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outofcontextdgm · 4 months ago
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Pondering the Orb
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casual-tai · 30 days ago
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Competed May 2024 ----- Finally getting around to posting this too :)
This is my "iconic moment" for the @dgm20thproject ! My moment covers the introduction of Apocryphos, the Noah's assisting with Allen's escape from the Order, Road sacrificing herself for Allen, Link using magic against Apocryphos, and Lavi and Bookman (they were kidnapped!)
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months ago
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D Gray Man family trees are so fun to think about
So... with Allen there's Cross who was his master and Mana who adopted him, but then we have the additional complexity from the last chapter.
Allen is both Past!Allen but also a product of Past!Allen as well as possibly Past!Lavi (given the same hair color) due to Apocryphos’ fuckery.
In the case that this is true, and Allen is partly a product of Past!Lavi, then there would be the Bookman to consider. Bookman likely raised Past!Lavi, which would sort of make him Allen’s grandpa. And with current Lavi… Bookman also raised him which could arguably make him Past!Lavi’s younger brother and Allen’s uncle, or if he’s a product of Past!Lavi make him his pseudo-brother, or if he IS Past!Lavi make him his pseudo-father?
So basically Lavi could arguably be Allen’s pseudo-brother, uncle, or father. So, that’s fun.
Then we get to the Noah side, which is somehow more complicated.
Mana is the Earl, so the Earl is also Allen’s father. But Mana is also a product of the previous Earl (Adam), making the Earl Allen’s grandpa. Nea is Mana’s brother, so Allen’s uncle, and their sharing a body.
We have no idea what’s up with Tyki, if it’s a coincidence he looks like Nea or if he’s a clone or what. But he also was with the Earl for a while (in some translations 10+ years) so the Earl could have helped raise him, making Allen his adoptive brother. But if Tyki somehow a product of Nea that would make Allen his cousin.
And genetically if Tyki is a clone of Nea, the identical twin of Mana, that would also mean he’s genetically similar to Mana, Allen’s adoptive father. Who seems to be genetically similar to Adam, the first Earl.
So Tyki is either Allen’s brother or cousin. In the case that he’s Allen’s cousin, that would make Sheryl and his kids also cousins. But if he’s Allen’s brother… that means Sheryl is sort of also his brother, and Road and Wisely are his niece/nephews and…
Sorry Allen, family dinners are gonna be a shitshow.
In summary-
Past!Allen- Allen, Allen's "producer"
Past!Lavi- Aid in producing Allen (assumption 1)
Bookman- Allen's "grandpa" (1, assumes Past!Lavi was raised by Bookman)
Lavi- Allen's brother (1, assuming he is also a product of Past!Lavi), Allen's uncle (1, he is NOT a product of past!Lavi but was raised by Bookman), Allen's "father" (1, he is an alternate form of Past!Lavi, in which case he may also still be Allen's "brother")
Cross- Master
Apocryphos- Creepy fuck who did stuff
Mana/Earl- Allen's adoptive father
Adam/Earl- Allen's adoptive grandpa
Nea- Allen's uncle and also possessing him
Tyki- Allen's cousin (if he's a product of Nea), brother (assumption 2: if raised by the Earl/Mana), may be a clone of his uncle (who is identical to Allen's adoptive father and grandfather?)
Cheryl- Allen's quasi-brother (2, if Tyki was raised by the Earl), cousin (if Tyki a product of Nea), uncle?
Road and Wisely- Allen's quasi-niece/nephews (2), Allen's cousins
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sammayrin · 3 months ago
I haven’t read the alma karma arc recently, so I could be entirely off base, but does anyone else think that the second exorcist experiments might have been trying to recreate what happened with past!allen? like I don’t remember if there was a given reason/inspiration beyond “need more soldiers, why not revive old ones,” but the basics seem rather similar to me.
a person is revived after being killed (or as good as) in the body of a child with no concrete memory of who they were before (or so I assume in allen's case but that could have happened later).
injuries are unnaturally healed by using the helix of life—in the second exorcists’ case by taking it from their future/lifespan and for allen using someone else’s life.
I think the timeline might match up, too. I don’t know exactly how old allen starts out as, but we do know that present!lavi is older by like 3 years. I think allen looked between 5-8 (terrible at estimating…), so if we go short, that’s ~8 years for the final result to be revealed to apocryphos. And kanda’s been alive for 9 years chronologically, which would put allen’s age at like 6-7. That seems like adequate time to get weird fantasy sci-fi experiments up and running.
and with the way apocryphos was looking at that light cocoon allen was in, I wouldn’t be surprised if he took some inspiration, one way or another.
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halcyonfiction · 7 months ago
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poupeesdecirque · 1 month ago
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WiP - (Cosplay) - Jacket for ... Apocryphos
So ... I am not sure if any of you guessed who was the character for the wig I had the stupid brilliant idea to turn our most beloved hated character into a cosplay.
For the fun of it.
To be honest there was a bit less effort than usual as I found the red coat on sale and avoided making it myself, I had the wig bought back in August and had styled it. I'm waiting for glasses and the necklace to arrive but here have some progress on his cardinal jacket.
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The base cut of the jacket is the same pattern as for Junior BUT I adjusted some things beforehand as I knew how some things slowed me down the last time. There is still adjustments to make if I reuse the pattern but I am getting better (mind me I create my pattern all from scratch, I don't use premade/bought pattern because given written instructions drive me mad I just can't use them).
The first thing I had to test though was how to make his crosses because ...
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He has crosses on his sleeves??? And no buttons on this thing but I added buttons because ... i would like to get in and out :'D but yeah crosses.
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Therefore this time (after cutting parts) I started with the sleeves. Cut out the parts and all and then noticed... I did them the wrong way. Luckily @izasbjdphoto suggested to adjust them which worked out just took a bit longer as I had to pin down everything again.
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But I am very found on how those turned out! It was also a great practise for another costume I am planning to sew.
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The body of the jacket went well until I added a pocket and messed it up... I decided to just scrap that part and attach a new one it was easier than trying to fix that darn pocket.
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Next up was adding the collar. As I learned from Junior... TEST TEST TEST and I adjusted it like only 3 times before I attached it and the fit was perfect, I didn't need to redo it :D lesson learned I guess.
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Attaching the lining, sleeves and then ironing down was next. It kinda was actually fun? As the only thing that went wrong was the pocket and I left the costume for the day and continued the next one.
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Closing the last seams, adding buttons and the whole thing was done. By 13/11/24.
Here are some more silly selfies:
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As said I am still waiting for the fitting glasses, I got some that look quite similar to his and they have mirror glasses aka they will actually block the view of his eyes just like the most time in the Manga. I'm exicted to wear this at a con even though like nobody will recognize him except maybe a hand full of DGM fans.
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2000mallow · 8 months ago
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volume 23-25 (jp ver.)
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poppystheories · 7 months ago
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That image feels like a pretty massive hint towards the Heart, doesn't it? One half of the heart is Innocence, represented with an angel doll. The other half of the heart is Dark Matter, represented with a nearly identical devil doll. With one hand, the dolls touch tenderly, while with the other they stab each other: "Born from love and hate".
Between their brows is the Pillar, notably overlaying both dolls and both sides of the Heart.
So, the Heart is divided in two, and when the two halves attempt to kill each other, the Pillar is created...?
If one half is the Millennium Earl, like in the cube's prophecy, then that half now divided into two fourths. But where's the other half of the Heart? Has it also divided into two fourths?
I made this diagram to sort out the division of the Earl:
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But if we think the Earl is one half of the Heart, then it looks a little more like this:
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There's also the possibility that Allen or Red picked up one of the unaccounted for pieces of the Heart as well.
It would make sense why Apocryphos says the "wielder" of the Heart needs revival if the "wielder" is currently divided into a bunch of other entities, and is a fun twist on the "the different pieces of Innocence are pieces of a larger whole that might revive something when brought back together" theory brought about by earlier chapters.
But of course, Apocryphos talks like the Heart is awake and has its own conscious will, and like he's taking orders from it. So at least one of these theoretical pieces would have to have received the Heart's mission, similar to how the Suit got the Earl's?
This is all mostly conjecture at this point, we don't have a ton of evidence of any of this, but its fun to think about.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year ago
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Arguably the most savage thing Yuu Kanda has done: Breaking Apocryphos' neck with his legs when he was pissed off and out of options.
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sobamoyashiart · 7 months ago
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The Villains
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hiddenremnant · 6 months ago
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(core) having fun on discord
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avishabilis · 6 months ago
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i-am-theseeker · 1 year ago
December 16, 2024 Nothern Hemisphere’s Current Moon Phase
The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a First Quarter phase. This phase occurs roughly 7 days after the New Moon when the moon is one quarter of the way through its orbit around the earth. Exactly half the moon will be illuminated and half dark. On the day of the First Quarter phase the moon is […] December 16, 2024 Nothern Hemisphere’s Current Moon Phase
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kugisakiss · 2 months ago
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fun ideas to do on your birthday: try to work out who you are
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poupeesdecirque · 12 days ago
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Cosplay Line up - Bookfair Leipzig!
It took me a while to figure out how to include these 4 characters into one drawing with one of them being from another fandom. I went with the idea of a Book as, well, Bookfair.
Thursday - Bookman Junior / Past!Lavi (D.Gray-man)
Friday - Apocryphos (D.Gray-man)
Saturday - Allen Walker/Crown Clown (D.Gray-man)
Sunday - Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier)
Those days are NOT set! As Kamome Shirahama attends the convention and I try to win the lottery for an autograph from her I will ofc wear Qifrey on that day and shift the others around then.
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I am super nervous to wear something else than D.Gray-man for the first time since 2019, it's my comfort fandom, but I wanted to try something else. It's not the only other fandom cosplay I will wear for this year's con season BUT I will still focus mainly on D.Gray-man as it brings me so much joy to remind people this series exist and to chat about it.
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isthenextchapterofdgmoutyet · 7 months ago
Nea "ARE YOU SURE" Campbell
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