#Anyone want a crossiant?
yejehehe4746 · 10 months
I can’t breathe …
*he’s visibly shaking but trying to hold his arm in place*
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ladyserqet · 1 year
My Sexy CEO
Today was going to be just another day at the office. Or so I thought. Phone calls, memos to type up, morning meetings, and coffee runs. This was my life as the secretary to our CEO, Mr. Yoo Kihyun. I didn't hate my job. I guess I enjoyed it for the most part. I just didn't always enjoy working for this man. He could be extremely judgemental and was always very precise. Everything had to BE a certain way. We had to dress a certain way. We had to make sure we spoke a certain way. It could be quite taxing if you weren't already used to it.
I had been with the company for 4 years and I don't think I had ever seen my boss smile. Okay... That's an exaggeration. He had smiled, but not a REAL smile. He used this half smile pf his for his business associates and clients. I, personally, thought it was rather fake, but the people knew him to have a pretty cold exterior, so they never questioned it.
I knew a little better, having had to work so closely with him all these years. There had been several nights when we had to work late and every time he would buy us dinner. He even would offer to walk me to my car or ask if I needed a ride home. He could be quite generous when he wanted. So, I didn't mind doing nice things for him every once in a while. It's just the days when someone put him in a bad mood, that I dreaded.
I got to work at my usual time and prepped everything the way he liked it. I even had his morning coffee and a crossiant ready for him when he arrived. I heard the ding of the elevator and checked my watch. He was early as usual. "Good morning, Mr. Yoo. I hope you had a pleasant evening?" He looked at me with his half smile as I handed him the coffee and a crossiant. His eyebrow arched when he saw the crossiant.
"Good morning, Ms. Crawford. I had a very pleasant evening. Thank you for asking. And thank you for the crossiant. It was certainly unexpected but welcomed. I missed breakfast this morning, so it will come in handy." He took a bite of it and nodded his appreciation. "Mmmm... Delicious." He started to walk away and then turned quickly. I didn't look up until I heard his voice. "Oh, Ms. Crawford, would you mind giving me about five minutes to settle in and then coming into my office? I would like to speak to you about something." I panicked for a second and wondered if I had done something wrong. I nodded and answered quickly. "Yes, sir. Of course. I will be in in five minutes." I tried my best to give him a casual smile, but my heart was beating out of my chest as I watched him walk away.
I entered his office exactly five minutes later, and he was seated at his desk. He had already made himself comfortable, which usually entailed taking off his suit jacket and hanging it on the back of his chair. I couldn't deny that my boss was kinda hot. He definitely knew how to wear a suit. With his oval face, almond shaped eyes, perfectly symmetrical lips, flawlessly smooth skin, and perfect hair, he could definitely stop a girl's heart with a glance.
I came in and sat down, fixing my skirt and crossing my legs. I had brought my memo pad and pen, just in case they might be needed. He watched me and folded his hands on the desk. "Thank you for joining me. Ms. Crawford, you've been with me for how long now? I believe it's been around four years, correct?" I nodded and couldn't help but wonder what I had done to want to make him fire me. "Uh .. Yes, sir. It's been four years and I've enjoyed every one of them." I tried to smile brightly, hoping it might help me keep my position.
He smiled back and waved his hand at me. "Don't worry... You haven't done anything wrong. I was just thinking that I've never called you by your first name." For a moment I was slightly taken aback. I had never known my boss to use anyone's first name, not even business associates. And now, all of a sudden, he was bringing this up? "I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand." He smiled and looked down for a second, fixing his tie. "It isn't anything important. I just thought it might be nice and also more comfortable for you if we were on a first name basis. I would prefer you use my surname in front of my associates and clients, but I think it would be fine if you call me Kihyun when it was just the two of us."
If I didn't know him any better, I would swear that he just attempted to flirt with me. I squashed that thought in my head at once. There was no way he'd be interested in me. I'm just his secretary, and he was not the type to mix business with pleasure. I was grateful for his consideration, but I didn't think he even knew my first name.
I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you, sir... I mean Kihyun. But... Do you even know my first name?" He smiled... Like an actual real smile, and it was stunning. The man had perfect teeth, and the way his eyes twinkled when he smiled made me nearly fall over. "You are my employee, of course I know your first name. There are a lot of things I know about you, Tiffany." I blushed and heard him chuckle. Oh, God... the way he said my name was too much. I honestly didn't know if I could handle it. I cleared my thoughts. "Was that all you wanted, s... Kihyun?"
He got up and began pacing the room. "No, actually. There's a business function I'm going to need you to attend... With me. I hope you don't mind, but you are the only one that I would feel at ease with. It only makes sense that I'd want you by my side."
I started blankly at him for a minute, then tilted my head to the side a bit. I got my pad and pen ready to take notes. "Is this some kind of business meeting? What would I need to prep for, just in case someone has questions? And is there any material that I would need to make ready and available for you?" I started brainstorming on what it could be, and he made his way to the front of his desk and leaned against it. He reached out a hand to stop my scribblings.
"No, it isn't a meeting. There is no material to prep. I will just require the presence of your company." My mouth fell open slightly, and I stammered to speak. "Oh... um... Alright. Is there a dress code?" He moved to sit back down at his desk and nodded. "Yes, I would say there is. I believe formal wear would be the correct attire." Do you have anything suitable for such an occasion?" I shook my head and answered that I did. He seemed happy and told me he would send me the details later.
I nodded and got up to head back to my desk. But before I made it out of the room, I heard him call my name and turned back towards him. "Tiffany... I just wanted to let you know that you look very nice today." He smiled again. That real smile of his and my knees went weak. I blushed again and hurried back to my desk.
The rest of the day passed without much incident. When I had gone back to my desk, everyone else in the office had begun to trickle in. We had our morning meetings and just did our thing. He had only called on me a few times, but every time he used my first name, it did something to me. I did get a few looks from the staff when they'd heard him use my name, but they didn't have the nerve to confront me on it. Thank God.
It was almost the end of the day, and I was still waiting to receive that information on the event Kihyun had mentioned he wanted me to attend with him. A couple minutes later, I heard my intercom come on, and his voice came through asking me to come into his office for a second. I got right up and headed in, wondering what it could be about.
I stood by his desk and cleared my thoughts because he was busy looking down at some paperwork. "Oh... Thank you for coming in, Tiffany. I'm glad I could catch you before you left for the day." He handed me a slip of paper that looked handwritten. "I know I said I was going to email you, but I took the liberty of writing it down for you instead." I took the slip and began reading the information. The event was for this Friday night. Thank God today was Wednesday, and I had at least a day or so to prepare. "Thank you, Kihyun. Will there be anything else you require my services for this evening?"
I swear, I saw an amused look pass by his face, but he smiled and said no, that I was able to leave for the day. I thanked him and said I'd see him the next day before walking back to my desk, shutting everything down and collecting my things. I made my way to the elevator and pushed the button. I took one look back and noticed him standing at his office door watching me. I waved as the elevator door opened, and I stepped in. I'd never known him to do that before? But then, I never usually looked back as I left.
I had just gotten his coffee ready and was setting it on his desk when he entered his office. "Good morning, Tiffany. You look especially nice today." He came around his desk and began taking off his coat and jacket. I had probably worn this outfit a dozen times. This was the first time he'd ever complimented me on it. I went around to reach for his jacket and went to hang it on his coat rack. He thanked me and smiled. "Good morning, Kihyun. Thank you. Oh, you're welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Once again, I swear I saw an amused look cross his face.
This time, I had to ask. "I'm sorry, Kihyun. Did I say something wrong?" He gave me a shocked look like he had been caught at something. "Oh... No, not at all. I'm fine, thank you, Tiffany. I'll see you for the morning meeting. If I want to add anything, I'll let you know. Oh, and I'm just curious... Did I give you enough time to ready something for tomorrow night?" He looked a bit worried, but I told him that I had it taken care of and went back to my desk.
Once again, another uneventful day at the office. I stopped into Kihyun's office before I was about to leave just to check with him if he needed anything else. "Uh... No, I think I'm good. Oh... I will not be in the office tomorrow. I will be going straight to the event. The car will be here tomorrow at 6 pm to pick you up. Are you okay with that?" I nodded, leaning against the doorframe. "That's fine. You didn't need to go through the trouble of arranging a car. I could have driven myself, but I certainly do appreciate it. I'll have to change here. Do you mind if I use your office instead of the ladies' room?"
He smiled and waved away the notion of me driving myself. "Yes, of course. That would be fine. Please feel free to help yourself to use my bathroom as well if you need to freshen up your makeup or fix your hair. I won't mind." I nodded and said my goodbyes for the evening again, making my way to the elevator. Just for the hell of it... I decided to look back after pushing the button. There he was, leaning against the doorframe. I decided to call out to him. "Did you want me to hold the elevator for you?" It looked like he was considering it and then waved me on. I nodded as the doors opened, and I got in. A thought crossed my mind as I was leaving, that he was acting rather odd lately.
The next day, I came in at my regular time carrying my dress for the evening and a bag with a few other essentials that I would need. I decided to use his coat rack to hang up the dress and stored my bag in his bathroom, just in case anyone needed to enter his office.
The day passed rather quickly, and before I knew it, it was already 5 pm. I only had an hour to get ready so I closed up shop for the weekend. I entered his office, closing the door and locking it. I also made sure the blinds were closed so I could have some privacy. I hurriedly changed into the formal black evening dress I had brought and slipped on fancy blank heels.
I had finished my hair and makeup with a few minutes to spare. I packed everything into my bag and placed it under my desk. Just then, I heard the elevator ding and saw a man step out with a hat on. "Are you Ms. Crawford? Your car is here. I'm your driver, Eddie." I nodded and smiled at him, thanking him for coming up to fetch me. He helped me with my coat, and we headed for the elevator.
We arrived at the hotel, and the event was taking place at about fifteen minutes later. He helped me out of the car. I was shocked to see Kihyun waiting for me with his arm out. "Oh! Good evening, si... I mean Kihyun. I wasn't expecting you to be waiting for me." He smiled and took my arm in his. "I figured I'd be a gentleman and not make you go searching for me. You look absolutely gorgeous. I will be the envy of everyone here with you on my arm." He patted my arm and smiled again. More brightly this time. "Oh... I have to ask. Am I to call you Kihyun or sir this evening." I had leaned in and whispered it, not wanting to draw attention to our conversation. "I would prefer Kihyun. This is more of a social event than a business one. Please, just try and be yourself. And most importantly, let's have a good time. Okay?"
I nodded my response and smiled at him, but my head was swimming with thoughts. A social event? Why would he invite me to a formal social event? I was his secretary! How did he plan on introducing me? I groaned inwardly, hoping tonight didn't turn into a huge mess but kept a smile plastered on my face at all times.
A few people stopped us, to chit-chat here and there, and every time, he introduced me as his associate, not his secretary, thankfully. Thank you, Kihyun, for avoiding that dilemma. We chatted ourselves about this and that. Nothing too important, just making small talk with each other. He seemed happy when it was time to sit down for dinner. He even pulled my chair out for me.
Dinner was delicious and very informative. I got to learn my boss actually had a sense of humor and was not only kind but sweet, too. He even got shy when his friends teased him about the past. It was turning into a highly enjoyable evening. When we were finished with the meal, people began saying their goodbyes and leaving. Kihyun turned to me and said that he had made arrangements and gotten a room for the evening in case they had been too drunk or tired to leave.
He asked if I would like to join him for a nightcap. Why end a good night? It was still early, and it was the weekend, so I figured I might as well indulge him. We headed to the elevator to make our way to his room. The room was more of a suite and it was so nice. It was very posh and expensive looking. He smiled and told me to make myself comfortable as he prepared the drinks.
It felt kind of strange having him bring me a drink instead of me being it him for a change. But I was told not to think about work and just be myself, so that's what I was trying to do. He handed me a glass and took a seat next to me. He was very close. I started to make conversation about the evening, and he placed his hand on my knee.
I stopped mid sentence because he was touching me. I was not used to him being so close, let alone touching me. But I thought he was just being friendly, so I put my hand on top of his. It only took a few seconds before he intertwined his fingers with mine. I thought he might be a little drunk, so I asked if he wanted a drink of water or some coffee. He brought our hands to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. "Tiffany, I told you, you aren't my employee here. If you want something, let me know. I'm here to take care of you tonight."
I was kinda blown away by how he was acting. Who was this man and what had he done with my boss. I told him I was fine and didn't need anything. I just thought he might be a bit drunk from the way he was acting. "Do you not like my behavior?" He kissed the inside of my wrist. I inhaled deeply and tried to focus. "Um... uh... I just never expected this kind of behavior from you. I wouldn't say it's bad... Just unexpected." He scooted closer to me and pinned my chin between his thumb and index finger.
"Then I'm sure this will be very unexpected." He leaned close and pulled my face to his brushing his lips to mine. I almost dropped my drink, but he caught it, placing it on the table, not breaking the kiss. His hand that had been on my knee slid up the fabric of my dress. He now had his hand on my thigh and was squeezing it before he ran it even higher, finally settling on my waist. The way he gripped me was arousing me beyond belief. He was exuding this sexual power that I had never seen in him before.
My hands were unsure what they should do or were to go. I felt him release my waist, and I swear my body revolted from the loss of his touch because I made this whining noise in the back of my throat. I felt his smirk against my lips, and his hands found mine placing them around his neck.
"Tiffany... you don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He licked his lips as he pulled away from me, resting his forehead against mine. His hand caressed my cheek as he spoke. I had my eyes closed as I was still trying to process what was going on! What did he mean? Had I missed something? You mean to tell me, MY boss had WANTED to kiss me? And, apparently, I had for a while now? I was dumbfounded. I didn't even know if I could form a complete sentence at the moment... But I needed to try. I had too many questions.
"Kihyun... What do you mean? How long has it been? I'm so confused." I shook my head. "Shhhh... It's ok, Tiff. I've been thinking about you for a while. At first, I thought just working with you would be enough... But then I realized that I needed more from you. I was just worried because I knew you saw me as your cold boss. Tonight, I want to prove to you that I am the furthest thing from cold."
He stood and extended his hand to me. "Will you let me show you something. It's very private, but I want to share it with you. I'll understand if you'd rather leave... But I really hope you'll stay." He held out his hand to me, and I took it. I was curious to know what he wanted to show me. He leaned forward and kissed my neck. "I'm very glad you choose to stay. Does this mean... That you like me?" For a moment, he looked like a little boy asking a girl out for the first time. It made me giggle. "It might... I'll never tell." He laughed.
He led me to a door and stopped turning to me. "Please understand... What I'm about to show you is private, and I hope it can stay between us. Also, know that I would never do anything to hurt you, and you will always be in control." A look of panic crossed my face, but he smiled at me, kissed my hand, and opened the door.
It looked like a regular bedroom at first glance, but as I moved into the room, I saw things. Things like a vibrator, a dildo, handcuffs, silk cord, a flogger, a paddle, harnesses, a ball gag, and a blindfold. There were other things, too, like strapy outfits with several cutouts and buckles. I knew they would barely cover anything. I glanced at him with a curious gaze, and he just shrugged.
"I like to be dominated in the bedroom. I wasn't sure if you would be interested, but I figured I'd bring some of my toys along." He raised an eyebrow. "Do you see anything that excites you, Tiffany?" I had to swallow because my mouth had gone dry from hanging open as he explained himself. My eyes had also been wandering around the room, studying the objects. I blinked a few times to bring myself back to reality. Did he just ask if any of these things excited me?
I honestly wasn't sure. My sex life had always been vanilla, and most of it wasn't even good vanilla. So maybe adding a little flavor wouldn't be bad. Plus, I would get to enjoy it with my hot as hell boss. A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine. "Well... to be honest, I've never used any of this stuff, so I'd have to say I'm curious about all of it."
That's when he took me in his arms. "Oh God, baby. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I've been wanting to experiment with you for so long. Especially with the way you are. So sweet, attentive, and obedient at work, I knew you would be the best option for me as my submissive." I smiled at him, resting my arms on his. "I don't know how any of this works, but I'm sure that you'll teach me?" He nodded.
"Oh... You had mentioned that I should remember that I was always in control? Can you tell me what you meant by that?" He released me, walking over to the bed, pushing the toys out of the way, and reached for my hand. When I was settled on the bed next to him, he explained. "Yes baby, of course. I may be the dominant giving the orders and the pleasure, but you always have the final say. And if things get to be too much for you to handle, you use your safe word, and I have to stop, no matter what."
I looked at him with wide eyes. "Really? Even if you're... Ya know, right in the middle of something." He chuckled and nodded. "Yes, my sweet. See, the acts may be too my liking, but most of it is used to bring YOU to pleasure. The pleasure I receive is from watching you enjoy it all." I was speechless for a few seconds. "So... what should I pick as a safe word?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever word you want. It really doesn't matter. You could choose a banana if you wanted to."
I bit my bottom lip, trying to come up with something, and then it hit me. "Hamster! I choose hamster." He nodded his consent. "Ok then. Hamster it is. Are you really willing to play with me?" He let his fingers slide down the bare skin on my arm, causing me to break out in goosebumps. "Yes, Kihyun. I think I would like to try." He smiled slowly. "Mmmmm.... good girl. Now, go put this on for me."
He handed me a black leather bodysuit with spaghetti straps and cutouts. I nodded and asked if he could get the zipper on my dress for me, then headed to the bathroom. About 15 or so minutes later, I came out. He was still wearing his suit but had taken off the tie and opened a few buttons. He reached out his hand to me, and I made my way over. This garment that I was wearing exposed my breasts and happened to be crotchless and assless. I felt his eyes on me and felt myself begin to get wet because he licked his lips several times.
"Good god... I expected you to look good in it, but not THAT good. Fuck! I don't know if I'll be able to control myself for a long time." I giggled, and he pulled me to him, flattening my chest to his as he claimed my mouth. He seemed even more hungry than before pushing my lips apart with his tongue and melding it with mine. I moaned against his mouth and felt his hands palming my ass, squeezing it and then giving it a quick smack before squeezing it again.
With every smack, he would massage the pain away. It was an addictive feeling. The pain with pleasure. He backed me up onto the bed, releasing my mouth, laying me down, and laying down next to me. He grabbed the vibrator and spread my legs. "I'll start you off slow, okay?" I nodded and tried to just breathe normally.
My body jerked the minute I felt the vibrations on my sensitive lips. He ran it up and down, not missing a single spot lingering on my clit making my body jump. His eyes moved to my jiggling breasts and leaned down taking one of my hardened nipples into his mouth. He grazed his teeth against it as he licked and sucked moving around the sensitive skin of my areola.
I moaned his name and grabbed at the bed. He took that moment to turn the strength up on the vibrator. Afterward, he gently slid it inside of me. He used his fingers and played with my clit wreaking havoc on my body. "Do you mind if we try another toy?" He asked so nicely that I was getting confused. I looked at him with lust in my eyes. "Kihyun? I thought you were supposed to be the dominant and in control."
He chuckled. "Oh sweetness, I most certainly am, but since it's your first time playing with me... I figured I'd give you some options." He reached over and grabbed the flogger. "But if you would rather I just take control, I'd be more than happy to grant your request." He bit his lip, then ran the flogger up my body. The thin strands tickled my skin. "Roll over and put your ass up in the air for me. And from now on... You are required to call me Master or you will be punished."
"Yes, Master." I rolled over for him bringing my knees up so my ass was high in the air with the vibrator's end sticking out of my pussy. He moved behind me and dangled the flogger across my ass. The strands felt cool and soft. A few seconds later, the first smack came. I didn't know what I was expecting but it hadn't been this. It wasn't painful exactly... More like unexpected.
It sent a jolt of pleasure through my system that I hadn't been expecting. With the vibrator wiggling away deep inside of me, the sudden shock felt amazing. He did it a few more times, and I couldn't help but moan. "Mmmmm, does my sweetness like it when I do this? Does it make you feel good?" I moaned again with another smack on my ass with the flogger. "Uuuuuuh! Yes, Master! I like it very much! More... Pleaseeee..."
He gave a diabolical grin and continued with the flogging until my ass was a nice cherry red. I felt him lean down and place wet kisses against my skin. At that point, he stood up and began taking off his clothes. "Usually... I would have you disrobe me, but I am way too anxious to be inside of you. I've wanted this for so long. I've thought about nothing else, but you, Tiffany. Your image invades my dreams at night and does the naughtiest things." I looked over at him, smiling. "Well... maybe now we can make those dreams a reality." I winked at him, and he groaned.
A few seconds later, I felt him remove the vibrator and replace it with his fingers. He bought them to his mouth, sucking them clean. "Damn baby, you really are sweet. Mmmm... and intoxicating. I don't know if I'll ever get enough of you. But I definitely want to try." He continued working me with his fingers until I was about to gush all over his hand, and then he removed it.
He announced that I was more than ready for him as he centered himself between my legs while rubbing the head of his cock against my dripping hole. He eased his way in, taking it to the hilt. He made sure that I felt his balls against my clit. The feeling of having his big cock inside of me was driving me wild.
I had had dreams about him being inside of me in the past, but they had all just been fantasy. I would never have imagined that he had wanted me as bad as I had wanted him. He was very good at keeping it hidden because now, the sexual tension between us was overwhelming. I couldn't help but wonder how things would be in the office again on Monday.
I heard him moan as he began moving inside of me. Slow, steady thrust, allowing him to feel every inch of me rubbing against his hardness. "Mmmmm yes Master. You feel so good inside of me. Don't stop, please... I need more." His speed started to pick up, and he reached down with one hand grabbing the paddle. He would give a few deep thrusts and then spank me with the paddle.
He repeated this process over and over, making me moan out loudly. Just when I didn't think I'd be able to take anymore, he tossed the paddle aside, grabbed onto my waist, and began pounding me hard and fast. I came all over his cock screaming his name. I couldn't hold back any longer. It felt to amazing! I was panting heavily from the force of my orgasm as he continued drilling into me.
"Oh yes.... That's my sweet baby. What a good girl you were! You came all over your Master's big cock. I'll have to reward you." He had leaned over and whispered the last part in my ear. "Do you want your Master's cum, sweetness? Because I want to fill up this tight hole of yours and claim it as mine." I nodded, my voice breathy from his relentless ramming. "Yes, Master! Fill my naughty hole full of your cum. I want it so badly." He pulled out, flipping me onto my back, taking my legs over his shoulders and resumed pounding me with a smile on his face.
He was so fucking deep inside of me and it felt beyond amazing. I had never had anyone make love to me or even fuck me this good before in my life. I hoped that this wouldn't be just a one time scenario. I had to admit, the man was turning me into an addict. His hands on my waist, slamming into me as I moved against him. I heard his groans get a bit more guttural and knew he must be close. He dropped down against my chest wrapping his arms around me as I wrapped mine around him, and began kissing me passionately.
A few seconds later, I felt him explode deep inside of me. He finally collapsed against me, breathing heavy as his body quivered from the aftermath of his climax. His mouth trailed to my cheek. "I knew you would be beyond amazing..." He panted and rolled off of me. I laid there and began rubbing my cum filled hole, sticking my fingers in and rubbing them against my clit.
He leaned up on his elbow to watch me playing with the cum in my pussy. "Mmmmmmm.... baby. You really are a naughty girl. Do I need to punish you?" He smiled and began massaging my breasts making me moan. "That depends, Master. Does my punishment include you flogging me again?" My eyes were big and I began biting my lip attempting to be innocent. He laughed and kissed me. "If that's what you want, sweetness. Anything for you."
The rest of the night and early morning was a blur of ecstasy. He proved time after time how amazing of a lover he really was. It was definitely different for me.
He had opened me up to a whole new world of pleasure and pain. I didn't even mind being considered a submissive. All I knew was that I was his and I liked that. We finally fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
When I awake, the bed was empty. I sat up and heard him moving around in the next room. I grabbed his shirt, buttoning it up partially, and went out to the other room to see what he was up to.
I saw him setting up tests of food, coffee, tea, and juice on the coffee table. He looked absolutely adorable wearing the soft looking hotel robe. His hair was all messed up from sleep, and his chest could be seen from the "v" in the robe.
I cleared my throat, and he raised his head, smiling at me. I noticed a look of lust go through him as he saw what i was wearing. He licked his lips and visibly swallowed. I tried to hide my giggle as he began walking towards me.
"I was going to wake you up after I was done setting up... But now I'm thinking breakfast can wait." He leaned down, pining me against the doorframe and taking my mouth.
I melted against him, my arms automatically going around his neck and playing with the hairs at the back of his neck. When he finally pulled away, we were both breathless.
"Aren't you hungry?" I asked him, smirking.
"Oh... I'm hungry, all right. But not for food." He picked me up, taking me back into the bedroom and carried me to the bed. He laid me down and began stripping off the robe.
I sat up on my knees quickly and began taking off his shirt. I got on my knees on the bed in front of him, licking my lips as he moved closer to the bed.
"Mmmm... Master... Let me pleasure you, please? I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel." I reached for him and began stroking his stiff cock. He moaned and nodded.
"Yes, my sweet girl. Make your Master feel good." Smiling, I winked up at him before licking at the tip. I lay on my stomach, keeping my ass up in case he decided he felt like spanking me.
I slowly moved my mouth around, kissing and licking all along the length of him. I brought the tip of him to my lips sucking on it, and my tongue swirled around it in lazy circles.
I finally allowed my lips to part as l slid him into my mouth, slowly savoring the taste of his smooth skin. He moaned, and I felt his hands in my hair.
I moved my mouth back and forth as I sucked on him. Palming his balls with one hand as I massaged them. My other hand had a grip on his ass as I maneuvered him where I wanted him.
He was panting and no longer just running his hands through my hair. He had tightened his hold on me, trying to control the rhythm and speed of my actions.
I smiled with him in my mouth and slowly pulled him from my mouth. The release on his cock making a popping sound taking my hand off him and sitting up. I looked up at him and noticed how his body was quivering from pleasure.
"Mmmm... Did you like that, Master?" He nodded, looking down at me, and began stroking my cheek. I pulled myself up against his body, kneeling on the bed to whisper in his ear.
"Come lay down for me so I can finish properly, Master." I moved aside, and he climbed onto bed. I made sure to assist his legs before settling myself in between them.
The moment I was situated, I swallowed his cock taking it deep. He took a ragged breath as I began pleasuring him. My mouth bobbing up and down as my hands gripped his inner thighs. The sound of our moans mixed together as he held my hair and I sucked him.
I watched his his body shake from the vibrations from my moans. I giggled and looked up at him. Our eyes connected as I was moving up and down on him. I held his gaze as his body shook again, and he released himself in my mouth.
I took it all, letting a bit drip from my lips and swallowing the rest. I sat up, and he took a finger wiping the stray chin from my lips and chin, feeding it to me from his finger.
I held his hand sucking his finger clean.
"Thank you, Master. You taste delicious." I moved from between his legs to lay back against the pillows. He looked over at me and smirked.
"I'm glad you enjoyed your breakfast... Now I get to have mine." He rolled onto me, kissing my lips quickly, and scooted down my body until he was between my legs.
I gasped as he parted my lips while staring at my sex with deep appreciation. He gently began probing my tight hole with his long fingers. I tried not move to much a he stroked my clit and sensitive skin. I called out his name.
"Mmmmm fuck.... Kihyun." That earned my pussy a quick slap.
"Uhuh... What did I say? You call me Master when we are playing, sweetness. If you don't... I will just have to punish you. Hmmmm.... What toy should I punish you with this time?"
He grabbed for these strange looking things with a chain in the middle. They looked almost like the ends were rubber coated clothespins with a chain attached to one end. I looked at him with a curious expression.
He raised an eyebrow and smiled at me.
"These, my sweet at nipple clamps. And they are going to be your punishment." He stopped rubbing and began fastening the clamps to my body. I whined and winced, feeling the pressure on my tender nipples.
He kept grinning, and he slid back down my body, holding my thighs up and attaching his mouth to my core. I threw my head back, screeching as his mouth and tongue moved on my tense bundle of nerves.
He growled like a hungry animal while he feasted on me. My body almost shot off the bed when his tongue entered my hole. As my body arched, the clamps tugged more, causing me to cry out even more.
He had me soaking wet and seemed to be relishing in it. Licking and sucking up my juices like he'd been thristy for days. which, in turn, just made me enjoy what he was doing even more.
"Fuuuuuuuck! Master... I'm.... I'm... Gonna cuuuum!" I was pulling at his hair, but he wouldn't detached himself. My body quacked from the force of the orgasm and I could feel him taking my drinking in my juices.
My body collapsed against the bed. I heard him chuckle and raise my head to watch him climb back up the bed, licking his lips like a satisfied cat.
"And did you enjoy your meal, Master?" I asked him while panting. He took me in his arms and cuddled me close.
"I most certainly did. I will definitely be ordering that meal again." I giggled against his chest as he played with my hair.
We both feel asleep in each other's arms. The food was forgotten as we dozed off. We'd both exhausted each other and needed to recharge.
We finally awoke and slowly made our way to the living room area. We giggled, looking at the spread, and sat down to eat the no longer hot food. Thankfully, the suite came with a microwave, so we didn't have to eat cold food or drink cold coffee.
We munched on the array of fresh fruit that they had prepared for us while the food heated up. Feeding each other and being goofy. It was nice. Comfortable even.
I would have never thought that this could be possible. And here I was, with my boss, of all people, tossing bits of fruit into each other's mouths and sometimes missing terribly. We laughed together and enjoyed our meal.
We finally settled on the couch, drinking our coffee. He had his arm around me, nuzzling his nose against my neck. I giggled and cooed against him, snuggling even deeper into his side.
"You know, when you first said that you wanted to speak to me about something, I thought for sure that you were going to fire me." I felt him give me a reassuring squeeze.
"I would never let you go. You are way too precious to me. Just the thought of you going anywhere makes me feel like it's hard to breathe." I squeezed him back soothing his worries that I would be going anywhere. I heard him moan back, happy that I acknowledged his worries.
I sat up, looking away from him with a worried and slightly sad expression. He placed his hand on me and asked me what was wrong. He could be so sweet and caring. I was trying not to get upset.
"It's just... I know this isn't going to last. It can't! We have to go back to reality. I mean... What's going to happen to us on Monday at the office? We can't be together! I'm your secretary!" I said between tears. I hadn't even realized they had started falling, but now that they had, I couldn't get them to stop.
He pulled me close to him and began rubbing my back to soothe me.
"Shuuuuuush... It's okay, my sweetness. We will figure something out. I can't and won't give you up. That isn't even an option. You belong to me."
The force behind his words made me actually have hope that we'd get through this. We spent the rest of the day cuddling, watching tv, making love, and talking. It was one of the best weekends of my life.
He didn't actually bring me a hint until Sunday evening, and even then, he tried to assure me that nothing between us was going to change. Needless to say, I didn't get a very restful sleep that evening.
It was Monday morning, and I was already at work getting settled in. Kihyun wasn't expected to show up for at least another 15 minutes or so. When I heard the elevator ding, I just assumed it was one of the staff trying to finish up something before the start of the day.
I was at my desk, not paying attention, when I felt someone behind me grab my ass. I whirled around to slap whoever had had the nerve to touch me but froze. It was Kihyun!
He grinned at me and took my hand, pulling me into his office. He shut the door behind us and pressed me against it, taking my leg and hitching it up as he kissed me deeply.
"Sweetness... I want you to take your panties off for me." I giggled. I was wearing a knee-length skirt, and he had already pushed it up to my waist.
"Mmmmm... Master, you are so naughty! So you want me panties because...?" He grinned and nipped at my neck before answering.
"Because I plan on taking you in my office throughout the day, and I'd rather not have to go through the trouble of dealing with them." He grabbed the hem of them and yanked them down my legs. I stepped out of them, and he grabbed them off the floor and put them to his face, inhaling deeply.
"Jesus, you smell so sweet. I don't think I can wait until later!"
He undid his pants and stuck into me as I had my back against the door. He moved fast and hard, going deep, and I was panting in no time.
"Mmmmm fuck! Just knowing that you'll be out there with your pussy full of my cum turns me on even more." He let his hand reach my neck and held it gently as he kissed me again. He found his release as both of our bodies shook and held be tight against him.
He carried me over to his couch and sat down with me straddling his lap. He kissed all over my face and told me how much he had missed me and his it had been hard for him to sleep without me. I smiled at him and said that I'd felt the same and hadn't gotten a good night's rest, either.
He smiled at me and told me that he had a plan on his to fix things and that I shouldn't worry. He looked at his watch and made a face. It was getting close to when people would be showing up. We both got up and made our way to his bathroom to fix ourselves.
He kissed me one last time before I left the office. It was a kiss with a promise that everything would be fine. I went back to my desk smiling. I was still the only one there, so far. By the time I came back from preparing our coffees, some of the staff had arrived. I acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
It was getting close to lunchtime when I heard Kihyun come out of his office. He cleared his throat and asked for everyone's attention. We were all wondering what was going on. He even called me up to stand by him.
"Thank you for giving me your attention, everyone. I wanted you all to bear witness to this." He turned to me and got down on one knee. I froze! Gasps echoed through the office. My eyes were as big as saucers. I couldn't believe he was doing this! Here, in front of everyone!
"Ms. Crawford, you have been my loyal and faithful assistant for the past four years, and I don't know what I would have done without you by my side. I've realized as of late that I want to make that a permanent situation. So, with that being said... Ms. Alexis McCoy, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
He presented me with a small square box with the most beautiful diamond ring inside and my breath caught in my throat. I was too stunned to speak, and then I heard someone yell in the background.
"Do it, Tiffany!" I looked up and giggled, shaking my head yes like a mad woman. Kihyun stood up and put the ring on my shaking finger. He pulled me close and took my lips in front of the crowd.
I was surprised when I heard the whole office cheering for us. Kihyun picked me up and swung me around before taking me back to his office. He made one last announcement before he closed the door.
"Everyone, thank you for your best wishes! And to repay you, please feel free to take the rest of the day off!" With that... He closed the door and brought me to his desk.
"I told you... I'd take care of it. What do you think, Mrs. Yoo?" I was staring down at my hand and the ring.
"I'm utterly speechless! This was the last thing I would have expected you to do. When in the world did you find time to buy a ring?" He smiled at me and kissed my neck.
"If there is one thing you should always remember about me, my sweet, it is that I always have a plan." He kissed me and I lost track of all reason. This man... My boss... Was going to become my husband. He was going to become... My sexy CEO.
0 notes
canismajors · 3 years
forgot that your energy is affected by food lol
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flochlicious · 4 years
Funny/Cute/Weird headcanons for floch forster PART 1
• He likes mustard...for some reason
• when he trips and falls, he gets unnecessarily mad/embarrassed and cusses people out when they asks if he's alright
• Would probably been in debate club in HS
• He moans in class like those boys in 7th grade use to do
• He has pictures of his dog on his phone and looks at them whenever he's sad
• Has a whiny voice when sleepy
• Twerks in front of his mirror
• Has a tree marked with his partners initial on it
• Can't handle alcohol, will get drunk very VERY easily
• He was a tsundere in HS and still is
• He acts all tough in the outside but he’s actually pretty shy when trying to impress someone he likes
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• He grabs into his partners arm while watching horror movies
• Tried to dyed his hair once but it turned out so bad he cried and never dyed it again
• he digs his finger into his buttcrack and shoves it in people's faces thinking he's the class clown
• Christmas is his favorite holiday
• A morning person
• When he or his partner is out for a business trip, he’d swipe through the photos he took of them cause he misses them
• Would help you with your math homework (he's pretty smart)
• CAN'T handle spicy food but pretends he can
• His favorite artist is Doja Cat
• Was a B student in HS
• He likes sugar cookies
• Strawberry milk is his favorite
• Wore glasses once to see what he would look like
• If someone is being mean to you he wouldn't hesitate to insult them
• He likes doing puzzles and crosswords
• His favorite season is fall because the leaves falling is like the color of his hair
• He likes sour candy's (specifically watermelon sourpatch)
• Him and his partner go on walks while holding hands
• falls down the stairs a lot, and yells at the stairs whenever this happens because he gets mad
• He likes carnivals, it makes him very happy like a little kid
• He's scared of bees
• Does karaoke and sings pretty well
• In picnics he would be the one spreading out the food and giving more food to people he likes and less to who he dislikes (that's so cute ngl)
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• Doesn’t want a big wedding just got a court date and a celebration party and honeymoon after ( he doesn't seem like an extra person )
• Loves raspberries, blueberries, guava, dragonfruit, ok he just likes fruit in general but those are his favorites
• Would build a snowman when it snows and would tell their partner to come out of excitement and see the snowman he built
• Surprisingly good at drawing
• His favorite actors is Keanu Reeves, Maryl Streep, and Idris Elba
• Favorite ice cream flavor is Mint chip ice cream
• His favorite sport to play is tennis or volleyball
• Is into celebrity drama
• He says he hates people that believe in the zodiac but he researches a lot about it and he also knows the astral charts of everyone in his group
• Super funny, has the best jokes
• Favorite subject ; math and science
• In winter, he would wear big coats because he can't handle the cold
• He can break dance and looks super hot while doing it
• Really into marvel, he used to collect the comics when he was younger
• His hair HAS to be perfect, or he will get frustrated and cry
• His favorite animal; birds
• Loves to write poetry
• He's cute when he's angry
• His clothing style is so good
• Wears bucket hats
• He was a teachers assistant in HS
• He likes to read, mostly romance
• Has super cold hands
• Very competitive in chess
• Always wears forest green colors
• He likes for you to rub his hair bc it helps him sleep and it makes him more relaxed
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• His favorite coke is cherry coke (honestly it's so good)
• He looks handsome while sleeping so his partner always takes a photo of him sleeping
• Is good at playing piano and violin but never really shows it to anyone
• He screenshots images on Google but doesn't crop them
• Slips in banana peels like in cartoon
• Compliments himself in the mirror
• He used to say, "Where my hug at?" In HS (no one gave him a hug, except for eren)
• He wears linear or does make up sometimes to see how he would look
• His laugh is very contagious
• Loves bread, mostly milk bread or crossiant
• When his partner is sick, would check up on them every 5 minutes and would cook you chicken soup and worries that you would never get better and it makes him really sad
• He closes people's chrome books and thinks it's funny
• He would write corny poems for his crush and would put it in their looker
• He likes napping in the afternoon with his partner
• Would definitely kill for you (a bit of a yandere in him)
• He'll join random discord servers and MOAN
• Sings in the showers
• Doesn’t like the cheesy Valentine’s Day stuff, spending time with his partner is the best thing
• he thinks showing his bare ass is peak comedy so everytime a camera is on he flashes
• When he just woke up and sees you making breakfast he would hug from behind you and say, "what are you making?" With his sleepy and raspy voice 😩
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
In honor of Hammy’s Death Day Bash, here’s Amrev as Iconic Vines Pt. 3!
(Yes, another one- ) 
Hamilton and Jefferson: *fighting during a cabinet meeting* 
Madison: Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle? 
Harrison: I don’t get no sleep cause of y’all! Y’all never gonna sleep cause of me! 
Eliza: Girl, guess what they got girl, guess what they got? 
Abigal Adams: What? 
Eliza: Life-e saviers 
Abigal Adams: *wheezes* 
Mulligan: Good evening- 
Philip H.: It’s an avacado...thanks! 
Hamilton: *smokes* 
Laurens: *grins* Wow~ 
Tallmadge: Who’s the hottest uber driver you’ve ever had? 
Lafayette: Um...I’ve never went to oovoo Jauver 
Meade: Happy Christmas! It’s Christmas! Merry crisis! Merry Chrysler 
Hale: Word work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does- 
Lafayette: I am confusion. Why is this one Kansas? And this one is not R-Kansas. America explain! Explain what you mean by Are-Kan-saw!
Laurens: Is anyone else kind of hot? 
Hamilton: Definietly a little toasty in here
Laurens: Might be a good time to open up some windows
Hamilton: Ah! 
Lafayette: Ah! Stop! I could’ve dropped my crossiant! 
Angelica S.: *when she reads the Reynold’s Pamphlet* You freaking freaks! You’re fantasies can’t ever be quenched! Can they?! You freaking freaks! When will you learn?! When will you learn?! That your actions have consequences!
Charles Lee: I’m about sing a song! 
Laurens: Move bitch! Get out the way! 
General Clinton: I’m just chillin’ in Cedar Rapids- 
Hamilton: *at Laurens* Country-boy, I love you, blech 
Washington: *when Hamilton asks to leave to go with Laurens in South Carolina* No off topic questions. Because I don’t want too. No. Permission denied. That’s an off topic question. Next. You have been stopped- 
The Continenatals: *at the Redcoats* Look at all those chickens!
Spada: *barks* 
Lafayette: The power of Christ compells you! The power of Christ compells you!
Tilghman: *sleeping* 
Meade: *pours water* 
Tilghman: Hello? 
Andre: *plays flute hard-core like in carriage* 
Washington: *walks in room* 
Hamilton: Brah! 
Washington: *jumps and relaxes* I’m gonna kill you. I’m gonna kill you. Not even worried about it..  
The aides: *laughs* 
Jefferson: We actually have the chip reader now. 
Hamilton: Oh, yeah? 
Jefferson: Oh, it’s not gonna work with that kind of... 
*transaction completed* 
Franklin: *blows smoke* Atom- 
Hamilton: How do you know what’s good for me?! 
Washington: That’s my OPINION! 
The other aides: 
Eliza: Philip, let me see what you got? 
Philip H.: A knife! 
Eliza: No! 
Arnold: You know what? I love myself. Even though I look like a BURNT chicken nugget, I still love myself 
Lafayette: *learning English* Wha...wha...
Hamilton: What does that say, Marquis 
Lafayette: Wha...? 
Hamilton: No! 
Laurens: *at the pantsless flaming shots party* Two shots of vodka- 
Peggy S.: Eliza wake up! 
Eliza: One more minute!
Peggy: You’ve been in a coma for two years... 
Eliza: Okay, two more minutes- 
Tallmadge: *playing piano* 
Hale: SAIL! 
Laurens: *talking about Kinloch* Yeah so he broke up with me 
Hamilton: Why are you looking up? 
Laurens: I need to cry but my lotion was $48!
John Adams: I wanna be a cowboy, baby! I wanna be a cowboy, baby! 
Philomena Cheer: Hey, I want to be famous 
Laurens: *note says I do* Read this 
Hamilton: I do 
Laurens: He said yes! 
Burr: You gotta tell me everything, right now
Hamilton: No 
Burr: Please 
Hamilton: No 
Burr: Please 
Hamilton: No
Laurens: And just remember! No one will be able to hate you than you already hate yourself  
Peggy Shippen: People say I can’t do what I love without college...I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger! 
Laurens: Nope, there’s no Q. You loose 
Hamilton: Dude, are you kidding me? You can still add something 
Laurens: I added a belt, four earrings, and an extra arm! You loose!
John Hancock: Would anyone like some stew- 
Hamilton: Babe, do you love me? 
Laurens: *after he discovers Hamilton’s marriage* Not in the slightest
Hamilton: Uugh, for real? Oh my God 
 King George III: All over the world, people are dying of starvation. Africa, Asia, the fucking M24! 
Burr: Not on my watch! Not on my watch! 
Lafayette: *to Laurens about the Schuykill incident*: We tried, but we lost him 
Laurens: Okay, well find him please 
Caleb Brewster: I got this long hair, this big sexy beard, I love my socks cause it’s unique- 
Hamilton: I don’t feel like driving! 
Laurens: *panics and grabs wheel* 
Jefferson: I don’t sing in the shower... I perform...  
King George III: We go to parks everywhere. McDonald’s, supermarkts, stadiums, the fucking M24! 
Hamilton: *at Laurens* Hey, I think you’re really cool. I like you a lot. Maybe we could hang out or something 
Revere: What are you doing? 
Franklin: I’m making holy water... 
Revere: How is that making holy water? 
Franklin: I’m boiling the hell out of it 
Henry Laurens: That’s it! Time out! Get on the lamp!
Laurens: *awkwardly on lamp* I’m in hell! 
Andre: Get me a Bloody Mary and make it snappy 
Arnold: Sir, this is Subway- 
Andre: Just make it happen- 
Monroe: Dear diary, today I couldn’t find my diary so I’m writing this on both of my Kung-Fu Panda 2 DVDs-
Andre: All these ghosts, all these ghosts, and I still can’t find a boo...
Adams: Where’s my new balances hun?
Abigal Adams: I put them in the closet
Adams: Well, they’re not in here! Let’s rock and roll
Abigal Adams: We have to go- 
Adams: I have to record this 
Burr: I should have left you on the street corner where you were standing 
Hamilton: But ya didn’t! 
Meade: Hey, Harrison,
Harrison: What man? 
Meade: Dogs be like...meow! 
Harrison: You stupid idiot! Dogs be like bark! 
James Hamilton: Okay, you’re in time out! Get on top of the fridge!  Get up there! 
Hamilton: This house is a fucking nightmare! 
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miraculousalexa · 3 years
During a patrol, or should I say paw-trol?
Ladybug: Hey kitty cat!
Chat Noir: Hey m'lady!
Ladybug: look what I've got for you!
Chat Noir: OMG you got me crossiants, macrons and cookies from the Dupain Cheng bakery! Wow we were just talking about this yesterday and now you've bought it.. OMG bugaboo I love you so much!
Ladybug: Ahh I love you too! But as friends lol
Chat Noir: yeah yeah I know that :,)
*Chat Noir started to eat whatever Ladybug got him. Ladybug noticed tears from Chat's eyes*
Ladybug: Hey kitty cat what happened?
Chat Noir: you've got me stuff that I love, and I'm greatful for that
Ladybug: it's just some random eatables Chat Noir, anyone can get them, it's not a big deal.
Chat Noir: it might not be a big deal for you, but it's a big deal for me. You see, I'm kinda a famous person in the city, so my dad doesn't let me eat whatever I want. He wants me to eat healthy and little so it might not interfere with my physical appearance. So I can't even think about getting stuff like this. Sometimes even when we battle against akumas or go on patrols, I'll be hungry.
Ladybug: I'm sorry...
Chat Noir: don't be sorry m'lady, everything was fine till mom was here. When she left us my dad became over protective. He's thinking that he's protecting me, but he's not.
Ladybug: Ahh kitty, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Remember that if you wanna talk about anything, I'm here. Hey you know what? How about I get you stuff from the Dupain Cheng bakery everyday?
Chat Noir: that's very sweet of you m'lady, but how can you afford it? Besides you're a teenager too...
Ladybug: I'm best friends with Marinette, I'll get it for free lol.
Chat Noir: ah you don't have to do that m'lady, but occasionally we can get something from there in person haha.
Ladybug: and another thing, if you feel lonely or sad, use the Kitty button I gave you before going to New York. We'll meet here.
Chat Noir: Awww that's super kind of my m'lady, sometimes you remind me of my mother.
Ladybug: Awww kitty cat, I'm always here for you:)
Chat Noir: :)
Adrien: Hey Marinette!
Marinette: Hey Adrien!
Adrien: You know what? I'm best friends with Ladybug too!
Marinette: Wait WHAT--- ⊙﹏⊙
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Happy Trans Billy Week!
Day 3: Bakery/Chef!au
@transbillyhargrove @blurbwitch
BIlly is ftm, Stevie is mtf
“At least just try her stuff. She’s really good!”
Robin was trying to sell Billy on her friend, again.
He had been working his ass off opening this cafe, had been interviewing professional bakers around the city for it. And Robin wanted him to hire her friend. Who baked for fun.
“And she’ll work in house! You would just have to pay her a salary, not give her a cut of everything sold.” Billy rolled his eyes.
“But then I would have to buy all the shit for her to bake everything.”
“But you’ll make bank on her stuff. She makes these little doughnut things, but they’re double fried and made with like, puff pastry.
“So not a doughnut at all.” She slapped his chest.
“Fuck you. People would pay like, five whole dollars for one ‘a those. At least just try.”
“Fine. Have her bring me some samples of stuff on Monday. I want cookies, coffee cakes, specialty pastries, crossiants, and whatever that not-doughnut thing is.” Robin grinned at him.
Robin came in on Monday trying to awkwardly bring a giant box into the cafe.
“Stevie couldn’t make it. She had a doctor’s appointment or something. But anyway, here’s what you asked for.” She placed it down on a table, pointing at everything.
“So she made chocolate chip cookies, gingersnaps, snickerdoodles, and teas cookies, croissants, coffee cake, carrot cake, chese cake, that doughnutty-thing, actual doughnuts, brownies and lemon bars. I think she didn’t sleep for like, four days.”
Billy was impressed. It was a good spread.
“She also made me bring a loaf of sourdough in case you’re doing like, toast stuff. I said you weren’t, but I think she feels bad for not being here.”
They tried everything.
And unfortunately, is was all fucking delicious.
“Fine. She’s fucking hired.” Billy made a list of everything he wanted to sell, thought maybe the delicious not-doughnuts could be a bit of a speicality, new flavors every week. “I’ll need a comprehensive list of ingredients, and she’ll probably have to check out the set up we got here.”
Billy hadn’t really wanted an in-house baker, but he hadn’t ripped out the ovens, proving drawers, coolers and counters in the back, so he supposed it would work out okay.
“And tell her I want an in person meeting within the next few days.”
Billy was scrubbing out one of the ovens in the back when he heard the bell above the door.
“Sorry, we’re closed,” He called.
“Um, I’m Stevie Harrington? I’m Robin’s baker friend? You said I should come see the space?” Billy got up with a groan, stretching until his back popped.
“You tellin’ me, or askin’.” He pushed open the back door, smirking at the girl standing on the other side of his counter. She was tall, had much fucking dark hair, falling almost to her ass and big round eyes.
“Telling. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here yesterday. That appointment was important. Billy shrugged. “I have a list of ingredients for you. I figured how many of each item per day, and broke it up into waht I would need weekly and monthly, since I don’t know how you’re planning on ordering everything.” Billy nodded at the neat handwriting.
“Your stuff was good. I was thinking for those double fried things, we could do a new flavor every week. Make them a bit of a specialty.” Her cheeks went a little pink.
“Thank you. I’m so glad you liked everything, and decidded to give me this opportunity.” He smiled at her.
“You’re talented. Come see what I got.” She followed him to the back, her eyes going wide as she looked at the industrial ovens. “This place was a bakery, so we’ve got everything you should need.” The old owner had passed away, didn’t have anyone to leave the bakery to.
“Oh, this is perfect. When’s opening?”
“We’re four weeks out. I was planning on ripping all this out, so it has to be cleaned, but everything else is ahead of schedule.” Stevie opened an oven, peerinf inside.
“They’re not too gross. The old owners tool good care of everything.” She took of her jacket, was left just in her pretty dark blue dress. “I’ll help you clean.” She smiled at him as she took the cleaning supplies from him, getting to work scrubbing down the oven.
Billy played some music as they worked, chatting lightly to one another.
“So, how’d you end up in Seattle?” Billy had shot straight up here after graduating hisgh school, didn’t want to leave the west coast, but wanted to go somewhere different. Stevie had mentioned being from a small town in the midwest.
“Just kinda needed a fresh start. Robin and I moved out here together about six years ago, now. She went to University of Washington, and I jsut wanted to live somewhere interesting for once. Plus, it’s just better for me here.” Billy nodded.
“Me too.” She smiled at him. She had put her dark hair into a messy bun to keep it out of her face, and Billy had gotten her an apron to keep her dress neat.
“What made you want to open a cafe?”
“Well, I mean, it’s Seattle.” She laughed. “But I also just liked the idea of running my own business. Building something from the ground up. And I like the vibe of cafes. They’re just in between places. You can come alone and just hang out.”  Billy had gotten many comfortable mis-matched chairs and placed them amoungst the tables and chairs. He wasnted it to be cozy. He had bookshelves on one wall, thought he could even have a take-a-book-leave-a-book kinda thing goin’ on.
“I think that’s really nice.”
Stevie started coming over everyday to help him clean out the kitchen. Somteims she would drag Robin, but more often than not, it was just the two of them, scrubbing everything out, listening to music and talking about random things.
But one day Stevie didn’t come in, didn’t call Billy to let him know, didn’t send Robin with a message.
Billy thought he was frustrated that his employee was missing, but really, he was just worried.
She looked tired the next day when she came in, her hair up in a messy ponytail, was wearing baggy jeans and a sweatshirt.
“I’m so sorry. I promise that will not happen again.” She had gotten right to work.
“Look, I don’t mind if you need personal days, just call me. Let me know.” She nodded at him, her eyes were bright. “Are you okay?” Her lip trembled.
“I’m sorry. I just, sometimes I have such bad days, and I can’t stand to look at myself, and I don’t want anyone else to look at me. And you’re always so nice to me, and I, I didn’t want you looking at me with your pretty eyes. I knew I would fucking fall apart.”
She was kneeling on the floor, fucking crying as she scrubbed at the proving drawer. Her make up was beginning to run just a bit.
Billy grabbed a fw paper towels, sitting down next to her.
“You wanna talk about it?” She shook her head.
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me.” She wiped at her esys, smudging the dark makeup underneath. He took the paper towel from her hands, wiping up streaked makeup.
He was staring into her big dark eyes, noticed the soft honey gold in them, the forest green.
“Is it okay if I kissed you?” Her gaze dropped to his lips.
“Yeah,” she breathed.
Billy leaned in, kissing her softly, keeping it slow and chaste.
He pulled back, dabbing at her eyes again.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while. I’m sorry, that probably wasn’t the best timing, I just, I really like you.” Her lip trembled.
“The reason, the reason I was feeling so bad yesterday was, was because everytime I speak to my parents on the phone, they call me their son.” She swallowed hard.
“The last time I spoke to my dad, he called me his ungrateful bitch of a daughter. I get it, Stevie. I really do.” Stevie whimpered, another tear slipping out.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t, didn’t know if I could tell you.” He smiled at her, wiping her eyes one last time, kissing her cheek.
“That’s okay. You don’t have to tell anyone anything.” She gave a watery laugh.
“Thank you, for being kind to me.”
“You’re a good person, Stevie. You deserve kindness.” She smiled at him, pulling back to take a deep breath. “And I meant what I said. I really like you. I’d like to take you on a date, if that’s okay.”
She nodded vigorously, ponytail bouncing.
“Oh, yeah! I had the biggest crush on you since I walked in here. I mean, Robin’s been trying to set us up for like, months.” BIlly raised one eyebrow, giving her a lopsided smile.
“Are you serious? Is that why she was so insistent on me trying your stuff?”
“Well, and that fact that I’m a damn good baker.” He laughed. She was grinning as she moved back to scrubbing the drawer. “She’s gonna be so smug. I can already hear her. Stevie, I TOLD you that you would love him. He’s JUST yout type.” Billy grinned iwder.
“And what is your type?”
“Beefy assholes that’re way smarter than me.”
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Keepers (2/10) “The Hulk and Arrow”
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Based on after the events of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: FFH
Summary: The Keepers, they call themselves. Little children know them as Santa, The Easter Bunny, Leprechaun, Jack O’ Latern and you. You’re Valentine Cupid; a seducing-angel who’s good with arrows. The Keepers have been a secret for centuries, but when one member goes rogue, this forces The Keepers out of hiding and needing the help of The Avengers.
‘The Keepers’ Masterlist
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The quinjet hummed quietly as it neared it’s destination. Bucky had stood in the back, adding knives to his pockets and bullets to his guns. He had hoped that the mission goes smoothly. That Bruce won’t require to Hulk out on anyone, and that he wouldn’t have to shoot anyone. He didn’t want to add to his body count.
Your face however had haunted his mind. He had never seen someone as beautiful as you. Your beauty was not the standard of Hollywood. Your beauty was so unique that it had its own standard. One that went above and beyond Hollywood.
“Okay, it’s 1 minute to land. We’re landing on the old Avengers building in New York,” Sam spoke, grabbing the shield from the ground. “We got clearance from the new owner. Lets make sure this goes smoothly guys, no casualties. It’s in, out and then questioning these guys. You know your missions. You know your assigned targets. Don’t underestimate them. We do not know them and they can be a threat. Make sure you watch each other’s sixes.”
The Avengers nodded, standing up to ready themselves. Sam then looked at Bruce who was standing in the back beside Wanda. “Bruce remember, when I give you the signal, that’s when you come in. You will only be called if things go south and the targets won’t cooperate.”
“Well hopefully it won’t come down to that-“ Bruce had spoken, but stopped when he looked outside when the view of New York had come into view. There was a great snow storm covering the city. Snowflakes fell profusely, which were carried by what looked like a tornado. 
There was also flashes of fire near the ground but Bucky couldn’t see where the source was. Snow mist was everywhere, blocking his vision. He couldn’t see anything at all but ice and fire.
Sam quickly ran over to the pilot seat, switching the flight mode from automatic to manual. Bruce also walked over, taking the co-pilot seat that had a bigger chair due to his hulkiness-size. Both men tried to manuver the quinjet away from the tornado. “New plan, we’re going to land on the bridge!”
Mist had clouded his vision and he was unable to see anything. He was flying in blind. Bucky walked over to the windows, looking down at the city. His face had morphed into shock when he saw the same old man controlling both the tornado and snow. He then fell back when he saw something flying in full speed passed the quinjet.
“What the fuck.”
5 hours earlier
We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring, to you and your kin. Good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year.
You sipped your coffee, a blanket wrapped around you as you listened to the radio. It was the day before Christmas, the first Holiday since the disappearance of Jacko. Your hair was a tangled mess, bags under your eye. Yes, Jacko was still missing and you had yet to recover.
You wore your Christmas sweater, black leggings and snowmen socks. You were desperate to keep the Holiday alive, despite everyone being in a gloomy mood. You hadn’t had a proper nights rest since the 31st of October and you haven’t been out since then.
Truth is, none of you have been out since that night. Nicholas Santa and Osterhase had both went out in search for Jacko and Saint had stayed with you. If Nick and Osterhase were to go missing, at least you and Saint would be safe to remain has Keepers.
But they came back, to your luck. However they were the bearers of bad news when they had announced the official disappearance of Jacko. He was gone, he really was. And there was nothing that you could do but wait.
“Maybe he ran away,” Osterhase spoke, when he and Nicholas came back from their search. You sat down on the couch, tears streaming down your face as Saint rubbed your back. Nicholas looked away in sorrow, feeling guilty that he couldn’t find Jacko. “Maybe he wasn’t ready to be a Keeper.”
“The guy is almost 200 years old, Osterhase!” You yelled back, wiping your tears away furiously whilst getting up. Saint got up with you as well, trying to hold you back from doing something irrational. “What would he go back to? Everyone he knows is now dead! If anyone was not ready for the Keepers, it’s me! I had a fiancé, a family, and you took that away from me! You all did! And they’re still out there, thinking that I’m dead, yet I’m still here!”
Your thoughts vanish from your head as Nicholas walked into the room, donning a red shirt. When he armoured up, that’s when his infamous red suit with white fur outlines came to light.
When you first became a Keeper, you always wondered how Nicholas gave presents without Adults getting suspicious about there being random gifts scattered under a tree that they never bought. Then you found out that Nicholas implanted false memories into their mind, one of them buying the gifts for their children. The fact that he also had the power of invisibility also enabled him to remain anonymous.
“Good morning,” he muttered to you, buttoning up his coat. You gave him a little nod, taking a sip from your coffee. You watched him getting dressed, a feeling of sickness coming over you. You and Santa were not as close as you were to the other members, but you were still worried about him.
“I’m coming with you,” your voice just above a whisper. It was hoarse, due to the nights you spent crying. Nicholas knew this, as he heard your cries during the early hours. He stopped buttoning his shirt when he heard your voice.
“Coming where?”
“Tomorrow,” you finished, putting your mug down on the coffee table. “For Christmas.”
Nicholas scoffed, shaking his head at you. He scratched his beard before his blue eyes made its way towards you. “I’m centuries old, I can take care of myself.”
“I don’t care how strong you think you are Nicholas,” you replied back, getting up from your seat. “I am coming whether you like it or not.”
You crossed your arms, standing in front of him in determination. By the looks of it, Nicholas knew you weren’t backing down. And by the slight tint of pink on the tip of your ears, he knew that meant you wanted to cry. He let out a sigh, continuing to button his shirt up.
“How about you and I go to that little cafe in the City you always tell Osterhase about, yeah?” Nicholas spoke, before walking over to the door, his hand on the handle. He stopped when he saw you weren’t following him. “Are you coming or not?”
You stared at him, before nodding slowly. “Let me just get dressed.”
People murmured around you as both you and Nicholas were sitting in the cafe. Nicholas was sipping some lemon tea whilst you settled for a red velvet cake. It was quiet between you two, a sense of gloom settling in. Both of you felt like you failed as a Keeper. Like if you couldn’t save your own family, how did you guys expect to save the world?
“I know what you’re thinking,” Nicholas spoke, blowing over his tea to cool it down. You looked at him in confusion as he took a sip. “You talk in your sleep every night since Jacko went missing. You want the Keepers to go public. But you have to realise, that we can’t.”
“And why so?” You told him, taking a bite off your cake. Nicholas was about to speak before a waiter walked up to the table, placing a Nutella crossiant on the table. You looked at it confusedly, before facing the handsome waiter. “Sorry, we did not order this.”
“Don’t worry, it’s on the house,” he replied back, giving you a wink. He walked away, leaving you and Nicholas alone. Nicholas looked at you with an annoyed looked. You shrugged at him. It’s not like you had control over your seductive abilities.
“Anyway, back to what I was saying, we simply can’t,” Nicholas spoke, placing his cup down. You looked outside the window, seeing the sky slowly darken, despite it being only 12pm. Your attention went back to Nicholas as he kept speaking. “The Keepers work better when they’re hidden from the public’s knowledge, from the Universe’s knowledge.”
“You did nothing,” you interrupted him, pushing the plate away from you. “You guys did nothing for New York, nothing for Sokovia when I said we should go and fight and nothing when Thanos had obliterated half of the universe. But no, that doesn’t matter. Because none of The Keepers vanished. Because we’re dead already, right? None of us turned into ash so we didn’t need to fight a battle that didn’t affect us. But what exactly do we do, huh? The Keepers are meant to save the world yet we deflect the biggest battles on Earth to who? The Avengers?”
“Valentine, you know we can’t fight publically and the Avengers had it handled anyway if I sensed for a second that they didn’t then I would’ve gathered the Keepers. We fight when there’s no one else left to fight. Like in London-“
“Who says we can’t be public?” You spoke back, trying to get the truth out of him. He rubbed his chin in anger before letting out a sigh. “Jacko told me The Keeper’s were once living amongst humans, fighting with them, not away from them. We can make a stand Nicholas. We can help find Jacko without being tied down to our anonymity, we can get rid of The Avengers who fight for glory and install a new band of heroes who-“
“Last time we were public, all of the Keepers got killed!” Nicholas whispered-yelled at you, slamming his fist in the table. You went quiet at the revelation, leaning back to your seat. He then sighed, a look of sorrow pooling his eyes. “Long ago, dark elves ruled earth. Without any opposition, without any question. I used to give gifts to little children to make their days just a bit better. My sister, Saint Patricia used try to make people believe that certain things had luck within them, you know, like white doves, four leaf clovers. Just random objects, and she would tell people they had luck within them just to give them something to believe in. And they did believe.”
“My uncle, Jackson Latern, used to play pranks, you know,” He smiled fondly to himself. This had also cause a smile to break out on your face. “And gave us treats. Lots of them. Drived my mother mad. It also didn’t help that his brother, my Uncle Osterhase, who had protruding teeth, give us chocolate as well. My bestfriend, yes my best friend. Valentino Cupid. A ladies man. Every girl, and man, was in love with him. He was also very caring and loved everyone. Even our annoying neighbour who used to steal our toys.”
“The celestials gave us powers in order to help regain Earth from the Dark elves, only if we keep doing what we do. Me giving presents, Valentino spreading love and so forth. We were heroes of the public, until one day,” Nicholas spoke, shaking his head at the memory. “Their leader grabs this red stone, the reality stone, and kills everyone. Everyone but me.”
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, tears welling up in your eyes.
“You see Valentine, that’s why we do things undercover. We die slowly, in a timely death. Not all at once with one person remaining to gather the rest of the Keepers and train them all by himself whilst trying to deal with the grief that his friends, his family, is now gone. The Cupid before you died, but at least us remaining four had each other,” He replied back.
“Nicholas, you know there will come a day where we’d have to go public, right?” You spoke to him, grabbing his hand. Nicholas looked away, letting out a scoff. “It could be today, tomorrow or centuries after we’re all gone. But there will come-“
You stopped, retracting your hand from Nicholas. You stood up, which got the attention of everyone in the room as you did it so abruptly. Nicholas looked up to you, his faced morphed with confusion as he looked at your concentrated face. “What is it Valentine?”
“Hate,” you spoke, a slight tremble in your voice. Hairs on your skin stood up as every thing around you slowed down. Voices, people and the whole atmosphere had slowed down.
Within a millisecond, you had ran towards a little girl sitting near the window. In that millisecond, your wings has sprouted from your back and your armour had replaced your clothing. Strands of your hair begun to braid itself but before it could finish you jumped, your eyes watching the bomb slowly crash through the window.
You grabbed the bomb that had previously wanted to land near the girl, and placed it underneath the armour that covered your stomach. The final strand had finally braided itself when the bomb went off from under you and your wings that created a barrier between you with the bomb and everyone else in the restaurant.
Everyone gasped as they saw you, a women who grew wings on her back. Many had grabbed their phones, taking photos. You got up, looking at Nicholas. He had looked shocked at both the bomb and your appearance. You looked at him, slowly backing away as you felt the presence of more hate, more bombs and more enemies surging towards you. “I guess today is that day.”
You then took off, your fists clenched beside you as you flew. Your wings pointed downwards as you reached speeds of 600 miles per hour. You were fast, but you could go faster if you wanted. You saw aircrafts, many small aircrafts, flying towards New York. You slowed down, grabbing an arrow from behind your back.
You had three different coloured arrows; pink, green and black. Pink was for love, green was to spread hate and envy and black were the ones you used to fight. They were essentially photon explosives. You aimed at one of the aircrafts whilst flying in great precision, causing the aircraft to explode before coming down.
This happened for over twenty minutes before you landed on top of the old Avengers building, looking at the more hundred and thousands of aircrafts that were coming out of nowhere. You couldn’t do it all by yourself. There were too many.
You looked down, seeing civilians scramble around and running in chaos. There were screams and police were trying to round up everyone and get them away from the centre of the city.
You breathed in heavily, trying to regain your breath. You let out a sigh, your face morphing into determination. You had to save these people. You had to prove to Nicholas that you can go public. Your were about to jump off the building and fly before a burrow formed two meters away from you. Specifically, it was Osterhase burrow that allowed him to transport places.
The burrow got big enough until three individuals popped out; Osterhase himself, Saint and Nicholas. You let out a scoff, shaking your head. “If you’re going to stop me from fighting guys, it isn’t going to work.”
“Oh no, we aren’t,” Osterhase spoke, drawing out his swords from behind his before giving you a grin. “We’re here to fight with you.”
You looked at Nicholas unsurely, not believing what you were hearing. He nodded at you, making you smile. “I still don’t agree, but it’s kind of too late anyway since you grew your wings in front of everyone which will probably be trending on twitter.”
You shook your head at him, giving him a grateful nod. You then looked back into the city, seeing weird creatures terrorising civilians. They were small, stodgy and had fangs for teeth. You had never seen anything like this. You then looked at your teammates you looked as equally as horrified as you. “Okay, here’s the plan. I’ll cover the sky. Any aircrafts have to go through me. Osterhase, you cover the ground with Saint. Osterhase if you see a pedestrian, use your burrow to get them the hell out of here. Nicholas, create the biggest damn snow storm you’ve ever seen. Hopefully that will throw them off course.”
“Got it blondey,” Saint Patrick spoke, getting out his golden encased staff, his green armour now in full show. Osterhase then formed a burrow, before he and Saint disappeared from sight. You then looked at Nicholas with a smirk.
“This is just like London all over again,” you spoke, as you started running towards the edge of the building. Nicholas also started running towards the edge of the building.
“You and I remember London very differently,” he yelled back as you both jumped. You hurled towards the ground, feeling the wind against your face. You felt the cool chill blast as Nicholas formed a snow tornado around him. You then sprung your wings out flying back up towards the numerous aircrafts.
One in particular being the Quinjet.
“There’s just too many,” you heard Osterhase speak as you flew back onto the ground. Osterhase, Nicholas and Saint stood in a circle as you guys regrouped after an hour of fighting. “It’s like you kill one, and then the whole family comes to visit for the funeral. It’s been an hour and we’ve yet to make progress.”
“Osterhase is right,” Saint spoke, his hand on his hips. There was dirt in his face and a cut on his lip. You pulled a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you looked around at all the ruins. “We need to find the one source that powers them. They must have a leader or something.”
“Yeah,” Osterhase replied back, his fur now matted with sweat. “We have to find the core of this thing or else we’re screwed.”
“Then let’s find the core-“ you spoke before you stopped speaking. You looked at a figure that stood still behind Osterhase. A familiar figure. But he had looked different to what you had remembered. “Is that-“
You couldn’t complete your sentence, because you couldn’t believe it. Nicholas looked at where you were staring, his face morphing into disbelief. “Jacko?”
You smiled, your eyes tearing up in happiness. Your feet begun making there way over to him. It started off as a slow jog before going into an all-blown-our sprint.
“Valentine wait!” You heard Nicholas yell from behind you, but you didn’t care. Jacko was here, and you were filled with happiness, hope and relief. You continued running towards him, but he had made no move towards you. You then saw him draw his arm back, a flame igniting in his hand.
You stopped, confused at what he was doing. He then looked at you with a dark look, resulting in a chill going down your spine. You let out a breath as Jacko hurled a ball toward you. You felt heat coming towards you before Nicholas had fused it out with his own ball of ice.
You looked at Jacko, gulping as you took a step towards him. He tilted his head to the side, watching you closely. “Hey, it’s me, it’s Valentine.”
“Valentine, get out of the fucking way now! It’s not fucking him!”
“It’s me, okay,” you ignored the pleads from the rest of The Keepers as you got closer to Jacko. You then whispered the next words, careful to make sure the other Keepers didn’t hear. If they knew what Jacko had revealed personal information to you, it would result to the permanent banishment of his title, resulting in his ultimate death. You didn’t want the others to know what Jacko had revealed to you about his past.
“Your name is Louis the Secound, son of King Louis the first. He wanted you to be the heir to the throne. But you fell in love, remember? And you bought a farm, and you raised two beautiful children,” you spoke, your bottom lip trembling as you shakingly reached out to his face. He leaned to the side a bit, trying to delve into the palm of your hand. “You were the first person to talk to me about the past, knowing the repercussions it may bring if others found out. But you still did it. Louis, please, come back to me. Come back from whatever spell a wicked being has casted upon you.”
He looked up at you, his eyes flickering with fire every now and then. You smiled at him, seeing that you may have sparked some recognition in the man’s head. But you were wrong. He quickly weilded a flame in his arm, going in for the strike before you felt the ground below you consume you. You then let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in as Osterhase created a burrow from Jacko to next to him.
“W-what do we do?” You asked the Keepers. You were heartbroken and gutted. Your plan had failed and it seemed like emotional memories wasn’t going to aid you in getting your friend back. “He’s not- he’s not himself. We can’t just leave him, we have to do something.”
“Let’s knock him out and bring him back home, simple,” Osterhase stated before he started sprinting towards Jacko. Saint looked at you and nodded, before following Osterhase with his golden staff.
You felt a hand grab onto your arm. You looked at the source, seeing that it was Nicholas. He gave you a sad smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him back. He’s strong, that fucking bastard.”
He then created a snow storm, flying across towards Jacko who was currently fighting both Saint and Osterhase with fire. You let out a little sigh, before you sprouted your wings from your back and flew towards the fight.
Instead of using your black arrows, you opted for the pink ones. Maybe it will bring some sense of love and remove the hate that has poisoned his veins. You flew into the burrow that Osterhase created and came out the other side near Jacko, shooting an arrow successively onto Jacko’s arm. Jacko let out a blood-curling growl, before shooting a flame towards you. Before it could reach you, Saint had re-directed the flame away from you with his staff.
“You’re going easy on him,” Saint grumbled at you before running back towards the fight. You rolled your eyes at him, flying back again near Jacko. Osterhase used his swords, cutting the flames that kept rolling in towards him. Nicholas cooled down the flames that came towards the rabbit with his freezing abilities.
“Hey guys, just like we practised?” You asked your fellow Keepers that were still sane. Saint smirked at you, before positioning his staff. You ran towards his staff, before he used it to fling you across to Jacko. As Jacko was distracted by you and the arrow you were pointing at him, Osterhase created a burrow for Saint who was sucked into the ground and spurted right out near Jacko. He used his staff and wacked Jacko in the head before using the end part of the staff to knock the air out of his lungs.
As Jacko was hunched over, Nicholas used his freezing abilities to freeze his upper and lower limbs into the floor. You landed on the floor before walking over to Jacko. You then stopped, watching as Jacko kept letting out chilling screams and growls, one that was animalistic.
However, before you could do anything, tanks rolled out from behind you. It was the U.S. Army. The tanks had their weapons pointed towards all of you. They came out from behind building, a mechanical road deafening the entire city.
There was 20 tanks pointing their weapons at all of you. You then heard helicopters, looking up to see four. Ropes fell down from them and men and women in army clothing slid down the rope before rolling on the floor and pointing their machine gun at all of you.
“Freeze. This is the U.S Army. Drop all of your weapons and remain still. If you do not cooperate, we will use force.” You heard someone demand from the speakers. Wind blew against your face as you watched more tanks, more helicopters and more soldiers coming into the City.
Another plane, one that was bigger, had landed in the middle of the street, it’s force taking you a step back. This time it was shield agents, donning a black suit and even bigger guns.
You looked back to where Jacko was, only to see he was gone. You looked at the remaining Keepers, there faces in shock as well. He was just there, how would he have left, you had thought. It was a mystery that you had yet to solve. How easy it was for Jacko to disappear without a trace.
A man came flying down with his mechanical wings, a gun pointed towards all of you. He was followed by a man with a metal arm, a women wearing red clothing and Spider-Man. The other Keepers had de-armoured themselves and you were about to as well until another figure emerged from the shadows.
It was him. It was The Hulk, or as he liked to go as now, ‘Professor Hulk’. It didn’t matter to you. He had killed you and taken away your life. You could’ve been 36 years old today, married with your partner with children. But no, you were dead and stuck at the ripe age of 25.
“Bruce, what are you doing here, we said emergency only,” The dark-skinned man spoke to the giant as his eyes were still on you four.
“I saw tanks and I thought it was an emergency,” he replied back, before facing the rest of the keepers who had there hands up and de-amoured. All of them, but you.
You felt your blood boiling, staring maliciously at the Hulk. You grabbed the black arrow and pointed it towards him.
“Woah, woah, woah,” The Keepers and The Avengers had spoke to you at the same time. You felt everyone’s gun click as they all faced you. Bucky watched studied you intently, wondering why there was so much hate filling your face at the presence of Bruce. He saw as your whole arm was trembling as well as your bottom lip. You were struggling and Bucky could tell.
“Valentine, put the arrow down,” Nicholas had hissed at you. You glared down at the Hulk who seemed taken back, wondering why he was singled out. “Put it down now before you do something stupid.”
Your breath was shaky as you continued to stare down Bruce. All the guns and tanks were pointed towards you. You could kill him right now and end your life in return. But you couldn’t. You couldn’t let the reason for your second death be because of the same person. So you let out a little huff, trembling as you put down the arrow, de-armouring.
At your surrendered, the Avengers and Army ran towards you, arresting the lot of you. Bucky had walked towards you as you finally made eye contact with him. He gave you a slight hesitated look, as if he was afraid of your presence. You let out a scoff before bring your wrists towards him, letting him cuff you.
Bucky was trying really hard to ignore the attraction and pull he felt towards you. It felt like he was on drugs the moment he had touched the soft surface of your skin. It took him a while before he was able to cuff you. He then guided you towards the quinjet, a tingling feeling surrounding his body as your dorsal area was in close proximity to his anterior area.
As he was guiding you, you made eye contact with the Hulk. You glared at him with all the hatred you could muster. The beast who had used his anger to murder you. To ruin your life. You could never hate anyone, you were the goddess of love. You were a Cupid, a Keeper.
But you hated him.
Taglist (comment below if you want to be tagged because I forgot to add some people)
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mermaidvenom · 5 years
tagged by @winchester-05
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or rasberries // winter or summer// beaches or forests // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // poka dots or stripes // macaroons or crossiants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat // aquariums or planitariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles
I tag: @my-sins-might-be-your-tragedies @ionlytalktounicorns @i-am-but-a-rusty-spoon @sunflower-shitposts @yeahhiyellow @yousapphicfriendlyneighbour @bluebloodedsweater @bluenickeldeanhumanoid @dreamxeyes @dizzypinwheel and anyone else who wants to do it feel free!
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ronyxfic · 5 years
Educating the Victim - Act VI, Intermission IV
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Pairing: Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond
Rating: Mature
Warnings/Tags: emotional abuse, fatphobia
INTERMISSION: The Happiest Place On Earth
 “Okay.” Rose set down her bag after coming back from the toilet on the train. “Can you tell me where we’re going now?”
She could guess, really; they were on the Eurostar, and there were only a few destinations that made sense at this point.
“Are you taking me to Paris, Roxy? This is a weird time for a big romantic gesture, but I still appreciate it.”
 Roxy gave her a cheeky grin, the kind that used to dazzle Rose just a few months back. "Listen, I know it's been a few rough weeks for you recently, and that I haven't been the best girlfriend to you. So I'm doing something nice for once, alright? It's going to be a chill weekend, you're going to feel revived and then maaaybe get back to work?"
 Rose smiled and sat down next to her, leaning into Roxy. “I’ve always wanted to go to Paris, secretly,” she said, “and you’re the first one to take me. It’s sweet.”
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  Roxy nuzzled her back. "Yeah, well, don't get too used to it. I have a reputation to uphold. But... I think this will be nice. The accommodation is super and we'll be able to do everything there."
 “So... what’s on the schedule? Sightseeing? Wine tasting? Did you scout out some nice restaurants? It’ll be nice to have some good food for once.” Rose gave Roxy a peck on the cheek. “It’ll also be good to spend some time with you. You’ve not been around as much as I would’ve liked the past few weeks.”
 Roxy tensed up a little, frowning. "Ah, well... it's not quite... that. But no, I've not given you as much attention as I'd like to. I've been busy with... my flatmate and you've just been so reluctant to want anyone for company. But we've got each other now!"
 Rose gave a hesitant smile. “Yeah, it sounds nice. It feels like it’s been ages since we actually spent time together.” She leaned in to Roxy, closing her eyes.
 Roxy watched her, and then ran a hand through her pink locks. They were longer, softer than her own. “Well, everyone’s going to know we’re together, too. Can’t believe I convinced you to match with me. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to get another gir... someone else to do that.”
 Rose gave a chuckle. “I like it,” she said, “and I’ve wanted to dye my hair for ages. You still think it suits me, right?”
 “Um, well, pink doesn’t work on everyone.” Roxy clicked her tongue, and then gave a sly smile. “But it certainly does on you. If you want, we could even make the carpet match the drapes.”
 Rose blushed deeply. “I’m not so sure about that, Rox. But, uh. I’m open to it if it would make you happy, I guess.”
 “Hmm?” Roxy’s touches became more firm, her fingers untangling curls before tugging her, just sharply enough to draw a shocked breath from Rose. “And here I was utterly convinced you liked a little pain down there. But, no, I do suppose you’re quite sensitive to bleach. Oh well. There’s been a new trend of chicks dying their armpits online. Mostly tumblr folk, though, you know I don’t mix with them.”
 “I’ve never been on tumblr so I wouldn’t know.” Rose shrugged. “So when do we get to Paris?”
 "In a couple of hours." Roxy seemed a little tense for a second. "And you're really not missing out. Just crazy teenager bitches thinking they can outdo the feminism we've been building for decades, and somehow only to include men. They're all insane."
 “Yeah, sounds like it’s better not to get mixed up with that,” Rose agreed. “The entire thing is too political for me. I have bigger worries, you know.”
 "You do! Like picking out which Rosé will go with the dinner we're having tonight." Roxy pecked her cheek before pulling out a chunky portable DVD player. "And look at what the cat dragged in, too. I brought some films, just for the trip."
 Rose rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “I mean, that, and my dad dying of cancer,” she said, “but films are important too. What should we watch?”
 "Oh, shit. Sorry." Roxy said, but was preoccupied by looking through her bag. "Hmmm. Inception. Stuart Little... how did that get there? Avatar... That film was so unmemorable for something so big."
 “It was pretty impressive in the cinemas,” Rose said, “well, at least visually. We can start there and see how far we get?”
 "Alright, I can strap myself in for this snoozefest." Roxy seemed visibly disappointed, but didn't say any more.
 Rose read her body language perfectly. She shrunk in on herself. Why even bring it if it’s obviously the wrong choice?
She busied herself with putting on the movie and let out a soft sigh.
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  Roxy read into the sigh and put her arm back and Rose, less intimate. "Is there a problem?"
 Rose cast her a glance. “No, it’s fine. Let’s just watch the movie.”
 Roxy gently tossed her arms up into a shrug. "Whatever, babe." And pressed play.
 Most of the train ride passed with them watching the movie in an awkward silence. Rose barely even dared to look at Roxy.
Well fuck me if this is the way this weekend is gonna go.
 Their silence was broken about twenty minutes before the journey ended, as Roxy got herself up. "Gonna take a leak and get some grub. Want anything?"
 “Some tea would be nice, I guess,” Rose said. “Aren’t we eating when we get there?”
 "I suppose, but that's not likely to happen for a couple of hours. We need to catch another couple of trains when we get to Paris, unless you want to eat at the station." There was a sort of scoff in her voice.
Always eating, this one.
 “Oh. Are... we not staying in the city?” Rose didn’t miss Roxy’s tone.
 "Not exactly. It's kind of a surprise."
 Rose raised an eyebrow. “Taking me to Paris isn’t enough of a surprise?”
 "It is in Paris." It was Roxy's turn to look a little sheepish. "Just trust me, yeah? It's going to be nice."
 Rose softened a little. “Okay. I trust you. Do I need to wear a blindfold or something?”
 "That won't be necessary. I'm sure you'll be able to tell soon enough, anyway."
 “Alright then. You just lead the way when we get there. And... I wouldn’t mind getting something to eat.”
 "Of course you wouldn't. Want something sweet? Crisps?"
 “Actually, I was more thinking like a sandwich.” Rose blushed a little. “But... maybe I just won’t have anything. We can eat when we get there.”
 "Probably a good idea anyway!" Roxy was already making her way down the train cart before turning on her heel. "Were you the one who likes milk and no sugar, or black and sugar?"
 “...both milk and sugar. If that’s okay.” Rose looked down, feeling guilty. “Maybe just milk this time.”
 "I mean, dairy is just more calories." Roxy looked her up and down. "Just sayin'.”
 Rose frowned. “Well, I don’t like my tea black. Oh, you know what, never mind. We still have water. I’ll be fine.”
 "Awh," Roxy pouted before turning again. "Well, if you're sure."
 Rose didn’t answer. She rummaged in her bag until she found the water bottle; by the time she’d pulled it out, Roxy was gone.
 Roxy returned just as the train conductor announced that they were nearly in Paris. She carried an armful of snacks, including a cheese crossiant in her mouth. She placed the array on the table. "The queue was a mile long and I ended up going a bit overboard."
 “Well, we’re nearly there. Do you want me to take some of these in my bag?” Rose offered, reaching out for the snacks.
 "Alright, just make sure I see some of them." Roxy teased as she sat down. "Oh! Look, you can already see the city from here." She went through her bag and pulled out some sheets of paper. "Next train is in ten. We'll need to run to wherever this platform is."
 “Oh boy. Okay.” Rose gathered her stuff. “Let’s try not to lose each other. I’m sure this station will be packed.”
 "Okay." Roxy outstretched her hand as the train pulled to stop, the other passengers began to gather themselves up. "Follow me, yeah?"
 Rose held on to Roxy’s hand as they made their way through the busy station. The train Roxy led them to was about to leave, so Rose didn’t have time to check where it was going. They jumped on, and the doors closed behind them.
The announcement was in French, and there was only one word that Rose understood.
Disneyland. Oh god please don’t tell me... it might just be a coincidence. Surely she wouldn’t.
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  Meanwhile, Roxy began to grow more and more excited. "I've always wanted to go, but never had the time, you know." She pulled out a disposable camera, "I know it's a bit old school and that we can't take naughty pics, but I also brought this. First trip selfie?"
 Rose let Roxy drag her into the selfie and put on a smile. Please tell me you haven’t.
 They drew closer, the sound of children clamouring was getting louder. A group of what appeared to be excited school children had settled in the seats around them. "Ugh. Forgot there would be kids around." Roxy muttered.
 Rose watched in growing horror.
Finally, she couldn’t keep it in anymore. “We’re not going to Disneyland, are we?”
 "Winner winner, chicken dinner! Surprise!" Roxy clapped her hand as the train stopped. "We're here!"
 Rose froze for a solid few seconds.
This is a dream. This can’t be real. This is wrong.
But she didn’t wake up, and nothing changed. She clenched her teeth.
“Wow,” she said. “Uh. I... I don’t know what to say.”
 "Isn't it great?" Roxy roughly grabbed onto Rose's arm, practically trembling with excitement. "Apparently they serve a lot of booze here, too, so it should be really swell!" The train stopped, the noise outside could be heard through the open train window. "You can start thanking me now."
 Rose looked away. “Thanks,” she muttered. As the noise grew, Rose grew close to tears.
This is going to be horrible.
 Roxy clocked in to her tone. She paused for a few moments, frowning. "Hey, what's the matter? You okay?"
 Rose sighed, the tension going out of her shoulders for a moment. “I... just didn’t expect to have to deal with... crowds and loud noises and children.”
 "Awh, shoot! I mean, honey, you're planning to work at a school. You might as well get used to it."
 Rose shot her an impenetrable look.
“It’s kind of different when I’m supposed to be on holiday,” she said. “Whatever. Let’s go. What’s the plan?”
 Roxy turned still. People started to get out of the train carriage, leaving them alone. She then curled her lip. "You can go home right now if you don't want to spend time with me. I thought we were trying to work on trusting each other."
 Rose’s chest tightened. “Which is why I asked you what the plan was. Look, this isn’t... about me not wanting to spend time with you.”
 Roxy's expression shifted into a dark glare. She took out her wallet and pulled a few notes. "Well, go have yourself a time somewhere else, sweetie. I'm gonna hit up fucking Disneyland because I paid for a cool holiday for both of us and frankly, I can do it alone."
 “Roxy, no!” Rose immediately shrunk back to Roxy’s side, her expression meek. “I’m sorry, okay? I... I’m excited about this. I am. Don’t abandon me here, please.”
 Roxy gave her a little more of her glare and then forced a smile, as if nothing had happened. "Alright, sweetie. I'm glad we could figure this out. I love you so much." She grabbed at Rose's hand. "Let's go!"
 Rose let herself be dragged along by Roxy through the crowd of excited children, feeling nothing but dread.
This is like the exact opposite of what I needed.
 Roxy seemed to be absolutely unaware, chatting eagerly as they approached the entrance. "The food here is super special. It's a bit tacky but I'm sure they've got lots of protein options in case you want to stay away from carbs."
 Rose looked around, uneasy. “Are we staying at a hotel here?”
 "Yep! Disney's Hotel New York. It's a bit further away than the Disney hotel itself, but only about a ten minute walk." She gave a cheeky grin. "Empire state club room."
 “That sounds... great,” Rose said. She felt like she needed a drink. “Are we going there first, then?”
 "Yeah, just need to check in and dump all of our shit." Roxy nodded, walking past some children and shooting them a dangerous glare.
 “Okay. Let’s do that, then.” At least a hotel room promised some respite from the children, and maybe Rose would be able to convince Roxy not to go out today in favour of a nap and some cuddles.
 "I can't wait to check out the park. I've always wanted to laugh at how bad the character suits are, apparently the actors need to stay in character too." Roxy chuckled, pulling her blackberry phone out as it buzzed and biting her lip in a sultry way as she glanced at the message.
 Rose ignored Roxy’s phone. Roxy had a busy social life, was constantly getting messages. “That sounds fun,” she said absent-mindedly. “Can we rest for a bit when we get to the hotel?”
 Roxy was quiet as she texted back, tongue sticking out in concentration, seemingly not even listening to Rose. She then glanced up. "What was that?"
 Rose already regretted asking. “Nothing, never mind. You know where we’re going, right?”
 "Uh, yeah. What do you take me for?" Roxy looked back at her phone. "Unless you wanna get food first?"
 “Food might be nice.” Rose started to relax a tiny little bit.
 "Alright, I'm also sure there's stuff closer to the hotel?" Roxy looked at her phone again. "Hold on, I'll see if I can find the map screenshot I downloaded."
She scrolled through her gallery, past a few of her own nudes. "Oh shit, better turn that brightness down."
 Rose got an eyeful of those pictures and immediately blushed. “Hey, I haven’t seen those. They look nice. Were you saving them for me?”
 "Uh, yeah." Roxy's eyes darted left to right. "I guess I ruined the surprise there. Oh! Found it! We're just a couple of minutes away. Can you manage until then?"
 “Of course, I’m not that desperate for food.” Rose gave Roxy a small smile. Things were okay... weren’t they?
 "Oh good. Then we'll slip bags away and go get food?" Roxy finally put her phone away.
 “Sounds good.” Rose hesitantly reached out for Roxy’s hand.
 After checking in, the two made their way into the hotel suite. All aspects seemed incredibly family oriented in the decor, ranging from garish colours to more adorned spaces. Roxy opened the doors and ran for the bed, "Haha! Check this place out!"
 Rose came in after her, the colours and decor already feeling overwhelming. She set down her bag and looked around. "Yes, it looks really cute," she said. For a five year old.
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  "Isn't it just?" Roxy looked starry eyed. "Oh, it's everything I hoped for us! Ooo, look at that view, you can actually see a lot of the park!"
 Rose joined her by the window. "Wow, yeah, you can," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Down there she could see rollercoasters, shops, more bright colours... people. Children. Everywhere.
"Fantastic," she said, trying not to let sarcasm bleed into her voice.
 Roxy clocked the tone. "Is something the matter? Are you alright? Hungry?"
 "... yeah. Tired from travelling, I guess. Some food might be nice." Rose sat down on the bed, which at least felt comfortable and soft. She wanted to sink down into it and sleep until it was time to go home.
 "Alright. There's some places around, I can go and scout out some things while you nap, if you want?" Roxy said, starting to take out her luggage. "I've got some friends who live in Paris to meet up with at some point just in case you're not feeling up to going outside."
 "Oh, actually, I would love to see Paris, if you're going into the city... but a nap might be nice as well." Please, I want to see Paris... get me out of Disneyland, please.
 "Ah, well, I'll have to arrange it first and we want to stay mostly at the park, anyway?" Roxy tilted her head up from the closet where she was stacking her clothes. Something in her tone spoke that she didn't want Rose to be involved with going into the capital.
 Rose caught on, her heart twisting. "Please can I come? I've always wanted to see the city. It's so romantic as well, we could get dinner at a nice place there? And if you've got friends here I'd love to meet them. Please can we go together?"
 Roxy suddenly looked suspiciously uncomfortable. She didn't look Rose in the eyes, despite the forced pleasantness of her tone. "I'll see what I can do. How about you catch that nap while I see about food? I'll find a place that does something nice and low carb for you, yeah?"
 "Yeah, sure." Rose's shoulders slumped, and she began taking off her jacket. "Do you know when you'll be back?"
 "Not too long, feel free to rest as long as you need to. If you want, you can even sleep and lemme know when you wake up so we can meet up at the park?" Roxy got her makeup bag and pulled out a few bits.
 "Maybe... but maybe food first." Rose, personally, wanted to avoid going into the park for as long as possible. "We could, uh, chill for today and go in... maybe tomorrow?" she suggested timidly.
 "Oh man, but I paid a lot for all the days." Roxy pouted behind her mascara wand. "How about... I get us some food and you can sleep after while I hit the park? Or you could just sleep and avoid the calories. Might help!" Her tone was barely just joking.
 "Maybe. I don't know." Rose was exhausted. "I'll take a nap and see how I feel."
 "Alright, well! I'll be a phone call away. Kisses!" Roxy's lips were glossy and glittery, leaving a sticky mark on Rose's cheek.
 Rose waited until the door had closed behind Roxy, then gave in to the urge to wipe the lipgloss from her cheek. She sighed and slowly unpacked her bag, changed into her pyjamas, but not without looking at her belly, feeling disgusted. Roxy was right. Maybe she should just skip lunch. And maybe dinner too.
She'd slimmed down a little in the past few months, but not enough. Never enough.
She sighed once again, wrapped herself in blankets and tried to fall asleep.
 It was their last day at the park. Roxy had been sifting through her desired rides, seemingly blind to Rose's increasing contempt and frustration. She fidgeted at her set of bedazzled Mickey Mouse ears as she spied a map. "Just a couple left! How about ‘Small World’? Cl- My old ex and I always chatted about going there to make out, it's a staple of the Disneyland experience."
 Rose avoided Roxy's eyes. "Sure. Last one?" The thought of having to once again live up to Roxy's ex made her feel sick.
 "Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of all this." Roxy began walking towards the direction of the queue. The timer display noted that the wait would be approximately fifty minutes. "Oh, hey, not too bad!" Roxy exclaimed, pointing at it.
 "Oh. Fantastic." It had gotten increasingly difficult to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Rose looked around and was put off by how many small children there were. "Are you sure about this?"
 "Uh, yeah?" Roxy narrowed her eyes. Her tone passive aggressive. "Is there a problem?" Her voice was dangerously loud.
 "No, no. Of course not." Rose shrugged it off, as usual. "Let's do it."
 Roxy smiled, but something in her eyes still seemed to be burning. "Excellent! Can't wait, I've heard this one is incredibly catchy."
 "Cool." Rose forced a smile. "Can I get one of those slushies before we join the queue?"
 "Uh... I think we've had enough of that today." Roxy gave Rose's belly a little pat, her tone condescending. Members of the queue turned to look. "We could fill up on food after?"
 "Okay." Rose turned away from Roxy a bit. "Let's go then."
The queue was long, full of children, and looked like it moved very slowly. Rose couldn't think of what to say to fill up the time they had, so she stood in silence.
 Roxy took her phone out to text, and did so for about the wait time. As they approached the entrance, she turned to Rose. "You okay?"
 Rose didn't look. "Yeah, I'm okay." She couldn't help sounding bitter. "Having the best time of my life, in fact."
 Roxy frowned. "I don't appreciate your tone. What is wrong?"
 Rose looked at her, a comical grin on her face. "Nothing is wrong! Everything is great! I just said I'm having the best time!" Her voice rose a bit.
 "Jesus! What is the matter with you?"Roxy hissed, looking around. "Chill! What's the problem, I know you're messing with me."
 "What's the-" Rose snorted, laughed bitterly. "What isn't the problem!! I haven't been enjoying any of this! Not that you would care!"
 "Um? I paid for your fat ass to have a vacation in the happiest place on Earth? Why are you not enjoying yourself?"
 "The happiest place on earth, my ass. Maybe if you're five." Rose was seething. She stopped, though, as it was their turn to go on the ride.
They entered the boat and were engulfed by a tunnel. The boat they were in moved slowly, and in the tunnel, small figurines in picturesque settings started singing and dancing in slow, robotic motions.
"Seriously?! We waited in line for an hour, for this?" Rose hissed.
 A loud 'shhh' emanated from the boat behind them. Roxy swallowed, her cheeks red even in the dim lights. "Stop it! You're being embarrassing! And fucking ungrateful, you brat!"
 "Ungrateful? I never asked for this!" Rose did not pipe down. Actually, she got louder with every word. "Maybe I'd be more grateful if you'd actually asked! Or considered my feelings or wishes, ever! But no! We get fucking Disneyland, with an obligation to go on the side. I hate noise! I hate kids! I hate rollercoasters! I hate all of this!"
 "You haven't said a peep about that until now!" Roxy somehow grew louder than Rose, nearly standing up. "You're so fucking blind if you can't see how ungrateful you're being, and it's appalling! And now you're causing drama and ruining this bloody trip! Do you know how long I've looked forward to this? Over twenty fucking years! Twenty years, I've wanted to go to Disneyland, with my dad, with Claire, and I chose to do it with you because you're the most important person to me!"
 “Am I really? Because wow, that’s big news to me! I’ve really just gotten the impression that the only person you really care about is yourself! I wanted none of this! I didn’t want to go to fucking Disneyland, I didn’t want to go on this ride, and I sure as hell didn’t want to live off food from Disneyland when we’re in Paris. I thought I made myself clear that I wanted to go into the city! But no, you snuck off while I was asleep and didn’t even bring me anything! I don’t want to be here, Roxy!”
 “You never said anything about being unhappy, though! Do you expect me to read your fucking mind?” Roxy hissed, but a deep blush seemed to have formed over her cheeks as her visit to the city was mentioned. She suddenly turned as she heard a child crying from the boat behind her, and realised that all other attendants had been staring at the confrontation, wide eyed. “Listen, you fat twat. Do you want to break up right now? Because I’m happy to leave this ride single if you’re going to be this ungrateful and shitty to me. But good luck finding someone, anyone else that’ll drag you to Paris, all expenses paid.”
 Rose drew back, tears gathering in her eyes. Her lips trembled, and she continued, whispering. “I just... I was hoping for something quiet. And nice. And to spend time with you, and maybe talk about stuff, you know I’m going through a lot right now, with my dad and everything. I just wanted to rest a bit. And that’s not really possible here. Is it?”
 “I mean, I figured it would be a good distraction. We’ve even got the hotel room for privacy, but you’ve been bloody mum about all your feelings since we got here, frankly.” Roxy rolled her eyes. “You’re acting like I don’t care about any of your family shit, and I really, really do. I’m here for you and I love you and I’m, like, listening? Who else has been here for you, huh? Your mom? Friends? Absolutely fucking no one.”
 “Well, you kind of... get upset with me if I mention it or if I talk to anyone else about it. I don’t have anyone else to talk to and if I try to talk to you, you just tell me to stop being such a baby!” Rose found herself crying, unable to control her volume anymore. “And you never listen to me when I tell you what I want! You had a million chances to give me what I want this trip! And you squandered each and every one of them because you wanted to go to Disneyland! And because apparently listening to me is too much of a fucking chore!”
 Roxy shot her a hard glare and sat down, face displaying deep upset. "Have fun finding your way back to England."
 The ride had ended. The child behind them was still crying. Other people were giving them looks ranging from pity to outrage.
Rose just wanted to cease existing in that moment. She didn’t even bother answering Roxy, just turned around and ran for it, making her way back to the hotel room while crying.
If this is what she wants, she can have it. I don’t care. I’m going home.
When she reached the hotel room, she tried to pack, but found herself unable to in the midst of her emotional turmoil, blinded by her tears.
 Roxy was staying behind, still within the park. She glanced into her wallet, considering where Rose had gone off to. The direction of the hotel.
No bother. Rose could do what she wanted, and it was likely going to be self harming in some way. All according to plan. Roxy would just have to avoid the fallout and swoop in at a convenient moment to save her. A few hours would do. Maybe a day of ghosting... Hm...
Roxy smirked for a brief second, already wondering how she'd post up this event as an entry on her account.
Her eyes briefly widened. The account was still open on a tab on her laptop.
 In the meantime, Rose ended up blindly throwing stuff into her suitcase. Once she was a little distracted by packing, she found that her tears had died down. She could think a little more clearly again.
“Right.” She stood in the chaotic hotel room, looking like a mess, talking to herself. “I need to figure out what train I can take.”
Her eyes fell onto Roxy’s laptop. It looked like it was still on. Rose approached it – knowing that Roxy would flip out if she knew Rose had even thought about touching it.
But then, she didn’t really care about what Roxy thought right now. She opened it up. The internet browser was opened on a LiveJournal.
I shouldn’t.
She skimmed a few sentences, then looked away. She couldn’t help looking at Roxy’s username, though.
Might have a look at that later. I wonder why she’s never told me about this.
She chased the thoughts away and opened a new tab to have a look at trains.
 Roxy was sprinting towards the hotel, earning strange looks as she practically flew past families of park goers. She pressed past the hotel doors, heart beating loudly in her chest.
If Rose had a look through her LiveJournal, it would all be over.
 Rose had been looking for trains on a French website. Her French was only barely good enough to figure out what she was doing, and she had finally found a suitable train when Roxy burst through the door.
Rose immediately jumped away from the laptop.
 Roxy was staring at her, wide eyed. After a pregnant pause, she cleared her throat and straightened her posture, but her voice was still uncharacteristically shaky. "What are you doing?"
 Rose shrunk into herself. "I was just looking up trains to go home," she said.
 "That's all?" Roxy's gaze was unblinking.
 "Y...yeah... I was so upset. I... I want to go home, Roxy."
 Roxy looked at the laptop and let out a deep breath. She approached Rose. "You sure? We can still figure things out. I'll take you to Paris, yeah?"
 "Please don't feel like you have to." Rose looked down. "I don't know, it wouldn't mean as much if you're only doing it because I got mad at you."
 "Nah." Roxy smoothly stepped closer. "It's the least I could do after you had such a shit time. We could hit a restaurant or something on our way back?"
 "Oh... please." Rose found herself caving, her anger dissipating. "That... would be nice."
 "Yeah?" Roxy offered a small smile, rubbing gently on her arm with the light tips of her fingers. "I'm sorry about that fight, I'm such an idiot. I really should just die sometimes."
 "No... no, you don't deserve that." Rose sighed. "I... started packing," she said. "I mean, we're going home tomorrow anyway. We could have a nice evening out in Paris."
 "You've got that website up, pass me the laptop and I'll get us some tickets." Roxy's touches reached Rose's neck. "I'm starting to see your collarbones. Good work."
 "Huh, despite all the Disneyland food?" Rose gave a weak chuckle as she leaned into Roxy's touches. "Well, it wasn't particularly good, so maybe that's why. I haven't eaten that much."
 "Sounds like you're on a good track. You look sexy."
 "Oh, do I, now?" Rose smiled at Roxy and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss onto the corner of Roxy's mouth. "I suppose we could stay here for a little while longer before we go out."
 Roxy returned the smirk as she closed the laptop. "I suppose we could."
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yeahhiyellow · 5 years
Tagged by @thetalentedmsripleysworld @bluebloodedsweater yay!!!
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or rasberries // winter or summer// beaches or forests (can i say both?) // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls (again I don't know which to choose lol) // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // poka dots or stripes // macaroons or crossiants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat (I think) // aquariums or planitariums // road trip or camping trip (love camping but I can't deal with other camper's noises) // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles
And I'll tag @mywigglybaby @dbh-and-rdr2-are-life @robojesusislife @candrarose and anyone else who wants to do this! Though only if you want to, of course!
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                                       this or that tag                                                        
Thanks @kainablue for tagging m (a while ago, btw)
rules: bold what you prefer and tag ten some people
• honey and lemon or milk and sugar
• musicals or plays
• lemonade or iced tea
• strawberries or raspberries
• winter or summer
• pandas or koalas
• beaches or forests
• planets or constellations
• pastels or neons
• diners or cafes
• unicorns or dragons
• gemstones or crystals
• hummingbirds or owls
• fireworks or sparklers
• sunflowers or hydrangeas
• brunch or happy hour
• sweet or sour
• rome or amsterdam
• classic or modern art
• sushi or ramen
• sun or moon
• polka dots or stripes
• macarons or crossiants
• glitter or matte
• degas or seurat
• aquariums or planetariums
• road trip or camping trip
• coloring book or water colors
• fairy lights or candles
Tagging anyone that wants to! Also, let me know if you want to be tagged in my stuff!
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neewtmas · 8 years
100 questions
Thanks to @giraffingthetardis i sat here for 2 hours answer all this questions     (but don’t worry, it was fun^^) 
#1- does the darkness comfort you?   depends. in my room in my bed it’s ok, but at every other place i’m nearly dying of fear .  
#2-what brings you crashing to the floor? not much, actually i can’t think of anything right now                   
#3angels or demons? angels
#4- God or Satan? yes, i just said angels, but i’m more for satan
#5- would you sit on the moon and watch the universe twirl quietly, even       if you couldn’t breathe? yes! even it would be fun only for like 20 secs?
#6- what scares you most in the world? darkness and heights
#7- can we always be there for one another? of course
#8- I feel like I’m dying… Can I talk to you? yes! don’t hesitate, i’m here
#9- being blind or being deaf? idk, like i love music but i love reading more and it would be terrible for me to live in darkness forever so i would rather be deaf
#10- what song makes your heart pound the most? idk... just every song by ed sheeran
#11- do you wish on stars? do you mean shooting stars? bc i would,but i’ve never seen one :/
#12- what were you doing last night at 1:03 am? sleeping?
#13- the happiest, most golden moment of my life? tbh, i don’t know. like there are many happy moments, moments where i’m just thankful for everything i have (ik i’m a cheesy potato) but i can’t think of the most happy one? i guess i couldn’t do a patronus .-. 
#14- the worst, most positively crushing moment of my life? didn’t had one yet
#15- if you had to choose between your mother and your father, who would you choose? oh god. idk maybe my mother? 
#16- ask me anything ok random fact: i love eating pomegranates, but everytime i make one, the kitchen looks like i slaughtered a pig afterwards
#17- salt or sugar? sugar
#18- death by water or fire? idk i think fire bc you get unconscious by all the smoke first or later by the pain and won’t feel anything, also i hate the feeling of drowing
#19- if you could have a degree in anything, what would it be? idk
#20- black or white? ….assuming I don’t like grey both, but rather black?
#21- the thing/person I want to stay safe and happy and comforted in this world? everyone i like
#22- if you could have the superpower of flight, invisibility, or mind-reading, which would you choose? invisibility, i think it would be really interesting to see how people act when you’re not around
#23- is music something you could not live without? i love music... but i could live without it if it would really necessary
#24- favorite flower my dear? roses
#25- why dragons? why not?
#26- ice cream in winter? Or possibly hot chocolate in the summer? hot chocolate in summer, i’m not the biggest fan of ice cream
#27- what’s your sexuality? heterosexual
#28- do you dream in black and white or color? luckily in colour, i think dreams in black and white would be really scary
#29- nights full of nightmares? nope
#30- what was the voice in your head saying at 2 am? idk, i was sleeping #31- okay…. Why don’t you hate the thorns on a rose? idk, it’s a part of the rose i guess? also, i like this thought -beautiful, but hard to touch if you don’t treat it careful
#32- do you trust me? yes 
#33- most cared for song at the moment? kitchen sink by twenty one pilots,i just love the lyrics
#34- worst injury? one time i fell off a horse and it stepped accidentally on my right shin - nothing bad happened but it hurted very much
#35- bath or shower? shower
#36- color you love the most? blue, black and white
#37- anonymous question ok, another fun fact: plants hate me,like i just have tolook at them and they already die .-.
#38- another way to wish not using 11:11, dandelion blooms, or even the fairy you thought you saw…? nope
#39- do you ever stare at the sky and look for those weird shapes in the clouds? yes! all the time, especially when i’m sitting in class
#40- a really weird something I like to eat in a weird way ok it’s not a weird something, but at our school you can buy this chocolate crossiants with a little chocolate bar in the middle, and i always eat the dough at the outside first, then the yummy pastry on the inside and then the chocolate bar, instead of just eat the whole thing like evrey other normal human being
#41- Lamborghini or Corvette? ok, i had to google it, and for me it looks pretty much the same, but i think i like corvette more
#42- when did I have my first kiss? Boy or girl? i didn’t had my first kiss yet (and i’ll die lonely with 30 cats)
#43- most listened to genre?  idk what genre this is, but i mostly listen to twenty one pilots, Ed Sheeran and Fall out boy #44- Jack Frost or Iron Man? Jack Frost ( is it possible to have a a crush on an animated character??)
#45- are shorts and a tank-top an optional outfit for you today? nope, bc first, i’m fat and second, it’s freezing cold outside right know
#46- will you be speaking to anyone you hate today? i won’t be speaking to anyone today
#47- nachos or pizza??? pizza pizza piiiiizzza
#48- is my life what I thought it might be like nope, bc i’m the most lazy person on this planet, even if i don’t want to
#49- thing I am the most proud of accomplishing? idk, i don’t have accomplish many things by now
#50- ask me a question concerning intimacy i’ll just skip this question lol
#51- piano or guitar? piano
#52- tell me something about yourself, my follower, please :) ok another fun fact: i can’t sleep longer than 10 am
#53- rather a mad world? Or an insane universe? insane universe
#54- are you that girl that sits alone on her roof at night? no, bc i’m that girl that is too afraid of falling down to sit at her roof at night or any other time
#55- I wrote this question at 3:59 in the morning, listening to Mad World by Jasmine Thompson: do you like hummingbirds? yes! i even drew one for my phone case
#56- is 1 (one) a unit or a number? a number
#57- glorious fireworks on a dark beach with your thoughts? Or swimming in the rain with your lover? i would love swimming in the rain with my lover - only problem: i don’t have one
#58- tattoo? What would it be? i don’t have one, but i think of a little moon or stars on the inside of my right wrist
#59- natural shade of your hair?  dark brown
#60- color of your eyes? oh thats interesting. hazel, and when i’m standing in the shadow, they’r brown, in the sun green, with the sun directly in my eyes somewhat green, light brown and and a hint of gold and with normal light they look mostly like a duck had just shit in my eyes .-.
#61- the thing you regret the most? don’t have one
#62- would you break a heart if it helped someone else? depends on who it would help
#63- do you ever wish you hadn’t kissed a past friend/lover/acquaintance? i never kissed a past friend/lover/acquaintance
#64- the most violent/brutal/inhuman thing you’ve ever done? i never did something like this, i’m a walking sunshine :)
#65- would I hug again, my most recent lover? maybe
#66- would I kiss the lips of my last kiss? maybe not
#67- who was the last soul to see you cry idk that’s long ago, but i guess my best friend
#68- have you ever looked into the eyes of someone who was about to die… And you didn’t even know it? if so, i don’t know it today either
#69- do you ever wear your clothes in a uncomfortable fit, just to try and reshape the way your body looks?  all the time
#70- have you ever intentionally hurt someone? pysical not, but when i’m really angry at someone, i can get mean and say things i don’t mean but just say because i want to hurt that person
#71- if you could spend the night with anyone, anywhere you wanted, how would you end up? idk, probably one of my favourite fictional characters
#72- butterflies or dragonflies? butterflies
#73- do you enjoy cooking? yes, but i’m the worst cook ever
#74- given the rather unpleasant opportunity, would you wear white to a funeral? yes, if it would fit to the dead person,like if he/she was a hopeful person i would probably do it
#75- have you ever abused drugs/alcohol/people? no never, i’m a good girl
#76- have I ever lay down in a barren field in the middle of a lightning and thunder storm? no luckily not
#77- would you dear, eat a strangers heart? i would eat nobody’s heart, not even the heart of an animal
#78- take the chance to sing in front of 10,000 people, while its snowing? no, because i can’t sing
#79- if “New Zealand” was a French pastry dish, would you eat it? i would try
#80- if “Naples Italy” was a Korean Milkshake, would you drink it? i would try
#81- if “Cardiff Wales” was a star in the universe, do you think you would know that? probably not #82- what happened in your dream/s last night? i forgot it 
#83- tell me who doesn’t deserve the air they breathe? the only person who i can think of is Donald Trump, becuase he stands for everything i absolutely hate, and is basically an asshole
#84- do you speak any foreign languages? english
#85- do you experience anxiety attacks? nope #86- ABCDEFGHIJKPLMNOPQRSRTUVWYXYZ…. do you know the alphabet? yes. and that’s wrong. it’s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ
#87- describe “nucleus” ...
#88- running through the woods at night? Or crawling in the snow at dusk? crawling in the snow
#89- have you ever had a one night stand? Do you regret it? nope, i never had one #90- ask me anything “music” related *skips the question while hearing Young Volcanoes by Fall out boy*
#91- smoke alone, by the water or on your roof in the dark? by the water, but without the smoking part
#92- have you ever kissed a flower, knowing it was someone else’s favorite? ...no?
#93- have you ever sat on a cold bridge… And just waited? nope
#94- when I said “I love you” last… Did I honestly, truthfully and wholly mean it? i never said ‘I love you’ before (at least not in a romantic way, otherwise: yes)
#95- have you ever had a near-death experience? /What happened? no
#96- what do I want more than anything else on the planet/in the world/in the universe? idk
#97- do you put others before yourself, even on bad days? no, i’m a bit selfish from time to time, but i guess that’s important sometimes
#98- what, to me, is an angel? idk, someone who helps you in a situation where you really need it?
#99- what’s the most passionate thing I’ve ever done? idk i can’t think of something
#100- this is not a question, but rather a statement. 
* I want everyone to do me a favor: smile. Find that piece, that glimmer, that twinkle that brings life to you breath. Hold it, love it, don’t let it go. Talk to that person you fell for so long ago… Laugh with them, cry with them. It doesn’t matter, just talk. Get it all off your chest. We all need this. Eat what you want. Fuck society, everyone is beautiful, shape/color/voice/culture/sexuality/habits/ love and hates included. Wear something comfortable. Listen to your favorite song until you’re shouting the lyrics at the world because it feels wonderful. Run outside in the night air and jump up and down in your pajamas like a crazy child because we are human and we are beautiful and we deserve the love no one ever gets. Because we are us, and that is more than okay.
#101- thanks guys 
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