#Aoki Jin
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years ago
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7 days to kanshasai!
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gabrielokun · 8 months ago
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thepixelblender · 1 year ago
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nightmare blunt rotation
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jkjmbtsarmy · 8 months ago
240809 BTS Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) Music Video - Behind The Scenes
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hoshimirufuri · 2 years ago
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year ago
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awesomecoolfandomart · 1 month ago
Please oh god of artistic talent and ability may you bless with me my shayla Jin Tendo in this trying time
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koko-na-d · 1 year ago
Mic Drop - BTS
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princesadaisy · 2 years ago
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part 2 of drawing the tosei boys--take, toshi, jin, and riou this time!--all that’s left now is kazu and junta, phew!! here’s part 1 in case you were curious :)
edit: part 3 is now done!!
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xoxolilicarabina · 23 years ago
Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side
Jin pondera o que fazer com o presente que acaba de receber.
Dura Pedagogia
Reiichi não quer sua aluna favorita com medo. Ele não gosta dela ferida, drogada ou angustiada. Mas se ela não seguir suas pequenas regras, ele deve forçá-las em sua mente e moldá-la na imagem que ele mais gosta.
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sunraysandrunway · 9 months ago
United Bamboo Fall 2006 Ready-to-Wear
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gabrielokun · 9 months ago
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
Hi P'ABL. Not sure if you have answered something like this before, I couldn't find it with search, but what are your favorite "Oh" scenes? Either "Oh I'm (or he's) gay" or "Oh I'm in love with this person". Asking this question after rewatching Ep 4 of Bad Buddy and watching Qian's reaction to seeing BL novels in Zhi Yuan's room.
Light Bulb Moments in BL!
Ooooh, good question. And no I haven't answered it before. You mean specifically the viewer coming to this realization?
My Favorite: Oh HE V GAY!
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Takara just looking at Amagi.
A reading K's mind in the elevator in either Cherry Magic.
The New Employee at the dinner party across the table from the boss with the two queers being like: "Us? Dating? Are you cray, we hella rainbow."
This moment in Jun & Jun:
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And then the "not instantly moving away" utterly flirtatious response.
City boy finding the hot farmer's little box of Pride on the shelf in Some More
To My Star - surprise robe flashing moment (I also love Addicted's execution of this one but it doesn't count as an ah-ha moment, just a big fat tease - pun intended)
This character's admission in Nobleman Ryu's Wedding:
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MinSung on that train with the earbuds in Wish You.
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Solo walking into that cafe in Oxygen.
Fighter meeting Tutor in Why R U?
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Step by Step at the gay club, I mean FINALLY.
I'll just call him my wife in SOTUS.
This scene in I Feel You Linger in the Air:
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My Favorite: Oh I'm in love with him
Eternal Yesterday, that damn look in the rain, holly hell (the cool thing about this one is ... it's mutual)
Aoki climbing into the plastic bag in My Love Mix-Up - I mean, COME ON, how gay is that? "oh no! I'm into love with him, I am trash, must be ultra dramatic about it"
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Unintentional Love Story the agony of realizing he's in love with someone he has to deceive and betray - those EYES
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Mark running after the Taxi in Love is Science?
Ai's "what is going on" in Love By Chance
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Pete's AH HA moment in Kiss Me Again
Pretty much most of Love Sick. It's kinda the point of the show. But you can never get away from this one:
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Possibly one of the most iconic moments in all BL.
Anytime the character starts swearing and is mad at himself when he realizes he is in love: Semantic Error, The Eclipse.
Pretty much all 3 leads swapping both of these "ah ha" moments back and forth in Light On Me
Honorable mention: Someone ELSE in the story's "oh HE'S in love with him?!"
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PitchBank, need I say more? (Golden Blood)
Takara's bestie just focused in on Takara's actions around Amagi for the whole day at school and then being like, "Oh I was teasing them but my friend is IN LOVE. Activate WINGMAN mode."
Are we surprised Suzuki Jin appears twice on this list?
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Also no shocker this list is full of JBL, they very good at this kind of thing since a lot of it is eye work and thirst.
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bengiyo · 10 months ago
My Love Mix Up Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Before we begin, a disclaimer: I watched Kieta Hatsukoi in 2021, and I read the source material for this project last year. I will be reacting to this project as an adaptation and my commentary will carry elements of comparative analysis. There will most certainly be spoilers. Read at your own risk.
With that out of the way, let’s see if GMMTV can adapt another TV Asahi project with a branded pair.
Chokun has decent resemblance to Suzuki Jin, they both resemble Aida, and it feels like he got that character pretty easily. Casting directors ate twice.
I am glad the costuming and hair departments understood that adapted manga characters requires you to pay attention to some of their key physical characteristics, especially when there will be jokes around changing them.
I’m glad they kept Atom’s overdramatic imaginary fantasies.
I feel bad for the boys having to film on the rooftop. Rooftop scenes are important in a lot of the J-BL, so they have to mimic that part of the experience. Unfortunately, it’s so hot in Thailand.
I like Kongthap/Ida every time. He’s very considerate of others, and I like the setup encouraging Atom to understand why someone might like Kongthap.
Weak extension on that arm, Atom!!
Goddamn there are a lot of sponsors on this show.
I’m okay with them swapping volleyball for basketball. It’s still a team sport.
Aungpao spotted! His skin looks great.
He’s not wrong. Kongthap does look sick.
Okay, I really hope we get to meet the Thai version of Half’s family. That would be a real treat.
I do like when they make athletic boys pretend they’re bad at sports.
I feel like this veggies joke was written about Fourth and Gemini specifically.
I hope the teacher is aware of the crushes and actively trolling. I know I would assign students together when I knew about their crushes.
I guess Kongthap won’t have a dog in this version.
Okay, but Atom really did look like he was about to fling himself off the roof.
Kieta Hatsukoi really feels like the beginning of the “let me think about it” era.
I don’t remember a cat being involve originally in the manga, so someone else can comment on that. I was surprised by how little of the base plot they got through this episode, and that they already added in the whole PE bit. I don’t know that making Fourth and Gemini fight their instincts was necessarily the right call. Aoki is a high-energy, over-expressive character, and I think Gemini would have been more suited to Atom than Fourth. Fourth showed real drama chops in Moonlight Chicken, and would have been better suited to the seriousness that Kongthap/Ida has to carry. It’s tough, because it meant that this episode felt a little flat, which is not a feeling I associate with this series. Hopefully it picks up speed next week.
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hoshimirufuri · 1 year ago
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voca-song-a-day · 3 months ago
Last year, I did a little end of the year recap of what the most featured Vocaloids and Producers on this blog were, and so here's one for this past year, too!
Since the last one was the first ever one I did, I just posted the overall numbers for this blog; this time, I'll be doing a top 10 Vocaloids and list of all producers with 3+ songs featured for 2024 specifically, and then you can check under the read more to see an update of the all time rankings for all vocal synths, and the 15 overall most featured producers on this blog so far (including ties).
Here are the lists for 2024, counting all songs posted from Jan 1 2024 through yesterday (December 31st)!
(The number next to each name is how many songs I posted featuring them in 2024, including solos, duets, group songs, etc)
CircusP- 7
Madoi, Nejishiki, Niru Kajitsu, Inabakumori- 5
Mothy, Sasakureuk, Kikuo- 4
GHOST, Hynome, Iyowa, John, KIRA, KurageP, MachigeritaP, Nem, Niki, nyanyannyan, PinocchioP, r-906, Re:nG, Shigotoshite, SLAVE VVR, UtsuP- 3
Hatsune Miku- 99
Flower- 31
GUMI- 26
Kagamine Rin- 20
Megurine Luka- 16
Kasane Teto- 15
IA- 14
Kaai Yuki- 12
Otomachi Una, Kagamine Len- 11
And the overall numbers for this blog so far:
A name in bold indicates that producer moved up at least one spot from where they were on the top 15 list in 2023
A name in italics indicates the producer is new to the top 15 in 2024 (i.e. was not in the top 15 by the end of 2023)
The numbers next to each name (+#) are the amount of songs they were featured in on this blog in 2024, the numbers at the end of the row are the overall total number of featured songs
CircusP (+7)- 32
PinocchioP (+3)- 30
DECO*27 (+2)- 23
40meterP (+1)- 21
GigaP (+1)- 19
Neru (+1), Hitoshizuku & Yama (+2)- 18
Rerulili (+1), Niki (+3)- 16
MikitoP (+1), Re:nG (+3)- 15
GHOST (+3), KIRA (+3), KurageP (+3)- 13
Nayutalien (+0), MachigeritaP (+3), Mothy (+4), Sasakureuk (+4)- 12
*Luna (+1), MARETU (+1), UtsuP (+3), Kikuo (+4), Nejishiki (+5), Niru Kajitsu (+5)- 11
JesusP (+0), HoneyWorks (+0), Kairiki Bear (+1), Jin (+1), OSTER Project (+1), PeperonP (+2), EZFG (+2)- 10
HachiojiP (+0)- 9
EmpathP (+0), Reol (+0), Mitchie M (+0), Hachi (+0), MASA (+1), Hiiragi Kirai (+1), q*left (+1), UtataP & Tory Hitsuji (+1), Kanaria (+1), Kemu (+1), Otetsu (+2), YurryCanon (+2), Inabakumori (+5)- 8
Tohma (+0), WhiteFlame (+0), Matsubi (+1), Last Note (+1), NatsuP (+1), CosMo (+2), KEI (+2), Shu-tP (+2), Nem (+3), nyanyannya (+3)- 7
A name in bold indicates that vocal synth moved up at least one spot from where they were on the overall list in 2023
A name in italics indicates the singer is new to the list in 2024 (i.e. had not been featured at all yet by the end of 2023)
The numbers next to each name (+#) are the amount of songs they were featured in on this blog in 2024 (singers new to the list do not have this number, as it will usually be whatever overall number they are featured next to), the numbers at the end of the row are the overall total number of featured songs
Hatsune Miku (+99)- 487
Kagamine Rin (+20)- 165
GUMI (+26)- 162
Kagamine Len (+11)- 131
KAITO (+32)- 101
Flower (+31)- 95
Megurine Luka (+16)- 83
IA (+14)- 75
MEIKO (+10)- 44
Yuzuki Yukari (+5)- 26
Kamui Gakupo (+3), Otomachi Una (+11)- 25
MAYU (+2), Kaai Yuki (+12)- 21
Luo Tianyi (+1), Fukase (+3)- 19
Lily (+3)- 16
Kasane Teto- 15
VY2 (+2), Meika Hime (+3), MAIKA (+3)- 14
SeeU (+3)- 13
Nekomura Iroha (+2), Meika Mikoto (+4)- 12
UNI (+3), KAFU*- 11
Xin Hua (+1), Oliver (+1), Xingchen (+2), Aoki Lapis (+4)- 10
VY1 (+1), Dex (+2), YANHE (+2)- 9
Yuezheng Ling (+1), Yohioloid (+2), SF-A2 Miki (+3)- 8
Rana (+1), Sonika (+1), Kizuna Akari (+2)- 7
Utatane Piko (+1), Merli (+1), Miriam (+1), Hiyama Kiyoteru (+4)- 6
Tone Rion (+1), Cyber Diva (+1), Galaco (+1), Kokone (+1), Lumi (+1), Yuezheng Longya (+1), Koharu Rikka- 5
CUL (+0), Daina (+0), Kyo (+0), Haruno Sora (+1), Anon (+1), Kanon (+1), Clara (+1), Macne Nana (+1), Ruby (+1), Sweet Ann (+1), Yuu (+1), Yumemi Nemu (+1), Zhiyu Moke (+1), Adachi Rei, SEKAI- 4
Mew (+0), Mo Qingxian (+0), Prima (+0), Wil (+0), Chika (+1), Tohoku Zunko (+1), Zundamon, Yamine Renri*- 3
ARSLOID (+0), Leon (+0), Lola (+0), Mirai Komachi (+0), Sachiko (+0), Bruno (+1), Haiyi, ONE*- 2
Azuki (+0), Cyber Songman (+0), Gachapoid (+0), Tonio (+0), Asane Ema, Po-uta, Utane Uta, Gekiyaku, COKO, Tsurumaki Maki, Chis-A, Shikoku Metan, HARU, Hanakuma Chifuyu, Saki, Eleanor Forte, KIRUNE, RIME, Makimiya Fuuki**,HAM**- 1
*2024 was the first year that I featured non-Vocaloid specific solos, but a few non-Vocaloid vsynths appeared in duets or group numbers previously, so their 2024-specific numbers are: KAFU (+9 this year, 11 total), Yamine Renri (+2 this year, 3 total), ONE (+1 this year, 2 total)
**Ham and Makimiya Fuuki didn't appear in any songs posted in 2024, but did appear on duets in a previous year, and were not included on the list until now due to being non-Vocaloid synths
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