#Are we out of cheetos ( steph and nick )
celestialsunglasses · 5 years
Big relationship meme
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Who is more likely to raise their voice?: Nick, but he doesn’t do it often. And if he notices anyone flinching, unless his barbarian ass goes into a fuckin’ rage for 10 turns, he’ll try his best to lower his voice again even if he’s still angry.Who threatens to leave but never actually does?: Neither of them. The way it is now, they have good communication. there wouldn’t be much of that threat if at all.Who actually keeps their word and leaves?: Neither of them? Mostly because neither of them feel like they wanna leave each other, and if that was a thing that was on the table they’d probably talk it out instead of just being dramatic.Who trashes the house?: No one. I imagine that’s not how either of them express their anger.Do either of them get physical?: No one is ever hit. That’s a big no.How often do they argue/disagree?: Probably not overly often. Not full arguments. Who is the first to apologize?: I’m gonna say Nick? Not because Steph wouldn’t apologize, more because i’m not actually 100% sure and I don’t like to immediately presume with these memes. It may actually vary depending on context. 
Who is on top?: Usually Steph.Who is on the bottom?: Usually Nick.Who has the strangest desires?: Probably Steph. Nick’s a vanilla bitch.Any kinks?: I’m sure Steph has a couple. Can’t remember what they are, but I know they exist on at least a small level. Nick has a biting kink that is both giving and receiving, a praise kink out the ass, and he does like to get a bit rough at times. But other than that he’s not naturally kinky without prompting. But he’s extremely open minded to trying things out.Who’s dominant in bed?: Steph.Is head ever in the equation?: Yes.If so, who is better at performing it?: Man I don’t know. They both good as hell at it, probably.Ever had sex in public?: I’m not completely sure.Who moans the most?: Depends what’s happening. But Nick can be pretty noisy sometimes.Who leaves the most marks?: Nick.Who screams the loudest?: Well Nick isn’t exactly a screamer. If you can get him to scream and not just moan loudly, then good on you.Who is the more experienced of the two?: As far as the general act is concerned, not including experience with things like kinks, Nick. But only because he’s older and has had shittons of experience because he is hypersexual as hell for a variety of reasons, and has been for a good amount of his life.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?: Both.Rough or soft?: Both.How long do they usually last?: It varies depending on the context and how turned on either of them are.Is protection used?: About 99% of the time, yes. On occasion they do get in the moment, but they do try to keep up with the protection.Does it ever get boring?: Nah.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: I’m not sure.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?: So I’m not sure it’s a plan, but like I feel they would talk if they were going to do the child rearing thing, it’d be through adoption, and it wouldn’t be a baby, they’d go for a slightly older child. Like from 5 or 6 and up from there. If so, how many children do your muses want/have?: At most maybe two. But most likely one.Who is the favorite parent?: It’d depend on the child.Who is the authoritative parent?: You know I actually don’t know. Because I feel both of them would be encouraging parents, with varying fun sides. But maybe Steph might find it easier to be stern???? If she had to???? Like Nick can also be stern but he might have a period of time where he’s afraid of it because he’s kinda had weird luck with his own kids and he’d have a time where he wouldn’t want them to hate him before figuring it out easier.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?: Both of them probably advocate for mental health days when it’s absolutely necessary.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?: This one’s probably another both. Though at some point Nick would attempt to make sure they did a little better.Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?: Both of them when possible.Who goes to parent teacher interviews?: Nick, at the very least. He’s good at doing that type of social interaction.Who changes the diapers?: If a baby was involved, both.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?: If a baby was involved at all, it’d switch off. But it’d be a lot of Nick cause boy can’t stay asleep worth a damn sometimes.Who spends the most time with the children?: It’s possibly Nick. But not to a huge degree. His job just has a few less time consuming elements outside of work.Who packs their lunch boxes?: Nick.Who gives their children ‘the talk’?: Nick is a huge advocate for age appropriate sex ed, so he definitely would. But I feel like Steph is similar in that way so would also try, and would at least be someone the kid could trust with those things.Who cleans up after the kids?: They try to encourage their kid to do what they can first, and then it’s just very dependent who’s there at the time, and how much really needs to be done.Who worries the most?: Nick, I think????Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?: hAHA. NICK FOR SURE. First of all, if the child they adopted was rather young, he’d have a lot of trouble not showing his pride and affection and enthusiasm of their achievements and happiness by saying things like, “little buddy that’s fUCKIN’ SICK.” they’d get a call from a teacher that the child said a swear word in class, nick would get down on their level and just, “the fuck, dude?”
Who likes to cuddle?: Both, but Nick is hyper affectionate as shit, so frequently Nick.Who is the little spoon?: Nick, probably. That just seems like it’d be the case.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?: Not sure.Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?: Nick. Not necessarily in a directly sexual way most of the time. Just that he likes to be touching people. Hand on the shoulder, or arm around the shoulder. Hand holding, hugging. Leaning on her a little if they’re sitting down. It’s difficult for him not to do that. But if she needed space he’d try for her.How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?: Depends on position. If it’s one where no one’s arms fall asleep, then a good amount of time. Otherwise probably only a little while before either of them become restless and need a stretch.Who gives the most kisses?: It’s pretty even.What is their favourite non-sexual activity?: Just hanging out and talking.Where is their favourite place to cuddle?: Probably on the couch or in bed.Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?: It’s back and forth, but for this one I might say Steph.How often do they get time to themselves?: Often enough.
Who snores?: Nick doesn’t. He has a habit of humming in his sleep, talking in his sleep, if it’s bad enough, walking in his sleep. And often times he can be known to breathe very heavily if he was the one to fall asleep in the body. And unless Steph also doesn’t directly snore, then it’s Steph.If both do, who snores the loudest?: If Steph snores, it’s Steph.Do they share a bed or sleep separately?: They share a bed.If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?: They often cozy up. Unless A.) Steph has managed to fall asleep in her shop and Nick was indisposed to go get her, or B.) Nick tosses and turns like hell which can be a sleep ruiner sometimes, they sleep together.Who talks in their sleep?: Nick.What do they wear to bed?: I believe Steph is likely to wear boxers and a t-shirt. Nick does sweat pants and a t-shirt of some sort. Very rarely without those things unless they were doing stuff beforehand because Nick gets very cold at night, and the more layers the better at times.Are either of your muses insomniacs?: I think both of them to a certain degree can be, but Nick has intense insomnia and nightmare disorder on his own. He can sleep, but he often isn’t the one to fall asleep or it doesn’t quite work.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?: Probably both take some sort of sleep aid if it’s bad enough. Nick definitely would have to if he wants to even attempt sleeping properly as himself.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?: It varies, but they do like to cuddle primarily.Who wakes up with bed hair?: Both of them.Who wakes up first?: Probably Nick, or some part of Nick’s system does.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?: I’m not sure. In general I’m gonna say Nick, but Nick might also take issue with the idea of crumbs in the bed and keep it to a minimum for that reason.What is their favourite sleeping position? Spooning.Who hogs the sheets?: Nick without question.Do they set an alarm each night?: Depends on work schedules, but Nick probably does to a degree.Can a television be found in their bedroom?: Yeah.Who has nightmares?: Both, but Nick especially.Who has ridiculous dreams?: Both.Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?: Not sure.Who makes the bed?: Nick.What time is bed time?: Whenever they want.Any routines/rituals before bed?: Just the general routines of like brushing teeth, taking any required nightly meds.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?: I’m not sure. Nick is a shambling corpse when he wakes up on his own, so maybe him. It’s different if someone else woke up.
Who is the busiest?: It’s pretty even on how often it happens, but Steph has a slightly more physical job than Nick does, and hers probably takes more time, so Steph.Who rakes in the highest income?: You know I never thought about this, and I’m not 100% sure. I wanna say,,,,, sTEPH???? BECAUSE IT’S ROBOTS. IT REQUIRES A LOT MORE MONEY TO MAKE THE THINGS PEOPLE WANT. But I also realize it depends on how much business she gets with how you write her. But since she seems pretty self sufficient in that way, I’m still gonna assume Steph to some degree.Are any of your muses unemployed?: Nope.Who takes the most sick days?: Probably Nick. Not that he does it super frequently, but Steph is the type to be so invested in her job she doesn’t take care of herself without prompting from others if she’s not careful, so I wouldn’t imagine she takes sick days very often.Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Nick. His job is very flexible. Plus he owns/co-owns his tattoo shop with a friend of his, and can get away with being a little late as long as he does his job once he is there and isn’t slacking when things really need to be done.Who sucks up to their boss? hAHA, THEY ARE BOTH THEIR OWN BOSSES.What are their jobs?: Nick is a tattoo artist, and owner of the shop, I’m not sure Steph’s official job title, nor am I 100% on all that she does on top of the making robots part, but she makes cool ass robots.Who stresses the most?: Probably Steph.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?: They both love what they do.Are your muses financially stable?: Yes.
Who does the washing?: Both.Who takes out the trash?: Both do.Who does the ironing?: Ironing? in thIS ECONOMY? Idk I feel like neither of them unless it’s really necessary to look that professional.Who does the cooking?: Nick.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?: Again, this is me hoping I’m remembering correctly and not having daydreamed these details somehow, but Steph.Who is messier?: I’m not sure. Nick is varying degrees of organized and disorganized depending on the details. Like his tattoo shop? Fuckin meticulously clean. He works with needles, and it can be a health hazard if he dOESN’T keep it that meticulous. His general living space? It’s clean-ish, but depending on things it can be cluttered and disorganized. It’s like,,,,, it looks lived in. And then depending on alters it may be more or less clean on any given day. His car? Probably sometimes a wreck because wHO HAS THE TIME TO CLEAN ThAT SHIT. Steph seems like she could be either decently messy/cluttered/disorganized, or extremely clean where things are concerned. But I’m not sure which one it is.Who leaves the toilet roll empty?: Okay this one I’m gonna give to Nick. Not because he’s lazy it’s just,,,, he’ll think about it, but then the second he leaves the general area it’s like it completely leaves his mind that he didn’t actually do that because ADHD is just a dick like that sometimes. Paired with frequent dissociation. He’s gonna forget some shit. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?: Who forgets to flush the toilet?: Neither of them.Who is the prankster around the house?: Nick.Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?: Nick. Like boy just constantly fuckin’ forgets where he puts his dang keys. CONSTANTLY. Like even if he can keep track of quite a lot of things. The keys are not one of them.Who mows the lawn?: Probably Nick, or some part of him.Who answers the telephone?: Nick.Who does the vacuuming?: Nick, mostly.Who does the groceries?: They go together.Who takes the longest to shower?: Nick, I think. He can be maybe a little too thorough sometimes.Who spends the most time in the bathroom?: Nick. He has a ridiculous standard of attractiveness that he holds himself to, and sometimes he’s never satisfied and it ends with him obsessively fixing himself to frustration, or until someone less self conscious switches out.
Is money a problem?: I don’t think so.How many cars do they own?: One. I’m gonna assume Steph doesn’t drive. But that’s mostly because I’ve never seen you say as much, which leads me to assume they would only really need one because Nick does drive.Do they own their home or do they rent?: They probably own it.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?: the coast??? I thINK??? IDK.Do they live in the city or in the country?: Closer to the city. Not sure if it’s in a big city, but it’s closer to people.Do they enjoy their surroundings?: Generally, yeah.What’s their song?: Hell if I know.What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Work, hang out with friends if they have the time or feel like it. Just whatever they want.Where did they first meet?: Idk, either through someone, or one of them went into the other’s shop. we just kinda hopped right into them being friends i’m not sure where they met.How did they first meet?: I don’t know I’m not sure we discussed this.Who spends the most money when out shopping?: It’s probably Nick by a little bit.Who’s more likely to flash their assets?: I can’t see either of them being like that, but it’s likely Nick on accident. He just kind is like, “oh yeah I have this much so it’s good.” so by default he is telling people what he has sorta, but it’s not out of anything flashy or wanting to boast. It’s just like, he doesn’t care if people know, and it helps him remember better what he needs to do with it.Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?: Oh they both think it’s fuckin’ hilarious as long as no one is seriously injured, but they help each other up.Any mental issues?: Quite a few. Nick has DID, adhd, c-ptsd, depression, and a couple anxiety things, plus insomnia from nightmares. So that’s a whole ass thing to consider. If I remember right, Steph is autistic, but I don’t know if that’s a mental disorder so much as a neurological development thing. But it at least affects how she functions with her mental health and issues with it and such, and I believe she has ptsd, maybe depression and anxiety??? I could be wrong on the last bits. With this meme I realize there’s a lot of things I could ask about at some point.Who’s terrified of bugs?: Nick. Sorta. He’s not a fan of flying bugs. Especially butterflies, and moths (the fact he loves mothman is a great irony) they freak him out. Centipedes are a no in any circumstance outside of weird tattoos. And he’s only okay with them if someone happens to have them as pets??? But even then they give him the heebs, and the jeebs. But he’s fine with spiders???? And rhino beetles. He thinks those things are wicked fuckin’ cool.Who kills the spiders around the house?: Nick likes spiders so he does attempt to bring them outside. But he can be known to occasionally kill them, too. It depends on if it’s convenient to put it outside.Their favourite place? idk each other’s arms?Who pays the bills?: I think they both help with bills.Do they have any fears for their future?: Not really no. Not between the two of them at least. Maybe fears of what could happen given either of their pasts. Like Nick would be afraid of Steph getting murdered, or afraid of something celestial/demonic hurting her in an attempt to hurt him.Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?: Nick.Who uses up all of the hot water?: Also Nick. They probably had to get a longer lasting water heater. He cRAVES heat.Who’s the tallest?: N IC K. HE’S A BIG DUDE.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?: Steph.Who wanders around in their underwear?: Steph.Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?: Nick.What do they tease each other about?: A variety of things I’m too tired to consider right now.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?: Neither of them, they either look good or it’s all neutral enough it doesn’t matter.Do they have mutual friends?: I’d imagine so, yes.Who crushed first?: God that’s a good question, I’m not sure.Any alcohol or substance related problems?: They are both recovering from things. Nick is an on and off alcoholic, but he’s really trying. And I think you said Steph had a think with pills at one point, but is also trying not to go back to that.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?: Nick.Who swears the most?: It’s pretty equal.
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Some facts and headcannons that make me happy about Steph and @celestialsunglasses‘s Nick:
They never went on an official ‘first date’, they just started hanging out and eventually realized they were dating each other
Like, seriously, one day they were hanging out and one of them went ‘hey are we dating?’ and the other was like ‘I guess’ and then just continued with what they were doing
They live together and their domestic ass life is what I live for
Her workshop and his tattoo shop are within walking distance of each other so they’re always visiting the other at work, as if they don’t see each other every damn day
They’ve probably run into each other on the way to the other’s shop before
They’re best friends, like, BEST friends
They give each other kisses and light little touches CONSTANTLY, just in passing. Half the time they don’t even know they’re doing it
Movie and video game nights
It would be difficult to be more cuddly that these two
Very confident in their love for each other.
Body positively to the max. They’re always telling each other how wonderful they are. Steph like’s to kiss Nick’s scars when he’s comfortable with it
More than willing to give each other space when they need it. If one of them needs a day to themselves they other will just bring them food and remind them that they’re loved
Might actually be married, but it just seemed like such a natural next step that they never made a big deal about it
Just overall????? I love them so much
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woetothemax-blog · 7 years
Steph and Nick adopt an older kid
100% yes. They decide being foster parents is a good idea. Because there are so many kids who are just in the system and fostering is a great thing for guardians who are actually fit to take care of younger humans. The kid is like 12 years old or maybe a little older even. They just click with them in a way they didn’t necessarily expect. The child is adopted into possibly the weirdest, but most loving, accepting family ever. 
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‘  i wish to radiate moonlight and heavenly energy at all times.  ’ //also for whoever.
“You already do, my love.” she knew what he said was partially a joke, but she’s feeling extra sweet tonight. She pulls him down gently by the front of the shirt to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
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It would very much depend on how Steph died the specifics of his grief. But he would be deeply upset. And his grief tends to be selfish. Feeling like he’s not allowed good things. but eventually he would start feeling more of a “she deserved better than this” feeling. If it was a violent death, or a death that could’ve been otherwise prevented. He’d be angry, and sad. And lonely. And a little bit hopeless. He would move forward, but it would be hard as fuck. Smiling would be harder.
Fuck man. Steph just wants to wrap Nick up with her entire self right now.
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“ but… my BUTT. ”
“Yes, its AMAZING and I love it more than most things on this shit planet, but I have work to do. I can’t just be touching butts with you all day. I gotta get paid. Do stuff. Things that aren’t touching your awesome butt.”
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“ Wanna watch River Monsters? I hear he’s gonna find a monster… in a river. Crazy right? ”
“What kind of monsters in the river? Like, giant eels or a wet mossy big foot? You gotta be more specific.”
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Send 💕for good night/morning kiss.
Neither of them were really up yet, the thick fog of sleep still sitting around their heads, leaving their eyes half closed. But even without proper thought or vision, their lips found each other, pressing together lazily and smiling against each other’s skin.
“Mmmornin’ handsome.”
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😖 - Bury their face in my muse’s chest //for steph. he just loves her so much.
“Hi hon.” it was a pretty natural response, a small smile appearing on her face. She had been laying on the couch, having gotten home for work a little earlier than Nick. The second he got through the door, the man had made a bee-line to the couch and just toppled onto her, legs dangling off end while his face pressed firmly into her chest.
She chuckle and her hand instinctively reaches to start carding through his hair with a hum.
“Long day, my love?”
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celestialsunglasses · 6 years
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ignore this if u want. cause it’s just a tag dump. cause i’m feeling the idea of a minor lil tag drop. like u know what it seems fun to have tags if u remember them and such. gonna have super simple tags too. cause sometimes i’m a lazy fuck, or i just don’t remember that i have tags. or i’m mobile. but i also wanna have some fun ones too for when i’m not as lazy or whatever.
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► "ooh, this is the perfect moment to ask for a good long hug. cause I'm a sucker for hugs. might have to lean down a bit cause you're short, but that is more than okay to me." //for steph.
“You don’t have to use some weird dark magic to ask that of me, ya know.” she chuckles, moving in close and pulling the other down while also raising up to her toes and wrapping her arms around Nick’s waist.
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It had been a long day. She enjoyed her job, of course, and wouldn’t trade her life as it is for anything. But that didn’t keep her from having slumps.
The front door to their home was opened earlier in the day than usual, the sun having just set. In theory, this is when a lot of people are expected to come home from work, but to Steph is was strange.
The couple had taken to eating dinner later, closer to eight, due to Steph’s habit of working longer than she should. Although she was a good three hours early, coming home still made her hungry.
She shuffled her way to the couch, where Nick was, before he could stand to greet her, and flops on top of him.
“Mmmm love you. Lets eat food.”
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“Were these pirate skeletons pirates first, or skeletons first??”
“I wanna say pirates? I mean, if anything’s gonna keep you dead body moving its the never ending quest for wealth and power. Don’t think someone’s gonna become a walking skeleton, do whatever they needed to finish up in their life, and then go job searching. Say like, ‘fuck it lets be pirates’ after kicking the bucket.” she clicks her tongue in thought, toes curling as she tilted the game controller in her hands, as if that would make her in game attacks better.
She had ended up on the floor of their living room, inching closer to the tv screen every minute. Nick remained on the couch most of the time, except when they were running low on snacks or Steph needed to be pulled back a few feet.
“If they were skeletons first, I’d like to know where they got the hats and swords and shit, off of real dead pirates?”
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celestialsunglasses · 5 years
Imagine them with a kid???? Like, just being the most supportive and understanding. It would be hard for Steph not to spoil them rotten just because she'd want to make sure this kid has the childhood she never got
Okay so,,,, i have a few thoughts on them and adopting kids:
First if they got a younger kid, like 5 or 6. Definitely all of that. I feel both of them would be in an interesting amount of their element. Given that both of them are not Typical people they’d encourage the shit out of this kid’s interests as long as they weren’t harmful interests. Even if they weren’t typical interests. They’d be supportive even if no one else was (though there’s a good chance others would also be supportive. but they’d be there regardless of other people.)
But there’s also the idea,,,,, if they adopted a much older child. like 13 and up. People maybe think, “well how can you expect that kid to bond to you, they’re already a teenager.” or things like, “well what if they become Difficult. They’re a teenager.” But they make them feel like they belong with them. That they’re safe. Same amount of encouragement as if the kid was younger, though maybe a little difficulties because teenage rebellion and the like. Possible horrific experiences in the kid’s background cause that’s the case sometimes, unfortunately. But they both get it. I feel Steph would have a specific connection to the kid seeing as she was in the system a majority of her growing up life save for a few years in the beginning. And they actively work on it.
And they just make that kid feel safe and like they’re family real fast, because they are family now.
Either way it’s like. i love them???
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celestialsunglasses · 5 years
Name a better couple I fuckin dare you
i can’t. this couple is perfect. i love them. 
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celestialsunglasses · 6 years
Body body wraps around her husband.
just holds his wife so close with the happiest little smile on his face. She’s so warm. he could hold her forever.
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