#Ari’s memory box
l0starl · 10 months
same vibe
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thatsexcpisces · 9 months
Gifts to get the moon signs for Christmas 🎄🤍
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Aries moon: clothing and items for the gym and working out, bold accessories that make them stand out, hats, earrings, tickets or a class for their favorite activity or take them on any fun adventure, new car (if you wanna go big), fancy mirrors, watch, strong fragrance, trendy gadgets
Taurus moon: jewelry, luxuriously-presented items, something cozy and for the home, a spa day voucher, soft blanket, cute slippers, beauty products, skin and self care items
Gemini moon: cute journals to write down their thoughts, entertaining card/games (ex. cards against humanity), stationary, technology, thought-provoking gifts, their favorite book collections.
Cancer moon: cooking set, something sentimental and hand-made (ex. a scrapbook of all your memories together), a comfy robe to lounge in, recipe book, candles and stuff for the home
Leo moon: gifts related to their interests whether musical or hobbies in general. ex., if they love lana del rey get them a vinyl collection of her music or a poster of her. designer clothing, something extravagant and unique, tickets to their favorite musical or show.
Virgo moon: organized home planners, plants, cookbook, antiques, cleaning gadgets, home fragrances, books on getting organized and lifestyle advice, gift cards for home goods stores or their fav stores in general, maybe even get them a small pet to keep company!
Libra moon: designer handbags, books on fashion, good-quality perfumes, beauty items, fancy soaps, silk scarves or pajama sets, luxury brand shoes, fancy decorations for their living space
Scorpio moons: spiritual gifts, something personal from you, leather/ dark colored clothing, pampering gifts, marble items, brand sunglasses, ruled by Pluto; get them an elegant version of whatever they generally like; if they like gold jewelry, get them a carefully-selected box of fancy gold rings or something like that.
Sagittarius moons: gifts brought from a foreign country, something unique, plane tickets to a country they’ve always wanted to go to, travel picture book to record their journeys, good- quality camera, laptop, money, practical gifts
Capricorn moons: expensive things (I mean it’s a Capricorn moon here 💀), money in an envelope, gift cards to high-end stores, good chocolates, wine, and other specialty gourmet items, functional coffee machine, items to relieve stress (back-massager tool, etc), self-help books
Aquarius moons: technology, new phone, computer, Apple headphones, vintage record player, art materials, something no one else has, something related to their humanitarian or quirky interests, trivia games
Pisces moon: dream journal, thoughtful gifts, paintings, adult coloring books or stuff for arts and crafts, cute headphones, their favorite album and CD’s, something that encourages creativity, collection of bath salts and fragrances, meditation/yoga tools, locket necklace, fluffy blankets and pillows
Thank you for reading hope y’all have a good holiday! 🫶🎁🌟
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triangular-eye · 9 months
astrology observations
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- aquarius ascendants are the type of people you can never figure out. if you think you have, they are mirroring you. these people feel limited when being put in a box, they don’t like to be perceived in a specific way or have labels put upon them.
- libra moons tend to give out a lot of hot and cold behaviour, especially if they feel trapped or are in a period of indecision.
- pisces sun people are extremely emotionally stable and know how to handle an emotionally tense situation. they welcome all the feelings and recognise them one by one, then introduce logic. they like to problem solve emotionally tense situations.
- people with asteroid child (4580) on a close conjuct with their sun are people who always have the ‘childish joy for life’. they perceive life through the lens of fun and tend to have a natural tendency to detach from everything they’re faced with. they might carry some deep trauma from their childhood and tend to never ‘properly mature’.
- aries ascendants tend to always have a lot of energy in social situations, natural extroverts if you may.
- taurus moons feel loved when gifted money or food. i know someone with this placement that told me that they don’t care about the person they’re dating, as long as they are financially benefiting from this connection.
- those with asteroid wisdom (8402) landing in their 12th house hold a lot of answers in their subconscious. they feel as though their own memory blocks them from accessing the answers they need, and they may need to look into their past lives for answers.
- uranus retrograde natives tend to feel as though whenever something good is going on in their lives, it will crumble soon. they have a constant chronic uncertainty about the near future and the temperaments of the energies, may struggle with general anxiety.
- scorpio moon natives tend to take matters into their own hands whenever faced with tension in a connection, they ‘destruct’ the situation and try to get to the bottom of what created the uncertainty (the tower card). they want to make sure whatever is being built, is being built on a very strong foundation.
- natives with sun in opposition to the moon in their charts struggle to access their emotions when they are fully feeling like themselves. they feel as though their emotions are what hold them back from achieving their best self (unfortunately:’( u guys need a hug)
- taurus suns tend to have a larger belly or a larger appetite, might be very fertile (the empress card - her being pregnant)
- natives with pluto retrograde tend to have to take matters into their own hands in regards to fixing family dynamics. “the family fixer”, the “eldest daughter” stereotype, a lot of shadow work and trauma healing, feeling victimised in life and with circumstances.
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lua-magic · 8 months
Intresting Astrology facts (Vedic Astrology)
When planets goes in your ancendent, whether you like it or not, you will get significance of that planet.
Venus in first house- Money and comfort will come to you easily, native gets attraction from opposite sex easily, and love to care or obsessed with self care.
Jupiter in first house- knowledge and education will come to you easily, native is morally strong and love teaching and counseling.
Mercury in first house- logic and sharp memory come to you. Many buisness person has this combination, they can remember names and face easily.
Mars in ancendent - Courage and energy comes to you easily. Native has fighting spirit.
Saturn in ascendant - maturity and work comes to you at an early age, since very young age such natives start their work.
Sun in ancendent - Ego and confidence comes to native easily, native is disciplined and attached to father and family.
Moon in first house- Emotions, writing comes to you naturally. Native get emotional easily, has motherly nature.
Rahu in first house - Multiple personality, native can switch his personality easily and has out of box thinking
Ketu in first house- Spiritual and detached, has connections with super concious or spiritual realm, has habit of talking to himself/herself, and always in imaginary world as ketu is connecting you to different world
Whichever planets goes in 🐟♓ Pisces planets loose their strength because it is sign of liberation and planets are going towards liberation.
So, don't be surprised if you have planets in Pisces and people leave you easily, it is because they are finishing their Karma with you, feel happy as you are getting liberation from Karma, only if you let them go easily, that is why ketu is exalted, because it can let go
Sun in Pisces - Problems with father, and boss, you will loose your ego slowly, and become more grounded, but here sun in Pisces is actually moving towards next sign ie Aries where it gets exalted, so sun is actually going towards exaltation, but, sun here will force you finish all your egos from your relationship ie Sunnis not considered melefics here, it just looses it strength, but it will make you humble and connect you to spiritual world and makes you spiritual.
In past life you had lot of ego in your relationship that is why one reason you got sun in Pisces
Moon Pieces - Problems with mother and balancing your own emotions, Pisces is actually your past life, planets in past life has past life karmic debt, so here you have lot of past life emotions attached to you still.
You have to let go all those emotions, though moon here makes you imaginative and gives deja vu, because moon here remembers your past birth.
Mostly native come back to same family after rebirth to finish pending karmas, native would be attached to roots and ancestors, as Pisces is sign of ancestors as well.
Native would be great healer and empath.
In past life native has some unfinished buisness or died suddenly hence, native comes to same family.
Sometimes, in some cases native has unknown fear it because past life sudden death.
MARS in Pisces - Problems with brother or problems in romantic relationships, here native energy will go mostly on bed pleasure as Piesces is bed pleasure, but problem is that more native goes back of bed pleasure more troublesome relationship he/ she invites.
Native would be skill full, and is multitasking, Mars here is telling you to preserve your sexual energy, I am not telling not to have sex or not to get involved in sex after marriage, but, don't run back of sex and intimacy instead use it to grow spiritually, transmute your sexual energy in your spiritual energy.
Mercury in Pisces - Problems with friends and sleeping issues because Mercury is fast moving planet, and Pisces is sign of sleep, Mercury placed in Pisces gives you sleep problems and somewhat makes you selfish as well.
Mercury is debilitated here,
Here, you need to come out of Me mentally and focus on how you can serve others, Mercury is your logic and Pisces is sign of subconscious, hence, native faces lot of confusions in life, and takes lot of wrong descision in life.
Jupiter Pisces, little tricky, because in its own sign but your relationship with your husband and kids will be karmic, don't be surprised if you get hurt many times by your soulmate, because it is your karmic debt.
Saturn in Pisces - Problems in work life, with your job, now, Saturn here has one work that is to liberate you, Saturn will give you here foreign travel as well as hospitalisation.
More, you behave like Saturn, means don't try too hard, more Saturn bless you.
Yes, Saturn here wants you to focus on your inner spiritual wealth rather than outer material wealth more you try hard more insecure you become, so start changing your inner first ie your belief, trying too hard simply means you assume that you don't deserve good things in life and it doesn't come to you easily, let things go easily, and work on your beliefs Saturn will bless you, don't try to hoard things nor get insecure when you loose, Saturn is dry planet, you have to be emotionally dry from material world, then Saturn will liberate you, hence, Saturn is both exalted, if you behave like Saturn but also debi because it will trouble you if you don't give importance to spiritual wealth.
Ketu and Venus both are exalted.
Rahu in twelfth House Rahu being shadow planet it has both good and not so good aspect, means it is your choice which one you choose, either you can choose bed pleasure and lot of relationship or you can choose spiritual growth it is up to you .
Rahu gives here foreign travel and astral travel as well.
In past life native would be associated with some kind of witchcraft or occult or black magic hence native would experience pull towards conspiracy theories, and occult.
Native also attaract spirits easily to himself/herself, and native has lot of karmic relationship with spirits, sounds suprising, but if you work with spirits in any form you establish connections to it, hence in this life they experience spirits visiting them especially while sleeping, as Pisces is sign of sleep .
They also has unknown fear of ghosts and spirits in their mind...
If you understand astrology more in details you will understand how, houses control our outer atmosphere.
If you have lack of energy and passion it is because your fire house is imbalanced ie one, five and nine
If you have emotional issues your water house is imbalanced ie four, eighth and twelfth
If you have problems with your creativity then your air sign is imbalanced ie, 3,7,and 11.
If you have 🤑 money problems then your earth sign is imbalanced ie 2,6 and 10.
To solve money related issues start from Taurus, that is your eating, hence moon is exalted here. Eat balance diet and more boiled (Sun)and green food(Mercury), avoid packet foods (Saturn) spicy food( Rahu) and unhealthy fast foods (Mars).
Then move to virgo your daily routine, start being disciplined and early riser (Sun).
Then move to Capricorn ♑ Many people know Capricorn as house of karma and duty but do you know why Saturn holds the lordship of 10thbhouse, because it also house of patience and dignity.
So in simple words many people will try to defame you you, critisise you, blame you, put wrong allegations, think you small but you have to rise above all and keep doing your work, that is why after Capricorn ♑ comes Aquarius that is house of manifestation, because only when you stay humble when people critisise you, you move to 11th house that is of wish fulfilment.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 7 months
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Hello! The art on this reading is done by me! If yall wanna go check out my art blog its called @starlitghostfawn 🖤🩵🤍
Remember take what resonates, leave all the rest behind but always be open to new experiences!
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Crystal: Green Fluorite
Astrology: Aries ♈️, Capricorn ♑️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Figurine: Blossom Bunny
Song: “Memory” by Toby Fox
Pile 3, your inner child has a pixie-like energy that makes them super hyper and happy. However, they have a huge complex about success. They are surrounded by expectations that were put upon them long ago. Now you are the only one putting those expectations on them. They need some time to play. Space to do whatever they please with no pressure to perform or to do your absolute best with no mistakes. Allow mistakes to be made. Allow yourself to be human. You are so hard on yourself and think yourself in circles over the littlest mis-step. Mistakes a part of humanity and being alive. Your inner child is an earth angel that is allowed to learn messily. You will make yourself and others proud even if you take time to let them free.
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Crystal: Rose Quartz
Astrology: Scorpio ♏️, Taurus ♉️, Cancer ♋️, Aquarius ♒️
Figurine: My Melody
Song: “Wasteland, Baby” by Hozier
Pile 2, your inner child is congratulating and celebrating with you! They have this soft, shy energy. They have asked something from you and you gave it to them! Fantastic job, friend. I think what you have been working on is loving your inner child more actively. You worked through some emotional issues recently and met your inner child where they needed you. It has made your life different but happier! Maybe you showed them a love they haven’t felt before or at least haven’t felt in a long time. I definitely see maybe you did something new with your hair that your inner child finds so fun and fulfilling. I also see you could have worked through the root of an ED and are working on your recovery! Your inner child is so grateful to you. You are learning to love each other and trust each other. Which I see you have worked very hard on. You have been doing your shadow work and healing. It is time to take a break and pour yourself your favorite drink. Appreciate yourself for all the work you have been doing.
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Sagittarius ♐️, Gemini ♊️, Leo ♌️, Libra ♎️
Figurine: Cinnamoroll
Song: “always, i’ll care” by Jeremy Zucker
Hello, pile 3! Your inner child's energy is like a fire-cracker. They have a very spicy energy but it feels very tame. An outside force (probably a mother or another feminine role model) definitely shoved them in a box early on. Your spicy energy goes unappreciated by you because of how some of your inner child has been hidden away. Two things I think would be important for you to know about this. First, you are free of this third party who judged you. You don’t have them hanging over your shoulder anymore. You are free to let your inner child be themselves. Second thing, your inner child’s aggression is a very useful and protective tool. Let them get angry. Let them bark at people. Not allowing that energy out is less protective than relaxing and permitting them to protect you from people or things that you know hurt you. I know you’re scared to empower them. Their discomfort is worthy of being addressed. You don’t have to keep them away to remain safe anymore. You are 100% allowed to be a little brat sometimes and there is nothing wrong with that. Anger is part of the human experience and is important to keep some control over but not a total domination. Free the little one.
-ghost 👻🩵
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coworkers polycule angst hours - imagine how ari would have to feel. both of your partners - however you define them to be - gone, but you can't remember them. you're just left with this overwhelming sense of loss of *something* - *someone* (multiple someones?) - close, but you can't figure out what. you're left grasping at unreachable straws - grasping at memories concealed in a box you don't have the key to, and you're not even sure you want it. youre left looking for the two people that kept you whole and sane - but you don't even know these two people *existed.* you lost your partners, but you dont even know they existed in the first place. you feel their loss, but you can't understand *why.*
(And when you finally get even one of them back, you've long since moved on - mostly. you've processed the loss best you could, and now youre happy with someone else. they understand, of course, they always did. they were always good at that, despite their anger and upset and *pain* - they could understand. they don't hold it against you - and the two of you (still missing your third piece - *forever* missing your third piece) are far from distant. you make sure they don't drift too far - and in turn they make sure you're not alone when you need someone to talk to. not distant, not quite as close as you were, but friends nonetheless.)
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
oh ari, the prompt "They didn't like to be touched by just anyone. But that didn't mean they didn't also crave it sometimes." with one of the honkai star rail babes?
✮ tags ; touch-starved dan heng il, mild spoilers for his story, established but new relationship, gn!reader
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Dan Heng had never thought about it.
For a long time. Since the beginning of his life, till now. Touch is a—has always been, a foreign concept. The lifestyle and ways of the Vidyadhara are foreign to him despite his lineage. Whatever lessons he might've had on love or relationships, he had lost a long time ago.
The first time someone had ever touched him more than briefly, was March 7th. After a long mission where Dan Heng had almost lost his life, she'd wrapped his arms around his shoulders and sobbed. Hugged him so tight he felt his breaths get labored.
At the time, Dan Heng only found it uncomfortable. But the aftermath had prompted many things. Memories, mostly, of phantom touches. Of a lover he doesn't know, and of a place he doesn't remember.
Dan Heng does not pay much mind to ghosts like these. After all, there are so many of them. His life is a long-standing haunting. It didn't alter the reality, that Dan Heng carries a form that had once been so loved.
He never thought about it, until one day - you confessed your feelings for him. In a simple, juvenile way. With a single flower and box of sweets from the Xianzhou. You confessed your love in a way Dan Heng found endearing. It took him another month to return them.
Since then, you've taken it easy. Gone at his pace, sheltering your true desires so he doesn't get scared away. It's unnecessary, he tells you, but you remain careful.
Before, Dan Heng didn't think about touch or being touched. He didn't like to be touched by just anyone, but he craved it. Sometimes. When he thought of you, Dan Heng would ghost his fingers over his arms and shoulders. So subtly it was easy to dismiss.
Lately it's harder to deny to himself, soft as a whisper. He wants you to touch him, in some small way. He desires it enough that you notice at least.
You're spending time in his room. Alone together, tending to something by yourself. Dan Heng is reading while you play a game. But truthfully he can't focus. The proximity between your bodies makes it hard.
"Dan Heng," You murmur. Dan Heng looks up at you "What are you staring at me for?"
"I wasn't staring,"
You laugh. "Well you keep glancing,"
He feels himself blush. "We're very close."
"Yes, I guess we are." You look at him confused "Does that bother you?"
"...No," He says, feeling his blush deepen "I don't mind if we're closer, either."
You pause, trying to register the words. When you do, your eyes soften. And you smile. You turn to lay on your side, propping your face up with your arm. Dan Heng's brows raise slightly, before he finds himself closing the book and carefully crawling into the space you've opened up on his bed.
He lays down first, and you let yourself slot into his side - legs tangling together. You let your arm drape around his waist as you pull him as close as can be.
The sudden proximity is intoxicating. You smell faintly like perfume and laundry detergent, and your breath is so warm against his skin. You're warm, in general, unlike him.
He melts into the touch despite himself. He knows so little of destiny, but he wonders if love is something that this form is destined for. Otherwise, he can't image being so lucky.
Your fingers splay around his waist, brushing up underneath his t-shirt. He pauses, before tucking his face against your shoulder and melting. He wants so little. Just you. Only you.
He laughs to himself.
"Yes," He says, and does not add anything about tolerating him "Thank you."
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bitesize-astrology · 22 days
That Dance With Hurt Again
Friday - August 30, 2024
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Later tonight Chiron will retrograde back to 22° Aries. 22° is a volatile degree, one that breaks down feelings in the same manner you break down a box to take it to recycling. Chiron will stay in this spot for 26 days, pretty much thru all of September. The goal in this breakdown is to get to the heart of the manner about how you feel about a person, place, thing or situation.
While Chiron sits at 22° Aries you will be revisiting old hurts in many ways.
First is to make sure you don't let things of the past ruin your present or your future. Much of what this transit will do is make you AWARE of this past, but it isn't an invitation to go down memory lane. It's a reminder to put the past into a more life-affirming perspective, and from there create a happy NOW.
Second is to be aware that everyone is going to be dancing with past hurts and wounds. You might find yourself triggering a wound in someone, and the whole situation could just explode. Keep this ESPECIALLY in mind if you are interacting with people you have a history of hurts and wounds with REGARDLESS if those hurts and wounds are real or imagined. Chiron at 22° Aries will certainly bring to the surface situations in which you are totally unaware of someone's hurt and your role in that hurt.
With everything else that will occur in the astrology during this 26-day period, Chiron at 22° Aries is the last thing we need. But it's purpose is to make sure you reframe these hurts from the past so they don't sabotage your future.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Happy New Year Sonny 💜 Hope you have had an amazing NYE 😊
Speaking of Ari's balls, I just had this thot of Ari making you do a countdown with his big fat cock in his mouth 😂 Imagine all that sloppyness and the ball worship 🤤🤤🤤🤤
happy new year bestie and thank you so much !! hope you had loads of fun and made lovely memories 🥰🫶
oh let’s make it a lil spicy: dad’s best friend!Ari has been looking at you all night, flouncing around the house in your new year dress, passing drinks, food and being the perfect little co-host.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he grabs your arm when you pass by, his fingers cold from the bottle of beer, “your dad said he had something for me in his office?”
“Uh—oh, yeah! Something about old pictures from college? When you two played rugby?”
He smiles, gently entwining your fingers, “that’s it, you wanna bring me there before the countdown?”
And ofc you do. You lead him through the house, unknowingly swaying your hips. You talk to him in your pretty voice about how happy you are to be on break from university and Ari is so so so proud of you!
In your dad’s office, you bend over the stack of boxes to sift through the old photographs, “do you know the year of the pictures? My daddy organizes it by year.”
He takes a slow sip of his beer and locks the door. The floorboards creak as he sits in the big leather chair. “Before that, your dad tells me you’ve got a boyfriend?”
You turn around and gulp, eyes drawn to his thick thighs straining against his jeans. “He did?”
“Mhm, he’s upset that you’re growing up, he thinks you’ll get engaged this upcoming year.”
You huff, slightly embarrassed, “he’s over-exaggerating. Steve is too busy with his football career to propose but he’s—he’s a good guy, I promise!”
Ari bets he is. “You like guys who play sports?” He asks, leaning back and spreading his legs.
He chuckles softly, “Bet you like being thrown around, bent and used like a doll… and you love ‘em bigger than you.” He runs a hand through his hair, “tell me, does this Steve guy know where to touch you, baby?”
Oh he does, but you can’t answer bc Ari is groping himself over his jeans, groaning under his breath. “C’mere, sweet girl, daddy needs your help.”
downstairs everyone is counting down and celebrating and cheering for the new year, but you’re on your knees in your father’s office, sucking Ari’s fat sack, and crying when he slaps his thick length on your wet cheeks.
“Does your boyfriend know you’re a sackslut?” He laughs mockingly at your muffled yes. “Oh he does? Do you suck his balls like this, baby? Choke yourself on his sack like a dummy?”
“Mhm, da-ddy.” You bubbler, saliva dribbles from your lips as you kiss up the girth, licking the beads of pre cum from the tip. “Luh it.”
Your makeup is smeared under your eyes and your lipgloss is ruined, but you’ve never looked better.
Ari rubs your head, guiding you down his cock, “if I would’ve known that, you and I could’ve done this a while ago—” his words break off into a grunt as you suckle the head, tracing the slit with your tongue, “we’ve got a lot to make up for, sweet girl, and I don’t fuckin’ care if your boyfriend finds out.”
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chemdisaster · 1 year
cat dad au fic! in which kitten comforts scar. few things you need to know for context - "the isaacs" is a silly name scar gave to the heroes who would bully him, kitten uses a bunch of neos, of which i'm using xit/xitself in this fic, and for a few years when scar first found kitten he was under a lot of stress with work and they both had a bad time. that is all
"I like this one." 
Scar hums as Kitten hands him another picture. In this one, the two of them are dressed up as Hotguy, both laughing as a tiny Kitten points a fake arrow at his chest. Touching his finger to the cascading reds and oranges, he inhales the smell of memories and watches the echoes flash by. 
"I have captured you, Hotguy! Give up if you know what's good for you!" 
"No! Never! You won't catch the tail end of my whiskers, Catguy!"
"Not if I use my special bow! You're dead, Hotguy! I will capture you and I'll—"
As joy rings out in the silent air of reminiscence, a smile warmed with time spreads on his face.
"Yeah. I like this one, too."
Carefully setting the photograph aside, Scar moves on to the next one. With Ari out this afternoon, he and Kitten spontaneously decided to clear out some old boxes—and the nostalgia is hitting like nothing else. 
Surrounded by various papers and bundles and scraps, they sit side by side on the floor of his room and exchange quiet comments as they pass around mementos of years past. The atmosphere is peaceful, hushed, and looking from the tiny kitten on the photographs to the grown up cat next to him, Scar can't help but marvel at how long it's been. 
He never thought he'd get here. 
Stifling a laugh into his palm over the picture of small Kitten with a rubber fish and a beard of foam, Scar adds it to the growing collection. Shifting his weight from one leg to the other, he looks over at Kitten—
And his heart skips a beat. 
Centred in Kitten's padded hands is an assortment of crumpled papers, familiar as anything Scar wouldn't like to recall. Delicately smoothed out and held together with years old tape, the grid pattern has faded away, but he doesn't need to see the scribbles to immediately recognise them and everything that came with.
Art of Kitten that xit was never meant to see jumping at him from the frayed scraps, Scar asks, "Are those...?"
"Hm?" Kitten makes a noise that's more cat than anything. "Oh, these? Yeah, you—you drew them for me, didn't you? I remember I kept finding them in your bag."
"Yeah, I remember you kept going through my things like a nosy feline," Scar jokingly gripes. His grin thins at the edges, "I—I do remember these, yeah."
Drawing on patrols, sketch after sketch to block out the mocking, the insults—getting the drawings ripped from him and torn into tiny pieces right in front of his eyes. Sinking to his knees and cradling the pieces in his hands, tears littering the floor.
He kept them as a reminder of his failures. He never thought they would ever become anything more.
"Why were they torn?" Kitten asks after a while of Scar silently staring at his lap. "Did you not like them?"
Scar doesn't reply. Kitten knows about the mistreatment his old team would put him through, but somehow it still feels shameful, even after all these years, to acknowledge that it happened. That he let it happen, and let it go on for as long as it did because he was too weak to stand up for himself. 
Too bad to realise how that weakness was impacting the people around him.
"I did like them," he says suddenly, vehemence splitting from his tongue. "I liked them so much. It's just, I would always draw on missions and I'd get distracted and, well," Scar shrugs, smiling like it's all right past the bitter lump in his throat, "the Isaacs didn't like that."
He doesn't know why it means so much to him. They're only drawings. Stupid doodles of Kitten to chase away the self-loathing that never really left. They're not even good. And yet here he is, decades past and still getting emotional over things that don't matter. It doesn't matter.
He doesn't matter.
"I thought you were the one who tore them," Kitten blurts out. "I thought you didn't like them, and that's why you tore them. I," he breaks off, his tail curls around his legs. 
"Back when I was a kid, I thought it was because you didn't like me."
Guilt grips Scar's chest. All those years ago, when Kitten would curl up in front of a closed door—the drawings were an attempt at something good. To show him how much he appreciated him when words wouldn't come. And he ruined that, and now he's ruined what was meant to be a simple cozy afternoon.
He ruins everything, he's always known. Somehow it still hurts.
Kitten is worried about Scar.
Has been for a while now, and the torn drawings are only the start of it.
The few years during which little bits of tape would stick to his claws were hard on them both, and even years later xit can't stop the cold dark grey of abandonment from creeping up when xit thinks of that awful time. Staying up late waiting for Scar to come home, only to fall asleep and wake the next day to an empty flat—it was soul-sucking.
But he healed. He's not there anymore. Lately, he's not so sure about Scar.
A good few minutes pass before xit decides to speak up.
"It was really hard for you back then, wasn't it?"
Focus sinking into nowhere, Scar jerks as he breaks out of his daze. 
"Huh, what?" 
"Those first few years. When it was just you and me. Taking care of a child while working the way you did at the time can't have been easy," Kitten probes. He doesn't expect anything but the deflection he's come to know, and he wishes Scar would be honest with him. 
He wishes Scar would be honest with himself. 
"Well, I mean—there were some rough patches, yeah," his friend stammers out. "But—"
"You would cry yourself to sleep."
Scar's head shoots up, the dark bags under his eyes never seemed more prominent.
"I heard. Every time."
He looks down, "I'm sorry."
"No, don't apologise," Kitten says quickly. "Just...we keep talking about what it was like for me, yeah? But we never talk about what it was like for you."    
Abruptly, Scar gets up and walks over to the bed, sitting down, rocking back and forth as he pulls his sleeves over his fingers. 
"It's—it doesn't matter. I'm okay now."
Kitten follows, clambering up next to him and peering past the curtain of brown hair at the face hidden beneath. 
"I'm not sure you are."
Scar's expression crumples for a split second.
"Don't worry about me, Kitten," he says. "I'll—it's not your job to look after me."
Kitten scoots closer, xits tail lays itself over his back. Scar doesn't speak and xit doesn't either; words are difficult and xit's content to sit here staring at the old wallpaper, making out dirty kitchens and wine-stained floors in the peeling vinyl. Stillness can hold all the sentences within its grasp, he's learned—he'll never ask for more than what the quiet can give him.
Outside, damning clouds begin to gather as a shuddering inhale stumbles its way out of Scar's lungs.
"Sometimes it felt like it was all for nothing."
The confession breaks the silence, but does not break the gentle swishing motions of Kitten's tail against his spine. 
"It was just—so difficult," he continues, letters spilling out of his mouth like an avalanche of wretched revelations. "Nothing was working. I spread myself thin every day and I still just constantly felt like I was doing it for nothing. And I'm—I'm sorry."
Scar's hands thrust upwards, he trips over another inhale. 
"I tried so hard to do what was best for you and I just ended up hurting you—every time. And I just," he bends his head, swipes at his eyes, "maybe I'm not meant to be good. Maybe it would be better if I just...wasn't."
His features twist, eyebrows inching higher on his forehead; he looks devastated, wrought with grief for what could have been, what he should have been and everything he never was. Decades of regret play in the creases of his skin as he tugs on his hair, blinking rapidly in the way he always does—the way that always fails. 
Kitten was never one for words, but in this moment he thinks that maybe what he struggles to give is what Scar needs. He needs to exist, and touch not meant to hurt can only do so much.
Stillness can hold all the sentences within its grasp, but phantom promises won't stitch up an age-old wound.
"Scar, you did—so much for me," xit says, and Scar's back jumps in a tremor. "For so many people. I wouldn't be here if you weren't."
Eyes squeezed shut, the other emits a low noise, "I hurt you." 
"You talked to me and gave me drawings and found me a therapist. You did more to help than anyone else ever could."
Scar shakes his head, shakes it like Kitten's words are incomprehensible, impossible to believe, and maybe they are. Leaning forward, trembling hands lifting to press to his chin, he curls in on himself, shoulders hunching like a plea—a plea for Kitten to stop saying things that he can't, won't let himself believe are real.
Kitten does not relent. 
"Look, I know you have this fear in you that you'll hurt anyone you rely on but that's not true. You deserve support, that's what we're here for."
"No, I—these are my own struggles, and I—I can deal with it—" 
Scar's voice bounces up like marbles off the wooden floor; the tears he's desperately wiping off his cheeks render his assurances anything but genuine. Clouds descending in the streams of his despair, he's never looked more damaged.
"You took care of me for so long," Kitten says softly, reaching out for a man who won't let himself accept that love never had to be earned. "Let yourself be taken care of, too."
As his friend continues to shake his head in denial, he thinks of a rainy evening, a door left ajar, a room filled with muffled sobs—and he thinks of two friends, both hurt by the world, both having found healing within each other. 
"I like your ears. Remember?"
Scar slumps, defeated. Loud, uncontrollable weeping tears through him like a wildfire and Kitten pulls him close, rubbing a clawed hand over his back, muttering, "Relax. You don't have to be strong all the time."
Raking his claws over quivering vertebrae, listening to choked cries get suppressed against his rumbling chest, he leans back against the blankets and pulls Scar with him, carding thin fingers through long brown strands as his friend settles, trembling, atop his body. Scar's hands are freezing cold, the wire under his feet looms ever farther down below— 
And Kitten knows in this moment that all that he needs is for someone to make sense of him. And xit knows that, finally, xit understands.
And when Scar drapes himself over xit in an instinctual, unguarded yearning to be near, xit drops xits head into the crook of his neck and doesn't look up and begs that this moment would never end. Kitten's heart may not shine, but he would give all the gold in his possession to mend the cracks of Scar's tainted soul.
And as he drifts to a doze with his friend in his arms, he thinks back to the torn drawings—taped together, hidden away as something to be treasured. And xit thinks, maybe broken doesn't have to be forever. 
Under Kitten's hold, for the first time in years, Scar starts to believe that maybe everything he did wasn't for nothing.
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mariinawrites · 1 year
Wanted for Pleasure - Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, neck kisses, dom Simon Riley, Angst
Recommended songs to listen while reading: Melting by Kali Uchis, Stay by Ari Abdul, Wild Horse by Darci, West Coast by Lana Del Rey
Word Count: 5,100~ (approximately)
A/N: Something about seeing Simon as a detective gets me in a chokehold oh my god. Have funsies! Minors do not interact!
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Being a detective at your local police department was not an easy feat. Every single day consisted of such heavy work and many files to take care of and to file properly, as well as capture many criminals in the district along with your temporary team. You pride yourself on your sharp instincts and relentless pursuit of justice. As a seasoned investigator, you really saw it all – murders, robberies and a long ongoing string of complex cases that always had you putting your skills to the test. 
By your superior, you were just recently assigned to a high-profile task force within the police department. A little intimidated by it, only because the group was full of well respected detectives. You were grateful your superior finally recognized your good and hard accomplished work to even assign you there. It would be a new chapter for you, and you didn’t want to mess up at all. Walking into the room where the task force was located, you scouted your eyes around the room clutching your brown box full of desk belongings and unfinished criminal files jumbled in there. You counted 7 desks with each detective working, not lifting their eyes from their screen to even acknowledge your arrival, as one desk was fully empty ready for you to use, all the way in the back, secluded, just the way you liked it. 
You place your box on your new desk as you quietly started placing things in their respective places, as your superior walks in full of energy. It was too early, being 8:00 am, to be that energetic. He took a grand sip from his coffee cup in his hand as he placed it on a pile of papers as he clapped to get everyones’ attention. 
“Okay everyone, listen up!” He exclaimed.
“We have a new addition to the team, and she is another fellow detective transferred from the other force. Now, treat her as a part of you all now, include her in missions and no sabotaging funny business you hear!” He said aggressively, causing you to smile gently as you stood up to introduce yourself.
“I hope we can all work together well, nice to meet you all!” You said nicely towards all your new accomplices as you gave a warm smile to each fellow detective, as some returned the same, until you reached the last detective. Your smile fades slowly as you realize who is there. Your breath hitches slightly as you sit back down slowly. 
Your ex-boyfriend Simon Riley.
What the hell is he doing there? You thought.
You were known for your unwavering dedication to your job, but nothing had tested your resolve like the day your heart shattered. Once, you and Detective Simon Riley had shared a love that burned brighter than the sun itself. But now, all that remained were the charred remains of broken memories and shattered trust. It broke you, broke you so much you had to take a couple months off, claiming you were on “sick leave.” 
Things ended between you two so abruptly, considering he was the one who ended it after you found out he cheated on you supposedly with another member from another task force, in that same damn police department you were in presently. You were dumb to even start a relationship with him, but oh did you love this man more than anything else in the entire world. He was a man of very few words and was rather cold and mysterious, your mind was all in a frenzy not knowing what to do next as you clutch your pen in your hand, trying to get started to file documents, but you can’t. 
You were too focused on realizing that you were now forced to work with your ex boyfriend, and the fact that you still couldn’t get over him, despite it being 3 years ago. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, no matter how hard you tried over the years, you could never get over him. You were forced to succumb and bury the heartbreak you felt as well as the feelings you still miraculously still had for him. This was all too fast for you to process, you didn’t know what to do next, hell, you couldn’t even look up because you were afraid he was staring at you, which would’ve been absolutely awkward. 
Your hands started to grow cold as you felt your stomach twisting, giving you the feeling that you had to throw up. You shot up quickly as you grabbed your jacket from your chair as you burst through the door to the bathroom, having 3 team detectives look up confused at your sudden action. Simon did not even bother caring, as he lit a cigarette from his leather jacket pocket, shooting a few puffs upwards as he analyzed a murder case file simultaneously. 
Clutching the bathroom sink, you splashed water on your face to wake you up. You couldn’t possibly be feeling like this. This would hinder your profession and possibly, your superior could notice the change in your work ethic and send you out, which would be really embarrassing. It couldn’t be that bad, just work with the team as if there was nothing between you and Simon. Easy right?
You dried your face as you paced from side to side in the small bathroom, thinking of a good way for an entrance back to your desk without feeling queasy again. You decided to hype yourself up and not be cooped up in the bathroom as you left, making way to the office again. Pushing the door open slightly, not to disturb anyone else working, you quickly went back to your seat and sat down without gathering any attention to yourself, as you began filing a report for one of the cases you were assigned to. 
As you were too engulfed in working on the case file while simultaneously concealing the feelings you were battling in your mind, as well as processing the fact that you are now forced to work with your ex boyfriend Simon Riley, this thought reminding you every waking second of the day, You hear a heap stack of files be placed on your desk with a huge thud, startling you. Darting your eyes up to see who it is, it is none other than Simon himself, staring at you with an icy cold stare that broke into you, making you feel absolutely small under his gaze. He slapped the giant pile of files he placed while playing with a cigarette hanging loosely from the side of his mouth, a scar apparent on the side of his lip. 
“File these in the cabinets, alphabetically, get to it.” He said with no emotion whatsoever, making you wanna disintegrate right then and there, as he leaves the office with his leather jacket over his shoulder. You scoff and stare at the massive amount of files he left there, resembling an entire jenga tower, it’s like you were some maid of his. 
Who the fuck does he think he is. You thought angrily. 
You huff in defeat as you continue to file all these documents in their respective places, you eventually lose track of time.
[Same night - 12:30 am]
You yawn lazily as you start staring at the clock, reading 12:30 am, you rubbed your eyes and slumped into your chair stretching yourself, as you gaze around the room lightly, seeing only you in the entire office, feeling envious of the other members having finished their work early. This was Simon’s fault, giving you more work than you already had, considering he was the first to leave, he could’ve done the alphabetical filing himself, but no, he had to dump it on the newbie of the team. 
You were happy with yourself despite the situation, considering the fact you were always an organized person, so everything was in order and in place, just how you liked it. Getting up and packing your bag with your things, you yank your jacket off the seat and leave the office, closing the lights and locking the door behind you. 
This is fucking overtime. You thought, as you were not liking the fact you stayed so late because of a certain someone, even though it is your job as a detective, it irked you because this meant you missed the premier of your favorite show on your TV at home. Walking out of the empty police department to your car, the parking area was all empty, giving you an eerie feeling that you weren’t so alone, like you imagined, and that someone was still around, despite it being so quiet. You thought nothing of it as you were too tired to go and scout the area, so you just decided to ignite your car and zoom off home.
As you left, you couldn’t help but still think that someone was staring at you when you were at the parking lot, even though it was empty. It creeped you out a little but you thought none of it as you gripped the steering wheel focusing on the road. Little did you know, someone was there staring at you when you left, and it was the man himself, Simon. Watching your every move as you left, while he stayed hidden behind a tall tree near the parking lot, once again, smoking another cigarette while leaning against his motorcycle. 
He couldn’t lie to himself, he was just a little shocked you were transferred to his team, but nonetheless, it ended between you two because of his stupid decisions. He messed up, but at the same time, he can’t bare to see you with anyone else. He wanted you all to himself. Despite ruining what you both had, and having you absolutely heartbroken, he claimed in his mind that he did what he did to you to protect you, by pushing you away from him. This backfired, considering that now, he can’t get you out of his mind. And now that you both are forced to work with each other, it will make it all the more harder for him. Which is why now, he was closely watching you, from a distance, like a hawk, ready to attack if anything comes your way to harm you. Like your guardian angel. You were his first love, and he was not going to get that taken away from him, regardless of the past. 
[Couple weeks later - Monday - 8:10 am]
Pouring yourself a 2nd cup of coffee as you went to sit down at your desk, yawning tiredly, turning on your computer and putting on your badge and name tag lanyard on, it was time to begin work with the first case of the day. Pulling out the file, it was labeled as an armed robbery case. And this file was directed under you. 
Setting up the documents, to make the explanation of the case easier on the cork board. You kindly began explaining to the other detectives, all while trying not to make eye contact with Simon, who was on your side listening intently to what you were saying. Which stressed you out a little, even though it has been a couple weeks since you were transferred.
“So, essentially, he was armed, and broke in about 15 minutes later, after the family had left for their camping trip.” You said strategically as you pointed to the board. You were breezing through this briefing to the others, and then assigned a part of the case to each detective to make the work easier, and to send the final report to your superior quicker and more efficiently. 
Simon did not like the idea of being told what to do, and you learnt that the hard way. He told you bluntly that he was going to work on this alone and that he didn’t want to negotiate, which irritated you immensely. He left the room without even giving you a chance to speak, angering you. You followed him all the way outside near the back door, where he lit a cigarette, blowing puffs as he stared up at the sky, irritating you even more. Bursting through the door, you pushed his shoulder. 
“What the fuck is your problem Simon?!” You exclaimed angrily. “All I am trying to is my job, and you are making this so fucking difficult with your bullshit-” You continued, as you pissed him off, which he then pinned you against the brick wall, holding your neck tightly, staring at you with the same icy look he gave you when you first joined. 
“Watch that fucking mouth.” He said sternly. “If I say I work alone, you abide by that, you understand?!” he said, raising his voice louder, you were not going to let him just step over you once more, since the breakup.
You pushed him off you with all your force as you backed away from him.
“This case is under my name and my jurisdiction so you’re gonna have to follow my rules, and not disobey them, even though you are such a hard-headed piece of shit, and you’ve always been that way!” You said sternly but had tears well up in your eyes. He just stared at you, with his hands in his pockets, not saying another word, feeling somewhat hurt by what you said. 
You left him there and went straight back inside as this deteriorated your mood immensely, making way to your desk, you quickly wiped your tears and continued to work on your tasks. You couldn’t let this bother you, he was not negotiating and that pissed you off, you didn’t think you would lash out on him like that. But it felt nice, to finally say something against him since the breakup.  
After finishing the report with your members you made your way to your superiors’ office to hand him the completed documents, to which he was delighted to receive. He sent you off work early, meaning you could go home. Packing up your things and leaving for the door, you see Simon walk in holding someone, by pinning their arms behind their back, telling them to quiet down, and it seemed like he captured a suspect for a certain case. 
Not that it was much business to you, so you briskly passed by him, however, you couldn’t help but notice how attractive his arm muscles looked, as they bulged through his tight shirt. Catching yourself shamelessly ogling at him, to which he noticed, you left for your car. As you sat in your car, you ringed up your best friend to come over that night. 
[Same Night - 9:30 pm]
“Uh okay…so like now you two are working together, what’s the big deal?” Your best friend asked as she shoved her face with a bunch of gummy worms making you sigh and slump into the couch.
“I know but dude, its been 3 years since the whole breakup.” You said as your best friend looked at you about to say something. 
“Wait a fucking minute…usually you are the type to forget things and you know, be in your new bitch arc everytime, but oh my god wait…do you still love him??!!” She said shockingly, having you widen your eyes, and have your brain in another frenzy.
“I can’t possibly..” You sigh as your eyes start tearing. Your best friend sighed as she came next to you and rubbed your back reassuringly.
“It’s okay, let it out.” she said softly as you started crying uncontrollably, it seemed like you have been holding all these tears since the day you found out he cheated on you, but at the same time, he was the only man at the time who made you feel loved, made you feel like such a princess. You had him wrapped around your finger, and he did everything you wanted him to. Despite his cold and rough personality, he was a giant care bear to you, and always was by your side whenever you needed, he loved you, and you loved him even more. And now, you were starting to miss him, the part where he cheated on you didn’t even bother you, you wanted him back. You needed him, you've had enough of this.
You got up and grabbed your jacket and keys and decided to drive to the police department, cause you had a feeling he was still there. Leaving to the door, it was heavily raining, your best friend knew what was going through your mind, and supported you. 
“Here, take the umbrella, be safe and don’t do anything you’ll regret, okay?” she said as you nodded with a gentle smile. 
“I’ll be fine, I just need to go see him.” You said, while giving her a tight hug as she nodded as you left through the door. 
Driving down the road to the police department, the sound of the rain heavily hitting the windows, and the sound of the windshield wipers calming you. You finally reached the police department as you parked your car and rushed inside scanning your employee card first, respecting the others who were working and on the job. Not making much noise as you entered the empty office, you can’t seem to find Simon anywhere, mentally cursing yourself if you have come too late.
You walk to his desk slowly and touch his coffee mug, which still felt hot, meaning he could still be there. Your eyes scan his desk until you find the corner of a photograph under a small pile of papers that caught your attention. Lifting the stack slowly to see the photograph, your heart sinks but flutters at the same time, which you couldn’t really comprehend how. Clutching the photograph, it was a picture of you and Simon together on your 1 year anniversary, at a park. You couldn’t believe he still had this picture, you had thought that after the breakup he would just get rid of everything, but you were wrong. 
He decided to keep it, and it wasn’t torn or ripped, it was in good condition after these couple of years. This brought tears to your eyes, and you were too focused on analyzing the photograph and reminiscing about how much fun it was back then, that you didn’t hear Simon walk in and catch you looking through his things.
“What are you doing?” He said sternly yet softly, walking towards you and taking the photograph from you, as he gently put it in the breast pocket of his jacket. You looked up at him and smiled gently and inched closer to him, closing the gap just a little bit more, causing him to be confused at first but later softened his gaze and looked at you with a saddened look. 
You didn’t care about what happened between you two, you were a firm believer in second chances and wanted to give him a second chance, if he wanted to. You wiped some of your tears and took his hand gently in yours. You knew Simon like the back of your hand so the saying ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater’ left your mind, he didn’t fit in that category, he was better than that. 
“Simon…” You said softly as he pulled you in a tight hug, catching you off guard. He felt warm, and his signature natural scent made its way to your nose, filling you to the brim with nostalgia and reminiscence of your past memories with him. Clutching him tighter, leaning your head on his chest as he looked down at you slightly, he didn't say a word but held you in his embrace tighter.
Your heart was beating fast as you pulled away from his grasp and looked at him while holding both of his hands in yours, gently rubbing with your thumb reassuringly. You wanted him to know how you really felt, so you were going to seize this moment, or else you’ll regret it later. As you were about to speak, he beat you to it, by clearing his throat.
“Listen, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything I did, I shouldn’t have never done what I did. I was clouded by judgment and was clouded by jealousy. I hated seeing you being transferred to some other task force where all the asshole men there wanted a fucking piece of you. I thought you deserved better, and to numb my shitty overthinking and jealousy, I picked a random woman from the other force and got with her, to forget you, to keep you away from me, only because I thought you needed better.” He said as his eyes started to well up with tears, which was something you never thought in a million years you would see. His rough and tough exterior was shedding right in front of you.
Your cheeks became wet with the tears flowing out of your eyes as you listened to what he said intently, and couldn’t help but push yourself into his embrace and hug him once again. Hating him for his dumb decisions and causing heartbreak for the both of you. But you had him now, you had him in the palm of your hand, and you needed him back. Reaching to dry his tears gently, you cupped his cheek and lightly grazed your thumb over the scar on his lip, causing him to release a sweet hum as he closed his eyes and leaned more into your touch, feeling more at ease.
“I forgive you, Simon…come back to me.” You said softly as he looked at you and nodded slowly as he took your hand and kissed your palm. Your heart skipped a beat and your entire mind was full of him, and you were happy that this cleared between you and now are connected once again.
Was this a bad idea? Was this too quick? Absolutely not. Not in a million years.
[Same night - 10:45pm]
Simon offered to take you back to his place, he wanted to spend the night with you. He missed you and now that he finally had you back, he was not going to mess up and have you taken away from him, not now, not ever. Not again. 
Locking the door behind him as you start to wander around in his flat, it was clean and well organized, since he was a clean freak, just like you. There were many things that were so similar between you two, it was as if you were just two peas in a pod. You make your way to his bedroom door and as you enter you find small polaroids on a little cork board hung on the wall to your left. 
Little pictures of the both of you once more were there, documenting the many trips you two went on and it brought such happiness to you, and tugged your heartstrings the right way. Simon came up behind you, after changing into more comfy clothing, and snaked his strong arms around your waist to rest on your stomach, while resting his head on yours, swaying from side to side gently. 
“Remember that one, it was our first date.” He said pointing to one of the polaroids, making you smile and nod gently. 
“Yeah, I’m happy but also surprised you still have all of these, Simon.” You said as you count how many of the little polaroids are there, hanging pretty on the cork board. You even notice that they are in chronological order, making your heart flutter at the sight. 
“I never got over you, I can’t fucking do it, I’m obsessed with you, and that’s never gonna change.” He said sternly yet lovingly, causing your cheeks to heat up as you turn around to face him. 
“Don’t worry, it won't change.” You whispered gently,  as you inched your face closer to his as your lips met together. The feeling of his sweet, soft lips on yours after these couple of years,  and having his rough scar graze on your lips the right way had your stomach in knots and mind in a blaze. 
He released a small groan as he pulled you closer to him, feeling you even more, you were a part of him and he was a part of you, as he snaked his arms around you to hoist you closer to him. 
Pure love. 
That was the only thing going through your mind as he was kissing you with such need and such want. You bring your hands up to tangle in his soft locks of his hair as he groans at the action. You were kissing him with such passion, you didn't want it to stop, you couldn't help yourself at this point. His sweet, intoxicating lips were just begging to be sucked on until they became swollen. Every single fiber in your body dissolved at his rough but gentle and dominating command. An entire new sense of craving was taking over your mind. 
You missed this, you missed feeling this exact feeling with him for the very first time, and now you are feeling it again, and you couldn’t be happier. His tongue darting into your mouth, playing a game of tug o’ war, exploring each crevice of your mouth with such extreme need. You needed him badly and released small moans into his mouth to tell him you wanted more. He suddenly pulls away and immediately latches his soft wet lips onto your neck, your back arches, almost like a perfect parabola, right into him, as he leaves open mouthed kisses, leaving marks apparent on your skin. Gently nipping at your skin, he asks you. 
“Do you want more, sweetheart?” He says lacing his words with a playful tone. You couldn’t even form a sentence with how he’s got you feeling right now.
“Come on, use your words.” He said, licking each and every love bite and hickey he left on your neck for everyone to see on display. 
All you could muster was a small and breathy ‘yes’ and that was all it took for him to place you gently onto the bed and hover over you, taking off each article of clothing from the both of you. Now, you two are completely bare in front of each other, as he attacks your lips once more, as he glides his large and calloused hand up and down your naturally beautiful hips and thighs. 
And it was on.
All you could see was the carnivorous look in his eyes as he eyes you up and down, hypnotized by the way you look at him. He needed to taste you, absolutely devour you and you couldn't wait for it. He leans down for a quick short kiss to your lips and starts teasing your clit with the tip of his hardened cock, having you twitch in need under him. He laid small butterfly kisses all the way down your tummy to your pelvis area.
“You’re just so fucking pretty.” He cooed as his hot breath hit your most sensitive area. And not a moment later, his long flat tongue made its way to your throbbing clit as he tasted you. So sweet, so magnifying, his arms wrapped around your legs to keep you from moving so much, as he buries his entire mouth and nose into your delicious folds, feeling your wetness which only made him more excited. 
As you followed his lead and pushed your pelvis up to feel every inch of his mouth, your hands grip his hair with such need and full desire. He inserted two fingers into your slick cunt as your moans filled the dimly lit room quickly and delightedly. He felt your walls close tightly around his fingers as he knew you were close to release.
“Shoot it, beautiful.” You heard him say muffled under your touch.
With that, you released a succulent burst, that had his entire face soaked as he licked up every single last drop not wasting anything. You lay there watching Simon taste you even more indefinitely on his fingers as he leans in to kiss you, and lay more butterfly kisses on your perked breasts, releasing sweet moans into his ear.
His soft voice giving you sweet compliments almost lulling you to sleep. As he lifts you to turn around and have your ass up for him, just sitting pretty. Instantly crouching lower and arching your back, ass high enough for him to grope. He wastes no second as he plows into you, letting out moans and groans from his soft mouth, as he fills you up. With his strong and flat stomach now completely pressed into you, his rough hands make their way to your hair as he tugs from the roots pulling your head back to him, meeting his lips for another greedy kiss. 
The absolute ripping and exhilarating feeling of your core mesh with his, feeling the pleasure of the outstanding string of orgasms you have every single time. He was the only one who could make you feel this way and was the only man you would be on your knees for. You felt like putty in his hands and was on cloud 9, with how strong and uniform his thrusts were. Reaching each other’s climax, he gives your ass a couple rough slaps to leave an apparent mark to ogle at later. And then shoots his large load into you, shivering at the feeling as he pulls out and sees his cum drag down your leg, and wastes no other second to take his thumb and push it back inside you, causing you to fall to your forearms and let out a sequence of whimpers.
Falling down next to you with whatever energy he had left, he pulled you to his chest under the covers as you both stayed in silence. This was a comforting feeling for you both, your eyes half open as your head rests on his chest, hearing his heartbeat beautifully, and hearing his soft breaths escape his lips as you both come down from your high. He smiles gently as he sees you trace his tattoos on his arm.
“I love you.” Were the only three words escaping your lips as you doze off to sleep in his warm and protective embrace. He leaned to kiss your forehead gently and eventually turned off the only lamp in the room by his side, and followed you soon after, as he crashed to sleep, not letting go of you at any given moment.
Simon would do anything for you, all you had to do was say the word.
You were his.
And he was yours.
And he vowed to himself, that would never change.
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thatliminal-wanderer · 4 months
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Backrooms ID Pack
Adam, Adym, Aguana, Aiden, Aiko, Alex, Alexia, Altair, Ambrosia, Amori, Andrew, Ant, Argos, Aries, Ashley, Aster, Avelon, Bartholomew, Belphegor, Berry, Bill, Blake, Blue, Bonx, Bram, Brock, Callum, Caspian, Castello, Chara, Cindy, Clement, Clementine, Colias, Corey, Corri, Crane, Creg, Crimson, Cyllene, Cypress, Daisy, Daze, Destiny, Doll, Dream, Dull, Dunk, Eden, Emily, Emme, Evangeline, Ezra, Ferren, Flannery, Frankie, Freeman, Fume, Gani, George, Gerald, Grey, Hen, Icarus, Jack, Janus, Jax, Jerry, Jess, Johnny, Kaii, Kain, Kami, Kane, Kat, Kimiko, King, Kitty, Koko, Kya, Leeon, Leo, Lilac, Limi, Llio, Lotka, Lucid, Malachi, March, Maria, Mason, Moley, Montie, Nightmare, Noir, Olive, Olivia, Ollie, Paisley, Pedro, Philia, Porter, Quinoa, Rae, Rasputin, Richard, River, Rook, Rosette, Rue, Ryan, Samantha, Sato, Saturn, Sienna, Sol, Terry, Theodore, Tom, Trance, Val, Vanta, Vee, Vesper, Vice, Violet, Will, Xavier, Xoa, Zero
!/!s, 0/0s, 1/1s, 2/2s, 3/3s, 4/4s, 5/5s, 6/6s, 7/7s, 8/8s, 9/9s, :(/:(s, :)/:)s, =(/=(s, =)/=)s, ?/?s, _/_s, almond/almonds, alone/alones, alpha/alphas, back/backs, bee/bees, bird/birds, black/blacks, blood/bloods, blue/blues, bone/bones, book/books, box/boxes, bug/bugs, buzz/buzzes, camp/camps, cave/caves, chalk/chalks, city/cities, clean/cleans, crimson/crimsons, crop/crops, danger/dangers, dark/darks, data/datas, dead/deads, decay/decays, desert/deserts, dirt/dirts, doll/dolls, door/doors, dream/dreams, echo/echos, end/ends, error/errors, eye/eyes, fate/fates, field/fields, fog/fogs, forest/forests, garden/gardens, glitch/glitchs, glow/glows, gold/golds, grime/grimes, hall/halls, haunt/haunts, hill/hills, hive/hives, home/homes, hot/hotel/hotels, house/houses, hub/hubs, ice/ices, icy/icys, jungle/jungles, lake/lakes, laser/lasers, level/levels, light/lights, love/loves, lucid/lucids, mall/malls, maze/mazes, mem/memory/memories, mirror/mirrors, moon/moons, moth/moths, mouth/mouths, musk/musks, neon/neons, noir/noirs, play/plays, pool/pools, rain/rains, rainbow/rainbows, red/reds, road/roads, room/rooms, rot/rots, run/runs, sand/sands, sea/seas, sewer/sewers, silent/silents, snack/snacks, space/spaces, sparkle/sparkles, spring/springs, tha/thalasso/thalassos, time/times, violet/violets, void/voids, wall/walls, warning/warnings, water/waters, wave/waves, well/wells, wheat/wheats, white/whites, yellow/yellows, •/•s, ∅/∅s, ⌛️/⌛️s, ☁️/☁️s, ⚠️/⚠️s, ⚰️/⚰️s, ⛓️/⛓️s, ⛓️‍💥/⛓️‍💥s, ✂️/✂️s, 🌀/🌀s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌓/🌓s, 🌗/🌗s, 🌪️/🌪️s, 🌫️/🌫️s, 🍄/🍄s, 🍄‍🟫/🍄‍🟫s, 🎞️/🎞️s, 🎟️/🎟️s, 🎤/🎤s, 🎥/🎥s, 🎪/🎪s, 🎭/🎭s, 🐁/🐁s, 🐇/🐇s, 🐌/🐌s, 🐛/🐛s, 🐜/🐜s, 🐥/🐥s, 👁️/👁️s, 📞/📞s, 📠/📠s, 📹/📹s, 📺/📺s, 📻/📻s, 📽️/📽️s, 🔑/🔑s, 🔗/🔗s, 🔮/🔮s, 🕊️/🕊️s, 🕯️/🕯️s, 🕰️/🕰️s, 🕳️/🕳️s, 🕷️/🕷️s, 🗝️/🗝️s, 🗺️/🗺️s, 😶‍🌫️/😶‍🌫️s, 🚪/🚪s, 🛎️/🛎️s, 🛠️/🛠️s, 🥀/🥀s, 🥣/🥣s, 🥩/🥩s, 🦂/🦂s, 🦜/🦜s, 🦟/🦟s, 🦠/🦠s, 🦴/🦴s, 🦷/🦷s, 🧠/🧠s, 🧫/🧫s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s, 🩻/🩻s, 🪐/🪐s, 🪜/🪜s, 🪞/🪞s, 🪟/🪟s, 🪦/🪦s, 🪰/🪰s, 🪱/🪱s, 🪳/🪳s, 🪶/🪶s, 🪹/🪹s, 🫀/🫀s, 🫁/🫁s, 🫗/🫗s, 🫥/🫥s
A Corrupted File, An Unapproachable (Beast/Entity/Unknown/Any Animal), Entity [number], Lucky (Beast/Entity/Any Animal), The (Bride/Husband/Spouse), The (Entity/Beast/Creature/Thing/God) of Level [number], The (King/Queen/Royal), The (Smiling/Frowning) One, The (Spokeslady/Spokesman/Spokesperson), The (Un)Lucky One, The Artist, The Behemoth, The Bellhopper, The Bone Thief, The Bronze Builder, The Catmaster, The Coder, The Comedian, The Concierge, The Crawlspace (Entity/Beast/Creature), The Endless Walls, The Entity, The Entity Which Doesn’t Exist, The Explorer, The First Entity, The Friend, The Game Master, The Headless (Hunter/Huntress/Entity/Beast/Creature), The Hermit, The Historian, The Homerunner, The Housekeeper, The Liminal Space, The Mail Carrier, The Maker, The Maze of Lost Ones, The Memory (Any Animal), The Memory Manager, The Mucked Smell, The Musician, The Neighborhood Watcher, The Numbed (Entity/Beast/Man/Woman/Person/Creature), The One Adorned In (Red/White/Black/Beige), The One Which Light Flicker For, The One Who Buzzes, The One Who Is Hiding in Level [number], The One Who Looks Too Familiar, The One Who Opened The Back Door to Reality, The One With No Data, The Party Host, The Puppeteer, The Scarecrow, The Scavenger, The Singer, The Smiling One, The Wanderer, [prn] That Lives Behind Reality, [prn] Who (Makes/Ruins) The Party, [prn] Who Can Not Be Explained, [prn] Who Endlessly Falls, [prn] Who Is Sick, [prn] Who Makes and Plays The Games, [prn] Who Resigns in Level [number], [prn] Who Wanders The Endless Levels
0beckəl, 1beckəl, 3beckəl, 4beckəl, 5beckəl, 6beckəl, 7beckəl, 8beckəl, 92levelic, 974kitic, 9beckəl, Backaneic, Backroomgender, Backroomic, Backroomsaesic, Backroomscattic, Backroomsdollic, Backroomsfluid, Backroomsflux, Backroomspinnic, Buzinbackroomic, Catbackroomic, Cliproomic, Deathmothgender, Eeriroomic, Endlessswimic, Entiromaric, Entity555gender, Entity666gender.exe, Entity99ic, Erokoric, Escapethebackroomsgameic, Flowliminpinkic, Hotelliminix, Kenolimighost, Lepidoipresence, Level!ix, Level0liminix, Level1liminix, Level336dia, Level370ix, Level389ic, Level7ix, Liminaldollic, Liminalmazeic, Liminalmushrooms, Liminalpoweric, Liminalsnowic, Liminalspacestalgic, Liminaquarpetic, Liminaquic, Limingender, Liminix, Liminlovecoric, Natatoliraifortic, Nostbackplushic, Panbackroomic, Parkgaraliminix, Partygoerscharic, Partykenous, Rubicunipresence, Sh4dygr3yl3v3l1c, Smilergender, Snowliminalic, Storeliminix, Unfatholiminal, Zeroaromic
Other mogai
Alderbackroentity, Alderitch, Alderliminal, Alderwhitevoid, Assigned Creature at Birth/ACreAB, Assigned Freak at Birth/AFrAB, Assigned Monster at Birth/AMonAB, Assigned Uncanny at Birth/AUnAB, Backroomsvesil, Darkwarmgreyvesil, Eldritch Omninoun, Eldritchvesil, Error Omninoun, Flesheatseaseque, Grey Omninoun, Hiliblayedernic, Kenovesi, Kittyhousehearthic, Mimicryvior, Nonhuvesil, Null Omninoun, Poolroomperspesque, Shard Omninoun, Sublimityhearthic, Terrorhotelhearthic, Thing Omninoun, Vesiliminal, ∅ Omninoun
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phoenix-manga · 7 months
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Ottilie Phosia
CV: Mizuki
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: April 5
Starsign: Aries
Height: 175 cm
Eye Color: Bubblegum
Hair Color: Cornflower & Lavender
Professional Status
Dorm: Futterwacken
School Year: 1st Year
Class: 1-A | Student no. 8
Occupation: Student
Club: Gardening Research Club
Best Subject: Alchemy
Fun Facts
Favorite Food: Hors d'oeuvres
Least Favorite Food: Eggplant
Dislikes: Heat and insecticides
Hobby: Collecting butterfly eggs
Talents: Perfume alchemy
Idol Stats
Performance: Voice fit for musical and can recite tongue twisters in a song
Choreography: Often performs in the style of irish tap dancing
Styling Jewel Outfits: Quirky | Elegant
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She may have the typical ojou-sama personality with proper manners and etiquette; however, her whimsical attitude is often mixed in. She can’t read the atmosphere sometimes and ends up making things confusing or awkward.
But she is helpful when it comes to studying. All her mind-blowing way of phrasing often get stuck in someone’s head, her parent’s tutoring her also contributed to that.
She definitely would be one of those who would say mind blowing things like “Why call them apartments when they’re built together?” 
Ottilie will probably end up eating weird things in the forest if left by herself. She can’t help but want to eat something very colorful, so someone always has to stop her before anything happens. She always says that she is doing it for discovery, no honey, the medical books states that is NOT edible, you don’t need to discover if it can kill you or not!
Though a lot of her friends and relatives thought she’d be a professor like her parents, she actually wants to make perfumes in the future. She has a home-made pipette that she brought from home to make a variety of scents and fragrances. Her side of the room always has a lot of scented things kept in boxes such as candles, perfume, scented paper, incense sticks and many more.
Whenever she makes a fragrance, she always has colorful smoke swirling around her, sometimes she can make fragrances that form shapes from the smoke when used. That’s because she incorporates her magic along with magical herbs into them.
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Hometown: Kingdom of Roses
Family History
Ottilie lives in the Kingdom of Roses, her parents are both professors of a school and they teach philosophy and mathematics. The entire family is an odd bunch, always living by the Hatter’s philosophy and would all quote odd poetry that doesn’t make much sense to others other than themselves. 
Her family may be a bit odd but they are well respected for having so many students to sign up for their classes and getting good grades. They are also of nobility so they are always invited to gatherings and parties.
Ottilie was just as whimsical as her parents, which often made her stick out among other children. But it’s not like anyone could say anything when Ottilie was more well-behaved than most children.
Childhood Memories
Ottilie once experienced the cruelty of nature when she released a wild rabbit she fostered when it was injured, just a few meters away a Hawk flew down and snatched it. She cried for a week and even made a crude drawing of the rabbit and placed it on a fake grave her parents made just to make her feel better. Her parents won’t let her live it down and would always tell guests and friends about it, Ottilie is embarrassed from being reminded.
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Ottilie tends to be a bit unpredictable when it comes to incantations and alchemy. She is never one to follow the rules and tends to go into a different direction. It always ends with a chaotic scenario… mostly scent related.
Despite her mishaps, she doesn’t struggle with most of her subjects thanks to her parents who were both teachers. But not a lot of students ask for her notes despite her excellent academic skills because… all of her notes are indecipherable. Littered with riddles and scribbles that make no sense to none other than Ottilie.
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Her pet is a Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar that makes a lot of squeaking noises. Ottilie has a terrarium purse to always carry Squeaks around in.
Unlike other animal companions, Squeaks cannot be heard talking even by other animals oddly enough. But Ottilie can understand his squeaking as if they were words with no problem.
Squeaks is just as odd as his owner. Like a synchronized being, Squeaks gestures when Ottilie gestures.
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Her unique magic is called, “Shroomy Sprout”. Just by touching a patch of dirt, she can grow mysterious mushrooms with a variety of effects.
Every mushroom always changes from every little thing she does such as what food she ate, how she felt and even if she was sick. The mushrooms don’t stay there for long and will disappear in a puff of smoke after 10 minutes if not used. 
Ottilie tends to use these mushrooms to make special perfumes that have different after effects depending on what mushroom she used. This type of perfume is not all that popular due to its unpredictability. They were probably used for pranks by a certain someone.
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Ignacio Phosia
A Mathematics professor who is fascinated with numbers so much that he arranged his belongings in a certain amount if one plays close attention. His study is his perfectly counted space, he doesn’t like it if the number of items is in disarray. So, he is the only on who can clean his study and no one can enter without permission.
He manages the house budget of course due to his love for numbers. Many would often consult him about finances despite his eccentric personality. Ignacio is quite friendly and outgoing.
But despite being seen with a goofy grin, his smile turns into a scowl if his family is insulted in any way. Other than numbers, he can count the number of flaws and failures of a person had he wanted to. Fear the nice ones, as they say.
Ottilie often gives him perfume, bottled herbs and caterpillar eggs as gifts. Ignacio keeps them in in his study in the highest shelf where you could see but not reach.
Calix Phosia
She was known to be a popular woman who was often sought out by bachelors to wed. But she fell for Ignacio for being whimsical instead of vying for her status and reputation. She just loved how absurd he was and being such a gentleman on top of that.
She was the one who reads poems to Ottilie when she was a child. Which is how Ottilie developed a certain love for the whimsical wonders.
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The character’s name, “Ottilie” came from a Google search for the most unique sounding names, while her last name, “Phosia” was made up from the word metamorphosis.
Ottilie’s first design was confusing. The pigtail-curl hairstyle was hard to draw repeatedly.
She was meant to be the weird one of the first-year group. She was supposed to have a butterfly as a pet but instead was given the largest caterpillar, the Hickory Horned Devil.
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biteofcherry · 1 month
Surprise me. Or don't surprise me.
I'm at your mercy.
(but I hope I get to use a certain gif)
With a bounce to your step, you went to open the door for the most awaited visit of the day. Of the whole week, really.
Your takeout order!
It was a regular thing for you, to treat yourself once a week to something delicious from the Italian restaurant on the other side of the town. You made it a dedicated tradition, to the point that the two delivery guys knew you by name.
As you did them.
Guessing which one of them would be bringing your food was a fun game on its own, too.
Would it be Jake, who always sang something as he hopped down the corridor (and maybe sometimes you joined him for a single verse as you opened the door)?
Or maybe Ari, who each time came up with a new ridiculous means of transportation he claimed he took to deliver your order as fast as possible. The last time it was Wonder Woman's invisible plane.
With a smile, you opened the door and beamed up upon seeing Ari's massive form.
"A portion of creamy Tuscan orzo," he announced, giving you the brown paper bag. "And what appears to be three portions of garlic bread."
"Indeed, it is." You confirmed, no shame at all.
"One day our chef's going to simply make you a whole loaf of it." Ari grinned.
"I'll marry him then," you faked a dreamy sigh and you both chuckled.
"I remember when my wife had pregnancy cravings and I begged the poor guy to make pesto baked gnocchi over and over again." Ari shook his head, a fond smile stretching over his lips as he shared the sweet memory.
As heartwarming it was, your heart sank a little, too. Somehow you never learned that Ari is married. And had a kid.
You tipped Ari and thanked him again, then once again as you snorted at his dramatic admission that he hijacked a plane to deliver your food pronto.
Planning on comfort your small shattered crush with a lot of garlic bread, you paused in surprise when you saw a phone number and a note scribbled on one of the boxes.
I appreciate someone who loves garlic bread so unabashedly. I'd love to make you more in person. And show you my special creamy spread... - signed, Lloyd
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Hiya!! This is for the Redacted matchups! ^-^
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
- I'm on a The Crane Wives kick, listening to "How to Rest" and "Arcturus Beaming" on repeat. It gave me the name of my redacted demon OC actually lol. But How to Rest means a lot to me. I could quote the whole song, but I'll just put:
"Here's the truest thing I've ever know / The heart is just a muscle with a rhythm all its own / It doesn't stop when you decide not to move on / The heart knows nothing of your love or of your loss / So life just keeps on ticking by, compelled by instinct to survive / And love's the only thing worth being alive for"
What is your Enneagram type?
- I had to search a bit to find where to take this but I got Type 9? Sleeping At Last has songs based on each type and I relate to two and nine too much.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
- Oh god, yeah I do! I have so many favorites but I can give an older one and a newer one. Ladyknightthebrave's whole channel has my heart, but her "Dead Doesn't Mean Gone - A Haunting of Bly Manor Video Essay" has been engrained in my memory. The new favorite is Skyehopper's "Why Bastion Lies to You" because I do love that game, and its unreliable narrator. I mostly watch media summaries and analyses, and it's comforting to listen to people talk about the media that touches them.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
- So... I didn't have one? I felt so weird, like I was supposed to have one, but never did. May be the aphantasia in me, but my imagination hit after I found fanfic and went all in with OCs.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
- Video essays and videogame playthroughs! Curl up in blankets and put on an old favorite.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
- Oh, I'm too indecisive for this, but maybe Ari? I like shorter names. I have more issue with my surname than my first name.
What is your favorite of Redacted's audios, and why?
- “Trying to Help Your Moody Vampire Sleep"(Porter) and "Time Is A Song. It's Also Water. He's Half Asleep."(Morgan). Both pairs are going closer in these!! Both set late at night and during the rain help too. After the craziness of the summit, it was so nice to hear Porter so gentle with Treasure. And Morgan being so open about how much he wants to know Seer was just so great~
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don't get the hype for.
- So I enjoy Flyboi. I've listened to Flyboi's epilogue multiple times. I have not touched Yandere Ivan's playlist. I don't think I will. I do enjoy the trope sometimes, but this one just isnt for me.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
- I get down on one knee, and hold up a little box. I open it. It has a slip of paper that says "Will you watch A Haunting of Bly Manor with me?" More seriously, I love what it says about grief, and our own personal ghosts that we carry with us.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
- SO ABOUT MILO GREER— lol, mostly I just want that man to teach me how to dress. I want to watch him play horror games while we freak tf out and his mate laughs. Also Guy! Please gimme free pizza and ramble at me for 30+ minutes.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you're tired, and if so, what is it?
- That... is currently Redacted for me lol. Or Hades. Mostly though, I enjoy listening to the rambles of my friends, rather than being the one rambling.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
- 7-Eleven was mine first, Gavin-- But yeah, Cherry Coke Slurpee, that's it.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
- So, the Interactive Novel WIP "Speaker" has a playlist that I have carried onto every platform I listen to music to. Feels like a playlist the characters would be playing on the long roadtrips they take and I come back to it a lot.
What's your guilty pleasure media, and why?
- I'm not too guilty about it, but the Our Life games. They are just wholesome and good, and make me feel warm. Interactive fiction games too. Games that make you create an OC for them!
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
- I am a pretty big maladaptive daydreamer, and I deal with a lot of anxiety over being outside. I have gotten a lot better with it, though I can still be hard on myself when I feel like I'm taking steps backwards. I like to doodle, and make lists. I want to get a cat one day. I love horror even if I am a total wimp about it, and one time I hyperfixated on a bad romance series, read all 40+ books of it, and it certainly wasn't fun! But oh man, do I know way too much of how the author mixed up their own characters.
Really curious to what you pick, thank you so much!!
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There’s quite a few reasons why I’m choosing the redacted boi I am for you, but I have to admit the most nebulous but altogether vibey of them is that you and Elliott would be hella Crane Wives-coded.
Type Nines tend to be motivated by a desire for peace and harmony, a lack of conflict; another reason I like Elliott for you is because I think he could really get that, given he’s a middle child from a tempestuous home. Then there’s your identifying as a daydreamer with aphantasia. I love the idea of pairing someone who has trouble visualizing things with someone who could visually bring those things to life before your eyes, even if only in dreams. You also seem to love stories and character creation, and Elliott canonically a dreamwalking Dungeons and Dragons nerd; it’s a perfect match.
I’m so jealous, because I can’t imagine anything more fun than being a horror fan with Eli as a partner, even if you’re a wimp. He doesn’t care how many times you’ve both seen The Haunting of Bly Manor; he just cares about spending time with you- maybe getting cozy under a blanket with a cat on top of your laps. You two could watch any fun, horror media, and it’d be okay because he could turn any of your nightmares into good dreams. Maybe he plays the horror games while you watch and doze off, your own personal video game play through sleep-aid. (A chill one, I think, as Elliott strikes me as an unflappable type, at least when it comes to horror.)
I'll be the moon/ You'll be the sun/ We'll make the day glow/ You'll slowly rise/ And I will fall/ I'll be the sky/ You'll be the ground/ Under the hillside/ We'll slowly wait and watch it all
This was so tough to pin down since the Crane Wives Radio songs were all either tragic or epic in scale /lh I landed on this one because I was looking for neither of those things; I wanted something happy and comfortable and peaceful, which is all Elliott and his Sunshine truly need at this point. Also, the sun and moon imagery is just too perfect.
Ollie is a cute runner-up for you not just because I think you’d like the same things, like video games and horror but because he already has a cat that would obviously also become yours when you get together. Lasko is another runner-up for you for the same reasons! I think you’d share a lot of shared interests as well but different ones- namely fiction, OC’s, and horror that you can’t handle.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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manawari · 6 months
Thinking about this Maze Runner AU and I'm thinking about extending it (and change a few things, as well as following the original series), maybe?
Of course, Sung Jin-woo obviously is in Thomas' place as the main character and the person (Greenie) who showed up in The Box. He's incredibly confused and freaks out the moment he sees a person. He then remembers his name, which shocks the guys around him since usually, a Glader won't remember one's name within a daylight. Everyone becomes suspicious of him, yet a kind Glader named Yoo Jin-ho shows him around and teaches Jin-woo about the ways in the Glade and how he must survive.
Hwang Dong-suk (Ben) attacks Jin-woo after he had been stung by a Griever during his run in the Maze. He chases Jin-woo until they're in the center of the Glade where the Gladers find the chaos and rush to stop Hwang Dong-suk. Lim Tae-gyu soon comes to a decision to banish Hwang Dong-suk, though Hwang Dong-soo (bear in mind that nobody else here remembers their memories so we can say Dong-soo and Dong-suk are friends, not knowing they are brothers), disapproves it and argues that Jin-woo is the one who must be punished. Lim Tae-gyu has to uphold his role as a leader in this and threatens to slit his throat when it's clear that Hwang Dong-suk is no longer human; this can spice things up as Dong-soo holds a burning grudge against Jin-woo and his future actions will eventually lead him to his death by the time the Gladers have escaped the Maze.
In the fic, Cha Hae-in came before Jin-woo, but if we're gonna follow what happened in the original story, then Cha Hae-in would come a day after Jin-woo. Then again, the Glade is shook and everyone believes W.I.C.K.E.D is fooling them and disrupting their peace. In the book, Teresa and Thomas were telepathic and had formed a bond while in the Slammer, realizing they have known each other before The Maze; I'm thinking about inserting this plot-point on Jin-woo and Hae-in. They'll share telepathy! And in the movie, which is on the funny side, Cha Hae-in chooses violence and starts throwing rocks at everyone from the top of the Homestead; Jin-woo has to be the one who calms her down and gently takes the knife Jin-ho has likely given her. And like Jin-woo, Hae-in has fragments of her memories and has brought along two syringes in her pocket, which came in handy when Lim Tae-gyu gets stung later in the story when the Grievers wrecked the Glade.
First-in-command (Leader) — Lim Tae-gyu
Second-in-command — Choi Jong-in
Runners — Lim Tae-gyu, Cha Hae-in, & Sung Jin-woo [Hwang Dong-suk, former]
Builders — Baek Yoon-ho & Hwang Dong-soo
Cook — Yoo Jin-ho
Med-jack — Min Byung-gyu
Track-hoe — Yoo Jin-ho
Blood-houser — Kang Tae-shik
Gardeners — Yoo Jin-ho & Cha Hae-in
Slopper — Sung Jin-woo
Bricknick — Hwang Dong-soo
Bagger — Go Kyuh-wan
Map-makers — Choi Jong-in & Lim Tae-gyu
As for Group B, I'd say it includes the rest of the female characters in Solo Leveling. Park Hee-jin will be the first-in-command of the group while Eun-seok will likely be in Aris' place.
In hindsight, Woo Jin-chul was supposed to be part of W.I.C.K.E.D, but I decided against it and made him part of the Right Arm, which will probably make sense since they're the good guys™ and Song Chi-yul will be the leader. Go Gun-hee will be the one who's part of W.I.C.K.E.D and his role is the good version of A.D. Janson. But the actual A.D. Janson still exists.
Other thoughts:
— Teresa is labeled as a Traitor, right? And who's in her place? CHA HAE-IN. However, this can be debatable since the two female characters are different, but. . . What if? What if Cha Hae-in did it for the sake of her friends? What if she was manipulated into thinking it was for the better good? What if all she wanted was to get her memories back? What if she got threatened that Jin-woo would be dead if she won't betray him?
— what if Jin-ah is alive all along?
— what if Min Byung-gyu is not an immune?
— Sung Il-hwan is alive too. He's part of the Right Arm, though he's not revealing himself to Jin-woo. Kyung-hye is the one who died and Jin-ah became an experiment or an employee in W.I.C.K.E.D whom Hae-in later met.
— if we push through Hae-in becoming the "traitor" then Jin-woo will resent and hate her and Hae-in won't apologize for doing what she thought was right. JINHAE ANGST!
— Tae-gyu and Yoon-ho are the ones who use Glader slangs the most.
— Jin-woo treating Jin-ho like a brother; similarly to how he should've treated Jin-ah if he remembers her.
— Cha Hae-in is the one who solved the Maze.
— Choi Jong-in and Baek Yoon-ho tend to argue a lot. This plotline will never change.
— Eun-seok remembers Byung-gyu, though he's hesitant of telling the truth, thinking Byung-gyu might not believe that he was his childhood friend whom he got separated from due to The Flare.
— before their memories being wiped out, young Yoon-ho, Jong-in, Tae-gyu, Byung-gyu became friends with Hae-in and Jin-woo. The six of them would often sneak out.
— young!Yoon-ho being heavily traumatized as young!Minho in The Fever Code and that includes fighting the nurses and getting tied to a chair where a Griever almost kills him, sent by a scientist for his attempts of escaping.
— Lee Ju-hee having a telepathic link to Eun-seok, Jin-woo, and Hae-in too, which she hasn't realized until the four of them are gathered into one place. That's when her memories flush in. She's also the only one (besides Eun-seok, though he needed some time to understand) who doesn't resent Cha Hae-in.
— Lee Ju-hee secretly leaves the group in the middle of the night to join W.I.C.K.E.D in hopes to develop a cure. She may or may not left a note.
— Woo Jin-chul leading both groups the best way he can, as well as protecting the ones who are not Immunes. He's also not an Immune, yet manages to survive throughout everything.
— Woo Jin-chul formerly working for W.I.C.K.E.D and used to have a hard time gaining Song Chi-yul's trust until he revealed all secrets he knew from the organization.
— the ones who successfully escaped the Maze are the S-Ranks + Yoo Jin-ho. The rest are obviously dead or killed.
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