#Andrés Prieto
terriblysims · 1 year
Andrés Legacy💟
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Timeline (So far)
This won't include MER's accusations. You can read a breakdown here.
Any opinion, thought or rumor will be in italics.
March — ?
MER says they started dating by the end of march, when they went on a trip together on her statement.
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Tenoch said in his statement this relationship lasted a few months.
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Elena is part of the podcast El feisbuk de la Malinche Podcast con Prietxs
22: Representative Ana Valenzuela (PAN) presents a law to sanction stealthing (thank you @luzsp9-1981 for the screenshot). It's not approved.
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29: First approach from el Feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
27: Second approach from el Fesibuk de la Malinche to pay MER
11: Black Panther Wakanda Forever hits theaters and it's a massive success.
14: Los pájaros en el Alambre say that MER wants a political career in this post
26: Tenoch meets mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO/political party: MORENA) and they watch a soccer game together.
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2: Elena calls out Tenoch for the first time in a podcast. She does it at the end and links it to the AMLO reunion. (around 14:00)
She says, "Of course it is a political act to have the president inviting a football player, for him to invite another politician who's from opposition and of course, when he invites them, things don't change, they are just stances, social status that the president sends as a message. And I don't have anything against the president. Recently, he invited Tenoch Huerta. How is it possible that we, the ones that live in the town, are actually fighting against racism. And he can represent, for his brown skin, whoever he wants to in the movie that came out, but it's not fair that there are brown representations... It's not worth at all if they're sexual offenders. I leave it at that."
(Sorry if it was a messy translation, but she kept getting distracted)
17: Third attempt from El feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
Allegedly, Elena starts mentioning Tenoch as a sexual offender in reels and livestreams. Sadly, we don't have proof of this. But @cutelatinagirl can testify this one. She and a friend.
23: Fourth attempt from El feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
7: Luz Valdés calls out Hijos del Maíz for taking advantage of Feliciana Bautista for the Rebozo Tenoch wore on Milan's Fashion week. Tenoch had nothing to do with it, but he was thrown into the polemic. (He wore the cape back in september, 2022)
(This is a rumor, but some people think Luz and Elena are friends, as of July, 1st. they follow each other on SM
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She also supported MER's claims against Poder Prieto
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8: Tenoch makes a statement about the situation
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13: Fifth attempt from El feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
14: Tenoch makes another statement. This one also alludes to the Rebozo polemic, but adds:
Since his meeting with AMLO, the attacks towards him have risen. They have reached the point of various groups attacking his career, intimacy and even doxxing his family (adresses, workplaces and his daughter's schools).
He calls out the press for the lack of rigurosity when writing the news about the rebozo.
He talks about how now that his fame has grown, the attacks have too.
He says that he doesn't agree with everything AMLO does, like what happened in Ciudad de Juárez, where 40 immigrants died.
He mentions he's receiving legal advice.
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Sixth attempt from El Feisbuk de la Melinche to pay MER
MER calls out Poder Prieto for sharing the podcast, asking them to pay her. She calls Tenoch a predator. She also says in her IG story that Poder Prieto treated her badly because they were defending Tenoch
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"What are the important achievements made by Poder Prieto? What topics have they put on the table? Serious question.
She replies. "That Tenoch huerta pretends to sleep with young women when they arrive at Kapital Films, I mean, Poder Prieto".
Tenoch has the table read for his new project Fiesta en la Madriguera:
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She's asked about context for the accusations. She replies "Slow, dear, there's no rush"
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Talked about the Rebozo polemic and what Maya Zapata did
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"[About maya] the one that mocked an artesan that's younger than her and then uploaded a video like 'your envy feeds my ego'?
MER replies: "The one that in her Festival Poder Prieto asked more artesans to go free at los Pinos (because they aren't famous, they're making them a favor)
(Not related to Tenoch, but I think it's important to show she seems to have something against Maya and Poder Prieto)
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When asked "why is Tenoch a sexual offender and predator?" she replies "because he is, why else?"
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When asked if Tenoch had sexually assaulted her, she replies "yes, and many more".
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She says that Poder Prieto protects the sexual offender and predator Tenoch Huerta. She also states they went to look for her at a concert so there wouldn't be any polemics because of his Marvel movie (and she tags Marvel Latam).
She also tells Maya Zapata directly "I'm not playing".
Tenoch replies to the accusations, denying them:
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Talks about how hard it is to speak up about emotional and power abuse. (Changes the allegations. Mind you, she was saying he sexually assaulted her in the latest tweets).
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Shows screenshots of random people threatening her with acid. Calls Tenoch a "abuser, manipulator and sexual predator".
She issues her own statement
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In it, she doesn't directly adress him when referring to stealthing.
Basically says he ghosted her
She says that Tenoch sleeps around with women in Poder Prieto and a lot of them do it because they want to advance in the movie industry.
She posts the statement in english
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She's confronted about the accusations made by different sources about the way her family lived in Oaxaca (these are supported by legal papers). Says those are "paid campaigns" by Vera Carrizal (her attacker) so they can silence her.
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Makes a thread. In it, she says "They are not unsubstantiated accusations. Rape is not fiction and is substantiated."
Takes her three hours to post the first "proof".
It's an anon
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The anon accuses him of stealthing. There's no proof because the anon deleted everything.
Tenoch exits his movie Fiesta en la Madriguera. He sends a statement to the news. He mentions he will be taking legal action.
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We get a different anon. Now it's a dissorted voicemail. (And a weird emphasis on her age). Again, no proof.
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shows more "proof". now it relates to raciel rivas.
in these screenshots we learn that she might have accused tenoch of stealthing because a woman called raciel rivas out and tenoch dismissed it, saying he does it too. she had this message since june 12th, and if you remember, she issued her statement on june 15th.
Raciel Rivas denies what MER said, therefore, tenoch being there saying those things never happened either.
Raciel Rivas asked his ex partner to speak up. Video is here.
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Her acid attack case has its mid-hearing. She asks not to use proof unrelated to the fact. You can see it here.
She also says she won't refer to the other accusations (aka, Tenoch) for the time being.
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(After she said she wasn't going to talk about it)
Another anon post. Again, no proof. (And mostly shaming a brown man for his kinks)
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Los pájaros en el alambre, an independent news outlet, say her lawyer is connected with the PAN and they made up the story about tenoch to boost the law made by Ana Valenzuela. They also say she wants to be a representative.
(Read it here)
A few comments about it:
So far, she hasn't been able to prove that he has sexually assaulted, or r*ped a woman.
She has blocked most of tenoch's fans and journalists who approached her to talk about the topic.
Statements made by her about her mental health have resurfaced (here).
A lot of people from Oaxaca have spoken up about what happened there and her connection to murat, she blocks them.
MER's connections to transphobic groups have resurfaced (here)
It's election year in Mexico
that's all I can think about for now. I hope this helps anyone who's lost see what's up. If I missed anything, please add it!
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blueiskewl · 11 months
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Maya Sacrificial Victim Discovered with Jade Ring
In a significant find, experts from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have revealed an ancient Maya burial site. This discovery sheds light on a human sacrifice accompanied by the presence of a precious jade ring.
The unearthing of this find occurred while archaeologists were diligently excavating within the ancient Maya city known as El Tigre, or Itzamkanac.
This city, with its intriguing moniker translating to “the place of the lizard serpent,” rests in the Mexican state of Cameche, adjacent to the Rio Candelaria.
The INAH reported in its official newsletter that the antiquity of these findings is estimated at around 1,200 years.
Reporting at Mexico’s morning conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Diego Prieto Hernández, the head of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), shared details about this significant find.
He also talked about the use of something called “Promeza” at these historical places. This technology helps shape today’s understanding by learning from and sharing insights about the past.
The skeleton of Maya’s sacrificial victim
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The found skeleton, as Diego Prieto Hernández clarified, was actually part of a burial offering. Moreover, this discovery was found on platform 1E, which is situated to the west of the big complex known as Structure 1 in the El Tigre Archaeological Zone.
The ceremonial arrangement included two big vessels. These containers were topped with ceramic bowls used as covers. Among them, one vessel caught the archaeologists’ focus. Inside, they found the skeleton of a young person.
Moreover, this individual was placed in a bent position, and there was also a striking and well-preserved jade ring accompanying the remains. This ring was quite unique and stood out.
Considering the features of the containers, experts believe that this burial can be linked to the Late Classic period, which falls between AD 600 and 800. Additionally, this era matches the peak of population and political influence at El Tigre, reported INAH.
Prieto Hernández mentioned that the investigation will progress in the laboratory. There, a micro-excavation will take place. However, the aim is to gather precise details about the physical characteristics of the remains.
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Moreover, they’re also hoping to uncover any other related items, like seeds or smaller ornaments, that might be connected to this discovery.
177 pre-Hispanic human burials located in Mayan train
As highlighted by the INAH’s director, this skeleton adds to a total of 177 ancient human burials found in Section 1 of the Mayan Train project.
These discoveries come from two sources: first, during the monitoring of archaeological rescues while laying the railway tracks, and second, through the utilization of the Promeza technology in the three specific regions.
Up until August 14, 2023, a total of 2,698 structures had been safeguarded, according to INAH’s director.
These include 248 pieces of furniture, 281,353 fragments of ceramics, and 55 natural elements linked to the existence of past human communities along this segment of the train route.
By Abdul Moeed.
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feminegra · 6 months
Elena Rios vs. Tenoch Huerta
Feb-Mar 2022: Tenoch and Elena collaborate at a human rights event as representatives of Poder Prieto. Tenoch also shows support for Elena's case on his Twitter, emphasizing justice and solidarity.
May 29, 2022: Tensions rise in Elena's public actions as her behavior hints at seeking Tenoch's attention through dramatic gestures and heightened language. She expresses a deep, personal desire for communication from Tenoch, indicating her actions might be more about personal connections than advocacy.
Jun 7, 2022: Elena's dramatics continue as she films herself jumping a barricade outside the national palace, seeking a private audience with President AMLO. Despite the president's accessibility to citizens, her approach suggests a quest for special treatment or attention. A private conversation reveals her attempts to catch Tenoch's attention, undermining the seriousness of her public advocacy.
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Oct 13, 2022: Tenoch continues his longstanding commitment to anti-racist advocacy in Mexico, a stance that often attracts backlash from conservative critics. He publishes "Orgullo Prieto," a book that delves into the pervasive racism in Mexico, sharing personal experiences and challenging national denial of racial issues. The book's candid approach stirs conversations, particularly among those who deny systemic racism.
Nov 11, 2022: "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" is released, earning critical acclaim and massive box office success, grossing $860M. Tenoch's role earns him a nomination for an NAACP Image Award. Amidst this career high, attempts to cancel him on social media emerge, leading to speculation about the motives, given the timing with his rising profile. Despite the controversy, Tenoch's following grows significantly, reflecting a surge in international recognition and support.
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Nov 26, 2022: The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, posts a photo on Twitter showing himself and Tenoch Huerta watching a World Cup game, signifying Tenoch's influential status and his growing prominence.
Dec 3, 2022: During an interview with Astillero Informa, Elena Rios makes a last-minute claim, labeling Tenoch Huerta as a "predator." She strategically positions this accusation towards the end of the conversation, limiting opportunities for detailed follow-up questions or immediate clarification.
Jan 25, 2023: In response to the directive for Elena's alleged acid attack assailant to be placed under house arrest, President AMLO intervenes to reassess the case, emphasizing justice and due process. Consequently, the initial decision to grant house arrest is overturned, reflecting a commitment to a thorough and fair legal process for such serious allegations.
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April 9, 2023: Tenoch addresses increasing defamation, particularly after a photo with President López Obrador circulates. He reaffirms his dedication to anti-racism efforts and condemns the invasion of privacy and spread of misinformation. Expressing concerns for his family's safety amidst the controversy, he emphasizes his commitment to combating systemic injustices. Notably, this date marks his last Twitter update, followed by a period of silence.
April 13, 2023: Elena's relationship with Poder Prieto deteriorates dramatically as she publicly criticizes the organization and launches a direct attack on Tenoch Huerta's character. Urging women to stop supporting him and tagging Marvel Entertainment in her tweet, Elena appears to aim her criticisms at affecting Tenoch's professional relationships, highlighting a significant and personal escalation in their public dispute.
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June 8, 2023: Elena Rios publicly denounces Poder Prieto on Twitter, alleging they failed to pay her for work and shared her content without permission. She insinuates Tenoch's involvement in these grievances, even though he had left the organization by then. Poder Prieto refutes the claims, clarifying their limited role as a recommender of the podcast involved and their swift action to retract support once issues were raised.
June 12, 2023: Fernanda Tosky accuses Tenoch of misconduct in a tweet, referring to an event that supposedly occurred seven years prior. However, social media users uncover evidence of Tosky's positive engagement with Tenoch's posts over the years, leading to skepticism about the authenticity and motivation behind her allegations, given the continued friendly online interactions despite the alleged incident.
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June 12, 2023: Tenoch issues an official statement denying Elena's allegations, affirming that their past relationship was consensual. He accuses Elena of distorting facts post-breakup and highlights the legal measures he is taking to protect his reputation amidst the escalating public discourse.
June 15-16, 2023: Elena responds with her own statement on Twitter, casting Tenoch as manipulative, emotionally coercive, and accusing him of stealthing. She attempts to implicate Poder Prieto as well, suggesting the organization supports a pattern of misconduct associated with Tenoch, even labeling it as a "Tenoch cult," thereby intensifying the personal and public dispute between them.
June 19, 2023: Amidst the unfolding controversy, Tenoch continues to publicly deny the allegations against him. However, the extent of the issue has professional repercussions, leading him to withdraw from an upcoming Netflix project, reflecting the significant impact of the accusations on his career and personal life.
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June 22-28, 2023: Elena escalates her campaign against Tenoch on Twitter, accusing him of emotional manipulation and "stealthing," but fails to provide solid evidence. Instead, she relies on anonymous accounts to support her claims:
The 1st anonymous account insinuates Tenoch's involvement in a "stealthing" incident, yet the claim lacks concrete evidence or details.
A 2nd anonymous source accuses cultural promoter Raciel Rivas of "stealthing" and attempts to link Tenoch to these behaviors, suggesting he was dismissive of the concerns. This account further alleges being marginalized after raising the issue, implying Tenoch was favored in some way.
The 3rd anonymous account describes a sexually explicit dialogue with Tenoch, characterizing their interactions as primarily sexual and implying a pattern of inappropriate behavior.
Elena's reliance on these anonymous and unsubstantiated accounts raises questions about the validity and motivations behind her accusations, casting a shadow over the integrity of her claims.
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June 25, 2023: Elena continues to stir controversy by accusing Raciel Rivas of "stealthing," a serious allegation of non-consensual act, and implicating Tenoch as supportive of such behavior. She broadcasts these accusations based on unverified claims, thereby publicizing personal grievances without due diligence. In response, Raciel and his ex-girlfriend Ruth publicly refute the accusations, with Ruth releasing a video denying any such abuse, directly challenging the credibility of Elena's narrative. This sequence of events highlights the potential harm and irresponsibility involved in making public accusations without solid evidence.
June 26, 2023: Elena accuses Poder Prieto of failing to compensate her for her contributions to a podcast, an allegation the organization denies. Feis Buk Malinche, the actual podcast producer, acknowledges a debt of 650 pesos to Elena, revealing attempts to settle this amount on six separate occasions from August 2022 to June 2023. This information contradicts Elena's claims against Poder Prieto and demonstrates the importance of fact-checking and direct communication in resolving disputes. As of the latest update, Elena has not publicly addressed Feis Buk Malinche's statement, leaving unresolved questions regarding her accusations.
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geekpopnews · 21 hours
Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros já está disponível, veja onde assistir
Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros estreia hoje no streaming, trazendo uma história emocionante. Saiba onde assistir. #NossoLar2
Hoje, o aguardado filme “Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros“, sequência do sucesso de 2010 baseado na obra de Chico Xavier, estreia no Streaming. Dirigido por Wagner de Assis, o longa é estrelado por Renato Prieto e Edson Celulari, que entregam desempenhos cativantes em uma história repleta de emoção e espiritualidade. O filme retoma a trajetória de André Luiz (Renato Prieto), agora parte de um grupo…
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goalhofer · 1 month
Top 10 MiLB hit leaders: week 9
10: Connor Norby, Norfolk (56) 9: César Prieto, Memphis (56) 8: Spencer Horwitz, Buffalo (57) 7: Andrés Chaparro, Reno (58) 6: Sam Hilliard, Albuquerque (58) 5: Adrian Del Castillo, Reno (58) 4: Reinaldo Almora; Jr., Reno (59) 3: James Wood, Rochester (59) 2: Andre Lipcius, Oklahoma City (62) 1: Robert Montes, Albuquerque (63)
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madridcontrabilbao · 3 months
¿Cuál es la alineación titular del Girona FC en el próximo partido contra el Atlético de Madrid?
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¿Cuál es la alineación titular del Girona FC en el próximo partido contra el Atlético de Madrid?
Alineación titular Girona FC contra Atlético de Madrid
El pasado enfrentamiento entre el Girona FC y el Atlético de Madrid dejó a todos los aficionados sorprendidos por la alineación titular del equipo catalán. Con varios cambios inesperados, el entrenador apostó por una formación arriesgada que generó cierta incertidumbre entre los seguidores.
En la defensa, se pudo observar la presencia de nuevos rostros que rara vez habían tenido la oportunidad de jugar juntos. Esto generó cierta inestabilidad en la zaga que el Atlético de Madrid supo aprovechar rápidamente. La falta de coordinación entre los defensores permitió que el equipo madrileño tomara ventaja en los primeros minutos del partido.
En el centro del campo, la ausencia de jugadores clave fue notoria. La falta de creatividad y control del balón se hicieron evidentes, lo que dificultó la generación de oportunidades de gol para el Girona FC. Los mediocampistas titulares no lograron imponer su juego y fueron fácilmente superados por la presión del equipo rival.
En la delantera, la estrategia ofensiva no logró ser efectiva. Los delanteros titulares no encontraron espacios para generar peligro en la portería contraria, lo que facilitó el trabajo de la defensa del Atlético de Madrid. La falta de contundencia en el ataque fue uno de los puntos débiles que el Girona FC deberá trabajar de cara a próximos encuentros.
En conclusión, la alineación titular del Girona FC contra el Atlético de Madrid fue arriesgada y no logró dar los resultados esperados. El equipo tendrá que hacer ajustes y trabajar en mejorar su rendimiento si quiere seguir compitiendo al más alto nivel en la liga.
Jugadores titulares Girona FC vs
Los jugadores titulares del Girona FC son la columna vertebral de este equipo de fútbol español que compite en diversos torneos nacionales e internacionales. Estos jugadores son seleccionados cuidadosamente por el director técnico, considerando su rendimiento, forma física y estrategia de juego.
En cada partido, los titulares del Girona FC demuestran su talento y dedicación en el terreno de juego, representando con orgullo los colores del club. Entre los jugadores titulares más destacados se encuentran Andrés Prieto en la portería, Bernardo Espinosa en la defensa, y Stuani en la delantera.
Estos jugadores son piezas fundamentales en el esquema táctico del equipo, aportando su experiencia y habilidades para lograr la victoria en cada encuentro. La afición del Girona FC reconoce y valora el esfuerzo de sus jugadores titulares, apoyándolos incondicionalmente en cada partido.
La alineación de jugadores titulares del Girona FC varía según las circunstancias y estrategias de juego, pero siempre cuentan con el respaldo y la confianza del cuerpo técnico y de sus compañeros. Su entrega y compromiso en el terreno de juego son clave para alcanzar los objetivos deportivos del club y mantenerse en la élite del fútbol español.
Formación inicial Girona FC frente a Atlético de Madrid
El Girona FC se enfrentará al Atlético de Madrid en un emocionante partido que promete grandes emociones y un desafío para ambos equipos. Para el Girona FC, un equipo de la Segunda División B de España, este enfrentamiento representa una oportunidad única para demostrar su talento y determinación en el campo.
La formación inicial del Girona FC será crucial para enfrentarse a uno de los equipos más fuertes y competitivos de La Liga, el Atlético de Madrid. Los jugadores clave del Girona FC, como el delantero Cristhian Stuani y el centrocampista Ramon Terrats, deberán mostrar su mejor rendimiento para intentar superar a un oponente tan poderoso.
El entrenador del Girona FC, Francisco Rodríguez, tendrá la difícil tarea de seleccionar la alineación inicial perfecta que pueda plantar cara al Atlético de Madrid. La estrategia de juego y la táctica empleada serán fundamentales para intentar contrarrestar la calidad y experiencia de los jugadores del equipo madrileño.
Los aficionados del Girona FC esperan con entusiasmo este enfrentamiento y confían en que su equipo pueda dar la sorpresa y obtener un resultado positivo frente al Atlético de Madrid. Será un partido intenso y emocionante que seguramente mantendrá a los espectadores en vilo hasta el último minuto. ¡Que gane el mejor equipo!
Once inicial Girona FC ante Atlético de Madrid
En el partido entre el Girona FC y el Atlético de Madrid, ambos equipos salieron con una alineación titular fuerte y decidida a buscar la victoria. El Girona FC, bajo la dirección de su entrenador, apostó por una formación ofensiva, con jugadores clave en el centro del campo y delanteros rápidos y habilidosos. Por otro lado, el Atlético de Madrid, conocido por su defensa sólida y un mediocampo táctico, salió al campo listo para imponer su juego físico y disciplinado.
El inicio del partido fue intenso, con ambos equipos buscando abrir el marcador desde los primeros minutos. El Girona FC mostró un buen trabajo en equipo y algunas jugadas creativas que mantuvieron ocupada a la defensa del Atlético de Madrid. Por su parte, el Atlético de Madrid no dejó espacios atrás y logró controlar las embestidas del Girona FC, manteniendo el equilibrio en el centro del campo.
A medida que avanzaba el partido, la tensión aumentaba y las oportunidades de gol se volvían más escasas. Ambos equipos demostraron su calidad y determinación, pero ninguno logró marcar la diferencia en el marcador. Al final, el partido terminó en empate, reflejando la igualdad de fuerzas entre el Girona FC y el Atlético de Madrid en esta emocionante confrontación.
En resumen, el enfrentamiento entre el Girona FC y el Atlético de Madrid fue un espectáculo de fútbol intenso y competitivo, en el que ambos equipos demostraron su calidad y determinación en el campo. Los aficionados disfrutaron de un gran partido y quedaron a la espera de futuros encuentros entre estos dos equipos de élite del fútbol español.
Plantilla titular Girona FC vs
El Girona FC es un club de fútbol español con una destacada plantilla titular que destaca en la liga de fútbol de España. En cada partido, el entrenador del Girona FC selecciona a los mejores jugadores para formar la plantilla titular y enfrentarse a sus rivales en una emocionante competencia.
La plantilla titular del Girona FC está compuesta por jugadores talentosos y experimentados que demuestran su habilidad en el campo de juego. Cada jugador aporta su propia destreza y técnica para contribuir al éxito del equipo y lograr victorias importantes en la liga.
Los aficionados del Girona FC esperan con entusiasmo cada partido para ver a su plantilla titular en acción y animarlos desde las gradas. La pasión y el apoyo de la afición son fundamentales para motivar a los jugadores y ayudarles a alcanzar sus objetivos en la temporada.
El Girona FC se enorgullece de contar con una plantilla titular competitiva y comprometida que se esfuerza por dar lo mejor de sí en cada encuentro. Con jugadores talentosos y un cuerpo técnico dedicado, el equipo se prepara para enfrentar desafíos y superar obstáculos en su camino hacia el éxito en la liga de fútbol española. ¡Vamos Girona FC! ¡A por la victoria!
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labrecha · 3 months
Exigen un Sindicato de Asesores del Congreso de la Unión
Exigen la Creación de un Sindicato de Asesores del Congreso de la Unión
Piden Sindicato de Asesores del Congreso de la Unión. ** Susana Prieto Terrazas pide la intervención del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador. ** Que no sean los legisladores los primeros en cometer ilegalidades que son repugnantes e inconstitucionales, señala. ** Que sepa el pueblo de México que las diputadas y los diputados de todos los partidos que se dedican a hacer leyes, son los primeros…
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meugamer · 4 months
"Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros” Estreia amanhã (13) no Star+
São Paulo, 12 de março de 2024 — Uma experiência espiritual intensa chega na madrugada desta quarta! O aguardado filme Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros chega à plataforma Star+ amanhã, 13 de março, às 4h da manhã (horário de Brasília). Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros é a sequência do sucesso Nosso Lar (2010). Neste novo capítulo, André Luiz (interpretado por Renato Prieto) se une a um grupo de espíritos…
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blogdorogerinho · 5 months
Críticas –  Nosso Lar (2010), Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros (2024), Ghost – Do Outro Lado da Vida (1990), Um Olhar do Paraíso (2009)
Há muitas moradas na casa de meu Pai Cem anos após o nascimento de Chico Xavier estreava no Brasil: Nosso Lar (2010), disponível no Star Plus, sobre a vida após a morte do Espírito André Luiz (Renato Prieto), encarnado na Terra como o renomado médico Carlos Chagas. Aquele suicida inconsciente desencarnou em 1934 com apenas 55 anos de idade, vagando erraticamente cerca de oito anos consecutivos…
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inveterade · 5 months
Nosso Lar 2 - Os Mensageiros: quem disse que seria fácil?
“Para vencer o mundo é preciso voltar ao mundo”. Essa é uma das frases que estão no bom texto de abertura de “Nosso Lar 2 – Os Mensageiros”, adaptação da obra literária “Os Mensageiros” de Chico Xavier, psicografado por André Luiz e publicado pela FEB editora. No filme, sob a liderança de Aniceto (Edson Celulari), um grupo de espíritos, incluindo o médico André Luiz (Renato Prieto), busca…
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terriblysims · 1 year
Andrés Legacy💟
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diarioelpepazo · 6 months
La familia deportiva del Zulia celebró la eucaristía típica de cada 6 enero para agradecer y elevar las plegarias por el año que recién inicia bajo la bendición de Dios. [caption id="attachment_99008" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Secretaría de Deportes-Irdez[/caption] El Dr. Arturo Moreno, Sub Director del Instituto Regional de Deportes encabezó a las autoridades deportivas presentes en la liturgia celebrada en la Catedral de Maracaibo por el Sacerdote Néstor Primera, y la participación del coro del Hogar Clínico San Rafael. "Estamos reunidos para dar gracias a Dios y pedirle que nos haga cumplir todos los proyectos deportivos que tenemos para este año 2024 para el resurgir del Zulia y el bienestar de nuestros atletas", expresó la autoridad deportiva regional. [caption id="attachment_99010" align="aligncenter" width="497"] Foto Secretaría de Deportes-Irdez[/caption] Junto a Moreno se hicieron presentes el legislador y representante del Ministerio de la Juventud y Deporte en el Zulia, Andrés Ponneft, el presidente de la Villa Deportiva, Jolbert Gamboa, el Director General del Funidez, Eduardo Ratia, los presidentes de los Institutos de Deportes Municipales, Willinton Argote (Maracaibo), Gerardo Muñoz (San Francisco), Héctor Vargas (Cabimas), y Pedro Mas y Rubí (Santa Rita). Así como el Secretario Regional de la Juventud, Samuel Troconis, el de Seguridad y Orden Publico, Ernesto Ibarra, y el Director de la Policía Municipal de Maracaibo, Alexander Chourio. Amarantha Urdaneta, Anastasia Roque, Ebert Árraga, Neptaly Jugo, Verónica Rodríguez, Naholy Bastidas, Fabianna Gamboa, Franchesco Capiello, Salomón Mejías, entre otros atletas de alto rendimiento y de desarrollo, así como las Glorias Deportivas encabezadas por Lino Connel, Aura Prieto y Ubaldina Herrera, dirigentes de las Asociaciones Deportivas, entrenadores y promotores deportivos, se hicieron presentes en la eucaristía como símbolo de unión y hermandad deportiva. "Mi meta inmediata para este 2024 es poder asistir a un mundial que se efectuará próximamente y que me servirá de trampolín para poder alcanzar el más grande sueño de todo deportista que es el cupo para participar en los Juegos Paralímpicos de París". Fue la petición del paratleta Neptaly Jugo, practicante de parateltismo. Por su parte la judoca Amarantha Urdaneta expresó una plegaria similar, dirigida en culminar su ciclo olímpico de manera exitosa: "Para este 2024 tengo en agenda un Grand Prix en Portugal y otro en París en los que estaré buscando los puntos que Dios mediante me lleven a los Juegos Olímpicos". Seguidamente se desarrolló el Acto de Ofrenda Floral al Padre de la Patria, en la Plaza Bolívar de Maracaibo por parte de la Secretaría de Deportes, Mindeporte, Deportes LUZ, Imdeprec, Imdep, Pequeñas Ligas de Béisbol de Venezuela, Glorias Deportivas del Zulia, Movimiento Ciclistas del Zulia, Cuerpo Policial del Estado Zulia, y Polimaracaibo. De esta manera la Gobernación del Zulia a través de la Secretaría de Deportes y el Instituto Regional de Deportes celebró la edición 79 de la Tradicional Misa del Deporte. [caption id="attachment_99009" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Secretaría de Deportes-Irdez[/caption] Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Secretaría de Deportes- Irdez
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knario47 · 8 months
Nuestro querido Pablo Deluca nos trae un gran documento sobre la imposición colonial española contra los aborígenes Guanches y Canariis, obligados a llevar sus nombres, sus costumbres y su cruel religión la del muñeco de palo clavado en la cruz.
Pablo Deluca
ALGUNOS NOMBRES Y APELLIDOS HISPANOS IMPUESTOS A GUANCHES/AS Y GRANCANARIOS/AS (Documentos de escribanía de Tenerife, s. XVI y principios del s. XVII, A. Carracedo Hernández, 2017, ULL). (foto: Dto. escribanía, J.Manuel Valladares)
(*) = Martin Buendía, ejecutor de Tinguaro en San Roque, noviembre 1495 (A. Rumeu de Armas, 2006).
Pedro de Adeje, Antonio Afonso (El Rosario, 1562), Juana de Aguiar (La Palma, Fuerteventura, 1602), Rodrigo Albarez (Alvarez)(canario), Diego Albarez, Antonio Albertos (Icod, Güimar, hijo de Juan de Candelaria, rey de Güimar, 1573), Juan Alonso (Masca), Sebastián Alonso, Diego de Armas, Ibone de Armas (canario, Taoro), Alonso de Arocha (canario), Juan Asencio (Masca), Cristoval Baute, Andrés de Betancur, Diego de Betancur, Alonso de Bonilla, Pedro Bueno(1529, hermano de Gaspar Hernández y Elvira Hernández, mujer de Juan Romano), Ana de Cabrera (Lanzarote,1586), Alonso Cabrera, Pedro Camacho (canario,1566,Los Realejos), Anna de Cartaya (canaria), Benito Castellano, Hernando de las Casas (canario), Antón de la Cierra (Sierra) (canario), Sebastián de la Cierra (esposo de María Lopes), Alonso de Córdova (canario), Martin Cosme (canario, 1516), Catalina Dafra (hija de Guillén Dafra, nieto de Don Diego Gadarfía, último rey de Lanzarote), Juan Dara (canario, 1528, Los Realejos), Pedro Delgado (canario), Agustin Delgado (1502), Diego Delgado (canario), Juan Delgado Benza, Juan Delgado (canario), Catalina Diaz (Taoro), Alonso Dias y Cartaya (canario), Antonio Dias (canario, Acentejo), Antón Dominguez(1607), Diego Donis (1516), Juan Doramas (canario), Juan Gago (canario,1535), Juan Galban (Galván), Francisco Galván (Acentejo), Pedro García (canario, Acentejo), Rodrigo García (canario, 1516), Catalina Gaspar (Güimar), Alonso González (La Orotava), María González (La Guancha), Mencia Gomes (Gómez), Rodrigo Guillén(Güimar), Diego Guillén, María Guillén, Andrés de Güimar, Pedro Hernández (1556), Diego Hernández, Juana Hernández Carujama, Alonso Hernández Guanche (1528, La Orotava), Miguel de las Hijas (1528, Bco. Hondo de Candelaria), Pedro Izquierdo (canario, 1516, La Matanza, junto al Barranco del Ahorcado), Diego de León, Hernando de León, Andrés de Llarena, María de Lugo (1515, Tijoco, Adeje), Pedro Luis (canario, 1517, Abona; Montaña Atamaimo, en Icod), Diego Luis Ibaute, María de Lugo (Buenavista), Costanza y Pedro Magdaleno (canarios, Güimar), Diego Mancanafio (canario), Gonzalo Maninidra (canario), Pablo Martín Buendía (*) (canario, primo de Cristóbal Delgado. Se le otorgó tierras en Orotava, Daute e Icod en 1502 y 1503: Datas nº 367-26, 913, 926. La Data 754, sin fecha, alude a su muerte violenta en tierras de Daute, que pudo ser a partir de agosto de 1517, en que aún era vivo: Data 1.161, E.
Serra Ràfols,1978), Pedro Mejía Gomero (1558, Cardonal de Tejina), Alonso Mendes (Taoro), Juan de Mena (Los Realejos, Chasna, 1614), Pedro de Mena (Abona, 1557, 1580), Catalina Mendes (canaria, Teno), Juan de Mesa (1589), Simón de Morales( esposo de Margarita Hernández, 1598, Taganana), Hernando Moreno (canario), Fernando Navarro(1562), Pablo Navarro (testó en 1592), Pedro Ochoa y su mujer María Hernández (1556, Candelaria), Luis de Ochoa (1634,La Victoria de Acentejo), Juana Pérez (Lanzarote, 1586), Alonso Pérez (canario), Hernán Pérez (nieto del rey de Adeje), Rodrigo Pestano (canario, 1516), Diego del Pino (Taoro), Juan Prieto (canario), Antonio Ramirez (esposo, segundas nupcias, de Maria Lopes), Juan Ramos (canario), Pablo Riso (Rijo o Rixo) (padre de Angel Riso, 1546),Gonzalo Rodriguez (1516), Miguel Ruiz (1551), Juan de Rivero (La Palma, Fuerteventura, 1602), Andrés Sánchez (canario), Juan Sánchez (canario), Martin Sánchez, Hernando Tacoronte, Juan de Tegueste (padre e hijo, menceyes), Juan de la Torre, María de Torres (canaria,1524, Arafo), María Vello (Bello), Juan de Vera (María de Vera, su hija, mujer de Alonso Pérez (Abona, 1556), Pedro Viscaíno, Juan Ximenez (canario, 1521), Diego Ximenez, Juan de Ycod (Juan Martin, “rey” de Icod, casado con Catalina Machado, vivía en un lugar llamado Artaos en 16-3-1503; testó en 1529). Algunos guanches de Güimar y La Orotava que participaron en el Pleito contra el Cabildo de Tenerife por llevar en andas a la Virgen de Candelaria en los años 1600 y 1601: Juan de Riverol, Cristoval de Palanzuelos, Juan de la Cierra (Sierra), Agustin Hernández, Juan Hernández, Domingo Hernández, Alonso Pérez...
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Estimado Pablo, no dispongo del enlace de tú publicación, pidiéndote disculpa y un saludo cordial.
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geekpopnews · 6 months
Nosso Lar 2 - Os Mensageiros | Está aberta a pré-venda de ingressos
Começa hoje (11/01) a pré-venda de ingressos para as sessões do filme Nosso Lar 2 - Os Mensageiros, dirigido por Wagner de Assis. #nossolar #nossolarosmensageiros
Nesta quinta-feira (11), iniciou-se a pré-venda de ingressos para as sessões do filme Nosso Lar 2 – Os Mensageiros, a venda está disponível tanto nas bilheterias físicas quanto na internet. Nosso Lar 2 – Os Mensageiros estreia dia 25 de Janeiro nos cinemas brasileiros. De acordo com a sinopse de “Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros”, o filme irá acompanhar o médico André Luiz (Renato Prieto). Ele vai se…
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goalhofer · 1 month
Top 10 MiLB Hit Leaders: Week 8
10: Adrian Del Castillo, Reno (51) 9: Drew Avans, Oklahoma City (52) 8: Sam Hilliard, Albuquerque (52) 7: Spencer Horwitz, Buffalo (52) 6: César Prieto, Memphis (52) 5: Andre Lipcius, Oklahoma City (54) 4: James Wood, Rochester (55) 3: Reinaldo Almora; Jr., Reno (56) 2: Andrés Chaparro, Reno (56) 1: Robert Montes, Albuquerque (57)
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