#Anyways yeah Aikatsu planet is so good.
lyralumina · 4 years
So it recently (like a week ago, I just watch Aikatsu planet late) occurred to me that Meisa returns to Aikatsu Planet as Rose and that is very interesting considering that she left Aikatsu Planet without much of a warning and left Mao to pick up Hana and basically commit identity fraud while most of the world has no idea what’s going on.
Also interesting because Rose is a flower type user and Meisa’s Hana used flower types as well and Meisa still has the Luxe Sunflower coord so I suspect that when Rose battles Hana she will be using her Luxe Sunflower coord or not considering I don’t think you can level up a final level (level 8) swing coord to another level 8 swing coord but I mean Rose does seem very endgame so the battle could be a restricted battle, it is all very interesting.
Episode 4s “You are you. Be yourself, don’t fit into someone else’s image of you because you are you and that’s already so lovely.” message can apply to Meisa being Rose because if Meisa left Aikatsu Planet so suddenly then perhaps Meisa was sick of being Hana, she didn’t want to be at the top like that, not when Hana aesthetically did not fit the flower type theme anymore and she just left. Rose fits the flower type and that is already enough for Meisa. She just wants to start anew perhaps but she will be talking to and battling against Mao/Hana because why wouldn’t she?
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pretty-idol-hell · 3 years
Kiratto PriChan 152
Do you know anyone who stopped watching PriChan during the first season because they thought it was boring and/or didn’t like how they took the magic out of it and tried to make it “realistic”?
Show them this episode. 
Or if you are that person please watch it. 
I really want the reaction of someone who has only seen a bit of season one, and then just goes STRAIGHT into this episode blind. Because omg.
So Luluna and Solulu were the first mascots from the virtual world to pop out of a microwave and make contact with humans. 
I’m not sure why this means they get to change color palette in the dark but
So.................... so...................................... BAAAAASICALLY...........
Aikatsu Planet is Pokemon aaaaaand PriChan is now Digimon. 
But really though. REALLY. This is exactly how I interpreted it. PriChan has a Digital World where data takes on a life of its own and forms creatures  i.e. Digimon I mean mascots. But like REALLY THOUGH. I’ve already compared the mascot forms to Digimon evolution. Not to mention the relationships they form with the idols are incredibly reminiscent of the chosen and their partner Digimon. So like goddamn.
So anyway apparently a bunch of computer bugs have gathered together in space (?????????????) creating a black hole of bugs Solulu calls the “bug hole” and now it’s going to destroy the Earth. Solulu has known about this for a while but he needed to make up with Luluna first before they could deal with it.
Also Luluna is a tsun for Solulu now ヽ( -_-)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Solulu and Luluna go to space to perform in order to save the world but fail before they can even reach the chorus. (Okay that was freaking hilarious.)
Anju then takes to the sky on Hakkucho to head into combat tell the Designers 13. (DAMMIT!!) 
So as Solulu and Luluna float in space defeated we learn it turns out the entire reason we’re all doomed is because the Miracle Kiratts and Kirachu performance was SO POWERFUL it fueled the bug hole (something about positive and negative energy) and sent it rocketing into the Earth even faster. Not realizing this caused Solulu to underestimate its power. So yeah the PriChan finale is about Miracle Kiratts almost unknowingly destroying the world by being good idols.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Mirai and the others realize that they can use Daia power to go to space, however they need more power to bring all of them. So the girls broadcast and their video gets enough likes to send the castle to space. Yeah apparently all they needed to do was to have a bunch of people press the “like” button and
I repeat
Their video gets enough likes to send the castle to space.
(And yes Yui is spending this valuble time making rice balls.)
So now they’re just in space and they can breathe because something something kira kira mascot power.
But the performance... AMAZING. When Solulu and Luluna joined in AA... AAAAAAAAA.... BUT............... BUT........ WHAT A TEASE. To show Anju and the others but not actually show them performing or give them verses!?? BOOOOOOOO. 
(Edit: Okay I checked the credits and they do sing on it at least. But still.) 
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I rewound this scene because I was like are Emo and Anna having such a good time they are just beaming a giant sparkle at each other but then I was like oh it’s the background. But that made me notice Daia and Mirai with the HANDS LOOK AT--
So Solulu and Luluna decide they are going to pull a Blackwargreymon (SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS--) and leave to become a barrier to protect the earth from future bug attacks. Of course this devastates Alice and Eve, especially with how abruptly the leave (JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ). But, at least they have each other.
So Miracle Kiratts finally gets their parade, referencing the first ED of the season (CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE). 
So I didn’t have anywhere else to put this and I doubt anyone else cares but I really just loved the spotlight they put on Emo’s grandmother in this episode. Other people might find it random but I don’t at all because the first episode to feature her in season one really left an impact on me and made me feel a lot better about PriChan at the time. So it really helped tie the series together for me. 
Next week looks like it’s going to be the epilogue episode and I’m glad. Ending things with a bang is great but I also appreciate them taking the time to slow down and wrap up the show in a nice bow. Thank you. Thank you PriChan. For everything.
Edit: Wait. About the microwave. Are they maybe saying that the microwave that brought Solulu and Luluna to the real world actually made them real???? They don’t literally say that bUT... it would explain why their color palettes change. *small head explosion*
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millepara · 4 years
aikatsu planet ep 4 thoughts (‘why did they-- wait, what? so what was the point of--’ just a lot of me doing that)
mildly upset that these students lovingly making fun of each other seem more natural than the main actors
Kyoko’s... fine? I guess? I really want to like her more than I do. this is clearly supposed to be the ep where the newbie mc follows around the senpai idol to learn valuable lessons about hard work as an idol, but in Planet they’re all still attending regular school so they’re just like watching her show off in her various clubs... I obviously don’t have anything against characters who are good at everything (points to fav chara track record) but... this has nothing to do with being an idol, so... why are we here. just to establish Kyoko as a yamato nadeshiko, I guess
Mao’s big bro is the student council president.
there’s a school rule that says they’re only allowed to sneeze 3 times in class. oh! apparently Kyoko was the one who proposed that girls be able to wear pants instead of just skirts at school. I was wondering why they chose shorts for her uniform other than it just being a hint at her alter ego Beat bc skirt seems more obviously yamato nadeshiko, but there’s backstory support for it too.
Kyoko has a secret room? why? how? does the school know about it? I’d like to think that it’s an illegal room she secretly commandeered. guess this is going to be the idol hangout from now on
the school DOES NOT know about it!! Kyoko is a criminal!!
oof... Kyoko’s voice is not made to come out of an anime character (imo) (imo)
wait, how does eating work in aikatsu planet, anyway?? does the food you eat in planet sustain you in the real world too? if so, wouldn’t it be relatively easy to solve world hunger with digital aikatsu planet food???
guys in planet! confirmed
love that some of them have colorful designs too. looks like boys are able to design their own avatars, and not just girls!!
apparently Hana (Meisa v.) was never seen together with other idols.
instead of making Mao suffer about how she has to pretend to be someone she’s not.... why not hold that press conference already?! god
litter still exists in aikatsu planet. guess it can’t solve all the world’s problems
inspirational message from Beat about aikatsu planet being a place where you can truly be yourself, whether it’s a girl wanting to be a bodybuilding guy (hell yeah) or a child wanting to be one of these flower-exchanging adults in some stage of a relationship (I REALLY HOPE NOT, BEAT!?!?)
Beat’s gotta win the dressia appeal... yeah, she did. thank god bc Hip-Hop Break is my least fav music type coord, I like this performance 200% more with Bloody Rock. though it is the song I’ve played most on the game so I admit I don’t feel as wowed by it as I have the last 3... that’s my own fault though
just like in the first ep, Hana won in dressia points only, but this time she lost to Beat. so the lesson here is that everything’s made up and the points don’t matter!!
“The dressia battle was so passionate!” was it. in what way.
the skateboard boys were unnamed but one was voiced by Arthur Lounsbery? what! give him a name! make him a recurring character
next is a drama ep about Cinderella. this week I kind of felt like all of the significant stuff happened in the animated half of the show, and the live-action half could’ve been condensed to like half the time w the exact same effect on the ep overall... I am afraid to experience that feeling next week as well with a drama ep that only Hana and not Mao can try out for...
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lunawings · 4 years
Aikatsu Planet 2
As long as YouTube allows I’ll keep watching I guess ahah. 
This is unrelated to this specific episode, but I realized I’m going to have a really hard time picking a favorite on this show what with the heavy focus on the real actresses. I usually pick my favorite voice actors/actresses based on one of two things: a.) Really enjoying the character they play, and then finding out they are cute too or b.) Not particularly being interested in the character they play, but falling in love with their natural charm at events. 
I’m having trouble learning who is who because they look nothing like their anime characters, nor do their anime characters have distinct personalities since multiple people can play them(?). And it’s hard to get attached to them as people since they act so uNnAtURal on the show. I know I should probably be watching their other stuff, but I don’t want to get TOO attached since I’ll probably never see them live. This is kinda the reason I never got into the old voice actresses. Aikatsu has always kinda fallen by the wayside vs. the other idol series I’m into so I never made it to any concerts. Anyway. 
Aikatsu Planet is shaping up to be a good series based solely on the fact that
Hana actually lost and dipped in the ranking oooOOOOOooooOOOOOHHH
(Yeah I know she’ll be back but still.)
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venus-says · 5 years
Kiratto Prichan Episodes 59-64
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Welcome back, Meltic StAr!
I bet you thought I forgot about Prichan right? This gonna sound like a lie but I didn’t, for real. XD
The problem Prichan has is basically the same one as AiFure, the subs come out late and things just pile up. Last year I used to watch Prichan without the subs as normal because I wasn’t as invested in the story and if I felt like I was missing out on something I could check on tumblr and see what actually happened. But this time around I actually wanna know what's going on with these characters, especially for this batch of episodes that give major focus to my favorite members of this cast.
But anyway, I got a lot to cover so let's get right into it.
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Episodes 59 and 60 are pretty boring. 59 is one to try to promote the new rarity in the game while 60 is to promote the new toy, and I didn't really care for neither of them.
59 had some cute moments on it, specially Daia she was pretty adorable on this one. The owners of that bookstore were also fun sometimes, and I do like the idea they came up to save their business. But the rest of the episode I just couldn’t care less, boring stuff from left to right.
Episode 60 I had quite a lot of problems with it. First I don’t like how they made Mirai so over-obsessed about the palette thing, as far as I know, she never showed signs of being crazy over something at this level before and is just awkward. Second, I don’t like how they make the design palette be such a big deal when we probably won’t see it again after maybe one or two months, also if it’s such an important and rare thing why would Aira give it to Mirai? It makes no sense to me. And in overall it’s just not an interesting episode at all. IF only IF, the new Prism Stone uniform was good I think I could give it a pass and say at least something good came out of it, but these new ones are nowhere near the ones from S1 so...
I think I would've liked 59 more if instead of a repeat performance of Rinka we got one in that Snow White coord. If they still wanted to use Yumeiro Energy it'd be fine for me, I've come to accept this song more from the last time I did one of these, but still I don't think that Miracle Idol coord fits neither the song or the stage and is just a generic group coord because they were lazy to make new performance coords for each new song. But nothing could save 60 for me, not even Super Cutie Super Girl.
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Episode 61 is when things get interesting again because MELTIC STAR!!!!!!!!!
The first episode of this mini ark is great, I was surprised by how much I liked this one since it was very focused on Emo and Oshama Tricks was a big part of it as well, and these are normally two elements that if put together could make me go crazy and bored because I don’t like neither of them. But in this one, it worked very well and I enjoyed this episode a lot.
They’ve made a very good job showing how important Anna is for Emo even though they drive each other crazy, and because it was so well done that you can really feel both Emo sadness for thinking that everything was just a lie and her happiness right after as soon as the girls introduce themselves on stage.
If there’s only one thing to complain about this episode is that Meltic StAr’s new unit coords are weird as hell, I really dislike them and I don’t get why they would go with this aesthetic for them. Maybe if these were introduced with a new group song that had this Circus vibe to it I wouldn’t dislike it as much, but since that’s not the case I can’t like them, at least not yet.
I also don’t understand why they would have to announce they’re taking part in the Jewel Auditions since I though everyone doing prichan was eligible for it, but this is honestly just a minor nitpick and not a problem per se.
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The next two episodes are used to finally cement Meltic StAr as active parts in this season this gets evident by looking at the opening that features them on it.
I think that, to me, the best that episodes 62 and 63 do is creating bonds between Meltic and Ring Marry, and I’m not saying this just because the 5 of them are my favorites and I love to see their interactions. I promise. I think it is just natural having the two groups together when you consider that Kiratts and Daia have a strong relationship and this has left Maria and Suzu behind for a little.
And honestly, both groups work really well together. Even though both episodes are mainly focused on Mel and Suzu, they still add some other nice little touches to it like for example, saying Sara knows Maria’s channel. Sara loves cute things so is just natural that she’s aware of Maria’s channel. Are small details like this that make me appreciate and enjoy these episodes a little more.
These episodes are so well constructed that they alone made me raise Suzu in my faves list, I really enjoyed seeing her with Mel and seeing how they’re very different from each other which makes possible for both of them to learn a lot from their time together. Given that in both episodes Suzu basically was the one in charge of learning rather than teaching, I believe Mel was able to extract some good this from this experience as well.
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Talking about 63 more specifically, I have two problems with it. First is Mel getting jewel chance in the first episode she performs alone in this season, I already mentioned that I don’t like this but since it seems this is the trend for all idols who were already a part of the original cast I can let it pass, also Universe Queen jewel coord is gorgeous and probably my favorite of all we’ve seen so far so this makes me even less mad about the whole situation.
The second is that part where Mel insists for Suzu to sing, I know it’s a minor moment, it goes very quickly, and it’s there just to consolidate even more the fact that Suzu doesn’t want to sing yet. I also know that Mel had good intentions there, but I still don’t like it. As someone who constantly has people trying to force me into doing things I don’t like/want, I can’t stress enough how bad this is.
Thankfully this episode does so many other great things that in the end they overcome these bad points and results in a good episode. My favorite bits being all the moments where Mel was the most hyperactive kid on the planet. Gosh, I love her so much. ALSO, Mel promoting education and saying that learning is fun is very valid.
The highlight of this episode is definitely Mel’s performance!!!!! What a great song it is!!! I have the same problem as before where the Circus Ringmaster Coord doesn’t fit the song and the stage, but I still enjoyed every single bit of it. Even using the repeated stage was good, I think the Amusement Park stage works better here than the palace stage and the sweet shop stag does for Mirai and Rinka’s song. I must say, I didn’t expect Mel’s song to be like this, I expected it to be more like Cometic Shilouette, but I really like it and it fits Mel PERFECTLY. I also think the Meltic StAr generic Yattemita for this season is better than the Kiratts generic one so that’s another plus for this performance.
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Closing up this batch the show goes down again in Episode 64. I really don’t like this episode, I really don’t see the point of it and the execution of the thing was kinda wonky.
This Daia Fest was very confusing. First, I don’t get the concept of going through a competition to win a single piece of a coord. I know this is something they do since the Pretty Rhythm days but still, I don’t get it.
Second, I don’t understand why the only two participants are Mirai and Mel, I’d think that more idols would get jewel coords as well, it’d be a good way to showcase in the show that the jewel coords come in various colors in the game. Making the two of them the only competitors make the competion even more pointless.
Third, I don’t get how someone could come out victorious of this thing, they’ve done the exact same thing with nothing different being added to spice things out. Yeah they performed in their Jewel Coords, but in general they share the same value so, is not like they’ve done anything special.
Fourth, Mirai’s victory feels empty. They tried to set up a conflict with Mirai not knowing what her dream was but they don’t do anything with it. If they made Mirai lose they could give her an ark about finding herself, and finding a dream for her and make the culmination of all that be really amazing. But no, she’s the main character so we have to give everything to her very easily.
But to not say I dislike everything this episode has done, I liked the excuse they came up with to why Rinka didn’t got in, I think this thing she has with her mom is very funny and probably the only thing I REALLY like about her.
Oh there’s also Naru who’s in the middle of love and hate. I do like her character here but since I never watched the PR season she’s from I have this sensation in the back of my head that i’m already loosing lots of information about this character, even though like Aira she’s not the same naru from Pretty Rhythm and technically all we’re seeing here is new.
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And this is it for now! It took me way longer than I wanted to write this down but I’m finally done.
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Maria is very relatable.
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Despite all the bad things I had to say about these episodes, I can’t deny that we got some very adorable shots from them. LOOK AT IT, THEY’RE SO CUTE.
Now that’s everything I had to say.
I’ve already watched Episode 65, but I’m leaving it for its own post because I have lots of things to talk about and this post is already long enough as it is. I’ll probably post it later today by itself or tomorrow with Episode 66, it will depend if Aikatsu subs will be coming out today or not. Regardless, the symphoger review will be out very soon, I’m finishing up some things here and I’ll be watching the episode in no time.
See yall soon (very soon this time, I promise).
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