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trendtracker360writer · 2 months ago
Ever heard of the Silver Shields? These legendary elite soldiers from ancient Macedonia, known as the Argyraspides, were more than just warriors—they were symbols of power and resilience. With silver-plated shields that showcased both skill and artistry, they left a significant mark during military campaigns under Alexander the Great. Their legacy? A blend of historical prowess and modern inspiration. Today, they resonate in art, literature, and even collectibles, reminding us of the timeless themes of bravery and loyalty. Dive into their captivating history and see how these ancient icons continue to inspire! Join www.SilverWars.com.
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forgeofideas · 11 months ago
Varangian Guard (Greek/Scandinavian, Eastern Roman)
Immortal Infantry (Persian, Achaemenid Empire)
Janissary Infantry (Turkish, Ottoman Empire) 
Deli Calvary (Turkish, Ottoman Empire) 
Eagle Warrior (Mexica, Aztec Empire)
Jaguar Warrior (Mexica, Aztec Empire) 
Berserker (Nordic) 
Companion Calvary (Greek, Hellenistic Empire) 
Winged Hussars (Polish, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth)
Scarae / Caballarii (Frankish, Carolingian Empire) 
Hearthweru (Anglo-Saxon)
Wei Wuzu (Chinese
Jin Beifu Army (Chinese
Xuanjia Army / Xuanjiajun (Chinese
Beiwei Army (Chinese) 
Gendarme Army (French)
Tercio Army (Spanish, Hapsburg Spanish Monarchy)
Cavalieri Addobbati (Italian)
Mubarizun (Arabic, Rashidun Caliphate) 
Grivpanvar (Persian, Parthian / Sassanian Empire) 
Timarli Sipahi, Silahtars (Turkish, Ottoman Empire) Kapikulu Sipahis
Mamluks (Various, typically Europeans, Abbasid Caliphate) 
Argyraspides (Greek, Hellenistic Empire) 
Sacred Band of Carthage (Phoenician, Carthaginian Empire) 
Mobile Guard (Arab, Rashidun Caliphate) 
Jazāyerchi (Persian, Afsharid Dynasty) 
Triarii (Latin, Roman Republic / Empire) 
Housecarls (Scandanavian) 
Red Devil Brigade led by li Naomasa ( Japanese) 
Takeda Red Calvary Core (Japanese) 
Qingzhou Corps (Chinese) 
Medjay (Nubian, Egyptian) 
Legio X Equestris
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deerheadlights · 2 years ago
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When you show up to work and see your replacement  Argyraspides (Silver Shield) and Epigonoi (Successor unit) in Alexander's Army. The Silver Shields was the name of the unit that fought for Alexander’s father and was eventually part of his army and fought all the way to India. After Alexander’s death they fought for Eumenes the Greek, before betraying him to side with Antigonus I after A1 captured their families/luggage during a decisive battle. However Antigonus didn’t trust them after that and basically gave the unit to one of his commanders to be slowly wiped out (also then he wouldn’t have to pay their pensions).
The Epigonoi were the unit that was raised from Persian levies that were trained to fight “Macedonian style” (aka Phalanx). There is some confusion on this subject since some people believe these were children born from Alexander’s army, but that wouldn’t make sense because by the time the unit was put on parade in Susa in 324 those children would have been like 10-12 y/o max. More likely this army doubled as hostages for good behavior by taking the adolescent sons of nobility back around 330. They also fought with Eumenes, and one of the descriptions of the battle even implies that they were stationed next to the Silver Shields. Afterwards they disappear from the pages of history, unfortunately due to the reaction of the Macedonian forces to their parade back in 324 (hint: they were real mad) I can only assume they shared a similar fate of being cannon fodder like the Silver Shields.
 My ancient comic idea #45235 is having these guys basically fight and try to save themselves and their units and retire somewhere in Bactria or something.
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jeannereames · 4 years ago
Greatly puzzled by this image. I assume this is supposed to somehow illustrate the Battle of Magnesia (190/89). Antiochus III’s guard of Silver Shields (Argyraspides) kinda give it away with stray Roman shields (of Scipio Asiaticus’s troops) thrown there in the middle as they come up against the Seleucid troops. At least, I assume that’s what this is supposed to be, but why are the Shields carrying sarissai? My understanding is that even reconstituted under the Seleucids, they were still the hypaspist-style royal guard: e.g., armed like a standard hoplite with a regular spear. Or maybe those are regular spears. They look sorta like sarissai to me.
(Also, if this is the Battle of Magnesia...where’s the rain? Famous example of where weather totally fucked up one side’s strategy. The rain softened the bowstrings and incapacitated the Seleucid archers.)
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alessandroiiidimacedonia · 4 years ago
New book out: "Alexander the Great was here, and so was I" by Leonidas Argyraspid
New book out: “Alexander the Great was here, and so was I” by Leonidas Argyraspid
Good day everyone, happy last Sunday pre-Christmas, thanks to be here on Alessandro III di Macedonia! I’d like to report you a new book published a few days ago. Alexander the Great was here, and so was I by Leonidas Argyraspid ISBN: 978-9090339016 This book can be used as a travel guide but also as a guideline to follow Alexander the Great making his way through history. I have tried to look

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esoanem · 3 years ago
Talking with @goingsparebutwithprecision yesterday about the clone veteran we see in Kenobi and I noticed an interesting historical parallel
I've only seen the films and the new live action TV series, not any of the animated shows or read any of the books so the transition between clones and conscripts was always a little unclear to me
Anyway, from that discussion it seems that the treatment of the clones after the formation of the Empire was pretty similar to that of the Argyraspides after the death of Alexander the Great
The Argyraspides ("silver-shields" named after their silver painted shields) were Alexander's elite infantry and were well-respected and feared for their experience. Unfortunately, having served especially closely with Alexander they also often felt like they had at least as good a claim to understanding Alexander's wishes as the Diadochi ("successors", the generals who took over sections of Alexander's empire) and so operated largely independently
After a mutiny which almost killed Antigonus Monophthalmus (at the time the dominant Diadochus, ruling in Syria and Anatolia) he tried to disband them, sending many small groups as garrisons of tiny border-forts where skirmishes would gradually diminish their numbers, and sending a large part to Arachosia (roughly speaking modern Afghanistan) with instructions to the local satrap (governor) Sibyrtius to send them out on dangerous missions in groups of one or two until they all got killed
So we have an elite group of soldiers, foundational to the creation of an empire who have fulfilled their usefulness and whose loyalty is now in question being discarded by that new empire and sent on suicide missions or banished
There's no broader thesis here, and I don't know if it's deliberate, just a neat parallel
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starsofdarknebula · 5 years ago
The fallen angel Kokabiel
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K o k a b i e l
The Angel of The Blazing Star
The fallen angel who teaches the forbidden knowledge of astrology
He inspires the forbidden knowledge and balance between the illumination of the black flame found from higher faculties (articulated consciousness, wisdom, angels) and the demonic (earthly desire, primal instincts.) 
Represented as a macdeonian syrian hellenistic basileus king. His authority leads the symbolic phalanx of argyraspides. (an elite military unit of the seleucids, silver shields.) 
He wields the lightning bolt of daimonic inspiration and the forbidden knowledge of the planets and starts. He commands around 365,00 spirits/demons.
He can help with learning astrology, focusing and establishing your will in a orderly design to conquer new obsticles and journey in life.
(info from Fallen Angels: Watchers and the witches sabbats)
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the-germanic-coenus · 6 years ago
Argyraspides Commander, Coenus GermanikĂłs, aka the "Jack Morrison" of Macedon
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lupitovi · 6 years ago
Mais en vĂ©ritĂ© je l'attends Avec mon coeur avec mon Ăąme Et sur le pont des Reviens-t'en Si jamais revient cette femme Je lui dirai Je suis content Mon coeur et ma tĂȘte se vident Tout le ciel s'Ă©coule par eux Ô mes tonneaux des DanaĂŻdes Comment faire pour ĂȘtre heureux Comme un petit enfant candide Je ne veux jamais l'oublier Ma colombe ma blanche rade O marguerite exfoliĂ©e Mon Ăźle au loin ma DĂ©sirade Ma rose mon giroflier Les satyres et les pyraustes Les Ă©gypans les feux follets Et les destins damnĂ©s ou faustes La corde au cou comme Ă  Calais Sur ma douleur quel holocauste Douleur qui doubles les destins La licorne et le capricorne Mon Ăąme et mon corps incertain Te fuient ĂŽ bĂ»cher divin qu'ornent Des astres des fleurs du matin Malheur dieu pĂąle aux yeux d'ivoire Tes prĂȘtres fous t'ont-ils parĂ© Tes victimes en robe noire Ont-elles vainement pleurĂ© Malheur dieu qu il ne faut pas croire Et toi qui me suis en rampant Dieu de mes dieux morts en automne Tu mesures combien d'empans J'ai droit que la terre me donne Ô mon ombre ĂŽ mon vieux serpent Au soleil parce que tu l'aimes Je t'ai menĂ©e souviens-t'en bien TĂ©nĂ©breuse Ă©pouse que j'aime Tu es Ă  moi en n'Ă©tant rien Ô mon ombre en deuil de moi-mĂȘme L'hiver est mort tout enneigĂ© On a brĂ»lĂ© les ruches blanches Dans les jardins et les vergers Les oiseaux chantent sur les branches, Le printemps clair l'avril lĂ©ger Mort d'immortels argyraspides La neige aux boucliers d'argent Fuit les dendrophores livides Du printemps cher aux pauvres gens Qui resourient les yeux humides Et moi j'ai le coeur aussi gros Qu'un cul de dame damascĂšne Ô mon amour je t'aimais trop Et maintenant j'ai trop de peine Les sept Ă©pĂ©es hors du fourreau Sept Ă©pĂ©es de mĂ©lancolie Sans morfil ĂŽ claires douleurs Sont dans ton coeur et la folie Veut raisonner pour mon malheur Comment voulez-vous que j'oublie
Guillaume Apollinaire - La chanson du mal aimé
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jellothefish · 7 years ago
im so late but i love answering questions
tagged by @argyraspide AND @kvothes
how to play the game: - answer the 11 questions from the person who tagged you - compose 11 questions of your own & tag others! 
Rey’s Questions:
1) What do you seem to collect, intentionally or otherwise? i like mementos of things although then i panic about having too much stuff but i have a large bookshelf at home filled with shells and rocks and trinkets various people have given me. i also keep a folder filled with notes my friends give me so i can read them when im sad
2) What’s your favorite form of visual art? for me to do? oil pastels. smudgy smudgy. to just look at probably sculptures. i love detail work oh my god
3) Top 3 vacation ideas/locations i really want to go the lauterbrennen area of switzerland, i would absolutely love to go somewhere in southeast asia again and see more but i dont know a whole of places, and lets top it off with hiking in the andes
4) What’s the strangest memory from your childhood? im gonna say when i maybe hallucinated a tunnel on my playground and went exploring only for it to disappear the next day
5) How would you describe your ideal personal aesthetic? i actually have a photo series i did on this but its really lame in words. i just want to do things and see more and have long roadtrips and chilly nights around a campfire and whatnot
6) What do you consider your best skill or talent? im good at planning things :/
7) Academic superpowers: Would you rather be able to memorize every word and fact of a paper (book, powerpoint, etc.) so long as you read the entire thing, OR would you rather be able to teleport instantly to any class with all relevant material and wearing an outfit of your choice? teleport please i walk so much
8) Top 3 favorite sounds thunderstorms, my friends laughter, rain
9) If you could choose one instrument to master, which would it be? honestly i havent thought about my lack of musical talent in so long. idk. bass or drums i guess
10) Does pineapple, a known fruit, belong on pizza??? oh no my friends are gonna fight me. like i dont like it but ill still eat it probably
11) What’s your spirit animal? i once did a decent art project and so i did a lot of research for this and went with fox
Hodgessssss’ Questions:
1. vincent van gogh or pablo picasso? van gogh! i really want to go to the museum in amsterdam 2. if you could change your middle name to anything, what would you choose? i wouldnt want to change it its very important to me 3. which song from a musical best describes you? oh no now ive forgotten every musical ive ever seen. also ive just never thought of it like that before, i associate moments with songs usually. let me know if you have any ideas for me! 4. have you ever torn pages out of a book? why? if i have it was absolutely by accident. i once accidentally smashed my copy of fablehaven in a door and cried for a couple hours. the corner is still dented. 5. what is your favorite line from shakespeare? honestly the first thing that pops into my head is the classic “what, ho” in everything because im actually 13 6. what was the last thing you wrote? i dont really write a whole lot anymore. i was never satisfied so i mostly stopped doing creative writing (unless you mean anything and thatd be my lab report) 7. what was the last poem you liked? i really dont read a lot of poetry so im gonna go with the one you read me like ten years ago in the diag (im so sorry these are all non responses) 8. do you have a favorite work of art? if so, which one? no different works of art strike me in different ways. im always a fan of dutch golden age art although the piece i used to consider my favorite im no longer as in love with anymore. 9. would you rather have a portrait or a sculpture done of you? lol sculpture 10. would you rather live in a library or a museum? museum i love museums and because im a sneaky asshole- many museums have libraries in them 11. what is your opinion on sunlight? i like it when you can pull it close to your chin like a comforter but my delicate blue eyes are wimps
oh my god some of these were tough my dudes
anyways here’s my questions:
1. spring or fall and why 2. whats something that you always wished you did but never have? 3. warm water or cool water (like lakes, oceans, etc) 4. what do you wear for the first snowfall of the year  5. do you have an iconic piece of autumn wear that you cant wait for it to be chilly enough to wear  6. do you function better when busy or when you have a lot of free time? 7. sunlight through leaves or sunlight through windows 8. are you a picky eater or a idk what this is but it tastes good person 9. do you have plants? 10. do you want plants?  11. have you ever plant-sat for someone for a set period of time only to find out that apparently youve just adopted their plants now???
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i suck at tagging people and most people id tag have been tagged so sorry bout that @dolokhovisgay @kvothes @crow--child @phonecallfromgod @argyraspide and anyone who wants to really
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alessandroiiidimacedonia · 4 years ago
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a-fleur-de-peau · 7 years ago
“Voie lactĂ©e ĂŽ sƓur lumineuse Des blancs ruisseaux de Chanaan Et des corps blancs des amoureuses Nageurs morts suivrons-nous d'ahan Ton cours vers d'autres nĂ©buleuses Regret des yeux de la putain Et belle comme une panthĂšre Amour vos baisers florentins Avaient une saveur amĂšre Qui a rebutĂ© nos destins Ses regards laissaient une traĂźne D'Ă©toiles dans les soirs tremblants Dans ses yeux nageaient les sirĂšnes Et nos baisers mordus sanglants Faisaient pleurer nos fĂ©es marraines Mais en vĂ©ritĂ© je l'attends Avec mon cƓur avec mon Ăąme Et sur le pont des Reviens-t'en Si jamais revient cette femme Je lui dirai Je suis content Mon cƓur et ma tĂȘte se vident Tout le ciel s'Ă©coule par eux Ô mes tonneaux des DanaĂŻdes Comment faire pour ĂȘtre heureux Comme un petit enfant candide Je ne veux jamais l'oublier Ma colombe ma blanche rade Ô marguerite exfoliĂ©e Mon Ăźle au loin ma DĂ©sirade Ma rose mon giroflier Les satyres et les pyraustes Les Ă©gypans les feux follets Et les destins damnĂ©s ou faustes La corde au cou comme Ă  Calais Sur ma douleur quel holocauste Douleur qui doubles les destins La licorne et le capricorne Mon Ăąme et mon corps incertain Te fuient ĂŽ bĂ»cher divin qu'ornent Des astres des fleurs du matin Malheur dieu pĂąle aux yeux d'ivoire Tes prĂȘtres fous t'ont-ils parĂ© Tes victimes en robe noire Ont-elles vainement pleurĂ© Malheur dieu qu'il ne faut pas croire Et toi qui me suis en rampant Dieu de mes dieux morts en automne Tu mesures combien d'empans J'ai droit que la terre me donne Ô mon ombre ĂŽ mon vieux serpent Au soleil parce que tu l'aimes Je t'ai menĂ©e souviens t'en bien TĂ©nĂ©breuse Ă©pouse que j'aime Tu es Ă  moi en n'Ă©tant rien Ô mon ombre en deuil de moi-mĂȘme L'hiver est mort tout enneigĂ© On a brĂ»lĂ© les ruches blanches Dans les jardins et les vergers Les oiseaux chantent sur les branches Le printemps clair l'avril lĂ©ger Mort d'immortels argyraspides La neige aux boucliers d'argent Fuit les dendrophores livides Du printemps cher aux pauvres gens Qui resourient les yeux humides Et moi j'ai le cƓur aussi gros Qu'un cul de dame damascĂšne Ô mon amour je t'aimais trop Et maintenant j'ai trop de peine Les sept Ă©pĂ©es hors du fourreau Sept Ă©pĂ©es de mĂ©lancolie Sans morfil ĂŽ claires douleurs Sont dans mon cƓur et la folie Veut raisonner pour mon malheur Comment voulez-vous que j'oublie.”
Voie lactée by Guillaume Apollinaire.
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delusitraditieincazzati · 11 years ago
New Post has been published on Delusi Traditi e Incazzati
New Post has been published on http://delusitraditieincazzati.com/2013/11/13/duane-oncia-argyraspides-scudi-dargento-2/
Duane: Oncia Argyraspides (Scudi d’Argento)
da Argento Fisico
Nuova oncia dell’incrollabile (e ormai ricco?) Chris Duane: Argyraspides!
Video un po’ piĂč lungo rispetto agli altri di presentazione delle once della sua serie “Silver Bullet Silver Shield”, Pallottola d’argento / Scudo d’argento. 
Fa un po’ la storia dei suoi studi e delle sue scoperte che lo hanno portato ad aprire i suoi siti e poi produrre la sua ormai famosa serie di once (e bioncie e altro).
Chris ripercorre il suo percorso di consapevolezza. Racconta che di ritorno dall’esercito (credo fosse nei marines) prese a leggere centinaja di libri, un processo che gli ha preso alcuni anni. Man mano che leggeva si accorgeva che saltavano fuori sempre alcuni stessi nomi, uno su tutti Rothschild. un nome che gli sembrava alla radice di tutti quelli che lui identificava come i problemi veri del mondo. Si accorse che questa Ăš stata la prima famiglia globale la cui ricchezza Ăš stata basata sul debito (beh, a Firenze qualcuno potrebbe aver qualcosa da dire ).. in pratica la piĂč famosa dinastia di Banchieri. Originari della Germania e in origine secondo Chris di cognome Bauer, cambiarono il cognome in “Scudo Rosso” dal vessillo rosso con disegnato il sigillo di Salomone che stava fuori dalle loro banche in giro per l’Europa. 
I Rothschild impararono a creare ricchezza “out of thin air”, dall’aria, dal nulla.. avevano raggiunto la cosiddetta pietra filosofale, il poter trasformare il piombo in oro. In effetti il “gioco delle tre carte” alla base dell’attività bancaria ù stato un vero passo oltre l’alchimia sognata e inseguita per tutto il medioevo.
La tecnica si Ú raffinata nei secoli sino ad arrivare ad una moneta basata assolutamente sul nulla, creata e controllata da privati, strumento perfetto per depredare i popoli del loro lavoro e della loro ricchezza senza che neanche questi se ne accorgano. Il gioco riesce cosÏ bene che anche oggi la maggior parte delle persone vive giuliva senza interrogarsi sul senso dei pezzi di carta che porta in tasca e crede siano depositati in banca e per cui ruba, mente e uccide ma anche semplicemente suda e lavora tutta una vita. 
Voce fuori campo narrante “il vero valore delle Guerre e dei Conflitti Ăš nel Debito che crea, un debito che Ăš a tutti gli effetti poi un modo piĂč raffinato di schiavizzare popoli interi. Se controllo il debito.. controlli tutto“. 
Chris racconta di come di come divenne perennemente depresso
 sino a quando si rese conto di una cosa: “Loro hanno piĂč bisogno di noi di quanto noi abbiamo bisogno di loro. Siamo noi che gli diamo il potere di controllarci, siamo solo noi che credendo nella loro favoletta gli consegnamo le nostre vite in mano. Nessuno sta con una pistola puntata alla nostra testa, possiamo ribellarci quando vogliamo al loro padigma e dare vita in qualsiasi momento al nostro pardigma“. 
Scritta: “Jeri ero furbo e pensavo di cambiare il mondo. Oggi sono saggio e penso a cambiare me stesso. Rumi”
CosĂŹ Chris racconta di essere arrivato all’idea del nome “Scudo d’argento”, proprio perchĂš Ăš uno scudo per la gente, l’argento, e il perfetto contraltare allo Scudo Rosso dei Banchieri. Si era scatenato nel cercare di svegliare piĂč gente possibile da questo sogno/incubo in cui viviamo per la stragrande maggioranza assopiti (quando si dice che il sonno della ragione crea mostri). Si lanciĂČ con diversi siti, con la “Sons of Liberty Accademy”.. e alla fine arrivĂČ all’idea di una serie di monete che propagandassero la sua idea. 
Al minuto 3:25 appare un’oncia “Sic Semper Tirannis“.. un’altra delle sue once uscita da poco.. ma quante ne fa!? non fai in tempo a girarti che se ne esce con una nuova
  bella comuque, sempre cosa buona e giusta far fuori un tiranno ;D
tornano un po’ indietro nel suo processo di consapevolezza un po’ alla volta si rese conto di come siamo tutti abituati sin dalla nascita a valutare le cose solo e sempre in termini di dollari (o lire, o euro..) mentre in realtà sono solo le cose che valgono altre cose, le cose e le idee, il lavoro. Beni e servizi insomma. Se ci pensate possiamo benissimo valutare l’oro non in dollari ma in argento, o in pane o in frutta
“Al momento ci vogliono 60 once d’argento per comprare 1 oncia d’oro ma in natura il rapporto ù piuttosto di 9 a 1
” (confermato dalla geologia). 
Minuto 4:25: i suoi studi lo portarono a domandarsi quanto valeva il denaro sonante (oro e argento) nella storia e trovĂČ fior di dati che dicevano che, per esempio, al tempo dei romani la paga di un soldato dell’esercito romano era di 1 Denarius al giorno.. ma un denarius era una monetina grande come un dime, un decimo di dollaro di fino a Kennedy, una monetina che pesa un decimo di oncia (3 grammi circa d’argento) 
 sarebbe come dire che, al prezzo di oggi dell’argento la paga giornaliera di una persono di un certo livello sarebbe di 1 euro e 60 cent
 esempi come questi si possono trovare per tutta la storia dell’umanitĂ  sino a pochi decenni fa. 
Giuda tradĂŹ GesĂč per 30 denari.. sono 15 once d’argento. Al prezzo di oggi meno di 300 euro (IVA e spedizione inclusi! ;D) .. tradire il messia per 300 euro scarsi? .. e cosĂŹ via, sino all’ottocento. 
L’imperatore della Cina dei tempi del famoso esercito di terracotta spendeva sol 1000 once d’argento al giorno per mantenere e armare e movimentare tutto il suo esercito e le loro famiglie! 100.000 uomini e tutto “l’indotto”!? Sono anche meno di 3 grammi d’argento a testa al giorno.
Ancor oggi in effetti 2/3 del mondo lavora tutto il giorno per uno o due dollari (di carta!).
Chris dice che crede che nel mondo post-dollaro si tornerà a quei metodi di pagamento e quei valori per l’argento (magari un po’ naif ;D .. ma fondamentalmente non sarebbe poi così scorretto). 
Dice Chris che le cose da volere nella vita sono solo due: amore e pace per se e la propria famiglia e cercare di far si che tutti possano avere lo stesso. Da quando ha raggiunto le 1000 once accumulate dice che si Ăš preoccupato di far si che altri avessero lo stesso, cosĂŹ da poter, insieme, creare il nuovo paradigma. Solo sognando insieme si puĂČ far realizzare il sogno. 
E arriviamo all’ultimo design: Argyraspides
  Era il nome di una delle piĂč famose divisioni di Alexander il Grande, il Macedone, il condottiero piĂč famoso e mitico di tutti i tempi, celebrato dal 4° secolo avanti cristo sino ad oggi sia in Occidente che anche in Oriente. 
Argyraspides voleva dire “Scudi d’Argento” perchù d’argento erano placcati i loro scudi. Erano truppe scelte, gente d’esperienza, spesso anche sui 50-60 anni. Cambiarono il loro nome in Argyraspides quando Alexander si spinse con loro sino in India. Il resto scopritelo voi se vi piace ;D
Led Zeppelin: Quando Crolla la Diga
Rischio Calcolato
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jellothefish · 7 years ago
capricorn, 2nd house, 8th house
Capricorn: What’s your dream job?
I want to be a lawyer but if educational requirements didn’t matter, I think being a park ranger would be pretty cool. I didn’t look too hard at the majors that people want rangers to be unfortunately until I was well into my program.
2nd House: If you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you choose?
I don’t know because I look around my room and I see a lot of stuff I’ve kept for sentimental value but not much else. I keep wanting to downsize and get of a lot of stuff but my parents start panicking when I’m like “childhood memories, goodbye now.” If we don’t count clothing or things like a toothbrush and I could only keep one
 Maybe my hiking backpack? It has both practical and sentimental value as well as being something that’s more of me now than who I was in the past.
8th House: Do you believe in reincarnation?
It’s not really something I’ve thought a lot about. To some degree, maybe, like I don’t think it would stay species-specific if it did happen. But I don’t know.
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