#Apollo dni
oh-snapperss · 2 years
life series four predictions before literally anything gets announced!!
-etho and bdubs team up with cleo!
-etho and bdubs are the last two alive and etho kills bdubs to win the series
-grian kills someone second session
-jimmy first out (manifesting)
-someone goes red the first session
-it's either scott or skizzleman
-scar and grian don't speak to each other at all OR they team up AGAIN
-the Cursed Build of the season will be built by....... tango!
-there's another canonical marriage
-the series will drop on february 16th and it'll be called first life
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darkaviarymc · 1 year
I had a dream last night that Jimmy won life series 5 and it was Skizz who got eliminated first. Then Martyn had a fully animated clip in his episode where the Watchers were going on about how only their "mighty pillar, their beautiful angel of death" could have freed the canary of his curse. Also, it was even Jimmy who actually perma-killed Skizz, but it was an accident while he was actually trying to kill Etho.
I should also say that the dream was not in minecraft block style, it was in @/rusty-courage's art/animation style.
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layton-heritage-posts · 11 months
if i know my side of the layton fandom, there are only two outcomes here:
flora is revealed and we (ot fans) all lose our collective minds
flora is not revealed and we all lose our minds in the other way
either way i’m getting in the bomb shelter
(Secret 3rd option) Flora is revealed but she only appears at the start of the game where she can be seen saying goodbye to Layton leaving England. Alone. The entire game she never gets another appearance or even mentioned.
Anyways is there still room in your Shelter? I don't think the Archive would be structurally save for the Calamity that would follow this hypothetical scenario.
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v0idwraith · 8 months
Alice reminds me of Tim FAR too much for my comfort. Ma’am please stay far far away from the circus and any explosive devices
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fidothefinch · 1 year
My stress dreams now apparently include premises such as "have to perform a tap dance with a live rattlesnake on stage " and I can't decide if it's funny or if I should be worried about something lol
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presumenothing · 2 years
Roy Mustang was – absolutely, definitely, on pain of reconstructing Berthold's research entirely from scratch – not going to admit to holding his breath as Hawkeye paged through her eye-wateringly thick dossier of incident reports one last time.
The light-headedness he felt at her snapping it closed with a nod was out of mere relief. Obviously.
"Good to go, sir. All likely disasters, current or previously-impending, have been dealt with to a satisfactory extent."
"You're certain?"
…probably not something he should be asking, but it wasn't like there was anyone around to overhear. He'd picked this launch spot specifically for being clear of nosy passers-by. (And more generally of anything flammable, but phrasing one as a subset of the other seemed inappropriately morbid for the season.)
"Positive, insofar as my review of the gathered intel can be." Which didn't need any elucidation coming from Hawkeye, short of an audience not particularly attached to having their self-esteem remain relatively whole and uneviscerated.
Roy flicked his gaze from the elaborate maze of fuse lines back up to the sky, which remained as darkly clear as when he'd looked just five minutes ago. Ideal, even, without a hint of rain. "Perhaps we ought to wait for next year."
The responding eyeroll was entirely uncalled for; it wasn't like the irony of his hesitation had eluded him. "Perhaps I won't approve this then. Or even the allotment of manpower needed to dismantle and carry all this back unlit this year. And I understand Miss Rockbell's dead set on making sure both Edward and Alphonse are around to celebrate for once."
Ah. Fatal blow, that, given that Roy might possibly have gotten a little carried away with the scale and design of the show; at least the span of a year and their current absence meant there was hope of the Elrics stopping short of burning down half of Amestris in a bid to outdo the spectacle –
"Light the damn fireworks, sir. We all need something to celebrate."
– but probably Hawkeye already had plans in place to either avoid that or at least redirect the pyromania to constructive venues, somewhere underneath her look of dry amusement.
Roy heaved the most put-upon sigh he could convincingly muster. "If you insist."
"Sometime within the opportune window where no-one will misinterpret this as a declaration of war, yes."
"Happy new year to you too," Roy replied, and snapped his fingers.
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patchesjam · 1 year
apollo please don't interact 💀
dream was so real i had to actually search it up to work out if it was true
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xzeihoranth · 10 months
So how long before the new discourse started by either baby liberals or Russian trollfarms is 'anyone who votes for Biden must also be prosecuted for war crimes by proxy'?
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
if Tango or jimmy take shots at each other during this season I’ll scream btw
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darkaviarymc · 2 years
If the final round is Scar vs. Grian I'm going to shit my own liver and delete the internet.
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I am so so serious it’s making me feel completely crazy to see no one outside my city talking about how literally everyone is sick right now. My city of multiple hundreds of thousands of people is barely functioning because we all have some mystery sickness that can’t be tested for because it’s not covid flu strep or pneumonia. I’m so scared that it’s a new covid strain that the tests don’t catch but the biggest issue is that IT ISNT GOING AWAY. Many of us have been sick for a month or more straight.
I feel like if this were a movie the US military would be nuking my city. Is no one else really experiencing this???
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the-irreverend · 1 year
Tumblr media
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sashasparrow · 1 year
six word horror story: matpat the magnus archives lore explained
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
So I have a sad theory that I'm hope I'm wrong about. Will King die?
The reason why I came up with this theory is that King has always referred to himself as "the King of Demons" and he names all his "subjects" French names (ie Jean-Luc and Francois). So I started to wonder if this was foreshadowing King's potential death considering that France doesn't really have the best history with monarchs.
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syn4k · 2 years
at some point when a huge blog has reblogged one of your posts for like the sixth time you're just like... bro, just follow me already
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
Adult Garfield retelling. Jon is a teenager living with his abusive mother when his dog Odie finds and attacks a stray cat. Jon nurses the animal back to health but can only afford to feed the cat lasagna because is mother makes it in excess but he can't eat it (he has Celiac disease, not that his mother can ever remember). In the last episode it's revealed that Garfield was actually all in his imagination.
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