#Andres Arango
triste-guillotine · 2 years
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CAUCHEMAR “Rosa Mystica” LP 2022 (”S'éveillant de sa crypte couverte de mousse, Cauchemar est de retour avec une nouvelle offrande, mélangeant Doom traditionnel sombre et Heavy Metal vigoureux hanté par l'éclat spectral des orgues et les incantations ancestrales d’Annick Giroux”)
“La route de l'enfer s'ouvre devant nous Nos chevaux de fer répandent la foudre Nous somme l'épée qui coupera la rose Qui seule peut sceller le tombeau de l'aube À travers les siècles, nous avons erré Embrassant la mort comme une voie sacrée Semant la misere, affittato la faux Élevant pierre par pierre le tombeau de l'aube Quand le messager sortira du noir Nous, à ses côtes, serons seuls à voir Le monde qui s'embrase Tel un grand flambeau Refermant le sceau du tombeau de l'aube”
1. Jour de colère 2. Rouge sang 3. Notre-Dame-sous-terre 4. Danger de nuit 5. Rosa Mystica 6. Le tombeau de l'aube 7. Volcan 8. La sorcière
Chansons par Cauchemar. “Notre-Dame-sous Terre” d’après Fulcanelli. “Volcan” d’après le comte de ­Lautréamont, guitare et refrain composés par Joel Ladouceur. Solo par Alan Jones dans ­“Volcan”. Solo par Chany Pilote dans “La sorcière”. ­Enregistré en août 2021 au studio No Man’s Land, Gatineau, Québec. Dessins de la pochette par Valeria Sakseeva. Graphisme par ­Annick ­Giroux.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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Burrowing owls.
© Andres Montoya Arango/TNC Photo Contest 2022
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dozydawn · 2 years
Estefanía Arango and Andrés Uran at the International Tango Festival, 2014.
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everylittoral · 4 months
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Andres Montoya Arango
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trickricksblog08 · 1 year
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Holy 🐄💫 This THREAD!!
CNN's @abbydphillip: "There's no evidence Joe Biden was involved in Hunter's business deals."
@mattgaetz: "Are you actually trying to say Joe Biden wasn't involved in Hunter's business deals?"
16 times Vice President Joe Biden met with Hunter's business partners below...👇
🚨Vice President Joe Biden meeting Hunter Biden's foreign business partners.
November 2010: Joe Biden had a sit-down meeting with Eric Schwerin - the president of Hunter's private equity firm - in the West Wing.
November 2011: Joe Biden met with Chris Heinz — a co-founder of Hunter’s private equity firm — in the West Wing.
March 2012: Joe Biden met with Andres Pastrana Arango — the former president of Colombia who Hunter was doing business with — at his personal residence.
December 2013: Hunter flew with Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two to China, where he introduced him to Jonathan Li, a Chinese businessman.
February 2014: Joe Biden had lunch with Hunter and two of Hunter’s Mexican business partners and was pictured giving them a tour of the White House.
June 2014: Joe Biden met Manuel Estrella — Hunter’s Latin American business associate. After the meeting, Estrella emailed Hunter: “Hunter, I just met your father! So exciting!” Hunter replied: “I'm glad it all finally came together.”
August 2014: Pictures show Joe Biden golfing with his son, Hunter, and Devon Archer while they were both serving on the Burisma board.
April 2015: Joe Biden attended a dinner in Washington, D.C., with Hunter’s business partners from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Candidates Confirmed!
25 July 1950
Following candidacy bids by both Cabinets, below is the complete list of candidates running for a seat.
Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
Boyaca – Nicolas Mendoza Ortega – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Cundinamarca - Alberto Lleras Camargo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Laureano Gomez - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Guainia - Diego Esteban Rodriguez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Huila - Jacobo Prias Alape - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
La Guajira - Dario Enchandio - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance La Guajira – Guillermo Leon Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Magdalena - Gerardo Loaiza - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Norte De Santander – Mateo Alejandro Gonzalez – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Tolima - Juan de La Cruz Varela - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Tolima - Teofilo Rojas Varon - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Valle del Cauca - Miguel Pérez Moreno - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
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What do you think about the experiment where pastors asked chatgpt to write a sermon? Is this a good thing, bad thing, or somewhere in between?
Among sermon writers, there is fascination – and unease – over the fast-expanding abilities of artificial-intelligence chatbots. For now, the evolving consensus among clergy is this: Yes, they can write a passably competent sermon. But no, they can’t replicate the passion of actual preaching.
“It lacks a soul – I don’t know how else to say it,” said Hershael York, a pastor in Kentucky who also is dean of the school of theology and a professor of Christian preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Sermons are meant to be the core of a worship service — and often are faith leaders’ best weekly shot at grabbing their congregation’s attention to impart theological and moral guidance.
Lazy pastors might be tempted to use AI for this purpose, York said, “but not the great shepherds, the ones who love preaching, who love their people.”
A rabbi in New York, Joshua Franklin, recently told his congregation at the Jewish Center of the Hamptons that he was going to deliver a plagiarized sermon – dealing with such issues as trust, vulnerability and forgiveness.
Upon finishing, he asked the worshippers to guess who wrote it. When they appeared stumped, he revealed that the writer was ChatGPT, responding to his request to write a 1,000-word sermon related to that week’s lesson from the Torah.
“Now, you’re clapping — I’m deathly afraid,” Franklin said when several congregants applauded. “I thought truck drivers were going to go long before the rabbi, in terms of losing our positions to artificial intelligence.”
My main question is, what's the difference? I don't mean that in just a snarky way, but legitimately. What is the metaphysical difference between a sermon produced by a human and a sermon produced by ChatGPT? How do you detect "soul" or "not-soul"? How do you measure "soulness"? How do you distinguish between the divine effectiveness of a sermon generated by A.I. from a human-authored one? If we did a blind study - putting together, say, a dozen sermons with a mix of human and A.I. - could the clergy tell the difference?
I previously posted about black Americans leaving Xianity, and one of the examples given by an ex-Xian was:
The last time I went to a church it was a lovely and inspirational sermon until the pastor started disparaging gays for absolutely no reason. Even at my grandfather’s funeral, the pastor there managed to blame gays for the state of the world. Just random unnecessary hate.
What is the metaphysical distinction between a nasty magic spell written by a human and a nice magic spell written by an A.I.? Which one does "god" choose to ignore? Either? Both? How do you tell?
I've said before that if any of the gods was real, it should be obvious which one. its adherents would survive cancer at a higher rate, pass exams at a higher rate, live longer, be more prosperous, more successful, more prone to getting carparks. But that isn't true.
If it's about sincerity, what happens if you give the A.I. sermon to a deacon or more junior cleric who doesn't know where it comes from, and who preaches it sincerely? If it's about intent, then it's not about the content.
There's a few things this reminds me of.
Firstly, there was the Catholic priest who was baptizing people with one incorrect word.
Father Andres Arango, who performed thousands of baptisms, would say, “We baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” But Olmsted explained the words “We baptize” should have been “I baptize” instead.
“The issue with using ‘We’ is that it is not the community that baptizes a person, rather, it is Christ, and Him alone, who presides at all of the sacraments, and so it is Christ Jesus who baptizes,” Olmsted wrote in a message to parishioners posted last month.
The error also means that because baptism is the first of the sacraments, some people will need to repeat other sacraments, according to the diocese webpage for frequently asked questions. CNN has reached out to the diocese for comment on other sacraments.
But nobody ever noticed. For 20 years, nobody said, "Father, I don't think it worked, I don't have that Jesusey feeling in me." Nobody ever came back to haunt him and tell him off for getting it wrong and condemning them to purgatory.
The magic spell never actually went identifiably wrong. It's not like the budget didn't balance or the app didn't work or the cake didn't rise.
How do you metaphysically distinguish someone who's had the spiritual hotfix applied, and someone who hasn't?
Secondly, Surah Corona. If you're not aware, Islam insists that the divine origin of the quran is self evident within the quran. That nobody but Allah could write verses like those in the quran, and challenges doubters to do so.
And it was not [possible] for this Qur'an to be produced by other than Allah, but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.
Or do they say [about the Prophet], "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."
Or do they say, "He invented it"? Say, "Then bring ten surahs like it that have been invented and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."
And if they do not respond to you - then know that the Qur'an was revealed with the knowledge of Allah and that there is no deity except Him. Then, would you [not] be Muslims?
So, someone did.
And (some) Muslims completely lost their minds.
Tunisian authorities have arrested a young woman for publishing fake verses of the Quran about the novel coronavirus.
Amna Al-Sharqi will be investigated by the Tunisian public prosecution, El Bashayerreported, for posting a text on her Facebook page entitled "Surah Corona".
Al-Sharqi sparked outrage on social media for the fake verses and even received death threats.
Never mind that the quran literally challenges you to, it seems like the reaction to it telegraphs the success of the project.
More to the point, if we can't metaphysically distinguish A.I. sermons from human-created sermons, if we can't supernaturally distinguish divine surahs from human-authored surahs, why do we trust the "real" ones at all?
Especially given the known unreliable origin of both the bible and the quran.
We need not stop there, though. In the Grievance Studies scandal, three academics wrote papers that passed through the review process of several journals and were published, some of them even receiving awards. These papers included:
the "dog park" paper which questioned how dog humping in parks reflects rape-condoning attitudes in human clubs.
a paper which argues for non-competitive "fat bodybuilding."
one which recommends chaining white male students to the floor in the classroom.
a paper that argues that astronomy is sexist and needs to include feminist and queer astrology.
a rewrite of Mein Kampf as intersectional feminism.
and a paper which suggests straight men stick things up their butts in order to overcome "transphobia."
All the papers were ultimately retracted, but the authors argue that there's no basis for doing this.
In particular, we agree that our papers did not constitute hoaxes and that our intentions when writing them should not be understood to diminish the worth of their content. We also agree that either “Fat Bodybuilding” and our other theory-only papers should be reinstated or else all papers from which ours are indistinguishable should be retracted as being based upon unsound methodologies. Our papers containing false data should remain retracted, and the retraction notices should be amended to reflect genuine scholarly reasons for their retraction: namely, reasons based on the fraudulence of the alleged empirical data, not on the subjective state of mind of the authors.
The papers followed the theory, made the arguments, many were accepted, and several actually published. The "dog park" paper was honored by the journal for its 25th anniversary.
As Helen Pluckrose said:
We set ourselves to the task of writing grievance studies papers. These were real papers. Some people have misunderstood our project to be one in which we wrote nonsense and showed that journals will publish anything. No. They only publish a very specific kind of nonsense.
The reason we got seven papers accepted is because our papers were indistinguishable from genuine ones. Ones that influence social justice activism, politics and culture today.
All this involved becoming very familiar with the scholarship and reading an enormous number of books and papers. We are legitimate grievance scholars. Our papers average 30 citations, all of them real, but we still turned out a paper every two weeks by essentially recycling and repurposing the same sets of theories.
This is not scholarship. It wasn't scholarship when we did it to show the problem, and it isn't when it's done absolutely sincerely.
We had to conclude our probe early, but it was not the reviewers of grievance journals who caught us. They did not see our claim to have examined 10,000 dog genitals and analyzed this according to black feminist criminology as a bit fishy.
To this day, all three authors have received requests for the completed versions of the papers that were in revision at the time the probe was revealed, and have received feedback from the scholars they cited, that they agreed with the points made in the probe's papers, and have been told that they understood the material better than anyone else.
So, the same question could be asked in all these cases. If an A.I. can write a sermon, a priest can say a blessing, a human can write a divine surah, a critic can write an academic paper, when those products conform to the ideology and are indistinguishable from the "real" thing, either they should be all equally valid or all equally invalid.
And brings into question of why we trusted the "real" thing in the first place.
I don't know that the preachers who are discussing the use of ChatGPT have thought about this, and I don't know that anything will come of it, but I think there's some good questions to be asked about what makes their thing legit, and ChatGPT's not legit.
As to whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't see any way that this is a bad thing, to non-believers at least. Unless there's something I'm missing that someone can point out. It could be a good thing if believers start wonder about these matters. It could be more neutral than anything else.
Still, it opens up an opportunity. One need not study theology or complete any of the various religious training camps. Hang up your shingle, log into ChatGPT and start preaching... and collecting.
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P.S. Pissed off I had to write this twice when Tumblr's stupid editor crashed. Save. Your. Drafts. 😡
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smunconservadors · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Results
29 February 1952
The elections results have just concluded, following a lengthy delay due to the prior conflicts.
The PLP led by a 80%, followed by the Liberals with 15% and finally the Conservatives with 5%. The following list of delegates show the results of those who have won the elections.
+Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano +Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
+Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance +Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Following which, elections held within the PLP have given an overwhelming victory to Armando Marin, despite many newer members (including those in the Cabinets currently) contesting for the positions. The Vice President position was won by Guadalupe Salcedo.
As the new Colombian government convenes to discuss the future of Colombia, it remains to be seen what will be done.
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datasoong47 · 3 years
PHOENIX, Arizona — The baptisms of thousands of people in the Diocese of Phoenix are now in question after it was learned a Catholic priest had changed just one word during the ritual.
The Diocese released a statement saying that the Rev. Andres Arango used the words “we baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit” instead of the correct phrase “I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.”
“After careful study, it has been determined that the form (words) Fr. Andres used for the sacrament of baptism has been incorrect, and all of the baptisms he has performed until June 17, 2021, are presumed invalid,” the statement says.
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les-larmes-d-eros · 3 years
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Garden of delight, par Andres Montoya Arango
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Well that sucks. LOL We’re offering a “do over” baptism for $29.95 for a limited time. Sign up NOW!
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dozydawn · 2 years
Estefanía Arango and Andrés Uran at Mundial de Tango, 2019.
Bandonegro Tango Orquesta.
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stickylittleleaves · 3 years
meant to share this yesterday when I first saw it but this is pretty funny. like probably a nightmare for everyone involved but objectively it's pretty funny
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Results
29 February 1952
The elections results have just concluded, following a lengthy delay due to the prior conflicts.
The PLP led by a 80%, followed by the Liberals with 15% and finally the Conservatives with 5%. The following list of delegates show the results of those who have won the elections.
+Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano +Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
+Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance +Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Following which, elections held within the PLP have given an overwhelming victory to Armando Marin, despite many newer members (including those in the Cabinets currently) contesting for the positions. The Vice President position was won by Guadalupe Salcedo.
As the new Colombian government convenes to discuss the future of Colombia, it remains to be seen what will be done.
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By: Chuck Johnston and Steve Almasy, CNN
Updated: February 14, 2022
A Catholic priest has resigned after a church investigation found he performed invalid baptisms throughout most of his more than 20-year career, according to Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix.
Father Andres Arango, who performed thousands of baptisms, would say, "We baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." But Olmsted explained the words "We baptize" should have been "I baptize" instead.
"The issue with using 'We' is that it is not the community that baptizes a person, rather, it is Christ, and Him alone, who presides at all of the sacraments, and so it is Christ Jesus who baptizes," Olmsted wrote in a message to parishioners posted last month.
The error also means that because baptism is the first of the sacraments, some people will need to repeat other sacraments, according to the diocese webpage for frequently asked questions . CNN has reached out to the diocese for comment on other sacraments.
Arango resigned as pastor of the St. Gregory Parish in Phoenix as of February 1.
"It saddens me to learn that I have performed invalid baptisms throughout my ministry as a priest by regularly using an incorrect formula. I deeply regret my error and how this has affected numerous people in your parish and elsewhere," Arango wrote in his own message on the site.
Olmsted said the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2020 affirmed that when a baptism is conferred with the formula "We baptize ..." it is invalid and people need to be baptized again.
The diocese has set up a website for anyone who believes they had an invalid baptism. The diocese said baptisms Arango conducted after June 17, 2021, are presumed valid.
According to Katie Burke, a spokesperson for the diocese, some new baptisms have already taken place.
Arango began his career in Brazil in 1995. He will continue to be a priest, and will dedicate his energy and time to help those who had invalid baptisms.
Olmsted said he did not believe Andres intended to harm any of the parishioners.
"I too am sincerely sorry that this error has resulted in disruption to the sacramental lives of a number of the faithful. This is why I pledge to take every step necessary to remedy the situation for everyone impacted," Olmsted said.
According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, there are seven sacraments in the Catholic church: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, reconciliation, anointing the sick, marriage and holy orders.
"Through the Sacraments, God shares his holiness with us so that we, in turn, can make the world holier," the conference says on its website
When you say the magic spell wrong but nobody notices.
How are we supposed to take this belief system seriously?
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smunconservadors · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Candidates Confirmed!
25 July 1950
Following candidacy bids by both Cabinets, below is the complete list of candidates running for a seat.
Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
Boyaca – Nicolas Mendoza Ortega – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Cundinamarca - Alberto Lleras Camargo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Laureano Gomez - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Guainia - Diego Esteban Rodriguez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Huila - Jacobo Prias Alape - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
La Guajira - Dario Enchandio - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance La Guajira – Guillermo Leon Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Magdalena - Gerardo Loaiza - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Norte De Santander – Mateo Alejandro Gonzalez – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Tolima - Juan de La Cruz Varela - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Tolima - Teofilo Rojas Varon - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Valle del Cauca - Miguel Pérez Moreno - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
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