#And start the fresh animatic lol
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kiweegamez · 5 months ago
Miraku Kaikokoti
(Let me know what you think she’s a mix of, there’s 9, a few are more harder to find/ not physical traits. One’s a mammal btw)
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M-14 also known as the ‘Tiger’ is a more on purpose monster. Seeing what happened to Z-13 scientists wondered what would happen if they purposely made a humanoid aquatic abomination as a bio weapon or guarding the perimeters of the black site. Given the name of Miraku Kaikokoti the female specimen exhibits increased aggression, with the ability to open her mouth like a scaly dragonfish. She seems to be slightly larger than Z-13 , the specimen seems to lurk in the darkness past the saboteurs station. Seemingly they do not get along with each other even with the best of terms, mostly ending in fights, while very rare there are occasions where they do seem to let each other peacefully pass. She seems to have a very conflicted view on others, but if you intervene a fight you best believe she gonna turn on your ass instead. This specimen does not know any languages, only chittering and sounds are the way it communicates which Z-13 seems to remotely understand, she seems to pick up on scents and shows a hunting mindset. She is too large to travel through vents and her tail plates are sensitive to touch. Her tail fan is used mostly to bludgeon others or swat them away, it is noted that she has sharp claws easily aiding in tearing flesh. We assume she had gotten the jacket and belt from rummaging lockers that hadn’t been emptied or that she gained them through more brutal needs. She also seems strangely attracted to alcohol, which Z-13 has figured out and has used to come across more passive manners if wounded or too tired. She also seems to be strangely evasive of other experiments, unless it’s a wall crawler, seeming to favour those as food. The specimen also seems to have natural fat to keep warm in the colder areas of the base. If seen stay still, quiet, and calm, she seems to pick up on movement and unusual sounds, despite her fragile her teeth may seem they are surprisingly durable. If possible when exploring, when encountering a large open area with a side room, get out as soon as possible. It’s highly possible that is where she resides, seemingly changing between three locations through the year. A common tell tale she is near is the clacking of the plates or low hisses nearby. She also loves playing with gummy lights, so a way to distract her if she’s near your location is to hurl a gummy light as the rattle will get her attention.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 years ago
not really an ask but more so just a weird over the top expression post? it’s disgustingly personal but i’ve been thinking about telling you because?????? engngjghbggbb
so i’ve been kinda existing and looking at your work for quite some time. ever since the hikari yo flipnote back on sudo in i think it was 2017? and ever since i was hooked on your artwork and your animations. learning about hotarubitale and how someone was just making these things and having fun was so inspiring to me.
unfortunately i was kind of out of the undertale fandom at that time and i sort of just had you as an artist i liked to look at every now and again… and then you started getting back into errink and with that i discovered rsp and treehouse and i slowly started to look at your works again. rsp actually helped me process something in my life that i realized was a really shit situation… and i got out of it. treehouse has slowly been becoming a cute comfort to me as well. the cutlery animatic helped me process things in my life. i really loved how you explored niji’s grief in it and it was such a unique take on ink and RAAH!!
now i’m back at your blog, rereading rsp, rereading hotarubitale, looking at your art or your fun reblogs every now and it. just made me rediscover a lot of the joy i had in the undertale and by extension underverse lore again. all the things that you do to talk about your favorite little sanses and of course gin has made me really happy again? your art has inspired me and has taught me “it’s okay to draw the shit you like because someone’s gonna love it.”
when you reblogged your old comic about niji seeing hotarubitale again it sparked me to revisit my old aus i made when i was 12.., and now i’m recreating it, having fun, and im being a little goober imagining ink being all happy to see those dumb names getting a brand new fresh banger coat of paint
i sound borderline incoherent and i’m so sorry that im word vomiting to you at 2 am but i just really wanted to thank you for all these Feelings and for just doing what you do
oghhhhg...my god...... that hikari yo animation is so old, it's not even finished....... it always turns me into mush whenever anyone remembers me for my flipnotes and sudo, it holds a special place in my heart so it really means so much to me that you discovered me even that far back..... (this is the flipnote, if anyone wants it, lol)
im so happy to hear that you processed things thanks to rsp, it did the same for me :'( im glad you got out of it!!!!!! and niji's grief!!!! im so happy to hear that!!!!!!!!
this is so.....im so tender, im so flattered by all of this im really glad i can make u rediscover some joy in ur life. im genuinely so honored and flattered, i dont know what to say
and yes!!!!! it's true!!!!! also literally canon!!!!!!!!!! ink DOES see you having fun with your little works and AUs and hes having the best time seeing you creating and making and doing such good things with your work! thats his purpose!!!! thats who he is!!!!!!!!!
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yorue welcome...youre so very welcmoe........im so honored to have helped change a part of you into something nice and positvie..........im so so soso honored and proud to have helped somebody. i want 2 cry. youre so welcome. literally anytime. im so happy to have done even this little thing for you
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twilighttrekkie · 23 hours ago
heyyyyy i know i barely post about my show like ever but here's a little anouncement lol!
(sorry for the lazy discord screenshot copy + paste lmao)
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so yeah :)
gonna shift this from being a fully animated show to one in mostly an animatic format (though still with effort put in of course, and with occasional fully-animated segments)
i'm aware this will give the show a "cobbled-together" feel but tbh it was gonna have that either way, cause with how slowly i work on each scene my art style drastically shifts from scene to scene
i've been working on this with crappy very on-and-off motivation for almost 3 school years and have gotten basically nowhere (only have an intro and 2 1/2 scenes for episode 1) so i think this change of direction is the "fresh start" of sorts my show really needs
cause i still think about the show all the time, workshop the lore some more, write future episodes, etc, i just can't bring myself to actually animate that often because i feel dwarfed by the sheer stress of just how much WORK i need to do lol
uhhhh i hope you guys understand
ALSO!! thank you to the fantastic "pretty pretty please i don't want to be a magical girl" pilot by the amazing @kianamaiart for showing me that you don't need constant full studio-grade animation in your show, you can still make something incredibly beloved, successful, and meaningful with "just" an animatic <3
(p.s. go watch that pilot!!!! it's REALLY good; the expressions and posing are fantastic, the writing and voice acting are amazing, it's absolutely hilarious, feels like a big love letter to the magical girl genre, and is really just a fun time all around! very inspirational for me :D)
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cherry-flavoured-dreams · 8 months ago
Felt like re rating the clancy album 2 months later after release because I've listened to each song like 100 times now and can definitely tell u how I feel about each
Over all how much I like the album 9/10
The songs in my order of favourite:
1. Next semester - This song has such a special place in my heart, the lyrics + the music are great and I have like a few core memories related to this song, it actually started snowing hard here which NEVER happens when I first heard this song and I went outside and the ending of the song started playing and I was so in awe at how beautifully it was timed. Then I heard this song at the concert in London 9th May literally best day of my life I still can't believe I actually met them and they signed my sketchbookkkkk. And then yea just the entire part "ooooo can't change what you've done start fresh next semester" I literally levitate to heaven every time i hear it 10/10 song
2. At the risk of feeling dumb - literally SO GOOD it's so good literally both the message and the song itself are so perfect I love it sm
3. Navigating - YEAAAAAA bro the amount of hype and energy I feel the second I hear this song and the guitar and drums I JUST AAAAA HELL YEAAAAAA and then the way he sings "My oh my" IS SO GOOD AND NICE TO LISTEN TO? banger song
4. Routines in the night - I GROOOOOVE to this song my god it's so good I can't believe that navigating and routines in the night are some of Tyler's least favourite songs he wrote on this album literally HELLO WHAT thank you josh for making him keep them on the album because I can't imagine a universe without these songs I think I'd die I love routines in the night it's literally perfect for listening to while walking around at night
5. Midwest Indigo - okok this is SO specific but it reminds me of kids by kyle Dixon and Michael stein from stranger things but instead of it being a warm summer vibe it's a cold winter version of it? LOL IDK I love it though, especially the silly little "What's your ETA? 2 MINUTES! Chill out man we're right on time" it's great. Plus I in general find the song very relatable so it's high up here on the list.
6. Snap back - THE WAY HE SINGS "I have seem to run out of excuses as to why I am this is way" UGHHH I LOVE IT but no yea this song is really nice to listen to when Im in a low mood and keep over thinking. The melody is so simple but his voice enhances it by like 1000%
7. Backslide - I actually find it very similar to snap back in terms as to why I listen to it a lot, I like how he isn't afraid to make songs about things like this. I think the lyrics "I should of loved you better do you think that nows the time you should let go?" unintentionally helped me get through a really tough period of my life I've had recently, just in general this song was too perfect for the situation I was in.
8. Overcompensate - BANGERRRRRRR AAAAA 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 I absolutely love the build up in the beginning and the drop it reminds me so much of jumpsuit
9. Paladin strait - oh my god OK another really specific reason I love this song - I literally maladaptive daydream 24/7 no over exaggerating, and this song I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS but around the 2:46 mark when it starts building up my daydreaming just kicks in so goddam hard I have such a vivid OC animatic in my head to this song (I honestly do to most songs I listen to) but boyyyy MmMMMMM this one hits hard and good. Ok anyway the song itself I love it, especially the ending part I wish there was a whole ukulele version where he sings the whole song like that.
10. The craving jennas version - ok this is funny because I used to dislike this song and would skip it, not because the song is bad, it's beautiful and absolutely adore it especially now that stuff has changed in my life, but because I wasn't able to listen to any love songs without feeling sick and upset. Now that I'm better I absolutely love listening to it, it's such a beautiful song and you can really see how much he loves his wife
11. Oldies station - I LOVE listening to this when I'm travelling on a bus or a train and just seeing the cars and city go by, i really feel like I've grown as a person and understand the song so well.
12. Vignette - I actually never go out of my way to listen to this one, not sure why, I'll happily let it play it's good but I just literally prefer every other song
13. Lavish - This is gonna get me killed but never have I once ever disliked a song by TOP... Except lavish I'm sorry I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS I JUST CANT LISTEN TO IT IT'S THE ONLY REASON THE ALBUM IS A 9/10 FOR ME and i wish I could like it because it's literally like a meme within the fandom and I love the music video but the song itself I just skdhdhdjsksbf I DON'T KNOW yea I apologise it's not my thing 😔😔😔
Yea in conclusion BANGERRRRR 🚨🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️
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Okay time for talking about ideas/concepts/trivia I haven't explored!! A lot is old stuff but some is new, lots of thinking lately lol.
Also a reminder you can totally ask me questions if you're interested in something I haven't mentioned or want something elaborated further on. <3
I was going to introduce Barracuda, Lycanthropy, and the other player shapes as characters, at different points and under different circumstances of course. I did post one concept of Barracuda, but the others haven't graced this blog yet. (Still have to finalise all their designs/redesigns lol)
Was going to do a lot of Q & Square unofficially adopted parent/child moments. Didn't have anything specific planned but just really looked forward to the potential fluff/angst etc. of it all lol
I was also gonna do shameless Square/Fresh shipping lmao. Its my story they can kiss if I want!!
Chip was gonna get a girlfriend. :)
Was going to bring up Qs past. It wasn't going to be super important/relevant in the long run, but it was going to be discussed.
I reeeaaally wanted to do some animatics. I'm not brilliant at that kind of thing but god I couldn't get them out of my head lol. Still can't haha. Especially one for the track "first crush" by Sabrepulse. ;)
This is a newer thought but I’ve been exposed to some new songs recently via my sibling playing rhythm games and GOD some of those tracks really made me go “I NEED to incorporate this into my jsab au somehow”. They slap dude. These songs fuck severely and I need to choreograph fight scenes to them.
A BIG concept I wanted to introduce was individuals having a "true song" (still workshopping the name) intrinsic to them that gives them their abilities. Square can hear them if he listens carefully. :)
Qs true song was gonna be a big reveal haha. It's not Close To Me. :^)
Considering the start of the blog was set approx. maybe only 1 or 2 months after the event of the game, there was gonna be a lot of Processing Trauma. Fresh is a recently rehabilitated force of destruction. Square just remembered he's basically god. It's all a lot to come to terms with haha. Denial can only last so long lol.
The main plot thing I wanted to eventually get to was basically "where did square come from and what are the repercussions of inserting himself among the mortals he created?"
I haven't pinpointed any characters' ages other than "around this area". Except Huey. Huey is definitely 17 lol. Everyone else is solidly an adult. Square and Fresh are mentally young adults. (Immature young adults, but still. Lol)
Before the game Chip lived mostly at sea, but after everything she decided to settle down to be close to her friends. :) She still spends a good amount of time out on the water, but she has people and a place to come home to now. uwu
Huey's special interest is flying/flying machines! When he and Square met in the factory, he was actually testing out a small single person craft he built when he got stuck.
Fresh is really into his creative hobbies. After knowing only destruction, creating is really fun and healing for him. :)
Q has a plethora of skills, most are expected because they live rurally and try to be as self sufficient as possible, but some are very out of left field lol.
Square likes dresses and being barefoot because of sensory issues, and swooshy dresses are very stimmy. :)
Sleeves don't agree with Fresh and his weird arms lol so he wears exclusively sleeveless shirts. God forbid he ever have to attend a formal event.
Fresh seems like the biggest source of potential angst, and yeah there's a lot there, but Square actually has more baggage of the two! While Fresh is up front about his traumas and insecurities, Square keeps all his stuff to himself. Fresh gets to hear a little bit but only because the two of them just understand and relate to each other in a way the others couldn't.
Aaaand that’s everything I’ve got I think!! I need to work on like, proper ref art and bios for the characters and stuff. Develop some underdeveloped aspects some more. I also need to shitpost more lol. Again feel free to ask questions or whatever!! I don’t currently really know how to move forward other than occasionally posting art so responding to you guys’ thoughts/suggestions for drawings or whatever would be good.
Love youuuu! <3
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hurricaneonanesthesia · 4 years ago
Love Like You (Dimileth Song Fic)
I’m back baby and much better than ever. I finally got some time to think and work on mending my mental health. So as my gift to all of you lovely people here’s a lyric fic with Dimitri featuring the song “Love Like You” from Steven Universe. I’ve had this idea for a little while because I was initially planning to storyboard it out and create an animatic but I am in no shape or form talented at drawing humans lol, animals tend to be more of my specialty. I still wanted to try and get this out cause I can still imagine it in my head and I don’t quite want to let it go. Reader is Byleth in this cause I didn’t want to mess around too much with the canonical cut-scenes lmao. Just a warning there are spoilers for Azure Moon so if you haven’t played that yet, you have been warned.
~Admin Hurricane
 If I could begin to be
You watched as Dimitri turned away from you, hunched over. Your hand was still extended out, despite him slapping it away. A wounded expression on your face, you gazed down at the floor sadness overcoming you. Felix only grimaced, gently placing a hand on your shoulder, shaking his head. Your eyes lingered on Dimitri for a moment longer before turning away, trying to hold back the tears welling up in your eyes.
Half of what you think of me
Dimitri could hear your footsteps drawing away, his heart aching. He pushed away all the happy memories with you, all the times he had spent with you. No, he wasn’t that person anymore. He was a bloodstained monster who didn’t deserve to walk with you. 
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
Was he even allowed to love anymore? He was barely a shell of his former self. All he heard were the voices of the dead urging him forward, he’ll be damned if he didn’t bring them her head.
When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
There you were, your feet bringing you back to the cathedral. You looked towards the pile of rubble and as always Dimitri stood there alone, stoic and silent. As cheerfully as you tried to strike up a conversation with him, you were always met with silence or a “go away”. The other Blue Lions would sometimes go with you to try and pry him out of his trance but to no avail.
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
Did he even deserve you? Compared to everything around him you were like a breath of fresh air. He’s a wretch and deserved no sympathy from anyone. Yet, why did you still approach him like nothing had happened, with a soft smile on your face?
 Rodrigue’s death fresh in his mind, Dimitri cried out, “I always thought I might be bad, Now I'm sure that it's true,” his voice cracking from the strain of not being used, crumpling to the ground, “ 'Cause I think you're so good, And I'm nothing like you.” You watched on silently in shock as his words tumbled out. 
Dimitri continued on, “Look at you go, I just adore you. I wish that I knew. What makes you think I'm so special.” You paused, not knowing what to say, your eyes widened. “Dimitri…” you started at first, unsure of how to continue before pulling him into a hug. He visibly stiffened for a moment before leaning into your touch shutting his good eye. 
“Please free yourself from the burden that you’ve placed on yourself,” you smiled sadly cupping his cheek with a hand.
If I could begin to do
He tentatively walked up to the balcony, his eyes narrowed against the bright lights, the cheering crowd reaching up to him.
Something that does right by you
He tentatively walked up to the balcony, his eyes narrowed against the bright lights, the cheering crowd reaching up to him.
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love
He turned back to look at you, his gaze unsure. You gave him a thumbs up, a bright smile on your face. Reassured by you, he turned back to address the audience below him.
 When I see the way you look
Your chest heaving up and down with exhaustion, you stumbled as you narrowly dodged an attack from Hedgemon Edelgard. You adjusted your grip on your weapon, your hands breaking out into cold sweat.
Shaken by how long it took
A hand reached out to you. Looking up you found Dimitri gazing earnestly back at you. You took his hand smiling softly, as you got back up. The two of you then charged into the throne room with renewed vigor. 
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
Edelgard was kneeling on the ground. Dimitri approached her, a gentle smile on his face. “El…” was all he could muster out, reaching a hand out. A flash of silver and then red, you watched in horror as Dimitri pulled the knife lodged in his shoulder. You raced over to him, worry written all over your face. But he just smiled and pulled it out, grunting a little from pain. You examined the wound, your brow creased with worry. He took your hand in his, squeezing it gently, trying to reassure you that he was alright. As the two of you approached the exit to the throne room, he turned for a moment looking back at Edelgard’s fallen form. You grabbed his hand shaking your head. Dimitri hesitated for a moment before turning back around, walking towards the light and away from the darkness that had plagued him for so many years.
Love like you
Love me like you
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist :)
If you wanna request something, don’t be afraid to send something my way! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
Anesthesia and I have an official Discord server now! Please be sure to join! There you’ll receive notifications for fics when they’re published right away and be able to interact with us outside of the blog. You’ll also be able to rp and interact with characters from each different fandom that I have written for. Hope to see you there, don’t keep us waiting! https://discord.gg/fEPSkXa3fT 
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luvybunny · 4 years ago
I guess I shall share what I do when little!!
Note: I’m a minor and I’m still new at this!im also a secret one shhhh also my age is between 1-6 it depends…
What I watch:
Nickelodeon/Nick Jr
Spongebob Squarepants! I watch it because no one will suspect anything!
Blues Clues the older one!
Dora the Explorer ! I used to watch it all the time
Bubble Guppies
Team Umizoomi
Peppa Pig
Max and Ruby
Paw Patrol
The Fresh Beat Band
Invader Zim
My life as a teenage robot
Danny Phantom
Ni Hao, Kai-Lan
Wonder Pets
Disney (for some reason my family doesn’t really watch Disney. But we have Disney+)
Any Princess movie! My favorites are Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Snow White
Meet the Robinsons
Big Hero 6
Tinker Bell (any movie) Tinker Bell is my favorite :)
Toy Story
The Good Dinosaur
Alice in Wonderland
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Winnie The Pooh
Doc McStuffins (favorite)
Special Agent Oso
The Goofy Movie (both of them)
The Muppets
Monster High (I was monster high kid.)
Ever After High
Rainbow High
Barbie (shows and movies)
Magic School Bus (no not the new one)
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Octonauts (favorite)
My Little Pony (just started)
ItsFunneh (FAV!!)
Aphmau (yes I know she did some things but I used to watch her)
Krew Animatics
Lovely Lor
Triko (just animal crossing clips)
The reason I can watch things without being suspicious is because I’m the oldest of my siblings so I might watch things with my younger siblings. Yes I watch a lot of things
I play animal crossing. Sheldon is my favorite villager❤️
Nap. Yes I take naps because when I’m big I don’t go to sleep till like the next day or at 2 am.
Play with my baby brother
Yeah I watch a lot of things because I don’t have much to do. Lol I don’t friends. And I don’t go anywhere. Other than see my grandma.
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whatusernameshouldieven · 5 years ago
✧・゚:* You and I  *:・゚✧*
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Art by: https://twitter.com/cchaiart
Genre: fiancé au, fluff
Pairing: Fiancé!Choi San x Foreigner!Reader ;)
A/N: Hey~ This is literally my first tumblr post ever, lol. I’m still a newbie so this is unedited~ Thanks for checking out!
⇰ Chapter 1: Unexpected Date 
★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・・
“Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god!”, you squealed in pain as you suffocate your face in your favorite pillow, legs kicking like a newborn baby. You threw your phone across a bit, making sure your aim was not shallow enough to make the phone fall out of bed. The black sheets supported your body, as you rolled around in an uncontrollable way.
Your best friend was just sitting at the side of the bed, feeling like a bystander watching a scene. “Okay… what’s wrong with you?”
You stop dead straight on your as you spread out a bit, staring at the sky as if you were seeing stars. “Choi San invited me to a restaurant, he said he had something important to discuss.” Your heart hammered in her chest, you were awkward at social places.
Your best friend’s eyes widen dramatically as her expression falters to disgust, “My brother invited you to a fancy restaurant? YOU-- ARE YOU GUYS DATING?”
“No, what?”, You chuckled in disbelief at your best friend’s question, “We’re best friends, he has eyes for another girl, Emma. I think.”
Emma or your best friend wriggles her eyebrows, “Or...he invited you to a date… oh my god, is he trying to make things romantic so he can ask you out later? Oh my god, you’ll be my sister in law-Ah!”
Emma catches the sudden pillow attack, as she stares at your tomato shaded face. “It’s not like that, you know it. Why would anyone be interested in me anyways? I’m not even Korean like him.” Emma tilts her head, “So? I mean...you guys talk A LOT.”
You ignore Emma’s statement, “Whatever… you’re involved, you’re helping me with clothes and everything.”
“Oh, it would be my pleasure!”, Emma exclaimed, feeling the rush of excitement. 
Time: 10 P.M
You now stood outside of a tall marvelous building with wide eyes. This was not what you had expected at all. Surely, you had been at various of fancy restaurants with your family before but this was just next level. The building in front of you was full white, architected marvelously with the elements of the Greek culture. The building stretched quite a bit and there was a huge golden door, with vivid colors of brown and grey used together to compliment the color of gold. The rushing water of the fountain could be heard, as you heard various children play around there and here. The giggles and laughters were the only thing that reassured your rapid beating heart. 
Your best friend had advised you to wear something elegant, and you finally knew why. You were grateful for your friend. 
Your hair was in a neat french hair bun, as you wore diamond diamond oval-shaped piercings accompanied by a three-layer collar diamond necklace. You wore a black off-sleeved dress, which you were personally shy about but couldn’t say anything since your best friend insisted. Holding your black wristlet purse with you, you entered inside the huge door.
You were met with a whole another world.
Outside of the gate was a simplistic city with workaholics walking around in a daily basis but inside the door was an Ethiopian paradise filled with the colors of joy and happiness. You had never seen something like it— nor even thought of.
A cathedral ceiling was above you with beautiful historical symbolisms of what seemed European. There was a huge chandelier made out of crystals in the middle, shining a light down on you. The walls were consistent with the colors of golden and had pillars. You were standing on a royal red carpet which led you to the receptor of the place.
“Hello, um… I was invited by a friend here.”, You shyly asked, feeling a bit out of place. The male receipt gives you a kind smile as he nods, “You must be Ms. Y/N. Mr. Choi has been expecting you.” You smiles back, awkwardly, not sure what to say. “Let me lead you to him.” 
The man nods in a bowing motion slightly signaling you to follow him. You watched his action as you begins to walk behind the man, looking around to admire the place as you go.
You both enter an elevator, as the man pushes a random button which you can’t comprehend since you are behind him. You hold onto your bag tightly, trying to ignore the awkward silence that has filled in. The man stays silent as you just stands there with your hands together at the front.
You examines the elevator, feeling quite of a honorable person since you were surrounded by golden tiles. The floor had the restaurants logo, a fancy T in a rhombus shaped surrounding. Now you realized, you had not even bothered to check the restaurant’s name.
“We’re here”.
Your thoughts are broken by the man’s voice as he steps out to a elevator hallway, while you gently follows behind him, in a wary way. You both are met with a huge golden door, you guessed it was an entrance to the dining place.
The man begins to lead her, opening the door wide open for you as you step in. 
There entered a peaceful night day like you would see in the movies. A huge hall-like room, almost an entire family could live in bliss and ease. A king-sized bed at the corner with greyish sheets with yellowish-brown blanket to cover the mood of the room. The same colored pillows were an accent. On the opposite side of the bed, was a huge sofa with a modern TV. For you, this seemed like a set that they would use in Hollywood movies, you had never experienced in person. 
But what caught you off guard wasn’t that the restaurant had an unusual hotel-like floor, but that beyond the white wooden doors in front of you, there was a beautiful balcony. Your face froze when your eyes fell on San, the one who invited you here to begin with.
San’s face broken into a small, gentle smile. His eyes squinted a bit, delighted to acknowledge that you had came after all. “You came.”, San gracefully walked over to you with a glass in his hand, the liquid slightly purple in color. 
You were mentally freaking out for two reasons. One, Choi San was towering over you as if he was asserting dominance with such a youthful innocent face, which also made you cringe in a way. Second, he looked hot.
“Uh, yeah. It would be rude if I didn’t.”, You got yourself together as you eyed the glass, “What are you drinking?”
San smiles wider as he glances at his glance, twirling the liquid in it mischievously, “Wine. Want some? This hotel has amazing beverage.”
Excuse me, hotel?
“Hotel? SAN? I THOUGHT IT WAS A-- I thought it was a restaurant. Oh my god, I-”, You mentally cursed multiple times, feeling betrayed, “You LIED to me?”
“Y/N, Y/N calm down. This is a hotel with a restaurant, so I technically didn’t.”, San reassured in a softer tone to reason with you. He sighs in relief to see you finally, once again, getting yourself together.
You massage your shoulders, with a vulnerable expression, “Gosh, I’m such an idiot. I thought this was some place for rich ones-- so I completely overdid it.”
San raised an eyebrow with a questionable expression, “Overdid it?” You scoff in response, as you sarcastically show-off your outfit. “Oh.”
“Yeah, see? I can't believe--”
“You look beautiful.”
“What?”, Your eyes widened, your mind going blank. 
“You look stunning, Y/N.”, San politely smiled as he held his glass still in his hands, “It would be rude if a man didn’t compliment a lady.”
You let go of your shoulders, as you show a disgusted face, “Are you showing off?”
“Shh...don't ruin the moment.”, San whispers, trying to ignore your words, “Come, let’s eat.”
You prayed inside that you would last in this awkward date, where you were constantly dying of San’s sweetness and tenderness. Could it be that he was taking this seriously? Hah, no way. You followed San to the balcony, and you are immediately greeted with a gentle breeze blowing, rhythmically. You sits yourself down on a white wooden chair, thankful that a cushion was there to support your butt. San does the same.
A smile rises upon your feature, as you are delighted to witness that a mushroom-sauce steak was in front of you. The scent was lovingly welcoming to you, as it seemed to be visually fresh. “I know you like mushroom steak.” Your eyes travel towards San’s soft ones, as you start to buffer for a moment. 
Getting yourself together for the third time, you speaks, “Yeah, we would often go out to eat it.” You softly chuckled, recalling a memory of San eating a hot piece of steak, him in pain after it.
“Y/N.” San’s voice suddenly becomes all serious and dramatic, causing you to stop at your tracks from approaching a knife and a fork on a table. You hum in response, as your wide excited eyes gleamed. San bit his lip. He felt terrible to suddenly cause the atmosphere to change, but he had to get straight to the point.
“Marry me.”
Your mouth was agape, as you were frozen at the place, not even blinking once. San held his hands together, as he looked at you in such a determined and confident manner which did not make the situation any better. The words circled in your head, as you tried to control your rapid heartbeat along with your breathing.
“What?” Your voice came out as cold and ruthless, slightly piercing San’s heart but it was expected. 
“I know this is awkward...but I need you to listen to me…”
You knew what was going to happen due to the tone of San’s voice. You had noticed how San speaks excitingly, yelling a few times there and there. His expression would be awfully animatic but he still managed to keep his tender melodious voice. Right now, San’s voice switched from animatic to awfully tender and slow, as if he was telling a sad story. His eyes only guilt tripped you, since they were so considerate and lenient. 
“I’m listening.”, You nod.
“My parents had set me up to arrange marriage with the daughter of a huge CEO. I...I can’t stand to marry a girl that I have never met, I don’t want to associate myself to a corrupt family like hers. So, I thought if I had already told my parents that I am engaged with someone, they would reconsider and break off the plan.” San pleaded, “I know....I know I’m not the man of your dreams. Ugh, what am I even saying? I’m so selfish for asking you this...I’m sorry.”
You let out a long sigh which seemed to last seconds, “Okay, San. I understand.”
San’s eyes perk up, “You do?! Oh my god...you don’t have to.”
“Meh, I don’t mind. I don’t have anyone special in my life so.”, You shrugged. 
San smiles as he rubs his neck a little, averting his eyes, “Oh god...I need to do this better.”
“Better?”, You were confused. San stands up as he walks towards you in such a wary way that made you expect the unexpected. He crouches down as you slightly turns your body towards him. He takes out a box from his pocket, as he stares at you lovingly, “Will you marry me?”
This was so weird. Everything was so weird. So unusual. Did things like this even exist, such scenarios that are hard to experience? Tears started to appear on your eyes, without you even knowing. You felt touched, but why? Was it because some man had asked you to marry them when you swore you will never have a husband, or was it because you thought you would never experience such a beautiful moment?
“Ye-...Yes.”, Tears slipped down your eyes as you started to cry like a toddler.
San becomes horrified as he quickly sets the box on the table, holding your face, gently. “Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?” The pure concern in his voice only made you more vulnerable, as you softly hit his chest. “You sentimental idiot!”
“What? Y/N...please tell me if I did something wrong.”, San ignored the soft punches on his chest, not even feeling them as he softly brushes his thumb to wipe the tears away. “I’m just touched, you doofus…”, you wipe your tears away, as you stare at the box.
San lets go of your face as he holds the box, opening it for you. Your watery eyes sparkled along with the oval-shaped diamond ring, a huge oval diamond in the middle while small shaped ones surrounded the big one. “San...thank you…”, you smiled, “It feels like an actual proposal.”
“I’ll be a rude man if I just used you for my own benefits...this is only a small thing.”, San says as he takes out the ring from the box. You both turn towards each other, looking at each other eyes for a moment. San holds your left hand, gently, sliding the ring up on your ring finger.
“Woah-- it looks good on--”
The sound of small kiss being placed on your hand seemingly echoed in your ears. The tingling sensation filled your entire body like electric shock, the sensation lingering right at the spot where the soft lips had been placed. She blinks multiple times as you blankly stared at San’s face, your heart rate once again beating fast, as a blush creeks up to your cheek. San stared at you with such love in his eyes, which was once again, unusual.
You chuckled awkwardly, averting your eyes, “Wow...um...you’re really doing so much for me.” You turn back towards San , involuntarily , whens you feel the grip on your hand tightening. “I’m doing this because it’s you...I chose YOU for this...because I trust you.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m using you to get away. It’s not true at all. I chose you because I genuinely feel comfortable with you and I don’t mind experiencing a new life with you.”
You chuckled softly, “Sounds like a proposal.”
San presses his lips together, pressing them tightly together causing his cheeks to puff up. “Alright, I won’t tease you.”, you wished you could photograph his face.
“We should eat our steak.”
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sleepy-stories · 4 years ago
i'm back home, and i believe i messed up my wording about the style change post. i have decided to split or be able to learn and control two styles. which was a debate to myself for months or years by now. and i want to have one style in very serious and real or you can easily tell who is it. like semi real but not real. and then have a cartoonish style in cartoons that i might wish to draw in. (hopefully if can, but sometimes it will be impossible to do so. maybe their head can look somewhere close themselves then everything)
also i'm watching the boleyns series.i just started and its good.
i actually really want to know more about the family itself and not story being told negatively or positive. just in the middle.
also, i will look through my animatic with fresh eyes and see what i can fix before continuing with it. like i said before. i'm on 2/4 storyboards and i left off from 3/4 and the third one is similar amount as the second and it will be quick and also i'm taking my time.
i read three chapters in 3 days of the trip (my dearest hamilton) as well as draw historical figures.
its really good. eliza doesnt get along with her mother but does with her father arnold likes her like other soldier. catherine (eliza's mother) doesn't trust him. and peggy is a flirty woman, and she might likely start something. angelica is gone and her mother blames both peggy and eliza on the angelica leaving. philip refuse to duel john church because of love. eliza meet lafayette. and they include the siblings so amazing.
took a fast train to chicago. stressful beginning and ending of chicago but my family walked expect for the last trip to the science museum. planned to got to the art museum but didn't it was spend an hour there or wait until we go and we waited to go. me and my sister (the youngest) got the coldest room and my mom and other sister (oldest) got the warm room that made my mom jealous of ours. we got things and i took a lot of picture and the ones i sent are the clearest i can get with shake hands. so yeah that happen.
i got nervous on what will happen when me and my family was gone. thought of people gonna rob us. i also found out a louis 16 x anne boleyn fanfiction from the early 2010s. and it was good not regretting but why does that exist again (lol)
thanks coming to my ted talk. i will send sketches (likely...hopefully...maybe)
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