#Anti atl
marciliedonato · 2 years
I know I follow the right people bc no one's talking about (literal) all t*me l*w coming back still the amount of people supporting a predator and his enabler friends is rly giving me brain damage ngl 🤩🤠🥴‼️
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glisten-inthedark · 5 months
Are supposed to believe that Kat@@ng has been built for 3 seasons?
Sure, if we choose to ignore Katara altogether (which seems to be a theme ~ cof, cof ~) then I could argue that it has been set up, but a ship isn't just about one half of it, it has to be about the two.
For 2 halfs of the animation, we see that Aang is developing a crush on her which is fine because he's a child and it's hard not to develop feelings for someone when you spend 24 hours with said person.
But the thing is, what about Katara? Yes, we see her get "jealous" and "upset" over Aang in a few instances, but that shouldn't be enough for us to automatically assume she should spend the rest of her life with him.
Katara herself was confused for most of season 3 and prior to that barely seemed to acknowledge Aang at all or to feel anything for him other than platonic love. When he kisses her without her consent, she tells again that she was confused and gets angry at how her boundaries were crossed (rightfully so).
But then right in the end all of her confusion just magically goes away so she can act as a prize for Aang. All her inner turmoil, all her thoughts about whether or not she feels like that about him go to hell and she barely has time to process anything and it's expected to be at his side.
Her confused feelings don't matter (notice I'm not automatically saying she didn't have any, just that she didn't have time to acknowledge whether or not she was confused and if what she felt was truly romantic in nature), she was just expected to be with him because he was the hero.
And suddenly all of Katara's growth and character arc became non important, she was a mere afterthought just so a guy could get the girl
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danswank · 2 years
@alltimelow: Did Mr. Modern Love ever get it together on set? Tune in to the official "Modern Love" music video premiere on @youtube at 10AM ET tomorrow to find out.
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I don't want karma to get me, so I won't wish for another show's cancellation. However, I will say it will be a huge relief to not have TW cast around if it happens. (And/or their fans like at ATL, who are openly going around "casually" saying provocative things in front of JP fans, hoping they'll get yelled at & can play victim) So Junior High of them. But then, that's the demo they'd hoped for, right?
LOL! I think Karma's on our side with this one.
Are there fans actually doing that? I haven't seen anything since I've been away most of the day and have only made cursory glances at Twitter. If so, that would be absolutely ridiculous, and one of the reasons Jared fans hate going to conventions.
I hope TW cast is only attending this season and can quickly and quietly move on to other projects.
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magicalraspberries · 2 years
personally i think knees are stupid.
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jackinalex · 1 year
I agree with you. I feel as though they aren't quite here for their fans or appreciate the ones that have been sticking around through this and being loyal and even defending them on Twitter only to be brutally bullied off the platform by past fans. There's radio silence from them. I don't feel appreciated as a fan.
I think they just truly don’t know what the best course of action is. They flubbed their response to the allegations and it kind of went downhill from there. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, man.
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atlurbanist · 5 months
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I think it's safe to assume we aren't going to tear down any Georgia Tech buildings to increase road capacity on North Avenue.
Instead, we should be planning for reduced capacity for cars here -- and increased capacity for alternatives to driving. Maybe a light rail or BRT line. Or maybe better conditions for cycling. Or dedicated bus lanes. Or all the above.
Even the much ballyhoo'd Holy Grail of "synchronized traffic lights" won't accommodate this car traffic amid those street redesigns. We have to reduce car trips.
That means not only adding better conditions for alternatives to driving, but also ADDING MORE HOMES near those alternatives. With affordability & anti-displacement components included.
If anyone takes anything away from my 15 years of posting as ATL Urbanist (and as of this month it's exactly 15), please let it be this: adding new transit & bike lanes is important but it's not enough; we have to also make better use of the total built environment of the city by increasing the number of people who can live in proximity to great ped/bike/transit service here -- with an emphasis on lower income groups who are too often displaced to the suburbs and exurbs amid urban transformations.
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crimethinc · 9 months
La clandestina. Dr Atl 128 Santa Maria la Ribera. Mexico City. December 26.
Desde revuelta popular a tomar la ofensiva.
Presentado por Colectivo CrimethInc.
2020: en plena revuelta anti-political, la policía de Atlanta asesina aún un hombre negro más. Gente enojada y revoltosa se toma el negocio donde lo asesinaron y lo incendian, fundando una zona libre de policía—libre de ley—por un mes.
2021: como respuesta al levantamiento nacional por el asesinato policial de George Floyd, la ciudad de Atlanta propone y aprueba la construcción del centro de entrenamiento policial más grande de EEUU, cuya construcción require la destrucción de un bosque.
2022: ambientalistas, abolicionistas anti-policiales, anarquistas, y otrxs comienzan ocupar el bosque, viviendo ahí y creando un mundillo rebelde entre los árboles, desde el cual lanzan ataques en contra del proyecto que denominan “Cop City” (Ciudad policial).
2023: durante el allanamiento del bosque, un equipo de policía militarizada asesina le joven anarquista Tortuguita. En el balaceo, le pega una bala a uno de los policías del equipo, mientras una autopsia revela que se encuentra más de 50 balas en el cuerpo de Tortuguita. Una marcha de venganza destruyen un auto policial y varios sedes de los fundadores del proyecto. Comienza una etapa de recesión que dura hasta hoy día.
Más allá de una cronología de cuatros años de lucha en Atlanta, analizaremos los elementos, tanto de la toma del Wendys como la lucha en contra de Cop City, que han hecho que duren estas luchas y que sus rebeldes mantengan el protagonismo.
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Coded fat hatred on dating sites
We need to talk about how so much of how people describe themselves on dating sites, including built-in filterable categories, is about trying to convince the other party that they're not fat.
Yet, there are relatively few profiles and sites that have explicit anti-fat language. There would be a PR uproar if a large dating site had "no fatties" as a category, yet "fit" means essentially the same thing unless in an explicit workout context.
Thin privilege is the currency of the dating realm.
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canonfatbisexualenby · 3 months
☀️Summer 2024 Pinned/Promo☀️
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What’s up?! I’m Billi, a 30 yr old self shipper/hobby artist from ATL, GA! I’ve been openly in the self ship community for a couple of years now and would love to make more mutuals/pals in the comm!
🌻 Bisexual | Nonbinary Demigirl (They/She) | White | USA
🍧 Main is platypusparfait
🌻 My F/O lists can be found here, here and here!
🍧 I currently don’t have any romantic F/Os (or F/Os in general) that I’m uncomfortable w/ sharing! I’d love to become friends/moots/etc. if we have the same F/O or F/Os from the same media!!!
🌻 Anything I post is okay to interact with unless otherwise stated :-D!
🍧 Minors can follow this blog, but I will not follow back (simply a boundary). I have a ‘spicy’/AD acct but rn I’m only comfortable with mutuals following. If you’re a minor, do not follow or interact with my main or AD blog please!!
- General DNI Criteria (Racist, Homophobic, Ableist, Etc.)
- Pr0/C0mSh*p or anyone neutral on the matter (‘D3ad d0ve’, ‘Fiction =/= Reality’, ‘anti ‘censorship’’ y’all aren’t welcome go away, I am a mean ‘anti’ through and through)
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(banner by @/kaitsawamura, first four userboxes by @/sweetpeauserboxes)
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
Hey guys just a reminder to think critical about the information present to you, when in doubt check it yourself!
I still see misinformation spread about this situation despite it being mostly over. Please note the "victim's" (in quotes because she doesn't seem to like being called such) account is not Private.
You can check for yourself if you see someone sharing around a screenshot of what she allegedly said, it was private before but it's not anymore you can check.
All I ask is you don't harass her; I will say at the moment as someone who's made the mistake of publicity saying "I'm a victim of domestic abuse" and then got spammed by assholes telling me I deserved the abuse and or I'm lying about it, it seems most of her haters are just misgontic trolls.
I've only seen one of them claim to be in support of Forver but the hash tags they present for their movement "protect forever" is just a spam hashtag for a movie promotion and "we Stan with forever" is completely empty.
(I'm not gonna link it because I think it's irrelevant, the person who made the comment is very clearly a troll who intents to make Forver look bad. If you support Forever you would respect the "victim" as he requested)
That being said as someone who's study her account and way of typing for the past few days please know her character right now is "this is what happened but I'm not a victim and please leave Forver alone".
so without naming any names if you see a burner/alt account Sharing a screenshot of her saying something along the lines of oh idk, "Forver has done a lot worst that what it seems they're trying to clean up his image you don't know the full story."
And you, like me was just on her account that morning because despite "ending" your research for mental health reasons you find yourself still looking into it by second nature.
And didn't see a single tweet like that despite checking the replies, yeah press X to doubt on that motherfucker
People will lie for; attention and or to make Forever look worst, do not forget that this started with an Anti and whether you believe it or not antis will contuine to fan the flames so people don't start questioning them.
And it's no coincidence that as soon as a lot of people as started expressing concern of the intention of the account that cancelled Forever, that a screenshot of the victim acting out of character and directly accuassing Forver start circulating.
Check for yourself
Again the "victims" account isn't private right now, you should be able find it on your own but if you been searching for a while and genuinely can't dm me (at least try first, don't spam me) with you regular account no atls or burners, I won't be exposing anyone if that's y'all fear but again as someone who's been harassed by trolls before for Just saying I was a victim I don't trust y'all like that.
You shouldn't be afarid of anyone knowing you went looking for the account anyways, as long as you have good intentions.
If you ask for it using your official active account I will be in less doubt that you want to just harass her for the fun of it. Also I don't wanna just leave the link on this post so ass-wipe who didn't even read the post can click and it try to harass her into going Private again.
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kay-no-lies · 9 months
If Reign was my local team I’d probably be anti-Gotham too.
However, there’s not ATL team, so my allegiance follows Sonny. I will say, I did not enjoy being a Reign supporter last season. They just don’t play a brand of football I enjoy.
Also, both Sonny & Rose were traded there. I’m happy that they were able to make this choice for themselves.
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pannaginip · 5 months
ABS-CBN: Bayan Muna condemns terrorism charge vs activists
Party-list group Bayan Muna has condemned the filing of anti-terrorism charges against its secretary general, Nathanael Santiago, as well as Anakpawis Campaign Director Servillano Luna, Jr., ASCENT Convenor Rosario Brenda Gonzalez, and Bulacan Ecumenical Forum volunteer Anasusa San Gabriel.
“The use of trumped-up charges, in conjunction with red-tagging, creates a toxic environment that undermines the principles of justice and human rights. We strongly and firmly reject these reprehensible tactics and demand an end to the harassment and persecution of activists and members of the political opposition,” Bayan Muna said.
In the counter-affidavit filed by Santiago before the Nueva Ecija Office of the Provincial Prosecutor, he denied the charges for attempted murder and murder under the Anti-Terrorism Act as well as violation of the Philippine Act on Crimes Against Humanitarian Law, Genocide and other Crimes Against Humanity.
Santiago said at the time of the supposed crime, he was working as Bayan Muna secretary general at the office of the party-list group in Quezon City.
Similarly, in the counter-affidavit of Gonzalez, she said was busy for a book launch during the first three weeks of October, with photos and testimonies attached.
2024 May 3
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Activist Renato Reyes Jr. on Twitter @natoreyes:
Four activists have been charged under the draconian Anti Terror Law. They are known activists Nath Santiago, Jun Luna, Brenda Gonzalez and Ansusa San Gabriel. Nath was himself an SC petitioner vs the terror law. Now he is charged under the same provision he questioned at the SC
This marks the first time national leaders or personalities have been charged under the ATL. The complaints were filed by the AFP in Nueva Ecija, They claimed the 4 participated in an armed encounter between the AFP and NPA - a completely blatant lie and a fabrication.
In 2020 we warned that the ATL will be abused by state forces to stifle dissent and suppress progressive organizations. That is exactly what is happening now with the filing of these trumped up “terror” charges in different regions.
Imagine being charged with terrorism, and not knowing you were facing charges because they sent subpoenas to a different address, to another activist already reported missing. Then finding out there’s already a resolution even without the fiscal hearing your side.
Late February na lang nila nalaman na may kaso pala sila sa Nueva Ecija. Buti nakapaghabol ng motion at nakapag file ngayong araw ng kanilang counter-affidavit. Inaabuso ang “terror law” laban sa mga aktibista, at kahit sa mga totoong rebolusyonaryo. [It was only in late Feb that they found out about these cases against them. It was fortunate that they were able to file counter-affidavits in time. The "terror law" is being abused to thwart activists, even the true revolutionaries.]
2024 May 3
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blackgwenstacy · 1 year
no way spider-verse is going to be the thing that drags tumblr back into the depths of "is it ever acceptable to interact with stories that do not entirely reflect your own morals" again. where are we
“where are we” the age of anti-intellectualism 😭
i just think trying to be especially sanctimonious over an animated film as a nobody is pointless. the atl city council voted to fund cop city two days ago and fools in my inbox are coming at me with logic that implies my enjoyment of spider-verse directly contributes to shit like that. no babes!! if i’m not (knowingly) directly putting capital into the pockets of a cop or fascist, then my conscience is light and my hands are clean. like get out my inbox and into the streets if you’re so morally sound!!
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laf-outloud · 6 months
not either of these anons but I get the disappointment. One of the really positive things for Jared fans about him branching out and doing less CE was less JA and more importantly less AA's (who tend to be Jared antis). It just really puts a damper on my excitement for those cons (personally). Especially the overseas ones where we often don't get video and the antis tend to run their mouths and create false narratives around Jared that we don't have video evidence to use to refute their claims. They still do it for cons Jensen isn't at but at least its a slight reprieve.
Just imo but I was personally really looking forward to the positive happy atmosphere we get with Jared only or Jared/Gen cons. CE cons weekends are always so wank-filled and now the overseas ones are going to be the same.
I completely understand, anon. It's always nice to have an AA or heller-free con weekend, We had ATL and ABQ so far this year, and it looks like we'll get Jared for Comic Con Liverpool, (though, unfortunately, Gen won't be at that one). I guess we can hope Jared signs on for a couple additional US cons later this year.
And like I shared in my last post, I'm hoping, especially with it being a smaller con, that the majority of tickets for DarkLight would have already gone to Jared and GA fans who generally don't run their mouths or misinterpret things that are said.
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jackinalex · 11 months
Do I remember someone finding cpw on a dating app last year? Or was that someone else?
No clue, sorry.
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