#Andrei Popescu
aestum · 14 days
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(by Andrei R. Popescu)
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romaniasweetromania · 8 months
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
România Folk prezintă la Craiova concertul „Baricada Folk” în cadrul Turneului Național, ediția a II-a, Octombrie-Noiembrie 2022.
Evenimentul va avea loc la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Craiova, pe data de 03 noiembrie, ora 19:00 Baricade de cântec și poezie printre oameni cu Mircea Baniciu, Adrian Bezna, Cătălin Stepa, Nicolae Zotta, OCRU(Adrian Mărgineanu și Dorin Pitariu) și Ovidiu Mihăilescu. O întâlnire memorabilă cu muzica folk de ieri și de azi! Împreună, prin cântec și poezie, creștem generații! Acces la cel mai…
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itsloriel · 2 months
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Photo by Andrei R. Popescu on Unsplash
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life-spire · 2 years
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@ Andrei R. Popescu
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fragile-in-pink · 9 months
The Rise and Fall of Romania at Eurovision: How Did it Come to This?
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An analysis by David Popescu - read it HERE I want to share the paragraph concerning Theodor's participation. I'm so glad that the truth is being spoken.
Theodor Andrei became our representative, a young and talented boy who had so many ideas and visions for his time in Liverpool. All of it, just scrapped. We even had a chat with him in Chișinău, ahead of the Moldovan national final, where he explained in deep details about everything he had envisioned. From the meaning of his entire national final performance to his expectations in Liverpool… none of it was seen. Shortly after the 2023 final, it was revealed that Theodor had scored… nothing! Literally zero points! The Romanian diaspora is very strong across Europe, but the Eurovision Song Contest just doesn’t get the Romanian attention anymore. I personally met some Romanians as well while in Liverpool, some casual viewers even, who were just there to enjoy the festivities. But when asked about this failure, they all said the same thing: this was TVR‘s zero points, not Theodor‘s.
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my-2phetalia · 2 years
Character’s POVS I’ll write from:
Listed from most to least headcanons currently-
2p Prussia / Klaus Beilschmidt
2p Poland / Mikolaj Łukasiewicz
2p Romania / Andrei Popescu
2p Hungary / Laci Héderváry
2p Switzerland / Voss Zwingli
2p Liechtenstein / Luise Zwingli
2p Estonia / Egon Von Bock
2p Slovakia / Alexej Kováč
2p Czechia / Eliska Novakova
2p S Italy / Flavio Vargas
2p Austria / Roland Edelstein
2p Belarus / Natasha Arlovskaya
2p Lithuania / Tomas Lorinaitis
2p Portugal / Miguel Pinto Ferreira
2p Latvia / Guntars Galante
2p Japan / Kuro Honda
2p France / François Bonnefoi
2p Spain / Santiago Carriedo
2p Russia / Viktor Braginsky
2p Germany / Lutz Beilschmidt
2p N Italy / Luciano Vargas
The way I present the 2p’s and their universe is that the same countries exist, but history has worked differently creating different events that didn’t happen in the 1p (essentially our) history and vise versa. The 2ps in this universe aren’t ‘insane’ or bloodthirsty, their war torn and many traumatized by war.
This blog takes place in a time where the surviving 2ps have moved to the 1p universe after coming to an agreement of (relative) peace.
The rest of the 2ps are there i just don’t have enough headcanons to write for their pov, feel free to request what headcanons I have for them though.
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indomptable · 2 years
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Photo by: Andrei R. Popescu
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dosmiller16 · 5 months
The Problems with Marvel stadium
Docklands stadium or officially known under naming rights as Marvel stadium, is a multipurpose stadium located in the Melbourne suburb of Docklands. According to an article posted on the Marvel stadium website last year, Construction on the stadium began in October 1997 and was ready for use in the year 2000. The idea for the stadium was part of a plan to have a secondary location from the MCG that was in a more central location compared to Waverley Park and at the time of construction Docklands had plenty of empty space to build a stadium. The stadium over the years has faced a fair bit of criticism and that’s what this analysis is looking to dive into.
According to (G Fried & M Kastel, 2020) Tremendous changes over the past 50 years include such innovations as domed stadiums, stadiums with retractable roofs, and structures that can rotate on tracks to change a large arena into an intimate performing arts stage. According to this article you could make the argument that Marvel stadium is much more modern style of stadium with its retractable roof guaranteeing that rain will not affect events that are going to take place their and it also has retractable seats which can be rolled out when it is being used for concerts, features that its major competition does not have. How ever the issues with Marvel stadium do not seem to be so much about the modern-day features but rather the design and functionality. This reddit link shows answers to the question why do people not like Marvel stadium from the publics perspective.
In the past catering for spectators at a sporting event meant giving them a seat or place to stand that had reasonable sightlines to the field of play. This is no longer sufficient (Barbu, TOHĂNEANU, DIАCONESCU, BURCEА, POPESCU & Dragomir, 2021). Whilst Marvel stadium has its features like retractable seating and a retractable roof that set it apart from other stadiums in Australia it is things like the positioning of the stadium which forces spectators to look into the sun when the roof is open, The overhanging roof casting a large shadow over portions of the ground when the roof is open, no recent upgrades to facilities and other problems have caused marvel stadium to receive a lot of complaints. According to Gerard Whateley the stadium has no distinguishing features whatsoever, perhaps the lack of anything unique has held the stadium back over the years as well.
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Reference list
G Fried & M Kastel, (2020) Managing sports facilities
Mihаi Constаntin Răzvаn BАRBU, Andrei Aurel Anton TOHĂNEANU, Drаgoş Lаurențiu DIАCONESCU, George Bogdаn BURCEА, Mаrius Cătălin POPESCU, Marian DRAGOMIR, (2021) The creation of new sports and sports venues
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osoba99publiczna · 2 years
Adela Popescu zdaje się iść w ślady Cabrala. Czy prezenter wróci na mały ekran: „Chcę zapierać dech w piersiach”
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Adela Popescu to jedna z najbardziej śledzonych i cenionych osób publicznych w naszym kraju, występująca w roli aktorki, piosenkarki i prezenterki. Ma za sobą kilkadziesiąt lat kariery, wiele aktywnych projektów, ale wygląda na to, że przynajmniej na razie nie chce już być w centrum uwagi. Żona Radu Vâlcana przez wiele lat stała na czele poranku, potem pojechała z Cabralem na Dominikanę, by zaprezentować kolejny spektakl. A teraz, po powrocie, po tym, jak mąż Andrei Ibacki ogłosił, że odchodzi z telewizji na czas nieokreślony, wygląda na to, że w jego ślady pójdzie także Adela Popescu. W jednym z wywiadów Adela Popescu wyznała, że ​​przynajmniej do przyszłego roku nie pojawi się ponownie na małym ekranie.
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A jeśli wznowi karierę prezentera od 2023 roku, gwiazda nie chce już być częścią codziennych lub długoterminowych formatów, a to dlatego, że chce poświęcić więcej czasu swojemu życiu osobistemu. Przez okres, który nie jest znany ani jak długi, ani jak krótki, Adela Popescu chce dać więcej czasu sobie, ale także rodzinie, którą ma z Radu Vâlcanem. Ponadto gwiazda mówi, że nie chce już być matką, chociaż lubi dzieci, rozumiejąc, że od teraz zaczyna się ciężka część, ponieważ edukacja, uwaga, miłość i sposób, w jaki je wychowa, są bardzo ważne, dlatego potrzebuje więcej wolnego czasu. Read the full article
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jaguarmen99 · 2 years
モルドバは23日、隣国ウクライナの送電網をロシア軍が攻撃した影響で大規模な停電が発生したと発表した。  アンドレイ・スプヌ(Andrei Spinu)副首相は「ロシアによるウクライナ送電網への空爆により、全土で大規模な停電が発生している」とフェイスブック(Facebook)に投稿。国営電力会社が復旧に努めていると述べた。  欧州連合(EU)寄りのマイア・サンドゥ(Maia Sandu)大統領もフェイスブックで、「ロシアはモルドバを暗闇に追いやった」「われわれを暗闇と寒さに追いやり、意図的に人を殺す政権は信用できない」と指摘し、電力の復旧を約束した。  ニク・ポペスク(Nicu Popescu)外務・欧州統合相はツイッター(Twitter)で、首都キシニョフでも停電が発生しているとした上で、ロシア大使を呼び出して説明を求めるよう指示したと明らかにした。  ウクライナはこれまで、モルドバが必要とする電力の30%を供給していた。残る70%は親ロシア派が支配する東部トランスニストリア(Transnistria)地域の火力発電所から供給されている。
ロシアの送電網攻撃、ウクライナ隣国でも大規模停電 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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mariacallous · 2 years
Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu said on Wednesday that every Russian missile strike on Ukrainian cities and energy infrastructure affects the well-being of Moldovan citizens and national energy security.
Moldova suffered blackouts in its main cities, including Chisinau, after Russian forces hit several energy infrastructure targets in Ukraine critical with about 100 missiles on Monday.
Popescu said that “for the first time since the outbreak of this unjust war”, people in several districts of the country were left without electricity”.
“Moldova calls on Russia to stop this war. We will convey to the Russian side our condemnation of these cruel bombings. Furthermore, we will work closely with our Western partners to strengthen our country’s energy security,” he added.
Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said on Monday evening that the blackouts happened after one of the power lines conveying electricity to Moldova was automatically disconnected due to the Russian missile strikes.
“These bombings led to massive power outages across the country. These lines were not damaged, but were automatically disconnected as a safety measure. Moldelectrica is working to restore the electricity connection,” Spinu said.
Because of the Russian bombing, Moldova has stopped receiving electricity from Romania, the country that currently supplies about 90 per cent of its electrical power.
The head of Moldelectrica, Sergiu Aparatu, told the desdere.md website on Tuesday that the electricity market is still on alert.
“We are in a situation where this danger continues to haunt us,” Aparatu said.
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altabattery00 · 2 years
Android 12L : la mise à jour est enfin disponible, voici la liste des appareils éligibles
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La versione di Android di Google incentrata sui tablet, Android 12L, sta arrivando su una sfilza di dispositivi oggi come Android 12.1.
Poiché i tablet Android tornano nel 2022 e i dispositivi pieghevoli diventano sempre più comuni, Google coglie l'occasione per lanciare il suo nuovo aggiornamento Android 12L (Android 12.1). Presentato per la prima volta qualche mese fa, corregge i problemi di ottimizzazione di Android su dispositivi con schermi di grandi dimensioni.
Google si sarà preso del tempo prima di lanciare ufficialmente la nuova versione, dal momento che aveva tre beta all'inizio dell'anno, con l'ultima beta 3 disponibile da quasi un mese ormai.
COSA CAMBIA PER ANDROID 12L? Come abbiamo visto in varie versioni beta, Android 12L presenta modifiche visive che mirano a migliorare l'interfaccia utente su alcuni telefoni e tablet pieghevoli. Tra questi c'è un nuovo menu rapido che si divide in due metà; un lato per le impostazioni rapide e l'altro per le notifiche.
Il più grande cambiamento su Android 12L è l'inclusione di una barra delle applicazioni, che rende il passaggio tra le app più fluido e più simile a un laptop. Google afferma che puoi trascinare e rilasciare un'app dalla barra delle applicazioni per accedere rapidamente alla modalità schermo diviso, il che sembra un ottimo modo per sfruttare lo schermo più grande.
QUALI DISPOSITIVI SONO IDONEI PER L'AGGIORNAMENTO ANDROID 12L? In un post sul blog piuttosto breve, Andrei Popescu, VP di Engineering per Android, ha confermato che Microsoft Surface Duo riceverà l'aggiornamento Android 12L "entro la fine dell'anno". Google prevede anche di portare Android 12L "sui tuoi tablet e pieghevoli preferiti con aggiornamenti pianificati da Samsung, Lenovo e Microsoft".
Non sappiamo esattamente quali dispositivi saranno idonei, ma troveremo ad esempio l'ultimo Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 o il tablet Tab P12 Pro di Lenovo. Si spera che una linea temporale meno vaga verrà offerta dalle tre società citate nell'annuncio di Google entro i prossimi giorni. Per ora, l'aggiornamento è disponibile sulla maggior parte degli smartphone Google Pixel più recenti.
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life-spire · 2 years
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@ Andrei R. Popescu
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jurnaldeoltenia · 3 years
Săptămână cu povești pentru toate vârstele, la Teatrul Colibri
Săptămână cu povești pentru toate vârstele, la Teatrul Colibri
Joi, 16 decembrie 2021, la ora 19:00, publicul de peste 16 ani este așteptat la spectacolul Teatrului ACT București, „Rosto“, adaptare după I.L. Caragiale, regia și scenografia Alexandru Dabija, cu actorii: Marcel Iureș, Dan Rădulescu și Ionuț Toader. Spectacolul este prezentat în cadrul Stagiunii Colibri.ACTul5. Preț unic pentru acest spectacol: 30 lei / pers. Sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2021, la ora…
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vazelinacocomix · 2 years
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Probably my favorite series of illustrations for Scena9 so far, about one of the film critics who opened my eyes to cinematography and to the invisible yet almost tangible realm of tangled references great cinephiles and critics pick up on. See the full 5 illustrations here >>> https://www.scena9.ro/article/alex-leo-serban-un-conservator-anarhist-in-romania-anilor-90-2000 <<<
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