#Anthro Pokeverse
cerpiscool · 6 months
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ITS ZESTY!!!!!!!!
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askadelcatty · 7 months
I'm thinking of Rimi and/or Noelle to Delcatties? Also would be good if their anthro (AROverse) forms also be shown too. (@ask-the-shiny-pokemons)
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man these two were SUPRISINGLY challenging to translate into delcatty form! i think i did a pretty good job but i know i did have to cut out some markings....
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I did manage to do a sketch for the anthro aroverse forms though! I always imagine that anthro delcatties have their ruffs much closer to their neck so that its much easier to wear things like clothes?
Want your oc turned into an almian skitty or delcatty? The 1 year anniversary celebration is still going!
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asktheoger · 9 months
Sylvia approaches Aya with a very confident smile. "Heyo heyo! Ooh, ya looking nice. Do you need any help? We can build something with sand."
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“Everything’s so so much more fun when you do it with a friend!” Aya answers with a smile, piling more sand on top of the mound.
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“The biggest, best castle of all time!!” The Ogerpon replies, a confident grin appearing on her face. “It’s gonna be HUUUUGEEEEEE!”
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Featuring Sylvia from @aro-pokeverse!
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BlogTember Day 18: Scrapped Idea
TW: Blood, death.
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This is the original idea of @aro-pokeverse's plot. Originally, I wanted to make a Scientist Diary blog about how they trying to make a Pokémon like humans with more darker topics. Of course there's gonna be failed experiments which result on mass deaths.
The one who successfully transformed is this Sneasler. After transformed into an anthro, she murdered some scientists in self defense. This is a photo of her captured by a survived scientist, who claimed that also heard her words clearly: "Don't worry, my dear. I won't dare to use my claws on you..." and hugs them. They were in panic because after the bloody hug, she escaped the lab.
I decided to scrap this idea because it's too dark and gory, and made more lighthearted side story you know today. Of course there's gonna be dark topics here, but not as dark as the original idea.
And it was somehow in my head this whole time. And I did remember this...I think...
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neverlandfaerai · 9 months
Sylvia approaches Agatha with a big curiosity. "Hey, ma'am! How's the event so far? I've been curious, what the experience with humans? I have an experience with one and he was really kind to me."
Agatha noticed the Sylveon well before she was in range, and curiously watched her draw closer and closer.
“Hello there! Well, I’ve only just arrived,” she tilted her head from side to side as she came up with her words, “but it’s been good so far.”
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Agatha paused to think, then added on.
“I know not all humans are bad. But I simply haven’t had enough direct experience with them, is all. And they don’t seem to react kindly to Darkrai. Keeping a distance feels like a less troublesome option.”
She regarded Sylvia- this one had human-like anatomy. Anthros were also a rarity in her universe, and so Agatha was intrigued. She looked to the shore once more.
“Have you talked to any of the humans on shore? What do you think of them?”
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rosas-artlocke · 10 months
About this blog
Updated 09/22/2024
This is a Pokémon randomized artlocke blog. This story involves Rosa. This is also a part of @aro-pokeverse, so all Pokémon will be anthro. (not in game, but in my drawings)
Wild Pokémon and items are randomized. (does not include starters and static encounters, such as Legendaries)
Only 2 Pokémon can be caught per route. No duplicates (they can be either skipped or defeated). Upon catching, this Pokémon should be drawn in their anthro form. (might also turn into an OC).
Shiny Pokémon SHOULD be caught, no matter if it's a dupe or not.
Starter and gifts can also be drawn.
If Pokémon faints, they'll be dead and you can't use them anymore. Draw how they died. (might be a simple sketch)
There's no time limit since I'm usually drawing one character for 1 hour or so, but I'll try to draw as fast as I could (might be extremely messy)
If the player loses the battle, it's game over and they should start anew.
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vmcross-art · 1 year
About this blog
This is my blog where I post my art here and sometimes reblog some art for me.
Mod: @aro-crossing aka vmario | he/him
My blogs: Pokémon ask blogs (mostly related to my anthro universe):
Other blogs:
@crossingshinies (askblog ooc archive)
Not taking commissions at this moment.
Open for art trades.
My Carrd
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aroverse-library · 1 month
Welcome to Lenora's Library!
(also formerly known as Nacrene City's Gym)
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Heya! My name is Leya and I'm a caretaker of this library. Here, you can find an archive of how we, Pokémon, did achieved this form, plus some info about other things such as Legends and Myths, Phenomena, etc. I don't know how did you come here because this library is usually off-limits, but you're welcome to stay here as long as you want. If you have questions to me, don't fret.
This is a lore blog for @aro-pokeverse's world. It contains mainly info about anthro Pokémon in this universe, Legends, phenomena, and other events.
If you have questions about this universe, Leya will be happy to tell about it.
Navigation (WIP):
Transformation Lore
Legends and Myths
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
Fun fact, the transformation pills in the anthro-pokeverse are made with various types of berries!
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corvusatrox · 7 years
Re OC's: Dieter and Maggie!!!! o3o
Full Name: Dieter Lowe
Gender/Sexuality: Neutrois, Biro Ace
Pronouns: They/Them
Ethnicity/Species: Anthro Lion or Litleo depending on continuity, German-American
Birthplace/Birthdate: Midwest US, 1993
Guilty Pleasures: Super Schmaltzy Shows, Transformation related things
Phobias: Heights, Abandonment
What They Would Be Famous For: Maybe the stuff they do at their job?
What They Would Get Arrested For: In the WHABP-verse, graverobbing and eating dead bodies
OC You Ship Them With: A bunch Kind of had a fling with Captain Horowitz
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Grigori
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy and Adventure stories
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Stories where being a carnivore’s treated as inherently negative
Talents and/or Powers: Can ride a motorcycle and change clothes quickly. Litleo-wise, not too different from the norm
Why Someone Might Love Them: I’d Hope Their Personality is Generally Endearing
Why Someone Might Hate Them: The fact they’re not totally sorry for the midnight corpse munching
How They’ve Changed: Hard to tell, they’re kinda in a state of flux
Why You Love Them: I like all their outfits anthro-wise and they’re a pretty fun character to play
Full Name: Magpie “Maggie” Schneider
Gender/Sexuality: Demigirl, Het Ace
Pronouns: Se/er
Ethnicity/Species: Human, Pokeverse Japanese and Jewish equivalents
Birthplace/Birthdate: Goldenrod City, 1998
Guilty Pleasures: The J-Team TV Show's fandom and its darker sides
OC You Ship Them With: Nico
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Constantin tbh
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy and Adventure, like Dieter
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Se isn’t the biggest fan of when works get randomly fanservice-y, if that counts
Talents and/or Powers: Good with a bow and fighting when needed in general.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Fun Worldview to read and se gets pretty close to people so it’s fun to read banter with her and others
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Se kinda overreacts to small things while just brushing aside bigger things because se figures it’ll be okay in the end
How They Change: Se kinda calmed down fan-wise, learned how to fight more and made up with a random grudge on someone (kinda)
Why You Love Them: Se is really fun for er general worldview and er friendships in general really can be fun to write
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cerpiscool · 3 months
Zesty reference sheet!!
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hes my little guy ever
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cerpiscool · 4 months
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Beryl and his all-seeing, all-knowing boyfriend!
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cerpiscool · 2 months
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Beryl and Dave's adopted(for the most part, sugar just kinda showed up) children!
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cerpiscool · 2 months
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new smiling friends episode leak!!!!!!!! they try to help my punching bag!!!!
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cerpiscool · 3 months
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Dave and Beryl!! I really have to make more art of them
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cerpiscool · 12 days
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