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avakkins-alter · 3 months ago
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#gawrt | Anska
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detournementsmineurs · 3 months ago
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"L'Armée des Romantiques" série documentaire animée d'Amélie Harrault, décembre 2024.
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helgiafterdark · 6 months ago
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anska ~
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motherofcats666 · 2 years ago
Also Anska keeps yelling "Burn the vampire!" in battle so uhhh maybe not the best character to try her out on 🤣
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miamaimania · 10 months ago
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'Isaure Anska'
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thoughtsaboutgirls · 3 months ago
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Isaure Anska
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thegazeisfemale · 3 months ago
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Isaure Anska
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estamtam · 9 months ago
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My attack on artfight 2024! For @finalendlessinc , @spiritonadventure , anska (on artfight) and @peachesgarden
I still trying to not torture myself since I haven't drawing much like before. But I having fun drawing so far :D
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freedomfireflies · 1 year ago
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mine extra today….. oh my god
When I first posted it, I had an AI edit as the cover but I know a lot of people feel uncomfortable with it, so I changed it BUT I love seeing these for fun 😭💞 they really help round out the scene in my head and I adore you for sending this 🥹
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the-bad-art-blog · 7 months ago
New OCs!
Sorry about disappearing for a while.
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Used picrew to make images of my "Cannon" Elder Scrolls protags. at the end of their stories.
From top to bottom,
Varis Veloran, The Nerevarine.
Luc Demens, HoK/ CoC.
Anska Cloudwalker, The Last Dragonborn.
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avakkins-alter · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas!🎁 | Anska
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detournementsmineurs · 4 months ago
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Marianne Anska dans "Le Gerfaut" mini-série de Marion Sarraut (1987) - d'après "Le Gerfaut des Brumes" de Juliette Benzoni (1976-81) - novembre 2024.
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spyroforlife · 1 year ago
playing Skyrim some more
finally decided to go check out High Gate Ruins since I'd gotten the letter from a friend telling me about the word wall there, so like. Why not, right?
Get there and realize that's the place where you help Anska go find the sealed scroll containing information about her family's lineage
cool, she can come along with me, I don't care
She's a fine companion, she takes care of herself in battle, she manages to avoid the traps along the way, I have no problem with her
but then the fun part happens
See I also have my good buddy Inigo with me. And in a smaller room, we get into a fight with a couple draugr and one of Anska's spells accidentally hit Inigo
Before I even know what's going on, he's turned on her and taken her out with one swing of the mace of Molag Bal. Quest failed
...I look up what my quest reward was gonna be and turns out it's just a spell tome I wouldn't have used anyway. So. I shrug and keep going. RIP Anska, that's what you get for fireballing my favorite blue kitty cat
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motherofcats666 · 2 years ago
Also I decided to see what Anska is like as a follower. 5 minutes later she picked a fight with the Companions who were killing a bear. *facepalm* 😂
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monathegoat · 2 months ago
We're Live!!!
Doing some Halo with Teebs, Anska, and Dio on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/roguemona
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scribeofskyrim · 3 months ago
Turdas, 16th of Heartsfire, 4E 201
Is it strange I feel good after a day of exploring a crypt and fighting the undead?
I got up this morning not feeling like working on the house, which is just as well. I’m out of logs again.
I checked our gold and couldn’t help but sigh. Outfitting and supplying all of us is expensive! And lumber isn’t cheap, either.
I remembered what Lydia had said about the ruins she and Valdimar had spotted nearby, and suggested that we go and see what we could find.
So, we headed northeast and just over the rise of the hill I could see pillars and arches. Outside the door, we found a dead draugr in the snow.
We were a bit confused, but we kept going, into the ruin.
We found more dead draugr, and after a little ways we came to a room with a Nord woman in it, muttering to herself.
Her name is Anska, and she asked for our help finding a scroll. She said she needed the scroll to prove that her family line can be traced all the way back to Ysgramor himself. She was a bit miffed when I asked who that was, and explained that I only knew that name because Valdimar says, “By Ysgramor’s axe!” sometimes.
Anska said that he was the first High King of Skyrim, and one of the most powerful Nords to ever live. Lydia and Valdimar promised to tell me some of the legends they’d heard later on.
Anska explained that she needed our help getting to the scroll because it was guarded by the spirit of Vokun, a powerful undead Dragon Priest. This was his crypt.
And I thought the swampland and vampire dens were what kept people from building nearby.
I was already going to say that I would help her, but Anska added that I could take whatever I wanted from the tomb. All she wanted was the scroll.
The others nodded their agreement, so we set off.
At first glance, the ruin’s a lot like the others I’ve been in. Same style of carvings and such, but there were traps everywhere! It was hard keeping the dog off of them! I’m not sure what they all did, but we did accidentally set off a poison dart trap, and we avoided a spiked gate like the one that killed Arvel the Swift back in Bleak Falls Barrow.
The place was absolutely crawling with draugr, though. And these were stronger than the ones I’ve faced before. I did figure out they were using Shouts in addition to regular magic, and this time I was able to respond in kind!
Anska was surprised, but got excited when I said I was the Dragonborn. She said it must have been fate. The Dragonborn and a scion of Ysgramor, going to defeat Vokun! Just like the old stories!
Lydia huffed and told her not to write the ending before it’s finished. We still had to survive.
She quieted down at this, and we kept going.
There wasn’t much interesting as we went along. I did find a room that looked like where they prepared bodies for burial. There was a still draugr on a table, and lots of linen wrappings and alchemy ingredients. There was also an enchanting table, and after another look around, Valdimar suggested that the place might have been used to raise the dead, rather than put them to rest.
We looked warily at the draugr on the table. It didn’t move, but Lydia wondered what we should do about it. It could rise up and attack us from behind. So, Erandur said a prayer, and even if the prayer didn’t lay it to rest, it eased our minds enough that we could continue.
There was also another one of those animal symbol “puzzles”. I swear, the ancient Nords must have thought anyone coming in here was dimmer than a torchbug.
It was a new type of puzzle, but very simple. Four stone faces in a row, each with animal symbols in their mouths, and there’s a series of levers with the symbols on them. We pulled the levers in order, and the grate over the stairwell in the floor opened up to let us down.
We eventually got to Vokun’s tomb, and it reminded me of Mikrul Gauldurson’s from a few days ago. I don’t know when all these things happened, but maybe they happened around the same time to have these ruins be so alike?
Anyway, we went in to the chamber and he burst out of his crypt.
I’ve never seen an undead like him before! He was floating, like a ghost, and he wore a mask over his face that at first was hard to see, but almost stopped me in my tracks when I got close. Lydia balked, too.
It’s almost identical to that creepy wooden one we found in Labyrinthian.
It was a hard fight, even with Anska’s help! Vokun summoned a storm atronach, threw fire and lighting – It was mayhem. But we won, and I got the mask, along with a nice staff of fireball to use.
Anska was eager to find the scroll. It wasn’t on Vokun or in his coffin, so we kept looking. There were a lot of urns to loot in the place, and as I finished up the ones along the back wall, near the archway leading to a back room, I could hear the distant chanting of a dragon wall in my head.
That’s what we decided to call them – Dragon Walls.
The others saw me look up and tilt my head, trying to locate it. I saw Lydia pat Valdimar on the arm and point. Anska had been practically hanging on my elbow, eager to look everywhere I did in case I found the scroll, but she backed off when she looked at me. She raised her hands and got some spells ready, but Erandur got in front of her and assured her that it was all right. It was a “Dragonborn thing.”
I didn’t know my eyes glowed a little when I heard the chanting. Apparently, they start as soon as I hear it, and they get brighter the closer I get. Makes sense. My vision gets more strange and the chanting gets louder the closer I get to the walls. The runes get brighter, too, until the light rushes out to get in my head.
Anska saw the light in my eyes, and was afraid that I was getting possessed by Vokun or something! I can’t say I blame her – It panicked the others the first time they saw it, too.
Valdimar had gone through the door to the back chamber and called for me to join him. He’d found the wall, and the runes were glowing faintly. Instead of letting myself get pulled in like a fish on a hook, I marched back there and put my hands on the wall to brace myself as the Shout filled my mind. I could hear crackling, and Valdimar, who was right there, said that my eyes sparked, and bits of lightning crawled around the edge of my face.
The Runes:
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Valdimar ran up and kept me steady as I came back to myself, and they all made sure I was good before we went to look for the scroll. It wasn’t hard to find, though. It was right there on a table. Anska asked me to pick it up for her, and I obliged.
She didn’t have to say it, but I know she was afraid that it might have been trapped or cursed or something, but it was fine. Erandur didn’t sense anything evil, and none of us could feel any magic. It was just a dusty, brittle scroll, with a dried-out wax seal barely holding it closed.
I handed it over, and she thanked me. She confessed that she didn’t really have any money; she’d spent most of it on her quest for the scroll, but she did have something of value. She handed me a spellbook: Conjure Flaming Familiar.
Neither Valdimar nor Erandur had ever heard of that one, and Anska just smiled. She’s not a conjurer, but she’d picked it up in a cave a while back and knew it was something special.
I’m excited to try it, along with my new Shout, but that’ll have to wait until tomorrow. We have a pile of loot to sell off in Solitude, so I can test them out in the swamp on the way there.
Anyway, Anska opened up the scroll and saw that it was encrypted. She’ll have to decode it, and said she would stay in High Gate while she worked on it. We bid her good luck, and said that if she needed anything to just come over and get it.
We’re neighbors, after all!
Now we’re back at the manor and relaxing a bit before bed. The others are laughing and joking, trying to piece together what happened back at the Winking Skeever. Lydia and Valdimar only remember that Erandur recited something dirty, but not what. I think I’ll give them some hints!
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