#And the worst part is? the brownie underneath? just fine.
2percentsugar · 1 year
It is a sign of our nations immense greed and lack of taste that brownies so often come with some sort of frosting on top. Usually, even. is the most densely chocolatey, buttery pastry imagineable not enough? is it not enough to eat a brick made out of sugar and dairy? you need the mortar too? the fucking pure sugar mortar dyed brown to trick you into thinking it has a flavor?
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corruption-skz · 3 years
3 WEEKS || Lee Felix Smut
Lee Felix x GN reader
• Requested: Yes
• Warnings: Webcam sex,mutual masturbation,guided masturbation,slight spit play.
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Your boyfriend was now gone for 3 weeks.
3 weeks without his cuddles.
3 weeks without his cookies and brownies.
3 weeks without his soft giggles.
3 weeks without sex.
Well you shouldn't be complaining,you knew from the beginning what it would be like dating him,you knew that dating an idol may seemed to a lot of people like a dream come true,but it was actually pretty difficult.
Strict schedules,limited free time for you but the worst part,Tours.
He had been gone for tour and it's been 3 weeks now without him and you had ahead 4 weeks until you saw him again.
Tonight he had some free time and the room for himself so he suggested a video call and you gladly agreed.
You opened the camera and your heart melted as you saw your boyfriend. He was so pure,no makeup,in his cuddly clothes,his precious smile in his face and of course his cute little freckles on his face.
"Hellooooo my beautiful baby" he said in a warm tone making you smile wider
"Hello Lixie how are you prince?" You asked wishing you could pet his hair right through your laptop screen.
"I'm fine love,l miss you very very much"
"Baby I miss you too,but be patient we'll be together sooner than we realise" you assured him and comforted him knowing that he needed those words more than anything especially with the pressure he was going under at that moment.
You kept chatting talking about your days and the latest gossips and news of your lives for about 30 minutes.
"Uhm well I- I was actually thinking" he said stumbling over his words which got you kinda worried
"what is it baby?" You asked curious
"Now that I am alone and you're alone as well in our rooms" he stopped to take a breath "and I've actually missed your body very very much"
"Ohhh baby you want to have some sex like that?" You asked realising where this was going
"Fuck! Yes baby,please let me guide you like I do when I'm there"
Without any hesitation you started lowering your pants and underwear a bit too slow to tease him.
"Y/n! Stop teasing me" he whined and you laughed.
You adjusted your laptop as you were on the bed sitting in all fours and spreading your legs Infront of the camera giving him a full view of your ass and private parts making him gasp.
You saw him lowering his sweatpants and boxers as well immediately pumping himself.
You started grinding literally on air looking back at him as you moaned lightly
"Mmm do you like that Lixie? Do you like what you see?" You sat in front of the camera with your legs spread "Do you wish that it was you underneath me as I bounce on your cock?"
"Shit kitten" he said teasing his tip as he spitted on it "suck on your fingers for me"
You do as he said,pushing your middle and ring finger inside your mouth sucking on them with your eyes shut and moaning.
"Oh fuck" he said in his deep voice still pumping himself "tease yourself now"
You released your fingers from your mouth and started teasing your lower parts just like he asked
"Go faster baby" he asked and you gladly obeyed "insert your fingers baby,fuck your little hole for me to see"
You immediately slipped two of your fingers in your hole moaning "Mmm fuck baby it's so tight" you said scissoring them in front of the camera.
"Oh shit move them faster baby"
You started moving your fingers faster and he did the same with the hand on his cock and at this point you were both moaning loudly.
Felix couldn't take it anymore and came on himself.
As you saw him spilling his cum all over himself you remembered how warm and full his cum inside your hole made you feel,which lead to you orgasming as well moaning his name loudly.
You both started breathing heavily trying to calm down
"Oh kitten I really wish I was there to cuddle you and take a shower with you" he said with a pout on his face which made your heart break
"Oh baby nooo,please don't have that face, I promise we'll be together again sooner than you think,and we'll bake together, go on road trips,dinner dates,have the most amazing sex and do many many fun things together" you said trying to erase that pout from his face and he smiled brightly.
That night, neither of you hung up,you wanted to stay together as long as possible and you eventually both fell asleep being on the video call.
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thiscastielhasflown · 3 years
day three of day two of j&kcreatorfest (with @expectingtofly)— prompts: movie night or baking dean just wants to watch brokeback mountain in peace and cas is there to enjoy the emotional roller coaster ride. (2.1k) [does contain spoilers of the movie's plot, you have been warned]
"Okay choose — Midnight Cowboy or Brokeback Mountain?"
Cas looks directly at Dean who is standing in front of him holding two DVDs and smiling wide with eagerness. To celebrate and commemorate their first Pride Month official out together, both collectively decided to watch a different LGBTQ+ themed movie every night during June (if at all possible).
Rather than the Winchester/Leahy family's normal Tuesday night movie routine, Sam and Eileen were more than willing to change up their usual viewing schedule — even helping to prepare and order movies unavailable to be streamed. But sadly this night coincided with their short weekend getaway trip up to Donna's cabin for a needed change in scenery from the bleak walls of the bunker. No matter how good the movie choice was going to be for those nights, nothing compares to either couple getting some alone time together.
Cas and Dean are left alone to watch a movie in the newly renovated 'Dean Cave' — now including a larger sectional couch (to fit everyone more comfortably), an LED monogrammed neon light of Dean's nickname from Cas, 'Titan', along with new pictures hung up from a recent family photoshoot, and a new stereo sound system all set up by Dean earlier that day.
While Dean was busy with that, Cas was in the kitchen trying out a homemade sourdough pretzel dough recipe — made with his own fermented starter — along with a batch of double-chocolate chunk brownies with lines of caramel crisscrossing across the top as their movie viewing snack for the night.
"I thought we were watching the Trixie Mattel documentary."
"I know we agreed on that, but I'm more into a gay cowboy sort of mood tonight. You feel me?"
Cas blinks, "I haven't felt you yet."
"Cas, it's a figure of speech. Stay on track. Which one do you want to watch?"
"Isn't Trixie a gay Western icon as anyway?"
Dean hesitates, "Well, I would say not exactly. Maybe because of her music style and love for Dolly—"
"Parton, we've listened to her music before," Cas interrupts.
Dean smiles, "Yes we have. We've listened to Trixie too. So I guess it depends on who you ask if they’d categorize her as a modern gay Western icon in the drag business. We're sidetracked, please just pick one."
"Okay, sorry. How about the one with the happier ending."
Dean pauses to think, "I don't think either end up happy."
"Then the one where someone doesn't die."
Dean pauses again, "I...do believe someone dies in both of them."
"Then what are the differences?"
"To be honest, there really aren't that many," Dean laughs it off, "They both take place within the same 1960s setting, even though Brokeback was made in 2004. There are two main male characters in both, who aren't close in the beginning but end up so by the end. Um. The biggest difference is that Brokeback actually takes place in Western-type locations, where Midnight Cowboy setting is in New York. Is any of this helping in your decision process?"
"To be honest, not really," Cas stands up from the couch and adjusts his shirt, "Well, you go ahead and make the final decision, okay? Let me go grab the pretzels and brownies from the kitchen while you get it set up. Want a beer?"
"Yes, please. Can you bring extra cheese sauce too?" Dean answers.
"Of course, nacho or cheddar?"
A sparkle glazes over Dean's eyes as he looks at Cas, a smirk making its way across his lips, "How about both?"
"Sure can," Cas leans in to give Dean a kiss on the cheek, brushing his hand up against the other man's shoulder, "Be right back."
Dean watches Cas walk out of the room with a smug look on his face, admiring his love before bending down in front of the TV console and turning on the DVD player to give it time to boot up. He looks back and forth between either movie case, still unable to pick one over the other. Sighing, he ends up picking Brokeback Mountain, knowing deep down that Cas would most likely end up enjoy watching it more.
As he stands back up holding the DVD player remote in his hand, he hears the sound of Cas walking down in the hallway near the mancave’s door. They've been together so long at this point, but even the slightest presence of Cas will still make a butterfly giddiness erupt inside of Dean.
"Right on time as always," Dean puts down the remote after pushing 'play', grabbing the plate and beer held out to him by Cas.
He holds it up to his nose and breathes in the mingling smells of delicious food, "You really outdid yourself on this one."
Cas blushes from the compliment before pulling his own plate closer to him, breaking off a piece of the brownie and slipping it into his mouth, "Glad to know you approve."
Dean winks and takes a bite of his own, letting out a tiny moan of satisfaction from the taste, "Did you put sea salt in this?"
"I'm surprised you noticed, it was one of my secret ingredients I added in. Thought it would go well with the caramel."
"Your intuition was right, this is delicious," Dean takes another large bite and lets the flavors melt over his tongue.
At this point in the movie, Jack and Ennis sit at the bar drinking together, getting the chance to have the last bit of freedom before heading up to the mountain to work. This reminds Dean of the many times he's shared a drink with Cas before they assumed the worst would happen, losing each other. Yet those moments have now become ones he'll never forget.
The soft touch of a hand against his face pulls Dean's eyeline from the movie, Cas reeling him into a deep kiss, their lips melding into each other creating a familiar yet comfortable feeling.
Before letting anything escalate Dean pulls back and faces his head back towards the TV, reaching up to wipe off his bottom lip softly, "Watch the movie, you're going to miss a good part."
Cas pulls away and pouts, giving him one last peck on the neck before returning fully to the boundaries of his seat.
Dean turns his head back again to Cas and reaches out for his hand, weaving their fingers together, "Hey don't do that, all I wanna do is watch the movie. We can do plenty of that later."
"Fine, fine," Cas mocks, grabbing a piece of the soft pretzel and dips it in the cheese, shoving it in his mouth with a hint of annoyance.
They manage to in silence to watch the movie a little longer before Cas speaks up again, "So...what exactly is going on?"
Dean clears his throat, "Well, Jack and Ennis got their orders to go up to the mountain to go work with the sheep and they're still trying to get used to each other. Testing out the ropes, trying to work together as a team."
"Are you sure they fall in love? They definitely don't very seem into each other at the moment."
Dean takes a sip of his beer, "Love happens in mysterious ways Cas, just like us. It is never as easy as we think, especially when two people don't really get along, to begin with."
"We got along just fine, what are you talking about?"
The only thing Dean does when he hears Cas make that statement is laugh, downing another large gulp of his beer.
Cas tilts his head, "Why are you laughing?"
"Your memory must be skewed now that you're human. Don't you remember threatening my life multiple times? Trust me, you and Uriel were a couple of dicks for the majority of that early time."
"I've changed a lot since then."
Dean smiles and squeezes Cas' hand, "We've both changed a lot. Us, being here like this, is the ending we both deserve. For them, it was much harder of a situation. Their free will isn't as fluid as the ones we take for granted."
"You're not telling me—" Cas sits back with wide eyes, trying to formulate the future plot points in his head.
"I'm not going to spoil anything from the movie, you're going to have to watch it yourself to find out yourself," Dean mimics zipping his lips and turning a key to lock it, "My lips are sealed.”
A sudden vibration erupts from Dean's back, shoving his hand into it and pulling out his phone to see Sam's picture contact picture lit up (from a drunken Halloween night dressed up in a Chewbacca costume, minus the head, with a herbal cigarette dangling between his lips), swiping to answer, "Hey Sammy, what's going on?"
"Hey-uh-hi, are you busy right now?" Sam asks in a mildly frantic tone of voice over the phone.
"Well—" Dean signals to Cas to pause the movie, "It is movie night like you know, but I can talk. Everything going okay?"
"No, yeah, everything is fine. Do you know how to treat a spider bite?"
Dean coughs slightly in surprise, "Are you telling me you already managed to get a spider bite?"
Cas, overhearing the conversation holds a hand up to his mouth to help suppress the giggling he's unable to prevent himself from doing.
"Yeah, um, neither Eileen and I can remember if it's supposed to be a cold or warm compress."
Dean shakes his head and lets out a chuckle, "Did you just drunkenly call me, to ask me, how to treat a spider bite less than 24 hours after leaving here?"
"Yes Dean, do you have the answer or not?"
"Go get some ice and makeshift ice pack. For the swelling. Any other questions?"
Sam pauses not answering right away, Dean hears the sound of rustling and clanking of ice in the background, "No that should be it. Thank you."
"Yep, you're welcome. Bye," Dean hangs up before Sam can say anything else.
"I'm sorry for all of the distractions tonight Dean, I really am. I know how much you wanted to watch this movie," Cas puts a hand on his shoulder, slightly massaging at the tense muscle underneath Dean's favorite Led Zeppelin shirt.
"It's fine Cas, we can stop the movie if you want. Maybe pick it back up tomorrow?"
"Why can't we continue watching it? If we have to pause again, then we pause again. Anyway, you have me interested in learning what will happen.”
“Alright, we’ll continue.”
Thankfully, no one else bothers them for the rest of the movie. Even when Cas was confused in certain sections, he reminded quiet and attentively watched, quickly becoming attached to the characters and the blossoming (and losing) love between them. When the credits begin to roll, Dean looks over to see Cas crying, tears streaming down his face, and biting on his bottom lip to possibly contain his emotions.
"Cas, what's wrong?"
"The jacket...Jack was the one who took the jacket that Ennis thought he forget on the mountain. He took it and kept it for all those years. And now...with Jack gone..." Cas leans in towards Dean, who wraps his arms around his shoulder in comfort, pressing little kisses on the top of his head. He lets Cas cry, holding onto him tight.
When Cas feels ready enough to pull away, Dean reaches up to wipe the tears from his cheeks, "What’s wrong Cas?"
"It just reminds me of us. When you kept my coat, the symbolism of keeping an article of clothing when your loved one is gone. In this case—" Cas sucks in a deep breath, bottom lip quivering, "Ennis lost Jack, his soulmate. But no matter how many times you've lost me, I've always come back. I wish that could have been the same for them."
"Oh, babe..." Dean pulls Cas into a kiss, strong and supportive, "They got to share their love while they could, and even though things could have been different, that was the ending destined for the."
"Why couldn’t they have ended up together?"
"Just how their cards were played, nothing we can change about it.”
Cas sighs, rubbing away his remaining leftover tears, "This really is a goddamn bitch of a unsatisfactory situation."
Dean can't help himself from laugh out of happiness, "That was a pretty good usage of that phrase, glad to know you picked up on it."
"Oh, it's going to be my go-to now, along with 'I wish I knew how to quit you’."
"Sounds to me like you liked the movie. Well, I do have an idea," Dean stands up from the couch and reaches for Cas' hand, pulling him up to a standing position, "How about we go start something? Sound good to you?"
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jiminrings · 4 years
the volleyball shorts
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: coach koo’s just dying to know what his present is, you’re panicking because you can’t think of a present, and jimin and the gang tolerate jungkook a little bit better because it’s his special day :D // contains smut + gif isn’t mine!!
notes: happy birthday jungkook!!! i baked brownies irl for you u should come over sometime!!!
if you’ve read most valuable, the piece that started it all, then you knOw what i’m alluding to with jungkook and his relationship with y/n’s volleyball shorts!!
you swear,,
you could even really SWEAR on the brand-new refrigerator that you need to knock twice on to see what it contained that you split the price with jimin
and forcibly with also jungkook because he stays over so much at yours and jimin’s place that he’s basically a roommate now
and alsO forcibly with taehyung and yoongi because apparently your apartment is now everyone’s gathering place and they raid and inhale ur fridge atleast 72 times per day that the electricity bill’s gone up
that yesterday, it was just a month away from jungkook’s birthday!! you swear!!
and two hours ago, it was two weeks away!!
you can’t really digest the truth
that it’s just f i v e days away now
and you have zero thoughts to how you’re gonna throw jungkook his birthday bash :D
the guys probably figured that out too lol because they have an idea to how you’d be all over the place for even something miniscule
like one time you and jimin bought two rugs you couldn’t decide upon then you just agreed that you’d fit it underneath the coffee table and whichever looks ugly, you’ll return it later
but then the two rugs ended up being too pretty that you couldn’t decide nOW
and jupiter barked out of the blue and it was a eureka moment because :D aHA jimin what if we just let jupiter pick out the rug?? then that way it’s fair???
but then jupiter ended up lying on bOTH the rugs and now you were distraught
jimin was reassuring you like eH it’s okay let’s just go about our days and not spend y’know :D all our time trying to figure out what to pick :D
and then you obviously refused and you stayed up the whole night picking a goddamn rug and jimin was so close to toppling over in fear when he went to grab water at three in the morning
that’s why they’re here!!! even before you could call and gather them up when jungkook had to leave by himself to settle some things because he’s the coach,,
even before you could text tae and yoongi to take the elevator, they’re already knocking at your door
everyone’s just looking at each other in this makeshift circle you’re all in around the coffee table
even jupiter’s stopped barking and he’s been barking for the past five minutes at the new cactus succulent that jimin bought!!!
they’re waiting
waiting for that —
“not to stir the pot, but jungkook always zones out at practice and even during games then gIGGLES to himself!! and when i ask him why, he says that he’s just thinking about what you’re getting him for his birthday!!”
jimin shudders at that too because whew
like he knew that koo sometimes talks to inanimate objects but man his superior (albeit younger) is out here imagining his birthday present in the middle of a neck-and-neck game
he’s conversing with himself like he’s talking to you and that just makes him speechless
“kook buddy i haven’t played volleyball competitively in like two years but i sUGGEST you focus or else i will spike you haha jk but no really ahaha :))”
“not to stir the pot too, but jungkook asked me to play happy birthday. on the snare. happy birthday. ON THE SNARE.”
this time, it’s taehyung’s turn to shudder
because he got a new head that’s louder and more tear-resistant and he wanted to try it out ok
and what better way to try that than when it’s in one of your practice games??
he has his drumsticks already lifted but then out of nowhere jungkook pOps out with a cheeky grin on his face and tae almost pokes him in the eye
“how many syllables are your name, tae?”
“... are you really asking me this?”
“yeah!! how many?”
“... three, jungkook. what, do you need ME to count yOUR syllables for you??”
oh my god that is such a stupid question
but it’s coming from jungkook so lmao tae isn’t all that surprised
“what’s three plus twenty?”
“i get that you’re an athlete but don’t you kNOW how to count???”
“hyung what’s three plus twenty??”
“... twenty-three....”
tae’s so close to narrowing his eyes because if this is another one of jungkook’s lame pranks then he’s gonna whack him in the head for this
but then all of a sudden jungkook jUMPS and squeals before clapping his hands
“twenty-three days before my birthday!! quick quick play happy birthday for me nOW :D”
that’s so... chilling
“now not to stir the pot even further, but y/n,,, baby,,, why didn’t you brainstorm earlier??”
yoongi goes straight-in for the kill and it’s his version of “i told you so” but that does not make it better whatsoever
that’s the thing you don’t know either!!!!
and it’s totally your fault and you shouldn’t have been complacent because now you’re paying the repercussions of cramming AND panic-sweating!!!
it’s okay!
you got this! :D
“how about some more black shirts??” tae pitches in and it’s a resounding no from you and the assistant coach
“jungkook has enough of those,, even jimin and i can take a dozen from his stash and it won’t even make a dent!!”
jimin’s racking his brain and he hasn’t thought about something this hard but ok fine anything for you
“new chunky shoes?? but uGH he already has too many of those-“ that makes him groan even harder because buying another pair for kook means him tripping over them
not to mention that the shoe rack is now taken over by jungkook atleast 50%
and once again jimin reiterates <3 this is the y/n and jimin apartment and nOT the y/n and jimin and this dude that dOESN’T pay rent apartment
yoongi’s in deep thought as everyone around him throws ideas around
okay dOn’t tell anyone but yoongi’s now getting into bullet-journaling :D
tae just gave him a dotted notebook one day because he accidentally bought a dozen instead of one from amazon so lol here hyung u like writing right???
by writing, yoongi meant scribbling haphazardly and waking up the next day and trying to decipher his own handwriting
but then he came over to your apartment and you bought pastel highlighters because they were on sale and nOT because you needed them and you wanted to try them out!!! but jungkook was sick that time and you needed to make soup :((
“yeah ok leave it to me,, i’ll swatch it for you or something.,.,.”
one thing led to another and :D AHA
yoongi blackmailed everyone to not say a single word to anyone that he now loves bullet-journaling and he had to whack tae one time when he kept teasing him
also he now has a bujo account on instagram and it’s nearing 5k followers omg and he will d-word when someone irl finds out that it’s him
yoongi says seriously and it makes everyone shut up because he sounded sO sure
he just has this certain authorative aura around him that you wavered because oH right yes boxers,,, will buy,,,, thank you
lol but you snapped out of it
“jungkook already has too many boxers!! he likes basketball shorts more nowadays and-“
“what? who said the boxers were for jungkook??” yoongi scrunches his nose at your ridiculous reply
your eyes are squinted so hard as you try to decipher the flow of thoughts of everyone in this circle
“oh. i want boxers. want them for christmas!! take note, y/n.”
good news: you now know what you’re gonna give to yoongi on christmas
bad news: you dON’T know what to give to your boyfriend on his birthday five days from now
there’s something somewhere in the middle of all the banter that you’ve tuned out though
something that just makes your eyes bulge and hit whoever’s lap is beside you repeatedly (first of all it’s jimin’s for the record and second oW THAT HURTS) with a grin on your face before you hurriedly stand up and they equally as hurriedly do after
“i know what to get!!”
jungkook’s stArting to get antsy if he’s being honest
it’s not because he’s in his own apartment with you after so long he’s stayed over at yours
he really doesn’t mind that bit, no
jimin, tae, and yoongi were all staying over at your apartment instead as they make the last bit of preparations for jungkook’s birthday the next day!!
they all insisted that you rest because you’ve been so frantic the last couple of days and tbh even taehyung hyped of tWO cups of coffee can’t keep up
no — jungkook’s so antsy because he doesn’t know what you have in store for him :((
for the last five days you haven’t touched him nor did you let him touch you :((
a heated makeover that’s cut too short is as far as it could only go and he’s just so????
like is that a part of your birthday surprise or nOT
he has a love-hate relationship with surprises now because first of all,,,
he kNOWS that there’s gonna be a surprise and that excites him
but the worst of it all is that he knows there’s a surprise but he doesn’t know what it is
that’s like uhm
standing fifty feet away and being forced to pick between a lifetime supply of sugar and salt that’s placed into jars but u don’t know which is which
that is such an odd example to compare it to but that’s only what jungkook could process this now oKAY
you still let jungkook cuddle you so he guesses he could still touch you
he could rest his hand on your tummy!!!
but riGht when he’s about to sneak in a lil squeeze at your boob over your shirt then that’s when you slap his hand away and he frowns
just some hOURS left and it’s finally his birthday!!! he’ll just nuzzle to your neck and all would be fine :)
the lil party’s gonna be thrown in jungkook’s apartment anyways because as you’ve all come to known:
his apartment’s bigger than the one you and jimin share and that irks him because!!!
“yOU have the bigger and better aprtment why are you still cramping at ours???”
“i like staying with you guys!!!”
“nO you like staying with y/n and i come in handy when you need to steal someone’s pasta from!! i bought you tupperware and wrote your name on it but you still eat from mINE!!”
now everyone has their designated roles
jimin’s in charge of making the lasagna and he takes great pride in arranging the layers neatly and not half-assing the amount of cheese
taehyung had the great idea of wAIT what if they don’t like lasagna?? (jimin was offended by that omg who wouldn’t like my lasagna are u kiddinG)
so what he did was bring over this foldable table :D lay cups of ramen neatly :D decorate jungkook’s kettle because he realized that it looks like dOlphin when you tilt it sideways :D
and it’s now tae’s ramen station and so far the party-goers are LOVING it and it’s a close tie between him n jimin
yoongi’s in charge of food that the other two didn’t bother to think about basically
you locked jungkook in his own room lmao and had to bribe him with a kiss or two to stay there and not leave until you tell him to
you’re in charge of the decoration and not to toot ur own horn or anything but you did a pretty damn good job :D
there’s foil balloons you had to blow up and decorate meticulously
lol jimin accidentally bought the wrong ones so now it’s JUNGK00K instead of JUNGKOOK
you even learned how to fold paper cranes so u could fold the quantity of them to jungkook’s age for yoongi to stick them up to the ceiling
you EVEN bought blackout curtains and a lil disco light!!! that’s how well-put you were despite cram-planning!!
it was time to let out jungkook because the guests were starting to come in
and oh my gOD jungkook does clean up well..,.. wow
he’s dressed himself in just a white button-up but with the sleeves folded and some buttons left alone
thEn it’s the same black jeans but with a fancy belt he only pulls out whenever he goes to prissy parties!!!
and oh god
oh my
it’s his slicked hair that’s showing his forehead and tHAT’S when it sinks in you that oh.,.,. right.,.. jungkook’s growing his hair out and he’s been in a cap this past week and OH
it only hits you that oh.,.. jesus christ.,.,. jungkook has a mULLET
it’s a mullet-type of situation and it’s part-straight and part-wavy and wOW
you want nothing more but to pounce on him and it makes you audibly gUlp
jungkook’s as surprised as you were of him because w-wait a second
ok you’re wearing your favorite white shirt with the print on it that you wear at home!! he isn’t surprised
but are you wearing vOLLEYBALL SHORTS.,.,..
like as in the same volleyball shorts... that he..... adores..... a-and fantasizes over
oh my god everybody shut up
is that-
the one with Jeon embroidered in the back and the one he wore to death that it still has his scent on it even if you washed it clean???
.... oh
that uH that makes jungkook put a hand over his chest
god im coming up
the party was an absolute bLAST!!
you and jungkook would stray from each other time to time because you’re each whisked away to talk but you’d always find each other after
you cAn’t contain yourselves at the sight of one another
kook keeps putting his arm around your waist and you keep squeezing his forearm
over-all it was such a great party 20/10
the girls chipped in to buy their coach jungkook (u put the idea in their head and they were amazed because they didn’t think of it) a smartwatch and he was so :D upon receiving it because wOah!!! omg he’s now a smartwatch owner sUck that kim namjoon
kim wears these fancy analog watches still and that makes jungkook roll his eyes because yEa that may be a rolex but my team did obliterate yours lmaOoo what about that huh
jimin’s gift was very heartwarming no matter how much he denies it to be
first he bought jungkook matching slippers with him because he’s so irked to see jungkook in chunky sneakers aLL the time
then uhm
an official key to the apartment and a written letter that when the two of your drive back,,, you could all do a handprint at the picture frame with the four of you and that’s jupiter’s paw included
you’re not gonna lie that dID make you tear up a little bit because wow :((( jimin used to be hesitant of jungkook at first but nOw he’s officially welcoming jungkook in with no anger whatsoever
kook also did cry a lil bit and they hugged it out
taehyung hand-knitted a blanket for jungkook with lil dolphins on them
he missed some stitches but he did his best oKAY and koo was so excited because wow omg this is so good!!!
yoongi bought jungkook a guitar because yeah.,.,. u dO get into my nerves sometimes but i care for you and i guess you’re my little brother now :)) i don’t make the rules
and as for your gift
... well
everyone’s already left and it’s just the two of you now finally
jungkook’s sat at the edge of the bed patiently because you’re fishing for the paper bag you’ve hidden and he’s sO on edge alright
he’s closed his eyes and you didn’t even tell him to so he’s THAT obedient
“you can open them now,” you’re sat on jungkook’s lap and it’s quite the tease for you to be perched near to his knees instead of his crotch but oK he won’t complain yet
it’s a box??
... oH
“that’s for me??”
jungkook awes immediately when he opens to box and sees shiny silver gleam right up at him
it’s the matching thick necklace and bracelet he’s been eyeing for quite some time now yet refUses to buy
and here it is!!!! right in his hands!!!
“yes and they dOn’t allow refunds so please just wear them and don’t make yourself guilty!!”
you’re taking it from his hands and he’s smiling giddily when you clasp the cool jewelry around his neck and on his wrist
and now it’s time for —
“i’m sleepy. are you sleepy yet?”
you do your part in messing with jungkook as you stifle a yawn, pretending to arrange things around the room before settling near him at the edge of the bed
he almost gives himself whiplash to look at you because you can NOT be serious
“no you’re not. you aren’t sleepy. your eyes tear up when you wanna go to bed.”
it’s endearing for you that he knows thay but you just continue to deadpan for the time-being
“i do? well i think i’m tearing up now.”
jungkook scoffs and crosses his arms across his chest because nO your eyes are dry!!!! look at them!!!! not a single tear!!!!
he’s looking at you so pointedly that it makes you chuckle, finally sitting down on his lap properly like he wanted you to that it makes him grunt
jungkook hasn’t had any decent action for a week now and even the slightest contact of you sitting on him, still-clothed, already makes him cRUMBLE
the thought that you’re in your volleyball shorts doesn’t help at all
it’s nice seeing him so flustered and willed right now,, his pupils already blOwn out and you haven’t even done anything
jungkook’s beautiful and that isn’t up to debate but even more-so up close that you could hear his labored yet trembling breathing
“you wanna kiss me?”
that dOES it for him and he almost leaps at the question but that’s when you pull back to which he audibly whines
you come back again but it’s you who initiates it and jungkook practically melts at the taste of your mouth, already getting handsy as he squeezes at your thighs
he’s the one who’s gaining the upper hand and that was nOT the plan so that’s why you pull away right when he’s getting drunk on you
he’s chasing after your lips and you practically tut at him condescendingly that makes him huff again
“say please.”
jungkook’s eyes widen at that and he scoffs in disbelief because oh my god so tHIS is what you’re doing
now this is what he makes you say
and you never got him to say please because whenever you urge him to he just laUGHS upfront and it makes you pout
no jungkook’s not gonna do —
his giggling’s cut short when you let your mouth wander to his neck and right on to his sweet spot, immediately sucking on it harshly to paint your mark on
there’s slow kisses on his jugular nexy and you won’t do the same as what you did to him the first time and it’s frUstrating
add on to that with how you remind him you’re still on his lap with you grinding on him tOO pain-achingly slow
ok jungkook might say please after all
you’re coming back up to his jaw again and kissing everywhere but his lips that it’s starting to make him cave
“pl-“ he stops himself because oh gOd is he yielding but that’s when you snap too smoothly right on him, the intimate yet clothed feeling of you enough to make him moan in distress
it’s instant relief when you’re back to kissing jungkook again and he might just bURST at this point and you’ve only been kissing him
tasting your lips is his first priority and breathing’s his second that it makes you chuckle with how needy he is, having to push him off because you know he’s getting light-headed
jungkook’s regaining his breath and he still wants mORE unsurprisingly
you’re taking off his shirt and stripping off his pants that leaves him with his boxers but on the other hand, you’re sTILL fully-clothed sans the varsity jacket
he’s about to do something with that which explains his grabby hands trYing to take off your shirt
but his hands not only get slapped away again, you’re pINNING them down back to the bed
“y/n i swear-“
he’s growing restless because he needs you right here and right now but you’re just tOO stubborn and bossy which is definitely a switch of roles
you grind on him a little too roughly than you intended to but the feeling’s more than welcome because you feel so fULL already and it makes jungkook unintentionally thrust into you
your shorts are feeling more than damp and his boxers are being a little tOo tight now
that’s when you lift yourself up from his crotch and let go of his hands, your face dangerously near his as his pupils shake
jungkook’s clearly looking at your centre and he whines when you still (purposely) won’t get what he’s trying to say
he’s always clearly had a vision of eating you out in your volleyball shorts that’s for sUre
but he didn’t imagine it like this and you know what he’s not complaining his hips try to buck up but to no avail, your finger hooked underneath his chin to make him look at you again
jungkook looks sO fucked out and he knows that far
he cries like a lost puppy with how you press your thumb to his bottom lips, your other hand making soothing circles on his chest
“you want a taste?” you ask ever so gently and that makes kook nod more than eagerly, about to pull you by your thighs and his mouth’s wAtering just by thinking about it
it’s the tut you give him again that makes him succumb, throat strained as he trains his pleading eyes on you for permission
“p-please?” jungkook’s too impatient to wait for an answer as he roughly grabs you to position your clothed core right above his face, immediately pressing his nose to inhale the scent of you with his lips ghosting your already-soaked folds — something so obscene about it that it almost makes your knees buckle, “that’s a g-good boy.”
he’s rELISHING on the slip of your tongue and he wastes no times in taking off your shorts, diving in with an eager tongue that takes you off-guard
now this is the real deal
jungkook takes mUCH pleasure in giving you yours and the unhinged and dirty moans you’re giving him are egging him on further
you taste so sweet and it’s enough to make him dizzy with how you’re opened up to him and for him only
he has a death grip on your thighs because you keep twitching and on the other hand he’s cravinG for you to take everything he’s giving you
he slips his hand to thumb at your clit in desperate circles and god the countdown to when you’re gonna reach your peak becomes alarmingly too near
jungkook doesn’t stop when you’re tugging at his hair roughly or when you’re yelling out his name like a mantra
jungkook doesn’t stop either when his face from the nose down is starting to get messy with the taste of you
doesn’t stop either when he’s starting to see your eyes become glassy and your lip trembling
absolutely doesn’t stop when you snap suddenly and gush over him because in fact, he still continues with much more fervor
jungkook was messy and kept lapping up at what you were giving him that’s enough to drive you into anoTher orgasm with how sensitive you are
holy fuck
jungkook’s laughing against your neck as you’re draped over him, making flowers bloom on your neck with his tongue as he makes you catch your breath
“there’s still another gift i haven’t showed you.”
okay nOW you’re nervous
kook stops pressing kisses and your words obviously make him perk, trying to hide his fascination and excitement but that’s poorly-done with how he’s trying to hide it
“you have mORE?? think y’already gave me heaven if i’m being honest”
he wouldn’t be opposed because honestly speaking his stamina as of the moment would last him aLL night and he’s on a high just from eating you out!!
oh my god you can’t possibly fall in love more with jungkook
you’re tracing the sweat that’s going down on the necklace and it makes you go lightheaded with how perfect he looks
the imprint of his bracelet’s marked snug on your left thigh with how hard he was gripping you earlier
he’s patiently waiting and waiting on you, drumming his fingers on your thighs in anticipation
here goes nothing!!!!
you take off your shirt and aHH jungkook visibly moans at the sight of a bare you
he’s right you are the present
but nO that’s not what you’re trying to get at
jungkook has his wandering hands taken down for the nth time this week but something about this feels a bit more special and reserved
he’s a little lost when you get off from him and instead sit beside him against the pillows, still kneeling on the bed so you could be higher than how he’s sat right now
he is mORE than lost when you smile at him gently and take his hand to —
oh my god
it’s a tattoo
it’s a tiny and dainty tattoo on your rib in black ink
“jjk? that’s-“
holy fucking sHIT
everybody shut up!!!
everybody pLEASE be quiet jungkook needs a moment rn
it’s his initials
in his handwriting
on your skin.
oh my god
you’ve always adored jungkook’s tattoos i mean it’s nOt a surprise for anyone
they peak from time to time but sometimes they get covered with his coach jackets and his hoodies
and it’s at home where you can see them all
there’s a little inkling in the back of your head that oOH you’ve always wanted one like what he has
what was holding you back was that maybe it would affect your career or whatever
you and jimin read the guidelines for a whole hour and it wasn’t illegal for players to have tattoos!!!
as long as it doesn’t go against the rules and it won’t hinder your play
tattoos on the wrist or in between the fingers or in the forearm were a little risky because it’s always in direct contact with how you play
jimin was all thumbs-up on your idea because he himself has a couple of tattoos and was all wOah that’s so sweet!!!
taehyung was very warm with your idea and he swears that he’ll get one soon just give him some tIME to conceptualize what would his first one be
yoongi agreed and he alsO has tattoos himself and he was the most realistic (?) out of the four of you going “well you and jungkook better not break up lol”
he thought of it more and honestly?? he doesn’t see you and jungkook breaking up because there’s just sOMETHING alright??? something so unbreakable
jimin and taehyung and yoongi made a bet when you were getting your tat cleaned up that lmao what year would jungkook propose in
it’s your first tattoo and like you didn’t want to dive in head first and have a whole sLEEVE tattooed on the first occassion ya know
so why not the one you love?
and like it’s hidden by a shirt and obviously not a LOT of people would know about it and —
oh wow
jungkook’s.... crying?
he loves you sO much you have no idea
you’re tasting the salt from his tears when he kisses you so tenderly but it’s okay you don’t mind
he’s the one pinning you down this time and well he used to swear that he’s nEver the one for giggly sex
but oh god look at him now
he has your hands flat against the mattress before he holds them :D
this is jungkook’s best birthday eVER 
“wanna spend all my birthdays with you.”
you instantly giggle to his neck and that tickled him a little bit okay
“you wanna marry me??”
you’re feeling everything at once and you have never grinned sO hard and laughed
jungkook rolls his eyes but that’s only because he might burst if he keeps looking at you
“well i don’t have the ring yet dummy but yEs i do want to marry you!!”
mrs. jeon!!!
wow that sounds hEAVENLY
you raise your head to whisper to his ear, leaning down for you instead so you wouldn’t strain yourself, “say please.”
“i hATE you,” jungkook cackles and it should be illegal to how warm and content he feels!! 
“you love me!!” there’s a lil sing-song voice and of cOURSE he does!!
he’s so whipped for you and he might go to the ends of the earth just because you insist
“solid facts.”
“my god—“ jungkook stills, laughing at you who’s underneath him before he breaks out into a grin
a little tiny ᵏᶦˢˢ on your nose
“what was life before you?”
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 4 years
Sweeter Than Ice Cream
Summary: Virgil is feeling good about his body for once. Leave it to assholes to come along and ruin the feeling. Luckily his boyfriend is there to cheer him up.
Contains Thvi, mentioned Demus, mentioned Logicality, mentioned Rosleepmile, chubby trans Virgil, and mentions of bullying.
A/N: Alright the birthday fic is going up a bit late but who cares cause it's adorable. Really I just wanted something ridiculously sweet and comforting so here we are. And if people like it I can totally write more for this verse cause I already have tons of ideas.
"Hello handsome."
Virgil was getting his text books out of his locker when he felt a familiar pair of arms slide around his waist, a hand stopping to squeeze his round bottom before continuing on it's way. He smiled and turned around to greet their owner, giving his boyfriend a smile before he spoke. 
"Good morning to you too, beautiful." He wrapped his arms around Thomas' neck and him a kiss. "Glad you're here today, I was worried about you yesterday." 
Thomas gave an apologetic smile and pecked his nose before speaking. "I'm sorry Virge. I tried to text you, but I had a dentist's appointment yesterday." He flashed his freshly cleaned teeth in an exaggerated grin. "How are you today?" 
"Well let's see:", Virgil began to list off.", today is a friday, dad offered to make my lunch today which meant I got an extra half hour of sleep, I have leftover mac and cheese for lunch, today is a Friday, I'm having a sleepover with my amazing boyfriend tonight, and said boyfriend is holding me right now. So I'd say it's about as good as it gets. Not to mention I'm feeling more body confident than I have in months. How about you?"
Thomas smiled. "As perfect as possible. Especially now that I have you in my arms." He squeezed Virgil's sides gently. "And I'm glad you're feeling confident right now. You deserve to.", Thomas smiled at his boyfriend and took note of his clothing choice for today., "And you look great in what you're wearing, sweetheart. I mean you always look great, but you look adorable right now. I don't think I've seen you in something pastel since you got this."
Virgil blushed at the mention of his unusual outfit choice. While normally he wore baggy and dark clothes, not only to match his emo personality but to help deal with his insecurities about his weight and dysphoria, but today he'd felt confident and comfortable in his body and went with a different choice. He wore light purple overall shorts and a cute black top underneath along with knee high socks and purple chuck taylors. He'd finished off the look with a black heart choker and his usual makeup. He'd been excited to see Thomas' and his friends' reactions to him something so different from his usual style. 
"I liked how it looked on me and I wanted to wear it. Besides I thought it would be the perfect outfit for our sleepover tonight."  Virgil reluctantly pulled away from the hug to finish grabbing his textbooks, "I'm glad you like it. I was hoping you would." 
He felt arms wrap around him again and warm breath tickle his neck as Thomas leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "Well I like you in anything. Or nothing. Especially in nothing at all." He pressed a kiss behind Virgil's ear. 
Virgil held back a groan before shutting his locker and turning around. "You can't just say that when we have 10 minutes til class." 
"Fine. I'll tell you tonight while your parents are out. For now I'll ask you about the homework from yesterday." The pair made their way down the hallway to their first class. 
If Thomas had to pick a favorite part of school days it would have to be lunch. Not only because it served as a break between classes or because it was when he could finally eat, but because he shared a lunch period with his boyfriend. He got a solid half hour everyday to just sit with Virgil and spend time together. It was nice. 
Of course it would be nice if he hadn't drank an entire water bottle during his last period and was now rushing to the bathroom. He'd gotten lucky that the one closest to the cafeteria was empty and he didn't have to search for one. 
At least, he thought it was empty. Until he heard a sob coming from one of the stalls behind while he washed his hands. Thomad froze at the sound. He really should be meeting Virgil for lunch. But what if someone was hurt? What if they needed help? Fuck it, he thought, it couldn't hurt to ask if they're ok. 
"Hey?" He called. "Are you ok? Do you need me to get the nurse or something? It's my lunch period so I have the time." 
He heard a gasp and some movement before a familiar voice spoke. "Thomas?" 
Virgil. Shit. What could have happened in the time that they had been apart? Thomas rushed over to the stall and opened it to see his boyfriend curled up in a corner looking at him. His hurt beat painfully when he saw his black eye and bloody nose that Virgil was pressing toilet paper to. He felt a hot rush of anger when he saw that half of his face appeared to be covered in what looked like cake. 
Thomas grimaced and got up to wet some paper towels before setting to work with cleaning Virgil's face. Afterwards he pressed some more toilet paper to his bloody nose and sighed. "What happened?" 
Virgil kept his eyes down. "The usual shit. I went to use the bathroom and was ambushed. They said that they felt uncomfortable with me using the same bathrooms as them. That I'd probably try to force them to be gay. That freaks like me shouldn't be allowed in the school period. After that they beat the shit out of me." Virgil gestured to his bruised face. "And then they…. They brought a piece of cake with them. Said a whale like me would probably love it. And they shoved it in my face."
Thomas felt molten hot anger wash through him but pushed it aside for now. Virgil needed him. He stood up and pulled his boyfriend up with him. "Come on, Stormcloud.
"Where are we going?"
"Well first we're going to stop by Holy Cow's and get sundaes because you deserve something as sweet as you are. Then we're going to go to your place and call your dads to tell them what happened. And then we can cuddle and begin our sleepover early." 
Virgil raised an eyebrow at him. "And what about class? You've already missed yesterday." 
Thomas shrugged and held Virgil's hand as they left the bathroom. "I'll tell your uncle what happened and ask him to get our homework for us." Thomas knew that Virgil's uncle, the school drama teacher, Roman would be fine with it. He'd probably claim that what happened to his nephew was a huge offense and demand to know who did it. 
They signed themselves out for the day and got into Thomas' car. He made sure to send a text to Roman explaining what happened and asking him to get their homework for them. He received an almost immediate response saying of course and that he would be by after school with it and then they could tell him who it was. 
First stop was ice cream. Virgil ended up dozing in the car and Thomas didn't have the heart to wake him so he just went in by himself. Besides it wasn't like he didn't know Virgil's favorite sundae. His boyfriend was a chocolate lover from way back.
He smiled as he entered the shop. Some of his favorite memories were here. Coming here as a kid when he got a good grade, his dads taking him here on his birthday. He even went here with Virgil on their first date. He still remembered how nervous Virgil had been to eat anything around him at the time. It had taken forever to assure V that his weight was fine. It could still be a struggle, with Virgil's confidence fluctuating. But Thomas would never stop showing him how amazing and beautiful he was. 
Thomas shook off those thoughts and gave a wave to Remy, the shop's owner. Thomas looked at the menu vaguely even though him and Virgil always got the same thing. 
"Girl, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" 
Thomas shrugged and gestured out to his car. "Virgil got beat up by some assholes so I'm taking him to get ice cream as a treat." 
 Remy crossed his arms and smirked, "Mmmhmmm. So where is my favorite customer?" 
Thomas gave a pretend shocked gasp, "I've been coming here as long as Virgil has." 
"Like I said he's my favorite customer.", Remy grabbed two styrofoam bowls, "The usual for both of you?" 
Thomas snorted and nodded, "Yep. He fell asleep in the car and I didn't want to wake him. So just me today.", Remy nodded and began making Thomas' birthday cake sundae and Virgil's chocolate brownie s'more sundae. 
"Well because this is comfort ice cream I'm giving you each an extra scoop. And it's on the house." Thomas went to object but Remy cut him off, "Hun, last time you were here you tipped twenty bucks. And the time before that you tipped ten. You've got some free ice cream points saved up. Enjoy it." 
Thomas sighed and put his wallet away before smiling, "Thank you. I figured this would be a good way to cheer him up. Worst part was he was feeling confident today too. I was so excited for him." 
Remy grimaced and went to roast two marshmallows for the ice cream in question, "That's how life is sometimes. You're feeling great and it kicks you where it hurts. But you just gotta be there for him now and hope his confidence stays up. And if not, be a confidence booster.", He finished off the sundaes with some hot fudge and caramel on Virgil's and rainbow sprinkles and cake crumbles on Thomas', topping both with whipped cream. 
Thomas nodded and took the ice cream gratefully, "Thank you. I'm sure Roman will tell you and Emile all the details later tonight.", With that he went back to the car and drove to Virgil's house. 
Virgil awoke to Thomas kissing his cheek and saying that they had to get out of the car. He blinked groggily before wincing at the feeling of his bruised eye and got up slowly., "Did you message my parents?", He asked through a yawn. 
Thomas nodded and picked up the ice cream containers before answering, "Yep. Remus is working late tonight at the hospital but Janus should be home at 5 and he said he'd get take out. And he wanted to talk about what happened." 
Virgil nodded and got out his key before letting them both in. He went to go to the kitchen but was stopped by Thomas who guided him to the living room. 
"What are you doing?" 
Virgil gestured to his eye., "I'm going to get some ice and painkillers." 
Thomas nodded and got up. "I'll do that. You sit and relax.", He was handed a cold styrofoam bowl. "Here's your sundae. I got your usual." Virgil smiled and Thomas headed into the kitchen. 
Virgil stared at the sundae on his lap hesitantly. Sure, it sounded great after the day he had, but did he really need it? He was fat enough as is without it. He could still hear those asshole's jeers in the restroom, calling him a whale and laughing when he fell. 
Before he could do anything though, Thomas came back and was handing him a water bottle and some painkillers and pressing some ice to his eye. Virgil gladly took several large drinks of water and went back to looking at the ice cream nervously. 
"Hey." Virgil looked at Thomas to see him giving him a concerned look.  "Whatever those assholes said about you… None of it is true. You're amazing and beautiful and your weight is fine. You deserve some ice cream after the day you've had."
Virgil winced internally. Dammit. He hadn't meant for Thomas to know how he was feeling. But that's just how Thomas was sometimes. He could take one look at Virgil and was able to figure out exactly what was bothering him and made it his mission to make him feel better. "It's just… Sometimes I think I would get so much of the bullying if I was thinner, y'know. And maybe I deserve it, cause I could probably do more to try to lose the weight. Like I could go on another diet-" 
"Like when you ended up passing out in gym class because you were malnourished?" Thomas interrupted him. Before Virgil could say anything else Thomas was pulling him onto his lap. He tried to do his best to not put any weight on him but Thomas wasn't having it. Virgil found himself tucked snugly in his boyfriends arms. "Babe you eat healthy and are decently active. And your doctor has said you're healthy even with your weight. I know firsthand that it can be hard to love yourself, but please… Never listen to those assholes. And if you're feeling insecure come to me. I'll always be willing to reassure you." 
Virgil was blushing and Thomas kissed each of his full, red cheeks. "Now I think we have some well earned ice cream and feel good movies waiting for us." Virgil nodded and snorted as Thomas put on Hairspray. 
He leaned up to kiss his boyfriend and took a bite of ice cream, moaning at the taste. "I love you." 
Thomas laughed and kissed Virgil back before grabbing his sundae as well.  "I can't tell if you're talking to me of the ice cream but I love you too." 
Virgil smiled and hummed along to the opening number and took another bite before speaking. "Both. I love ice cream because it's delicious and I love you because you're easily one of the best things to ever happen to me."
Thomas smiled and took a bite of ice cream and kissing him. Virgil could taste frosting and bits of vanilla cupcake on his lips. By the time they pulled away they were both breathing heavily. Virgil pressed several quick kisses on Thomas' face. And smiled. "I love you. So much." 
Thomas only responded by kissing him again with just as much intensity as before. Virgil smiled when Thomas finally pulled away and whispered. "I love you. I… I was going to give this you tonight, I figured that it would be the perfect time. And it still is of course I wanted you to be happier when I did it but… Will you go steady with me?" He held out a silver ring with a purple heart shaped gem. 
Virgil looked at him with a mixture of shock and happiness. "Really?" 
Thomas rubbed the back of his neck and gave an anxious smile. "Yeah. I know it's old fashioned but I thought it would be cute. I was talking to my grandpa about it and he said that going steady was supposed to be a promise that you wanted to spend forever together even if you weren't married yet. Of course back then people got married right out of high school. But I thought that that meaning was perfect for us. I want to spend forever with you, and obviously neither of us are ready for marriage." 
Virgil smiled and nodded rapidly at his boyfriend. "Of course. I'd love to go steady with you." Thomas put the ring on his finger and kissed his hand. "It's beautiful."
Thomas smiled. "I got it down at my cousin's shop. I thought it was perfect for you. And now that I'm seeing it I'm happy to report that I was right." 
Virgil smiled and made a mental note to go see Toby this weekend and pick out an equally beautiful ring for Thomas. For now however, he had a boyfriend to snuggle and movies to watch. He pulled Thomas closer and pressed several kisses before burrowing his face in his neck. 
By the time Janus, Roman, and Remus all burst in at once, the pair were asleep, the credits to the movie rolling unnoticed.
@forever-forgotten-angel, @anxiety-ismy-name
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guessmonsta · 4 years
Okay, so now you have to do the final part of the Bokuto x Reader college fic series you've put out. I just read the second part and I'm literally obsessed. I give you full liberty with part threee! But I just wanna see them kiss!!!! Please!!!!
I need to stop putting all my energy into this shit this is the last part I promise 
Read part 1 and part 2
Also I’m not making fun of theater kids at the expense of theater kids, I was a theater kid, I’m aware of how we act
Bokuto has officially known __ for five months, and absolutely nothing has happened between them. 
If anything, his relationship with __ has turned out to be his worst case scenario- just friends. She hung out with him every other day in the dining hall, and came to every game of his that she could if she wasn’t working. She had gotten to know Kuroo and Satori and Yukie, and even some other guys on the volleyball team, but still, she was just an extra amenity in the friend group. 
But needless to say, he still adored her. Every single piece of her. He still went to The Gazelle every Saturday morning just to see her, no matter what, and he didn’t even like coffee. The deeper they went into the school year, the deeper Bokuto fell in love with her. 
Even if __ was working, he liked to invite her to his friends hangouts, just because. This Friday, it was Bokuto’s turn to host a little get together at his dorm, and even though he knew damn well __ was working, he still invited her. Any opportunity he could get to be around her, he would take it. 
It was silly, and he knew it. He was obvious about his feelings from the start, but __ had never acted on them. Maybe it was stupid of him to think that she would have to make the first move, or admit her feelings before he did. Maybe she didn’t have any feelings at all. Any time he thought of that possibility, it crushed him, so he didn’t think about it. 
The hang out with his friends went well, as it always did. Satori brought weird brownies that Yukie went crazy for, but Bokuto knew better to avoid them. Everything was fine, perfect as it always was. __ said she might show up late, around eleven, but it was 11:30, and everyone had gone back to their own respective dorms, out clubbing, or to the library, except Satori for a while, who was “too tired to get up”, until Ushijima came back to literally grab him. 
So, at 11:36, Bokuto was alone again in his dorm. His roommate had gone back home for the weekend, so there really wasn’t anybody to complain to. Kise was usually good with knowing how to complain with him, too. 
It was 11:42 when he heard a knock on his door, and he had practically jumped for it. He was stupid for hoping it was __, it was probably just Yukie who forgot her room key, or something. But when he swung open the door, low and behold, it was __. 
He felt himself sigh and welcome her in, taking note of how tired she looked. 
“__, you look like you’re gonna bust ass any second.” He said, concerned. __ took this as a joke, and just laughed. She plopped herself down at his desk chair in front of his mirror, and began to work her pigtail braids out of her hair. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t show up to your thing.” She muttered, visibly upset. “I haven’t been the best friend lately.” 
“He-ey don’t say that!” Bokuto announced, dragging his roommates desk chair and pulling it up next to her. “You’re the bestest friend.” 
__ sighed, then ran her fingers through her hair. There was something beautiful about her when she was tired, Bokuto noted. 
“Why are you getting out so late today?” 
“The townies.” She sighed. “The high school down the road had their musical today.” 
“Oh no, __.” Bokuto chuckled. 
“They put on Mamma Mia…” __ began to chuckle. “I feel like I’m a part of the show…” 
“Oh my god.” 
“They just…” __ began laughing even harder, “Put on the entire show for two hours… they didn’t stop singing. Each person…” __ stopped to laugh again. Bokuto couldn’t tell if she thought it was funny, or if she was just exhausted. “Each person ordered at least three waffles.” 
__ spun in the office chair and faced Bokuto, sighing a deep sigh, then leaning into him. Bokuto felt his heart skip a beat, not knowing where to put his hands, or if he should even move. 
“I should’ve just gone back to my dorm and texted you. I’m sorry for showing up so late-” 
“Hey, hey, don’t worry about it.” Bokuto chuckled, slinging his arm around her waist. It was so strange holding her like this, Bokuto thought, wishing he could just lay her down on his bed. The thought made his heart skip another beat. He didn’t know how long he could avoid this for. 
“I want you here, __” 
__ looked up from his chest and sighed, then reached for Bokuto’s hand that just fell from her waist. 
“You’re too nice, Bo.” She squeezed his hand lightly, then smiled again. “I really should have just gone home. The, the only thing on my mind right now is ABBA songs.” 
Bokuto choked back a laugh, then squeezed her hand back. It was so small in his, he noted, and her skin was so soft for a volleyball player. 
“You know how you can pay me back for letting you in my dorm?” 
“What?” She raised an eyebrow. “How?”
“I think you know what.” Bokuto chuckled. 
“I really, honestly have no idea.” 
“No, I think you do.” Bokuto nodded, teasing her. “I’ve never seen Mamma Mia before, you should give me a show.” 
__ burst out laughing, then furiously shook her head. 
“No, for the love of god, no.” 
“Awh, c’mon, one song? Super Trouper.” Bokuto laughed along with her. 
“Absolutely not,” She stood up from the chair, and headed to the door. “I’m just gonna head out, nice talk as always, Bo.” 
Bokuto stood up from his own chair and grabbed her hand again, then pulled her back from the door. She yelped in surprise, and Bokuto, with some strange new confidence, pulled her against his chest, and threw her on his bed. She burst out laughing again, and she hugged him, tightly. 
“Stay.” He mumbled into her hair. 
“Man, I didn’t think you were such a big Mamma Mia fan.” 
“I’m not.” Bokuto muttered. “I’m a pretty big fan of you, though.” 
__ gaped at him, then giggled again. 
“That was so lame, Bo.” 
“Hey, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” 
“You’re so sweet, did you know that?” __ ran her fingers through his hair absentmindedly, and Bokuto felt a hot blush creep up his neck. A familiar shade of pink bloomed on her own cheeks, and Bokuto had no idea what to make of the situation. 
“Me? Sweet? C’mo-on.” 
“I mean it.” She sighed. Bokuto could feel the rise and fall of her chest from under his. Looking down on her from this position made him feel all sorts of feelings- red in the face, his stomach in knots, he hoped and prayed to god that he wouldn’t pop a boner, because she would definitely be able to feel that from under him. She was so soft, so small underneath him. Even with dark rings underneath her eyes, Bokuto had never seen somebody perfect. His eyes jumped from her lips, back up to her eyes, and without second thought, he blurted out, 
“I’m in love with you.” 
__ looked up at him with wide eyes, her lips parted. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he felt her inhale, then exhale deeply. 
“I’m sorry, __, I-” Bokuto sighed, and __ shook her head. 
“Why are you apologizing?” Her hand fell to his face, and her thumb lightly dusted back and forth across his cheek. “You have nothing to apologize for.” 
“You don’t like me, do you?” Bokuto said, barely a whisper. __’s smile only got wider. 
“You’re an idiot.” She shook her head. He could feel her breaths get faster. “This whole time I just thought that you were just ignoring my feelings for you.”
“Wait, what?” 
“I gave you a cup with my phone number on it the first day we talked. I asked you to hang out the moment you texted me. I always, always try to go out of my way to see you at least once a week.” 
“I, I thought you were just being a good friend.” Bokuto stammered. “Are you playing a joke on me?” 
“Bokuto, you’re so stupid. I like you.” 
Bokuto had no idea what else to say. Everything in his mind was foggy, he definitely had a boner. His heart was beating so fast he felt like he had just played a three set game. He grabbed her from underneath her arms and pulled her up further onto his bed, her head falling softly against his pillows. Then he kissed her. 
It was almost animalistic, five months of wishing he could be this close to her just for all the emotions and desire he had built up to come crashing down in front of him. He kissed her like he had never kissed anyone before. He set one arm down by her head to keep his balance, the other firmly grabbed her waist. She was tugging at his hair lightly, messing up the gel and pulling him in deeper. She spread her legs out from underneath him, and wrapped them gingerly around his waist. She tugged at his hair a little harder and he moaned, instinctively bucking his hips up into hers. She broke the kiss to sigh, then giggled softly. 
“Woah there, cowboy.” She giggled again. “I said I like you, not give me your babies.” 
“I know, I know.” He laughed at himself. “I got a little too carried away there.” 
“I can tell.” She paused, and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “I don’t expect anything less from Mr. Sexyman.” 
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puckinghell · 6 years
Told You So | William Nylander
Requested: no Word count: 3550 Note: I love William Nylander and that is all
William had always been the only person with the ability to read your face with just a glance, and as he opened the door worry flooded his blue eyes immediately.
“Y/N?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”
You knew you shouldn’t have come here, not when it was almost midnight, but after maybe the worst night of your life, all you’d wanted was to see your best friend. The one person who knew you better than you knew yourself, and the one person who wouldn’t judge you for your mistakes.
Even though you’d made them many times before.
“Trevor cheated on me,” you said, and as the words left your lips it was like reality finally settled in and tears flooded your eyes, threatening to spill.
A Swedish curse word left Will’s lips as he yanked you into his apartment by your arm and slammed the door shut behind you.
“What does that mean?” you mumbled, just as Will pulled you against his chest and wrapped his arms around you.
“Take a guess,” he growled, and you almost laughed. Almost. Instead, you started crying.
You hadn’t cried yet. Not when you walked into your favorite bar with some of your friends and you’d seen your boyfriend of almost one year with his tongue down some girl’s throat. Not when he’d spotted you and followed you out of the bar, and you’d yelled at him for almost an hour in the cold Toronto evening air, not when you’d jumped in a cab and given the driver Will’s address. But now, he looked so angry, so upset on your behalf, and his arms around you gave you a sense of safety you only ever found with him, and now the dam had broken.
“Oh sweetheart,” he whispered against your hair, his thumb tracing circles on your back, trying to calm you down. “He’s such an asshole.”
You stood there for a while until your cries turned to sobs, and then Will guided you towards his couch and sat you down.
“I’ll get the wine. Or do you want me to put the kettle on?” he asked, as you pulled up your legs on the couch and hugged your knees to your chest. You shrugged; even a decision as simple as that seemed too much for your exhausted brain to comprehend, and Will understood. As he always did.
“I’m going to get you some of both, and then we’re going to talk about how he was never the one for you,” he declared, and you watched him as he padded towards the kitchen, sock-covered feet soft against the hardwood floor. He’d been watching Narcos on the television, and you stared at the paused screen as your brain went into overdrive.
Will had never liked Trevor. When you just started dating, he’d told you that the guy was no good, that he was bound to break your heart. But you’d been stubborn and in love, and you’d ignored his warnings. Now, you were regretting that. Why would you ever not listen to your best friend? This wasn’t the first time this had happened; you’d date a guy that Will didn’t think was good enough for you, and they always ended up hurting you. Were you ever going to learn your lesson?
Will returned, as he promised with a glass of wine and a cup of tea, and you reached for the wine. Fuck it, you deserved it. He squeezed next to you on the couch, his arm instantly wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you against his chest. You curled your legs underneath you and rested your head against his.
“You told me,” you finally whispered, after at least ten minutes of silence. You knew he was giving you your space.
“I know,” he answered softly. He told you so. But he was too nice to ever tell you that, to ever say “I told you so”, to ever judge you for your repeated mistakes or to ever send you away when you came crawling to him for a shoulder to cry on. “You know, I thought his best friend was much hotter than him anyways,” he continued then, his voice gruff. “And he really wasn’t funny. His jokes were cheap, no content there at all.”
You felt yourself starting to smile. “You would know,” you teased, even though your heart wasn’t completely in it.
“I do.” Will paused, changing positions so that he was still holding you but could now look at you directly. “He was never good enough for you, Y/N.”
“Why though?” you asked, and your bottom lip started trembling again. “Why do I always end up falling for these guys who clearly don’t give a shit about me? Why do I always end up loving people who don’t love me back?”
“That’s not true.” He reached out and wiped away a stray tear that rolled down your cheek. “I love you back. And he could never love you as much as I do.” He meant it in a friend way, of course, but you’d be damned if your heart didn’t flutter at his words, as his bright blue eyes seemed to stare straight into your soul. “You deserve so much better than someone who lies and cheats and doesn’t know how to appreciate what he has.”
You sighed and dropped your head onto his shoulder, pushing your nose against the fabric of his worn out Leafs hoodie.
“Do you really think his best friend was hotter than him?” you sniffed, and at that, Will burst out laughing.
“I think pretty much every one of his friends was hotter than him, älskling.” You smiled as Will snuck in the Swedish nickname he used for you when nobody was around. It meant love, but it sounded so much better than its English counterpart, in Will’s soft Swedish.
“He did have a big nose,” you admitted. “And his hairline was kinda retreating already.”
“His forehead was big enough to land a plane on,” Will snorted, and you giggled. You both fell silent again. “Wanna watch some Friends?” he asked then.
Of course he knew what TV show would make you feel better. You’d been forcing him to watch it with you whenever you didn’t feel good for years.
You nodded and while he looked up the show on Netflix, you took a deep breath.
You knew how this was going to go, because it hadn’t been the first time you had your heart broken. And it wasn’t the first time you’d relied on Will to piece it back together.
He would hold you through the night, and you’d watch Friends and every now and then he’d tell you what he thought about Trevor - none of which would be good - and tomorrow he’d take you out for breakfast and although you would still be hurting, you’d know that you’d be able to get through it. Cause he had your back through it all.
This was not something Will would normally do. But it was with good intentions and for the best reasons, he told himself as he walked out of the dressing room. It was totally not cause he’d been in love with his best friend for years and years.
It was also not cause he’d been there to stitch back together the pieces of your broken heart time after time, whenever some jackass broke it. He hadn’t minded doing it, because he would do anything to make you feel better, and also because a small part of him hoped that one day you’d realize that what you’d been looking for had been right there the whole time. That he would never hurt you like that.
But that day hadn’t come yet. No, instead, he’d taken you out with the team after a win to celebrate, and also to get your mind off your lousy cheating ex-boyfriend Trevor, and you’d hit it off with Connor Brown.
Will would be lying if he said that was completely fine by him. But he had no claim on you, as you didn’t even know how he felt about you, and so he’d had no choice but to smile and pretend to be happy for you when you told him Connor had asked you out on a date, the next day. 
No, he had no choice but to be okay with it, and if anything, he should be glad because finally you were going on a date with someone who was actually a good person. You always tended to fall for the worst type of guy, the type that caused red flags to go off in Will’s brain the first time he met them, but Connor was a nice guy, and he would never cheat on you.
But, just in case, Will was going to drive the point home. Not his proudest moment. But if he did nothing, he wouldn’t be a good best friend.
“Hey, Brownie, can we chat for a second?” he asked, as he hurried to catch up to his teammate.
“Sure, bro,” Connor said, and they slowed their pace down so they fell behind the rest of the group.
“I heard you and Y/N are going out on a date this weekend,” he started, raking a hand through his blond hair. God, this was more awkward than he’d expected.
The redhead in front of him frowned. “Uhm, yeah. That’s cool, right? You two aren’t…”
“Oh, no, we’re just friends,” Will hurried to say, ignoring the tug at his heartstrings. “I just, uhm, wanted to…” Fuck, what had he wanted to do exactly? Connor looked at him expectantly. Will dropped his voice to a whisper. “She just came out of a bad relationship, man. Like, the guy cheated on her, and it really broke her heart. I’ve never seen her that messed up.”
Connor seemed to catch on slowly. “And you’re here to warn me that if I mess her up like that, you’ll mess up my face?” But he said it with a grin, and Will figured he probably wasn’t the most intimidating person for this task. If only he was a little more like Freddie. Freddie would’ve scared away any guy.
He sighed. “Look, Brownie, she means the whole world to me, okay? And if this works out for you, then it’ll be the best thing that has ever happened to you. She’s great. The best kinda person. I’m just saying, she deserves a lot better than what she’s had up until now, so treat her right, okay?”
Connor nodded understandingly. Maybe if he hadn’t taken it so well, Will would’ve actually been able to make himself be angry about this whole situation. But he’d been right at the beginning. Connor was a good guy, and that was a whole different story than it had been with your other exes. So maybe this time it would actually be for real.
That thought shouldn’t hurt him as much as it did.
“I get it, Willy,” said Connor, and he clapped his teammate on the shoulder. “I get it.” And with that, he followed the rest of the team into the bus. Will just stared after him before shaking his head and making his way to the bus also.
 He wasn’t even really sure what Connor meant by that.
“William!” You tried to hide the anger in your voice as you banged on his door, because if he heard how angry you were, he might not let you in. And you needed him to let you in, because you needed to scream at him. And then you needed some answers.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming,” you heard his voice from inside the apartment. Finally the door swung open and there stood your best friend, his hair messy and his eyes still filled with sleep. It was 10am, which was a normal time for you to be awake and a normal time for Will to be asleep, but when you’d woken up to Connor’s text this morning you’d known you had to talk to Will right away.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Caution crossed Will’s face; he read your mood immediately, as you’d figured he would, and you pushed past him and stormed into his apartment.
“Would you like to tell me why Connor canceled our date for this evening?” you hissed, shoving your phone towards him even though your screen wasn’t even unlocked.
Now, your best friend just seemed confused. “Why would I know that?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you told him sarcastically, crossing your arms. “Maybe because when I called him, and I asked him if he wanted to reschedule, he told me he couldn’t go out with me ever, because he 'couldn’t do that to his friend'. Who do you think he was talking about, William?”
“I don’t know,” Will said, but did you imagine that or did something like shame flash across his eyes?
“I didn’t either, so I asked him what he meant by that.” Fury was building in your chest and you felt like your breathing was getting restricted. “And he told me, that when a guy warned his own teammate about going out with a girl, you didn’t dare go out with the girl. And then, then, he said I should probably go talk to you, because you had something to say to me. So spit it out!”
Okay, he was definitely blushing now. “I don’t have…”
“Anything to tell me?” you laughed bitterly. “I figured you’d say that. So tell me why Connor would cancel our date then.” To your own annoyance, you felt a lump building up in your throat, and you squeezed your fist so tight your nails dug into the skin of your palm. You weren’t going to cry. You refused to break down right now.
“I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Will said now, his voice small.
“What did you do?” There was a bite behind your words and you saw him flinch. For a second, you felt bad, but that feeling disappeared when he answered you.
“I might’ve told him that he had to treat you right and if he didn’t I’d be very mad at him.” The sentence came out in what seemed like a single breath, and you almost wondered if you’d misheard him.
“You… bastard.”
Will raised his hands as if to defend himself against an angry animal, and truth be told you kinda did feel like throwing something at him. “I just didn’t want you to get hurt again!”
“Well, great fucking job, Will, because now he doesn’t want to ever see me again!” you yelled, and then all the fight left your body and you sunk down on his couch, dropping your face in your hands.
Carefully, Will sat next to you. He reached out to put his hand on your shoulder, but you shrugged it off, and ignored the flash of hurt you saw cross his face.
“I truly didn’t mean for that to happen, Y/N,” he said with remorse in his voice. “I just… You’ve gone through so much bullshit in your previous relationships… I just wanted to make sure he had the right intentions.”
“And did he?” you sneered. “Oh, wait, it doesn’t matter, because you scared him away!” You shook your head. “Who do you think you are, William?”
“The guy who picks up the broken pieces every single time, maybe?” he answered, and now there was an edge to his voice as well. “The guy you come running to whenever one of those jerks hurts you?”
“Well, I’m sorry, Will, if I’d known I was that much of a nuisance I would’ve left you alone.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He sighed, frustrated. “Can you please just look at me?”
You did, and as soon as his bright blue eyes took hold of yours, you felt your heart in your throat.
You’d been so angry with him, but that had all suddenly disappeared. And you knew why, too. Because when you’d talked to Connor, he’d told you something else, something you didn’t dare mention to Will. 
He told you: “Listen, Y/N, if he was just being a protective best friend I would totally take you out, cause you seem like a great girl. But a protective best friend would’ve told me that he’d kick my ass. To stay away from you. But he told me he wanted me to treat you right, and when a guy puts a girl’s happiness over his own like that, that only means one thing. He wants to be the one to treat you right and he’s just waiting for you to give him a chance, but if you won’t, then at least he’ll take care of you in whatever way he can. He loves you, Y/N. And I can’t get in the way of that.”
His words had hit you like an avalanche mostly because it brought back feelings that you’d been pushing down for a while. Truth was, ever since you broke up with Trevor, you’d started looking at Will differently. Suddenly his friendly touches set your skin on fire and his laugh made your heart leap and when he looked at you your mouth felt dry. 
And when Connor had first asked you out, you almost said no, because although he seemed great, he wasn’t as perfect for you as a certain blond haired Swede, but then you’d pushed that away because how ridiculous were you to even entertain the thought of a guy like Will ever liking you like that?
“I’m so sorry, älskling. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” said Will, and there was such a clear sadness written all over his face that the last little wave of anger left your stomach.
“I know,” you muttered. “I just don’t understand, Willy.”
At your use of his nickname, Will assumed you weren’t that angry anymore and carefully reached out to take your hand in his.
“I was truly trying to protect you from getting hurt again, but I might’ve also just been a little scared.” Your head snapped up as the words tumbled out of his mouth and he fixed his gaze onto the floor, his cheeks tinted red.
“Scared?” you repeated dumbfoundedly.
He sighed. “Y/N, you always pick the worst kinda guys to fall in love with. And I hate that it ends up with you being hurt, but I can’t say I hate that you pick them. Because I know that by picking these awful guys, it’s almost certain that you end up back with me.” 
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, a clear giveaway that he was anxious. “But then you picked Brownie and I wondered, what if it works out this time? I mean, with a guy like him, that’s not such a farfetched idea. And if you ended up with him, well, then you couldn’t end up with me.”
You stared at him, but he avoided your eyes. His hand, however, was still wrapped tightly around yours, almost so tight it was painful, like he was trying to stop you from running away.
Had Connor been right? Was it possible that somehow Will had ended up with the same feelings towards you as you were harboring towards him?
It was possible, but unlikely, and if you guessed wrong, it could ruin your friendship with him forever.
“It’s frustrating, Y/N,” Will continued, saving you from having to decide right that second what you were going to do. “It’s so frustrating because I know I’d treat you so much better than any of your jerk ass exes. I would even treat you better than Brownie, and he’s a good guy. But he’s not me. He doesn’t know you like I do, and he doesn’t care like I do.”
“Will,” you whispered, afraid that the sound of your voice would snap him out of whatever trail of thought he was currently going down. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” he said, swallowing thickly, “that I’m sorry if I hurt you. But I can’t say that I’m sorry that Brownie dropped out of your date because I talked to him, because, well, I’m glad you’re looking for someone to treat you right, but I just wished you realized that you don’t have look any further than this, here.” A pause. “Us.”
Butterflies exploded in your stomach and before you realized what you were doing, you’d thrown yourself forward. Will’s hands caught your arms, steadying you against him, and then your lips were pressed against his.
The kiss started out soft and careful, with Will barely responding, as if he wasn’t quite sure if you had really meant to kiss him. But then you swept your tongue across his lips and suddenly he jumped into action, deepening the kiss and pulling your hips towards him, as you tangled your fingers in his hair. When you finally broke apart, you were struggling for air and his cheeks were tinted red, but his eyes were shiny with happiness.
As you walked into practice later that week, with Will’s hand tight in yours and a smug smile on his face, it was Connor Brown who turned around and grinned at you both, as he yelled: “Told you so!”
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ursae-minoris-world · 5 years
Of hoverbikes and macaroni salad
1109 words, chapters : 1/1, canon divergence: kuron lives (and is called Ryou), post-war; this was written as kurosheith, but this is so fluffy and innocent that it can easily be read as platonic or as sheith & Ryou
Ryou appreciates Shiro and Keith's kindness to him. But he's not sure he deserves it, when he keeps messing up.
Read it here on AO3 !
Ryou pressed the throttle from his hoverbike. About two hundred yards ahead, Keith and Shiro had already stopped. They were looking back at him, and Shiro waved encouragingly. He was dragging behind. It was such a weird sensation, having trouble with the hoverbike. He had such clear memories of riding it so easily. It was hard convincing his brain that he was actually doing this for the first time, even if he knew it to be true.
When he finally joined Shiro and Keith... he nearly slammed into Shiro's bike. He banked last minute to avoid him, and slipped into an uncontrolled slide. After a few seconds of panic, he managed to pull the hoverbike to a stop. He took a moment to steady his breath, his heart still beating hard. He felt his neck and ears burn under Keith and Shiro's stare.
"Are you all right?" asked Shiro, clearly concerned.
"...I'm fine." He didn't need Shiro to baby him. He dismounted, and Shiro and Keith did too. "So, you want to eat here?"
Keith nodded. "It's a nice place. I like the view."
They were on top of a mesa, and the desert was stretching in all directions. Ryou wasn't sure how the view here was different from anywhere else, but it was, indeed, nice. They were facing the sunset, and it was achingly familiar to Ryou. But again, those weren't his memories. He carefully took his flask and food container out of the bike's storing compartment and sat down. Keith sat next to him, holding his own Tupperware.
"Anyone wants beer?" asked Shiro. "They're fresh!" Ryou and Keith both cheered. Shiro opened a cooler and took three bottles of beer out. He gave one to each of them, gently squeezed Ryou's shoulder, and settled down on Keith's other side.
Keith opened his bottle...and only avoided being covered in froth thanks to his good reflexes. "Shirooo..." he complained, the bottle now half empty. They all laughed.
"Sorry!" apologized Shiro "guess they've been shaken from the ride. Let's put those back in the cooler, and wait for them to settle before opening them!"
When Shiro came back with the cooler, they placed his and Ryou’s beers inside. Keith opened his food box. It was crispy fried chicken. Ryou’s mouth watered at the sight.
"Wow, Keith, they look perfect!" exclaimed Shiro, impressed.
Keith let out an embarrassed chuckle. "Thanks". He turned to Ryou: "What did you bring?"
Ryou felt his stomach drop. He slowly opened his container.
"What... is that?" asked Keith. The worse was that he was being genuine.
"Macaroni salad," admitted Ryou, defeated. He had overcooked the pasta somehow, and when he had added the mayonnaise, it all became some kind of macaroni mash. It looked like plaster.
There was a stunned silence, before Shiro slowly said: "I... I'm sure it's..." He hesitated. "...edible", he stated, for lack of a better word. Keith nodded, but his raised eyebrows betrayed his doubts.
They watched the sun set while enjoying Keith's chicken and sipping their beers, which didn’t cause any further issue. Ryou passed his salad around, but no-one was able to eat more that two spoons of it’s compact mass. Food goo was a tasty treat in comparison, Ryou had to admit to himself. Despite the quietness of the moment, and how kind Keith and Shiro always were to him, he couldn't find the heart to take part in the easy conversation they were having. Between almost crashing the hoverbike and his terrible attempt at cooking, he kept messing up. It was as if everything kept reminding him that he would always be second to Shiro. He watched the sky turn to shades of gold, pink and purple, wondering if he would ever find his place. If he would ever be worthy of being loved by Keith, Shiro, and the rest of the team. After all he had done to them. He closed his eyes, trying to avoid remembering that time where he had lost control of his mind.
"Hey, Shiro." Keith's voice broke Ryou out of his reverie.
"Yes, Keith?" answered Shiro. Those two really liked saying each other's name. Ryou wondered if he wasn't intruding somehow, if he should give them some space. But then, they had been the ones who had invited him in the first place.
"Didn't you say you would bring dessert?"
To Ryou's surprise, Shiro blushed, a nervous smile failing at hiding his unease. "I did prepare something." He got up and went to his hoverbike again, bringing back a baking pan. Inside it was a dark, carbonized clump.
A small smile was tugging at Keith's lips. "What's that?"
Shiro looked like a wounded puppy. "A brownie," he claimed. He looked at his plate. "It's a bit burnt."
Ryou chuckled. "A bit?" At least, he wasn't the only one who sucked at cooking.
"If we scratch away the burnt part, I think underneath it should be fine. Stop laughing! It's not like your dish was better!"
Ryou had a hard time keeping himself from giggling, specially now that Keith had joined in.
"It's ok Shiro. You didn't have to bake it yourself, you know," assured Keith.
Watching Shiro's pout made Ryou self-conscious. Did he look like that too when he was disappointed? No way.
They tried to take the worst parts away, but the cake still tasted like charcoal. It was so hard and dry that Ryou almost choked on his part, getting into a coughing fit until he drank a bit out of the flask Keith had hold out to him. "I thought you had become better at this," he admitted to Shiro.
"Did you think I was able to learn baking in the astral plane?" retorted Shiro.
"Sorry. It's just... I always mess up, so at least this time I'm not the only one."
Keith bolt up, frowning: "What are you talking about?"
Ryou wanted to disappear in a hole. "Nothing..." he shrugged, frustrated, "it's hard to live up to the original, I guess."
"Ryou." Shiro was getting all solemn. "You are your own person. And we love you just the way you are."
Keith nodded. "Yeah. And what do you mean messing up. You don't have to be perfect."
Ryou blinked to keep tears out of his eyes. "Thanks guys. I don't know. I'm just a bit overwhelmed sometimes."
Keith smiled. "Hey. No big deal."
He held out his hand. Ryou took it, easing into the hug that followed. Shiro joined in, wrapping his arms around both of them. "I'm so lucky to have you both."
Ryou closed his eyes, enjoying their embrace. He finally felt like he belonged.
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hattywatch · 6 years
Tyler Seguin - Back Road
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Author’s Note: This entire fic is for @hockeyandtaylorswift - I adore her. She has waited 84 years for this and she is a blessing.  Get ready for the long haul, because this is 17 pages and 7k+ words. The only thing I’ve ever written that was longer is my college thesis. This is way better. This is a plus sized fic and will have a smutty part 2. My idea bank is dry, it may take a few weeks.
“Okay, I have mozzarella sticks,” you look over the table and match the order to its orderee. “These go to Red Beard.” You slide them along the table until they're in front of him.
Grabbing the next plate off of the tray you drop it in front of the man sitting next to him, “Aaanndd a quesadilla for Scruffy here- which makes the grilled cheese with bacon Smiley’s.”
Placing the last plate down in front of the male closest to you, you catch a glimpse of the tattoos peeking out of his sleeve, well that's hot as fuck.
“Who are you calling Smiley?” He looks up and cocks his eyebrow while taking a fry off of his plate and shoving it in his mouth. Its way too hot still, so he tries to subtly do that quick intake of air to cool his mouth down, serves him right. You tip your tray flat so you can hold it against the flare of your hip.
“Apologies, sir, can I get you anything else.” You raise the pitch of your voice to ensure it's sugary sweet and he swallows his fry.
“Your number,” he gives a cheesy smile and you're pretty sure you can see his molars it's so wide.
“Enjoy your dinner.” You walk away with a nod, overly tired of humans on this late Friday night.
You go back to refill their drinks, waiting until the tattooed grilled-cheese aficionado has left for the bathroom. Scruffy, who introduces himself as Jamie, stops you before you can walk away again. “Sorry about Tyler. He drank a bit before we got here. He's a little friendly when he drinks.” He gives you the apologetic smile of a put upon friend and you can't fault him.
“It's not the worst I've heard. No harm no foul, right? Did you need anything else, guys?” Jamie says no, that they're good, but that Tyler said something about dessert, so he asks you to wait before closing out the bill.
With only 30 more minutes left to your shift, they're the last of your tables and the call of your bed is so near and so sweet. You see Tyler, apparently, trying to catch your eye from the booth so you paste your smile back in place and walk over with your pad in hand.
“Anything else, Smiley?” You lay emphasis on the last part, hoping you can at least leverage his drunkenness into a nice tip.
He smiles again and pulls his right sleeve up before gesturing with his hands while he starts talking, “See now, you know my name, but I don't know yours. That's not fair.” His eyes are drooping sleepily and there's no real malice or nasty intent behind his words, so you allow the flirtation.
“Boy, he did drink a bit didn't he?” You point to your name tag which lies on  your chest. Right where it’s been all night. He squints at it, like he's having a hard time getting his eyes to focus, which make sense.
“Did you want dessert, Segs? We can't hang out here all night. It's getting late.” Red beard is talking now, he's got less patience than Jamie it seems.
“Good question, Jordie. Yes. I do. Can I have that brownie thing you guys have with the ice cream?” He keeps gesturing with his hands and it's super distracting because of those damned tattoos. If he catches you staring he's too drunk to notice.
“Yes of course. Three spoons?” You ask, holding up three fingers trying to get Tyler to stop making overwhelmingly direct eye contact.
“You can bring two if you want to share, but I'm not sharing with them,” he motions to Jamie and Jordie sitting across from him, and looks proud of himself for a beat before Jamie heaves a sigh and Jordie covers his eyes with the heels of his palms and groans.
“One spoon, then.” You wink at him, “Got it. I'll be right back.” You flip your pad closed and 180 back to the kitchen. You hear Tyler as you walk away, defending himself, “What? That was smooth? Girls love dessert!”
It's like, not a big deal that he's drunk and flirting. The restaurant is open late, and it's nestled in downtown a few blocks from the strip of bars that attracts the younger crowd on the weekends, so you're used to it.
What you're decidedly not used to is how disgustingly handsome he is. Usually the guys that flirt with you err on the less devastatingly attractive side, pushing more towards awkward and cute. Your round face and curvy frame usually preclude guys that look like they walked out of a Calvin Klein ad from being the ones who come calling.
It's fine, you shake your head and grab the order from the kitchen, trying not the think about his sleepy brown eyes and backwards snapback. He's drunk and you're here, surely he dates supermodels or something with a face like that.
“‘Brownie thing’, one spoon.” You place the plate down in front of Tyler and he says thank you. You finish up their bill and drop it to the table. “No rush, gentlemen. Take your time,” is what comes out, even though there's 4 minutes left in your shift and please rush is what you want to say.
You're completely blissed out when you see them pass you as you're standing and chatting with the hostess. They say thank you again and wave good-bye. Tyler brings up the rear and winks, which makes you roll your eyes. Drunk men.
Going over to pick up the check reveals two things. One: these guys are welcome back anytime, you pocket the $50 tip they left on their barely $50 bill with a smile. Two: Across the back of the check, in a slightly tilted scrawl you can read, “Hey I just met you and this is crazy…” There’s a phone number underneath it and it’s signed with a heart and a smiley face.
You pocket that too, knowing you’re definitely not going to use the number. It’ll just be nice to look at whenever you have a bad body day; you’ll be able to remember how a handsome, tattooed guy tried to pick you up. We all need a little self-esteem boost every now and then.
When you finally get home, you drop a bath bomb in the tub and lie back and relax. If your mind starts to wander to what maybe could have been if you were a little braver and he was a little less drunk… well that’s not really anyone’s business.
It's not too much later, barely a week, and it's your friend’s birthday. You took off of work the whole weekend in anticipation of drunk shenanigans and brunch and general fun girl times.
There's just a handful of you, some close friends from college and a few from grown-up, adult life. You're all getting ready at the birthday girl’s place, sipping champagne and getting pretty together. It's a blast and it makes you long for when you were a little younger and had nothing but time to hang around with friends and do each other's hair.  
The outfit you decided on is a little outside of your comfort zone, but you like the way you look despite that. The cropped tank top has a sweetheart neckline and it gives the girls a little help, you purchased it despite kind of hating showing your arms. It's summer and it's hot and you want to be comfortable, but it brings you back to high school insecurities for a split second before you scoff at yourself and remember that literally no one cares if you haven't done any tricep extensions in a while… or like, ever.
Because you weren't 100% committed to being bare, you paired it with some high-waisted distressed jeans and  wedges. The jeans are your favorite. They're lived in and the denim is buttery soft. Most importantly they fit comfortably around the waist, butt, AND thighs which is a trifecta that no other denim can ever seem to replicate. Plus, you're pretty pleased at the way the absence of back pockets makes your butt look fantastic.
As you all pile out of the two Ubers you’re taking to the bar, you're getting a little worried about the outfit you chose. It's just that you feel a little out of character. You know the feeling? Like when you try a new shade of lipstick and constantly feel like every stranger on the street can just tell you're trying something new? It's ridiculous. You reach into your purse and feel the check with a cheeky message on the back and remember that you're obviously still banging enough to get a number and decide your midriff showing is A-okay.
You're all excited when you get to the bar and you know a drink or two will loosen you up as will the DJ who is currently settings up to the side of the bar. What is totally not helping you loosen up is the fact that you see the guy who left you his number sitting over on the other side of the bar with his friends. He hasn't looked this way yet and you're not even sure if he'd remember you, but boy do you remember him.
He's got a short sleeved shirt on this time and the sleeves are out in full force with this stupid backwards hat on and as much as you want to hate it, you also want to go down on him in the bathroom of this bar. It's a very tough position to be in. The duality of man.
Sure enough though, girls are dripping off of him. They come and go every few minutes, some taking photos and leaving and some staying for a drink or two before making their exit. You watch for as long as you think you can without getting caught, but decide it's probably best to ignore it all and get your own drink.
To kick off the night you guys do a round of birthday shots. You all whoop and clink a cheers before downing them, but while the rest of the girls continue with heavy liquor, you decide to pace yourself and follow up with a water. The night is young and there's no reason to be the first one to be a mess who tries to leave the bar in favor of finding french fries.
The DJ has finally started up and enough people flood the dance floor that you decide to join, even though you're still sober. It's supposed to be a fun night and it is shaping up to be just that. After a few songs your friends need a refill and leave the dance floor. You're considering grabbing another shot with them but as you get to the edge of the dance floor Tyler is standing there, eyes on you.
He has to speak into your ear to be heard over the music so he's leaning in pretty close when he says, “You never called me.” You're so shocked you actually laugh out loud.
Standing on your tiptoes, even in your wedges, is barely enough to get your mouth to his ear. He's polite enough to drop his head down so you can answer, “Drunk guys leave me their number a lot. How am I supposed to know who's serious?”
He laughs then, before you can even move away from his body. You're up so high on your tiptoes and the music is pulsing through the floor and you haven't had more than that first shot from when you walked in, but you're swaying a bit. Or at least that's the excuse you're going to give when someone asks why in the world would you grab onto his shoulders?
It's not like he minds, because he drops his hands to your waist trying to steady you and is smiling through the whole ordeal. “I have that effect on women. They fall for me all the time.”
You still want to blow him in the bathroom, but you'd really like to slap him first.
“It's good to see you again, I'm just going to go-” you shout up at him while pointing to the bar. You're honestly trying to not get within speaking distance of his ear again; whatever cologne he's wearing is entirely too enticing.
You aren't aware he's followed you back to the bar until you're trying to wave down the bartender and catch a glimpse of his forearm come over your head. He's way taller, so the bartender sees him straight away and comes over. He orders his drink and looks down to you with his eyebrows up, asking you to order yours.
“Vodka seltzer with lemon, please?” You're not above a free drink if he's offering. The bartender grabs him whatever he asked for and you watch him make your drink next. When he places it down Tyler leans in and tells him to put the drinks on his tab. The bartender nods and you grab a few singles from your pocket and leave a tip.
You start walking back to the dance floor after smiling and waving at Tyler in thanks, but he gently grabs your wrist and you turn back to him.  
“Yes?” You try to keep a neutral face, because he's incredibly attractive and buying you drinks which is really all anyone could ever ask for, right? But he's also go the whole fuck-boy vibe going on and you're good on that front, but thanks anyway.
“Can I call you if you don't want to call me?” He's slid his hand down from your wrist into your hand and your heart stutters a little, but you take a deep breath and listen to the voice playing like a siren in your head- fuck boy, fuck boy, fuck boy.
“I'm sure you’ve gotten a lot of numbers tonight. Give a willing participant a call, huh?” He furrows his brows at you, but the smirk never leaves his face.
“Nah, I like a challenge.” You roll your eyes at him, sure that his interest will wane in the face of the willowy blondes that seem to appear out of thin air and onto his side every time you look over at him.
Bless him, it doesn’t though. He keeps making eyes at you all night, but never joins you on the dance floor or approaches you again.
At some point your friends notice and you give them the run down. They're fully committed to trying to get you laid, but you laugh them off and tell them you're all-in on this ladies night. No men allowed.
He does however, pick up yours AND all of your friends tabs that night. You don’t discover it until you all go to pay and the bartender hands you your cards back and says it's closed out already. He asks which one of you is (y/n) and hands you a piece of receipt paper that is inscribed, “Just in case you lost it” with a phone number and a smiley face.
You want to be annoyed, because you all have jobs and there was no reason for that. But, to his advantage, it was a smooth move, since all of your friends are now begging you on the cab ride home:
“Give him a chance,”
“He’s such a nice guy,”
“Have you SEEN his face?”
“Or his body for that matter?!”
You want to slap him a little harder than you did only hours earlier.
As you start peeling off your clothes and taking off your makeup to get into bed, it hits you all at once. This is the first time a guy has purchased you a drink (or all of your drinks) and not expected to end up in your bed or for you to end up in his. He never approached you again after you rebuffed him, and you had to at least give him credit for being a decent human being. It’s a rare find these days.
Laying on your clean sheets and staring up at the ceiling you can be honest, he’s hot and he seems like a nice enough guy. He's not pushy or demanding or intimidating. You’re single and looking, so you’re not really sure why you can’t bring yourself to just text him or allow him to text you. He wasn’t even drunk this time, so your excuse from the first night doesn’t hold water any more.
As you start getting more honest with yourself the closer you get to the cottony-soft feeling of sleep, you decide it probably has something to do with the tiny women that seem to throw themselves at him.
Here’s the thing: you’re not really self conscious, perse. You’ve spent a lot of your youth being a little upset that you weren’t slim or athletically built, but as anyone can see from a quick scroll through instagram, curvy is in. People are loving some thickness, and even if they didn’t, it’s still helped you embrace the softness in your body instead of poking and pinching at every ounce of fluff.
But, despite all of the acceptance and appreciation you have for your body, you can’t help but be slightly suspicious of Tyler’s motives. Obvious jock, frat-boys have never been your type and the inverse is also true.
You want to write him off as a frat douche, but you are also smart enough to recognize that you're judging him based on his good looks and not his actions- which have been pretty respectful- and realize you're being a little unfair.
You’re going to have to seriously reconsider your thinking though, because as big as Dallas is, this is the third time you’ve run into him in a month and it’s getting a little ridiculous. It's like the universe is pushing you to give into the ruggedly handsome stranger you keep bumping into.
A stupid coffee. You had to stop for a stupid coffee. It’s beautiful out and it’s a day off of work; a walk to the library sounded so nice and then so did a coffee. That’s all you wanted; a nice quiet day off.
But now, arms laden with books and sipping deeply on your straw, you hear your name being called. Recognizing the voice before you see him, he’s already crossing the street by the time your eyes start tracking his movements. He looks like he just came from a run: tanned, flushed, and sweaty. To top it off, he’s got three leashes in his hand and you’re silently promising yourself you are not going to fall for the dogs. Easier said than done, honestly.
You try to keep your eyes on his face, but quickly decide that it’s less dangerous to look at the dogs. Squatting down, you ruffle their heads and chant repetitively “who’s a good boy,” to all three of the labs and do your best to collect yourself.
“I feel like you may be stalking me,” you risk a glance up from your spot around Tyler’s knees, sitting amongst various colored wagging tails. He looks soft and dopey and you’re not sure if it’s his usual face or if it’s glazed over with love for his pups. Probably both.
“I swear I'm not. The boys were just a little cooped up so I took them for a run,” he smiles that dopey smile and it's squeezing your heart, the obvious love he has for his pets.
“All three are yours?” He's squatting down next to you too, nodding and letting them lick kisses all over his face.
You stand, thighs burning from the prolonged squat and he stands back up with you. The air between you is a little charged, and you feel like you need to fill it up.
“I never got to thank you, by the way.” He does a good impression of a dog then, head tilted and eyebrows curious; you're sure one ear would be cocked if he could.
“For paying our tabs that night at the bar? I think my friends are halfway in love with you after that stunt. But, thank you.” You're still holding your books and your coffee and you feel decidedly like you're in high school again, lusting over the star football player.
Tyler smiles big and bright. “Oh, yeah. Well, you could have called me, ya know?” He puts the hand not holding the dogs’ leashes deep in his pocket. “But I'm glad I won your friends over. How about you?”
The charming bastard.
You can barely help yourself from smiling. The attention is so nice and it's emboldening you to say yes, to just give in and go with it. At the very least you have to let him know it isn't unwelcome anymore, lest he decide to stop trying.You don't want this warm, tingly feeling to leave just yet.
“I think you're well on your way,” you have to look down now, glad you're wearing sunglasses that hide a bit of your embarrassed face and block out some of the happiness radiating off of Tyler.
“So, can I maybe get your number now? Maybe run into you somewhere on purpose?”
You can't even help yourself from tapping your number away into his phone. He's got this beatific smile plastered on his face like you just made his whole day and it's been so long since a man made you feel so fizzy inside.
When he says goodbye to you on the sidewalk as the dogs start pulling him, he assures you he'll call soon and begs you, “Just don't change your mind on me, okay? I worked really hard to get to this point.” He takes your hand and kisses the back of it in parting and you laugh before telling him that he's a “huge dweeb.” He laughs too, head back and mouth open.
“I'm just trying to be a gentleman. Let me charm you!” He waves one last time as the dogs get impatient and tug him away. You can hear him talking to them as he walks away, his voice high and spewing baby talk.
You're so fucked.
He doesn't even wait 24 hours to call you. You get home from your walk and get comfy on the couch with a book and your phone is buzzing with an unknown number.
“Hello?” You prop your feet up on a pillow and lay back, ready to hang up on a pushy salesman.
“Um, hey. It's Tyler. I was just wondering what you were doing this weekend?” Your mouth drops open in shock because you were just so sure he was going to text you to try to make plans or even worse maybe send out a 'You up’ text late Saturday. But he didn't, he called and he's trying to set up a date.
“Tyler. Tyler? Do I know a Tyler?” He can't see you but you tap your finger against your lip anyway, pretending to be confused.
He takes it in stride, “I'm sure you remember me. Devilishly handsome? Tattooed? I have three dogs? Been trying to get you to go out with me for about a month?”
You decided to skip the first two and you fake an intake of breath, “Right! Rightttt! The dogs. Why didn't you say that earlier. I remember you now- I'm working on Saturday but I'm free on Sunday.”
“Okay. Okay. I can work with that.” He stops talking and you sit there waiting.
“That's it? That's all I get?” You thought for sure he'd be floundering a little. Trying to pick a restaurant or activity or something, but no.
“That's all you get.” You can practically hear that fucking smirk through the phone.
“How will I know how to dress? I need something to go on.” Sure that you've snaked him into giving something up, your smile drops when he responds.
“Well, that sundress you were wearing today was pretty great. Something like that will work just fine. I'll call you Sunday morning to tell you what time to be ready.”
You're still sputtering out half formed arguments when he ends the call, “I'll talk to you soon. Don't change your mind on me.”
After you hang up your phone you kick your feet against the couch in a mini tantrum. “Well, now I have to go shopping,” there's no one home with you except the goldfish on the end table. He looks nonplussed about the whole ordeal.
You work the lunch rush Friday, but as soon as you leave you head to the mall, because that maybe was the only sundress you own and you're not about to wear it again.
After about two hours of futility you finally find the dress. 
It's a little fancy, he’s a guy and they don’t always know appropriate attire, but you decide to stick with flat sandals and a denim jacket, in case it needs to be dressed down, but still hoping he'd have the good sense to tell you if you needed to dress up. Overall you're really pleased with the way you look in it and you twirl a little in the mirror when you get home and consider how you're going to wear your hair and makeup.
What you're less than pleased about is that by Saturday he hadn't contacted you at all and you're starting to get a little worried. You haven't heard from him in days and maybe he forgot? You saved him in your phone after that first time he called you… the only time he called you, so you could easily text him to make sure he remembered.
You decide against calling him and do your best to smile and hustle for tips all day Saturday. It takes your mind off of Tyler and leaving your phone in your locker after your break keeps you from obsessively checking to see if he tried to contact you.
By the time you get home you're well and truly pooped; ready to shower, moisturize, and hibernate. With your hand shoved deep in your bag, you search for your keys to unlock your door and you feel your phone buzzing somewhere towards the bottom. Rummaging through, you grab your phone too, but see that it's just a text so it can wait.
When you've stripped down, showered, and put on your pajamas you finally crawl into bed and peek at your phone.
Tyler: I hope you haven't forgotten about me.
Attached: 51218a.jpg
The photo is of his dogs and you're smiling before you even open it all the way and zoom in. They're laying on the bed, all over lumps in the sheets which are probably Tyler's legs.
You breathe a sigh of relief, because as much as you didn't want to give in to the obvious attraction you have for him, you're still excited for the date and happy he's not standing you up.
Pecking away a response, you end up sending:
Right! The labs! Tom is it? Ted? I'm so sorry, I'm just terrible with names.
You think he's going to make you wait for a response, since your message was sent almost a full hour after his original one, but he answers immediately.
Your breath catches in your lungs when you open it.
Tyler: Are you better with faces?
Attached: 51218n.jpg
It's a selfie and he's shirtless.
You're really glad it wasn’t a dick pic, because then you'd be forced to never speak to him again and that would have been a devastating outcome, since you are back to wanting to climb him like a fucking tree at the moment.
It's not even like you can see much, he's obviously in bed, head propped up against the headboard. You can only really see a few inches below his shoulders and up. It's not terribly risque, but his shoulders are all tattooed and tanned and well within frame, not to mention his fucking face just, existing like that. Overall it's just a lot to cope with while you're lying in your bed.
After a few deep breaths (and a quick pep-talk that involves you reminding yourself even if you are a thirsty bitch you will certainly not act like a thirsty bitch) you are ready to reply.
Oh yeah. Much better with faces. Thanks for that. I haven't forgotten. What time should I be ready?
He tells you to be ready around 7, that he'll pick you up at your house and not to eat beforehand. Like a little kid on Christmas, you actually have a hard time falling asleep when you send your final message of the night, “I'll be ready,” followed by your address.
The house has never been so spotless. Of course you wake up an hour before you have your alarm set and can't stop the frenetic energy you have coursing through your body. The anticipation is killing you and it's not even close to 7 yet. So, you start and finish 3 loads of laundry, clean your bathroom, vacuum your floors, and run the dishwasher all before noon.
Deciding that self care is next on the docket, you shower, exfoliate, shave, apply a face mask. It's just barely 4 when you're through, but you start getting ready in earnest anyway.
You've never spent so much time on your hair and makeup, but you know that if you just sit around you'll end up driving yourself insane thinking of all the things that could go wrong tonight.
It's… it's been a while since you've been on a date, if you're being honest. If you're being completely honest, it's been over a year, so you can't help but become a little squirmy at the thought of what lies ahead for this evening.
By 6:30 you've just about worked yourself into a tizzy. You're sat in the kitchen in your robe, sipping a tea you made to calm your nerves when you see the Jeep pull up. It's clearly custom, all black, and you can make out a man sitting in the front seat.
Closer inspection reveals that it is indeed Tyler, aaaaand he's early. Great.
One last sip of tea and then you rush to the bathroom to brush your teeth, for the third time today, and slip into your dress. With one sandal strapped into place you hear three knocks on your door and shout “Just a sec!” in the general direction of your front door. He must not hear you, since the bell chimes about 45 seconds later.
With both sandals buckled up, you race down the hall and stand frozen in front of the door. A few deep breaths do little to calm you down, but you know you don’t have much choice in the matter and you can’t keep him waiting outside forever, no matter how bad you sort of want to crawl under the covers and forget this whole idea.
Opening up the door, you pull it back to find a smiling Tyler, it seems to be his default expression, and it’s really nice for someone so attractive to be so genuinely happy all the time.
He looks incredible, because of fucking course he does. He's got on dark blue jeans with a plain black T-shirt and a backwards hat. Super casual, but somehow still looking like a GQ model. You're glad you didn't choose heels, but are secretly hoping the dress makes you look like a fox, so people don't wonder why there's such a handsome bad boy out with a rumpled potato.
If his reaction can be believed you look fantastic. His eyes do a quick sweep of your body from bottom to top and it's not nearly as stealthy as he thinks it is. When he finally makes full eye contact, he finds your head knocked to the side and a tilted smile, not quite a smirk, but enough to let him know he got caught.
His smile gets impossibly bigger, “Sorry,” he says on a breathy exhale. “Uh, you look… you look really nice.”
It's such a pump to your ego that you can't help but match the smile stretching over his face and you poke a little fun when you reply, “You uhh, look nice too.”
His eyelids drop closed for a second before he looks back over his shoulder, jerking a thumb towards his Jeep, “You ready? I think you're going to like what I have planned.” Nodding, you grab your bag and lock the door behind you.
He’s pulling out all the stops apparently, since he walks next to you the whole way and opens your door before you can get there to do it yourself. Hopping up into the truck you make sure your skirt is free of the door and he gently closes the door for you before walking over to the other side and climbing into his own seat.
He smiles over at you before starting the car. The radio is low and playing a Top 40s station in the background. You can barely contain yourself, you're so nervous.
He must pick up on it because he starts talking. “I was really glad you finally said yes. You were starting to give me a complex.” He looks over at you has he slows his car for a red light.
“I was starting to think you were stalking me,” you say, keeping your tone light.
“I bet it looked that way, but in reality it was just really good luck on my part until I was able to wear you down.”
The light turns green and he accelerates. “Well, the dogs helped.” He does that open mouthed laugh, you watch his eyes crinkle and decide that this was a good idea.
“So, it’s Tyler, right?” He scrunches his nose in your direction, “Where are you taking me?”
He boldly grabs your hand off of the center console and holds it softly before taking the entrance for I-45 and shrugs a shoulder.
“It'll take about half an hour to get where we're going. Tell me about yourself.” He has dropped your hand to the console but is resting his in yours still.
“Ugh, I feel like I'm back in college and the professor is making us talk about ourselves on the first day of class. What do you want to know?” You don't move to pull your hand from his, though.
“Start there, what did you go to college for? I didn't graduate, did you graduate?” His hands are damp and it's sweet that he might be a little nervous, since you're pretty sure you might puke at the continued exposure to him and his entire existence.
“I went to college for human resources. I thought I liked it, but as you know, I waitress now, so I didn't love it as much as I thought I did. I did graduate though.” He asks some follow ups: why didn't you like it, do you like waitressing, where did you go to school, where are you from. He's like a two year old with the barrage of questions that he hits you with.
After the 6th or 7th one you squeeze his hand, and tell him to slow down. “It's your turn. I'm in your car, you could kill me and dump me in the woods and I don’t know more than your first name.”
“You barely know that!” He jokes and you laugh but assure him, “It would be hard to forget your name…” he preens so you knock him back down, “you won't let me!”
He tells you he has two sisters and three dogs, but you already knew that part. He's from Canada and he's here for work. He's been down in Dallas for about 5 years. You ask what he does for work but it makes him look a little squirmy, so you drop off your questioning and instead ask about his childhood up north.
It's the right question; you can tell he's lighting up and you get a beautifully nostalgic recount of boats and fishing on the lake, the stories painted yellow and warm by the bright summer sun.
He slips into talking about hockey and winter, skating around a homemade rink in his backyard with his sisters in the cold after school.
Deciding that this man is deceptively sweet for how fratty he looks, you're getting more blushy by the minute when he pulls into Galaxy Drive-In Movie Theater.
You're officially gone for him.
You haven't been to a drive-in before, but a friend at work mentioned this a few months ago and you've been itching to go ever since.
He finds a open spot and parks his car.  It's in the middle, far enough from the screen that you're not on top of it, but close enough that you're not squinting. He turns his car off and jogs around to let you out, which is nice. The Jeep is pretty high and you have to literally hop out of it.
“You didn't eat yet, right?” He hasn't dropped your hand from when he grabbed it to help you down out of your seat but you're cool with it, even if his hand is still a little clammy.
“I didn't. You told me not to. I follow directions.” He looks down at you and does this waggling thing with his eyebrows and you groan, tugging him over to concession.
The inside of concession is painted bright colors and it just looks so retro and fun that you can't help but look up at Tyler and smile.
“I did good, right? This is cool?” He looks down at you, but you're too busy deciding on what you want to play into him fishing for compliments.
“It'd be a lot cooler if you brought your dogs. Maybe next time,” you shrug before you realize what you said, but he catches it and is posturing worse than before.
“Next time, huh? Good to know.” Ignoring him, you order a cheeseburger while he grabs two slices of pizza. Moving to the table to wait for it, he continues his interrogation from earlier.
“Favorite movie food?”
“Popcorn. What about you?”
He tells you he likes cookie dough bites and asks the first movie you ever saw in theaters.
“I saw The Little Mermaid with my parents. It was amazing. I felt like such a grown up; they even let me hold the popcorn.”
He gets all smiley at your memory and starts to open his mouth, but the food is called and he gets up to get it and bring it over to your table.
Starting in on your cheeseburger, he tells you he saw Hercules in theaters when he was 5 years old with his grandparents. He smiles as he tells you, but gets that squirmy look again when you start to ask questions so you stop and instead let a companionable silence fall over you as you eat.
When you're both finished he's instantly fidgety. “There's mini-golf here too, but I don't really think we have enough time. We can go across the street though and visit the horses, they're pretty friendly. Then we can grab you some popcorn and hop back in the Jeep before the movie?” He shrugs and looks so unsure of himself that you can't possibly say no to him.
“Yeah, I love horses. Let's do that.”
It's probably a bad idea, because you’re wearing sandals and the dirt surrounding their stable is making your feet dusty, but the horses are beautiful and he was right about them being friendly. They walk right up to you and let you pet them through the fence.
“You know, I've been living in Texas for three years and I haven't ridden a horse yet,” you muse while you stroke the nose of the paint that is leaning against the fence looking for love.
“Me either,” Tyler's attention is focused on a small palomino that has taken a shine to him. “Maybe that can be our next date.”
The way he's scratching into the horses mane like he would a puppy is making your heart flip in your chest, so he's hardly being presumptuous assuming you'll say yes to him again.
Honestly, you'd say yes to a lot of things if he asked right now, looking all rugged and farm-hand chic.
He does grab you popcorn and an assortment of candy for himself before you settle into the Jeep and get cozy watching some thriller you would never have chosen if asked. He was super prepared though, the back seats are missing and he turned the Jeep around so you could pop open the trunk and watch the movie while lounging in a nest of blankets.
You're glad he had the foresight to bring blankets, since you have them pulled up over your eyes during the scary parts as he laughs openly at how wimpy you are.
You're surprised to say the least when the movie is over and he hasn't tried anything at all during it- not even the fake yawn and reach! You're worth a fake yawn and reach!
One would assume he picked something scary so you'd cuddle up to him seeking protection, but he never did more than nudge you with his elbow to get you to drop the blanket from over your eyes.
On the drive back to your house you're mulling it over and considering if maybe he decided he isn't as into you as you thought. The chase was over the second you say yes and he would be moving on to the next.
You're sure you made your attraction to him obvious enough with how you mooned over him as the credits rolled and assured him that even if scary movies weren't your thing, you had a really great time and it was a really good idea for a first date. You even made the move to hold his hand on the ride home.
Now that you're approaching your block you're frantically nervous that you may have let your guard down against your better judgement and will have to nurse your bruised ego after he moves on.
He has to sense how withdrawn you've become, and when he stops the car in front of your house he turns the car off and glances at you. This, right here, is why you haven't been on a date in months. You don't want to play the games.
He walks you up to the door and says goodnight and starting to back up a little, but it seems you're feeling brave because you blurt out what you're thinking. “I had a really good time, did you not have a good time?”
He looks taken aback for a split second before he shakes his head, “No, I had a really great time too. Did I give you the impression that I didn't?”
“Oh, well-” no backing out now. You shift from foot to foot uncomfortably, “-you uh, you… you didn't like-” you scrunch your eyes closed because looking at him is zapping you of all of your courage, “-try to kiss me or anything?”
As s soon as the words leave your lips you regret it. You open your eyes because you need to see his reaction and smug doesn't even describe the face he's making.
“Oh, did you want me to kiss you? I didn't want to impose.” As much as you're feeling feisty because he's being a butthead, you're a little calmer because he didn't balk at the idea of kissing you, so he's clearly not averse to it.
You decide he's had enough of the upper hand tonight and even if you can't stand the stupid gleam in his eye that says he won, you step forward and grab the collar of his t-shirt to pull him down to your height.  
He's stunned enough by how quickly you decide you're going for it, so his mouth is gaped open when your lips meet his. You keep it pg and kiss him chastely. It's all too quick, by the time you're biting and tugging on his bottom lip before pulling away, he's just managed to get his hands onto your hips to pull you forward.
You back away. That's all he's getting tonight. His eyes open only halfway, and he's got some seductive bedroom eyes going on, but you're strong in your resolve.
Keys in hand, you look up at him innocently, “I had a really nice time tonight, maybe we can go out again soon, Terry.”
You're inside your house with the door shut behind you, holding in a laugh as you hear him shout through the door, “What the hell was th- IT’S TYLER?!”
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kitwilsonsass · 6 years
Since I’ve been putting it off due to lingering sicky feels, etc.
Here’s the far too long and far too unedited and written at 4am vacation rundown NO ONE ASKED FOR! (huzzah!)
So, yeah. I arrived at the new Amtrak station in the city which is a major upgrade from the trailer park reject of station the old one was. Way roomier. Could use a coffee stand or something but yeah. Improvement. Had to go underground under the tracks and back up to get to the very cold surface, it must suck in the winter.
About an hour, hour and a half into the trip I quickly realized that a.) all I wanted to do was sleep, and b.) that my throat was burning. I assumed this was due to the absurdly cold, non-stop dry ass air conditioning, but no. This bitch got sick for her entire trip. On the plus side I had the seats to myself for the majority of the trip, but still. I barely watched any CR or anything because I was miserable the entire time. Ya don’t wanna be miserable for 10+ hours on a train.
Got to Boston, to @conniecorleone‘s frightening apartment stairs. My bag was way too heavy and she troopered through taking it up them for me without dying. So if you ever need a tank in battle, call Rachel.
Hung out a little. Ordered some Five Guys. Watched a couple episodes of the first season of American Horror Story. I get the appeal but also never needed to see Dermot Mulroney’s ass.
Rach was busy with work stuff a lot early in the week, not helped by some dumbass school shooting threat the week before and kept apologizing while still going above and beyond as a hostess while I just felt guilty for getting snot on her sheets.
Day two I colored a bit. I can do a wicked water gradient with erasable colored pencils, for the record. Hung out. Relaxed. Used a lot of Zicam and Advil. Then we were on way to The Middle East for her conehead space boyfriend.
We waited like, an hour? In the chilly mist outside? The show started like AN HOUR LATE after that. The venue was nice but man, the mood was getting close to dead at points, especially since, again, FUCKIN SICK. But Planet Booty came on and while, a little on the bordering too raunchy side, put on a fucking amazing live show. Dylan has an absurd amount of energy that should be bottled and sold, but if it were it might result in the orgypocalypse. I saw a youtube comment that said he’s ‘very touchy lol’ and truer words never spoken. That man will grind on you and sing directly in your earlobe with his tongue if you are front row and happily, I was not. Yet somehow I still ended up with his sweat on my sweater sleeve thanks to someone being a dumbass and high fiving him after their set and not being able to handle the consequences. Ahem.
But I FORGIVE THEM because they were GREAT and played Daft Punk’s Celebrate in honor of motherfuckin Canadian Thanksgiving so... fine... I guess. My only complaint is they didn’t do The Perfect Product even though I get that’s probably a weird thing to do live. Also minimal keytar and Sung almost decapitated himself but you know... it happens. They DID do Tactile Sensation though which is a fucking jam. And Atomic Karate, ofc. And Meouch broke his fucking bass string which is like? Fucking hardcore? He came down like a foot away from us at one point. It was dope. They’re amazing live and have no right to be for dudes in ridiculous robot costumes playing synth in the year 2018 and rolling around stage on a hoverboard. Sadly I brought minimal memory cardage this year and didn’t get a lot of good video of them.
Afterwards, despite *someone* almost passing out, we hung out in the merch lines and did NOT accidentally cut ahead this time. I got a free signed poster because it was my birthday vacation ayyyyy and bought a couple EPs and the Together Through Time album. Then hopped over the PB’s line and got two hugs from Dylan who hung out and talked to/hugged/got selfies with every single person who got into line there and just? Good dude. Pure dude. Awful stache but... thumbs up human being. I got their Naked album and we headed out back to the apartment and some delivered Dominos (which was the only good Dominos I’ve ever had in my life.)
Day three I accidentally slept until like 4pm. Literally what else did we do that day? I cannot remember for the life of me. We might have went to Dunkin at like 9pm and she showed me a weird omnipotent plastic ear hanging on an electric wire? Was that this day? I have no fucking idea. Her Netflix and supply of Puffs tissues were my best friends this trip okay.
Day four she went to class and I relaxed and intended to walk to the mall. Unfortunately, my sick bleh hit and I didn’t feel up to going until about ten minutes before she got back. So we ended up heading over there together. I made her try Baja Blast, as is customary in my nation, and got her to try some green matte lipstick. Success. I was highkey hoping they would have a Build-A-Bear in the joint but they didn’t. They did have a Newbury though, that had the six-inch Roadhog pop which I’ve had a hard time finding locally, so I said fuck it and bought it.
That night was MST3k live! The theater was old as dirt. The kind of old as dirt where the flooring is bowing in. They had real strict rules on cameras and shit, which I get for the sake of spoilers but c’mon.... c’mon. Their merch sucked unfortunately though, so I didn’t waste any money on anything (for some reason they had 2017 tour stuff? It’s... not 2017?). The show itself was good, though I was wondering before it started how sick they must get of doing the same movie in different towns almost every other night. Pretty quickly realized oh, yeah, a lot of this show was likely pre-riffed. They did pull a kid from the stage at one point so he could guest riff off a script from Joel, which I’m thinking was a clever little insert fraction of the riff they did live between segments. I could be wrong, but on that front, it felt a little cheap. But it was still fun to see the boys and the bots live and have jokes cracked about not being able to afford the villains for the tour. And The Brain itself was........ I don’t know what I was expecting but..... it sure was.... something. The novelty was worth it and I will still gladly marry Crow T. Robot.
We went across the street to a little pub stop that was I think called Rock Bottom after that and got some much needed late night food. For some reason my brain was like “man, I could go for chicken fried steak right now” and don’t you know IT WAS ON THE FUCKIN MENU? WITH GARLIC CHEDDER MASHED POTATOES? Boston, much like with wings, does not know what country gravy is, but it was still everything I fucking wanted and did not expect to find, so A+. Also I was wearing a dress with shorts underneath it and stuck to the goddamn stool. Such is life.
Day five was rainy and miserable. I tagged along to university with Rach and it sucked, honestly. Being on a campus makes me feel awkward and the whole still being sick thing didn’t help. I ended up taking a walk way around the block to a Starbucks and getting the worst fucking frap I’ve ever paid too much money for. Went back around. Sat in the library. Felt even shittier. Started googling food places. Yard House wasn’t far but I didn’t want to deal with crossing a lot of traffic, especially if the rain started back up (it did, with a vengeance). So I ended up back around the block at some Olive Garden-esque fake Italian place with not an Italian in sight called Bertucci’s for some bland chicken-less fettuchini alfredo (because, as I’d reasoned with myself, I had chicken three times the day before). It was dimly lit, I had a booth to myself, and the water had the sweet skullet and braided beard combo I had liveblogged. People kept complimenting my tattoo. It was nice and no one seemed overly bothered that I was clearly killing time until I spent probably way too long in the restroom after trying to look alive. I tipped the dude ten bucks and left in the pouring rain with my umbrella.
From her school we took the world’s longest Uber to Parts Fucking Unknown in awful traffic and rain to find a Double Tree where @freakishlytallaustralian‘s parents were staying for a hot minute during their brief little US tour on their way to Europe. I’ve never met Mandi in person, but I’ve now met her parents who say she’s gotten to know a good bloke. She looks exactly like her mom. They were sweet. Anxious but sweet. And I am a freak who doesn’t talk and was sick trying to seem presentable at the bare minimum capacity.
Back ~home~ we ordered some JP Licks ice cream (BROWNIE BROWNIE BATTER!!! BROWNIE. BROWNIE. BATTER.), I watched CR and some stupid videos on the internet with her. Got some sleep. Sort of. Barely.
Despite Matt Mercer nearly succeeding at lulling me to sleep and eating my dreams, it didn’t happen, and I could not get comfortable for the life of me. The “coughing every five seconds in bed” started this night and was not having mercy. So I opted out of another day of hanging around campus to try and get some more rest. It didn’t really work, but I did eventually get a solid three hours or so, so it was something.
As the day progressed it was onward to the Science Museum to meet Ron the T-Rex. There was a wedding happening. How appropriate, for Bravier funko pops to have come along on the day of a blessed union. Coincidence? I think not. A turtle kept falling off a branch when he was trying to nap. There was some space stuff. It wasn’t great. But I got a little stuffed dinosaur and that’s Important.
From there we hit up the same movie theater we went to the year before and saw Bad Times At The El Royale. Do recommend. Chris Hemsworth as a Charles Manson was not something I ever thought I’d see, and I still don’t understand it, but it rather predictably works for me, so we’ll leave it at that. Good movie, good performances, good pacing and editing that could have easily not been. See it, it’s fun. Not perfect, but fun.
It was COLD AS BALLS after the movie and neither of us brought jackets or sweaters, so the walk to the train station and back ~home~ was a chilly one. We stopped in, got some warmth, and headed down the road past her old place to a bar. If we didn’t appreciate TWRP and PB enough already, the band she had to pay cover for us to get in for just to pick up food were about 8 upper middle aged men playing every instrument in the book. Afropunk, they said. No, we said. Offkey, we said. This place was dark as shit and loud as shit but you know what? They KNEW WHAT REAL, HOT CHICKEN WINGS WERE and for that, I am appreciative dammit.
Went back, got some more Dominos, and was finally introduced to John Mulaney’s (or two of) comedy specials. He’s genius and I *understand* it now, tumblr. I get it. We ate way too much and did my laundry.
The week had come and gone way too soon and I felt robbed of my good time by how shitty I felt. Hopping on the train the next day (after a godawful uber ride) was just as depressing as the time before. And even though I didn’t feel as miserable as the trip there, and once again had a window seat to myself, I found myself curled up against my hoodie crying trying to fall asleep again knowing I was already headed back home.
Once the initial depression passed, the trip wasn’t bad. The iced latte was good. The Albany stop not as confusing the second time around. The WiFi kept me company. Eventually my aunt texted me asking if I wanted to hit up Stevie T’s on the way home because they were 24hr and neither of us had eaten all night. It was a plan. Get off, get food, come home, faceplant on my own big comfy bed, vow to deal with my dad’s drama in the morning and call it a night.
Then *that* happened. Yeah. Last year? Every stop, regardless of time of night, they made announcements. They came by, checked the marker above your seat, and if you were due off at the next stop told you it was coming up, would help with luggage if needed, and directed you to the correct door to exit the train. This year? Nothing. They decided to stop making announcements right before the Rochester stop, and no one came by in our car to tell us where to get off. Stopped, myself and the other person due off at that stop, a late-teens girl, went to the door at the front of our car where every other stop had gotten off before us. We assumed since no one said differently, and no attendants were around, that must be it. We were idiots. Because by the time we realized hey, they’re not going to open this door and we should go to the far other end of the train, it was already moving again en route to Buffalo.
We found ourselves in the dining booths by the cafe car while the staff made vague remarks and the conductor acted like it wasn’t his problem. My aunt on the phone talked to the Rochester station, we tried to claim I didn’t even have a reservation until about two other people looked up my ticket. They said it was up to the conductor to get us a cab home, he laughed at us, claimed to know nothing about any of that, and asked if were were going to buy the bus tickets the other girl was looking up. The bus for 3am, in downtown Buffalo, nowhere near the station. When we got off the staff at the Depew station was a lot more sympathetic, and said since nothing else was being offered he would put us on the next train back home, but since it was a Sunday morning there was no train to Rochester until roughly 7:45am. It was about 1:30 at this point. I felt awful for encouraging the other girl not to pay for two ubers and a bus ticket with the only alternative being offered to sit alone in an empty, unstaffed station in the middle of the night for hours. And between the situation, being tired and still sick, and dealing with my aunt calling hotels only to get put on hold and lose the room she was trying to reserve - I put my bags in a corner, found the restroom, and had a panic attack. I don’t know why, but those tend to be stupid like that. It’s not even like I was scared, or confused, or that worried myself. I started out very ‘whatever, I’ll just get a room or stay in the station, I’m pissed but whatever’. But something about the constant calls and texts and my battery nearing 0 had me stressed and I was crying like a bitch. I just wanted to fucking sleep, and I knew that wouldn’t happen in a train station with nothing but some benches, a restroom, and a vending machine.
Rach suggested an alternative I felt guilty about taking but ended up going for: Get to her parents house just outside Buffalo, get their spare key, and sleep on their couch while they’re out of town with their blessing. So I called an Uber, and the first one passed me by, with the gps fucking up and saying I should be picked up ON THE TRAIN TRACKS. The second guy was smart enough to come to the cab pickup out front and was really cool. He said he was just thankful I wasn’t a fucked up drunk college party kid and the first all night. He didn’t comment on how I probably definitely looked like I’d just been broken up with in the world’s worst romcom. It was over 20 bucks and I tipped him the max. Found my way inside, set up the couch, and continued my momentarily on hold panic until I eventually passed out. My Aunt came to pick me up in the morning, I got carsick, we had mediocre diner breakfast and what’s after that isn’t news worth talking about. Isn’t it bad enough the tail end of the trip took up like a third of this post?
All in all... it felt like a disaster. I’m not gonna lie. In weird ways the stars aligned that TWRP would end up on Conan the night of their show and have to reschedule to the day I came to town, but I paid for it with otherwise bad timing and my body deciding against me having a good time. Fun was had, don’t get me wrong. The good was good and any chance to get away from... this, is appreciated, but it just seemed like everything went awry. 
Mucho thanks to @conniecorleone again, for letting me crash on the futon and be my usual bland self, even blander while ill, and also buying me expensive cold syrup and a-many ubers.
We’ll see if Massachusetts and I ever cross paths again.
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
If You’re Lucky-Part 5
Okay so typing this chapter up is gonna be a slow process because I got a cut on my palm and now moving my fingers apart to try and type hurts like a bitch.
I apologize for the slowness of the next few updates.
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 5: Catching Feelings
Song rec: Slide by Calvin Harris ft. Frank Ocean & Migos
Word count: 2,230 words.
Warnings: Swearing, tons of slow burn fluff.
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“Okay, this time I’m serious, I’m going to teach you how to do a proper bun.” Evie said after two more ballet classes where Stiles had brought Veronica in with a messy ponytail.
“Uh.... When?” Stiles asked.
“If you’ve got the time, right now.” She shrugged. “Do you have to leave right now?” She asked.
“No, I guess not.” He chuckled.
“Okay then.” She got a chair and told him to stand behind it while she pulled the pins and ties from her hair. “Normally when you do a ponytail you use a brush but this is a quick lesson.” She said as she combed her fingers through her hair and gathered it in her hands. She wrapped her hair-tie around the length and created a decently neat ponytail. “Got that?”
“Yup. Use a brush.” He nodded.
“Next, twirl the hair.” She grabbed the length of her hair and twisted it around her fingers until all of her hair was twisted around itself with no loose locks. “Then you pinch your fingers around the base of the ponytail and then wrap the hair around your fingers.” She did just that. “And you can use either another hair tie, or bobby pins. I prefer a hair-tie but bobby pins make it neater. For your sake I’ll use another hair-tie.” She held all of the twisted up hair in one hand and brought her other to the wrist of the hand holding everything to pull the second hair-tie from her hand to loop around the bun. It looked a little messy after she let go but it was all up and out of her face.
“That’s.... I’m pretty sure you just did witchcraft.” He joked. She shrugged.
“Well, you’re going to do it too.” She pulled the ties from her hair and handed them to him. “Put them on your non-dominant wrist.” She instructed. He did as told and she turned to face away from him. “Now repeat what I did.” She said.
“Uh... I’ll try?” He muttered.
“I’m sure you can do it.” She encouraged. She heard him sigh and then felt his fingertips graze the underneath of her jaw as he tried to gather her hair. A few wisps escaped and she swept them back to him.
“Sorry.” He muttered.
“You’re doing fine.” She promised. She felt his fingers comb gently against her scalp and bit back a hum at the nice feeling. She didn’t want to spook him and make him think he was doing something wrong.
“Okay so....”
“Circle your fingers of your non-dominant hand around my hair to hold it and then take a hair-tie and loop it around about three times.” She shrugged. She felt the gentle tugging of him following her instructions and smiled when he took his hands away and she was left with a secure ponytail. Her hands came up to feel around her head and she turned to beam at him. “This is actually pretty good for only using your hands.” She encouraged. He smiled at her praise and she turned back around so he could continue.
“Alright so I twist your hair together?” He asked.
“Yep.” She gave him a thumbs up and felt him tugging her hair around to twist it in his hand. “Now pinch the base of my ponytail,” She reminded, “and start twisting the hair in a circle around your fingers.” She instructed. He did as told and then cupped all of the twirled hair in one hand before taking the hair-tie from his wrist and looping it around the bun twice. Her hands came back as his left and inspected the feeling of the tight bun.
“How’d I do?” He asked.
“Stiles, I’m seriously impressed.” She said honestly. “That’s a really good bun. I mean it’s not even uneven like mine was.” She complimented. “I hope you know this means I’ll expect Veronica to come in with a bun instead of a ponytail next class.” She teased as she got up from her seat to face him.
“Ugh, I should have tried to suck at it more.” He realized.
“Probably. But then I would have made you practice until you were good anyway.” She grinned.
“So either way I would be forced to do buns?”
“Yup. No escaping it.” She smiled.
“Ugh, Damn.” He groaned. She shrugged and air-pat his head.
“There there.” She teased. The conversation lulled and they were quiet for a couple seconds before Stiles spoke up.
“So, not to change the subject, but how is Andy doing?” He asked.
“He’s doing well. He’s with Mike this weekend.” She sighed. “Which is going to suck because-”
“You feel lonely?” Stiles finished.
“Exactly!” She pouted. “Probably going to end up binge watching Marvel movies in my pajamas and eating ice cream.” She muttered.
“We could hang out.” He said suddenly.
“Well Ronnie is with Lydia this weekend. I’m gonna be alone too.” He shrugged. “And I like Marvel movies.” He added.
“You’ll binge watch movies with me?” She snorted.
“Sure, why not?” Stiles shrugged. “If you want to.”
“Yeah. I’d like that. Dress code is pajamas, no exceptions, I’ll have snacks, and I’ll give you my address and phone number if you can give me your phone.” She smiled.
“I feel like I’m not contributing to this.” He frowned as he pulled his phone from his pocket.
“You’re contributing your company.” She insisted. “That’s more than enough. But if you feel like you need to do something I love chocolate chip cookies from Costco.” She smiled as she typed her information into a new contact.
“Then I will definitely bring those.” He agreed as Veronica finally made her way out of the changing room and skipped over to her dad.
“Good. Do you want to come over tonight after you drop off Ronnie?” She asked.
“Sure. I’ll text you when I’m on my way?” He suggested.
“Sounds good.” She nodded. “See-ya.” She waved and Stiles waved back as he opened the door for his daughter to walk outside.
Evie had just gotten out of the shower when she heard the buzzing of someone wanting to be let into her building. She wrapped a towel around herself and buzzed Stiles in after confirming it was him and went back to the bathroom after unlocking her door for him.
“Come on in!” She called when she heard him knocking. She hurriedly tugged on her shorts and hung up her towel before walking out to greet him. “Hey!” She smiled.
“Hi.” He said as he closed the door behind himself.
“Go ahead and lock it, I just had it unlocked for you. I would have gotten the door but I didn’t expect you this early so I was showering.” She laughed.
“Sorry.” He cringed but she waved off his apology quickly.
“You’re fine.” She assured. “I hope you like brownies because I’m making them right now.” She said as she walked towards the kitchen area to look and see if they were done yet.
“I love brownies.” Stiles promised.
“Alright, they’ve still got two minutes so I’m gonna brush out my hair, feel free to look around or make yourself comfortable on the couch. You can put the cookies on the coffee table.” She smiled before disappearing down the hall.
Stiles glanced around the room, and noticed the slight messiness of having a child. There was a skateboard and shoes kicked around haphazardly by the door, a hoodie thrown over the back of a chair, and a baseball bat and mitt leaned up against a wall. There was Lego pieces nearly everywhere and he had to pick his way carefully around them to make it over to the couch. He set the cookies on the table and sat down on one end of the couch to wait for Evie to come back out.
When she walked back out of the hall her long hair was brushed out and slicked down her back. She held up a finger for a one minute sign as she went back to the kitchen and pulled out the brownies as the timer went off. She brought the pan over to the table and placed a pot holder under it before going back to the kitchen to return the mitts she’d used to their proper drawer.
Evie finally walked over to him and used her shins to scoot an ottoman from the chair to the couch before plopping down next to him and grabbing the blanket that was folded over the back.
“Are you a cuddler?” She asked as she spread the blanket over their laps. She grabbed a remote and kicked her legs up onto the ottoman.
“Uh, I can be?” He shrugged and she smiled before taking his arm and lifting it around her shoulders as she scooted closer to tuck herself into his side.
“Good, I’m a cuddler.” She told him as she turned on her TV and DVD player. She went to the amazon app and went to her list of movies. “Okay, do you want to go chronologically or from best to worst?” She asked.
“Let’s go chronologically. We might have to fight over best to worst.” He pointed out.
“Fair enough.” She keyed over to The Hulk and pressed play. She leaned forward and popped open the cookie container to grab one before leaning back against Stiles again.
By the time they started watching Iron Man the pair had shifted to lay out across the length of the couch with Stiles laying underneath her, his chest pillowing her head. He’d started running his fingers through her hair somewhere around the gala scene and when Evie had commented on it he had quickly stopped, thinking she hated having her hair played with like Lydia had.
“Why’d you stop, it felt super nice.” She’d pouted and he’d tried to awkwardly explain. She took his hand and brought it back up to her head while telling him, “I love having my hair played with. Feel free.” And so he had.
Now the credits were rolling and Stiles was quick to take the remote off the table so he could turn it down so the loud theme didn’t wake Evie up. She’d fallen asleep half way through the big battle, though Stiles didn’t know how she’d managed it with how loud the action scene was.
He was trying to reach the DVD remote so he could actually stop the movie but as he tugged against it with his fingertips the plastic block flipped over and fell down onto the floor with a clatter.
Evie shot up into a sitting position quickly, looking around for the noise that had startled her and watched Stiles cringe when her head turned back his way.
“Sorry. I was trying to turn it off.” He muttered.
“Oh.... Oh, I’m sorry. I totally fell asleep on you. Literally.” She frowned.
“No you’re cute-I mean you’re fine, it was cute.” He stammered out quickly. She giggled at his awkward assurance and sat down on the couch as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.
“So we only got through two movies tonight. God, I’m getting old.” She groaned.
“No you’re not.” He promised.
“I fell asleep half way through the second movie. That makes me feel super old. My mother used to do that!” She complained and Stiles chuckled.
“It’s fine, really. We still have two whole more days to finish this binge session.” He joked.
“True. Do you want to come back over tomorrow? Crap I don’t know how far away you live.” She cringed.
“I actually only live like a few blocks away.” He assured her.
“Oh. Okay.” She relaxed a bit. “I still don’t want to make you just come to my place though.” She frowned.
“I don’t mind.” He promised.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Yeah. It’s fine, I get the pleasure of your company and hopefully more of your amazing brownies.” He smiled.
“I can definitely make more brownies.” She promised, looking at the tray with two thirds of the brownies gone. “Do you want to take those home?” She asked.
“Don’t tempt me.” He warned. She grinned and got up to go to her kitchen. She came back out with a Tupperware container and started piling the brownies inside before sealing the lid on and handing it to him.
“There.” She smiled.
“I’ll get your container back to you tomorrow.” He promised as he got up and stretched.
“Okay.” She said absently. She was too busy watching his shirt rise up as he lifted his arms over his head.
“Evie?” He asked, making her eyes flash back up to his.
“What?” She asked.
“I said, ‘what time do you want me to come over tomorrow’?” He smiled.
“Oh!” She felt her face heat up over the fact that he definitely caught her staring, and thought about his question. “How about one?” She offered.
“Sounds good.” He nodded before going over to the door to pull his shoes on. She walked over with him and opened the door for him. “See you tomorrow.” He said in farewell. She reached out and hugged him quickly.
“See you tomorrow Stiles.” She agreed as he stepped through the threshold. She watched him head down the hall and enter the stairwell before she closed her door and locked it, smiling to herself the whole time.
Tagged:  @amethystmerm4id, @were-cheetah-stiles, @susybird, @parislight, @iknowisoundcrazy, @mieczyslawwinchester1102, @caitsymichelle13, @maddie110201
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Devilman Crybaby Liveblog Thoughts...episode 1
for @essayofthoughts​! 
This got...long. Overall, I’ll keep watching! It was a wild, wild ride and got pretty damn epic by the end.
The opening theme was interesting, plus I always love a good lyric-less opening. There seems to be quite a bit to unpack with the imagery, so for now I’ll just say it’s catchy and the visuals definitely suit the music.
I appreciated the mysterious~ opening scene for managing to catch my attention. It’s so annoying when really good series have really, really boring opening scenes. I particularly like the sequence of those lights or whatever falling upon the earth and turning it into a molten fireball, not sure what that’s about.
Huh. This contrast is quite interesting. I mean, I guess Akira somehow demonstrates to Ryo that “love does not exist and therefore sadness does not either” somewhere along the way. The interesting part is that you’d immediately peg child!Ryo as the cold, utilitarian type, but his more grown up voiceover sounds nothing like his child self. He is vaguely emotional here, “At the time...I didn’t know what you meant.”
His older self uses the formal pronoun 私 watashi, too, even though he sounds so harsh as a kid...No clue what he’s going to be like later, but Ayumu Murase is an interesting choice for VA...I heard him in the Shoukoku no Altair anime, where I didn’t think he fit the main character very well. He has a soft voice and seems great at pulling off a slight feeling of vulnerability in his tone. Let’s see how he is in this role. 
Ok, that was a pretty standard high school sports practice scene, AND THEN THE SUPERVISING TEACHER’S TONGUE JUST DARTS OUT AND EATS THE BUTTERFLY WTF.
Creepy guy looking at love hotels, ok, star athlete, ok. Stabbing coach/father/whoever that guys is, ok... I can see where the social commentary comes in, with this murder case and the drugs. Very interesting. Various anime, manga, movies, and TV shows have been touching on similar themes in the past few years. I’ll hold my thoughts for now.
I am eager to see how the rappers become plot relevant lol. 
SO RANDOM. hey, just chilling by the pier, then some guys come along rapping, then one of MCs pops up on a boat, then car comes zooming down the road and childhood friend just suddenly says “hey let’s go”. and now he has a GUN. overreaction much, Ryo-chan?
LOL BEAR HUG. So is this normal behavior? Swinging guns around in the middle of town?
Ok but I love friendships like these, like they’re just genuinely so happy to see each other gah. I hope it all doesn’t go south due to some stupid thing like a misunderstanding/just not talking to each other to clear things up.
I’m thinking this gun thing is just normal in this world, or something. You’d think everyone would be a bit more shocked. 
Ryo and Akira are lowkey adorable though. Doesn’t even mind that his friend (who’s miraculously a professor in the USA) shows up out of nowhere with a machine gun and shoots up the dock and just takes off with him. All he has on his face is a huge grin.
This is Miki, right? She’s only sane one here. xD “what in the world are you doing going with that guy?? AKIRA!”
AKIRA. Your priorities. No, no you don’t care about the machine gun. You care about him driving without a license...? He’s a good friend though. Even though I don’t believe he agrees with Ryo’s stance on running (and life in general), he doesn’t break off on an unrelated tangent and listens and waits for him to talk.
Hey. ENGLISH. Real English. That is understandable!! Hey, this anime earns serious brownie points for that.  
interestingly, Ryo says “Fikira” with a proper “r” sound in Japanese, but when his VA has to switch to “English” with “Professor Fikira”, the “r” gains more of an “l” sound. well, it’s difficult for them to discern the difference between the two. I’m still surprised at how the English is actually English though haha.
Oh, so that’s how the demon/devil stuff connects to the murders.
Well, for all his crazy, at least Ryo explains the whole situation BEFORE they walk through the doors to their possible demise. And for the seemingly calm, cool, and logical one to admit “I’m scared”, and he brought Akira along because he didn’t want to do it alone.
BUT THIS IS ALL STILL REALLY CRAZY. Akira, w h y are you agreeing so quickly? He doesn’t even hesitate.
HUG. Aw, these two are adorable.
And it’s a club. xD Like, if I didn’t already know this was a show filled with chaos and nudity, I would have been kinda shocked. It’s certainly interesting, and different for anime. Also, I can see how being aired on Netflix really helped. I’m not sure of how that all works entirely, but that they can add in, like you said, queercoding and other themes along those lines. mainstream Japanese is, like, ok with adding genderqueer stuff (though not always a great representation to downright offensive, it’s still there), but anything other than heteronormative stuff is still much more iffy.
I can definitely see how the overt sexualization would make you uncomfortable, I’m definitely not enjoying it much over here. xD Especially because this anime seems to have good animation haha.
See, Ayumu Murase sounds good here, playing at a rougher tone as Ryo. This role is fine for him, it was just the character he played in Shoukoku no Altair that didn’t fit at all.
RYO. This is what you were talking about, huh. xD He’s so extreme, like you just get up and start stabbing people?? To draw out the devil??
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finally, a reasonable response. Ryo, your crazy is showing just a little.
Well, that took a turn for the worst real fast.
You are a great friend, Ryo. Great friend. I feel like you glossed over something in your explanation before you two went into that place. “Hey, demon thing, go possess my friend now.”
Great pairing of music with the scene though. The animation is really something else, the fluidity is great and the monster designs really are out there.
I would also like to talk about how Akira is framed at the one who brings light to Ryo, who is wrapped in darkness. It happened in the beginning with Akira reaching his hand out to Ryo as kids, and again at the end with the light of the fire making Ryo’s whole face glow golden as he’s trapped underneath the black wings of the demon thing on top of him.
but, uh, supposing Akira doesn’t go and eat you next (which he won’t because plot but) and he keeps his human mind, how the heck is he going to feel about his friend turning him into a freaking devil?
Ryo, you definitely have issues. Even though he’s sort of...terrible xD I rather like his character so far. Poor Akira though.
Last note: That is Ryo talking in the opening, right...? Because as his teenage self, he also speaks roughly and uses the heavily masculine pronoun 俺 ore, so when in life does he get to the point that he uses 私? Interesting...
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lorilane33 · 7 years
January 24
Summary: You come clean to Dean about a traumatic event in your life and he responds. 
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 2,273
Warnings: Angst, talk of rape (may be triggering for some people), crying, reliving the past, some fluff in the end. Dean being amazing. 
A/N: I’m apologizing for this now. A couple of days ago I had a day where it was near impossible for me to get out of bed. I barely spoke, didn’t do a whole lot, and I cried a lot. For some reason this awful event from my life is what I was thinking about. I needed a way to kick my depression in the ass, and this is what came of it. Again, I’m sorry. 
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You have been dating Dean Winchester for three years. Sam and Dean had taken you in after your family was killed by a nest of vampires, and the rest is history. The two of you clicked almost instantly and the two of you shared literally everything with each other. Well… almost everything. There was one thing, one deep dark secret of yours that Dean didn’t know about. You’re too worried that it will affect how he sees you.
You are in the kitchen at the table, looking up possible birthday ideas for Dean. Dean doesn’t know why, or care to know why, but every year for his birthday since you’d been around you plan a big trip that gets the two of you out of the house. He always accuses you of being too nice to him and that he doesn’t need anything but you and Sammy for his birthday, but every year you insist that you enjoy planning something for him.
Dean walks into the kitchen at that moment, shuffling to where you are sitting and places a kiss to your forehead. “Morning, babe,” he mumbles as he turns and heads to grab a cup of coffee.
“Morning Dean. What’s got you up so early?” You smirk, knowing Dean is usually never up very early on a day off.
Once he has his coffee he comes back to the table and sits down next to you, peeking over at your laptop screen. “Oh you know, I rolled over to kiss my beautiful girlfriend this morning and she wasn’t there. I missed her, so I decided to come see why she is up so early on our day off. What are you doing up anyway?” He responds just before lifting his mug to his face to take a sip.
Knowing he would catch you if you tried to lie, you decide to tell him a piece of the truth. Couldn’t hurt to keep him sort of in the dark, right? “I just had some ideas of stuff we could do for your birthday and wanted to get a head start on that.” As you finish, you look nervously over at him to see him staring curiously at you.
“Uhh… my birthday? Y/n, you do realize that it’s currently July, right?” He smiles at you, waiting for a response.
You reach up and place your hand on his cheek, smiling hesitantly, hoping and praying he won’t be able to read you like a book like he usually does. “Yes De, I do realize that it is July. I just thought that we could do something exciting for your birthday again and I want to make sure we don’t miss out on something because we waited too long.” Turning back to the laptop screen, you click on a window that has the site for winter fun stuff to do in Kansas City pulled up. “I thought maybe we could do ice ska-”
Dean gently places his hand on your forearm, effectively stopping you from continuing on. “Y/n. Is everything okay? I mean, I get wanting to be prepared for whatever we end up doing for my birthday, and I trust you in that department because you’ve planned kick ass birthday trips the last two years, but it’s July. It’s not like you’re crunched for time.”
Your smile falters as you try to keep up the facade. “Dean, everything is fine. I’m just trying to get ahead.”
Dean looks at you with a look filled with uncertainty and hurt and responds. “Y/n, I know you. We’ve been together for three years. I know when you’re lying to me. Why are you lying to me?”
Tears start to build up behind your eyes and you fight to keep them at bay. “It’s nothing Dean. It’s stupid, and just trust me when I say that it’s okay. It’s fine.” you purse your lips, pulling away from Dean and placing your hands in your lap with your eyes cast down as your lip begins to tremble.
“Baby, you’re scaring me. Why are you crying? If it was stupid you wouldn’t be crying.” He reaches out for you, softly grabbing your wrist to pull you into his lap and into his embrace. “Whatever it is, Y/n, you can tell me. You know I love you and it kills me to see you like this right now. Please?”
With a reluctant sigh you look up into his eyes. “Dean, I don’t want this to change anything. It’s a little darker than just the fact that I left the brownies in the oven and burned them.” A tear slips down your cheek and he reaches up to wipe it away.
“Hey, honey whatever it is, you’re okay. Nothing is going to happen to you if you tell me.” He leans forward to place a kiss to your temple.
You smile sadly as you look down, and you take up picking at your fingernails as you decide where to start your story. “Dean, I thank you so much for loving me these past three years. You’ve been my rock, and I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for you.” You feel Dean’s hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer as you continue. “But you need to know that there’s one part of my past that I haven’t shared with you.”
Dean is still watching you, staying quiet as he waits to hear what you have to say. “Do you want to know the real reason I plan all of these exciting trips for your birthday?” He slowly nods his head, trying to get a step ahead of you in his mind but failing so he resorts to just listening.
“The reason I plan these trips is because January 24, besides being my perfect boyfriend’s birthday, happens to be one of the worst days of my life.” Dean is taken aback by what you say, his brow furrowing in confusion.
“Y/n, what do you mean the worst day of your life? Did something happen?” You nod your head, trying to hold back a sob that is fighting to escape. Dean starts gently rubbing your back, silently encouraging you.
“It happened back in 2010. There was this guy I had met my freshman year of high school, 2008, and we had become fast friends. He flirted with me all the time, but we only saw each other once a year at this weekend long camp.” You sniffle, trying to keep yourself enough under control to finish the story. Taking a deep breath, you continue.
“2010 was his last year since he was a senior, and we were having lunch together on the last day of the camp, January 24. Things changed somewhere along the line, and I still don’t know what to believe. He used my naivety and he-” You couldn’t handle the memories anymore and broke down sobbing, Dean’s hands coming up to hold you to his chest while running one through your hair.
“Shhhh.. Baby it’s okay. I’m right here. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, Y/n.”  you feel his lips on your temple again, and you shake your head.
“No, Dean, I need to get this out.”
“Okay, if you say so.” He continues to run his fingers through your hair, keeping you grounded as you continue.
“But as I was saying. We ate lunch, and wandered around just wasting time together since it was our last time to ever see each other. He decided to take advantage of my trust in him and he lured me down a dark and empty hallway. There he proceeded to completely take advantage of me.”
You feel Dean go rigid underneath you, then he pulls away to look you in the eye. “Wait. Y/n, are you telling me that he raped you?”
Hearing the word was enough to make your heart freeze and causes you to start crying again. You reply to him through your tears. “Yeah, Dean. That’s what I’m saying. It was the worst day of my life, and I always get so emotional on that day. But then I met you, and I found out that it was your fucking birthday, too. It gave me a really good way to distract myself from having to think about what happened that day. I didn’t want to distract from your birthday though by telling you about what happened. I was worried you’d think I was selfish for planning distractions for myself under the guise of making you happy for your birthday.”
The look Dean gives you makes your heart sink. He looks a little peeved at what you’ve just told him. “Baby, is that really what you think? That I’d be so insensitive to something horrible that happened to the woman I love?” He cups your face in his strong hands and look back and forth between your eyes, trying to process what you’re telling him.
Ashamed you turn your head away, unable to look Dean in the eyes. “Yeah, I just thought that-”
Firmly Dean cuts you off. “I don’t want to know what you thought, because whatever it is, it’s wrong. Y/n, I love you so much. To know that someone hurt you like that, broke your trust like that? It kills me. Could you please look at me?” He gently turns you to face him, placing a firm kiss to your lips. “You’re so beautiful, and so perfect. The thought that anyone could stand to take advantage of that makes my blood boil.”   
You wrap your arms around Dean’s neck, burying your face in his chest. “Please don’t do anything rash, Dean. It’s over and done with and I haven’t seen him since. I’m so sorry I kept this from you, Dean. I just didn’t want to take away from the one day a year that you get to have to yourself.”
Feeling Dean smile into your hair you hear him respond. “And that’s part of why I love you so much. You’re always taking care of Sam and me, always putting us before yourself. You’re so selfless and it blows my mind that you could stand being with me for so long.” He presses a kiss to your hair. “But you’ve got to remember babe, that I want to protect you and keep you from the things in your life that want to hurt you. I want to be your rock in this, and I can’t do that unless you tell me whatever it is that’s bugging you. So I want you to promise me that you’ll talk to me from now on, okay?”
You pull your face from its place nestled into Dean’s chest and press a kiss to his shoulder. “Yeah, I can do that Dean. Thanks for being so understanding with what happened. I just.. I still struggle with it some days. Granted it’s been seven and a half years, but there are some days where it’s just too much and I panic. I just feel like the world is crashing down around me and I can’t breathe.”
Dean brings his hand up to take hold of one of yours, pulling it from around his neck and placing feather light kisses to your fingertips. “I will ALWAYS be here for you, Y/n. You’re stuck with me for the long haul, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. The only reason I would ever be taken from you is if I ever see that prick and I break his face after castrating him with the demon blade.”
Hearing that makes you giggle, and you lean back to wipe away your tears. “Dean, I don’t want to ever lose you. So promise me that if I ever hear anything about him mysteriously being injured or disappearing, you will not have been involved.” You lean your forehead against his and smile.
His hands go from being wrapped around you to holding your waist and he smiles back. “Well. I definitely can’t make any promises. But as long as you’re okay…. I think I can let it slide. This time.” Placing a kiss to your lips he gently squeezes your waist. “Okay. So how about we just go back to bed for the rest of today and just snuggle, watch that one show you like on Netflix so much and just be together? I just want to spend some time holding my beautiful girlfriend, and reminding her of why I love her.”
Biting your lip softly and smiling, you reply. “Yeah, I think I’d be okay with that, Winchester.”
He helps you stand up from your place in his lap as he reaches to shut the laptop and grab the mugs of coffee that sit forgotten by the two of you from earlier. Placing them in the sink he turns and laces his fingers with yours as you lead him out of the kitchen. He catches the light on the way out and lightly runs his thumb over the back of your hand as the two of you walk down to your shared bedroom. His arms reach out and wrap around your waist as you reach the doorway and pull you in as he leans in to place a chaste kiss to your lips.
“I love you so much, Y/n. You’ve shown me exactly how strong you are, and I’m so happy I have you by my side.”
Kissing his lips back you mumble, “I love you too, Dean.” The two of you then head into your room, Dean softly kicking the door shut behind him.
Tags:  @bringmesomepie56 @aorma22 @torrentmgc @savetheimpalaridedean @vaisabu @madithemagicalfangirl @dancingalone21 @anokhi07 @green-love-red-fantasyhearts @smoothdogsgirl @superromijn @my-own-paradise-fuckers @wevegotworktodo @i-dont-know-how-to-write @rattyretro-blog-blog @arryn-nyxx @sis-tafics @jalove-wecallhimdean @dustycelt @supernatural-jackles​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​​ @27bmm​ @pinknerdpanda @emilywritesaboutdean @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms​ @babybrotherdean @babypieandwhiskey @nichelle-my-belle @iwantthedean​ @dreamingintheimpalawithdean​ @ravengirl94 @eyes-of-a-disney-princess​ @demondean-for-kingofhell @wantingtobekorra @saxxxology @akshi8278 @captainemwinchester
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