looked at y/n who was smiling but still looking out for themselves and others. They looked over at Erwin and smiled even wilder.
Ever since training, Y/n saw bright side of things. It was their idea to recruit the Underground rebels.
In all most a flash of lighting, rain pored down soldiers dying all around.
10 abnormals flailing around, killing and eating people.
Erwin stared behind him, watching his comrades die under his orders. Then he locked eyes with y/n as they jumped off their horse as a Titan waved its arm at her.
Y/n yelled hoping he would turn and help them, and he did, yet despite the connection they had…
It was too late, they were harshly picked and swished, screams reaching everyone’s ears. Held above the Titan’s mouth their blood poured into then as the life quickly left their eyes they were dropped into its mouth.
If it wasn’t for Levi, Erwin would’ve been died too.
Ever second since then he blamed himself, knowing if he was just a little faster.
He paid someone to make a painting of her for his office, they were his right-hand person, but others knew it was more than that.
He would cry as quite as he could for years till it was small smiles or few tears while in his office or drinking tea with Levi or Hanji.
They both learned not to question it as it was a normal thing for the man after five years.
The new recruits would ask about the painting of a random person in his office, he would say someone special.
Yet it’s been years he would still become choked up that night.
Mikasa Ackerman (i wanna be your girlfriend)
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Mikasa and Y/n met in training, two people how just sat not needing to say anything to enjoy each other’s company.
Eating dinner, they’d just sit and watch everyone else bicker and talk, nothing needed to be said. Despite being Sasha’s sibling, the older one seem to get all the personality then again there was nothing wrong with the way they were.
Although being close to death of a many of times, they lived and slightly loved Mikasa and watched her grow into a beautiful women she was.
Over the years, y/n become more vocal not wanting to miss out on the moments they had left with everyone. They and Jean would bicker and laugh about dumb things, Connie and they would just sitting and reminisce on old times.
Then Sasha met Nicolo and well y/n had never more vocal about anything before.
“Oooooh the cook, he’s perfect for you.”
y/n would tease Sasha along with Jean and Connie, although Nicolo didn’t seem to mind, Sasha would turn redder than a beet!
Then the war came, Y/n didn’t leave Mikasa side unless it was to save their ether extremely brave or stupid sister.
As y/n and Mikasa run to Eren’s ad after killing the War Hammer Titan, Mikasa yells at Eren.
Y/n watches the two argue, as the War Hammer Titan stands tall and definitely not dead.
Y/n watches as it starts to shoot a crystal goop at them, Y/n wipps around slamming themselves into Mikasa, holding onto her and they both flay away from the now hardened crystal.
“thank you, y/n.”
Y/n only nodded, looking back at the crystal. Again, they themselves in danger for Mikasa but they knew if it came down to it, they would die for their family.
After the battle, everyone was on the air ship, Mikasa had left y/n with Jean, Connie and Sasha. They talked happy to see each other alive.
“You guys are really special to me.”
Next thing anyone knew, both Jean and Y/n heard rumbling from the entrance. Turning around they saw a little girl with a rifle.
y/n quickly realized she was aiming for everyone of the ship, mainly their sister. Running in front of the fire, trying to do the same thing they once saw Hanjie do years ago still the girl shot.
The bullet went straight threw y/n’s stomach; push through the pain they grabbed the gun from the girl. They butted it into the little girl’s head, knocking her out.
The adrenaline wore off, y/n put their hand on their stomach. Their hand covered in blood, they turned around to see their sister on the floor surrounded by their friends.
“Guys…” they dropped the rifle on the floor.
The word came out their mouth, everyone with tears in their eyes slowly turned to look at them.
Jean watched as the blood dripped from their suit on to the light brown flooring.
Y/n began to walk to them, waddling side to side.
Mikasa entered the room watching Y/n fall over into what was now a pool of blood. She quickly ran over, flipping them over sobbing.
Jean quickly applied pressure into the wound, but it was too late. Y/n looked up at Mikasa, their bloodied hand lightly touching her face.
Mikasa sat head on her knees, in between both Blouse graves. She could still here the raspy breaths, the yells of Jean telling them to stay awake and the laugh Eren let out seeing the dead bodies.
She’d cry at nights realizing she loved them more than a friend, she felt like a piece of her was now gone.
During dinners Mikasa would push her food around till she couldn’t sit and not laugh or sob. Armin had become worried of her, but he knew she just needed time.
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pinkie-satan · 4 years ago
I'm drunk and snk is about to end, so here's my dramatic post about it
10 years. I've been obsessed with this masterpiece for 10 years, that's almost a half of my life. And now it's all about to end. Not only the story of titans. A chapter of my life ends too. I don't want it to end, I really don't. And it's not because I want to make the story of Mikasa, Eren and Armin last forever, no, I think everything has been said, there's nothing more left, it should end. But the final chapter that we all are waiting for right now will for sure make me feel so depressed regardless of what we're gonna see in it. At this point nothing can hurt me anymore, I've been hurt so much by this story through the years, that what exactly is gonna happen at the end doesn't matter to me. Like, I'm suddenly so calm about it. But what makes me anxious is the realisation that there's gonna be nothing beyond that. No more waiting for the next chapters, no more leaks, no more chatting with my friends about the plot, no more endless analyses, it all ends. It's scary. Shingeki no kyojin has been something that really helped me live. I know it sounds quite pitiful, but that's how it is and I'm not ashamed of it. This story and those wonderful characters got me through every though moment in my life. When I discovered snk I was really lonely and unsure about my place in this world. But then I saw how strong Mikasa was and I decided I want to be like her. Then I started admiring Armin for beeing such a clever kid. Then I tried becoming this kind and loving girl like Historia. Then Hanji showed me that it's okay to sometimes be loud and crazy about your passions. Then Levi tought me loyality. And Erwin, my dearest Erwin, the way you used to stand tall when the whole world was against you, I will always remember that. I'm still a little bit lost in my life but whenever I feel down I think of them all. Of their struggles and their actions. Of how brave they were. And then I feel I need to be brave like them. I want to be brave like them. They had such a great impact on my life. How can I go on without them? It's weird, I feel like I'm about to be left behind. Like all of my friends are going someplace far away and I'm the only one that stays. I have to move on, there's nothing for me here anymore. But it's so hard to let go of it. I know I can always look back and I surely will. Shingeki no kyojin will always be important to me. I may feel empty and sad now, but the truth is I'm really grateful. Mikasa, Armin, Historia, Sasha, Jean, Reiner, Annie, Hanji, Levi, Erwin, Miche, Nanaba, Moblit, Pieck, Gabi, you were my absolute favourites and I love you all. My snk mutuals, it was so nice talking to you about every new chapter, thanks for beeing my friends. And Isayama, you crazy crazy man, thank you for this story.
Thank you all for everything.
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bnhayyy · 4 years ago
The Call (7)
Chapter Title: Realization
Wordcount: 5.7k
Fic Tag: Click
Ao3 Link: Click
Chapter Summary: Hanji gives the group a warning. Later, Mikasa and Annie have an eventful patrol.
Notes: I sat on this chapter for a bit so that I could use it as my submission for day two of @mikannieweek . I know that it’s technically a day early, but that won’t be stopping me. Also, than you again Celadon for the beta!
The weekend sped by in a blur. Another person disappeared, and although Mikasa channeled it into her motivation, she found that she couldn’t shut the rest of the world out completely. There were people who wouldn’t let her.
Mikasa and Annie patrolled separately. Mikasa on Saturday and Annie on Sunday, so that both slayers would have a day to get caught up on their homework. That turned into Mikasa patrolling alone on Monday as well when Annie reluctantly admitted that she hadn't been able to finish an art project due on Tuesday.
Despite insisting that Mikasa not neglect her classes in the name of slaying, Annie had looked distinctly embarrassed to admit that she was struggling in keeping up with one of her own courses. It was faint, but Mikasa had gotten good enough at reading the other slayer to know it was there. She hoped that she didn't feel too bad about it. It wasn't like Mikasa minded going on patrol by herself; for all that Annie's assistance lifted a weight from her back, it wasn't very long ago that she had patrolled by herself almost every night.
It was almost scary how easily they had fallen into a rhythm. How quickly Annie had become familiar, even a comforting, presence despite her initial distrust. Just how quickly she had started to trust her. It was a little overwhelming.
That brought up the other reason she didn't mind doing the Monday patrol alone. It gave her time to think .
Something had changed between her and Annie when she told her about that night. She wasn't certain exactly how or what, but there'd been a distinct shift. There was a weight in their shared glances that hadn't been there before. Or maybe it had, but was only now noticeable. Could the same thing be said of the sparks that danced over their skin when their hands touched? The looks that lingered, the silences that rang heavy with words unsaid?
Mikasa didn't know what was happening or what to do about it, but she was trying her hardest to figure it out.
She didn't know if she could manage by herself, but she didn't think she had another option in this case. Her expanded social life did nothing to change that. Going to Armin for issues like this simply wasn't an option. Jean was nice, but their friendship was also very new and untested. She wasn't comfortable going to him to discuss such complex, mysterious feelings. Sasha had dogged Mikasa persistently enough that she could honestly say that she was a little closer to her, close enough that she had sincerely considered talking to her for a little while. The trouble was that she didn't completely trust that she wouldn't tell Connie, who absolutely would tell Reiner, which would be disastrous on multiple levels.
A ridiculous part of her wanted to talk to Eren about it. It was a horrible idea. Discarding the fact that he wasn't real, she got the sense that he would be all but useless for things like this. Naturally, she had discarded the notion as soon as it had occurred to her.
That didn't stop it from lingering in the back of her mind.
Perhaps that was why he had been trailing after her all morning long. She thought about him, and so he was there.
At least it was easy to ignore him this morning. He had disappeared while she was in History, and although he had reappeared once she left, she knew that she would have plenty to distract her until it was time for American Literature.
One of Erwin's friends had asked everyone to meet them in the library for an "urgent matter". It had sounded like they meant business when Erwin called her. They had gone as far as to book one of the meeting rooms in the library.
However, when Mikasa strode into the room, Erwin's eccentric friend was nowhere to be seen. Behind her, Eren snorted and rolled his eyes. "That's Hanji, alright," he muttered.
Mikasa turned her attention to the people who were there. Sasha and Connie were both there, clustered in on either side of a visibly irritated Jean. They didn't say anything to Mikasa, the two of them too caught up in their conversation and their long-suffering third unable to hear her arrival over their spirited chatter. Armin sat a few spots down from them, caught somewhere between preemptively attentive and uncomfortable and out of place. He shot Mikasa a small smile, which she returned with a nod.
Finally, Erwin sat at the table, a bored-looking Levi lounging by his side.
"Your friend isn't here," Mikasa pointed out.
At least Erwin had the decency to look flustered. "I'm sure Hanji will be along in a moment," he said, tugging on his shirt collar.
Levi snorted. "Four-eyes runs on their own schedule," he said. "They'll be ready when they're ready."
Mikasa pursed her lips. "I don't have all day."
Levi waved his hand dismissively. "This is more important than your classes."
She saw Eren look at her and shake his head out of the corner of her eyes. However, he quickly fell out of her line of sight as she narrowed her eyes at the asshole Erwin had seen fit to call in. He just raised an impassive eyebrow at her, seemingly undaunted by being stared down by a slayer.
Before the interaction could go any further, the door to the meeting room opened again. Annie strode in with Reiner following a short distance behind her. She gave the room a quick once-over before looking at Mikasa, a frown on her lips.
"No Hanji?" she asked.
"No Hanji," Mikasa confirmed.
"Then why..." Annie trailed off almost as soon as she started speaking, gaze following Reiner as he carefully stalked around the edge of the meeting room. It seemed that he had noticed that Sasha and Connie were off in their own little world. Now, he held a finger up to his playfully smirking lips as he snuck up on them.
Once he was directly behind them, he waited for a few seconds, then reached out to drop the palm of his hand on top of Connie's head.
He was greeted by a high-pitched shriek, which got a scream from Sasha, which made Jean curse and drop lower in his chair.
Reiner laughed and jumped back to avoid being swatted at by Connie, who twisted around in his chair in his attempt to get him. "Asshole!" he cried. "Your hands are cold!"
"Just keeping you on your toes!" Reiner teased, unrepentant. Connie let out an undignified squawk and leaned forward to swat at his arm, which just sent Reiner into another round of laughter.
"If you could do that when he isn't close enough to deafen anyone, that would be appreciated," Jean growled.
At the same time, Levi looked at Erwin and informed him, "you're working with five-year-olds."
Erwin sighed. "Levi..."
In response, Levi jerked his head back at Connie, who was glowering at a still-laughing Reiner, and Sasha, who had slithered out of her chair and was now circling the edges of the room in what Mikasa could only assume was an attempt to sneak up on Reiner while he was distracted. "Five," he repeated. "Maybe eight, tops."
Annie looked like she didn't know what to make of everything. Mikasa couldn't say she blamed her. As Sasha slinked around Mikasa in her loop around the room, she couldn't decide if she should say something or just leave the girl to it.
Her mind was made up by Hanji kicking the door open and exclaiming in a sing-song voice, "We have a vengeance demon!"
Mikasa grabbed Sasha by her upper arm and dragged her down into the seat next to her as she sat down. Sasha let out a disappointed whine, but otherwise didn't protest. At the same time, Reiner finally settled down and took the now-open seat next to Jean, while Annie sat down in between Mikasa and Armin. Mikasa's gaze lingered on her for a few moments. However, before she could figure out exactly what she was looking at, her attention was drawn over to Levi.
"What makes you say that?" he asked, shooting Hanji an unimpressed look.
Hanji shuffled both of the heavy cases they were carrying to dangle from their left hand so that they could dig through the pocket of their jeans with their right. After a few seconds of digging, they let out a triumphant, "aha!" and pulled out a small, bright green crystal.
A small, glowing bright green crystal.
Mikasa squinted at the stone, a frown creeping across her face. Now that she was looking closely, it looked like the crystal was actually white around the edges. The color came from the unnatural glow emanating from the center. As she watched, a ripple of intensified color ran over it. It happened again a few seconds later.
Hanji seemed very pleased with themselves. However, when Mikasa took a look around, she noticed that everyone other than Erwin and Levi just seemed confused. Even Eren, who had moved to hover behind Reiner, wore a befuddled look on his face.
The silence that had fallen over the room was broken by Erwin clearing his throat. "A demonic presence detector, Hanji?" he asked.
"Reality-altering demons, specifically," Hanji said. "And it's a strong one, to get a reaction like this." They held the crystal a little higher and turned it over in their fingers, staring at it like it held a treasure trove of information. To them, it probably did.
"And how'd that lead you to a vengeance demon?" Levi asked, crossing his arms. "Last I checked, those things are rare, and there are plenty of reality-alterers."
Hanji clicked their tongue. "Oh Levi, ye of little faith."
Hanji pocketed the crystal, shifted one of their briefcases back into their other hand, and approached the table. They didn't bother sitting down before lifting their cases and all but dropping them on the table in their enthusiasm. One of them landed more loudly than the others. 
 Levi fixed the louder briefcase with a disapproving glower before turning his attention back to Hanji. "Hanji," he said.
"Is one of those cases full of rocks?"
Hanji shot him an overly wide grin. "Of course."
Levi looked like he was experiencing a unique, but not unexpected, brand of torment. "Are all of them glowing?"
Hanji laughed. "No - no - that would be-"
"Don't care," Levi interrupted. "Did you call this meeting to force us all to hear about the magic rocks?"
A series of concerned looks made their way across the table. None of them knew Hanji well yet, but there was no denying the sense that if Hanji got talking about something they were interested in, they were going to be there for a while. Mikasa honestly didn't know how she felt about that. She did have things to do, but if it was an interesting topic, she could also think of worse ways to spend her time.
Annie, on the other hand, looked about ready to bolt.
"No," Hanji said. Although they were mainly reassuring Levi, they did shoot a quick glance around the rest of the room, paired with a small smile. "I had the suitcase full of crystals with me for something else. We are here to talk about the vengeance demon."
Mikasa didn't think she imagined the collective sigh of relief.
"Hm." Levi leaned back in his chair, a vaguely disinterested look flitting back across his features. "Get on with it, then."
Mikasa couldn't help but frown at his demeanor. Was this what he was always like? Her gaze flickered over to Erwin. He looked focused and had a slight glint in his eyes, probably eager to get on with the meeting. More importantly, it was nothing that she hadn't seen at all. He seemed entirely unbothered by Levi's general attitude.
That didn't bode well.
Meanwhile, Hanji was undoing a series of locks to open the lighter briefcase. After a few seconds, they flung it open to reveal several folders. They immediately snatched the one at the top and pulled out a stack of papers.
A photograph was on the top of the stack. It was a little grainy, but not so much that it was impossible to make out the person in the picture. Hanji put it down in the center of the table and triumphantly said, "that's how I know we have a vengeance demon."
"You recognize the person in the picture?" Erwin asked. As he spoke, Annie grabbed the photo for a closer look. She stared down at it, expression unreadable.
"Ooooh yes," Hanji said. "One of the first things I did when I got here was set up a few cameras in highly congested areas, and other areas demons are likely to frequent. Well, I haven't been able to find our mystery killer yet - seriously, you were right, Erwin. They seem impulsive, but they must be meticulous about their actual hunting habits, to avoid places frequented by humans and demons-"
"Hanji," Erwin gently prompted.
"Right," Hanji said. "So, this guy popped up and started causing trouble a few years ago. We haven't been able to figure out his name yet, but he's definitely a vengeance demon."
"He looks normal," Annie said, passing the photo to Mikasa as she spoke.
Mikasa accepted the photo and frowned. The photo showed a scowling young man with sandy-blond hair styled into an undercut. He was largely nondescript. The picture didn't show his feet, but Mikasa could make out jeans, a jacket, and some sort of amulet dangling from his neck.
Annie was right. He looked like any other person.
"He would," Hanji said. "Vengeance demons used to be human themselves."
"That's possible?" Sasha asked as Mikasa passed her the picture.
"Of course," Hanji said. "It's true that most demons are born as humans, since witches still count as human and vampires are a subcategory of their own. But there are some types of demons that have human origins and vengeance demons are one of them. They come from a human who has been wronged and feel a powerful need for revenge. So much so that they attract the leader of the vengeance demons, who offers them immortality and the ability to help others enact vengeance in exchange for giving up their human life. Most don't see a reason to say no."
"He looks grumpy," Connie mumbled before passing the photo to Erwin, who glanced at it only briefly before handing it to Levi.
"The ability to help others enact vengeance," Armin slowly said. "What does that mean, exactly?"
"I'm glad you asked," Hanji said. "Vengeance demons grant wishes for people who feel they've been wronged. They approach them at an emotional weak point and get them talking about their problems. Then, if they can get someone to verbally express a wish..." Hanji leaned forward, then clapped their hands, making everyone but Levi and Erwin flinch. "Wish granted."
"That doesn't sound so bad," Jean said. He kept glancing at Connie, who was now in possession of the photo, and seemed to be struggling caught in a fight between his need to maintain his dignity and the urge to peer over his shoulder for a look at it. "If these people have been wronged, don't they deserve someone to mete out justice?"
"There's a lot more to it than that," Hanji said, their voice taking on a grave tone. "Vengeance demons are still demons. Unless the wish they're granting is already especially vindictive, they always add a slant to it that makes it cruel and unusual. It might not be the person making the wish who suffers, but someone will end up in a great deal of pain from the wish, often more than they actually deserve. And if only one person gets the brunt of it, that means you got off lucky."
"And if you didn't?" Sasha asked, a slight waver in her voice.
Hanji smiled grimly. "Like Levi said, vengeance demons are reality warpers. They can manifest demons, wipe people out of existence - the right wish can even spawn an entire alternate universe that the wish maker will be trapped in. And believe me when I say that these universes are always significantly worse than whatever situation they started in."
Jean looked like he might be sick. "Right," he said as he accepted the photo from Connie. "Don't make any wishes. Got it."
Mikasa shot a glance at Annie. Something in her expression was subtly distant. It made Mikasa wonder, had Annie ever dealt with the threat of a demon this powerful? Was she intimidated? It didn't sound like her, but it also wasn't completely outside the realm of possibility. The pull she felt toward her wasn't the same thing as actually knowing her. She couldn't even tell if that was distance in her expression or...
Sadness. Something about Annie looked sad right now.
Despite everything, it was kind of pretty.
Mikasa pushed the thought down and forced herself to focus on the question she should be asking. The only thing that mattered right now. "How do you kill a vengeance demon?" she asked.
"You don't," Hanji said. "But! Did you notice that amulet he's wearing? Every vengeance demon has one; a green gem with red speckles. It's their power source. And, luckily for us, pretty fragile. If you're able to break it, the vengeance demon will be turned back into a demon and the most recent wish they granted will be undone."
"Only the most recent?" Jean asked, still staring at the picture.
"Only the most recent," Hanji confirmed.
Jean hummed and passed the picture to Reiner. Behind his shoulder, Eren leaned forward to stare at it, a pensive expression falling across his face.
"Vengeance demons usually have a particular vendetta that they focus on," Erwin piped up. "Does this one?"
"That's where things get interesting," Hanji said. "All reports say that this demon has a thing for avenging lost loved ones. So either we have an awfully big coincidence on our hands, or..." Hanji trailed off, giving Erwin a long, meaningful look.
"You think he's been drawn in by the disappearances," Erwin summarized.
Out of the corner of her eye, Mikasa noticed Annie shift to look at Reiner, who was still inspecting the photo.
"He could also be after someone specific," Annie said.
Mikasa frowned. "You mean he might be seeking revenge on one person?" she asked. It sounded like a broad assumption, but she doubted that Annie would make a truly random guess. If the other slayer thought it was a theory worth considering, then Mikasa didn't want to dismiss it offhand.
"Yes," Annie said. "If vengeance demons are made from vengeful people, then it sounds like he's likely to have a grudge on someone."
"It's possible," Hanji said, "but unlikely. Vengeance demons are organized. They aren't supposed to seek vengeance on their own behalf, and one who does could end up in a lot of trouble." They paused, pursing their lips and shaking their head. "Even if it found the right loopholes, the demon would have to be really reckless to try something like that in the first place."
"Unlikely isn't the same as impossible," Eren murmured. Mikasa risked sending him a look, but he didn't respond, instead continuing to stare at the photo in Reiner's hand.
"Well, I'm sure we'll be able to handle whatever happens," Reiner said, passing the photo across the table to Armin.
"Think you might be being too optimistic?" Jean grumbled.
"Yes," Annie said.
At the same time, Reiner said, "nah."
He paused for a moment, shooting Annie a short glance, before continuing, "maybe vengeance demons are tough, but if you ask me, that guy doesn't look too smart. We'll be fine as long as we just don't make any wishes and destroy that necklace of his."
Annie cast him a long look. "There are a lot of people in this city who might want vengeance."
Reiner shrugged. "So we take care of him sooner rather than later. Now that we all know to look out of him, I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Especially since we have you and Mikasa."
"This is a serious situation, and we need to be careful not to let our guards down," Erwin cut in. "But Reiner is right. If you see the man in this picture, contact me, Hanji, or Levi as soon as possible, and no matter what, do not make any wishes." He slowly shifted his gaze down the table, making sure to make eye contact with every individual. He paused when he hit Mikasa.
"Is there anything else?" Mikasa asked. It was all Erwin was going to get from her. She'd listened carefully and understood what was going on. She didn't need a watcher to hold her hand through whatever came next.
Erwin looked over at Hanji, who shrugged. "Pretty much, yeah," they said.
Mikasa nodded, then looked down at her watch. She had American Literature in fifteen minutes. "I need to get going."
"Yeah," Hanji said. "You should probably all skitter on off to class or whatever it is you do." They waved their hand dismissively even as they pulled out a chair and finally sat down. A quick glance at Erwin and Levi revealed that neither of them looked like they were about to leave either.
Fine. Mikasa wasn't about to ignore a dismissal in favor of lingering around them.
She shrugged her bag back over her shoulder and got to her feet. No sooner had she done so than Sasha all but sprinted past her, babbling something about a forgotten roast. Mikasa couldn't help but pause and blink at the sight.
A groan echoed from across the table. "I warned you not to start cooking just before leaving!" Connie called.
"Conniiiiieee!" Sasha whined as she disappeared out the door and around the corner.
Connie flashed the group an apologetic look that was somewhat hindered by the smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I'd better go make sure she didn't burn her apartment down," he said. With that, he hurried off after his friend.
Annie scoffed. She and Armin were both rising to their feet. Mikasa only had to briefly shoot them a curious look for Annie to say, "we're going to go study in the library." She paused then, something fragile and hesitant showing in her eyes for half a second. "Would you like to...?"
Mikasa shook her head. "I need to get to American Literature," she said. She couldn't help but be surprised by just how reluctant she was to turn the offer down. Watching the hopeful look Armin had given her fade stung, but it was a discomfort that she had long grown used to. The way the fragile thing in Annie's gaze faltered and disappeared - that did something to her. It was what pushed her to hurriedly add, "I'll see you later though?"
Annie offered a small smile. "Yeah," she said. "Meet me in front of the graveyard at eight."
Mikasa nodded.
 "Mikasa, what class do you have?" Jean asked from where he had moved to stand by the door. 
"American Literature," she said.
"With Professor Stevenson?" Jean asked.
Mikasa nodded.
Jean grinned. "Cool; Reiner and I are going the same way. You should walk with us."
Reiner snorted. "Try not to flirt too hard, Jean."
Jean scowled. "Braun, if I was flirting, then believe me, I wouldn't include you in it."
Reiner held a hand over his heart. "Ouch," he said, although his ear-to-ear grin betrayed him. "Words hurt, Kirstein."
Jean scoffed and rolled his eyes before shifting his attention back to Mikasa. He looked like he was torn between whether to say something or wait for her to respond.
"Alright," Mikasa said, taking him out of his misery.
"Great!" Jean said. "That's-"
"He thanks you for gracing his humble self with your presence," Reiner said.
"Would it kill you to keep your thoughts to yourself?" Jean asked, shooting Reiner an entirely unimpressed look. However, despite the bite in his words, Mikasa failed to detect any malice.
It was interesting how different friendships could look on different people.
It was interesting how much she had forgotten about it during her years alone. Interesting how a little under two months of being around other people - not even always directly interacting with them, just being around them - was making her start to remember.
"It might," Reiner retorted.
Mikasa's lips twitched with the urge to smile or laugh. It was subtle enough that she doubted Jean or Reiner noticed, but she did, and that had to count for something.
The three of them left the room, Jean and Reiner continuing to talk while Mikasa walked in silence. She soon tuned it out and allowed it to wash over her. Or at least, she did until they had left the library and were halfway down the hallway that connected it to the English building, at which point Jean asked, "right, Mikasa?"
Mikasa blinked. "Huh?"
"Jojo's Bizarre Adventure," Jean said. "It's nonsensical, right?"
Mikasa blinked. She had absolutely no idea when the conversation had shifted to that topic. And more importantly... "I don't know what that is."
"It's an anime," Reiner said. "And it is not nonsensical if you watch it from the beginning."
"Who the hell would watch that stuff from the beginning?" Jean asked. "Doesn't it have a thousand episodes? And doesn't the beginning suck? Connie spent all of art class ranting about it last week."
"Not a thousand," Reiner countered. "And not everyone got to skip the first part."
"Are you implying that someone made you watch the first part?" Jean asked, incredulous. "Who on earth-"
Reiner hesitated. After a few seconds, he began to say something, only to quickly switch tracks when he saw someone approaching them. "Marco!" he cheerfully called.
"Hey, guys," Marco said. He paused by the side of the hallway, causing Jean and Reiner to step to the side as well. Mikasa paused out of curiosity, but not without an awareness of her need to get to class nagging at the back of her mind.
"What are you talking about?" Marco asked.
"Anime," Mikasa said.
"Oh!" Marco shot Mikasa a look of surprise. "I didn't know you were into that stuff."
"I'm not," she said, "but Jean and Reiner seem pretty interested in it."
Reiner sputtered while Jean began to blush.
"I-I'm not," he stammered. "I was just telling Reiner that Jojo is trash."
"Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?" Marco questioned. When Jean nodded, he added, "I actually really like that one. The first part is my favorite. It's not super popular, but I like the vampires and the poeticism of it."
Reiner chuckled while Jean groaned. "I'm surrounded by people with no taste," he grumbled.
"I mean, have you ever given it a chance, Jean?" Marco asked.
"No," Jean said, "but I've heard about it on the internet. Why would I-"
"If you haven't seen it yourself, you have no room to judge," Reiner remarked.
"Exactly," Marco said.
Jean looked like he was going to argue. Unfortunately, Mikasa didn't have the time to stick around and watch. She took a step back and said, "I need to get going."
That immediately got Jean's attention. "Are you sure?" he asked. "We can-"
"It's fine," Mikasa interrupted. "I just need to get to class."
Despite her abrupt departure, a warm, pleasant feeling lingered in her as she made her way to class.
The feeling faded when, about halfway through the class, her thoughts turned to Annie and that complicated knot of emotions resurfaced.
Mikasa thoughtfully shifted the sword from hand to hand. It wasn't particularly fancy or ornate, but it looked like it was well-made. She was surprised by how pleasant the weight was in her hands. Reiner was right, it felt like a weapon that would build a good momentum once she got going.
She and Annie had decided to try using the same weapons tonight, another step to avoid a repeat of anything like the Ymir incident. A quick glance at the other slayer revealed that she looked at ease with her weapon. She had a solid hold on the hilt, but didn't appear to be paying too much attention to it, which meant that it had to be a reflex.
Annie didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything tonight. A bored expression rested on her face as they walked through the graveyard. Her eyes did broad, slow sweeps of the area, never actually pausing on anything except for when they caught on-
Correction. Annie was paying attention to one thing tonight. Mikasa just didn't know what to make of the short yet lingering looks. She also didn't know why she kept glancing at Annie. By now, they had gone on enough patrols together that she knew that she didn't need to keep her eyes on her at all time. The sound of her gentle footsteps and feeling of her subtle warmth beside her should have been enough.
Yet she wanted to see her.
She supposed she could understand why. Annie had a unique beauty to her that was pleasant to look at. But that had nothing to do with slaying. Yes, the sword did enhance it to a degree, but the fact remained that Mikasa shouldn't be preoccupied with staring at her fellow slayer when there was work to be done.
What the hell was wrong with her?
Mikasa was snapped out of her thoughts by a deep growl splitting the air. She turned on her heel to find herself face-to-face with a large, orange, scaled demon. The demon swung at her with one great clawed hand, which she blocked with her sword while twisting out of its reach. The sword's blade struggled against the demon's scales. When she drew it back, she noticed that only a thin line of green blood had been left behind.
The demon hissed at her, fangs flaring out, and lashed at her again. Mikasa easily jumped back. It was tempting to rush in, but with an opponent like this, she wanted to find a weak point first.
A flash of blonde hair in the corner of her eye distracted her - or perhaps it triggered an epiphany. Even after the fact, she wouldn't be able to say which with absolute certainty.
Annie darted toward the demon. She feigned to the left, and when it moved to intercept, slashed her sword against the right side of the stomach. The demon let out a furious roar as green fluid began to spurt from its wound. Then, with surprising speed, it brought its hand down on Annie's chest and shoved , sending her stumbling back and tumbling to the cemetery ground.
That was the opening Mikasa needed. She rushed at the demon's back, aimed the tip of her sword at the demon's heart, and shoved with all her might.
The sword went straight through the demon's chest. It let out a throaty scream and thrashed for half a second before slumping forward. There it lingered for half a second before exploding in a hail of thick green goop.
Mikasa automatically staggered back and raised her arm to spare her face from the worst of the carnage.
Annie wasn't so lucky. When she lowered her arm, she saw the blonde sprawled on the ground, sputtering as she tried to use her sleeve to wipe demon guts off her face. Long strings of dark green slung to her hair while bright green blood ran down her neck in rivulets. When she pulled her hand back to reveal her disgruntled expression, Mikasa noticed the streaks of green that still clung to her jawline, cheeks, and forehead.
It was disgusting.
Yet, somehow, it was also beautiful.
With blood rushing through her veins and the world seemingly standing still around them, Mikasa held a hand out to Annie. She offered her a smile that she hoped came across as encouraging despite the odd way it pulled at her lips. "Good job," she said.
Annie scoffed as she took her hand and let Mikasa pull her back up. "That thing got a hit in," she said. "That's not what I'd call a good job."
"You gave me a window to kill it," Mikasa pointed out.
"I guess," Annie murmured.
"Aren't you the one who likes to talk about teamwork?" Mikasa asked, a teasing hint leaking into her voice. In her chest, her heart pounded harder than it had any right to. Maybe it was the adrenaline. Or maybe, maybe...
Annie scoffed and rolled her eyes. It was offset by the faint curl of her lips and the twinkle that burst to life in her eyes.
She was beautiful.
And suddenly, Mikasa realized what was going on between her and Annie. It was a revelation, great and terrifying, the recognition of the nature of the energy between them, the connection, the attraction.
Mikasa knew that she was being reckless. She knew that she might regret it. But in that moment, with her heart pounding in her chest, adrenaline rushing through her veins, and blood covering the both of them, she didn't care. Right now, all she could focus on was that Annie was there, the only girl in the world who could understand what she went through, and the heat and tension crackled between them like an electric coil. They were both there and they were both alive .
What were the odds of that happening?
How long would it stay that way?
At that moment, the answer was clear. Not long enough to wait.
"Annie," Mikasa said, grabbing her wrist and taking a step closer.
The other slayer turned toward her. She moved to say something, but as her eyes caught Mikasa's, Annie closed her mouth and shifted closer to her.
For a moment, they just stared at each other, caught in the moment and each other's eyes.
Then, before this moment of reckless bravery could wear out, Mikasa kissed her.
Annie tasted like blood. Somehow, she couldn't imagine anything else.
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marsbutterfly · 4 years ago
The Scientist’s Gamble - Part 1
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Summary:  "Attention! Commander Erwin has sent me here today with an announcement! In exactly one month an expedition will take place outside the walls!", Moblit pauses for a second, paying close attention to the reactions in front of him. "The goal of this mission will be..."
Note:  I would like to thank my amazing wife for editing this fic for me, I know it wasn't easy and I love her very much. She has been nothing but supportive from the very beginning and her help is extremely appreciated as I try to find own my writing style in a whole different language. She's amazing and I'm very lucky to have her in my life!
Next Chapter
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"Wait... So we're going outside the walls to capture a titan so that Squad Leader Hanji can experiment on it?" someone asks from the back of the room.
"Well... Yes, but it's for the good of humanity," Moblit says while he holds the bridge of his nose. The expression on his face tells you that he did not agree with this, but he is willing to give it a go so long as life inside the walls could take its next step towards the truth. "The Commander has given his OK, so this operation will be moving forward. Now, how she managed to convince him to agree to this is beyond me..." His voice disappears as he walks out of the room, all the while scribbling on his clipboard.
As soon as his silhouette is out of sight, the room starts to fill with murmurs.
"That's such a waste of resources!"
"We should be out there killing titans, not this!"
From your spot in the corner of the room, you begin to write in your journal everything you might need to prepare for the expedition, such as a new training schedule and what arrangements would need to be done.
"Y/N?" says a disembodied voice, startling you a bit and pulling you away from your to-do list. "Y/N? Are you in there?"
You look up to see Eren waving his hand in front of your face, almost failing to catch your attention.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you say, not looking at him, and not really sorry. "What were you saying?"
He laughs. "You really are hopeless. Would you like to come train with us?" He gestures at the Cadet group as they walk out the door.
"Oh, not today," you say, "I need to head back to my room to collect some of my notes and deliver them to my Squad Leader. I wouldn't want our next expedition to be delayed, you know!" Although you try your best to remain serious, the enthusiasm in your voice is undeniable.
He rolls his eyes and allows his lips to curl into a smirk, "We'll catch up with you later then!" he says while walking towards the door and just like that, you're alone in the classroom. Packing your things, you make your way out. You read the notes in your hands as you walk, making sure you only need to make one quick stop before heading toward the lab.
Once in your room, you look underneath every book, paper, and pile of clothes. You try your best to find your notes on titan deterioration, but quickly realize they are nowhere to be found.
Did you not bring them back after the last expedition? No, you remember seeing them just a couple of days ago. Could they be with old reports? No, you just checked. Did someone take them? At that moment, you realize that just may be what happened. After what happened with Annie Leonhardt, you didn't know who you could trust, and as a result, you've been being extremely careful not to misplace your paperwork.
Yet somehow your most important piece of work is missing. Slowly but surely, panic sets in. "What will I tell Squad Leader Hanji? I don't want to disappoint her," you mutter, taking a deep breath. Panicking won't help right now, so you do your best to pull yourself together, and gather all the other papers you need before making your way towards the lab.
You knock on the lab door rather loudly a couple of times.
"Come in!" Your heart skips a beat at the sound of her voice calling from the inside of the room. You open the door slowly, remembering past instances of her dropping glass beakers when startled. Luckily Hanji is just sitting at her desk, writing reports. Likely about the most recent past expedition, probably where she got the idea of capturing yet another titan to serve as her experiment. At least that would give Eren a little bit of a break. He really needs it.
"Squad Leader Hanji, I brought you all the data I've collected about titans from previous expeditions. The most common sizes, our studies on abnormal..." Your hearts speeds up as you notice her looking at you, but you can't bring yourself to face her as you speak again. "I can't seem to find the papers about their deterioration. All the details we've collected seem to be lost. I'm so sorry, and I'll keep looking for it. If I can't find it until tonight, I'll write you a new report from memory, I swear." You can feel her eyes on you, and it gets a little harder to breathe. Your lungs try their best to keep up with the speed of your rambling.
"Well, Y/N," Hanji says, getting closer as she walks towards you. Tears of frustration well in your eyes, and you expect the worst. You worked so hard to become her assistant, to earn this. The thought of it all going wrong would be enough to break you. You're vaguely aware of her rifling through papers on her desk.
"It's alright, dear! I have them right here. You must have forgotten them here last night. I reminded you to grab them but you seemed to be in quite a hurry." Hanji could sense the uneasiness coming from her assistant, her face softening as she pulls you into a hug, and it's desperately what you need at that moment. You breathe a sigh of relief now that you know you didn't mess this up. At least not this time.
You let your mind wander to last night. You had spent hours copying the indiscernible scribble-scratch of Hanji's field notes. You think of how you called her over to translate a particularly messy section, and you think of the way she gently touched your arm before her hand slid along your skin as she reached for the pen. The hairs on your body instantly rose, and combined with the chills going down your spine, you couldn't help the embarrassment that flooded through you. Before she could've said anything, you got up and ran, wishing her a hasty goodnight on your way out.
Your cheeks burn. No wonder you misplaced your papers.
But realization hit you; Hanji has her arms around you in a warm and comforting embrace. She's holding you, cradling you. The heat in your cheeks spread across your entire face, a dark shade of red replacing your usual skin tone. One of the reasons you wanted to be her assistant in the first place was to spend time with her. Your crush on Hanji isn't something new and has never been a secret. Everyone seems to know about it... except Hanji herself.
"Are you all right? Your heart is beating so fast," Hanji says, breaking the silence between you two. She pokes two fingers against your neck to feel the pulse, but you swat her hand away. You quickly pull away while looking in the other direction, hoping she doesn't notice your embarrassment.
"I'm fine, Squad Leader! Do you need my help with anything today?" you say, gathering enough strength to sound like you aren't melting before her eyes.
"Not for now. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be mostly filling out paperwork and preparing the lab to receive our new visitor," she beams, and the stars in her paired eyes with the excitement in her voice is more than enough to bring a smile to your face.
Hanji grabs your shoulders. "All I need is for you to study our past discoveries, but mostly prepare yourself for all the new ones we're about to make!" She begins to gently shake you, rocking you back and forth in her excitement. "Make sure to practice your 3D maneuvers as well, I wouldn't want to lose my favorite assistant!"
You feel your blush deepen, and wonder how she doesn't notice.
"Of course, Squad Leader," you say.
During the next four weeks, you spend your days mostly with your friends in the hopes some of their strongest skills rub off on you.
Mikasa teaches you how she handles her blade. You try your best to learn from her, but handling swords isn't your strong suit. But still, there is a noticeable improvement in your form. Thanks to her, your blades can firmly and precisely cut through a titan's nape without any problem.
Eren and Jean argue over who would help you with 3DM air movements until they finally agree that it would be best for both of them to assist you. This plan lasts less than a week until finally after you break up two fistfights and countless arguments, the two of them come to the conclusion that being around each other is worse than a death sentence. You start to practice on your own, but they manage to teach you a few new tricks, like being able to do a backflip before slicing the titan's neck, that way you would be able to move quickly and proceed to another titan in a matter of seconds.
Armin sits with you every day during lunch and dinner, keeping your knowledge on Titans sharp. He shuffles through bundles of cards as well as notebooks full of information. He quizzes you every day and corrects you when you're wrong. He's the most helpful of them all.
Reiner and Bertholdt do their best to train you in hand-to-hand combat. You won't need it, and Annie was better than they are, but they must have sparred with her enough for some of her moves to rub off, and you figure there's no harm in being overly prepared.
Krista teaches you what she knows about how to care for wounds with ingredients you can find in the forest. She shows you how to wrap an injury and how to do it quickly. Nothing new, but she is very good at helping others. Ymir shows up halfway through Krista's splinting demonstration, and you're pretty sure she only stays there so she can play the part of swooning, Injured Scout. Every so often she would let out a long sigh and moan about her fake injuries. "I'm so hurt Krista, please take care of me," she says. "If I survive this injury, please marry me Krista." You don't ask Ymir for help with anything, you know all she really puts effort into is charming Krista.
Sasha and Connie... well, they're certainly a good distraction when you need a break. Sasha tells you her hunting stories, and when she notices you're interested, her stories become much more dramatically performed. She recruits Connie to help her put on a play, and he plays every character in her stories: Sasha herself, the injured animal, even the sound of the wind as it rushes past the trees. They are exceptionally good at making you laugh.
The night before the expedition departs, while you're in your room packing your bags and triple-checking your list making sure everything you might need is in it. Everything seems to be in order. Flare guns, medical supplies, a toothbrush and comb. A sudden knock on your door pulls you away from your thoughts.
"Y/N, can I come in?" says a familiar voice, and your heart skips. You nearly give yourself whiplash as you turn your head.
"Yes!" you call out, and the door creaks open. Your eyes meet Hanji's, and a familiar feeling overtakes you.
"I haven't seen you in so long. I miss you," she has a gentle smile on her face, and you feel your cheeks reddening as usual. Why must your body do this to you every time she's around? You signal for her to come inside, and Hanji closes the door behind her.
Hanji sits on your bed while reaching for your hand. She takes it and pulls you closer, excitement in her eyes. As soon as you readjust next to her, you impulsively wrap your arms around her shoulders. It takes Hanji by surprise, but she is quick to return the embrace. If only you had the courage to tell her how you feel before you leave tomorrow... but you can't risk clouding her mind with such thoughts. She needs to have a clear head tomorrow, and you need to be there for her no matter what. She may not know how you feel, but you need to remember her like this, just in case. You touch the rough fabric of her jacket, inhale the scent of her hair, feel the cold and hardness of her glasses press against your cheek. You just hold her, needing to feel her like it's the last thing you'd ever do on this Earth.
You wish you could stay forever in her arms, but you manage to pull yourself away after a few seconds. Hanji gives you a soft look. "What was that about?" she asks.
Your face feels so hot you're surprised you don't burst into flames. That familiar feeling takes over your body while your brain processes everything that just happened.
"I missed you too," is all you can say. "So, did you want to tell me something, Hanji?"
Her slight smile disappears. She takes a deep breath, as if the air in her lungs is about to be stolen, "I'm just a little nervous about tomorrow. I thought you might be able to help me calm down, but it seems like I didn't even need to ask," she says, smiling. "Do you feel ready?"
"Yes, I've been practicing to make sure I will not be killed tomorrow!", you say, forming fists with your hands and positioning them on your hips. You're proud of everything you've accomplished with your friends' help during these past few weeks. Hanji starts laughing, and you beam with pride. You hope this is what she needed.
When her laughter subsides, Hanji lets out a contented sigh. "I honestly don't know what I would do without you around," she says.
Your eyes widen, and you get embarrassed again. You can't help but look away. Her soft hand touches your shoulder, "I should get going now. I need to look over some details before we leave in the morning." She squeezes your shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
You nod. "Of course, Squad Leader."
"Our mission, the expedition to capture a Titan, will now commence! Give up your hearts for humanity!" Commander Erwin's voice echoes clearly throughout the scouts as the gate opens fully. While screaming, he signals with his arms and the horses sprint outside the wall in formation. The gate closes behind them with a heavy thunk.
The sky is a beautiful shade of blue, with very few clouds. The cold breeze against your skin brings chills everywhere it touches. There are goosebumps all over your body, but the excitement rushing through your veins is enough to keep you warm for now. You've been preparing yourself for this for the past month and you feel like for once, luck is on your side.
Right next to you rides Hanji. Her laugh rings out louder than dozens of thundering hooves and yelling Scouts. The Commander had asked you to stay by her side at all times, mostly to keep her from getting herself killed, and judging by the twinkle in his eye, you could tell that your affections were noticed even at the highest level of the Scouting Regiment.
As the formation rides out, Hanji takes a moment to meet your eyes, and you smile at her. Today is going to be a win for humanity, you think to yourself.
You could not be more wrong.
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everseeking · 4 years ago
hello!! It's your relief story anon!!! i friken love what you wrote!!! may i have another request 🥺 similar to the relief story, Levi's s/o gets into a near death experience right in front of him and he freezes for the first time. everyone's super shocked abt it after the mission and he gets reprimanded just for formalities (erwin n hanji rlly just wanna check up on him personally) but they all understand since he's been through a lot. Levi can't deal with his emotions and he wants to say i love you to his s/o (first time saying it) but he doesn't know how and yes HAHAHAHA
- OMG HI AGAIN ! IM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOYED IT THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!! thank you again not only for requesting that, but also for requesting again, it’s so awesome when u guys come back and request more :) plus your ideas are always so great. i had a lot of fun writing this, i hope u enjoy <3 (and i got your second message tysm for adding it ! i tried to include as much fluff as possible but my dumb brain always defaults to angst hahaha)
how to say i love you
- levi ackerman x reader
warnings: season 2 and ova spoilers (if you haven’t watched the ova’s yet they’re on youtube but this only references ‘a choice with no regrets’ aka levi’s ova)
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levi has never had...feelings for anyone before.
the romantic kind, of course. he's felt plenty of things towards people on a regular basis—anger. hate. disgust. confusion. annoyance. frustration.
to be fair he has had the occasional friend, or the occasional person who he respected, and others who he flat out wanted to protect. just never anything romantic.
this didn’t bother him, falling in love wasn’t his top priority or anything. his life has been one traumatic experience after the other. there was no time for him to be romantically involved with another, nor was he willing to take the risk of potential heartbreak that would add to his constantly growing list of traumatic events.
when he first met y/n l/n he acknowledged her as nothing more than another member of the survey corps. someone he would work with. someone he would train with. someone who he would give orders to if deemed necessary. someone who would join his team. someone he would slowly become more curious about. someone who would bring him feelings that he couldn't describe in words.
his plans had clearly gone astray.
y/n was supposed to be nothing more than a colleague, but somehow fate had much more in store. the young girl began to appear more and more in his life and before he could even process it, she was already apart of his team.
now that the they were spending almost everyday together, along with the rest of his team, levi had the opportunity to try to solve the mystery that was y/n.
there was something that he felt about her that he couldn't put into words. the way she was determined to save humanity and her friends, the way she poured everything she had into everything she did, the way she was strong in every aspect of the word, the way she got along with the rest of the team, the way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way she spoke, the way she moved, all of it. it all encapsulated him.
what is this emotion ? fascination ? curiosity ? these words weren’t completely right, but they safe enough for him to settle on for now.
yes, that's all. the brat just makes me curious because i don't understand her.
at least, that's what he told himself. but the tingles that remained on his skin from the place where she accidentally brushed up against him or the way his stomach felt after his eyes met hers or the way he noticed himself always wanting to be near her or the way he wanted to protect her more than anything in the world, said otherwise.
whatever message he wanted to send probably definitely was not passed on. when y/n accidentally brushed up against him he snapped back "watch it." when she made eye contact with him, it was more her meeting his eyes and him seemingly glaring back. when he took a few steps towards her to be closer, she felt paranoid, wondering if he was determining whether or not he should scold her for something. when she was on missions and he occasionally had to step in and save her tail, she felt like she was slacking.
truthfully in all these situations levi just resorted back to his true nature. he never meant any harm so clearly he wasn’t the best at expressing his feelings. henceforth, the three word phrase was foreign to him.
after all the many challenges that came with trying to understand each other, the couple finally got together. but despite being together, neither had said the 'L word’ yet. 
to be honest, y/n hadn’t dwelled on it too much. she had learned the best way to survive mentally was to live in the moment. when the time would come, the time would come, however, the thought that time wasn’t a guarantee gnawed at the back of her brain.  she always wondered how levi felt about the matter, but never got around to asking. little did he know he’d once again find out for himself that time wasn’t a guarantee.
just like every other day, y/n awoke to levi placing a kiss on her forehead. he wished nothing more than to let the love of his life sleep late into the morning in their shared bed, safe from the dangers of the world, but there was another mission today in which he needed her by his side.
the plan was to head to the outskirts of wall rose to a forest that was known to be surrounded by titans. hanji convinced erwin to let her try to capture titans in the forest again, as it all but worked on the female titan. erwin agreed, not only because he too believed the survey corps had all the materials necessary to capture titans again, but also because he knew the scouts needed more real time practice in the forest. levi wasn’t happy to hear the commander refer to this as “practice,” since so many lives were guaranteed to be lost in the process, but there was nothing he could do about it.
with everyone’s approval and the preparations complete, they were off. the ride there had been as close to smooth sailing as possible, with erwin successfully rerouting the troops to avoid as many unnecessary collisions with titans as possible and a surprisingly low amount of abnormals in their path. but everyone knew the real problems would be up ahead.
in this area, the titans were mainly surrounding the thick trees in the forest. it wasn’t too far from the forest where they encountered the female titan so the layout of the jungle was fairly similar. a large path ran straight through the trees, leaving the scouts lots of opportunities.
before the forest itself came into view, the hoard otherworldly creatures showed up. the crowd of titans didn’t seem to be too bad, with none surpassing ten meters. a bit of the outer edges of the formation took a hit, but everyone else made it into the woods unscathed.
unlike the last time levi’s squad was in the forest, their objective was not to be the bait. instead, they were to take to the trees and be on clean up duty. it was a little different from their normal clean up duty, as they weren’t doing chores around the castle or cabin—they were eliminating stray titans. the survey corps was only prepared to capture two titans, so any others that entered needed to be exterminated.
they weren’t the only ones with this job, but erwin placed them as the last hoop the titans had to get through before they were captured. any titans that escaped the first few groups were more likely than not going to be challenging, so they needed to be left with the most talented squad.
the eight scouts that made up levi’s squad traveled the path that cut through the forest until they found the four trees in which they were to set up camp. levi and jean were on the first tree, armin and sasha on the one across from them, connie and mikasa on the next, and y/n and eren on the fourth. the formation placed y/n and levi diagonal from each other so they could each defend half of the younger scouts in their squad if necessary, as well as had the team in pairs that weren’t often together for even more practice.
the ground rumbled beneath the group as they looked down to see the first wave of soldiers acting as bait pass through. after some time and a few more waves, including hanji and erwin who were in charge of the traps, everyone passed through and the titans came into sight.
the ground troops had all reported that no abnormals or titans above ten meters made it in so they all relaxed—or relaxed as one can be when they’re facing man-eating giants. levi recognized the last troop passing through and gave his second in command a nod which she returned, letting everyone else know it was show time.
the rumbling of the ground from the horses before was nothing compared to that of the titans. not counting the first two, there were nine titans in all. everyone gave a silent thanks to the squads who had narrowed down the hoard before it arrived to them.
finally, the first two titans ran past the trees levi’s squad was hidden in, chasing the ground troops. with a loud “now !” from levi, the rest of them deployed from their hiding places. thanks to the squad’s impeccable teamwork and countless hours of training in forests closer to home, the remaining seven titans were taken out without a hitch. y/n couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as she watched her team improve with every mission and it was obvious they all felt the same way. the way they beamed and had to hold back their celebration was as a clear as day.
the team regrouped, with y/n checking the younger members for any life threatening wounds and levi double checking all the titans were taken care of. she had just finished examining sasha when levi came back and announced the next step of today’s plan. everyone was to head forward to meet the other troops and aid in getting the titans back to the walls. although the titans may be secured, there were still infinite possibilities for catastrophes that could happen so they needed all the backup they could get. the young cadets nodded in agreement then followed after levi as he took to the sky, with y/n tailing the rest of the group. if y/n and levi weren’t side by side during missions, this was always the formation everyone fell into. levi led the way, protecting the front of the party, and she acted as the caboose to make sure no one got left behind as well as to protect them from the back.
after a few failed tricks from eren as he tried to show off with his gear and a quick scolding from levi, the rest of the scouts came into view. the mission appeared to be a success. the final two titans were both apprehended, one nailed to the ground and the other bound in the air.
squad levi landed and began to greet everyone but didn’t get very far when hanji’s squeals flooded everyone’s ears.
the scientist was practically bouncing up and down as she came over. “squad levi ! all in one piece, i see. let me show you what we’ve done,” she gushed, ushering all of them towards the titans.
it was no surprise she was so excited. she had been waiting for this day to arrive for ages, but levi still gave a quick “tch,” under his breath out of annoyance which forced y/n to cover her mouth with her palm to stifle a laugh.
the eight, now nine, of them cranned their necks up to see the side of the beast that was hammered into the ground. the sight would’ve been cruel if it were anything other than a titan, but remembering all the pain they’ve brought to each one of them, no one did so much as bat an eye. returning the focus back to hanji, everyone watched as she took a sharp inhale to prepare for her long ramble about how everything worked. lucky for y/n, before hanji could exhale, levi grabbed his partner’s arm and pulled her away.
he pulled her close so he could whisper in her ear, “come on, let’s go find erwin.”
as much as she wanted to argue with him and tell him he was being mean, she really didn’t want to listen to hanji’s spiel that she had heard a million times over. a tiny pang of guilt struck y/n for leaving the other half of the squad behind forced to listen to her, but sometimes everyone has to take one for the team.
she threw a quick wave over her shoulder to the others, then followed levi, who was still holding her arm, as he dragged her through the crowd of other scouts who were just floating around, waiting for orders, until he finally spotted the commander.
the tall man’s eyes fell upon the pair and he drew himself away from whomever he was speaking with to come greet them.
“ah levi, y/n,” erwin began. levi’s expression stayed the same but y/n offered the man a small smile and wave which he returned with a nod. erwin was actually the one who recommended to levi that he should consider y/n to be apart of his squad, so she heavily credited him entirely with starting your relationship with levi (even if levi disagreed every time she told him this). 
levi and erwin fell into formal conversation, discussing the remainder of the mission, which left y/n realizing levi hadn’t really saved her from a talk you’ve heard countless times before, but instead brought her into another one. 
hanji’s rambling would have been more interesting than this she thought to yourself as she began lazily scanned the small sea of scouts scrambling around, looking for a way to entertain yourself until the two men were done talking. one group in particular caught her eyes.
the soldiers seemed to be much more jittery than everyone else. they frantically looked amongst each other and towards the titan that hanji had just finished showing the rest of levi’s squad, and seemed to be contemplating a solution to an unknown issue.
it was clear something was up. 
just as she placed her hand on levi’s shoulder to bring his and erwin’s focus over to the scene, the ground began to shake, which caught their attention for her. 
no one had time to react when dust flew up everywhere, obstructing everyone’s views so they couldn’t see where the loud crashes that followed came from. a strong force slammed into them, throwing them who knows how far into the air. the fear of hitting the ground barely had enough time to settle into y/n before everything went dark.
everyone in the vicinity had been sent flying into the air along, but levi was the first one to be up on his feet again. bringing his arms up to shield his eyes, he decided to stay where he was as the dust cleared so he could assess the situation and move on from there. 
the scene finally came into view; he gathered that the titan had ripped its arm through the nails that secured it to the floor of the woods, then flailed it around in an attempt to grab people. it made a clean sweep in the area that he was previously standing—all that was left were debris and broken wood planks from the compartments that were attached to the other titan’s traps.
a wave of adrenaline passed through his body as he remembered who was with him. he needed to find not only erwin immediately, but also y/n. he reached down to grab the handles of his controller grip but froze instantly upon seeing what had just come into view as more of the dust cleared.
y/n was sprawled out on the ground, ODM gear tossed a few feet away from her body but more importantly, the titan’s hand was hovering mere meters above her.
his pulse almost quickened twicehold, but it felt as though it heart had stopped in his chest. situations like this presented themselves to levi almost everyday of his life, but this was much different. in those, he was almost two steps ahead. he knew that by now he should be wrapping his arms around y/n and pulling her to safety at breakneck speed, or even better, he should’ve shielded her from harm at the very beginning. but right now he couldn’t do so much as move his finger.
levi was completely inert—his arms felt like they being weighed down by a ball and chain, his legs felt like they had grown roots into the ground that planted in him place. his throat ran dry and his stomach felt like it had just done a flip. the rest of him went numb while shock consumed his body, physically and mentally, rendering him entirely helpless.
images of isabel, farlan, petra, oluo, eld, gunther, and countless others all flashed before him, the same running theme echoed in his mind���he wasn’t able to save them. all he had to do was pull back a single index finger. this would launch one of his anchors into the back of the titan’s neck, sending him flying to slice its nape. but he couldn’t do it. the only thing he knew he had the power to do was watch helplessly as his partner would be eaten alive.
the shouts of others flooded his ears as his senses slowly began to return to him, but it didn’t matter. he couldn’t make out a thing. frankly he wished he could so he could break away from the things that occupied his mind now. shame. guilt. humiliation. fear. regret. he took for granted every moment he had ever spent with y/n. every smile she gave him. every time he embraced her. every kiss. every conversation they shared under the stars while everyone else was fast asleep. every opportunity he had but failed to tell her that he—
before he finished his thought someone finally broke through his trance. erwin was the one who was able to crack the surface and bring him back to life. 
the commander was shouting levi’s name, hoping, praying, to wake him up from whatever was going on in his head. levi was still unable feel his body, but he realized he was moving as the ground began to grow smaller. one of erwin’s strong arms hooked around levi’s middle and they were flying away from the chaos below. the commander spared a glance to levi to see the man’s eyes were still trained on y/n.
the feeling returned to levi’s body as he felt the pain of being thrown onto one of the thick tree branches surge through his body. not knowing how else to bring him back from the trance that wasn’t full broken, erwin had tossed off of him levi instead of placing him down gently.
he watched as levi scrambled up and expected him to yell back for throwing him, but the response was much different.
“where is she ??” levi demanded. his eyes may have been on y/n the whole time, but his mind was elsewhere replaying scenes from the past. he had no idea if she had been eaten, or even survived the initial attack. the only think he saw was her body on the ground, unmoving.
“safe,” erwin confirmed. “hanji ran over just in time and got her. but what happened to you ?” no one had ever seen levi freeze up the way he did. others believed it was just fear which made him seem a little more human to them, but erwin knew it was more than that.
throughout the years, erwin watched levi witness the deaths of those closest to him, and even then he was still able to act. but after seeing him go rigid, erwin was more than worried. it was clear levi went into shock, however, shock runs more than skin deep. 
this became even more evident to him as levi remained silent the entire way back to the walls. y/n was still unconscious, so one of the open carts was her escort. guilt continued to wash over levi as he wasn’t able to ride in the cart with her to monitor her closely because he had to ride his horse back. regardless, he stayed as close to the cart as possible and stole as many glances her way as he could.
if he had it his way, he would’ve waited outside the infirmary for y/n when they arrived back home, but hanji and erwin practically dragged him to the mess hall to replenish his energy. this may or may not be skipping the part where levi was questioned about what happened, followed by him being chastised for his actions (or lack there of). levi could bare focus even though it was such a serious conversation. his mind was still a hazy mess. as much as hanji and erwin wanted to talk to levi more about the situtation, they knew it was best for the conversation to end there for the day. levi looked so shaken up that he could barely keep himself standing so the last thing he needed was to be yelled at more. the entire corps also made sure to steer clear of the man. he usually had all his emotions hidden but they were on full display now. it still scared the hell out of them.
but the fear alone wasn’t enough to stop them from whispering to themselves. word carried fast about how captain levi froze up and watched one of his squad mates almost die. the ones who only heard about the story instead of witnessing it couldn’t believe what they were hearing. the captain levi did nothing while one of his own almost became titan food ? 
hearing the whispers in passing, levi didn’t care that they were talking about him, but he was still affected. their words just made reality sink deeper into him. they weren’t the only ones who were unable to believe what happened. he really just watched helplessly as someone almost died. and it wasn’t just someone, it was his other half.
“hey levi ?” hanji voiced, pulling him out of his head. levi didn’t bother looking up from his food that he had been staring at for the past few minutes to face her. the best he could to was give her a side glance as he peered at her from the corner of his eyes and waited for her to finish.
the glare he was sending her way made her blood run cold, but she took the hint and continued. “are you alright ?” she asked in a small voice.
“does it look like i’m alright ?” he growled back, then went back to eating.
“just wanted to ask,” she added with an awkward laugh then turned to erwin who was on the other side of her. for once in her life she knew not to press any harder, but making levi upset wasn’t her intention. she was genuinely worried about him. hanji gave erwin a what do i do now ? look, hoping for some help, but erwin could only shake his head. he cared about levi just as much as she did, but he knew there was nothing either of them could do or say to make levi feel better. the only thing he needed was to see y/n.
at last, levi finished his dinner and excused himself to go find his partner. as his feet carried him at a quick pace across the stone floors of the many hallways in HQ, fear came back to his already grim mind. there was no word on y/n’s condition so he assumed no progress had been made and she was still unconscious. 
needless to say, when he rounded the corner and saw her sitting on the bench right outside the infirmary swiveling her heels and tapping her toes together as if she was bored, shock overcame him once again, this time on a much lower scale. similar to just a few hours ago, he was frozen instantly upon seeing her. it was a much prettier sight this time, but it was still painful to see. the bandage that wrapped around her head peaked out from being any strands of hair that fell in front of her face, other wraps and patches plastered themselves across her arms and legs, and some purple and blue splotches peaked out from behind them. this was only the skin that was exposed. for once in his life levi didn’t want to think about what she looked like when she weren’t wearing any clothes. he made a quick mental note to later place tender kisses on all her bumps and bruises, and took of running towards her.
y/n had been discharged from the infirmary during dinner hours, so the halls has been quite empty as she sat outside alone, falling into boredom. when the first sounds of shoes hitting the ground entered her ears, she got a bit excited, but calmed herself down reminding herself it probably wasn’t him. but when the steps got quicker and louder, she finally let yourself look up to see up to see her partner was the source. there was no point in holding back anyone; her face visibly lit up and a wide smile placed itself on her lips. just like levi, y/n wanted nothing more in the entire world than to see him. 
he run turned to a jog then a complete stop as he halted in front of her. despite being so anxious to see one another, neither were really prepared. they just kinda...stared at each other, neither sure of the right words to say. levi decided to take the initiative. he opened his mouth, hoping something, anything, would come out, but his attempt fell flat. words just weren’t enough. instead, he lifted his arms and placed both hands gently on y/n’s shoulders. she caught on quickly, standing up at the same time as he was pulling her into his arms for a tight embrace.
the pair remained silent in each other’s arms until y/n decided to take initiative this time and finally spoke. “is it true ?” she mumbled against his neck, barely loud enough for him to hear.
as much as he had hoped the gossip would stay in the mess hall, levi knew that inevitably word would spread to her. someone must have told her everything that happened, leaving in every little detail about how levi made no moves to save her life, ending up having to be saved by hanji in the end.
based off his silence, y/n knew levi had a lot on his mind so she continued “did you really freeze up?” 
he didn’t realize it, but he had tensed up at her words. it absolutely pained him to answer, but he couldn’t imagine the pain she were feeling. 
summing up his courage, he began to confirm the worst, but she pulled away before he could get more than a “yes,” out. levi braced himself for the hurt expression that he would be faced with, knowing his heart would break instantly as she realized he truly did failed to protect her, but instead he was met with kind eyes and soft face.
the look on his face had utter disbelief written all over it as her hands went up to cup his face that was now reddening. “are you okay?” y/n asked softly. “im so sorry.”
levi was beyond bewildered. he wanted her to be furious at him. yell at him. pull her soft hands back and strike him as much as she pleased. tell him he failed and that she couldn’t stand the sight of him. he knew he deserved it all and more, but he should’ve known she would never do that. that wasn’t y/n.
he melted into her touch and placing one of his hand over one of hers that remained on his cheek. “i was terrified, y/n.”
y/n finally gave him one of her beautiful smiles and giggled softly. “why were you scared ? i was the one who almost got eaten,” she teased.
y/n’s laughs had quickly subsided after seeing the serious look that had etched itself onto levi’s face. “because you were in danger,” he started.
“i don’t know what id do with myself if i lost you, i...”
“i love you, y/n.”
it was finally y/n’s turn to get a taste of the shock that levi had been experiencing all day. she could’ve sworn her heart skipped a beat at his words, followed by butterfly wings tickling the inside of her tummy, her eyes widening and jaw falling slack. her hands slowly slipped from his face to instead place one of her palms on her chest to make sure her heart was indeed pumping at a regular pace.
levi, on the other hand, was not having a magical experience. y/n’s reaction made him feel as though his feelings weren’t reciprocated despite having been together for so long. he started to get deeper into his head, negative thoughts starting to eat away at him once again, when she finally spoke.
“i love you too, levi,” she breathed out, still too stunned to breathe properly.
levi had had enough of being unable to move for one day. one of his hands grabbed y/n’s waist while the other found its way to the back of her head, as he kissed her roughly, which she eagerly returned. the way he felt her grin against his lips was enough to make all the pain and fear he had experienced that day worth it.
he couldn’t have asked for a better outcome to such a shitty day.
levi had finally learned how to say i love you and he thanked the stars every night following that day that y/n was the one who taught him how.
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smallblip · 4 years ago
A quick prompt @luanabonn and I came up with seeing this TOTALLY CANON scene of Levi bathing Hange in this hilarious animatic video (the best part is obviously from 0:17-0:25)
Imagine the first time the vets walked in on Levi bathing Hange and Erwin would probably just facepalm or start rubbing his temples like "Geeez guys, really?". Mike would be like "Called it!" and high five Nana. Poor Moblit would probably just freez cause he's traumatized for life 😂
Years later when the 104th kids walk into the same scenario, Levihan would legit try to normalize it 😂 I see Levi saying something like "What are you looking at, brats? This is perfectly normal. I've been doing this for years now, okay?" and Hange would say "yeah... It's surely not like we're dating or something like that...ha ha ha... not at all"
And the kids be like "Yeah we know you're not dating... Because you're already married... Mom & Dad" ❤️
Yasssss my bbs💖 @hanjo-love @luanabonn thank you both💖 I love this!
Also thank you for the video it was GREAT.
Two sides, same goddamn coin
“Erwin... Why are you standing out on the corridor?” Mike asks on the way back to his room. It’s late. There’s no reason for Erwin to be standing back against his door, looking absolutely resigned.
Nanaba peeks from behind Mike, “hey boys, what’s the commotion about?”
Moblit is with Nanaba, both deciding to search the male dorms for Hanji who has seemingly disappeared into thin air.
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“Hanji and Levi are in my bath...” Erwin exhales a sigh, eyes shut, fingers rubbing his temples.
“What do you mean?” Mike says carefully. At this point, Moblit just looks like he’s seen a ghost. Abort abort! It’s okay Nanaba I’ll look for Hanji buntaicho another time! It’s not that urgent! Nothing is that urgent! But Moblit knows it’s too late. He knows where this is all going. He’s part of their little game now.
“I mean...” Erwin gives them ‘that look’, the one they always give one another when Levi and Hanji are being insufferable, “they are in my bath... Bathing... Together...”
Mike and Nanaba freeze for a second.
It’s only a split second and soon they’re pushing past Erwin and dashing in his room.
“Wait-“ Erwin and Moblit in a hushed whisper. But soon the three of them are standing outside his bathroom door.
Laughter streams through from the other side of the door.
“Oh my god...” Nanaba gasps, “what’s going on?”
“Let’s weigh our options,” Mike suggests.
“On one hand, we get to see for ourselves, get to the bottom of this matter... You know... Investigate...” Erwin has his thinking face on.
“Investigate huh... That’s exactly what the tax payers pay us to do in the Survey Corps...” Mike says. Immediately it’s clear what his preference is.
“On the other hand...” Erwin continues, “Levi might murder us all...”
“A worthy death for a soldier...” Mike shrugs.
“Oh no... I really don’t think we should...” Moblit stutters. Nanaba notes that he is very sweaty.
Looks are exchanged and it has been decided. With a heavy hand, Erwin slams open the bathroom door.
There’s a scream that’s only stopped when Levi slaps his hand over Hanji’s mouth.
“What?” Levi snaps, as if they had been trespassing.
“You’re in my bath...” Erwin says, equally matter of fact.
“Your bath is the nicest...” Hanji offers.
“You’re in my bath... Together...” Erwin raises a brow.
“As Captain of the Survey Corps, you said it was my duty to supervise the cleanliness and hygiene of the soldiers,” Levi murmurs, sinking lower into the bubbles, hands coming to cover Hanji up. Absolute gentleman.
“This is a very unique means of supervision, Captain...” Erwin smirks.
“Whatever gets the job done, Commander...” Levi spits the last word.
Behind him, Mike and Nanaba high five. Finally. Some catharsis. They called it. They all called it. Levi and Hanji were a thing. This is absolute proof. No one can tell them otherwise now. Ha! Take that! Moblit has averted his eyes. Nothing in this world can compel him to look.
“Excuse me ladies...” Hanji clears her throat, shifting uncomfortably against Levi, “I am very naked, and to be honest with you, the water is starting to get cold... Soon I will be freezing my tits off... So could we please continue this at a more convenient time?”
“Whatever you say m’lady...” Erwin tips his imaginary hat.
“Fuck you...” Hanji narrows her eyes at him and mutters under her breath. Great. They can never use Erwin’s bath again. What alternatives are there? The cadet showers maybe? The piping is really new there, that means there’s a whole lot of hot water. Probably not. They don’t need a part two of this happening.
“Hanji san! We need to seek approval for-“
Everyone’s jaw is agape. Armin’s hands have flown to cover his face, “my virgin eyes...” he’s murmuring repeatedly.
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“Why wouldn’t you close the bathroom door!” Sasha shouts accusatorily. Now the bunch of them are standing awkwardly in Hanji’s room, averting their gaze from the adjacent bath. Should they leave now? They really should. But there are forms that need filling.
“Why wouldn’t you guys knock!” Hanji retaliates.
“You always ask us not to!” Connie shoots back.
Oh, Hanji winces, she did in fact tell them to just enter because half the time she’s too engrossed in whatever it is she’s doing to hear.
“What the fuck do you want brats?” Levi has sunk all the way down the bath, the water now grazing his chin.
“We would like to seek permission from Hanji san to go to the town on Monday for supplies...” Armin pipes up, eyes still squeezed shut.
“Permission granted! Now go!” Levi shouts.
Sasha sees the opportunity and ceases it, “we would also like to request for the weekend off for recreational purposes! Sir!”
“Don’t push it Braus!” Levi snaps.
Darn it.
“Anything else? Or would you guys like to run through your entire schedules for the next two months with me while you’re at it? It’s not like I’m in the bath naked or anything ha-ha!” Hanji guffaws. It’s so painfully awkward her body literally cannot conjur anything rational to do. They have both slid so far down the tub that she’s practically lying atop Levi, his crotch against her butt making her blush up a storm.
“Why are you in the bath with Captain Levi?” Mikasa asks. Everyone stares at her.
“Mikasa!” Armin exclaims. They absolutely do not need more time in this tiny room with their two naked superiors.
“Hanji is filthy. I’m cleaning her. What’s abnormal about this situation?” Levi deadpans.
“I can’t reach my back! It’s a practical arrangement!” Hanji chuckles, “it’s not like we’re dating or anything!”
“My parents are married and they don’t even do this...” Sasha murmurs.
Jean has had enough. His face is so red he feels like he’ll die if he doesn’t stop this nonsense. This is a conversation that never needed to happen. “Permission to be dismissed from this conversation!”
“Fuck! Finally! Permission granted Jean!” Hanji says, throwing her hands up in despair.
Everyone shuffles out the door, and Armin bumps against the frame multiple times because his eyes are still shut. Levi and Hanji let out a collective sigh. Good lord Armin!
“Uh... Okay... Bye mom and dad...” Eren stutters, how does one leave this situation on a good note because this isn’t it, “I mean... Captain... Squad leader...” he gathers his jaw from where it has hit the ground and leaves with the others.
Hanji laughs awkwardly and turns to Levi, “remember when Erwin and the others saw-“
Levi’s face is red, and the blush has now spread to his neck. Thankfully the kids are gone. Another moment longer and most of the bubbles would have popped. He tsks and cuts Hanji off, “I would very much not like to remember that... Or this...”
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snkpolls · 4 years ago
SnK Episode 72 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 158 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 155 responses
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94.2% of respondents gave the episode either a 4 or a 5, with the definitive majority being 5s. In addition, there was only a single grade (2) below a 3. Very nice!
Probably the best episode post marley
One of the best non-action episodes so far, with perfect adaptation of given scenes. Really looking forward to next episode.
Very emotional and exciting. Pacing was great.
Much better than the last
Must watch episode. 
Loved it
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Levi and Zeke had more than a few moments in this episode, so we asked you which one of those was your favorite. The definitive majority (60.6%) stated that they clearly preferred the scene of Levi lamenting the deaths of his comparades in pursuit of saving Eren over the years. A noted minority (21.9%) also seemed to enjoy the scene of Zeke telling Levi that he must not be popular or the scene wherein the truth about Ragako is revealed (8.4%). Levi accusing Zeke of being guiltless or learning about Eren’s escape from prison garnered less praise.
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That being said (previous question), the majority (plurality?) of the episode was taken up by the second part of Gabi’s Bizarre Adventure. As such, we also decided to ask you which of those moments was your favorite. The plurality (44.5%) gave their preference to seeing Mr. Blouse deescalate the situation. In second place (16.8%) we had Nicolo revealing the truth about the wine. Closely behind, 16.1% stated that they most appreciated seeing Gabi and Falco find Nicolo in the restaurant cellar. Finally, 12.9% enjoyed seeing Nicolo and Gabi argue. The rest of the options (Kaya suspecting a romantic relationship, the Blouse Family enjoying Nicolo’s food and the Blouse kids calling Gabi a bumpkin) didn’t garner as much fanfare. 
Mr. Blouse's line about the children in the forest is one my favorite lines in the whole story, and this is such a major turning point for Gabi—I'd been looking forward to this episode, and it did not disappoint!
Papa Blouse is wisest man in this universe, prove me if I’m wrong!
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A fair bit of the episode was also taken up by the Survey Corps doing their own investigating. We also asked what your favorite moment from those segments was your favorite. 45.5%, a plurality, stated that it was Eren showing up and telling AM that he wanted to talk. Another relatively popular option with almost 17% was Hange & Co. learning about Floch’s involvement with the wine. Almost 15% chose the scene with Mikasa saving Gabi from Kaya’s attack as the one they preferred the most and 11% said that the scene with Nicolo saving Jean and Connie from drinking the tainted wine was their favorite. Other scenes, like Armin and Mikasa talking with Gabi and the rest of the major SC members learning about the wine were less popular.
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Zeke’s accusation is one of the funnier interactions he has with Levi (in the opinion of the person writing these small paragraphs), so it’s no surprise that 40.6% thought that it was rather funny how defensive Levi got over it, even if they weren’t sure how popular the man himself was. 32.9% seemed to believe that Levi was actually rather popular, owing to his title of “Humanity’s Strongest”. 12.3% thought that although his image might be popular, but that it was most likely restricted among members of the Survey Corps. Finally, a minority was, in fact, convinced that Levi wasn’t popular at all, really. 
Man slut Levi tapping dem beeyatches playing dem hoes
If Zeke knew how much pussy Levi got from the fangirls he’d hide every woman he knows from Levi
I mean he's definitely popular among those who idolize him, but he's an awkward grumpy gay so I bet a lot of people are put off by his personality when they meet him lol. But he's best boi and I love him
BrO he knows hes hella popular, he’s just humble like that 😌
i think he's popular but probably hasn't taken advantage of it bc he's awkward LMAO
Actually in Season 1, random villagers were calling out to him by name. On Paradis he's got clout with that killstreak
It could be one of those self aware manga moments? Like breaking 4th wall but much more subtle? 
He is definitely popular. But anyway what I noticed here is that it's a little different in anime and manga. In anime, he was kind of defensive which is funny and cute. In manga, he looked more like he was lamenting that he used to be popular back when killing titans was the only thing important. Anyway, regardless, I like both versions.
Levi as a story (humanity's strongest!! He took out a million titans on his own) is popular among the survey corps/army. Levi the actual man is awkward as fuck. He's one of those heroes who you don't want to meet cause it turns out he's short and grouchy and ill-mannered in actuality.
he's popular with hanji hehehe
He's gotta be pretty popular just because 1) he was always next to erwin and 2) he survived this long
He's totally popular... in the fandom.
I mean, it's pretty obvious that he's admired for being humanity's strongest, so yeah, he's popular.
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Mr. Blouse’s speech seemed to resonate with the majority of the fandom (64.9%), who thought his sentiment ringed true and that it was something one should strive for. 25.3% of respondents noted that although the sentiment wasn’t wrong per say, it was too idealistic for how the “real world” functioned. Finally, a small minority wasn’t having it and seemed to think that children were no different from adults in this cruel world™️ (Thanks, Mikasa and Bertholdt.) 
It's expected that children will inherit some of the sins of the past, but it's the responsibility of adults to teach kids to do and be better.
Generational wounds require generational healing
Children are inevitably gonna have to bear the sins of the past until the world as we know it is destroyed and rebuilt into a better world
Normally I would agree excoet those are Gabi's own actions we're talking about...
In a perfect world, children wouldn't have to inherit the sins of the previous generation, but the AoT world is far from perfect. But, sheesh, what these kids are having to deal with is just unfathomable.
Weak, pathetic coward and I lost all respect for him as a man
Blouse Parents MVP's this ep. 
I agree that you shouldn't pass on the hate onto new generations, but I don't think that shouldering all the sins is EVERY adult's responsibility either.
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The restaurant scene was rather dramatic, all things considering, so it was no wonder that getting its atmosphere through was of key importance. The overwhelming majority was very happy with what was shown on screen, with 67.1% thinking MAPPA went above and beyond and 27% simply thanking the animation studio for the accurate adaptation. A few people, in contrast, thought that the manga conveyed the tone more effectively than the anime did. 
I just wanted to see Sasha eating pizza :( 
It was freaking amazing, absolute perfection 
Mixed feelings! I really loved the tension, emotion and voice acting! But I'm a bit sad they didn't include the sasha flashback bits that could've added to the emotions.
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The flashbacks with Sasha eating pizza were cherished by a small part of the fandom, so it is no surprise that at least a certain part of the fandom was disappointed in not seeing these panels animated. That segment, as mentioned, was rather small, as only 10.4% stated that it was a near deal breaker for them. In contrast, 58.4% were willing to accept the cut, even if there was a small part of them that wished that it was animated. Some stated that they never cared about those panels at all and 22.7% simply never noticed the cut. 
No, I like it that we can focus on Sasha's parents' faces during the speech
I miss those scenes, but including them wouldn't flow nicely with this medium
I really wanted to see her eating pizza but I knew it wouldn't make it in. It wouldn't make sense with the tone of the main scene.
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Many have argued that Eren was pretty reckless with allowing the wine plot to happen. Though 40.5% are certain that the plan truly was only to have higher ups drink the wine (and perhaps Eren assumed there would be no risk to his friends). 18.9% believe that neither Yelena nor Zeke cared about who would drink the wine, but that Eren negotiated terms with them. 18.2% on the other hand believe that Yelena/Zeke actively avoided getting his friends involved, knowing that he wouldn’t approve of it. 9.5% can’t say for certain, and only 8.1% believe that Eren didn’t care if his friends drank the wine at all, and that Nicolo is the one who actively spared them. 
It’s paths Yams don’t gotta explain shit
Priority probably went to the military police and garrison- Levi’s team in the forest makes a big deal about getting the wine. 
They thought they might still need the scouts after a scream so it was made sure they wouldn't drink any.
I think Eren maybe saw enough about what was gonna happen that he didn't have to vocalize or care too much about who drank the wine. Although, poor Pyxis and the rest. Eren has had contempt for "lazy" military higher ups before, but he also saw people like Hannes change. Idk, maybe he felt their lives were worth sacrificing.
Plot convenience. At least Hange is in my opinion a high up if Nile and Pixis are too.
I think eren had something to do with the wine not being distributed to the survey corps, whether it was him directly or if it was zeke and yelena knowing that it would've pissed eren off, but obviously eren didn't do anything to specifically prevent it because if niccolo hadn't stopped them, main cast would've drank it 
I think it didn't matter if only the higher-ups got to drink the wine, but since Niccolo had kind-of relations to Jean and co., he didn't want them to drink it.
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The wine plot was built up meticulously over the course of months in the manga, which allowed for a whole bunch of theories to prop up. The anime goes by quicker, naturally. So we asked if you felt that the build up for said plot was done well in the adaption. The overwhelming majority thought so, with 48% stating that they felt MAPPA did an even better job than the source, in contrast to the 35.8% who stated their belief in Isayama’s superiority. On the other hand, a fair few also stated that they didn’t enjoy MAPPA’s portrayal of this subplot and preferred the original. We’ve also gotten a fair few write-ins, mostly stating that it’s hard to compare the two. 
I think it's hard to compare because in the manga we had months in between the first foreshadowing and the reveal that there was something up with the wine. We had time to simmer and theorize, the anime didn't have much time to delve deeper into that particular moment especially with everything else going on in the series at the same time. They did a good job!
no real opinion either way
Yes, they did it accurately.
Idk man
It was good, even with the manga.
Hard to say bc in the manga, I felt completely blindsided and surprised. And, of course, I knew what was happening in the anime. Both were well done, I think.
I think it was way on the nose. It was better and subtler in manga.
I have no opinion
It has been so long, I forgot how it went down exactly in the manga. MAPPA's version was good though.
I don't particularly prefer one over the other. I think MAPPA did a really good job building up this plot. 
They did good, though it was a little more obvious here. Then again, I knew it was coming already, so eh.
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As seen in the season prior, MAPPA has rearranged certain scenes with the narrative. This time it’s the Levi/Zeke forest scene, juxtaposed with the restaurant scenes. A plurality (42.7%) thought the change worked in its favour. 18.7% didn’t mind it too much, but did prefer Isayama’s version of events and a few thought the change was simply bad outright. 33.3% thought the change didn’t really make a difference one way or the other. There was also a write-in. 
The complaint O have its that these scene occurs at night and the restaurant one was in briad daylight, so it felt odd because Im assuming its the same say.
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There was somewhat of a contrast between the flashbacks experienced by Levi in the manga and anime. We asked which version you preferred. Though most (57.8%) noted that both versions were nice, 31.8% said that they preferred the animated version, in contrast to the 10.4% who liked Isayama’s art better.
We’ve also gotten a very passionate write-in for this one. 
I'M SO UPSET THEY DIDN'T ANIMATE THE PANEL OF EREN'S FACE NEXT TO LEVI'S FROM WHEN HE SAVED HIM THE FIRST TIME IN TROST. Like I get it that they wanted to focus on all of the people Levi has lost, but in comparison with the manga it makes it seem like Levi doesn't even care about Eren anymore. If they had a shot where Levi is thinking about Eren specifically before focusing on his comrades, then it would've made more sense why he basically rejected the plan to have Eren be eaten. It would've shown that Levi still cares about Eren and doesn't want him to be killed unless there's nothing else they can do. It just feels like the anime (both WIT and Mappa) is constantly undermining Eren and Levi's relationship (and don't even get me started on how much worse it is in the dubbed version). Although, to be fair, the anime seems to do that to all of Eren's relationships that aren't with Mikasa. Like not even from a shipping perspective; even his relationship with Armin got parts ignored in favor of replacing them with moments with Mikasa. But whatever. Levi still cares about Eren, and I just wish the anime did a better job at showing that.
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Levi’s lines focused on explaining himself were cut a bit short in this episode, so we were wondering if we were going to hear them next episode. As it turns out, 49.3% believe so, stating that they’re important for the story and its context. In contrast, 20.9% believed that these lines were not actually necessary and weren’t going to be shown. 29% can’t say for sure, one way or another. 
Maybe it will be shown next chapter? MAPPA does that often.
A lot of missing dialogue from Levi that look important for the final chapter
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The vast majority of the fandom feels that MAPPA really brought out the somber expression Eren wore as he prepares to break the hearts of his friends, feeling that it signifies how regretful Eren is of what he’s about to say. 11.9% felt it was hard to read his expression properly due to the scene being cut off. 7.9% feel the opposite of the majority. While they agree he appears more somber, they aren’t buying it as genuine for a minute. Only a small handful felt that he still looked as menacing as in the manga. 
My boi is looking positively dead inside
More depressed, less menacing.
Yes, and I didn't like it. Manga version is better.
Yes, he seems more somber than menacing but Idk why. Even after the latest chapter, I still dk if he is/was acting or really explaining how he felt in a sense. Still not sure if he's like, "fuck it, I'm burning the whole world" or "I don't want to but I have to do this."
I like it in manga way more
He looks regretful in both manga and anime to me?
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As we’re coming to season’s end, one can’t help but wonder how the rest of the episodes’ content will be spread out, knowing that it ends on 116. We asked if you believed Episode 14 will feature content from post-Chapter 113. The majority (55.1%) didn’t seem sure. But some (19.7%) thought that we were going to see elements from 114. As for the rest, a few thought that it was going to simply end on 113, some believed we might get anime-only content, a few thought we were going to see 115 scenes and some just didn’t care. 
Nah. I think it’ll end exactly where 113 ends
Tbh I'm too lazy to see what the next few chapters cover but they've been rearranging a lot of scenes in the past few episodes, so probably.
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MAPPA has taken some creative liberties when adapting this season, including the rearrangement of certain scenes between episodes. The question posed was whether MAPPA will do it again. A slight plurality (49.3%) believed that it was going to happen again, in contrast to the 41.2% who weren’t sure. A select either didn’t think it’s going to occur or just didn’t care.
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The majority (55.2%) seems to be most enthralled with seeing the EMA Table Talk on screen, followed by a notable amount (37.7%) of folks who were most looking forward to seeing another battle between Levi and Zeke. A select few (7.1%) were instead most interested in seeing the scene with Hange, Floch and Shadis. 
How dare you make us chose between these three scenes, this was so hard, I'm looking forward all three !
M O N K E  J U I C E
I hate Floch more than ever, and that cliffhanger at the end was a cruel spot to leave us at for a whole week.
That iconic Eren holding his bloody hand scene was spot-on!
Why no Mikasa hugging Gabi????? 
it’s a real 3 ring shitshow- survey corps made into clowns, children screaming, monkey business, unamused adults, and the ringmaster just waltzed on into the middle of it.
I was disappointed at first when I saw the screenshots and spoilers, but man, when I watched the entirety, that was some great acting and pacing. Way better than the previous 2 episodes. Thank you MAPPA! Really hoping they do well again next episode. Could be the as great episode 6/7! And thank you as always, SNK poll team!
Thankfully this first part is almost over. The manga is legendary and that season is barely good. I'm so disappointed. And I really liked Eren's expression better in the manga. I don't understand why they changed it.
I miss the rotoscoping from the first Mappa episodes. Everything looks a bit stiff.
I cried more in this episode than I have at any other this season so far smh. 
When Mikasa stops Kaya from stabbing Gabi. In the manga it seems that Mikasa was protecting Gabi and bringing her head close to her chest, but in the manga she looked somewhat uncomfortable. And it wasn't appreciated enough. I also did not like that they excluded Hange moments because it helped the way of seeing her as a leader and the scene of Levi thinking about his dead comrades looked very simple to me. I prefer manga. but the voice actors were amazing! I liked the episode but it is not one of my favorites.
i didnt think i could hate floch any more than i already did but the way mappa animated him made me want to punch my laptop omg
Gabi deserves what she got. Shame I lost all respect for Mikasa for stopping Kaya from killing Gabi.
Mikasa is dead to me. So is Sasha's dad. WHY would they just let Gabi walk away scott free?
As a Gabi hater, this is where fandom hypocrisy gets me in regards to Mr. Braus and Mikasa sparing Gabi. Mr. Braus becomes widely regarded as some virtuous and compassionate saint while Mikasa is bad for stopping Kaya. They BOTH suck for betraying Sasha's memory. Poor Sasha deserved so much better.
sorry my only thoughts are PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH. 
That scene with Jean + Wine Bottle hit real different after recent events.. 
The voice acting in the restaurant scene had me crying. Had to pause it
The shading and animation in the forest look awesome which could really make the Levi vs. Zeke fight outshine the Manga.
Mr. Braid's speech was just as cringe in the anime as it was in the manga. Shame on him for not avenging his daughter.
I think the manga did better in the scene where Kaya was about to kill Gabi in how sudden it was. In the anime, we got to follow Kaya's whole trajectory up until she was stopped by Mikasa, so Mikasa saving Gabi didn't feel as monumental. They did great on Kaya's murderous rage and breakdown though.
As long as I live I will never understand why Mr. Braus could be so pathetic as to forgive his daughter's killer. Especially knowing what happens later in, no true parent would just let their childs killer into their family. It's disgraceful.
Gabi sucks
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