#Aricka and Draco
The Second Chance Part One: The Potion
(Draco is summoned from his holding cell. Him and Aricka have a conversation. He takes the potion; and their new life begins.)
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( @jvh1988 I found this on Google, but I couldn’t find it on the gif search, just wanted to make sure I gave you the proper credit!)
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*August 1998, 3 months after the Battle of Hogwarts*
“I think if he’s with me, if he can trust me- we were in the same House in school, there’s an established connection right there. Please give me a chance with him- let me take a chance on Draco,” Aricka says. Kingsley gives her a long look.
“You’ve thought this through,” he said, that low, rumbling baritone of his wanting to shake the glass out the windows of the room they were sitting in. Aricka looks at her twin and they both nod.
“Of any of the candidates for this initiative, they need it the most. Especially Draco,” Aricka pleads softly. “He was just a kid, just like the rest of us. He wanted to protect his mother. The head Auror nods.
“Very well. You may have the Malfoy boy. And Harry, you may have Malfoy senior. I’m giving them each one chance. They step a toe out of line and it’s over for them.” Aricka nods.
“He’ll behave. I trust him.”
“See that you ensure that,” he warned sternly. “I want this to work as much as you do.”
“Thank you Kingsley. We both appreciate this,” Harry said, shaking his hand.
“We really do,” Aricka echoed. The elder man nods.
“Anything for the twins who saved the Wizarding World twice over.”
The room he was in was as cold as his holding cell had been. Draco looked around, but nothing held a clue as to what would happen next.He had been told that he was selected for the Second Chance Initiative, and what that would entail. He wasn’t all that keen on going to Azkaban, so he-begrudgingly but willingly- signed the contract and then was sent into this room; and the door sealed behind him.
The door opened, and both parties gasped when they laid eyes on each other. Draco took in the sight of Aricka Potter, who had saved him when the Fiendfyre blazed out of control in the Come and Go Room. He could still remember her soft hand gripping his with a startling amount of strength, could still smell her soft scented perfume and hear her voice even though she hadn’t said a word yet.
She was truly beautiful- her hair longer than he’d ever known it to be, cascading down her back in loose ringlets. She wore a pale blue shirt under a white cardigan, and a long flowing skirt that matched the top she wore. She also wore the ring of the house of Slytherin- that had come as a shock and yet not a shock all at once. Everyone had always underestimated Aricka in school- even Draco. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.
Aricka took in Draco and her heart tore in two. He wasn’t the same 18 year old she’d seen at Hogwarts. He wore a grey jumpsuit, and his feet were bare. His hair was a mess, and she ached to wonder why it was in such a state. He was thinner than she’d ever seen him, and he had yet to look her directly in the eye, and instead of sitting at the offered table, he sat in the corner of the room.
Well, whatever made him comfortable, she supposed. “Hello, Draco,” she said aloud. “Would you like to join me here? Or should I sit with you? Whatever you want is fine with me.”
The boy finally looked at her, and he stood, moving to sit at the table wordlessly. “You don’t have to tiptoe around me- I won’t shatter,” he said. There was the boy she went to school with, she thought with a smirk.
“Alright then,” she agreed. “First off- right away- can I make a deal with you?”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Depends on the deal.”
“Don’t worry, nothing serious,” she said. “I’ll let you call me Aricka if I can call you Draco. I feel like calling each other by our last names would draw some suspicion from our neighbors,” she said. The Initiative had the candidates and their caregivers living in Muggle society for six months- doing everything the way a non magic person would.
The deal had merit in Draco’s mind, he didn’t want to be the cause of any suspicion and alert the outside world to the Wizarding World at large. He nodded. “Alright then- Aricka. Tell me one thing- what do you get out of this? Eternal glory? Praise for taming the Slytherin Prince?”
Aricka met his gaze. “I get the satisfaction of knowing you’re getting the care you deserve,” she says in that soft manner of hers. The answer caught him off guard; and she found herself on the receiving end of a scrutinizing Draco Malfoy stare. She met it right on; grey-blue eyes meeting sapphire blues. “Draco, I want us to be friends. But if that’s too much, then can we just- work together? I don’t want you to be sent away anymore than you want to go- there.” She couldn’t even bring herself to say the word. “You’re so smart, I know you can do anything you set your mind to. And I know you never back down from a challenge.” She held out a silvery blue vial. “I’ll be there every step of the way. You’ll never find any judgment from me. I’m here to help you learn.”
The earnest tone of her voice was enough to convince Draco of her sincerity. He wraps his hand around hers, around the vial. “How old-?” He asks softly.
“Think of a time when you were happy,” she said. “From when you were little. Preferably before Hogwarts. The initiative really wants you to learn, and to depend on others.” He nods.
“… is five okay?” He remembered Christmas at that age- it had been his favorite because he had got a training broom and rode it til it broke. Aricka gave him a soft smile.
“If five is what you want, then five you shall be.” He nods. “Just focus on the memory from that age. The potion does the rest. Oh and one more thing- a quick question.” He nods. “I have to Apparate us to our temporary home- do I have your permission to carry you? You’ll fall asleep. If not; we can wait here until you wake up.”
“No- that’s fine,” he said. “I- I trust you won’t hurt me.” She smiled at that.
“I swear I’ll never ever hurt you,” she promised. Once again she caught him off guard and he shook his head.
“You’re just full of surprises aren’t you.” Not a question. She grins.
“Guess you’ll find out,” she replied. She looks at the watch on her wrist. “It’s time.” She meets his gaze. “I’ll catch you. Go ahead.” The words were exactly what he needed to hear as he unstoppered the vial. He held it to her as if to toast her, before holding it up and tipping back the contents into his mouth.
The effect was immediate, as he felt himself shrinking. Wide grey eyes met calm greens, and he reached for her, “Aricka-!” Was the last thing he said before he fell forward-
And everything went black.
Aricka caught the now five year old Draco in her arms, adjusting her grip so he wouldn’t fall; and before he could wake she took them home.
Once there; she set the boy on what was to be her bed. She covered him up, then took a moment to look at her new charge.
He was small- pale and his hair was even whiter than his school days. His cheeks were rosy, and he looked so innocent her heart broke once more. She smoothed his hair from his eyes. “I hope you can come to trust me, truly trust me, little one,” she whispered. Then she sat in the chair by the bed and waited.
Once Draco awoke, the hard part would begin.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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astralshipper · 3 years
Thinking of my Aricka x Draco canon and planning a fic where Draco gets injured in Quidditch and gets a concussion so Aricka is put in charge of him while he heals cause everyone knows she’s the only one he’ll listen to at that school besides Snape...
I’m in my feels for Draco can you tell?
y’all are TOO CUTE I’m gonna CRY I love this ship content... him trusting u when he’s hurt and putting his faith in u I *screams*
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selfshipeventhall · 4 years
( @aricka-and-her-fictional-others )
Requesting Monster Mash for me and Draco Malfoy?
Hello and happy halloween!!!!! For you, I recommend Cold, Cold Man by Saints Motel! 
It’s a song about a man that’s a little on the icy side and hard to show his care easily...but he really does and doesn’t want to go a day without his beloved!! It’s a cute song for those F/Os who seem mean on the surface! 
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disneymarina · 4 years
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Princess Aricka and Sir Draco Malfoy. The wedding is February 13 at the Glay Don Wood Royal Castle in the east wing library and the reception is in the ballroom. Bring as many plus ones as you like and we hope to see you there! RSVP with Sir Phillip by January 12!
Awesome!!!!! Wedding!!!! How sweet!!!! Thanks ^^
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Upcoming Series
Title: The 8th Year Marriage Law
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Aricka/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna
Summary: The wizarding world population is on serious decline due to the war. The Ministry of Magic voted on a Marriage Law for adults ages 18-21, through which selected couples would get married and have a baby by the end of their first year of marriage.
Enter Aricka Potter and Draco Malfoy. Two souls struggling to find equilibrium after the effects of the war. One is searching for someone who understands them; the other searching for rest after fighting for so long.
Can they be what the other so desperately needs?
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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HP Boyfriends
Aricka x Draco, the Slytherin Royal Couple
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Aricka x Cedric, the Badger and the Snake
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Aricka x Oliver, the Seeker and the Keeper
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Aricka x Fred, I’ll look after you
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Aricka x Blaise, I burn for you my love
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Aricka x Neville, my brave lion 🦁
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Aricka x Adrian, the Seeker and the Chaser
(Can’t find a gif of him soo meet the new face of Adrian Pucey-!!!)
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Aricka x Seamus, an explosion of love for you
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Aricka x Theo, her cunning little snake 🐍
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Aricka x Remus, you could never hurt me
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Aricka Potter, Draco, and the Philosopher’s Stone: the boy at Madame Malkin’s
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Aricka could hardly believe it. Just hours before; she’d been expecting a perfectly boring birthday, sitting with Harry on the dirt floor of the shack they’d all ran away to, trying to keep out of sight of the Dursleys.
Now; she’d been thrust into a whole new realm of magic and wonder, and she was to attend a new school with her twin at her side. Currently; they were both at a robe fitting, and next she wanted to get a pet- she’d already decided on a cat; much to Hagrid’s dismay.
There was another boy with them, standing there with a bored expression on his face. When he noticed the twins entering, a mask instantly seemed to go up around him; and the twins exchange a subtle glance.
With a bright smile Aricka walked over and stood on a footstool next to him. “Hiya,” she said.
“Hello. Hogwarts, too?” He asks. She nods.
“I’m a bit nervous. We have no idea what we’re getting into. I’m Aricka Potter. You are?”
“I’m Malfoy; Draco Malfoy,” he says; and offers his hand to her. She smiles a bit brighter.
“Pleasure. So- you seem like you have a lot of knowledge and expertise when it comes to Hogwarts- would you care to share with myself and my twin? We were raised by muggles who- ah-,” she scratches the back of her neck, “didn’t care much for magical folk.”
Draco stares at her for a long moment. “The Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Survived- not know anything about magic?”
“Guess we didn’t all grow up with a silver spoon in one hand and all the money we wanted in the other,” Harry spoke up for the first time the whole conversation. Draco gives him a look.
“Quite right,” he says. “I’m willing to give you my help, but we might not end up in the same houses. That complicates things a bit. Especially if you end up in Gryffindor- and if I’m in Slytherin. There’s a huge rivalry between those two.”
Aricka and Harry exchange another glance. “Could you start with explaining the houses?” Aricka asks. “As non biased as possible?”
Draco nods. “I can do that. I’ll start with Hufflepuff- personally I don’t want to end up there but it’s not as bad as people say. Founded by Helga Hufflepuff, it’s the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. If you end up there; you probably have a strong moral code, and a sense of right and wrong. They wear black and gold, and have a strong connection to earth. They’re represented by the badger. One of the more famous graduates of Hufflepuff was Newt Scamander, a Magzoologist who published Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them.”
“What’s the others?” Harry asked.
“Next is Ravenclaw. Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw, characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom. If you end here; you’re academically motivated and talented. They wear blue and bronze, and have a connection to air.” Harry stands on a footstool for his fitting on the other side of Draco so he could hear. “After that is Gryffindor. Founded by Godric Gryffindor, who championed courage, chivalry, nerve and determination. If you’re placed in that group; you’re generally regarded as brave, sometimes to the point of recklessness. They wear red and gold, and the element they’re affiliated with is fire.”
“And Slytherin?” Aricka asks, looking as though she was leaning toward that one and she hadn’t even heard of it. Draco grins at her.
“That’s my favorite,” he says. “Founded by Salazar Slytherin, he valued cunning, resourcefulness, leadership, and ambition. If you’re here, nine times out of ten you’re a Pureblood, but sometimes a halfbloods or muggleborn ends up there too. Those who end up in Slytherin typically clique together-acquiring leaders- showing their ambition and determination. They wear silver and green, and have a connection to water.”
“What did you mean by pureblood, halfbloods and muggleborn?” Harry asks.
“Right: blood purity. There’s three categories of Wizard blood- your Pureblood- the ones who were born from two full blood wizards. A half blood is a child born of a wizard and a muggle- a non magic person. A muggle born is someone born of two parents who don’t have magic. They inherited magic from somewhere in their family line.” Draco pauses as Madame made another measurement of his arm. “Some say that magic should be kept in the Pureblood families only. But if you ask me, that would make accidental magic happen more often.”
Aricka nods. “Thank you for your help. You can count on me for anything you might need.”
“Make that two of us,” Harry said. Draco glances between the two of them.
“You understand… certain families have roles to play- so if I say something that sounds the complete opposite of what I just told you-,”
“We know the truth,” Aricka said. “We won’t hold it against you.” The blond smiled. Harry held his hand out to Draco.
“I’m Harry.” The boy grins, and takes it, shaking it firmly.
“I’m Draco.”
And thus was the first alteration of a timeline of events.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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“Golden Trio” era Harry Potter romantic f/os
Draco Malfoy
Aricka x Draco; the Slytherin Royal Couple
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Cedric Diggory
Aricka x Cedric; Seekers and Sweethearts
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Oliver Wood
Aricka x Oliver, the Seeker’s Keeper
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Fred Weasley
Aricka x Fred; never fully dressed without a smile
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Blaise Zabini
Aricka x Blaise, the Chaser of her heart
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Neville Longbottom
Aricka x Neville, In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
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Adrian Pucey
Aricka x Adrian, You know how to ball and I know Aristotle
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Seamus Finnegan
Aricka x Seamus, I don't know how it gets better than this
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Theo Nott
Aricka x Theo, darling I fancy you
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Cassius Warrington
Aricka x Cassius, you know I love a London boy
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Upcoming Series
Part 3 of ??
Title: The Second Chance
Fandom: Harry Potter
Main characters: Aricka Potter, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle
Relationships: eventual Aricka x Draco, established Ginny x Harry, established Ron x Hermione.
Summary: The war is over. Voldemort is dead. The ministry decides on a unique strategy to reform the remaining death-eaters. They design a potion that turns the person who drank it into a young child, placed under the care of someone on the “light”’side of the war. They age a year every two weeks and are regularly checked on to ensure they are learning from the experience.
Draco is placed in the care of Aricka Potter, known as the “Girl Who Survived,” and then “The Girl Who Never Missed Her Mark,” to Wizarding Society. She specifically requested that Draco be put in her care, citing “he was never cruel to me in school, I see the good hidden in him.”
Aricka is determined to bring the soft, caring side of Draco out.
Will he let her? Or will this be another example of how everyone leaves him behind?
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De-Aged Draco:
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(Not my gif. I found it via Google images, if it’s yours let me know and I’ll give you the proper credit!)
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Upcoming Series
Part 2 of several
Title: Turn Back Tide and Time
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Aricka/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna
Summary: during the battle of Hogwarts, five of our heroes get sent back in time to two weeks before their first year of Hogwarts, being given a second chance to do it all over- and do it better. This time they don’t let house prejudice define their character, and the actions they take change the wizarding world forever.
Main Cast:
Harry Potter:
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Ron Weasley:
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Hermione Granger:
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Aricka Potter:
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Draco Malfoy:
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Theo Nott:
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Neville Longbottom:
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Vincent Crabbe:
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(The boy on the left)
Gregory Goyle:
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(Boy on the right)
Severus Snape:
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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Upcoming Series
Part One of Many.
Title: Sands of Time, Take me Back
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Aricka Potter/Draco Malfoy, Aricka Potter (different self insert, explanation to follow)/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, eventual Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, eventual Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood
Summary: Aricka gets hit by a spell that sends her back in time to the year 1973, back in her 13 year old body. Reluctantly, she seeks the help of Albus Dumbledore, who works on finding a way to send her back to the future. While in the past; she finds she cannot alter the future, and makes friends with her parents and their friends.
Main cast:
Aricka Potter, Harry’s twin sister
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James Potter:
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Aricka Potter, James’ twin sister:
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Sirius Black:
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Remus Lupin:
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Peter Pettigrew:
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Lily Evans:
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Severus Snape:
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Regulus Black:
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Draco Malfoy:
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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