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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from the entire article on Weapons from the Official TF2 Wiki, plus French and German forenames
Abrey Achered Aftargul Aldia Alexply Alfrier Aling Amily Ammetc Ammeteen Ammmper Ampery Amplin Anden Andet Anichimo Anine Aniney Anlue Annes Antiams Anting Appard Ardele Aretto Ariash Arrusher Astence Atesale Atheiner Auray Auren...
Backer Balin Baran Bartine Bashise Batiamuty Bazer Beharick Berreth Bertrop Bille Blanka Blausus Blescan Bloothe Bloraff Blute Boaker Boaks Bodds Bonary Bonce Boollied Bootly Boximed Boyinee Braff Buger Buguniv Buiste Burtra Butty Cakilher Canne Canuephig Carigh Cartie Chakent Chigine Chilise Cholf Chrie Chrudes Chrun Clang Claum Claury Client Cloake Cloyeden Clémilds Clémy Colay Conatole Coppawn Costiver Coudoute Cough Couilovin Couted Crainger Cramutte Cranmina Crarle Crean Crell Cribugue Croun Cusang Céliete Daget Depla Depor Dergasts Dettel Diamick Dicaude Dietits Difiene Difliew Dillis Dincinsl Dineore Dismo Doliecla Domins Dommory Donstimic Dordon Douke Dowenrana Drach Dreaus Ealassigh Efabeiden Efinvul Ekker Emacel Embrucie Equel Equer Ermarmas Estisar Ettatter Everg Evinede Exands Fablaus Fabrie Faust Fautz Fisuales Fleas Flene Flonchey Floud Forge Forifee Frafter Frate Freadis Fredmuel Frentz Friech Fring Frium Gaine Garads Garleanny Garro Gerbeasts Gerty Gesebalip Gethove Giolf Giver Greildese Guiperie Guishals Gunige Hanner Hannoît Harbure Harrester Headochie Heang Heanne Heartited Helen Helher Helle Helmonons Henbla Hencity Herist Herle Hermar Hillow Hisarinat Hitan Hivene Holausts Holfgarc Homicke Hootion Hopper Horin Hoses Hugunes Iffects Imands Iming Inetch Ineter Inger Inivace Inraide Iraffalle Jackings Jagda Jamick Jarndrid Jeadt Jeaketors Jearal Jeatord Jecton Jencip Jockass Joscrands Jostruces Jurégotte Juserm Jürge Jürger Karmak Karoy Katch Kilia Klanted Kulild Kupda Lannor Larisper Layer Lecka Liasin Ligne Linge Linigma Linvalmel Liste Locelyne Loconced Loding Lorch Lother Loticar Louiling Lowee Luery Maine Makents Maléric Maniquale Manned Marbireet Mareassis Maricalf Marleent Marmard Marrust Martal Matcharl Maternon Matina Mayes Meine Melle Mical Micemokto Micharns Micticert Milder Miming Minricker Mirich Mirogis Mistine Moker Mélia Mélovie Naltomer Narger Nempomy Nempop Nerna Nicam Niver Nosse Notheid Obtalieu Osestals Otiets Otiew Otion Pables Pater Patte Paurer Pauristob Pdatem Peathity Pecakents Pecell Phakewe Phill Phises Piers Pirich Pithan Plane Plegably Poirewar Pophane Poser Postaking Poutick Prepecher Previne Prifirid Pritz Pulranne Punletion Purencieu Purol Puted Qualoak Ramil Rebhan Reidie Reine Relmut Rennien Rette Rolair Rolects Rolfrie Rollmed Romar Ropen Rosévenz Réginad Rémize Sabie Sablydne Sabrey Sadly Sanna Scancelon Scart Schootion Scongle Scummelds Sebke Selvan Shalle Shart Shatiolf Shettands Shostor Shots Shway Sises Sishent Siste Slashanna Slataking Sliscrore Slivion Slorson Smardown Smuntina Sodaystin Solaul Solid Soush Speclas Spentrity Spermer Spientee Stapolf Starc Stele Stiman Suadle Suall Sumer Swine Swolay Sydne Sylven Sylvid Sylvin Sylvinn Synete Thentort Therming Thien Tholderst Thouna Thous Thric Thrudring Thugh Timan Tinhoter Tinhs Tioncra Tomingle Tonstel Touic Trant Tring Trushanna Ubetwer Udosers Ulloys Undring Uptly Ushard Ustack Vaing Vashwarel Vicke Vieding Viegge Volcann Wacques Wandis Warebreed Weaulease Werty Whien Wilido Witch Wored Woreing Xenats Youtz Érathring Évenrid
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sarcasticace · 6 years ago
wait why is AME b2 so bad??
Under the cut because this gets long and kinda rant-y, sorry
 - The writers should’ve never implemented double elimination. It helped this season feel different, which was something this book needed to be successful, but it only made it feel like the new characters left way too soon. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like we hardly got to know most of them. I get that it was so there was never an odd number of contestants, but they could’ve done something like… winner is exempt every other challenge or something.
 - I am convinced the writers DID NOT know what to do with Ivy or Vince. Particularly Ivy. They kept switching between the 2D villain Adam-mancers love to petty hate to this really compelling (at least imo), complicated rival character.  They should have stuck with the later AND they should have paired Ivy with MC at least once, leading to addressing her betrayal from last season: letting players forgive Ivy and move on (and rekindle their romance if players did that last season) or remain bitter towards her. But mostly pairing MC and Ivy in a challenge for the drama. It boggles my mind that both Ivy and MC are in the same season, but no one bothered to pair them up. I vaguely remember it was one of the reasons S10 didn’t tank. I might be remembering some details wrong, but in-universe, didn’t fans tune it to see that sweet MC/Ivy drama? Any good showrunner would have taken advantage and milked the hell out of it by doing whatever they can to put the two in the same room. I guess Carson being portrayed as incompetent subverted that, but Carson is a fictional character so that doesn’t count. If the writers weren’t going to fully take advantage of the Ivy/MC dynamic, they should have cut Ivy from the book entirely.
 - The partners. This was such a brilliant idea, but omg did they fuck it up. Why did they ONLY pair MC with Slater, Vince, and Adam. I mean, of fucking course it’s Adam, but they should’ve made it so the contestants got new partners AFTER EVERY CHALLENGE. Not when Carson felt like it or something came up. And MC should never have been paired with Adam (or Mack and Derek for that matter). It should have been Ivy (for the above reason) and all the new characters especially if they were committed to the idea of double eliminations. That way players get to know the characters one-on-one before they’re gone. Obviously, Adam is gonna stick around till the end because he’s one of the LIs and he’s on the cover. Also because of the whole proposal setup. Making him one of MC’s partners is a waste of time when you have new characters that will be leaving way before him. Diamond scenes aren’t going anywhere. That’s where they’re putting LI character+romantic development nowadays. MC, Adam, Mack, and Derek seem to have formed a friends group. They interact the most and there are several entire chapters where those three (+Jen) are the only characters to appear. What’s the point? Just pull a Total Drama and bring back the old contestants in a season 10.2, but switch up the elimination order. Having said that, yes, we do get to interact a lot with Eden/Heath and Kiara, but not characters like Yvette and Rowan. Maybe it’s just me, but I felt like I knew more about Ryder, Lina, and Han in their short time than any of the new All-Stars. These are winners and VIPs of previous seasons. They should have something to offer! If the new characters mean nothing then why waste the assets. Take Yvette for example… she’s a mom and willing to use her kids to guilt people into not voting her off. Enough to make players dislike her, but besides that moments and a few single lines, she’s a throwaway characters. And to prove my point, PB didn’t even wait for AME2 to finish before recycling her character model for a minor patient character in Open Heart. I don’t care about PB reusing assets, but can they stop being THAT lazy for five minutes.
 - There’s the fact that they didn’t do anything creative with partners outside of the ones involving the MC. Particularly the ones for the LIs. Vince, for example, didn’t get paired with Adam AT ALL despite their history. Just like with MC/Ivy, why would any showrunner worth their salt not want to capitalize on the drama between Adam and Vince? Same goes for the actual writers of this book. Why even have Adam around if not to spice things up with Vince? 
 - And since we’re on the topic of Vince… why did he not have that big of a role? I mean, on one hand, I kinda like that he’s just a diva and annoying. I’ll give B2 that much, they subverted my expectation of Vince being the main villain of this book, but in all honestly… they should’ve went with that route. It would’ve been exciting if MC would have to ally with Ivy in order to defeat a worse contestant. Then I was expecting Slater to be the secret big bad and Vince would be a red herring, but again… nope. Vince is just a diva and Slater plays rough. Those aren’t bad things, but they were also disappointing… much like the entire book. I know they didn’t want to copy what they did in the last book, but having this book’s finale just include your friends/LI rather than having it you vs. your rival is kinda lackluster imo.
 - One last thing about Vince… he almost seriously injured Adam in one of the earlier chapters and it’s never brought up again. Ever! They could’ve included a scene later on, like B1 had with Zeke, where MC could decide whether to reveal they saw Vince mess with the controls and that’d sway the opinions of the jury house and affect whether or not they’d listen to him. But of course that’s not what happened. This is Choices so consequences are only every applied to the MC. 
 - This “dating Jen” drama should’ve been done in full back in B1, but only for players actually romancing Jen. No offence to the other LIs, but Jen was the most appealing. Having a forbidden romance with one of the producers? Narrowly avoiding getting caught and risking your chance of staying on the show? It’s way more interesting that Adam/Mackenzie all of a sudden falling for MC just because. We know PB has the coding power. They could’ve and should’ve done it If they’re gonna have multiple endings for RoD, of all books, then they should commit to a standard for their books and should’ve coded AME A LOT better. Hell, they should’ve just outlined the whole series better, but we ended up with… this.
 - Also they need to do something with Mack’s backstory… her family is poor? She wants the prize money to put her sister through college. And yet she ONLY ever sabotaged Ryder then fell in love with MC and did nothing dirty for the rest of both seasons. If they weren’t gonna make Ivy a complicated rival character, they should’ve just cut Ivy all together and given that storyline to Mack. This is mostly a B1 complaint, but it follows through to B2 because they don’t commit with Ivy and don’t do much  with Mack. They introduce her family, which was interesting, but idk she lost a lot of appeal for me in B1 when she fell head over heals for my MC for no reason. Mackenzie’s route had “slow burn” written all over it, but they neglected her. Either Mack should’ve been the rival LI or they should’ve cut her and made Adam fully customizable (like Hayden) then have Ivy fill the role of second female LI.
- Again with Mack… her complaining about cheating is really funny and kinda OOC. Like I mentioned before, she literally sabotaged Ryder because he was a jerk and she wanted to win. Did the writers forget about that? This was just one of several points that shows the writers did not care about their own story and characters. 
 - Also they needed to do something? … anything… with Derek. Poor man, he’s the only LI who gets how this show is played. He deserves better. I don’t talk about Derek much, but I honestly love this man. He’s just dull. He needs… anything. Give him anything. Like the only significant storyline they gave him, that I can remember, is his show-mance with Ivy and that was more Ivy’s storyline than his.
 - And Bianca being friend-zoned despite PB bringing her back. Really? PB must know a lot of fans like her. At the very least a lot of tumblr fans. Idk why they wouldn’t want to capitalize on that. Did they really think it wasn’t a good idea to give her a few diamond scenes? Did neglecting her again make them more money? So instead of giving Bianca… literally anything, they give Slater, a completely new character, a couple of diamond scenes and let players be a little flirty with him. 
 - Having Eden/Heath and Kiara getting into an accident was a good twist, I was genuinely worried about them, but I gotta laugh that it took them both out of the competition. I mean, it makes sense. They were seriously injured. Realistically, they wouldn’t be able to compete, but their elimination brought the final 6 to MC, the LIs, Vince, and Ivy/Slater. Determinant 5 of 6 contestants are from S10 and one has been in 3 seasons, 2 of which he quit. That’s so dumb. Like… were there ANY in-universe fans who saw this and thought this show was rigged? I mean, more than fans normally would about reality shows?
 - How did Mack, Adam, and Derek even get on this show? At first I thought MC was surrounded by celebrities. Bianca was a model, Han was an athlete, Ryder was a pop star, etc etc. I assumed everyone else were celebutantes or something and MC was the odd one out who got lucky when they stumbled across Whitney and Jen. But nah, Mack and Adam (and I think Derek too) are just college students who applied for the show to pay for tuition??? If they’re not famous or didn’t come from fame, why did Piper invite them to compete in the first place? What was so special about them that drew her attention. This is a minor complaint, but it’s just weird to see each of the LIs come from regular families like MC. Not that what we got was bad, but like… did they win a contest or something? What’s the deal? Idk if it’s in a diamond scene I didn’t pay for, but it really should be a free piece of characterization. It would’ve made me care more about the LIs and make them more memorable. 
 - Does anyone think the friendship/ally status does anything besides determine who votes for who at the end of the season? Why would they implement the friendship meter from ES if they don’t use it for alternate dialogue? Because they know most of the characters won’t be in the next book? Probably, but still. I can’t tell if Adam hating MC is any different then Adam being MC’s ally besides him voting for them at the end of S10, but even then, that doesn’t make sense because he has ample reason to not vote for Ivy. And yet he still votes for Ivy if he’s anything lower than ally. Again, mostly a b1 complaint.
 - Someone had a great idea (I forget who, but please message me) that the LIs should be an auto vote and for the rest, whether or not they vote for your should be based on a percentage. The higher the relationship status, the higher the chance. Friends being 75%, neutral being 50% or lower, dislike/hate somewhere around 20 -15%. As an idea.
And that’s the major ones, I’m sure there are more other people can tack on.
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antiame · 7 years ago
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innocentamit · 3 years ago
Day 2 Collection of Antim Box Office: Weekend 'Antiam' items, second day collections were a lot of crores.
Day 2 Collection of Antim Box Office: Weekend ‘Antiam’ items, second day collections were a lot of crores.
Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma star ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ had a well-opened Friday. He believed the film’s collection could increase over the weekend and it happened. Friday … Source link
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failed-step-one · 7 years ago
i heard about an earthquake in antiam are you safe??????
yeah it wasn’t near here and I think it did not kill anybody anyway
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megasilverfist · 7 years ago
(cross posted from my gym’s blog) I’ve had a few people ask where I went to school and some of the purples also wanted to know what it was like, so I guess I’ll talk about it a bit.  I started out in a fairly typical greyschool before being recruited for multiple speciality high schools.  I was pretty tempted by one of the pre-navy schools (I like ships and they had 93% placement into active duty roles), but in the end I did the last year of my schooling at Soata academy which was more or less a sports grey spefic school.  Well it was for people who had a clear career track that would benefit from flexible scheduling or who qualified for their competitive teams.  In practice this meant sports greys but we had some stunt performers with reoccurring roles who didn’t work well with their studio’s school for child performers (those tend to be green focused), people who were inheriting businesses and mostly needed on the job training ect.
Normal greyschool was mostly like what people would expect.  Lots of gym otherwise classes similar to what (I think) you get at purple school in terms of general academics though not any feeder courses for purple jobs obviously. Soata, home of the biting crowntails, was a different story.  First off gym was optional and not really encouraged, we had some good stuff available for people who wanted to get a chance to sample specialty training approaches ( I did a brief one on the Idzedia powerlifting method), and for people preparing for relatively sedentary careers (the fish guys, the kid who’s family owns sportsbet.tap ect) but mostly they were just like your already getting sports specific professional coaching, thats kinda the point of being here.  Of course the people doing sports where high school level competition was a major recruiting field did play through the school teams, go crowntails bite their fins off!, but that was still extracurricular technically apparently, I didn’t come up with this.  
Anyway, we didn’t have gym, we didn’t have to keep up with classes teaching pointless things like the capital of Antiam or that almond milk isn’t made by feeding cows almonds, and we did have relatively tight academic prep standards and plenty of funding.  This meant that I was able to take lots of cool electives and advanced courses like history of sports, media interaction (coming up with good post game quotes, posing for photos ect), and nutrition science while still having a shortened school day for more training time and lots of flexibility to travel for events (they rescheduled my finals and were set up to livestream and record classes).  Also Shahn Nahn (yes that one) was an alumni which besides being cool as fuck also meant we had a sauna and on site masseuse from his donations.
So yeah would totally recommend it to anyone who can get in, but you do have to either qualify for their competitive teams or provide proof of outside training and meet fairly strict academic requirements (((only strict by school for jocks standards, but still manages to screen out ~20% of applicants))).  You can get a similar approach for stupid people at Nuna, boo dumbo ears how do you even swim, and similar flexibility but more classes for fallback plans/slightly lower standards at schools in different cities with Peka prep probably coming closest, boo double tails go home you freaks, I hope that helps.  (((seriously don’t make your fish fight irl)))
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keywestlou · 5 years ago
Does Trump ever stop? His every move leads to another despotic act. We learn more and more the nature of the man. Evil without ending.
Color forever an issue in the U.S. More intense under Trump.
I always thought black was not a color. Rather the absence of color. Researching a bit this morning to see if I was correct, I learned black is a color. Just as much as other colors.
With tongue in cheek, it could be we are all persons of color. If black is color and white also, each of us qualifies as being a person of color.
So maybe we all will be sent back. Except for the American Indian, we are all either immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.
Humor aside, Trump always goes a step too far. No matter what he does. During the 2016 Clinton campaign it was Lock Her Up. Today with Congresswoman Omar it is Send Her Back.
I fear tomorrow will return to send her to jail again.
Trump’s bigotry is obvious. A person has to be deaf and dumb not to be aware of it. One of the reasons forming the basis for hating/disliking persons of color is that soon persons of color will be the majority of people in the U.S. Whites will take a back seat forever more.
The 2020 Presidential election may be the white man’s “last hurrah.”
More persons of color than whites is soon to be. The Brookings Institute in a recent report stated that next year more than half of the under 18 population would reflect coloreds exceeding whites in the U.S. The report further indicated that within a decade, the under 30 colored population will be the majority.
Many whites fear. Properly so. What goes around, comes around.
The first time it was Lock Her Up. This time Send Her Back. Where does it stop?Will jail actually become the third step in cycle?
I have written and said in the past 2 years that Trump’s ICE is Hitler’s Gestapo of the 1930’s. Trump continues to increase the powers of ICE.
In the next 2 years, will we have reached the point of fearing a knock on the door in the middle of the night?
A scary thought. Not inconceivable.
How much time before such a confrontation? I don’t know, but I fear. A country that can detain immigrants, separate children from parents, allow immigrants to live under inhumane conditions, have drinking water provided to children from toilets, leave children with no change of clothes, no bathing, no tooth brushes, permit them to sleep on a cold concrete floor, etc., has already begun stepping over the line.
What is Trump’s ethnicity?
German and Scotch. I researched it this morning.
There was a time however when the Trumps feared being identified as Germans. They said they were of Scotch ancestry. Trump’s mother Mary Anne MacLeod was born in Scotland. His father Fred in Germany.
Trump even wrote in the Art of the Deal which was published in 1987 that he was of Scottish ancestry. Later he spoke at some big dinner and told everyone he was proud to be a German.
I’m not surprised. I recall his first wife mentioning he kept a book by Hitler on his nightstand. Not Mein Kampf. Another whose title I cannot recall.
Irma is still with us. The hurricane hit September 10, 2017. Just short of 2 years ago.
It was announced yesterday the Marine Removal Debris has approved 76 additional canals to be cleaned. Hurricane debris and sediment removed. Federal dollars involved. The Feds pay and the County oversees the spending of the money.
The U.S. is excited about the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. Man walking on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Key West is having a big party. At the same time Hemingway Days is downtown.
A Lunar Landing Lawn Party will be held saturday night at the complex of the relatively new motels on Northern Boulevard. All kinds of activities followed by an 8 pm showing of First Men starring Ryan Gosling.
Nero keeps getting blamed for having burned Rome. Not so.
Most of Rome was destroyed by fire in 64 A.D. Fallacy tells us Nero had the fire started, watched Rome burn from the palace, and played the fiddle while so doing.
Could not have been. The fire accidentally began. The fiddle had not yet been invented. Nero was not at the palace. Rather 35 miles away in Antiam when the fire broke out.
Good hearted a man however. Nero let the people of Rome use the palace for shelter following the fire.
Nero was a true politician. The Christians were giving him a hard time. He blamed the fire on them. They were arrested, tortured, and executed. Hundreds of them.
Enjoy your day!
              SEND HER BACK…..NEXT JAIL was originally published on Key West Lou
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tidalwave-shiningsky · 7 years ago
You are from Antiam.
(assumptions meme)
ooooh, what tipped you off, was it my name.
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mezitli33 · 6 years ago
Natürlich bleibt es auch nicht nur bei einem Planeten, welchen man besiedelt und aufbaut. Wer Macht über die Zukunft hat, erobert die Vergangenheit. Du darfst keine Dateianhänge in diesem Forum erstellen. Schreibe einem Moderator des Bereichs. Da die goldene Mitte zu finden ist über AddOns leichter. Die Frage nach einer Anleitung für Antigame hätte ich auch gerne beantwortet. Hin und wieder haben wir schon Funktionen aus Tools übernommen, und werden dies auch weiterhin immer mal tun.
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444names · 3 years ago
german and french forenames + norwegian fjords BUT excluding "fjord" and similar to "Alaska"
Adicka Adidse Adinado Adine Agandrina Agaéta Albeante Aldalen Alfrandan Algjea Aloïc Alphie Amelind Amillrice Andalien Andik Andtgunne Angen Angothel Ankarg Annic Antiam Arcelph Arcus Arden Argitia Arosl Ascast Astelte Audria Aulen Auridt Barick Bassimst Bassinrie Baste Bathélène Beimic Beine Bellein Bellien Berie Berne Berry Bervia Bette Bjøssas Briegaph Brikolda Briona Calfrentz Calieu Camne Carielien Catterta Chaete Cheid Cheniamut Chilieb Chistia Chricie Chris Claulique Claus Cober Colia Coliaste Colice Dagord Dalin Dalteille Dandrig Didlene Dietherna Dikse Dolip Donne Duste Dylairès Eiddenée Eimorde Ellette Elphel Emald Emanz Emarc Emarik Emart Emine Emirkda Emmaxis Erith Erndalmue Ernstra Ersaure Erøya Etcharob Ethole Ewalierre Ewalwin Fabel Faben Faninne Fanne Felle Ferth Finharden Fisloé Florden Floïc Fogne Fossa Framic Frana Frand Frandine Franic Frard Fratruden Freang Frete Frich Friegandt Frien Friername Frédrin Frøya Fustia Førgulles Gabine Gabrinn Gabris Gante Garfjorno Garines Geide Gencilien Genne Gentiant Gentz Gerden Gerna Gerne Gerreth Ghiddan Gildo Gilinèse Giste Gistéph Gotth Grart Grean Grettempe Grine Grionden Grélaete Guliaste Gulien Gullen Gundre Hadeni Hadenia Haele Halémilie Hanasve Hanikaria Hanpauren Harandald Hariane Heidle Heine Heinger Heinnice Heirchie Helien Helister Hellen Helles Hermarich Hernell Hervérick Hilie Hilte Homarl Huben Hugnès Hugulari Hugulia Hunoît Hylar Hélinne Ilden Illen Imeden Inaline Isefjoël Islof Istfjorna Istomred Jached Jachel Jachrie Jachriete Jacque Jamefjona Jamélo Jançois Jeance Jeand Jeandrie Jeane Jeank Jeatn Jeatriden Jeatrie Jelik Jorden Jordene Jorette Julaureda Julfga Julip Justaden Justines Jérine Jörgervé Jøssaksen Jürga Jürgabren Kalie Kargeord Karta Keharden Kerhanne Kevickas Kilbert Kilippe Klaudomat Klete Koben Konah Kuromstie Kveline Kvesteidt Kvine Kvågfra Kvåself Laine Laingese Lanne Lantin Larden Lauda Laudin Laudinas Lauren Laurs Laust Laustines Lefjoste Levine Leximo Livikt Loisla Lorden Louidse Louidt Luciammer Lucina Ludines Ludrika Lukeu Lydin Lütois Malaus Malgervé Malinia Malip Maliquel Malsan Mandana Manna Manne Mannest Maraine Maramunne Marden Margisen Marianic Maricka Marines Marlhe Marmilie Marna Marond Marster Maximelle Meliona Michiert Miermild Mileve Mille Milleno Milte Minden Minel Minfrin Minieran Miraustia Mondald Moria Myrissine Mélia Mélotte Nadrig Nandt Nianka Nianne Nifelein Nisebken Nissic Nordenna Nordernd Odine Olemillen Oliether Olippas Olter Orden Osanich Ostimo Otharden Othiette Otnelydi Pastina Pathilles Paudia Paudwil Pauka Paula Pette Phance Pharah Pheris Philhuber Porde Ramalle Ramne Ramurt Ranette Raurid Rausten Reclancie Reiline Rette Roben Rolen Rollaurée Rolle Rolte Romand Romarc Roniamira Rudenne Rédériel Régister Saber Sanden Sanne Sanueste Sançois Selmarie Sephia Sicelf Similie Sjorey Sjory Skjené Skjord Skjorden Snfjoël Snique Sogeid Sogne Soldam Soniquele Stord Sunne Sykke Syland Sylvantz Sylvian Sørdel Talistert Thillen Tianis Timone Tjorden Tophanne Trarden Tyanne Vaine Valind Valtonia Valvine Vandale Vanlord Varich Vatris Velie Verns Vette Viellrinz Vikaromre Vikfjola Vitsther Volphim Vonien Værah Værangen Vérès Walouel Werdenel Werger Wield Wigild Wigista Wigisteid Wigman Wigsfjoce Wiloïc Yrichria Yvden Yvolin Åfjose Åkronane Éliand Éliebker Éliquel Élivicola Élène Émirc Éries Érômen
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sarcasticace · 6 years ago
Adam’s lines change based on the person he is voting for. If Adam is your ally he gives you a gentle smile and says "you've earned this" as he casts his vote. If Adam is not your ally he is brooding about his choice. Because it's such a haaaaaard choice...How can he possibly vote for the MC AND stay true to himself??? I’m pretty sure that all LIs vote for Ivy because why the fuck not. You don't get any free votes.
See, I like that from a gameplay standpoint point because it shows your work getting him as an ally pays off (and ignoring/angering has negative consequences), but from a story standpoint you’re absolutely right! It makes no sense! There’s literally no reason why Adam wouldn’t vote for MC. He LITERALLY quits just to give MC a fighting chance against Ivy because she was cheating so to have him vote for her, ally/friend or not, completely contradicts his previous actions.
The same goes for Mack and Derek too! They were super upset and angry that MC got eliminated a couple chapters back. Mack knows it was Ivy and she hates her, right? Even Derek isn’t all that keen about Ivy so I don’t get why any of the LIs would vote for Ivy if their status isn’t below neutral.
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sarcasticace · 6 years ago
This chapter of AME was so bad. Hunt was in it. Hmmm, maybe there’s a connection.
*stares at the utter mess that is RCD*
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sarcasticace · 6 years ago
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Are you kidding me? There was JUST a diamond scene 30 seconds ago and now there’s another one?!?! That’s three diamond scenes in one chapter and normally I wouldn’t care, but THIS is story content. The chapter was SO unsatisfactorily short.
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sarcasticace · 6 years ago
America’s Most Eligible, Chapter 11: We’re going to cut a piece of the story and make it a diamond scene, thus cutting the length of this chapter in half.
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antiame · 10 years ago
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antiame · 11 years ago
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