#And she was like well what I've seen so far hasn't been bad and I'm home do my own research on it then
moogiewara · 2 years
#Talked to my mom a few days ago and accidentally got into the subject of the Harry Potter franchise where I was dumb enough to bring up#Not wanting to throw money at jk to go watch subpar movies#And we've touched the subject before where I left with a fucking nasty taste in my mouth bc she said she didn't see what jk did thst was#So bad. And I just.... I was like then I hope its bc you haven't paid attention bc I'm gonna be really upset if you agree with her#And she was like well what I've seen so far hasn't been bad and I'm home do my own research on it then#And fast forward to a few days ago where I was dumb enough to bring it up again and she was like I don't see the issues#And I just don't know how to convey to her how much it deeply hurts me that she can't see how fucked up that is#Jk is a fucking terf asshole and if my mom agrees with her views then idfk what to do#As someone who's struggled with gender identity for so many goddamn years it just proves it even more to me that I can't ever open#Up to her about anything like that#Also she KNOWS I have trans friends. Like are it you fucking kidding me?#Not only is she hurting me personally she's pissing me off by disrespecting my friends and our community#I'm considering gathering a bunch of sources and telling her that I genuinely have an issue with her if she agrees with all of that#But I'm kinda worried if she says she can't see it still bc then what?#Like I just live with a mom that's like... A terf?#Fuck this is really genuinely bothering me I can't leave the thought alone it just keeps itching at me#If anyone is actually reading this then hi please tell me the solution to all my problems thanks have a good day you look good today
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megistusdiary · 2 months
hello, this is the anon who sent the smoking w 2000s arle ask. I'm back with more brainrot
so, I've been thinking ab being her roommate.
the first time you saw her you kind of went into shock; how on earth did you end up living with someone like *her*??? she's tall, baggy black clothes draping on her slim, toned body only giving a hint of what lies beneath. you'd love to stare for hours, but her bright ruby eyes boring into your soul stop any hopes of that happening. the almost-scowl on her sculpted features is a little scary, but you didn't mind, quite the opposite in fact.
despite the instant butterflies she gave you, you never worked up the courage to properly speak with her. you of course shared greetings in the morning from time to time, agreed on cleaning and groceries when necessary, but it never got much further than that.
part of the reason for that, was the seemingly unending amount of girls she would bring home. you know you should be upset, but honestly, you just wish it was you. it's obvious she knows what she's doing, just from the sounds you hear through the thin walls, you so desperately wish you just had one chance with her, but your rational mind is well aware she's far out of your league.
that's what you think anyway. you don't realise it, but there's a pattern in the women arlecchino brings home: they all look rather like you. same hair type and colour, same wide eyes, and the same gorgeous smile.
she closes her eyes and she sees your face, hears your voice. she's absolutely whipped for you, and to be honest, she doesn't know what to do with all of these new feelings and sensations you give her.
she may seem frosty and aloof when you look at her, but when it comes to feelings, she crumbles. she knows you like her. she's seen the looks you give her when you think she isn't looking. thing is though, she's completely and utterly terrified of the way you make her feel. she's never been in a relationship before, and of course, she does the only logical thing: push those feelings down as far as she humanly can.
the two of you keep on like this for a few months, neither of you brave enough to change this precarious balance of a routine you seem to have built.
this state of limbo does eventually see an end though.
you're something of a recluse, often opting to spend your nights at home, busying yourself with your studies. one night however, you don't really have that as an option. you owe a favour to a friend, and she's decided to take the opportunity to have you come out to a campus party with her. she declares that you "need to have fun and get out more", and encourages you to "get laid". you don't know if you're interested in anyone but your gorgeous roommate, not enough to make the effort to hook up anyway.
you dress yourself up nicely regardless. it's true you don't get out much, so you figure you might as well doll yourself up for once. while the stares you feel once you arrive are certainly expected, you can't say you're a fan of the attention. you need a drink
a cup or two of something fruity, and you're feeling a bit better, tipsy enough to be a little giggly and bold, but not enough to do anything you'll regret tomorrow.
you sit in a corner, watching the action for a while. you aren't quite enjoying yourself, but the night hasn't been so bad thus far. everything flips on its head, however, when you see *her*. what is arlecchino doing here? it's no surprise considering how often she has nights out, but a part of you was hoping that you wouldn't run into her. you really weren't interested in seeing her charm another girl into bed.
the hole in your stomach only expands further when she walks over to you and sits herself next to you. she's blushed a little pink: she's had a little to drink too.
when you meet her eyes, the looks she gives you is something you've never seen from her, you don't think. her gemstone eyes meet yours, and they glint in a way that's alluring in a way you just can't look away from.
the two of you begin chatting, not really about much. it feels a lot easier when you've got a little drink in your system, though.
her eyes flit down to your lips a few times, maybe, you don't want to get too excited. the way she jokes with you could almost feel flirtatious, but you again, you don't want to raise your hopes too high. she moves closer and closer to you, until, all of a sudden, her dangerous eyes meet yours, dangerously close to meeting your lips with hers.
"baby, can I kiss you? I've haven't been able to take my eyes off you all night."
you barely have to breathe out a "yes" before her lips are on yours, and her calloused hands are on your sensitive hips.
she leads you up to a bathroom upstairs, and fuck, her fingers are like magic. you never thought a woman could take you that high with just her hands.
tomorrow it's going to be awkward as anything, but right now, with her lips on your neck and her hands scratching your thighs, you really couldn't care less.
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oughhh ohhh thank you anon i love womanizer!arle
i'll be thinking about this today...
and, consider, the aftermath isn't so bad. you both get home, somehow, and she's put you in your bed, nice and snugly. she took your makeup off for you and fixed your hair, even if she was a little drunk.
i bet if you two confess, she's more than happy to take you out on a date. but she wants to do it right. she wants it to be perfect because she doesn't just want you to share her bed, she wants your heart 🤭
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sage-nebula · 7 months
I've seen some people surprised that Kit feels murderous toward Tails in the newest issue, but honestly? I really think this tracks. Setting aside his original programming to kill Tails, let's look at their relationship in chronological order, shall we?
As we know, they met in Eggperial City, where Kit tried to do his job and kill Tails. Tails quickly set to work on talking Kit down, which he did mostly successfully (mostly, because it all went to pot the instant Tails suggested they find Sonic). The thing is, if he has taken the time to look back on it (and I'm sure he has for reasons I'll get to), I don't think Kit sees Tails as really being kind in retrospect. I think he sees Tails as having manipulated him.
And the thing is: he's right.
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Look at Tails's smirk after Kit shows surprise that Tails likes his gear. That's a got him smirk if I've ever seen one. Tails has clued into a vulnerability of Kit's that he can use to his advantage.
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He further tries to draw similarities between them ("I'm different too and people didn't like that either") and asks leading questions ("you don't get support huh?") to get the result he wants. We have further confirmation that this is deliberate manipulation on Tails's part by his internal monologue about Kit's emotional instability.
Now, none of this is to say Tails is a bad person. Kit was genuinely trying to murder him and Tails was trying to de-escalate the situation to save his own life, without physically harming Kit if possible. As funny as memes about Tails murdering the Kukku Army are, generally he tries to avoid hurting others if he can. He's a nice boy.
But what happened after this?
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Well, more specifically: Tails mentioned wanting to find Sonic for help, Kit attacked again, Tails knocked Kit out, and then after Kit comes to and they all leave the city . . .
. . . he's told that Surge died.
Surge was his one reason for living thanks to Starline's programming, and she died while Kit was unconscious because Kit fell for Tails's manipulation and then was overpowered. We don't get a look inside his head during the time when he believes Surge has died, but there is a strong possibility that he blamed himself, because if he had drowned Tails right away like he was supposed to, he could have gone to help Surge. But he didn't, so he couldn't, so she's dead. That's mostly on him, but he could easily resent Tails for it, too.
And speaking of resentment:
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Kit finds out Surge is alive, and of course his first instinct is to think Sonic lied so that he could kill Surge off for good. So he goes to get revenge, only to be blocked by Tails. And that's when we get that gem of a line: "Why would you bother with me? You already have him."
Remember that, when he thought Surge was dead, he figured he could be used by Sonic instead:
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But while he of course doesn't want to serve Sonic now, he has also realized that if Surge HAD actually died, Sonic would still have no use for him, because Sonic already has Tails. Tails, who can break his water tails easily. Tails, who easily manipulated him in Eggperial City. Tails, who disabled his water pack and knocked him out.
So far, Tails has bested Kit at every turn, leaving Kit to feel inferior and worthless by comparison.
The next time they meet, it is a trap where Kit is again supposed to kill Tails. And once more Tails is able to manipulate Kit into temporarily backing down:
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Tails thinks Kit has gone back to being, if not friendly, then reasonable. But he hasn't. Kit stops specifically when Tails says Surge is hurting herself, because he doesn't want Surge to be hurt. And I think Tails knows that, and that's why he said it. But Kit also knows that he is being manipulated here, and his silence is him watching for his opportunity. Such as here:
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Peep Kit in the second panel. He watches as Tails dives after Sonic. Had Tails hit the water, he would have been fried right along Sonic. But did Kit care? No. He watched. Surge could have easily killed Tails just as she (temporarily) killed Sonic, and Kit would not have cared at all, because at this point he does not see Tails as a friend: he sees him as a manipulative enemy.
This is further cemented by what he says and does at the end of the issue.
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He uses his water tails to grab Tails and move him out of the way in the very same way that he does to Sonic. And he says, "I'll bury you all here." All, including Tails. While the focus is put on Sonic's anger because he is the main character, that doesn't change the fact that he is including Tails when he says that he will bury them all. He sees Tails as no different from Sonic, Starline, or Eggman. Tails manipulated and used him, just as the rest did. He just pretended to be nice while he did it.
So when he finally comes back in this most recent issue, it comes as no surprise to me that this is his attitude:
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His history with Tails is extremely personal, and not in a good way. It can be easy to miss because most of the focus on Kit has been on his codependent relationship with Surge, and he hasn't openly voiced how he feels about Tails until this particular issue. But when you piece together every step of their relationship (Tails manipulating him, Tails overpowering him, Kit saying Sonic has no use for him because he has Tails), it paints a very clear picture that Kit feels every bit as suffering in Tails's shadow as Surge does in Sonic's. The only reasons why Kit isn't more proactive about it is because of his programming as a support figure. Supporting Surge comes before all else, so if Surge is hurting herself it's best to hang back. And if Surge doesn't want to go after the Restoration because it's a losing battle with just the two of them, then he needs to follow her lead.
But those feelings of resentment are still boiling under his surface. And now that he has the opportunity to unleash them, he won't miss the chance to strike.
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ivys-garden · 3 months
I, like many of yall, have noticed a vocal minority of people showing there support for Wilbursoot, going as far as to attack shubble and her supporters. In this post I'll go through the main points I've seen them argue with and explain why I believe that they are all wrong.
“Shubble was the real abuser” - No. If she was, William would have spoken up. There is no evidence for this, well, that isn't faked or saying one thing is another (like the guy saying a pic of will crying was because of shubble or the guy trying to pass a stream of a completely different girl of as shubble abusing will… live. On stream. Yah, think we would have heard of that before now.)
“She has no proof” - genuinely fuck of. In domestic abuse cases there won't always be hard proof, that's one of the reasons the police struggle to do anything about it. If a wife is struck by a husband and it leaves no mark that doesn't mean it didn't happen “why didn't she show the bruises” have you guys ever been bruised? Bruises heal quickly, and she doesn't have any to show since the allegations came out after their break up, all the bruises would have healed. “Why didn't she take photos at the time?” Look at it this way, if I punch you across the face you will have a lot of thoughts, none of them will be “I should take a photo of this so people belive me what I say it happened”
(Also don't pretend that people wouldn't just say the evidence was fake if she did have pictures)
Oh and she does have evidence, the fact William admitted to it.
“She just did it for attention” - bitch, shubble doesn't need attention she was doing great. Just because you never heard of her didn't mean she was some underground indie youtuber, she didn't need to lie to get attention. Also lying about domestic abuse is not a good way to do this since it's really easy to disprove. The other party would come out instantly to tell everyone the truth. William didn't do that because shubble WAS telling the truth.
“Her story changed” - no. It didn't. Even the idea that she changed whether or not wilbur bruised with the bites or made her bled (both of which are still bad, btw) is made up, she never said that, as was clarified by shubble herself
“She encouraged death threats” - She openly decouraged death threats. Saying she was like: “everyone go and tell people to kill themselves” is literally putting words in her mouth
Also, this by no means goes for everyone, but arguing about death threats while, wilbur hasn't told his supports not to send death threats and that wilburs supporters have been saiding threats to shubble and her fans while condemning the few shubble fans who sent death threats, is kinda stupid
(Also this is by no means the main point but I have seen people who support wilbur literally begging for death threats, soooooooo)
(Oh aslo I was mistaken in the early version where I said shubble had implied that she didn't belive wilbur could change, that was another misconception and I'm sorry for spreading it. Shubble does belive that people can change IF they put in the work to do so)
Also remember, William has not been shown to actually change yet. He still hasn't even given shubble an apology that takes proper accountability, when he does that, apologies to everyone else he's wronged, and puts in the effort to actually be better moving forward, then we can forgive him. But at the moment he has not shown that.
So until then: support shubble. Belive victims. Raise awareness for these issues in the gaming space (this has been going on for a long time). And don't engage with people who make up evidence to support there parasocial relationships, don't send death threats (obviously, because that's wrong) but also don't engage in any other way. This will be my last post on this subject. Move on from William and the support for him will die down when they realise there's no one to disagree with, and then William, Shubble and all of us can move past this and into the future as a (hopefully) better space
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sariahsue · 5 months
Wherefore Art Thou (My)stery Lady
When a failed attempt to let Chat Noir down easy ends with Ladybug learning his name, she does what any lovesick teenager would do: teases him mercilessly. Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Chapter Four
“She really hasn't given you any more hints?” Nino asked. “It's been five days!”
Adrien loved group projects. It meant that there was a chance that he could visit with friends outside of school hours. And given how lucky he had been over the past few days, it didn't even surprise him when Ms. Bustier partnered him with Nino on their history project. 
They sat on his floor together, taking a much-deserved break. Adrien was rereading his texts from Ladybug again, looking for any clues he might have missed. 
Nino was right. It had been five days. Five long days of torture. He hadn’t seen her since their rendezvous on top of Montparnasse Tower, but she had seen him. She’d sent three pictures she’d taken of him when he wasn’t looking. He had his back turned in each one, and he’d been in large crowds as he walked in the hallway in between classes or at the end of the day. Times where there were so many people around that he couldn’t narrow down who she could be, which was deliberate on her part, he was certain. 
They were so close, and he still couldn’t find her.
His phone buzzed with an incoming message.
My Lady – I accidentally called you Kitten in front of my best friend this morning. So embarrassing!  My Lady – I told her I chose that nickname because of all the stupid cat emojis you send me. Adrien – Is that permission to keep sending them to you? My Lady – No.  Adrien – Too bad. Adrien –  😻😽😸
Nino shuffled over, and Adrien scanned the message quickly. Nothing that would arouse suspicion if read. 
“‘My Lady’?” Nino said, reading the contact name at the top. “Getting a little possessive already, huh?”
“No!” Adrien flipped his phone over to hide the messages. “Uh, ‘My’... is short... for ‘mystery.’ She's a mystery lady, but that was too long to fit. So, My Lady.”
“I don't believe you at all, dude, but I'll give you full points for that excuse.” Nino returned to his spot on the floor and started scrolling through his own phone, which he kept hidden from Adrien's view. “You like her already, huh?”
“Yeah,” Adrien said. He and Nino hadn't talked much about it, aside from that first day. Adrien had been too busy trying to piece together who Ladybug was, and he was getting frustrated. All he'd done so far was eliminate everyone in the school. Realizing he missed her on his first pass, he tried again. He looked at the yearbook, made a list of everything he knew about her, spent almost all his time in class puzzling over her, and he'd still come up empty. 
“You should ask her out,” Nino said. “I've known her for a long time, and I think you two would be good for each other.”
Adrien nodded. He'd always thought so. “I asked already.”
“You did? Why didn't you tell me?”
“She said yes, assuming I could figure out who I'm asking!” Adrien flipped onto his back and stared at the high ceiling above him. “You’re not allowed to give me any hints, but what is she like?”
“How's that not a hint?”
“Because I already know what she's like.” He raised the phone, implying that he’d gotten to know her through texting and not midnight rooftop strolls. “I just want a different perspective. Maybe I just need the same information from a new angle.”
“If she gets mad at me, I'm blaming you.”
“But she wants to go out with me, right? So you're really trying to help her.”
“How about this,” Nino said. “I won't tell her if you won't.”
Nino had been typing away on his screen, cap hiding his eyes, through the whole conversation and finally lifted his head. 
Adrien listened intently as Nino started listing Ladybug's familiar traits.
“She's very creative and sweet, but still tough when she wants to be.” 
Adrien knew both of those well from fighting alongside her. She could come up with the most ridiculous plans and execute them flawlessly. She'd stare down a monster and then turn around and help someone who'd been trying to kill her moments before. 
“She's good at video games.” Another one that he knew, but had forgotten. He'd have to write that down on the list.
“And she can be pretty shy and nervous sometimes. It took her forever to tell you that she likes you.” 
Adrien hadn't thought about it like that. She'd admitted to being anxious and awkwardly obvious about her crush (not that he'd been able to figure out that clue either), but he hadn't mentally added that trait to his image of her. She always seemed so confident and self-assured, and he loved that about her. He'd only ever seen her truly nervous on that first day. 
“That's all you're getting.”
“None of it was really new information,” he said. “But thanks for reminding me of some things.”
“Sure, dude.”
Adrien's phone alerted him to another message. 
My Lady – So... Mystery Lady, huh?
Adrien turned to Nino. “You texted her about that? Since when have you had her number?” 
“Since the day she got her phone.”
My Lady – That was smooth. Plus, now you can use my favorite nickname! Adrien – I could just break into Nino's phone and check his messages, you know. My Lady – That would be cheating! Don't you dare!
“Am I going to do this project by myself?” Nino asked. “Or should I call your girlfriend and ask if I can borrow some of your attention?” 
“Sorry, sorry.” And he was, until the next text from her came in. Nino sighed but didn’t complain as Adrien reflexively reached for his phone.  
My Lady – Kitten, my homework is boring, and I don't want to do it. Talk to me.  Adrien – What do you want me to say? My Lady – I don't know. Anything. Adrien – Okay... 
He searched the room for inspiration but found none. The first thing that caught his attention on his phone was his name for her.
Adrien – What did you name my contact? My Lady – Uh...  My Lady – …  My Lady – Nothing...  Adrien – Nothing as in just a blank space, or nothing as in something that you don't want to say? My Lady – NOTHING Adrien – Uh huh. So what is it? Adrien – Hm? Adrien – Aren't you going to tell me? My Lady – No.  Adrien – Why not? My Lady – I'm going to delete your number if you don't stop asking! Adrien – That won't do anything. I'll just text you again, and then you'll have it again. My Lady – Please unsubscribe me from your mailing list.  Adrien – Is it just a string of hearts or something? My Lady – The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected. Adrien – Or maybe it's “Hot Stuff”? My Lady – New phone. Who dis? Adrien – Wow. It must be reeealllly embarrassing if you don't want to tell me this badly.  My Lady – FINE! My Lady – When I found out who you were, I changed your contact to “Future Husband.” OKAY?!?!?!
If Plagg could see his face right now, Adrien was sure the kwami would gag. He was probably smiling like an idiot. She really thought that it was a possibility?
“You good, dude?”
Adrien only nodded because how was he supposed to explain? Ladybug - LADYBUG - really had decided that she wanted to marry him?!
She was also still waiting for his response. Probably anxiously. Should he gush about how much he loved her or continue with his teasing?
Teasing won out.
Adrien – Oh, Bugaboo, you didn't even buy me a ring yet! My Lady – SHUT UP I'M GOING TO CHANGE IT Adrien – Please don't. Adrien – My ring size is 29, in case you were wondering.  My Lady – That's not even a real size. Adrien – Oh.  Adrien – Father doesn't sell jewelry, so I don't know anything about it. Haha. My Lady – Average sizes are usually between 5 and like 10 or 11. My Lady – In case you were wondering... My Lady – Mine’s 4 and a half.
Adrien walked into school the next morning (on time, thankfully! The photographer had been 10 minutes late to the shoot and traffic was horrible all morning) ready to watch the front door for any stragglers who showed up late. He still didn't have any ideas about who Ladybug could be, and he was starting to think he was missing the obvious. So he stood in the middle of the courtyard and scanned faces as they trickled in, but no one in particular stood out to him. No girl was the same height, looked just right, sounded like her, or moved the same way. Over several minutes, the courtyard started filling up. Starting from the doors, he slowly rotated until he’d done a full circle, double checking if someone had slipped past him. Nino was the only one in the crowd who caught his attention.
“Hey, bro!” Nino said, waving as he approached. “You look distracted, which means you haven't figured it out yet.”
“No! And she still won't give me another hint!”
“That's because you have enough to figure it out with, man. You're trying too hard.” He swung an arm over Adrien's shoulders. “Just look at your contact list and find the hole. Should be obvious, my dude.” It was easy for Nino to give advice. He had found out who she was the easy way ages ago.
But Ladybug kept telling him that, too. Plagg, when he didn't avoid the subject entirely, said much the same thing. 
Adrien reached for his phone, but his scroll through his contact list was interrupted by an incoming text image. 
There he and Nino were, in the middle of the crowded courtyard, looking at his phone. Adrien's head snapped up. The photographer had been directly in front of him on the upper level, but that area was now deserted. 
“Come on,” Adrien said. “Maybe we can catch her.” 
He took the stairs two at a time while Nino hollered for him to slow down. Adrien had no plan to do anything of the sort. His Lady had been there just a few seconds ago. She couldn't have gotten far. 
Reaching the top step, he took another look around. There were a few corners that she could be hiding behind, or she could have ducked into a classroom. He debated for only a second. What would Ladybug do if she was trying to trip him up? Probably go where the most people were so she could hide in plain sight. He poked his head into the nearest classroom. A few people waved to him, but no one he knew well enough to have traded phone numbers with. 
He tried a few more, then doubled back and checked the alcoves. There were a lot of people that he knew, and because he was in such a hurry, all of them seemed to want to say hello to him. He stayed only long enough each time to give a very hurried explanation that he was looking for someone in order to excuse himself before running off again. 
“Hey!” Nino said, finally catching up with him. “Will you slow down?”
“Did you see her anywhere? Please tell me that much. Did I overlook her again?”
“I haven't seen her,” Nino said, taking off his hat and fanning himself with it. “What did you eat for breakfast, man? Rocket fuel? I haven't seen you run like that since the last akuma. Or…” Nino put his hat back on and smiled, “do you really just want to find her that bad?”
Two minutes after running out of the courtyard, Adrien found himself up at the top of the stairs overlooking it. He walked to the railing, where Ladybug had been standing when she took her picture of him. She'd been so close, and she'd slipped through his fingers again. He needed to figure her identity out soon, or she’d be the death of him (in the best way possible). 
The courtyard was emptier than it had been a few minutes prior. The flow of students through the front doors had been reduced to a trickle. Only a few stragglers remained at the bottom of the stairs, waiting to go to class until the very last second.
“I think the bell's about to ring,” Nino said, tapping him on the shoulder. “We should go.”
Adrien sighed. Another attempt to find her had ended in failure. 
They trudged back down the stairs to their first class. A few of their friends were ahead of them in the hallway, including Alya and Marinette, who were whispering together. He heard Alya congratulating Marinette about something. He heard only a few words, “likes you a lot!” and “interested.” What were they talking about? He picked up his pace, hoping to get close enough to catch more of the conversation, but Nino called out to them over the crowd to get their attention before he reached them.
Alya cut off her next sentence abruptly and spun around, eyes going to Adrien first before landing on Nino.
“Good morning!” Marinette said, eyes shining. Was he imagining it, or was her gaze lingering on him longer than it usually did? “What have you two been up to this morning? Looking for that mystery lady of yours again?”
“You know about that?” Adrien groaned. “How many people know?” 
A few people shoved past him to get to their classrooms. He hadn't realized they were blocking the traffic.
“Nino told me about it,” Marinette said, starting to walk forward again. “He said you were having some trouble figuring out who she was. Do you want some help?” Behind her back, Nino and Alya exchanged deadpan looks.
“Yeah,” he said. “That would be great. I've tried everything I can think of.” 
Marinette thought about it for a few seconds, tapping her finger to her lips in a slow, exaggerated movement. He glanced down at the finger briefly before turning his attention back to her eyes. 
“Have you tried tricking her into giving you more information? Like ask her about something that happens at school today that only some people know about. Then, if she sees it, you have fewer people to guess from. Maybe you could cat-ch her that way?” She put more emphasis on the first half of the word “catch,” but he wasn't sure why. “What about the assembly today?”
“That's a great idea, Marinette! Thanks!” That was a fantastic idea. The assembly was only for their grade, and if she saw it too, that would really narrow down the pool of candidates. And even if she didn’t, he could exclude an entire grade from his search. He would have to word his questions just right, so she wouldn’t think he was asking for another hint. If she knew he was looking for a way around the rules of her challenge, she might not answer. Or worse, be unhelpful on purpose.
“You're welcome,” she said. “I really hope you find her soon.”
Adrien blinked, surprised to find himself and Marinette alone in the hallway in front of their first period class. His mind was still thinking up exactly how he would pose his questions to seem the most innocent. 
“Really, Marinette. Thank you. I really want to find her.” 
She beamed at him as the bell rang, and they both ran for the classroom door. 
With Marinette’s help, and a little bit of his Lady’s luck, he might know was behind the mask by the end of the day. And he couldn’t wait.
Chapter Five
Tag list: @eclipsesmoonshine14, @alittlewolf2, @mlbigbang
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lewkwoodnco · 7 months
Now That We Don't Talk - Lockwood x Reader
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A/N: very very brief suicidal mention, sooooo much writer's block hhhh (the seasonal depression is depressing), (angst but diluted if that makes sense) add/remove yourself from my taglist in the link beloooow ALSO
🎄Special Announcement! I'll be doing a twelve days of Christmas fic series (1 songfic fic a day leading up to Christmas) BUT I will also be accepting extra holiday-themed requests (if any)!🎄
(speaking of the holidays, thinking of switching to a santa-themed george icon soon hmmm), wc 3.1k
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 3.5 | Ch 4 | Ch 5
Moving had been a surprisingly smooth process that she remembered little of. She had to take care to not think too much about the ornaments she was packing or the boxes she was taping shut or the lonely town she was numbly driving towards, lest the rest of her catch up to the grief weighing her down. Her supervisor had looked plenty confused when she explained where she was transferring to, and muttered something about not knowing if there were any visitors there.
As steep as the change was from working in central London to a significantly sleepier town, she seemed to be adjusting fine. In fact, she was liking the peace and quiet. Or at least, she would, soon enough. She'd learn the right habits, like finding contentment in the stagnant void that descended on her windows far too quickly every evening, the same way she'd unlearn bad habits, like him. So no, her biggest problem was hardly the early sunsets here, but was actually what everyone wanted to talk to her about when she called. The one thing everyone - her old teammates, colleagues, friends - wanted to make sure she knew.
"The gala was fantastic this year - though not as fun without you, of course -"
"You'll never believe who showed up."
"He looked very sharp in his suit. He cleans up nice, I suppose - Anthony Lockwood, I mean."
"They've become quite the celebrities, that Lockwood & Co., though the other two don't seem to tolerate the cameras like he does."
"Oh, you should have seen it. Say what you will about Lockwood but does he know how to make an entrance!"
"Were you at the gala this year?"
She sighed for what must have been the fifth time that day. "No, Ted, I was not. You were at my farewell party, remember?"
"Tha' was for you?"
"Goodbye, Ted."
"Wait! You've seen the pictures, haven't you?"
"No, I haven't, because contrary to popular belief, I am not obsessed with evrything that goes on at Fittes."
"Well, we had a tiptop chocolate fountain this year. Didn't get clogged once and looked absolutely gorgeous. Anywho, I've recently stumbled upon this smashing business opportunity involving chocolate fountains - they're selling like hot cakes, I tell you! - and I'd love to spread the wealth."
"Theodore, you haven't joined another MLM, have you?"
"What is an MLM, other than an opportunity to invest in yourself?"
"Don't make me phone your mother."
The call ended rather abruptly after that. Only Lucy, as always, was an angel.
"I take it you've heard plenty about him?"
"Who? Oh, him. Yes, more than plenty."
"I thought you might. He has...quite the presence, so the papers wanted to interview him, and he agreed - "
" - obviously - "
"And I think they asked him about you at some point."
Her mouth dried. She struggled to find her voice, forcing it to stay casually disinterested. "Hm? What did he say?"
"Absolutely nothing. First and probably last time I've seen him stunned speechless. Naturally, it's all anyone can talk about."
"He hasn't talked about you, if you're wondering. Sees it coming from a mile away every time George and I try to bring it up. It's so stupid; we know it, he knows it, and he's always in a foul mood. He keeps thinking, these days...Y/N?"
"I don't care."
"No one would blame you if you did."
"I don't."
"So how are you holding up?"
"Well, Luce, I felt happiness outside of external validation for the first time in...ever, then three months later I'm crying in my bathtub wishing I would die, and now I'm miles away from everyone I ever knew and it's always dark outside and I'm always miserable. I'm doing great."
She could hear the exhaustion in the crackling static of the telephone. It occurred to her that she wasn't much acting all that cheerful either.
"If it makes you feel any better, I think he half-expected to see you there."
She inhaled sharply and sat up in her armchair so fast she could feel a cramp curling in her neck. She didn't dare believe Lucy's words. "Really?" she wanted to breathe into the telephone, and revel in dormant delusions, if only for a moment. Instead, she gingerly sank back into the chair, continuing in a flat voice.
"Well, I don't care about any of that now. Oh, I'm sick of it. All of it. If I never hear his name again for as long as I live, it'll be still be too soon. How's George doing?"
After she hung up, she laid in her chair, watching the shadows from her shutters stretch and fold over her furniture as the sun set. She was thinking about the last party she had been to, a yacht party where some of Fittes' and Rotwell's biggest investors were in attendance. How Lockwood had managed to score an invite was beyond her, but what intrigued her more was the cab ride they shared back to Portland Row.
She had been half-dozing off when she felt a hand cover hers. As she blinked at him blearily, she noticed the rigid tension in his spine, as if poised and waiting for an attack. He was clutching her hand purposefully, as if holding off on warning her about something malevolent that was consuming him. She couldn't see his face, which began to feel no different from the cold, hard window pane it was peering out of.
She stirred, distantly unnerved by his impersonality. He glanced at her, apologetically retracting his hand with a sheepish smile. But that look of consternation remained on his face as he turned back to the window with a furrowed brow, with the air of waiting for something. He visibly relaxed as they approached Portland Row, but she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling even by the time they reached the doorstep.
"You all right?" she was asking, while Lockwood fumbled with their keys.
"'Course. Why wouldn't I be?"
She didn't respond, and the two of them watched him wrench at the key in the lock, trying to steady his mildly trembling fingers.
"Key turns the other way."
He paused his efforts, and after a second or two turned the key the other way. The door slid open smoothly with a click. He held it open, but she just looked at him expectantly. He sighed.
"I'm fine, I promise. I just...get a little nervous around some parts of London."
"Which parts?"
"Scared of what?"
"A few things."
"For fun. Look, I'm freezing out here. Can we just drop this?"
That was more than a mild exaggeration; the sun had only just set and the air was still pleasantly balmy. But he looked so beseechingly, and it didn't take much for her to relent when it came to Lockwood, so they stepped inside and shrugged their coats off in silence.
"I'll tell you some day. I'm sure I will."
That was some day too far away. Now she'll never know if, or why he ever felt like that. Or rather, she wouldn't know when he would feel like that. But it was no matter. It was none of her business then, and it was even less of her business now.
She had mostly forgotten about her conversation with Lucy by the following week, which was why her parcel came as a bit of a surprise, especially since she'd mentioned being swamped by a mountain of upcoming cases.
Y/N -
I was thinking about our call the other day. On a completely unrelated note, here's about every gossip rag from the past month I could find at Arif's.
Love, Lucy.
She was beginning to see what was so appealing about these magazines. As ruthless as they could be, they sure knew how to sell a pipe dream to common folk with less exciting lives. The gala was clearly as glitzy and glamorous as it was every year, and the articles held an air of intrigue now that she was quite separate from Fittes. But that quivering excitement became somewhat muffled as she flipped through the glossy pages.
The Anthony Lockwood she saw now looked worlds apart from the Lockwood she left behind. His well-fitting suit, megawatt smile and carefully styled hair made him look expensive in a way that destabilised her. She flipped through photograph after photograph of him looking jarringly luxurious besides walls of text effusing about the success of their latest case, and what an honour it must have been to be personally invited by Marissa Fittes herself. It weighed at the pit in her stomach to see this unfamiliar silhouette of a friend who was become increasingly unattainable, speeding along roads to prosperity faster than she could ever keep up with.
She sifted through the other rags. The most extensive feature was a few pages long, and was centered more on the exciting, up-and-coming agency that was Lockwood & Co. rather than a specific case. There were pictures from their most recent cases, and in each one he looked unnaturally distinct from the last, but in every single one he oozed an appealingly languid charisma. It was good to see him doing so well. She was happy for him. Or she would be, tomorrow, when she had the strength for it. Lockwood was unbearable in a way that made him perfect for a life in the public eye, a life for which she was somehow always deficient. She traced a too-long strand of hair flopped on his forehead in one of the photographs, as if she could magically straighten it out.
She could see him now, thumbing through the pages with an approving tilt to his head, limbs folded uncomfortably in the armchair he always insisted on sharing with her. "No such thing as bad press," he'd claim absent-mindedly, his too-long hair flopping impractically. And she'd watch him with bruised eyes like she always did, wishing for nothing more in that moment shared with him. In other words, wishing for nothing short of what she could never have.
Maybe it was some lingering wish to break herself before he beat her to it. Because that was all it was; dodging blows, lying through pretty teeth, racing ahead to pull one over on him, cursing the feel of his breath on her. There was simply no calm, no respite, only the all-consuming experience of becoming wrapped up in him and losing bits and pieces of herself which would never again be truly hers.
She picked up the telephone again. It felt too heavy in her hand. Numbly, she spun the dial as if on autopilot, keying in her mother's phone number. The dial tone comforted her in some twisted yet cathartic acknowledgement of the emptiness inside of her.
Looking at it now she could see the distinct air of mystery that engulfed Lockwood and clouded her vision. He was never quite fully present; a part of him was always tucked away to be kept secret in some dark corner, and her mind was only too happy to extrapolate, to construct this most desirable yet entirely mythical figment. She felt ragged, winded and worn from battling reality day after day, all alone. And most of all, she felt so very stupid.
Her mother was saying that she had made the right decision. Not that she needed any reminding. Of course her life had taken an upward swing ever since; she'd be a fool to think otherwise. She was positively paralysed with liberty, bedridden with joy, simply immobile with ecstasy!
She was slowly but surely going very insane. Now making eyes at each other, now disconnect, now love, now heartache, now this, now that, but never any peace. Maybe it was some lingering wish to shatter and let the pent up misery dissipate.
Months passed. The holiday season arrived, and she choked through the November blues with shivering bones and clammy hands. Even with the slight uptick in visitors, as was expected in the colder months, her life provided little to distract her from her own ghosts under the floorboards. So when she received a consultancy request from Fittes one morning, she had written back and mailed her response all while still holding the jam knife.
The train was crowded and noisy with the bustle of the holidays, but as it chugged along through the fields of snow, she couldn't help but perk up ever so slightly at every sigh and creak of its wheels. There was a spring in her step all the way to Fittes headquarters, where she was supposed to collect her apartment key.
A tall, indistinct figure was walking out of the revolving doors as she approached. She flinched when she realised who it was - Lockwood, who didn't seem much happier to see her either. He looked mostly well, though the corners of his mouth were a little strained, his face flushed in the cold.
"Yeah. Um, how have you been?"
"Good...good. Busy. As busy as winter gets."
He was wearing a different coat. It was quite similar to his old one, but this one was thicker and more structured, and looked like it was at least somewhat effective in keeping the brisk winter wind out. He looked foreign and unfamiliar in a way he hadn't since...since the Investors Party.
It had taken her a while to pick his face out of the pretentious crowd, given how preoccupied she was with weaving through the thicket of people. It had taken her a eyes minute to adjust to the almost nauseatingly charismatic silhouette of an especially-chuffed Lockwood in a newly tailored but otherwise identical suit. She tried to give him a reproaching look, but there was something infectious in his smooth ease as he larked about in his prime which made her lips twitch despite herself as he waded through the crowds.
"You really shouldn't be here."
"You're clearly not drunk enough yet."
"How did you even get in? This is invitation-only."
"Had an invite, didn't I?"
She pursed her lips, shaking her head slightly. He was hopelessly incorrigible in an oddly fascinating way. Her voice dropped to a murmur as she felt herself begin to relent.
"I ought to...tell someone about you."
"That you're secretly in love with me?"
"That we have an illegal stowaway."
"You're not going to rat me out, are you?"
The pleading look on his face was enough to give her pause. She was already beginning to regret her decision, but he looked so vivacious it was difficult to stay disapproving for long.
"Excellent. Now, would you be so good as to point me in the direction of the bigger spenders?"
They spend the next few hours laughing and entertaining the many important men on the boat and their great deal of important thoughts. She'd excuse herself towards the end of every conversation to leave Lockwood and the glimmer in his eye to close a deal. For someone so adept at climbing the corporate ladder, she was surprisingly poor at fulfilling these adjacent duties.
She hated every second of it, and she drank as much as she could without raising eyebrows to make it all halfway palatable, but it was all worth it then. He had wanted to stay for as long as it would have been polite, so when they finally left, long after the media had made their rounds at the event, his jacket was folded over his left arm and his hand was delicately holding hers.
When she was stuck in her drafty cottage on the edge of nowhere, she'd think about the feel of his fingers curling around her palm more than it was appropriate, and wonder how she ever thought she was somehow better off here.
But that evening's sense of camraderie was long gone. Now, she regarded him coolly, holding him at arm's length. They may have had a rough falling out, but that didn't mean they couldn't still be friends. Just friends. Nothing more. But the vaguely intimate look in Lockwood's eye told her he was in no mood to entertain any kind of platonic notions.
"I didn't know you were back."
She relented. It was the season of giving, after all.
"Only for a while. Fittes hired me as a consultant for a few months."
He blinked at her. "You could have called."
"I didn't think you'd be interested."
"Of course I'd be interested. I'm always interested when it comes to you."
She sighed sharply. It was so easy to get swept up and believe him when he said things like that, that she wondered how she found the strength to leave. He was a bastard, a ne'er-do-well who only knew how to break her heart after promising sweet, simple luxuries in whispers over expanses of skin. She made her lips tremble, her pulse quicken, her heart shake in all the worst ways.
But underneath all that, love was there. Love was there...still.
"Ready to go?"
They turned in unison towards a strikingly beautiful girl with glossy raven curls walking out of the revolving doors. The girl's smile only slipped a fraction as she shook her hand, and she was distantly aware of making some kind of clumsy introduction. They stuttered through some stunted small talk, during which all she was aware of was the blood roaring in her ears that gave the whole scene a distantly muffled feel. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Well, this was...lovely. Shall we go, then?"
The girl turned to leave, but some semblance of hesitation prevented her from pulling Lockwood along with her.. His face still had that same confused look.
"You could have called," he repeated tonelessly, like a broken record. The girl's presence made the back of her neck smart and prickle uncomfortably.
"I might, later."
"Bye. Nice meeting you."
"Nice meeting you too."
"We're home all day."
The last one was from Lockwood.
"Just...if you want to drop by. So that Luce and George don't have my head on a platter by supper."
"Goodbye, Lockwood."
He was captivating in a way that made her want to keep him all to herself. No one needed to intrude on this tantalising secret they shared. It was at that moment that she made the very unfortunate realisation that she didn't need to say it out loud to make what she had been screaming from the rooftops of her heart any more real - him and her would forever be unfinished business.
And nothing she could do could make the palpitations of her heart any less real either.
As the life she once dreamed of walked away from her, all she was acutely aware of was that it was a lingering wish, some half-thought dream, to sit opposite him in a chilly kitchen on blustery mornings, watching him drink his tea while she got drunk on him.
TAGLIST: @novelizt @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @mischivana @mitskiswift99 @houseoftwistedspirits
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tetsunabouquet · 29 days
hi :) ok, just watching shaman king 2021 in 2024 recently so the fandom seems gone LOL and I have doubts thanks to the spin-offs. in shaman king marcos; marco was shy and victim of bullying and luchist saw good in him, adopted him and gave him a happy childhood (luchist doesn't seem an abuser) so how a shy bullied kid became a violent abuser adult? luchist said he was disciplined? does it means marco hit kids for not doing homework?
hao used to be good and became bad later in life, so can't stop thinking marco became bad 'cause of his hate for hao and his wish to get revenge, hate changes people. maybe he started abusing kids in search of the perfect weapon to kill hao and found it in jeanne, plus, living a big lie without nobody to share with, it must have driven mad, he lost it when yoh said he was the leader. so he was well aware of his lie.
hao wasn't a murderer, pain and human idiocy changed him.
and it may explain why luchist abandoned marco? luchist always wanted to join hao, but created x laws for marco, he was supposed to be a great father and left his son suddenly, maybe he couldn't see how bad marco became and couldn't kill him.
ren and chocolove did bad things and changed to good, so good people can change to bad. tamao changed too, she used to be shy and kind, now does she hit hana?
sorry, I'm just late to the party, 3 years late LOL not sure whether to watch shaman king flowers, it seems canceled and don't want to be in cliffhanger and have to wait 20 years more.
thanks for replying to my annoying questions LOL
Hao and Marco's childhoods are incomparable so they don't make for good comparisons. Hating someone with a burning passion doesn't suddenly turns people into (child) abusers. Sure it corrupts people, but corruption only ever shows what was already under someone's surface. With the attitude of the church at this time, it is very likely that Marco already picked up that behavior far before Hao came around. Hao was very much a murderer! He killed people, humans and shamans alike. That's the very definition of a murderer. Pain and trauma which isn't idiocy had twisted him into a murderer. A sobby backstory doesn't excuses away that he as someone who is mentally an adult throughout the entire story, killed plenty of innocents.
Ren, Joco and even the Shaft gang hadn't reached psychological maturity and never knew any better which is why I don't consider them the same as Hao. Adults should know better, and Hao still performed heinous crimes. You do know of Tamao's her arc into becoming a legendary gangster in her teens is one of the things Takei hasn't expanded upon, right? She and Ryu alike are probably more accustomed to tough love then gentle love. Yoh's dad literally slapped children, have you forgotten about that? We do have to take into account that corporal punishment is still much more common in Japan as it is in the West. It's more normalized over there as about 70% of Japanese children still get spanked at home. We do have to take account how certain cultures and time periods in Marco's case, normalize child abuse. It doesn't make it right, but at this point with the numerous examples we have seen, it's very clear that Takei himself is amongst those who believe in abusing children which is one of my issues with the franchise. PS: Whilst the 2021 is superior in terms of following the manga, I've been part of the fandom since the original anime aired. The Shaman King fandom has pretty much always been comatose. Welcome to the club. PPS: Also, Shaman King Flowers the anime was literally released in January in Japan....
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
Question: What episode are you guys most proud of, that you just made and you really knew this is something special?
Jared: What episode are we most proud of that we made - of Supernatural?
Question: Of any show.
Jared: I'll go with Supernatural because we've got some Supernatural family members up here. What episode - I guess I'll start - sorry, I hear a little "Eeeeeeeeeeee" Was E.T. just up here? Why are we hearing "Eeeeeeeee" - just kidding, kidding. I think for me, this may seem obvious, the episode I'm most proud of and the most difficult episode to shoot was the series finale. It was rough. It was really rough. And it was a weird - I think when the COVID strike happened, we got - Jensen and I got sent home from Canada on Friday March 13th, Friday the 13th, appropriately, of 2020 because they thought they were going to shut the borders down. So they were like, get across the border, go see your family, we don't know what's going on, you know, there's a worldwide pandemic. And so we had the scripts by then, we had the last two scripts of the series and we got home and didn't go back to Vancouver until August 1st-ish? So I had four months - and a half - to sit there and read through the dialogue, I couldn't read through the scene, the barn scene especially, without crying. And so I'd like go - yeah, we have a little treadmill at our house - and so I had nothing else to do, I'd be like hey Genevieve can you take the kids for a second, I'm gonna go and just get a little run in and read through the episodes. And she's like, yeah, do it. So I'd go and I'd come back and my face would be all puffy and red, and she'd be like, oh shit, are you okay? Like, thinking I got bad news about a friend with COVID or something, and I'd be like yeah, just read the finale, it's cool, it's cool. Yeah, so that was very difficult. But I was very proud of that and it was very heartbreaking as well. Guys and gals?
[Julian Richings talks about being proud he was able to hit his mark in the big boat of a car Death drove in his intro, Sam Smith talks about all the little missing pieces character moments of Mary in Absence, and Alaina Huffman reminisces about getting "to kick the shit out of Crowley" and how great Mark Sheppard is.]
Mitch Pileggi: I'm gonna keep it with Supernatural, because I've been so fortunate to have such a long career and I can't remember most of it, so I couldn't remember moments from it. Probably the hugest, one of the hugest moments of my life was the day that I met Jared Padalecki. And, I mean, I've got the job, so I don't need to say that. Yeah, he ain't gonna fire me. So it was huge, I met an individual that has been so giving and so - to my family, to me and to my family and everybody around us on the show that we're doing now. I have to say that the show that we're doing now is my favorite show that I've ever done in the forty plus years of my career. Without a question, without a doubt, if you haven't seen it, start watching, please. But I think as far as Supernatural, I didn't understand most of what that character was doing and I'm still trying to figure it out. So, I mean even Bob Singer was like, what the hell is going on with those Campbells? So. But I have to say, the scene that I had with Jensen where he turns into the Yellow Eyed Demon was a blast. I had so much fun. I got to get up and sniff on Jensen real good and it was fun, I really enjoyed doing it. And just - like for both of them, when I met both of them, I think I took Jensen aside about four days working on the show and I said I just want to say that you two guys have got your heads screwed on right. Keep it that way, because this business can really twist you up and it hasn't done it to this day, so.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 1 month
Danganronpa Manga Rant- Leon and Sayaka:
@yukiteruakari told me about a Danganronpa Manga edition, and OH MY GOD!!! Thankyou so much for this bro omg.
I'm only up to "Junkos" impaling, but it's so much better than the one I have.
I'll put some screenshots below, and the link too because so far it's translated to English.
Why the Manga is better, what it could do for the fandom:
It gives Sayaka and Leon so much more development as characters and seeing as Mondos case is next we might get to see what they talked about in the sauna. (<- there are so many fan theories for that one, and I'm excited to finally get more lore.)
It's hard to be a Danganronpa fan in 2024 because it all happened 14, 12, and 7 years ago. So like... Spike aren't going to just start explaining more lore on twitter randomly because they feel like it, Danganronpa is done, but this manga helps us understand the killers motive.
If ALL of the fandom read it I'd probably assume the "Mondo Brother Killer >:(" cliche that some of the fandom define him as would be gone, because it has his POV instead of a Monokuma flashback and a shitty animated clip of him doing it "for no reason" other than being "strong-strong-strong-strong-strong" (from the canon game and animation 2014.)
LeoXSaya Rant, Manga>>>Animation:
And yes, Sayaka was revealed to be a bit more of a "snake" (she isn't btw) but her motives were humane and we only thought she wasn't because Makoto is the protagonist and wouldn't think bad about any of his friends.
It also gives Leon haters a reason to stfu and enjoy his character design and small role while it lasts, and it's better than playing his FTEs because he's just gloating about picking up chicks and being better than everybody at Baseball despite hating in from what I've seen.
Also, the art is just BETTER.
The dialogue is just BETTER!
They gave Sayaka a reason to invite Leon over. Because in the anime and game yes it's "wow Sayaka is so hot" on Leons part, but wouldn't that mean Leon would've been the person to invite her to HIS room instead?
But in the Manga they explain her thought process, anybody who hasn't read it will probably just go "Sayaka's dumb for inviting a STAR ATHLETE to try and kill!" but she's smart because if she had killed him she already had an alibi. "We were friends! We bonded over music and drank tea together!" or something... saying that, Sayaka couldn't WIN because Makoto knew about the room swapping ofc. And she'd leave evidence and whatnot.
*Sighs* The Animation Butchered Our Boys...:
I hate the anime alot, but the thing that PISSED ME OFF THE MOST (about 1-1 of the animation) WAS LEON'S REACTION. He was having a mental breakdown, which was fine and accurate... probably good as well instead of him screaming "stupid" then losing it halfway through the word and realising his fate quietly.
They give him a moment of remorse.
"I didn't want to... I mean she... she was tring to... kill me... right? I just... didn't know what else to do... okay...?" (quote end)
but then he gets mad.
I don't know about you, but on first watch this ruined it for me. "He's just screaming now..." like... it makes me mad for almost no reason.
He was about to have a very humane moment of "I didn't have a choice..." he's looking down at the pedestal thingy in the court, he's defeated, he's sad, he's been caught. He's in despair.
Then he yells at the others "you would've done the same thing in my shoes!"
And you know what the writers did instead of making him cry after that? Anything... would've been better, but this is the dam animation we're talking about...
He did have a choice...
The manga gave him a choice, he tried to save Sayaka. Then he ended up killing her, ON ACCIDENT. That line alone contradicts the fact of any of that happening, he and Sayaka had just bonded hours earlier.
Like, this is my opinion and I've never heard anybody talk about this before, BUT THE WRITERS NEEDED TO WRITE LEON BETTER!!! The game wrote Leon fine, but the animation was a second chance at giving him development!
I liked him trying to escape the court room though. That was a nice touch that I don't think was in the game.
Like, the scene made me so mad on re-watch and I can't pinpoint why!
Like instead of this: https://youtu.be/CbQ6McYz7U0?t=59
(Good animation though imo, the closeup expressed his emotions nicely-)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Anyway, that's my rant of the day because why not.
The game itself had issues, but compared to the animation it was just so much better, and makes me want to give it a 7/10 instead of a 6...
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jpitha · 1 year
Heart to Heart
"Um, excuse me, Starbase?" Ta'reni timidly called out while she was in her quarters alone. After a couple of months on the joint Starbase, Ta'reni was getting a feel for the ebb and flow of life aboard, but it was very different than life planet-side.
"Good evening Ta'reni, how can I help you?" The Starbase AI on board the joint Human/K'laxi starbase was known to everyone as being someone they could rely on for a chat, or advice or even just someone with a sympathetic ear to listen to someone vent.
"I've heard that you're a good listener, and can sometimes help people with their problems. Can you help me?"
"I'll do what I can to help Ta'reni. What's up?" Ta'reni noticed that as soon as she asked for help, the demeanor of the Starbase changed. They became warmer, and sounded much more casual. It was strange.
"I have a friend, Nilan. She's really nice, and has shown me around and taken me to the best places to get food and even invited me to the big football match. I would be utterly lost here without her."
"It sounds like Nilan likes you quite a bit. I've seen how she is around you."
"She's very nice to me...and she's very pretty. I never was around humans very much back home, but here they are everywhere. Nilan is just so...so..." Her fur ripples, a blush. "I don't know what to do."
"In what way Ta'reni? You clearly like her and it looks like she likes you, so what's the problem?"
"But, she's a Human, and I'm K'laxi!" It was almost a wail.
"So? There are plenty of Humans and K'laxi in relationships here. It's pretty normal. Both of your species get along really well, it was almost inevitable. In fact," Starbase went on "I'd almost say that you've been on at least a couple dates with Nilan already."
"Sure, the football match?" That sure sounded like a date to me.
Ta'reni's fur won't stop rippling now. "B-but..."
"Ta'reni, don't worry. Look at it this way: Did you have fun?"
"Y-yes, I did."
"Did Nilan have fun?"
"Yes...she did too."
"How do you know?"
"S-she told me." Ta'reni's eye were wide at the realization of what Starbase was saying.
"Do you like her?"
"More than I ever thought possible!" Ta'reni was nearly in tears now.
"Are you attracted to her?"
"Ancestors protect me, I am. Far more than I thought."
"Then from an outside perspective I see two people who are good friends, who have a fun time together who are attracted to each other. This is not a bad thing Ta'reni, it's a great thing! You shouldn't worry, and you should try and enjoy it as long as you can."
"But, what if it doesn't last? What if she finds someone else! Someone more...like her" Ta'reni's ears folded flat at the thought.
"That may or may not happen" Starbase said evenly. "But it hasn't happened, and you have no reason to believe it will happen. So, don't worry about stuff you have no control over. Instead, have as much fun as you can, and build good memories so if it does end, you have something to look back on fondly."
"You know what? You're right." Ta'reni said firmly. "I should do what I can to enjoy our time together, and not worry about the future right now." She turned towards the door. "In fact, I'm going to go out there right now an--"
The door chimed.
Ta'reni jumped back an entire meter.
Through the intercom she heard Nilan. "Ta'reni, are you home? I was wondering if--"
Ta'reni ran to the door and opened it. Nilan was standing there, casually beautiful. Ta'reni's eye watered and she lept into Nian's arms.
Nilan caught her easily and blushed a deep crimson. "Hello to you too Ta'reni!"
Ta'reni buried her head in Nilan's shoulder. "Nilan, I really like you. I would like to be in a relationship with you, I don't know much about humans or relationships, but I would like to learn with you. Is that okay?"
"Is that okay? Ta'reni, that's wonderful!" She squeezed Nilan gently "Though, I must admit, I thought we were in a relationship already!"
"You did?"
"Yeah, the football match? Dinner out? The trip to the gardens in Little Earth? Those were all dates."
"Oooooooh" She said. Turns out Starbase was right. She had to remember to thank them next time she was home alone.
"Well, let's go out again."
"I'd love nothing more."
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jays-nook · 5 months
Watched the First 4 Episodes of the PJO Series, Here are My Thoughts:
I absolutely love the cast!! They are just so perfect for their roles!! I've seen my fair share of clips and behind the scenes footage to know the chemistry between the actors and how perfectly the main trio embodies their characters, but actually seeing their acting and how well they fit together just makes sense in my brain!! They're all so small as well and adorable that it really puts it into perspective how young they truly are to be going through all of this and the things the characters go through as the books progress. It hurts but it's also endears you more to the actors and the characters.
Walker is just absolutely perfect as Percy. He's such a little shit and the way he delivers his lines, whether they're angry/emotional/sad or just comedic, is simply amazing!
Although I don't have an issue with Lin Manuel Miranda as a person (I absolutely love his works and stuff) it does not make sense to cast him as Hermes, and that's just going off the elevator scene when he delivers the package! Like I honestly can't imagine this man as Luke's father :// It could've been better.
But the others are just great! Their energy is amazing and omg Mr. D was a blast! It's a much different portrayal than I was expecting since Mr. D is so chill and like aloof in the books, but seeing him yell and stuff at Percy to take on the quest just made me look at him in a new light!!
Every scene is shot so beautifully! And the choices they made with the places they add the music too!! Like the entire fight with the Minotaur being void of music was such a good choice. It just makes the entire scene so much more emotionally charged and tense while keeping the audience on the edge of their seat!! It was filmed so well and god it transported me to how it felt like when I read the books for the first time and went through that scene~
And omg the scene with Sally just sitting in the rain on the windowsill :(( That one was so soft and sad istg- any scene with Sally was just perfect, love her and the actress who did such a good job with her!!
Changes from the Books:
It's been around 5 or so?? years since I last read the books, so my recollection of what actually happened and what didn't was a bit fuzzy while watching the series but I was able to see how things changed. And so far, I don't mind the changes that much, like yes some had me staring at the screen like "hm" because they wetn a different way than I was expecting, but overall not too bad!
I did enjoy the scenes with Medusa, I liked having Percy wanting to hear her out and trusting to follow her inside because of what Sally had told him when he was a kid. I liked the conversations between Percy and her in the kitchen and even when she was explaining her side of the story to the trio. It was such a good way to present the scene, to show her resentment of both Athena and Posiedon, and also to show how she interacts with Percy to lure him in and play on his trusting and albeit naive nature at that point in the quest.
I did see people talking about episode 8 and the big reveal tho and I'm both excited to see it but also wary of the change they added cause I've seen a lot of mixed reactions. Some prefer the book version, some the version in the series.
General Thoughts:
I'm honestly enjoying the series, it's exciting seeing it all come to life and the dynamics and just sitting there in anticipation of what's to come.
I'm currently watching it with my big sis and let me tell y'all it's so much fun!! She hasn't read the books so all she knows is purely from when we watched the movies together a long time ago so she doesnt remember much (but unfortunately the big reveal at the end isn't going to be a surprise for her). I'm having the time of my life being a little shit and laughing at her confusion or whenever she'd start yelling "WHAT" at the screen like when Sally dissapeared HAHAHA she keeps turning to me and trying to come to conclusions and theories for things while I just smile or shake my head at outrageous ones. I am excited to see her reactions to certain scenes in the other books, especially when it comes to a certain someones end in the last book (she does not like him rn so I'm like 👀 rn to see if that might change along the way).
Uncle Rick did such a good job with the series so far and I'm excited to watch the rest of it, especially now that news of it being renewed for season 2 came out HEHEHE
And thats it for today! I'll be watching the rest of the series at some point this week and will be sharing the rest of my thoughts then. Thank u for reaching the end haha. Till then, have a good day folks and stay tuned! <3
*Last 4 episodes here*
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jifanjiang0710 · 1 year
Why we celebrate - Yan Zhongli x f! Reader
Written by: Leo
A/N: Wishing everyone a prosperous and healthy new year!
"Happy Lantern Rite, my dear."
"Good morning, Zhongli."
He exhales, setting down the tea cup on the stone table with unfailing gentleness. The balcony overlooking the harbour is illuminated by the morning glow, though the sight is far overshadowed by the sunrise in Minlin.
The buzz of morning begins when the first of the citizens swing open their doors in festive mood. Mortal traditions are so extravagant, borne from passed on customs preserved through many generations, ever changing, adapting. Nothing like the rituals performed by the adepti, with stringent guidelines and unswerving adherence to the scrolls. 
The Lantern Rite isn't what it used to be.
Zhongli is sure that is what you are thinking. With that subtle frown and furrowed eyebrows (he hasn't seen you smile in many weeks) as you gaze at the people going about this very special day. He's been on the receiving end of your glares much more often.
"Darling, it would not be auspicious to scowl today."
The night is clear, as are the waters of the spring. Liyue harbour is alight with what was once well wishes carried by mothers and sisters of warring men.
You frolic over the waters, to the stone table. "Happy Lantern Rite, Morax!" You clasp your hands in greeting. "Prosperity and longevity to all!"
Someone groans. "One hopes not. One has lived long enough."
"Moon Shaper! You shouldn't say stuff like that! It brings bad luck for the rest of the year." Guizhong says, astounded. "[Name]! Happy Lantern Rite! Is Morax being stubborn again?"
"I have no regard for mortal festivities, nor mortal affairs tied to it."
"Hm…" You place two fingers on his unflinching face and turn the corners of his mouth upwards.
"Smile more, Rex Lapis."
Zhongli smiles. How endearing you were back then.
"What amuses you? Finally gotten senile?"
No stranger to disagreeable remarks from you, with utmost decorum, he reminds you of the annual gathering with the Minlin adepti.
"Must I go?"
"You sound like a child," he chides. "As per the contract-"
"I understand," you say, eyes fixed at the spring couplets on the door of Third Round Knockout. The words are carefully penned, and speak well-wishes of business and wealth. "Please do not bring up the contract again."
Almost sheepishly, he resumes his activities. For once, the distinguished, all-knowing gentleman has nothing to say. Zhongli could understand your distaste for the season. He would be lying if he said the Lantern Rite only brought back painful memories. He just wished that you'd-
Zhongli places a gloved hand on yours for reassurance. You would pull away, repulsed, but 'as per the contract'...
A little green girl and the sound of bells alerts you.
"Aunty [Name]!" She seems ecstatic, toes barely touching the floor as she struggles to see over the table, before giving up and settling for placing the basket of fruits on your lap. "Mr Zhongli, too. Happy Lantern Rite!" Cloud Retainer said that you would- you felt like- she said-"
"Calm down, little one. Happy Lantern Rite. What did she say?"
"She said that you promised to join our reunion dinner tonight, with eeeveryone! Are you really? I've never spent a Lantern Rite with you before. Will you really?" Her eyes light up with fervour, and dull almost instantly. "Oh…but if you don't want to, then don't push yourself. Master also says that I shouldn't pressure you."
You pat her on the head. "Of course I'll go. Anything for my favourite disciple." She giggles and runs, backtracking to whisper in your ear.
"Don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite adeptus too. One last thing…Cloud Retainer and Master and the others all care for you very much! I'm sure Mr Zhongli does too, so take care of yourself, alright?"
You watch her until the jingle of bells fade away into the distance.
Within minutes of that interaction, Zhongli decides to cease feigning disinterest and speak up.
"Do you still express reservations? If it pleases you, we may cancel."
"Ah, why don't you shut up."
"As you wish, dear."
She places a glaze lily onto your lap. Its petals droop and its stem wilts. Without a doubt it is on the verge of death, but Guizhong insists that you fix it onto her hair.
'Why?' You wanted to ask. Your fingers were clumsy and rough, far from her own, so deft and dexterous, perfect for tinkering with the mechanisms she loved as much as this dying glaze lily.
You fumble, but successfully weave it into strands of her hair.
She is ethereal in the moonlight, illuminated by stars and lanterns alike.
"Will you do one thing for me?" Guizhong whispers, taking your hands, giving the lightest of kisses on your wrists. You pick up on faraway sounds of slashing blades, shrieks into the night. Somewhere, there is fresh blood being spilt. Somewhere, your fellow adepti are fighting to the very ends of their lives.
"[Name]. I want you to live. Can you do that?"
"I will, if you do the same."
"Please promise me. Live, along with everyone else. You are important to me."
"I promise." As long as you are here with me to see it through. You decide not to voice it.
Her eyes crinkle. There is a dimple on her left cheek. "Happy Lantern Rite, [Name]."
Very soon after, you had come to wish that she had never asked that of you.
"Greetings, Traveler. What brings you?"
"We're here to deliver Zhongli some bamboo shoots. It's good to see you, [Name]!"
"The pleasure is mine, Paimon."
Clouds roll past mountain peaks, a sight you had become infinitely familiar with over the course of several millennia. The Traveler's presence is not unwelcome.
"Why're you here all alone? Everyone's gathered over there."
Their companions incessant questions, however…
"I enjoy solitude sometimes."
"But the Lantern Rite is all about spending time with family and friends. Isn't that right, Traveler?"
Paimon's words seem to resonate with them. "...that's right."
"Say, Traveler. You are looking for your lost sibling. Losing your own flesh and blood must be unimaginably difficult to handle, yet you carry yourself with such radiance and passion. How do you do it? How do you manage to shine even amongst the darkest times?" They take a while to answer.
"I think…it's because of Paimon."
"Uuahhhh! Do you really mean it, Traveler?"
They nod. "Without you by my side, this journey wouldn't be half as meaningful."
"Awww…that was unexpectedly sweet of you. Paimon would say that her goal is to follow the Traveler all the way! And eat lots of delicious food, hehe. What about you, [Name]?"
"Heh. Me? What do you think, Paimon?c
"Paimon thinks…your motivation is the people around you. The adepti, Yaoyao, the people of Liyue…and Zhongli, of course."
"Uh huh! It's obvious that he really really likes you-" she falters at the Traveler's glare.
"Does he?" Something in your tone makes them hesitate. "Do you agree, Traveler?"
"What has gotten into you, Morax?"
He is fixated on his thoughts, only the back of his hood faces you. 
"I meant what I said. Henceforth you are exempt from battle. No, it is better to say that you are forbidden from it."
"I cannot accept these terms! This new contract is absurd! You are chaining me to you for what is essentially forever."
"I am protecting you. The enemy is cruel. You are much better off away from war," the next words are spoken under his breath," and closer to me."
"Guizhong's passing has changed you. You- you failed to protect her. Do not project your insecurities and failures onto me!"
The very ground trembles beneath your feet, shaking even its rocky foundations. "Do not," he growls, "speak of her again." The singular glaze lily in his hand crumbles to dust.
"From now on, you are not to cross Liyue's borders, not to leave Guili plains without my presence, and not to interact with other adepti without my explicit permission. I trust you will do your utmost to adhere."
"And if I should fail?"
"Then we send forces to quell the rebellion arising in the north. What was your domain? Qingce? We cannot guarantee they will not get caught in the crossfire."
No. This was not Morax. This was a monster. "You would sacrifice a hundred innocents, let them perish…for this?" Hardened with war and loss, he tells a sickening story.
"Do you accept the terms of the contract?" Finally he turns, and for a fraction of a second, you see his eyes glisten.
"[Name]." The voice of the last person you wished to see snaps you out of the reverie.
"..." Zhongli had not planned this far. He did not expect you to acknowledge him immediately. He settles for small talk. "Cloud Retainer's culinary mechanism. Have you seen its inner workings? Undoubtedly fascinating."
"I know."
The sun casts a golden edge to the clouds in an ephemeral sunset over the peaks. Very far away, you can hear the celebrations in the harbour. The only thing that remains the same throughout the years is the mortals' love for festive proceedings.
"It serves in the interests of no one to dwell in the past. We can only live on and honour the memories of those who cannot be here today, for their sake if not ours."
You scoff. "You hypocrite. You have seen a millennia worth of history more than I, experienced suffering far more potent than mine, and you still strive. Pray tell, what is your motivation?"
"That would be the people whose company I regard with fondness. Whether it be gods, adepti, or mortals. And you."
This man is shameless. "Is that an excuse to justify the atrocities committed in my name?"
"No. It is simply the truth." Silence. "Would you like to hear about the Lantern Rite's origins?"
You huff but don't object.
"In ancient times, the people of Liyue faced many centuries of war. They sent lanterns into the sky to remind their soldiers of the way home. Over time it became tradition, and after the era of war, citizens commemorated this symbolic custom by celebrating with friends and family. Many years later, the history behind it has long been forgotten, but the meaning is not lost on us. The essence of the Lantern Rite is still to appreciate our loved ones and those who are here now, for they are invaluable in our lives. With that said, may I have the pleasure of spending this occasion in your presence?"
"Either way, I still have the rest of my life with you, so there is no difference."
"Aunty [Nameeee]! Mr Zhongliii! The fireworks are about to start!" Yaoyao drags you away by the sleeve before you can protest.
"Greetings, [Name]. Rarely do you join us. One hopes you will endeavour to do so more often."
"Retainer, what is this frightful mechanism of yours?"
"One implores that you do not touch it! It is most fragile."
Yaoyao inspects it closer. "Isn't this the fireworks launcher the Millelith use?"
"One takes offense at that statement. Though it is inspired by mortal creations, one has made significant refinements and improvements to ensure it far surpasses the original. One thinks you will find it an unparalleled gadget."
The first of the fireworks are launched, setting the canvas of black ablaze with irradiant colours.
"What do you think? Would you find it in yourself to partake in festivities together next year?"
"Happy Lantern Rite, and shut up, Zhongli."
"Happy Lantern Rite, dear."
A glaze lily blossoms by your feet, swaying to the wind.
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obsessedwithitall · 12 days
Speak Now Part 2 (Eddie Munson AU)
It took me a bit but I think I'm happy with this. I may come back to it and change a bit but I'm proud of it so far :)
Enjoy 🩷
Read Part 1 here
Word Count: 1.4k
The courtyard was damp as if it had been raining, the long flowers scraped wet marks across your legs. Why did you come? You didn’t feel 100% well this morning, you could've called in sick to work. You didn't have to give in to the urge to go and see what was going on next door, you could've stayed at work and organised the cutlery. Every possible thing you could've done to stop this feeling was reeling through your mind, but your heart felt empty. Eddie hadn’t been yours for years. You hadn’t spoken in that time since your mums wedding but the realisation that there would be no hope in the future was tearing you apart.
“Show me the dress.” Your front door opened and your mom’s voice shouted through the hallway. “I need to see what you bought.”
Her face lit up at the sight of it. She hasn't even seen you in it yet. She held it up in front of her admiring it again. The tag poked out and your step dad, Derek, took a look.
His face dropped. “Y/N, that is more than we agreed.”
“How much was it?” your mom turned the dress to see the tag, the material rustling loudly. “80$! You got it on sale right?”
“No but...”
“Sweetie, its gorgeous, and I'm sure it's gorgeous on you but we just can't afford that much. Where did you even get that kind of money?”
“I used the money you gave me and...Eddie lent me the rest.”
“Your boyfriend bought this for you?” Derek spat and it made your blood boil.
“He’s not my boyfriend!”
Your mom put her hand on Derek’s shoulder to get his attention. “He’s a friend, they’ve been friends for years. “
“No guy is buying dresses like that for his friends.”
He was wrong. But you didn’t argue because this wasn’t about you.
“That was nice of him, sweetie. But the dress will have to go back.”
“Y/N” a voice shouted behind you, but you didn’t stop. Where you were going you didn’t know, just away from this. This wedding, this church, the hope you had that one day Eddie would turn up at your apartment.
You stopped suddenly, a hand around a wrist pulling you back. “Y/N, please stop a minute.”
“I've not talked to you all day.” Eddie came from behind you, circling the bench you were sitting on. It was quiet outside. You just needed a couple of minutes to yourself, but you weren’t mad he was interrupting the quiet.
“I know, its been hectic.”
You hadn’t expected the day to go any different. Weddings were chaotic and being your mom’s only bridesmaid put extra strain on you to help her.
“You didn’t wear the dress.”
You looked down at the new dress toy had on. “Yeah, my mom didn't like it.” You lied. It had gone back, as your mom had said.
“Too bad. It looked great. And I know you liked it.” Eddie shrugged.
You loved it. It was much nicer than the dress your mom chose in the end. You didn’t hate it but it stuck to you when you moved and you couldn’t wait to get it off.
“Ill give you your money back when I see you next. Derek thinks we're dating, which I know is weird because were obviously –“
Eddie laughed so loudly and abruptly it scared you. “Can you imagine? That’s crazy.”
“I’ve never heard of anything so funny in my whole life.”
You didn’t think it was funny. You’d hoped when he heard even her step dad thought they were dating even after all this time apart that Eddie might open his eyes, but obviously you’d read the whole situation wrong. This was embarrassing.
He continued to laugh.
“Eddie stop.”
Your tone caused him to stop and the paleness that had covered your face caused him to worry.
“Are you ok? You don’t look very well.”
“I’m fine.”
“We can get out of here if you’re unwell.”
“Its my mums wedding.”
“Yeah, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you’re sick.” He rubbed his hand down your back and you felt cold. You didn’t stay friends with him all these years to date him, but it hurt that he laughed so loudly and so long at the mere notion of dating you.
“I said I’m fine.”
He backed away. His face nearly as pale as yours. You both left that conversation there.
That summer you didn’t see Eddie anymore. You weren’t ignoring him as such you just were busy. You had stuff to do and so did he. Maybe he got the message a little too loud and clear, you thought.
“What are you doing here?”
“I work next door, I saw Becky, she told me to stay...I shouldn’t have, I know I wasn’t invited , I’m sorry, i ju-“
Eddie wrapped his arms around you, smashing your face into his chest. You synced your breath to his and, for a few seconds you felt the safety you used to find in him. Until he spoke.
“Tell me I’m doing the right thing.”
You pushed yourself away from him. “What?”
He took a deep breath. “Tell me I should marry Meg.”
“Tell me its a good idea, tell me she’s the one for me and I’ll be happy.”
“Eddie, I don’t know you as a couple. We haven’t spoke in years.”
“I don’t know anyone who knows me better. If you tell me I should do this then I will.”
“I only know rumours...”
He laughed. He knew. Obviously he knew. Everyone knew.
“Why are you marrying her?”
“It was next, I suppose. We dated for a while and you know Meg, she gets what she wants.”
“And what she wants is you and her dentist?”
Eddie turned his face upwards, laughing at the sky.
“The dentist as well? I thought it was just a bartender.”
It was sad to see your friend like this. Thinking that he should settle for a woman who seemingly had no respect or care for him whatsoever.
“You deserve better.” you whisper.
“You deserved better.”
“You don’t have to do this you know.”
“No, I need to apologise.” For what, you thought. You hadn’t spoken in years and that was mostly your fault. He couldn’t still be thinking about that.
“No, I mean-“
Eddie cut you off with the beginning of one of his speeches. “You were at college. You were smart and doing things and I couldn’t even finish high school. I just thought, why would you ever want to date someone like-“
You raised your voice and put your hand on his mouth to stop him talking anymore. “I meant, you don’t have to marry Meg.” Your hand made its way back to your side and Eddie didn’t open his mouth to say anymore. “Please don’t.”
Eddie threw his bag in the back of the van and jogged round to the drivers side.
“Out.” He demanded.
“Why can’t I drive this time?” you pouted.
He shook his head. “My van, my rules.” You reluctantly slid out of he seat, your feet crunching on the path beside him.
“So does that mean if I get a van, then its my rules?”
A smirked creeped onto Eddie’s face as he leaned slowly towards you, but you sharply darted away and ran around to the passenger side. Arm outstretched, pointing at him, you shouted “If I can’t drive, you can't have kisses.” Childish, but funny, he thought.
Eddie sat in the drivers seat heavily and quickly adjust his pocket, lest you see the small box he had inside. It was risky keeping the ring in his pocket but he knew you would've already gone through the bags a million times before leaving, and then at least he knew exactly where it was.
“Are the others meeting us there?”
He stuttered a bit, “Er- yeah. I think they’re starting out a bit later.” Maybe he lied, maybe they were already there and setting up things for him.
You clipped your seatbelt and smiled over at him. The kind of big smile he loved. “You’ll have to put up with me on your on for a bit longer then.”
He would. Hopefully forever if you said yes. He knew he’d got it right this time.
Hopefully you enjoyed it. Feedback and comments are very welcome 🩷🩷
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Last Hurrah
Tumblr media
Warnings: GUYS this is a heavy fic. I'm serious Minors DNI, 18+. Language, drinking. Mentions of head injury. Trigger Warning! Suicidal thoughts and actions
Pairing Rooster x Reader (Call Sign Juliet)
Part 1: In fair Fightertown where we lay our scene
For most people, when their life comes crashing down, they never saw it coming. They are the lucky ones. But for me, the whole thing played out infront of me in a series of scenes straight out a Shakespearean tragedy. How ironic really.
The first act came when watched my fiancée Rooster Bradshaw eject from his plane before it crashed into the side of a mountain.
The second came with the news that he had a head injury.
And the third, the final nail in my coffin, the dagger through the heart, was that when he woke up, he had no memory of who I was or our relationship over the past eighteen months. How very Nicholas Sparks.
All that happened six months and seventeen days ago. And for those six months and seventeen days, I, as well as every other member of the Dagger Squad family had been desperately trying to get him to remember me, to remember us, to remember the love we had, but nothing worked.
About a month ago I realized that there was little chance of Rooster ever remembering who I was, so I started making calls.
Do you know what it's like to have to explain to a baker, a venue owner, a photographer, a wedding coordinator, as well as sixty of you closest friends and family that you had to cancel your wedding because partner doesn't remember who you are? Because I do, and let me tell you, it sucks.
What might be worse is that for the past six months and seventeen days I have spent every night, crying myself to sleep, alone in the bed that we once shared.
For the past half a year I've felt as if I'm watching my life go by in slow motion. The world is moving forward without me. Rooster has gotten better for the most part, but he still doesn't know who I am. It kills me to see him happy, smiling, laughing, living without me.
And every time I see a girl flirt with him, the knife pushes futher into my chest. It isn't fair. I should be happy for him, happy that he is alive. But I'm not. Maybe it's horrible of me to think that way, but it's cruel that he is living carefree and smiling, while I'm a shell of the woman I once was.
Everyone has tried to help, but they know it's useless. Rooster and I are... friends... at best. But how can you be just friends with the person who six months ago promised you forever.
He is the one who almost died, yet I'm the one who did.
I'm not really living anymore, I'm just going through the motions. I get up, go to work, fly my plane, get a drink at the Hard Deck, go home, cry myself to sleep, and do it all again the next day.
It wasn't supposed to go like this. Rooster was the Romeo to my Juliet... a running joke with my call sign after we started dating.
Maybe it's karma for having Juliet as a call sign or maybe God has a sick sense of humor. Either way... I'm starting to think she was right... if you can't have the person you love in your life, is it really worth living?
"Hi there." A male voice snaps me out of my spiral. "You're Juliet right? I'm Dodger. I've seen you here a couple times, and I noticed you're glass is empty. Can I get you another drink?" He asks. I look him over. Dodger, I've seen him a few times. He is a bit younger than me and I probably out rank him. He is bad to look at, but he isn't Rooster. He hasn't been around long enough to know our history, and it's not like I wore your engagement ring anymore.
It felt wrong having a man give you attention, but Rooster got plenty from the girls...
I spent about an hour talking to Dodger. He flirted with me relentlessly, and honestly it felt good to have someone pay me attention, then before I even realized it, I had invited him home.
I made it as far as the couch before I stopped him. It felt wrong to let another man touch me, kiss me, let alone try to fuck me on the very couch Rooster had taken meu many times.
I mentally kicked myself that night after he left. I wasn't doing anything wrong— or was I? Everything seemed so unclear. I hadn't slept with anyone since Rooster's accident, I wondered if he had.
As the days drug on you found yourself slipping away more. You were short, angry, mean, bitter to those around you. You spent your days going through the motions and your nights crying or drinking away the pain.
And then, one Wednesday morning for no reason in particular the perfect plan hit you. That morning, you were asked to come in Friday night for some test flights. And that's when the realization hit you.
You were much happier the rest of the day. Thursday you smiled for the first time in ages, and we Friday came around, you were more than excited to go out.
Everyone commented how you seemed like your old self again.
You had a couple drinks at the Hard Deck but not too many because you did have to fly later that evening. You sang karaoke with Phoenix, danced without a care in the world, and even beat Hangman in a game of darts.
After a while you got hot and decided to step out on the deck for some air. You smiled knowing your friends would have a happy moment to remember you by.
You must have been out there longer than you thought because Jake came to check on you.
"Hey Jules, you okay?" He asked.
"I'm great Jake. You know I've been so lucky to have had you and everyone as friends. Rooster has been too. Make sure you watch out for him for me." You smiled as you hugged him.
"Well, I'm off to do a test flight. Goodbye Jake." You smiled with a tear in your eye.
You said your goodbyes to everyone else, save for Rooster. It hurt too much. Then you made your way to your car. You looked back at the Hard Deck one final time before putting it in gear and driving away.
You were gone for maybe five minutes before the wheels turned in Jake's head. He quickly found Phoenix. "Nat, I know I sound crazy but I think Juliet is going to hurt herself." He told her.
"What do you mean? She was fine when she left." Nat looked confused.
"That's the thing. She was a mess two days ago then all of a sudden she flips. They say that happens a lot when people decide to— and when were on deck she said she was lucky to have had us as friends and she asked me to watch out for Rooster for her. I know I sound crazy but Nat, I'm worried about her... she's supposed to do some test flying tonight... what if she..." Jake trailed off.
"You don't think she would? Do you?" Phoenix asked stunned.
"Phoenix her whole life fell apart. The person she is in love with doesn't know who she is. That's enough go make even the most sane person do something crazy." Jake said.
"Oh my God we have to do something." Phoenix said.
She and Jake quickly gathered everyone and explained the situation. Jake desperately tried to literally smack the memories back into Rooster with no success. Leaving them no other options the crew piled into the Bronco and Coyote's Jeep and raced to the air field.
Juliet took her time with her preflight checks, if it was going to be her last, she wanted to savor it.
Once she deemed everything perfect she placed her helmet on her head and climbed in the cockpit ready for take off.
"Mav you have to stop the training Juliet is going to hurt herself or worse!" Bob screamed into the phone while Jake drove. Phoenix was still trying to explain to Rooster what was going on but he was clueless.
There is no telling how many traffic laws Jake broke as he drove, but he didn't care.
Without warning, he hit a pot whole and a photo fell from the visor into Rooster's lap, and like lightning, every came back to him.
"Jake, where's Juliet, and why are you driving my car?" He asked.
"You know who Juliet is?" Phoenix asked leaning forward.
"Yes why wouldn't I?" Rooster asked. There was a collective sigh of relief, but then panic set in. Phoenix and Bob explained to him what happened and Rooster was in a panic.
Minutes later they pulled into base and jumped from the car, running to range control.
Mav had informed them that he couldn't get ahold of them. It was a race against the clock.
Juliet took a deep breath as she flew, she admired the sunset over the mountain peaks.
She took in the beautiful colors all around her, up here her problems seemed so small. She looked on her dash at the photo of her and Rooster. She grabbed her chain that held her dog tags and her engagement ring. She gripped them tight in her hand as she pulled the nose of her plane into a steep climb. Her goal was to send herself into GLOC so she wouldn't feel any pain.
She ignored the calls of the range control officers telling her to level out. She didn't hear the sounds of her friends bursting in the room yelling for her.
She tried to keep her breath even as she felt the g-forces pressing on her body, and then right before the blackness took over, she heard Rooster's voice calling out to her.
"JULIET!" He screamed over the comms. "Juliet, it's me Rooster, it's Bradley, please come in." He and the other range officers desperately tried to reach her, but there was no response.
The group looked out the tower window to see if the could spot her in the fleeting evening light.
They looked out just in time to see the ball of fire erupt from her plane as it collided with the side of the mountain.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme
Let me know if you want to be tagged in any other parts
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genshinemblem564 · 11 months
Zelda x Genshin Headcanons
• When Zelda and Ayaka first meet, it's as members of royal families. Neither of them would speak of their insecurities in fear of making a bad first impression. However, both Urbosa and Ayato notice their similarities, and after some intervening from those two, the two princesses became quick friends and often confide in each other when in the same area.
• Albedo draws each of the champions (surprise). He is practically enthralled by their elegant blue garbs. They look practically identical, minus the Divine Beasts and Master Sword design, and yet they seem to accentuate each champion's prominent trait, to the point that he can't imagine them wearing anything else.
• Tighnari and the rest of the Amurta darshan are fascinated by the Hyrulian races. While they are curious as to why Hylians have pointed ears, they are infintly more curious about the Gerudo's dominant feminine gene that causes only females to be born, and the Rito, Zora, and Gorons as a whole.(While a Gerudo's height is also an anomaly the feminine gene is what catches their attention.)
• Tartaglia is thrilled to meet Link, believing he found someone equal to him in skill and weapon mastery. While Link's marksmanship far outshines Childe's, the Hylian champion's spearmanship could use some polish. The eleventh Fatui harbinger promises to help Link train his use of a polearm if Link helps him train his archery.
• Faruzan has been on leave to study both the languages of Hyrule and its technology. With how many ruins this land has, she was greeted by many new, eager students from both Hyrule and Teyvat. While most of them were just there to learn how to read the other nations' texts, whether for business or exploration purposes, it still kept her busier than usual.
• Urbosa's trip to Sumeru's desert leads her to Aaru village, where she meets Candace and Dehya. She gains respect for the two vai for different reasons. Candace's sense of duty is admirable, but Urbosa echoes Dehya when she says the spearwoman needs to relax a little. Dehya is respected for her integrity, despite her job's description, her loyalty and justice keep her from taking certain jobs. However, Urbosa believes that Dehya should take the "Eremite" scams a bit more seriously. (I've only listened to Dehya's voicelines, so this might not be accurate.)
• Daruk and Mipha were popular with children back home, and that hasn't changed in Teyvat. Daruk can be seen with kids climbing his back like a cliff side while Mipha tells stories of her and Link, and the other champions as well, of course.
• Revali, stubborn as always, remains in Rito village, that doesn't stop him from getting visitors. He often has to "correct misinformation" spread by the other champions (It's not misinformation, but he wants to keep his cool and dignified appearance). He's just a massive introvert, in the sense that he only shows his true colors around children and those he trusts.
Note: Sorry for neglecting this series. My adhd both requires and makes it impossible to write a full-length story, as my brain keeps skipping to the good stuff. In case you're wondering why I can't do an intermission like with FEH x Sagau, it's because there isn't a substantial gap in time. I haven't forgotten about this, I'm just still structuring chapter 2.
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im-captain-basch · 2 years
Shit shit shit shit shit I had a thought regarding Bendy and the Dark Revival. It's kind of a stretch and I'm sure someone else has probably already thought of this, but just in case know there are major major spoilers ahead, especially pertaining to chapter 4, its character reveals, and the ending of the game.
I apologize in advanced if this seems a little disconnected.
OK, so I'm sitting here watching SuperHorrorBro play BatDR when he gets to the part where Audrey runs into Henry. He mentioned that playing the End reel would start the cycle over again, as we all know it does, but I felt his wording is peculiar:
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"Everything begins again. Completely new."
Obviously we know from checking out Joey's house at the end of BatIM that Joey had drafted up several scenarios we don't necessarily ever actually see. It's possible that these scenarios are each seperate events within different loops, meaning we get such beautiful things as the Butcher Gang having fun at Bendyland and even Sammy and Bendy going fishing, most likely on the docks of the Lost Harbor. However, we don't actually get these different scenarios, either because of the limitations of the game or because Joey hasn't been able to fully implement it into the world of the Ink Machine.
Why is this important, well, there's a specific part of these drafts that fans have long speculated about, mostly in regards to whether or not it's an alternate ending that can be triggered.
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This is one of the most interesting pieces from the draft, because it presents a scenario where Bendy is able to break free of the cycle ending, or at least ends it for Henry or manages to keep the cycle they're in from ending. It also makes sense if we consider what was said earlier about Joey's drafts being different loops too. I think this was something a lot of us wanted, but we haven't gotten it. At least, we didn't until Bendy and the Dark Revival.
I've seen full walkthroughs of the game. I know how the game ends, and as a result, it's very interesting to me that this is the one of those scenarios that makes a return.
The loop Audrey is caught in is certainly different, and that can be attributed to Wilson's interference to the world of the Ink Machine, but it does still run concurrent to Henry's story. For example, Wilson's Keepers are able to capture both Henry and Sammy during their chapter 5 altercation in the Lost Harbor, which is how we end up meeting Henry in BatDR to begin with.
Something I want to point out about Audrey real quick, if you're into spoilers or at least have knowledge of what happens in the game: she's a creation of Joey's through the Ink Machine, half flesh and half ink. When the ending comes and the final boss is defeated, the Ink Demon takes her and together they form a creature who looks very similar to Beast Bendy, but especially to the form we see in Joey's drafts:
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My thought process here is that... in the end, we did get a "Bendy wins" scenario, just not quite in the way we expected back in 2018. It's been right under our noses since chapter 5 came out.
Audrey takes the reel, holds it in the monstrous hand of her and Bendy's combined ink form, and plays it on a projector.
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Technically speaking, Bendy, though combined with Audrey, does indeed win.
They win against Wilson, and against the darker aspects of Bendy himself, who, if the last thing we see before the credits roll is any indication, may now be able to lead as normal a life as an ink creation can.
The cycle will start again, as it always does, and completely anew as Henry had said. This time, however, perhaps Bendy winning isn't the bad ending we thought it was four years ago.
(IDK man, perhaps I'm reading too far into it.)
tl;dr we probably got the Bendy wins scenario but not how we expected or wanted and it probably was never a bad ending to begin with
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