#Apex superspeciality Hospitals
siddhantahospital · 2 months
Discover Excellence: Siddhanta Superspeciality Hospital - The Apex of Healthcare in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh.
Dive into pinnacle of healthcare services in Bhopal with Siddhanta Superspeciality Hospital. Uncover best neurologists, orthopedic doctors, and gastroenterologists under one roof, dedicated to your well-being. Explore our renowned specialists in cardiology, orthopedics, and gastroenterology, ensuring top-notch care tailored to your needs. Experience unmatched expertise and compassion at forefront of medical innovation. Your journey to optimal health begins here.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals always strives to provide best treatment to the people and in this pandemic effect of corona virus make yourself to stay healthy to avoid the effect of virus.
By providing affordable quality healthcare and helping the needy by counselling and mentoring through innovative ways.
The Department of General Medicine at Apex Hospital is one of the best tertiary care centres in India and is staffed by highly qualified doctors. This department provides:
 Speciality Clinic
 Intensive Care Units
 The prime objectives of this department are:
 Accurate diagnosis
 Prompt treatment
 Patient awareness regarding preventive aspects of the diseases
 The department works in close association with all other super specialities to ensure that the needs of all types of patients are properly identified and met.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on http://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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ivfclinicsinindia · 4 years
Best surrogacy centres in Patna| Best Surrogacy Doctors in Patna| OVO Health
Best surrogacy centres in Patna
Surrogacy is a procedure wherein a lady generally known as surrogate mother is convey a child into her belly on behalf of another couple or expected guardians. Surrogacy is one route by which individuals, couples as well as single guardians or same sex couples who can't imagine normally may have posterity, and became acclaimed cases, for example, Elton John and Ricky Martin, whose powerlessness to consider is because of sexual inclination and not therapeutic causes. For comparable reasons, just as the tremendous measure of assets that can produce, surrogacy is currently on the administrative plan of dynamic political gatherings at the nearby and government level. Advertisers ordinarily paint surrogacy as a possibility for couples who can't imagine as a philanthropic demonstration where a lady consents to warmly embrace the child of another in any case, despite the fact that it might really happens subrogation with those attributes, involvement with nations like India discloses to us this is the minority of cases. In addition, even right now, not stop to be dangers and issues that numbers worth thinking about the probability of that allowed over the country. As is clear, surrogacy includes a great deal of moral just as intense subject matters. This is a touchy treatment as an outsider separated from the couple is included here. There are entire parcel of lawfulness issues required too. All things considered,  surrogacy is a leap forward and help for childless couples both in India and abroad. Variables like adaptability, relative moderateness and negligible guideline make India a favored goal for surrogacy medications. The accessibility of surrogate moms is simpler and higher in India. Also, there are numerous surrogacy focuses in Patna with productive specialists who have effectively achieved Best surrogacy centres  in Patna. Vansh Test Tube Baby Centre, Apex Superspeciality Hospital, Matritava Clinic, Shrinivas Hospital, Srishti Gynaec and Obstetrics centre, Pushpanjali Multispeciality Hospital these are the best surrogacy centres in patna.
Best Surrogacy Doctors in Patna
Finding the correct Surrogacy Doctors in Patna under any conditions can be an irksome undertaking. A patient who needs assistance with ripeness may confront entangled therapeutic choices. Companions, family and even the Internet can give misdirecting data, making it incredibly hard to choose the suitable ripeness specialist that can prompt, backing and guide the patient through treatment. You have to realize that the surrogacy specialist you pick is liable for coordinating restorative testing, offer proper direction and perform IVF methodology over the span of treatment. Unmistakably, finding the best Surrogacy Doctors in Patna to manage a patient through the procedure can be troublesome. Numerous patients depend on the proposals of their past obstetrician and gynecologists, with whom they as of now have an involved acquaintance and on whom they trust for good medication and a word of wisdom while others rely upon social insurance facilitators and offices to guide them. Regardless of whether one uses Internet web crawlers, advertise mentor verbal, it gives the idea that particularly in the field of fruitfulness, not all IVF specialists and pros produce indistinguishable outcomes. Specialists are required to satisfy guidelines set by the state in which they practice, however being a Best Surrogacy Doctors in Patna, the necessities go past these set criteria. Truth be told, the level of enthusiastic help and probability of a fruitful result may endlessly contrast contingent upon where and by whom the patient is treated. A sympathetic and caring mentality and a capacity to teach patients in a touchy way are fundamental in each surrogacy master. Indeed, even in a world-class richness center where the quantity of patients is high and specialists have a tight calendar, it is significant for surrogacy specialists to give each individual case its due consideration, have their inquiries replied, and realize that they are being dealt with.
Best Surrogacy Centre in Patna
IVF can be a phenomenal answer for fruitless couples by giving them the unmatched delight of parenthood and Surrogacy is a technique wherein a woman for the most part known as surrogate mother is pass on a youngster into her midsection in the interest of another couple or anticipated gatekeepers. Surrogacy is one course by which people, couples just as single watchmen or same sex couples who can't envision regularly may have descendants, and became acclaimed cases, for instance, Elton John and Ricky Martin, whose feebleness to consider is a result of sexual tendency and not restorative causes. For equivalent reasons, similarly as the gigantic proportion of advantages that can deliver, surrogacy is presently on the regulatory arrangement of dynamic political social events at the close by and government level. Publicists customarily paint surrogacy as a likelihood for couples who can't envision as a humanitarian exhibit where a woman agrees to heartily grasp the offspring of another regardless, in spite of the way that it may truly happens subrogation with those characteristics, association with countries like India uncovers to us this is the minority of cases. Moreover, even at the present time, not stop to be risks and issues that numbers worth considering the likelihood of that permitted over the nation. As is clear, surrogacy incorporates a lot of good similarly as serious topics. This is a tricky treatment as an untouchable isolated from the couple is incorporated here. There are whole package of legality issues required as well. Taking everything into account, surrogacy  is a jump forward and help for childless couples both in India and abroad. Factors like flexibility, relative moderateness and irrelevant rule make India a favored objective for surrogacy prescriptions. The openness of surrogate mothers is more straightforward and higher in India. Likewise, there are various surrogacy centers in Patna with gainful pros who have viably accomplished Best surrogacy centre in Patna. Vansh Test Tube Baby Center, Apex Superspeciality Hospital, Matritava Clinic, Shrinivas Hospital, Srishti Gynaec and Obstetrics focus, Pushpanjali Multispeciality Hospital these are the best surrogacy centre in patna.
Best IVF Doctors in Patna with High Success Rates
IVF or In-vitro preparation is a very compelling and valuable treatment and a beam of trust in guardians. No big surprise an ever increasing number of couples are looking for the best IVF focus in Patna. This is a therapeutic or careful strategy where a lady will be given hormones in high dosages to assist her with delivering numerous eggs. At that point the eggs will be recovered from the ovary while the man's sperm will at that point be permitted in preparing the egg however outside the body. As the eggs develop it is embedded into the uterus of the lady with an expectation that pregnancy and implantation will happen. A key advantage of counseling an IVF expert in patna with high achievement rate or some other piece of patna will help a couple in conquering the normal issues of barrenness. Best ivf doctors in patna with high success rates , gives the best treatment to the patients. Dr. Pragya Mishra Chaudhary, Dr. Sarika Roy, Dr. Smriti Sparsh, Dr. Prof. Anita Singh, Dr. Neelu Prasad these doctors ar the best ivf doctors in patna with high success rates.
Best IVF Centres in Patna With High Success Rates
At the point when you go for the best IVF centres in Patna, you are going to pass judgment on them based on their rating and achievement rate. Aside from this, the administrations being offered by these facilities are likewise among one of the parameters to include them among the best in the city of Patna. The absolute best centers in the city of Patna likewise offer the IVF bundles. These IVF focuses are additionally connected with cutting edge fruitfulness and gynecology focuses. You likewise have the global richness focuses related with them. The explanation behind this is both of the guardians have the medicinal issue accordingly hampering the odds of pregnancy. In the event that the couples don't get the kid, it could be a significant reason for concern since it can prompt battles among couples and they could arrive at a degree of disappointment. In any case, with IVF, there is no compelling reason to stress. At the point when you go to the presumed best IVF centres in Patna with high success rates for a ripeness treatment, you have the high opportunities to consider. At the point when you get pregnant in the wake of accepting the treatment, it will sustain your feelings. In Patna, you will locate the world class IVF treatment centers and they offer the treatment at less expensive rates. You need to discover a rumored center. Propelled centers offer you IVF, IUI and ICSI. Other than this, such facilities likewise offer you semen freezing, egg freezing, undeveloped organism freezing and surrogacy. A portion of the main specialists related with these centers additionally offer the patient a comprehensive methodology of treatment and this likewise incorporates yogic activities. The patient is additionally treated by the individual advising to set up her intellectually for the IVF treatment. In the top class IVF facilities in the city of Patna, the high achievement rate is accomplished as a result of ripeness treatment customization, states of lab and furthermore the convention enhancement. They offer the bleeding edge innovation through the embryologists and specialists. Supposing that this the pace of IVF achievement increments. best IVF centres in Patna with high success rates included such as Nulife Test Tube Baby Center, Vansh Test Tube Baby, Jyoti Punj Hospital, Matritva Clinic, Apex Hospital, Aastha Hospital.
Best IVF Centres in Patna
Fruitlessness is a confusion in a human body, which can create in any individual, be it male or female, or a person of all ages. Along these lines, fruitfulness focuses are opening up to help such individuals as it were. Be that as it may, right now, there are still a few people, who accept it as a revile and don't permit such others also to lead a typical way of life. Best Ivf centres in Patna are not another endeavor. They have been running since years, however individuals believe them to do some dishonorable activities. In Patna, ivf focuses were as far as anyone knows viewed as serving some non satisfactory assignments yet, happy, that this situation has changed and yes now best ivf centres in Patna are successful. They are doing acceptable and helping open agreeably.  Nulife Test Tube Baby Centre, Jyoti Punj Hospital, Vansh Test Tube Baby Centre ,these are the best ivf centres in patna.
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imdockunal · 3 months
Looking For The Best Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai? Consult Dr Kunal Arora
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Dr. Kunal Arora is a distinguished expert in Vascular and Interventional Radiology who has established himself as a leading figure in the field. Let's delve into what makes Dr. Kunal Arora the go-to Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai.
Dr. Kunal Arora: A Brief Overview
Dr. Kunal Arora is a highly skilled Vascular and Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai. With over 9 years of comprehensive experience and specialized expertise exceeding 5 years, he brings a unique blend of knowledge and proficiency to his practice. Dr. Arora's academic background includes an M.B.B.S., M.D. in Radiodiagnosis, and F.V.I.R credentials, setting him apart as a top-tier professional in his field.
Expertise and Specializations
Dr. Kunal Arora's expertise lies in minimally invasive treatments that eliminate the need for traditional surgery. His specialized areas encompass a wide range of conditions, including:
Varicose veins,
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT),
Peripheral Vascular Disease,
Oncologic interventions,
Hepatobiliary procedures, and
Dialysis AV fistula salvage.
Academic Achievements and Affiliations
Dr. Arora's dedication to research and academic excellence is evident through his numerous awards for paper presentations at national and international conferences. He is an active member of prestigious organizations such as the Indian Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (ISVIR), the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE), and more. His commitment to advancing the field of Interventional Radiology is unwavering.
Clinical Affiliations
Dr. Kunal Arora is associated with renowned hospitals in Mumbai, including:
Wockhardt Hospitals,
Apex Superspeciality Hospital,
Criticare Asia Multispeciality Hospital & Research Centre, and
Namaha Hospital.
This network of affiliations underscores his reputation as a trusted and sought-after Interventional Radiologist in the region.
Dr. Kunal Arora stands out as the premier Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai, offering unparalleled expertise, a commitment to excellence, and a patient-centric approach to care. His track record of success, academic accolades, and clinical affiliations make him a trusted name in the field of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.
How to Book an Appointment
Take the first step towards optimal vein health by scheduling a consultation with the best Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai, Dr. Kunal Arora by calling +91 90040 93090.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals always strives to provide best treatment to the people and in this pandemic effect of corona virus make yourself to stay healthy to avoid the effect of virus.
By providing affordable quality healthcare and helping the needy by counselling and mentoring through innovative ways.
Urology disorders can be among the most uncomfortable, inconvenient, and embarrassing of health issues. However, many urological disorders can be helped by awareness and prevention. If managed early, a surprising number of problems can be treated non-surgically or with minimally invasive techniques. New methods and tools constantly improve outcomes and the patient experience.
What we treat:
We offer a wide range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions:
 Genitourinary system disorders
 Genitourinary tract infections
 Stones (kidney, bladder and ureter)
 Hematuria, cystocele (bladder prolapse and rectocele)
 Urinary incontinence
 Male infertility
 Impotence and erectile dysfunction
 Genitourinary tumors
 Congenital diseases of genitourinary system of children diseases
 Hypertrophy of prostate and trauma follow-up, including urinary tract reconstruction. Pre- and post-operative education and counselling services.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighboring countries.
Nephrology is specialty of medicine concerned with the diseases of the kidney. Any alteration or dysfunction in the anatomy or the physiology of the kidney can cause acute or chronic renal (kidney) diseases which can seriously affect the functioning of the entire body. Apex hospitals has top Kidney doctors and have been experts in diagnosing and treating kidney infection and chronic renal failure. The Nephrology department at Apex Hospital has state-of-the-art infrastructure, equipment’s with the most updated technology and a team of dedicated and skilled nephrologists and paramedical staff.
In addition to that : Persistent itching
Chest pain, if fluid builds up around the lining of the heart
Shortness of breath, if fluid builds up in the lungs
High blood pressure (hypertension) that’s difficult to control
Muscle twitches and cramps
Swelling of feet and ankles
Blood tests
Urine analysis
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Ultrasound scanning
Renal biopsy
Intravenous urography (IVU)
Renal Arteriography
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals always strives to provide best treatment to the people and in this pandemic effect of corona virus make yourself to stay healthy to avoid the effect of virus.
By providing affordable quality healthcare and helping the needy by counselings and mentoring through innovative ways.
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighbouring countries.
We have our senior ENT surgeons coming from prestigious academic institutes, who are experts in performing all kinds of surgeries including laparoscopic procedures for ENT:
 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) Turbinectomy
 Vocal Cord (polyps, cyst) Surgery for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea (UPPP)
Book Your Appointment Now
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighbouring countries.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals always strives to provide best treatment to the people and in this pandemic effect of coronavirus make yourself to stay healthy to avoid the effect of virus.
By providing affordable quality healthcare and helping the needy by counselings and mentoring through innovative ways.
Cardiology is a branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the heart as well as parts of the circulatory system. Apex hospitals assures you a healthy heart by providing world-class cardiac care in India. Apex hospitals have a fully equipped cardiac intensive care manned by the best Cardiologist in Mumbai, intensivists and nurses. Our cardiologists practice objective monitoring for change in signs and symptoms suggestive of response to treatment and promptly identify and address relevant changes in clinical status ensuring effective communication between the patient, family and multidisciplinary team. Symptoms:
Chest pain
shortness of breath
swollen feet
2D Echo
Transesophageal Echo
Stress test
Holter Monitor
Treatment Services:
Heart attack/ failure
Septal defects (ASDNSD/PDA)
Pediatric heart problems
Open heart surgery
Valve replacement
Pacemaker (temporary & permanent)
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighbouring countries.
In a general hospital setting where the focus is on super speciality and tertiary care, Psychiatry has an important role to play. This area of functioning is known as Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. Here the psychiatrist acts as a consultant to medical and surgical units. Patient in these units may develop secondary problems such as delirium, post operative psychosis etc.; patient may have co-existing psychiatric illness such as major psychosis, which may interfere with the planned management. Patients may also have personality traits or neurotic disorders that may make him non-compliant with the treatment or patients may develop secondary anxiety or depression in reaction to the medical illness, its treatment or unexpected complications. In such conditions psychological treatment is necessary for proper and total patient care.
Besides consultation-liaison psychiatry, the increasing incidence of psychiatric disorders along with the acceptance of treatment methods such as use of antidepressants and counselling brings patients seeking help to the hospital.
The daily psychiatry OPD at Apex Hospital caters to such needs. Patients with problems such as Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, Addictions and sexual dysfunctions are offered treatment and Counselling, Drug-Therapy, hospitalisation. ECT’s are the available therapeutic methods for such illnesses.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighboring countries.
The Paediatrics Department offers a complete range of pediatric services and facilities to meet the unique needs of children and their families. Our world-class best pediatrician in Mumbai provides comprehensive care for childhood diseases and conditions within a patient-focused, family-centered environment. Using state-of-art technology and the very latest medical treatments. Our team shares a common goal – the health and well-being of your children. Apex keeps your child healthy and happy within a caring and friendly atmosphere by our certified Pediatrician and the entire nursing staff.
 Well baby care where growth and development of Babies are assessed and monitored.
 All general Paediatric cases along with guidance for nutritional and behavioral issues.
 Immunization both scheduled and optional given by specialist physicians.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighboring countries.
Nephrology is specialty of medicine concerned with the diseases of the kidney. Any alteration or dysfunction in the anatomy or the physiology of the kidney can cause acute or chronic renal (kidney) diseases which can seriously affect the functioning of the entire body. Apex hospitals has top Kidney doctors and have been experts in diagnosing and treating kidney infection and chronic renal failure. The Nephrology department at Apex Hospital has state-of-the-art infrastructure, equipment’s with the most updated technology and a team of dedicated and skilled nephrologists and paramedical staff.
In addition to that : Persistent itching
Chest pain, if fluid builds up around the lining of the heart
Shortness of breath, if fluid builds up in the lungs
High blood pressure (hypertension) that’s difficult to control
Muscle twitches and cramps
Swelling of feet and ankles
Blood tests
Urine analysis
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Ultrasound scanning
Renal biopsy
Intravenous urography (IVU)
Renal Arteriography
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighboring countries.
In a general hospital setting where the focus is on super specialty and tertiary care, Psychiatry has an important role to play. This area of functioning is known as Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. Here the psychiatrist acts as a consultant to medical and surgical units. Patient in these units may develop secondary problems such as delirium, post operative psychosis etc.; patient may have co-existing psychiatric illness such as major psychosis, which may interfere with the planned management. Patients may also have personality traits or neurotic disorders that may make him non-compliant with the treatment or patients may develop secondary anxiety or depression in reaction to the medical illness, its treatment or unexpected complications. In such conditions psychological treatment is necessary for proper and total patient care.
Besides consultation-liaison psychiatry, the increasing incidence of psychiatric disorders along with the acceptance of treatment methods such as use of antidepressants and counseling brings patients seeking help to the hospital.
The daily psychiatry OPD at Apex Hospital caters to such needs. Patients with problems such as Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, Addictions and sexual dsyfunctions are offered treatment and Counseling, Drug-Therapy, hospitalization. ECT’s are the available therapeutic methods for such illnesses.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
Psychiatry / Psychology / Neuropsychology | Apex Hospitals
 Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighboring countries.
In a general hospital setting where the focus is on super specialty and tertiary care, Psychiatry has an important role to play. This area of functioning is known as Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. Here the psychiatrist acts as a consultant to medical and surgical units. Patient in these units may develop secondary problems such as delirium, post operative psychosis etc.; patient may have co-existing psychiatric illness such as major psychosis, which may interfere with the planned management. Patients may also have personality traits or neurotic disorders that may make him non-compliant with the treatment or patients may develop secondary anxiety or depression in reaction to the medical illness, its treatment or unexpected complications. In such conditions psychological treatment is necessary for proper and total patient care.
Besides consultation-liaison psychiatry, the increasing incidence of psychiatric disorders along with the acceptance of treatment methods such as use of antidepressants and counseling brings patients seeking help to the hospital.
The daily psychiatry OPD at Apex Hospital caters to such needs. Patients with problems such as Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, Addictions and sexual dsyfunctions are offered treatment and Counseling, Drug-Therapy, hospitalization. ECT’s are the available therapeutic methods for such illnesses.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals provide world-class and affordable healthcare to the people of Mumbai and surrounding areas.It is a chain of Hospitals managed and run by expert Medical Professionals with experience of 25 years.we are managing more than 350+ beds and providing quality healthcare services
Apex Group of Hospitals is a tertiary care which is designed to provide the highest degrees of professional expertise and patient care in India and its neighboring countries.
We have our senior ENT surgeons coming from prestigious academic institutes, who are experts in performing all kinds of surgeries including laparoscopic procedures for ENT:
 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) Turbinectomy
 Vocal Cord (polyps, cyst) Surgery for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea (UPPP)
For Online Consultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/teleconsultation/
Book Your Appointment Now
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apexhospitals · 4 years
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Apex Group of Hospitals always strives to provide best treatment to the people and in this pandemic effect of coronavirus make yourself to stay healthy to avoid the effect of virus.
By providing affordable quality healthcare and helping the needy by counseling and mentoring through innovative ways.
The Department of General Medicine at Apex Hospital is one of the best tertiary care centers in India and is staffed by highly qualified doctors. This department provides:
 Speciality Clinic
 Intensive Care Units
 The prime objectives of this department are:
 Accurate diagnosis
 Prompt treatment
 Patient awareness regarding preventive aspects of the diseases
 The department works in close association with all other super specialities to ensure that the needs of all types of patients are properly identified and met.
For Teleconsultation Visit us on https://apexgroupofhospitals.com/general-medicine/
Book Your Appointment Now.
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