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onedigital · 25 days ago
LexisNexis Risk Solutions completa la adquisición de IDVerse
La adquisición amplía las capacidades de LexisNexis Risk Solutions en soluciones de riesgo y fraude y mejora la incorporación de identidad digital y la verificación de identidad a través de tecnología impulsada por IA Continue reading LexisNexis Risk Solutions completa la adquisición de IDVerse
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paiecb · 1 year ago
La fraude à la carte bancaire peut arriver à n'importe qui. Mais avec les bons réflexes et nos conseils précieux, soyez toujours un pas en avance. Découvrez comment sur Paiecb.com ! 🔐
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eurekadiario · 2 years ago
Tribunal de Cuentas avisa de falta de un mayor control antifraude en los fondos europeos a nivel local
En general los entes locales han aprobado planes antifraude pero no han implantado todas las medidas previstas.
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El Tribunal de Cuentas ha advertido de la falta de una implantación efectiva de algunas de las medidas de los planes contra el fraude en los fondos Next Generation dentro de las entidades locales.
Con motivo de la pandemia, el Consejo Europeo aprobó un paquete de medidas de gran alcance para la reconstrucción de los Estados, sobre todo a nivel socioeconómico. En este marco se articuló el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR) en España, para poder recibir hasta 140.000 millones de euros entre 2021 y 2026.
Eso sí, para garantizar la correcta gestión de los fondos y dar cumplimiento a las exigencias que la normativa comunitaria se exigió a España que toda entidad, decisora o ejecutora, que participase en la ejecución de las medidas del Plan de Recuperación debería disponer de un plan de medidas antifraude.
El Tribunal de Cuentas, en colaboración con los órganos de control externo de las comunidades, ha analizado 214 entidades del sector público local de toda España, y ha concluido que los avances en
esta materia no han finalizado, sino que, con carácter general se han limitado a la probación de los planes antifraude, pero no se han implantado de manera efectiva de "algunas de las medidas en ellos contenidas" ni se ha desarrollado una cultura de lucha contra el fraude.
Eso sí, el organo que preside Enriqueta Chicano reconoce que la adaptación a estos requerimientos ha entrañado un "importante esfuerzo" para la mayoría de las entidades, agravado por las dificultades iniciales a las que se enfrentaron las entidades del sector público local para determinar si estaban o no obligadas a aprobar un plan de medidas antifraude.
Esto se explica en buena medida por la "premura" con la que las entidades tuvieron que aprobar los planes, de los que no disponían hasta ese momento. De hecho, la institución señala que todavía no ha transcurrido tiempo suficiente para interiorizar un cambio "tan sustancial" en las organizaciones.
Al margen de este aviso, el Tribunal de Cuentas admite un buen puñado de entidades que sí han desarrollado la totalidad de medidas de control antifraude. Estos son los ayuntamientos de Alicante, Ávila, Bilbao, Castellón de la Plana, Donostia-San Sebastián, Ermua, Gijón, Girona, Lalín, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Tarragona, Torrelavega, Valencia, Valladolid, Vitoria-Gasteiz y Zumarraga. También figuran las diputaciones provinciales de Burgos, Cádiz, Palencia, Pontevedra y Valladolid y la Comarca del Ripollés.
Con todo ello, el Tribunal de Cuentas recomienda que tanto las entidades que ya cuenten con un plan de medidas antifraude como aquellas que aún no lo hayan aprobado sigan avanzando en el desarrollo de una cultura antifraude y consoliden los progresos alcanzados en esta materia, reforzando las medidas ya implantadas y poniendo en marcha aquellas que estén pendientes.
Además, el órgano fiscalizador aconseja que esta cultura y control antifraude no se ciña en exclusiva a los fondos Next Generation, sino que se extiendan a la totalidad del ámbito de gestión de las entidades, con independencia del origen de los recursos.
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priteshwemarketresearch · 5 days ago
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nfavocats · 2 months ago
La lutte contre la fraude à la TVA dans les opérations intracommunautaires : responsabilités des opérateurs économiques.
La lutte contre la fraude à la TVA dans les opérations intracommunautaires : responsabilités des opérateurs économiques.
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fin-trails · 10 months ago
Designing Products for Transaction Monitoring in Banks (Part I)
Image Credit: Pexels Background Transactions represent a state of continuous flow of money in the banking system. With the emergence of digital channels, digital transactions dominate cash-based transactions by a wide margin. For example, in India alone, the value of digital payment transactions increased by a staggering 58% in a single year, from INR 71.97 billion in FY 2021–22 to INR 113.94…
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akkbvm · 1 year ago
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erpinformation · 1 year ago
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12endigital · 1 year ago
El PP denuncia un complot de PSPV y UGT para desprestigiar a la Agencia Antifraude ante el 'Caso Azud'
El diputado del Grupo Popular en Les Corts, Nando Pastor, ha anunciado la presentación de una Proposición No de Ley para que Les Corts “remitan a Fiscalía las declaraciones del director de la Agencia Antifraude y que apuntan a un supuesto complot de PSPV-PSOE y el sindicato UGT para desprestigiar las investigaciones abiertas por esta agencia y que resultan incómodas para el propio PSPV-PSOE”. El…
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agentfiftyseven · 2 years ago
More than anything, I just want a healthcare system that works for everyone and doesn't ruin lives. We've got a whole lot of problems in the US (/worldwide) but not having to worry about affording to not die, or their healthcare being tied to their current employment would free up so many people to live how they want to.
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paiecb · 1 year ago
La fraude à la carte bancaire peut arriver à n'importe qui. Mais avec les bons réflexes et nos conseils précieux, soyez toujours un pas en avance. Découvrez comment sur Paiecb.com! 🔐
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justinspoliticalcorner · 9 months ago
Paul Blumenthal and Dave Jamieson at HuffPost:
In a Thursday ruling, the Supreme Court placed new restrictions on the ability of the Securities and Exchange Commission to charge a person or company with a violation and adjudicate it outside of federal court. The decision in SEC v. Jarkesy is the latest in a string of cases where the court has pared back the power of federal agencies. Limiting the ability of agencies to issue regulations ― and, now, to prosecute certain legal offenses ― is a hallmark of the court’s nearly four-year-old conservative supermajority.
[...] This case came about after the SEC charged conservative radio host George Jarkesy Jr. with securities fraud for alleged improper reporting regarding two investment funds that he ran. An internal SEC adjudication process found him guilty and imposed a fine of $300,000 in 2013. [...]
In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court ruled that when the agency sought civil penalties for alleged fraud, the defendant was entitled to a jury trial ― though it set aside other constitutional questions raised by Jarkesy’s case. “The SEC’s antifraud provisions replicate common law fraud, and it is well established that common law claims must be heard by a jury,” Roberts wrote.
The radical and out-of-touch majority on SCOTUS ruled 6-3 to limit the ability to punish corporate wrongdoing in the SEC v. Jarkesy case.
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carabanchelnet · 10 months ago
¡¡BOOM!! Una diputada de Vox denuncia ante la Oficina Antifraude de Catalunya al secretario general del partido fascista, Ignacio Garriga, que cobra 87.276 € como diputado, x facturar 52.400 € de dinero público de Vox sin que se sepa en concepto de qué. Isabel Lázaro afirma que usó dinero público para gastos personales, por ejemplo, el AMPA de sus hijos. Se trata de cargos como los que se especifican en las imágenes que acompañan a estas líneas y que aparecen en la contabilidad detalla del grupo como cobros a nombre de Ignacio Garriga que se repiten de forma habitual. En total, ingresó 52.400 euros que se desglosan en 14.000 durante el año 2021 y 38.000 en el 2022. Unos ingresos que se suman a su sueldo como diputado que asciende a cerca de 90.000 euros anuales, y a su salario como secretario general del partido. Pero los gastos vinculados a Garriga van más allá de las facturas ya que entre los cobros de transporte o dietas aparecen pagos médicos a una clínica de Barcelona o incluso, a una peluquería infantil, también en la ciudad condal. Según la denuncia, Garriga habría utilizado su tarjeta del partido para pagar, además la compra en el supermercado o el AMPA del colegio de sus hijos. Cabe destacar que "el mes de agosto del mismo año, donde no hay actividad parlamentaria, el gasto en tarjetas asciende a 7.363 euros" reza la denuncia. Por otro lado, también se documenta cómo en el ejercicio de 2021 Garriga solo percibió por esta vía un total de 14.316 euros, pero hay que tener en cuenta que la legislatura empezó en marzo. El año siguiente, ya con un ejercicio completo, ingresó por este mecanismo de girar facturas otros 38.085 euros. Es decir, el dinero por este método extraordinario se dobló de un año a otro, coincidiendo con que Garriga se convirtió en el número dos de Vox en toda España. La factura más elevada que aparece en las cuentas es con fecha de 3 de marzo y tiene un valor de 5.893 euros. Las cuentas del grupo de Vox en el Parlamento catalán correspondientes a 2022, las últimas presentadas, a las que ha tenido acceso EL PAÍS, muestran una situación de vaciamiento patrimonial. Video publicado por Juan Miguel Garrido @JuanmiGG_News
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petervintonjr · 5 months ago
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"If the government had the right to free us she had a right to make some provision for us and since she did not make it soon after Emancipation she ought to make it now."
One of the earliest leaders in the cause of post-enslavement reparations, Callie Guy House was herself born enslaved in (it is assumed) 1861, in Tennessee, even as the Civil War was underway. After emancipation her mother moved the family to Nashville, where she lived until the age of 22. While Callie did receive some primary school education there is no indication of her ever having graduated from any high school or higher institution. She married a William House and and they raised five children.
From there the story might otherwise have ended unremarkably, but for Callie happening upon a pamphlet that had been circulating amongst Black communities in central Tennessee in 1891; Freedmen's Pension Bill: A Plea for American Freedmen by Walter Vaughan. Modeled on the military service pensions of the Civil War, Vaughan's pamphlet was an appeal for the fair treatment of formerly enslaved people, and a proposal to grant pensions to people of color who had been emancipated. While the first such bill had already been introduced in Congress the previous year, it had gotten little traction. But the premise appealed to House and she set forth on a newfound personal mission.
By 1898 House had chartered the National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty, and Pension Association and was serving as its secretary --eventually to be its president. She travelled throughout the post-Reconstruction South, and spread the idea of former slave reparations to massed audiences. By 1900 the organization's membership stood at 300,000, and House had brought her eloquent arguments all the way to the floor of Congress.
In an era of rapidly expanding Jim Crow laws, House's efforts quite naturally entailed a lot of risk, and the ex-slave pension movement fell afoul of both the press and the government, which resorted to using (of all tactics) the Post Office Department's antifraud powers to concoct charges against House. In 1916, in the midst of a prolonged attempt to file a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Treasury department (see Johnson v. McAdoo, 1915), Callie and other leaders of the association were formally indicted by U.S. postmaster general on charges of mail fraud (on the argument that the printed circulars were promising "imminent" reparation payments). House was convicted and sentenced to nearly a year in prison in Jefferson City, Missouri. House did not return to her activist life after prison; she died in 1928 at the age of 67.
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mariacallous · 7 months ago
At around 8 pm on Saturday evening in France, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested as he exited his private jet at Le Bourget Airport, outside Paris. He was flying in from Azerbaijan. According to TF1Info, the French outlet that first broke the news of his arrest, Durov was accompanied by a bodyguard and a woman. As best as anyone can tell, he spent the night in a French jail cell.
Durov’s unexpected detainment came after an arrest warrant was issued by OFMIN, a new law enforcement office that began operations in November and is tasked with preventing violence against minors. Durov’s arrest is reportedly part of a preliminary investigation into a startling array of alleged offenses—drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and the promotion of terrorism—deemed to have been permitted on Telegram, which Durov claimed in July has 950 million users.
Investigators speaking to French media were unsure why Durov risked landing in the country given that he was on France’s wanted persons list. According to an unnamed police source who spoke to Reuters, investigators saw Durov’s name on a passenger list ahead of his private jet’s arrival.
Representatives from OFMIN declined to answer questions about the investigation and redirected WIRED to France’s Ministry of Justice, which did not immediately respond. The Paris Prosecutor’s Office said in an email that a full press release is expected to be published on Monday.
Durov is reportedly in the crosshairs of French authorities due to both a lack of moderation on Telegram and a lack of cooperation with police requests. Reuters reported that a cybersecurity gendarmerie unit and France's national antifraud police unit were leading the investigation. The investigative judge is also specialized in organized crime.
Telegram did not respond to requests for comment from WIRED. John Hyman, Telegram’s chief investment officer, declined to comment “currently.” The Telegram News channel posted on Sunday evening that it was “absurd” to claim that an owner or its platform were responsible for abuses of that platform, noting that Durov has “nothing to hide” and travels frequently in Europe. “We’re awaiting a prompt resolution of this situation.”
Although France has yet to officially confirm the arrest, the Russian embassy in Paris was quick to accuse French authorities of not clarifying the reasons for Durov’s detention or facilitating consular access. “As of today, the French authorities are, at the present time, not cooperating on this issue,” the embassy said in a statement. “We are in contact with P. Durov’s lawyer.” Durov became a French citizen in 2021. Based in Dubai, Durov also has United Arab Emirates citizenship.
Questions over lack of moderation on Telegram have plagued the company for years. Islamist extremists and far-right activists have both organized on the platform, and at times used it to incite violence. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the war in Gaza, Telegram has found itself at the heart of geopolitics—both as a vital source of information for people on the ground and a dangerous source of disinformation and sometimes graphic content. Durov always claims to be “neutral” and to have no political affiliations.
“Civil society has had a complicated relationship with Telegram over the years,” says Natalia Krapiva, a lawyer at the digital rights group Access Now. “We have defended Telegram against attempts by authoritarian regimes to block and coerce the platform into providing encryption keys, but we have also been raising alarms about Telegram’s lack of human rights policies, reliable channel of communication, and remedy for its users.” Krapiva stresses that French authorities may try to force Durov to provide Telegram’s encryption keys to decrypt private messages, “which Russia has already tried to do in the past.”
The hashtag #FreePavel has been spreading online, including via X’s CEO, Elon Musk, who has posted numerous times about Durov’s arrest. “POV: It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme,” he wrote on Saturday night in response to a post about the Telegram CEO’s detention. “The need to protect free speech has never been more urgent,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who on Friday endorsed Donald Trump for US president, wrote on X, where he referred to Telegram as “uncensored” and “encrypted.”
While Telegram is frequently described as an encrypted messaging app, messages are not end-to-end encrypted by default, and senior executives previously told WIRED that they view the platform as a social network. This is largely due to Channels—a one-to-many broadcast feature that allows unlimited subscribers to view posts.
One of the posts that has gained the most traction on X was by right-wing former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson, who alluded to the oft-repeated but debatable story that Durov left Russia because the government tried to take over his company. “But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a western country,” Carlson wrote in a post that has so far been viewed at least 5.7 million times. Carlson also linked to an hourlong interview he did with Durov earlier this year, one of the first and only interviews the Telegram CEO has given in recent years.
In Durov’s absence, Telegram’s future looks uncertain to some: “I am in shock, and everyone close to Pavel feels the same,” says Georgy Lobushkin, former head of PR at VK, a social network Durov cofounded, who is still in regular contact with Durov. “Nobody was prepared for this situation.” Asked if he worried about Telegram’s future and who could run the company in Durov’s absence, Lobushkin says: “[I] worry a lot.”
TF1Info, which first broke the news in France of Durov’s arrest, reported that it was “beyond doubt” Durov would remain in custody during the investigation. “Pavel Durov will end up in pretrial detention, that's for sure,” one unnamed investigator told reporters.
“No one in Telegram was prepared for such a scenario,” says Anton Rozenberg, who worked with Durov from the early days of VK in 2007, before working for Telegram from 2016 to 2017. Rozenberg foresaw Durov acquiring the best legal defense money could buy. “But without him, the messenger may have huge problems with management, all crucial decisions, and even payments,” he added, given Durov’s personal involvement in running the company. Rozenberg saw no obvious replacement for Durov, who makes key decisions on nearly all matters at Telegram—financing, development strategies, product design, monetization, and content moderation policy.
For now, everything can be expected to continue as normal, says Elies Campo, who directed Telegram’s growth, business, and partnerships from 2015 to 2021. “Depending on how long this is going to last, it’s like a government, right? There’s this structure, there’s self-momentum.” Campo adds that the company’s staff is small enough—around 60 employees—that the infrastructure won’t be affected.
The challenge, Campo concedes, would be if Durov needs to be physically present to pay providers—something Rozenberg also flagged.
“As far as I know, Pavel did the payments,” Campo says. “So what's going to happen when there needs to be some payments for infrastructure providers, or providers in terms of connectivity—and he's still under arrest?”
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yespat49 · 6 days ago
Vitry-sur-Seine : viande découpée sur le trottoir, cigarettes, gaz hilarant… Un des plus grands marchés noirs de France et l’ancien foyer Manouchian pour immigrés disparaissent en même temps
Deux semaines après un contrôle du comité départemental antifraude, la déperdition du marché noir se confirme. L’ancien foyer, qui était le berceau des ventes et activités illicites à la sauvette, est en train d’être démoli. La police continue de multiplier les opérations. Continue reading Vitry-sur-Seine : viande découpée sur le trottoir, cigarettes, gaz hilarant… Un des plus grands marchés…
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