#And to everyone else who sees this too take lots of breaks and drink plenty of water!!!
swiftmitsu · 11 months
knocks on the door, rubbing his eyes sleepily trick or treat?~ sings this phrase and puts a bucket in front of him for candy “tips”
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"Take a break from trick or treating for a bit! It does you no good if you don't schedule breaks for yourself~"
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Human Buddy going through a break up with the Scavengers
SFW, Platonic, Slight Angst, Comfort from everyone, Human reader
Buddy had been in a relationship before they had left Earth and kept in contact through the internet when they met the Scavengers. The group had heard plenty of stories about this mysterious partner of Buddy’s.
It was almost adorable to hear them rave about their partner.
As a gift for Buddy’s birthday, the Scavengers decided to travel to Earth. Spend a couple days on the planet, let Buddy have a couple dates with their significant other, sight see, the whole works. Everything was going well on their way until Buddy received a text from their significant other.
A text saying they wanted to break things off and promptly blocked Buddy from any form of communication.
Buddy is devastated and now the Scavengers have heard the story too.
Krok is hugging Buddy as they are sobbing into his armor.
He doesn’t say much at first, he knows he needs Buddy to calm down before anything else can be done.
When he thinks that enough time has passed, he is ready to get Buddy better.
All Scavengers are on deck.
He tries to get Buddy distracted in some of their old hobbies.
When they are playing Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang, Krok lets Buddy take a free shot at him. He is worried about Buddy getting better and he is doing the best he can to help them through this hard time.
Krok holding Buddy to his chassis.
“It’s okay Buddy, take your time.”--Krok
Buddy still clinging to Krok’s armor letting the rest of their tears fall.
“Sorry for taking up so much of your time…”--Buddy
“No, I told you was going to be here for you and I’m not going to go down from that promise.”--Krok
Buddy sniffles a bit pressing their face more into his armor.
Krok carefully runs his digits up and down Buddy’s back.
“There, there… there, there…”--Krok
His famous scowl gets deeper.
Crankcase feels for Buddy a lot.
He considers himself lucky seeing how his online relationship ended up working out.
Let’s Buddy have their time to be sad, but after that, he is not going to let them be sad for a sorry excuse of an organic.
The passive aggressive hype bot on board.
He and CONS-4EVA team up to get Buddy back on the dating field after a while.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ he will give Buddy a few more openings than usual, maybe even let them get a free shot at him.
Buddy scrolling through the dating app with Crankcase and CON’s looking at it too.
“What about this one?”--Buddy
“Hmm… red flag. He’s got a fish on his profile picture.”—CONS-4EVA
“All right, how about this one?”--Buddy
“Maybe… no, don’t do that one. She’s got a sketchy background.”--Crankcase
“…This one?”--Buddy
“…Put it in the cart.”--Crankcase
“You can’t do that on this app Crankcase.”--Buddy
Spinister suggest shooting the person who made Buddy cry like this.
A bit awkward with the affection, but he is trying.
After a few days of Buddy being sad he’ll go on the internet to see what he can do about Buddy’s heartbreak.
A minor spark attack when he reads that humans can die of heart break.
His fleshy isn’t going to die on his watch.
Has Buddy in constant view and encourages them to seek out the team more.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ nothing changes much in their dynamic… except the few times he will let them have a chance to shoot him
Or maybe throw them at the opponent.
That one nearly gives Krok a spark attack.
Buddy was sitting on the table reading a data pad.
Spinister and Krok were drinking some enegex and talking about the latest hole Grimlock made.
Buddy twitches a bit before sneezing.
Spinister turns his neck so fast Krok is sure that he snapped it.
He jumps over the couch, snatches Buddy up, grabs a blanket and starts wrapping them up into a burrito.
“Shh! No talking.”—Spinister
Spinister starts walking to the med bay.
“Why are we heading to the med bay?”--Buddy
“Check if your organic spark is still online.”--Spinister
“Excuse me, but my what?!”—Buddy
“Their WHAT!?”--Krok
As much as Fulcrum hates organics, Buddy has grown on him quite a bit.
That being said, he still isn’t completely comfortable with touching.
More words of encouragement kind of mech.
He does have sympathy for Buddy and their heart break.
Probably tells Buddy minor insensitive things about their ex later.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ he’ll offer himself as a shield three times and three times only.
Fulcrum holding a broom and gently petting Buddy from his perch.
“There, there.”--Fulcrum
Buddy looks up a bit strangely at Fulcrum who was on top of the fridge petting them with a broom.
“Everything will be okay eventually.”--Fulcrum
Buddy looks at the dust bunnies floating down on their lap.
At least he’s trying.
Another one of the bots holding Buddy as they cry their little heart out.
Tries to make jokes too early on but backs off when he gets a bunch of glares and Buddy starts to cry harder.
Offers to go with Spinister to go shoot the person who broke up with them.
Top hype man for Buddy to get back on their feet.
When playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ defiantly makes an alliance with them and Grimlock.
50 50 on him throwing Buddy in the air.
“Got you now Mis—”--Fulcrum
“SNEAK ATTACK!”--Misfire
Misfire throws Buddy at Fulcrum.
Fulcrum screams and ducks, Krok swan dives and catches Buddy.
“Misfire! What in the name of Cybertron—”--Krok
Krok looks at the suction cup stick on his forehelm.
Misfire walks over and grabs Buddy.
“HA! Eat it Krok!”--Misfire
While he can’t communicate too much, Grimlock does keep Buddy close while they are down.
Wants to squish whatever made Buddy this depressed.
He doesn’t want Buddy to feel sad.
He lets Buddy hide with him when things are a bit much.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ Grimlock offers himself as a shield, will growl at anyone who tries to get close to Buddy.
Misfire enters the room.
“Hey Grimmy! Have you seen Buddy around?”--Misfire
Grimlock looks at him before slowly moving his tail.
Buddy fast asleep at his side, snoring and twitching.
“Oh, I’ll come back in a bit. Sweet dreams you two.”--Misfire
Misfire closes the door.
Grimlock wraps his tail around them and continues to sleep to the sound of Buddy snoring.
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Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open can I request headcanons (aizen, komamura and zaraki) x fem!reader? The reader being a vampire and having the powers of Alucard from Hellsing? Thank you in advance.
Things have been up and down ya know. Hope things are going well for you? My requests are still open and this was a fun one to get. I don't think I've written for Komamura? Either way, mixing some of my favorite things is always a good time. TW: blood and death talked about, unhealthy relationships and talks of bad treatment towards reader 
Aizen is perhaps the worst person to be with as a vampire unfortunately but is anyone surprised
Look, he's capable of learning to love but it's a slow and hard process that sadly means you suffer more then he will....to start
He wants control of everything starting with when and what you eat along with how much you get
His blood, wonderful tasting as it is, is only ever a treat for good behavior and more often than not you get espada blood
This will continue for as long as he doest fully trust or care about you
Fights are a common during this time but the longer you choose him, the longer you stay and fight back the more he softens and opens up
Though it takes time Aizen does eventually see why his actions are wrong and though he won't regret them he does change and aim to make up for it
Fresh blood from kills he got for you, his own blood straight from his arm or neck if you all are feeling cuddly and plenty of gifts
He thrives on watching you thrive, of seeing you smile and revel in being full and able to exist without worry
A power couple in the most dangerous sense of the words not to be taken lightly yet so happy to merely be around each other even if the road to get there was rough 
An absolute sweetheart who will do his best to make you feel accepted no matter your past or problems
Komamura understands what it's like to be so different and knows first hand that it can be hard to trust others so he wanted to reach out to you
Though he doesn't fully understand all your needs and will struggle to understand he wants you to tell him everything so he can help
Will have Unahana draw his blood so you can have food, his squad is willing to do the same one you become friends
One of the things he greatly appreciate about your skills is the ability to melt into the shadows, he doesn't want you to have to fight and this method can keep you safe
Trains with you whenever you ask and is happy to help you learn or overcome any trouble
You being a vampire really doesn't change anything to him, Komamura sees you as person separate from anything else
So long as you want to protect people and have good morals that's enough for him, you accept him and he accepts you
Kenpachi is weirdly the best person to be with as a vampire and he's proud of it
Need food? That's find he was in a fighting mood anyway, he can hunt for you if you want or better yet just drink from him
It's the same for if you're ever worried about losing control or just need to explain some energy Kenpachi is more than happy to fight you and keep a close eye on you
He defends you from the others who think you’re untrustworthy or dangerous, really you're no worse than him
To everyone's amusement you both have this line of thought that you've tamed a beast in one way or another
Really Kenpachi is just so proud to say your his lover and for so many reasons that no one can really argue with him on it
Will want to fight you sometimes ya know to test "your strength and make sure your not holding back too much"
Gets really jealous if you drink from anyone else, even a blood bag but won't admit it, the only exception to this is if its a kill he got you
Overall he's fine with it there's nothing about it that bothers him and he encourages everything you do, feral or not he's here for it 
Hello everyone~ I am back from a rather unexpected break. To make a long story short, a lot happened recently, most of it not good but getting better. I even started a new job that I've been enjoying so far. I want to write again though so I finally sat down and got this bad boy done. The next thing will feature a favorite character of mine that isn't even on my writing list so just know it's happening. Have a good day or night and thank you so much for your support. Lilly~
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myadmiringmind · 2 years
Jace Herondale in a relationship with someone who has anxiety
Jace Herondale Masterlist
Note: A little self-indulgent here because I have diagnosed anxiety
Warnings: Anxiety, crowds, food, among other things.
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He picked up on it really fast
He might not have realized it was anxiety but he just knew that you were uncomfortable
Jace tries his best to help you
If you feel overwhelmed by a crowd he’s quick to pull the two of you in an alleyway so you calm down
Afraid of speaking? He’s got you
He knows your thoughts and motives so he has no problem communicating your thoughts to someone else
Also has no problem telling someone off or punching them for making you uncomfortable
If your nervous from someone staring at you he steps in between the two of you
Nervous about a fight? He’s never out of your sight
He likes to name the facts or his observations
For example: you think everyone is staring at your outfit while at a restaurant
He catches your eye
“Everyone is here to eat.”
“This place is pretty, they’re admiring the scenery.”
“Did you see the way his eye just twitched?” He’s on a first date with that girl, he’s too busy trying to impress her to notice anything around him. Like how he’s about to spill the water right down his shirt.”
“You don’t know these people. They don’t know you.”
“Even if you were ever to be in the same room again, you wouldn’t recognize each other.”
“You look stunning.”
If it’s too loud in a room and you’re okay with it, he wraps him arms around you and pulls you to his chest so you can listen to his heart beat
Will defend you from anyone
This man would fight to the death for you
Overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to do? He helps you plan it out with plenty of breaks inbetween
Has an endless amount of patience for you
Would sit with you for hours to help you on whatever you’re doing
He’s really good at massages too
If you’re having a headache or you’re stiff he doesn’t mind rubbing your back, shoulders, head, etc.
But he would like one in return
If you’re feeling overstimulated from talking to so many people he’ll find an empty area where you can be alone, or he’ll just take you home
He doesn’t care if it’s an important event you are his #1 priority
He’s subconsciously making sure that you’re eating enough and drinking enough water
He’s probably showed up to your room before with either a nice snack or meal saying how, “You have not eaten.”
He’s your emotional support person when you go out into the wild public
He doesn’t care if you cling to him or follow him around at a social event the entire time, in fact, he enjoys it
I feel like he’d ask, “Do you want comfort or solutions?” If something bad happened
Solutions is easier for him given how he was emotionally abused by Valentine
But he tries his very best to help you through your emotions
if he’s not with you, he’s worried the entire time
Like seriously, he’s acting like a parent
doesn’t like to be away from you if he knows you could be put into a situation where you get anxious (which is a lot)
Big on praising you
He’s good at noticing what your most self-conscious about and he just spends so much time praising it
He has a really nice voice too
Sometimes he just whispers to you while in public events about nonsense just to distract you or to make you smile
Doesn’t give a fuck who sees the two of you (unless it puts you in danger)
If you’re insecure about other people finding him attractive he’d probably make out with you in front of them just to remind you that you’re the only one he cares about
He probably has some anxiety too
He just doesn’t realize it
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
on a scale of 1 - 10 what would you say the alcohol tolerance of the characters in FnF are.
2 - Caitlyn: She isn't a fan of drinks, and even at social functions, tends to eschew the champagne for a tall glass of water. Sometimes if there is wine served at her family's dinners, she'll take a few sips, make appreciative noises about the label/year, then put the glass on a maid's tray when nobody's looking. The staff know the young miss dislikes spirits, and the nicer ones will sneak her a fresh juice at her mother's parties.
4 - Jayce: Like Caitlyn, he's not too fond of strong drinks. Champagne just goes up his nose, and the hard stuff makes him queasy after a few sips. At galas, he'll snag a glass of champagne - and then proceed to hold on to it for the duration of the night so nobody tempts him with refills. On the rare occasions he partakes too much, he's a friendly but somewhat pensive drunk. Will ruminate at length over his Hex-tech projects, science, magic, philosophy, the human condition - and his mom. Awww.
6 - Viktor: Undercity-born and bred, so he's had his share of gutrot hooch when growing up in the Fissures. Has better tolerance than Jayce, and sometimes monitors his science-buddy's intake to make sure he doesn't fall asleep facedown in some caustic solution. On principle, he is a teetotaler. Not only would booze exacerbate his poor health, he's generally at once drunk and high off the adrenaline of his and Jayce's projects. If he breaks his own rule and actually gets drunk, you'd best leave him alone. He's a quiet, bitter, irritable mess who just wants to lament his fickle mortality in peace.
7 - Jinx: Likes the fruity concoctions and cocktails, and can knock 'em back like a pro - but she isn't allowed a lot of opportunity to partake, because 1) Silco orders his crew to keep watch over her intake, and 2) having grown up in a bar, she doesn't find alcohol a huge novelty. Mostly, she sees liquid cheer as something losers need to give them courage. She's already got plenty. Not to mention loads of heavy artillery, all which requires a cool eye and a steady hand. She'll stick to her favorite cherry soda in her favorite sippy cup, tyvm.
8 - Vi: She's not much of a drinker. Like Jinx, having grown up in a bar, she also doesn't find alcohol hugely interesting. In many ways , the opposite: she's watched people get belligerent and make absolute jackasses of themselves while drunk. If invited to a night of drinking, she'll indulge in moderation, then quickly go into 'designated driver' mode and begin watching her companions' intake. Booze isn't bad for a little buzz, but she hates having to break the seal and go pee every twenty minutes.
9 - Silco: This man grew up drinking absolute poison. By this point, either his liver is made of steel - or on its last legs. That said, he's more of a casual drinker; he can go without alcohol if necessary, but nicotine is his real vice. Has an appreciation for top-shelf whiskeys, and the rare vintage wine - but in a pinch he'll drink the same swill as everyone else in the Lanes without batting an eyelid. Best stop him from getting drunk though. He's prone to rants full of billingsgate and general belligerence. Might threaten to gouge out someone's eye with a broken bottle right before he blacks out.
9 - Mel: Has a surprising tolerance for strong drink, and enjoys using them to smooth tempers and sweeten temperaments during galas and negotiations. A little liquid cheer enhances a good verbal spar in her experience. That said, she prefers high-end wines and will turn up her nose at hard liquors and beers. She also prefers to drink in moderation, so it's very rare that you'll find her tipsy, let alone drunk. On the rare occasion that it happens, she'll get somewhat quiet and melancholy, and want to go paint by herself.
10 - Sevika: An enigmatic well of a woman. Booze goes in. Nothing comes out. Not words, not tears, not tantrums. She's been known to drink the toughest comrades under the table, then shrug it off and go shoot pool or enjoy a round of darts. She's also the person the crew summon when Silco threatens to get too deep into his cups. He'd never tolerate being bodily hauled up to his quarters. But she can match him shot-for-shot and take his invective in stride, until he subsides into sleep. (She'll treat herself to his fine cigars afterwards. The next day, Silco will pretend he doesn't notice they're missing.)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hihi!! Hope you're doing well! Please take rest and drink as much as water as you can (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Do you write platonic relationships? If yes, may I request headcanons of Lu Bu and reader being best friends :D
It all starts with reader approaching Lu Bu because she thinks he would like a friend to talk to. Now, they're from completely different timelines and somehow very close. It's a cute friendship because she's small and very friendly to everyone and Lu Bu scares people with just one look.
I hope this wasn't too much to ask. If you can't do it, it's alright!! Have a wonderful day and sending lots of love >:D
btw I love your works sm this is my first time requesting 😭😭😭
-The sudden pressure on his back did nothing to break his concentration as he continued to swing his halberd, working on his technique, as he wanted to fight Thor again!
-Ever since being returned to life, Lu Bu has been working hard, training even harder, wanting to have an even better match against his soul mate, the opponent he had always wanted.
-Your arms wrapped around his neck, giving him a small hug, “Hi~ Lu Bu!” he cracked the smallest of grins before swinging hard, splitting the ground in front of him, but also breaking his fourth halberd of the day. He wasn’t bothered, he had plenty more.
-You hopped down before he turned, ruffling your hair lightly which made you grin before he spoke, “You need something or you just hanging out today?”
-The pout on your face was cute as your hands came to your hips, “What I can’t just come and see my most favorite Lu Bu in the world?!”
-His grin widened, and to anyone else who didn’t know him, it would have been terrifying, but to people like you and Chen Gong, you weren’t bothered, he was just smiling!
-Seeing him smile, you grinned, “I came to get you, Chen Gong asked me to bring you to lunch! He found a hot pot place!” while wanting to continue training, hearing what lunch was, he agreed, plus he couldn’t say no to you.
-If anyone saw the two of you together, they would think he was threatening you, because you were an adorable cinnamon roll while he was… not.
-Your friendship was an oddball one, but many thought it was cute, big scary Lu Bu with tiny cupcake Y/N, but you got along great with each other!
-You were the only one that could sneak up on him and hug him without breaking his concentration and you didn’t care if he spent hours training, you didn’t bother him, and if he wanted you out of the way, he would tell you, but since you’re so small, usually he doesn’t care.
-Chen Gong was overwhelmed with tears when you first met him as he hugged you, sobbing comically that his lord had made a friend!! Lu Bu had been a bit embarrassed, which was rather amusing to see but only you and Chen Gong had seen it.
-Even Red Hair liked you! And Red Hair didn’t like anyone but Lu Bu; but you didn’t ride him, as he wasn’t your horse, but you could at least approach him without fear and he would let you hand feed him and brush him.
-Chen Gong greeted you both as you led Lu Bu into the hot pot restaurant, waving you over to the table he had gotten, beaming, “I ordered plenty of meat for us!”
-Lu Bu gave him a grin, and being the only other person that didn’t mind Lu Bu’s smile, he wasn’t afraid, seeing it more as praise and happiness.
-Anyone looking at your table couldn’t understand the mismatched trio seated there, you and Chen Gong were chatty and bright, while Lu Bu was silent and scary looking, but seeing him with the two of you, he didn’t seem so scary, he almost seemed like a stoic father.
-Lu Bu cracked a grin when you put some vegetables into his bowl, “Eat some veggies too!” only you and maybe Chen Gong could get away with that.
-But then again, that’s why Lu Bu liked you, you weren’t afraid of him, you just treated him like a normal person, because to you, that’s all that he was.
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antonymziie · 2 months
bill cipher & reader fic writing sample???
trying my hand at fanfic again. if y’all like this then i might actually write the whole thing
d is for demon denial
You didn’t think summer break would lead you to where you currently were standing, most of your friends were sipping mixed drinks on white sand beaches or, at the very least, spending time with their family. After the semester you just had, you couldn’t bear to look them in the face for a long while, but hell, D is for diploma. 
Now, with the little money you had saved up from working, you decided to spend your summer roadtripping through the woods. Which is how you ended up here: following a tour group through a smelly house full of bad taxidermy. 
Your group was led by the tour guide; who introduced himself as “Soos”? and also happens to be the owner and “illegitimate son of the founder” so he says. In the dimly lit room, you observe many...curious things inside; which include random body parts of varying grotesqueness, a photo of a horse riding another horse, and plenty more poorly done taxidermies.
The group stopped in front of a wall that contains nothing else except a large chest. 
“Now- this may just look like some old chest or something,” Soos said, matter-a-factly, “but I’m pretty sure it’s cursed; like if you stick a sandwich in it, the sandwich will turn evil and try to eat you. “
Perplexed by his reasoning behind why he thinks this chest is cursed, you snapped a picture because it did look pretty cool and the group moved on. The next stop in the show room was a corner, that was it, just a corner
“Take a close look at this corner...don’t see anything? That’s because this is the invisible dude, dudes! He isn’t wearing any clothes right now…kinda weird actually.”
A majority of the tour group murmured in amusement and snapped pictures of the empty corner, you almost couldn’t believe that people were actually believing this stuff. Soos continued on, showing the group a few more things in the showroom before exiting to the outside where a golf cart is parked outside.
“Since we have a small enough group, I thought I’d take you dudes to see some of our outdoor attractions!” He outstretched an arm, inviting our group to enter the golf cart. 
Your group of about four pile into the golf cart and ride off to the first stop, a gaping hole in the ground. You look inside and it seems to have no visible bottom.
“This is the bottomless pit, which looks bottomless,” Soos looked down into the pit, “I actually fell in there once.”
You could see a small child inch closer to the edge of the pit, a worried mother snatching them up before they got too close. Soos directed everyone back to the golf cart and drove out of the Shack’s lot onto a dirt path. The golf cart jerked and jumped as it hit tree roots and divots on the forest floor, and the trees became surprisingly denser only a little way into the journey. 
Little glowing spots started to appear along the pathside and scattered among the trees, you can’t quite tell what was glowing but the blue-green radiance was soothing. The cart stopped in a clearing and you could now observe the hundreds of bioluminescent mushrooms clinging to the massive redwoods looming above you like a blanket from the outside world.
“Not many tour groups get to see this,” Soos said, “Sometimes nature is Gravity Falls’ most alluring attraction.”
You were awestruck by the sheer magnificence of the forest, you knew this place was strange, but this was just...magical.
“But this is as far as we’ll go into the forest, dudes. Wouldn’t want to run up on,” He hesitated, the first time his friendly demeanor waned from his face, “Nevermind! Let’s head back!”
What was farther in the forest? Curiosity got the best of you, and while the group was distracted trying to get the golf cart to start, you disappeared behind the tree line. You could find your way back after you looked around a little longer. 
The pine needles and greenery crunched underfoot, and the farther you went, the denser the forest became. Sounds of undetermined origin make you briefly question your choices…
A few rustles in the trees were common forest sounds. If something sinister was actually lurking about, it would have eaten you by now, you thought to yourself as you continued through the trees. The dense wood eventually opened up and light began to filter through the treetops, bathing the forest floor in golden sunlight. A few more paces and the trees had given way to a clearing, a calm, quaint, almost enchanting clearing in the forest. 
That's when you saw it. At first you thought it was a mossy boulder, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to have arms (and possibly legs that were buried in the dirt). What was something like this doing in the middle of nowhere? You moved away a piece of moss and were a bit frightened when an eye peaked from underneath. 
The statue wasn't anything you had ever seen before. A triangular body with one eye, dressed up in a little tophat and bowtie, and one outstretched arm like it was ready to shake your hand. It was a peculiar sight, really, but it made you curious why it was out here. What does it mean? And, more importantly, should I shake its hand?
What the hell did you have to lose? This was, by far, the coolest thing you had seen all day, and after snapping a few pictures, you shook its hand for the fun of it. 
Without warning, you were overcome with a wave of nausea that brought you to your knees. It was so unexpected and shocking that you didn’t even think to call for help, and within the same minute it appeared, it was gone. You rubbed your eyes and gathered yourself.
You looked at the statue, unchanged, still outreaching for a hand and scoff, “Fucking freaky triangle.”
You were actually hoping the tour group forgot about you, but to your misfortune, the group was waiting for you, very impatiently. Soos rushed over to you, giving you a thorough look over 
“What happened, dude!?” He asked, “I thought I told you not to…”
He seemed pretty upset, and now you felt bad.
“I'm just glad you're okay. You didn't run into anything weird or anything, right?” You shook your head, he sighed a breath of what seemed like relief, and with nothing else said, Soos gestures for everyone to get into the cart and you return to the Shack. 
He doesn't even say anything after shutting off the golf cart, just gives a tired look to you before disappearing to the inside of the gift shop. 
There was obviously something he wasn’t letting in about the woods, and you had a bad feeling that the statue you had found in the woods had something to do with that.
It wasn’t any of your business, though, so you let it go. In a few days, you’d leave and forget this place entirely. For tonight, you parked your car in an overnight RV lot at the edge of town and drifted off after you realized your phone would never get enough cell service to check any media, social or not.
You jerked upwards in your seat when you heard a tap on your window. No one was outside of your car as far as you could tell, you went to check the time on your phone, only to realize it wasn’t where you had left it. 
“Oh, were you looking for this?” You whipped around in the direction of the voice to see…the triangle. 
“Let me tell ya, you had a death grip on this thing,” the triangle snorted, their voice echoing in the car, “I just had to know what kind of humiliating stuff you got in here.”
You had to be dreaming, there was no way you weren’t dreaming right now. You scramble over the seat to swipe your phone from the dreamworld intruder. 
They pull the phone out of reach and snap a few flash photos of your desperate attempts to grab your phone from their grasp.
“HA! You wouldn’t believe how stupid you look in these,” The triangle vanished from view and appeared in the passenger seat beside you. They sat the phone down on the dash and gave you a playful smile, well, look…
“What’s your deal?” You snatched your phone up before they could grab it again, “Why are you here?”
“To be your new best friend, kid! You’re bold and I like that in a human. You got potential to do something great with your life.”
The whole situation reeked of false flattery, and the triangle didn’t try to keep the facade alive for long after you replied with the most dramatic eye roll you could possibly muster.
“Ok, you’re too smart for schmoozing, I can admit when I’m wrong, but that doesn't mean I can’t make your life the most fun it’s ever been. The name’s Bill!” He extended a hand out to you, offering a handshake.
You glare at him, “Nothing good came from doing that last time.”
His eye narrows and he pulls his hand away, “Fine then, your loss. I thought we had something special.”
“Yeah. Something special, alright. The only thing I want right now is for you to leave my head.”
“I wish it was that simple,” Bill stroked under his eye where his metaphorical chin would be, “but I’m one of those things that’s real easy to get, hard to get rid of… like a fun case of head lice!”
“That’s how it goes, you shake my hand and I’m your new brain pal until your corporeal meat-suit gives up, only one way to get rid of me and it ain’t easy.”
“So I’m stuck with you…forever?”
“If by forever you mean the pathetic amount of time you’ll spend on this mortal coil wallowing about trivial matters pertaining to your sad flesh…then yeah!”
It’s just a dream. It’s just a dream
“I can tell you how to get me unstuck from your brain, it’s a process but it can be done,” Bill reassured, “Besides you’re starting to bum me out.”
This isn’t real, It’s not real.
And then you woke up.
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xkseii · 9 months
Heyy, I know you’re probably not going to see this since you’re not using this account anymore but i think i used to be ⛄️ anon. You might not remember me but that’s okay 😭😭🙏 I loved this account soo much i used to read all the posts on this acc on my free time last year 😭 espicially when im at school in breaktime (and sometimes in class..😟) but after graduating everything has just been busier and life yk 😪 so i never got the chance to read all your amazing fics anymoreee for a long time. I think we only talked once on the posts, LIKE I WAS SO SHY LIKE I WAS THINKING SHOULD I SEND THIS? OR SHOULD I NOT? WILL I GET BULLIED 😭?? I don’t knoww i just looked up to you smm like you’re such an amazing person like you were so nicee to me and stuff and i just wanna thank you for all the amazing memories you gave me this year and last year 😭🫶🏾🫶🏾 idk if you know but you had a big impact on me this year n last year. Your posts taught me how to set boundaries wit ppl, to take care of myself and that its okay to take breaks, how to write really good fics 😈and your adorable little son who always brightened up my day and made me smile whenever i felt shitty 😋 EVEN THOUGH I FEEL PRETTY SAD THAT YOU’RE LEAVING IM REALLY GLAD TOO, like im glad you’re prioritising your mental health and just i dont know how to explain it but im really happy you’re doing whats the best for you 😭😭 I hope you continue to make more fun and pleasant memories in the future and continue to do the things you love and brings out the best in you 😁 OKAY I THINK I’VE YAPPED ENOUGH IDK HOW TO MAKE APPRECIATION LETTERS BUT I REALLY HOPE YOU’RE DOING BETTER NOW THANK YOU FOR BEING IN MY LIFE AND MAKING ME HAPPY IM GOING TO MISS YOU SMM BYEEE I REALLY WISH YOU THE BEST AND IM GOING TO MISS YOUR SON SM BUT THATS OKAY 😭😭 OKAY ENOUGH ENOUGH BYE DRINK PLENTY OF WATER AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BYEE <33
I do remember a ⛄️ anon! (I think I remember almost all the anons I had, even since I started this account.)
You shouldn't be reading fics during class time! (but I did it sometimes too so I can't say anything.) Congratulation for graduation by the way, that's awesome and I'm really proud of you!! It's a big step, and even if the path after gets busier and more difficult, it's something to take huge pride in.
I am happy when anyone send anything, even a comment or ask without words, so thank you for taking the time to do it. I think I should thank you just as much, along with everyone else who accompanied me this year and part of the year before. You did make my life awesome, and I've rarely been this happy before, so it's thanks to you all.
I'm grateful for reading this, that really bring a smile to my face. I wish you the best just as much, that you can enjoy yourself and your life, make friends and be happy. Keep setting boundaries, prioritise yourself and your feelings, be a lovely and nice person. Don't forget to drink water and eat easier, take a break when you get too tired or start to burn out, and stay positive about all the small things that make you happy.
Thank you a lot, and I wish you a Happy New Year. My son (Sherlock) does too.
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wickedsrest-rp · 9 months
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As the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder, we could all use a little more warmth and holiday cheer, right? Wicked’s Rest has you covered this winter. While season 2 is slated to start in late Jan/early Feb, this event will last longer and run until March, so there’s plenty of time to enjoy!
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Wicked’s Rest Frost Bites Festival is a town-wide event held on the Common every few years, where dozens of local vendors set up booths and you can warm up with a cup of hot cocoa as you browse and participate in numerous winter-themed activities. There are normal shops there. Really! Scarves, mittens, treats, candles, apple cider, ornaments – you can find whatever your snowy little heart desires. And if you ask the right people in the right way, they may have some additional goods they’d be happy to sell you, straight from Amity Road. But who wants to know about the stuff for normies, anyway? Here’s where some of the real fun is at:
The ugly sweater contest gets very competitive. With judging taking place on New Year’s Eve, people are already pulling out their ugliest, itchiest sweaters and trying to get in with the judges ahead of time. Anyone can enter! Post your sweater – photo, artwork, etc – on your character’s blog and send us the link in a ModMail by Friday 12/29. There might be some equally ugly prizes. Just watch out for Ms. Lawrence’s sweater. Last time there was a contest, it came to life and devoured everyone else’s sweaters. It won by default. UPDATE: See judging here!
‘Tis the season for mistletoe. How many first kisses have that little plant to thank? The totally completely human people who run the festival got a little confused, though, and ordered missiletoe made of actual toes. It shoots them like missiles. Some of it is probably normal.
Some people are finding that they leave the festival with a newfound impulse for goodwill. Things just slide right off their back – they’re too cheery to be angry. And they just can’t do enough good deeds. It’s the season of giving and they are READY. Some spellcaster probably thought they were doing the town a favor here. It seems to be wearing off after a bit, but maybe some of you Grinches have a little more of a giving spirit after it runs its course.
Winter-themed fortunes sound like fun and games, especially when they’re from one of those old-timey mechanical fortune telling machines. This one activates by itself when someone comes near it, no coins required (though, weirdly, the sticker on it says it costs “1 hour of your life”. It doesn’t take an hour to hear the fortune. So what is that about?) Some of those bad fortunes seem to be coming true. There might not be any snow on the ground but you’ll fall in that snowbank nonetheless.
Some of the music played at the festival seems to be having a strange effect on people, making them break into song. Conversations turn to harmonies and you might be so desperate to do some caroling that you start a real-life musical. It’s not unusual to catch people humming along to music but it seems to be happening more than usual at the festival.
A lot of people want to warm up when they come in, so there’s a hot chocolate stand with free cocoa available. It’s unmanned, but the sign that says “take one!” is encouraging enough. Some get the pleasant little drink they were expecting… others end up with chocolate powers. Or curses. Like turning everything you touch into chocolate. The little marshmallows are cute though. And if enough things become chocolate, it could solve the reindeer problem! (What reindeer problem? Well…)
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If you’ve always wanted to see some reindeer, now is your chance! About 200 of the fiends have trampled into town (or maybe appeared out of nowhere?) and they’re more annoying than the goo. They walk right up to people and expect you to feed them. If you don’t, they will break your shit. They will commit arson. They will teleport into your home and smash everything. Give carrots.
These probably aren’t normal reindeer? The regular ones don’t teleport around, right? These ones blink in and out of existence on a whim.
They especially like gathering on Prospect Street in Deersprings, where all of the houses turned into gingerbread. No surprise there, except for maybe the gingerbread thing. The reindeer really are ecstatic about it.
If you feed the reindeer they’ll leave you alone for a while without destroying all of your things, but they also know you’re a pushover now, and will be back. With more friends.
If you’re curious about whether or not they can fly (why? why are you curious about that?) you could try getting a harness on one of them… it’s not recommended, though. You might end up being teleported somewhere weird.
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In a town full of cryptid enthusiasts, you better believe there’s an entire sport dedicated to finding Krampus each holiday season. Club Cryptid is on it. And… there seems to be something to the whole thing. Whether it’s actually Krampus or a demon having some fun with humanity, something is coming for the naughty and sparing the nice. There have been several sightings in town of a massive creature, with horns, hooves, and a long, blood red cloak. One Club Cryptid nerd said the creature even had a long list in his claws, presumably intending to strike all those names off soon. 
Have you been downright dreadful enough to make the cut? Those that have been marked for a visit may have already seen the signs, and if not, they’re about to: a lump of coal is given to the naughty. Expect punishment to follow.
Krampus (or “Krampus”) isn’t like most other monsters or creatures. He can’t just be destroyed, and there really might be something to that demon theory. But while Krampus may not be able to be killed, it might be possible to pacify him. How nice can you be?
While Krampus is often tied to the night of December 5th in folklore, this Krampus seems happy to stalk around all winter. Why not?
So far, the most common place to spot Krampus (other than inside your own home, hunched over your fireplace) seems to be a Christmas tree farm out in Gatlin Fields. The owner of the farm insists it’s not actually a Christmas tree farm; it’s just a forest. Now it’s not much of anything after the harvest – and the “owner” is actually a leshy now presiding over a lot of treepies. If you want to find Krampus in his home, you’re going to have to brave a pissed off fae and a bunch of evil trees.
Another option for finding the devil of December would be to do something bad enough to get yourself kidnapped… but there’s no telling where you’d end up or what state you’d be in… he seems to like to switch it up.
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Thanks to a mysterious influence, snowmen, snowwomen, snowdogs, snowballs, and giant ice worms that people are building are being brought to life. That sounds like a child’s dream come true, but these snowmen aren’t anything like Frosty. Their teeth are icicles, their branch-arms are talons, and they want to freeze you in your tracks and gnaw on the cold meat of your body. Those who are privy to the supernatural might need to figure out what’s happening and how it can be stopped, before all that’s left of Wicked’s Rest’s population is red-stained snow.
Kill it with fire. They are still made of snow… but who carries around a blowtorch these days? Some people have tried to punch them, but it seems like they can easily reassemble themselves. And they get extra angry if the carrot falls off their face.
The reindeer have been found chasing after some of the snowmen. They want the carrots. Some people have taken to making bets on which one will win when a fight breaks out. They’re calling it the Reindeer Games.
Those who get too close to the animated snowmen might get a literal chill in your bones. No matter how warm your skin is and no matter how many blankets you burrow under, there’s no getting that cold out of you. If you can destroy the snow creature that did it to you, though…
While most of the snow creatures are more typical forms of snowy artistic expression, some are… not. A snow werewolf has been biting snowmen and making more snow werewolves. A giant worm made of ice is sliding around the woods (followed by a goggie who is in love with it). And perhaps worst of all, someone made a snow Shrek.
The snow creatures have the intelligence and instincts of whatever they’re based on. Sentience, too. If they have mouths that were constructed, they might even speak or growl. Are you really going to commit murder on things with human intelligence just because they want to turn you into a popsicle?
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softrozene · 1 year
Sean is Struggling
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Anon asked: Hi yes, I'm new to the fandom as well, but what about a Sean x Fem!Reader where after everything that had happened to him (before Arthur saved him in ch2) he's struggling with being touched and how the reader slowly gets him used to it? And like, angst hurt/comfort bc its 10:17pm and I want sad things that get resolved 
rdr2 masterlist
Sean is a good boi who deserves all the love
Originally published on January 12, 2020
Sean MacGuire x Female Reader
Warnings: Angst probably not enough but fluff to combat it, Sean has PTSD, Karen and Sean don’t happen lmao
Words: ~1k
You’ve been with this group long enough to know everyone on a personal level. You care for all of them equally and know when something is wrong. It just so happens that Sean is just a tad different. Okay, a lot different, and Arthur and Hosea may have picked up on that.
The relentless teasing you received from Arthur when his group brought Sean back was embarrassing. However, you could easily push whatever feelings you have away because as soon as Sean got to camp and you tried to give him one of the hugs he claims to always adore, he hesitated.
He never hesitates to hug you.
It was only a small thing but you noticed it and you kept your eyes and ears on him to see if anything else was amiss. There was plenty.
The male already drank like a pirate but it seemed to have worsened since he got back. Thankfully, he would hold off on being drunk until it got late but the odd thing was he drank alone or only ever with Arthur and John. Sometimes Hosea but rarely. That was the other odd thing. Arthur seemed to have gotten closer to Sean but in a way, you’d never under but desperately want to.
It made you sick to your stomach not knowing how to help the boy who is obviously having problems. So one night you decided to ask.
“Sean, Arthur, may I take a seat?” You ask softly looking at the fire.
Sean has already gone quiet. You hate when he goes quiet around you. It’s like he doesn’t want you there. You’re about to abort the mission when Arthur nods his head.
“Here, take my seat. It’s closer to the fire. I’m going to actually head to bed,” Arthur shares ignoring the glare Sean sends his way.
Arthur leaves and you sit down with hesitation.
Your heart starts to ache and you have a slight panic. Is whatever he went through that terrible that he doesn’t even want to be by you? Did you remind him of something? The thought nearly kills you.
“(Name), oh no. What the hell did I do?! Why are you crying?!” The poor fiery red-head is stunned.
You are stunned as well. You had no idea you had busted out into tears as your fingers brush your cheeks. You quickly try to recompose yourself and ask the question you’ve been dying to ask.
“Are you okay, Sean? Scratch that, tell me how I can help you. I noticed that even Arthur is trying to comfort you by being your drinking buddy but that isn’t going to work Sean. I can’t pretend I don’t see all the flinches you do anymore. All the little scared moments you have that you think no one else notices. Please tell me how I can help you,” You say your voice breaking in multiple parts.
Hearing the hurt in your voice, the pain you felt for him, it nearly made him cry. He doesn’t cry in front of others. He puts down his bottle and pulls you onto his lap. His arms immediately wrap around you tightly and he’s trembling, shaking like a damn leaf.
“Sorry (Name). I’ve been so fucking stupid as of late. I’ve been avoiding you too. I-“ He stops so he won’t cry.
You can feel his hands shaking worse than his whole body and you realize he’s already trying to push himself for you. You scramble off of him in a heartbeat. The confusion on his face shows as you gently take his hand.
“You are naïve to think that a bottle will fix what happened. Or make you forget. I’m unsure how to help you, but if avoiding me was helping you I can accept that. I can stop trying to care abou-“
The squeeze Sean gives your hand became a tad painful as he lets out a choked “no”. He glances around, to make sure the others are still sleeping or well haven’t been eavesdropping before he allows himself to speak with a bit more urgency.
“No. No. I don’t want that. Avoiding is making things worse. I- I miss you. I miss your hugs. I miss actually talking to you and teasing you. I’ve been avoiding you because I like you so damn much and I thought you seeing how badly this affected me would’ve been a turn-off,” He admits his skin turning a little bit red from embarrassment.
You honestly want to hit him with love right about now.
“You might be a bit of a dumbass. You honestly thought that I wouldn’t like you because of this? Sean, I care too much about you. I honestly love you. It’s hurting me seeing you like this,” You whisper looking at your joined hands.
His slim long fingers are holding onto your own with everything they have. He had stopped shaking. It finally hits you.
“I know that they physically harmed you. If you want me to help we can start there? Have little touches like this until you are more comfortable and your body and mind processes that you are safe here? Only if you want to though. I’m so sorry for projecting my feelings onto you like that,” You murmur out all of this in a slight panic once again.
Sean gives you a hearty chuckle and large grin as he asks, “Did you say you love me?”
“Of course, that’s the part that sticks with you! I guess that’s good. That means there is hope for you yet,” You mumble looking anywhere but him.
He pulls your hand to his chest forcing you to look at him. Only this time he’s serious. “I’ve been holding out on ya since Blackwater but I love you too (Name). I accept your help since you’re so willing. Ah… Would you be kind enough to uh-“
He stops talking and simply uses his other hand to point and tap his cheek. He so desperately wants the simple touch so you gladly do it. Your soft lips meet his skin and he almost melts at the moment. Pulling away, you both stare at each other and for the first time since he’s been back, Sean feels completely safe.
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yahooanswersblog · 1 year
Random Q/A's where I answered
Would it be weird to go to the movies alone?
- Yes, I would recommend that you don't unless you want to be a part of someone's mean tiktok video.
Would you explore Death Valley? 
- Not during the summer.
been sober for a week, someone congratulate me. 
- A week is plenty, IMO. It's OK to treat yourself once in a while, I think.
Where does it rain a lot? Thats where I want to live. 
- The top 10 wettest states: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-10-wettest-states-in-the-united-states-of-america.html
Spotify YAY or NAY ? 
- Yay to them and their competitors. And fuck Neil Young for acting like they're so immoral for hosting Joe Rogan.
How is the weather where you are? It’s gong to be 112 here today 
- Too hot. I live in one of the coldest US states too. But not 112, thankfully.
Are glasses attractive in a man? 
- I’m not into guys but I don't see why it would or should be. Guys with glasses can look like they're not masculine enough or something like that.
Ever look for something and it was in your hand? 
- It would happen every once in a while, more so when I was a child. I felt like an idiot.
Every once in a very great while, it can still happen. Sometimes it's my very own hot dog and sack of meatballs I'm trying to find, and to my surprise, there it was in my hand all along.
📲 Would you want to text me? 
- I probably would if you're not a catfish.
What do you do when your still stuck on someone from 8 years ago? 
- Contact them, prepare to get rejected once again like I'm about to. In my case it's my like 11 years ago so just a bit more pathetic.
How much damage could your best friend do to you if you ever had a falling out? 
- IDK what it's like to even have a best friend. I guess it might feel like a divorce, whatever that really feels like.
🏡 Do you live in a house? Apartment? Condo? Trailer? Something else? 
- Apt
What should I do after feeling sick from drinking 3 bottles of vodka 
- Have some more to numb the pain.
Who's playing let's pass Lindsey around and see when she breaks? She'll never break... who knows how she folds herself at the waist ready to get a dicking? 
- I’m a legit user and I was not "randomly selected" for VIP. If you lost your account, would someone inherit yours? I don't expect you or anyone to know. (I'm 95% sure not)
I'm not some hall monitor on this site, I was only wondering out loud.
What’s a song you think everyone should know about? 
- The entire album Dahmer by Macabre.
What song do you listen to to feel motivated? 
- Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mac. Although, I never really reach for songs to feel motivated. It's just a song that makes me think it would be if I did.
Do you pick up money if you see it on the floor? 
- With no sign of whoever dropped it nearby? Sure. Why should I let it be someone else's lucky day.
When was the last time you were black out drunk? 🍹 🍷 🥃 🍻 
- If that's ever even happened to me once... does falling asleep while drunk, then waking up to vomit likely mean you "blacked out"? If so, the very end of 2006.
Testing if I'm shadowbanned. Answer please 
- Ah shadowbanning. Didn't know/not sure if that's a thing on here.
Would you accept an indecent proposal? At what cost? 
- If it was the kind of money Robert Redford offered in the movie with that name.
I take back my response to this question, on an account I'm locked out of: https://ask.fm/not_a_creeper/answers/148043103538.
Centipedes are not one of the most annoying. I've grown to appreciate them a bit.
The kind I've been reminded of since answering that question is in the shape of a teardrop, afraid of light, and very resilient. I'll omit it's name though, in case they're at all like Beetlejuice.
What was the last exciting birthday you had? 
- n/a. They've all been underwhelming.
what are some weird food combinations that you enjoy? Something you eat but everyone else finds weird? 
- Carrots in oatmeal can be pretty nice, but it's not quite unheard of either.
How much do you weight? 
- I think slightly below 155.
Happy 4th cuties 
- I wonder if questions sent on here can get delayed. Or, they probably spread more once someone answers a question late too.
My ex Adam keeps calling and texting me. I answer bc I don’t wanna be rude. What is his deal? 
- It sounds like you've put his happiness before yours. Way to go!
How do you get friends on here I don't even have any in real life. How pathetic am I??? 
- Is that your pic though? Usually someone this desperate is a young man.
Rap or Hiphop 
- Just two different kinds of feces to me.
0 notes
luvth0t · 2 years
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this is part two to one time thing which you can read here
in which what was meant to be a one time thing happens again, exposing one of the drivers true feelings for you due to your very observant friend.
warnings; threesome, spanking, choking, oral (m and f receiving,) degradation, praise, overstimulation, hair pulling, unprotected sex, petty and jealous charles, asshole pierre, kinda face fucking? not really, she kinda long oops, eventual smut i swear and poorly written fluff at the end lol
surprisingly, things went back to normal after that night in bahrain.
your little trio had gotten over the secrets, everything was out in the air; it was as if nothing had happened. there was no mention of the night together, despite you definitely thinking about it. a lot.
by the time they were heading off to saudi arabia you were able to compose yourself and enjoy the relief that you were not hiding anything from either driver. and things had remained platonic since.
a quick turn around with plenty of time for things to change, but when you were with the pair of them again in australia it appeared as if everyone would be staying true to their word. that threesome was a one time thing, you were done sleeping with them.
one at time, both at once; it didn’t matter. you had told yourself that you would never be having sex with either of them again, because no matter how good that night was ━ ultimately your friendship with both of them was more important.
it seemed unfair in a way, you had risked it with pierre. but the risk was non-existent, nothing had changed.
why weren’t you willing to take that risk with charles? you couldn’t exactly pinpoint the reason, but you put it down to being because things were going too far. testing the waters with pierre was overwhelming enough.
things were much less stressful when there was no sex. no matter how tempting it still sounds.
“we could do dinner tomorrow night?” charles suggested, sat on the couch of his drivers room ━ it was a thursday, so you and pierre being here was far from a big deal. a rare chance to get quality time with both of them on a race weekend despite being here for the pair of them.
“i’m going out.” you frowned, disappointed the one night they could spare time for you was the one night you had plans. which surprised them and it was obvious, there heads snapping to you in sync which would’ve made you laugh if it was not for the disgusted look on both there faces. “what?”
“with who?” pierre scoffed, almost not believing you. which had you scoffing right back in offence. much to popular belief you had other friends. sure not many, and not close ones. but you did.
“xavier.” you told him innocently, a hand tangling through your hair as you glanced between the two. you parted your lips to speak again, but a monegasque beat you to it.
“xavier?” charles spoke in confusion, drawing both yours and pierre’s eyes. “i don’t know of any xavier.” charles huffed, pierre nodding in agreement as you rolled your eyes.
“he’s one of haas’ mechanics.” you shrugged. “wants to go out for drinks, i can cancel if you’re both so desperate to spend time with me.” you chimed with a laugh, not seeing the big deal of the whole thing.
he had briefly mentioned it sometime last year during one of your conversations with him in the paddock, and brought it up again today ━ the pair of you agreeing tomorrow night worked.
he was a nice guy. nice to look at. was good for a laugh, a break from a lot of the snobs that you had to try make conversation with when pierre and charles were else where.
also a good distraction from the devil on your shoulder which had been begging you to get on your knees for charles or kiss pierre. because while you were acting as if things were normal, it wasn’t always the case.
“you don’t need to cancel.”
“i think you should cancel.”
pierre and charles spoke simultaneously, causing you to cover your mouth to stop the laugh leaving your lips.
“why should she cancel? we need her to make more friends so she’s not clinging to our sides every day and night,” pierre smirked; looking charles way.
“because we haven’t had quality time together for a while. i’m sure zander is willing to postpone.” charles huffed, causing you to roll your eyes.
“xavier.” pierre corrected him, charles only shrugging in response.
you were oblivious, oblivious to the fact that charles was jealous. it wasn’t out of the ordinary for charles to throw a hissy fit if you or pierre’s plans didn’t align with his. especially when he had come up with the idea.
pierre however wasn’t oblivious. while he had questions about this xavier like he would any other time you mentioned a guy, the fact he had been inside you just two weeks ago didn’t matter to him.
sure, he was a possessive guy when he had you, or any girl, beneath him. but you weren’t his. you guys had slept together for months, and all the while he never bat an eyelash if your eyes went another guys way.
he’d only care if he was purposefully trying to gain your attention, and that never failed; so he never had any reason to stress.
but he read charles like a book. the way his jaw had been clenched since the moment you spoke that other guys name, the panic in his eyes when you mentioned you two were going out for drinks. the glare the ferarri driver had sent him when he encouraged you not to cancel, almost looking personally offended.
charles wasn’t being petty right now. he was jealous and worried.
“we can do dinner tonight? just nothing fancy,” you shrugged; considering it was already late afternoon, sending charles a sympathetic smile which did not help one bit.
“i don’t get why your plans with xavier are so important.” charles grumbled, arms crossing over his chest like a little kid, oblivious to pierre’s skeptical gaze, looking over him in suspicion.
“fine to prevent a tantrum i’ll cancel. but you’re buying me a drink.” you rolled your eyes with a laugh, and pierre did not miss the monegasque eyes light up at the small statement.
the french man let out a fake laugh, also noticing your lack of awareness of charles jealousy despite his poor efforts of hiding it. was he reading into this too much?
“that was so good!” you practically grinned ear to ear as you jumped into charles arms following his pole position, waiting for him back in the paddock outside ferarri garage; you were more than proud of your best friend.
charles felt as if he was on top of the world, sure only half the job was done. but the car was still good. it had performed the last two weeks and was doing so once again. but the biggest smile on his face came when his arms wrapped around you.
always his favourite person to get praise from, to celebrate with.
“not bad eh?” charles chuckled, squeezing you tightly before releasing you from his grip. your smile matched his, looking proud like always. you were his and pierre’s biggest supporter, despite shit talking them every other day; when it came to the time they were on track you could never contain your emotions.
“it was alright.” pierre’s voice interrupted the pair of you, charles rolling his eyes as you quickly turned to the french man; your sympathetic smile one with meaning as you embraced him as well.
“tomorrow is what matters.” you spoke proudly, not missing either of their eye roles. your go to line if either of them under performed, which was ultimately the case with pierre missing out on Q3.
“well considering━” charles had begun to speak, still beaming from the afternoon he just had, but he was interrupted.
“y/n!” a voice called; drawing all three of your attention to the approaching man, dressed in his haas uniform.
charles had never had his mood deflate so quickly, not after such a good session especially, but he connected the dots quickly. this was xavier.
“xavier,” you politely smiled, stepping aside to make room for him in your little circle. pierre matching you in sending a small smile and nod, while charles simply nodded.
“congrats mate. you’re killing it this year.” xavier had spoke to the ferarri driver, which had charles wanting to groan. why was he holding onto hope that he was an a-grade asshole? he had nodded in appreciation, sending a smile before xavier’s eyes were back on you. “i was wondering if you wanted to get drinks? but i’m assuming celebrations are in order,” he chuckled.
“i’d love to! but i’m not sure if we’re doing anything…” you trailed off, eyes turning to the man of the moment, almost in question. it was only pole, you weren’t too sure if charles wanted to celebrate or if he’d like a quiet night to prepare for what really matters. tomorrow.
“i’m sure you can join us. whatever we end up doing,” pierre grinned, his eyes glancing to charles whose jaw dropped, eyes darting to pierre in confusion.
what was he doing?
“oh no i don’t want to intrude.” xavier chuckled, shaking his head.
“yeah and we have a big day tomorrow so would rather keep it small,” charles tried to politely agree with xavier that he should in fact not intrude.
“no really! it’s fine. considering we made her cancel on you and all yesterday,” pierre smirked; watching as steam practically flew out of charles ears.
even you were confused, confused to why pierre was insisting he joined the three of you for the night; but you didn’t question it. you needed to make it up to xavier regardless.
“yeah okay. if that’s fine with you all.” xavier grinned your way, and charles wanted to slap the stupid smile off his face when you mirrored his grin. suddenly your attention had been taken off of him, when he was the guy everyone else was looking at.
“you need to stop.” pierre had narrowed his eyes at charles, the pair of them sat on the couch, waiting for their cars to arrive to head to the paddock.
“stop what?” charles asked in innocent confusion, glancing towards the alpha tauri driver, turning his phone off as his words seemed to hold a lot of weight despite coming out of nowhere.
last night hadn’t been too bad. a few of the ferrari guys and a couple haas mechanics had joined, a random group of people yet a relaxing night filled with only one drink each but plenty of laughter.
pierre had spent the entire time focusing on you, xavier and charles however. and it was painful how obvious the monegasque was acting.
pierre questioned if he had ever failed to notice such obvious behaviour before, because he was having to hold in his laughter as charles grip tightened on his glass every time xavier made an attempt to flatter you.
charles desperate attempts to get your attention whenever you started speaking to xavier away from the group, pretending to not notice he was interrupting was pierre’s favourite part.
he didn’t know what was worse, the fact charles was making it so obvious that he wanted to punch xavier across the table or the fact you didn’t notice.
“stop whatever it is you feel for y/n.” pierre replied, raising his eyebrows; not missing charles facial expression falter for a moment before he replaced it with amusement.
“yeah okay pierre.” charles laughed, rolling his eyes as he returned his attention to his phone.
“i’m not joking. it’s so painfully obvious, you go the same colour of your shirt every time she mentions xavier.” pierre crossed his arms over his chest as if to challenge him, and charles rolled his eyes at the mention of the haas mechanic.
“i do not. and so what if i much rather it us three.” charles shook his head, deflecting with ease. yet pierre wasn’t buying any of it.
“i’m not stupid charles.” pierre rolled his eyes.
“okay so maybe i don’t want to hear about another guy when we were the ones she was with only two weeks ago? i don’t think that’s irrational.” charles huffed, not needing any of pierre’s interrogation.
“you don’t want to hear about it because you have feelings for her.” pierre corrected him, speaking certainly.
“that’s not true.” charles huffed, quick in his reply; still avoiding pierre’s eyes. lying through his teeth. he didn’t need pierre to spell out his mistake.
so what he had come to the realisation that he much rather you be more than a friend during your couple nights together.
“so her and xavier could hit it off and you wouldn’t care?” pierre questioned, charles letting out a groan at his insistent.
“you sound like the jealous one. not me.” charles continued to deflect. he did not need to entertain pierre’s suspicions and made up ideas.
“just answer the question mate.” pierre sighed, running his hand over his head, amazed yet not surprised about charles avoidance and ability to dance around his questions.
“so what if i would care? you’re telling me you wouldn’t?” charles quizzed, lifting his eyes to pierre in skepticism.
pierre eyes lit up when charles had cracked, having to hold back the smug smirk from the fact of being right.
“no i wouldn’t. because it’s just sex.” pierre replied confidently, challenging charles attempt to justify his thoughts. he couldn’t play that card right now.
“yeah you say that now.” charles scoffed in disbelief, not wanting to believe he had gotten attached, and pierre hadn’t. he wanted to believe what he was feeling was normal.
“and i mean it. if i cared now then i would’ve cared all those months ago when she was in my bed every night but in your garage for every race.” pierre told him, words too true to deny and charles knew it.
pierre looked at him expectantly, inviting him to try find another excuse but charles remained silent.
“i knew it.” pierre sighed, his head falling back in disappointment. and they both blamed him for putting this friendship at risk, while charles was here head over heels.
“it doesn’t matter. i’m not doing anything about it. it was a one time thing. she said it herself.” charles was quick to try shut pierre up, he didn’t need this becoming more of a topic of conversation than it already was.
“a one time thing between us three.” pierre corrected him again, he’d accept an excuse that actually had some meaning. not a cop out.
“okay then. a two time thing between me and her.” charles snapped, unsure at what pierre wanted him to say. enough had already been said. charles didn’t need to remember the fact that pierre got months with you while he got two nights.
pierre sensed charles annoyance, not wanting to push him too far the pair sat in silence for a few moments. a rare awkward silence for the two of them.
“just don’t ruin things. please.” pierre huffed, even sparing charles a sympathetic glance. which only pissed charles off further. why did he need pierre’s sympathy?
“i won’t.”
“why would you do that?” you whined, turning to face charles with a frown on your face. a genuine one, having to watch the back of the haas shirt disappear down the paddock after charles poisonous words.
“do what?” pierre spoke as he approached the pair of you, having heard you with ease. his race suit hanging from his hips much like charles, having just gotten back and changed after the driver parade.
“nothing.” charles defended, wanting to roll his eyes at the fact pierre had now approached. okay so maybe he ruined things? he didn’t mean to.
pierre glanced to you, and could instantly tell charles was lying. and the sight of your frown alone was enough to get him worked up.
“he told xavier that me and you are sleeping together.” you grunted, arms crossing over your chest as you glared daggers at charles, who let out a sigh.
“you did what?” pierre asked in outrage, did this mornings conversation mean nothing to him? he sent a knowing glare, as if to question him. what the fuck?
“i said you were sleeping together.” charles tried to excuse, voice going up a pitch. “he said you two seemed close, i wasn’t going to lie.” charles continued to try to play it off, knowing he’d fucked up. there was no need for him to say it.
it sent the wrong message, hence your disappointment. xavier having left under the impression you were spoken for, he was overstepping. he didn’t need to be on the bad side of a driver.
and charles was quite pleased, until his eyes met yours and he quickly realised how out of character he had acted.
“not mentioning something is not lying charles,” you frowned, shaking your head as you let out a breath of disbelief. your voice giving away the fact you were legitimately upset, which had charles frowning.
“i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to!” charles rushed out, lying but apologetic none the less. he was sorry. but he did intend on doing what he did. “i really am. i’m sure he won’t care if you clear things up.” charles sighed, speaking genuinely as he rubbed the back of his neck; guilt washing over him.
you let out a sigh, shaking your head as you believed his words. you liked xavier. he was nice. you didn’t see it going further so forgiving charles was easy. but you felt guilty, xavier having just been humiliated.
“it’s fine. but you’re apologising to him.” you mumbled, turning to look at pierre. “good luck out there,” you smiled, eyes then glancing to charles. you only spared him a half smile, before following in the direction xavier had just went to clean up charles mess.
“y/n wait,” charles groaned, not wanting you to leave on this note despite you claiming things were okay.
“it’s fine charles.” you huffed, waving him off as you kept walking ━ not doing much to convince him, but you didn’t feel as if he deserved reassurance right now.
charles practically winced when he turned back to face a less than impressed pierre, who was awaiting an explanation immediately.
“i’m not explaining myself to you.” charles spoke, shaking his head as he began to walk off; pierre being quick to follow, attempting to appear calm as there were cameras and people around.
“it’s like you want her to know.” pierre hissed, catching up with ease. he knew nothing was to come of this xavier guy, you were simply being nice. but charles had made his jealousies so clear, pierre felt the need to slap some sense into him; considering it had now upset you.
if this was how he was acting over a guy you were simply befriending, pierre cringed at the idea of you actually being interested in someone.
has it always been this obvious? was pierre too focused on you and not giving anything away during the friends with benefits stage to realise charles had grown feelings?
“this is your fault. if you hadn’t ambushed me this morning i wouldn’t be overthinking everything!” charles whisper yelled towards pierre as they walked, as if anyone was listening in on them.
pierre had scoffed. “my fault?” pierre let out a laugh, shaking his head. “yeah okay lover boy. it’s my fault you’re thinking with your dick instead of your head.” pierre hummed, words dripping with sarcasm.
“you’re making a big deal out of nothing. xavier was barely a friend, i’m sure he and she will get over some pointless information.” charles spoke as he ignored pierre; hands working on zipping up his drivers suit to distract him.
dealing with his feelings for you was much easier when pierre wasn’t on his back, that had become obviously quickly. because ever since his conversation with pierre this morning his mind has been overthinking every little word and action.
“i’m not gonna let you ruin the friendship you two have.” pierre spoke in conclusion, his eyes telling charles that his words were really a warning, giving no room to reply before he walked off in the other direction. there was nothing more to say.
charles had won the race; and despite your initial intentions to make him sweat over his diva moment, that had gone out the window a few laps in.
celebrations with the team didn’t last long, considering most had flights booked for that night. however you had decided to fly back the following day, alongside pierre and charles.
so that’s how you got here, in pierre’s hotel room with the both of them.
last time this had happened in bahrain you had came all over both of their dicks.
“i’m having flashbacks.” pierre smirked practically speaking your thoughts, causing your eyes to widen as you quickly nudged him; a chuckle leaving his lips which caused a giggle to leave yours.
despite it being the first mention of that night together, considering charles had just won a race meant probably nothing could concern you right now.
“shut up.” you rolled your eyes, moving to the couch charles had just sat down on, his first moment to relax since this morning ━ a breath of relief leaving his lips. “you sure you don’t want to do anything special? or are these wins becoming the normal now?” you teased.
“i don’t think i have the energy to fake small talk with hundreds of people tonight.” charles hummed in response, hand running through his hair as he gave you a small smile to thank you for offering to do more.
“what do you classify as special?” pierre spoke up knowingly, sitting opposite from the pair of you, raising his eyebrows in amusement causing you to roll yours and throw the closest thing you could at him, which was a pillow. something you do way too often.
“shut up.” you repeated and laughed; a blush raising on your cheeks at the obvious reference to how you had celebrated pierre’s only win. what started everything a year and a half ago.
charles furrowed his eyebrows, glancing between the pair of you, eyes lingering on pierre. he recognised the amused grin on his face and he didn’t like it. nor did he like the hinting at the times they had slept together.
“charles not getting the same treatment?” pierre spoke so casually, a cocky smirk resting on his features. the sparkle in his eye making it clear he was up to something and charles was beyond confused.
you laughed it off, too ecstatic from your best friends win to stress over talking about something that usually gets you worked up.
“she was only so generous because she knew you winning again was not likely.” charles pitched in, causing another laugh to rise from you as pierre chuckled; raising his eyebrows.
charles was walking right into his trap. he may be sitting there grinning right now but pierre planned on wiping the fake grin off his face pretty quickly.
“you’re forgetting the numerous occasions that followed…” pierre trailed off smugly.
“you’re forgetting when━” charles had quickly begin to reply, wanting to one up him.
“oh my god shut up, both of you.” you exasperated; leaning forward to grab the bottle of champagne from the table. “we are not speaking of any of that ever again.” you warned, glaring between the pair of them; taking a swig from the bottle; god knows you need it if this was the topic of conversation.
“why not?” pierre frowned, raising to his feet, reaching for the bottle from you, which you hesitantly passed over. you shook your head at his words, but had to laugh at how casually he was speaking.
you admired how through all of this, from the beginning, was always nothing to pierre. he was never fazed.
“could become a tradition.” pierre joked, wiggling his eyebrows; and that was enough to make you fail in suppressing your laughter, despite your heated cheeks.
“if you’re going to keep speaking about this i’m going to need another drink.” you laughed, reaching for the bottle right back as pierre too took a sip, his eyes then falling on yours.
“i mean charles has a good car this year, i’m sure he’s pretty keen.” pierre smirked, not passing you the bottle, instead moving to stand next to you. your eyes flashing with interest as he instead moved his hand to your cheek, tilting your head upwards and towards him.
it was as if you read his mind, excitement taking over you meaning you had no hesitation in parting your lips; happily letting him pour the liquid into your mouth as he gripped your jaw.
all the while pierre’s eyes were burning into charles, as if to challenge him. the intimate moment one charles was watching in disbelief and annoyance.
the smirk on pierre’s lips as he held your head in place, not to mention the blush that hadn’t left your cheeks ever since pierre started speaking to you in that damned suggestive tone of his. it was getting on his nerves, and it showed.
“what are you doing?” charles spoke up, interrupting the moment, his voice flat. which was no surprise to pierre, but it was to you, causing you to quickly try swallow the liquid and twist out under pierre’s grasp.
“lighten up,” you grinned; grabbing ahold of the bottle from pierre’s grasp, shifting up onto your knees on the couch and shuffling closer to charles, an innocent hand being placed on his shoulder. “we’re celebrating your win one way or another. just not pierre’s way.” you giggled, beaming down at the monegasque.
his annoyance had drained quite quickly the moment you had smiled at him, a meaningless eye roll as it took practically nothing to convince him, mirroring your actions from moments ago as he angled his head up towards you and opened his mouth, an expectant look on his face.
your eyes lit up at his compliance, tilting the bottle to pour the champagne into his mouth ━ a delicate hand moving to cup his cheek, unlike the tight grip pierre had on yours.
the eye contact had your stomach turning, alongside the beautiful view of his pink lips, reminding you of how they moved against yours.
oh god.
“happy now?” you had asked, thumb moving to wipe a few droplets that had missed his mouth; never breaking eye contact, and charles practically felt his breath hitch in his throat from the contact.
“considering that one over there hasn’t spoken in the last 30 seconds, yes.” charles tried to brush off his lapse of composure; a teasing smile being sent pierre’s way, who was watching the pair of you in amusement.
“was too busy watching you guys eye fuck each other.” he had shrugged simply, and while both of the drivers had expected you to once again tell him to shut up, you only grinned; moving to your feet so you could place the bottle back down on the table.
“no need to be jealous pierre.” you joked, so innocently unaware of what was going on here. to you pierre was always the possessive one, the protective one. that night in bahrain proved it.
charles had panicked at your words, eyes darting to pierre in alarm. was this what he was setting up? about to expose him for how he had been acting these past few days. simply tell you that no, actually, charles was the jealous one of the two.
“can’t help myself ma belle,” pierre had smirked right back at you, eyes drifting to charles for one moment; before falling upon you. “not after how much attention he got compared to me a couple weeks ago,” pierre reminded you, his hand moving to push a strand of your hair away from your face, having stepped closer.
charles grew relieved, but then quickly confused. what was happening? was pierre just one massive hypocrite and wanted you for himself or was this all meant to lead to something?
you too were confused, for a completely different reason. because despite every rational part of you knowing you should tell pierre to fuck off and leave the past in the past as intended, you found yourself wanting to play into whatever game he was playing.
which shouldn’t be too surprising. a part of you knew deep down that the moment either of them presented an opportunity to revisit the events of bahrain that you’d take them up on it.
“he’s nicer than you.” you pointed out in a hum, inviting the minimal distance as you glanced over your shoulder towards charles, acting on instinct and wanting to see how he was reacting towards this.
you couldn’t read him. probably because charles didn’t know how to feel. because his mind was racing with thoughts, sinful ones, fearful ones and the image of pierre’s face after being met with his fist.
“you don’t like nice.” pierre scoffed, eyes glancing to charles once more; almost as if he was speaking to charles, not you. as if he was giving some friendly advice to his mate.
“what are you guys doing?” charles interrupted once again, this time trying to hide the bluntness to his tone ━ because he knew the answer to his question, he more so wanted to know why.
his question had caught you off guard; alongside his judgmental tone… what were you doing? but the reassuring look of pierre was enough to bring you right back. or maybe it was his thumb that brushed over your bottom lip.
“enjoying ourselves.” you answered, turning to face charles and allowing your back to rest against pierre chest; who quite happily rested his head on your shoulder.
charles could throw up at the sight. realising how normal it was for you two to be so close to each other, to act in such a way as if it was no big deal. only now was it hitting him that xavier was in no way the one he needed to be worrying about.
“celebrating.” you added with a mischievous smile, an inviting one too; which faltered when charles didn’t match it, and once again you were ready to crawl back into your shell until you felt pierre trail a finger up the outside of your leg.
“come on mate. you don’t want to celebrate? she sure knows how to. don’t think anything will beat the head she gave me after monza,” pierre revealed, speaking directly at charles as he let his hand run up the bare skin of your thigh.
only then did it click something else was going on here, you weren’t sure what; and you definitely weren’t in a position to try figure it out when you felt pierre’s lips attach to the skin of your neck, growing flustered at his words.
“one time thing. remember?” charles rolled his eyes, his jaw ticking as he tried to comprehend what was unfolding in front of him. this was not the same as last time, last time he was not phased by the fact pierre was fucking you right in front of his eyes.
right now he couldn’t bare to watch him touch you.
“i’m willing to make an exception,” you breathed out as your head fell back onto pierre’s shoulder, catching both of them off guard, but pierre did not miss a beat ━ the confirmation you were on board was all he needed to start touching you with intent.
“see? she’s desperate to get on her knees and congratulate you. aren’t you love?” pierre spoke, and you didn’t hesitate to nod your head without shame.
“yeah.” you confirmed, eyes falling back on charles, his green eyes having visibly darkened; you couldn’t escape his stare considering pierre was behind you and still assaulting your neck.
pierre looked to charles once more, who didn’t make any move nor say anything. pierre had hoped charles would’ve cracked by now, but he wasn’t near finished.
“i’ll gladly take you up on that offer if he won’t princess,” pierre chuckled when charles made no move; not wasting any time in twisting you back around on your feet.
his eyes had searched yours for any doubt, any sign of wanting to back out of whatever this was. before he could ask however you had grabbed his neck and pulled him down to meet your lips.
charles audibly grunted, how did celebrating his win turn into watching his two best friend make out? not to mention the fact pierre had just found out charles had caught feelings, and this was what he does?
pierre’s lips moved against yours hungrily, grip tightening on your waist as he held you against his body; well aware charles was watching, so he could only smirk against your lips when he dragged a moan out of you from nipping down on your bottom lip.
charles self control was thinning, about to snap; and it did as he watched pierre strategically move a hand to your ass, the squeeze in direct view and the sound you made was more than enough to get him out of his seat.
“i don’t see how this is fair when i’m the guy who won,” charles grunted as he approached the pair of you, his hands finding your hips quickly as he pressed his chest against your back ━ pulling your hips back into him which had you gasping into pierre’s mouth.
“you were too busy sitting there pouting,” you spoke breathlessly as your head fell back against charles shoulder, pierre busying himself as he kissed down your neck once more, hovering over the already forming hickeys from before.
“this seems to be more a reward for you than me though, hm?” charles added, eyes staring down at you; you almost wanted to be a hypocrite and pout, much more preferring him with his sweet words and delicate touches.
“please charles,” you practically whined, eyes staring up at him; not oblivious to pierre’s wandering hands and lips as you looked up at the ferarri driver.
his grip was tight enough to bruise on your hips, pulling them back against his front once more.
“you know i can’t say no to you ma chérie,” charles admitted, ducking his head to place a kiss under your ear; the feeling of now both their lips on your skin at the same time making it difficult to think.
you couldn’t even process charles words because pierre soon had gripped your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. “always so quick to forget about me.” he tsked, causing another shaky breath from you.
this had barely started and you already felt a mess, literally stuck between their bodies you were struggling to differentiate between there touches.
“you didn’t win,” you managed to pull yourself together; voice already sounding breathless. you felt charles lips leave your neck, but didn’t see him raise his head to flash pierre a cocky smirk, raising his eyebrows at his french friend.
“no he didn’t.” charles confirmed, his hands gliding over the side of your legs; pierre’s holding a tight grip on your waist. you didn’t have a second to breathe between them, feeling charles breath on your neck and pierre’s fanning your face.
pierre was unaffected by the words, purely because he knew how easily he could make charles sweat throughout all of this. and that’s exactly what he planned on doing, all in good time.
he’d let charles have his fun now though.
“i don’t need to win to have you on your knees ma belle.” pierre spoke unfazed, his hands scrunching a grasp on your shirt before tugging it up your body, and as if perfectly synced charles grabbed the material around your shoulders and tugged it over your head; discarding it across the room.
“we’re doing it on a bed this time. my knees are still bruised,” you spoke, ignoring what pierre had said; eyes moving up to focus on the side of charles head. knowing he’d be much more willing to comply, and he was. one bat of your eyelashes and he was dragging you away from pierre’s hold and towards the bedroom.
pierre had rolled his eyes, yet wasted no time in following the pair of you; sure to grab the champagne on his way through.
“but you look so pretty when you’re on your knees for us,” pierre chimed as he watched charles push you back onto the bed, it was quite clear he was getting first dibs. again.
“he’s not wrong mon amour,” charles spoke in agreement as he hovered above you, placing a few kisses to your bare stomach as he worked his way down, his hands finding the waistband of your shorts, not wasting any time as he tugged them down. “but i think you’ll look even better cumming with my head between your thighs hm, you want that?” charles asked sweetly as he settled between your legs.
he just wanted to hear you moan his name, wanted to see you shaking above him. because of him.
he felt the need to remind you how good he could make you feel. better than pierre could. better than xavier could. better than anyone.
you propped yourself up on your elbows, bottom lip stuck between your teeth as you looked at him between your thighs; nodding your head desperately at his question, growing flustered in anticipation.
“of course she does. the slut would take anything you give her,” pierre smirked, advancing towards the bed, taking a lazy sip from the bottle of champagne while he watched charles spread your legs. “can see how wet you are from here. so fucking needy for us and we’ve barely touched you.” pierre laughed, forcing your eyes onto him.
your cheeks were flushed from the taunt, knowing he wasn’t lying. and seeking refuge in charles was no option; the ferarri driver grinning at his friends words instead of competing against them, his finger tracing up your clothed entrance almost on cue, causing you to moan.
it took you a moment to register charles quite literally ripping your thong to get it out of his way, the flimsy material snapping with ease between his hands as he threw it behind him; your jaw dropping.
charles relieved his attempt of getting the material out of his way didn’t fail, pierre would not let him hear the end of it if it did.
“what the fu━” you were ready to complain, but your words trailed off into a moan as he licked a stripe between your folds, his arms moving to shift around your thighs, tugging you closer towards him which caused you to yelp.
you had no time to recover either, because immediately he had his mouth at work, sucking on your clit as he held you in place; your head falling back.
“oh my god,” you moaned at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, tuning out pierre’s condescending chuckles. the alpha tauri driver watching on, eyes admiring your body.
“feel good baby?” pierre spoke, moving to the side of the bed as he placed the champagne down, taking a seat on the bed next you ━ his hands snaked around your back to find the clasp of your bra. he wanted to enjoy the view properly.
“so good.” you whimpered, nodding your head ━ charles smiling against your cunt as he refused to slow his movements, having craved this for way too long, he got a brief taste of you that one night he had you all to himself, and since then he’s just wanted more.
the perfect way to spend the night after such a convincing win.
pierre had grabbed ahold of the side of your head lightly, turning your face towards him before his lips met yours in a heated kiss. you hummed in appreciation as you kissed back, not failing to notice his hand that came to squeeze your right breast tightly.
charles glanced up at the pair of you, tugging you closer towards him without thinking after watching the pair of you make out for a few moments, nibbling at your sensitive bud ever so lightly, catching you completely off guard and causing you to moan into pierre’s mouth, struggling to kiss back any longer.
“charles oh my god,” you gasped, he wasn’t giving you a second to breathe. there were sure to be small bruises from his fingers holding your thighs, which were attempting to squeeze together ━ no match for his strong hold.
he managed to untangle one arm, moving to slide a finger inside of you quickly while his mouth paid attention to your clit. pierre watching all the mean while, his left hand lazily playing with your boobs; flicking your nipple between his fingers.
your arms were struggling to hold you up, tempted to fall back fully onto your back; but the want to watch charles was the only thing stopping your shaking arms from giving way.
“look at the mess you’re making love,” pierre spoke, noticing your struggles to stay up right, his words in your ear not making it any easier. “been thinking about this a lot?” he asked teasingly, eyes shifting down onto your face.
you only whimpered in response, attempting to keep your head up to look at charles, whose eyes were now looking up at you, stilling his moments. you had whined, not processing why he had stopped, your eyes pleading for him to continue; pierre laughing beside you.
“answer him. use your words ma chérie,” charles spoke huskily, giving your inner thigh a small tap of encouragement.
“gets so stupid the moment you touch her, slut can’t answer a simple question,” pierre commented; never failing to fluster you, all the while you were desperately trying to remember what you were even asked. but with charles breath literally fanning your clit and pierre’s hands roaming your chest it was no use.
“fuck off,” you mumbled out, taking these few moments to try compose yourself, eyes falling down on charles as you ignored pierre’s laughter.
“he asked if you think about this a lot,” charles hummed sympathetically, finger moving in and out of you a few times before stilling again as a motive for you to answer
your breathing was heavy, nodding your head at his words. “yeah,” you confirmed, voice lacking confidence from embarrassment; pierre perking up at your response as if he was surprised.
“of course you do.” pierre grinned, his lips moving to kiss the skin on your chest and neck; roaming aimlessly and lazily. “tell us then, what do you think about?” pierre asked you as you squirmed beneath the pair of them, the light kisses and touches from both of them making it hard to stay still, craving more.
“guys please,” you whined; ignoring pierre’s question, hips bucking up towards charles face ━ just wanting him to touch you again, his tongue, fingers; anything.
to your surprise however you were met with a harsher slap on your inner thigh, causing you to gasp as your eyes darted back down to charles.
“you heard him,” charles grunted, pierre’s smirk growing as the pair of them just waited. wanting to know what you fantasied about.
pierre wanted an ego boost.
charles wanted to know if you thought about him how he did you.
“want you both at the same time,” you admitted, cheeks on fire as you avoided eye contact with the pair of them, eyes settling on the ceiling instead. “one in my mouth while the other fucks me.” your voice was quiet, detailing the thought in your mind for the past two weeks.
charles rewarded your answer by slowly starting to move his finger in and out of you, his tongue even flicking your clit a few times; which had whimpers falling from your lips.
“you want us to use you?” pierre rephrased your answer, his large hand cupping your cheek to tilt your head back towards him. “that’s what you’re trying to say isn’t it pretty girl,” he grinned wickedly.
you almost moaned at the sight, his large hand holding your head in place as your legs shook underneath charles hands, pierre’s eyes practically piercing yours.
once more you could only whimper, nodding in confirmation, a whisper of the word please being heard but long forgotten as charles busied himself once more.
purely to distract you from pierre’s hold. it hadn’t become clear to you yet but charles was struggling when your attention was not on him.
your arms gave way when he added a second finger, back arching off the bed as he resumed his assault on your clit with his mouth, which felt like absolute heaven.
shamelessly close, you were already struggling to form coherent sentences; pierre having opted for watching for now, bottle of champagne back in his hand as he admired the way your body shook.
“i’m close charles, please,” you whined; not even ashamed of how quickly your orgasm was approaching. the teasing those past few moments had you on edge and surprisingly it wasn’t taking much to push you over.
“don’t let her cum.” the dreaded words left pierre’s lips like a natural reflex, and you should’ve expected it considering he did this last time.
you were well aware this man had a thing for edging - he’d denied you of orgasm countless amount of times, so you whined in preparation for the pleasure to be cruelly taken from you.
but this time charles didn’t listen, catching you completely off guard. your body expecting his fingers to retract when instead they curled perfectly inside you. expected his tongue to leave your clit but rather it sped up.
you practically squealed as you came suddenly, body shaking and hips bucking up once more. pierre let out a small groan at the sight and sounds you were making, after having rolled his eyes at charles ignoring him. which he should’ve predicted.
“oh my god charles,” you breathed out, pulling your head up to look at him, chest heaving as your legs shook. you were met with his green eyes, watching as he flashed you a sweet smile, in awe of the view ahead of him.
“i’m not done ma belle,” charles spoke so simply, and it took you a few moments to realise what he meant before his lips were back on your clit, his fingers which had slowed down beginning to speed up again.
pierre eyebrows perked up in interest when he realised what charles was doing, but the scoff that left his lips was audible to both of you. he said nothing though, despite his want to. he could be patient, allow charles to consume all of your attention and praise for now.
you practically flinched when charles tongue returned to flicking your clit, so sensitive from the orgasm you had barley gotten over, your hands gripping onto the sheets beside you.
“i cant, oh my god,” you struggled to speak; hips attempting to push up once again, which charles easily stopped by moving his hand to press on your lower stomach, holding you in place as if it was nothing despite your consistent squirming.
“we’ve barely started love,” pierre chuckled; leaning over to push some hair out of your face, voice holding no sympathy just like charles with his treatment of your cunt. he wasn’t letting up, how could he with the moans leaving your lips and your thighs shaking around him? “keep your eyes open,” he instructed you sweetly as he tilted your chin towards him once more.
he had made it clear that he at least wanted your eyes on him, considering charles wasn’t willing to share anything else.
your jaw dropped as charles curled his fingers inside you, a shaky breath falling from your lips as you tried to keep your eyes on pierre. and attempted to stop your shaking body, to no success however.
“gonna cum all over his fingers again? making such a mess on my sheets and it’s because of another guy.” pierre asked you with a laugh, causing you to whine as he stared down at you intently, grip still tight on your chin.
you could barely comprehend his words again, which he knew. if you weren’t feeling pure ecstasy right now you’d tell him to shut up, try stop him from always running his mouth.
but you loved it, and he knew that too. his taunts, praise, degrading words; whatever he said to you during moments like these had your cheeks on fire and had you becoming a stuttering mess.
simply put it, when it came to sex pierre knew how to please you perfectly, even without touching you.
and charles envied that, in such a short time it was even obvious to him just how well pierre pleased you. how quickly you would submit to him, how a simple whisper in your ear had you a flustered mess.
even while charles was here between your thighs somehow your attention was on pierre? he knew that should be expected with it being a threesome and all, but it seemed the more it happened ━ the more it annoyed him.
“fuck charles,” you moaned, head falling back away from pierre’s grip once more; bringing the ferarri back to reality. reminding him you still very much appreciated his efforts right now. also making him realise how fucking stupid he was.
you were moaning his name yet he was worried about another guy. he had fallen hard, it was almost pathetic. however he let none of that distract him as he quickly guided you to your second orgasm, which hit you hard and quickly; without any warning.
the overstimulation had your eyes rolling back, a string of moans filling the air as you came on charles fingers again.
“fuck you’re hot,” pierre had breathed out quietly you didn’t even hear it; having nothing else to do but watch, having freed his painful hard on a few moments earlier ━ lazily jacking off.
“you’re really good at that,” you spoke quietly through your heavy breaths, eyes falling onto charles for a few moments, your cheeks flushed and hair already a slight mess. eyes watery but no tears had fallen. yet.
charles had grinned at your praise as if you screaming his name wasn’t enough clarification that he was meeting your expectations, finally sitting up straight as he moved to hover over you once more.
“you taste better than the champagne,” charles smiled playfully, before moving to slide his fingers over your lips; which you happily invited in your mouth.
even in your fucked out state, despite having not been fucked yet, you were quick to clean yourself off his fingers; eyes staring up at him as you did.
“good girl,” the coo had left charles naturally, his other hand pushing a few strands of hair that were sticking to your face back; and you felt your stomach twist at the interaction.
the praise, the eye contact, his delicate touch you had just realised you had so dearly missed. not to mention all the while you were sucking his fingers. you were practically mesmerised by him in those few moments.
pierre was growing sick of this. watching yet another intimate moment between the pair of you. this was more than just a charles issue.
last time he thought nothing of it, but now knowing charles had feelings he was noticing the differences in the glances and physical touch you two shared.
“alright, i have a better use for that mouth,” pierre interrupted the pair of you; refraining from any snide comments, breaking you out of your hypnotic like trance as charles pulled his fingers out of your mouth.
your eyes had fallen onto pierre, lighting up at the sight of his hard cock, more than eager to suck him off despite your legs still slightly trembling.
“what was that about both of us at the same time mon amour?” charles asked, sitting back on his knees between your legs; his hands finding your hips as he swiftly turned you on to your stomach.
pierre had moved to sit against the headboard, facing you as you quickly caught on; biting down on your bottom lip as you positioned yourself between pierre’s legs.
you didn’t know what to focus on, charles behind you grabbing your hips to lift your ass up slightly as he further spread your legs, or the view in front of you; pierre smirking down at you as he stroked his hard cock directly in front of your face.
after a moment of trying to compose yourself, which was still no use, you reached to replace pierre’s hand with your own; instead met with his other hand tangling in your hair, tugging your head up and stopping your movements, a wince leaving your lips.
“say please pretty girl.” pierre reminded you, amusement sparkling in his eyes as he stared down at you, holding your head in place. not missing any opportunity to assert his power over you.
your jaw had dropped at his persistence to make you work for things, your eyes rolling ━ considering this was the first time you weren’t on the edge of an orgasm as pierre teased you, meant you were inclined to do the opposite of what he asked.
“do you ever shut up?” you questioned in a huff, bold words considering your compromising position. not oblivious to the sound of charles ridding himself of his belt and pants, his hands returning to your thighs; a chuckle leaving his lips.
“you say that as if you weren’t just screaming charles name for the whole floor to hear.” pierre was quick to snap back, eyebrows raising as he tugged your hair, his favourite way to try keep you in line. “say please.” he repeated, playfulness gone from his tone.
“i’m quite happy for you to just watch charles fuck me.” you hummed, looking up at pierre sweetly; watching as his jaw ticked at your disobedience, he found it amusing however; as if you would be able to deny him much longer.
however it was charles who got through to you, a sharp slap on your ass catching you completely off guard, the moan falling from your lips before you could stop it as you jolted forwards, only inches away from pierre’s dick now but his grip on your head didn’t let you get too close.
“i like listening to you beg,” charles had defensively spoken in reply when you let out a whine at the spank, feeling an irrational sense of betrayal. so now charles decides to side with pierre.
you had to stop yourself from huffing and rolling your eyes, pierre’s cocky smirk only having grown as he looked down at you expectantly.
“don’t know why you always do this,” pierre commented, a deep breath leaving his lips as he stared down at you. “no need to act like you’re not desperate to suck my cock baby, we all know you are.” he teased, tapping the tip of his dick on your cheek for good measure.
charles had rolled his eyes at the pointless reminder that you and pierre had done this many times, unsure as to why pierre always felt the need to bring it up. you however felt as if your whole body was on fire, annoyance, arousal, anticipation. so many things to focus on and enjoy it was just all too much.
“please,” you spoke in a sigh, looking up at him through your lashes, not that you had any choice with the grip he had in your hair. but once more you were snapped out of your thoughts with charles hand making contact with your ass once more.
“you can do better than that,” charles muttered, his low voice alongside the sharp pain that turned into pleasure causing you to flinch slightly as you gasped.
“please, wanna taste you,” you whined, reacting quite quickly to charles comment; despite your eyes being up and on pierre. who for once actually felt a bit disheartened that you’d beg because charles said so, not himself. he didn’t let it show though. not when you were looking up at him with pleading eyes while his dick twitched in his hand. “please pierre, just want you in my mouth. down my throat.” you squeaked out after feeling charles run his tip through your folds.
he couldn’t deny you any longer, releasing the grip in your hair without another word. you felt relieved, hand immediately reaching to wrap around him; jacking him off a few times before moving your tongue to the base of his dick, licking a long stripe up to the top.
you didn’t miss pierre’s head fall back as you licked up the pre-cum that had leaked over his tip, before taking him in your mouth; hollowing your cheeks as you were quick to try impress, taking as much of him as you could right off the bat.
“there you go baby,” pierre spoke in encouragement, watching you in awe; the view of your ass perfectly placed in front of him as charles lined up at your entrance, he too having grown hard just from bringing you to your back to back orgasms.
you moaned around him when charles thrusted inside of you, his hands holding your hips up as he did so, his groan mixing with pierre’s and the sounds the pair of them were making had your head spinning.
“pussy feels like it was fucking made for me ma belle,” charles grunted out as he stilled inside you; allowing you to get used to his size for a moment. which you needed in all honesty.
your moan from his words was muffled as you bobbed your head up and down pierre’s dick slowly, tongue swirling expertly but your pace lacking as you focused on the full feeling, hips soon wiggling to try entice charles to start moving.
“already came twice and still greedy for more,” pierre noted, speaking through heavy breaths as you sucked him off, your eyes fluttering to look up at him. “such a whore for us,” pierre cooed, his tone not matching his words as he took your hair into a makeshift ponytail with his hand so it didn’t get in your way.
“cause she knows no one can fuck her better,” charles had chimed in as he began to thrust in and out of you. hard. causing you to struggle to stay consistent with pierre’s dick in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat every few moments.
pierre had mercy for a few moments, pulling you off his cock as your hand quickly replaced your mouth, pumping his length quickly as the moans stumbled from your lips.
“fuck yes,” you were quick to moan in agreement and appreciation, eyes rolling back as charles fucked you, the angle allowing for him to hit spots that you weren’t expecting. coming off two orgasms, it shouldn’t be surprising it was already feeling incredible.
you didn’t want to disappoint however, managing your focus enough to take pierre back in your mouth; which had him moaning once more, always admiring your determination to please. and the feeling of you moaning around his dick every time charles hit that certain spot inside of you had him practically groaning in response.
“mouth feels like fuckin’ heaven,” pierre commented, his hand pushing your head down just that little bit further to enjoy the feeling of you deep throating him, and you had no complaints, despite gagging around him momentarily, the action had you clenching around charles.
“she likes that.” charles commented with a grunt, hand giving your ass a squeeze as he pounded into you, your walls tightening around his cock only causing him to fasten up, bringing your hips back into him with ease.
you couldn’t hear pierre chuckle, too lost in your own pleasure as you took the alpha tauri’s driver cock down your throat over and over again. body moving with every thrust charles made, he was fucking you stupid and you were loving it.
“mhm, feels so good,” you whimpered out pathetically when pierre pulled you off his dick again, the driver being considerate of your need to breathe as you moaned and gagged around him moments earlier. your hand replacing your mouth once more, not wanting pierre to miss out.
your free hand was gripping onto pierre’s thigh, nails digging into the skin as charles fucked you, your third orgasm approaching way too quickly. you’d feel ashamed with how quick you were cumming but charles telling you he was about to cum made those worries disappear.
charles knew you were about to finish as well, his hand snaking around your waist and finding your sensitive clit instantly, a few circles with his fingers and your high reached you suddenly, cumming on his dick before even realising it was happening; screaming his name all the while.
it was enough to make charles cum, your walls tightening around him once more had him hitting his orgasm with a groan, cumming partially inside you and on the inside of your thighs.
“fuck princess,” charles grunted, dropping your hips. you could only moan in response, watery eyes looking up at pierre, hand still working his cock; even putting the effort to drag your thumb over his tip despite your body feeling as if you’d just done a marathon.
“fuck you look so good like this,” pierre breathed, dick twitching in your hand as his hand wiped a couple of tears that has escaped your eyes, alongside the spit that had gathered at the corner of your mouth. “you think you got one more in you? i wanna ruin that pretty cunt of yours as well.” pierre asked, having to bite down on the inside of his cheek.
he could cum in your hand right now in all honesty, but he wanted to fuck you. for selfish reasons. and other reasons.
you nodded weakly, looking up at him eagerly. “you gotta give me a moment though,” you spoke with a breathless laugh, hand still moving up and down as you heard charles chuckle from behind you, proud he has fired you out.
his hands were casually massaging your shaking thighs, which you were silently appreciating. still coming down from your high ━ pierre nodded, in no way wanting to rush you. “whenever your ready. could have you like this all day.” pierre smirked, watching as charles stood up off the bed and walked around to grab the bottle of champagne.
“makes two of us.” charles agreed, causing your eyes to shift to him and where he now stood, having a perfect view of your face now. you smiled lazily at him, admiring the post sex glow quite clearly tracing his face. it almost made you wish you could’ve been watching him while he fucked you. but pierre was no view to complain about.
charles had took a swing of the bottle, before holding it out to you. you nodded, a grin breaking out on your face as charles leant over to hold the bottle above your lips, your mouth opening as he poured a bit of liquid. all the while you were still wanking pierre off, lazily however so he wouldn’t cum until he was inside of you.
“so good for us.” charles grinned before retracting the bottle from your mouth, offering some to pierre who had declined; making some comment about how he had enough when charles was hogging you for himself.
“best for last.” you had jokingly replied to pierre’s snide comment, your tired giggle making it clear you were joking, which wouldn’t have meant anything to charles until you also sent him a reassuring smile, sitting up and moving to straddle pierre.
charles had moved to the other side of the bed, taking a seat on the edge with the champagne in hand, thinking he’d be content in watching now that he’d already brought you to three toe curling orgasms.
“i want you to face charles love,” pierre spoke in the middle of your movements, a moment of confusion spreading across your face but you quickly caught on, managing to turn around; reverse cowgirl it was.
as if your legs were going to hold up for this.
“i don’t think━” you had started to speak, but as if he was reading your mind pierre interrupted.
“i got you baby don’t worry. i’ll do all the work,” he chuckled; hands grabbing your hips and moving you to hover over him, lowering you onto his length slowly, and with ease due to your arousal from before.
your head fell back onto his shoulder immediately, jaw dropping as he filled you up; whimpering when he bottomed out. “oh fuck pierre,” you mumbled, your hand reaching back and tangling in his hair.
pierre tried not to lose himself in the feeling of you, knowing he had other things to focus on. so while his hands began to guide your hips up and down, his attention remained on you and how you were reacting.
“need you to look at charles for me love,” he had repeated, breathing heavily through his words. you whined at the request, lacking control over your body but managing to do so anyways, dragging your head up to meet the monegasque driver, who was watching intently.
charles face was stoic, watching as you rode pierre’s dick he quickly realised he’d have to act as if this wasn’t bothering him, but he has figured out the moment you moaned pierre’s name that it was. which only annoyed him further, because he knew it shouldn’t.
“gotta make the most of this love; cause this may be the last time i fuck you,” pierre grunted, voice in your ear as you bounced on his dick, you were barely able to make sense of his words. “don’t think charles is a fan of sharing.”
“what?” you spoke through a moan, unsure of what he was saying as you tried to comprehend, but when he brought your hips down just that little bit harder you were easily distracted from your confusion. charles however had heard pierre loud and clear, his eyes narrowing into a glare on the french driver.
what the fuck was pierre doing?
“look at him.” pierre breathed in your ear, lifting your hips up and down as if it was nothing, your eyes struggling to focus on charles, but you so desperately wanted to do as pierre said. “he can’t stand this right now, that i’m inside you and he’s not.” pierre explained, his hips lifting unexpectedly, your body shaking in response.
“pierre,” charles warned; jaw clenched as his grip on the bottle tightened, his hand practically white. it was taking a lot of him to not rudely pull you off of him. but now with pierre blatantly calling him out, he didn’t know how to react.
“shut up pierre,” you whimpered, unable to tell if he was being serious or not. if you weren’t so tired and drained you’d be able to understand what was going on, but trying to read the situation while pierre moved you up and down on his dick was no use.
“i know how stupid you get when i fuck you ma belle but it’s obvious,” pierre smirked, having to stop speaking as he moaned at the feeling of you around him, his hands giving your hips a squeeze. “don’t tell me you haven’t noticed his jealousy these past few days?” pierre spoke.
you were starting to realise pierre was being serious, and a part of you wanted to give whatever was going on your full attention, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop, in no position to climb off of pierre.
“pierre.” charles repeated - voice both fearful and threatening, causing your eyes to fall onto charles once more, moaning as you tried to gather your thoughts.
charles being jealous? last time pierre would be fucking you? he didn’t want to share? he being charles… not pierre?
“neither of you… oh my god,” you cut yourself off with a moan; tugging on pierre’s hair lightly. “neither… of you, have any reason to be jealous.” you got your words out, a whimper being quick to follow.
pierre’s lips had attached to your neck, chuckling against your skin as he fucked you. “see mate? you’ve got nothing to worry about.” pierre grinned, eyes moving up onto charles, who was glaring daggers at him.
charles felt as if he was frozen on the bed, never had he felt so many conflicting emotions and feelings. he was hard again from your moans and the sight of your naked body, he was terrified of what would happen when you properly process everything pierre had just said, and he was incredibly angry pierre had exposed him. while he was fucking you.
“what the fuck are you talking about?” you spoke, body and mind in two different places. because while you were annoyed that you were quite clearly missing something here, it didn’t stop your head from taking its place back on pierre’s shoulder.
charles felt his stomach drop at your question, and he seriously felt as if he was going to throw up at the smile pierre flashed him moments later.
“charles wants more. wants you all for himself.” pierre revealed, timing it perfectly as one hand left your hip and moved to your clit, fingers rubbing circles quickly as he snapped his hips up into yours roughly.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the confession but once again you were quickly distracted by pleasure, body jerking as your sensitive clit got more attention; a louder moan falling from your lips.
charles watched as you quickly came on pierre’s dick, moaning his name all the while; he wasn’t sure how long it was before pierre came because it felt as if time froze.
he was spending all that time trying to prepare for what’s to come, to explain himself; try come up with an excuse even. to somehow get around the fact that he had caught feelings. which seemed impossible now thanks to his so called best friend.
maybe running out of the room was the best option.
you had slid off pierre’s dick, now in between his legs and attempting to catch your breath. your body was tired, and if it weren’t for pierre’s lingering words you’d be in a heap right now.
for the first time ever there was an awkward silence amongst the three of you, which gave you the perfect opportunity to try figure out what was going on.
charles wanted you all to himself, he was jealous these past few days, last time pierre would be fucking you, something about not wanting to share?
you finally connected the dots, eyes darting up to charles as you did so. and he read you perfectly, dread washing over him once he knew you knew. so he was quick to stand up, in no mood for rejection. he wouldn’t allow this night to be ruined, not after a win like todays.
“charles,” you were quick to speak up in an attempt to stop him, voice desperate as you tried to reach out for him. you missed miserably, whimpering as your sore legs couldn’t make any quick movements.
he stopped however, a sigh leaving his lips as he faced you; resisting the urge to cringe. he didn’t want to talk about this.
“it’s fine y/n, we don’t need to talk about it.” he rushed out, failing to mask the disappointment on his face. your face reading confusion and sympathy, the last thing charles wanted right now.
“what if i want to?” you were quick to question, your hand managing to grasp his wrist; which you had tried to do when he first stood up. “please,” you quickly added when you noted the doubt in his eyes, your fingers swiftly moving to his; intertwining yours with his in an attempt to sway him to stay.
it was charles now who was confused, only having prepared for rejection; and still anticipating it, this was not how he expected you to react. pierre however, was in no way surprised.
“i’m going to let you two talk.” pierre announced, swinging his legs aside and standing up off the bed, a proud smirk on his face. “and no bullshitting. it’s quite clear what is going on here.” pierre hummed, approaching the pair of you before he pressed a kiss to your cheek, then flashing charles an apologetic smile.
you were still confused, yet felt grateful pierre had left; because whatever he had implied should be talked about privately. well that’s the way it seemed from your assumptions.
“look i can just go, we can pretend this never happened━” charles began to speak after a few more moments of awkward silence once pierre had left, his grip of your hand loosening.
“no.” you quickly interrupted, shaking your head and tightening your grasp on his hand. “i’m just… confused that’s all.” you tried to explain, tongue grazing over the front of your teeth. “i don’t know how i feel.” you admitted honestly, eyes having not left him.
you instantly noticed the slight disappointment flash across his features, which he recovered from quickly yet he couldn’t stop the sigh that had left his lips. that slight hope maybe you felt the same way was fading more and more by the second.
“i can handle rejection.” charles spoke flatly, a pathetic laugh leaving his lips afterwards, as if that would help soften the blow; his free hand rubbing the back of his neck. his words had you rolling your eyes, your hand tugging his to bring him back onto the bed.
“what i do know,” you continued; narrowing your eyes as if to tell him to let you speak. “is that i was too afraid to sleep with you again due to the prospect of catching feelings,” you explained sheepishly, causing his eyebrows to raise.
“only took me two times,” he mumbled ━ causing you to chuckle, your eyes still trying to read his features, which was easier now that he was sitting on the bed ahead of you.
“and the idea of… having you to myself,” you mocked pierre’s words from before, trying to think as you spoke. because it was as the conversation went on that you kept realising things. “doesn’t sound too bad,” you admitted, swallowing back the lump in your throat that would give away your nerves.
charles face lit up subtlety, his eyes searching yours for any hint of playfulness or a give away that you were joking. “oh really now?” charles spoke in confirmation, trying to fight back the smile on his face.
you couldn’t hold the smile back however, nodding at his question; shifting towards him slightly. “mhm,” you confirmed with a small grin; which caused his smile to finally grace his lips. “as long as you first elaborate on a few things pierre said.” you mentioned, your fingers still intertwined you gave his hand yet another squeeze, one of reassurance.
“xavier made me realise a few things,” charles put it simply as he shrugged. “pierre caught on quickly too.” he added, rolling his eyes. pierre. he wasn’t letting him get away with this no matter how this turns out.
the mention of xavier surprised you, despite connecting the dots you hadn’t realised xavier had anything to do with it. but then it made even more sense, charles randomly telling him you were with pierre; the way he acted towards him saturday night.
“xavier?” you giggled, shaking your head as charles nodded in confirmation. “he is nothing but a friend.” you clarified, confused on how he could think it would be more.
“he certainly doesn’t think so.” charles hummed knowingly, causing you to try think if he was right. but you’d never looked at him that way.
“i’ve never noticed.” you replied truthfully, pursing your lips as you slowly became aware of your own feelings. how did you not notice charles jealousy towards xavier? how did you not notice xavier’s feelings for you?
because you only ever focused on charles. it’s always been charles.
“how? it’s obvious,” charles laughed; resisting the urge to scoff. it’d be hypocritical of him to critique xavier when he himself couldn’t hide his feelings either.
“i only really look at you that way,” you admitted quietly and simply, almost speaking to yourself as well as charles, his laughter dying out as he realised what you meant, a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
“well that’s good to hear.” he breathed out light heartedly, causing you to laugh. it was then the two of you fell back into silence, but this time ━ it was a comfortable one. giving the pair of you much needed time to process what was going on.
you had learned a lot these past few minutes, yet even in your tired state you felt no doubt.
“how about i just give you time to think this all over? i don’t want you feeling obligated, or making any rushed…” charles began to ramble. while you were coming to terms with your feelings, he had been overthinking. this was all too sudden and out of nowhere. plus your tired eyes made him feel guilty for having this conversation right now.
it took you a few moments to realise he was falling back into doubt, but once you did you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
you didn’t have any hesitation however in cutting him off, leaning forward to press your lips to his in a kiss. not a lust driven one, not an eager one; but a soft yet passionate one.
he was surprised, yet quickly came to his senses, hand moving to cup your cheek gently as his lips moved against yours slowly; his last few doubts vanishing as he slowly pulled away, yet kept your head close to his.
“i could get used to that,” you mumbled softly, your hand moving to brush through his hair, charles humming out in both agreement and appreciation, a soft smile breaking on his features.
“me too.”
a/n: i suck at endings and fluff but here u go i really hope it lived up to expectations cause the love on part one was insane, ty to everyone for being so kind wtf it really means a lot <333
i need to proof read again so ignore any errors lol and et me know what u think !!
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Shipping Skadi?
Didi Didi Didi Didi Didi Didi Didi!
Skadi x Doctor is my first choice for this one. Her profile makes it pretty clear she's got a bit of a thing for Doc: her trust 200 profile entry suggests that the Doctor should be in charge of her and take care of her needs if you know what I mean and the person recording it seems to have used the Doctor's name as a way to get Skadi to open up, while a number of her talk lines can read as pretty shippy. Those talk lines involve her going from telling Doctor to stay away from her (out of fear for their safety, she admits this directly in the very first talk line on her list) to offering to let them touch her hair, which the Doctor apparently thinks is "long and beautiful". She describes misfortune befalling the Doctor as "trouble for [her] too". She encourages the Doctor to buy her a drink, offers to take them to see her home someday, and swears to defend them with all her might.
"Kind, compassionate, person with limited comparative aptitude in combat melts the heart of stoic, badass, violent lone wolf warrior" is hardly a new romantic storyline by any means, but I find the way at least partially reverses the typical gender roles in such a tale (and reverses them entirely if you view the Doctor as male) by making the tough ultraviolent badass a woman and the softer, kinder partner potentially a man. I like this type of dynamic a lot, probably because I think women who could kick my ass are hot. The only problem is that Skadi needs to be very careful to keep from breaking poor Doc in the bedroom.
Skadi x Specter: While this one apparently gets elaborated on a bit in later events, I think what we've gotten in the global release is already quite compelling. Skadi has demonstrated a willingness to go to great lengths for Specter's sake multiple times (her actions in Grani and the Knights' Treasure, chasing after Specter and Gladiia in Under Tides) and one of her talk lines specifically has her request that the Doctor help Specter. Also, sane Specter is a little brat who needs to get railed, and is also probably one of the few beings on Terra who has the Outstanding durability needed to withstand the force of "Unquantifiable Superstrength" Skadi's mighty hips.
Skadi x Specter x Gladiia: Similar to the above, except now Specter has reinforcements in the form of a swordfish MILF, which means Skadi is the one getting bullied now.
Skadi x Specter x Gladiia x Doctor: Three jocks (one of whom is also a nerd) ganging up on a poor helpless ("helpless", Doc has plenty of ways of potentially turning the tables through their cunning and allies) landlubber nerd, yes please! Not even (too much of a) crackship since all three of the Abyssal Hunters have lines that can be read as shippy with Doc, though Gladiia hides ("hides") it under a generally unpleasant and standoffish demeanor. The trio is very careful with their fragile little brainiac surface-dwelling (male)wife and think it's adorable that Doc needs their protection, though Gladiia will usually scoff at the idea and will only admit its truth deep within her heart of hearts.
Skadi x Specter x Gladiia x Adreanna: Adreanna can have three hot underwater girlfriends. As a treat.
As for the crackships/friendships, I think matching Skadi up with any of Rhodes Island's sweethearts (the kind, friendly characters without a mean bone in their bodies - think Bagpipe, Grani, Saileach, Exusiai, etc.) creates a funny and interesting dynamic as Skadi tries desperately not to become attached to someone who is just determined to be friends with her (and everyone else). Grani gets special mention here because they have an established dynamic from Grani's event.
I could also see Skadi sharing drinks with Schwarz, Blaze, and the other operators known to frequent Rhodes Island's bar. We know from Schwarz's profile that she can sometimes be seen "accompanying mercenaries and bounty hunters at the bar", and Blaze is obviously a heavy drinker and a heavy fighter. While they may not quite be on Skadi's level by any means, they're still elite combatants by Terran standards, and I think Skadi would respect that.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat
request: request. i’m not sure if you’re comfortable with writing it but it’s worth a try the team is always teasing spencer saying “he’s definitely a virgin” and he’s like “wtf no i’m not” one day they’re like ok well then y/n can see for herself, y/n is like “😳i didn’t sign up for this” and long story short they come back to the bau and the team is like “ ok soooo?” and y/n is like zoning out mumbling “you were wrong”
Warnings: SMUT (Penetration, oral (female recieving), spanking, over-stimulation, choking, degrading kink)
A/N: YO SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN, I am going to start publishing fics again, but updates will be very very slow. They’ll increase eventually, but for now, they are slow. Love you all!
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The night began at work. A late night with the team at the office, stacks of files mounted on all of your desks and you’re all gathered around to keep each other awake.
“Ugh. This is too much work. Seriously. Can’t killers ever take a break?”
You whine, spinning in the swivel chair and holding a file in the air. Morgan chuckles, staring at his own file before speaking.
“I need a drink after this.”
“You and me both Morgs.”
“I told you to stop calling me that Girly.”
You chuckle, stopping your spinning and standing up to stretch. It feels nearly impossible to stay awake. Not necessarily because you’re tired, but you’ve been staring at similar files all day and it’s getting boring and tiring.
 “I’ll do refills on coffee. Gimme your mugs.”
You say, letting them pile different sizes of cups and mugs in your arms. You saunter over to the coffee machine and set them on the counter.
You set the pot for a lot of coffee and quickly dash to Hotch’s office, where him and Rossi are.
“Yo, I’m making coffee, y’all need refills?”
They shake their heads and you shrug, returning to the coffee machine and pouring the coffee in the mugs before adding cream and sugar.
“How much sugar tonight Reid?”
You ask, turning to the tall doctor with a smirk. Luckily, you and your team are the only people left in the bullpen so you can be as loud as you want.
“A lot.”
You snort, grabbing the box of sugar and piling it in, almost emptying it before putting it on the shelf and making a few trips to distribute the coffee.
“Here you are Spencer, sugar with some coffee on the side.”
You chuckle, sitting in your chair again and picking a new file up, only to find that this was the last file.
“Oh. Anyone else wanna give me files? I’m on my last one.”
Morgan and Emily immediately run up to you with files, dropping them on your desk and thanking you. It made you laugh, watching smiles grown on their faces.
“Okay team. We’re almost finished. Just a little bit more now.”
A few hours later you, Spencer, Rossi, and Hotch are finished with your stacks, waiting for the other three with Penelope, discussing bars to go to.
“Oooo there’s a new one downtown, we should go there.”
“Can you guys hold back your alcohol talk until tonight please? I just wanna get out of here fast and maybe get lucky tonight.”
Emily pleads, making you and the other women go “oooo” while the men groan.
“Oh boy you are right Em. I haven’t gotten laid in so long. Too long.”
You say, leaning back in your chair and looking at a flabbergasted Penelope.
“How long?”
She asks, staring at you in disbelief. You were a very beautiful woman (Don’t you fucking dare say otherwise) so people often assumed you had sex often. You weren’t private about it either. So what if people judged you? Sex is natural and anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
“Since my first time in middle school. I had a delusion that sex was gonna be this amazing thing and then it was actually terrible. I gave up all hope and never slept with anyone ever again. So you know, it is what it is.”
Everyone looked at you in shock, confused as to how you went your whole life without sex.
“Wait really?”
Morgan questions, his attention dropping from the files to you in an instant. Spencer simply stared at you in disbelief, his expression suddenly making you nervous.
“Y-yeah. I haven't had sex since middle school. It isn’t a big deal.”
You defend, but Penelope wraps an arm around you, pulling you close.
“Oh honey I’m definitely finding you someone to take home.”
“Hey, at least you had your first time, unlike pretty boy over here.”
Morgan teases, messing with Spencer’s hair. Spencer was often teased for being a virgin, but none of you knew what to believe. He said he wasn’t, but refused to tell even Morgan about any of his times.
“How many times do I have to tell you guys, I’m not a virgin!”
“Then tell us about one time.”
Morgan says, a wide smirk on his face at the disheveled state of the genius doctor. Poor Reid just wanted to be left alone but Morgan will not let this go.
“Morgan. Not all of us are public about our sex lives like you bud. Sometimes I wish you were as secretive as Reid. None of us want to hear about how you “got it on”.”
Morgan grimaces, and Spencer looks to you thankfully. 
“C’mon Y/N, you aren’t even a little curious?”
Emily asks from her desk, finally finishing up the last file with JJ. You shrug, playing with your hair briefly.
“Of course I’m super curious, but, unlike you lust goblins, I stand with Hotch and Rossi and don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
Various groans come from the team as you fist-bump Hotch and Rossi, laughing at their defeat.
When Morgan finally finishes, you all head to the new bar downtown, smiling at the flashing lights of the dance floor and immediately going to a small table with the rest of the team.
“Oh hells yes! This place is already fun!”
Penelope squeals, waving a worker over to get food. Morgan sits next to you, Emily on your other side and Spencer is next to Morgan and Hotch. 
“Alright my baby’s we are partying until Y/N gets lucky!”
You chuckle at Penelope’s words, raising a glass of water to your lips and taking a big swig of it before looking around. The people in there were definitely attractive, but your mind never swayed from a certain genius.
You meant it when you said you were curious, your mind had always wandered to certain images when you went to sleep, constantly imagining what he would be like.
You’re mind was so easily destroyed by him. All of your thoughts contorted by him. To the point where you can’t imagine sleeping with any of these other people, but you’re scared to ruin your friendship with him by trying to sleep with him.
“Ah guys. I’m fine. I don’t want to sleep with someone I don’t know.”
Morgan groans, nudging your side and making you laugh.
A few hours later, Spencer has abandoned ship and went to the bathroom, leaving you alone with the rest of the team as you eat some wings.
“Oh my god I know how to figure out if Reid’s a virgin or not!”
Penelope shouts, you look at her excited face, just smirking as she squeals.
“And what is your plan?”
“One of us hooks up with him!”
You all choke on your food and drinks, staring at her in shock.
“I’m sorry what? Did you just say-”
“Actually that’s not a bad idea.”
Hotch cuts you off. You turn to his smirking face in shock. Never in a million years would you have thought that Aaron Hotchner thought one of you sleeping with Reid is a good idea.
“Hotch! Wouldn’t that like, mess with work or something?”
He shrugs, turning to you and smirking.
“What can I say? I’m curious too.”
You sigh, chuckling a bit and shaking your head.
“I say Y/N does it.”
“Yeah! Y/N is single and hasn’t gotten laid in a while, it’s perfect!”
“Guys no I-”
“Oh my god you’re right! Plus there’s plenty of sexual tension between the two of them.”
You sigh, knowing they won’t let up until this happens. When the team wants something, they make it happen.
“Okay guys, I didn’t sign up for this, I’m not your test dummy.”
You say, putting your wings down on the plate in front of you and looking around at them all.
“Please girly? Pretty please?”
Morgan begs, clutching your hand tightly and shaking it up and down like a child who wants a toy.
“Y/N, I will make sure you get a raise in your paycheck.”
You stop and think about it for a second.
It could ruin your relationship with him forever, then again, he’s the type to forgive and forget when it comes to his friends.
And if it did work out, then things could be awkward between the two of you for a long time, or worse, he’d regret it. And like all the things he regrets, he’d ignore you until you disappeared.
And the worst you can think of, you take his virginity. Not someone he loves, not his girlfriend or wife, you. His bestfriend and co-worker. 
But still, just that small percentage that everything might go completely right and you might even get a second time with him makes it feels like it might be worth it.
“Okay fine. But I don’t want a raise. If I’m doing this it’s because I want to.”
They all cheer and you just smile, taking a swig of beer before motioning for Morgan to switch seats with you so that when Spencer comes back he’ll be next to you.
Within a few minutes Spencer returns and you feel a heat travel up your neck as you look at him. He turned to you and smiled, sending shivers up your spine as you smiled back.
“Why’d you switch places?”
He asks, you turn to Morgan for help, pleading him to come up with a fake story.
“Emily kept poking her so she told me to switch.”
He says, you practically glare daggers at him, but you go with it, turning back to Spencer and nodding with a smile.
“Yep, so now, you are stuck with me.”
You joke, trying to ease the dusty pink on your cheeks, and nudge him gently in the arm.
In a few minutes you muster up the courage to let your hand travel off of the counter and onto Spencer’s thigh, feeling your entire face go crimson at the feeling of the hard muscle.
He choked on his water briefly before looking at you, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of your red face. You were trying to hide any emotion you felt out of embarrassment. 
He didn’t say anything though, you’re hand felt warm against the cool breeze of the bar, and he wasn’t opposed to your touch whatsoever.
Everyone continued talking and laughing as your hand inched upwards, and you could feel his body tense up every once in a while, and every time he did, you paused, giving him a moment to push your hand away or tell you to stop, but he didn’t. Not even when you began massaging and squeezing the muscle in your hands.
In fact, he at some point grabbed your hand and positioned it right above his own cock. You weren’t touching it yet, just hovering in slight fear.
He wants this.
You thought before slowly lowering your hand, your eyes widening at the feeling of his semi hard and fairly large cock. What the hell were you getting yourself into?
You glance at him quickly, only to find him staring straight back at you with lust lidded eyes. They were intimidating, almost scary. Usually you would have hated to be on the receiving end of this glare, but in this context, it made you feel like a match had been lit inside of you and you were just left there with a lit match inside of you.
The moment you squeezed your hands just slightly, he abruptly stood up, your hand falling from his crotch. Everyone looks at him in shock as he yanks you up.
“I need to talk to you.”
Is all he says before dragging you away. You only had a split second to turn and see the teams faces, but they were all pretty much the same. 
A shit eating smile with wiggling eyebrows.
From the moment you were yanked into the private room with Spencer, you were super nervous. It had been years, you were inexperienced. What if he didn’t like it? What if he left because you were bad at it?
He seemed to notice your panicked state and sat you down on the bed, crouching in front of you and taking your hands in his.
“Hey, we don’t have to do this. As much as I would love to prove to you that I really am not a virgin, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. But if you say yes, I will pillage your body to the point that you can’t walk next week.”
Well shit, now you were fully convinced and super turned on. You had thought he was vanilla, or maybe even a bottom, but oh wow you were so wrong.
“Do it.”
Those were the only two words needed for Spencer Reid to pounce, and your plane of vision was knocked over, now laying on your back as he traps you under his body. 
His lips are everywhere. They’re on yours at first, but they travel to your jaw, your neck, and his lengthy fingers work at the buttons on your dress shirt rapidly. 
“Shit Spencer...”
You whine out as he works his hands across your body. They feel like fire against your skin. His lips are wet and messy, kissing and marking your neck for the world to see.
You grip his shirt, tugging at it and opening your mouth to speak, but a moan slips out instead. You shut your eyes in embarrassment as you feel his lips curl upwards on your collarbone, the suckling feeling feeling so warm and tingly.
“What is it baby? You want me to take my shirt off? huh?”
You nod eagerly, chest rising and falling quickly as he raises his body off of yours, and you open your heavy eyes to see him strip off his shirt. He isn’t muscly, but he’s perfect, he looks perfect.
“What do you want baby?”
You stumble over your words, your mind already fuzzy somehow by just his lips.
“You. I want you. Please Spencer I want you.”
 You beg, your hands travelling up his torso and feeling his soft skin. He leans down again, towering over you and smashing his lips on your while his hands work on getting your pants off.
His lips were safe, careful. Not aggressive, and his tongue that tasted the inside of your mouth was warm and loving, savoring your taste as you whined into his.
He was smiling so widely against your skin, his pride booming at the way you reacted to his touch. He never once thought he could get you to react like this.
“You just wanted to see if I was a virgin huh? You curious?”
You nod and shake your head, confused on why you were doing this as well. You wanted this so much it almost hurt, you’ve wanted this since day one. You were also really curious as well though.
“You know what they say.”
He leans into your ear, kissing your neck and biting your ear.
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
You felt his fingers rub at your clothed pussy, your black cloth panties preventing him from fucking you with his fingers. His fingers rub against your clit, the cotton creating friction on it as well.
 “Please Spencer! Please please please!”
You beg, feeling his breath land on your cold skin in a way that felt so raw and rigid. He tugs at your panties, freeing your cunt as a finger rubs against your clit, the bundle of nerves jolting you up.
A loud moan escapes your lips as he continues circling your clit with his long fingers, His lips kissing your open ones.
Two fingers probe into you, scissoring themselves inside of you. You groan into his mouth as they curl upwards into your wet cunt.
He moves his head between your thighs, licking a wet stripe up your clit, flicking it around as you moan at the sensitive feeling. It feels like electricity lighting up the sensitive nub.
A pressure builds between your legs, a spring coiling in your stomach as he suckles on your clit, fucking you fast with his fingers.
“Spencer! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it.”
It hits you like a fiery clap of thunder, the feeling so extreme and hot it almost makes you scream and you can only hope no one heard you over the music outside.
Your breathing is labored as your high dies down, but Spencer doesn’t let up, he flips you over onto your stomach, dragging you to your knees by your hips. 
You get cut off by your own moan of pain, the tip of his cock slowly being pressed into your tight and wet cunt.
“It’ll get better baby, I’ll go slow, I promise. Just tell me when you want me to go, and when you want me to stop. Okay?”
You nod against the pillow under your face, tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes. A hand lands on your ass, making you yelp at the rough feeling.
“Words baby.”
You moan, palming the sheets with your fists as he pulls out completely, leaving you to feel empty.
“Okay! Please Spencer! Please I need you!”
You could practically feel his pride rolling off of him as he pushes into your sex slowly, filling you up fully. 
It’s a stinging feeling, as if you were being torn apart. But he waits, he let’s you adjust to his girthy size before moving. He really was gentle. You hadn’t expected him to be rough exactly, but he was shockingly gentle and patient.
Eventually, you got used to the feeling, it felt so satisfying as well. The feeling of being so full and warm was so pleasuring, it sent little jolts of pleasure up your spine and out your mouth, making Spencer smirk.
“You’re so tight for me. You so curious you let me fuck you huh? So eager?”
You nod, burying your face into the pillows. You want him to move, to fuck you until you break, but words won’t come out, so you move your hips forwards, letting part of him slip out of you before moving him back into your dripping cunt.
A loud groan escapes both of your lips at the feeling, his hand lands on your ass again, reddening it before taking the hint and thrusting into you carefully.
“Oh... Holy crap!”
You moan out as he continues to clench your hips, surely leaving bruises tomorrow. His thrusts remained slow and deep, but it felt just right. He let his hands wander, travelling up and down your body.
His fingers find your bra, unclipping it and letting it fall off. Your breasts move to the rhythm of his thrusts.
“Faster... Please Spencer faster!”
“What’s that my little slut? You want more? You gonna be a greedy little slut?”
You could feel your cheeks become a dark crimson color, slightly embarrassed at the degrading language he was using, but you nod nonetheless, wanting him to pound into you shamelessly.
“Very well. What a dirty slut wants, she gets.”
His pace quickens suddenly, each thrust into you sharp and hitting into you just right. Loud moans escape both yours and Spencer’s lips, the room becoming sweaty and sticky quickly.
“This want you want you whore? You just want to be fucked like a cheap whore?”
Pointless babbles fall out of your mouth, quiet “Yes” and “I’m your cheap whore” being mumbled as he pounded into from behind. 
A gasp escapes your lips as he lands another smack to your ass, leaving a burning sensation that felt so damn pleasurable after the initial sting.
A familiar pressure builds up between your thighs again, Your legs trembling under the Thunderous feeling of your orgasm washing over your entire body.
You had thought that two orgasms would have been enough for him, but he doesn’t let up, even flipping you back over and thrusting into you harder. 
You gasp and squirm as his fingers find your sensitive and swollen clit, pinching and rubbing it with his thumb and index finger. It felt like a wave of nerves jolting every bone, your back arching off of the cushion underneath you.
He continues pounding into you mercilessly, admiring the way your tits bounce at his pace, the way you so desperately panted for mercy, but your body betrayed you.
If you really wanted him to get off of you, you would have made it much more clear, you would have been pushing him off more, but you were more just clutching him closer than anything, wriggling your body around.
You couldn’t form any words at this point, chasing after your third orgasm endlessly. You manage to spot the hand that isn’t abusing your clit snake its way up your body, playing and pinching your nipples briefly before wrapping itself around your neck. 
Soft squeezes are delivered to your throat, making you whimper and whine, your own hands reaching his wrist for support, feeling up the vein-y muscles.
“Spencer! Spencer I’m gonna... I’m gonna cum!”
You whimper out, his hand tightens around your throat and his fingers rub your clit faster and harder, abusing the already raw nerves. 
Everything felt so overwhelming. Your body was shaking aggressively each time he rubbed your swollen nub, and the feeling of him pounding into your wet cunt repeatedly slamming your sweet spot mercilessly and choking you out at the same time was so raw and powerful. 
It felt unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. And with a broken moan, you came all over his cock, clenching around him and pushing him over the edge as well. 
He came right inside of you, riding out his high while slowing the rubs delivered to your clit. Your insides were twitching like crazy around his sensitive cock, making him groan while watching your entire body shake.
Soon after you both came, he pulled out, letting his cum drip out of you and onto the bed, pulling your body to sit up.
“Well, did I pass your test?”
You lazily nod at his question. You panted heavily, trying to chase after your breath.
“Holy shit Spencer... That was... Wow.”
He chuckled, grabbing your clothes off of the floor and placing them next to you.
“Need help cleaning up?”
You shook your head, meeting his starstruck eyes for the first time since he choked you. They were so bright, so in awe. 
“Alright, well I’m gonna head home so I don’t have to face the others. See you at work?”
“See ya.”
Twenty minutes later, Spencer had gone home and you had finished getting all of his cum out of you, and now you were fully dressed, making your way back to the others in a shell shocked state of mind.
Everyone else was trying their hardest not to laugh at the sight of your shaky legs when you stumbled into your chair, red hickies all over your neck. You sat with a blank stare in your eyes, chugging your water.
Morgan asked, knowing the answer already but just wanting to hear it anyways.
“You were wrong.”
You managed to mumble out. Everyone broke out laughing, even Hotch and Rossi.
You continued to eat your wings, The memory of what just happened stuck on replay in your brain.
PERMANENT TAGLIST(OPEN) @pinkdiamond1016 @spencer-reids-snow-white @sheepfather @eusuntgroot @libradolan
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I happened to see a post about weddings and then my brain kinda did its thing. So now these are some headcanons about the Union guys on their wedding day. (Fyi- I'm basing these on western style weddings, because that's where I have the experience to pull from, and that the reader actually wants a wedding to begin with lol.)
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Donald Na-
It would take a looong time for you and Donald to actually get married. You two have been together and have been living with each other for so many years now, that when you break the announcement to your family they automatically think your pulling their leg and trying to tell a good joke. They actually laugh out loud and wipe tears from their eyes, thinking that was the most unbelievable thing they've ever heard.
But once they see that both of you are not laughing and are keeping a very straight face, with Donald's looking a little more on the annoyed side, they cut back on their joking remarks and start to take the announcement seriously. Even though in the back of their minds they're still debating whether you two are being  serious or not. They'll keep wondering, to some degree, even as they sit in the pews waiting for the ceremony to begin. Whispering to each other if they think Donald would make a run for it at the last minute or not?
Donald hears some of the louder whispers but he doesn't care, he's doing this for you, not them. Plus he can quickly shut them up with just a focused stare, until they are squirming under his gaze. Which he is happy to do, on more than one occasion, while he waits for the ceremony to begin.
All of these annoyances quickly disappear once you come into view, and it no longer matters what your family may have thought or said about him, because he can see how happy you look. You're practically glowing, and he knows that a lot of that happiness is because of him, and deep down he is also aware that he is just as happy because of you. And if your friends and family had any doubts of his intentions towards you still, they were quickly extinguished during the speaking of the vows. Since Donald recites, loud and clearly for all to hear, his own personal vows, that he had written just for you. Filled with trust, admiration, and genuine love.
The ceremony itself is private and small. There's no real reason for anything of considerable size since the only ones in attendance are your friends and family. He never bothered to invite any of his subordinates or businesses partners, and he also has no immediate family or friends that he would like to share this special moment in his life with. Save for his best man Kingsley.
The reception afterwards is just as small and intimate as the ceremony. But even though it's on the smaller side, Donald still spares no expense on food, desserts, or drinks. And oh boy those drinks! Everyone ends up making a little too many toast to the happy couple, and Donald has to spend most of the night keeping a watchful eye on you. Making sure to give you plenty of water between glasses of champagne and shots of liquor. At some point in the night he even has to humor your drunk father, his new father-in-law, as he hangs on Donald's shoulder warning him of never hurting you OR ELSE. Donald practically has to bite his tongue to not laugh out loud at the old man's threat. But in the end Donald just gives him a knowing smile and a small pat on the back as he sits him down, with some water, and states that you are completely safe in his hands, before gracefully walking away with a light chuckle on his breath. He shakes his head because he can't really blame the man, and it makes him happy to know that you, unlike him, truly have people who care about your wellbeing.
At the end of the night after everything has been said and done, and you two are finally back home, he will take special care to get you cleaned and out of your wedding clothes, and into pajamas. Which ends up being a harder task than what he initially thought it would be, due to you still being a little bit tipsy and giddy from the nights events. But he eventually manages to tuck you into bed. And once he's washed up and out of his own clothes he lays down next to you. An action he has done countless times before, but now it's different, because now it's as your husband. And as he lays there staring off into the ceiling, replaying all of the days events, letting the weight of everything finally settle in his head and in his heart, he feels a lone tear fall from the corner of his eye, down his temple, and into his hairline. He slowly reaches up to wipe the dampened streak off his skin, as he begins to think to himself that maybe this whole family thing isn't too bad.
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Jimmy Bae-
You two getting married is no real surprise to those around you, and Jimmy would play it cool. Act as if none of it is phasing him. Even leading up to the actual wedding ceremony, he will act collected, keeping everything in check. Even if on the inside he's a nervous wreck, with his feelings and emotions all over the place.
The only noticeable differences that one could see, if they paid attention, would be a very uncharacteristically silent and stoic demeanor. As well as beads of sweat collecting on his upper lip, with the occasional drag of his adams apple as he watches you walk down the aisle towards him, and then as he gives you a very stretched smile when you finally reach him. Since his nerves won't allow for anything better.
But even with all his internal turmoil, everything will still work out fine and run smoothly. That is until the reception. When you both have your first dance as a married couple. Where you step out onto the dance floor and he holds you in his arms, both of your bodies swaying to the music. With the weight of his new reality slowly sinking in.
This is real.
This is really happening.
You both have made it through thick and thin. Through the many ups and downs of young love, early relationship, and now a new bond in marriage.
So at this precise moment. When all eyes are on you two, and the realization truly hits him, this is when his built up damn will begin to crack and break.
It will start as a trickle. A little dampness on his lash line, that just collects, and collects, and collects. No matter how many times he blinks at you, hoping it would go away. Until it builds up enough to overflow and run down his cheek. He will then burry his face into your neck, wetting the skin, as the tears keep coming out slow and quietly. His arms will instinctively tighten around your body so tight that you two will be unable to dance properly anymore, and you both will practically come to a standstill on the dance floor. All eyes still watching. Not really able to make out what is actually happening.
Is he crying?
No of course not! It's Jimmy Bae afterall. He's probably just whispering something into their ear.
Jack will be the first one to notice and realize what is actually happening, and as a best friend and holding the title of best man, he'll create a diversion of sorts to shift the focal point elsewhere. He will nonchalantly begin by cheerfully pulling a few couples onto the dance floor, as well as a some kids, because there's nothing more distracting than children trying to dance, acting silly, or simply running a muck. Afterwards he will finish by taking someone to the dance floor himself. Effectively getting the dancing started, as more and more couples join the floor, which creates enough of a diversion for you two to escape into an unused room. Where Jimmy will have a full blown crying meltdown. Having no more need to hold back as there are no more eyes watching him other than yours. So he'll holds you tight, a lot tighter than anyone ever has, as he bubblers out into your neck how much he loves you and how happy he truly is.
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Forrest Lee-
Forrest is in shock. In the weeks and days leading up to the wedding, as you plan and add all the finishing touches, he will just be in complete shock and utter disbelief.
You really want to marry him? Scratch that. You're really GOING to marry him? Him? You know you could do better right? Find someone nicer, better looking even?
None of it really starts sinking in until he sees you walking down the aisle towards him. That this is in fact, REALLY happening. That he doesn't need to pinch himself, because this is definitely not a dream. And it's at this point that he loses it.
Eyes welling up with big fat tears that pour down his face. As he tries his best to hold them back. Only to succeed in making everything worse, as his sobs grow louder between bouts of hiccups. To the point that Robin has to send Grape to find some tissue, so that Forrest will stop wiping his face on his hands and sleeves.
Once you finally reach Forrest, you don't know whether to giggle at the current circumstances or be incredibly concerned. Especially when you notice how pale he's become, and you begin to wonder if he's going to faint.
Luckily for you both, he's able to keep himself upright. Grounding himself in the feeling of your hands in his. And he is able to stay in control this way until it's time for each of you to recite your vows. You smile warmly at him as he trudges through his part. With his voice hitching and cracking so badly that you can't even make out what he's saying, and going off of everyone's confused face, you could tell that no one can either.
Once everything's complete, and you all go to the reception. You find that Forrest is no longer crying. Instead he's laughing and acting more like himself as he throws back drink after drink in celebration. Getting toasted enough to find himself crying again, while he goes around hugging everybody.  He's hugging you, he's hugging Grape, he's hugging Robin, heck he's even hugging your cousin's plus one. Just blubbering about how great and perfect you are and how he's the luckiest man alive.
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Jake Ji-
Jake is the only Union guy that would take an active interest in getting everything ready for the wedding, versus the other guys, who just kinda wait to be told what to do. (I'm looking at all the union guys right now, well maybe except for Donald.) So Jake has a hand in all the pre-wedding events. Like setting up for the engagement photos, sending out all the save the date reminders, helping pick out invitations, choosing what kind of food will be served, who's gonna be on the guest list, and he will even go as far as helping choose what style of dress the bridesmaid will wear. In return, your bridesmaids will be eternally grateful that Jake actually has good fashion sense, and that they aren't left looking like colorful piñatas because of his involvement.
His enthusiasm for the wedding truly rivals your own, since he has always been extremely family oriented, and has even mentioned how excited he is to start a family of his own with the person he cherishes most, you. He's even told you how he wants to start making and growing your family as soon as you two get back from your honeymoon. And that if he's lucky the honeymoon could be the jumping start to it all. You just smile at him and bite back the urge to ask how many kids he actually wanted again, because you kinda remember it being an incredibly absurd amount. And instead you direct him back to the color schemes you were considering.
When the actual wedding day comes along, Jake is calm and collected. He's already gone through this day a thousand times in his head and rehearsed his lines an infinite amount to himself. To where he can recite everything without any hesitation and can complete all the tasks required of him with his eyes closed. Plus he has the knowledge that if he happens to falter somehow he has his best man and older brother, Kenny, there to help him along. Including all of his friends that would be willing to step in and assist in a heartbeat as well.
But luckily everything goes according to plan. No one actually stood up to yell out "I object!" during that one part in the service where the official calls out "Speak now or forever hold your peace." 
Since this was the only variable Jake couldn't squash, and when the words were spoken Jake's stomach actually flipped with nerves. But not because he was scared of a past partner reappearing, but because in his mind he's still unsure if he's good enough for you, and he was scared that others could possibly think the same. So when he squeezed your hands tighter at the phrase, he was happily reassured by you squeezing back just as hard, as you looked at him with nothing but love and happiness in your eyes.
At the reception Jake is all smiles, laughs, and hugs. The hard part is out of the way, so now it's time to celebrate, and celebrate he does. He makes his rounds socializing with everyone, and at some point ends up making a long winded speech into a microphone for all to hear about how happy he is, how beautiful you are, how he wants hella babies, and so on and so on. At some point Eunchan ends up yelling for him to sit down, while Dean takes the microphone from him. Except later in the night he finds himself with the microphone again but this time it's to serenade you with a love song. He does really well until he starts cussing on certain parts like saying how much he fucking loves you, and Dean has to once more take away his mic privileges.
He winds down the nigh practically glued to your side, by either slow dancing with you on the dance floor (even if it's an uptempo song), or by just using your shoulder as a pillow for his head as you two sit down, where he keeps giving you cheesy love filled smiles.
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Wolf Keum-
You just need to know one thing, and one thing only, Wolf is doing this for you. Because if it were up to him, you two would simply go to the district office and register your marriage, and that would be that. Done deal, now enjoy.
But he knows that this is something that's important for you, something special that can be given to you, so he decides to oblige. Now he might not be very helpful with much of anything, but he is at least open to you telling him what is needed of him. Like making sure to go and get measured for his suit, picking up packages for you, and doing his damn best to keep his temper in check during both the ceremony and reception. And there will be plenty of times, leading up to the wedding, that he would have to bite his tongue to not blurt out, "Why are we doing this again?"
Because a lot of this wedding stuff makes absolutely no sense to him. And he has to keep reminding himself that this is for you, this is what you want, and you're damn lucky he loves you this much!
So while he's standing in a suit, trying not to glare down at the guests, irritated as all hell, while he waits for the music to start and for you to finally make an appearance he repeats to himself that it's for you. A mantra spoken in his head, to calm his ever growing nerves. And when the music starts up and you finally start your walk towards him he knows that it was all worth it.
During the ceremony he makes sure to keep his eyes glued to you, cuz as far as he's concerned there's no one else in the room but you. And that includes the guest in the pews and the person who's officiating the wedding.
At one point you have to give him a little head nod to let him know that the wedding official is waiting for a response. Only for him to turn to the man, a glare on his face, with a loud "What!?"
Luckily his best man Hwangmo comes in with a save as he taps Wolf on the shoulder and hands him the wedding rings. An actual sigh of relief is heard throughout the room as Wolf gives him an "Oh that", in acknowledgment as he takes the bands from Hwangmo's outstretched hand and turns back to place the ring on your finger. Without even waiting for the official to give the instructions to do so. But of course no one is going to argue with Wolf about such small technicalities. Especially when their neck is on the line.
The rest of the ceremony goes by rather quickly, and you're pretty sure the official is now talking in double time, as he rushes to get everything done as soon as humanly possible.
Once at the reception Wolf is able to unwind a little as he fills his stomach with delicious food and plenty of drinks. So it doesn't bother him too much when people stop by to congratulate the both of you. Plus it kinda helps that they are all mostly talking and acknowledging you more than him, because even they know that the kindness he reserves for you is not shared for them or anyone else in attendance.
You do manage to get him to do other activities other than eating and drinking, such as having a few dances with you, the usual cutting of the cake as a couple, and you even drag him around to mingle with some of the guest that were too intimidated to approach you.
Throughout it all you are rarely seen without him next to you, and that is because Wolf is completely out of his element in all this. Sure he's been to parties and clubs before, but this is different, it's more intimate, and more personal. He can't just be a figure in the crowd at his own wedding reception. So he makes sure to have you near him, since you are his anchor in all this. Just like you will now be his anchor in everything else that's to come in both of your lives.
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lem0nshark-writes · 3 years
‘’Warm Nights’’
Fili & Kili x Male (hobbit) Reader
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Word count: 2148
Warnings: polyamorous, no incest - issa fili x reader x kili, fluffff, cute stuff okay
It has been a few moons since the dwarves took their kingdom back and the rightful king under the mountain was crowned. You and your best friend Bilbo returned back to the Shire and resumed with patching up the house back after your neighbouring hobbits split all of your belongings between themselves thinking you two had died.
The thoughts of you two's adventures with the company occupied both Bilbo's and yours minds and the two of you often spent time talking about them.
To be quite honest you missed the company a lot, especially the two dorky princes. The three of you managed to bond quite strongly during your journey to Erebor. But you missed everyone else too. Though Bilbo gave you a lot of comfort and his company was very dear to you.
One night as you two were preparing the dinner you noticed Bilbo has made a lot more food than usual, almost too much. But you paid it no mind thinking the hobbit was feeling extra hungry that evening. After you finished up the many foods you helped set up the table.
Remembering you forgot to turn the light off in your bedroom you made you way towards it, and just as you passed by the entrance door to the house you heard a knock.
You looked over at the door in surprise, questioning, not expecting anyone that late. You turned towards the direction of the kitchen and called out for Bilbo, "Hey Bilbo, are you expecting anyone?" you waited for him to answer but he didn't make a sound, you figured he was busy finishing up one of the last few dishes he was working on and shrugged it off, walking over to the door and opening it.
"Who is it-," you didn't even manage to finish up your sentence before a swarm of dwarves fell right on top of you, making you fall backwards on your butt with all the dwarves landing on you.
"Y/nnnnn!~~" all the dwarves cheered your name when they saw you, hugging you tightly not bothering to get off you and almost squishing you to death. Bilbo watched the scene from the door frame with a warm smile plastered on his face. He knew they were coming but wouldn't tell you, wanting it to be a surprise, and oh what a surprise it was.
"G-Guys what are you doing here??-" you smiled in surprise at your friends, trying to hug all of them back when you realized who it is that attacked your small body by piling on top of you.
"We had to visit our favourite hobbits!~" Bofur cheered. "Bilbo didn't tell you?" Thorin added.
"N-No-," you looked over at Bilbo with squinty eyes and he rose his hands up in a defensive way, "I wanted it to be a surprise," he smiled, not regretting his decision one bit.
You wanted to be upset but for the love of it you couldn't, the fact that the company was back together once again was overjoying and you couldn't get the smile off your face.
You and Bilbo took your time to greet each dwarf separately, many tight hugs being exchanged and even some cheek smooches too. And after you all finally done your greetings you and Bilbo lead them all into the dining room which was swarmed with foods and drinks. Many dishes, pastries, all sorts of drinks and desserts graced the table in plenty and you all sat down at the table. The dwarves wasted no time digging right in and soon enough cheerful singing filled the air, all of you joining in, and celebration took over the whole room.
After the lengthy dinner and many songs sung you all took it onto yourselves to clean up and then moved to the living room to share tales of the time you all spent away from each other. Stories of your adventures on your journey to the mountain finding themselves there as well as you all reminisced over the moments shared together.
You spent the rest of the night like that, just hanging out and chatting and when the time came to go to bed Bilbo helped settle everyone into their respective rooms for the night. You so happening to end up, due to the lack of rooms with a one-person bed, sharing a big one with the two princes and him totally accidentally ending up in a big one with Thorin.
The three of you slowly made it to your assigned room, chatting along happily as you walked.
As you got in, the princes started to take off some of their, now unnecessary, layers of clothing to get comfy for the bed and you took that opportunity to claim your spot on the bed.
"I call dibs on the middle!" you chirped cheerfully and catapulted yourself onto the bed, claiming your spot in the middle of the big bed, hugging the extra pillow you brought along.
The two chuckled at you as they put their clothes on the chair next to the wall of the room.
"Works for me," Fili grinned as he took off his boots.
"Me too," Kili smirked as he jumped on the bed as well, landing half-way on top of you, almost knocking all the air out of your lungs, and hugging you tightly.
You chuckled through your coughs and hugged him back, "Dear Lord, Kili-"
He just grinned cutely and so you couldn't even scold him, and just as you recovered from Kili's landing on you you got struck by another one, Fili hugged you just as tightly, snuggling into your body after the jump.
You smirked happily and pulled them both into a tight hug, getting back at them for the jumps.
They both let out gasps from being squeezed but you were gentle on them soon enough.
Brothers chuckled and you did as well and you all fled under the covers, the two of them sandwiching you into big warm hugs, which you very gladly returned.
The three of you shared the comfort of the quiet moment just hugging and being happy to have each other around once again, your heart feeling like it will burst out of your chest. To be quite honest you shared more than just very strong feelings of friendship towards the two, but you never acted on it, both because you didn't want to ruin the friendship but also because you loved both of them equally and you just couldn't pick, you didn't want to anyways.
"I missed you guys so much," you snuggled into them, making sure to grasp them both in your embrace.
"We missed you too," they smiled, each planting a kiss on your cheek, Fili on your right and Kili on your left.
You blushed through a smile and smooched the tips of their noses softly, returning the kisses.
They grinned and rested their heads on your shoulders, their faces almost completely in your neck, so close you could feel their warm breaths against your skin. It made you blush lightly.
"How long will you be staying? I hope you are not leaving tomorrow already .. are you?"
"No, we're not. We'll be staying for a couple of days," Fili smiled at the worry of departure in your voice.
"You're not getting rid of us that easy," Kili added with a grin and moved himself more up and closer to you, his face now halfly touching yours, hugging you tighter.
You chuckled at his words, "I better not," you added with a grin on your face, though blush spread across your cheeks once again because of how close Kili's face was to yours.
Fili stayed on his spot, his head resting on the spot on your chest next to your shoulder, listening to your heartbeats.
He could hear them speed up every time one of them would move closer or even speak. He found it curious, he didn't understand why it would do that, after all there's no way you'd feel the same as him, same as them.
See, the brothers talked after they took their kingdom back over and after things settled down. They've noticed each other's longing gazes whenever the situation would calm down or the conversation died out. They've noticed both of them were missing something, or rather someone. But, seeing they've both been in love with you they decided they would, with your blessing of course, either share or have neither of them be with you. Though the subject came hard to open and discuss once the three of you finally met again.
Fili quietly took your hand in his and held it gently, playing with with your fingers.
Your heart immediately picked up as your eyes shot a gaze towards the blonde dwarf, you gave him a warm smile, hiding the blush that was slowly spreading across your cheeks though the darkness of the room hid it well enough already.
Kili looked up between the two of you, and took your other hand in his, holding it to his chest and kissing the back of it sweetly.
Your gaze now fell at the brunette who was smiling at you already and your blush darkened and you smiled even brighter, snuggling into the two of them.
"Hey, y/n.." after a few moments of silence Kili suddenly spoke.
"Hmm?" you smiled at him, turning your attention to him.
"There's something we'd like to tell you.." Kili continued and Fili's eyes shot at him quickly, not expecting him to open the topic on the first day but also understanding that he can't not be with you for another minute because he feels the same.
"What is it?" you asked with a smile, hoping it's nothing bad.
"So uhmm… I-I don't know how to start but uhmm…" Kili started, now not being sure how to spill their hearts to you.
"When we took back Erebor w-we realized something uhmm-" Fili tried to help, "We don't know how you would feel about it but we have to ask-." You looked between them as they spoke, waiting patiently for the princes to gather up their courage and get to the point.
"Would it be alright if we courted you?" Kili finally blurted out, all three of you now sitting up half-way.
"Both of us, together-" he added with a hopeful smile spread on his handsome face.
You looked at the two in shock, eyes wide and words not leaving your throat. You couldn't believe this was happening.
"W-We know it's weird but.. but we both like you-" Fili started.
"Very much," Kili added.
"And we couldn't come to a decision so, if it would be alright with you-" Fili looked up at you, hopeful smile resting on his lips as well  as the question hanged in the air.
It took you a while to break out of your shock, eyes darting from one prince to the other. But after a few long and torturous moments your brain finally started working again and a quiet "Y-Yes-" left your lips through a breath.
"D-Did you say 'yes'?" Kili couldn't believe his ears.
"Y-You accept our courtship?" Fili questioned, disbelief residing within him as well.
Big smile made it's way on your lips and you nodded your head vigorously before throwing yourself onto the brothers squeezing them into a big and tight hug.
They cheered happily and quickly returned, stuffing their faces into your neck and chest, hugging just as tightly.
After very extensive hugging session the three of you laid back down, now snuggling even closer to each other, the two of them each holding one of your hands in theirs.
"I love you guys," you exhaled happily, snuggling further into the two princes, "I have been in love with you two since the journey as well."
That made their hearts melt a little knowing you felt the same as them, and what a relief it was too.
"We love you too," they replied in unison with warmth both in their voices and in the smiles spread across their lips, snuggling right back.
Your heart could explode from all the happiness it felt at that moment.
The happiness grew even stronger when Fili propped himself up on one of his elbows and leaned in placing a gentle but passionate kiss on your lips, followed by Kili who did the same with a big grin on his face. You gladly returned both, blushing like crazy. The two chuckled at your red cheeks and proceeded to kiss them, each the one on their side, before laying back down and throwing their arms around you.
The three of you laid there like that, snuggled against each other in the warmth of the bed and each other's embraces, all three of you slowly drifting off to sleep.
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