#Arabia Saudí
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cumberbatchcom · 2 months ago
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[GALLERY UPDATE] Executive producer Benedict Cumberbatch and Andrew Garfield presenting 'We Live in Time' at the Red Sea International Film Festival. LINK
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welele · 10 months ago
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Acá la noticia
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dabid-motozalea · 10 months ago
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Qasr al-Farid
Mada’in Saleh. Arabia Saudí
Qasr al-Farid es un templo funerario tallado en la roca, y se cree que fue construido por los nabateos, una antigua civilización árabe.
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saraw4ters · 1 year ago
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propronews · 1 year ago
André Guimarâes, otro deportista portugués de élite que triunfa en Arabia Saudí
El técnico está considerado uno de los mejores entrenadores de fútbol sala del mundo
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hijri-date · 2 days ago
التاريخ الهجري: تعريفه وأهميته في حياتنا
التاريخ الهجري هو تقويم يعتمد على الدورة الشهرية للقمر، ويُعتبر من الأنظمة الزمنية التي يستخدمها المسلمون لتحديد العديد من المواعيد الهامة في حياتهم اليومية، مثل بداية شهر رمضان، عيد الفطر، عيد الأضحى، ومواعيد الحج. يختلف التاريخ الهجري عن التاريخ الميلادي الذي يعتمد على الدورة الشمسية، مما يجعل له خصوصية كبيرة في الثقافة الإسلامية.
تاريخ بداية التقويم الهجري
بدأ التاريخ الهجري في السنة 622 ميلاديًا، وذلك عندما هاجر النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم من مكة إلى المدينة المنورة في حدث يُعرف بالهجرة. وقد قرر الخليفة عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه، في سنة 638 ميلادي، أن تكون هذه الحادثة هي بداية تقويم هجري جديد، وهو ما يُعرف الآن بالتقويم الهجري.
كيف يُحسب التاريخ الهجري؟
التاريخ الهجري يعتمد على الدورة الشهرية للقمر حول الأرض، حيث يتكون شهر هجري من 29 أو 30 يومًا. يبدأ شهر هجري جديد عند رؤية الهلال الجديد، ولذلك يختلف بدء الشهر الهجري من دولة إلى أخرى بناءً على رؤية الهلال. وهذا ما يفسر أحيانًا اختلاف المواعيد الخاصة بالأعياد في بعض الدول الإسلامية.
أهمية التاريخ الهجري
التاريخ الهجري له أهمية كبيرة في الحياة الإسلامية. فهو يُستخدم لتحديد مواعيد العديد من المناسبات الدينية مثل:
شهر رمضان: الذي يُعتبر الشهر التاسع في التقويم الهجري ويخصص للصيام.
عيد الفطر: الذي يُحتفل به بعد انتهاء شهر رمضان.
عيد الأضحى: الذي يأتي في اليوم العاشر من شهر ذي الحجة، ويُحتفل به بعد أداء مناسك الحج.
مواعيد الحج: الحج هو أحد أركان الإسلام الخمسة، ويتم في الشهر الثاني عشر من السنة الهجرية.
الفرق بين التاريخ الهجري والتاريخ الميلادي
التاريخ الميلادي يعتمد على حركة الأرض حول الشمس، ويكون عدد الأيام في السنة الميلادية 365 يومًا، بينما السنة الهجرية تتكون من 354 أو 355 يومًا. هذا الفرق يجعل السنة الهجرية أقصر بحوالي 10-12 يومًا مقارنة بالسنة الميلادية، مما يعني أن الشهور الهجرية تتراجع حوالي 10 أيام كل سنة عن السنة الميلادية.
في النهاية، يُعتبر التاريخ الهجري جزءًا أساسيًا من الهوية الإسلامية، فهو ليس مجرد تقويم يستخدم لتحديد الأيام، بل هو عنصر أساسي في تنظيم الحياة الدينية والاجتماعية للمسلمين. يساعد التاريخ الهجري على تحديد مواعيد العبادات والأعياد والمناسبات التي تساهم في تعزيز الروحانية والتلاحم بين المسلمين في أنحاء العالم
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brunojordanposts · 2 months ago
La sombra de Israel se cierne sobre Siria cuando aún no se ha apagado el eco de la caída de Al Asad
Por Juan Antonio Sanz Periodista y analista para Público en temas internacionales. Especialista universitario en Servicios de Inteligencia e Historia. La toma por Israel de una franja del sur de Siria, su bombardeo de bases y arsenales, y la cercanía de sus fuerzas a Damasco disparan la alarma en el país recién liberado del puño de Al Asad. Cientos de personas celebran el derrocamiento de…
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rdsolenodonte · 1 year ago
CEO de Aramco dice que Arabia Saudita puede incrementar su producción petrolera
Saudi Aramco está en condiciones de aumentar la producción de petróleo en unas semanas, ya que el consumo mundial alcanzará un nuevo récord a finales de año, según declaró el martes el presidente ejecutivo del gigante petrolero. En su intervención en el Energy Intelligence Forum de Londres, el CEO de Aramco, Amin Nasser, afirmó que la demanda petrolera mundial aumentará hasta 103 millones de…
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eurekadiario · 1 year ago
El director del Mossad israelí viajó a EEUU para tratar la normalización de las relaciones con Arabia Saudí
Barnea viajó en secreto para reunirse con funcionarios de la CIA y con el asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, Jake Sullivan, como parte de los esfuerzos de la Administración Biden, para "completar un empujón diplomático" antes de que comience la campaña electoral del mandatario para la reelección.
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Archivo - El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu (izquierda), junto al director del Mossad, David Barnea (derecha) © Kobi Gideon/Gpo/Dpa - Archivo
Israel, por su parte, pretendía dar su opinión sobre los acuerdos entre Estados Unidos y Arabia Saudí, que podrían afectar al país en materia de seguridad, como podrían ser la posibilidad de un programa nuclear saudí o la venta de armas estadounidenses a Riad.
La cuestión sobre la relación con Arabia Saudí fue el tema principal de la reunión, aunque también se habló sobre la cuestión iraní.
"Seguimos apoyando la normalización con Israel, incluso con Arabia Saudí, y obviamente seguimos hablando con nuestros socios regionales sobre cómo se puede avanzar más. Es un esfuerzo que estamos llevando a cabo para avanzar en los objetivos de la política exterior de Estados Unidos para una región de Oriente Próximo más pacífica, segura, próspera y estable", ha declarado un portavoz de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, según el mismo portal.
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skycrorg · 2 years ago
Esta es la primera mujer de Arabia Saudí en ir al espacio el 8 de mayo
Dos astronautas de Arabia Saudita, incluida la primera mujer saudí, despegarán de Florida el 8 de mayo en una misión privada a la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS), dijeron el jueves funcionarios de Axiom Space y la NASA. Rayyanah Barnawi, investigadora de cáncer de mama, se convertirá en la primera mujer saudita en viajar al espacio y se unirá a la misión con su compañero saudita Ali…
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sintagma11 · 2 years ago
Historias más importantes de hoy
BRICS supera G7 en influencia económica📈
Ghana denuncia EEUU por criticar proyecto de ley LGBTQ
Arabia Saudí e Irán retoman lazos diplomáticos
China propone solución a conflicto Palestina - Israel
Gobierno presentó borrador para regular precios de energía
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aperint · 2 years ago
Crónica de un divorcio anunciado
Crónica de un divorcio anunciado #aperturaintelectual #deportesaintelectual @aguilarpalafox @Luis Aguilar Palafox Luis Felipe Aguilar Palafox
Por: Luis Felipe Aguilar Palafox La quinta victoria en Fórmula 1 del piloto mexicano Checo Pérez que en esta ocasión se dio de nuevo en un circuito callejero, ahora en Arabia Saudita, nos dejó claro lo que ya se venía sospechando, hay problemas internos entre el mismo Checo y su coequipero Max Verstappen. La escudería austriaca tendrá que trabajar para que esta situación no influya en el gran…
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welele · 3 months ago
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armatofu · 1 year ago
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saraw4ters · 8 days ago
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Daniel Sanders #4 / Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team / Etapa 11 Dakar 2025 | © Helena Clancy/ Edophoto / KTM Media Library
Daniel Sanders ha dominado el Rally Dakar 2025, culminando la prueba con un sexto puesto en la especial de 61 km de la última y 12ª etapa, con el que se ha coronado ganador absoluto de la prueba. Desde el principio, Daniel ha hecho gala de su velocidad y habilidad, ganando el prólogo, la etapa inaugural y la durísima etapa Crono de 48 horas para hacerse con el liderato. Con dos victorias de etapa más a los mandos de su imbatible KTM 450 RALLY y sin ceder nunca su ventaja en la general, Sanders es el segundo piloto de la historia que ha sido capaz de liderar el Rally Dakar de principio a fin.
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cheriladycl01 · 9 months ago
Could you do fic for Peter 'Bono' Bonnington with wife chef!reader? She always brought him food because she knew how busy he could get with everything. So, she would always make him his favourite meals/pick up a guilty pleasure snack as a surprise for him. Maybe she had some surprises for him. I'll let you decide what it was. Just something fluff and cute. Thanks! :))
Lets make lunch for my Husband! - Peter Bonnington x ChefWife! Reader
Plot: You are famous on Tiktok for making videos where you pack lunches for you husband but use ingredients globally as you always travel with him of race weekends.
Credit to princemick for the GIF
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Liked by peter.bonn, gordongram and lewishamilton
y/user: Racing in Bahrain!
Come make lunch with me for my husband who doesn’t go to Mercedes Hospitality for some reason!
Round One 🇧🇭 And we have Chicken, Rice and Veggies (a very hearty meal here) 🏎���
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fan1: I love her TikTok’s she’s so funny and Peter is just so cute!
fan2: their relationship is eveything you me
gordongram: Cooking in Style as always Y/N!
-> y/user: thanks Gords!
“Baby, lunch was amazing today! And thank you for putting the Twirl in there!” He grins as you both get back to the hotel, it had been a good race and you were both happy.
“I’m so glad you enjoyed it hunny. I’ve already made a meal plan of what I’m going to make at each race! You’ll be so happy with breakfast lunch and dinner in Silverstone!” You grin pulling him in for a kiss.
“Mmmm what have I got?” He grins, pulling you to sit on his lap on the sofa in your hotel room.
“Breakfast, of course a full English, get you all set for the day and make sure you’ve got all the protein to see you through till lunch. Then you’ve got your fave Ham Pesto and Mozzarella Sandwich for lunch. And then to round it off, I’ll invite Toto, Suzie, Lewis, George and Carmen all round for a Sunday Roast!” You say practically bouncing at the prospect of guests and being able to cook for them!
“I love you, you are without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me” he smiles pulling you back to relax on the sofa as you both sit there in each others embrace.
“I love you most!” You declare making him laugh and kiss your head. It wasn’t a battle he could win with you despite knowing you were wrong and he held an impossible amount of love for you.
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Liked by peter.bonn and lewishamilton
y/user: Racing in Saudí Arabia!
Come make lunch with me for my husband who doesn’t go to Mercedes Hospitality for some reason!
Round Two 🇸🇦 And we have my first time making Kabsa which a local helped me get all the ingredients! It’s very yummy! 🏎️
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peter.bonn: it was so nice, can’t wait to come back!
fan1: I’m living for this series, not the rich men racing!
fan2: this is so cute that she cooks for him!
“You know, the boys keep saying you need to start bringing it in for them aswell” he chides as you get into the car.
“What am I expected to cook for the 5000 now? I don’t think so, that’s why they have a paid for hospitality…” you groan, waking up early just to prepare Peter some food was exhausting you couldn’t imagine getting up to make it for more people!
“Maybe Toto should hire you as head chef here!” He grins and you laugh at the thought. You, working in Mercedes Catering?
“Baby … you know I have a … Michelin Star right?” you offer in confusion.
“Oh so your below working for Mercedes now are you?” He frowns, faking his offence on the matter.
“Oh stop being a whiny baby Pete!” You scold lightly hitting his arm, making him recoil and sigh before pulling you into a big hug.
“Im lucky you don’t have to be there 24/7. What would I do without you” he laughs.
“Probably starve as you’d forget to eat!” You hum in thought.
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Liked by oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and peter.bonn
y/user: Racing in Australia!
Come make lunch with me for my husband who doesn’t go to Mercedes Hospitality for some reason!
Round Three 🇦🇺 Of course I couldn’t come in and not offer fairy bread (as requested by my adopted grid son Oscar Piastri) and my famous Chicken Parm Sandwiches for the team which went down a treat!
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oscarpiastri: thank you for the fairy bread Y/N, LN understands the hype now
-> landonorris: don’t tell Jon, he said I couldn’t have any …
-> y/user: and rat out my second grid son, no way!
danielricciardo: brought back childhood memories! Thanks for coming all the way to VCARB for delivery!
-> y/user: you are welcome Dani! 🇦🇺🐨
“Thank you for the fairy bread!” Oscar said pulling you into a hug as you came back to get your container from the McLaren garage, seeing it fully empty.
“Everyone enjoy? Even though I felt like a child making it?” You laugh knowing it wasn’t exactly a chef thing to make but Oscar had asked for it, and who were you to deny the literal son you had adopted since he started.
“Yeah, Lando hadn’t ever tried it and I made it for Lily once to prove to her it was a real thing we ate but the bread kinda ended up being soggy, she preferred yours a lot more” he laughed back and you continued to talk about racing, cooking, life and everything else that just came up.
Halfway through that conversation Lando joined pulling his grid mum into a massive hug and asking her to bake him some cake or make the chicken wraps.
Fun fact, Y/N actually invented the chicken wrap for Lando. She became Lando’s private chef for a while when he lived in the UK, and he wasn’t … well I mean he’s Lando and if anyone expects him to know even know to turn on an oven you are sorely mistaken.
Eventually a group of drivers were around the woman, and it took Peter and Lewis forcing their way through to get her to come back.
“You’ve been busy!” He smiles nodding his head to the now dispersing group.
“Yeah, just talking to the kids!” You grin, nodding in the McLaren twins direction who were now messing around with each other.
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Liked by inthekitchen, peter.bonn and others
y/user: Racing in Azerbaijan!
Come make lunch with me for my husband who doesn’t go to Mercedes Hospitality for some reason!
Round Four 🇦🇿 Cooked up a storm off track today in a cooking interview and remaking one of the first dishes I learnt in school ‘Uzbek Plov’
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inthekitchen: pleasure to have you in and talking while cooking :)
-> y/user: thank you for all the fun! 🫶🏼
peter.bonn: This was nice, but I’m going to need some comfort food soon baby, these variations of meat and rice … it’ll be the end of me.
-> y/user: I thought you enjoyed my cooking!
-> peter.bonn: I DO! Just missing some creature comforts!
“You were amazing in that interview baby!” He says twirling you around as he came to pick you up on the Saturday evening. You had unfortunately missed qualifying, but you were excited to hear about your husbands day.
“Thank you, how was qually?” You ask.
“Could have been better, could have been worse” he admits looking down. He then tells you all about his frustrations with the car this season and he feels pretty helpless when it comes to advising Lewis who is getting more and more hot headed as the season progresses.
“Well I made your favourite!” You grin showing him the famous Victoria Sponge you’d made on the cooking show.
“Oh fuck, I love you!” He grins before directing you over to the car to get you both back to the hotel as soon as possible so he can have some of the delicacy in the tin on your lap.
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Liked by peter.bonn and others
y/user: Racing in Miami
Come make lunch with me for my husband who doesn’t go to Mercedes Hospitality for some reason!
Round Five 🇺🇸 My husbands been getting fussier. Now in the homeland where there is no cuisine … we’ve gone for the requested creature comforts. From Breakfast to Lunch here are Peter’s faves!
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peter.bonn: best waffles ever 🧇
“Thank you, I think I really needed that meal! As much as love the differentiation with this global skills challenge. I needed something to remind me of home! The waffles were perfect. And my favourite Sandwich? I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for Monaco next week!” He grins happily. Loving that you were cooking him something for every race.
“Ooo that reminds me. I picked you up these” you grin. Out from your bag you pull out a box of American Candy that he always wanted whenever you guys were in the states.
“In Moderation okay? Toto will murder me if he knows all these desserts are happening!” You smile kissing him before placing the sweets in his hand.
You had big plans for Monaco and you couldn’t wait!
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