#Aoyama x male reader
kenjiro-kun · 2 years
My Hero Academia: Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Fumikage Tokoyami, Mezo Shoji, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Ida, Yuga Aoyama, Dabi, Shigaraki, Twice
‼️ Male Reader ‼️
Can be read as gender neutral with masculine terms (no usage of pronouns in scenario below. cannot be sure of future scenarios).
Scenario #1: He First Sees You
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Izuku "Deku" Midoriya: He never really got the chance to meet you when he first walked through the door of the 1-A classroom. Though, he surely saw you, and he was intrigued to find out more -- you could say that for really everyone that he saw. He could tell you weren't someone to underestimate with the genuine charm you carried around.
Katsuki Bakugo: As arrogant as he could be, he shows his respect in many ways. He knew you had a quirk that wasn't to be messed around with, but to be frank, he doesn't care for you -- not yet anyway.
Shoto Todoroki: Never really knew you to make an opinion based off appearance alone. Many here were young and full with potential, so he could assume the same was for you, but he didn't know your story to assume such things yet.
Fumikage Tokoyami: He wasn't all social -- though through the power of his enjoyment in the shadows, he greatly enjoyed the little similarities you two possessed from afar.
Mezo Shoji: He found you, like any other, someone that he knew would cross his path. He didn't see you like many saw him -- a monster of some sort.
Denki Kaminari: He had his moments where his thoughts were hindered by certain thoughts, but relatively he wasn't like that. Sure, he thought you were cute at first glance, but he doesn't know you.
Eijiro Kirishima: Just someone he's ready to friend during his time at the school.
Tenya Ida: Someone he hopes isn't a troublemaker that would cause him more stress on his plate
Yuga Aoyama: You were handsome, but not as close as him.
Dabi: Another hero to squish under his boot and torment.
Shigaraki: A obstacle in his plan, may not even cross paths again, but who knows.
Twice: A rival! No! A bitch!
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haruka-norikoyo · 3 months
Monoma x reader who is Mirio’s younger sibling Part 6
I added Aoyama in ‘girl’s night’ so male readers can have a reason to be there <3 Also, apparently it’s canon that the girls agreed that Monoma’s objectively the most attractive hero course boy (if it weren’t for his personality they said 😭). I was told it’s in volume five but I can’t find it so is it in one of the light novels? Side stories? Please let me know where I can read it! I wanna feel validated for being head over heels in love with him!
Other parts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6/?
“Man, it’s been over a week but I’m still sore!” Kirishima groans as he walks together with you, Ashido, Jiro, and Ojiro. Each of you are in your gym uniform with a bag or a water bottle. “But that just means he’s really that powerful. Togata, your brother’s real manly!”
Jiro grimaces at the mention of him, “I’d rather not think about that training…”
“Yeah, you had it rough, huh Jiro?” Ashido pipes in, remembering how Mirio had tied her earphone jacks around her and Kaminari, who was unfortunate enough to be the one closest to her.
“Well, that’s why we’re gonna train real hard, right guys!?”
“Yeah!” you and Ashido cheer while Jiro and Ojiro each raise an arm in response to Kirishima’s enthusiasm. It’s your day off. Kirishima suggested a group training at Gym Gamma. Everyone else are either training off on some other location or decided to do their own thing. “Hm? Do you think Bakugo’s still in there?” Kirishima asks, seeing the lights of the gym on. They usually shut down after some time when no one is inside and turn back on once it senses someone walking in. Ojiro furrows his brows. “If I remember… he left the dorms around six… would he really be training for seven hours straight?”
Kirishima shrugs, “Eh, maybe he took breaks. I wouldn’t put it past him to train for that long.”
“It could just be someone else,” Jiro says as Kirishima pushes the door open. Then—
“AHHH!!!” Jiro shrieks, falling on her back. She covers her eyes like acid as been thrown in them because HE’S THERE AGAIN! NAKED. AGAIN. Mirio casually looks over his shoulder while someone lets out a small “urk!” further in the gym. “Ohh, (y/n) and friends!”
“What’re you doing here senpai?” Kirishima asks.
You deadpan, helping poor Jiro and Ashido cover their eyes while looking at the ceiling yourself. “Nii-chan, cover up. My friends are here.”
“Right right,” he chuckles, taking his sweet time to pick up his pants. As he puts them on, he explains. “I’m here to train. Or, rather, assist in training.”
“Assist..?” Kirishima trails off as his gaze drifts to the other person in the gym, who isn’t as used to public nudity as Mirio and is scrambling to put on his gym clothes without accidentally fazing through. “Monoma from 1-B!?”
“Why do you guys always say it so dramatically..?” You don’t know if you should laugh or cry.
“So you’re helping Monoma train, senpai?” Ojiro asks.
“Yep. As you can probably tell, I’m teaching him how to use my quirk.”
Kirishima raises his hand, “Uh… sorry if I sound rude for this; but, uh, why..?”
Neito scoffs. “Typical 1-A. What, do you think your class are the only ones who can be mentored?” The usual bite in his tone is dulled by his flushed cheeks and the vulnerability of public nudity. Seriously, how the hell does Mirio do it? Kirishima waves his hands in dismissal. “No, that’s not what I mean. I’m more so asking if you guys know each other..?”
There is a pause. You and Neito freeze up and glance at Mirio.
“Yeah, you can say that. He’s sort of a relative, so I offered to help him train.”
“Sort of a relative..?” Jiro wonders to herself once she has her bearings back.
Mirio’s description has the corner of your lips quirking up. ‘Sort of a relative.’ Is he saying it to keep suspicions away or is it like he accepts him as his future brother in law? Which ever it is, it implies that Neito is family. That simple thought has you feeling giddy.
“What? (Y/n) you never told us that he’s related to you!” Mina exclaims, pointing an accusatory finger at Neito.
Okay, now accidentally being related to your boyfriend is an irrational fear you have, so that has you furrowing your brows. “We’re not blood related nor technically relatives yet, relax.” You guide Mina’s arm down.
“What does that even mean?”
Mirio clasps his hands together. “Well, we’ve been training for almost three hours, so,” he turns to Neito, who is more than ready to leave. “You wanna call it a day? We can still continue if you’re still up for it.”
The thought of being buck naked in front of 1-A students— not to mention you— sends him to flight for flight, and he is vehemently shaking his head to flee. His face is red till his ears. “Haha, yeah, I thought so. You up for ramen today?”
You perk up hearing this. Your brother, bringing your boyfriend out to eat? His favourite food nonetheless. Now that’s some development! You won’t have to worry about him plotting to kill him!
Seeing your obvious smile, Mirio turns to you. “Before you say anything, it’s because I’m such a good upperclassman.”
You deflate, but the smile remains anyway. “Good grief, you’re stubborn.”
“Won’t be a great hero otherwise! See you (y/n), you guys,” he waves once he and Neito got their bags.
The five of you wave at them as they walk out of the building.
“That was embarrassing earlier…” You and Neito are in his room, laying side by side on his bed. He has his face covered by his hand as he recalls what happened at Gym Gamma. You chuckle. “Yeah… If I had known you were training today I would’ve warned you.” You toss to the side facing him, and he parts his fingers to glance at you. “How’s progress?”
“Pretty terrible as you can imagine.”
“Mm… yeah, it took nii-san years to be able to do the basics. Even once he got to UA in his first year, he still sometimes messed up.” “He’s pretty amazing, your brother…” Neito trails off. He has a faraway gaze at the ceiling, face reflective and calm. You close your eyes, leaning against his shoulder. “What’re you thinking about?” Neito absentmindedly picks up your hand, fiddling with your fingers while he gets his thoughts in order. “Hm… I guess I’m just thinking about how he’s similar to me.”
You look at him and blink. “Ah, yeah, now that I think about it. Is that why you agreed?”
“Yeah, well,” Neito scratches the back of his head. “I didn’t realize it because he made it look easy, but when he pointed it out… yeah, it’s the kind of quirk you’d expect a support or espionage hero to have. But he found a way to make himself a star with it.”
This time, he turns his head to you. “Do you think… if I can master this quirk like him… I’d be more of a main character?”
Immediately, you respond, “You’re already a main character in my eyes.”
“No, seriously I mean—”
“It’s not fair how you monopolize my thoughts, you know,” you insist. He smiles a little. “Now that’s your problem for getting side tracked by a side character like me.”
“I’m gonna hit you.”
“What? Why so violent?” he teasingly pokes your cheek.
“Because there’s no way a side character is getting this much screen time in my head.”
“You’re so cheesy…”
“Hey, you’re the one who calls people ‘main character’ and yourself ‘side character’!”
Neito sighs, though he can’t stop a smile from forming on his face. “Okay fine, let me ask this way— do you think that I’ll be a lot stronger if I master your brother’s quirk?”
You grin. Is that even a question? “Strong. Strong as hell.”
He ruffles your hair. “Well then, I’ll have to work hard to be like your brother.”
You laugh, leaning into his touch. “You don’t have to be like him… But I’m glad you’re getting along…”
The two of you lay there in silence. The warmth of your bodies comforting, and lulling you to relaxation in Neito’s arms. You get a glimpse of the time, 5:01 pm.
“Oh shit, girl’s night with the girls and Aoyama!” Neito raises a brow as you got up from the bed. Seeing his questioning gaze you say, “Girl’s night as, like, vibes. Apparently. Not just strictly girls.”
“What? Where?”
“The common room here.”
“I see… Well, I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
You were able to get down to the common room before any of your classmates arrived, so they didn’t notice you walking down from upstairs. That would be suspicious as hell.
The girls of 1-A and 1-B, and you, plus the boys who passed ‘the vibes’ ergo Aoyama, Koda, Shoji, Shishida, and Rin are all sitting together in the lounge area with drinks purposefully made to look like alcohol. It’s really not all that sacred of a girl’s night. The other boys passing by to get something from the kitchen can listen in if they really wanted to. “Did you guys have heroism class yesterday?” “No— why!? Is the exercise insanely difficult?!”
“Yeah, it was excruciating!”
“No way..!”
That is how the general conversation went on. Despite being a fun ‘girl’s night’, it was more of a… review on heroism. Which, you were more than happy to partake in as long as you’re with your friends. Though, Aoyama thought otherwise.
“Mademoiselles— shouldn’t we take this as a chance to take a break from the stress of hero work?”
Everyone’s chatter slowly dies down as they think about it.
“I suppose it is a good idea… but what can we talk about?” YaoMomo asks.
“Well, what do people usually talk about in girl’s night?” you ask.
Jiro smiles wryly, “You know, it’s kinda sad that we have to ask that…”
Mina raises her hand up. “Ooh~! Lets talk about love!!!”
You stiffen along with Uraraka. The two of you make eye contact, but you both look away, agreeing to not pry in whatever secret the other is worried about. Not that one of them is exactly a secret…
Kodai raises her hand a little. “What does that exactly entail..?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone in the first year hero course is single.” You can feel the gazes of the 1-B students discreetly turn to you when Jiro said that.
Hagakure places a hand on her chin. “Then… who do you think is the course’s cutest guy?” “Cute as in adorable or as in charming?”
“Lets say overall charm.”
Rin, Shishida, Shoji, and Koda glance at each other, wondering if they wanna be here to hear all this. Aoyama meanwhile is all for the tea. The boys in the kitchen subtly inch closer to the lounge area with their ears peeled.
“Ooh~! Todoroki’s definitely one of them!” Mina says. “He’s 1-A’s ikemen!”
“I see it, yeah.”
“Todoroki-kun is rather handsome…”
“I’d say Kaibara-kun would be our class’s ikemen, huh?”
At the mention of his name, the boy stares at the ceiling while his fellow classmates in the kitchen nudge and elbow him as vengeance.
“Yeah..! He’s so handsome!”
“If we’re talking cute as in erm… cute…” Uraraka hesitantly speaks up, averting her eyes. She holds her drink in front of her for moral support as her face heats up by the second. “It would be… Deku-kun..?” “Okayyy Ochako I see you.”
“Midorya’s the cinnamon roll who can beat people up for you.”
“Is that a criteria..?”
“Of course!”
“Don’t forget about our cuties over here!” Tsunotori says, hands gesturing to the boys who passed the vibes. They’d been sitting silently, taking everything in. When everyone looks at them, they each turn away, scratching the back of their head with a blush. Except Aoyama who takes the compliment in stride. (Our masc presenting readers are part of said cuties.)
“No no, not cutie, I am dazzling!”
A few more of the boys are brought up, the group highlighting their charming sides and the others either adding to it or simply agreeing. The boys in the kitchen celebrate to themselves whenever one of their names gets a mention, listening to what the girls like about them. It had them blushing and smiling ear to ear. Giggling, even. “Sato-kun’s cake is delicious! And he made cookies this morning.”
“Does that count as a trait?”
“Absolutely it does!”
“Wait then we skipped over so much other charming traits from the others.”
“We can all agree that a guy that can cook good food is instantly more attractive right?”
There is a pause in the conversation as the 1-A students glance at each other, telepathically communicating the same person to each other.
“What? Who are you thinking of?” Yanagi asks.
“…Bakugo can cook well, kero…”
“That’s surprising,” Komori says.
“I remember he yelled at Todoroki for cutting the chives wrong in the training camp.”
You laugh. “Hah! I remember that!” “Bakugo…” Mina thinks about it. “He’s not bad looking..? Actually, he’s kinda handsome?”
“Yeah, you’re kinda right.”
“He reminds me of a Pomeranian, though.”
“Hah!” you snicker, as a memory is dug up from the depths of your mind. “Bakugo’s Best Jeanist hair!”
“His what now?” Tokage blinks, confused like the rest of the group’s 1-B students.
You giggle like a maniac as you pull out your phone. “Oh right, you guys weren’t there to see it. Hold on, I have a picture in my phone.”
“Togata, do you have a death wish..?” Tsuyu asks. If Bakugo found out you have a picture of him, and with that hair… oh boy.
“I took it while Sero and Kirishima were distracting him!” You pull it up for the 1-B girls and guests to see. The boys eavesdropping in the kitchen even move closer to look. They were quite fascinated, especially at the blurry transition picture of when his hair was reverting to normal.
“There’s something unnerving about his hair being… kempt…” says Awase, one of the intruding boys from the kitchen.
“Hey! It’s girls night you guys!”
“Wha— Rin and Shishida were invited!”
“It’s cause they passed the vibes!”
“I’m vibes! I’m so vibes!” Awase is left grumbling. Though, no one shooed the intruding boys away.
“Bakugo’s pretty charming if he wasn’t so… aggressive. Though, I guess there are some people that like that,” Tokage shrugs.
“Kero, you know who else is actually kinda handsome if it wasn’t for his… concerning personality?”
The 1-A students, again, telepathically communicate. Only this time, you aren’t in the mix. You turn your head back and forth between your classmates’ knowing looks in utter confusion. “What? Who?”
“C’mon (y/n), you know…”
“I don’t know?”
Even the 1-B students are catching on.
“Ah, I think I know who you mean…” Kendo smiles wryly.
“I’m so lost.”
Yanagi leans over to you, whispering so that your classmates can’t hear. “Togata-san, you probably don’t realize it since you find nothing wrong with his personality, but try to think about what he’s like in your classmates’ perspective…”
The lightbulb in your head switches on. “Ohh! Nei— Ohhh, Monoma?”
“Yes! Jeez (y/n)!”
You sweat, thankful that they didn’t notice your slip up.
“I’m gonna be honest since he’s not here— he’s probably the cutest guy in our grade! You know, aside from when he’s berating our class…”
“Yeah, he’s like a prince! When I’m not worried for his mental health…”
“I can’t help but agree with you… though of course, his personality with our class is a bit concerning…”
You sigh, feeling both proud that your friends can’t help but admit that your boyfriend is drop dead gorgeous, but also in distress from the other edge to their words. Tetsutetsu (intruder) just laughs, raising his red cup filled with apple juice. “Yep, that’s our Monoma!”
“He probably is the most charming based on all the criteria we’ve previously mentioned…” Kodai says with a finger on her chin in thought.
“Good fashion sense, knows how to cook, knows how to deal with kids, aside from his grades is smart…”
“Isn’t he lowkey boyfriend material?”
You can already feel the pride swelling in your chest and the corners of your mouth twitching to a smile. So, before your expression can reveal the smugness you feel for having such a wonderful boyfriend, you raise your glass. “I think we have come to agreement that N— Monoma is the cutest and most boyfriend material in the first year hero course. A toast, shall we?”
Awase side eyes you, knowing full well why you sound so triumphant, but he’ll give this one to you. He raises his cup. “I beg to differ, but agree to disagree.”
“I hate to admit it but the board has made a decision.”
“I’ll admit it since he’s not here. Lets all agree to not tell him about our verdict, okay?”
“…he’ll hold it over our heads forever.”
“Uh huh.”
By now, everyone in the common room has their glasses and cups raised. “To agreeing that Monoma’s the cutest boy in the first year hero course but swearing to never tell him!”
You had your fingers crossed behind you. After all, who said you didn’t adore all sides of his personality?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: Ah, I had fun writing that lmfao
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shixhiro · 3 months
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Tokito Muichiro x FEM reader !!
Series !!?!
(n.) a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self
• Querencia is a metaphysical concept in the Spanish language. The term comes from the Spanish verb "querer," which means to want, to desire, and to love.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ in which two teenagers who hate one another and one's who suffer with problems will slowly fall for one another
Warnings? !:
This book will have mentions of the following below:
Self loathing
And maybe other sensitive topics
If you are not comfortable with any of that this book might not be your cup of tea.
Before you go on, yes I am aware that tokito muichiro is a 14 year old boy so in this fic he will be aged up to the age of 17-16 but keep in mind they will not be any smut because I will not be comfortable of writing anything like that. There will be kissing, cuddling, flirting, dirty jokes and sexual tension but it will not escalate any further. Tokito Muichiro is a canon minor character so I will not be comfortable writing it obviously.
I planned this book with a friend @pasteriies so I will not be taking all credits for this fan fiction. I got inspired to do this fic by an author who I don't remember their tag but I was inspired by their book heartache. It's another tokito muichiro fan fiction I recommend to read but I assure you, my story will not have anything similar to theirs, at least I don't think so, maybe the similar in the dark theme but nothing else.
Female reader unfortunately, sorry to the male readers or nonbinary's and obviously modern au !!
Introducing our characters !!
The main female lead !!
Main love interest !!
Tokito Muichiro
The main male lead !!
Main love interest !!
My Original Characters !
(Mainly those who play a main role in the story. My friend helped me out so cr. m1zyuu)
One of Y/n's closest friends
Is known to be the sunshine of the group
Ichimura Haruka
One of Y/n's closest friends
The mother of the whole friend group
Aoyama Yuya
One of Y/n's closest friends
Known to be the star and cheerful one in the group
Lady Koshimizu
An old woman who sits at the park everyday for who knows what
People call her crazy for the things she says
Other Characters !!
Tokito Yuichiro
Twin brother of Tokito Muichiro
Kocho Shinobu
Homeroom teacher
Teaches art and math and other subjects
Kamado Tanjiro
A friend to Tokito Muichiro
Kamado Nezuko
A friend to L/n Y/n
Kocho Kanae
School guidance counselor!
Kanroji Mitsuri
English Language teacher
Kyojuro Rengoku
Japanese Language teacher
Iguro Obanai
Chemistry, Physics and AP Math teacher
Uzui Tengen
Physical Education teacher !!
Tomioka Giyu
Discipline teacher
Shinazugawa Sanemi
Engineering or Design and Technology teacher
And so on !!
I do not own any of the characters here, they all belong to Koyoharu Gotouge except for my original characters above and soon to come and y/n's personality trait.
I am still trying to improve my english so my use of vocabulary and grammar will not be advanced nor perfect as english is not my native tongue and it isn't my first language so please bare with me here. I promise you my English isn't bad it just needs a little reshaping
I do not tolerate plagiarism, this fic will be written in my tumblr account _shixhiro_ and my Wattpad account. If I see any of my fics being used in other platforms or other users you will be blocked but I don't mind taking inspirations just like I did with mine. I hope the author of the book I was inspired by doesn't mind that I was inspired to write a book of muichiro because of them. I assure you once more I was merely inspired and I will not be taking any of what you've written in your book !!
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Reblogs appreciated !!
If you prefer to read it on Wattpad here is the link :
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪: 𝙄'𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Two months ago: The day the outbreak started
Class 3-A shook as the news on the tv displayed had gotten to them. Some silently cried while others boarded up the windows and doors, and others repeatedly told themselves that this isn't real, this is all a dream. Cass 3-A was days away from graduating, they only had a week left. 
Some were going to college out of state, and some planned on working, but it seemed the world had different plans for them.
"Barricade the doors with couches, chairs, tables, anything!" Shota Aizawa, their teacher, demanded his students as he was busy piling up chairs near the window. Over a little while ago, Denki Kaminari had came into the dorms with bloody clothes and a panicked, frightened look. 
The students had asked him what was wrong and what's going on but Denki had only replied with a shaky voice, "I don't know, people are just ea–eating each other." 
Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu tried to comfort him, but he was shaking badly and kept repeating Minoru Mineta names. It was a hunch, but the blood on Denki’s clothes belonged to Minoru. 
While Denki was in the corner freaking out, Shota grabbed his phone from the pocket as it kept ringing. Seeing it, he received a notification from Toshinori Yagi and his friend Hizashi Yamada. The message had said to report to the highschool and to not let any students follow him. 
Although he was a bit reluctant to leave his students, he imagined that there were other students trapped at the school and needed help. So he turned to the student and tried to remain calm, "I need you all to listen. I need you all to stay here till this is over. I imagine a rescue team will come, so until then stay here and be safe."
Ochaco stood from her spot and looked to Shota with a worried look, "Where will you be going?" 
"There's other students that need help, staff as well." Shota pointed to Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya, "You two will be in charge. Do not let anyone out or anyone in, got that?" 
Izuku shook his head, "You can't leave, it's dangerous. We don't know what's out there!" 
Katsuki walked over to his teacher, "I'll go with you. You'll need help!"
"No!" Shota shouted, he then rubbed his face and whispered to them as to not let the others hear, "The worst case that happens is I don't come back. So I need you two to keep everything calm."
 With a solemn look he continued, "I know it's gonna be hard, but I can see that you guys are leaders, you can handle this. This class will fall apart without you. So please, keep everyone and you two safe." 
The two males nodded and watched as Shota left the building. Katsuki quickly ordered Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, and Mashirao Ojiro to barricade the door. Izuku ordered Tsuyu Asui, Yuga Aoyama, Mezo Shoji, and Kyoka Jiro to gather supplies from the dorm and bring it to the living room as tonight they all planned to sleep here to watch over each other.
But as he did so he saw his other classmates with terrified faces and couldn't bear to see them look so sad. To ignore his thoughts he ordered the rest of the class that weren't doing anything; Fumikage Tokoyami, Toru Hagakure, Koji Koda, and Rikido Sato to try and contact the police or a rescue team. 
"Oh, my." Izuku heard Ochaco say, "You guys, look." 
He looked to where Ochaco was looking, it was the news. Izuku heard gasps as the news had said that everything was being closed down meaning there was no way to leave and every other channel said the same thing. It also showed burned down buildings, explosions coming from Musutafu, and people being eaten alive.
The last message it had said before the power was cut off was to stay indoors and to not be seen. At the mention of the last message, Class 3-A turned into chaos, “What are we going to do!?”
"I need to call my parents!" 
 "My family's worried for me!" 
"Please pick up, pick up!" 
"I need to leave!" 
Izuku's heartbeat was racing, What about my mother? 
Ochaco and a few others raced to the doors, "I got to leave, my parents are out there!" 
Katsuki responded back, "No! We have to stay in here were it's fucking safe!" 
The class had begun to shout, demanding Katsuki to move and to let them out. Izuku couldn’t stand their terrified yells and walked towards Katsuki, “Kacchan, let them go.”
Katsuki scoffed, "Are you fucking crazy!? Did you not hear what Aizawa just said? It’s not safe out there!”
Izuku then pointed at everyone, "Look at them! They're scared. They just want to go to their families! I want to go see my mom! See if she's alright." 
"No fucking way, Deku!" Katsuki shouted at him, "You'll die out there. They'll all die out there."
Ochaco stepped up, "We'll take our chances!" 
Katsuki scoffed once again as he stared at everybody, he then shook his head and told Eijiro and Tenya to open the doors, "Fine, but the second shit falls you all come back here."
The class nodded and one by one everyone left, the only few who remained were Katsuki, Tenya, Eijiro, Denki and Izuku.
 "What now?" Denki asked as he stared at his friends. 
"I'm going to look for my mom." Izuku said as he began to leave the dorms. Katsuki stopped him for a second, he nodded to Izuku, "We'll be here." 
Izuku nodded and stared at his friends for what was about to be the last time. He then left the dorms and raced his way home. 
The first time Izuku ran into a rotter he fell on his back. He watched as it ate another person. Of course he was mortified but he couldn't do much as it was already dead. He shook his head and ran to his home as fast as he could and when he arrived it was empty.
 His mother's shoes, Inko, weren't at the doorsteps, her purse, phone, and wallet was gone. 
“Did she try to go after me?” Izuku asked himself. He walked further to his house and tried ringing her but noticed that he had no service. He tried using the home phone yet only the deadline was heard. He turned on the tv only to be met with static, "Weird." 
He headed straight into his mothers room to see if she left anything, like a note as to where she might have been but there was nothing. Izuku sat down on her bed, his eyes catched a photo frame that was placed on the nightstand. It was a picture of himself, Inko and his father, Hisashi. 
Little by little, he felt his eyes begin to tear. What is he gonna do now? Where's his mother? What about his father? Is he safe where he's at or is it just as bad as it is here? 
Not knowing what else to do but worry, Izuku cried as he hugged the photo frame. He hugged it tightly as if it were to run away if he lets go. He sniffed and shut his eyes as he repeatedly told himself that this was all a dream.
He repeated it for two months until that day when Izuku sat on the roof of a police station. He had found a R93 rifle in the police station. He cleared the place out and stayed there when he found out that the police had its own sewer system. 
He took a shower there, ate can food, had enough ammo to last him for a couple weeks, and found a radio repeating the same thing, "Seek sanctuary."
Unfortunately, he had to leave his apartment as bandits came through. He grabbed the same photo that sat on Inko's nightstand and his notebook. Over the days, he wrote down every classmate's name, his friends name, and his family's name as a way to not forget them. He also wrote down how his days went to keep time moving. 
As Izuku sat on the police station's roof, he peered down as he heard shuffling footsteps. His heart stopped breathing once he saw who, or what it was. Her green hair wasn’t in a bun like always, instead it was messy and matted and contained dried up blood. 
She walked awkwardly. Her left foot didn't move; it just scratched itself against the floor and her other foot was bent, a bone sticking out. Her neck had visible flesh shown with dried blood. Her clothes were dirty yet it seemed to have fresh blood.
 It was clear from her mouth that was filled with fresh blood, she had just eaten someone. 
Izuku moved away from the edge and crumbled to the floor, he could feel his eyes beginning to water as he noticed his mother in such bad conditions. He gasped and rushingly wiped his tears, "That's not my mom, not anymore."  
With a heavy sigh, he sniffed and looked at what was once his mother. He perched his rifle on the edge and looked through the scope. Once he had a clear shot of it, he took a deep breath in and let it out, with a finale 'I love you', he let his finger press the trigger. 
Successfully, the bullet went through its head and Izuku watched as it fell.
He stared at its corpse for a few moments before getting up and going back down inside the station. He filled his yellow backpack with supplies and walked the opposite direction. With his mission finished, it was time to leave Musutafu.
 He walked the silent roads until he saw a figure laying down in the middle of the road.
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luffyvace · 10 months
list of characters i want to write for eventually
-You should be able to find the ones I’ve done in either one of the two masterlists I made (*´꒳`*)
( [cm] = coming soon)
( [ds] = I’ve done something similar)
nami (x female ✅ and male reader✅)
perona (x female reader) ✅
shigaraki (x female and male reader)
zoro (x male ✅ and female reader)
tanjiro (x male ✅ )
inosuke (x male reader ✅)
chuuya (x gn ✅ and female reader)
bakugo (x male reader ✅)
uraraka (x fem ✅ )
yaoyorozu momo (x fem chubby reader)
kirishima (x short fem reader)
shoto (x gn and male reader)
platonic shoto headcanons
tsuyu asui (x gn [ds] and male to female reader)
mina (x afab and gn reader ✅)
platonic yuga aoyama headcanons
sanji (x male ✅ and male to female reader)
robin (x male [ds] and female reader)
platonic brook headcanons
shanks as a older brother headcanons
ben beckman (x afab and amab reader)
uzui + wives (x afab and amab reader)
obanai (x afab reader [ds])
muichiro tokito (x male and gn reader)
general fukuzawa yukichi (bsd) headcanons
atsushi (x male, gn and fem reader)
Tanizaki Junichiro (bsd) (x male reader)
sero hanta (x gn reader and male reader)
what would mha character’s rename each other’s hero names to if they could/had to
uh i think that’s it for now. might add more to this list later. the list is kinda long so i’ll put a check if i’ve done it.
it’s not in any specific order btw these may get done at random. depends on my mood.
if you req them it’ll get done faster.
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helloiamadrawer · 9 months
Revenge at The Sports Festival (Aoyama x Reader + a sprinkle of violence)
Author's note: im sorry for all the mina fans out there who are about to witness this crazy piece of work i cooked up about a year ago so..yeah as for the rest of y'all plz enjoy this. ALSO the reader has a quirk called 'Phase Mirror' which is that you can summon a mirror but you have to think of the person first to transform BUT the only downside is that you can't use the users quirk but you have their strength, voice, agility, speed and physical features but unfortunately you're still a girl if you turn into a male character or not that's why this is a Fem insert ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
"We're gonna charge right along to the fifth match!" Present Mic's voice boomed through the arena.
Meanwhile, in your section, which was the section for each class in U.A you sat with your hero course classmates of Class 1-A. You sat beside Jirou and Tsuyu watching the two competitors walk out of the opposite sides of the arena doors. On the left, came out Mina. You didn't really like her because she was a little...much for you to handle, her personality only bothering you a little here and there. It kind of scared you at first, but when you first got to spar with her or anyone for training, you put all your inhibitions behind as in you don't care about how extroverted or shy they are. No fucks given, no questions. But not in a bloodthirsty villain type of way though.
Aside from that, from the right corner, out walked Aoyama, the most beautiful boy in the class..well that's what you thought of him as but you would never say it to his face. And every time he was talking to you or even within your eyesight you either stop what you're doing or you do something totally stupid because of how much you think of him. His shimmery indigo eyes, his shiny and clean blonde hair, almost everything you loved about him. But you'd never dare tell it to the girls, the secret would be out before it would be even told.
"Ribbit, hey y/n, you okay? You seem to be concentrating on this fight more than any of the other ones." Tsuyu asked in curiosity. It caught you off guard causing you to flinch a bit and yelp, " Huh?! Oh it was you, Tsu. Sorry. I'm just really looking forward to how this fight is going to go like."
Present Mic continues to announce the competitor's descriptions.
"Let's hope that stunning belt suits some kind of purpose it's Yuga Aoyama from the hero course!"
Aoyama flips his hair and smoothly greets with a suave "Bonjour~" as he sends a wink your way.
Don't even get y/n started about when he speaks French within his sentences. That's just an easy way to fluster her. Anybody who says otherwise of it being fake is getting a hand across their face. You just adore the way he speaks it with his sweet soft-spoken voice. A goofy smile starts to grow on your face but you instantly shake it off before anybody sees it. JIrou and Tsuyu exchange confused looks before Mina is announced,
"VERSUS!, Is there some reason for those horns on top of her head? From the same class, Mina Ashido!"
The crowd of heroes and Hosu citizens cheer for the combatants.
Booo. You mentally hiss at Mina in your head.
Mina gave Aoyama a sneaky-like chuckle as she confidently chimed, "This is gonna be a piece of cake." As she motions her fingers as guns in his direction. Aoyama responds, " I do believe you'll be eating those words mademoiselle~" as sparkles dance around him as per usual.
"C'mon Mina you can do it." Tsuyu encouraged.
Huh?! She's cheering for her? Does nobody else in this class believe in Aoyama except me?! You contradicted. Just then, another voice came behind you but more with a lisp.
"Don't show her any mercy Aoyama!"
You turn to the voice with a hopeful expression on your face but to your demise it was no one other than MIneta.
"Fight like you're in one of those video games where everyone's clothes get beaten off!" he hollers.
Yeah, that hopeful demeanor on your face disappeared in an instant, turning into a hate-filled frown as you turned back to see the fight. You could already hear Midoriya nerding out as usual as with every fight from below your row. Seconds later, the fight started as your eyes were glued on Aoyama as he thrusted his hips with his first shot of his Navel Laser. His quirk to you is very exotic as the name says but you never liked the torture it did to his body. Mina easily dodges the beam and starts to slide around the arena with her acid quirk from her feet.
Her quirk compared to your quirk is a big contrast as much as you two's personalities. Your quirk is Phase Mirror. You can summon a mirror that you can go through like a portal, but first, you have to think of the person you want to turn into before you phase into it. Unfortunately, there are two downturns from it: the first being that you can't work his/her quirk so basically it's a blank. But on the plus side, from physical appearance, you have it all, from eyes, hair, skin color, and sometimes their own voice along with their ability of speed, intellect, and strength. Which leads to the second downside: you don't have the person's height or other anatomical qualities you stay a female if you mirrored a male or not.
Back to the fight, you cold hear Mina state that she knows Aoyama's weakness and how they were on the same team when they did their first combat training. Aoyama just kept thrusting that laser around trying to aim for her. You wanted to scream at him that he can beat her and that you had hope in him. But you couldn't do that. Your teeth began to grit in annoyance from yourself Every stream of the glittery blue laser missed Mina by centimeters yet inches and then a slightly bigger beam was sent in her direction seconds later. Your eyes were not gonna miss a single millisecond of this.Then suddenly, the beautiful beam stopped. Uh-oh. You knew what that meant. HIs quirk was paying him consequences.
That bitch!
She planned this all along, she waited and skated around like a freakin' pro roller blader and dodged all his attacks until he couldn't shoot his laser no more, what a low move!
Your mouth stood agape for a minute as a short 'oh?' exited out of your throat. She then formed a small patch of acid in her hand and threw it at Aoyama's belt gem.
No! Not the belt, you monster!
Aoyama, shocked, started panicking about his precious belt being ruined. Oh, and ot didn't stop there, the acid that MIna catapulted at his belt also melted the waistband of his pants off which meant..yea. He got pants-ed. Which lead him to getting a sharp and triumphant uppercut from the pink alien. Suddenly, you saw everything start to move in slow motion as Aoyama, your light when you felt dark, fainted from the defeat/humiliation. Midnight declares Mina as the winner as the crowd cheered. You didn't notice you were just sitting there with a befuddled look on your face until Jirou tapped you on the shoulder and spoke, "Uh, y/n, the fight's over. What's with the face? It was totally obvious that Mina was going to win."
In this situation, you would have death stared her till the break of evening. So instead of doing said action, you chose to lie as you told it from your lips with a fake smile, "Well Jirou, my dear friend, i was just shocked from how she eagerly defeated him in the end." Adding a earnest chuckle whilst doing so, then lowly adding, "Never saw that coming from her."
After the match your class saw Aoyama as he was hauled away to probably Recovery Girl with his pants halfway up his waist with Mina watching the scene also. She puts her hands together with closed eyes and a cheeky smile as to say, 'Oh, sorry that i pants-ed you in front of the whole Hosu audience, ha ha ha ha' like it'll just go away.
"Dang, Aoyama went down hard! That's about the most quickest victory I've seen here Sports Fans!" Present Mic bellowed excitedly from the speakers. Still in the arena, Mina starts celebrating, throwing peace signs and laughing while the cameras snap at her as the crowd roars for her.
That's how you felt for her and her alone at this very moment. You couldn't bottle up anymore, you seeing Aoyama knocked out AND humiliated made you not just angry, but now hungry for something you rarely feasted for...
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insanesanitysparks · 11 months
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Thankfully Together MHA Ships/Writing Sparks for Nov.
I usually write character x reader plots, but I wanted to do some short posts for character x character pairings (that I ship). I'm going to attempt to do a different ship every day for the entire month of November (30 ships at the least though I may do more if I finish early). I'm currently short 3 ships.
I'd also be really interested in hearing what MxF character ships you guys would like to see, especially since I'm short 3 ships. If I get the time, or maybe for December, I'll focus on other people's ships.
If you want to use my list, by all means go ahead! Just send me the link(s) to whatever you write because I definitely want to read what you do with it! ^^
And without further adieu, my ships...adding links to this as I finish the one-shots, so this will be a sort of masterlist. Male x Female Ship Ship Name Prompt Idea
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity) Izuco - I think this sounds adorable Super sweet vanilla, first time shenanigans, cuteness overload.
Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Eishido or Eijido - kind of sounds like a martial arts name Feigning bravery, energetic, positive, partner oriented.
Mashirao Ojiro (Tailman) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl) Mashiru or Toro Kind of shy but definitely curious.
Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt) x Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack) Deka or Kyoki They strive to please each other but also battle for dominance.
Shoto Todoroki (Shoto) x Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati) Shomo - sho mo of those cute ships lol Traditional courtship to formal proposal and marriage.
Hanta Sero (Cellophane) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Hanna or Mita Party kids, kind of chaotic and wild without breaking rules.
Yuga Aoyama (Can't Stop Twinkling) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible GIrl) Yuru or To...ga - Yu ru the world Toga! xD Self doubt and insecurities. I want a blindfold.
Tenya Iida (Ingenium) x Mei Hatsume Tenei or Meiya Partners in profession and life.
Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief) x Itsuka Kendo (Battle Fist) Neika or Itsuto She fell in love while keeping him in line.
Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi) x Ibara Shiozaki (Vine) Fumira or Ibakage - personally like Fumira Mutual corruption. She saves, he curses.
Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight) x Setsuna Tokage (Lizardy) Katsuna or Setsuki Two powerful people get horny basically.
Mezo Shoji (Tentacole) x Pony Tsunotori (Rocketti) Meny or Pozo - Meny reasons to love this ship Size difference and cute cuddles.
Koji Koda (Anima) x Kinoko Komori (Shemage) Koko Animals eat mushrooms and Kinoko likes being appreciated.
Rikido Sato (Sugarman) x Reiko Yanagi (Emily) Rikiko Baking together, more than just bread. ;P
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x Rei Todoroki Enei - enabling...? Enji gives Rei control for a night.
Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Fuyumi Todoroki Keimi He was spying on Endeavor, she was silently rebelling.
Natsuo Todoroki x Melissa Shield Natssa - kind of makes me think of Natasha Romanov He's a programmer who foes to work with a machine specialist.
Kosei Tsuburaba (Tsuburaba) x Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) Koyu or Tsusei - Tsu sei call her Tsu x'D He's not sure how to feel about that tongue.
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi x Shino Sosaki (Mandalay) Naono Two leaders who relax with each other.
Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) x Ryuko Tsuchikawa (Pixie-Bob) Shoko or Ryuta Her clock is ticking and he likes desperate women...and cats.
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) x Yu Takeyama (Mountain Lady) Shiyu or Yuji She gets on his nerves but he loves her. They support each other.
Masaru Bakugo x Mitsuki Bakugo Maki or Mitsuru - I like them both Twist on traditional male/female household.
Hizashi Nishiya (Present Mic) x Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) Hizami or Emishi Similar chaotic energies. No wall is thick enough for these two.
Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Inko Midoriya Yako or Ingi He's like a father figure to Izuku and she loves that.
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) x Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) Sekimuri or Nejiro Kinky pair, blood and whips...they get it on.
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) x Kaoruko Awata (Bubble Girl) Miruko or Kaorai Behind closed doors she's serious and he's hilarious.
Danjiro Tobita (Gentle Criminal) x Manami Aiba (La Brava) Danami or Manajiro Little bit of an age gap, they found love in a hopeless place.
All for One (Original Shigaraki) x Inko Midoriya Shigariya He uses her for an experiment, plays 'god' with their child.
Ken Takagi (Rock Lock) x Mrs. Takagi No couple name, 'cause I can't find her name A devoted working father and his loving stay-at-home wife that he can't live without.
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sharuruwrites · 2 years
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Summary: An assassin questioned the artist where she got the audacity to touch him so freely.
Tags: Fem!Reader x Toji, Reader got drunk, Reader's friend is concerned about your roommate, Toji in denial stage, Tension so thick, Slight Dubcon, Body worship (male receiving), mention of sex and alcohol, unedited
Words: 1.6k
A/N: In celebration of everyone's favorite dilf, Toji Fushuiguro, and my friend asked me when's part two of Rent or Model. Also, I do apologize that it felt rushed, and this is something I want to get it out of my head.
This oneshot is inspired by my cousin's comment on a kpop idol's abs back when I was still a kpop fan almost a decade ago. She told me if she could, she would like to bite into idol's abs because they look like a pack of dinner rolls. So, thanks cuz if you stumble upon this fic! (^u^)>
Note: Aki isn't related to the one in CSM, but the name just popped up to my head.
"Dumbass," Your friend, Aki, looked at you. "Heh, you dislike called one, yet you respond to it."
Aki furrowed his brows, bringing the lid of his beer mug to his lips. "I hope you trip on your own shoelaces."
His threat caused you to chuckle. Almost a decade worth of friendship was enough to tell you that he didn't mean anything by it. If anything, you knew him so well that you have tales to tell that could make or break with his future partner.
"Anyways," Aki took the chance to talk in hopes of changing the subject. "What's with the sudden hang out? You barely went out unless you're shopping for groceries."
To be honest, your roommate, Toji Zen'in, was currently away on a mission. He didn't gave you an exact date he would be back as its been already a week. The only good side of his absence was the lack of noises you heard from his room throughout the nights of Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Why those specific days? You don't know as it's not your business who would be in Toji's bed.
Does Aki know you're living with someone who kills people for a living? No
Does your friend know you posted an roommate advertisement in some shady ass website? No
Does he know Toji's usual nightlife? No
If Aki knew about your roommate, he would turn his mothering and nagging up to its max settings. You appreciate his concern, but, honestly, his way of thinking was too normal for you. You needed something or someone that could spice up your mundane life.
Hence, the impulsive decision to get a roommate. So far, Toji was reliable enough when it comes to doing chores. But, you learned not to trust him shopping for groceries with your money.
Only for you to find out that he threw the money away on those horses and jockey. To be fair, he did win the highest bid on that day, treat you to dinner at a fancy restaurant in Aoyama.
"What can you say?" You swirled your glass of whiskey, the ice cubes clinked to one another. "I thought of changing my routine for once."
"Right…" Aki said, not believing you as he took a sip of his beer. "You didn't invite me because you're missing someone?"
Shit. Were you that obvious?!
"You kept looking at your phone at least ten times in thirty minutes." Aki added. "So? Who?"
An image of Toji's soft smile popped into your head. In response to both your friend's question, you shook your head.
"There's no one." You took another sip of your drink. "I'm content with being single for the rest of my life."
That's right. It would be better for you anyway. Yet, thinking about it left a bitter taste in your tongue.
And, that's the beauty of alcohol came in, to make you forget about it by drinking.
It's been 7 days since he left.
168 hours had passed since the last time his roommate saw him.
30 minutes he spent traveling from the airport to see you at your shared apartment.
Surely, nothing would change within a week, right?
"Who the fuck are you?"
The question left from Toji's lips upon seeing an unfamiliar man coming out of your room. He's average looking at its finest. It didn't helped that the black thick frames of his glasses sold the mundane look.
A new roommate? For fuck's sake, Toji knew you could and would be impulsive with your decisions, especially what happened last month from your request to be his model. But, seriously, it had to be a fuck buddy of yours?!
The bespectacled man sneered at him. "Who the fuck are you?"
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
Toji sighed, near the end of his patience. "I'm her roommate, Toji Zen'in."
He almost gagged on the spot after he said his last name.
"Aki Sakamoto, I'm a friend of the weirdo who's currently sleeping now." The bespectacled man crossed his arms, glancing at the door to your room. "How come she didn't tell me about having a roommate? I'll ask her the next time we meet."
"What? You're jealous?"
"Nope, that idiot is too weird for my type." Aki scrunched his face in disgust, sticking his tongue out afterwards. " I knew her long enough that if I date her, I feel like I'm committing incest."
Upon hearing the latter's words, Toji crossed out the possibility of you and Aki being fuck buddies. That's gre- Wait…Why did he felt a sense of relief from your roommate's words? That couldn't be right.
Maybe just maybe. Once you slept with him, the crush weird feelings he had on you would be gone within a snap of his fingers.
"Thanks for looking out on this weirdo in my behalf." Aki slightly bowed a little. "Despite how nonchalant she is, she does get a little lonely from time to time."
"No need for thanks." Toji waved his hand dismissively. "I enjoy the special company she brings."
Toji snorted at the sight of your friend's disgusted expression. "And, that's my cue to leave you with the drunk weirdo."
After your friend left the apartment, Toji chose to linger at your room. He began to think on the words that Aki told him earlier as he brushed off a stray strand of your hair from your face.
Honestly, it shouldn't surprised him, but it did. It's hard to tell especially with the eccentric outlook you had towards in life. Maybe, you did express it at some point throughout the months he lived with you. His job as an assassin prevented him from contacting you, or telling you when he would be back.
Because of it, you always ended up waiting for him.
He knew couldn't always be there for you, but heavens knew he would raise hell if something bad happens to you because of him.
His train of thoughts were derailed when he heard you groan from your sleep. He watched your eyes fluttered open as you try to sit up on your bed.
"Toji? Ish…zhat..you?" The alcohol in your system slurred your words. "I neeeeeed you…."
With a small smile and hands on his waist, Toji asked. "What is it that you need from me, doll?"
Without any word, you jumped onto him, throwing off Toji's balance. You both fell on the wooden floor with a heavy thud.
Fortunately for you, you landed on top of your roommate. As for Toji, he couldn't tell if it's a blessing or a curse to have you straddled on him. The disheveled look didn't help either. Your shirt was too big for you, showing the strap of your bra on one of your shoulder.
"Toji~" You sang his name, grasping the ends of his shirt. "I'll take a quick peek of it, okay?"
Winking at him, you pulled his shirt up, revealing his well toned muscles.
Your index finger lazily traced the outline of his defined abdominal muscles. Eliciting a groan from Toji much to his dismay. He bit his lip to prevent any more sounds coming from him as your lips became dangerously closer towards his stomach.
It took every ounce of his will to restrain the temptation to flipped you over and took you on the floor. His pants became tighter with frustration when your hand accidentally brushed against one of his thighs.
Fuck! Why was he acting like some horny teenager right now?!
"If I bite into this," You looked up, meeting his gaze while giving a quick lick to your lips. "Will it be firm?"
Before anything else could happen, whether it would escalate into sex or not, you passed out. Toji shook your body a couple times, only for him to confirm you're dead asleep from the soft snores he kept hearing.
Once he tucked you back in bed, Toji released probably the biggest sigh in his life. The frustration he felt knew he would have to spent a long time in the cold shower later.
'What the fuck did I do in my past life to experience this?'
The next day had arrived, and not so surprisingly, you woke up with a banging headache like someone ran you over with a truck.
Maybe you did, and by some miracle, you came out of the ER unscathed. Man, that would be one hell of a story to tell to Aki.
As you got out of your room, you gave your arms and legs a nice long stretch before noticing your roommate. He's currently sitting at the living room, but you noticed the slight dark circles underneath his eyes.
"Morning," You yawned loudly as you wiped the tears from your eyes before rubbing them. "You're back…how was the mission?"
Instead of an answer, he replied with a question of your own.
"Do you remember anything last night?"
"Let's see…I knew I went out drinking with Aki…" You closed your eyes, trying to recollect any memories that happened after your stupidity took over your senses. "My brain got fucked over by four full glasses of shochu, then I don't remember after that…"
Once you opened your eyes, it landed on a brown paper bag. It's sitting nicely on your dining table. Suddenly, you remembered what happened next.
"Oh!" You exclaimed, pulling out a a single piece of bread roll from the brown paper bag. "We went to a bakery for me to get something for today's breakfast, and then- Toji? What's the matter?"
"Nothing," Toji shook his head. "I'm a bit tired from yesterday's mission."
"Then, let me take care of today's breakfast…unless you want to get take out." You scratched your cheek. "I just remember I have a commission due next week."
'Out of all the people, it had to be this oblivious weirdo.' Toji thought.
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tokosparrow · 2 years
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-   “say hey toko !!” ★彡
★彡 you could call me toko!!
★彡 inbox is open so we could talk!!
★彡 please read my carrd in my bio before interacting!!
★彡 you could request anything art related as well but don’t be weird!
★彡 any fandom with a star will be made with joy since that’s my current hyperfixation and such!!
// let’s now talk about hashtags !!
#toko talks : where i talk about anything and to anyone :3 ; #toko draws : where my drawings will be sorted :3 ; #toko writes : where you could find my writing :3 ;
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will write !! //
- character x reader (ofc)
- i mainly prefer to write male readers but female readers are always welcome regardless (gender-neutral pronouns will be the norm though)
- headcannons
- fics
- platonic and romantic related stuff
- fluff, angst, comfort, or any other type you want, be specific as long as it’s not weird.
wont write !! //
- pedo related stuff
- proshipping
- gore
- nsfw
★ // ( i’ll add more later on if i need too )
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★ now it’s time for a character list !!//:
Marvel (MCU)
// loki, thor, peter parker, (+ possibly more, just ask :))
// max fischer
// stephen stills, wallace wells, matthew patel, gideon graves (+ maybe more, just ask to make sure!)
My Hero Academia ☆
// yuga aoyama, fumikage tokoyami, mezo shoji, izuku midoryia, shoto todoroki, juzo honenuki, shuichi iguchi, chizome akaguro.
Mr Osomatsu-san
// matsuno brothers, the riceballs (i’ll only platonic requests for them).
The Owl House
// luz, hunter, alador, belos (philip), the collector (platonic), hooty, king (doing platonic for them both as well).
Inside Job
// the gang, alpha-beta.
Saiki K
// kusuo saiki, kuriko saiki (i don’t really know if she technically counts)
Mob Psycho 100
// shigeo kageyama,
★ i’ll add more characters/fandoms that i feel comfortable doing later !!//
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★ other wise you could request me to write something or draw something (the rules i wrote also apply for art related stuff) !! //
-   bye bye !! ★彡
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hooman4ever1 · 3 years
!SFW! MHA Characts & What They Would Get Their S/O For Valentines
Contains:  Deku, Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima, Iida, Aoyama, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shinsou, Mirio, Tamaki, Aizawa, Yamada
Deku would give you one of his favorite All Might statues or he would make you a notebook filled with photos and entries recalling all your time together. The notebook will have lots of pictures, entries, along with small stories recalling the events. 
This angry pomeranian will drag you to the kitchen near dinner time and start cooking, bossing you around. The both of you end up making dinner together. At some point you got something stuck to your nose, Bakugou noticed and walked up simply licking it off and going right back to what he was doing as if nothing happened. 
Denki would honestly forget all about Valentine’s Day until it was the day of and he saw everyone exchanging gifts. The poor man will run around his apartment collecting anything he thought was cool that you would like. Everything will be shoved in an old Xmas gift bag and given to you with an awkward smile. 
Mans will plan a whole day of activities for both of you. From the second you wake up to when the both of you fall back into your shared bed you will be with Kirishima. He planned out a nice walk through a nearby nature reserve which ends with a picnic. After that, the both of you go to a nearby arcade or fair. All the while you are showered with gifts and kiss attacks. Throughout the day Kirishima had planned multiple restaurants for you both to visit along with all your favorite hang-out spots. 
Traditional flowers and chocolate along with a handwritten letter from yours truly. Iida would take the day off of work and spend it with you, he values time spent together above all else so he’s content to simply cuddle with you all day and watch some cheesy rom coms. 
He will decorate the entire apartment in the cover of shadows and you’ll wake up to Aoyama standing over you with an over glittery box of chocolates in hand. Will drag you out of bed and is 100% pure energy till the day ends. He takes you on a date, somewhere fancy where the both of you need to dress up. 
Todorki won’t really think about Valentine’s Day much until he hears Deku mentioning it while during a mission. After that Todoroki will look into things to do. Man will literally look up ���What to do on Valentine’s Day” and go with it. He ends up making you breakfast in bed and going for a walk in your local park. 
He prefers to stay indoors and spend time alone with you. The both of you will mostly end up going out in your pajamas stocking up on various snacks and scary movies for the day. Tokoyami will curl up with you in a blanket fort munching while holding you close smiling to himself whenever you jump closer to him. 
He acts like he doesn’t know what day it is going out for the majority of the day. Shinsou returns only to drag you out of the house surprising you by taking you out to your local park/forest only to lead you to where he had set up fairy lights and blankets. A nice picnic packed. The both of you will spend a good chunk of time stargazing and sharing small kisses. 
He can’t keep a secret for the life of him. You knew his plans long in advance and weren’t surprised when he was dragging you out of your home to take you rock climbing. Mirio will be hyping you up the entire time, even helping you on ones where it’s allowed to do it with a partner. At the end of the day Mirio will be telling you what an amazing job you did as the both of you made your way home. 
This sweetheart will be so flustered and at first, will go to Mirio for an idea as of what to do with you on Valentine’s Day. After that plan inevitably fails Tamaki will most likely plan some indoor activities for the both of you. Arts and crafts along with a few board games would be ideal for Tamaki. Just you and him indoors spending time together. 
DIY home spa day. Aizawa will go out the night before and get everything both you, him, and your many cats will need to have a wonderful at-home spa day together. He will have face masks and bubble baths ready for both of you. Even your cats will get pampered with treats and new beds along with cute little eye masks for each cat. 
He will get you both tickets to your favorite band. The both of you will be side by side dancing together to the live performance in front of you all while fanning over your favorite band member/singer, after the concert expect Yamada to be absolutely livid. Ranting and gushing about the concert.
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shigarakisbabyy · 2 years
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Fashion Show- Yuga Aoyama x Male Reader
I’m having so much Aoyama brain rot and these are the consequences. Hope you all like femboy!aoyama cause this fic has a lot of it
Warnings: none
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You were laying in your bed in your dorm room, scrolling through social media on your phone. Yuga had left a couple hours ago to go shopping at the mall with Mina and Ochaco, so you were a bit bored without him there. You had asked to come along a while ago, but they all said that boyfriends weren’t allowed to come along.
He should be getting back soon, if he’s true to his word. A lot of the time he gets back a couple hours after he says he will because he’s having so much fun with the girls that he forgets what time it is. You never mind, you hug and kiss him just the same whenever he gets back.
You rolled over to take a nap, knowing that when Yuga got home he’d wake you up.
Sure enough, the sight of pretty purple eyes and blonde hair greeted you as Yuga shook you awake, smiling.
“Morning, love,” You mumbled, rolling over to face him.
“It’s not morning silly,” Yuga laughed, gently kissing your forehead, “It’s 6 pm.”
You groaned. You definitely weren’t gonna be able to sleep tonight.
“Can I show you the clothes I got?” He held up the shopping bags in his left hand that he hadn’t put down yet.
“Of course, I was gonna ask you anyway.” You sat up and rubbed the last remnants of sleep out of your eyes.
Yuga quickly set his bags down and rummaged through them, pulling out a soft, baby pink, pleated skirt and a fuzzy pink cropped tank top with a bunny on it.
“Ooh!” You awed, “That one looks pretty.”
“I know!” Yuga smiled. “Whenever I saw it I knew I had to buy it. Now close your eyes, no peaking!”
You laughed and shut your eyes, covering them with your hands. You listened to Yuga undress himself and then put the new clothes on, waiting in anticipation to see how pretty he would be in the new outfit.
“Okay mon amour,” He said, “You can look now.”
You slowly opened your eyes and smiled brightly when you saw how beautiful Yuga looked. The outfit was practically made for him.
“Do you like it?” Yuga asked, outstretching his skirt and looking down at it.
“I fucking love it baby,” You giggled, crossing your legs.
“It’s very soft, I’m gonna be wearing this one a lot,” He said, reaching out and grabbing your hand to touch his top.
“You should, you look really pretty in it,” You complimented.
He smiled at your words, giving the back of your hand a kiss before returning it to you.
“Do a little spin!” You said.
Yuga quickly spun, his skirt twirling around his hips and wrapping around his legs when he stopped. You clapped and smiled, butterflies in your stomach from how pretty he looked.
The crop top perfectly showed off his soft yet contoured stomach and his defined collarbones. The color of his clothes mixed with his shiny lip gloss and hair style made him look dainty and feminine, like he was so cute you wanted to hold him and never let him go.
“Gorgeous,” You said, grabbing his hands when he turned back to you and wrapping him in a hug.
“I’m gonna try on the next one, close your eyes!” Yuga said, wiggling out of your hold and rummaging through the shopping bag again.
You shut your eyes again, grinning while waiting for him to get changed into his next outfit.
When he grabbed your hands and peeled them away from your eyes to let you see, you smiled at how adorable he looked now.
Yuga was wearing black jean shorts that didn’t even reach his mid thigh, black and green platform boots, and a black sweater with a little emblem of a green alien on the chest. A bit dark for his tastes, but he looked adorable nonetheless. Kind of like a black kitten with adorably huge, sparkly eyes.
“I wasn’t too sure about the colors on this one, but I think it looks really cute.” He smoothed out his sweater and turned his body around to see how the clothes fit on him. “I think Tokoyami would be a bit jealous of this outfit.”
“I think he would be,” You laughed, “But I think you sparkle way too much in this one for him to be jealous.”
Yuga cooed at you, then pressed a kiss to your forehead as a reward for your compliment.
“I have one more outfit to show you!” He exclaimed, diving back to his shopping bags again.
Already knowing drill, you shut your eyes and prepared for how adorable you knew your boyfriend was going to look when he changed again.
You heard the rustling of bags and shifting of clothes for a few minutes before Yuga peeled your hands away form your eyes once again.
He was now dressed in a light blue and gray schoolgirl skirt, high socks that stopped just below his knees, black wedged Mary Jane shoes, and a light blue baggy shirt with a design of cinamoroll on it.
“Oh my god this one is so cute!” You cooed, putting your hands on his forearms while you stared at his outfit.
“The shoes feel a bit clunky but I feel so pretty in this one,” Yuga said, looking down at his outfit with you.
“I think this one is definitely my favorite,” You said.
He smiled. “You don’t think it’s too feminine?”
“I think it’s perfect, feminine or not. Don’t be ashamed of liking girly things, okay?”
“Alright.” He pressed another kiss to your forehead. “Thank you.”
“No problem honey. You wanna cuddle and watch a movie now?” You offered.
He nodded and rummaged through his dressers, looking for nightclothes to get comfy in. You smiled and leaned back and grabbed the remote, switching on the tv. Fashion show nights were definitely your favorite.
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zeros-writing · 3 years
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This is a good idea!
Male reader
Class 1-A With A Pop Star
I think they'd all love it!!
Jirou would especially love singing with you and hearing you sing (or play instruments if that's your thing)
She'd also be great to ask for help with writing songs
Momo would love to make you personalized outfits for your shows!
With Ayoma giving tips of course! He wants to make sure you shine like the star that your are!
Kirishima will be your number 1 hype man, he'll be at all your concerts and even some rehearsals to cheer you on!!
Even though Bakugou may grumble when Kiri drags him to your concerts he's secretly always excited
Tokoyami will quietly support you, he's a secretly huge fan of yours and he has a lot of your merch hidden in his room
Iida would help you set up routines and would make sure you stay on track
Denki and Ojiro would insist that you teach them how to dance and would practice with you
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
Mind if I get a mini-fic where aoyama and his male s/o are sleeping together please (sfw) and to add some more fluff, his boyfriend is 220 cm
Falling dramatically onto the bed after changing into his silky pajamas, Yuga held his arms out towards you as you finished changing yourself. “I’m so tired..” Poor Aoyama was beat after a long day of training, not wanting to do anything other than take a bath and go to sleep once he got back to the dorms. Of course you joined him, because relaxing is always better when you have someone to cuddle with.
So you came over as soon as he texted you that he finished his bath, bringing over your pajamas and clothes for tomorrow since you had a feeling he would want you to stay. Of course, you were right, and you lied down next to your boyfriend and allowed him to cuddle into you. He hugged you tightly, letting out a pleased ‘hmm’ at your warmth.
“Let’s skip school tomorrow. Have a beauty day.”
“I don’t think the teachers will appreciate that.” You chuckled as he whined, and wiggled your body downwards on the bed so that you were face to face with Yuga. “I’m sorry love, but there's only a couple more days until the weekend and then we can have our beauty day.” You gave him a few pecks to cheer him up, and he sighed. 
“Fine, you’re right. Let’s sleep right now, I’m exhausted.”
Kissing his forehead, you nodded slightly before speaking, “Alright babe, love you~” Already half asleep, Yuga only whispered out a “Je’taime” before fully succumbing to sleep, and you soon followed suit. 
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sleepychai-fics · 5 years
Day 17: Rescue Mission
Pairing: Aoyama x Reader
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Words: 543
If you like my work, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi! (https://ko-fi.com/sleepychai)
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(couldn’t find a good gif so sorry)
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. The mission was supposed to be simple. Quick in and out recon mission in an abandoned part of town. Your last mission for the year. But you didn’t anticipate the weak structure of the building. 
Such a simple mistake that led to tragedy. All it took was one misstep, and the whole building caved in on you.
You're lucky enough to escape the rubble, but now you're stuck in a small space. You can’t move. Not without the threat of shifting rubble. The air is musty and humid and full of building particles. Oxygen is dwindling, you can feel it.
The atmosphere is cold, winter clearly showing no mercy. Your tattered costume barely offers any warmth. Hypothermia is setting in. You can feel it crawling through your bones.
You don’t know how much time has passed, or if anyone has even realised you’re gone. You can’t reach your phone. You have no way of contacting help.
You’re cold. You’re stuck. You’re alone.
As you lay there, trying to keep awake, all you can think about is Yuga.
Tonight you were supposed to come home to him. To celebrate Christmas with him. Celebrate the years you’ve spent with each other. Celebrate together with close friends and family. Be in each other's arms.
Now, you might not even make it out of here alive.
The distant yelling of voices causes you to flinch out of fear.
Someone is coming closer to you. Actually, sounds like a group of people. Are they friends? Are they enemies? Will they help you? Or will they simply ignore you? Maybe watch you rot in the rubble.
It’s so cold. You hope they’ve come to help you.
That voice. Could it be Yuga?! Is that him?!
That sounds like Hagekure now. She seems a lot closer.
You wriggle in your spot, despite your intense chattering, you speak.
All that comes out is cut off cries, barely audible. But it’s still enough.
Your vision is foggy with tears and black spots, but you see figures approach. A faceless figure approaches, you somehow manage to recognise her as Hagekure.
Vaguely, you feel her place her coat atop your chest, tucking it underneath the rubble that lays atop of you, providing you as much warmth as she can possibly give you.
Your perception of time starts to disorientate, an effect of the growing hypothermia.
One minute, you’re crying as gloved hands cup your cheeks. The next, the rubble is nothing but pebbles and your body is being heaved out of them and into a warm chest.
Bright specks obscure your vision for a second and it takes you more time than necessary to realise that it’s the sparkly cape you’ve come to love so dearly. It drapes across your body, providing the extra warmth you needed.
He’s here. He’s saved you. You’re safe. He has you in his arms, his warm arms and his warm cape surrounds you.
You’re safe. You’re warm. You’re tired. He can feel this too.
“Sleep mon amour. You’re safe now.” His soft voice is alluring. It only takes you one minute to let it soother you to slumber.
You’re alive, for one more Christmas with him.
Feedback and support is appreciated. Not proud with this one but I couldn't think of anything else. I’m sorry.
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carlgrimm · 3 years
Okay bc im ill im writing this
we all know Aoyama gets stomach aches because of his quirk
so cuddling with Aoyama
pulling up his shirt
just rubbing up and down his stomach
kissing it and just praising him
even if you cant physically make him feel better, you'll try emotionally
you know his quirk drawbacks upset him enough
it became a habit even when he wasn't sick
just praising his body, in more contexts than one
laying your head on his stomach even when you're just relaxing
didn't take long for it to turn into a way to relieve stress
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hotjellycow · 4 years
𝚈𝚞𝚐𝚊 𝙰𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝚡 𝚂𝙼𝚁
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍
Warning(s): none
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3rd POV 
It was a normal day at UA, everyone was happy and talking amongst each other like usual, but one thing was off, Aoyama.
The class 1A students all noticed how he was smiling a very warm smile towards his phone on and off, it worried some and others didn’t care.  
“Do you think we should talk to him or something?” Mina asked to Uraraka, “I don’t know maybe we should just leave it he looks happy.” She said 
“But it's just so weird,” Mina said staring intensely at Yuga. 
“H-hey Yuga, a-are you ok?” Deku stepped up and asked him, “Of course! Moi is absolutely fine!” he responded but he looked a little... nervous? 
“O-ok” he said and went back to his seat, but everyone knew something was wrong. 
{After school} 
Yuga got up quickly walked out the door, he speeds walked to the restroom and changed into some a white button up shirt and black tight jeans.
He walked out and speed walked out of the school gate down the streets towards a park, little did he know he wasn’t alone. 
Mina POV 
Denki, Kirishima, Bakugo, Jiro, Sero, and I were all following Aoyama because he was acting way too suspicious earlier.
“Why the FUCK are we following this baguette!” Bakugo shouted. “Shhhh! Be quite we can’t let him hear us,” I whispered to them 
“Why are we following him Mina, its creepy,” Sero whisper asked me, “He was acting weird earlier, so I think he has a a girlfriend or something.” 
“He could also have a boyfriend, you never now,” Kirishima said. “SHHH! Look there's a boy!” Kaminari whisper screamed while pointing. I turned my head and saw a tall, handsome (Hair colored male) standing there in a black t-shirt and black jeans, he had many piercings and tattoos covering his body. Aoyama went up to him and hugged him and kissed him on. The. Lips. 
Your POV 
I was waiting for my boyfriend to come at the park then I felt small arms wrap around my torso, I look down and see Aoyama snuggling into my chest.
I smirk and hug him back; he lifts his head up and kisses me on the lips.
I kiss him back until we pull away, he was blushing but had a cute smile a little different from his signature smile, it was softer. “Hello mon amour,” I said, he blushed more and smiled, “Hello mon amour, how are you? We haven’t seen each other in a while.” He asked me, “Oh I’ve been fine my dear, but I've missed your dazzling self,” I said moving a stray hair from his face. 
“Would you like to get going now dear,” I asked, he nodded, and we walked off hand in hand, but I heard some footsteps and voices, I turned my head back and saw nothing.
“Is there something wrong mon amour?” Aoyama asked me tilting his head up at me, I shake my head and turn back continuing to walk. 
We arrived at the small café it was a tad bit fancy but calm, I ordered some tea and sweets for us, we sat at a booth and began eating while talking with each other, I looked up outside the window and saw a very pink girl, a guy with red hair, an off brand Pikachu, a tape dispenser, and an... angry Pomeranian? As soon as I looked at them, they hid out of sight which I found strange.
 I shook it off and continued focusing on the conversation until I had to use the restroom, I stood up and excused myself for a moment and went to the bathroom.  
Aoyama POV 
(Y/n) went to the bathroom and I kept eating and checked my phone until someone sat next to me and in front of me, I looked up and saw my classmates around me.
“Darling! What are you all doing here?” I asked getting a bit nervous, “Well we noticed you were acting suspicious earlier” Mina said, “And we got curious, so we followed you” Denki continued. I went a little pale, “Oh darlings I know I'm sparkling but there was no need to follow me,” I said maintaining a calm persona. “We’ll get to the point fucking croissant, who the fuck was that guy!?” Bakugo asked, “Oh him he was just a friend dears,” I replied, “Oh really, you know we saw you kissing him earlier, is he still your friend,” Mina asked with a smug smirk on her face.
I blushed a dark red and stuttered a bit “W-ell you s-see-” “Aoyama what's going on?” We all looked up and saw (Y/n) standing there with a confused face. “Hi! I’m Mina Ashido, that’s Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Sero, we’re Aoyama’s classmates” Mina said shaking his hand, “Oh you’re the people who were following us earlier, well I’m (L/n) (Y/n) Aoyama’s boyfriend.” 
“You knew we were following you the whole time?” Sero asked, “Well you guys aren’t the quietest people, and saw you all earlier outside the café,” (Y/n) replied. 
“Well sorry to ruin your whole date we'll get going now,” Kirishima said pushing the others out of the café. 
“Oh, thanks it was nice to meet you all,” he said smiling and waving to them, then he turned to me, “Well they seem nice, would you like to go to my place now?”
He asked me, I nodded, and we were on our way. Once we got to his house we cuddled and watched a movie together with some drinks and snacks, “I love you mon amour,” “I love you too (Y/n).”
He cuddled into my neck and peppered kisses all around. I was squirming a bit, “You know darling I haven’t seen you in a long time, it was pretty lonely,” He said to me. “I was quite lonely too dear,” I said, “How about I remind you how much I love you,” he whispered into my ear causing a breathy moan to leave my lips from his hot breath.
I nodded my head shakingly, he picked me up bridal style and took me to the bedroom where we spent the rest of the night. 
{The next day} 
“Aoyama has a boyfriend!” Mina announced loudly, everyone gasped and turned to me I blushed dark and just walked to my seat. 
“Well no wonder he’s limping,” Tokoyami mumbled causing me to blush even darker if possible. 
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