#Annabeth Rider
radar-chaos · 18 days
It's finally here!!
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Zoom-ins of the artworks after the page-clip!
Feel free to DM me for more details, questions, and even to commission something yourself! Soon, these will be posted on all of my accounts!
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wonderrosss · 4 months
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Percy Jackson: wanted for blowing up the St. Louis Arch
A Percy Jackson/Tangled AU
Percy and Flynn were both thought to be thieves and showed Annabeth and Rapunzel the joy of living their life to the fullest and not relying on the people who have power over them, the first ones to show them kindness and what true love looks like in an ultimate act of self sacrifice. The way both Annabeth and Rapunzel go on a quest to prove that there is more than their mundane everyday and the need to prove their WORTH to themselves.. only to realize that they already have everything that is meant for them (the symbolism of something permanent/lanterns).
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Hi! I’m Samantha!
I’ve been wanting to make Character Ai bots for a while, but I don’t know where to start.
So I’ve decided to take in submissions. Granted, I don’t have a long list of characters I know very well, but promise that if I can, I will read and/or watch whatever I can about that character.
I’ll accept as many submissions as I can while also, if needing to, go over sources for those and other characters.
Also, would y’all be interested in me writing short fanfics and AUs?
And before you scroll, please remember to stay hydrated, take your medication if you do, and fix that sleeping schedule of yours. (You ain’t hiding it well.)
Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Night wherever you are! 😁
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mvndrvke · 24 days
okay but imagine how sexy i would find you (very sexy, the most sexy, the sexiest) if you gave me a starter for any of the following
penelope & athena
penelope & odysseus
(epic wisdom saga-based) hades & olympian of the god games
achilles & patroclus
achilles & other greeks
menelaus & other greeks/spartans
annabeth & post-hoo interactions
nico & post-hoo interactions
shireen (rider of viserion au) & daenerys
shireen (rider of grey ghost au) & team black characters
edwina & bridgerton muses
edwina (wife of @lary5trong's larys strong) & hotd muses
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starsfic · 3 months
PJO: The Romans do not take kindly to random people judo-flipping their praetors, and Annabeth is forced to think about the amount of violence in her and Percy’s relationship. (A thing that came to mind when re-reading the books.)
LMK: When tagging along to one of Xiaojiao’s less legal street races, a dark horse rider appears out of the blue, and Xiaotian is starstruck. Spicynoodles smut.
Red Son receives a flirty text from the Noodle Boy, calls him to tell him to come to a penthouse his family owns, wait with wine to... discuss and see where things go, and then Qi Xiaotian comes in extremely apologetic bc that text was sent to the wrong number.
Red is several hours late to his and Qi Xiaotian's first date...because he spied on Xiaotian's date with some "random guy", not knowing that Xiaotian was joking about him when Red asked him about plans.
Scooby Doo, my incarnation: The first part of Episode 1, when trying to leave their hometown of Crystal Cove to start their second year of college, the Mystery Gang finds themselves trapped in Crystal Cove.
Darius and Camila are spending more time together as co-guardians of Hunter, to the point where Luz, Hunter, and the rest of the Hexsquad notice. An idea is brought up of them maybe dating. Luz and Hunter have different reactions- Hunter is delighted. Luz is not.
LMK: Xiaojiao jokingly challenges Red to a duel only for both of their families to take it super seriously, especially when old grudges (aka Ao Lie’s death) are brought up
@draw-of-the-moon’s LMK/Ninjago AU: When Red mysteriously disappears, Long Xiaojiao and pregnant Qi Xiaotian have to beat back suitors.
My TMNT incarnation, episode 1: After befriending April O'Neil, the Hamato brothers and Casey Jones must rescue her from a mysterious baron with a sinister plan.
Poppy's angel has arrived at the factory. Deep below the depths, DogDay hopes.
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starshower1215 · 4 months
Percy Jackson Theme Park Ideas
I feel as though you could make a very big profit off of a Percy Jackson universe theme park, or at least one based on Greek mythology, due to sheer popularity.
Just imagine there are restaurant attractions such as Circe's Tavern, or a restaurant run by the Laestrygonians. There could be a simulation ride that allows the riders to tag along with Leo Valdez on his metal dragon, Festus, as he's escaping a bad guy, or you could follow Nico di Angelo and Will Solace into the Underworld and down to the depths of Tartarus. There are other opportunities for different attractions, for example, Blitzen's Best could absolutely be a souvenir shop selling candy-striped scarves, green and pink ensembles, orange Camp Half-Blood shirts, and I would love to add in Annabeth's Yankees cap but... that isn't Percy Jackson exclusive.
Monster Donut would obviously be a donut shop. The Lotus Casino would not partake in gambling due to legal reasons, but it could still make a nice name as a hotel resort. The tower where Leander swam to meet Hero each night, but the river is its own attraction. And imagine just how cool a map of the park would be. You could travel from the highest peak on Olympus to the deepest trench in Tartarus, and everywhere in between in detailed illustration.
Anyway, I feel it might be vaguely immoral to make a Greek mythology based park (because that is legitimately just a piece of culture, and we would be replicating it for profit), but morals aside, the design would be insane.
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
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peak friendship bro we r literally percy nd grover like. u were my first real friend on here nd im so glad to have gotten to know u 🥹 u were my saytr protector guiding me into the deep depths of tumblr (KIDDING, kiddin actually deadass id be grover, youd be percy, nd emma would be annabeth WAIT) and lowkey i genuinely dont think i wouldve met half the people i know now or done some of the things ive done if it werent for you- ur my #1 motivation i love listening to u yap nd i appreciate u sm for listening to me yap :( ILYSM ANGEL U OWN MY HEART
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huntingrays · 3 months
For the Spotify ask thing:
If you have done it already sorry 😭🫶
27 - illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
so i think like originally it was going to like an actual affair but like neither of them would ever be cheaters so i just made this like a forbidden romance instead! the ending is a little rushed but eh. also ignore my random fantasy world building, i can’t stop rambling whenever i start. this took a lot longer than i expected bc writing for vg week but i finished those so we’re so back bby 😎
next fic may take a while to bc my thoughts went crazy with it…. but yeah this is just sad
Original Post
“Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else”
“You’re going out into the woods again? Seriously? If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re secretly dating a nymph.”
Leo winked at Piper. “Please. You know I only have love in my heart for my inventions and Festus.”
A look of mock hurt appeared on Piper’s face. “And not even for me? You’re so cruel, Valdez.”
Piper was Leo’s best friend at The Academy. Though he had other friends, like Percy, Calypso, and Annabeth, Piper was his best friend. She and Festus, his dragon, were the only things keeping him sane at the school. The Academy was grueling but it was the best school for fae. Though Leo was intelligent, he doubted he would’ve gotten in if he hadn’t been an elemental. A long time ago, there were a bunch of fae who were blessed by the gods, giving them the power to summon one of the elements. They were called the elementals. The gift could be passed down to their descendants, but it was rare. The Academy sought out any elemental fae to teach since it was a valuable gift. Leo could summon fire. He only knew of one other elemental fae, which was Percy, who could summon water. Fae were powerful magic users, but elementals were even more powerful.
Leo had no desire to be a fighter like many of the others in his class. Instead, he just wanted to be an inventor and dragon rider. Leo had already bonded with a dragon - Festus - so he was already solid on that goal. With how much time he spent on his studies and his forest escapades, he didn’t have much time to spend inventing. Most of his inventions were made out of spite whenever he was slightly inconvenienced. He would feel upset over something minor, like how long it took to preen his wings and would make a whole invention just to make his life easier (and the lives of his friends, as long as they paid him in food or favors to use his inventions - though Piper got a best friend free pass).
Leo had been at The Academy for years, ever since his fire powers developed when he was eight years old. Most other fae joined when they reached their teen years when the board could properly evaluate the power of the ones who applied and would choose the best of their applicants. Only elementals, like Leo and Percy, got in early, so The Academy could hone their powers better. Percy was very talented and strong; he was one of the top in their classes (only beaten by Annabeth). Leo wasn’t as gifted in the strengths or power department but made up for it in intelligence. With all his years at The Academy, he should have thought of it as a second home. Despite his years there, the place wasn’t even close to home. The professors were too strict, the environment too stifling, and the halls too cold. To Leo, his home was his mother and his friends. Most kids were able to visit home during the weekends, but Leo could only return home when their classes wrapped up for the year since he lived far away. It took a day's travel on his dragon to reach home. So, Leo could only see his mother for a fraction of the year. He sent as many letters as he could, but he still missed her dearly.
Around the end of Leo’s first year were when his forest escapades began. At first, it was just something pure and innocent, just Leo wanting a friend. As time went on, however, it became something more, something intimate. Now that he reached eighteen, he was certain he met his soulmate, met the love of his life.
Normally, fae would be able to tell when they met their soulmate - he remembered witnessing what happened with Percy and Annabeth, then their years of ignoring their bond - but it didn’t work if their other half wasn’t fae. Leo was sure there were other ways to check if his secret lover was his soulmate, but he didn’t care to check. He simply knew that he was the one for him, that he was the only one he’d love.
None of his friends knew about his lover. He knew they likely wouldn’t care, but they would worry about him. He knew how this would end but he refused to accept it. He knew his heart would be broken in the end, yet he still held out hope. He didn’t want their pity.
Different species had different opinions on relationships. With fae, they tended to accept queer relationships. With their magic and soulmate bonds, they tended to have no objections, especially with physical proof of love. Also, they couldn’t even object to them not being able to have kids. Thanks to fae magic, things like the same reproductive organs, infertility, or risky childbirth could be worked around. Leo couldn’t exactly explain how it worked since it differed due to many different solutions.
However, the fae weren’t entirely accepting. Though they may accept or merely tolerate queer relationships (it differs from person to person), interspecies relationships tend to be frowned upon. A lot of it was due to not being able to have kids (unless the partner was human) and no obvious proof of a soulmate bond. Interspecies relationships weren’t illegal, but those in them were often frowned upon and shunned.
Since Leo was in a relationship with a man who wasn’t fae, he was sure his peers would be scandalized if they found out, especially since he was an elemental. It wasn’t law, but elementals were encouraged to have kids so they could pass the gift on. They were strongly encouraged to have kids with other elementals since it would almost guarantee having a kid with the elemental gift. Leo was sure that if Percy and Annabeth weren’t soulmates then he’d be encouraged to get into a relationship with him. Leo felt lucky that none of the other elementals at The Academy were around his age. He didn’t want to deal with that.
Though Leo knew his friends weren’t bigots, he just couldn’t gather the courage to tell them. None of them knew, not even Piper.
He kept his secret and he intended to do so until he miraculously got the courage to fess up.
“Why should I have love in my heart for you? You stole my stash of sweets and ate half of them,” Leo responded to Piper.
“But I apologized for it!” Piper insisted with a whine. “And I even replaced the ones I ate.”
“Nothing could ever be as good as my mom’s sweets.”
“Also I convinced her to send you more!”
“She would have done it anyway because she loves me.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible. I hate you.”
Leo laughed. He strolled over to Piper and kissed her cheek. “Love you too, Pipes!” With that, he rushed over to the door and left the dormitory to the sound of Piper’s protests and complaints. He grinned as he pulled the hood over his cloak over his head.
The walk to their meeting spot was long. The path was confusing but Leo was sure he could do it with his eyes closed due to how many times he walked the path.
He discovered the secret spot when he went out walking after exams, drained and wanting a quiet escape. He’d been exploring a cave behind a waterfall when he slipped in the dark and tumbled down a path that had been nearly impossible to see in the dark. From there, he wandered until he was in a hidden grove. Leo wasn’t much of a nature enthusiast, but even he couldn’t deny the beauty of it.
Leo only had a few minutes to look around, admiring the flowers that grew so beautifully, unlike anything he’d ever seen, the glittering pond that was as clear as the sky, the trees that contained species he’d never seen before, and so much more. Leo concluded that it was enchanted, so someone could only enter through the path, invisible to everyone except those who knew about it and those like Leo, who stumbled into it unknowingly. It must’ve been hidden for years judging by how pristine and magical it seemed, with types of fauna that even Leo, a fae, couldn’t identify (though that wasn’t saying too much since Leo’s knowledge of plants wasn’t the best).
Leo would have loved to sit there all day, but his admiration for the place was cut off by a low growl. He spun around, his thoughts screeching to a halt when he saw the wolf behind him. He’d been expecting a wolf the moment he heard the growl, but he hadn’t been expecting a pup. The wolf had a beautiful mix of white and silver fur with clear, blue eyes. Leo didn’t know how to translate wolf years to human years, but he didn’t think the pup was much older than he was.
Leo should’ve been scared. He stumbled into a place that was unknown to him and now was faced with a wolf growling at him.
Leo wasn’t scared. However, he was a reckless idiot. Leo couldn’t help but find the wolf… cute. It was cute and highly amusing to Leo’s worn-out brain. He started laughing.
The wolf abruptly stopped growling, caught off guard by the fae laughing at him. Leo couldn’t stop giggling now that he started. “Aww, is the puppy mad at me?”
The wolf, angered by his taunt, started barking at him. Leo kept laughing and mentally concluded that the wolf must’ve been a werewolf, judging by how he seemed to understand Leo. “You aren’t intimidating at all, puppy. Your barks are too cute.”
The wolf growled in warning before lunging at Leo. Leo easily dodged the attack. Leo must’ve had a death wish because he kept taunting the wolf. “Is your bark worse than your bite? With a bark like that, I’m dying to see how pitiful your bite is.”
They kept up their little squabble for a few minutes, with the wolf trying to attack Leo and with Leo dodging seamlessly and taunting the poor guy. Eventually, the wolf got tired and fed with Leo. He waited until the right moment to strike, when Leo took a step back and stumbled over a tree root. Before he could right himself, the wolf lunged at him but transformed back into his human form mid-attack. In a matter of seconds, Leo was lying on his back in a strange grove, pinned to the ground by a very pissed-off boy who had a firm grip on his wrists.
Leo was right with his age estimate. The boy looked to be the same age as him, with short, blond hair, sky-blue eyes, and a small scar on his lip. He looked pissed enough to kill Leo, but Leo wasn’t scared. He hummed as he evaluated the boy. “You were cuter as a puppy.”
The boy’s grip on his wrists tightened. “Shut up! I could kill you if I wanted,” he growled out. Leo was being threatened but he couldn’t help but find the boy cute. He was trying so hard to be scary, but it wasn’t working on Leo in the slightest.
“Uh-huh, sure you could, puppy,” he shot back.
The boy glowered at him. Leo continued to grin at him.
“What are you doing here?” The boy asked. “You don’t belong. You shouldn’t be here.”
“Would you believe me if I said I wanted to see your cute face?” Leo asked. The boy was silent, continuing to glare at Leo. “I just stumbled upon it, okay? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to enter any private, magic, wolf property.”
The boy suddenly halted, confusion dawning on his features. He tilted his head as he puzzled out his words, which made him look even cuter than he already had. “What? But that’s impossible. Unless…”
Suddenly, the boy leaned down, sniffing at his neck. Leo couldn’t even make a snarky comment about it because the boy suddenly jerked back, his eyes wide. He suddenly moved off of Leo, stumbling a few feet away in his haste to get away from him. Leo sat up, frowning in confusion. He didn’t get the whole scent thing with werewolves, but he felt a little hurt that the boy disliked his scent so much.
The boy looked furious. He looked even angrier than he had earlier. He was so angry that his body was shaking with it, face red.
“Go. Now.”
Leo quickly rose to his feet, confused and finally a little scared. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude on your space. I promise I won’t-”
The boy looked away from Leo. He walked away to a tree stump and sat on it, sitting with his anger as he ignored Leo. Leo wasn’t sure what he did. Did he smell that bad? He made sure he bathed regularly. Did he just naturally smell awful but only to werewolves? He wasn’t sure but he didn’t want to upset the boy anymore. Teasing him had been fun but this was something else, something different. He seemed genuinely pissed off.
Leo paused before taking off one of the thread bracelets he was wearing. One of Leo’s friends, Annabeth, had taught him how to make magical bracelets to help him destress before finals. Finals in general were stressful, but it was even more so for Leo since he was so much younger and behind his classmates. The bracelet-making had helped him destress a bit. Of the bracelets he made, only two were decent. One was a red one that he was still wearing and the other was a light blue one that he’d taken off.
Leo gently placed the bracelet on the ground, near the boy. “I’m sorry, really. Here, you can take this gift if you want.”
The boy’s shoulders tensed. Leo didn’t want to get into a genuine fight, so he fled, leaving as quickly as he could.
Later that week, he heard rumors around The Academy about a werewolf pup that had been spotted lurking around the grounds. The students didn’t seem to think it was a threat, it was just a pup that ran off whenever anyone got too close, but it was strange. Werewolves lived nearby - there was even a huge wolf pack located within their town - but they tended to stay away from the school.
Leo would bet money that the pup was the one he met earlier that week.
Leo waited until the evening, when the grounds were nearly empty, to sneak out of the dorm and wander off into the woods right off the grounds. He wandered around, hoping to find the werewolf pup and not wind up torn apart.
Leo found the werewolf within a minute of wandering around the woods. He paused, staring at the wolf pup, who stared back at him. The wolf walked over to Leo and grabbed the hem of his cloak, tugging on it.
Leo quirked an eyebrow up at the wolf. “Do you want me to follow you? Or do you just want to eat my cloak?”
The wolf growled and continued to pull on his cloak.
“Okay, okay, I’ll follow you! You know, you could shift back and talk to me.”
The wolf ignored him and let go of his cloak. He walked off and looked over, waiting for Leo to follow him. Leo sighed and followed the wolf.
The wolf led him to the secret grove. Once they were there, the werewolf finally shifted back into his human form.
The boy fixed him with a firm stare.
“You smell weird,” the boy told him.
“Is that why you suddenly got upset with me?” Leo asked.
The boy blushed and looked away, fiddling with something on his wrist. Leo realized it was the bracelet he’d given him. He felt happiness fill his chest.
“More or less.”
“And… why did you drag me back here?”
The boy shifted on his feet. Leo could tell he was nervous and unsure of himself, that he was wondering if he wanted to do what he was about to do.
“I was thinking… we should become friends.”
That hadn’t been what Leo had been expecting.
“Really? You want to be friends with me, puppy?”
The boy scowled but quickly cleared up his face, appearing calm.
“Yes, even if you are annoying. This place… it thinks you’re worthy, so you must be an alright person.”
Leo looked around the place. “It’s very beautiful. What is this place?”
The boy seemed to calm down. He looked around the place, a small smile on his face. Leo thought he looked the best when he was smiling. “It belongs to my family. It’s been in our pack for generations. The future pack alpha is decided based on whoever this place grants access to. My family have been the pack leaders for three generations.”
“So does that mean I can become pack alpha?” Leo asked with a teasing grin.
The boy rolled his eyes. “Obviously not. You’re a fae, not a werewolf.”
“Then why am I allowed in here?”
The boy suddenly looked nervous. His cheeks flushed as he looked away. “It’s… complicated. Let’s just say it thinks you could be… a trusted companion of mine.”
“Does my new puppy companion have a name?”
The boy didn’t look upset or done with his teasing for the first time. Instead, a glint came to his eyes and he smiled at Leo.
“Jason Grace. And does the little fairy have a name?”
Leo barked out a laugh. He thought they would become good friends. “Leo Valdez. You better not forget it, puppy.”
And he didn’t. Their friendship slowly grew after that day. They would meet once a week every week Leo attended school until they were fourteen, which caused them to meet up much more often, practically every other day. Their friendship had been innocent at first, though Jason had a habit of giving Leo gifts. After they became friends on that fateful day, Jason had given him a crescent moon necklace, his face bright red as he put it on Leo. Leo wore it constantly. He rarely ever took it off, it was his prized possession. There came a point where the bracelet Leo had given Jason had worn down and would also no longer fit on his wrist. Leo offered to make him a new one, but Jason refused. Instead, he just attached it to his belt. Leo felt touched that he still kept the silly, little thing.
That wasn’t the only thing. Jason not only kept giving him random gifts, mainly food but also kept scenting him. Leo didn’t get the whole scent thing with werewolves but he let Jason do it anyway since it made him happy. He wondered why Jason would do something so risky. He thought it might cause complications if one of his pack smelled the scent of the future pack alpha on some fae student. However, Jason had assured him it would be okay, so he never brought it up. Besides, he didn’t know anything about werewolf customs and traditions anyway. Scenting could be a thing friends do.
Their friendship went from when they were eight to fourteen. At that point, Leo had feelings for Jason and couldn’t keep being just friends with the boy. So, he gathered up his courage and confessed to his friend.
After his confession, Jason just looked puzzled, tilting his head to the side. “I would hope you have feelings for me. It would be awkward to be courting someone who didn’t even like me.”
That was when they realized there had been some misunderstandings due to differing customs. Apparently, when Leo had given him the gift of the bracelet, without specifying what kind of gift it was, it was a signal that it was a courting gift, that it was a message that he was open to courting. Then, Jason gave Leo the necklace, which he not only accepted but wore every day. So, Jason had been courting him from that point forward. Leo asked why he wasn’t courting Jason if he gave Jason a gift, to which Jason rolled his eyes and told him that it was because fae don’t court others, courting was a werewolf thing.
Jason figured Leo must’ve known he was courting him since fae were supposed to be smart and Jason was doing everything you’d find in a basic courting guidebook. He made it as obvious as possible.
That confused Leo, though. “But why would you want to court me? I was such a little shit to you back then.”
That was when Jason got flustered and explained what true mates were. Apparently, according to the laws of their secret meeting place, the only people who could access the place were the pack alpha, the future pack alpha, and the true mates of the pack alpha and future pack alpha. He said that werewolves could tell who their true mate was because of their scent. Leo didn’t understand the whole scent thing, but Jason just said that the scent of their true mate ‘smelled right.’ He said that it was a scent that was most pleasant to them, that it somehow conveyed that they were the one.
When they first met, Jason was so upset because he found out the mean fae who bullied him was his true mate and thought the world was out to get him. He was determined to ignore it but, after being around his pack witnessing Hazel, a new addition to their pack, and Frank realizing they were true mates, he decided to give it a second shot. He figured he could court Leo and see if they would work well together. They had, and the two had been courting ever since.
“So, how do we get together after courting?” Leo asked.
Jason grinned and moved closer to Leo. He moved a hand to Leo’s neck, touching it gently. “Well, full werewolves have a mating ritual but we can’t do that since you’re not a werewolf. But… you can kiss me. You kiss me and I bite you, making you my mate.”
The two of them should have thought of the ramifications of a fae smelling like a werewolf and sporting a mating bite, but they didn’t. Instead, they were two dumb teenagers who were in love. Leo had kissed him and Jason had given him the bite.
Ever since that day, Leo wore shirts with a high enough collar to hide the bite, which wasn’t hard considering it was on the junction between his neck and shoulder. The two had been happily together since then.
Leo was brought out of the memories and into the present as he walked into the hidden grove. Jason was already waiting there and he beamed as he saw him. “Hey, puppy!” He bound toward Jason but frowned when he saw the expression on the other boy. He looked stressed and in mourning. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Jason looked up at Leo, his expression faltering. He stood up, pulling Leo into his arms. Leo paused, his hands slowly coming up to rub his back. “Puppy?” Even after all the years, his teasing nickname for Jason stayed and became affectionate.
Jason nuzzled Leo's neck before pulling away. He looked pained like he was about to do something he didn’t want to. Leo felt his stomach doing nervous flips. “Jace?”
“We need to talk,” Jason murmured, sounding more serious than Leo had ever heard before.
“What’s going on?” Leo wanted to make a joke but his brain wouldn’t work. He couldn’t think beyond his racing thoughts, wondering what happened to Jason. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Did something happen to his pack?
“One of the members of my pack found out about us,” Jason explained.
Leo felt his stomach drop. He knew they weren’t subtle, but he never thought this day would come. “Seriously?”
Jason nodded, expression growing grimmer. “Yes. He brought it up in a meeting. It caused a huge argument in our pack. I told them you were my true mate but they didn’t care. They… decided what to do going forward. They said… that we aren’t allowed to be together. I’m supposed to lead the pack and create future generations. They wouldn’t accept an outsider as my right hand. They wouldn’t accept… half-breed children. They’re going to set me up with a werewolf girl from another pack. One of the members of my pack is going to meet you next week to magically snap our mating bond. The bite will end up healing, but not fully.”
None of this made sense. Going into their relationship, they both knew this was a possible ending, that it was the most likely ending, but he never thought it would come. He felt like he was dreaming and this was a nightmare. He wanted to wake up to a reality where this wasn’t happening.
“Are you serious?” Leo asked, his voice trembling. It was useless to ask such a stupid question. He knew the answer. Jason would never lie to him.
Jason nodded. “I’m serious. I tried everything I could but with no luck. My dad was having none of it. He’s still the pack alpha, so I have to listen to him.”
Tears burned in Leo’s eyes. He furiously blinked them away, not wanting to show Jason how much this hurt him, but some tears managed to slip out and roll down his cheeks. Jason noticed and carefully wiped the tears away.
“Why do we have to listen to those stupid, stuck in their ways werewolves? Why can’t they accept us?” Leo asked, his voice cracking.
Jason pulled him into another hug, holding him close. Leo let himself cry into Jason’s shoulder.
“I don’t know. If I knew how to change their minds, I would. I'm sorry. I didn’t want us to end like this.”
“Do we have to?” Leo asked, his voice small.
He heard Jason inhale sharply. “I think so. The pack will be watching me closely until my new mate arrives. After she comes and the ceremony is done… well, it won’t be pleasant to… be with anyone else, romantically or sexually. Also, she’ll be able to know my emotions and some of my thoughts from our bond. I know my pack. They will choose someone who will be loyal to them. I don’t think we’ll be able to slip one past them.”
“Well, can’t we just… run away? Can’t we leave all this behind us? We’re adults now. We could leave and go live on our own,” Leo suggested.
He heard a heavy sigh. Jason pulled away from the hug, looking sadly at Leo. “As much as I love you, I can’t do that. My pack… I love them so much. They’re not just my family, they’re so much more. Even if their views are backwards, they’re still my pack. I can’t leave them.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” Leo asked, getting angry. “You would do it if you truly loved me.”
Jason’s expression turned stern and Leo realized he might have crossed a line. “I can’t. You want me to leave behind everything I know and everyone I love. Would you leave behind all your friends and family if I asked you to? Leave your friends without any way to contact them since you’re now a traitor? Leave your mom abandoned and alone?”
Leo hadn’t considered it like that. He hadn’t thought about Jason, about all his friends and family he would be leaving behind. If he left a traitor, he wouldn’t be able to contact any of them. Leo wouldn’t be able to do that. He thought he might be able to do it if it was just his friends he left behind, but not his mom. Leo could never abandon his mom, never leave her behind. He loved her more than anything. He shook his head. “No. I’m sorry.” His hands clutched Jason’s shirt. “I don’t want to say goodbye. I… can’t lose you.”
Jason gave Leo a sad smile. “I know. I feel the same way. I wish we could be together. I wish it didn’t have to be like this. You’re… one of the best things that ever happened to me. I’ll never, ever forget you. Not even the gods could make me forget my love for you. I… don’t know how I’ll get over the loss of losing my other half, of losing my better half. I love you, Leo Valdez. I always have and I always will.”
Leo felt completely hopeless. This was it. Their relationship was ending. This wasn’t a nightmare he could wake up from or an illusion he could snap out of. He would never be able to see Jason after this. He would be losing not only his soulmate but his best friend as well. It felt wrong that the world wasn’t ending when it felt like Leo’s world was crashing around him. He didn’t know how to go back to his normal life after this. Leo signed up for this life and this inevitable pain, but it was so much worse now that he was finally feeling it. He cursed the gods and every being he could think of. He cursed their lives. He cursed their forbidden love. He cursed Jason for making Leo love him. He cursed himself for making Jason go through this pain.
Leo leaned in, kissing Jason even as tears streamed down his face. It was a sorrowful kiss, filled with their sadness and mixed with the salty taste of tears. Despite never wanting it to end, Leo slowly pulled away. Jason was crying now. Leo hadn’t ever seen Jason cry before.
“I love you. I love you so much. I wish we could be together. Maybe… someday in the future. I don’t think I’ll be able to love anyone else. Maybe… we’ll be able to be together, whether it’s in the future, our next life, or another universe. I’ll wait. I’ll wait as long as I have to. There is no world in which I wouldn’t love you. I love you, Jason Grace. I always will.”
Leo took a few moments to admire Jason. This would be the last time he would ever see him. He took in all of him, all the features he grew to love. He was still so handsome, even when crying. It wasn’t only his looks but all of him, all of Jason. Whatever werewolf they chose for Jason would be lucky to have him.
With what little strength he had left, he kissed Jason’s cheek before turning and leaving. He didn’t let himself look back. He knew if he did, he wouldn’t ever be able to leave. He hesitated for a moment at the entrance of the grove before leaving. Jason didn’t call after him. Leo didn’t stop or look back.
As Leo walked back to The Academy, tears streamed down his face. He didn’t know how he’d explain away his red eyes to his friends. He figured he’d finally tell them the truth.
The only comfort he had was that they would have a chance to be together in another life, in another universe.
What he didn’t know was that the two of them were doomed in every life, in every universe.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Welcome to my last oc story! Ara is my youngest baby, I hope you grow to love her and her story -Danny Words: 2,839 Series' Masterlist Next Chapter Listen to: 'Boys Will Be Bugs' -by Cavetown
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I. Birth is a Curse and Existence is a Prison
Ara wants to scream into her pillow for the remainder of the year, but she's not allowed to show how desperate she feels, so instead, she grabs her compass and leaves the bedroom with an unperturbed step.
Things are starting to look up though, Annabeth had a creepy dream and if everything goes as planned, they'll find Percy today. Ara has to hold onto that hope, otherwise, she'll begin to fall in pieces.
She's never felt whole, to begin with.
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I've been looking for someone for as long as I can remember.
I used to think I was looking for my parents, back when I was an orphan, but then my satyr found me, and I thought all that time I'd been looking for other demigods. However, during my four years living at Camp Half-blood, I haven't been able to settle right.
Silena —my senior counselor— likes to say I'm Aphrodite's most chaotic form. I'm not good with swords, archery, or any weapon if I'm honest. I'm a danger to myself, but I keep trying to learn all of it because it's fun to see how far I can go each time.
Everyone has a thing here: Clarisse is a great warrior, Annabeth has wits beyond compare, Silena's a splendid pegasus rider, and I... I go big, never home.
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Annabeth's waiting for her outside the Big House, when the blonde spots her, she turns around and walks with a quick step. "You're driving the chariot."
"To where?" Ara puts on the aviator jacket, it doesn't fit her and it's too bulky to move around quickly, but she doesn't want to leave it behind, Nico might find it.
"Grand Canyon."
The girl frowns. "That's in the middle of nowhere important. Why are we going there?"
"We're about to find out," Annabeth replies.
"Can't wait for this to be over..." she mutters.
Annabeth hums and glances at her weirdly. Maybe she's starting to believe the rumor circulating around camp, the one about Ara being the camp's curse.
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I look over my shoulder for a brief second as I run away, I didn't mean to blow up the washing machine, but of course, that's not what matters. What matters is that it blew up. I crash against someone tall and bulky and suddenly I'm being lifted: Charles Beckendorf eyes me with a frown.
He's five years older than me and a son of Hephaestus, which means he's stronger than I could ever be, and he's caught me red-handed. "What did you do this time?
"Hi, Charlie, Silena asked me to say hi on her behalf if I saw you first today!" I say sweetly. He's got a crush on my sister, and I like to take advantage of it. "I was washing clothes," I explain vaguely.
One of my brothers storms out of my cabin yelling my name, soaked and covered in foam. Beckendorf places me back on the ground and crosses his arms. "While people was still wearing them?" 
As he takes me back to Silena, I see the new kid being carried to the Big House further uphill, but I'm dragged back into my cabin before I can take a proper look. My sister lectures me for a little while and then piles a bunch of clothes on my arms. "Be a good girl and wash them right."
I pout. "But it takes so long!"
Silena never snaps at me, though I would like her to. She doesn't scold me 'cause she thinks this is the best I can do, and doesn't seem to mind that I suck at everything. I mind. "Go."
I fumble with the doorknob until it opens, my foot slips on the last step outside my cabin and the pile of clothes flies out of my arms. I wince, hoping no one inside saw that. Chiron approaches me with a stern look, which it's the only way he ever looks at me. "Why are those clothes wet?"
"I blasted our washing machine," I mutter, looking down at the clothes.
"Why would you do that?"
I kneel to pick up the clothes. "It was so slow! Everything must be done a certain way or they send me to stable duty, I didn't want to wash their clothes all day, I've been washing them since I was six..." A pair of bruised hands reaches down to help and I look up. "You killed the Minotaur!"
The boy looks at Chiron as if waiting for an introduction. I take the lead like I always do. "I'm Ara," I hold out my palm. "Just Ara."
"Percy," he shakes my hand. "Jackson."
"Cool name! If I had a last name, I'd die if it were something bland like Smith or something. You know what I mean? You're pretty," I ramble.
"Ara, the clothes," Chiron reminds me.
I pick them up as I keep talking. "Silena says I should tell people what I like about them, it gives them confidence," I take the clothes from Percy's hands. "You look like you need that." 
He seems slightly offended. I don't want to upset him, he's gone through enough already. "Ara," Chiron speaks firmly. "Finish your chores." 
The boy helps me balance everything in my arms. "Thanks. It was nice meeting you!" 
I want him to like me, maybe he'll be my friend if I do it right. I go away and out of the corner of my eye, I spot Annabeth. I forget about the clothes a second time. "Did you see him?" I ask as soon as I approach her.
"Yeah," she makes a face. "He's important."
"Important how?"
"He's the prophecy guy."
"What prophecy?"
Annabeth sighs and I feel embarrassed. She's the coolest girl on earth, right after Silena. I would say the same about Clarisse, but she's a bully. She's nice to me sometimes though, when no one's looking. Gives me Reese's on my birthday every year. She looked after me when Hedge got us to camp, and sometimes treats me like a pup she found on the street... I'm not sure I like that.
What was I saying? Right! Annabeth sighs, and I feel embarrassed. "The big prophecy," she wrinkles her nose. "It's him..."
I don't care much for the prophecy. "Does that mean he's here to help you?"
Annabeth's expression darkens. "He better be." The blonde girl notices the clothes in my arms and grins. "Go on, if you finish your chores early you can come with me."
"To do what?"
"Finish up and I'll tell you," she ruffles my hair and leaves, I know better than to try and pry a secret out of Annabeth, so I go away too.
To be clear, I do know what a big prophecy is. Every once in a while one of those comes and we're meant to fulfill it, but I'll never be part of one, so I don't see why I should care. The new kid looks like he should, though, he has intriguing eyes like Annabeth's. 
I'm always bored, but maybe Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase can fix that. It's exciting to be friends with real heroes.
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"There!" Annabeth clutches Ara's shoulder. "I see them!"
"Them?" She raises a brow. "Do you see Percy?"
"Get closer!"
Annabeth jumps off the chariot as soon as they land and approaches the trio of teens. Ara sees her start a heated conversation with one of them, pointing her dagger at his throat.
"No Percy..." Ara says weakly, holding onto the chariot with pale shaky hands. The girl pulls out the compass from her pocket and stares at it with anger, it never stays still. 
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Percy's the son of Poseidon. No one wants to admit it 'cause is bad news. I don't care, though. "Hi!" I sit next to him at the campfire. "You remember me?"
"Er... Ara?" He frowns a little.
"Yeah! We should be friends—"
"You know little Ara?" Luke sits behind us. "If she hadn't been claimed, I would've believed she was one of my siblings! Tends to blow things up when she's not being watched, so you better keep your distance." I pout at his description, I don't want Percy to think I'm dangerous. "But she's a good girl at heart, I promise."
"I'm not good at most things," I sigh, "but that one, I am."
"You're a year-rounder?" Percy asks.
"Yup! Been an orphan all my life. Well, half an orphan, I guess," Percy looks away when I mention this, Annabeth told me to be careful, he's still sad about his mother. Unfortunately, I forgot. "So... What do you think?" The boy stares at me blankly. "About being friends," I remind him.
"Oh. Yeah, sure." He shrugs like it's no big deal. "Sounds good."
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"Strategus Jackson!" Annabeth calls after her.
Ara turns and studies the people her friend brought, something catches her eye: Messy curls and dark eyes. The boy is staring at her and she doesn't know why, but it feels like they've met before, it annoys her.
Ara's gaze moves away from him, but it's hard to ignore him. "Where's Hedge?"
"Ask him," Annabeth glares at the blond boy next to her. "This is Jason. What do you think?"
Ara eyes him carefully. "They're toying with us." The sky rumbles and the girl scowls at it, she goes back to the chariot. "Let's go back—And you three," she looks at the group of demigods over her shoulder. "You're coming with us."
"You got it!" The curly-haired boy hurries to stand next to her in the chariot, he's about six inches taller than she is, but much thinner.
The brown-haired girl behind Annabeth speaks to Ara. "What's her problem? What's going on?"
"It's a long story," Ara faces forward avoiding everyone's eyes, she feels like she'll burst into tears if she's forced to keep talking
"I'm not going anywhere with her," Jason argues. "She tried to kill me!"
"That's not my problem." Ara pauses. She has to stop acting this way, it's not these kids' fault. "She means no harm, my..." It's been three years since she was adopted, and she'd never felt self-conscious about it until now. "My brother went missing. Annabeth's boyfriend. Someone told her we would find an answer here, but it was a bunch of bull."
"Sorry?" The white boy raises a brow. 
"Not your fault," she can feel a migraine coming. "Let's leave before something else comes. I'm Ara. Ara Jackson."
"General Jackson to you," Annabeth sounds only the tiniest bit sarcastic. "She worked hard to get that position, so make sure to—"
"Annabeth," she scowls. "That's enough, thank you." She tries to remain calm, but as they rise up in the chariot, she turns to her friend with annoyance. "Why him, I'm supposed to be their go-to girl, they promised! Why wasn't I taken?"
"Hey, doll, if you want to be taken I will—"
"Get any closer and you'll lose both hands," she snaps at the dark-haired boy.
He clears his throat awkwardly. "Alright, not there yet..." he looks around. "Where are we going?"
"A safe place," Annabeth replies. "The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood."
"Half-Blood?" The new girl frowns. "Is that some kind of bad joke?"
"She means we're demigods," Jason clarifies. "Half god, half mortal."
Annabeth and Ara look at him suspiciously. "You seem to know a lot, Jason. But, yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Ara's the daughter of Olympus."
Jason frowns as he studies her looks. "You're a minor goddess?"
"I can tell," the other boy nods approvingly.
Ara rolls her eyes, stopping herself from throwing the small guy off the chariot. "No. When the war ended, that title's what I got as a... reward." Annabeth scoffs, but she ignores her.
"War?" The blond boy sounds even more aghast. "You've gone to war?"
"It's what demigods do. We go to battle."
"Demigods," the new girl blinks. "You mean you think you're... you think we're—"
Lightning comes crashing down on their chariot and Jason gasps. "Left wheel's on fire!"
Ara forces the pegasi to fly faster until they reach the limits of camp, the damage on the wheel is terrible though, and they're losing speed and height, she can't control it.  "Emergency landing!" Annabeth holds tight, but the rest have no idea of what's coming. 
The crash lasts only a second, when she swims out of the lake, the campers salute her and she vaguely dismisses them. Ara glimpses at the broken chariot, really close to tears. Lily Saggio—Ara's best friend and right-hand girl—approaches them with a leaf blower and dries Ara in the blink of an eye. 
"What's going on?" She asks, though coming from her it always sounds demanding. "Where's Percy?"
"Still missing," Ara replies shortly, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
"Girls!" Will Solace walks up to them in shock. "I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it!"
"Will, I'm sorry," Annabeth heaves a sigh. "We'll get it fixed, I promise."
"I'll fix it," Ara vows. "It's just the wheel, I can get it done in a day."
The son of Apollo frowns, but he doesn't argue. "These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed already?"
"Maybe because they weren't here at camp," Ara shrugs.
"So there's no sign of Percy?"
"No." People whisper around them, Ara's hand closes in a tight fist and she looks away from the crowd, she's ashamed. 
"You're really living up to your name, aren't you?" Drew Tanaka steps forward. "Is this what you meant by changing our cabin's reputation?"
Ara steps forward menacingly but Lily stops her, so she raises her voice. "What have you done for us, Drew? You're still wetting bedsheets with piss—oh sorry, perfume."
Drew pushes through to get to her but Will gets in the way. "I hope they're worth the trouble," she studies the kids behind Ara with a sneer.
"Gee, thanks. What are we, your new pets?" The flirty boy scoffs.
"No kidding," Jason scowls. "How about some answers before you start judging us—like, what is this place, why are we here, how long do we have to stay?"
All of Ara's niceness has been drained out for the time being, Percy's disappearance was a slap on the face, she's barely keeping it together. This, plus cabin nine's current issue, is testing her mastership as a leader. Everything is going wrong and she can't fix it.
"Jason," Annabeth starts. "I promise we'll answer your questions. And Drew, you better start respecting Ara, she's your General, not just your sister anymore. Besides, all demigods are worth saving. Although I'll admit, the trip didn't accomplish what I hoped."
"Hey, we didn't ask to be brought here."
"And nobody wants you, hon," Drew sneers at the new girl. "Does your hair always look like a dead badger?"
"Piper, stop." Annabeth stands in the way of the new camper before she can attack Drew. "We need to make our new arrivals feel welcome. We'll assign them each a guide, give them a tour of camp. Hopefully by the campfire tonight, they'll be claimed."
"I have to talk to Chiron," Ara tries to walk away, but Lily holds onto her wrist.
"You're their guide," she reminds her. "Make sure they get claimed."
"Like that's in my hands!" Ara scoffs.
"Would somebody tell me what claimed means?" Piper demands.
A hologram appears above them: Red, resembling a hammer and hovering over the brown-eyed boy. "That," Annabeth raises a brow, "is claiming."
"You gotta be kidding me," Ara groans internally. 
"What'd I do?" The boy yelps. "Is my hair on fire?" 
"This can't be good," a camper says. "The curse—"
"Butch, shut up," Annabeth interrupts him. "Leo, you've just been claimed—"
Ara didn't hear his name before, but she looks at him and thinks: "Yeah, that's him. Duh." Which is weird. Why does it sound familiar? Everything about him feels that way...
"By a god," Jason comments. "That's the symbol of Vulcan, isn't it?" 
Silence followed his comment.
"Jason... how did you know that?"
"I'm not sure."
"Vulcan? I don't even LIKE Star Trek. What are you talking about?"
"Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus," Annabeth glances at Ara as she replies, but the girl keeps her eyes on Leo, trying to figure out from where she knows him. "The god of blacksmiths and fire."
"The god of what? Who?"
Annabeth addresses Ara directly this time. "You told Jake—" 
"I know," Ara states in annoyance before taking a deep breath. "Fine. Come with me, Leo."
"No need to be sad about it," he pouts. "And I'm not a Vulcan!"
He's confused and stressed and doesn't deserve to be tossed around, so Ara tries to be nicer. Percy would hate to see her mistreat a camper, so she attempts to sound a little more like her old self.
"I'll help you understand," she gestures at him to follow. "C'mon, I'm sure you've got lots of questions."
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Next Chapter ->
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @ash-the-hoarder @mmhmcreature @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @rainestorm2556 @ocanaug @owlalex44 @gamergirlsstuff886 @solangelo-enthusiast-girlypop @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia (if I tagged someone that didn't want to be tagged pls let me know right away)
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Round One Masterlist
Side One
Side One: Group One: Round One
Mike Wheeler x Will Byers from Stranger Things vs. Caitlyn Kiramann x Vi from Arcane
Side One: Group Two: Round One
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz from 911 vs. Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
Side One: Group Three: Round One
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson & the Olympians vs. Buffy Summers x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Side One: Group Four: Round One
Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies vs. Shibasaki Aizo x Someya Yujiro from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
Side One: Group Five: Round One
Gimli x Legolas from Lord of the Rings vs. Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity
Side One: Group Six: Round One
Perfuma x Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Caleb Widowgast x Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Side One: Group Seven: Round One
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney vs. Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray from Dracula
Side One: Group Eight: Round One
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo from Heroes of Olympus vs. Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Side One: Group Nine: Round One
Gon Freecss x Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter vs. KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle from Paper Girls
Side One: Group Ten: Round One
Adora x Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Side One: Group Eleven: Round One
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker x Goro Akechi from Persona 5[Persona 5 Royal] vs. Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Side One: Group Twelve: Round One
Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint vs. Dustfinger x Resa from Inkheart
Side One: Group Thirteen: Round One
Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham vs. Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams from Wednesday
Side One: Group Fourteen: Round One
Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra vs. Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Side One: Group Fifteen: Round One
Hiyori Suzumi x Yujiro Someya x Aizo Shibasaki from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee] vs. Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Side One: Group Sixteen: Round One
Lance x Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender vs. Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Side Two
Side Two: Group One: Round One
Rose Lalonde x Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck vs. Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows
Side Two: Group Two: Round One
Jack Harkness x Rose Tyler x The Ninth Doctor from Doctor Who vs. Will Parry x Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials
Side Two: Group Three: Round One
Dean Winchester x Castiel from Supernatural vs. Wylan Hendricks x Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows
Side Two: Group Four: Round One
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight from The Owl House vs. Dream x Hob from The Sandman
Side Two: Group Five: Round One
Hikaru Indou x Yoshiki Tsukajinaka from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu vs. Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Side Two: Group Six: Round One
Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir from Community vs. Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Side Two: Group Seven: Round One
Yasmin “Yaz” Khan x The Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who vs. Merlin x Arthur Pendragon from Merlin
Side Two: Group Eight: Round One
Fred Jones x Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley x Norville “Shaggy” Rogers from Scooby-Doo vs. Nomi Marks x Amanita Caplan from Sense8
Side Two: Group Nine: Round One
Imogen Temult x Laudna from Critical Role vs. Nana Osaki x Nana “Hachi” “Hachiko” Komatsu from Nana
Side Two: Group Ten: Round One
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc. vs. Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert from Tangled
Side Two: Group Eleven: Round One
Link x Zelda from The Legend of Zelda vs. Captain Kirk x Spock from Star Trek
Side Two: Group Twelve: Round One
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series vs. Laura Moon x Mad Sweeney from American Gods
Side Two: Group Thirteen: Round One
Marinette Dupain-Cheng[Ladybug] x Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug] vs. Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier from It
Side Two: Group Fourteen: Round One
Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY vs. Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes
Side Two: Group Fifteen: Round One
@bracket-bracket x @thecompetitionshowdowntournament x @ultimate-poll-tournament from tumblr.com vs. Death[El Lobo de la Muerte] x Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Side Two: Group Sixteen: Round One
Todoroki Touya[Dabi] x Takami Keigo[Hawks] from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia] vs. Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams from The Addams Family
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raayllum · 1 year
Would you say Rayllum is your all time favorite ship or do you have one you like even more? Where do would Rayllum rank in your top five ships?
Oh Rayllum is my all time fave, 100%. Nobody else even comes close in terms of like 1) got me right away (even before the season came out), 2) delivered beyond my wildest dreams, and 3) just has so much of the like, personalities and themes and like, dynamic stuff that I adore and am weak for every time, and so well executed. Then there's also the way they remind me of me and my partner (the Rayla to my Callum I think) and other aspects of how the ship has been interwoven into my personal life, and just... They literally have every aspect of every other ship I've ever loved in my life, it is incredible and I could not adore them more. #1 for life
That said, overall, I'm not that ship centric? Like there's a lot of media (Trollhunters my beloved) I adore that is primarily for the story or villains or found family, which is all true of TDP as well - I love everything about it as much as I love Rayllum - but in terms of fandom engagement, I suppose?
That said here are some of my other favourite ships which definitely show off a pattern, I think, of being a lot like Rayllum as well
Kaz/Inej from Six of Crows (just a far more heavily traumatized version of Rayllum + touch aversion + sweet thematic religious undertones)
Percy/Annabeth from Percy Jackson (childhood friends turned slowburn lovers, dorky and devoted, she has major abandonment issues + he's "to save a friend you would sacrifice the world" & "as long as we're together)
Jesse and Lake from Infinity Train (is probably the most Rayllum-esque dynamic on here and all 4 seasons of Infinity Train are Amazing)
James and Sarah from Liberty's Kids (because I know who I am as a person, and probably my most 'argumentative/bickering' ship)
Other honourable mentions: Kai/Jinora from The Legend of Korra; Patroclus/Achilles and Orpheus/Eurydice from just about anything, but especially The Song of Achilles and Hadestown, respectively; Jane/Peter Pan from Peter Pan 2: Return to Neverland because I unironically think that's where my standards of love came from; Zelda/Link from The Legend of Zelda (BOTW/TOTK in particular) and Corona/Hunter from Spider Riders (2006) (yes seriously) for those sweet goddess incarnate + loyal goddess' champion type vibes.
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sunnytobio · 9 months
these rick riordan/disney dick riders are CRAZY to me. the tv adaptation is miles better than the movie adaptation so far, but please be fr rn. cutting out huge swaths of chapters in the first half to condense into two episodes, cutting out annabeth’s crush on luke, cutting out the hellhound (which is important to point them toward the underworld and then mrs oleary in book 4), cutting out luke and percy’s fight, completely changing the context of you drool when you sleep, making LIN 🤢 hermes, etc etc. congrats that we got a mostly accurate book adaptation, but when youre chopping off incredibly important plot points, and having rick at the helm to boot, it’s crazy to be riding this man’s dick (and disney’s!) as hard as you are. enjoy it idc (i am) but at least be a little more aware and critical. give feedback so they’ll listen instead of reassuring them and yourself that they’re doing the best they can possibly do
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imaginechb · 2 years
I hate twitter so much. The people saying "you can't draw Annabeth white anymore because she's canonically black now and if you draw her like the books say you're racist and hate Leah" like no??
I love when black Annabeth art comes up on my feed but I still also love seeing white Annabeth art. Like I just love art of my fav fictional character no matter how she's interpreted, and some of my fav pieces have both versions of her together. I got called a "dumb fucking fence rider" because of this, but I truly believe that book Annabeth and TV show Annabeth can exist simultaneously because they already do!
We have both adaptations where they're interpreted different ways, and I think that's wonderful. That isn't me hating Leah, I think she's going to make a wonderful Annabeth and I can't wait to see it! And I genuinely don't hate black Annabeth, I think both versions of her can coexist and it's a shitty thing to do to bash someone's art and call them a racist just because they didn't completely abandon her book description in favor of the show.
It's not like white Annabeth fanart prevents black Annabeth fanart from existing. I hope people continue to make fanart of her in many different ways!! I hope someone draws her as a cactus! And I really hope this doesn't turn into something where people are like "you're white, you can't cosplay Annabeth because she's black", but I can see it happening.
The bottom line? Let art exist, someone isn't racist because they draw white Annabeth. That is not what that means, and it creates problems where there aren't any rather than fixing real problems that do exist.
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pjoficrex · 2 months
Unto Fire, Unto Hell - @dragonire (AO3)
Chapters: 1/1 ; 17,069 words
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo & Leo Valdez, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Tyson, Grover Underwood, Juniper, Bianca di Angelo, Thalia Grace, Jason Grace, Piper McClean, Clarisse La Rue, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorft, Will Solace, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Zoë Nightshade, Landon, Oracle, Background & Cameo Characters
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Dragon Riders, Dragons, Found Family, Families of Choice, Rebirth, Platonic Relationships, Dragon Snuggles, Romantic Relationships, Dragon Bonds, Time Skips, Dragon Leo, Dragon Rider Nico, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Blood & Violence, Dragon Fight, Everybody is BAMF, Angst with a Happy Ending, You can choose if its Platonic or Romantic Love, Bittersweet-ish Ending
Leo isn’t a baby, but it’s only been two weeks since he’s hatched and he’s still so small. Comparatively, that is, because Leo is the size of a large dog; draped over Nico’s legs; his tail wrapped around his left foot and whimpering, “Nico, Nico, Nico,” over and over.
He’s picked up speech surprisingly quickly—even the others have marvelled how quick he is to learn without anyone explicitly sitting him down and giving him a plethora of vocabulary to use in conversation, and yet for the past however many days, Leo’s favourite word has been “Nico.”
Nico won’t complain.
It sparks a fire, soft and warming in his chest, and makes their bond glow like coals in a hearth every time he hears Leo speak; like the sound of laughter compressed into a feeling, or the eagerness of a warm bath after a cold day.
Or the heat of his bonded draped over his chest, snout tucked under his chin and a gentle crooning whimper as the sky splits with a thunderous boom and he all but slams himself against Nico, paws burying into his shirt like he can claw out his innards and take shelter in his chest.
Leo has begun to remember, but one thing he hasn’t is that he’s not scared of thunderstorms.
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aquaburst3 · 2 months
9 People You Want to Know Better!
Got tagged by the lovely @jessaryss. Let's get to this!
Three ships: Jack Howl/Vil Schoenheit, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Rapunzel/Flynn Rider (Eugene Fitzherbert)
First ship: Vaseshipping (the real ones remember)
Last song: Once Upon a Time by Royal Scandal
Last movie: Rosemary's Baby
Currently reading: "Bride" by Ali Hazelwood
Currently watching: Delicious in a Dungeon, House of the Dragon
Currently eating: Nothing.
Currently craving: the ability to put out chapters quickly again.
Tag: @stormkitty97, @jayce-macy-chan, @lovelyjasmari, @twstdreamy, @greenapplebling and anyone else who wants to do this.
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the-dream-team · 2 years
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