#Angel and Babe black besties
dawnofiight · 1 month
Now Presenting: Evangeline Shaw (Angel) (She/They)
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miyuhpapayuh · 7 months
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Rolling over to grab her ringing phone, she blindly slides her finger across her screen and groggily says hello.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Leon chuckles on the other end, making her join in with her own tired laugh.
“Shut up,” she mumbles back. “Always been a morning person.”
“I thought it woulda rubbed off on you by now!”
“Maybe one day, but not today!” She quips.
“Happy Valentine's Day, anyway babe. I was gonna wait until you were already up, but I couldn't wait anymore.” He says, and she can see his smile from where she was laying.
“Aww, you are so cute! Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I can't wait to see you later and give you your gifts.” She gushes.
“Aw, you got me something??”
“Of course I did! One of them you can wear on our date tonight– but the rest are surprises!”
“Oh shit, there's more!” He exclaims, making her laugh. “Well, your first gift is sitting on your kitchen counter, when you do get outta bed.”
“Alright, I'm getting up now.” She says, sliding from underneath the covers to head out of her room, into her kitchen. A big orange bag sits, awaiting her.
“Aw, it's orange!” She frowns, walking over to it and looking inside, gasping at the potted plant— her very own poppy plant! It was also orange.
“A poppy plant?! Wait, I'm gonna cry!”
“Oh, don't cry!”
“No, no it's okay! They're happy tears!” She laughs, wiping her face, as she puts him on speaker, sitting her phone on the counter.
“Okay… you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah,” she whimpers. “Ugh, there's a card! More tears!”
Pulling that and the pot from the bag, she giggles at the bright bubble-lettered Zora that's painted on both sides.
“Aw, did you paint this??”
“Of course I did, baby. You like it?”
“It's the cutest thing I've ever seen, Leon. I love it. Nobody's ever bought me a plant before.”
“Well, I've never bought anybody one before, either. Look at us, being each other's firsts.” He exclaims, making her laugh and wipe away another tear.
“Shut up,”
“Ah— open your card, please dear.”
“Okay,” she grabs it off the counter, pulling it from its envelope, “you have to go soon?”
“Yeah, it's been nonstop since I got here, but the moment my supervisor gave me a break, I came straight back to call you. He’ll be looking for me soon.”
“Okay, I won't hold you up too much longer.” She says, looking at the pretty pink card with the holiday name emblazoned on the front in gold calligraphy, opening it up to read what's inside.
“Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest woman in the world, I love you and cannot wait to see you later tonight. 
In the meanwhile, I've decided to send you on a scavenger hunt— what?! That's so cool!!” She yells.
“I thought you'd say that!” He yells back.
“Once you get to work, there'll be three things for you to find; something big, something tall and something small— all orange, of course.”
“Linda let you hide presents in her restaurant?? Wow, she must love me for real.” She snorts.
“She loves me too, ya know? Told you, we're besties.”
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The first gift she found was her “something tall”– a lava lamp. Not just any lava lamp, the specific one she had been eyeing from one of her favorite online shops.
Orange and black. A curvy designed frame that stands at about two feet. She was in love, already having a place to put it in her mind.
Putting it in her car for safe keeping, she begins looking around for the other two.
“Hmm..” She roams around the dining area, until she sees an orange piece of paper sticking out of a napkin dispenser.
Pulling it out, she begins to read it before squealing. She quickly covers her mouth and looks around, thankfully going unnoticed.
“I'm gonna kick his ass,” she laughs to herself, before reading the card once more. “Happy love day, angel face. There is a certificate attached for a one of a kind bouquet from your favorite flower shoppe. I know you jumped for joy cause you love your flowers! I love you and I cannot wait to see the look on your face. I worked so hard on  this. My fingers hurt. I love you, again. Bye.”
She giggles again, loving the neon orange paper clip that's holding the certificate to the card, how the certificate has poppies and cosmos on it, also wishing her a very happy Valentine's day.
“Goodness, there's one more thing! I might just die in here.”
A small group of customers coming in had her stuffing the card into the front of her apron and moving back behind the counter.
Once everyone was settled, she started to move away from the counter, until something told her to look to her left.
A flat black box is tucked by some papers. She pulls it out and stares at it, her brain mulling over what it could be.
“Hm. It's a lil heavy,” she playfully shakes it, before reading the note taped to the right corner, telling her to open it after work.
Which was a great idea, cause once she pulled the top off the box and found the burnt orange scrapbook Leon made her, all types of screams and expletives flew from her lips.
“Is he fucking serious?!” She screams, again, flipping through the pictures he'd candidly taken over the course of their relationship, so far. The food, the flowers, the dates, many moons and sunsets, baby ducks in ponds, the two of them in their element, and so many more special moments.
“He is so cute,” she tearfully laughs, wiping her face as she hears a knock at her door.
Opening it up to reveal her man, she jumps up in his arms as he laughs and walks inside, closing the door behind himself.
“Heyyy, baby!”
“Damn, girl! You missed me?”
Many kisses are exchanged.
“Absolutely! Been waiting to see you all day!” She exclaims, looking up at him with doe eyes as he pecks her nose.
“Why you think I got here so fast?! Did the mad dash for ya.” He says with a wink.
“I'll let it slide, today,” she snickers as he lets her down. “But, this right here! Best gift I've gotten today, so far.”
“Really? I had so much fun putting it together, too!”
“It looks like it, babe. And yes, you had me in here ugly crying! The pictures of the ducks took me outta here!”
“They were good models that day, for sure,” he laughs, running his hand over her hair, pulling her back to him.
“You're so cute,” she frowns.
“I'm about to get cuter, I fear.”
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Soon, they're at her favorite place on earth, getting ready to unveil the bouquet Leon handcrafted for her.
“Okay, close your eyes, sweet girl!” The owner, Inara, says.
“Okay, they're closed!” Zora squeals back.
“Hold out your hands.” Leon says, placing the bouquet in her trembling hands.
“Okay, open!”
Her wide eyes land on the most beautiful bouquet she'd ever seen.
“Wow, you love me a whole lot!” She whispers, watching as her vision gets super blurry with tears. He's right there to wipe them away.
Oranges and pinks and purples. Peonies, cosmos, poppies, a couple white roses in the mix. It was beautiful!
“I love you so much.” He says, wiping her wet eyes, once more.
“He's such a sweetheart,” the owner exclaims. “Made sure he got your favorites and some extras— lord, you taught him well about these flowers!”
Zora giggles, wiping her own eyes, this time.
“He did such an amazing job,” she frowns up at him, those sweet kisses he places on her makes her frown deeper.
“Anything for you, baby.” He cheeses. “Speaking of, I got one more thing for ya.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “Really??”
He chuckles, an mhm leaving him before they wave to Inara and head towards the exit.
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She gasps. “You got me a kitty???”
“I sure did, baby. Meet Coco.” He says, carefully handing over the tiny orange kitty, smiling at the way she immediately curled up in Zora’s arms.
“Oh, this is what love feels like.” She frowns, rocking herself as she pets her head, snickering at the way her ears flicker.
“Hey sweet baby angel!” She coos.
He smiles, taking a picture with his phone. “Nothing but love, baby.”
“Nah, this is a new level! I don't think we've had too many conversations about cats or dogs, or any of that type of stuff.”
“Cause we're not that kind of couple. I trust my gut when it comes to you. I pay attention to you, and you've never struck me as a dog person.”
“I'm not, no.” She shakes her head, nuzzling her face against Coco's, making Leon laugh at the sight.
“I mean don't get me wrong, dogs are cool! But cats are so independent and I like that. Plus, look at this face!”
She turns her around to face him, those big green eyes looking up at him. He frowns and reaches out to pet her.
“She's adorable! The cutest out of the litter, too. Had to scoop ‘er up.”
“Aw, the cutest of the bunch?! Go you!” She coos, earning tiny squeaks back that make her heart swell.
“How old is she?”
“About a month old? I've got her papers back at the crib.” He says.
“Aw, can we take her home now?!” She asks excitedly.
“Yeah, let's get her signed out and she's all yours, babe.”
With her free hand, she pulls him into a hug, thank you falling from her lips about a thousand times. He kisses her hair, a smile stuck on his face.
“Anything for you, my love.”
Back in her apartment now, she sits Coco down in the fluffy cat bed she'd bought on their way back, loving the way she curls up in it.
“Ugh, she's so cute! I can't believe she's mine.”
“Imagine if I had missed the mark on this,” he snorts, making her laugh too.
“Nah, you nailed it without me even having to say it! I also wanna rename her.”
“To what?”
“Okay, now don't think I'm corny.. but, Valentine.”
“Aw! That's actually really precious.”
“Right?! The sweetest valentine present I've ever gotten from the sweetest valentine I've ever had!”
She squeals as they share a sweet kiss.
“You think she'll respond to it well?”
“Well, let's see..” She looks over at her, her little tail wagging slowly as she looks up at them.
“C'mere Valentine.. c'mere baby girl!” She coos, cupping her hands as she slowly moves away from the fluffy bed.
“Look at her trottin’ over,” he comments, “takin’ her sweet time.”
“It's okay, I'm new!” She whispers, still cooing and calling her by her new name, getting more and more excited as she gets closer to her fingertips.
The minute she hopped into her palms, she had to stop herself from screaming for joy all over again, as the baby kitten peers up at her.
“She's so cute, I cannot take it!” She squeals, watching her roll around and lay on her back, inside her palms. Leon pokes her exposed belly, earning squeaks that resemble laughter.
“Awww!” They coo in unison.
“I've heard that orange cats are sassy,” he notes, and she nods.
“Yeah, one of my aunts used to have one. She was something else. Jumped out the window one day and never came back.” She sighs, looking down at Valentine.
“You are not jumping out of windows okay? No jumping off walls and up onto high surfaces. Mama don't play that, mmkay?” She scoots her into one palm and holds the other up, snickering as her paw connects.
“Like she understands you, for real.”
“Just you wait, we're gonna have our little system up and runnin’ in no time!”
Soon having to get ready for their date, Zora drops Valentine off at auntie Nique’s, who might've been a tinge more excited than Zora once she saw those big green eyes.
“Oh my goodness, look at this sweet baby!” She coos, scooping her up.
“Right?! The most precious kitten I've ever seen!”
“I'm almost shocked she's not gray,” Nique laughs.
“Or black! I love the witchy kitties, too! Maybe she can get a sister later on.”
“Aw, not a slew of em! Lean on me is so in love with you, it's crazy!”
Zora's face scrunches up at the nickname she'd given Leon.
“Lean on me?”
“When you're not strong, yes.” Nique nods, before snickering.
“Anyway, dawg. I'm glad you could watch her for me tonight. God knows I won't be any good after he gets through with me.” She whispers the last part.
“Daaamn, you gettin’ strung up by the ceiling or sumn??”
“Girl, no! I just know ima get put through the mattress once I put this new lingerie on, though!” She whispers again, cackling as they slap hands.
“Just freaky frogs! I love it!”
“So do I! Now, tell Darnell we said hey and he better put his whole foot in whatever he's making you tonight!”
“Either that or my foot's goin’ up his a—” her sentence cuts off as he comes around the corner with a spatula in hand, squinting at her with a sly grin.
“You talkin’ shit, huh? You know I gets down in here for you.”
“I was just playing, babe.”
“Mmmmhm. Hey Zora.” He flashes a smile.
“Hey, boyfriend!” She mocks, making him laugh, before cutting his eyes back at Nique.
Zora snorts, looking between the two of them.
“Should I take Valentine to ma’s?” She jokingly asks.
“Bye, Zora Jean!” Nique laughs, pushing her towards the door.
“Okay, okay! You girls, be good, tonight! Don't give uncle Darnell too much trouble, okay?”
“We gon’ give him hell, girl!” Nique looks at Valentine, before smiling at Zora.
“If you find Nique strung over the balcony, I didn't do it!” He yells from the kitchen, making them laugh.
“And that's my cue!”
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Reservations at the Mimosa Grill were made in advance, which gave the couple ample time to get all dolled up for love day.
Smoothing her hands over her black, floor length dress, Zora gives herself a once over in the mirror. Nude lip. Smokey eye. Minimal jewelry besides the citrine earrings Leon had also gifted her. And nothing goes with a dress like that, but big hair!
Voluminous curls sit pretty on her head as she tousles them, loving each way they fall.
She felt so pretty.
Leon is across the hall in her bathroom, fastening the belt to his pants and cuffing the jacket of his all black ensemble, making sure the world sees the icy chain she'd gifted him. The light reflecting off the diamonds had him periodically letting out a “woo!”, making her giggle.
Low fade Leon had come out tonight, and Zora was more than a happy camper. Those waves were a dangerous tide pulling her under, and she already knew neither her nor her panties would survive the night.
Crossing the threshold, they both let out a whistle of appreciation, sizing each other up.
“Damn girl, this is sexy,” Leon says, running his finger along the curved and plunging neckline of her dress, watching the smirk on Zora’s face grow.
“Anifa does it again, I fear.” She laughs, touching the diamonds of his chain. “You iced out!”
“Thanks to my stylist and stunna girl,” he compliments, twirling her about, unable to resist smacking her on the ass.
“Ooh! You better be glad we've got reservations, sir.” She playfully warns as he dips down to kiss her, making her giggle.
“Don't tempt me, girl, I'll bend you ov—” she presses her finger to his lips, shushing him.
“Before you seriously get me started, we better go.”
“Yeah, you right,” he chuckles, releasing his hold on her to grab his keys and lead the way.
For the occasion of love, the restaurant was decorated to the nines! Strings of pink and red hearts swayed from the ceiling between the open spaces, vanilla candles sat in the center of each table, along with a single rose wrapped away from the silverware.
“Did you pull strings and make sure this rose was orange?” Zora asks, a smirk covering her lips at his sly smile.
“You know I do my best for ya, poppy.” He winks, making her duck her head down and giggle. He laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
“I knew that was the right moment to use that on ya,” he adds.
“You are ridiculous, Leon. And I love it.” She says with a grin, reaching for his hand across the table.
“And, I love you, Jean.” He uses his height to his advantage and leans across the table for a kiss.
Taking a sip of her own drink, she briefly squeezes her eyes shut at the bite from the moonshine.
“What did you order again?”
“The mooshine sangria,” she laughs to herself. “I knew it would be strong but damn.”
“Is it good, though?”
“Yeah, yeah it's delicious! Just strong,” she smiles, skimming over the menu.
He stares at her a second longer, before doing the same.
Soon their waitress returns to put their orders in, and they're alone again, twiddling each other's fingers.
“Happy love day, as you call it,” Leon says, clinking their glasses together for the second time.
“Yes, happy love day! It's been so overwhelming in the best ways possible.” Zora sighs, chin in palm, staring at her man.
“Had to make our first one memorable, ya know?”
“In true Leon fashion, indeed!”
Their sweet conversation turns from the special occasion to Zora wanting to finally get back into her art world, Leon couldn't be more ecstatic. Even more so as their food finally arrived at the table.
“That's great, babe! When does all of this get set into motion?”
“Well, I still have to talk to Linda about quitting, hopefully she understands. I mean, either way, I'm leaving, but ya know what I mean.”
“Yeah, totally. If she tries anything funny, I'll be on standby.” He says with a couple pats to his chest.
“Stand down, please,” she laughs, continuing to sip her drink. “I'm sure it'll all be fine.”
“Yeah, you heard what I said, though.”
“Yes, father. I'll call if I need ya,” she salutes, as they both laugh.
“But, seriously. What's the next step after that?” He asks, chin in palm like she.
“That's actually a surprise,” she sweetly smiles, “but it'll be so worth it, I promise!”
“Aw, no fair!” He playfully whines as she laughs.
“Aw, come on! Be a good sport!”
“Fine, fine.” He playfully sighs. “But, I will let you know that I'm quitting my job soon, too.”
“Really??” She asks. “And doing what??”
“It's a surprise,” he mocks with a smile.
“You better be glad it's a lovely evening, Leon.” She snorts, sipping her drink as he snickers at her expression.
“Not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot, huh?”
“Keep it up,” she nods, unable to stop the laugh from coming out.
“Okay, okay! But, I do have one more surprise I can share with you.”
“What is it?”
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Zora stomps excitedly in her heels as Leon guides her into their hotel room.
“This blindfold is killing me!” She squeals, making him laugh.
“Okay, okay,” he fiddles with the knot, making her stomp again, her giggles filling his ears.
“Happy Valentine's Day!”
Her wide eyes stare at every girl's dream. The decorated hotel room. And boy was it decked out for his favorite lady.
Oranges of every hue in the room, from the arrangement of cosmos and poppies, many balloons littering the ceiling, homemade cake all the way down to champagne flutes.
“Oh my god…” is all she's able to get out as she takes it all in.
“You l-like it?” He asks, feeling his nerves kick in.
“I love it, babe!” She throws her hands up, turning to face him with glossy eyes, to which he smiles brightly.
“Oh, come here, my big baby,” he chuckles, pulling her into his arms, careful not to smear her makeup.
“I'm glad I didn't do a full face now!” She laughs, the sound muffled by his chest. He joins in the laughter.
Pulling away a bit, they stare back at each other, bursting into more laughter.
“You're goofy,” he pokes fun at her.
“You're goofy,” she pokes back, actually poking him in his side.
“You started it,”
“What are we, fifteen?” She laughs, again.
“No, of course not. We're newly legal, apparently.” He playfully scoffs. “Haven't had that many shots since my college days, honestly.”
“Me, either. I'm praying we don't have hangovers in the morning.”
“You know I'm stocked up on aspirin and water, don't worry your pretty little head!” He places a kiss on the crown of her curly mane.
She felt precious all day long. Those butterflies just kept on multiplying, and now she felt like she was gonna explode.
Unwrapping her arms from him, she grabs his face to pull him down to her level, kissing him deeply.
His long arms completely cage her in, holding her up as he slightly dips them, getting drunk on her lips now, too.
Tongues tangling together, the promise of a night of bliss being spoken between them.
Pulling away, Zora’s chest heaves up and down as she stares up at Leon, who's just as breathless.
“I've got a surprise for you,” she lowly speaks, trailing a finger down the middle of his button-up shirt.
“Yeah? I must need to sit down for this.”
“Unless you wanna fall to your knees.” She quips, making him raise his eyebrows.
With that, she grabs her bag from the counter by the door and disappears into the room to change.
Carefully stepping out of the prettiest dress ever, she shimmies into the orange lingerie she'd fallen in love with, fighting the urge to squeal at how sexy she felt and looked!
Leon was gonna freak!
Adjusting her garters, she grabs the matching satin robe to hide such a set, and heads back out to where her beau is patiently waiting.
His smirk makes her insides clench. She strides over to him, stopping right in front, reaching out to rest her shaky hands on his broad shoulders.
“What's up under here, huh?” He asks, his long fingers fiddling with the knot on her robe.
“Untie it and find out.” She winks.
Doing just that and letting it fall open, he blows out a breath that makes her clench all over again.
“Mmm… all this for me?” He asks, reaching out to touch her anyway, gripping her thick hips, his sweet lips peck her belly and make her giggle.
“Yes, all for you, baby.”
“What a lucky man I am.”
Reaching up to push the silk away from her body, his hands roam back over her curves, kneading and groping as she bites into her lip.
“All for me.”
Standing to his feet, he picks her up and carries her into her their room, kicking the door closed. He drops her on the bed before climbing on top of her.
Her laughter fills his ears as he kisses all over her face, big hands tickling her sides.
“Stop” at different octaves came out of her as she flailed underneath him, slapping at his hands.
“Babe!” She squeals as he finally lets up the tickling, but not the kissing.
Laughter melts into moans, his kisses getting wetter the lower they get, traveling over to her thighs for a nibble in between.
Her garters are pulled at with his teeth before he spreads her legs wider, running a finger over her damp panties.
He watches as she bites her lip in anticipation. He smirks, continuing to tease her.
“You look so good like this,” his finger presses harder, earning a moan from her, “there it is, baby. Don't be shy.”
Her head falls back against the bed, and his free hand finds her neck, another moan leaving her.
Pulling her panties to the side, he whistles at the string of arousal clinging to them. Her head lifts back up and the look on his face makes her clench.
“So fucking wet,” his tongue swipes up her slit, sending her eyes back, her hands coming up to cradle his face as he continues the action.
“Oh my.. oh— oh my,”
His teasing humming puts a smile on her stuttering lips as he starts pulling that first nut to the surface.
“I'm gonna cum!” She pulls his hair, smushing his face against her, losing her mind when he wags it.
Not letting her recover, he makes her cum once again, her thighs beginning to shake in his hold.
“Baby, please..” she moans, softly rolling her hips against his face.
“Mmmm,” his humming sends shocks through her, his hands rubbing her sides.
In a flash, he's right where she needs him, deep inside, rocking against that spot so nicely.
“Look at that,” he mumbles, making their heavy gazes move down to where they join and rejoin again, those gushy noises are music to their ears.
“Feels so good,” she whispers.
His eyes dance back up her face and stay, as his heavy strokes land right into her spot.
“Say it again,” he says.
Like clockwork, she looks up at him, further melting and quaking as his brown eyes stare back.
“Mmmm, so fucking good!” She moans a little louder, earning a smirk from him.
Her pouty lips mouthing such sweet filth, as the man of her very dreams rocks her world.
“Fuck, baby,” her grip on him was beginning to loosen as he continued to fuck her into the mattress.
“Mmhm,” he moans, placing his hand at her chin and his thumb right at her bottom lip.
A faded smile appears on their faces as his thumb makes its way between her lips, coming in contact with her warm tongue and making his eyes roll like they did when he first slid inside.
“Mmmfuhh,” she whimpers around his thumb, feeling her thighs begin to burn.
“You cummin’,” he mumbles, removing his thumb to rub her clit, “let it out, baby.”
Her hands find his face, cupping his cheeks as her mouth drops open at the feeling brewing in her gut.
“Oh my god,” she gasps harshly, losing the rest of her oxygen as he swallows it in a kiss.
Pulling away, their lips retouch as he gets closer and closer to tossing her off the deep end.
“Just like that,” she nods fervently, “don’t stop.. don’t fucking stop.”
“Gimme that shit, babe..”
His hand slides to her throat, gripping tight. His other gripping into the sheets, as he’s close to the edge himself.
“Oh shit,” she moans, immediately feeling the air get sucked out of her lungs as her orgasm rocks through her like a heavy wave.
“I love you,” he groans, his own peak crashing toward him, sending him collapsing on top of her. Her giggles tickle his skin.
“I love you too, baby,” she sighs, her body twitching underneath his own.
“Catch your breath, cause I'm not done.” She whispers, kissing every inch of skin in her reach.
@ghostfacekill-monger @honestpreference @harmshake @henneseyhoe @blackerthings @soufcakmistress @megamindsecretlair @motheroffae @abeautifulmindexposed @thegifstories @starcrossedxwriter @mauvecherie-writes @twistedcharismaaa
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
i need you to write about pegging eddie i’m not above begging bestie
you don’t have to beg cause i’m already there lmao
Pairing | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), pegging, anal m receiving, handcuff use, coming untouched, orgasm denial, face sitting, oral f receiving, dirty talk, sexy lingerie.
Word Count | 1.5K
A/N | this is super short and all smut zero plot, enjoy!!! 🤍
“Tell me how much you like my big cock fucking you,” You grunt, fucking your hips forward and sliding your silicone cock right back into Eddie’s fucked out, puffy hole, “Maybe if you’re all sweet I’ll let you come.”
Eddie’s whining and crying beneath you, hands up above his head, bound with his own cuffs to the headboard. They clink as he wrestles with them, “Baby please, lemme come, I’m begging,”
“Gotta do better than that, babe,” You smirk down at him, shoving your hips forward just a little so that the dildo nudges that little bit deeper, head clearly pressed tightly against Eddie’s spot because he’s mewling, back arching off the bed.
“Love your big cock in me, god,” Eddie cries out, and you glance up to watch his bitten fingernails dig bluntly into his palms, desperate to touch something, anything, “F—feels s’good, sweetheart. So good, you fuck me so good.”
“Really? Aw, babe.” You coo, hands gripping onto the backs of his thighs for purchase as you pull out all the way, then slam back in to the hilt. You break eye contact to watch the strap sink in and out of him, unable to tear your away.
Eddie’s cock leaks unashamed all over his belly, precum pooling in the dip of his bellybutton and streaking down his happy trail, matting down the hair there. He looks angelic, flushed a deep pink down to his chest with need, sweaty fringe stuck with sweat to his forehead.
He’s prettier when he’s needy for it. Begging for your pretty pink dick and gasping for air when you sink in and out, knocking the breath out of him. He loved it — being fucked open like this and laid bare for you to see all of him. Fragile and every bit of dominance knocked out of his body.
“Please, baby, please,” Eddie begs again, legs wrapping around your waist to push you deeper, and you gasp at the face of pleasure he makes, eyes screwing shut and bitten lips opening in a deep moan, “Need to come, need it. Need to come on your cock, please.”
“You’re cute when you beg,” You’re moaning too, feeling your slick slide down the insides of your thighs. This wasn’t all for him — fucking him turned you on as much as it did Eddie, there was something so powerful about knowing you could make him feel the same way he could you. You lean forward and grip a hold of his chin, shaking his head lightly, “Open your eyes when you come, Eddie. Want you to watch me fuck you stupid.”
He opens his eyes, lust blown orbs darting between your face and watching your tits as they jiggle with every rough thrust, your lacy black corset digging in to the underside of them. You’d spilled out of it long ago, struggled to care when you were eight inches deep in his tight ass and unravelling him with every single thrust.
Eddie fights with his restraints again as you pound into him, pushing his knees up to his chest so you can abuse his spot in a controlled manner with every thrust. His rickety old bed creeks under your movements, mixing in with his loud moans and the slick noises of your cock sliding in and out of him.
“Can I come now?” Eddie begs, tears spilling from the corners of his eyes, and you surely should take mercy on him now, with how tight his balls are drawn up and how his cock leaks and kicks like he’s struggling to hold back. You nod slightly, and he clearly takes that as his cue, “Thank you, thank you, aah—!”
Your cunt quivers and aches to be filled as you watch in awe at the hot spurts of come that shoot out of Eddie’s raw and neglected cock, shooting so far it hits his chin. You can’t feel it, but you know he’s clenching down around the silicone toy as you fuck him through it, slowing down as he begins to shake from overstimulation.
You grind to a halt, smiling all giddy at Eddie’s fucked out expression. He’s still moaning softly, hazy eyes blinking up at you and a soft little half-smile directed back at you in return. You lean forward, making to kiss his bitten lips, but change your mind at last second — instead darting down to swipe the come off his chin with a pointed tongue. He groans, and you moan against him, savouring the salty, heady taste of him on your tongue.
He nudges at you, begging silently for a kiss, and you do so with no hesitation. Leaning up that little bit further to bump noses before slotting your lips together. It deepens fast, Eddie opening his mouth for you so you can slide your tongue against his own — letting him taste himself. Your cock slips out of him with the movement, and he hisses, biting down on your lip in retaliation.
“Sorry, Eddie,” You mumble against his lips, retreating back and sitting on your haunches. You unclip the strap in silence, gasping in relief as the weight of it is taken off of your hips. You don’t miss how wet your thighs are with your own slick, glimmering in the warm light of the room.
“Y’gonna get me out of these?” Eddie asks, startling you out of the silence with a small jiggle of the metal. You look up at him and smirk, dropping the strap from your hands in favour of slinking your way up his body to sit prettily on his belly. You know he can feel your wet cunt on his heated skin.
“Dunno, I was thinking you could help me out first?” You feign a slight innocence, grinding down against him and relieving a bit of the harsh aching on your clit. He nods eagerly, waiting on baited breath for you to climb up the rest of the distance and hover over his face.
You do so with no hesitation, spreading your legs and bracketing Eddie’s head with your thighs. His curly hair tickles your soft skin, his plump lips kissing up the insides of your thighs softly until he nudges his nose into your cunt, breathing in deeply until you get yourself settled.
The first dip of Eddie’s tongue between your folds makes your legs buckle, has you fully seated on his face and he groans into your cunt, the vibrations shooting into your core and eliciting a loud moan in return, “Not gonna take long, babe, fuck keep doing that,”
Eddie alternates between licking up and down your cunt, savouring your juices, and sucking and biting at your clit. He’s in a perfect rhythm, one that he knows will get you off quickly. He knew your body so well by this point — what parts to press, what areas to kiss, what pressure you needed. How hard you liked it, how fast. He was insatiable.
“Fuck, fuck,” You cry, grinding down against Eddie’s face, fisting at his hair for leverage. His tongue laps at your core like he’s desperate to make you come and it’s working, your tummy coiling up and beginning to spasm with need, “That’s it, Eddie, your tongue is sinful, god—!”
He’s looking at you like butter wouldn’t melt, a picture of innocence with his big, wet eyes. Nose perched prettily on the mound of your cunt, nestled in your neatly trimmed hair. You wished you had your polaroid, you needed to have a memory of this exact moment.
You grind down against Eddie’s mouth again, one perfectly timed suck of your clit with a grind of your hips and you’re coming — soaking Eddie’s face in your release, cunt spasming around nothing as you cry out, head thrown back towards the ceiling as pleasure wracks your body.
When you come down, he’s back to kissing your thighs, eyes sparkly and face shining with your come. You feel him smiling against your sensitive cunt, tip of his tongue poking out to lick gently at your clit and you clench your thighs around his head, jerking back.
You’re weak for him, always have been. Probably always would be.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Come On, Angel
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Summary: You and Eddie have been exhausted, and sometimes a nice long nap is exactly what you need.
Pairing: Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Best Friend!Female!Reader
Warning: Fluff, sooooo much fluff, idiots in love, friends to lovers (kinda, nothing happens but it's lowkey understood that they're in love with each other), cuddling, forehead kisses, Eddie and Reader being in love with each other and showing it in sweet ways, one mention of masturbation but it's not even graphic, Eddie has been having nightmares but doesn't know what they're about (S4 doesn't happen in this. He's safe and loved and always will be), slight angst, pet names, just—nice things.
Word count: 2,209
A/N: Oh my goodness, I loved writing this one, ok? This was so much fun. It made me feel all sorts of nice things, and I hope it makes you feel all those nice things too. This is based on a thot I shared with my bestie P!R Anon that I just couldn't help but expand. They put up with a lot of my ramblings and they're amazing for that. And so! I hereby dedicate this slice of heaven to them. Here you go, bestie. Enjoy!
— K
Part II. Series Masterlist
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“If I only could, I’d make a deal with God, and I’d get him to swap our places…” Eddie mumbles under his breath with the radio, silently cursing Max for playing that damn cassette so many times. The drive through the slowly chilling streets of the trailer park was quiet, a few solitary cars and trucks passing Eddie’s prized van as he made the journey to your trailer. With the sun dipping low behind the trees, the shadows and wind bit harder than normal and told of a fast approaching winter. 
Your trailer was a familiar shape at the end of the road, a beacon of comfort that pushed his foot on the pedal hoping to cut the journey as short as possible. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long before he was slamming the rusty van into park, shutting off Kate Bush, and hopping out of the driver’s seat with that impish grin that never seemed to leave his face around you. The door was locked, which didn’t deter him in the slightest. He pulled the mess of keys from his jacket pocket and found the copy you’d given him a few years ago, just after you moved into your own trailer. The moment you gave it to him, he swore that he wouldn’t let it out of his sight, and, surprisingly, he hasn’t. 
“Helloooo!” He calls as he pushes the door open. He waits for a second for a response but when he gets none he slips his jacket and vest on the couch, heading for your bedroom. 
“Lucy, I’m hooooome!” He sings as he pokes his head into your room, immediately regretting the loudness of his voice. He hears a soft chuckle from the lump of blankets on your bed, your limbs slowly stretching as you peel back the duvet from your sleepy face. “Hey, sleepyhead,” he says, much softer this time.
“Hey,” you croak, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you click on the lamp next to your bed, “whatcha up to, Munson? No good?” 
“Oh, yeah, you know me; scaring housewives, stealing cats, sacrificing goats—the whole nine yards, babe.” He grins and slides his hands into his pockets. You giggle again at his silliness and let yourself take him in in all his glory. Eddie Munson looked far too handsome leaning against your doorframe, his frizzy, wild hair illuminated from the light behind him (God, was he an Angel?), dressed in his usual uniform: a well-loved Hellfire t-shirt, black jeans, that God-awful handcuff belt that you secretly loved, and the same pair of white sneakers that he’s had since his junior year. 
“The poor thing, you must be exhausted,” you yawn, even with sleep still heavy in your system you could see that he was tired. 
“Nah,” he winks with a shake of his head, noting how adorable you look swaddled in your blanket. The thought is quickly tossed aside as quickly as he thought it, he shouldn’t think of you like that, you were his best friend. He pulls his keys from his back pocket. “Didn’t mean to interrupt, I’ll leave you to your nest, sweetheart.”
“Noooo, com’ere,” you tiredly beckon to him with a soft smile, “join me in the nest.”
“What?” He pushes off the doorframe to make his way to kneel beside your bed, the grabby hand you make at him has his own hand itching to hold yours. He rests his chin on the edge of your bed, his hands folded neatly. 
“Stay. Nap,” you say, sitting up on your elbow, “I know you need it, I can see your eye bags without my glasses on.” 
“Ok, see, that’s not how to get me into bed with you,” he jokes with a laugh, easily making you laugh with him. He hadn’t been sleeping very well lately, strange nightmares about strange looking bats and massive basilisk-like vines kept him from getting good rest. Then he spent his days toiling away in the garage.
“Com’on, just a small nap,” you pet his arm gently, trying to lure him into agreeing. It was working.
“I don’t have pajamas,” he points out, already caving to your suggestion, you could suggest he take a flying leap and he just might. He straightens up so your eyes are level, subtly searching for more of your warmth. 
“Just ditch the jeans and t-shirt, and sleep in your boxers—which I assume you’re 100% wearing?” You suspiciously raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Yes, mom, I’m wearing underwear,” Eddie sasses at the accusatory tone of your voice. 
“Good! Then you can sleep in those,” you rationalize, your sleepy brain may not make the best choices, but goodness, you were sleepy and you could tell Eddie was too. He clicks his tongue with a heavy sigh, feigning defeat. 
“Alright,” he pulls himself standing and reaches for the hem of his shirt. “Avert your eyes, sweetheart, the show ain’t free.”
“Boooooooo,” you groan and cover your face with a blanket before flopping back on the bed dramatically, earning a chuckle from the metalhead. He was thankful you covered your face so he can blush in private. You’d seen him in his boxers many times before, but this would be the first time he’d be in bed with you, while practically naked. ‘She’s in her pjs, it’ll be fine,’ he tells himself and tugs off his Hellfire shirt. He quickly strips down to his checkered boxers, the chill of the room nips at his skin and leaves him with goosebumps, it mixes with the perpetual exhaustion in his bones. 
Yeah, a warm bed sounds like heaven right now. 
“Done yet?” And there was an angel. As soon as the blanket was over your face, you felt a fresh wave of tiredness crash down on you. 
“Mmhmm,” he hums, trying to remain as calm as possible to fight off the blush that desperately wants to return. You throw open your blankets for him to climb in, reaching for him on instinct. 
Eddie smiles as soon as he sees your pajamas; one of his favorite shirts that mysteriously went missing a week ago and, he hopes to God, a pretty pair of panties. He’s never seen anything more gorgeous than you in his clothes, but you sleeping in his clothes? Oh, he’d pay good money to see that every day for the rest of his life. 
He lets you gently guide him into the spot next to you before he scoops you up to hold you a little closer, an uncontrollable shiver racing up his spine. Boy, he was cold. You nuzzle deeper into his hold on instinct, the feeling of his arms around you always sent your heart a-flutter. The chilled skin of his chest pressed into your cheek as you snuggled in, your hand coming to his arm to rub his skin warm. 
“My God, Munson, are you made of ice?” You joke and curl yourself around him, slinging your leg over his. You swallow lightly when you feel his bare thigh against yours, the light dusting of hair scratched against you ever so softly. If you weren’t so sleepy, you’d be having a mini heart attack right about now. 
“Well, they do say I’m cold hearted,” he teases through a yawn, his eyes getting heavier and heavier with each breath. He hears you hum out a tired laugh but he can barely focus on anything except your leg in his lap and the rhythmic thumpthumpthump of your chest against his. 
There’s a spell of comfortable silence. The room is filled with slowly deepening breaths and two heartbeats. Sleep takes hold of you quickly, your eyes already shut and dreams just about to start. Eddie catches himself dozing and has enough sense to carefully shut the lamp off before relaxing again. 
As soon as the room was dark, sleep came to him and carried him off. 
There’s laughter. And sunshine. And his favorite Metallica record playing. He remembers you in the passenger seat of his van, passing him a spoon with ice cream on it. He remembers eating the spoonful of chocolate ice cream while never looking away from you. You were smiling at him, and, God, it was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. The light was red, there was no danger. No bats, or vines or whatever the fuck they were. It was just the two of you and a bowl of chocolate ice cream. What more could he want?
Soft movement twitched in his limbs as he slowly came back from the dream realm. His head was resting on something soft, tresses of his brown hair covered his face but he couldn’t be bothered to move them yet. He felt you stir with him, wakefulness rising in you both. The feeling of his head on your chest was what you could only describe as perfect. You laid on your back with Eddie resting on top of you, his arms bracketing your sides, hands holding the fabric of your shirt that had ridden up in the night. Your legs were spread comfortably for him to fit between. 
With a gentle stretch, you run your hands across his naked shoulders idly. The soothing touch igniting awareness in Eddie as he finally blinks his eyes open. The sun was peeking through the light curtains of your room, the morning birds singing their happy songs in the trees outside. He purrs when you bring one hand to his face, brushing the hair out of his eyes for him. Oh, yeah, he liked that. 
“G’mornin’, Princess,” he rasps, not bothering to move from his spot yet. If he were honest, he wouldn’t move for all eternity if it were up to him. 
“Morning, Ed,” you mumble back with a yawn, still rubbing his back as you finally open your own eyes to stare at your ceiling. 
“'Just a nap,’ huh?” He yawns, his own hand moving to stroke your side, “now, I may not be a smart man, but that was way longer than a nap.”
“Well, we needed it,” you respond with a small smile, the feeling of his calloused hands gliding over the heated skin of your side was equal parts comforting and intoxicating. Eddie let out an affirmative grumble before lifting his head, resting his chin on your sternum. The sight that greets him nearly knocks him on his ass. Your hair is a mess, sleep has made your face plumper than normal, lines from your pillow run along the length of your cheek, eye crusties dot the inner corner of your gorgeous eyes. You look beautiful, like always, but you look real. And the fact that someone as perfect as you were, was real and currently playing with a knotted lock of his hair, blew his fucking mind. 
While he was busy surveying your face, you were doing the same to him. Taking in his own puffy face, drool coated lips, wild hair, and glossy brown eyes. You came to the same conclusion, unbeknownst to you, that he was perfectly real. The smile that tugged at your lips was easy and held all the fondness you felt for the man in your bed. He saw it, the fondness that he hasn’t found anywhere else in the world. 
“Sleep good?” You ask, the tension in the room was too much for you to take any longer. It was enough for Eddie to come back to reality. 
“Like a baby,” he hums and stretches his arms out before propping himself up on his forearms with a sigh. “We are so doing that again,” he says with a playful smirk. 
“Definitely,” you chuckle in agreement and rub your face clear of any left over sleep crusties. It’s then that Eddie realizes that he’s on top of you, he glances between you to see your shirt rucked up, revealing a pair of plain black cotton panties adorning your hips. He bites his lip and takes as many mental pictures as he can for some at at home solo activities. He’s quick to pull his mind out of the gutter when he hears your tummy rumble. 
“Hungry?” He asks, you hum and nod. “One ‘Eddie Special,’ coming right up!” He kisses your forehead, it was too tempting to ignore, before getting up and heading for your kitchen. You listen to the sound of his rummaging through your kitchen and decide to switch on your stereo next to your bed. The normally harsh sounds of heavy metal guitars and drums is a quiet hum when Eddie returns. He comes back with a bowl of your favorite cereal, a banana, and a fresh cup of water— all balanced in his two hands. 
“Wooooow, room service? I should let you sleep in my bed more often,” you reach for the glass of water first and gulp it down. He gets back in bed, being extra careful of the milk in the bowl.
“Yes, you should,” he grumbles through a mouthful of cereal before handing you the bowl. You laugh and dig in, letting the morning go on at a comfortable pace. It’s just the two of you and a bowl of cereal. 
What more could he want?
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Part II
Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated!
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Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. | 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
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𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: felix x fem!reader (afab) // chan x fem!reader (afab)
genre: nonidol/collegegrad!felix. waitress!reader. college au. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. friends to enemies to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining. cheating. abusive boyfriend/ex. drama galore. the sexual tension is REAL in this one.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. felix is reader's estranged childhood bestie. chan is low-key an asshole in this ngl. heavy topics are mentioned such as: abusive/toxic relationships, cheating, and pathological lying. the summer vibes are real in this one. there will be humor/fluff throughout to balance everything. and ofc smut too because who am i if not a whore for filthy felix smut. 😉
word count: 4.7k
summary: ever since you were born, all you've ever known is living a simple life in the small australian coastal town of bridgeport bay. you're content with working at your parent's beachside restaurant angel waves for the rest of your life, and you're happy with your place in the world - you have good friends and an even better boyfriend. that is, until everything comes to a standstill when a familiar face from the past visits town for the summer. and in the wake of his return, lee felix upturns everything you thought you were content with here in your comforting little beach town.
a/n: ugh I'm FINALLY starting to write/post this... it feels like I've been stewing over this single idea for MONTHS lmao!! 😩😭 a big thanks to all of my amazing stay writer friends in the writer's club... ya'll are so fucking lovely and I adore you're continual support of my work!! 🥹 I have no idea how many parts this will be, but I'm anticipating for it to be at least 20.k words so... there's that haha! hope ya'll enjoy, and lmk what you think - your thoughts are always welcome! 💞
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
“Hey Y/N, can you please get the next table? I think Jordan just seated another customer.” Your best friend Yeji asked you in a light, cheery voice. She was walking past you into the kitchens, both hands full of dirty dishes, her midnight black hair blowing in the breeze that rushed into the restaurant from the open windows that lined the entire place. 
 “Sure thing babe!” You gave her a playful wink, offering up a faint smile before you finished helping ring up another customer’s order. 
 Just like every other weekend, your parent's restaurant - Angel Waves - was bustling with activity, as a solid line formed outside the doors with patrons waiting to snag a seat in the popular joint. A mix between a tropical tiki bar and a fish shack, Angel Waves - or AW for short - was located just off of the beach. With a wrap-around porch and huge bay windows that offered stunning views of the beautiful cerulean sea just a few feet away, AW had been a critically-acclaimed restaurant by the locals for decades. 
 Initially, it had been your father’s dream to open up a restaurant. But then he married your mother, and things took off soon after the wedding. In no time at all, she was pregnant with you while simultaneously helping your father build the restaurant from the ground up. To date, he had added three more parts to the place, making it rather expansive. With the bright neon signs and fire-burning torches that lined the perimeter of it, AW could be spotted on the shoreline from miles away. The inside was decorated rather plainly, with bright pops of tropical colors here and there and wooden chairs lined throughout the area. 
 But at night, the vibes of the restaurant came to life. As the patrons at the seated bar grew louder, the tropical music increased in volume and added to the overall atmosphere of laid-back tourists and locals alike. 
 Having grown up in Bridgeport Bay, which was a small seaside town in the East part of Australia, you were used to the leisurely way of things. But to some, it would seem like everyone around was just lazy. When in fact, people knew how to have a good time - and that was all that mattered to a lot of locals. 
 Including yourself. 
 Your parents had raised you in the small house that was just off the backside of the restaurant, so the tropical way of life had always been the only thing you had known. You didn’t mind living the same daily routine - waking up early to help with chores, then attending classes at the local university, before arriving back at the restaurant in time to help with the night shifts. Plus, it helped that one of your best friends, Yeji, had been working with you at the restaurant since she was a young teenager. 
 Now, at the tender age of twenty-two, you were well acquainted with your surroundings. You were set in stone about what you wanted to do with your life. And after you finished getting your degree in Environmental Science, you hoped to aid in the environmental impact of Bridgeport Bay, since environmental efforts were one of your biggest passions in life.
 As you stared around the dimly lit restaurant that was busy with customers and servers alike, you felt yourself come alive under the energy of it all. And getting a hint of the salty sea breeze on your tongue, you made to help the newest customer in placing their order. 
 The early June sun was just beginning to set over the horizon of the ocean, painting the brilliant light blue sky in shades of violets and fuchsias. Your attention was momentarily pulled away from your task at hand, as you were completely captivated by the look of the rippling water shining underneath the fading sunlight. 
 But you quickly snapped yourself out of your daze, already grabbing hold of your notepad and pen as you came up to the new table you were waiting on. Without looking up, you began to write down the time and your name on the top corner of the paper, like you always did before taking an order. “Hi, welcome to Angel Waves. My name’s Y/N and I’ll be your server. What can I get started for you tonight?” 
 There was a pause on the customer’s end, and the noise of the restaurant overtook all of your senses for a few moments, but then everything dimmed out into a faint hum as the customer spoke. 
 “Hi… Y/N.” 
 Immediately, without even giving it a second thought, your head shot up from the piece of paper on your notepad that you had been previously staring at. 
 Heart hammering in your chest, throat constricting in anxiety, with the flush already clawing up your neck and pooling in either of your cheeks. 
 All at the sight of… 
 Lee Felix. 
 The boy that you had grown up with. The one that had moved in next door to your restaurant when you were five years old. The one who had attended preschool, middle school, and high school with you. 
 The boy who had been your best friend in the entire world for over a decade. 
 And also, the single most person whom you hadn’t talked to in over four years. 
 But no- he was no longer a boy. 
 No- as he sat there, peering up at you with that familiar face of his, you suddenly came to acknowledge the years that had passed between the two of you. 
 Evidently, his time away at university for four years in South Korea changed him. Drastically. 
 From the long, sandy bleached-blonde locks that fell across his forehead, to the milky, blemish-free skin. His eyes were darker, too. More intense. And the sharp lines of his face were almost startling - with a jaw that could cut through steel, a proud nose, and prominent cheekbones. 
 He was no longer the awkward and geeky boy he had grown up with. The boy who had short, cropped black hair in his senior year of high school and braces for three years, and cystic acne that lasted well into his junior year of high school. 
 He looked… 
 Like a fully grown man. 
 And you didn’t know how to feel about that. 
 It made your stomach turn in a sickening kind of way. Made your heart pound against your ribcage painfully. 
 He was staring up at you, watching your blatant perusal of him in silence with a ticked-up, perfectly manicured dark eyebrow. 
 But some things hadn’t changed, at least, as he flashed you that tiny, easy smile he always seemed to have plastered on his face. 
 “F-Felix- wow, hi. I-” You began, stammering over your words in your utter surprise. You felt your eyes widen from your stupid blubbering, and the panic chilled down your spine from the way that he laughed heartily at your reaction to him sitting in front of you. “It’s uh- good to see you again, holy fuck.” 
 “Yeah, you too…” He finally pulled his gaze from yours, offering you some respite from the intensity of his matured eyes. You took in a deep breath as his focus scanned over the restaurant all around you. “Glad to see this place hasn’t changed one bit since the last time I came around these parts.” 
 “What brings you back to the coast?” You asked, rocking onto the backs of your heels like you always did when you were nervous. Bridgeport Bay was a small town that was connected to a set of other ones similar to it, which all lined the same coast of Eastern Australia. 
 After all, soon before he left to study in South Korea, he had vowed to you that he’d never step foot in ‘this hellish beach town’ ever again. 
 Obviously, he had proven himself wrong. 
 He shrugged broad shoulders, making you realize how much his physique had changed too. He was fitted in a loose t-shirt and faded jeans, but you could just barely make out the outlines of muscles underneath the baggy fabric. His back was proud and he sat up completely straight in his chair, the opposite of how he used to be in your childhood - always slouched and with thin, frail limbs. He was still petite in stature, but now made up for his lack of height with muscle. Even so, he still outranked you in height by a good three inches. 
 He was acting like it was no big deal - like none of it was a big deal. Not him coming back to Bridgeport after such a long time and looking so different from how you had known him as. “I just graduated, so I decided to spend the summer back at my parent’s place before I decide what I wanna do with my life.” Felix leaned over in his seat then, leveling you with that stare he always gave whenever he was trying to get a read on your feelings. “What about you? I see you’re still working for your folks…” 
 His voice trailed off. And if you didn’t know him any better, you’d assume that he had a pretentious air about him. Sure, he was the scrawny boy that had shipped off to South Korea, only to come back four years later looking hot as hell with a solid education and most-likely loads of crazy stories to tell to everyone who’d listen. 
 You, on the other hand, were still stuck in the same position that you had always been in. Living in Bridgeport Bay, in your parent's house, and helping work the restaurant while attending school at a nearby university. 
 It was comforting, in a sense, to have the same daily routine. But you could also acknowledge the fact that Bridgeport Bay was a fairly quiet place - in other words, not much happened. Most people your age had already moved away as soon as they graduated from high school, either traveling to the big city of Sydney to get a degree or going overseas to bigger and better places.
 And there you were… still stuck in the same turquoise-walled bedroom from your childhood, with the same group of three friends, and waking to the same view every single morning. The brilliant pinks and oranges of the sunrise against the ocean water got old in about… two days. 
 Folding your arms across your chest, you almost felt like you were trying to protect yourself from him. Lee Felix, who had been your childhood best friend. But who, unbeknownst to you, had turned into this ethereal, untouchable beast of a man in the absence of your friendship. It felt foreign and odd, to have him studying you so intently with those dark eyes. “Yeah, I’m still living here in Bridge… same friends, same habits, you know how it is around these parts.” You tried to laugh off the awkwardness you suddenly felt, but your tone came out all flat and warbled. 
 Felix was still staring up at you, but this time, his gaze melted exponentially. So much so, that it suddenly felt like you were the one staring into his soul - picking apart his emotions as he sat there in front of you, head tilted up in curiosity. And the feelings you saw dance across his eyes, for just a split second, made your heart tumble in the pit of your chest. 
 “Same friends, huh?” He asked, but it wasn’t a question he was seeking an answer for. After that, his focus was yanking away from you, as he looked down at the menu before him on the table. You watched his adam’s apple bob up and down, throat constricting as he took in a sharp breath. 
 You could feel the air shift around you as soon as you mentioned friends. Because besides Yeji and Felix, the only other person you had truly had a connection with in Bridgeport Bay was… Christopher Bang. The two of you had met during your freshman year of high school and had been quite inseparable ever since. You had a raging crush on him, and apparently, he had one on you too - since he had asked you out on your first-ever date at the start of your final year in high school. 
 By the time you all were graduating from Bridgeport Bay High, you and Chris were the it couple. With him being the popular soccer jock, it was only right that you started to get popular as well - since you were the ‘hot girlfriend’ who was always hanging on his arm. Chris was nice and funny and was friends with literally all of the high schoolers in the area, so you liked being around him. 
 But the more time you spent with him, the less you spent with Felix. And by the time graduation rolled around, your friendship had suffered big time from your new relationship with Chris. Felix didn’t approve at all of the two of you guys dating. He had always waved off your swooning throughout the years as ‘hormonal imbalances,’ but as soon as the two of you became official, his entire tune changed. 
 All of a sudden, he was getting angry at you. With such a short temper, he would have outbursts during most of your hangouts. And it wasn’t until the night of your graduation that all of the building tension finally broke, like a pinprick to a fragile balloon full of water. 
 The night had ended in a colossal blow-up on both of your ends - with Felix’s anger exploding in your face and making him out to be some ugly, dark boy. And definitely, not the kid you had grown up to love and care for. During the argument, he had finally admitted that he hated Chris' guts - that he saw right through his little scheme, and he thought the guy was a horrible match for you. 
 Of course, you retaliated tenfold by throwing his singleness in his face. Since, during the entirety of your high school years, he had never once dated any girl. That insult was low for even you, and soon had him storming off the scene, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat from your stubbornness. You hadn’t listened to him the whole time, only registering the fact that he didn’t approve of you and Chris being together. Like he was your fucking dad and he needed to give his consent to every man you loved and dated. 
 And that turned out to be the last time the two of you ever saw or talked to each other for the next four years. Since just a week after graduation, Felix had completely vanished from Bridgeport Bay. When you went over to his house to make things up, his parents informed you that he’d already left for South Korea earlier than expected. 
 His absence didn’t fully register until you tried to call and text him that night, only to be left with an error message in return. Since he was moving to a different country, he needed to change his phone number. He had already informed you of such a thing weeks earlier, and the two of you had planned on setting up a special app where you could text. But the two of you had forgotten about such a detail in the business of graduation season, so there was no way to contact him. 
 Instead, you were faced with living in the wake of his departure - you were forced to relive the big fight between the two of you for months after that, rehashing things and stewing over all of the feelings again and again. And finally, after a year of being heartbroken over the shattered friendship with your best friend in the entire world, you decided to move on. 
 To bigger, and better things. 
 Like the friends you still had in Bridgeport Bay, going to university, and working at the restaurant. 
 And, Chris too. 
 Since your relationship had only blossomed from there, having quickly turned into a four-year ordeal of fun dates and long night chats and walks along the sandy beachside in the late afternoon sunset. 
 “I’ll have the salmon bowl with brown rice, please.” Felix’s deep timbre pulled you out of your daze of thought, shocking you back into the present. You were still standing there at his table, in the middle of a busy dinner rush, waiting for his order. “Oh, and a side of fried pineapple rings too.” 
 “Okay, and what kind of drink would you like with all of that?” You asked, mind turning off and zoning into work mode as you wrote down his order. “We have all kinds of-”
 “I know what you guys serve, Y/N. I’m not a complete idiot.” 
 His deadpan retort came out in that unfamiliar voice of his, automatically ripping your eyes away from your notepad. 
 And there he was, peering up at you again. 
 But this time, his eyes were a lot more hooded - darker, even. Swimming with tension, his sharp jaw pulled taut in what appeared to be annoyance. 
 Before you could even get another word out, he was speaking again. In that raspy, deep tone, and you had no idea how you could get used to all of the changes at once. “I’ll take a coke- if that’s okay.” 
 You nodded, once, your tongue feeling like lead in your mouth. It was heavy and hard to move to form any more words, so you decided against talking and just flitted away from his table altogether with his order. 
 As you were passing by the open bar, you tossed Jordan, one of your coworkers, a pointed look. “Take care of table seven for me, will ya?” You motioned with a slight tilt of your head to where Felix was sitting across from the window. 
 Jordan frowned, eyes turning to slits as soon as he registered who was sitting at the table. The two of you had never been particularly friends, since he was a few years older than you. But he had been working as a waiter/bartender at AW for the past seven years and knew all of the regulars who came by. He also knew who Felix was, and what he meant to you. 
 “The little bastard giving you any trouble, darling?” He asked in a low voice as he slid a full glass of craft beer across the porcelain countertop to a waiting elderly man. “I can take care of him if you-”
 “What? No, no,” you said frantically, waving your hands in the air to stop him from going any further. Eyes shifting back to Felix, you registered the way that he was sitting there, shoulders slightly slumped in his seat, as he stared out the large window to his left side, examining the lapping waves of the seashore. “No- I just… I can’t handle all of… that tonight.” 
 Jordan gave you a soft smile, flashing a wink your way before he was back mixing another cocktail for a new customer. “You know I’ll always cover for your ass, baby girl.” 
 You giggled quietly at his absurd pet names. You knew that he was never seriously calling you any of them, but it was more in an affectionate, brotherly kind of way. Plus, he was viscerally gay, so you never had to worry that the nicknames were ever alluding to more than just a coworker-to-coworker friendship. 
 By the time you left the bar where Jordan was busily working and filed into the kitchen, you were once again swept up in the chaos of it all. Servers and managers bustling about, chefs shouting orders out at each other. And in no time at all, your mind was drowned in your work and you no longer could hold any space for the thought of him. 
 Yeji failed to catch sight of him in her busyness, which you were thankful for. She and Felix had been friends in high school, but no one had been as close to him as you had. At least, until your colossal fight on graduation night. Then, even you weren't close to Lee Felix.
 The night passed by rather quickly, as you heeded your parent's commands and helped out with the dinner rush as best as you could - taking orders, scrubbing dishes in the back of the kitchen, and cleaning up tables after customers had left their spots. 
 By the time closing hour was nearing at eleven o'clock, most of the customers had left for the night - save for a few couples dispersed throughout the place and a rowdy group of men who had steadily gotten drunker on their liquor as the hours passed. Jordan was somehow managing them swimmingly, playing into their flirtations and pouring them drinks that were ‘on the house,’ but really, just made a bigger cut in his tip paycheck.
 You were so invested and focused on your work at the register, as you sorted through all of the orders from that night, that you failed to notice the shadow that was slinking across the wall, coming towards you steadily. 
 But finally, the dark figure was upon you and snaking two strong arms around your waist, pulling you away from the front counter and pressing your back against a chiseled chest. 
 Already sensing who it was, you giggled softly and turned your head up to look into the eyes of your boyfriend, Chris, whom you had been dating for the past five years. He had always said that he didn’t want anything ‘too serious’ and that he was happy with just dating you until the last of his days. And to be honest, you weren’t complaining all that much. 
 Although, you sometimes got bothered by the thought of never getting to marry the man you had loved for so long. Once in a while, you’d get into this odd annoying spell where you’d be angry that he never wanted to make a complete and solid life with you - and instead wanted to continue dating happily like the two of you were still in high school. 
 But in the end, you always managed to push those frustrated thoughts away, deeming everything to be alright since you could do anything if it meant living the rest of your days out with the love of your life, Chris. 
 “When did you get here?” You asked, as you reached up and twisted a few fingers through his midnight coils. They were curly and stood up at all different ends, something you had always loved about him. That, and his killer body. 
 “Just a second ago- thought I’d surprise you and take you out to dinner after your long, hard day at work…” His voice trailed off, as his hands squeezed down on your shoulders, long fingers massaging the aches and pains away. 
 You felt a sly smirk already starting to spread across your mouth as you leaned into him and pressed a wanting kiss to his lips. When you pulled away, you were talking in a quiet voice. “Give me a few minutes, I’m almost done with my sorting.” 
 Just as you tried to escape from his grasp, Chris tightened his hold over you, arms encircling your waist and pressing your ass into the front of his sweatpants. You could feel the hardness there, just through the line of the thin fabric. 
 Oh, so we wanted the night to result in that kind of date. 
“Nah- I’m not letting you go,” he mumbled in a deep voice, mouth coming close to your ear as he whispered into it, warm breath fanning against the exposed span of your neck. “Been thinking about you all day baby, want you so bad tonight…” 
 He let the rest of his words trail off, forcing an ugly blush to bleed into either of your cheeks. Then he was spinning around so that he was completely facing you. The darkness of the restaurant cast a shaded glow over his broad shoulders, as he pressed into you with a sardonic smile plastered across his face. 
 “What’s so funny, mister?” You asked, tracing a finger over the line of his jaw as he tilted down into you and gave your nose a light peck. 
 “Nothing, just… I love riling you up like this when you’re at work. Feels… exhilarating.” 
 Then you had no time to react, as his face was moving and capturing your lips up in a lustful kiss. His mouth was plush and familiar against yours, and immediately, you were melting into his firm grasp, moaning softly at the way that one of his hands trailed down the curve of your ass, squeezing the covered skin there. 
 You guys were practically making out at the front counter of the restaurant, for everyone else to see. And in most normal circumstances, you’d feel embarrassed. But at the moment, you just felt overwhelmed with love and desire for your amazing, handsome boyfriend Chris. 
 As your fingers carded through his curly locks, bringing his face closer to yours as his tongue swiped across your bottom lip, asking for entrance, your eyes shot open. Scanning the entire room, your focus caught on the front door, and the person who was slipping out of it in silence. 
 And there he was, once again.
 Lee Felix. 
 Your once-best friend, 
 Your once long-time neighbor, 
 Your once-classmate for more than ten years. 
He was standing there at the front door, halfway stepping through it. But his body was turned around so that he was staring straight at… you. As you were practically getting groped by your boyfriend in the middle of Angel Waves, as your mouth was getting absolutely devoured by Chris’ lips. 
 And the look he gave you then, as your gazes locked in a shocking bout of tension, left you feeling both furious and confused all at the same time. 
 His eyes studied your form, which was so tangled up with your boyfriend’s at the moment. And even from across the room, you could see the feelings that crossed his coffee-brown irises as he watched you in silence. 
 There was sadness there, 
 And pain, too. 
 But also… 
 An irrevocable amount of… ire too. 
 The heat of jealousy that you found there burned like fire in the back of your throat, making your heart tumble around in your chest and the butterflies to flicker around in a frenzy just inside your stomach. 
 The sight of it all forced an agonizing zap of energy to course through your veins, rising your spine and causing gooseflesh to erupt across your skin. 
 Then, as quickly as you had registered it, it was all gone. 
 And he was leaving out the front door, the bell at the top of the glass jingling in the remaining trace of his departure. 
 There you stood, having to deal with the confusion that bled through your mind and the anxious jumbling that floated around your entire body. 
 And the worst part about it? 
 Was that the entire time, you had never stopped kissing Chris. 
 Never stopped yanking on his locks, allowing Chris to take parts of you in front of everyone else. 
 In front of… him. 
 You had continued to feverishly make out with your boyfriend, all the while your attention had been distracted on Lee Felix, and the way that he had stared at you so wholly and starkly. 
 Almost like, the two of you were playing in a silent battle of the wits. 
 With him, having always disapproved of your relationship with Christopher Bang. 
 And you, having been in love with Chris for the past eight years. 
 In the end, you had chosen your respective sides - what with you dating the love of your life, and Felix sitting on the sidelines, giving you an air of rebuttal as he stared on in barely masked disgust. 
 But you didn’t care what he thought. You weren’t living for him and you didn’t give two shits about any of his opinions. Especially after everything that had happened and from the way that you hadn’t spoken in literal years. 
 Yeah, you definitely didn’t care about what he thought. 
 So why, then, did the look he give you just before he left the restaurant, cause your heart to race so much? 
 Why did it cause a cold sweat to break out across your brow?
 Why did it flood your mind so much, that you could no longer focus on anything else? 
 Like an intoxicating drug, like the most lethal of poisons, he was infecting your entire being. 
 With his changed physique and persona and voice and… everything. 
 But especially, the way that he had glanced at you so sardonically. 
 So darkly. 
 So painfully. 
To be continued...
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
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—PAIRING: Boba Fett x Female Character
—SUMMARY: Sometimes sanctuary isn’t a place, it’s a person.
—RATING: Explicit, 18+ only — MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
—TAGS & WARNINGS: third person narration, explicit sexual content, Empire era!Boba, yearning, themes surrounding sex work, oral sex (fem receiving), open-ended ending (like not sad but not necessarily happy either? ends on a sense of longing)
Please let me know if I missed anything!
—AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thank you so much @wolffegirlsunite for this amazing song prompt ask! I'm trying out third person for the first time (so lemme know if y'all like it) and idk if this counts as a reader insert but I intended for it to kinda be like one, so I kept the female character's description vague. I am also trying to practice writing shorter pieces with these song prompts and let me tell you!! I do not like shutting up!!! I have many thoughts concerning this man!!!! But it wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy 🤨
Enjoy besties 💖
Song: Sanctuary by Joji
Read on AO3 — Masterlist — Taglist
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If you’ve been waiting for falling in love
Babe, you don’t have to wait on me
‘Cause I’ve been aiming for heaven above
But an angel ain’t what I need
It’s always after dark when he comes to see her. Like a fallen star, he touches down on the glimmering world of Canto Bight in the dead of night—a whispered name amongst the patrons in the casino as he passes through the velvet ropes to the pleasure house above. Boba can feel their eyes, their titillation, their curiosity, their fear of him on his back as he ascends the stairs. He pays it no mind because when he crosses the threshold into the Black Rose, only one thing matters to him.
Low lights soon give way to neon walls where beautiful men and women dance, their dark silhouettes enthralling their audience as drinks are served and credits are spilled from pockets. Boba doesn’t bother to stop and admire the show, however, he strides directly over to the pink-skinned Twi’lek sitting in the corner booth. She greets him with a familiar smile, knowing who he is and what he’s here for. She nods wordlessly towards the curtain behind her and the guard steps aside to let him pass.
The music dampens to a dull thump in the gilded waiting room, the air fragranced with dusky rose and sultry amber. He takes off his helmet to let the sweet air kiss his face, a gentle brush over the tips of his ears, the bow of his lips, the tip of his nose. Boba breathes it in, the scent of his escape. The scent that clings to his clothes even after he leaves, reminding him that she’s only ever one call away, laying alone and empty of him. Those thoughts, that sinful fragrance… they make his body ache for hers.
It drives him almost as much as his desire to be the best to honor his father’s legacy. That dull throbbing in his bones is his pain’s pleasure: the satisfaction of completing another job is made even greater with the knowledge that his reward is waiting on Canto Bight. It’s only after his pucks are turned in and his bounties paid that he allows himself to see her. She is a wine he must only sip, her sweet intoxication too tempting to allow himself anything greater. 
Her taste already stains his lips, keeping him from coming in the light of day, despite that the dim interior is never any brighter than it is after the sun sets. Because then she would know. She’d know that if she’s holding out, waiting to fall into that unspoken love that she wouldn’t have to wait on him, that his heaven isn’t one floating in the sky. An angel isn’t what he needs... it’s her. 
That’s why he no longer seeks out anyone else to fulfill his desires, why she’s become the only one. Boba has experienced the thrill of pleasure with many in his years, discovered what he liked and what gave him the release he required to keep his mind clear. Most of all, however, it revealed how he needs the warmth of equal to truly soothe the burning in his core, something more than just the colorful amusement of a dancing girl or the rough diversion of another hunter on a long job. He needs more, firmer ground to touch down upon. He needs a sanctuary.
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She likes to make him wait for a couple minutes when he arrives, let their mutual anticipation build to a low boil. Swiping on her trademark ruby lipstick, the Madame of the Black Rose smiles at her painted reflection. Boba Fett is in her waiting room, fresh off a hunt, pent up and ready to burn through all that raw energy. He needs her. He’s never said as much, but she knows that’s why he comes to her, to work through the knots in his soul after being wound so tight. 
Donning the sheer black robe laid out on her chair, she saunters into her waiting room practically purring with delight. Boba is reclined on the low slung chaise, legs apart with his helmet propped on his knee. His pretty lips twitch into the smallest of smiles at her appearance, his dark eyes glinting with salacious intention as they slip down her body. All she has to do is hold out her jeweled hand and he’s pushing her back into her rooms, his hot mouth sealing over hers.
The fervid way they tear into each other, pulling clothes and armor off as quickly as their tangled limbs will allow, speaks the words their lips do not: what you want is what I want. Sincerity in motion, acted out but never spoken of. Two souls that lie awake when apart dreaming of the courageous, secret reality where they give into something real. Something that they passed off for child’s play or a fantasy fit only for those on the opposite side of the galaxy’s underbelly—either way, certainly not something for them. Bounty hunters and working girls, no matter how revered or expensive, don’t get happy endings together. Not in this life at least. 
When he kneels between her thighs, Boba revels in the slick warmth and breathy moans that she allows him to wring out of her with his tongue and fingers. One orgasm is not enough for him, nor two, and just barely three before he comes up for air, panting praises and curses into her soft skin while she runs her nails through his hair. It gives her such pleasure, such luscious pride to see his glossed over eyes and slick-shined face so overwrought and pussy drunk. She hasn’t even touched him properly yet and he’s a man consumed.
When he finally gives her his cock, it’s hard and leaking, flushed with violet want. She relishes in the way he fills her cunt every single time he takes her; the lurid stretch of him burns in her veins, her heart pounds against her ribs as he snaps his strong hips against the back of her thighs. When she flips him on his back to ride him how she likes, she yanks his face up by his curls to kiss and bite and bruise her way into him. Maybe if she kisses him long and deep enough, he’ll hear all the things she cannot bring herself to say. That if he loves her like she loves him, he doesn’t have to wait any longer to make her his. That she doesn’t want an angel or a savior, just him. 
Skin to skin and cheek to cheek, she hopes there’s an osmosis of sentiment. Fuck me harder, she begs her with body, fuck me like you’re not going to leave. Fuck me like our lives won’t end up apart. And he does, again and again, every time he darkens her door. He digs his fingers in, sinks his mark into her giving flesh, pulling her so close because they can never know how long their lifetimes will be. When he holds her so tight her lungs protest and her ribs threaten to crack, she locks her legs around his muscular torso and presses her lips to his ear. We can aim for heaven above, baby, you don’t have to wait on me.
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hikikolol · 1 year
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*vity as your fwb*
idea from this piece (*slip up*) where in; nine of your friends take turns into pleasuring you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
♡ park serim
he'd so be the type to call you up in the middle of the night when he's feeling a little stressed from all of the requirements given to him from his course
hard dom on days he's frustrated and soft dom on days he just wants to chill
calls you 'angel' 'babe' 'baby' with the occasional 'slut' 'cum bag' and 'cock sleeve'
dreams of the threesome you did with woobin that one time (it was the first time you squirted so much)
would literally invite you out to the gym just so he could fuck you right after
black lingerie sets him off bad
asks you to cockwarm him often when he works on his reqs
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♡ ma allen
it's obvious that allen is a giver, your pleasure is his pleasure
insane fucking stroke game through and through
he calls you in once every blue moon, it's because he always waits for you to make the first move (he feels guilty that the other guys use you too much that he doesn't want to take your rest days and make it his own...unless you ask for it)
literally would make a list on his notes app on things he did that made you moan loudly so he could do it all in one go the next time you guys do it
one of the best aftercare fr
moan his name, it would make him lose his mind
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♡ koo jungmo
would literally use his "black card" excuse to bed you when you're not in the mood
sugar daddy in the making fr
the one who started it all by asking you to suck on his dick one night when he was feeling horny and it was just the two of you in his room
you don't know why you said yes but it was mostly because his eyes were too mesmerizing
great at sex and you can't even deny it
highest sex drive amongst the rest, it surprised you the most when his stamina was so high even after three rounds (as if he doesn't almost die from running up four floors of stairs)
treats you out on dates after resting which is nice
it's the literal princess treatment
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♡ seo woobin
the literal definition of soft dom
so caring before and after intercourse that you might've thought he was your actual boyfriend
sweet fucking words dripping like honey while he whispers them into your ears MY GOD
tries not to ruin you too much but can't help it on some days when he's feeling a little bit more
you still dream of the day when sweet ruby choked you while you were having sex, it was one of his rough days
he dines and he wines before he fills
makes you breakfast when you sleep over too, waffles became a staple
loses his fucking mind when he sees you in a skirt. he would literally go up behind you and starts grinding (this is when you guys are alone in the dorm, he's not big on exhibitionism)
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♡ ham wonjin
it's a 50/50 with this dude, there are times where you're horny but his jokes turns you off immediatley, and there are times where his jokes made you completely wet
he's great with sloppy thrusts, those make you cum so much faster
he likes eating you out too
lingerie lover, would seriously not take them off whilst you fuck
high socks too? sign him the fuck up, he loves the visual of your flesh being so tight in long socks, it turns him on way too much
you had to remind him that periods were a thing at one point because he was trying so hard to eat you out but you kept pushing away
texts you at the ass crack of dawn to say he's at the door and to let him in so you can fuck (there are times when you left him out to go home, though)
literally goofy sex to passionate real quick
besties 5ver tho
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♡ kang minhee
lazy sex? yeah, lazy sex
literally would be lounging around on his bed and you'd catch him stare at your tits until you give in and pull your shirt up yourself
can't deny this man of tits, could literally spend hours fucking them
wearing a low cut shirt will be the death of him (cue dragging you into his room for a quick fuck)
sleeping on his bed would most probably end up with sleepy sex as he grinds his hips onto you while you try to sleep
you can never say no to minhee, honestly, because once he uses that eye smile that lifts up his freckled cheeks oh you're done
aftercare consists of him wiping you down then throwing it at a random corner of his room to lay down with you...falling asleep right away (one time you had to put his brief and boxers on for him while he slept)
sugar daddy in the making
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♡ song hyeongjun
an absolute switch, one day he likes being on top then the other he's a complete bottom
his whimpers makes you lose your mind, gets louder the nearer he is to cumming too
he texts you in the middle of the night to tell you that he touched himself to the thought of you, in a very shy cute way that had you running to his doorstep
drives you insane with his thrusts, insane stroke game pt. 2
high stamina = hours on end
skirt kink pt. 2
most fav position is when you ride him though, best position for switch me thinks. one minute, you control the speed and the next, he has you slightly lifted up so that he could ram himself into you (cue screams)
luvs luvs luvs when you call him 'puppy' but will never say that out loud
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♡ kim taeyoung
has an ego taller that the tallest building fr
pretty chill but can totally be evil, he starts up most of the threesomes...
absolutely gets a kick at seeing you fucked out, and maybe being fucked by someone else while he's in the room
flirts nonstop to get your attention
something you found cute though is when he kind of gets shy after cumming, the shy smile that creeps up to his face when he reaches out for something to wipe you with looks so ethreal
loves to look at you while he fucks, it's either staring at your fucked out face or his point of view when his cock disappears into your cunt, he feels like it's straight out of a porn video
after all that shy shenanigans though, he never fails to pull up his digi cam to take a picture of you being a mess (all with consent of course)
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♡ ahn seongmin
the first time you had sex, you were expecting him to learn quickly but you never expected him to make you moan so loud
seriously has the most sub energy but is surprisingly a switch, you loved it when he put your legs up to ram into you (made you cum embarrassingly fast)
tries not to overthink too much when he's pleasuring you so that he could enjoy it himself, forgets that thought the moment you moan out his name though
he knows the a to z of aftercare, went as far as to put on a face mask and pampered you all night
likes to do it in private, meaning, if there are other people in the dorm, you can forget about it
would like to learn how to eat you out next
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-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- surprise!! came earlier than expected lmaoo i had way too much motivation to write today so here you goo hihihi hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it <33
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mrsmiagreer · 10 months
my problem is
I name my characters based off of their backstories (Where their parents were from, where they grew up, a name that fits their look, how it sounds next to their partner’s name)
I feel the urge to give everyone SUUPER unique and pretty names but also those names don’t fit everyone
I know I said black listeners but not all of them are black lmao
People I Already have names for:
Sweetheart (Mia)
Darlin’ or Tank (Corveya/Cory)
Honey (Bianca/B)
Doc (Alyssa)
Dear (Constance)
People I do NOT have names for:
Lovely (Not black)
Smartass (Not black)
Ollie’s babe (Not black)
Sunshine (Not black)
Asset (Not black)
James Wife (Not black)
Anton’s Wife
Ivan’s Baby
Ivan’s Baby 2.0
Precious (not black)
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Ms Birthday girl!!
ethan edwards x black!reader
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liked by yourusername and 13,435 others
yourbestie1; happy fucking birthday to this real life angel. OMG I CANT BELIEVE ITS YOUR BDAY 🥳🥳🥳🥳. You truley are my bestie. You know me better than anyone else, youve always been there for me when i needed it, youre my girl. Remember when we smoked 🍃 in hs after we egged my exs house? 😭😭. Anyways love you sm birthday girl 🤭😁😁☺️😚
yourusername: 🥹🥹🥹 I LOVE YOU SM BESTIE
yourbestie: I LOVE YOU MOREEEEEE 💋💋💋💋
yourusername: ☺️ THANK YOU SONN
yourusername: DUKER UR SO SWEET 🥲 🙃
edwards.73: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY ☺️
yourusername: THANK YOU BABE. i love you edwards 💋
rutgermcgroarty: HAPPY BDAY MOM
yourusername: 😊😊😊😊 thank uuu rutgerrrr
rutgermcgroarty: does this make me the favorite kid now
markestapa: what are you talking abt im mom and dad’s favorite
dylanduke.25: stop being stupid its me
yourusername: 🤦🏾‍♀️
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liked by yourbestie1 and 17,349 others
edwards.73: happy birthday to the sweetest girl i know. every time I lose a game or win she’s the one i go back to. She’s my home. In the time ive spend with her even with i love every second of it. even if we argue over stupid stuff i still love her. Shes MY girl . not any of yalls. shes kind, loving supportive, the best. but anyways happy birthday to the best and my favorite person out there. aint no one like you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SWEET GIRL 😚🫶🏼🫵🥳☺️😁😘🥰
edwards.73: I LOVE YOU BABYYYY ❤️
yourbestie1: corny and im loving every second of it
dylanduke.25: i love this @:markestapa
markestapa: only time i wont gag when mom and dad are being cutesy again.
yourusername: mark stfu u literally love when we act cutesy
markestapa: 😒 not true
yourbestie: @:markestapa girl bye
lhughes_06: happy birthday y/n/n :)
yourusername: thank you hughesy 😊😊
umichtrack: hbd to the GOAT 🐐
yourusername: jj give coach her login back🤦🏾‍♀️
umichtrack: ok MOM
yourusername: 💀
a/n: happy birthday to you if its urs cause it definitely aint mine 😭
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officialnighttime · 8 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
duuuuuuuuudddeee bestie AKAAA Official Official Nightime is like drunk off they ass srn but bro we hear so much about you in like the last couple hours and like dude ur fics is fuckin amazin like we were readin though em a while ago and like goddamn you write good shit an I know Angel loves 15 minutes but I tells you a secret and that is thay like both of the parts. Both thingies. Cause like they can pretend the dude is like them in they head and sort of gendernuetral
an like they feel bads changing the stori like tha but I mean it's harmless and they love it so ucking much y'know?? and like you are so fucking nice and I swear I didn't used to swear this much even for an aussie until Imet them they have done this this is not my fault.
Y'know we tell angel we call em that cause there user on discord is the name of an angel of daeth but like.. they so nice y'now? Like rn I have their phon cause they tucking other bestie into bed. THey drunk af but they look after us and they will drop anything for us I know this I've seen em do it and like now bestie came up and asked them to betucked in and like they sibered up like that and scooped em up to put em to beds and they do they carry thing like you'd do as a kid and pretend to be sleep to be carried and like they so sweet and just amazing they are a fucking angel they earned the name over and ever and I love them so much.
And you make em happy an stuff and it so cute when they do they happy wiggle when they reblog ur stuff like legit the cutest thing omfg
Their stims are so adorable too like bro thehy so cute. like they do this cat purr thing and it's just fuucking chefs kdiss and adn they do they happy wiggggle when they happy or the foot shuffles when they move like a few meters to the sideess and they adorable
they hot too ngl. Like babes has their make up done and they do this look we kinda dubbed Morticia Addams and it like silver and black smokey eye with a wing and like a good red lip and fuck they look amazing how they are suingle I will enver know cause babes is gorgeous and like yeah I gotta shut upp s
But u right, they beautiful. Bestest person I know.
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crybabyboyscout · 1 year
November!!!! I just got and washed and wore for the first time my pink guardian angel hoodie, and now my mom and sister want one (but in black) 🤣😭 so I'm getting them each one after also getting my bestie one ❤️🖤❤
Hi babe 🥹🫂🫶🏿 I’m so glad you received your package!! Thank you sooooooo much for your continued support, I appreciate you immensely.
I hope you found use for the other sweatshirt I sent too 🥲😂 feel free to send me pictures of you all if y’all are comfortable!
Love you so much
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Please write Halloween/Fall Prompts “48. Haunted Mansion” with the squad x platonic fem reader
EEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!! Babes, I'm screaming!!! I have the perfect idea for this!!! hee hee
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New Orleans, Louisiana
Halloween Night, 2022
The giggles of a wispy little girl ghost filled the halls of the huge, spooky looking mansion, knocking on the doors and causing a commotion in the halls, waking almost all of the Dagger Squad from a late afternoon nap.
Bob startled awake at the noise, nearly knocking his glasses, his crystals and several small statues of his family deities off the little altar shelf next to his bunk bed. "God, why is it always this hour of the night when she's doing this?" he groaned sleepily.
"She's a ghost Bob," Phoenix mumbled, rubbing the grog out of her eyes. "And the worst part is, she's eternally five-years old."
A black cat screamed in the hallway before skittering into the room. Two more ghosts zoomed down the halls while Rooster stumbled his way in, still groggy from the nap and the cat curling about his ankles. "Should I threaten her with an exorcist now? Or wait until after the party?" he yawned.
"We'll see how she is later," Phoenix said, pulling her black hair into a ponytail. "I heard it's supposed to be a good one this year."
"Yeah you know how they are down here," Rooster said. "They go all out for Halloween."
A startled yell echoed down the hall from one of the bathrooms as Coyote ran out in nothing but a towel. "CLARY!!!!! You'd better knock next time or I'm calling an exorcist!!!!" Coyote bellowed.
"Guess I didn't need to threaten he this time," Rooster chuckled.
Bob shook his head as he climbed down from the bunk, reaching for his glasses that had been tucked away in the little niche along with everything else. He disappeared to the bathroom to go and get cleaned up while Phoenix lit a few sticks of incense and stuck them in the little holder, the image of her namesake emblazoned a bright gold on a piece of blood red silk amongst fiery elements and family deities that controlled fire.
(Y/n) stuck her head in a minute later once Rooster and Bob had disappeared. "Hey Nat?"
"What's up (y/n)? Glad to see you're finally awake."
"Yeah you can thank Clary for that one," you said with a roll of your eyes. "Do you mind helping me with the hair? It's gonna be a little tricky."
"Oh honey, hair and makeup are my expertise," Natasha chuckled. "C'mere and we'll do each other's."
You and Natasha gladly did each other's hair and makeup, carefully applying what needed to be applied before helping each other on with the masks that went over your eyes. God, you two were going to look gorgeous, and the guys? Everybody there would be head over heels for them.
"Oh my God, Nat you look like you're gotta set the whole place on fire!!" you said excitedly.
She looked amazing, all in red and gold, the shoulder pieces forming birdlike wings that went in a gentle gradient from smokey black to bright and burning shades of red, orange and yellow. You however were something to behold all on your own, your hair done up with a thin string of pearls laced into the braiding. All around your eyes were clear little dustings of silver glitter and your sheer, white dress showing just enough cleavage for the boys to look and keep guessing. Natasha practically gasped when she saw the thin little angel wings on your back, wondering if indeed you had flown to earth.
"Bestie!!!!!" she gasped, clamping her hands over her mouth. "(y/n) seriously, you look amazing!!!!"
"You like it?" you asked excitedly.
"I think she looks positively stunning," chortled a voice.
You both looked up to see Essie, one of the more wild and feral ghosts who spent her days flitting about the garden and making the Spanish mosses on the willows shudder with her breezy touch. Her transparent and wispy form stuck her head out from the ceiling, giggling like a smitten schoolgirl as she hung upside down. "You ladies are going to make the boys go crazy," she giggled.
"We'd better," Phoenix told her. "We put alot of work and effort into this."
"Oh darling, the hard work is only the half of it," Essie replied, dangling by her ankle from a ghostly rope, reminiscent of The Hanged Man. "Perhaps a little teasing here and there in the bedroom will rile them up a little."
"You think that will work?" you asked, knitting your eyebrows together.
"Well, your friends, Hangy and Roo-Roo seemed to think so," Essie cackled.
Yours and Natasha's jaws hung opened wide in shock. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!" you blurted out.
Essie cackled again and apparated quickly back into the ceiling before you had a chance to throw Natasha's hairbrush at her. "She's gonna get it one of these days," you hissed.
Natasha laughed and shook her head. Mickey stuck his head in soon after. "You ladies ready?" he asked.
"Hell yeah we are," you told him.
Mickey took both you and Natasha on each arm, all of you ready for one hell of a night, where the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead was to be lifted, all of you celebrating not death and darkness.....but life itself.....wonderful, beautiful, joyous life.
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phoebehalliwell · 1 year
What would be your ideal cast for the next generation in 2023?
hmm that's difficult mainly bc i really don't watch that many teen drama so i don't have a solid list of actors in the appropriate age range lmao but i love a challenge nonetheless so here we go!!
for wyatt i would kind of love to cast something of an already famous person to kind of really hit home the idea of Legacy tm but the issue is bc wyatt is so big in narrative he kind of just. gets less plot. so that actually might not work. so tbh really i think the move would lowkey be casting a nepo baby. honestly i would love wyatt russell (same name besties?!?!?) but he is just a shade old. if you've only seen him in falcon and the winter soldiers i am begging you to expand and see his cali babe range.... he's in black mirror, 22 jump street, ingrid goes west, lodge 49... babes. like. beyond that, charlie hall who was in sex lives of college girls as that like. really manic guy whitney went out with. and then third option but also on the older side would be alex roe who played the male lead on the tv siren that i think like. only five people watched (excluding myself: four). i think he could swing the necessary earnest energy.
chris honestly should probably be The Star kind of hte one who brings the most draw to the show ideally someone who already has something of a fanbase in a gifset before i've used thomas doherty before who checks two boxes in that he already has an established fan base coming from both the descendant's franchise & also the gossip girl reboot and of course he is also devastatingly handsome in a very cliche way and we already know can play a slut. so that's actually three boxes. another option which i thnk would Slay but again he's a little older would be logan lerman <3 like. y'all see it rite? wild card would be tommy martinez.
for melinda i think a couple solid options would be sarah catherine hook from first kill, sarah desjardins from. well im gonna say yellowjackets but i know her from riverdale lmao. or kaitlyn dever from booksmart also potentially kaylee bryant from legacies or brenna damico from descendants
rest of the next gen under the cut ❤️
for the twins tamora & kat, ideally, they are played by twins. but i do not know a lot of famous acting twins those would have to be found. however, some actors i really like would be liv hewson from santa clarita diet (gone too soon, rip). i think louisa harland from derry girls could be really fun. katherine langford from. well. best known for 13rw but fuck that show. wild card would be storm reid from a wrinkle in time.
henry jr i will be honest i have no idea what he looks like in my head other than he has dark hair. so i'm just gonna spit out some options. archie renaux from shadow and bone. gavin leatherwood from sabrina maybe. mekki leeper from slocg. anirudh pisharody from 9-1-1. booboo steward from (twilight) julie and the phantoms. asher angel from shazam.
pj functionally serves as the leader of the cupitches so i would love to again see her as someone with a good amount of draw honestly i would love to see danielle rose russell as her like those scenes in legacies where she plays lizzie disguised as hope is the exact vibe we're going for. other excellent options imo would be madelyn cline or sabrina carpenter
parker and pj together kind of carry the emotional brunt of the cupitches mainly because peyton is so young it's just easier to defer to her sisters til she's old enough to properly shoulder the burden of a solo narrative. so w both pj and parker the actress needs to slay the solid exterior // cracks slip through; for pj that's the super cool capable princess form parker that's the badass unflinching warrior, both of them are hiding A Lot. so really, any of the pj castings could work for parker imo and vice versa. but some parker specific ones would be savannah lee may from julie and the phantoms, i love that she's kind of got like this baby faced nice energy but can play just like the mean girl. i would love that dichotomy w parker of someone who does not look violent always packing a knife you know? other than that: emma myers from wednesday, odessa azion, or emily alyn lind from gossip girl (tho between you and me eal is my personal fancast for penn)
for peyton she really is the baby of the family so again it would ideally probably be someone new to the scene bc they're so young but i think good existing options would be trinity likins who plays jellybean on riverdale or shay rudolph from the babysitters club.
and then as other casts for the eventual bianca mimi keene from sex education or amita suman from shadow and bone. for melinda's roommate ale mariselo zumbado from genera+ion possibly, ale's character is mexican so i would really love a mexican actress to be cast. google is not aiding me in this hunt. melinda's (new) whitelighter effie freya mavor from skins can defo do the scottish accent, i also think gracie dzienny from first kill & slocg could bring that necessarily wackadoodle energy. over with kat's plotline viola could be played by bola koleosho. more characters to come who ideally would also fit here but no spoilers yet !!
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Hey babes great question-
uh well a quick rundown of my personality is I’m serious and stern around people I don’t really like or care about and around friends of mine I let go completely but trust issues go brrrr anyways-
anyways their an Arc Angel of sorts so they don’t necessarily get along with auditor or Jebus. Let’s get into it!
Jebus: Like I said they don’t really like him and he doesn’t really like them. They tend to brawl it out a little bit they’ve got that frenemy relationship. They have their fun together lots of laughs but they still don’t forget the fact that they still want each others heads on spikes. Though their relationship would have to be 5.5/10 like I said it differs but they usually hit it off when they’re not trying to kill another.
Auditor: Bro can’t stand him, he’s such an asshole bro. He’s not even fun to talk to, yeah he’s a little hot but an ass. Anyways bro wants to kill the Auditor but waits because they simply don’t feel like doing it. Unlike Jebus and them their enemy’s pure enemy’s. They wanna sock him in the face and spit on him. Their relationship is a 2/10 never keep them in a room together it will not end well for either party.
Phobos: They’re actually decent friends they definitely don’t like his ego or his whole outlook on everything but they don’t do anything about it really. Their a true neutral tbh. Though they don’t approve his actions or anything when they look pass that their not bad friends.
Mag agents: I mean their neutral with them like everything, their impressed by their forms and the brutality of them. It’s sad to be honest but intriguing to watch. They like observing them but their not really friends with any. They can’t even name one. The MAG agents beware them though.
Grunts: They have a soft spot for them to be fair, their small and innocent, some. They understand that their mostly doing the killing business to survive. They don’t kill them unless they have to and usually remorseful if so. They like giving hat pats and some grunts go to them for hugs. They try to not get attached because they know for a fact their gonna get killed but they can’t help it and still get sad. 5/10
2BDammed: usually they help him with his work and stuff like that. They fetch him remedies and even share secret medicines. They like to help him out, similar to an assistant. Usually you’ll see them in his office sometimes teleporting in and out of it. They’ll usually give a small wave before turning into a fog of gray. 7.5/10
Deimos: Very good friends actually. They like fucking around with him and so does he. They’ll randomly teleport to scare him and he pulls lots of pranks on them. Their light hearted but really cruel pranks and jokes. Almost have Deimos a heartattack before no joke like bro started genuinely hyperventilating like crazy. They apologized profusely and he just laughed it off. 8.5/10
Sandfard: There both black so they can relate with racism and stuff like that. They talk and vent to each other. They’re besties and care about e another dearly. They like going to parties and just talking. They share a lot of similarities with their personalities. They appreciate each others company and simply each other. 9/10
Tricky: They make lots of jokes with tricky, they like goofing around with each other. They have lots of fun and dance parties. Drinking buddies each others wing men. Always trying to help each other get some play. Someday, someday. When they were both human they had a great relationship and they have a great relationship through death. 9/10
Hank J. Wimbleton: Oh boy- so at first Hank payed not attention to them. When they attempted to make small talk he paid no mind. They knew he was cold and understood where he was coming from perfectly. They both have had their fair share of trust issues of course. When they first met he attempted to kill them but he failed. What made it even more insulting was that they didn’t even try to kill him. He was just stuck in a loop of swings and dodges. After that little deal he didn’t think much of it until- 2BDammed brought them in talking about them and how great they are. He was mad but he realized they attempted or socialize with him. He was flattered oddly, they got closer and closer and eventually Hank got a little crush😏
hope this was decent 🧍‍♂️
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kindchenschema · 4 months
greysanon again and tysm for answering i love talking about this stupid show lmao
okay agree about s12 it’s actually my ideal end point for the show after s8 and the magmeldith (i love maggie—she’s over hated and all the hate is over shit other characters would easily get away with but they come down extra hard on the black woman for some reason🤨—and im a sister lady chief stan idc that it’s corny i loved how snarky and close and fun they were in this season) everyone finally moved on from the derek stuff and they’re all learning now to be okay again it’s so good and endearing🥺
yeah! simone is so adorable and kind! she even made lucas tolerable but he’s annoying af and drags her down. he needs to leave her alone and they need to write in a new guy for her that adores her. honestly wish lucas was leaving the show and not yasuda but greys loves to disappoint.
speaking of yasuda, why has the chemistry between her and jules been so good these last couple of eps lol like when they woke up together the energy was giving GAY lol. they should bang before she leaves for good honestly
same for amelia and beltran who finally acknowledged the thing between them. i still don’t see sparks but i was charmed by beltran this week (spoilers for ep8) and i loved that amelia asked her out. idk why she’s always attracted to these emotionally unavailable women (addison is my top 5 greys women but sorry to say ive never sparks between her and any of the other women except maybe callie? i just don’t get a femslash vibe from her at all she gives me super straight wasp vibes srry lmao but she’s super hot and brilliant) but it’s good drama when they put in the effort to write it. seems like she could be sappy but like in erica hahn way (another fave idc that she was mean and arrogant she was right and they wrote her off so stupidly) where she’s still kinda cold to everyone else but sweet with amelia and honestly that would work for me because i love that dynamic for women. imma need a kiss by the finale to really solidify my interest tho.
but yeah no this season is so bland the show itself has become so low stakes and formulaic it’s like they’re afraid to actually take it in a compelling and dynamic direction because they don’t wanna alienate their old ass fans in middle america but what about us young fun dykes lmao. what if we’re tired of weekly hetero complications like we wanna have fun too!
greys anon bestie!! hi <3
girl you are so right, Maggie get behind me 🤺 I really love Maggie and I do agree that a lot of the hate she gets is due to misogyny and racism, and she was kind of put in a shit position being "the other Lexie" by the writers. (I personally never minded the recycled half-sister storyline but Lexie was a precious babe so of course people are going to be territorial.) the thing, to me, about Maggie, is like. yeah. she's a little bit annoying. but we have to remember she's an ex gifted kid turned gifted adult, she went through puberty and like pretty much all major "age-related" (mental) changes surrounded by people much older than her and she was also bullied, plus she grew up an only child who was very much the center of her parents' lives. like, yeah, when a person like that grows up, she's gonna be a bit childish and self-centered (for the RECORD I can name at least ten characters who are way worse in that regard starting with the ugly little gnome George o'malley) (also Maggie is extremely emotionally intelligent when it comes to judging situations/dealing with conflict but due to everything in her life just not happening at the "average" time and being so focused on her studies she's just starting to develop an adult sense of "self-awareness" when we meet her - and that is OKAY). tldr Maggie is an angel and the minuscule amount of flaws she has just make her a real, three-dimensional, complex human being, and I wish people would get over the Lexie thing so they could appreciate this wonderfully written and played character.
same I loved sister lady chiefs so much!! I had genuine Amelia/meredith brain rot a few years back 🤭 when Amelia was curled up at the foot of Meredith's bed and then when they were at the table and Meredith reached out to pet Amelia's head - I have a lot of Thoughts about how much of a puppy Amelia is but I don't know if this is a safe space so I'll shut up now 😭
simone is good at many things but nothing and no one can make Lucas tolerable to me, every time he is on my screen it makes me want to kill myself. I wish he would leave and from a show writing standpoint I don't understand why yasuda is leaving. it just feels like everyone is coming and going as they please, couldn't they hire main characters who actually want to stay on the show for more than three seasons? because I'm sorry but what is this?
anyways yes in the very beginning I thought they would make yasuda and Jules a thing... I do think they would be good together in the time yasuda has left (in the show haha) but I found the storyline with her fight with Taryn very dissatisfying and just... meh, I guess. (but that could be said about any storyline at all of the past five seasons so)
okay enough of me being a hater!! I am a lover now. Love ❤️
okay I lied I still don't like Beltran and I want her to go away. I do agree with you that the badboy who's sweet to one (1) person in a lesbian dynamic is top tier, but regardless I do want kai to come back to Seattle and also their senses and for them to confess their love to Amelia. as an alternative I would settle for seeing addimelia scissor on national television. but that's beside the point.
anon have you watched private practice? if you like Addison, you should!! she's definitely a wasp but she is a lesbian i know it!! (source: delusion)
honestly I really wonder how their more conservative/republican fanbase feels about the general tone of the show now (I mean the hardcore alt-right people probably stopped watching a long time ago haha) because even though I'm anything but conservative I find it very disrespectful. I mean, you can't have every main character parroting one political standpoint (in ear-cancer inducing twitter lingo might I add) and the faceless "bad guys" saying the other. like with the roe v wade storyline - obviously I'm pro choice, but there could've been something way more interesting. instead of "bad guys throw brick at good guys" (Kwan). something to reach people on both sides and have an actual nuanced conversation - what if a woman who was a protester had gone to Addison for an abortion? for example
dude imagine if we were writers on the show... every character would be a dyke. Addison dyke, meredith dyke, Amelia bisexual(no one's perfect), NICOLE HERMAN!!! DYKE. Owen? dyke! you get it
thank you soo much for these anons they really make my day :'') as you can see I am a bit obsessed with grey's (I also write fanfic) so I'm super delighted to yap about it with you <33333 (but I promise I'm normal otherwise 😭 I go to school, I have friends, etc no basement dwelling going on here no ma'am 🫡)
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mo2k · 2 years
games addiction
feat. oikawa tooru, kageyama tobio, atsumu miya, sakusa kiyoomi
warnings. just fluff and some needy boys
key point. you've been addicted to the new game you've just downloaded on your phone, prompting your boys to be grumpy when you don't divide enough attention for them
bam's note. it happened the moment me and my bestie decided to load a new game and after that we just won't talk to each other as much anymore XD
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| oikawa
"babe" the dark brown haired earns a hum. "angel" now he earns a 'yes?'. "honey" you speak again in a louder voice. you might think he want to annoy you, though actually in his opinion that was far from his plan. tooru only came closer, wrap arms around you, make you shift your original position so he could rest his back on the sofa and behind you. this man watch you struggling not to die, concentrating hard to practically stabbing your fingers against the screen as quickly as possible. it's been like 3 minutes or so, now let's witness his real plan together. simple enough, tooru jab his finger carelessly and the game is over. genius. sure you can groan, be mad or snap at him. oikawa would smile, "well now that you're dead. plus why would you want to get frustrated over nothing when you have such handsome and amazing boyfriend to spend your time with anyway?"
| kageyama
our milky boy understands well that when you fall in love with something, you wouldn't want to stop doing it until you're satisfied, no word could ever describe how volleyball mean to him either. however, when that game pop up on your phone's screen, he doesn't like a single minute you choose to spend with it instead of him. therefore dear readers, you can't blame a soul when tobio start to plunge for action by taking your phone away and put it in some corners you don't even recall was there in your shared apartment. then he would have all the excuse to throw you over his shoulders since in his personal schedule it says right now is late night cuddle sessions time. "sleep with me. you can play games during the day, but don't forget that in nighttime you belong to me"
| atsumu
atsumu has been staring at you for 10 minutes straight. with an evident scowl on his face. at first you wouldn't mind it, but now it's making you quite uncomfortable. when you ask him what's wrong, the grumpy fox doesn't even try to hide his distaste. not until you have to reluctantly toss your phone aside and hold his hand. much to your delight, atsumu finally commit some movement. the blonde press a light kiss to your left cheek, and then another to your right. it's quite a habit of him, kissing every inch of your face before the last land on your lips. so as you reach for it, a surprise hit you when he lean away. your eyebrows were furrowed just for some seconds before tsumu's statement clarify everything. "if yer want my kiss, princess, delete that stupid game first"
| sakusa
omi clicked his toungue for the fourth time in a row as you squeal when you got some rare characters from gacha. you were eager to present it to him while continuously smacking his arm in excitement. i suppose it's needless to elaborating on how pissed he was at the moment. sakusa shot you a quick glare to which you completely missed. he has to purposely push the phone firmly down to your lap and make you look at him. you make an attempt to say something but only if his fingers hadn't been taped to your cheeks. his loose black locks fall over his cold, emotionless eyes, yet you could gaze at his attractive features all day. and kiyoomi holds back a small smile once he know that he's winning. "since you really like playing such games, have a one on one battle with me. if you win, go off with it. but if i win," the man paused mid sentence to run a thumb over your bottom lips, "your time will be mine"
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taglist. @gumiresque @sweetxochaco @shoberri @miikoos @hirugummies @arnpm @quirrrky @bokubooo @mrskodzuken @rxdyzsoull
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