#Anti Snarry
What are your opinions on snarry?
Hi, thank you very much for asking, I hope more people ask what I think about other ships, Snarry in particular..... I don't like it and I have several reasons for this.
the age difference
veran Severus is 20 years older than him, oh 21? I don't remember, the point is that the age difference is huge for me.
He is the son of James Potter
Harry is James Potter's son, which in itself leaves me conflicted. I have no opinion of Harry, but I do of James. I hate him for being a bully and practically cheating on his wife about how he "grew up," demeaned Vernon and Petunia, and intimidated muggle police officers when he's supposed to be locked up because of the prophecy.
Oh, and don't get me started on Snape's worst memory, damn, that was UNFORGETTABLE AT ALL.
He is the son of Lily Evans Potter
you see, I don't like this character very much, I've already explained why but I'll say it in summary: the fandom, J.K Rowling's writing etc paint her as "the good popular girl who wants to be with the bully even though she knows he's a bastard and falls into the clutches of that bastard (James)" it is said that she is a good friend.... but she doesn't want Snape to defend himself, despite the fact that she knows that , although the marauders DO NOT use dark arts, she continues to defend them just because of that fact and calls Snape "obsessed with the marauders" uff That's a low blow for me.
He then doesn't ask Snape about the werewolf prank, doesn't question him if it's okay, just claims that "he should be grateful to James for saving him" and claims that's what happened, doesn't bother to ask any further questions, indicating that he doesn't really care.
Let's not talk about her lack of intervention in Severus' worst memory, she spent the whole time talking to him instead of asking if Severus was okay, Lily is a popular girl who could have tried to call someone to help her or if she's so smart she could have freed him or called a teacher if she was afraid that Sirius or Peter would attack her, she could even call Remus since he's a prefect! So many things wrong with her
Harry is the product of one of HP's most toxic couples
I don't think that Jily is a good couple, James made fun of Vernon Dursley, the fiancé of Petunia Evans, the sister of his wife Lily, bragging about riches that they do not understand being muggles, Lily does not intervene in that probably, which makes his relationship with Petunia break even more, with this point also James put Lily's life at risk by running away from home knowing that Voldemort is looking for him, he being hidden in an invisibility cloak and I firmly believe that Lily was making excuses for the (childish) behavior of her husband James Potter.
For me it seems like double standards when they say that using magic on muggles is horrible, but when James shows off his wealth to Vernon and Petunia it's okay (if these characters are detestable but they are still muggles, whether we like it or not)
Lily (even though I don't like her) deserves better than James Potter.
Why did you mention Jily in a post about giving my opinion of Snarry?
Simple, the mere creation of Harry would be a trigger for Severus, yes as a fan of Severus I am aware that Harry is not to blame for having been conceived by one of the most toxic couples in the Harry Potter series, but Harry himself would be a trauma trigger for Severus when remembering the face of James Potter, a character who... until now we do not know if he redeemed himself since he died at 21, but we have seen that Severus has a trauma when seeing Harry.
Severus would need a lot of therapy to be able to have Harry as a couple.
It would take a lot of therapy to heal his past traumas, to cope with them and not see Harry as an extension of James Potter but as an individual being.
Entiendo por qué a algunas personas les gusta Snarry: la dinámica de enemigos a amantes es muy interesante, tengo que admitirlo (como alguien a quien le gusta Snirius), pero no me gusta Snarry por estas razones, creo que Severus merece alejarse de la fuente del trauma (Hogwarts, spinner ends, etc.).
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pookiebearissilly · 9 months
if u frequently use the # snivellus in ur posts about severus i hope u know ur a strange person who condones bullying! love u, bye ☺️
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hp-confessions · 24 days
Tom|Voldemort x Harry, Hermione, Bellatrix, Snape, Dumbledore, or just Voldemort with any of his Death Eaters or a hogwarts student is disgusting. [Bellamort is practically canon, and I hate it, but Ironically, I do love their daughter Delphini. She’s awesome]
Snarry, Snamione, or Snape [or any adult] x a minor is disgusting.
Drarry, Dramione, Jeverus, Snape/Sirius, Ginny/Draco, Pansy/Hermione, Ron/Draco, Jegulus, Jegulily, are all weird.
Honestly, any Death Eaters/Blood Supremacist [aka oppressors] being shipped with the people they are oppressing or people that are [rightfully] against the disgusting things they do is diabolical.
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little-drunkhipsta · 2 years
List of my NOTPs, because I can:
1. Jegulus - I love Jily and i also see a lot of misogyny towards Lily from Jegulus fans.
2. Vegas x Pete - do I even have to explain ...
3. Stydia - idk, man, and the funniest part is that it's not because of Sterek. It is kinda about Stiles' weird behavior towards her tho. (Lydia choose me, pls)
4. Anything with adult people and Hermione. Stop, creeps.
5. Snarry - y'all are really weird, and I AM judging you.
6. Every incest ship.
7. Kierarktina - I don't like Cristina and I think it was really rushed (especially Kieran x Cristina part).
8. imma think about it and update it asap
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Top Harry Potter Ships in AO3
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It's so ironic that the top ship for Draco and Snape is with Harry. The two men that Harry describes as loathing the most lol.
Only three canon ships are listed here and the least developed one has the most fics. With how paper-thin Jily is, it may as well be a fanon couple. How hilarious.
I wonder how high the canon couples Jily, Romione and Hinny would be if they were not side pairings or used as a break-up ships for the fanon ship fics? Someone ought to analyze that. Maybe I will one day for fun.
As OOC Draco is in so many Dramione and Drarry fics, I am so pleased Draco is in 2/3 top ships! That's my boy!
LOL Hinny is barely ahead of Snarry?! Harry's canon ship is neck and neck with the ship involving Harry's most hated teacher! The HP fandom always gives me a laugh.
Wow, Hermione is the most used female...that sounds weirdly apt yet dirty at the same time.
Same for Harry but Harry and Hermione are main characters so that makes sense.
How is Jegulus so popular? If anything, Regulus/Snape should be higher.
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honeyed-latte · 4 months
Something very zesty abt the boy u bullied nearly to death getting ur son to squeal and call him daddy while u rot in hell 🤔
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lilliad-dreams · 4 months
What exactly is the Harry Potter fandom’s obsession with shipping adults with minors about… Tired of seeing this on my feed
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picklesonjupiter · 1 year
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simping-4-voldemort · 2 years
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pookiebearissilly · 6 months
another friendly reminder
i do not wanna deal with y’all’s weird ass selves, so if you see this and you ship snarry, block me. please. i am begging. some of yall are some weird ass people
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hp-confessions · 2 months
istg if the last snape and harry post was snarry im going to crap a castle.
anyways severitus is amazing
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recomendandburn · 4 months
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 year
I don't know which one of my moots did this to my tumblr fyp... but to whoever is causing my fyp to be full of nothing but thicc s*ver*s sn*pe fan art... just know that I am inside your walls
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autumn-skull · 2 years
Happy birthday sev!!!
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severussnaddy · 1 year
Eeeek! Ok y'all... The snarry fic polls are done whii means I can start making the fic! It will probably come out in June, which is a wait I know but I want to get ahead on some chapters so if there is ever an incident, it won't bother y'all to much.
If you have any requests, either send an ask, message or on the tags.
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cescalr · 2 years
Zuko x Sokka for the ship ask, please
Always with the controversy :D
I don't like zukka for a number of reasons. For one, I see Sokka as straight, personally. I prefer other ships, like sokka/yue and sokka/suki. I think their preferences when it comes to romance differ, as in their love languages and needs in a relationship. They do have the mutual respect i require for shipping - eventually, anyway - but none of the tension. They work really well as really good friends, but I just don't see them as romantically compatible.
Also, it's kind of inescapable even in works where its untagged, which aggravates me. Fandoms need to tag their shit properly, istg. This is leftover from my early fandom days browsing the teen wolf and Harry Potter tags, getting blindsided by untagged sterek and drarry. I'm rarely someone who ships the most popular ships anyway, for whatever reason... maybe something to do with their sheer prevalence meaning there's a higher percentage of fics that contain them, so there's a higher liklihood they'll portray the characters in ways that are incompatible with my interpretations of them, and so thus create a kind of sour taste around the ship as a whole via association?
Either way - platonic zukka is great. Romantic zukka, not so much. I filter out the tag and move on, it's just not something I really ever put much mind to. I don't actively dislike it or anything like that, and it's a perfectly cromulent ship - I'm not gonna be bothered by other people liking it, like I would be for, say, some of the worst ships I've come across, like billdip or snape/harry (ew).
Thanks for the ask ♡♡ :)
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