#Rosa Mystica
illustratus · 5 months
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"Rosa Mística" Rosa Mystica (Mystical Rose) by Francisco Laporta Valor
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Rosa Mystica (The Mystical Rose)
Feast Day: July 13
The Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Mystical Rose has been venerated in the life of the Church since ancient times.⁠  In 1947 Our Lady appeared to Pierina Gilli, a humble Italian nurse, with three roses upon her breast, asking for “prayer, penance, and reparation” as a way of practicing devotion to her under the title Mystical Rose or Rosa Mystica. The white rose symbolizes prayer and devotion, the red rose symbolizes sacrifice, and the golden rose symbolizes penance.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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thunderandroses · 5 months
Reminder that devotion doesn't have to be super extravagant and fancy
I devoted my hair curlers to the Mystical Rose and she loved it ♥️
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itsaskingquestions · 9 months
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Josef Albers, Rosa mystica ora pro nobis, commissioned 1918
O Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air, dispel in glorious splendor the darkness everywhere.
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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I like this image of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Rosa Mystica! I don't know who the creator is.
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triste-guillotine · 2 years
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CAUCHEMAR “Rosa Mystica” LP 2022 (”S'éveillant de sa crypte couverte de mousse, Cauchemar est de retour avec une nouvelle offrande, mélangeant Doom traditionnel sombre et Heavy Metal vigoureux hanté par l'éclat spectral des orgues et les incantations ancestrales d’Annick Giroux”)
“La route de l'enfer s'ouvre devant nous Nos chevaux de fer répandent la foudre Nous somme l'épée qui coupera la rose Qui seule peut sceller le tombeau de l'aube À travers les siècles, nous avons erré Embrassant la mort comme une voie sacrée Semant la misere, affittato la faux Élevant pierre par pierre le tombeau de l'aube Quand le messager sortira du noir Nous, à ses côtes, serons seuls à voir Le monde qui s'embrase Tel un grand flambeau Refermant le sceau du tombeau de l'aube”
1. Jour de colère 2. Rouge sang 3. Notre-Dame-sous-terre 4. Danger de nuit 5. Rosa Mystica 6. Le tombeau de l'aube 7. Volcan 8. La sorcière
Chansons par Cauchemar. “Notre-Dame-sous Terre” d’après Fulcanelli. “Volcan” d’après le comte de ­Lautréamont, guitare et refrain composés par Joel Ladouceur. Solo par Alan Jones dans ­“Volcan”. Solo par Chany Pilote dans “La sorcière”. ­Enregistré en août 2021 au studio No Man’s Land, Gatineau, Québec. Dessins de la pochette par Valeria Sakseeva. Graphisme par ­Annick ­Giroux.
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emvidal · 4 months
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naukikatolickie · 2 years
Homilie Biskupa Leona Rednera - Zbiór Niesamowitych Kazań na konkretne Niedziele.
Niniejsza publikacja obejmuje wybór tekstów z pisma „Pielgrzym” z 1890 roku od pierwszej niedzieli po Nowym Roku do świąt Wielkiej Nocy. Czytelnik znajdzie tu przede wszystkim teksty Ewangelii oraz homilii, ale też list biskupa chełmińskiego do wiernych, do którego dołączone zostały ustawy postne dla diecezji. Wybór kończy opis obchodów Wielkiego Tygodnia w Rzymie Podług opisu z roku…
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watchilove · 2 years
Parmigiani Fleurier Les Roses Carrées Collection Grand Feu Rosa Mystica
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.” -- The Buddha
Rosa Mystica (the Mystic Rose) 🌹 Talon Abraxas
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Between the teaser trailer and the How It Began, we got nice shots of all these figures at the front of the GM screen frontpiece. The figures are clearly invoking religious weight, and the screen overall takes a lot of elements from the Catholic-esque feeling of the Bulbian Church (note: censer at left and chalice at right).
So, naturally, I've gotta make some guesses for inspirations here.
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First, we've got Moses coming down from Mount Sinai with the Commandments, with clear inspiration from Gustave Doré down to draping.
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The pecan appears to be Mary under her title of Rosa Mystica, the Mystic Rose. (The statue at right has a hood, the angle just obscures it.) It's a bit of a niche pull, but the roses at the lapels is distinctive.
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Easy one. Our favorite sexy male saint, Sebastian.
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The crown, sword, object in hand, and (barely visible at the lower left) brick tower identifies the leafy green figure as Barbara, patron of artillery persons, military engineers, armorers, and those who work with explosives! (She's sometimes depicted with a cannon.)
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I was previously uncertain who this figure was until I noticed the difficult-to-see tower, but Barbara was actually my first guess; I should've stuck with it, but I got really antsy after I struggled to find the specific statue. If you're curious who I originally put forward as possibilities, which included Barbara, you can check out the old version of this post before I updated it with the correct identification.
Now, I have no idea why these particular image touchstones (or possible ones in the last case), or even if there IS a reason, but maybe the series itself will shed some light on that one.
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Rosa Mystica (The Mystical Rose)
Feast Day: July 13
The Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Mystical Rose has been venerated in the life of the Church since ancient times.⁠  In 1947 Our Lady appeared to Pierina Gilli, a humble Italian nurse, with three roses upon her breast, asking for “prayer, penance, and reparation” as a way of practicing devotion to her under the title Mystical Rose or Rosa Mystica. The white rose symbolizes prayer and devotion, the red rose symbolizes sacrifice, and the golden rose symbolizes penance.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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gobusto · 4 months
why is shadow the hedgehog the go-to example of a "dark and edgy" cartoon character when suigintou exists
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just swap out any references to "chaos emeralds" with "rosa mystica" and you're good to go.
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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A Traditional Catholic shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Rosa Mystica.
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usagi-zakura · 10 months
So Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has an Eevee outbreak event...you know what that means? Shiny hunting time!
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Meet Oberron. My 3rd shiny Sylveon...first one I actually caught myself.
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Moriko. Who is a shiny I swear.
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Glaze, like Leafeon you can barely tell...
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Larry. Named after the gym leader who's town I caught him in.
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The Master. Who probably should have been a Vaporeon based on the pokeball-colors but I had three shiny Vaporeons already before this event even started...
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Rosa... who isn't actually from this outbreak. Because I had three.
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Voio. The moon ball failed to catch. Luxury Ball was my second choice.
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And Queen the Unrivaled with her two shiny pals, Olive and Nameless Shiny Eevee#9
I spent literal years trying to collect a full set of shiny Eeveelutions before this... starting in gen V with a Vaporeon I got ina trade, and ending in Gen VIII, when I got Leafeon in an outbreak.
This... this took 2 days. For a tip find an outbreak near a city, knock out 60 Eevees, create a normal type sparkling power sandwich (I recommend 1 fried filet, one salty herba mystica and one sweet, spicy or sour herba mystica) and then just walk in and out of the city till a shiny spawns, since they despawn every time you enter a town.
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Rosa Mística Francisco Laporta Valor
The secret rose we vainly dream to find Was blown in grey Atlantis long ago, Or in old summers of the realms of snow Its attar lulled the pole-arisen wind;
Or once its broad and breathless petals pined In gardens of Persepolis, aglow With fiery-sworded sunlight and the slow Red waves of sand, invincible and blind.
On orient isles or isles hesperian, Through mystic days ere mortal time began, It flowered above the ever-flowering foam; Or, legendless, in lands of yesteryear,
It flamed among the violets—near, how near To unenchanted fields and hills of home ! Rosa Mystica --Clark Ashton Smith
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