#Andor s2
staticwaffles · 1 month
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He has to believe in himself. He has to believe in the strength of the numbers that a revolution represents. And he has to meet many characters. It's going to be a very rich second season because you were introduced to many characters in the first season, and there are so many characters that we all know have to come and be a part of this for Rogue One to happen, right?
DIEGO LUNA at D23 2024 for Andor Season 2 -> Interview with Rotten Tomatoes (x)
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ninsletamain · 1 month
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I just wanna know... Who gave the OK for this man to kill the entire fanbase with this look?
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trendfilmsetter · 3 months
Ben Mendelsohn will officially return as Krennic in the Disney+ Star Wars series ANDOR Season 2
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colleybri · 1 month
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Alan Tudyk ‘s sense of humour never fails to disappoint.
Now, where are the fanfics about this?! 
Also looking forward to a reprisal of the interview rounds with Diego and Alan… So hilarious! 
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quarantineddreamer · 1 month
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so anyways my heart is racing
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twinsunstars · 1 month
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annisthree · 2 months
So, I’m totally fine waiting for Andor S2. Really, take all the time you need. No rush. Make my baby perfect. I swear, you could delay it until the next millennium, and I'd still be here, chill as ever.
For the love of the force, throw me a bone 😭 A poster, a teaser, a single pixel from a scene. I’ll take an out-of-focus background shot. An accidental leak. An “oops, we shouldn’t have posted that” tweet. Anything.
I am starving out here.
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a-door-to-somewhere · 2 months
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Me rn
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laneboyheathens · 1 month
Anyway, I’m light of the new leaked S2 trailer I went back to the old trailer and
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Oh that’s not…
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I am feeling unwell
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notasapleasure · 1 month
Wild hopes for Andor S2:
Oh, apparently blorbo *might* be in the trailer? Riding a speeder on Dantooine you say? Aughhhh don't toy with my emotions like this!!
So for posterity, before anything about s2 does actually become clear, my vague hopes/'if I got to write their story' headcanons for my Ferrix badasses are a jumble of the following:
I don't see them immediately going back to Ferrix, they're recognisable (Bix is known to the Empire, Wilmon will be known by association with Salman, Bee is known as Maarva's droid, they had an eye on Brasso as 'the big guy' even before he fucked shit up with the funerary brick...and I can't remember Jezzi doing anything specific but she'll have been seen round Maarva's home and funeral), and riot or not, I'd say the Empire will be in the mood to make an example of Ferrix rather than to go 'oops our bad we'll leave you in peace'. So it seems a bad idea for the fugitives to return there for their rebellion as soon as they've left.
On that ship we know there's a skilled electrician (Wilmon) and mechanic (Bix), and I've always presumed Brasso must know his way around a ship well enough to be able to take it apart, and that Jezzi has some similarly Ferrixian industrial skill. I thought it would be very sexy if they all got involved in making/repurposing tech for the rebellion. In my heart of hearts they're patching together the first fleet of X-Wings.
Orange. Ferrix orange (Brasso's felt jacket orange) and rebel pilot orange. And there's the shot of Cassian in an orange pilot's suit in the trailer. I just. I just have hopes. And dreams. And colour was so significant in Rogue One (the red of the force/rebellion...there was an awesome post on here pointing out way more examples than I'd noticed, but I always think of the lining of Jyn's vest). Maybe it's reclaiming Narkina orange, even? But the look of the Ferrix clothes reminds me so much of the OT aesthetic, I think that's got to be the more likely connection.
Bee? Kay? Do they meet? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ trying to suppress the thought 'what if Bee helps to make Kay possible?' but the thought has been thunk. (ETA: NOT into the theory that they're the same person that's not what I mean. I'm talking hardware donation. Wires and chips. Not personality)
Dantooine. Dantooine base. After all this time!!!! What Legends book did I first read about the base on Dantooine in?? idek but if I'd ever written the epic angsty plot follow-up to that one fic (only ever just one night) it would have involved the Ferrix gang making X-Wings work on Dantooine :') I have feelings about Brasso the wrecker learning to make things instead :))
It should go without saying that I want to see Bix channel her healing into getting stuff done and fucking up the Empire.
I guess my feeling is that if we're time-skipping over a five year period in a, what, 12 episode season? There's not time for a huge arc for all the Ferrix characters alongside everything else the show needs to cover. My cautious assumption is that this either means a load of them get killed off/sidelined early, or they're kept together in the same setting so their stories are interlinked, but presumably with focus remaining on Bix (and Bee). Dantooine/wherever the rebel base is beforehand/the move to Yavin struck me as a good place for this, where they can still be brought in and out of episodes through whatever time-skips happen because it's a place the title character is going to be coming and going from regularly, like Ferrix is in S1. Naturally it is a selfish thought to want to recreate the S1 dynamic :)) because I want my blorbo(s) to get to be relevant and a part of Cassian's life still, but if that suggestion about Brasso on a speeder on Dantooine in the trailer is remotely accurate then I will cry happy tears.
Who knows, if they get to survive, maybe all those heart-pulverising fics and fanarts about Cassian's (glass) stone being laid on Ferrix will find a place at the end of the series?
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cowboylikemorgan · 1 month
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EDIT: I’m Boo-boo the Fool
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colleybri · 1 month
My very basic first thoughts about the D23 Andor trailer… (in combination with the earlier leaked one from over a year ago!)
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Mon’s hand gripping the edge of the Senate pod rail – I think she’s about to denounce the Emperor and the Ghorman Massacre. Does she know she’s going to be rescued, or does she think this is suicide?
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Cassian and Bix - battle couple? Looks like she’s going to be a fully fledged rebel. Love the detail that she’s wearing braids again, as if to symbolise order returning out of the chaos . Not sure if it’s definitely her Cassian is talking to but it makes sense… “You’ll never feel right unless you’re doing what you can to stop them”. Kicking Imperial butt as a great therapy for what she went through? Hope she gets to take out Gorst. Mind you, that line could also apply to a lot of people. Great recruitment line, in fact.
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Oh my, Cassian is “weaponised handsomeness” personified with that eyeliner and fabulous outfit. Woof!!! Sorry – I know that’s not very articulate. More seriously, doesn’t that line in the paragraph above contrast so brilliantly with “ I’m here to win and walk away”. He knows that’s not going to work anymore. For him or anyone else. And who is this character, a new recruit? Or Bix? (Fighter pilot Cassian too?)
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Syril watching the TIE fly over… is it starting to dawn on him that perhaps he’s on the wrong side? That the order, justice and beauty he craves is not provided by this fascist regime after all.?
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Luthen saying “little sister”… The tenderness of that makes me think immediately of Baze calling Jyn this in Rogue One so I don’t think it’s literally Cassian’s sister. Maybe Bix again or a new character . Unexpectedly moving though. Sounds like there’s love in the old boy yet.
Edit - I could well be wrong about that. It could just as easily be “what else is there?” and tbh that makes more sense for a sizzle reel… far less spoiler-y! Give us a decent trailer with proper sound quality please, Disney!
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I never thought I would well up at the sight of a robot that isn’t B2EMO. But Kaytoo … oh, it’s so great to see you again. And Melshi!!! Remember - he has Syril’s gun. Will that come into to play again?
The farm planet is likely Dantooine, site of the first rebel base. Filmed in Oxfordshire. The previously leaked photos of the sets looked amazing. 
And this is a bit more niche, but I’m so looking forward to seeing Thierry Godard in this, as he’s such a fantastic (French) actor. Engrenages (Spiral) is one of my favourite shows of all time, Gilroy is a fan of “A French Village” and it probably led to his being cast for Andor.
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And finally – it’s not even finished footage, but the special effects are looking incredible already.
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And now, I need a little lie down.
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quarantineddreamer · 1 month
realizing there was no B2 in the leaked featurette
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twinsunstars · 1 month
also diego luna coming in and telling us andor s2 is over a 4 year time span omg
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idkbishsss · 1 year
Ahsoka trailer?!?
Andor, Skeleton Crew, and Acolyte leaked trailer?!?
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a-door-to-somewhere · 1 month
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Is it just me or is he dressed like Perrin?? The folded white robe, slicked back hair...
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