#Antonio Arcudi
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El deseo es la luz de la llama, lo que enciende mi corazón y mi mente. Y en la oscuridad más íntima y reluciente tu cuerpo es la sombra alegre Desire is the light of the flame, what burns my heart and my mind And in the darkness intimate and glistening, Your body the joyful shadow — after Antonio Arcudi
Scultura: Leonardo Bistolfi, Sacrificio, 1911
#poetry#poemas en español#amor#deseo#love#darkness#heart#italian sculpture#leonardo bistolfi#scultura
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Episode 305
Sep 2021 Solicits
Comic Reviews:
Wonder Woman: Black and Gold 1 by AJ Mendez, Ming Doyle, Nadia Shammas, Morgan Beem, John Arcudi, Ryan Sook, Amy Reeder, Becky Cloonan
Batman: Reptilian 1 by Garth Ennis, Liam Sharp
Checkmate 1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Dave Stewart
Infinite Frontier 1 by Joshua Williamson, Xermanico, Romulo Fajardo Jr
Gamma Flight 1 by Al Ewing, Crystal Frasier, Lan Medina, Antonio Fabela
Heroes Return 1 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson
Marvel's Voices: Pride by Kieron Gillen, Allan Heinberg, Terry Blas, Steve Orlando, Tini Howard, Mariko Tamaki, Vita Ayala, Leah Williams, Lilah Sturges, Anthony Oliveira, Crystal Frasier, J.J. Kirby, Jan Bazaldua, Jim Cheung, Kris Anka, Olivier Coipel, Jethro Morales, Derek Charm, Joanna Estep, Javier Garron, Claudia Aguirre, Jen Hickman, Brittney Williams, Samantha Dodge, Luciano Vecchio, Marcelo Maiolo, David Curiel, Erick Arciniega, Tamra Bonvillain, Paulina Ganucheau, Brittany Peer, Kendall Goode
Vinyl 1 by Doug Wagner, Daniel Hillyard, Dave Stewart
Spawn's Universe 1 by Todd McFarlane, Stephen Segovia, Marcio Takara, Jim Cheung, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, FCO Plascencia, Peter Steigerwald, Andrew Dalhouse
Black Hammer Reborn 1 by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Dave Stewart
Imogen of the Wyrding Way by Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Peter Bergting, Michelle Madsen
Good Luck 1 by Matthew Erman, Stefano Simeone
Snow Angels vol 2 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Sonic 30th Anniversary Special
Carmen Sandiego: Need For Speed Caper
Aggretsuko: Little Rei of Sunshine by Brenda Hickey
Keeper of the Little Folks: Fairy Balm by Carbone, Veronique Barrau, Charline Forns
Claire and the Dragons 1 by Wander Antunes
ExtraOrdinary 1 by V.E. Schwab, Enid Balam, Ana Godis
99 Cent
Lounger 1 by Nick Mullins
Homerville 1 & 2 by Justin Young
Wandering Koala 1 by Jeff Thomason
After the Storm by Stefano Petris
Deadgods 1 by Juan Ramon Lapaix
Jupiter Invincible 1 by Yusef Komunyakaa, Ashley Woods
Loveland by Timothy Pitoniak
Tales From the Dispatch Vol 2 by Maxwell Bristol, Catherine Broxton, Shaun Evans, Edward Ficklin, Matthew Sotello, Eric Young
Tales of the Scarlet Order Vampires by David Lee Summers, Michael Ellis
The Black Car by Michael Kaz, Josh Maikis, Gregory Ramos
The Walk by Michael Moreci, Jesus Hervas
Additional Reviews: Shazam!, Loki ep3, Owl House 2.3
News: Batwoman stupidity, hope for Gwen Stacy, ScarJo returning to Disney for Tower of Terror, Spider-Man Beyond (from Saladin Ahmed, Cody Zigler, Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason, Kelly Thompson), Joker manga where he raises deaged Batman, return of Warren Ellis, Skybound YA graphic novel line, delays to Batman/Catwoman, Cates/Stegman series Vanish, Savage Land-based movie, Marvel NFTs, Avatar new live-action series makes all the old mistakes
Trailers: Jurassic World Dominion, Sexy Beasts, Karen, Shang-Chi
Am it Glenn?
Comics Countdown:
Ascender 16 by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Stray Dogs 5 by Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Undiscovered Country 13 by Scott Snyder, Charles Soule, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Matt Wilson
Something is Killing the Children 17 by James Tynion IV, Wether Dell'Edera, Miquel Muerto
Black Hammer Reborn 1 by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Dave Stewart
Snow Angels Season Two 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Batman/Superman 19 by Gene Luen Yang, Emanuela Lupacchino, Darick Robertson, Kyle Hotz, Steve Lieber, Matt Santorelli, Sabine Rich
Robin 3 by Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov, Luis Guerrero
Shadecraft 4 by Joe Henderson, Lee Garbett, Antonio Fabela
Guardians of the Galaxy 15 and SWORD 6 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Guru eFX, Adelso Corona, David Curiel, Federico Blee, Valerio Schiti, Marte Gracia
Check out this episode!
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Nuovo post su http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2018/03/07/la-grecia-salentina-nellatlante-del-pacelli-1803/
La Grecìa salentina nell'atlante del Pacelli (1803)
di Armando Polito
Dopo essermi occupato (http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2018/02/26/lalbania-salentina-nellatlante-del-pacelli-1803-posseduto-suo-tempo-giuseppe-gigli-giallo-nota/) dell’isola alloglotta albanese così come appare nell’atlante dell’erudito di Manduria Giuseppe Pacelli, la stessa operazione farò oggi con la Grecìa salentina enucleando la parte relativa dal manoscritto i cui estremi il lettore troverà nel link prima segnalato.
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Descrizione della Grecia Sallentina
Come nella Diocesi di Taranto visono delle Popolazioni, che parlano un linguaggio straniero al comune di tutta la Provincia: così ce ne sono ancora alcun’altre nella Diocesi di Otranto. Quelle di Taranto sono di lingua Albanese, e queste di Otranto di Lingua Greca. Ivi nella Mappa deòò’Albania Sallentina ne osservammo i Paesi, e donde mai avessero potuto un tal linguaggio imparare: qui nella Mappa della Grecia Sallentina faremo l’istesso. Tredici sono i Paesi, che attualmente parlano il Greco, e sono Soleto, Sogliano, Cutrofiano, Corigliano, Zollino, Sternatia, Martignano, Calimera, Martano, Castrignano (detto perciò Castrignano de’ Greci, a differenza di Castrignano del Capo in diocesi d’Alessano), Mepignano, Cursi, e Cannole. Ma in Soleto, ed in Martano si mantiene maggiormente in vigore, ove al cuni del Popolo né parlano, né intendono altro, che il solo greco; mentre negli altri Paesi va di giorno in giorno degenerandoo la lingua, e più frequentemente del greco parlano l’italiano. L’origine però di tal linguaggio in questi Paesi non lo dobbiamo mica ripetere da tempi della nostra Magna Grecia. Poiché sebbene per la vicinanza a tal Regione ne avesse tutto il Sallento imitato il linguaggio; coll’esser però insieme colla Magna Grecia anche tutta questa Provincia caduta in poter de’ Romani, ne adottò col tempo, lasciata la propria, insieme col costume, e colle leggi, anche la lingua de’ Vincitori. Io assegno per epoca, e credo di non ingannarmi, il tempo, in cui passò ad esser Capitale dello Impero e del Mondo la città di Costantinopoli, per essere divenuta la residenza de’ Cesari. L’invasione, che i Greci Orientali allora fecero della nostra Provincia, fece ritornare fra noi la lingua Greca. Nella nostra Biobiblografia Sallentina ci occuperemo alla lunga di tal punto: e qui solamente osserviamo, che essendo cominciati nella nostra Provincia, a divenir promiscui i due riti latino e greco nella sagra Liturgia; e tanto più che alcune Scuole di Greca letteratura fra noi facevano dello strepito, e ne fomentavano la coltura, fu duopo1 alla fine, che tutte le Chiese del Sallento adottassero totalmente il rito greco, in vigor dell’Editto dell’Imperador Niceforo Foca dell’anno 968, con cui si ordinò che in tutta la Puglia, e nella Calabria in greco i divini uffici si recitassero. Allora fummo tutti di un sol linguaggio, perché era uniforme tanto a quel del Governo, che della Chiesa. Le note vicende quindi accadute, e le invasioni, che fecero in seguito delle Provincie dìItalia straniere selvagge Nazioni, sebbene linguaggio mutar facessero all’Italia tutta, dentro di cui uno particolr ne nacque, qual si fu l’Italiana favella, pur tuttavia serbassi nella nostra Provincia pe ‘l rito Chiesastico il Greco. E ne abbiamo veridiche notizie specialmente della Chiesa di Soleto (antichissima Città per l’origine, e di gloriosa ricordanza, per aver dato il nome di Sallenzia a questa parte di Provincia), in cui da Padre in Figlio per più di un secolo la Famiglia Arcudi occupò la carica di Arciprete Greco nella Chiesa Soletana. Or l’ultimo di tali Arcipreti di rito greco, e primo di rito latino fu il dotto Antonio Arcudi, che morì nel principio del secolo XVI dopo aver pubblicato in Roma per ordine di Papa Clemente VIII il suo Breviario Greco.
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Sul finire dunque del secolo XV dovettero le nostre Chiese abbandonare a poco a poco il greco, adottare il rito latino, e cessare un tale linguaggio in Provincia. Que’ luoghi però, che oggi formano la Grecia Sallentina, sebbene per uniformarsi a tutti i Paesi vicini, usassero anche per la Chiesa il Latino, ritennero però per lor linguaggio il greco, ed insieme coll’Italiano lo serbano tuttora, comecché molto allontanato dalla natia purezza. carta 51r (per un’agevole lettura della mappa cliccare di sinistro e una seconda volta quando il cursore avrà assunto l’aspetto di una lente d’ingrandimento)
Mi congedo dal lettore con le stesse amare considerazioni con cui chiudevo il post sull’Albania salentina; anche il griko, nonostante le lodevoli iniziative locali di sensibilizzazione e conservazione, è destinato a morire, sopraffatto inesorabilmente dall’assalto dei nuovi (ma non tanto …) media, tv in primis, dal pregiudizio imperante secondo cui piccolo non è bello (belle le multinazionali!…) e dalla globalizzazione. Tuttavia debbo rivendicare al Pacelli un primato. La sua ipotesi sull’origine del griko precede di parecchi anni una corposa bibliografia che annovera Griechische volkslieder in Suden von Italien pubblicato nel 1821 da K. Witte sulla rivista Geselischalter (articolo, però, dedicato al grecanico, cioè al greco di Calabria) e poi, via via, i contributi di Domenico Comparetti (Saggi dei dialetti greci dell’Italia meridionale, Nistri, Pisa, 1866), Giuseppe Morosi (Studi sui dialetti greci della Terra d’Otranto, Tipografia editrice salentina, Lecce, 1870). Si può dire che gli studi del Morosi costituiscono lo spartiacque tra due scuole si pensiero che negli anni successivi si sarebbero affrontate non senza virulenza. Per il Morosi l’origine del griko era bizantina. Poi venne Gerard Rohlfs (Scavi linguistici nella Magna Grecia, Collezione meridionale editrice, Roma, 1933) a ribaltare la teoria del Morosi (che nel frattempo era stata ripresa da Clemente Merlo, Carlo Battisti e Giovanni Alessio e che dopo la guerra sarà ripresa da Oronzo Parlangeli) sostenendo che il griko avesse un’origine molto più antica di quella bizantina, che fosse, cioè, il residuo della colonizzazione della Magna Grecia. La diatriba sulle due teorie si è via via congelata (anche per la morte dei protagonisti) fino al 1996, anno in cui Franco Fanciullo pubblicò Fra Oriente e Occidente. Per una storia linguistica dell’Italia meridionale, ETS, Pisa, ETS. Il Fanciullo, originario di Cellino San Marco (questa nota che può sembrare campanilistica vuole essere una sorta di compensazione del fatto che un fenomeno di casa nostra è stato oggetto di indagine da parte di studiosi non locali, se si esclude il Parlangeli, o, addirittura, come nel caso del Rohlfs, stranieri), sulla base anche di principi tratti dalla moderna sociolinguistica, avanza un’ipotesi che rappresenta, in un certo senso, un compromesso tra i due blocchi precedentemente descritti, giunge, cioè, alla conclusione che l’origine del griko non risale né alla Magna Grecia, né al periodo bizantino, ma al tardo-antico, cioè imperiale perché, secondo il Fanciullo, quando i Romani sconfissero definitivamente i Messapi, nel nostro Salento sarebbero arrivati sì i soldati di Roma, ma anche moltissimi greci.
Comunque siano andate le cose e per chiudere con un ulteriore briciolo di campanilismo (so benissimo che questo sentimento non va d’accordo con la neutralità della scienza, ma tant’è: ogni tanto bisogna pur cedere a qualche debolezza …), va almeno riconosciuto che il padre della teoria dell’origine bizantina non fu il lombardo, milanese Morosi ma il salentino, manduriano Pacelli.
1 Sic, per d’uopo.
#Albania#Antonio Arcudi#Armando Polito#Calimera#Cannole#Carlo Battisti#Castrignano del Capo#Castrignnao dei Greci#Clemente Merlo#Corigliano#Cursi#Cutrofiano#Franco Fanciullo#Giovanni Alessio#Giuseppe Pacelli#Grecìa Salentina#Martano#Martignano#Mepignano#Oronzo Parlangeli#Sogliano#Soleto#Sternatia#Zollino#Dialetti Salentini#Paesi di Terra d’Otranto#Spigolature Salentine
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off the rack #1149
Monday, January 30, 2017
It's the Chinese Year of the Rooster folks and there's a cock in the White House. We are living in interesting times indeed. I am trying my best not to get riled up by the d-bag but it's difficult. The empathy I feel for others means I cannot ignore the affect the changes have on everybody. I just hope we all get through these difficult times relatively unscathed.
I'm going to have a fun Sunday on February 5. I'll be at the Walkley Arena for the Capital Trade Show where my partner Chris and I will be flogging old comic books. Then it's Super Bowl 51 with two gun slinging quarterbacks. I am cheering for a high scoring affair.
Civil War II: The Oath #1 - Nick Spencer (writer) Rod Reis, Raffaele Ienco, Szymon Kudranski & Dono Sanchez-Almara (art) VC's Chris Eliopoulos (letters). Didn't see that coming. While it makes sense to appoint Captain America as the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (again) the surprise is that I don't think it's Steve Rogers under the mask. I don't particularly like the new political landscape that the Marvel U is headed towards but it does make for some easy enemies for the good guys to fight with. Nick put in a lot of rah, rah patriotism in this book so it was a tough slog trying to get through it but the payoff at the end is worth it.
Kamandi Challenge #1 - Part One: Dan Didio (writer) Keith Giffen (pencils) Scott Koblish (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Clem Robins (letters) Part Two: Dan Abnett (writer) Dale Eaglesham (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Clem Robins (letters). He's the last boy on Earth and he's going on a wild adventure to find his parents. One of Jack Kirby's creations is getting a round robin of comic book creators to excite fans like never before. Each part of the story will be done by a different team that will end with a cliffhanger that the next team must find a way to resolve. I have a nagging feeling that this stunt has been done before but I can't remember when so I'm going to tag along to see who does what. I'm not a fan of Kamandi but I want to see who all are going to be involved on the creative side.
Loose Ends #1 - Jason Latour (writer) Chris Brunner (art) Rico Renzi (colours). The cover says that this 4-issue mini is a southern crime romance. They got that right. We're looking at a trailer dwelling war vet whose friend gets him mixed up in running drugs. You can expect that the vet and the friend get into a heap of trouble and they do. I like how Sonny and Rej each wind up where they do at the end of this first issue so you bet I'm going to keep reading. Not much romance so far but I'm sure Jason will get to that.
Star Wars #27 - Jason Aaron (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Yay Yoda. Root for him I will.
Batgirl #7 - Hope Larson (writer) Chris Wildgoose (art) Mat Lopes (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). Part 1 of "Son of Penguin" introduces Ethan Cobblepot and I don't care if there is no reference to him anywhere else in the DCU because he's going to be a great adversary for Barbara Gordon. I like how Chris draws her older than Rafael Albuquerque did. This is going to be fun.
Briggs Land #6 - Brian Wood (writer) Mack Chater (art) Lee Loughridge & Jeremy Colwell (colours) Nate Piekos (letters). I really like Grace Briggs. The risks that she is taking will hopefully keep her people safe. Brian has crafted a story fit for cable TV.
Totally Awesome Hulk #15 - Greg Pak (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Nolan Woodward (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Greg continues to feature heroes of the Asian persuasion in this story about Amadeus hanging out with Jake Oh, Kamala Khan, Cindy Moon, Shang-Chi, and Jimmy Woo. It does play on some stereotypes but I think it's okay because they're true for these guys.
Odyssey of the Amazons #1 - Kevin Grevioux (writer) Ryan Benjamin (pencils) Richard Friend (inks) Tony Washington & Tony Avina (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). This 6-issue mini has a lot of women but not a wonder one in sight. Kevin features Diana's sister Amazons in a tale worthy of Homer. If you like classic sword and sorcery, you'll like this.
Dead Inside #2 - John Arcudi (writer) Tony Fejzula (art) Andre May (colours) Joe Sabino (letters). The plot thickens like congealed blood and murder suspects start to emerge. Linda has plenty to deal with inside the prison but she's surprised when she gets home after work by a sight I did not expect to see. This mystery is crazy good.
Inhumans vs. X-Men #3 - Charles Soule & Jeff Lemire (writer) Javier Garron (art) Andres Mossa & Jay David Ramos (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). There are three more issue to this mini but it seems to me that Charles and Jeff have already come up with a solution to the Terrigen cloud that would end the war. The mutant Forge has built a machine that can collect the Terrigen gas and compress it into a solid in this issue. Wouldn't that solve the problem of the gas killing the mutants? Works for me.
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6 - Joshua Williamson (writer) Howard Porter (art) Alex Sinclair (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). All is well that ends well. Both teams join forces to defeat Eclipso and Max Lord is at the mercy of Amanda Waller. Batman sees the light and gathers another team together to fight evil forces. Get ready for a new Justice League of America #1 hitting the racks on February 22. DC is sure spreading Bats pretty thin these days.
Skybourne #3 - Frank Cho (writer & artist) Marcio Menyz (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). The identity of the bad guy was a nice surprise. I like Frank's comic books because they're simple stories about good versus evil that are beautifully drawn.
Hulk #2 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Nico Leon & Dalibor Talajic (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Waiting for Jennifer to Hulk out is one of the things I like about the new book. She has a lot more self control than I have. The scary thing about the eventuality of her losing control is that this new Hulk will be an uncontrollable creature of rage but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Until then I'm enjoying Jen's life so far.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #13 - Robert Venditti (writer) V Ken Marion (pencils) Paul Neary & Dexter Vines (inks) Alex Sollazzo (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Now that the planet Xudar has been saved, what now? It's time for a bedtime story that's what. This is a nice interlude issue before we launch into the next story. I've been enjoying this team book now that my loyalty to the Avengers has waned. We'll see if Robert can keep me hooked with his next adventure.
Saga #42 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Fiona Staples (art) Fonografiks (letters). And fade to black. No, really. It's hiatus time again but this issue didn't leaving me screaming profanities about the long wait until the next issue hits the racks. There is a new character introduced who I will be very interested to find out more about.
Doctor Strange #16 - Jason Aaron (writer) Chris Bachalo with Cory Smith (art) Al Vey, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba, & Tim Townsend (inks) Antonio Fabela & Java Tartaglia with Chris Bachalo (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Dormammu is finally going to get his chance to kill Doctor Strange after he has been weakened by his fight with the Empirikul. Jason does find a neat way to save Stephen however. The next bit of nastiness involves someone close to the Doc. Oboy.
Wonder Woman #15 - Greg Rucka (writer) Liam Sharp (art) Laura Martin (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). Part 1 of "The Truth" finds Diana in a mental hospital. How she got there has yet to be explained but I'm sure I can handle it.
Punisher #8 - Becky Cloonan (writer) Laura Braga with Iolanda Zanfardino (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). That little old lady toting the double barrelled shotgun from last issue is named Ethel. She looks scary but she's not what you think. The change in art took some getting used to but it isn't bad enough to make me bench this book. I do have a couple of complaints though. If you're going to call a motorcycle a Harley, don't show what looks like a BMW logo on the gas tank. Also, draw the bad guy from the chest up when Frank says that he opened up his guts, not a full body shot that clearly shows an abdomen without any wounds at all. I don't know if the art had to be rushed after Steve Dillon passed away unexpectedly but that's just shoddy editing.
Action Comics #972 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Stephen Segovia (pencils) Art Thibert (inks) Ulises Arreola (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Trust Dan to come up with a non-violent way to stop Lex from being executed by the bad guys. It also served to show what possible futures are in store for this new Superman. DC has managed to revive my interest in this iconic character.
Daredevil #16 - Charles Soule (writer) Goran Sudzuka (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). We find out why Daredevil put out a hit on himself to lure out Bullseye. There's some soul searching this issue which leads into the next storyline. I liked how Charles sets it up.
Detective Comics #949 - James Tynion IV & Marguerite Bennett (writers) Ben Oliver & Szymon Kudranski (art) Ben Oliver, Gabe Eltaeb & Hi-Fi (colours) Marilyn Patrizio (letters). The finale of "Batwoman Begins" is a very good prelude to Batwoman's solo book which hits the racks on February 15. It looks like James and Marguerite are going to have a Raymond Reddington and Agent Keen thing going on between Kate and her dad. That's got me interested.
Infamous Iron Man #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Brian must have a thing for mother and son stories. He did it in International Iron Man where he introduced Tony's biological mother. Now he's showing us Victor's mom. I really do believe that Doom has reformed and I hope he stays a good guy.
Spider-Man/Deadpool: Monsters Unleashed - Joshua Corin (writer) Tigh Walker (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). The boys save Toronto eh.
Thanos #3 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Mike Deodato (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). It's the Imperial Guard of the Shi'ar versus Thanos. A perfect opportunity to give a history lesson on the life of the Mad Titan.
Spider-Woman #15 - Dennis Hopeless (writer) Veronica Fish (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Jessica subdues the new Porcupine and finds out who put the hit out on her friend Roger. Now she's gunning for the Hobgoblin but he's protected by an army of super villains. I hope little Gerry doesn't become an orphan.
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Episode 301
DC August solicitations
Comic Reviews:
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom 1 by Brandon Easton, Fico Ossio, Rico Renzi
Stargirl Spring Break Special 1 by Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Todd Nauck, Alex Sinclair, Hi-Fi
Batman: Black and White 6 by Scott Snyder, John Arcudi, Brandon Thomas, Pierrick Colinet, Nick Derington, Elsa Charretier, Khary Randolph, James Harren, Klaus Janson, John Romita Jr
Heroes Reborn: Magneto and the Mutant Force by Steve Orlando, Bernard Chang, David Curiel
Heroes Reborn: Siege Society by Cody Zigler, Paco Medina, Pete Pantazis
Heroes Reborn: Young Squadron by Jim Zub, Steve Cummings, Erick Arciniega
Heroes Reborn 4 by Jason Aaron, James Stokoe, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson
Reptil 1 by Terry Blas, Enid Balam, Victor Olazaba, Carlos Lopez
Made in Korea 1 by Jeremy Holt, George Schall
Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon of a Jedi 1 by Alec Worley, Jason Fry, Ruairi Coleman
Witcher: Witch's Lament 1 by Bartosz Sztybor, Vanesa Del Rey, Jordie Bellaire
Down River People by Adam Smith, Matthew Fox
Onion Skin by Edgar Camacho
Nook by Caleb Thusat, Marcelo Biott
Redshift 1 by H.S> Tak, Brent David McKee, Sebastian Cheng
Misadventurers 1 by Joseph Michael, Nicolas Touris
Monstrous: Heartbreak and Blood Loss 1 by Gregory Wright, Rachel Young, Sharpe
Blue Flame 1 by Christopher Cantwell, Adam Gorham, Kurt Michael Russell
99 Cent Theatre
CHC One Shot: Will Aliens Do My Homework? by David Whalen
Into the Wilderness 0 by Gabe Cheng, Elisa Menghel
Mister Johnson 1 by Adrian Jules
Tales From the Dispatch Vol 1 by
Orphan King 1 by Tyler Chin-Tanner, James Boyle
Kickstarter: The Game
Additional Reviews: Hannibal, Calls s1, Kominsky Method s3, Big Little Lies s2, Men in Black 4, God of War
News: McFarlane TV deals, Naomi greenlit as series, next Arrow-verse crossover, Amazon buys MGM, Sandman casting, final round of Round Robin, Inferno event coming soon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is Young Kraven, sequel to GL: Legacy coming soon, Flash ending with season 8, Joker sequel, Okoye series in development for Disney+, ultimate movie crossover
Trailers: Eternals, Last Night in Soho, Gunpowder Milkshake
Am It Glenn?
Comics Countdown:
Ascender 15 by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Strange Adventures 10 by Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Evan Shaner
Department of Truth 9 by James Tynion IV, Martin Simmonds, Aditya Bidikar
Batman: Black and White 6 by Scott Snyder, John Arcudi, Brandon Thomas, Pierrick Colinet, Nick Derington, Elsa Charretier, Khary Randolph, James Harren, Klaus Janson, John Romita Jr
Something is Killing the Children 16 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'edera, Miquel Muerto
Down River People by Adam Smith, Matthew Fox
Beta Ray Bill 3 by Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spicer
Money Shot 11 by Tim Seeley, Sarah Beattie, Caroline Leigh Layne, Kurt Michael Russell
TMNT: The Last Ronin 3 by Peter Laird, Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Ben Bishop, Esau Escorza, Isaac Escorza, Luis Antonio Delgado
HaHa 5 by W. Maxwell Prince, Gabriel Walta
Check out this episode!
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