#Anton Glanzelius
theoscarsproject · 7 months
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My Life as a Dog (1985). In the late '50s, young Ingemar learns a lot about life and himself when he is sent away from his sick mother to live with his aunt and uncle in a town full of eccentrics.
I wasn't sure of this one at first, but man, if, like Ingeman, it doesn't grow (and grow and grow) on you. What a beautiful, bittersweet portrait of childhood! The way the film contrasts the differnent parts of Ingeman's life at home and with his uncle is masterfully done, and the moment of reckoning when everything collides is really deeply felt. It's aided by the fact that it's genuinely funny, and every place we go feels well lived in. Just a really lovely, heartrenching film. 8/10.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Anton Glanzelius in My Life As a Dog (Lasse Hallström, 1985)
Cast: Anton Glanzelius, Tomas von Brömssen, Anki Lidén, Melinda Kinnaman, Kicki Rundgren, Lennart Hjulstörm, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Leif Ericson, Christina Carlwind, Ralph Carlsson. Screenplay: Lasse Hallström, Reidar Jönsson, Brasse Brännström, Per Berglund, based on a novel by Jönsson. Cinematography: Jörgen Persson. Production design: Lasse Westfelt. Film editing: Christer Furubrand, Susanne Linnman. Music: Björn Isfält. 
The American success of Hallström's off-beat but lightweight film netted him two Oscar nominations: best director and -- with co-screenwriters Reidar Jönsson, Brasse Brännström, and Per Berglund -- best adapted screenplay. (The film was based on the middle volume of a trio of novels by Jönnson.) It also brought him to Hollywood, where he has directed more off-beat but lightweight films like What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993), Chocolat (2000), and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011). His most successful film after coming to the States has probably been The Cider House Rules (1999), for which he received another Oscar nomination for directing; it was the perfect teaming with a similarly off-beat and lightweight novelist, John Irving. Mind you, I have nothing against either the off-beat or the lightweight: My Life As a Dog is a perfectly charming and often touching movie that showcases a wonderful performance by young Anton Glanzelius as Ingemar, who gets tossed around from relative to relative as they try to cope with the boy. There are also excellent performances by Anki Lidén as Ingemar's mother, Tomas van Brömmsen as Uncle Gunnar, and Melinda Kinnaman (half-sister of the actor Joel Kinnaman) as the pubescent Sagar, who is distressed that her emerging femininity means an end to playing soccer and boxing with the boys. Jörgen Persson's cinematography is another plus. The trouble comes only when one tries to take My Life As a Dog too seriously as a coming-of-age tale, a genre much worked-over by the movies. The lightweightness of My Life as a Dog shows in comparisons with such classics of the genre as Satyajit Ray's Aparajito (1956), François Truffaut's The 400 Blows (1959), and even so recent an entry as Richard Linklater's Boyhood (2014), all of which more successfully integrate the coming-of-age tale with a specific time and place. By contrast, Ingemar's life seems to be taking place in a kind of whimsical neverland that just happens to look like rural Sweden. It's an often heartfelt and certainly entertaining movie that could have been much more.
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2022movieonline · 29 days
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
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Anton Glanzelius
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mea-cuppa · 7 years
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Mitt liv som hund (My Life as a Dog), 1985
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ozu-teapot · 7 years
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My Life as a Dog | Lasse Hallström | 1985
Anton Glanzelius, Ing-Marie Carlsson
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thedigitalfix · 7 years
My Life as a Dog
Lasse Hallstrm's first feature My Life as a Dog is a moving coming-of-age tale of warmth and whimsy. The post My Life as a Dog appeared first on The Digital Fix. http://dlvr.it/PBsJqS
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經典青少年電影 “狗臉的歲月" A good film My life as a dog
「如果她再好起來,我一定要告訴她全部的故事…。」 My life as a dog and the story not to be told in time…
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2018年(戊戌年),十二生肖的狗年,如果要推薦一部符合這個年份象徵,同時適合成長過程的兒童、青少年觀看的書籍或電影,那麼,兼具文學藝術內涵、探討多方面兒童心理學的瑞典影片《狗臉的歲月》(My life as a dog,原片名Mitt Liv Som Hund),就是值得推薦的經典青少年電影。
1985年發行的《狗臉的歲月》,除了獲得金球獎最佳外片獎、波士頓電影評論家協會最佳外片獎,2005年也獲得英國電影協會(BFI)選入「十四歲前必看50部電影」(The 50 films you should see by the age of 14)中。是導演雷瑟‧霍斯楚(Lasse Hallström)的經典代表作,改編自Leidar Jonsson的自傳式小說。
狗臉的歲月——La vie de chien,法文的意思表示︰艱難困苦的生命。故事描述十二歲的男孩英格瑪(由Anton Glanzelius主演),在父親長期缺席、母親體弱多病的家庭長大。由於母親肺結核重病,感受敏銳的英格瑪不得不和母親分開,與經常惡作劇欺負他的哥哥分別被送到遠房親戚家寄宿。無法將心愛的忠狗西卡帶在身邊,幼小的英格瑪隻身搭火車到鄉下,投靠無子嗣的舅舅和舅媽。
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明白英格瑪這般處境,就更能理解,英格瑪何以對史上第一隻被塞進火箭發射到外太空的生物——名叫「萊卡」(Laika)的母狗報以深深的同情和不捨。影片設定的時代背景是1950年代後期,當時世界大事之一是︰1957年10月4日蘇聯成功發射史上第一枚成功進入行星軌道的人工衛星「史普尼克1號」(Спутник-1 / Sputnik-1,俄語的意思是「衛星」,其本意是「旅行者」)。蘇聯的太空科技,超趕世界第一強權美國,引發美國的恐慌,從此冷戰的世界兩強展開「太空競賽」(space race)。英格瑪提到的「萊卡」(Laika),就是1957年11月3日蘇聯發射人工衛星「史普尼克2號」時搭載上太空的第一個動物。太空狗(The Space Dog)萊卡,即便牠是「首位進入宇宙的旅行者」,還上了世界頭條新聞,英格瑪掛念牠在孤獨中餓死的命運(注1),更藉著比較牠我的命運來自我安慰,自己這般狗臉的歲月其實還不算太壞…。
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  * My Life as a dog film 預告片:
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thefernetz · 5 years
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My Life as a Fernetz is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 12 December 1985, directed by Hasse Lallström. It tells the story of Ingemar, a young boy sent to live with relatives. Happy Bithday to Anton Glanzelius who plays the main character! #thefernetz #mylifeasadog #swedish #drama #film #cinema #lassehallsröm #story #ingemar #happybirthday #antonglanzelius
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sanmarin0 · 8 years
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My Life as a Dog (1985) director: Lasse Hallström
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filmbook21 · 8 years
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ozu-teapot · 7 years
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My Life as a Dog | Lasse Hallström | 1985
Anton Glanzelius, Anki Lidén
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rapid-eyes-movement · 9 years
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My Life as a Dog (Lasse Hallström, 1985) / Les amants du Pont-Neuf (Leos Carax, 1991)
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ayteknoloji · 9 years
My Life as a Dog (1985)
My Life as a Dog (1985)
Ağır bir hastalıkla cebelleşen annelerinin sağlığının daha kötüye gitmesini önlemek adına Ingemar ve ağabeyi bir süreliğine evden uzaklaştırılıp akrabalarının yanına yollanır. Ingemar, dayısının yanına, küçük bir kasabaya giderken, aramış olduğu huzuru, orada bulabileceğinin farkında değildir. Şen bir çift olan dayısı ve yengesi, birlikte futbol ve boks maçları yapmış oldukları bir grup arkadaşı,…
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01sentencereviews · 10 years
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My Life as a Dog (1985), Lasse Hallström
The best thing about this film is just how accurately they depict childhood and childhood friendship, and though the film follows a young boy who unfortunately has to experience a lot of incredibly shitty things, the film is never overly sentimental or melodramatic, and rather accurately depicts the way an imaginative twelve year old, Ingemar (Anton Glanzelius), would mourn the loss of a parent, in fragmented memories with a mask on that helps him ignore the pain until it sadly becomes too much. 
Metacritic: n/a, RT: 100%, IMDb: 7.8
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