#And that Rhaenyra is guilty for ‟how her children turned out‟
scorpion-flower · 2 years
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When faced with the facts, team green stans, will pull the "you can't understand my deep and profound posts, never speak to me you peasant" 🤣
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realmsdelght · 1 month
A silver haired girl; Jacaerys Velaryon 
Jacaerys Velaryon x twin!reader Summary: a visit to a brothel leads to sharing feelings that had been buried deeply within the twins Note: italics are high valyrian. All of a sudden I found myself simping over my boy Jace and I don't think I can ever go back Warning: none, she's just a cute little drabble Word count: 866
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The hour of the wolf was almost at its end when Prince Jacaerys returned to the Keep. He walked quietly through the halls after biding his stepfather good night, after a very loud and busy night, all he wished for was the quiet comfort of his own chambers. Once inside his chambers, he was met with a familiar figure lying on his bed. 
“How was your night?” His twin asked, not taking her eyes away from the carved dragons on the ceiling.
“It was… eventful,” the prince said as he stripped from his doublet, throwing it on the chair.
The princess pushed herself up to her elbows, watching as her brother removed his boots. “Eventfull?” She questioned, “You are aware that we all know where Daemon took you.”
Now, stripped to his comfortable clothes, the prince climbed onto his bed, lying down next to his sister. “It was interesting. I saw many different things and positions,” both siblings giggled at his remark. The twins stared at the ceiling, the silence between them was not uncomfortable, but both knew there were things they wished to say to each other. “But I did not do anything,” he tried to assure her, “I believe this visit was just to make acquaintances.” The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Jacaerys decided to get his sister’s attention again, “did you know that there are women that dye their hair to look like Targaryens?”
“I would imagine so,” her eyes traced the largest carved dragon.
“How so?” Jace was not an innocent child anymore, he knew the Targaryens’ Valyrian features were attractive, especially for the common people, but he did not imagine the people’s fascination with them went that far.
“I simply see the way men look at me, Rhaena, Baela, and Helaena. So I would imagine they would pay women to satisfy their fantasies,” she told her brother, who seemed disgusted by what she had just told him, “what is it?”
“I know people look at you, how could they not, you are beautiful. But it did not notice men would stare at you like that,” the princes felt guilty he never noticed how men acted towards his sister.
“Men are men Jace, they lustfull gaze does nothing but disgust me. And you didn’t notice because women don’t stare at men like men stare are us,” she hoped to ease the guilt she knew her brother was feeling, “you were probably only stared at like that today, I would imagine the girls at the brothel were very pleased to see you.”
The prince scoffed, “I do not have the Targaryen features people are fascinated by.” Out of Rhaenyra’s eldest children, Jacaerys’ twin was the only one who had silver hair and lighter eyes, and she knew it bothered her brother sometimes.
His sister turned to her side so she could face him, but his eyes did not leave the carved ceiling, “your eyes and eyes may be dark, but your face is that of a Targaryen,” at that, the prince shook his head, he did not wish for his sister’s pity. “You may deny it, but you look exactly like Mother, more than any of us do,” she pointed out. “So,” a mischievous smile appeared on her face, “which ones do you prefer, the silver or dark haired ones?”
At her question, she could see her brother’s cheeks burn a bright red, “sister! That is inappropriate,” his eyes remained on the ceiling, afraid to look at her.
“Why? We are twins, we should know each other’s preferences,” oh how she enjoyed teasing her brother, “I will tell you what I prefer.”
“Sister!” The prince turned on his side, his eyes finally meeting his twin’s.
She looked into his eyes as she spoke, “I prefer the dark haired ones.”
Jacaerys whispered her name as he moved closer to her, “we must not say things like that,” his forehead now touched her, “you are betrothed to our uncle,” her reminded his sister.
“And our uncle has dull silver hair,” she whispered in Valyrian, their preferred language when it came to secrets, “it is not fair that everyone does what they please and we hold back,” she reached over, taking his hand into hers.
“I do not wish to sully your honor,” he explained. His sister was now so close he could feel her breathing, “I love you too much to do that.”
“Jace,” she spoke softly, “I would like for you to sully my honor, please.”
The Prince’s hands went to his sister’s cheeks, pulling her into a deep kiss. The two Velaryons had yearned for each other and that kiss for so long, that they both got lost in the affection. The kiss was filled with longing and want, and as they deepened the kiss they held each other as if their life depended on it. The princess had never felt so loved as she did in that moment with her twin, Jace held her tight as the years of yearning spilled into one moment.
Once they pulled away to catch their breath Jacaerys opened his eyes, caressing his sister’s cheek, “I prefer one silver haired girl in particular.”
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sansaorgana · 2 months
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PAIRING — Ser Gwayne Hightower x fem!Reader // Queen Alicent Hightower x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — Your sister-in-law wishes for you to become one of her ladies-in-waiting but you become so much more. Things complicate when your husband comes to visit.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — The title is from Florence + The Machine song. Alicent is a lesbian in this fic but she's also very conflicted about it. Reader is 100% bisexual. I wanted to write this fic for some time now because I have a crush on Alicent ever since Season One so yeah... Here we go... 😩😈
WARNINGS — cheating, homosexuality seen as something *wrong* (by Alicent), mentions of sexual activities (no actual smut – tiiiiny bit in the beginning)
WORD COUNT — 6,240
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You moved away from between her trembling legs after a cry of pleasure muffled by her own hand that she had covered her mouth with. Alicent’s juices were dripping down your chin when you smirked at her and looked up to meet her big brown eyes. Those soft big brown eyes that you adored more than anything. You had always adored them. So full of sadness and softness and you had never wanted anything but to make her feel better.
“Have I pleased you?” You asked while peppering her soft inner thighs with your kisses although you knew the answer already. Her husband had no idea how to please her.
The Queen only nodded and looked away. Poor Alicent – she always felt bad and guilty after the peak had already been reached. The sudden realisation of her sin was soul-crushing but the tension and desire had been too great to ignore them. She deserved the relief and you did not see anything bad about it.
“How many times do we have to do this?” You sighed and lied next to her in her bed. Your fingertips caressed her sides and your lips attached themselves to the crook of her neck, smelling all the scented oils in her hair. She was The Queen of the Realm and she was pampered like no other Lady. “There is no shame in this.”
“There is a sin,” Alicent turned her head around to finally meet your gaze. She raised her hand to nervously play with the seven-pointed star pendant on her sweaty chest.
“Why?” You bit on your lip and caressed her auburn locks out of her face.
“It is betrayal,” she frowned as if she was getting frustrated with your lack of understanding.
“It would have been if you lied with a man,” you explained and kissed her cheek before laying on your back and staring at the ceiling.
“I should find your vague idea of morality perplexing,” Alicent pointed out and you couldn’t help but chuckle at her confession.
“But you do not and thank Gods for that,” you rolled your eyes with a smirk.
A silence occurred as Alicent kept playing nervously with the pendant between her fingers and you were staring at the ceiling and counting all the cracks.
“What kind of husband is my brother?” She asked suddenly and you turned your head around to look at her again.
“A good one,” you admitted, feeling nearly guilty for that because you knew why she was asking – her husband was not good. Not to her and not to her children.
“Why are you doing this then?” Alicent asked.
It was obvious why her brother was on her mind now. He would arrive at King's Landing any day now. You couldn’t wait to see Gwayne again after a few months of being apart and you only wished he had taken your son with him but he could not. Robyn was the eldest son and he was supposed to stay in Oldtown. He had just become a squire and leaving his knight for a few long weeks would not be advised, therefore you had to go on missing your boy. Day after day as if he was a burning hole in your chest. Mothers would always miss their sons, you assumed.
“To kill the time,” you shrugged your arms, not wanting to reveal how much Alicent meant to you and for how long. “And to help you. You are my friend and I love you,” you confessed.
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Alicent always loved Princess Rhaenyra more. Your father was a Master of Coin in King Viserys’ Small Council and you were growing up together – three girls running around happily. Or rather – two girls following the Princess like two overjoyed puppies. Rhaenyra was the centre of everything for you and not only because she was the Princess but also because she meant everything to Alicent. No matter how much effort you were putting into making Alicent like you more, you were destined to fail for she always was choosing Rhaenyra over you.
It made you grow bitter towards The Princess but never towards Alicent. You were blaming yourself – you had to become more and try harder perhaps and maybe then you’d earn more than just leftover crumbs of her love and friendship.
You couldn’t understand your feelings back then – why was the attraction so strong, what was making you feel so attached to the young Hightower Lady. You were the same age and yet everything she said was like a command to you. Wherever she went, you followed. Even when you felt like a burden because she so clearly would rather be left alone with Rhaenyra. But Rhaenyra never minded your presence because to her you were only a pawn on the board, an ornament, an addition of no importance. So, you often witnessed the two girls laughing together, whispering, exchanging small gestures of affection. You were only watching. Observing as your heart ached.
During The Heir's Tournament you met Ser Gwayne Hightower, Alicent’s older brother. He was young then, eager to show off his abilities and make his family proud. Perhaps he did not have his sister’s big brown eyes but he had the auburn hair you loved so much about her and he had her softness about him. You were enamoured with him in no time and when he approached the royal box to greet his sister – he caught your eye and you caught his and for that moment when your eyes met, you felt butterflies all over your body.
Ser Gwayne Hightower received your favour on that day and the sparkles of joy in your eyes while you were throwing the wreath at him were very obvious to your father and to his as well. You could not know that then but they exchanged meaningful looks for a short moment.
Even though Gwayne lost the duel with Prince Daemon Targaryen, he did not lose your affection. In fact, witnessing him nearly winning and losing only because Prince Daemon chose to play dirty – it only solidified your feelings. Ser Gwayne was a righteous man, a chivalrous knight and a brave one, too. It took lots of courage to face Prince Daemon Targaryen himself.
Gwayne was carried away with his face covered in blood and dirt while his mind was filled with thoughts of you – of losing your favour and your interest. However, you hurried to his side right after the tournament ended to make sure he was fine. And at the sight of you – he truly was fine again.
You were only ten and five but you knew already that Ser Gwayne was the only man you could see yourself being married off to. Thankfully, your father saw that, too. Two years later you were sent to Oldtown and for the whole time in between you were exchanging letters. When Alicent was married off to King Viserys shortly after his wife’s death, you still felt bitter but not as much as you could because you mostly felt excited about your own upcoming wedding.
However, the sadness and anxiety on Alicent’s face on her wedding day were a sight you would never forget.
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Years and years of the happy marriage had passed and you were still in touch with your sister-in-law because of the letters you were exchanging and her son that you and Gwayne were raising in Oldtown – Prince Daeron Targaryen. But other than that, you had your own life now to live, your own duties, your own offspring and Alicent was simply not occupying your mind as much as in your adolescent years. 
You were aware of King Viserys’ health getting worse and worse as Alicent was ruling the Kingdom in his name. The burden of responsibility was heavy and her marriage was getting more and more difficult. You couldn’t say the same of your own union – you loved Gwayne and he loved you. Just like every married couple you had your misunderstandings and disagreements but you were grateful for him every day of your life and you knew well that he felt the same towards you.
It was after breakfast on one of those days that seemed to be pretty typical in the morning and then they turned out to be life-changing for a person. Without a warning and without an ominous feeling deep in one’s gut, they just happened and changed lives.
A letter came to you from Queen Alicent and you expected nothing of great importance in it so you put it below the pile of letters you had to respond to this morning. You sat by your desk and dipped the feather in the black ink as you started to perform one of your duties as Lady Hightower, helping your husband to run Oldtown in his father’s name.
Letter after letter, until finally you were left with the last one. You opened it with a small yawn, which turned into a frown after reading Alicent’s plea and request.
“What is it?” Gwayne entered your chambers this very moment but his smile dropped at the sight of your face.
You folded the letter suddenly as if it was a secret or something dirty but it only increased your husband’s curiosity as he approached the table and raised an eyebrow at you.
“What is it?” He repeated the question and you pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to find the right words.
“It is from your sister,” you replied and looked up to meet his confused gaze. He knew about your friendship and for you to react this way at one of Alicent’s letters was simply unusual.
“Is he dead?” Was all Gwayne asked.
“No, Gods, no,” you shook your head and took a deep breath in. “Not yet,” you added.
“What is it then?” Gwayne lifted your chin up gently to make sure your eyes would still be on his. You swallowed a lump in your throat and finally decided to tell him what his sister had requested.
“Queen Alicent wishes for me to become one of her ladies-in-waiting,” you revealed and Gwayne’s confusion only grew. “She feels lonely in King’s Landing, she needs a friend by her side. Somebody she can trust.”
“It is out of the question,” Gwayne took the folded paper from your hands and read the letter himself, still standing above you as you nervously fidgeted with your fingers.
Your own feelings were chaotic at that moment. Something in your heart wanted to run to King’s Landing at this very moment because Alicent needed you and because you wanted to make her life easier and make her happy. You had always wanted nothing but her happiness.
But you had your own duties in Oldtown and you had your husband here and your children. You could not just leave like that, could you? Especially when Oldtown was so far away from King’s Landing.
“It is out of the question,” Gwayne said again and threw the letter on your desk. “Reply to her that your Lord Husband does not agree.”
“She is your sister,” you looked up at him, pleadingly.
“Yes and I have nothing but love for her in my heart but her request is selfish,” he clenched his jaw as he looked you up and down, visibly surprised that you were not agreeing with him on this. “Why does she want to take you away from me? You are my wife.”
“Your wife – not your property,” you reminded him.
“That is debatable,” Gwayne huffed and looked away but before you could scold him, he continued with more. “Living in a different city, different castle, so far away from me… Will you still be my wife?” He turned his head around in an attempt to try to read your emotions.
“I will forever be your wife,” you stood up and took his hand into yours before placing it on your chest where your heart was. “But she needs me, Gwayne. She’s all alone there with no one by her side.”
“Father is with her,” Gwayne interrupted you. “He always favoured Alicent.”
“You do know that being favoured by him is a burden, not a prize,” you reminded. “Please, let me go. For some time at least. Until The King dies. It should not be for long and I’ll take the girls with me,” you tried to convince him as your fingers caressed his hand on your chest. “Please,” you whispered, looking up deep into his eyes.
After a long moment of silence and hesitation, your husband nodded his head reluctantly.
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A few months later, you found yourself standing in the courtyard of The Red Keep, awaiting your husband’s arrival. He had a business to deal with in The Crownlands and he wanted to spend a few days with his family, too. You were caressing the creases on your dress with your hands and your teenage daughter Margaery was fixing her younger sister’s hairdo. Little Wyllow had been missing her father the most and she couldn’t wait for his arrival. In fact, she had made you and Margaery wait there since early morning and at this point you were exhausted already but you didn’t complain since you couldn’t wait to see Gwayne again either.
Even though it also felt a little weird and awkward since your mind was being flooded with memories of his sister’s body tangled with yours underneath her royal silk sheets. Her plump lips parted and soft moans escaping them, her beautiful big brown eyes hazy and filled with tears of shame and pleasure…
You were trying to shake those thoughts and images off of your head when you were interrupted by the sound of the horses approaching the gate.
“Father!” Wyllow nearly ran straight under the horse if she was not stopped by Margaery.
Your older daughter gave you a scolding look and she was right to do so because it was your duty to watch over your children, meanwhile you were distracted by the memories of dirty acts instead.
When you watched Gwayne jumping off of the horse, your heart clenched in your chest at the sight of him and you suddenly realised why Alicent was so filled with shame and guilt because now you felt them, too.
His handsome face, his eyes sparkling at the sight of you, his auburn hair reflecting in the sun… He truly was the man you loved. You just couldn’t help the fact you loved his sister, too.
“Father!” Wyllow finally was free to run into his arms and he crouched down to hug her and kiss her forehead.
“I am so happy to see you, little bird,” Gwayne cupped his daughter’s cheeks and she giggled.
He straightened himself but Wyllow clinged to his left hand so he used his right one to caress Margaery’s face lovingly.
“You’re growing fast, my love,” he pointed out.
“I am trying my best, Lord Father,” Margaery nodded her head with a smile and then she took a step back to get out of the way and let him greet you.
“Lord Husband,” you gave him a nervous and soft smile. Gwayne tilted his head a little and your heart skipped a beat. He was a very observant man but there was nothing that would give you away, right? What could it be?
“Lady Wife,” he smiled at you and took two steps ahead to be able to kiss the palm of your hand. Whatever he had noticed, he pretended it was nothing. At least for now.
“You must be exhausted,” you pointed out. “The chambers have been already prepared for you and I’m going to tell the maids to fix you a bath.”
“Does it mean we are not sharing the same chambers during my stay here?” Gwayne raised an eyebrow at you.
Margaery cleared her throat and she took Wyllow by her free hand.
“Shall we go inside now? Let our Lady Mother greet Lord Father properly,” she dragged her protesting sister behind her.
“She is becoming a fine Lady,” you chuckled awkwardly. “I can’t help feeling that the air and water in King’s Landing are making her grow up faster. Perhaps she is spending too much time with women older than her,” you explained, clasping your hands in front of yourself as if you had no idea what to do with them. “Come with me, I am sure you want to greet your father and sister, too.”
“I do,” Gwayne followed you inside while some of the men he had taken with him were taking care of his luggage with the help of The Red Keep’s servants. “You still haven’t answered my question about the chambers,” he pointed out when you were in the staircase together.
“My darling,” you turned around abruptly, making him stop his walk. “Your chambers are close to mine, please do not get cross with me. Those past few months I have learnt to love my solitude,” you explained and Gwayne tilted his head again but he only nodded.
“Let it be then,” he only said.
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With each one of your husband’s kisses and each one of his touches, each one of your reached peaks and cries of pleasure, you felt more and more purified of sin as if his body was washing away Alicent’s smell off of you. After months of not laying together, you were lost in each other for hours with caring very little about getting any sleep. You were watching the sun rise behind the window when you were too exhausted to go on as you were laying on Gwayne’s chest, drawing circles there with your fingers and his hand was playing with your hair, gently massaging your scalp.
“Have you been faithful to me?” You asked casually and you could feel his muscles tensing under you.
You had no right to ask that – but he did not know of it.
“I have,” he answered. “Of course I have.”
“And if I say that the whores count, too?” You looked up playfully.
“I have been faithful to my Lady Wife,” Gwayne shook his head and you spotted a slight irritation on his face. He did not like it when his honour was being questioned – he was a knight, after all. “Why do you ask? Have you not been faithful to me?”
A shiver went down your spine at his chilling accusation.
“How can you ask me that?” You gasped.
“You have accused me first.”
“Because you are a man,” you reminded him.
“I am. And I know what men are like,” Gwayne nodded his head. “They must all be following you around – a beautiful Lady far away from her husband is like an invitation,” he finally cracked a smile, revealing that he was only jesting.
“I do not want any man but you,” you assured him as the tension left your body because you did not have to lie about it.
“That is good to know, my love,” Gwayne kissed the top of your head. “You had me worried with your cold greeting and not letting me into your chambers.”
“Are you not in my chambers now, Lord Husband?” You teased him and placed a kiss on his chest where his heart was. “And if my greeting was cold, then I owe you an apology. I spend too much time around your sister and her husband and I keep forgetting that some marriages are happy. That mine is…” You wanted to look up to meet his gaze but you couldn’t as something inside of you was stopping you.
“That is a shame,” Gwayne only said.
“It is, darling, but you are here now to remind me.”
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You were sitting in the same chambers as Alicent, embroidering side by side and even though you were using no words, you found each other’s company comforting. Your arms were brushing as you both were focused on creating beautiful patterns on the same piece of fabric to make the work faster. It was supposed to be a beautiful green blanket with embroidered little dragons. 
Princess Helaena was sitting nearby and embroidering spiders on her own piece of fabric. Her cousin, Lady Margaery Hightower was sitting next to her and teaching her younger sister the craft. It was peaceful, cosy and quiet – you loved those moments the most because it was nearly as if Alicent was your own Lady Wife and you were just enjoying the time spent together with your family, far away from all those loud and obnoxious men surrounding you everywhere. These chambers were your escape and your own queendom.
When the doors opened, everyone except for Helaena looked up with a slight irritation since the man entering this sanctuary was nothing but an intruder. Even if the man was Ser Gwayne Hightower, who was loved by every person inside the chambers.
He cleared his throat when you gave him a soft smile, your arm still brushing Alicent’s and you were sitting in a way that made sure you were facing each other. You had never thought about it before but it was quite intimate indeed. Your husband’s tilted head made you realise that he had just observed something and after a short while you understood what it was as you moved away slightly.
“Brother,” Alicent greeted him. 
“Lord Husband,” you nodded at him.
“Forgive me for interrupting. I would like to take Margaery for a walk around the gardens,” he extended his hand towards his older daughter as Wyllow looked up at him with pleading eyes. “It must be Margaery alone this time but I promise you, little bird, I am going to take you for a walk later, too. Perhaps we’ll walk to the bay and watch the ships,” he assured her and she sighed with relief.
“You can finish without my help now, I believe,” Margaery handed the fabric to her younger sister. “Do try, at least. If you face any challenges, Lady Mother or Helaena shall help you.”
Helaena looked up when her name was mentioned and she gave Wyllow a soft smile that encouraged her little cousin to keep going. When Margaery stood up and left the sofa, Wyllow moved closer to Helaena and The Princess did not seem to mind.
“Can you help me with the ladybug?” She asked and Helaena’s face lit up at that.
“Lord Father,” Margaery took Gwayne by his arm and bowed her head at you and Alicent before walking out of the chambers with her father.
“I am wondering what is the matter my Lord Husband wishes to discuss with Margaery,” you hummed to yourself.
“She is ten and five now,” Queen Alicent pointed out. “What is the only possible matter that fathers wish to discuss with their daughters at that age?”
You furrowed your brows at her words because she was right and you did not like the sound of that. It was a shame that she was right, too, and not only for your own daughter but for every woman in this Realm. 
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You saw Gwayne again before dinner, on your way to the dining hall. He was walking down the stairs and you rushed to him to walk by his side. He offered you his arm and you took it.
“I have a question for you, Lord Husband,” you started, nearly aggressively and he raised his eyebrows at that fierceness.
“What is it, my love?”
“Are you planning to marry our sweet Margaery off so quickly? I do not wish for her to get wed too soon,” you told him, hoping he would understand your point of view because sadly, in the end, the decision was his to make for women had always been properties of men – once her father’s, then her husband’s.
Sometimes you wished you had become a septa.
“Not soon, no. But she is ten and five. That was the age you were in when we met,” Gwayne reminded you with a smile.
“Yes, indeed, my darling, but it was us both meeting and falling in love. That is different, you must admit,” you pursed your lips.
“I must, indeed. Do not worry, I am not willing to force anything upon our sweet daughter. I have only told her to start looking around for suitable matches… soon,” your husband explained. “I am sure King’s Landing is full of important young men.”
“I do not wish for her to get married here. This place is rotten and so are its people,” you sighed. “My greatest wish is for Margaery to marry a man from The Reach.”
“We all have wishes, my darling wife,” Gwayne’s answer was nearly mocking but he spotted your annoyance so he looked around to make sure you were not being seen before pulling you by your waist and pushing you against the wall to steal a kiss from your lips. “Gods, I missed this,” he whispered and you felt your cheeks heating up.
“Gwayne!” You scolded him playfully. “I missed this, too,” you added and caressed his cheek with your fingers.
But his smile dropped and eyes became serious all of the sudden. You stayed like that in a short moment of silence before he dropped the question that turned your guts inside out:
“What is the nature of your relationship with my sister?”
You were taken aback by his question and you moved your hand away from his face before taking a deep breath in, trying to steady your heartbeat.
“Alicent is my best friend,” you looked deep into his eyes, surprised by your own courage to lie like this…
But was it a lie? She was your friend, after all.
“There is intimacy between you two that I can only wish for between us these days,” Gwayne whispered and you bit on your lower lip.
“She is my main companion for weeks now,” you tried to explain.
“Are you still planning to come back home after The King dies?” Gwayne lowered his voice even more since talking about the monarch’s death could be seen as treason.
“Y-yes, of course,” you nodded nervously.
“Why the tremble of your voice?” Gwayne raised an eyebrow.
“What are you accusing me of?” You suddenly clenched your fists, trying to take another route of getting out of this awkward situation. “Your implications are indecent. You have been accusing me of obscenities ever since you arrived here. You wound me deeply, Lord Husband,” you straightened yourself.
“You have accused me first,” Gwayne reminded you.
“Without any reproach thrown at you. I have asked out of simple curiosity,” you informed him.
“You are right, do forgive me,” he reached for your hand to place a delicate kiss upon the palm of it. You sighed, feeling extremely guilty.
“You are forgiven,” you whispered, nearly inaudibly, because it felt wrong to be the one saying those words.
In fact, at that very moment, you promised yourself to fix everything. You promised yourself to invite Gwayne to your chambers again for the night and let his touch to purify you like on the previous night. And you would go to The Sept and you would pray the sin away, you would beg for forgiveness, you would be a better wife, perhaps you would beg Alicent to let you go back to Oldtown with your husband.
Yes, that was the plan.
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In the early morning you couldn’t tell that you were well-rested. Your muscles were sore after the previous two nights and your head was hazy but you still got dressed up quickly when the sun was rising and creeping inside your chambers to shine upon Gwayne’s auburn hair. You leaned in to kiss his forehead and you left him sleeping to visit The Sept and be able to go back to The Red Keep before breakfast.
You had never been a devout but you were not a savage either. You believed in Gods and now more than ever you needed redemption.
You expected to be alone there at such an early hour but no – of course not. Queen Alicent was already there, kneeling by the stone table and lighting the candles. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in. She was your greatest temptation and it was a cruel joke that the Gods had played on you to put her there at this time when you visited The Sept to pray her very own self away from your life.
Alicent looked up, surprised to see you. Her soft features were as sad as usual but at the sight of you she seemed to be a bit happier – relieved, in a way. Your heart clenched inside your chest. How could you ever want to leave her? You couldn’t. She was too dependent on you. Her happiness was and so was her sanity. Leaving her would be equal to killing her.
“I have not expected you in The Sept at such an early hour,” she commented as you kneeled next to her.
“I have not expected myself here either,” you smirked. “I came here to ask for forgiveness.”
“Forgiveness? Aren’t you always the one telling me that what we do is no sin?” Alicent furrowed her brows.
“I have lied to my husband. That is a sin,” you confessed and Alicent did not say anything to this. “I… I will have to go back to Oldtown, I think… I can’t… I can’t go on like this,” you looked down and Alicent remained silent but you didn’t have to look at her to know her big brown eyes were filled with tears. “I miss my son and I miss Oldtown… King’s Landing is corrupt and I do not wish for my daughters to grow up here. I… I miss Gwayne, too. I love him, I love him, I love him…”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Sudden, harsh question made you look up to meet her teary gaze.
“I’ve been loving him ever since I saw him during the tournament. You were there, sitting by my side,” you reminded her.
“You love him because he is my brother but your life has always revolved around me,” Alicent pointed out and you felt your cheeks heating up.
“You… You knew?” You only asked.
“I was blind to choose Rhaenyra because she was never for me to reach. She was The Princess and you were equal to me, so devoted. Blindly, very often. I took you for a fool and only after losing you, I realised. When you were sent to Oldtown, I suddenly understood that my only friend had left my side,” Alicent explained. “My only friend and the only person who has ever… Who has ever loved me – except for my mother.”
“Gwayne loves you, too,” you pointed out.
“Does he? He took you away from me,” Alicent’s jaw clenched and your eyes widened. She was not being rational but you knew why – she was scared of losing you again. In fact, she was determined to make you stay by her side.
“You will not let me leave, will you?” You whispered.
Alicent opened her mouth to say something but then her face softened and she stood up rapidly to walk away.
“I am sorry… I do not wish to… Act like this… I do not recognise myself,” she admitted with her voice full of shame. She raised her hands up to her mouth as she nervously bit on the soft skin around her fingernails.
You didn’t answer because you were too lost in your own thoughts. Was she right again? About you loving Gwayne only because he was her brother? You had never thought about it before. It would mean your whole marriage was a lie, an illusion – or rather a delusion.
“When I’m with him, I don’t imagine you,” you stood up as well when the realisation hit you. “But when I’m with you, he doesn’t exist to me. It’s as if there were two of me.”
“I do not understand,” Alicent shook her head. “To me, there is only you,” she confessed and laid her eyes on you.
You didn’t know what to answer. You swallowed a lump in your throat instead.
“I am flawed, poisoned…” Alicent continued. “I can only feel this way towards other women. I felt this way towards Rhaenyra until a certain moment and then… Then my whole life was about you. I have spent hours inside this Sept, trying to pray this away,” Alicent’s silent tears streamed down her cheeks.
“I do not have such a conflict. I can love both men and women,” you told her. “I can love you and I can love Gwayne…”
“I do not wish to share you!” Alicent interrupted you and then she hid her face in her hand as she sobbed.
“Women are not their own property. I am not the one to decide if I can be shared,” you answered diplomatically.
You felt sorry for her but you also felt sorry for Gwayne that he was being betrayed behind his back by his own wife and sister – two women he loved the most except for his daughters. He would die for you both, he would kill to protect you or to defend your honours – even though none of you had an honour anymore. He was the real victim here.
But one more look at Alicent’s sad eyes was enough to break you again. You approached her to cup her face and kiss her softly. She protested in the beginning since you were inside The Sept but you didn’t give a fuck about it anymore – you would go to Seven Hells anyway.
“I shall not leave you,” you promised her.
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When you came back to your chambers, Gwayne was dressing up in front of the mirror. He raised an eyebrow at you entering the room.
“Where have you been?” He asked.
“In The Sept to pray,” you answered truthfully.
“Has my sister turned you into a devout like her already?” He chuckled.
“She has a great influence on me,” you nodded and walked up to him to kiss his cheek.
“You even smell like her,” he said and your heart skipped a beat.
“I am fond of her scented oils and she allows me to use them,” you answered.
“It feels weird when I’m fucking you, I have to admit,” Gwayne chuckled awkwardly and so did you.
“You shall fuck me more then,” you pointed out quietly.
“Even more, Lady Wife?” He shook his head with another chuckle.
“Until her scent is gone,” you explained and looked out of the window.
Gwayne did not say anything to this but his smile disappeared. From the corner of your eye you saw his reflection in the mirror and you realised that he had finally understood what was going on behind his back.
After a while, which felt like forever, he cleared his throat:
“It is a putrid place indeed.”
“You must take me far away from here,” you turned around to grab his arm and your heart broke when you felt him flinch a little. “You must save my soul and take me home,” you pleaded despite the promise you had given to Alicent earlier but that promise had not been given sober. You had been intoxicated with her.
“You must come back home yourself, my love,” Gwayne smiled sadly at you and caressed your hair gently, “for I do not wish to force anything upon you. You are always kind enough to remind me that you are not my property, aren't you? And I agree,” he nodded, “this decision is for you to make.”
And you didn’t know what to say or do because there was no decision that felt right and no decision that didn’t feel wrong either. Gwayne was your duty and your sacrifice and Alicent was a self-indulgent sin but you loved them both so much that you cursed the whole Hightower bloodline for existing because your life would be so much easier without them.
You knew what Gwayne was expecting of you – he expected you to choose your duty because – just like his sister – he was all about honour and decency. But you didn’t want your husband to feel as if you were choosing him only because of your marriage vows – you wanted him to know that you cared for him, too, even though he wouldn’t believe you now.
But there was only one choice for you anyway, wasn’t it? You couldn’t just stay with Alicent and pretend that it was the right thing to do. You couldn’t abandon your family and your duties for her and she had to understand it.
You looked deep into Gwayne’s eyes and your own filled with tears at the sight of all the pain and sadness in his. You dropped your hand down from his arm to intertwine your fingers with his.
“I do not think of myself as flawed or poisoned for feeling the way I feel,” you explained to him. “But I do not wish for my nature to spoil our union. If anybody can save me, it would be you,” you whispered. A plea. A desperate cry for help. “I am a mother, I am a wife, I am Lady Hightower and my home is in Oldtown.”
Your heart, however, would forever be divided; torn and bleeding. The deep, burning hole was forever to stay there for one reason or another.
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bumblesimagines · 3 months
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader Summary: Alicent finds herself unable to escape her desire for a new face in court.
Her long, forest-green gown dragged along the cold floor, picking up the dust-caked along the stones. Her hands remained curled around each other in front of her, her head held high as she approached her typical prayer area. Those in the sept bowed to her and scurried away once she passed them, for the last thing they wanted was to disrupt the Dowager Queen's prayer time. It reminded her of the loneliness that plagued her, looming over her like a dark storm cloud. She'd been a lonely child, a lonely mother, a lonely queen. Nobody truly understood her, nor did they bother trying. 
With a soft sigh, she carefully lowered herself down onto her knees and lit one of the many candles, careful not to get hot wax on herself or the sleeve of her gown. Alicent swallowed and spared a glance around her. Ser Criston and another knight stood by the entrance where she'd entered and two handmaidens lingered by them. Enough distance for her to speak of her sins without worry of rumors spreading. Alicent turned back to the candles and stared at the flames, her fingers lacing together. 
Alicent had many things to feel guilty about; her unsalvageable friendship with Rhaenyra, her crumbling relationship with her own children, the pain in which her husband had been in for much time before passing, the self-pity that filled her veins whenever she looked upon her daughter. She thought about it all constantly. But the thing that'd led her to seek out the Seven that day... had not been among the things she truly felt guilty about. Sure, there'd been a prickle of guilt, but primarily felt because of her husband who hadn't passed that long ago. 
Her eyes fluttered shut and she bowed her head, whispering her apologies into the quiet, chilly air filling the sept. She apologized to Rhaenyra for failing her, to her children for being thrusted into duty before they could mourn their father, and to Viserys for not being there in his final moments. But her voice faltered when she thought of him. Her fingers squeezed tightly around each other as heat enveloped her face and traveled down the rest of her body, making her itch for a quick return to the castle so she could plunge herself in a bath. 
The Small Council's newest Master of Ships: (Y/N) Roxton, younger brother to Jon Roxton the Bold. Alicent had been uneasy the day he'd arrived at King's Landing with his devilish eyes and smirky mouth but Aegon had been delighted with him when they met, cementing his spot amongst the council despite merely being a few years older than Aegon and by far the youngest council member they'd thus yet had. Alicent attempted to keep her worries in check but they soon soothed when (Y/N) proved to be rather well-mannered despite the bloody reputation he and his brother had garnered throughout the years, although his youth showed through his flirtatious nature. 
Alicent found the attention pleasing, surprisingly enough. Her father had deprived her of the chance of a love-filled marriage and King Viserys had hardly given her the attention she would've wanted from a husband as he only paid her attention to fulfil his own desires. She enjoyed the flirting, even if she dismissed him with shakes of her head or gentle scolding, but the smile that toyed on her lips only led him to continue. Dreams plagued her sleep and bitter jealousy began filling her veins whenever she noticed him flirting with someone else. 
Her eyes snapped open and she inhaled sharply, the heavy scent of smoke and incense filling her senses. Despite how badly she fought against the thoughts circulating her mind. She was a devoted woman of the Seven who ought to still be mourning her husband instead of thinking of such impurities. Alicent rose unsteadily to her feet and turned swiftly, retreating from the sept and toward the awaiting carriage. She refused to meet the eyes of her handmaidens as they returned to the castle and ignored Ser Criston's questioning stare when she entered the castle and moved down the halls until she stopped before the doors to his bedchambers. 
"(Y/N) and I will be discussing some pressing matters at hand, Ser Criston. I do not wish to be interrupted." She told her Sworn Shield. Ser Criston's lips pressed into a thin line, head bobbing in a small nod before he opened the door, letting her step inside before shutting it and standing guard outside. 
(Y/N) lifted his gaze from a letter in hand, nursing a cup of wine in the other. "Your Grace," His lips curled pleasantly. "To what do I owe the honor of your presence?" 
"I must... speak with you about... things."
"Things? There are many things we could speak of, Your Grace. You'll have to be more specific." (Y/N) grinned at her and a heat bubbled in her stomach. She cleared her throat and strode across the room, managing to keep her composure under his piercing stare. Her eyes slid around the tidy room, the only sign of mess coming in the form of a table with papers scattered across it. Plans for new ships and other things Alicent had little interest in. 
"I believe you know." She spoke gently once she stopped at his side, trailing her stare away from the papers and raising it to look at him. He huffed a quiet laugh and finished what was left of his wine, his lips darting out to swipe over his lips. (Y/N) raised his hand toward her face, calloused fingers brushing over the soft skin of her cheek. His knuckles bumped against her earring, fingers dipping slightly into her auburn hair and curling, palm pressed to her cheek. 
There was a sweet warmth to his touch that had Alicent leaning into his hand, relishing the idea of being touched so gently for the first time in a long while. Her eyes fluttered shut when his head leaned toward hers, their lips locking together and sending a jolt down her spine. Her hands raised, planting themselves against his chest and curling around the fabric to pull him closer. She sighed softly against the kiss, her parted lips giving him leeway to explore uncharted territory. Her skin flushed immediately, only pulling away to release a soft gasp and take in some air when he effortlessly raised her up and onto the table. 
She felt giddy again, pleased as she used to be back when she and Rhaenyra would spend every waking moment together. Her heart hammered in her chest, both nervous and thrilled. Finally, she could take matters into her own hands. Finally, she could choose who she wanted to be with without someone else deciding for her. Alicent gently pulled him back in, rolling her eyes at the snicker he released before pressing their lips together again. His fingers balled up the fabric of her skirt and tugged it upwards past her knees until it pooled at her lap. The cool air nipped at the exposed skin and Alicent resisted the instinct to tug the fabric back down, her mind drifting elsewhere when his hand grasped the flesh of her thighs and squeezed. 
"How long until someone requires our presence?" He murmured against her. 
"We have plenty of time."
So there Alicent remained in his bedchambers; Ser Criston stationed outside dismissing any maids and such who wished to enter for whatever reason.
Much time had passed, nearly a full hour, but there she remained, her long loose curls sticking to her glistening, sweat-covered skin. Her dress had long been abandoned on the floor by the bed, discarded rapidly before it could be torn to shreds. His arms were wrapped loosely around her waist, keeping her flush against his bare chest and pressed down on his lap. Her nails dug into his shoulder, her hazy mind attempting to catch up while her body recovered, her hips and sticky thighs aching.
She'd have to drink moon tea, the rational part of her realized, but she merely slumped against him.
A breathy squeak escaped her when he moved them, her back meeting the silk sheets beneath. He chuckled into her throat, teeth dragging lightly across her skin and making her shudder against him. (Y/N) leaned back with a twinkle in his eye. "I'm not finished with you yet, My Queen."
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memescomicswriting · 1 month
It's Nice to Have a Friend (Preview)
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Summary: Fate is cruel on how it goes about obtaining its desires. It must be fate, because there is no other explanation for how perfectly molded Y/N and Helaena are to one another. They complement one another like opposite sides of a coin. Where Helaena is shy, Y/N is outgoing. Helaena has a photographic memory. Y/N has emotional inteligence. They have the right temperament to be the missing piece in one another’s lives. Ying and Yang. Then there are the boys. Love them or hate them, they’re there. Even the adults cannot escape the Targaryen chaos, and the fallout doesn’t spare the minors simply because they’re adolescents. Follow how Y/N and those around her carve out lives for themselves amongst the weight of the Targaryen legacy in a modern Westeros.
Pairings: Aegon x Y/N, Aemond xY/N, hints of Jace x Y/N, Platonic! Helaena x Y/N, Father Figure! Harwin x Y/N
Warnings: 18+ you’ve been warned
Lots of profanity, sexual innuendos, drug and alcohol use, boys being stupid jerks, infidelity, divorce, eventual smut
Series Masterlist
Here's a taste of what's to come:
Another night, another summer party Helaena didn’t want to attend. That was fine with Y/N. She hated seeing Helaena uncomfortable and Helaena’s absence didn’t mean she’d be alone. She had many friends, many more acquaintances. She wasn’t the kind of popular person that climbed their way up the social ladder by having the right clothes, posting the right things, or the viciousness to pull others beneath her. No, she just was. She was kind and good humored. It didn’t hurt that she had Valyrian money and beauty.
Helaena didn’t want to go. If she brought Jace and Rhaenyra or Harwin suspected anything, he’d cave into their questioning. Aemond wasn’t an avid party goer. And Aegon, Aegon was grounded, again. His mother had been harsher on him as of late. The stress of her failing marriage manifested in a need to tightly control her kids- despite her eldest going into college, two in high school, and the youngest in middle school. Better caught by Alicent who’d never assumed Y/N was up to no good than another episode of awkward parenting by Rhaenyra.
The party was across the lake from the patriarch Targaryen residence. It wasn’t a secret that the children of the elite enjoyed a party now and again in the woods that made estate borders indistinguishable. So long as they weren’t too loud or too rambunctious, no one went looking for them. However, someone, probably a Baratheon or Florent, didn’t realize that you couldn’t replace your parent’s two-hundred dollar bottle of imported vodka with water. It would freeze. So this go around, some estate security guards were dispatched to break up the party. After all, calling law enforcement could mean a charge of underage drinking. Either way, the partiers saw flashlights and scrammed in every direction like cockroaches when you turn on overhead lights.
The path to Y/N’s house took her right past the guards. The scenic route was too far and it was too late. She was also tipsy. Who’s residence happened to be a shoreline walk away? Conveniently, her best friend’s. She’d snuck into the Targaryen house countless times. She practically lived there throughout Rhaenyra and Laenor’s divorce. Rhaenyra’s half siblings were just as guilty for sneaking into her house. Early on an agreement was made. Only one household could be in turmoil at a time. The kids needed some place to escape.
So there she was, Y/N, once again using a column to climb to the roof of the porch. From the porch roof she could reach a lower balcony. Sometimes, she could sneak in that route. If it was a calm night and everyone was where she expected them to be, she could enter into the second floor den and sneak up the stairs to Helaena’s room. This wasn’t one of those nights. Light peered through the door blinds. Either Alicent or Viserys was up nursing a drink after yet another fight. Y/N had to quickly and quietly dart across that balcony to reach another. A great thing about being rich and owning gated property; you needn’t worry about how someone could scale your house and break in.
On the balcony roof, in one direction was Helaena’s room. In the other, Aegon’s. Normally, Y/N had no problem making it to her destination, However, tonight she had been drinking and her balance was off. The thought that she shouldn’t be climbing roofs had crossed her mind, but in her state, the cost benefit analysis seemed reasonable. Her foot shifted under a loose shingle and slipped down to catch on a gutter rail. She froze, eyes wide, wondering if the noise was loud enough to arouse suspicion. After all, a means of entrance was also a means of escape. That was more of Alicent’s priority. Quickly, at the realization that the music stopped, Y/N reached out an arm and hoisted herself up to the nearest window. It was unlocked, thank the gods, and she scurried in before the balcony doors could open.
She wasn’t exactly graceful. She was in a rush and intoxicated. She came tumbling into the room like a child at their first gymnastics lesson. She snorted laughter at her grand entrance. Her head threw back as her laughter grew. She’d definitely bruise, but that was a problem for later. Her laughter came to a sudden end when she was admonishingly hissed at.
“What the hells are you doing?” Aegon exclaimed as much as he could in a whisper. He was in bed, under the covers shirtless. His hair was in a wild state and his eyes were rimmed like he had just seen a ghost or had a heart attack. Y/N began giggling at the sight and situation. “My mother’s going to kill me thinking I’m trying to sneak out while grounded!”
“Don’t worry,” Y/N reassured while wiping tears of laughter. “There was music downstairs so it was probably Viserys. Alicent’s probably on the other end of the building sulking in her room.”
Aegon ran his hands down his face stretching his skin. “They’re fighting again.”
“I know.” She confirmed with a hum. There she was on the ground, legs out in front of her, back against the wall. She was a sight to behold in only her sandals and a barely covering bathing suit cover. A fantasy that definitely came across Aegon’s teenage male mind. No matter how much she got under his skin. Maybe because of it.
“Well go on then. You’ve gotten in, now get out.” He waved to the door.
Y/N tilted her head and examined him as he was. A Cheshire cat's smile beamed across her face. Under the covers, no shirt, hands sneaking back under the fabric. As if reading her mind, Aegon began to protest. “No, Y/n I swear to the gods!”
Too late. Y/N had hopped onto the bed like a predator would its prey. “Whatcha doing there, Aegon.” She hummed out with emphasis on his name. She tried to snatch the covers, but he beat her to it. Trying to catch the other compromised. A long running pastime for the pair.
“Praying.” He deadpanned.
“Trying to sleep.”
“Nah, try again.”
“Would you just take your dumbass out of here?” He was getting pissy. She liked him pissy. If she wasn’t making him pissy then he was making her pissy.
She grinned that feline grin once more as she shook her head.
“You’re drunk, aren’t you?” He sounded exasperated by her presence.
“Nuh uh.” She shook her head fervently.
“Yeah huh.” He retorted.
“Fine,” She blew out an exhale. “I may have had a drink or two out by the lake.”
“The party Dane junior organized?”
“The very one you sadly missed.”
“That’s such bullshit.” He crossed his arms with a disagreeable pout. “I get grounded for taking the car out on a midnight snack run. Meanwhile, Harwin and Rhaenyra probably think you’re off in bed. Even if they catch you missing they’ll just assume you’re with Helaena.”
“Sucks to suck.” She said with a teasing shrug.
“Fuck you.” He scoffed back.
“That’s probably what you were just dreaming of.” There began another laugh of giggles.
“I fucking hate you.” He grumbled, very annoyed.
Y/N rolled her eyes dramatically. “Hate to love me. Love to hate me. Now come on.” With that, a bag of gummies magically appeared from between her breasts. How she hid them, he did not know but for sure wanted to find out.
“Get dressed and eat an edible with me.” She offered up the bag.
“How in the seven hells did a devil like you end up best friends with my Septa of a sister?” His gaze was wildly aggressive.
“Fine, fine. I’ll turn around and give you privacy.” She mocked.
Aegon took the opportunity and slipped his joggers back on. He knew if he protested she’d only retaliate and he’d be fighting her off.
“And your sister isn’t a Septa. She’s just not interested in being a whore like you. If you’d been there I’d be the only female you haven’t defiled in one form or another.”
He scooted up to the end of the bed next to her. “Huh, you’d be so lucky.” He plucked a gummy out of the bag and tossed it into his mouth. She might annoy him, but he wasn’t going to pass up free drugs.
“Where’d you get these anyway?”
“The Martell’s just got back from Lys.” She hummed.
“Of course they did. So I should’ve taken half.”
“I don’t know. Let’s find out.” With a shrug, she took one herself.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Yandere House Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
"Fire and Blood." — House Targaryen.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: I don't think I've ever written a headcanon this big! But I liked how it turned out and I hope you like it too. I made some changes to the ones that participate, in this case, it's Viserys I, Aemma, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey, Aegon III, Viserys II, Rhaena, and Baela. I did this because it's easier to organize, but don't worry, the others will come later! Good reading and sorry for any mistakes. :)
❝tw: yandere themes, possessive and obsessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationshipsa , child being taken from its parents, mention of torture, murder, war and blood.
❝🐉 pairing: yandere!platonic house targaryen x gender neutral!reader.
❝word count: +2,5k.
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The way you entered the life of the Targaryen family was very unconventional, but for them, it was the work of the Seven. You were brought at a young age into the arms of Queen Aemma, King Visesrys I and Princess Rhaenyra, only a year older than you. Your origin is unknown to all who are not part of the family. Some say you were the child of peasants who lived in the Vale and on a trip there, Viserys and Aemma met you and were enchanted by you, as did Rhaenyra and decided to take you with them, others say that Daemon killed your parents and when he was about to to kill you too, he was ''bewitched'' and decided to take you with him to King's Landing where the King and the Queen took you as their child, but it's not really important anymore because now you're with them and they don't mean you let go.
Aemma became especially attached to you as you grew older, she really came to love you like her own child and the way she always tries to keep by her side as long as possible made that very clear. The Queen just wants you happy and well, she sees you as her ''precious baby'' and she can't let anyone ruin that. Aemma goes to great lengths to see you smile, she gives you everything you need and more. She is a devoted mother and very attached to her children, Rhaenyra and you, but in a way, she is even more to you. You, like her, are very attached to the Queen as well, as she is what you know as a '’mother’' and anyone who tries to deny that you are not really her and the king's child will lose their tongue. It doesn't matter if you are completely different from them, if you have dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin, you are their child and no one can say otherwise. Those who dared to do so lost their tongues.
Viserys also spends as much time with you as possible, for as King he doesn't have as much free time, but what he does have, it's all spent with you. Viserys tries to be as rational as possible in this family dynamic that has developed around you, but he can't deny the situation they've gotten themselves into by stealing someone's child. He knows it's wrong and he feels guilty about it, but hearing you call him "daddy" makes those thoughts disappear in an instant. He's a good father actually, always taking care of you, pampering you and protecting you as much as he can from the evils of the world which made you an extremely naive person, but Viserys won't say he doesn't like that innocent side of you, because he does. It just forces him to think that you must be protected forever, that you will never stop being your daddy's little girl/boy. That you will always need him to protect you and ward off the monsters of your nightmare.
Rhaenyra is your older sister, protective and possessive of your attention. She, from her family, is one of the most possessive with you, she feels entitled to have you because you are sibilings and, therefore, she is the one who should have you whenever she wants and she always wants you with her. The Princess is the one who you are closest to in the family, only after Aemma, as she is always by your side even if you are with your parents she will still be around. She claims it's because she's taking care of you like a big sister would, but in reality it's because she doesn't want you to spend time with other people, even if those people are her parents. She loves to take you flying with Syrax and read to you, her favorite moments spent together are when you are hugging her tightly as you fly your dragon. Rhaenyra's possessiveness is often overwhelming as you will never truly be alone, she insisted on sharing a room with you and she is very insistent. She is suffocating, your alone moments will never really be alone as the princess will always be lurking around, watching over you like a good sister.
Daemon is, without a doubt, the worst of the Targaryens. At first, he didn't really like the idea of ​​having you in his family, as you weren't one of them, not by blood at least. You, in his eyes, were nothing more than a stranger your brother clung to, but he would make him see the truth, after all, you didn't even possess valyrian traits so how dare you be called Targaryen? But to everyone's surprise and himself, Daemon also became so obsessed with you as soon as he laid eyes on you. Aemma and Viserys were worried at first about Daemon as they knew what he was like but they were relieved a little bit to see that he got along with you, in fact, more than well. Daemon is the most dangerous of all your family, he is possessive and violent, and he saw you as a property to be claimed by him, to be raised and loved by him alone. He didn't see Viserys capable of raising you, as his brother is weak in his vision and he was too protective of you, but Daemon wants you to be able to fight for yourself and he'll be more than happy to teach you how. He spends all the time that is available to him with you (and the time that is not his) talking about the future with you, about how he will be King and that you will stand by his side. Daemon's unpredictable and volatile nature should not be ignored as he is more than capable of taking you away with him and he will if the opportunity arises.
Family is what you all are and what you will be forever and ever. They're all obsessed with you to different degrees, but if there's one thing they all agree on, it's: protecting and loving you above everything and everyone else. Aemma and Viserys are the ones most aware of what you're being forced to deal with, at a such young age, and they know the delicate situation and what they did in taking you away from your original family, they know all of that, but they selfishness and the love they feel so much for their precious child speaks much louder. Rhaenyra has grown up to believe that you are indeed her sister/brother, she doesn't care if you don't look alike, you are sibilings and that's final, she loves you and is always by your side, you have become everything and the one person that she trust and she will be cursed if she lets you go. Daemon doesn't care about any of that, he just wants you with him and will be offended and furious if anyone questions his intentions with you. How dare they? You are his niece/nephew and he loves you like a father and only wants the best for you, and the best for you is to staty with him, he very often quarreling with Viserys over this. Daemon has no morals and would kill many, but he would never lift a finger at you. Never.
However, after Aemma's death, the situation became unbalanced and everything became even more fragile. You were in tears and Rhaenyra and Viserys looked to you for comfort, all three of you suffered the same: the loss of the woman you loved so much. Rhaenyra would cry in your arms and Viserys would often just hold you without saying anything, just letting the tears fall onto your shoulders. Both were coming after you for comfort, but you went to Daemon for that, as he was the only one who wasn't shaken by the Queen's death. To say that Daemon was happy to have you all to himself isn't enough to express what he felt, happiness and triumph perhaps? Triumph because you chose him over Rhaenyra and Viserys to be consoled, you chose him and that only adds to his illusion that you only trust and love him. Only him and Daemon will always keep that in his head.
When Viserys remarried and to Rhaenyra's friend, she didn't react well to this situation. Not only did she feel betrayed by her father and friend, she felt threatened, threatened with the promise of a male heir and being replaced. Rhaenyra implored you to keep as far away from Alicent and any children she might have as possible, for she couldn't handle the fear of losing you, especially after she saw that the new Queen seemed interested in you. Sure, you and Alicent have seen each other a few times, but Rhaenyra has always tried her best to keep you away from her friend because you are hers alone and after her betrayal, she couldn't imagine you leaving her for Alicent Hightower. No, she will not allow that to happen. Although Alicent has more ways to reach you, as the Queen, everyone knows that Viserys is very supportive of Rhaenyra and he will do what she asks. Rhaenyra knows you are safe from Alicent, but who knows for how long?
Daemon was exiled again and he hoped he could take you with him, but Viserys wouldn't allow it. He knew he could try to force you to go with him, after all, he had Caraxes, but after seeing that you didn't want to go, he ended up forgetting about it. For a while. Although he was busy fighting at the Stepstones, you never got out of his head, to the point of being a distraction, even after taking an arrow, you were all the prince could think about. Would you be safe? Do you miss him? Daemon is a danger to himself and having you in his head all the time just makes the situation worse. But on the one hand, you are his biggest motivation to live and win, he wants to see the pride on his face when he comes back victorious and feel your warm embrace that he so missed.
The Targaryen family dynamic never changed over the years and the affection for you only grew stronger and stronger, to the point where you became the only one capable of holding this family together. Viserys spent the most time with you over the years, you became the center of his attention as he grew older, the influence you have on the King is superior to any. Rhaenyra even after getting married and having children, was still stuck to your side, nothing will be able to separate the two of you and your support of her is what keeps her strong, her children would eventually develop their yandere tendencies for you like their mother. Although Daemon spent time in Essos with Laena and his daughters, he still sent letters daily and when he could, he would pay you a visit. Not even time will be able to take you away from them. From their obsession.
Jacaerys is extremely overprotective of you. He doesn't care if you're older and even better than he is at fighting, he still feels the need to protect you as you are part of his family and Jace is very protective of his family but even more so of you. The prince developed his obsession for you since he was a child, you have always been by his side and his mother, helping to take care of him and protect him and he is immensely grateful for that. Besides, you're like him, both different from the rest of your family physically, you didn't have valyrian traits but you were both Targaryen and that's all that matters at the end. He is very intelligent and somewhat manipulative and he won't mind having to manipulate you to get your attention and approval. Jace wants to impress you, he wants you to feel nothing but pride in him and when you praise him he melts. He just loves you so much, like the rest of his family.
Lucerys, of his brothers, is the most attached to you. He is possessive of your attention and will complain if anyone else has it, as he considers himself the most deserving of it. Luke is an intelligent and adorable boy by nature. He doesn't quite understand these twisted feelings he and his family feel for you, but he knows that you are precious and should be protected and adored, as his mother told him so. Lucerys is always seen around you, often holding your hand as he snuggles up to you, demonstrating to everyone that you belong to him, that you belong to them.
Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II for them being very young, they don't understand what's going on, they don't understand why their family is so involved with you, why they are so protective and obsessive about you. None of them understand what's going on, except what their parents tell them: you are their one priority. As the youngest in the family, they are, along with Lucerys, the most demanding of his attention. Little princes invite you to play and be a part of their pranks, as they know they amuse you. They're naive, the only thing they understand is how much they love you like the rest of the Targaryens did and there's nothing wrong with loving, right?
Rhaena and Baela didn't spend much time with you, having grown up in Essos, they lived most of the time with their mother and father, but things changed after Laena's death. You all met at her funeral, and you went to try to comfort the princesses. Baela and Rhaena had already heard of you, as Daemon always mentioned you when the opportunity arose, so they knew almost everything about your life and the love Daemon had for you, they just didn't expect to be obsessed with you either. They are quite calm in their obsession with you in reality, and they accept as long as you can spend time with them in an acceptable and dignified way, you will never see them complaining about not being able to spend enough time with you. But make no mistake, Rhaena and Baela are possessive like their father and they won't tolerate being left out by anyone.
The Targaryens are said to be closer to the gods than to men, but to them, you are the goddess/god they so adore and are madly obsessed with. You have so much power over them that people say they are your tamed dragons. This family is full of problems and disputes, but they will all be united when it comes to you. Unfortunately, the entire responsibility of a kingdom has fallen on your shoulders and your family's overwhelming possessiveness only makes the burden more unbearable to bear. Be wise in your future choices, (Y/N), for one wrong step could start a war, a war for you.
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ladyodium · 4 months
One thing that really pissed me off was the way Viserys constantly talked about having his family stop fighting while actively displaying favoritism towards one single side of his family.
Let’s go down the list:
- you wanted a son SO bad you butchered Queen Aemma while HOLDING HER HAND DOWN. Then you turn away while she’s screaming bloody murder for you to save her! You LOOK AWAY! You did this LOOK!
-you then spent the entire time feeling sorry for yourself and giving no comfort to your daughter
-you banish your brother so many times, I’m surprised Daemon still returns. You allow yourself to listen to your hand who whispers lies in your ears and fills your head with lies. I don’t know how you don’t see how Otto was pushing you away from your family.
-you then name Rhaenyra your heir because you can’t have Daemon as heir any longer. Not because you believe she can rule but because you feel guilty for slaughtering her mother. This shows when in the council meeting she suggests sending Dragon riders, and you sit there and watch Otto Hightower, A SECOND SON, dismiss your own daughter! HELLO?! WHATS NOT CLICKING?! Then you don’t even discuss why that wouldn’t be a good move. YOU OFFER NO SUPPORT.
-then you start creeping around with Alicent and asking her “do you speak of our talks to Rhaenyra. I fear she won’t understand” UNDERSTAND WHAT?! YOU CREEPING AROUND WITH A GIRL YOUR DAUGHTERS AGE?! HUH?!
-then you marry Alicent after knowing how your daughter would feel about someone close to her marrying her father. You act surprised when she then becomes even more angry with you.
-you keep getting cut on the throne, I.e. the throne is rejecting you.
-for Rhaenys being your favorite cousin you treat her like you do your brother, at arms length.
-then you have the son you always wanted and it’s still not enough for you. You’re forever stuck grieving the woman YOU killed. That’s not fair.
-not only do you have THE son, you have TWO more and a daughter! You have a new family and even that isn’t enough for you!
-you constantly show Rhaenyra favoritism and never discipline her because you feel guilty. How can I dare punish my daughter when I slaughtered her mother. I need to gain her favor but not in a way that would make her ready for the throne. No, we’re gonna just smother her wrong doings and move on.
-oh, driftmark! Dear lord I thought he couldn’t get more useless. You stand there and questioned your own INJURED son like a common criminal! You then gaslight Alicent into not being angry because you just won’t punish Rhaenyra and her children. No, you want peace at the cost of everyone else’s feelings.
No wonder Viserys caught leprosy. He’s always been rotten from the inside out. He appears like this nice guy, but he’s not. He’s not a good father, husband, king or person. He’s a people pleaser with a leash and Otto Hightower is his owner.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 5 months
So this whole 'if rhaenyra insisted on having bastards then she should at least have chosen someone who looked more targaryen/velaryon' argument actually doesn't make much sense when you think more about it. This idea that the problem with rhaenyra having bastards was that they had dark hair, like if they didn't there wouldn't be a problem, it was the dark hair that gave them away and caused suspicion etc. I feel like some in the fandom, and I also think the show can be a bit guilty of this too, assume that the white hair and purple eyes of the targaryens are a dominant trait like the baratheons black hair, but actually it's not. There are several targaryens who don't have the white hair, baelor breakspear targaryen had his dornish mother's dark hair which he in turn passed on to his son valarr, elia martell's daughter with rhaegar targaryen, rhaenys, also had dark hair as did jon snow. Another rhaenys that had dark hair, at least in the book, is the rhaenys from hotd, and I'm sure there are others too. In fact the only reason these 'targaryen' features were common amongst targaryens was because of the inbreeding.
This is where I think hotd messed up with the character design of rhaenys because, as I said above, in the book she has dark hair on account of her mother being a baratheon. If they had kept rhaenys dark hair then whenever anyone questioned jace, luke or joffrey's dark hair, rhaenyra could just shrug and go they get it from their grandmother. Even though they changed how rhaenys looked I do still wish that we had seen rhaenyra play the 'it's their baratheon genes coming through' angle in the show because it's the most logical explanation she could have given.
Another thing that I find kind of amusing about the assumption that the targaryen genes are dominant like the baratheon genes is that the founder of house baratheon, the very first baratheon, was orys baratheon who was actually a targaryen bastard himself, born from the same targaryen father as aegon the conqueror. So dark-haired targaryen bastards have existed since aegon the conqueror came to westeros and baratheon dark hair genes have been cancelling out the white hair of targaryens from the very first time a targaryen and baratheon crossed bloodlines.
So I don't think rhaenyra having dark haired children should be that big of a deal when they have close baratheon relatives and again I really wish the show had played into that more. I think the suspicion should have more been centered around maybe their facial features looked like harwin strong's, they had the same nose or the same mouth shape, but them merely having dark hair should have been a non issue in my opinion. Also where exactly would rhaenyra have found someone with targaryen/velaryon features who she could also trust to keep quiet about it afterwards? Just practically I don't think that makes sense nor would it have been safe for her or her children, so choosing someone who had similar features, ie dark hair, like a baratheon which could be explained away due to her sons having baratheon blood through rhaenys, was the most logical next step.
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nebulaafterdark · 2 years
More Than Anyone Pt. 6
Summary: Rhaenyra is crowned, Y/N is named heir before the masses…but not without sacrifice.
18+ ONLY, Targcest, light smut
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Daemon Targaryen is not a man who takes anything lying down. This recent assault against his wife and child is no exception. There is no need to sit around with their thumbs up their asses, chasing dead ends. It is clear to him that there are few people in the kingdom with the will and know how to poison Rhaenyra so cruelly.
Because he cannot say which member of house Hightower has betrayed them, he has made the decision to eliminate them all in one fell swoop. Caraxes is more than happy to assist. The dragon rears back without warning, screeching their frustration up to the ceilings of the dragon pit.
“Little bird,” Daemon clicks his tongue in annoyance. Watching as Aegon feebly attempts to put Y/N behind him. “You shouldn’t have come, the sight will upset you.”
“And finding out from the townsfolk that you’ve executed my husband and his family would not upset me?” Y/N retorts. Allowing Aegon to put his arms around her waist, holding fast to his wrists. Let me speak.
“Last we spoke you were less than thrilled with said husband. Thought you might thank me.”
“No matter how hard the storm lashes between us, never would I wish to be without him. Aegon would not harm my mother, for he knows that it would harm me.” Y/N tells him.
“Are you not disheartened by this?” Her stepfather scoffs. “For all your mother has suffered, you feel nothing?”
“That is untrue. I wish this assailant swiftly punished for their crimes, to the fullest extent of the law.”
“Then step aside.”
“Daemon, please. You’ve a daughter,” Y/N watches his face soften, “Visenya. Healthy. My mother, our queen, is recovering in her chambers. There is no need to rush an unjust execution. Let us be thorough so that we might eliminate the real threat to our family.”
Daemon’s jaw ticks, he has waited long for this. After all the greens hath done. To his brother, to Rhaenyra…to their children.
“I know they are not perfect,” Y/N huffs a laugh, “infuriating at best.”
The corner of the rogue prince’s mouth twitches upward.
“But we are one house and we do not slay our kin.”
Caraxes grunts, puffing harshly through their nostrils.
“If you are to be Queen, it will be your duty to crush rebellion. You speak like my brother, who never had the stomach for it.” Daemon shifts his weight between feet, a hand curled over the hilt of his sword.
“Give me a chance.” Y/N breathes, “take my hand. Let us uncover the truth and punish the guilty. I will prove that I can crush rebellion at its root. I will avenge my mother, I will do you proud.”
Daemon takes a step toward her, against his better judgment. Extending a hand to her, “one chance, Y/N.”
“One chance.”
It’s not until Y/N has safely returned Aegon to her chambers that she feels crushed beneath the weight of what has transpired. She can sit and cry about it, she can run off to tell her mother or…she can take action. Show Daemon that she is not weak, that she deserves this and will fight for what is hers.
“Dōna riña.” Sweet girl. Aegon breathes.
“I want them dead. Whoever has committed this atrocity against my mother, I want their head on a spike before the fucking moon turns.”
Aegon blinks at his wife. Her dark hair has sprung free from its braids, hanging about her flushed cheeks. “If it is the second coming of Maegor you long for, I will be that. Make no mistake, my dearest love, I live for you and I die for you. You must heed my warning, Daemon’s wrath is tame compared to mine.”
It confounds her for a moment, the fire burning in his eyes. How this was the same man who held her close and told her he loved her, the man who would fuck her until she cried when it suited him. Aegon is light and he is dark; so is she.
She wants him, however he is, was and will be. Y/N wants Aegon. His love, his fury, his passion and his pain. Not Maegor or Daemon, nor any man between. I want you.
A knock at the door turns both their attention away from the discussion.
In strides Jace, and two members of the Queen’s guard. “Y/N, our mother has begun preparations for her coronation. We must report to the dragon pit, townspeople have already begun to gather there.”
“Very well,” Y/N sniffs.
“Mother has a dress prepared for you. The very same so wore when our late grandsire named her as heir before the masses. Today she will name you, all must swear their loyalty; to her, to you…to house Targaryen.”
“And those who refuse?”
“You know what will happen, sister.” Jacaerys squares his shoulders.
Only on bended knees of the seven does Y/N find comfort. Rhaenyra is crowned, naming her firstborn daughter her successor.
And after, when the Queen returns to her chambers and the newborn babe; Y/N is left with her eldest brothers.
“We’ve a lead.” Lucerys informs her, quietly.
“Come.” Jace insists, taking Y/N’s hand. Leading them through the corridors, their pace leisurely, not wishing to attract attention.
Their stopping point is just off the royal quarters. A room in which the only living Strong takes up residence. Y/N looks to her brother. Surely not here, surely not him.
Luce remains just beyond the door, standing watch. Larys is sat in his chair, cane in hand. As if he’s been expecting them.
“Prince Jacaerys, Princess Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“We know it was you who poisoned our mother, we have it on good authority.” Jace tells him.
“Whom ever hath told you this is surely mistaken.” Larys offers a coy smirk.
“We want to know why.” Y/N interjects. “Perhaps with good reason we could leave this behind us.”
“What do you imagine would happen if the King’s daughter birthed herself three bastards and married the eldest to the next rightful king, in an attempt to pass her off as the heir?” The man asks. “Would this go unpunished? For a while mayhaps, but not forever.”
“But if the children are not bastards?” Jacaerys squares his shoulders. “If their legitimacy was upheld by their true born father and their grandsire, the king? By all accounts of the law those children are not bastards.”
“They are abominations. To be eradicated from the bloodline. Not to farther besmirch the name of their house.”
The door swings open wide, several guards flooding inside, taking Larys into custody as Lucerys watches from the entryway.
“What were you thinking?” Aegon demands, gripping Y/N’s wrist and pulling her aside.
“Aegon.” Y/N blinks at him. Had he followed her?
“Do you think me a fool? That I could not have handled this?”
“No, I…” she stammers. “I know you could have.”
“Why then did you come? Without protection?” The prince snaps, teeth bared in his anger, eyes glossy.
“I had my brothers.”
Aegon puts a hand to her belly, “this babe is mine. Yours and mine, do you understand? You do not get to run off and cause harm to him as you see fit.”
“Aegon, I wasn’t.” Y/N shakes her head. “I would never harm our child. I was careful, I-”
“You will never run off like that again.”
“I will not,” Y/N promises.
“If anything had happened to you…”
“I am sorry, Aegon. To worry you, to upset you so was not my intent.”
His fingers tremble as they move to her cheek, cupping it.
“I love you and our children. More than anyone.” Y/N assures him.
The words land as blows to his gut, he is furious with her. Yet his heart yearns to hold her close. Love is the death of duty, duty is the death of love. “You know how dearly I adore you. Allow me to see this manner finished.”
“I will come with you.”
“No, you will not.” Aegon hisses. “You will go to your rooms and remain there with our children until I am through.”
“My love-”
“Do not argue.” He warns.
Y/N swallows hard. Accepting a light brush of his lips in parting.
The Princess does not see her husband again until after their children are long abed. Aegon enters their rooms to find his bride in the bathing tub. It is large enough for two and the Prince wastes no time removing his clothes and stepping inside.
He sits opposite Y/N, their eyes meeting. Daring one another to make the first move.
Y/N draws in a breath. “I understand that you are angry with me-”
“You are…” he breaks off, searching for words. “I did not want that for you.”
“Aegon, I am a woman grown. You cannot shield me from the world.”
“Surely for longer than you’ve allowed me to. I am not angry…I am beside myself with worry for you. I am sick over it. When I sleep, I dream of you. When I wake, I long for you and,” he draws in a shuttering breath, “I need you.”
“You have me,” Y/N tells him. “All I have done is to protect you.”
“Do not bother.” No one else ever did.
“It is not a bother, Aegon. You are not a bother. Your thoughts and feelings are important to me. You are important to me. I will spend the rest of my life proving it so.”
“Come,” Aegon sighs, reaching a hand toward her in invitation. “Come, my sweet girl.”
“Forgive me.” Y/N breathes, allowing her husband to situate her in his lap. One leg on either side of his. He smells of alcohol, his lips laced with the salty tang of tears.
“I forgive you.” He feathers light kisses to the skin of her shoulder as they break apart. “And I love you.” His eyes land on hers as practiced fingers find her wetness, sliding easily into her heat.
“Say you love me too.” Aegon pleads, curling his fingers against the sweet spot within her.
“I love you, Aegon.” She breathes, “I love you always.”
Part 7
Series Taglist: @sophiexoxosblog @alicentswife @f4ll-for-you @tempt-ress @percyjacksonspeen @zoleea-exultant @midnightrqin @buckystevelove @httpjiikook @neenieweenie @springholland @zeennnnnnn @yelenabeleovapocket @nejiho3 @thatkindofgurl @aemondsb1tch @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @alitaar@kiahpapaya@existential-echo@zzz000eee@janelongxox@bunny24sstuff@bibli0thecary@rwdkarla@minttea07
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starogeorgina · 2 months
Book quotes I wish we got in s1/s2 HOTD
Word of Rhaenyra's coronation reached the Red Keep the next day, to the great displeasure of Aegon II.
“My half-sister and my uncle are guilty of high treason,” the young king declared. “I want them attainted, I want them arrested, and I want them dead.”
— Aegon ii Targaryen
“Little Luke Strong, the bastard. You are wet, bastard. Is it raining, or did you piss yourself in fear?”
—Aemond Targaryen
“Is Aegon king?” he asked Ser Willis Fell, “or must we kneel and kiss the old whore’s cunny?”
— Aemond Targaryen
The secondborn daughter of Lord Borros, less comely than her sisters, she was angry with Aemond for preferring them to her. “Was it one of your eyes he took, or one of your balls?” Maris asked the prince, “I am so glad you chose my sister. I want a husband with all his parts.”
— Maris Borros to Aemond Targayren
“Mother have mercy on us all.”
— Alicent Hightower after finding out her son killed Lucerys
With the princess in confinement on Dragonstone, about to give birth, Queen Alicent's greens enjoyed an advantage; the longer Rhaenyra remained ignorant of the king's death, the slower she would be to move.
“Mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth,”Queen Alicent said.
— Fire and blood
Though many lords & knights sought her favor, the princess had eyes only for Ser Criston Cole, the young champion of the Kingsguard & her constant companion. “Ser Criston protects the princess from her enemies, but who protects the princess from Ser Criston?” Queen Alicent asked.
— Fire & blood
Queen Alicent grew most wroth when she learned the babe had been named Aegon, taking that for a slight against her own son Aegon…..which, according to The Testimony of Mushroom, it most certainly was.
— Fire & blood
Ser Criston Cole spoke up. Should the princess reign, he reminded them, Jacaerys Velaryon would rule after her. “Seven save this realm if we seat a bastard on the Iron Throne.” He spoke of Rhaenyra's wanton ways and the infamy of her husband. “They will turn the Red Keep into a brothel. No man's daughter will be safe, nor any man's wife. Even the boys...we know what Laenor was.”
— Fire & blood
“Dark Sister was made for nobler tasks than slaughtering sheep. She has a thirst for blood.”
— Daemon Targaryen
“An eye for an eye, a son for a son. Lucerys shall be avenged.”
— Daemon Targaryen
“I will not throw our dragons against the usurper's unless i have no other choice. we must fight this war with words before we go to battle.”
— Daemon Targayren
“Six men or sixty, he is still Daemon Targaryen.”
— Fire & blood
Princess Helena was breaking her fast with her children when the Kingsguard came to her...but when asked the whereabouts of Prince Aegon, her brother and husband, she said only, “He is not in my bed, you may be sure. Feel free to search beneath the blankets.”
— Fire & blood
“But Jacaerys was fifteen, Lucerys fourteen; strong and strapping lads, skilled in arms, who had long served as squires.”
— Fire & blood
That left only Vhagar. No living dragon could match Vhagar for size or ferocity, but Jace reasoned that if Vermax, Syrax, and Caraxes were to descend on King's Landing all at once, even “that hoary old bitch” would be unable to withstand them.
— Fire & blood
“Our uncle calls us Strongs, and claims we are bastards, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons.”
— Lucers Velaryon
“The princess will not meekly stand aside, she has dragons. And friends. Men of honor, who will not forget the vows they swore to her and her father. I am an old man, but not so old that I will sit here meekly whilst the likes of you plot to steal her crown.”
— Lyman Beesbury
“You only lost one eye, how could you be so blind?”
— Otto Hightower to Aemond after he kills Lucerys
The dead girl had been named Visenya, Princess Rhaenyra announced the next day, when milk of the poppy had blunted the edge of her pain. “She was my only daughter, and they killed her. They stole my crown and murdered my daughter, and they shall answer for it.”
— Rhaenyra Targaryen
Her first act as queen was to declare Ser Otto Hightower and Queen Alicent traitors and rebels. “As for my half-brothers and my sweet sister, Helaena,” she announced, “they have been led astray by the counsel of evil men. Let them come to Dragonstone, bend the knee, and ask my for-giveness, and I shall gladly spare their lives and take them back into my heart, for they are of my own blood, and no man or woman is as accursed as the kinslayer.”
— Rhaenyra Targaryen
“Perhaps you can tell us who he named as his heir and successor” the queen said, her crown upon her head. “You, Your Grace,” Orwyle replied. And Rhaenyra nodded and said, “With your own tongue you admit I am your lawful queen. Why then do you serve my half-brother, the pretender?”
— Rhaenyra Targaryen
“Whilst Princess Rhaenyra misliked her stepmother, Queen Alicent, she became fond and more than fond of her good-sister Lady Laena.”
— Fire & blood
“The boy is Alicent's own blood. She wants him on the throne.”
— Viserys | Targaryen
His Grace sat Jace upon his knee atop the Iron Throne as he was holding court, and was heard to say, “One day this will be your seat, lad.”
— Fire & blood
“King Viserys is dead, long live King Aegon.” Hearing the cries, Munkun writes, some wept whilst others cheered, but most of the small folk stared in silence, confused and wary, and now and again a voice cried out.
“Long live our queen.”
— Fire & blood
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Rhaenyra X Aemond
they are there for the drift mark succession and after the supper she goes to see if she can smooth things over or something idk but smut ensues and she isn’t currently pregnant but she does get pregnant from it and when she becomes queen she takes him as a second husband.
A/N: I hope you like it! I may have went overboard with this one.
pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Aemond Targaryen x Daemon Targaryen
summary: they are there for the drift mark succession and after the supper she goes to see if she can smooth things over or something idk but smut ensues and she isn’t currently pregnant but she does get pregnant from it and when she becomes queen she takes him as a second husband.
Word count: 6,2K
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Male x Male, P in V, Anal sex, Fingering, double penetration, threesome, Incest, cunnilingus, Blowjob
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"Where are you going?" Daemon asked. He was drinking wine beside the fireplace in the room he shared with Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra sighed turning to face him from beside the door.
"I have some business I need to attend to, do not wait for me" She tried giving him a smile but failed. The guilt was eating her from the inside out, it was her fault and Alicent's as well, if they had not fought for so much for so long it would have not projected down onto their children.
She left the room closing the door gently behind her minding the late hour and that many could be asleep. She knows her younger children would defiantly be asleep now, Aegon was only three name days and Viserys one. Rhaenyra had not grown pregnant ever since which did not concern her, she had five sons, she needed no more and Daemon had two daughters and two sons, they were in no hurry.
It took a lot of courage for Rhaenyra to change her course from Jacaerys' room and to Aemond's. She needed to speak with her brother and make things right. She still felt guilty for the Driftmark incident, how little justice Aemond got, yes she was against Luce getting his eye pulled out in exchange and she saw that maybe she could have punished him some other way. She took a deep breath before raising her hand and knocking, it was no shock that Aemond had no guards outside his room, from what she saw he needed none.
Her anxiety worsened when she was met with silence. It was a couple of seconds before the doors were pulled open harshly making her jump with surprise. However Aemond was more surprised to see her stood outside his door, twiddling with her fingers nervously.
"Sister, how may I help you?" Aemond asked. He crossed his arms in front of his body while eyeing her up and down.
"I came here to speak with you" She tried sounding strong, she was much better at pretending than showing her true feelings, she was nervous in Aemond's presence.
"Well?" he cocked up an eyebrow and leaned against the doorframe. Now Rhaenyra was wondering if he had someone in his room which is why he left her stood outside.
"May I come in?" She asked. She tried looking over his shoulder to see if her suspicions were right but that proved impossible when he was half a head taller than her. Aemond now watched amused as his older sister realised the size difference between them. Rhaenyra was not afraid of Aemond, she never was but she respected the idea that he was a man grown now.
"Of course, dear sister" Aemond was sarcastic but moved to the side either way. Rhaenyra gave a weak smile and stepped inside. His room was just as she had imagined, filled with books but she has never stepped into a room so well organised before.
"So what are you here for, sister?" Aemond moved to a table by his bed where a chalice with several cups around it. He picked up the chalice and poured some wine into two different cups.
"I know you remember that night many years ago-" Aemond snapped to look at her cutting her off. Rhaenyra was no idiot, she could see the maddened look in his eyes.
"Ah yes, when you wanted to question me when I was still covered in my own blood" Aemond laughed. He picked up the two cups he filled and moved over to stand in front of her. Rhaenyra closed her eyes at the memory, regressing saying that now, Aemond did not deserve that he was just a child after all.
"I apologise" She whispered. She grabbed the cup and downed the wine. Aemond watched her hand shake a little before the wine warmed her from the inside trying to relax her muscles.
"Apology not accepted sister. Your apology does not return my eye nor does it bring me justice" Aemond shook his head from side to side. Rhaenyra side stepped Aemond and walked over to the chalice, she poured even more wine in her cup and downed it in one go again.
"Would it bring you peace if I take Lucaerys' eye?" She asked turning to face him again. He was watching her closely, monetering her every move as he sipped on his wine.
"No" Aemond shook his head from side to side. He stepped closer to her, one step almost slower than the one before it, calm and cautious.
"What will?" Rhaenyra slammed the cup down on the table. Her hands fell by her sides defeated.
"What will bring me peace? That is a good question, princess" Aemond stopped only a breath away from Rhaenyra. She held her breath when he leaned closer but he was merely reaching behind her to place his still half full cup of wine.
"I am ready to do whatever it takes to stop this war from happening" Rhaenyra admitted. Aemond scoffed with a tiny hint of a smile on his lips. Rhaenyra could not stop herself when he was so close to her and reached up to touch his scarred cheek. Aemond flinched but she kept her hand over the irritated scar.
"May I see what my son's blade had subjected you to?" Her question was a mere whisper, Aemond thought it was as light as a breath. He watched her face, her eyes filling with sadness as she touched the maimed skin.
"Why? To rejoice?" His question was just as low. The only sound in the room was the cracking of the fire in the fireplace and the candles flickering from side to side.
"I would never rejoice in the pain of others, no matter who they were" She shook her head. She sighed when silence was his answer and moved to retract her hand. She jumped when his hand snapped around her wrist stopping her movement. He pulled her hand back up but higher this time until her fingertips touched the leather patch covering his left eye.
"Go on" He gave her his verbal permission. Rhaenyra slid her hand under the patch feeling his lashes quiver. She slowly pulled it off, she was so gently and slow that his hair was unaffected by the movement. Below she was welcome with a sapphire in place of his eye, she was half glad she was not greeted with an empty eye socket but at the same time she wished she was greeted by a healthy eye.
"Oh my dear boy" She whimpered shaking her head. If she had let Alicent get what she wanted this would be the sight she would be greeted by when looking at Lucaerys as well. Her hand froze when a sound close to a whimper escaped Aemond's lips. Her gaze moved to his other eye to find it filled with wanton.
"Did it hurt badly, dear boy?" She asked. She pushed herself to the tip of her toes placing her lips gently over his scar. She pursed them into a quick and soft kiss. Aemond's hands snapped to her hips keeping her in place, not like she was planning on moving back or away.
"The pain was nothing compared to the betrayal" Aemond responded. She moved her other hand to the back of his neck pushing him down so they were forehead to forehead.
"I am sorry, I am so very sorry" She knew what happened to Aemond was unfair. He was a little boy excited about getting a dragon after all the bullying he endured, from her own sons nonetheless.
"I do not want your pity" Aemond hissed pushing her away. He moved to sit on his bed only a foot away. With little movement she was sat beside him as well.
"I am not giving it, Aemond, as your sister I was proud of you for claiming a dragon as ancient as Vaghar. But as a mother I had to protect my children" She tried to justify.
"Was I worth that? What have I done to deserve that?" The question made Rhaenyra freeze. Was her brother worth the sacrifice?
"No, but my children were worth it, I know that I should ave at least given Lucaerys some kind of punishment" Rhaenyra admit. She saw how Aemond was slowly closing back on himself.
"Sweet boy, you made us proud, believe me" She placed a hand over his again. Aemond froze at the contact, turned to look at her in the eyes.
"Did I?" He tilted his head to the side. Rhaenyra leaned closer to place her other hand on his cheek, the unharmed one.
"You did, sweet boy" She could not hold back anymore. She pulled him down until their lips were a breath away from one another. She paused not wanting to overstep and waited, waited for him to make up his mind.
"Kiss me sister. Kiss away my pain that was caused by your sons" Aemond whispered. Rhaenyra took a shuddering breath before connecting their lips. Aemond's lips were soft and smaller than her own, he seemed to have minimum experience but she did not care. Their lips moved and moulded with one another. Aemond moved his hands to her hips tugging, trying to move her closer. Rhaenyra pulled back with a tiny bite to his lower lip.
"What do you want, little boy?" Rhaenyra asked. One of her hands ran through his hair undoing the tie holding half of it up. The other one touched the scar on his face.
"I want you to climb, uēpkta mandia" older sister. Aemond whimpered. Rhaenyra smiled softly, she pulled her dress up to show her legs, legs Aemond wished to touch. When she had room to move she climbed onto his lap making a seat out of it.
"What else, valonqar?" little brother. Rhaenyra asked, leaning down to place gentle kisses along his jawline. Her hands now both entangled into his hair tugging at it, forcing his head back so she can have enough space to kiss, show him how proud she is of him.
"I want you to love me" His respond shocked her. She pulled back to look at him. Both eyes were filled with tears much to her shock, she did not know that his maimed eye could still produce tears.
"Do you not get enough love, dōna lēkia" sweet brother. She felt herself growing wet when he moved one of his hands down to her behind pushing her down to feel his hard on. She rolled her hips against him earning a small moan from his lips.
"Not enough" he shook his head. She grinned at him. She leaned back down and kissed him straight on the lips. Aemond could not help but moan as their lips moved against one another. The way she grinded down on him, or the way her tongue massaged his own. Or the way her hands were so soft and gentle as they started unbuttoning the leather tunic.
"I will show you love you have never felt before, love no one else will get if you show me loyalty" Rhaenyra bit down on his earlobe. She moved to place kisses behind his ear again. She finally unbuttoned all the tunic and pushed it over his shoulder showing a white undershirt he wore. She bunched the shirt up and over his head showing his milky white skin.
"I will be loyal to you if you show me love, uēpkta mandia" Older sister. She loved the way he wanted to negotiated. She placed her hands on his chest pushing him down to lay on the bed.
"Is that so?" She cocked her eyebrow up teasingly. She moved to removed her own dress and corset leaving only her thin linen on. She grabbed both of Aemond's hands that were planted on the bed, fisting the sheets, and moved them to place them on her thighs. Aemond grabbed the flesh in a tight grip.
"Please mandia, show me mercy" sister. He tried pushing his hips up letting her feel how much he needed her, that only made her even more wet.
"Why don't you show me a reason to show you mercy?" She asked. Aemond wasted no time in rolling her over to lay on the bed instead. His lips attached themselves to her neck, kissing and sucking wanting to mark her.
"I will show you much more than a reason" He slid down until he was face to cunt with her. He whimpered when he saw that she was already wet. He moved the linen up to see her bare cunt more clearly. His forefinger pushed on her button earning a mewl.
"Aemond" She wiggled her hips. He slid his finger down to her hole and pushed it inside. She sighed at the friction. Her hands slowly pulled her linen up and off her body before throwing it somewhere int he room.
He leaned down wrapping his lips around her pearl. He had heard Aegon speak of such matters, he also read about it in many books as well. He sucked on her clitoris earning a moan from his sister. He pulled his finger out and back inside feeling her juices increase in amount. He pushed a second finger inside curling them inside of her. Rhaenyra cried grabbing his hand between her legs trying to make him increase his speed and he listened.
"Fuck yes, valonqar" little brother. She tried rolling her hips wanting to get whatever friction she can get. Aemond lapped at her cunt wanting please his sister.
"Is this good, dāria?" Queen. Aemond asked, letting the vibrations hit her pearl. Rhaenyra cried grabbing a fist full of his hair pushing his face closer to her cunt.
"Yes, dōna taoba" Sweet boy. Aemond moved his fingers faster and his tongue ached at the rhythm but he did not stop until he felt her release fill his mouth, until she clenched her legs around his head holding him in place, until she screamed his name for anyone to hear.
"Was I good, ñuha dāria?" My queen. Aemond pushed her legs to the side so he could rise up from there. Rhaenyra smiled at him pulling him up to lay on top of her.
"Perfect, dōna taoba" Sweet boy. She rolled him onto his back and climbed onto his lap again. Aemond smiled proudly holding onto her behind guiding her to move with him back until he was laying on the pillows, up face to face with her tits.
"Shall I put it inside? Or do you wish me to use my mouth?" She asked leaning down to kiss him on the lips. A moan escaped her lips when she tasted herself on his lips. She could not help but move her hips of his shaft wanting nothing more than to shove him inside of her cunt and fuck him like he deserves.
"Cunt" He begged against her lips. She moved one of her hands down grabbing his very hard cock and aligned it with her hole, slowly she pushed herself down onto his cock.
"Tight" He cried throwing his head back. "ñuha dāria, is so tight" My Queen. He whimpered. Rhaenyra grinned down at him, grabbing the back of his head pulling him closer to her chest, hugging him like a mother would to comfort her child.
"Shhh, taoba" Boy. She whispered running her fingers through his hair. He whimpered but did not utter another word. Rhaenyra rolled her hips back and forth with a gentle and slow rhythm once she had adjusted to his size. Aemond sighed in relief grabbing at the flesh of her behind so tight it will surely mark but she did not care.
"Quiet, taoba" boy. She ordered, authority in her voice. Aemond found one solution to quieten his whines and latched onto her nipple. Rhaenyra gasped in shock and wrapped her arms around his shoulders for balance. She moved her hips up and down, growing in speed, she needed relief, she needed release. Aemond whined, sounding on the verge of tears still sucking on her tit. His other hand moved to tweak the other nipple trying to bring her pleasure.
"Tell m-me boy, are you enjoying this?" Rhaenyra asked through her own moans of pleasure. Aemond pulled away with a pop, looking up at her with teary eyes.
"Please" He begged, voice low and quivering. Rhaenyra gulped at the sight of him so desperate.
"Go on boy" Rhaenyra gave him her permission. Aemond moved his hands down from her tits to her hips moving them to loosen some of the tension in them before finally moving his own hips up.
"Fuck, yes Aemond, fuck me" Rhaenyra closed her eyes, her pleasure was too great. Aemond obeyed slamming his hips up wanting to reach his own peak as well. Rhaenyra's head fell back, heart beating faster than ever, sweat building up her back and her tits bounced for him to suckle on.
"Fuck, so good, ñuha dāria" My Queen. Aemond rolled her over, needing more control. He hammered inside of her with her pleasure in mind. Rhaenyra threw her head back against the pillows, her arms pulling him closer letting him suck on her nipple, she has not have had someone suckle on them like this since she had Aegon.
"So good Aemond, come on brother, cum inside of me" She ran a hand through his hair trying to guide him towards his end. Aemond reached one of his hand down to play with her swollen pearl. Rhaenyra could not hold herself back cumming like there was no tomorrow. Aemond was close behind releasing his seed inside of her cunt, cock pulsing letting Rhaenyra feel his every vein on his cock twitch.
Aemond sighed relieved as he pulled out of her and moved to lay beside her. They both panted looking up at the celling letting the silence fall over them. Rhaenyra turned to look at Aemond trying to regain his breath. She rolled onto her side reaching over to push some of his sweat soaked hair back. He turned to look at her at the feeling of her fingers.
"My queen" He grabbed her hand and moved it back down to kiss the flesh delicately. Their moment was interrupted when someone pounded on the door making their bodies course with worry.
"Aemond!" It was Alicent's voice. Rhaenyra pushed her self up worriedly. Aemond moved to wrap a robe around his body and moved to open the door.
"What is it, mother?" Aemond asked, now voice strong and no longer quivering. The robe covering the marks Rhaenyra made on his chest and neck. His hair however was all over the place probably giving Alicent an idea of what was going on.
"Your father, Aemond, he is gone" Alicent explained. Rhaenyra moved off the bed grabbing her dress with as little sound as possible. She moved to hide behind a wooden screen.
"We cannot find Aegon, you must help us find him" Alicent moved into the room grabbing both of Aemond's arms. He turned to look at the bed and found it empty but he could still feel Rhaenyra's presence somewhere in the room.
"It is Rhaenyra's right" Aemond turned back to look at his mother. Alicent's eyes widened in shock and horror.
"What are you saying? You want to give the throne to those bastards? The bastards that took your eyes" Alicent's face turned red at the reminder of that incident. Aemond shuffled uncomfortable at the memory. Aemond guided his mother back out of the door.
"Leave mother" Aemond closed the door before she could say anything. Rhaenyra moved back out from behind the wooden screen showing herself now in her gown again but her linen and corset were somewhere in the room.
"You have to hurry and mount your throne" Aemond looked panicked. Rhaenyra walked over to him, placing a hand on his cheek.
"Good boy, wait here, will you" She pulled him down to kiss him on the lips. Aemond gulped but kissed her back either way.
"Go on, my queen" Aemond urged her. Rhaenyra kissed his cheek before leaving the room. Daemon unsurprisingly was still awake waiting for her by the fire. He had also heard the news but kept his composer.
"Welcome back wife" Daemon turned to look at her when she stepped into the room. He pushed himself to his feet and walked over to her.
"Daemon-" Before she could finish he was on his knees before her, pledging his loyalty.
"Do not fret, my queen, I am sure we both will enjoy my nephew" Daemon smirked looking up at her. Rhaenyra grinned at him, leaning down to kiss him.
"The queen intends on putting Aegon on the throne, I saw her visit Aemond for help to find Aegon who had fled. Aemond refused but I am sure other won't" Daemon stood back up onto his feet. He took a deep breath to calm himself down.
"Then we shall hurry" By the time the sun was up there were hundreds or maybe thousands of the smallfolk in-and outside the dragonpit, waiting for what was to come.
The royal family, including Alicent and Otto were on Dargonstone with a pyre a few feet away, Aegon was still nowhere to be found. Aemond had insisted Alicent ride with him on Vaghar and Otto with Helaena to make sure they do not do anything but the excuse was that so they do not spend days on the road.
"Dracarys, Syrax" Rhaenyra demands. Syrax let out a loud roar before opening her jaw and letting the flames engulf the pyre. Helaena was the only one to avert her gaze from the fire.
"Guards" Rhaenyra called earning the attention of the others. Daemon moved to grab the handle of Dark Sister as the guards stepped forward.
"Do grab the Queen dowager and the Lord Hand" The two looked at her wide eyed and confused.
"What is the meaning of this?" Otto asked trying to shrug the arms that grabbed at him. Alicent turned to Aemond for help but he refused to even look at her.
"The meaning of this is you trying to usurp my throne, Lord Hand" Rhaenyra smirked at him. The two were pulled away screaming and yelling at the guards. Rhaenyra was not an idiot and placed them in two different chambers, baring the doors so no one can go in or leave.
The blonde haired family flew back to the Red Keep on dragonback. The smallfolk watched wide eyed as the dragons landed one after the other and the family climbed down. Rhaenyra was in the front walking through the walk way made out of the golden cloaks. They held their swords up as she passed through. She climbed up the stairs where the Grand Maester was along with the High Septon.
"Are you ready, my queen?" The Grand maester asked once Rhaenyra was close enough.
"As ready as I'll ever be" Was her reply. Daemon pulled Aemond to follow him and stand by the throne. Helaena followed to stand by her brother. Rhaenyra was crowned with King Jaehaerys' crown in front of the masses, she was anointed in front of the masses, there was no going back now.
By nightfall Rhaenyra was sat on the throne in the great hall alone with her small council and her husband and siblings. The ravens of her urgent ascendance to the throne was sent out to the great houses so they can come and pledge their alliance once more to her.
"I have made up my mind" Rhaenyra said filling the silence. The men around her turned to look at her, in her magnificent red and black gown with the golden crown on her white-blonde hair.
"My Queen please-" The grand maester began but she held her hand up stopping him.
"I said I made up my mind, Prince Aemond shall be my second consort" Rhaenyra hissed. The grand maester took a step back fearing the new monarch.
"As you wish" He whimpered. Now that left one matter to attend, who will be the new hand?
"Prince Daemon shall serve as my hand until further notice" Rhaenyra stood up from the throne, feeling her bottom, back and legs starting to turn, numb from sitting on it for hours.
"Enough for today" She moved to leave before anyone can deny Daemon being a hand or the ending of the meeting. She pulled the crown off once out of the room and resumed walking to her new room.
She sat down by the fire where wine was already waiting for her. She poured a cup for herself and downed it in one go before pouring another. By the third cup the doors opened and two sets of feet stepped into the room. She turned watching as Daemon guided Aemond into the room.
"Well that was an unexpected turn of events" Daemon joked. Rhaenyra urged Aemond to sit beside her on the couch. Aemond obeyed with a little huff.
"Is our little prince tired?" Rhaenyra asked, her finger pushed some of his hair back over his shoulder. Daemon moved to stand behind Aemond, placed both his hands on Aemond's shoulders. Aemond tensed up at the feeling of his uncle so close by.
"I am worried for my family" Aemond admitted. Rhaenyra hummed shuffling closer to him. She leaned to leaned her chin on his shoulder so she could reach his neck, placing small kisses to relax his tense muscles.
"They will be alright, even Aegon will be alright, I promise" Rhaenyra whispered. Aemond sighed as Rhaenyra's hand reached over touching his thigh. Daemon massaged his shoulders being mindful of Rhaenyra who was placing kisses up and down Aemond's neck.
"Do you promise?" Aemond asked. His hand moved to rest on Rhaenyra's hip as she moved closer to him. Daemon moved to sit on Aemond's other side.
"I promise" Rhaenyra did not hesitate to answer. She moved to climb on Aemond's lap. He held her by the waist so she would not fall off his lap. Daemon moved to undo the laces of her gown as she was busy claiming Aemond's lips.
"I am all yours my queen" Aemond whimpered. Rhaenyra giggled moving her lips back down to his neck. Daemon pulled Rhaenyra's dress down her shoulders and her breasts leaving them exposed. Rhaenyra gasped at the sudden cold air hit her tits. Aemond wrapped his arms around her waist and stood up. Rhaenyra wrapped her legs around his waist although he held her weight with no problem.
Aemond eyed Daemon who nodded his head approvingly. Aemond moved to the bed laying Rhaenyra down on it. He pulled her dress the rest of the way down followed by her corset and linen leaving her naked.
"Good taoba' Boy. Daemon praised from behind Aemond. Daemon wrapped his arms around Aemond's waist pulling him closer.
"Is this okay, taoba?" Boy. Daemon asked. Rhaenyra moved away from the edge as she watched her husband reach to the front and begin unbuttoning Aemond's shirt.
"Yes, uncle" Aemond whispered, but it was still heard by both Rhaenyra and Daemon. Daemon smirked resuming his movement. Slowly Aemond was just as naked as Rhaenyra. Daemon latched his lips to Aemond's neck leaving his mark behind. His hands moved up and down his sides trying to get the younger man to get used to his touch before sliding his hand up Aemond's stomach feeling his abs from the training he does. Aemond's breath got caught in his throat when Daemon groped Aemond's muscled chest.
"Uncle" Aemond moaned, hips thrusting forward needy. Rhaenyra could not help but move her hands up to touch her own breast tweaking her nipple. Daemon did the same to Aemond's nipple making the younger man squeak shocked.
"shhh, boy" Daemon whispered in Aemond's ear. His other hand moved down to Aemond's half hard cock. Aemond gulped feeling Daemon's fingers wrapped around his cock. He could not help but pant watching as his sister's other hand moved down to her cunt. Her fingers rubbed her pearl slowly eyes stuck on the way Daemon moved his hand over Aemond's cock up and down as the flesh grew harder.
"Is this good, taoba?" boy. Daemond asked. Aemond nodded pushing his hips back grinding his behind to Daemon's front without noticing. Rhaenyra moaned pushing her fingers inside of her hole loving the way the two men pleasured each other. Daemon sighed at the friction of Aemond's plush behind.
"Shh, we will get there later" Daemon assured. Aemond did not register what Daemon said being too drunk with his own pleasure. His small whimpers filled the room along with Rhaenyra's. Rhaenyra picked up her pace along with daemon's hand now that Aemond was fully hard.
"Would you like a taste, ñuha dāria?" My Queen. Daemon cocked up an eyebrow. Rhaenyra nodded eagerly removing her hand from between her legs and crawled over to the edge of the bed. She looked up at Aemond awaiting his reaction.
"Please, mandia" Sister. Aemond whined. Rhaenyra wrapped her hand around his tip touching his tip with her thumb. Daemon retracted his hand giving his wife space to move her hand. She moved it up and down before leaning closer wrapping her lips around his tip. She took him inch by inch to not overwhelm him. Aemond's head fell back on Daemon's shoulder at the feeling of her tongue massaging his most sensitive muscle.
Rhaenyra bobbed her head up and down eagerly. Daemon chuckled darkly when Aemond's moans raised. Daemon licked his finger before moving his finger down to Aemond's hole trying to get him to reach his peak. Aemond gasped shocked at the feeling of Daemon's finger rubbing at his hole. Daemon pushed inside slowly curling it against Aemond's pillow walls.
"Please" Aemond whined moving his hips back and forth fucking Rhaenyra's mouth and against Daemon's walls. In no time he was shooting his seed inside of Rhaenyra's mouth. She grinned happily swallowing the fluid as if it was wine.
"There we go" Daemon chuckled. Daemon pulled his finger out of Aemond letting him moved to lay on the bed. Rhaenyra giggled placing a hand on Aemond's heaving chest.
"Come on love, let me taste you" Daemon begged. Rhaenyra laid back, opening her legs. Daemon grinned wickedly sliding to place his knees on the bed and bent down so he was face to cunt with Rhaenyra. The Queen beckoned him over with her fingers. Daemon rose to place a quick kiss on her lips before moving back down.
"Watch and learn, sweet boy" Rhaenyra turned to look at Aemond. He nodded his head eyes never leaving Daemon's figure. Daemon licked a strip up Rhaenyra's cunt gathering some of her release. Rhaenyra sighed content with having her two boys here with her.
Daemon flickered her pearl before moving his tongue down to her hole, moving his tongue expertly. His fingers followed his tongue knowing exactly what could bring Rhaenyra to her release. Aemond watched with wide eyes in concentration. He was making mental notes of what made Rhaenyra moan, what made her squirm. How she cried when Daemon put pressure on her clit, or how she pulled his face closer by his hair wanting his experienced tongue deeper inside of her.
"Aemond, come" Rhaenyra opened her free arm for him. Aemond moved closer letting her push him down and closer to the action. Aemond gasped a little at the sight of Daemon's finger inside of her cunt, two curling inside of her to touch her walls before pulling back out.
"Daemon" Rhaenyra moaned wiggling her hips from side to side. Daemon chuckled against her cunt much to her joy as the vibrations sent even more pleasure through her cunt. Aemond gulped feeling his cock rise again and he had to give himself some release, his hand slid down to palm at himself.
"Close" Rhaenyra whined, her pleasure from earlier still very present. Daemon hummed, he stuck his tongue inside alongside his fingers lapping at her. Rhaenyra let out a loud cry as she came, shaking from head to toes. Daemon pulled back grabbing the back of Aemond's head and pushed him closer to her cunt. Aemond did not hesitate to lap like Daemon did earlier, he lapped at her cunt like a hungry dog loving the taste of her release.
"yes fuck" Rhaenyra whined locking her legs behind Aemond's head riding his face, riding her orgasm out. Her muscles relaxed once she had nothing to give anymore. Aemond pulled back, chin and mouth glistening.
"Good boy" Daemon had moved to stand by the bed, cock out and hard with no shame, a man Aemond once admired and still did, he had a cup of wine in hand sipping on it with a grin.
"Uncle I-" Aemond began again but Daemon cut him off when he took a step closer, leaning down and claiming his lips. Rhaenyra giggled at the bewildered look in Aemond's eyes, that were wide open but slowly began closing and enjoy the way Daemon's tongue slipped into his mouth to play with his, feeling every inch of his mouth.
Rhaenyra moved closer to the pair leaning against Aemond's back placing kisses between his shoulder blades. Aemond could not help but moan in Daemon's mouth. Aemond pulled away from Daemon letting a string of spit connect their lips before it disconnected. He turned to look at Rhaenyra over his shoulder.
"I need your cocks, both of you" Rhaenyra whispered into Aemond's ear. Daemon grinned pulling her over Aemond's shoulder in for a kiss.
"Lay back, nephew" Daemon ordered and Aemond obeyed. Rhaenyra climbed his lap with her face to him, she slid him inside of her with a moan. Aemond leaned up to claim her lips. Daemon moved slowly behind Rhaenyra and over Aemond's knees. He moved his cock down her ass to her slit to gather some of her release, brushing his head with Aemond's girth earning a surprised moan from his nephew, he moved his cock back to her behind sliding it between her cheeks teasing her hole with the tip.
"Daemon" Rhaenyra warned. Daemon pushed the rest of his cock inside of her so they were chest to chest.
"Yes, my queen?" He teased. She rolled her head back over his shoulder gasping for breath. Aemond tried rolling his hips up, he could feel Daemon with the thin wall of skin in between.
"I can feel him, inside of you" Daemon chuckled. Rhaenyra smirked looking down at Aemond. His eyes were growing teary with need and they both were merciful. Daemon pulled out before slamming back in.
"Yes, such a pleasurable feeling" Rhaenyra rolled her hips to assist Daemon and to give Aemond some of the relief he was whining after.
"This is too much" Aemond whined. Daemon moving, Rhaenyra rolling he was on cloud nine. Rhaenyra leaned down letting him latch on her like a couple of nights ago. His lips were quick to litter kisses all over her chest, sucking and tweaking her nipples.
"It is like he is a babe" Daemon chuckled. He moved one of his hands to grab Aemond's hair pushing him even closer to Rhaenyra's chest. Rhaenyra started moving her hips at a faster pace, feeling her peak so close.
Daemon moved his hand from Aemond hair to the front of Rhaenyra, flicking at her pearl. Rhaenyra cried bouncing up and down on their cock, with Aemond's lips on her nipples along with his cock in her pussy, Daemon's cock in her ass she was a goner. She creamed around their cocks, shaking from head to toes but still every bit energetic.
In seconds Daemon had her on her hands and knees while Aemond fucked her from the back and he fucked her mouth. Her moans bringing him closer and closer to his peak along with her skilled tongue.
"Having fun back there, nephew?" Daemon asked teasingly. Aemond was whining almost as much as Rhaenyra, hips beginning to stutter, beginning for release.
"I'm cumming" Aemond warned. Daemon grabbed Rhaenyra's head pushing her closer to him as he shot his seed inside of her mouth and the sight was Aemond's end also shooting his seed inside of her cunt. By the time they all finished several times it was the beginning of another day.
It took months for Rhaenyra and Aemond to prepare for their wedding, it was going to be the biggest and the most luxurious wedding known to man. After their wedding Jacaerys' and Lucaerys' weddings were to take place as well.
By the time Aemond married Rhaenyra and Daemon much to the sock of everyone Rhaenyra was swollen with child, his child. According the Rhaenyra it was his child and she knew best, a mother always knows.
Then only weeks after the wedding came their daughter, a living and healthy baby girl they called Visenya, Visenya second of her name with her parents' hair and eyes, but she was her father's daughter, she looked so much like Aemond Rhaenyra usually joked that it was as if he created her on his own.
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Show Criston thinking Rhaenyra would marry him after losing her virginity to him is stupid move, considering Kingsguard in the past having been killed and/or castrated for having sex like Lucamore Strong and Terrence Toyne for example. Also, feels manipulative on Criston's part, and sexist for also not considering that girls can get post-nut clarity too and won't magically bond with a guy just by sleeping with him. (Also, the fandom hate for Rhaenyra over refusing Criston's proposal reminds me of the hate Arya got for rejecting Gendry's proposal in Game of Thrones.)
Criston is infantilized just as much as the rest of TG by the fandom. He's not expected to take responsibility for his own actions and the fact that he chose to sleep with a teenager. Somehow, the fandom has decided that a teenage Rhaenyra seduced a man who is her father's age, even though only one source, who was discredited, told that story.
The show decided to go with Mushroom's telling for some reason, but even then, Criston is just as culpable. Rhaenyra was a drunk teenager who Criston had known since she was fourteen. How exactly is Rhaenyra the guilty or even morally questionable party in this scenario? He was more than capable of telling her no, he could have turned around and walked back out her door, but he didn't.
Criston wanted to be a member of the Kingsguard, he knew what the requirements and oaths entailed. He made a choice and it didn't end how he wanted. Boo fucking hoo.
People defending Criston's incel behavior is so ridiculous; reading those metas is like watching an alpha-bro podcast. He literally took Rhaenyra's rejection and used it to excuse killing an innocent man at her wedding, abuse her little children, and to try to get Aegon to assassinate her. Criston is a shitty guy in both the show and the book, end of story.
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alicentsultana · 4 months
Since I have trust issues with HOTD but a lot of trust with you ,I would life to ask ,how would you imagine the whole Alicole buildup for that scene?
We all are collectively trembling about this omg. Thanks for trusting me 🤗🙈 I would need to write a serious scene to express everything, but let's call this a conversational rambling draft
This is a imagine and a headcannon (for those who are coming to look for the rumors)
Ok so let's go with two (ideal) possibilities:
1. Before b&c
I would say they would need to meet after a tense council reunion, or something along stressful and bordering chaotic - we can also talk about the riot scene, though we don't know when that scene will happen.
They would need to spend some time together, so their "free time" would be night as they now are very busy people, it would also need to happen away from Larys Strong, he have an agenda.
If we go more into discussions over political/realm matters, it probably would involve wine and I don't really think it would evolve a openly/overly romantic dialog. But we could enter in diverse matters, including the elephant in the room- Rhaenyra. They could discuss about their feelings and how their story turned out because of poor choices and their involvement with the targs. We know through the delete dialogs that Criston would often flirt with alicent (courtly love! courtly love! courtly love!), so he could do it and also express being displeased with some lord in the council or otto trying to marry her off again, something along these lines.
However, Alicent could be open to it in a very it doesn't really matter doesn't really really matter (AW you will always be famous) and just advance over him, let's test how devoted he is- and yk there's no husband around, but I don't know about his oath, because it will be brought up, but criston is not just a knight anymore, and this man had to ask for lemon cake out of season because Queen Alicent asked him for while she was pregnant, there's nothing he wouldn't do if she simply asks.
"Would you break your oath again? for me, as your queen?"
"I will not fail you."
Hahaha sorry, I had to.
Despite the back and forth I believe they would be rather passionate about it. They deserve it. I think this would fall into your wishes for a slower moment, they would be taking their time.
The outcome of it, however, could result in a fallout (that I think is not the case bc they have a high amount of trust into each other and one time wouldn't break it only leave some thirst and want or would result in religious guilt because b&c will happen anyway.
2. After b&c
I picture it as a "take my mind out of it" or/and a desperate "need you rn", this one would be more idk heavy? Fast? Blood, sweat and tears (figurative blood***)? I'm my own victim. But I believe this outcome would be way more hot and sexy for the amount of feelings. It def would fall into my wishes for no candlelight and clothes in the floor.
After b&c would definitely be more of a fleeting moment, especially if it's only one time/first time, because it will be desperate, but also very dependent, showing how they depend on each other, Alicent has no one but her children, otto don't count much, and others are allies, Criston raised her kids, both saw each other at their lowest, and b&c will be a blow to everyone of them, and he included, he's a grandpa, I take no criticism. So it would be something both of them need, for everything that happens between them.
I like tragedy so I would love to see it happen after b&c, for the raw emotion of it, also, it would result in a much more open and intrinsic need for each other and the deep dependence be more exposed/more real, more noticeable. Alicent would feel guilty anyway, in a should have been grieving but I'm fucking instead, but I don't think it will affect her so much.
Conclusion: in both cases, I don't think Criston will be forceful, simply because he never was to her, he's just her Husky, hers. I also believe that he would incentive her to ask, "you can ask me anything you want and I'll give it to you.", we have seen him as her extension, and how he's just always there no matter what, so I don't think it would be any different in their sex scene.
Oh no, I'll need to write it, I'm sorry for my wips
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This pic got me so much I'll glue it on my wall next to saint alicent of the broken hearts-
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thevelaryons · 2 months
Hello! Speaking only of the book, because I've lost hope with the series, do you believe Corlys loved Rhaenys until the end or not? Because there are behaviors he shows that suggest Rhaenys was his other half even beyond her death: him going against Rhaenyra; his refusal to remarry, even though this could have prevented him from forming an alliance with the Greens and potentially risking his life. Yet, at the same time, he betrayed her with a young girl with whom he had two children, whom he preferred as heirs over Baela and Rhaena. I'd like to know your opinion since I find your analysis really interesting!
Hi! Yes, I do think Corlys greatly loved his wife, even despite cheating on her.
When it comes to cheating, obviously opinions will vary. Since we're talking about fictional characters here, and someone like Corlys who is very morally gray, I think the context of the affair needs to be considered.
Just going off the timeline, the affair seems to have begun around the time Laenor & Rhaenyra were married and it ended around the time the Jace/Baela & Luke/Rhaena betrothals occurred. People only suspect that Corlys had the affair because he's so eagerly pushing for Addam/Alyn to be legitimized as heirs to Driftmark. Corlys could have openly acknowledged his sons as his heirs since his wife is dead so there's nothing for him to be afraid of. Though if he did that, it would reflect badly on Rhaenys (everyone knows her husband cheated on her) and Rhaenyra (Joffrey would have to be denounced as a bastard to remove him from the Velaryon line of succession which makes Rhaenyra guilty of high treason). The other option is to present the boys as Laenor's sons. This only reflects badly on Rhaenyra (everyone believes her husband cheated on her). Corlys chose the second option, and by doing so protected Rhaenys' image.
In the book, Corlys put the life of a mariner behind him for the sake of family (before the Dance, the only one time Corlys sails with his fleet is to fight in the Stepstones to clear the pirates out of his backyard):
At seven-and-thirty, the Sea Snake was already hailed as the greatest seafarer Westeros had ever known, but with his nine great voyages behind him, he had come home to marry and make a family. “Only you could have won me away from the sea,” he told the princess. “I came back from the ends of the earth for you.”
I've mentioned this before but Corlys' bastard sons are always mentioned in reference to the Driftmark succession. Because that was always the real issue for Corlys. At the time of Corlys' own affair, his son was newly married. It turns out that his daughter-in-law has been having an affair with another man (Harwin) even before she married Laenor. She's most certainly not willing to do her duty in this marriage. His son is too busy grieving over his dead lover (Joffrey). He's also unwilling to do his duty in this marriage. When the marriage was arranged, it was expected that Rhaenyra and Laenor would do their part to have heirs no matter how unwilling they might be. But obviously those two have minds of their own and a certain refusal to conform to the patriarchal expectations placed on them. Also at the same time, Laena was stuck in her many years long betrothal to the Braavosi boy. So that's another thing for Corlys to be frustrated about.
The perfect family that Corlys had probably envisioned for himself is unravelling spectacularly. He came home from the sea for this. At no point though is there any indication that Rhaenys would be seen as part of the problem to Corlys. Still, he turns to the sea (the 'mar' in Marilda comes from the Latin word meaning 'sea'). Corlys is certainly wrong to deal with his frustrations in a way that would hurt Rhaenys if she knew the truth. But he is a privileged man in a patriarchal society that says its okay to cheat so long as you're discreet about it.
I do go back and forth on what exactly Corlys was trying to achieve with the affair. Did he just want to find some peace in a relationship completely removed from his situation with his family at High Tide? Or was he actually attempting to sire Velaryon-blooded heirs? With Addam and Alyn, he does get an heir and a spare. Since the Jace/Baela & Luke/Rhaena betrothals happened sometime after Alyn's birth, Corlys might have rethought his plan. So he decided to settle for the present situation at High Tide, but kept the idea of his own bastard sons as his heirs in the back of his mind, in case a future need might arise.... After all, Corlys is the type to have a backup plan to the backup plan so it's certainly possible. His actions in the book all indicate that he places a priority on his own blood. So the Velaryon cousins never stood a chance to inherit Driftmark (Corlys would rather give it to Luke who is not his blood but is betrothed to Rhaena who is). Since Corlys has the typical Westerosi male-preferential mentality, I think he would have considered the Dragon Twins as heirs in their own right only if there was no possible male option of his own blood left to him.
Apart from Marilda who gives him his heirs, we get no other mention of Corlys having an affair (obviously the affair does have its own issues with the age difference and power imbalance). But Corlys' one and only affair is said to end around the same time as his grandchildren are betrothed to each other (perhaps a solution to the problem?). Like I said, everything always points to the Driftmark succession crisis. Dare I say, if that issue had never arose in his family, then Corlys might've never cheated on Rhaenys.
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By Fire, Sea and Blood
the untold tale of an approaching collapse
Act I: Chapter eight: necessary.
previous ///// next
Summary: Rhaenyra is left haunted by the taunting truth as she watches her children grieve a living man.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Daenerys Velaryon (Strong! Oc)
WC: 7.6k
Warnings: MDNI, depictions of death, Daemyra smut.
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Corlys was away from the bedchamber he shared with his wife Rhaenys, he found it difficult to bear another moment in that room. The air was too dense with grief, too full with his culpability of everything that had happened. His mind began to play tricks with him, as he stared at the swaying body of his anguished wife he felt the burning touch of his ashened children clawing at his arms and neck, their rasping voices croaking out to him ‘have we no place in your desires.’
He stiffened his neck, refusing to turn to look at their gaunt faces, for what would he even have to look at. His daughter's skull was stained with ash and his son's skin shrunken around the flesh beneath.
He had tried, he had tried to come to his wifes aid, to mourn with her, he was Laenors father, he had a right to grieve, he was as much a victim of this poisonous grief as his wife was. Or so he had told himself.
He refused to believe he was guilty of anything, of thrusting his children towards the imprisoning flame and away from the salvation of salt. The gods have long written their fate, and what power does Corlys, the wealthiest and one of the most powerful men in Westeros have over fate?
No, it was not his fault, and whatever shred of self blame existed in his mind, he was quick to tear out. 
Guards came in and out of his chambers, reporting to him that they had not found the traitor knight that had murdered his son. An odd thing, for he would often receive reports in his hall, surrounded by his greatest treasures, and hoisted above all who came to seek an audience with him upon his driftwood throne. 
Instead he was a pitiful sight of a lord, hunched over in his seat, head in his hands, still in his clothes from the night prior, his eyes sunken and tired but he did not deserve the comfort of sleep. 
His prized hall, the physical manifestation of his vanity, was now tainted with the blood of his son, splattered across it. 
His skin would crawl with an urge to flee the hall whenever he spent a mere  second in it, the rancid stench of his son's burning flesh seeped into the wood of his throne and the walls. 
The Maester warily entered the room, approaching the distant Corlys who had begun to retreat in the safest confines of his minds, where the walls were thick enough to block the taunting voices of his greatest mistakes. Walls thicker than the ones that had deterred the warnings of his worried wife.
“My lord?” The maester asked, receiving no answer “My Lord?” he asked again as he approached.
The old man tensed in his place as he heard the sullen voice of the sea snake. He heaved in a deep breath, stammering as he told “I’ve prepared ravens to be sent to the lords of Westeros, invitations to your sons committal-.”
The Maester choked on his words at his lords answer, stuttering as he repeated “no?”
“Is the word foreign to you?” Corlys asked, his hardened gaze still on the hearth he had yet to put out, he had begun considering removing every hearth within his castle, finding the mere sight to irk him. 
“Of course not my lord, but, I would imagine your… fallen heir would receive a public committal, would he not?” the maester questioned, baffled by his lord's answer.
“He would, wouldn't he…” Corlys muttered to himself, glancing down at his clenched palms before returning his venomous glare towards the heart “but he won’t, we’ve all seen what happened the last time, I will not have the memory of my heir smothered by another crazed outburst, or childish quarrel,” he sneered as he recalled how quickly his daughter was forgotten, the realm to distracted by gossip about the queen having gone to madness “no, this will be a private procession, we will send ravens of this… unfortunate news afterwards, until then house Velaryon will accept no visitors.”
“Of course my lord,” the Maester turned to leave but recalled one final thing “what of the ship at the harbour?”
Corlys frowned “What ship?”
The maester grimaced uncomfortably as he reminded “you requested that a ship be prepared for your son and granddaughter, for their return to Dragonstone,” Corlys tensed in his seat as he recalled that his granddaughter had been stowed away in her chambers, alone for the entire night “do you wish to call it off? So that the princess may attend the committal?”
The Sea Snake's lips twisted to the side as he contemplated to himself what to do with the poor girl. She was not safe here. It was best that she leave, to be spared from the wrath of the grieving Rhaenys. No one will know of this necessary action,
“No, have them ready and I expect a guard of two men to accompany the princess so that they may safely escort her to Dragonstone,” he answered, picking at the flaked wood of his chair, frowning at the imperfection.
“Of course my lord,” he responded, bowing his head before rushing out of the room.
Corlys sighed, knowing that he could not settle into the silence just yet “squire!”
He was changed out of his night clothes, and into his normal attire, spare for his hair, his rope-like strands sprawled around his shoulders, and fell around his face. He put on a long black coat over his shoulders before tiredly sauntering out of his room, closely followed by his guards. Their senses heightened as they scanned their surroundings, the example made of the guards from the night prior, the guards that had failed to fulfil the simple requirement that their station had required, was enough incentive to better themselves.
A sense of dread had filled the man, who had been in worse situations. Tentatively, he reached his hand up to knock at the door, worried when he had received no answer from the girl inside. He sent a glare to the two guards that had been posted outside of her bedchambers.
Their eyes widened with fear “My lord we have not left our post, the princess is inside,” the trembling guard assured.
Corlys looked them over one last time before knocking the door again, he called out to her with the gentlest voice he could muster  “Daenerys, it is I, your grandsire…” no response came from the other side “might I come in?”
Seconds past before Daenerys unlocked the door, hiding behind it as she let her grandsire enter, once he was inside she walked back to her bed, facing the wall of windows as she sat. Corlys worried gaze followed her as she left. He shut the door behind him and glanced about the desolate and cold room. He glanced towards the hearth, no wonder the room was so cold, the fire had been put out and a blanket covered the carved stone. Books littered the floor beside the long chair that faced the hearth, seemingly pushed to the floor from what he could see. He looked towards where Daenerys sat still on the bed, swaying back and forth.
His hands itched as he thought of what to do, what could he do to help a girl mourning the loss of her father. He cautiously moved to sit beside her. 
Daenerys stiffened as she felt the mattress shift beside her, hours had passed and the room was so still, so quiet, she did not know whether she welcomed the disturbance or not.
Corlys clasped his hands in his lap, pursing his lips tightly before speaking, feeling awkward as he has yet to know how to approach such a delicate situation “have you gotten any rest?” he asked.
Daenerys was too tired to give him a sardonic remark, she had thought her sunken and red eyes were enough to show him that she hadn’t “no, I wasn’t tired,” she muttered.
He hummed “I suppose that is good, that way you will sleep during the long trip back to Dragonstone,” he was sly with his words, telling it to her straight.
She frowned at his words ``what?” she asked. She realised how long she had been staring out of those curtained windows, with the ache that spread through her neck as she turned to look at her grandsire “but the committal, am I… am I not to attend mine own fathers committal?” she asked, anxious to hear his next words, dreading his answer.
“I’ve decided it will be a private procession, for my wife and I” He pursed his lips, he was a fool to think it that easy “and I think it best that you return to Dragonstone, it would be safer for you there than here.”
She shook her head, her lips mouthing a silent ‘but he’s my father’ her eyes darted about his face as she processed what he had just told her “but-, has he not been found yet?” she asked him.
“No, but my men will not rest till that traitor is found,” he assured the bewildered girl “I’ve issued a reward of ten thousand golden dragons to whoever brings me the man's head.” 
She shook her head, unsatisfied by what he had told her “he was to return to the stepstones-.” 
“And he will be apprehended if he dares to go there,” he said, adamant on dismissing her worries.
“What if he’s never found-.”
“That is for me to worry about,” he sternly interrupted, discarding her worries, he sighed before resting his hand on her shoulder “Our thirst for vengeance will be sated, I promise you, but leave that to me.”
Her lips twisted shut, still dissatisfied but found it pointless to argue with her grandsire, and rather disrespectful to doubt a lord. She asked “is grandmother alright?”
A long sigh escaped him as he stared at her, slowly shaking his head in answer.
A sheen of tears covered her lilac eyes as she imagined what her grandmother must have been going through at this very moment, having lost her two children in such a short period of time “can I go see her, before I leave?”
He took her small hand in his as he carefully told her, readying himself for the flood that might soon follow “I think it would be for the best that… your grandmother sees no one, she is not well, and she needs time to… grasp what has happened,” he stopped when he saw her lips begin to tremble and her eyes begin to shine with heavy tears “In a few months, you can write a letter to her, if you wish.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, battling the urge to cry. She wished she could be with her grandmother, so she would have someone's hand to hold as she walked through this conclusion of love. Right now it felt as though she was stumbling and she had not even made it halfway. 
She slowly recoiled her hands from him, looking back towards the glowing curtains, her tired voice asking him “when do I have to leave?”
“The ship is being prepared, I will escort you to the harbour when you are ready,” He told, knitting his brow as he watched the despondent Daenerys retreat into herself. He considered reaching out to the distant girl, but thought it best to leave her alone, have her mother guide her through this instead. He stood up and looked down at her, pitifully.
“I am so sorry child.” 
Daenerys tilted her head towards him, her gaze falling to the ground as she watched him step away from her line of sight. The door clicked shut behind him as he left.
She grimaced as she felt ugly sobs begin to push against her lips. She glanced over at her tear stained pillow, her trembling hand slipped beneath it and wrapped around the cold handle beneath. She pulled out her fathers dagger, she hid it fearing it would be taken away from her. 
Her eyes skimmed over the sheathed dagger resting in the palms of her hand, her gaze falling upon the silver Seahorse wrapped around the cyan hilt. Heavy tears fell from her burning eyes at the sight, sobs beginning to rake through her body in between her groans of anguish. She held the dagger close to her beating heart. Curling into herself as she hunched over, wanting for nothing, but to shrink away from this cruel world. 
Helaena Targaryen.
Aemond Targaryen.
Harwin Strong.
Laena Velaryon.
Laenor Velaryon.
So many names to remember.
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A storm had begun to roll into the gullet, its menacing dark silhouette lining the horizon east of driftmark, where Daenerys had spent hours staring out into. East, where she was to go with her father, the place she had dreamed of venturing into for years, the place she had long pictured in her wonder fueled mind, and a place that would remain forever within the confines of her imagination.
She stared out onto the eastern horizon with a solemn look on her face, her hands tightly clenched around her fathers dagger beneath her cloak. 
Corlys watched her from afar, thinking to himself that she was too close to the edge of the port for his comfort. 
Those words were a sign that it was time for her to leave.
Corlys called out to her “Daenerys!” she turned to look at him from where she stood “it is time!”
She sighed, paying one final sharp glance across the narrow sea before making her way towards her Grandsire, he brushed his hand over her head before guiding her towards the ship, where her two temporarily appointed guards awaited her. 
She paid them no mind, for her gaze was plastered to the ground, vacantly staring at it, she had not imagined grief to be so tiring. Corlys rested his hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him, giving her a tight smile that faltered when he had received nothing in return. Hesitantly, he pulled her in for a short yet awkward hug, one she had not returned for her hands were too busy hiding the dagger beneath her cloak. 
As he pulled away he spoke his last words to her “safe travels granddaughter.”
She nodded in appreciation “pay my grandmother my condolences, please grandsire.”
He tentatively nodded “of course.”
She walked up the ramp and onto the deck.
Corlys kept his pitying eyes on her as he spoke to the guard “did you hear what had happened to the men that had the nights watch the night prior?” he nonchalantly asked them.
The two men gulped but kept their composure, as they were trained to “yes my lord.”
“Good, so I needn’t explain myself when I say this,” he took a step closer to the two men, his gaze darkened as he looked at them both “If I so much hear that you’ve glanced away from my granddaughter during your watch, know that I will have you flogged and debased in the streets of Spice Town before I have you armoured, bound and thrown out to sink to the deepest and darkest parts of the sea,” he calmly threatened, glancing between the two, satisfied by the beads of sweat forming on their brows “I should hope the both of you heed my words before my creativity finds its limit.”
The two men nodded their hands before rushing upon the boat, frantically searching for the dark haired princess. 
Corlys sighed to himself, paying a glance to the stormy horizon before leaving the harbour and returning to the haunted, empty and desolate confines of one of his greatest achievements, High Tide. 
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The dark room of the princess of Dragonstone was Rhaenyra holding her coat tightly around her body as she stood before her blazing hearth, her damp hair cascading down her back and sticking to her sweaty face. Ethereal hues of blue and welcoming tints of warmth shining off the Valyrian facets of her face. Even though Rhaenyra was in Dragonstone, she could not help but have her thoughts return to Driftmark, to where her daughter had been. She knew that Daenerys would be the one to bestow upon them the news of Laenors death, such terrible news to rest on the shoulders of a child. She found it difficult to move about her day with the heavy guilt weighing on her chest. Her sweet daughter adored her father, Daenerys cherished him more than her, a truth she eventually succumbed to over the passing years. She had hoped there was someone to console her once she had found out, but it saddened her to believe that no one had, and instead surrendered to the fact that her daughter was to sit alone with her grief. 
Hands slid around her waist and up her body, one hand resting on her tense shoulder while the other rested just beneath her breast. A calming embrace as she rested her hand upon the one engulfing her shoulder.
Daemon in his name day suits stood behind Rhaenyra as he embraced the absent woman. Her stiff shoulder relaxing beneath the press of his forehead against it. The smell of their coupling lingered in the air around the secluded room.
A contented sigh left her lips as she fell against him, she had not realised how long she had desired such a feeling, to feel safe again, her worries burning away when she was within his secure embrace. No longer did she need to hide behind necessary courtesies, tight smiles, and needing to worry about an appearance not true to who she really was.
Daemon, as impatient as the rogue prince was deemed to be, had awaited this moment for years, for their paths to not cross, not pass by, but to forever intertwine. He relished that she was finally where he had always wanted her to be, in his arms, no sea, no sky, no king could tear them apart again. They will stand together within the walls of fire they had built, walls none would dare pass through and neither will leave, lest they choose to burn.
Rhaenyra, as carefree as she may have felt, could not shake away the worry that had grasped her. Her daughter was alone, unaware of the rusted and poison laced knife of grief hurling her way. 
“Do you think he told her?” she asked, still staring at the flames.
Daemon hummed “He would be fool to draw any suspicion to her,” he sighed as he burrowed into the side of her neck. “He would be wise to keep his mouth shut, and let the girl stay blissfully blind to the truth.”
Rhaenyra scoffed in disbelief “bliss?” she questioned.
He stepped away from her, allowing her to turn and face him, seemingly used to the nude sight. He reached for the thin throw that rested over his chair and lazily sprawled it across his lap.
“Need I remind you why we have done this?” he asked her, earning himself a frustrated huff from the woman before him.
“No, I don’t need reminding,” she told him, “but my children… I refuse to subject them to this false grief.”
He sniggered “in many ways their grief is false.”
She gave the man a warning look before saying “once Daenerys arrives, I will tell them all.”
“You can’t.”
“It is of little consequence if they know.”
“But it is crucial that they don’t,” he explained, standing up from the chair, holding the cloth around his waist “we will be burdened by the truth that Laenor lives, but your children will not, their unfeigned grief will help us and help them,” he said, trying to meet her avoidant gaze “their grief will garner sympathy from the realm and dampen the whispers that you were responsible for his murder.”
She pondered his words, hating how her mind agreed with him. She is the heir to the iron throne, she has a duty to the realm, but her desire to shield her children from this ugly grief clashed with this duty. 
She eventually surrendered to her duty, saying to herself aloud “what mother would kill her children's father?”
Daemon gave her a proud smile, cradling her face in his hands as he pressed his forehead to hers “exactly.”
Rhaenyra sighed as she rested her forehead against him, her hands resting against his scar littered chest.
Daemons soothing strokes to her cheeks, kneaded away her fears, her eyes sliding shut as she settled into this very moment. ‘How much longer must this last?’ she asked herself.
The two could say that they belonged to the other as much as they wished, it was only a matter of time before they could be torn away from the other again. This room of flames they had built had a door, and they have yet to make a key.
She could not think of that right now, she did not want to imagine the pile of letters beginning to grow at her fathers bedside, she did not wish to picture herself at the side of anyone else but him. She wished to sink comfortably into his world, a world without fear, a world where she was forever safe.
She touched her lips confidently against his own, parting his cat-like smirk with her tongue as she pushed herself against him. The two melding together in an all too familiar dance they have been having these past few nights. As her fingers slid up to dance around his jaw, his hands slid away from her face, and down to her shoulders, pulling with him the hem of her lazily put on robe along with him. A hum of satisfaction escaped him as he heard the cloth fall heavy on the ground.
He heaved her up into his arms, comfortably situated between her legs as he guided her back to the bed. Too eager to lay her down comfortably on the already soiled sheets.
He tossed her down upon the bed, forcing her already spread knees further apart. Moaning at the sight of his seed seeping from her wet cunt. He hooked his arms beneath her knees and pulled her towards him. Smirking as he saw the playful glint in her half lidded eyes. 
A throaty chuckle escaped her as she linked her ankles behind him, her hands running through her hair as she sprawled it around her. 
Her brows knitted as she saw him marvelling at her while he kissed along the length of her thigh, she clasped her hands over her stomach as she teased “So eager to leave again uncle?” she asked, running her toes along his back “I suppose I could write to Ser Criston, I imagine him bored to death by the unexciting company he has been surrounded with.”
Daemon gave her a warning growl, not appreciating the reminder “I had hoped to only relish in this…” he mumbled, hovering down just above her face, his lips a taunting distance away from her own. Rhaenyra was too busy craning her neck to reach his lips, to notice him lining his rigid cock against her entrance.
She cried out at the intrusion, cupping her lips to muffle her scream. The empty halls of Dragonstone would have carried the sounds of their unholy pleasure all across the castle, To the ears of their sleeping children.
Daemon's face contorted with relief as he fought the urge to collapse, his pleasure was interrupted as he saw her cup her mouth, stifling her whines. He let her legs collapse at his sides, his hand reaching up and tightly gripping her wrist, tearing her hand away from her mouth and pinning it above her wrist.
“Do not hide it, do not hide these sounds,” he said between heavy pants “you are the heir to the iron throne, you do not feel shame.”
Her brows knit with confusion and worry “but- what if someone hears-? Oh!” she groaned as he harshly thrust into her.
“Nyke jāhor colour zōbrie mandia mele rūsīr pōja ānogar,” he assured, grunting with every slow thrust he made. She moaned as she heard him speak in her favoured tongue, in the words of their ancestors. I will colour dark sister red with their blood
A shuddered moan escaped her quivering lips as she felt him press his hand against her womb, that pressure along with the feeling of him pummelling into her with abandon, sent her for a spiral as her eyes rolled back into her skull.
Daemon wanted her to relinquish her fears, wanted them all to be set alight and turned to ash, he would not have his wife-to-be afraid with him at her side. He wished to purge that feeling from her, for her to forget its existence.
“Issa dāria jāhor daor gīmigon zūgagon, ziry jāhor sagon zūgagon,” he mumbled before crashing his lips against hers, a clash of teeth and a mess of tongues. My queen will not know fear, my queen will be feared
Her free hand slid down to the round of his ass, clawing at it as she reached her blinding peak the fifth time that night. A guttural cry falling from her gaping mouth, her trembling legs falling limp at Daemons sides. His hips stuttered as he reached his end, his heart swelling as he saw how Rhaenyra had looked at him through the haze of her euphoria, a look of adoration, of a freed longing.
He groaned against her parted lips as he spilled his seed within her. Riding this high that could never grow old with languid thrusts.
Rhaenyra squeaked as he continued his movements, prodding at the spot where all her desire swelled with excitement deep within her.
The sounds of their soft pants cut through the comfortable silence between them. Daemon heaved her up the bed before settling beside her resting his arm beneath her head. 
A tired smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she turned to look at him, the rays of first light seeping through the parted curtains and painted their shining skin with a warm glow.  
The sun arose, marking the beginning of a new day, and they have yet to be torn from one another. Nor will they ever be separated for as long as Daemon would be known as the Rogue Prince. 
A quick knock came at the door, and dread had tainted Rhaenyras tiredly content face. She quickly sat up from where she layed, ignoring the beautiful ache that tore through her body. She missed the disappointed look on Daemon's face, who hated how fast the mask had slipped upon her face.
“Your grace, a ship has been sighted off shore,” the guard informed “a long gallion flying a silver seahorse.”
Rhaenyra glanced back towards Daemon, who arched his brow “Daenerys.”
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Daenerys’s gaze was fixed east for the entire day on the ship back to Dragonstone. Refusing to enter the captain's cabin for shelter and rest. She could not find sleep, how could she if her mind had been bombarded with so many emotions. How can one feel sad when they are angry, feel love when their love is absent, how can she possibly manage this emotion if she did not know which one she was truly feeling. She felt like a fool for even attempting to advise her mourning cousins on how to grieve their mother
She had hoped the smell of the refreshing sea would distract her for even a moment, from the troubles that plagued her, from the many names that beat against her skull. She did not know if she was thankful or not, her grief gnawed painfully at her heart, but their names seemed to echo in her mind. 
She should have been thankful.
But she was not, she instead felt angry and wounded in a way never before had she experienced. This was not fair, why would the world do this, why would they smite so much of what she had loved and not let her atleast try to fight to protect it.
‘How stupid is that?’ she asked herself ‘what could I possibly do to protect anyone.’
She shook her head as she admitted the harsh truth, she was only a girl with purple eyes and what could her eyes possibly do to protect her family. 
She hated the gods for this cruelty, robbing her of all she loved and giving her nothing to protect it with. 
“Princess, we’ve arrived,” one of her guards told.
She frowned and glanced to the front of the ship, they had already arrived at the harbour. Her eyes ran over the massive structure of dragonstone, her eyes beginning to water as she realised it was one occupant short. She sniffled before turning to look back out onto the hued horizon, the sun rising from the distant east.
She heaved in a deep breath before prying herself away from the railing and towards the ramp. The guards closely followed her as she began to make her way off the ship.
As she reached the top of the ramp her eyes widened when she saw a familiar face. Her mother stood waiting for her.
A wave of relief washed over the tense Rhaenyra at the sight of her daughter, but she could not help but mourn the change in her. She had barely recognised the daughter that had lost the glow of joy that had always adorned her young face. The skin around her eyes rubbed raw from what she had assumed was crying.
Daenerys stared at her mother for a few moments, in disbelief of the sight, the haunting thought of losing her had planted a seed of unspeakable fears within her young mind. She ran down the ramp, charging towards her mother before the world could tear her away from her grasp. The action startled her two appointed guards who had failed to stop her. Fresh tears had begun to spike her eyes as she rushed towards her mother, whose arms lay outstretched before her.
Rhaenyra stumbled back as her daughter latched onto her, wailing in her arms as she finally allowed the dam to collapse, Longing to be held in her agonising grief.
Rhaenyras heart shattered at the sound of her cries, she stowed away her knowledge of the truth and asked her distraught daughter “Dany, my sweetest love, what's wrong?” she asked, holding her daughter's red face in her hands.
Daenerys could barely speak, her fit of sobs and hiccups impeding her, her face a mess of tears and snot “its father-...” she whined at the mention of him “he's gone, he’s dead, he-.”
“Sh…” Rhaenyra shushed, pulling her back into her arms, hiding her from the prying eyes of everyone on the harbour who had begun to whisper and stare at the princess of Dragonstone. She thought she had imagined the worst of what her daughter could have been experiencing, how wrong she was. 
‘Your father is alive, he is safe Dany.’
She desperately wanted to say, but she knew she could not. She draped her cloak around her daughters shoulders, keeping her close to her side “Let’s go home, hm? get you settled back in?” 
Daenerys had not been capable of agreeing, still impaired by the sobs that had grown near painful, her arms tightly wrapped around her mothers waist. Rhaenyra nodded appreciatively towards the two relieved guards before turning to make her way back to Dragonstone, muttering sweet assurances to her daughter the entire way back. 
Daenerys sat stiffly on her chair, staring at the stained wood, Lucerys was crying in his mothers arms while Jace sat quietly beside his sister, a look of sorrow on his face as he looked down at his clasped hands on the table. 
Jacaerys was solemn in his mourning, he knew that Laenor was not his father, but he would not deny that the man had done his best to be one for them. He found himself growing angry, he was robbed of two fathers in such quick succession.
Lucerys was distraught once he had heard the news of his fathers death, the poor boy feeling the weight of his fathers inheritance settle uncomfortably on his weak shoulders. An inheritance that while others may have been excited for, he was anything but. He hated the blood that stained the seat he was to sit some day, splattered so soon with his fathers blood and soon or late his grandsire may follow. He did not want it, he did not want to have a throne, or this birthright if it meant that everyone around him needed to die for that to happen. 
The cold hand of duty was reaching out for him too soon, making the boy feel the need to grow up within a day and a night, a process by which he knew not how it even began.
“Why did this have to happen?” he cried out, his voice muffled against his mothers shoulder “why?”
Daenerys squirmed in her seat, glancing over to where her mother sat before having her gaze returning to the wooden grains. Her fingers painfully twisting the lobe of her ear as she tried to block out the sounds of her little brother's heart wrenching cries.
Rhaenyra did not know what words could possibly soothe her distraught children, what genuine words of guidance could she grant if she knew what had happened was a lie. She ran her hands through his knotted curls and drew calming circles on his shaking back, resting his head in the crook of her neck. 
“How did he die?” the angered Jacaerys questioned aloud, looking at his mother before recalling that it was his sister that had been there.
Rhaenyra stiffened at the question, staring at her squirming daughter, she frowned when she saw the look of disgust on her face as she scrunched up her nose.
“Jace,” she spoke, sending the boy a look of caution as he met the gaze of his wary mother.
What do I say? How can I describe the unimaginable sight? To my two young brothers of seven and six?
I could not keep my eyes fixed to one place as it kept flashing across my eyes. The body charred beyond recognition, the warm hands that held me when I was afraid were left twisted with agony, the proud grin that would shine from his face, his face…
His face was gone, there was nothing for me to recognise, nothing to say goodbye to, I did not even get to say goodbye! Gods, why was I so tired that night? I should have pinched myself to stay awake, till I bled if needed be. 
How interesting his stories from that night seem now, how eager I am now to read through another book with him, to have him put my knowledge of ships to the test again.
I wish to have done so much more with him, but he is not here to call for.
All we had dreamed of doing together, turned to ash with him.
I swallowed my sorrow and smothered this hurricane of emotions as I lied to my two brothers “Grandsire told me that he had died fighting, honourably.”
How dizzying this anger I felt had been, seeing that cravens face flash past my eyes. My fathers dearest friend, closest companion second to me, murdered him in such a manner and ran away, too scared to face the consequences of this grave misstep. 
May the stranger show that cruel wretch the same mercy he showed my father.
“He died a brave man…” Rhaenyra quickly followed her daughter's short answer, worriedly looking her once over.
Lucerys shook his head, mumbling “he should not have died at all…”
Rhaenyra clasped him closer to her “I know my sweet boy…” she muttered to him, resting a kiss on his head.
Jacaerys pursed his lips as he saw his sobbing brother before looking at his quiet sister. 
He tentatively reached for the hand resting on her knee, gently holding it in his. It had worked once with his cousin, he prayed that it would work with his dear sister.
She looked down at their joined hands, the gentle touch of her brother pulling her back into this room. For a moment, she had found his tender touch was rather comforting, but her curious mind interrupted this kind interaction with a terrible picture, what would it have felt like to hold the charred hand of her father.
She recoiled at the thought, imagining the feel of the jagged and flaking skin against her palm sent an unnerving chill through her body. 
Jace was startled by how she had torn her hand away, scooting to the furthest side away from him in her chair, itching to get away, to be alone.
They spent hours in that room, Rhaenyra reminiscing with her two sons by the hearth, while Daenerys had her back to them all in a corner furthest away from the blazing hearth. 
Dinner was eventually brought to Rhaenyra’s chambers, where she watched her uncommonly quiet children pick at the food, their plates having barely been filled and barely eaten. Her hands clenching around her own unused utensils while she watched her children wallow in this terrible affliction of an emotion.
Their unsatisfied appetite combined with the exhaustion of anger and sorrow had them tired. Rhaenyra had made quick work of tucking them in for the night, muttering a quick prayer to the mother, asking that she shield their minds from this grief while they slept. She watched over her sons till their eyes fell closed, gently cleaning Lukes face of the dried streaks of tears, and wiping away the tears that Jacaerys had attempted to hide.
This day was agonisingly exhausting, to have to look at her children's faces, to have to watch them cry because of her. She fought to repeat Daemon's words in her mind.
‘It is for the best.’
Those words have only grown to irk her with every tear that fell from her children's eyes.
As she made her way towards her daughter's room, she guiltily prayed that she had already fallen asleep.
As she opened the door, her heart fell at the sight of seeing her daughter sitting on her bed, staring blankly out her half open window. Her blankets, a trailing mess towards the covered hearth.
Rhaenyra shivered as the cold washed over her “Dany, you’ll get a fever!” she rushed towards the hearth, uncovering it so that she may set it alight.
“No!” Daenerys roared, her eyes wide with fear as they locked with the uncovered monster.
Rhaenyra flinched at the guttural sound, never had she imagined such a sound emerge from her daughter. As she looked over her face she was startled by the terror in those once innocent eyes, what force could have done that to her, what sight had this cruel world bestowed upon her young daughter?
 She carefully returned the cover where it had been frantically secured, Watching her daughter's features relax with relief as she did so.
Daenerys gulped when she saw the hideous sight had been covered, fixing her gaze back towards the window.
Rhaenyra frowned as she watched her daughter's odd behaviour, the slight sway in her posture, the way her eyes darted about as though they had been dancing around a sight she found too unbearable.
“Dany…” she whispered, picking up the discarded blanket from the ground as she made her way towards her. Sitting beside her still daughter “you will get a cold my love,” her soft voice said, wrapping the blanket around her daughter's stiff shoulders before pulling her into her side. If she would not use her hearth, Rhaenyra would do her best to offer her own warmth to her daughter.
Daenerys did not answer her mother, she was not wrong so she had not seen a reason to argue.
Rhaenyra sighed as she saw her daughter still away in her mind. 
The poor girl could not wander away from this emotional turmoil, so instead she would wander into the winding corridors of her mind.
“Dany…” she called out “Daenerys, talk to me please.”
Daenerys squirmed as she felt herself being pulled back here, to where her grievous wounds festered.
“I know you are hurting,” she sympathised, her thumbs kneading away at her arms “but my love… this hurt… it cannot be mended in silence.”
Her eyes squeezed shut and her nose scrunched again, muffled whines coming from her pursed lips. The sound the likes of a wounded animal. She began to tremble as the terrible memory startled her once again.
Rhaenyras brows knitted as she heard the noise, the sound of hurt she would learn to call it.
“I saw… I saw…,” Daenerys mumbled through her quivering lips.
“Saw what?”
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What did you see Dany?
What such thing could have left you like this?
I did what I could to still her in my arms, but she kept rocking back and forth. I squeezed her into me, hoping to take this feeling, to absorb it into me and unburden her.
She huffed out a shaky breath, looking behind her, as I followed her fear-stricken gaze it landed on the covered hearth. There was nothing there, mayhaps there was a frightening critter, need I call for it to be cleaned?
“He was there…” 
Oh no.
Oh, please no.
I turned to look at her face, pleading for her next words to not confirm my fears “who was there…”
The corners of her lips downturned into a deep frown, grimacing at the taste of her next words “he died there, he burned there.”
I had not felt the tears seeping from my widened eyes “who Dany?”
“Father…” she succumbed to her sobs as she looked at me, the truth finally out “I saw him, I saw his body, I saw him burn-,” interrupted by her own sobs as she cupped her ears , beginning to curl into herself “I heard his screams.”
That is what she had seen, that is the sight that had scarred the precious eyes of my sweet daughter, because of me, the terrible consequence of this necessary choice that almost bordered on selfishness.
Gods, what have I done, why did I let you stay my sweetest love.
I winced as I heard my heart plead for me to tell her the truth of it. ‘Your father is well my sweet girl, he’s gone some place safer, safer than he ever was here.’
No, this is necessary, painfully necessary, but why did they have to endure it and not I?
As I looked at her, I found myself succumbing to a grief, a true one. Tears fell from my eyes as I mourned my daughter's innocence.
A cry left my lips as I pulled her into my arms, holding on so tight as to keep whatever was left of her scarce innocence. I rocked her shaking body in my arms, hoping for her whines to seize.
As I thought of ways to set that candle of innocence within her alight again, I hummed a familiar tune to her.
Laenor had told me everything I needed to know, that Daenerys had long kept secret from me. Had she known of this I would imagine her furious and dejected by her fathers doings, but we had no choice, these secrets may have been the greatest detriment to her.
It irked me to know that she had trusted him more than I, the bond between them I have yet to understand to this day. I knew the truth of her blood, she had not a drop of Velaryon in her, she was a Targaryen that was drawn away from fire and lured to the sea's escape.
The sea.
She always longed to cross it, to see the world beyond it. To wander would be a more fitting way to describe it, and now without her father that may never happen, unless.
“Dany… look at me,”  I whispered, pulling away and cradling her red face in my hands, attempting to knead away the lines of her anguish “I know you’ve always wanted to cross the narrow sea, to see the vast world with your father, for it to no longer be a story in that mind of yours,” would this be a mistake? “You have been patient enough all these years, I suppose it would be cruel for it to be all for naught,” maybe she will forget when the time comes? “When you turn five and ten, I will appoint to you a ship, and gather the finest sea men to be a part of your crew,” her frown turned from one of sorrow to confusion “with them, you will be allowed to sail across the narrow sea, to venture into the safer regions of those lands.”
Her eyes darted about as she considered my offer, I hope she did not find it insensitive. I eagerly waited for her answer, I suppose she liked it. Her sobs grew softer and her whines had stopped, but her face was devoid of emotion. I could only compare the empty look in her eyes and the frown on her lips as defeat.
She looked back out her half open window, before speaking the words that drove the poisonous  knife of guilt deeper into my heart.
“I wanted to return with precious memories.”
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kingcunny · 5 months
Helaena who is Rhaenyra’s (her groomer) prisoner thoughts ? How does she feel about her ?
in the aftermath of blood and cheese helaena is so lost to grief and with no outlet for it, she turns on alicent. blames her for everything thats happened. if alicent hadnt hated rhaenyra so much, if she just let her marry rhae- jace, none of this would be happening, her children would still be alive, shed be happy (feel the need to say, we dont Know this but this is how helaena is thinking. shes “coping” by imagining a different, better reality for herself.). so when rhaenyra comes to take kings landing, helaena views it as her big sister coming to save her from her mother and brother. and rhaenyra is all too happy to feed into helaenas delusions if it means she can use her to hurt alicent.
i think rhaenyra and helaena would have to talk about b&c at some point (rhaenyra maybe bringing it up out of guilt) and when they do rhaenyra completely throws daemon under the bus. rhaenyra had No Idea what daemon was gonna do. she was Horrified when she found out. she wept for poor little baby… *reads writing on hand* jaehaerys. but… she Knows how helaena feels… helaenas brother killed her son :( ((very intentional word choice) absolving rhaenyra of blame. giving helaena a target for her anger. trying to make helaena feel guilty for aemonds actions)
helaena is Not in her Right State of Mind while shes rhaenyras prisoner. shes regressing back into herself to a time when she was younger and happier. back to when she was a little girl and rhaenyras little buddy. shes going full hero worship on rhaenyra, she can do no wrong. even though rhaenyra keeps helaena isolated (especially from alicent) im not sure she even fully realizes she IS a prisoner. rhaenyra is Nice to her, nicer than aegon or alicent. she listens to her. she Understands her. rhaenyra is just keeping her safe. helaena is “coping” by pretending things are better than they are. that rhaenyra is there for *her*. that she has someone who cares for her.
im not sure what breaks helaena out of this. maybe its maelors death. but realizing that shes, yet again, just a pawn in rhaenyras game definitely influences her suicide. helaena is tired of being everyones puppet. shes tired of being used. so shes gonna cut her strings.
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