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latestnews-now · 3 months ago
Spellbound on Netflix promised magic, but did it deliver? With a talented cast and music by Alan Menken, this animated princess musical falls short of the Disney magic it’s chasing. From its lackluster story to uninspired animation, here’s why Spellbound misses the mark.
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toongrin · 7 months ago
Introducing Wolf Punting - Whyboy’s Crazy Olympic Idea! #ToonGrinOOC https://youtube.com/shorts/zMM3NBCVAZQ #toongrin #toongrinreviews #animationreview #cartoonreview #animation #cartoon #whyboy #neroangelus #cartooncorner #alphaandomega3 #alphaandomega3review #alphaandomega #scoobydoobydoocorner #animationreview #cartoonreview #animation #cartoon #whyboy #neroangelus #neroreviews
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freeme6969 · 4 years ago
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#애니 #애니메이션 #애니 추천 #애니메이션 추천 #애니 리뷰 #애니메이션 리뷰 #리뷰 #Animation #Anime #Review #Animation Review #Anime Review #게임 #게임 리뷰 #게임 후기 #게임 추천 #추천 게임 #PS4 #Play Station #Play Sation 4 #캐서린 #캐서린 풀보디 #Catherine #Catherine FullBody #Game #Game Review #Game Play #キャサリン #キャサリンフルボディ
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cfilmcreation-blog · 7 years ago
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Batman Under The Red Hood Animation.
I specifically chose these 3 different pictures to show the design differences between the Cover Art of the film, the Art of the comic and the actual Animation from the Film, to reveal where differences where made.
Brandon Vietti was a storyboard animator and designer for the Film and was responsible for designing the characters and in the end decided to in some ares change designs from the comics to be adapted into film, as he believed he wanted to gain insight as to how the characters had already been done to shape his own view of how the characters should appear; focusing on original designs and, screenplay text and his own notion of how the characters should look he created the designs we see in the film.
I don’t often like how in other shows and comics top heavy characters look visually (Fist Of The North Star for example), however in this animation I really like how the Red Hood is slyly top heavier and in a way makes the character very unique among other characters, as it emphasises his physical strength and desire for power of which he continuously tries to prove he has an abundance of, making the entire film/animation a unique Batman Flick! Also I really like how in this animation the designers focus on prominence, such as the Jokers facial contortions e.g. chin, nose, hair and facial liens, as well as Black Masks skeletal shape and Ra’s Al Ghul’s facial hair, eyes and hair, using segmentation to properly show difference with colour too, making it an amazing attention to detail cartoon focused strongly on lighting and colourways, which solidifies it as one of the greatest Superhero Animated Movies.
Brandon Vietti’s UTRH Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puqIFDtkIOU
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duckbehindthewheel · 5 years ago
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Hazbin Hotel "review" AKA my in-depth, personally charged impression of the pilot. Brought to you straight from my Patreon, I hope you enjoy reading it because it took a lot to format it for here! #jackwrites #review #critical #animationreview #mediacritic #hazbinhotel #hazbin #hazbinhotelpilot #review #animation https://www.instagram.com/p/B4QvSGmHNTG/?igshid=u0zi9fe61n83
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freeme6969 · 4 years ago
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#뮬란 #뮬란 실사판 #뮬란 2020 #Mulan #Mulan 2020 #Boycott Mulan #애니 #애니메이션 #애니 추천 #애니메이션 추천 #애니 리뷰 #애니메이션 리뷰 #리뷰 #Animation #Anime #Review #Animation Review #Anime Review #영화 #영화 리뷰 #영화 후기 #추천 영화 #영화 추천 #Movie #Movie Review
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freeme6969 · 4 years ago
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#센과 치히로의 행방불명 #千と千尋の神隠し #SpiritedAway #애니 #애니메이션 #애니 추천 #애니메이션 추천 #애니 리뷰 #애니메이션 리뷰 #리뷰 #Animation #Anime #Review #Animation Review #Anime Review
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freeme6969 · 4 years ago
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#오란고교 사교클럽 #오란고교 호스트부 #桜蘭高校ホスト部 #おうらんこうこうホストクラブ #Ouran High School Host Club #애니 #애니메이션 #애니 추천 #애니메이션 추천 #애니 리뷰 #애니메이션 리뷰 #리뷰 #만화 #만화책 #만화 추천 #만화책 추천 #Animation #Anime #Review #Animation Review #Anime Review #comic #comic book
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freeme6969 · 4 years ago
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#센과 치히로의 행방불명 #千と千尋の神隠し #Spirited Away #The Spiriting Away Of Sen And Chihiro Spirited #Animation #Anime #Review #Animation Review #Anime Review #Movie #OST #Movie OST #Spirited Away OST #Spirited Away #Always With Me #One Summers Day
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freeme6969 · 4 years ago
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#애니 #애니메이션 #애니 추천 #애니메이션 추천 #애니 리뷰 #애니메이션 리뷰 #리뷰 #에반게리온 #에반게리온 서 #에반게리온 극장판 #신세기 에반게리온 #Animation #Anime #Review #Animation Review #Anime Review #Evangelion #Neon Genesis Evangelion #Neon Genesis Evangelion Rebuild Of Evangelion 01 #Rebuild Of Evangelio #Rebuild Of Evangelion 01 #エヴァンゲリオン 新劇場版 #エヴァンゲリオン 新劇場版 序
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