sarcasticace · 6 years
This chapter of AME was so bad. Hunt was in it. Hmmm, maybe there’s a connection.
*stares at the utter mess that is RCD*
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sarcasticace · 6 years
It’s really funny hearing about RCD from other people and not playing myself cause like... it went from a MeToo inspired storyline that was interesting (or at the very least had potential) to a Thomas Hunt thirst feast like holy shit I log in some days and that’s all I see when I scroll through the main tag. Just post after post with things like “daddy Hunt” being the most tame. Not even tagged either.
They seem to have gone back on their own story too (or at least from what I’ve seen)... why would MC agree to meet an older man alone at night under some random bridge when she had just been assaulted by another older man like a couple days ago? Why would you have an older male director “save” the young, new female actress from the other older male director?
And of course it’s Thomas Hunt. Not like he wasn’t already shown favoritism in the original app while the other characters starved for content or were straight up forgotten, left to collect dust. He had no business being in RCD let alone being an LI.
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