#Apologies! Forgot this technically is a spoiler!
tripletorney · 6 months
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(Ghost Trick Spoilers)
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lauraroselam · 1 year
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So I wrote this weird book about queer dragons. It came out the same day as the other dragon book everyone talks about. It was a Sunday Times bestseller in the UK, though, which was incredible!
However, I'm not sure how to continue to promote this book--people either seem to really like it, or not quite get it. Or it just wasn't what they expected. Which is fine, no book can please everyone, and I knew I'd made some unusual craft choices that was going to make it more marmite. (Or, as my brain tells me at midnight, I'm just a bad writer). However, there's that librarian saying "every book its reader" and the people who love this book REALLY love it, and that makes me so happy. So I decided to write this post and explain its weirdness and lay out what you can expect if you do pick it up. Maybe you're my kind of odd, too. :-)
Short pitch: 800 years ago, dragons and humans were bonded, then humans were dicks, stole the dragons' magic, and banished them to a dying world. But humans have short memories, forgot, and now worship dragons as gods. The dragon "gods" remember, and they do not forgive.
Thief Arcady steals their grandsire's stone seal (which helps them funnel magic) from their tomb. Their grandsire supposedly released a magical plague that killed a proportion of society, and Arcady is locked out of society as a result. They perform a spell to rewrite the seal to have a new identity as they want to go to university at the Citadel and also clear their family's name. Problem? The spell also accidentally calls through Everen, the last male dragon, trapped in human form. Everen has been foretold to save his kind, and now he has a chance: he just has to convince one little human to trust him mind, body, and soul, and then kill them. Then he'll be able to steal the human's magic back, rip a hole in the Veil, and the dragons can return. Good news for dragons, less good news for humans. As you might expect: this does not go to plan. Because emotions.
Grab it now. (Note: there's still a contractual delay so it's not available in US audiobook yet, annoyingly. Hopefully soon). (If you are like "weird queer dragons?! Sign me up" but aren't interested in hearing why the author has made certain decisions and want to go into the text cold, stop here! Death of the author/birth of the reader, etc. Otherwise, carry on.)
You should pick up Dragonfall if:
You like experimental narrative positions! It's all collected by an unnamed archivist who has access to both first person narratives (Arcady, the genderfluid human thief, Everen the hot dragon) and can scry into the past and draw out third person narratives (Sorin, hot priest assassin. Cassia, Everen's sister, who is also hot. Spoiler: everyone in this book is hot). Then to make it even weirder, Everen's bits are technically in first person direct address, so he's writing it all to Arcady (the first chapter ends with: "For that human was, of course, you. And this is our story, Arcady.") I ended up writing it this way for a few reasons, even though it probably would have been simpler to just stick to straight up third throughout, like most epic fantasy does. The big one is that Arcady is genderfluid and uses any pronouns (I tend to default to they when I talk about them outside of the text), and constantly gendering them in the text felt wrong whether I used he, she, or they. This way bypasses that a lot in the first volume, so it's up to the reader to make up their own mind. I also just really love first person direct address as a narrative position. It can be a little confronting, and it makes Everen the dragon sound a bit more predatory at the start. But it's also quite intimate. Is he writing his sections as an apology, or a love letter? Both? You find out at the end. So if your green flag books are: The Fifth Season, The Raven Tower, or Harrow the Ninth, this might also be your jam.
You love classic 90s fantasy. This is in many ways an homage to all the stuff I read growing up: Robin Hobb and the Realm of the Elderlings (the book is dedicated to Hobb in particular), the Dragonriders of Pern, Tad Williams, Lynn Flewelling, Robert Jordan, Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, etc. But I wanted to give it a more modern twist. I'm NB and growing up I didn't see a lot of queerness in fantasy, and I clung to the examples I did find (Vanyel, the Fool). Also, not 90s fantasy, but I also freaking loved Seraphina by Rachel Hartman and Priory of the Orange Tree, so those were influences too.
You're not put off by Worldbuilding(TM) and a slower pace. Probably because I grew up on the likes of Tad Williams, I honestly love slow-paced fantasy. I love to luxuriate in a world and take my time getting to know a made up world. In Assassin's Quest it takes over 100 pages for Fitz to leave the forest. Love it. I have a more lyrical writing style, I guess, and I'm pretty descriptive. My stuff always tends to start off slower, set the stage, and then ramps up the pace as we get further along. So yes, my book starts out with some infodumping, depending on your tolerance level of that sort of thing. I worked with a linguist and they made a conlang for the dragon language (hi @seumasofur). There's a map by Deven Rue (cartographer for Critical Role). I got nerdy.
You love queernorm fantasy! This is set in a world where it's considered rude to assume a stranger's gender and so you tend to default to they/them. If you consider someone much higher in status than you, you'd capitalise it to the honorific, such as They/Them. Once you get to know someone, you tend to flash your pronouns to them with a hand signal, since a sign language called Trade is also a lingua franca in the world. 99.95% of all the dragons are also lesbians, BTW. Everen is the last male dragon.
You like frankly silly levels of slow burn. Everen and Arcady can't physically touch without it causing Everen pain while they're half-bonded. They may or may not find creative loopholes. But it's not mega mega spicy, if you're expecting that. I expect the spice levels will gradually go up as the series progresses.
Alright, I think that's more than enough to give you a sense of what you'd find in Dragonfall. If you're open to sharing this post so it reaches more people outside of my little corner of the internet, I'd really appreciate it. Whenever I do any bit of self-promo, I'm always so anxious and worry it'll get like, 2 eyeballs on it anyway or that I'm just annoying people by mentioning that my art even exists. And if you end up liking it, please tell a friend.
I'm loving the recent dragon renaissance! Long live dragons.
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katshelluvacritic · 7 months
Not sure if you've seen the finale of the show yet because I'd love to hear your thoughts on how absolutely useless Charlie was once again
I’ve pretty much all the eps for season 1 so you don’t have worry about the spoilers.
As for the ep, I’mma just immediately rip the bandaid off and say that I had to watch it again to remember what happened, yet my brain is still kinda processing it again so I’mma type this to the best of my ability and if I do miss some parts I do apologize.
To start off with one of the things I didn’t like that included Charlie (mostly a personal nitpick) was her “battle fit” (if you could even call it that)
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I feel like it should be self explanatory but I’ll explain anyway; for one, the fact that Charlie wearing what I like to call “the evil star butterfly cosplay” just doesn’t make sense to me. Like even though I don’t like Vicky’s fit either, at least she’s wearing something that could cover her skin to lessen the risk of cuts and injuries.
Charlie however is not only wearing a dress but also HIGH HEELS, which realistically would prob have her dead from the spot because for one, you can’t run in heels and two, like I said before she’s at higher risk to be injured compared to Vicky.
Like I’m honestly shocked that she only got a few rips from her clothing and a few bruises, like I get she’s the princess of hell but damage is still damage.
Not only that since Charlie is a princess then, wouldn’t she have access to wear royal armor??? Assuming she did (because there’s gotta be a reason to where she got that shield from), why didn’t she just wear that???? I feel like it would’ve been the most logical thing to wear since after all, YOUR GOING TO WAR AGAINST DEMONS.
Also speaking of the shield, why does she only have a shield and nothing else? You would think that since she’s the princess of hell she’d have some sort of weaponry but no.
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She just guards herself a shield while occasionally throwing up magical fireworks like if that’s gonna do anything. Like, I get all niffty did most of the time was stab already dead angels before she killed adam, but at least she actually tried to do some damage compared to Charlie.
And then Razzle and Dazzle.
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Listen, I can understand her not being able to save sir pentious because she was trying to protect Vicky and a lot of stuff was going on but why did she summon them? Isn’t she the daughter of lucifer? Wouldn’t she have transforming powers or something to get up there
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I mean we’re shown in this gif that he can transform into different animals as he so pleases and can EVEN GROW WINGS.
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Wouldn’t Charlie technically have those abilities? And even if she doesn’t have those abilities, these fuckers have guns and cannons with them that could shoot/blast Adam down.
Also gotta love the fact Charlie just stays on the roof of the hotel and watches the Lucifer and Adam fight happen UNTIL ADAM RAY BEAMS THE HOTEL IN HALF, ONLY FOR HER TO BE SAVED BY LUCIFER was so dumb. Women do SOMETHING WHY WERE YOU JUST STANDING THERE????
then like the ending. Omg the ending…
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And I just gotta say, I doesn’t entirely include Charlie but like these parts of the lyrics
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What???? Tf you mean redemption may take a while???? We’re still going with that??? After the war against heaven you guys just had??? Did Charlie forget what happened in episode 6, where like there was some shit about heaven being a lie and this evil place???? Why are you guys still trying to redeem sinners when YOU Charlie, realized heaven is evil???
But don’t worry, they rebuild the hotel guys! They can live happy ever after right?
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Even though like… let me check my notes…. Oh right! Angel is still stuck with valentino, husk’s soul is still taken away by alastor! Oh yeah, I guess viv forgot about that part I guess.
I know I’ve already said this to friends of mine but ngl this episode especially just reminded of this one page from sonichu where Chris and his chars execute a guy in an electric chair but make it viv’s characters and Adam/heaven.
But uh, yeah. I don’t like Charlie, I don’t like this episode, I don’t like this series. I don’t know anymore.
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Hello the-letterbox-archives! 👋✨
From your tag games (Badly Summarized WIP and Ask Box), TITANSPINE caught my eye. Can you tell me a little more about it? Who are the main characters? How does the police and justice system play into this world? Or, anything you wish to share about it~ ✨
Thank you again for your posts! 💛💫✨
anyway, thank you for the ask! TITANSPINE sure is an interesting one, let's get into it!
the characters
this one is gonna be hard to navigate, because there aren't too many named characters so far (heck, there's only one!), so i'll talk about lance, whilst trying to be as spoiler free as possible!
lance dexter is the mc of TITANSPINE! he's 16, and has a habit of bouncing from place to place amongst the lower levels of the city (and by lower levels, i mean geographically and socioeconomically) due to his lack of familial ties. he has a family, but they're uh... not with him at this time of the story. he has other social ties in criminal contexts, however, so he's got more relationships (those will become more apparent very quickly). he does own a car, and when he isn't with one of the aforementioned people he knows, that's his house.
personality wise, lance is very confrontational of authority. he's incredibly worldly and understands how his world works - i like to believe he is a character who has more control than he's expected to have (however, being beaten to near-death in an alleyway doesn't create that feeling). i relate to him a lot, actually; a scared kid coming into his own, and while it isn't pretty, and he's still suffering quite a bit, he's growing! and i love him for it (sorry for nearly killing you buddy).
the police + the TITANSPINE
this one's pretty important. the police and the government have a chokehold on lunaris; the goal of these forces is to create a society they can control, without the rabble of poor, revolutionary streets. it's a very classist world, and the government uses the incredibly brutish and high profile police force to exercise that control, especially on 'lower class' citizens.
that bleeds well into the next topic. the TITANSPINE (the acronym, not the story title (blue colour indicates the title, blank indicates the in-world principle)) is a new police initiative that is currently trying to be implemented when the story begins. it is not introduced in the story just yet, and the details are largely obscured, since lunaris is full of misinformation, and since lance is technically the narrator of this story (except in certain situations, but i'm not sure of that yet haha), he has only heard remnants of the TITANSPINE policy, enough to know it is dangerous for him.
"but letters!" you say, "what is the TITANSPINE?" great question! simply put, the TITANSPINE is a 'vigilant policing' initiative that aims to target the lower class and other 'misfortunate' individuals. it is presented to those it will not affect as a way to 'cleanse' and 'protect' society by regulating the 'undesirables,' but those who the policy will target understand it for what it is - a violent approach to remove poor people from lunaris society to better control the masses and design a world without 'problems.' basically a fucked up and violent way to bring about a perceived utopia for the upper class. the TITANSPINE initially focuses on jail time, fines, and smaller warnings, wearing away the public's confidence of revolution until bigger punishments can be implemented.
(as i'm typing this, i'm likening it to the american war on drugs, mostly the approach taken by the government and police during the event, but i am not all that educated in it so take that with a grain of salt. one i can make a decent comparison to is hostile architecture, the kind used by cities to lessen homeless people's places to sleep outside. imagine that but with more jail and bigger scale. and less about architecture and more society.)
sorry for the big post, think of it as an apology for waiting so long to reply! thank you again for asking!!
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nianeyna · 3 months
I kept a bullet-pointed liveblog in a notes document as I played the new ffxiv expansion. now I have finally finished the story so I can share with the class without fear of someone responding to me with spoilers. speaking of which everything below is dawntrail spoilers, for the entire expansion, in case that wasn't clear.
Dawntrail Liveblog
- ok so the mean claimants are obviously not going to win, but catboy promise is a dark horse. also not ruling out "nobody wins"
- Urqopacha is super cute
- Erenville's deal continues to be very mysterious no matter how much he contrives to appear to be telling us about it
- lol Erenville dialog: "I spoke too much" YOU BARELY SAID ANYTHING BABE
- Kozama-uka is sooooo pretty
- I like how the entire first dungeon was totally unnecessary since we would have got there FASTER if we'd just stuck around and helped Alisaie and Erenville repair the boat lmao. but that's not how the WoL does things!!
- erenville lurking in the background... siddown boy lmao
- unknown dude: hey you uh... forgot something. yeah back there. come with me and get it this is definitely not a trap
- oh no it was a trap! who could possibly have predicted this??
- awwww, Koana. wasn't sure about him at first but he's just a cute little muffin isn't he
- wuk lamat getting all excited about eating the xibruq pibil was so cute omg. she just likes food!!! I appreciate that in a woman
- oh shiiiiit wuk lamat origin story?! dun dun dun...
- aaaaaand solo duty... ulp
- haha get wrekt
- the mamool ja should look into tourism... this place is pretty as hell
- ok koana shooting the tablet was a pretty cool move
- have my doubts about the golden city being in yak tel... like if it was there why'd they go to xak tural then
- ok, I guess it... was there? or... the *entrance* was there... according to gulool ja ja, anyway...
- road trip alone with erenville be still my heart!
- out of context erenville quotes: "this is your first time, so let's take it slow"
- no need to apologize erenville... you can drag me into anything you want
- oh wow this is really fucking sad. wow. I wasn't expecting that!
- the ridiculous train plan is cheering me up a bit thank god (editor's note: it didn't last)
- sigh... there always has to be at least one zone per expansion that's all dark and gross-looking. did they sign a contract to that effect or something??
- I can't believe how mean this plotline is to erenville
- this is fucked up... this is so fucked up
- npc: "sorry to darken the mood" NO THAT'S FINE I DON'T THINK THE MOOD CAN GET ANY WORSE!!
- I want to rip Spene's crown off and push her off a cliff. her little I'm so cute and innocent and helpless act makes me want to puke.
- if any more parents die in this story I am really truly gonna lose it
- YES finally we get to fight these horrible people. machine army. whatever.
- I hope the next trial is sphene... I want to kick sphene's ass SO bad
- well there goes otis which brings the fucking dead parent toll to at least 4
- finallyyyyyy made it out of heritage found... *collapses onto the floor of tuliyollal like a shipwrecked sailor reaching land*
- (ok obviously I've technically been back to tuliyollal while I've been doing these godforsaken quests but THIS IS DIFFERENT!)
- we didn't fight sphene but the prospects are looking really good for me getting to punch her in the face soon. probably not literally like we got to do with zenos, but I guess you can't have everything :(
- wow sphene really BELIEVES she's just a helpless little girl. fucking incredible.
- next expansion let's have a final zone NOT populated entirely by ghosts. change it up a little
- so should I count namikka and cahciua's deaths twice on the parent death toll scoreboard or what
- you know what I still don't get. is why the yok huy went to xak tural to look for the golden city. *why did they think it was there*? I mean heritage found is there *now* but it definitely wasn't hundreds of years ago!
- that face on the tower looks more like meteion than sphene tbh
- two more dead parents!
- I can't. believe. sphene erased herself before I could beat her ass. this is the most unfair thing that has happened in this expansion, and it is up against some STRONG contenders
- it's just not satisfying to pummel a weird robot that has none of her memories!
- oh sphene's SORRY? *loudest fart noise ever*
- it's a good thing wuk lamat is here to be nice cause if I had to do it I'd throw up
- "their lives remain unchanged"? uh.... we shut off the afterlife. which was a real physical place you could go to. I feel like that changes things a bit!
First half I rate: 9/10
Second half I rate: 3/10
Overall I rate this expansion: 5/10 I guess
Up until the lightning dome appeared I was having a blast. after that the gameplay experience became one of gritting my teeth so I could get out and be done with it. all the alexandrian zones are dark and unpleasant to be in, which would have been bearable except the plot was literally nightmarish and any new characters I didn't hate either died or were already dead (except gulool ja, who's cute of course, but his story was still pretty upsetting in a different way). This is not to say the writing was bad, because I don't think it was. In the alternate universe where I was LOOKING for a tragic existential horror game I might have even really liked it. However I really really wasn't looking for that at all, so in the real world I feel pretty betrayed and upset. There's a line between "plot twist" and "false advertising" and I think they left it behind in the dust.
But hell, at least we got 4 campfire scenes.
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fallenclan · 11 months
And ohhhh... Yewberry apprentice!! Purroud of him... Absolutely ADORE Thistlepaw also, their traits are incredibly endearing - ALSO LEFT THIS ASK SITTING FOR A DAY SO JUST SLIGHTLY OUTDATED BUT BOULDERSTEP EARLY GRADUATION? INCREDIBLY PROUD OF HIM FUCK YEAH :3 oh he's doing so well... It seems like he's acclimating okay after a moon, it's good to see. (AND he got the good kitsitter trait... Ue ue ue.)
BUT! The point of this ask. I like to imagine Boulder and Thistle might get on okay as both newcomers around the same age... Boulderstep trying to find his place in Fallenclan, having hailed from the clan they're at war with, Thistlepaw abandoned and having to find her place in a clan at all - I think the commonality would be a good bonding point! Boulder not having to worry as much about being scrutinized for his origins and any little differing quirks of clan culture, Thistle getting to share time with a peer going through a similar struggle - both were made to leave their homes, one way or another. Plus I think the ambitious trait could be a good foil to the gloomy one... Hehe. I just think they could be comrades
(Thistlepaw - gloomy - quick to make peace) (Boulderpaw - ambitious - active imagination - good hunter)
(^ forgot to get one for boulderstep but if I leave to I'll lose ask progress. Alas)
ALSO how is Yewberry doing with both kits and an apprentice simultaneously? Optional (squishing him)
(this one's kinda a mess apologies) (- 🐈‍⬛)
AA black cat im always so happy to get an ask from you. you have so many good thoughts
boulder and thistle WOULD BE and ARE best friends ever. you're so right the fact that they're both technically outsiders would be such a good bonding point for them,, AND they both joined so close together!! i feel like boulder would acclimate a little quicker since he's used to a clan life (albeit a different sort) and then could do a lot to help thistle acclimate as well. them <33
FUN FACT FOR YOU. exactly one moon after Boulder's apprentice ceremony his trait changed from ambitious to insecure,, little sad for him but also gets along well with Thistle's nervous trait. both silly shy little fellas who want to do the best for their new clan
YEW IS DOING WELL!! he's currently giving advice to someone but i wont post the screenshot because the cat is spoilers :) but looking at Thistle's history now that she's a warrior (im a few moons ahead) i think he did an excellent job. and he's close to both of his kits still! proud of him
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not-krys · 1 year
1. Introduction (Houki, Abby, Clara)
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Totally dropped the ball on August's prompt (in that I completely forgot to do it in favor of doing some art stuff instead), but I did some of the prompt that was meant for August today.
These ideas stem from taking the beginnings of routes and putting my OCs in those meeting scenarios. As such, I guess technically spoilers for route beginnings? I guess? Houki gets IkeSen's prologue with rescuing Nobunaga, plus snippets from her original game's lore; Abby gets the beginning of Vincent's route, and Clara gets the wonderful beginning of Nokto's route.
Other warnings are that this is raw writings, no editing, and cuts off in places, maybe a lil rambl-y in others. Nokto is also a lil shit, but what else is new?
Houki tried to close her eyes, trying to think this was all just a dream. That she was going to wake up in her room on Vale Island and that Jasper was going to scold her for sleeping in when there were other suitors and activities she needed to participate in, like Cordelia's tea party, or to watch the boat race that was going to happen later today.
Instead, all she could feel was heat and all she could smell was burning wood and smoke.
Had her room caught on fire? It wouldn't surprise her, really, since that incident with the poisoned letter.
But, no, this was certainly not her room. No plush curtains or glass windows in sight. Just burning pillars and the sound of creaking wood, straining under great pressure.
She also wasn't alone in the blazing room.
A man in black armor was laying on the floor, unconscious. In most matters, he seemed a handsome man, black hair to match his armor, a tall frame. A general, perhaps? His face was scowling in his 'rest'. Perhaps he was left to die in the blazing building. Not a comforting thought. Who was this man that would be left to die in such a place?
Going against her better judgment, Houki bent down to shake his shoulders, the crackle of the fire seeming to lick her cheeks.
Fortunately, her trapped companion seemed a light sleeper, as his eyes snapped open immediately, staring at her with bright carnelian eyes, red as the flames surrounding them.
"Who…?" his deep voice started before a pillar fell behind them with a loud crash.
"There's no time!" Houki said, grabbing hold of his hand, "we need to leave!"
The man didn't need to be told twice, standing up with the grace of a hawk taking flight. Houki covered her nose with her sleeve, trying her best to navigate through the blaze, coughing from the smoke. Her eyes were drying and hurting, as were her lungs. It didn't help that she was still recovering from the poisoned letter incident, making her breathing hurt much worse.
Abby sat on the floor, her back against the wooden door, hugging her knees to her chest. She wiped her eyes and saw the familiar brown coat, much too long and big in the shoulders for her, but the comforting scent of sunshine and fresh laundry eased her racing heart.
She was living in a mansion filled with vampires, as Arthur had made so plain to her. Rattled her with it, even. To make matters worse, when she tried to escape, she ran into two unscrupulous gentlemen. If Vincent hadn't happened by when he did…
She shuddered at the thought. She pulled his jacket closer, taking in more of his scent. The bruise on her wrist throbbed.
'She is a very special guest of this mansion,' she remembered him saying, his voice stern and vaguely threatening 'Touch her again and face the consequences.'
Vincent had been so protective of her, even if they had just met barely hours prior. She felt bad when she had swatted his hand away in her fright. She tried to apologize, but Vincent just smiled gently.
"Ah, it's my fault for trying to touch you without your permission, especially after going through something so scary."
He tried his best to comfort her, telling her that she can talk to Sebastian if she felt more comfortable, since he was still human like her. And, like a spell spoken, Sebastian did appear, taking her off Vincent's hands, helping her to her room. In her stupor, she had forgotten she was still wearing his jacket he had so gently and carefully placed on her shivering shoulders. She promised herself that she would return it in the morning, but would also ask Sebastian how to launder it first, since she was no doubt wrinkling it and staining it with her tears. She didn't want to cause him, or anyone else, any trouble. Especially if everyone else surrounding her was a vampire. Would they eat her if she did something out of turn? Arthur seemed to delight in the idea, especially when she saw the red touches on his starched and white collar.
She pulled the jacket closer, trying her best to hold back a sob. She didn't want to leave, lest she get a repeat of running into Arthur again, or anyone else for that matter.
The scent of Vincent's jacket wafted to her nose again.
Clara felt like she was going to be sick. Her head pounded something fierce and she was surrounded by silken sheets and scent she normally would have associated with the unsavory parts of town.
Her eyes shot open, the morning light burning her eyes. She closed them again, a pained groan escaping her lips.
"Good morning, my dear." A voice said beside her, soft in delivery but the tone was full of amused mischief.
Her eyes shot open again, taking in the sight of ruby red eyes and a hand with painted black nails reaching for her forehead.
She shot up in the bed, immediately regretting that choice and held her head, her dark hair cascading over her face and shoulders.
"Well, that wasn't very smart of you, now was it?"
Clara gritted her teeth, still holding her head.
"Where… where am I?"
"My bedroom," that voice cooed, "you were so insistent last night, not letting me have a choice. It was quite bold of you, telling a prince you wanted to sleep with him."
"I would never-" her head throbbed, stealing her of her voice, "I wouldn't-"
"And yet, here we are, Belle."
Belle, right… She agreed to that yesterday. She had wanted to get to know the princes. And she had taken Nokto's word that he had sincerely wanted to help her.
This was not the direction she had thought, or hoped, the previous night would take.
She looked down at herself, still thankfully dressed in the fancy underclothes of the dress she had been given to go to that ball with that sleazeball of a prince, but the poofy dress was not on her person, instead laying in a precarious position on the floor. She wished she had the strength to glare at the prince no doubt grinning at her on the bed, but her head barely allowed her the pleasure of concentrating. The room even smelled like stale rose wine, making her stomach turn.
"Ah yes, you should know that you had wine spilled on your dress last night," she could hear the smirk in Nokto's voice, "thus why it's on the floor over there."
"What, I didn't just throw my clothes at you in my lust filled state that you seem to imply I was in?"
"You did try. I just dodged."
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opheliajupiter99 · 7 months
Random OUAW Thoughts
Okay so, gonna preface this by saying I haven't seen the most recent episodes, but due to the nature of people being excited and letting things slipping, I know a couple things about them.
The main thing I keep hearing is that they're starting to forget stuff, presumably from prolonged time in the Feywild - it's a pretty common side effect of living in Fae realms, that you lose track of time and start to forget even basic things, like your name or age.
So, if this little spoiler I've seen floating around is accurate, then I really hope Baron Samedi shows up soon, he's probably the only one that can save their asses at this point, and as much as he loves a good bit of cheating, I don't think he'd appreciate them running out on their deal on a technicality. Like how's it even a win if you only won cause the person forgot they made a deal?
If this is inaccurate, I apologize (though please don't explain why it's inaccurate until I'm caught up lol).
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lonesome-witching · 9 months
Okay time for another prompt for my Batman AU. This and the next 2 are technically all just the same prompt split into 3 because there’s just too much for two fics, let alone one, hence why it’s 3. And I also realised I’m putting too many ideas into a few of my prompts, so I thought this might make it a bit easier on you with the writing of it. I hope that’s okay. Also, forewarning: there is a lot of angst in these prompts.
Prompt part 1 of 3: Nancy is dead (don’t worry they’re superheroes, to them, death is the equivalent of getting a week off of work, she’ll be back. Also it’s inspired by a shitty Batman story, just thought it make for an interesting angsty fic btw), and Robin is really sad, and pissed. Cluemaster (who in case you forgot is a bootleg Riddler, and Nancy’s dad) is back to his criminal escapades and doesn’t even seem to acknowledge his daughter’s dead. So Robin attacks, and is just brutal, and careless. Eventually she gets overwhelmed by the goons, but is then saved another vigilante. Robin can’t tell who it is at first, but puts it to the side to deal with the criminals; but after they’re finished beating them up she notices that the other vigilante is wearing Nancy’s old Spoiler costume. The new Spoiler flees the scene, enraged Robin gives chase.
To Be Continued…
Again, I hope the splitting of the prompt was okay, it was just one idea I had that ballooned massively, and I’m trying to make it manageable, and, well, doable.
The first of these three parts is officially finished. I would like to apologize for the delay but things have been very very difficult. Please forgive me. I hope to get to the other two parts soon. But I can't make any promises.
Dead But Not Forgotten (Part 1/3)
Send me prompts
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rin-yellow · 1 year
Shitty Fan Theory Corner: G-Witch is giving me M3 vibes and this makes me very scared for future episodes lmao
Okay I might just be going insane from the fact that they left us with THAT ending before hitting us with a recap episode today I am SEETHING
(for the record, future readers: this was written on the 14th of May, 2023, but depending on your timezone it might already be the 15th)
(AAAANYWAYS , here’s to what might be my first longform post on this blog that’s not totally an art post lmao)
Okay hear me out.
If you’re here, you probably already are a G-Witch fan, if not: WATCH THE FUCKING SHOW, THEN COME BACK HERE. IT’S WORTH IT and also you will understand my pain.
Anyways, this might be surface level shit, but while watching G-Witch, alot of the plot beats have reminded me of one of my old favourite guilty pleasure shows. Specifically, M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane/”The Dark Metal”.
For those unaware, M3 is essentially this randomass mecha show from 2014 that I’ve seen nearly nobody talk about since 2014, probably because alot of people thought it was kind of trash.
While I admit the show is VERY flawed, I have a huge soft spot for it. I actually planned on posting fanart of it here at some point and then promptly forgot like a doofus, so might as well post that here now actually, just for the fun of it.
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(above: Raika Kasumi, one of my personal favourite characters for the sole reason that she’s kind of a girlboss and always pilots the “normal” mech in the show and still somehow manages to kick ass.)
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(above: the “Vess” mecha she pilots. These are OOOLD sketches but yea. Raika is the only straight person that matters)
Anyways, M3 is a story that is like 100% different from G-Witch wherein it follows this world that’s slowly being covered by a place called the “Lightless Realm” and a bunch of fellas who are technically in a school but also a military organization but not have to pilot mechs in order to fight off the monsters that come out of the lightless realm. So like, not even close to G-Witch.
Big takeaway is the fact that it tries super hard to be Gasaraki but it is not Gasaraki and so popular 2014 anime fanblog mcfuckface hated it and so everyone hated it and then it faded into obscurity even though the show went like,,, super hard despite its clunkyass flaws.
‘Coz Gundam’s y’know, it’s Gundam, the mechs fight other mechs, not kaiju. ANYWAYS,, the reason why I found them similar is in their plot, rather than the world and the characters.
See, M3′s mechs, the VESS, have only a very limited effectiveness when piloted into the Lightless Realm, wherein piloting a mech there for too long will kill the pilot, having their bodies get infected with “NecroMetal”, the titular “dark metal”, so to speak. This is a problem until really early in the show when a mech known alternatingly as the “MA-VESS” or “Argento” or “The Shinigami/Reaper” is introduced, who is seemingly immune to the effects of the whole “pilot is slowly being fucking murdered thingy” going down.
I think you see where I’m going here, but if not, let me spell it out for you:
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the “big plot twist” with Argento is the fact that the mech is being essentially powered by the main pilot’s older brother, hence why he’s the only one who can pilot it, and why it’s immune to the “slowly fucking killing you” effects of the lightless realm.
I don’t even gotta say who that reminds me of.
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(I apologize for the edit, I literally found an SD Aerial finally in-stock at my local hobby store and knew what I had to do LMAO)
I’m not fucking done, by the way.
Alongside this, we also have the fact that Emiru, a character who was thought to be a major player early on in the show fucking “dies tragically” in an early episode and then we never actually see her body, only to reveal that she’s actually powering another mech: Sable.
The “early tragic death” part makes me think that maybe El4n might be powering the Pharact (similarly to Eri’s whole deal) due to its dark colour scheme (”Sable” means something along the lines of ‘dark’, iirc) and also the fact that every other insane fan theorist seems to think so too.
Also they experiment on children.
Literally a Belmeria moment.
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(above: seriously, this bitch is just like Bel fr fr)
(operates the fuckin’ child broiler and everything)
(pretty sure we get the main science dude’s assistant and Belmeria both vomiting over the main science character, in Witch’s case Prospera, explaining their evil science things. Which makes me scared. Because the Evil Science Dude dies by being torn apart by the ghosts of the people he wronged and like,,, Prospera is WAAAY too cool and sexy to go out like that. If anyone should do it, fuckin’ Delling should be torn apart by the ghosts of Vanadis, that’d be funky and cool lmao idfk)
Also, later in the show, the Argento gets this cool powerup that has really similar vibes to Aerial Rebuild’s weird EMP thing that killed Sophie, and then just like Suletta, the pilot of Argento basically is expected to use it every episode going forward up until like midway through M3′s second season, shit just STOPPED WORKING midway through the buildup to a super badass scene wherein the protagonist claims he’s gonna “save everyone” or something. And then it turns out that the older brother inside the suit just up and FUCKING DIED because it overstrained him.
While Eri didn’t fucking die, she did do the that thing in the most recent episode when Suletta was building up to deep fry Guel. Yes, that WAS Miorine’s betrayal, but everyone has basically decided before the next ep. even aired that this is Eri leaving Aerial’s body. Which is basically just the upgraded main mech turning “useless”, just like in M3.
And M3 ends with the character the audience assumed was “just a funky guy” who was actually more fucked up than he let on who asserts himself to be “a better fit” for the main love interest fighting a reinvigorated version of the main mech powered entirely by, if I remember correctly, the protagonist empathizing with “the machine itself” or something like that, whilst being haunted by a fucked up guy. If Suletta fights shaddiq again at the climax of the show, and one of her allies is fuckin’ El5n or Guel, or HELL, maybe even fuckin’ Sophie’s ghost,,, I will go even more insane.
Also Mahmu and Emiru have proto-Sulemio vibes and I think at this point that’s just the “I’m going insane from trying to cope” rather than rational thoughts but like I figured y’know. Might as well say that while I can lmao.
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(she does not run and thus gains two: a cool robot AND a girlfriend! I need to publish my 10k word long Mahmu x Emiru M3 fanfiction somewhere before I go FUCKING INSANE,, seriously I am going fuckin’ bonkers these two have such SuleMio vibes with the whole “Sassy Boss Bitch who is actually really emotional but has no clue how to express that x Shutin SoftGirl who WILL FUCKING shank you” dynamic)
(plus there’s the whole thing about Emiru essentially forcing Mahmu to hate her in order to try and get her to open up to people and shit. And Mahmu misunderstanding this and being emotionally devastated every time she sees Emiru up until she realizes it was an act because Emiru actually wanted to be closer to Mahmu. Also having the realization inside of a giant fucking human-powered robot. Plus Emiru throwing essentially her life away because she wanted to be something. If that’s not a SuleMio type vibe, idfk what is.)
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Look at how fucking gay they are even though M3′s producers were COWARDS and didn’t explore their relationship more also the fucking quote about fighting “for happiness [instead of] revenge” AAA I hope that becomes a SuleMio thing too. I am going insane.
Also both M3 and G-Witch have EXTREMELY banger 2nd ED songs that totally give away the “big twist” kept hidden during the first season (”put the big sibling into the fucking robot” lmao)
Y’allready know Red:Birthmark by Aina The END,,,, but give SABLE by Nano a fucking listen, this shit is SUCH A FUCKING BANGER. Ik it’s in english entirely but that just means you can sing along and I fucking LOVE the song it is driving me insane lmao
This shit goes hard, it goes crazy, fucking hell.
There’s actually more, this is mainly a surface level observation. Anyways someone PLEASE fucking remind me either right before or after the next episode airs to elaborate because either this will be confirmed or I will be totally wrong and if I am wrong I will be very happy because I don’t actually like predicting shows but G-Witch has me going CRAAAZY.
Anyways if you got this far I apologize. I will probably regret this entire post in the morning.
But yeah, what did we learn? G-Witch isn’t just The Tempest and Utena mixed with Gundam, it’s also M3 but with better writers and even gayer. Also I am going insane.
BUT THAT’S JUST A THEORY, A GAY THEO- [i am shot numerous times]
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chocolatespyro · 1 year
III 15 Spoilers
Ok gonna talk abt smth interesting related to what I saw someone else say here
(Not gonna say who because I don't want them to potentially be swarmed by the wrath of 1,000 angry cabby fans, apologies if this technically counts as vagueing another person)
But I feel like part of the issue regarding Cabby's files and how they fixed it this episode and why people are still upset (Episode 15 specifically) is that it was never going to have a satisfying and completely perfect fix. There's no way almost anyone was gonna be content after they pulled... that... back in 14.
I applaud them for at least trying and maybe I'm giving the writers way too much credit here, but it was at least better than Cabby disappearing or them not addressing the issue at all, even if I myself could easily nitpick within what they used as the solution to the issue.
I do think that the writers need to strive to be consistently better with representation in general, (like hiring sensitivity readers) but it's a step forward at least.
This isn't me just patting AE's back though, there's still a LOT they could do to make the series much more inclusive and overall fix a lot of their mistakes, and the shit that happened in Episode 14 isn't the only mistake they've made with disability and queer rep.
Overall, I'm cautiously hopeful they could start fixing other things that the fans are upset about, I'm also just hoping the whole Cabby thing now isn't a done deal because people like Test Tube still haven't apologized or even talked it out with her.
Maybe the writers could end up genuinely making really good rep too in the future if they learn how to write disabled and queer characters properly after listening to the fans, but who knows.
Just hoping for the best here, I guess.
EDIT: Also forgot to add this on but considering how Cabby's files have been demonized from the start the bandaid fix definitely won't be enough to reasonably fix the damage they did with how they wrote Cabby.
It's throughout the whole season. Considering how a queer rep character, Paintbrush, has been treated and how they only got a bandaid fix only for AE to make shitty marketable moves with them and booting them as soon as Bot came out during the third season… yeeaaaahhh.
People are reasonably skeptical. I'm not asking them to change the past, they just need to be genuinely more thoughtful and careful going forward.
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maniculum · 2 years
The Parchment Forge
Note: I was concerned that this was Too Dumb to Post on the Internet, so I checked with Zoe. She liked it, so now I’m inflicting it on y’all.
Second Note: Explaining why I was driven to tag this "the locked tomb" would probably constitute spoilers, but if you know, you know.
By way of introduction and apology, I am going to go ahead and address the primary question I expect the reader to have at the end of this post:
Q: Hey, Mac? Why would you write this thing?
A: Yesterday morning, Zoe and I were messaging about our plans for a new feature we’re planning to introduce this year, which still needed a name. After exchanging some ideas, I made a half-joking suggestion that we combine two of the ideas we liked best and call it “The Parchment Forge”. Zoe (correctly) noted that (a) that name was in whatever the opposite of a sweet spot is, weirdness-wise: too weird to take seriously but not weird enough to be whimsical, and (b) to quote her message directly, “that’s not how parchment is made.” We had the following brief exchange… 
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…and we moved on from the matter shortly afterward. This would have never seen the light of day, except immediately after that conversation I erred and forgot to set an audiobook or podcast playing in the background while I went about and got ready for the day. That oversight meant I was left alone with my own thoughts for nearly half an hour, and historically such a scenario results in very stupid ideas having the opportunity to grow. And thus, this nonsense below the cut:
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The Parchment Forge
This magic item takes the form of a semi-portable forge. Semi-portable in that you can technically fit all the parts on a wagon and travel from town to town with it (and in fact kind of have to), but it’s also, by necessity, bulky enough that you have to take it off the wagon and assemble it to make it functional. When assembled, this item resembles a traditional charcoal-powered forge, but large enough that you could use it to heat a small cow.
The parchmentsmith must first use the forge to heat the animal for several hours. The magical effect of the forge means that, rather than burning (or, like, cooking), the animal instead gradually takes on the consistency of a somewhat soft metal. From here, the user can use mundane smithing tools and begin hammering the cow into sheets of quasi-homogenous material. The output of the Parchment Forge may not legally be referred to as “parchment” under threat of action from the Royal Parchmenters’ Guild, and instead is generally called “wrought parchment”, “parchment product”, or a combination of both.
Wrought parchment appears and functions broadly like actual parchment, and is sold by the parchmentsmith as a cheap substitute for such, but it is easily distinguishable from proper parchment. There are few repeat customers, and the product has been described using such terms as:
“hard on quills”
“scroffling” (?)
“prone to losing its shape”
“easily affected by humidity”
“ill-conceived in concept and execution”
“an affront to the gods”
“ineffective at holding the ink”
“full of ‘bits’”
“visually unappealing”
“inconsistent in texture”
“listen did you kill the cow first because I swear this stuff keeps moving on its own”
“generally difficult to write on”
The parchmentsmith, in fact, is generally obliged to pack up his forge and wagon after only a short time in town, as he will get few repeat customers. Making the Parchment Forge profitable means always being ready to move to somewhere that hasn’t already heard of it. (Pressure to leave the town will mount as the livestock in the area seem to become agitated by the Parchment Forge’s presence. Cows in particular have been observed to exhibit mourning behavior whenever it is nearby.)
There’s some flexibility in the input and output of the Parchment Forge. The process works best with bovine material — which technically produces “wrought vellum”, but it’s really not a material that could even briefly pass as high quality, so there’s no sense trying to pitch it as “vellum” — but also with sheep or goats. Technically, any animal that physically fits in the necessary space could probably be used, but that would be adulterating an already questionable product. The smith likewise doesn’t necessarily have to make "parchment"; it’s just what this setup does best. Trying to use the process to produce leather goods outputs products that are even more unsuitable than the wrought parchment, any food item made this way is objectively inedible, and branching out into products that aren’t usually bovine-based results in items that could most charitably be described as “nonfunctional”.
It should be noted that wrought parchment is not recommended for use by spellcasters: any spell scrolls scribed (scriven?) on wrought parchment have an extremely high chance of resulting in magical mishaps when cast (use whatever table for this you like; I think I have a d100 table of those I made a few years ago around somewhere if you want it), even if the person casting from the scroll is high enough level that this should not normally be a concern. Moreover, using wrought parchment in a spellbook also creates a small chance of producing magical mishaps when said spellbook is used to learn or memorize spells, even though that’s not usually applicable to spellbooks. 
Official opinions on the Parchment Forge:
The Royal Parchmenters’ Guild derides the output of the Parchment Forge as an inferior and useless product, but wishes to take no action so long as the parchmentsmith does not officially call their product “parchment”. Master Rollon has made the statement: “The use of this unpleasant device will fizzle out naturally as citizens gain an appreciation for the value and work put into the creation of proper parchment.”
The Mages’ Council is currently debating whether to officially recommend against using wrought parchment for magical purposes. Ephrasie the Blue argues, “Such a statement is needed due to the danger to the incautious.” Mathurin the Red wishes the Council to remain silent on the matter “because it’s funny and they deserve it for using that crap”.
No members of the aristocracy have spoken on the matter, but it is known that discussions continue behind closed doors as to whether use of the Parchment Forge should be outright banned.
Mayor Laurie of Bells-by-Sea, who recently condoned her constituents’ actions in forming an angry mob to drive the parchmentsmith and his Forge out of town, has made the following statement: “Cows watch the sunset. Cows can recognize each other. Cows have best friends. This is not an appropriate use of cows.”
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Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight
I tried to get Thor: Tales of Asgard on one of my streaming sites, but it's unavailable (Google's a liar). But I did find this ridiculous Christmas special, and Christmas starts November 1 for me, so I'm gonna watch this and report back. My screenshots are not great quality, apologies in advance.
Spoilers for Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight!
I hope I get some Frostiron fodder from this because I'm a fucking fool. [EDIT: I did not. :( ]
Oh fuck I forgot Thor is voiced by Travis Willingham
Fuck hang on now I'm sidetracked by the voice actors. Okay, I just recognized Ironman because he always voices him. Captain Marvel was Delilah Blackwood in Vox Machina!!! Why are there so many Critical Role voice actors in here??!! And Loki is ALSO in Vox Machina what is happening?? The Avengers to Vox Machina/Critical Role pipeline is fucking bewildering y'all.
Reptil, why are you in civilian clothes?? The only hero stuff he has are his wings and I know nothing about him so I can't tell if they're organic or technical but either way they are the thinnest wings I've ever fucking seen. Listen to Cap and stay out of this. Your mentors couldn't even be bothered to suit you up as a precaution.
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Who took the time to cross off "on duty"?? Was it Tony? I bet it was Tony.
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Yes!!! My boi my love my darling is heeeeeeerrrrrreeeeeee!!!!!! (Caption by me, obvs)
Reptil, you don't have any armor!!!
Loki just called Reptil, "childasaurus" which was not funny at all but I definitely laughed because I'm fucked.
Oh no (not in a shipping way). I'm in tremendous danger of rooting for Loki throughout this movie.
"I'm trying to remember all the positives of a big hole in the sky. Nope. There are none." TONY STARK I'M CRYING.
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He. He just. I am not kidding, Cap just defeated the frost giant by kicking a shard of ice UP ITS ASS. LITERALLY cause of death: pegged too hard by Captain America. I can't even.
So Reptil gets hit in the head by the frost giant while trying to outfly the vortex caused by the portal. He gets knocked out, the frost giant goes into the portal, and the portal closes. And then IRONMAN TRIES TO YELL AT HIM TO WAKE HIM UP. YOU'VE GOT THOR WHO CAN FLY WITH MJOLNIR, STARK WHO CAN FLY, AND CAPTAIN MARVEL WHO CAN FLY all there on the beach, and NOT A ONE thinks to fly to his rescue. Hulk yells at him and he wakes up. What is this movie??
Ymir get off Loki's throne, you upstart!
Santa is part elf and part frost giant??!!
"Santa Claus is beloved, celebrated. Songs are sung in his name." Loki, I'll write a song for you.
Please I need just ONE episode of Loki where Tom Hiddleston has to say "The hunt is on for Santa Claus." Just one. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard come out of Loki's mouth. [We've gotten a Guardians Christmas special; gimme a Loki Christmas special, Marvel, I'm fucking begging you.]
Can we get this boy [Reptil] some other pants? These sweats are why he's tripping so much.
TONY why are you still in the suit while it's being washed? THIS DOESN'T COUNT AS A SHOWER.
Damn Loki's discovered outsourcing.
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Loki: *puts a massive bounty on Santa's head and frames him for multiple crimes*
Thor: 'Tis merely a funny jest! My brother loves his pranks. Have I told you about the time he stabbed me?
"It isn't impossible if you believe." Reptil do not turn this into The True Meaning of Christmas: The Movie.
Okay I'll take some stony shit if we don't get frostiron.
Reptil aren't you a little... old to still believe in Santa?
Why does Santa live on the Candyland game board?
If this movie doesn't end with the Avengers and Loki exchanging presents around the Christmas tree because The True Meaning of Christmas led a LITERAL NORSE GOD to set aside his villainy for the day in the name of kindness and generosity and Christian cheer, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.
Yeah why didn't you bring Thor? He wouldn't have been racist--actually I watched Thor 1, he absolutely would have.
"Time to separate the boys from the other boys." Captain Marvel I love you.
"Okay this is why I love it. You've heard of Santa, right?" HULK HE'S CENTRAL TO THE FUCKING PLOT, MAN
Reptil, aren't you cold in that t-shirt? Are you able to regulate your body heat?
Why is Loki's only power this damn scepter? Marvel, Stop De-powering Your Cunning God with a Talent for Magic Challenge
Why is Mount Jolly the only name you're using the English sound for the letter J with? Shouldn't it be Mount "Yolly"?
Is Loki's heart gonna grow three sizes? I hope so
"Go easy. We're on the same side." CAP you THREW A SHIELD at them. FIRST.
The b-plot is Thor and Hulk encouraging a random shop owner named Nick to steal Santa's identity (but like, the plot twist is 100% gonna be that he's pulling a Miracle on 34th Street and Nicky Boy is actually Santa).
"The greater the youth, the greater the truth." I CANNOT believe we've reduced (ha. reduced) the light elves to fucking Santa's helpers.
"Evil doesn't observe holidays." CAP. First of all, LAME. Second of all, Loki isn't evil. Third of all, IT'S BECAUSE LOKI ISN'T CHRISTIAN.
Okay so now that they're in the Arctic, Reptil is cold. Why wasn't he cold in the ice cave on Alfheim?
Cap just like waltzed into Santa's house. I don't think he even knocked.
Mrs. Claus drives like a Floridian retiree and she's almost given Rocket a heart attack twice
Cap has the SADDEST Christmas story ever.
I spoke too soon. Tony's is the saddest. Obviously he's in the "seeing is believing" camp.
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I have my new phone background.
I'M DYING. Loki's got Reptil and is holding the scepter to his head. And Cap is like, "You won't do it" and Loki's like, "Yes, I will!" And Thor's like, "End this madness, brother" and Loki's like, "Oh, I'm about to!" And THEN Reptil JUST! slips out under Loki's arm!! He wasn't even holding the kid that hard!!! I'M CACKLING
LISTEN. I've seen pandaredd's video about Santa. I know he's OP as all hell. I FORGOT. He just showed up and Loki fired magic (from the scepter AGAIN) at him. And he barely moved at all! He just swiped the magic away with the back of his hand like he was SHOOING A FLY. WHAT THE HELL
Loki: *gasps* You can control space-time.
Santa: And you can be nice, Loki.
SANTA PLEASE SAY HE NEEDS TO GO HOME AND WRITE "I am very sorry for what I did to the Avengers" a hundred zillion times.
"The power of Santa Claus, all mine!" NEVER thought I'd hear a Loki say that
So far everything he's done with Santa's power he was already able to do. Use your imagination Loki, c'mon!
We packed the cheesy, obligatory Christmas movie lines into the last ten minutes.
Oh, and Groot turned into a fir tree somehow.
I should have saved this as a Christmas post.
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Spoilers for all of to your eternity under the cut
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Late s1 Hayase vs hydraulic press
I HATE THIS WOMAN SO FUCKING MUCH. FIRST SHE KILLS MARCH. THEN PARONA. THEN TRIES TO R WORD FUSHI. THEN IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH. SHE SENDS ALL HER DESCENDANTS TO ANNOY FUSHI. AND FUCK I HATE KAHAKU TOO. The only reason why people like him is because he's a guy so Kahafushi is technically queer but that's STUPID. Kahaku is a fucking asshole, he's rude to the Renryrr squad, CALLS EKO A DOG and almost forced Fushi to kiss him twice. First time Fushi fortunately ran away and I love the hand nokker for cockblocking him the second time. Mizuha is also pretty cringe but it seems like MD ended with her actually admitting she was wrong and apologizing to and forgiving Fushi. Idk what's up with the age of wishes stuff though. The Mizuha clones sound awful I just want Fushi to be happy for once. Also forgot to add that Hayase is a fucking PEDOPHILE I HATE her
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More detailed thoughts on Watching and Dreaming
Despite the fact I've talked about how I've been numb. But considering the type of person I am along with other reasons. Including since I'll be seeing the Super Mario Bros movie tomorrow. It's likely best I write this to help well, ease out the sadness. Warning, the way I talk about some of this will be crude. I apologize if I sound rude in anyway. But again, I loved this finale. I'm more sad that the show is officially over. And I'm not one of those people that sticks with the "Don't be sad it's over, smile because it happened" or something. But alias, I'm just being weird.
I especially want to write this down because a marathon of the first 9 and 12th episode are playing on Disney XD as a marathon.
Spoilers ahead.
The animation on certain parts, they were amazing. Such as the final battle. Like, truly epic considering that this is the finale. All the lead up to so many things.
The little call backs to the first episode. Particularly the whole "NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!" like...people hoped that would happen. And I'm glad it did.
I actually appreciated that despite they couldn't stop him. The fact Raine was trying so hard to keep Belos away from the Titan's heart. Even with Belos commenting Raine is annoyingly, like...that speaks volumes.
In all seriousness, I genuinely liked that moment where the Collector TRIES to help Belos with the whole, "Kindness and forgiveness" but not because people were joking about Steven Universe. In fact, I get really annoyed by a bunch of dissing towards Steven Universe. Even if I'm not huge on the show these days. I loved that part but more so because...this kid was actually trying to help. But he legit didn't understand things were more complicated than that. Like, he thought he could try to make things better that way. It's sweet yet sad because oh my God. And then it leads into well...
Luz's death...listen...I forgot if this was a part that got me or so. But I understood that Luz would come back anyway...but oh my God. That's still a shocker because she technically died trying to protect the Collector. Who well, didn't understand certain shit and was basically you know, terrorizing the Boiling Isles in a sense. And seeing the reactions on the faces of Eda and King...oh my lord. Like, even after that. DAMN!
Also, I forgot to say, Belos going full blown fucking kaiju. That was a sight to see, like...I loved it.
Eda and King going fucking berserk and literally fighting Belos like, amazing. I swear, a weird comparison I want to make just seeing that I think back to Rampage (2018) with George vs Lizzie. But a better comparison would be if the original King Kong (18-24 ft) fought the original Godzilla (50 meters) but again, that's so weird. It was cool to see anyway.
Luz's...titan form I guess you can say. Being a mixture of Eda's owl/harpy form and the titan...that was beautiful. That was perfect as well.
I had to look this up because people have mentioned it, but I needed to be sure. .....Arin Hanson voiced King's dad..."Papatitan"...and he voiced the Snaggleback...I can't believe I didn't know the Snaggleback one. But THE LITERAL TITAN. But yeah...and I'm talking about this Arin Hanson. Game Grumps Moments: Arin Freaks Out About Sonic Glitch - YouTube That's...literally perfect. Oh man, I liked him.
You know, despite it's actually very fitting that Belos/Phillip dies in such a...humiliating way. And I get what they were trying to do. I'm surprised he didn't just decided to say actually more worse shit because he knew he was done for. Or say something horrible to Luz like, "Your father deserved to die" but he never knew about Luz's life/family. I get he was still trying to manipulate her, and he failed. I'm just going to miss this literal asshole of a monster. Because he's honestly one of my personal favorite villains. What a great villain. Yet were there people that actually expected him to be forgiven? Holy shit, that would've never happened or just... I think I'm so used to seeing villains die horribly.
I was surprised like...I heard there would be a "Time skip" but to see it actually happen...they actually did that. But in all seriousness. I'm just so glad to see all the characters grow up, living happily, and healing. Even the characters we don't see much of. That was genuinely beautiful. And how far many of the characters have come since the start of the show. Even with little instances like Vee, and major ones like...it was so lovely seeing that...if I'm guessing right or so...guessing the post credits scene takes place in the mid 2020's.
I question this, where are people getting the idea that, "Switching your earrings with your loved one is the Boiling Isles way of marrying someone" unless Dana says so. But that is legitimately cute. Yet...I want to hear a confirmation.
Considering all the complaints I saw by people who seemed to hate the show more than loving it. But I understand the criticisms. Gus finally got a new haircut, and what I've seen, people have ceased their "Bitching", but his new haircut really does look great. And again, I get the criticisms because other characters had different hairstyles.
The fact Luz is able to go back and forth into the demon realm, and just again, all the characters in better positions than they originally were before and just...it's beautiful.
The final "Byeeeee" that was great...that...is likely the last time we will see these characters in a long time.
There's a lot of good stuff concerning this finale. I really liked it. I haven't watched it fully again. And I had to look back at what the Collector actually said concerning the "Kindness and forgiveness" part...it's going to be kind of hard to...it ended on a good note. That's what matters. I'm going to miss this show. 
I forgot to mention I'm sad we didn't get one final flashback or something confirming Evelyn, the witch Belos mentioned was possibly related to the Clawthornes. But I feel like that can still be kind of confirmed. But that's a whole other topic. 
And concerning writing wise, the way the show ended. It still fits within whatever plans I have for whatever I want to write. Especially with this one ship I love, I'm just going to go full in with Johanna X Eda X Raine. Because while I'm a Joheda fan, I love Raine and Raeda too. I feel bad not putting Raine in there, and because I remembered the Calamity Trio today...I should try to do this. 
But yeah...great finale. Still sad it's over...yet the sadness will be over soon. I'm glad as a longtime fan of this show to witness its conclusion. I've been a fan since the first episode, yet there were fans when there were only some images of the show. But again, what a journey it's been.
Anyway, “A Lying Witch and a Warden” is on. Turns out and thought I heard it right, they’re gotta air every episode. Not just for today. That’s sweet.
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lilmissnatcat24 · 5 months
ok yall in the past one (1) month i have:
moved an hour away to a new apartment with my boyfriend
had to stay on at my old job for a month, meaning an hour commute there and back (during which i locked myself out of my car one night while i was getting gas and had to pay a locksmith $150, yes i'm still salty)
took pto to make the wedding cake for my friends' wedding plus three other cakes for the guests (spoiler: they forgot to eat it, maybe like half of one of the cakes was actually consumed. i am also slightly salty about this as well)
got a sinus infection (which is current, rip)
celebrated my birthday (technically still today with about 30 minutes left, uneventful due to aforementioned sinus infection)
and in a week i'm doing a roadtrip with my parents to go visit my sister in texas (yes we are driving from columbus, ohio. yes that is 20 hours. no my mom refuses to fly despite multiple pleas and offers to get her high out of her mind. yes my father is the type of man to say we can only stop once every 8 hours to pee. i am questionable about the whole thing)
so suffice to say i haven't written anything in a month and i frankly have absolutely zero spoons leftover to give any mind into writing at the moment. which i know is shitty because i left off on a horrible cliffhanger, please accept my most sincere apologies.
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