#And seeing my babies in that outfit oof
just2bubbly · 1 year
Miss Minutes gave me trauma with her horniness
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prettypinkporkchop · 14 days
Hey love! Could I please request a Paul or Embry x reader where she’s about to go out for a girls night but what’s wearing is a little too revealing so he makes her change
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You stand in the bathroom with your music playing, getting all dolled up. Your phone on the counter buzzes so you check it.
Emily: Are you almost ready? Rachel just left to get Kim.
You: yes ma'am!!!
You step out of the bathroom and go into the room where Embry is lying on the bed, watching Pokémon YouTube videos.
"Do I look okay?" You ask.
He looks up and then makes that face as the gif. Lol. "Miss ma'am. Change now." He orders.
You look at your outfit in confusion. "Is it ugly?"
"The opposite. I see your ass very well. I'm not going to be there, so change now." He orders.
You cross your arms and smile at him. You run forward and then jump on him.
"Oof!" He puts his hands on your thighs near your ass.
You lean down, your face inches from his. He looks up at you with a serious face.
"I'm not changing my mind." He smirks.
You roll your eyes at him, which makes him squeeze you tightly. He looks down at your chest.
"Nope. I see everything." He adds. "You're making me horny. I can't imagine what the guys out there will be thinking about, MY lady." He leans up and bites your bottom lip softly.
"Fine." You huff and get off of him.
You change into something less revealing but still pretty hot. You step in front of him and put your hands on your hips.
"Turn around. Do a spin." He smiles, twirling his fingers.
You giggle and twirl. His face scrunches a bit as he thinks. "Perfect." He winks.
You flip him off and hear Rachel pull up outside.
You walk inside the house. Every light is turned off except the lamp in the living room. You take off your shoes and walk into the room. As soon as you enter, a big hand is wrapped around your throat and you're against the door.
"Flip me off again, baby. Do it. And leave without telling me you love me." Embry threatens while chuckling and then kisses you roughly.
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bengiyo · 10 months
Last Twilight Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Day and Mhok went to Aon's wedding, opting to ditch Night along the way (obviously Mhok collaborated with Night). They had a fun time on the beach, gave a pretty good kiss, and then had a really weird picking on each other moment. They changed into fantastic outfits for the wedding, danced to a Satang song, and then Day's dad appeared like a jump scare.
I'm really glad we're opening with the stuff about Night, but maybe we should not do this at someone else's wedding? Party foul.
Thai people's strong regional preferences around their cuisine are so compelling to me. So much character building goes into where people are from and what food they enjoy.
Day resenting the way Night has changed, clearly because he feels guilty, as feeling like he's losing his position to Night makes sense. He blames Night, so it's easier to funnel his resentment there.
I know we are not going to miss the opportunity to see the Last Twilight picture. Quit playing.
There's a lot going on with the dad's reveals. I was expecting Night to be the one driving, but Day eventually settling on admitting that he missed his dad and things felt off without him also really works for me. I think it's the dad owning that he is the one who messed up, especially when it comes to his wife, is what does it.
I feel like I mention this every week, but I really enjoy the quiet way Mhok listens and the way he just looks at Day.
Day obviously having issues with his vision, going quiet, asking Mhok to take him to the mountain, and then Mhok trying not to cry. They got me.
This wedding tradition of regifting the books whips extreme ass.
My goodness this little montage following the path of the book is excellent.
Oh, excellent. They have to stay at a little hotel away from prying eyes. It's time, baby.
Yes, Day, take the lead.
Alright, Cherry. I was worried about you for a second there.
Well, as soon there was a guitar there was no stopping it.
Jimmy and Sea practicing being comfortable with skinship in front of others has really paid off in this show. There is a difference between Mhok gently guiding Day and Mhok wanting to casually touch his boyfriend.
Okay, Aof, thank you for having a character say they want to do it. I approve.
It's 2024! We all verse now! That was a really tasteful scene. I got what I needed.
Cherry, that was so dramatic goddamn.
They really brought no water??
Honestly, the whole running plot earlier in the show is paying off hard on this mountain climb. They've done athletic things together, so there's earned trust here that reads well.
Oh, whew. Mhok brought water.
Oof, they're priming us for mom drama.
I got so overwhelmed during the mountain climbing scene. Aof, please stop tormenting your crews with these scenes.
Queers yelling at vistas or the sky will never get old for me.
Sea has a great voice for this scene on the mountain, actually.
Damn, they got me again.
Well, that was an excellent episode and also a good preview. I'm actually looking forward to seeing Mhok quit because he can't be Day's caregiver with this between them. I really like the way the intimacy has been paced in this show and how earned so much of it has all felt. This is a really good show.
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wheeboo · 1 year
helloooo... i just read the 'my gf is mad, im bout to die' (i think that is the name) and immediately thought about cheol... i think he might be the type to spoil or buy you expensive stuff so that he can make up to you..
oof anon i definitely agree! seungcheol is definitely the type to spoil and pamper you in general, regardless if you were mad at him or not tbh and because he's whipped and knows you don't ask for much stuff from him (he would quite literally give you the entire world if he could fr). if you are being a lil moody menace and refuse to communicate w him abt anything, he'd just sigh, assuming that you need some space away from him and leave for a bit.
then he'd return some time later with bags in his hands that you notice seem quite expensive, expressing how he came across them and why he thought they would help cheer you up. whether it was an outfit that caught your eye or a rare special edition book you wanted to read, you'd realise the lengths he would go to make up with you and please you.
"cheol, what is all this?"
"they're for you," he says sheepishly. "thought it would make you feel better, you know?"
"how did you... how did you even find this?" you pull up a book from one of the bags. "it's like limited edition and rare."
seungcheol just chuckles at you admiring the book with awe.
"I have my ways, sweetheart," he tells you, and when you look back at him, he just gives you a warm smile. "do you feel better now?"
you just roll your eyes. "yeah, a bit. just mad that you were hogging the blankets all night and making me freeze."
now, his eyes grow wide to that. "that's why you were ignoring me the entire day?"
"um, yeah, and the fact that you rushed out of the place without giving me a proper goodbye kiss-"
"I was running late!" seungcheol stops himself, meeting eyes with yours and seeing that I-told-you-so kind of look on your face. gosh, he can't believe he was suffering the entire day only for you to tell him that you were mad at him for unintentionally hogging the blankets and rushing out of the house.
though he doesn't fail to catch the small smile to your lips, to which he finds his face softening to.
"but thank you... for this," you motion towards the book and other things he had bought. "I don't think I deserve all this."
that makes him lift a brow, and you already know he's going to go on a spew. "baby, you deserve the world. I'd give you all of it if I could just to see you happy."
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honeytama · 4 months
hi its me the plus size reader again🤗🤗 dude okay so stay with me. noah coming to a function with you and notices how ur brothers friends act with you and is like seething the entire time until someone asks you to dance corridos, (i dance the old way) and he watches with HATE. pulling you away and gets super nasty and dominant towards you. that would be sooooo good🤭 thank youuuu
let me pull myself togetherrrr, sfw jealous!noah under the cut
cw/tw controlling/dominant, i didn’t go super crazy bc im in my soft noah feels rn
ookokok soooo first of allll you’re in like a brand new outfit, and noah notices even though it’s like the first time he’s gone dancing with you. and you look so gd yummy!!! ass SO fat in your boot cut jeans or maybe a short little black dress OOF, and the titties are OUT
he can’t keep his hands off you the entire time you’re talking with your brother’s friends. his arm is around your waist and rubbing down your thighs,, but you know he’s just doing it to show them you’re his. and you wanna dance, and noah hasn’t learned just yet
so one of the friends asks you to dance,,, and you have to say yes obvi, you’re so well mannered. noah likes that about you, but he can’t help but ring his hands together and tap his leg anxiously watching you dance with another man. over the guys shoulder, you can see noah purse his lips and watch the ground.
corridos/norteñas is such an intimate way of dancing,,, noah can’t help but be angry that you’re on this man’s thigh?? and your chests r so close?? 😒 like CMON (but in the back of his head he knows you’re his and it’s just a dance)
but the worm in his brain!! it gets to him and he storms over to interrupt you
“y/n, you said just one song,” his voice is low but dominant and gives the guy a side eye
“baby it’s not a big deal—”
“you’re done.” he pulls you to the side, off of the dance floor
you get frustrated and serve his attitude right back, “i wouldn’t have to dance with another man if you knew how to dance, noah”
“then teach me.” he huffs, “i want to be the only man holding you like that. that way they’ll really know you’re mine”
you’re like oop 🫣 and then happy ending bc Noah’s so soft in my head rn,,, you get to teach him how to dance that night, he’s stays serious for you because he loves doing things WELL, and he can’t help but apologize to you about his behavior too awww
—Ugh I WANNA GO DANCING 🫠 ty for bringing this to me
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papil0nglegs · 5 months
Vox x Daughter!Android! Reader
Chapter 2: Empathy
Ch.1 Ch.2
Warnings: Swearing
A/n: so this is kinda a continuation of a rlly old fic I made a few months ago. I edited it a bit to make it look more like my new style of writing so make sure to read that! Also idk anything about computers so most of this stuff is just stuff I pulled out my ass 😻
Robot vocab-☆♡~!!•?
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Third POV:
“Step on here.” Vox says out loud, tapping your oval shaped eyes, glowing blue. Your light blinks a bit at him, while you lift your head in order to face him, still collecting data on everything around you. The floor, the walls, the wires, your feet, Vox. Everything felt so new yet so familiar, you knew everything as well as nothing at all.
Vox sighs out of annoyance, that the robot that he had been working on for years is being quite unresponsive. But of course, he can’t just throw you out of all things away for such a small flaw. To him, you were bigger than his other products, you were a spectacle.
Vox eventually just decides to grab you by the back of your neck, and places you on the charging system for you. Like a mother cat lifting her babies by the neck. You then hear a small click beneath you, as the area around you glows. While Vox stands right next to you, his hands clasped behind his back.
Your head snaps at the voice that comes as soon as the square glows. “Don’t be frightened my failure of a friend, this is just a test! You’ll be in and out in no time.” Vox says in his regular swingy tone. “Now we just gotta see if your basic stuff is there, Yknow just to see if I’m not gonna have to worry about you for the next few years. Again.” Oof, he sounds a bit irritated on that last part. I mean who wouldn’t be after spending hours upon hours on an ai that can’t even respond to you.
Your left arm is then lifted by some sort of force that took over your body, then revealing a firearm of some sort opening from underneath your forearm. “Oh shit!! I forgot I added that..” Vox laughs, tapping at the muzzle of the weapon. The socket begins to close as the voice comes in again.
“☆”, high pitched beep comes from the speaker that is laid in your chest. Vox eyes widen a bit, realizing that he had forgotten to finish up your voice file. Now you can only speak in beeps. “✿$~?” You ask, (I think..) “Fuck, no wonder you couldn’t respond. Alright let’s get you off” Vox then recreates the same scene he did putting you on the square, now removing you.
“You know what? Why don’t you stay here while I go grab my dead friend Velvet to get you some clothes for your naked self!!” Vox asks, waiting for a response as if he was gonna receive one. All he gets is two glowing ovals staring at him, “groan okay I’ll take you with me. Not like you have much to do here anyways”
Vox drags you the towers main elevator, then getting to Velvettes floor where she was screaming at her designers as usual. “Velvette?” Vox calls out calmly as if she wasn’t yelling at the top of her lungs. “Oh! Thank goodness you’re here Mr v.” She says sarcastically. “What do you need? And make it fast. I have a show to do in 2 hours and my models aren’t here yet.” Velvet exclaims.
“Well, I have a new model for you.” Vox nudges you a bit to take a step ahead to present you to Velvette. Velvette raises a brow, clearly unamused at vox’s ‘model’. “The fuck is this? Do I look like I make clothes for Claires?” Velvette complains while poking your fairly large metal head. Vox clicks his tongue, “okay well she isn’t supposed to be a model, she’s a project I’ve been working on and I just need her in some clothes.” He admits, holding his hands behind his back.
Velvette, still in her unamused look, sighs. “Yeah sure I’ll find her something.” Velvette then claps her hands twice before yelling, “MELISSA, THE STAGE, NOW!!” Her dear model steps onto the plush step up chair to try on outfits while Velvette snaps her fingers in order to show off the clothes she has in store for Voxs ‘project’. A short pink sundress poofs onto Velvettes model, Vox immediately cringing at the flashiness of the dress.
“How about this one? It was apart of my summer collection a few months ago” Velvette grins waiting for Vox’s response. “Hmm, let’s uhh look at more!” Velvette shrugs snapping her fingers again, showing a white thigh length dress, folded on the chest to be shoulderless, completed with a blue belt. “Oo this one’s cute innit? I bet your little friend would love it.”
Vox shrugs, he didn’t really care about the aesthetics, just as long as it covered his ‘projects’ body. “I’ll take it!” Vox says proudly, Velvette snaps her fingers, the outfit appearing right in her hands on a hanger. “Here ya go luv, tell your project I said you’re welcome” Velvette chirps. “Speaking of which, where did the cheeky little bugger go?”
Vox looks around a bit, before laying his eyes on you, who’s now covered in large unrolled sheets of fabrics and threat. “Hey! I had those organized!” Velvette yells. Vox, like a panicked parent, runs towards you to grab you by the wrist. “I’m so sorry Velvette! She’s still getting use to this place Yknow” Vox says with a large smile on his face. “Well then get er’ out of here! I don’t need her ‘getting use to’ anything around here” Vox makes a poker face at her, before dragging you to the elevator.
“Are you serious? You could’ve gotten damaged out there! I mean my work could’ve been a huge waste if one of those things fell directly on you!!” He yells. You completely ignoring him, begin to poke the random buttons that were placed in the elevator. Vox slaps his screen, “Jesus fuck what am I gonna do with you..”
You begin to look up at his screen, attempting to gather most of what he’s feeling.
Vox looks down, to see you, now hugging him, your cheek lying against his stomach. Suddenly, you started to glow pink. Now for some reason, you can feel. Not feeling physically, but emotionally. Empathy was being printed in each wire in your body, and from what you knew, hugging was the best way you could show it.
Vox was a bit confused at your gesture, he didn’t really know how to feel since no one has ever showed him this level of affection. It felt right tho, like he got what he deserved. Even without words, he knew what you wanted to say. And he knew how to respond.
“Uh, I guess I forgive you..?”
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ladylooch · 2 years
All About You- Brady Skjei
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A/N: Whew, is it ever too early for smut on a Saturday? No? Okay thanks for making me feel better 🤪
I had a couple of requests for Brady Skjei, so this is my gift to both of those lovely anons.
My perception of Brady is very, very soft with a rough side, so I tried to capture that perception here. Thanks for reading!
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: 18+ Content, swearing, unsavory things while driving (be safe. Obey most of the laws).
I’m awakened on an off-day Sunday by Brady rolling out of bed. I wince at the sun streaking in through the blinds, annoyed with last night us that decided we were too drunk to do one last step. I toss my arm over my eyes, stretching my back out. I attempt to settle myself deeper into bed as I feel the other side dip from Brady’s return.
“How do you want your coffee?” He asks me. His fingers wrap around my wrist, pulling it from my face so he can place kisses along my soft skin. I sigh at the brief presses, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
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“Cold and in two hours.” I mutter.
“Cold it is.” Another kiss and he’s gone.
I doze in and out of consciousness for the next few minutes until I hear his heavy footsteps coming back down the hall. I open one eye at him, seeing my to-go tumbler filled with delicious liquid gold. I reach for it, confused.
“Am I going somewhere?” 
“Yeah, baby. Get dressed. Comfy clothes only today.”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” His smile is mischievous. 
“Brady, it’s too early for games.” I say to him, slowly sitting up. My shoulders slouch forward. I can tell my hair is a mess, my mascara is definitely smudged into raccoon eyes and my breath is hot garbage. And still, he looks at me like he’s never seen anything more beautiful. His brown eyes liquify. Eventually, he comes to, leaning forward to connect our lips. He doesn’t mind garbage breath. 
“No games. I promise.” He says nothing more as he wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me from the bed. 
“This is a game.”
“No, it’s to get you to move that hot ass a little faster.” He sets me in the bathroom then gives my butt a slap. “Hustle, Skjei.”
I try to do as coach asked, alternating between getting ready tasks and small sips of my coffee. Brady comes in at least three more times to check my progress until I shut the door on him.
“You’re making this take longer!” I yell through the door at his protesting.
“I need you done in five minutes.” He responds.
I’m done in three, opening the door to find him laying on the bed, hands crossed over his stomach, staring at the ceiling. He pops up, assessing my outfit of yoga pants and a cropped, peach sweatshirt. My hair is settled into a high ponytail and I’m makeup free.
“Just the way I like you.” He murmurs, walking towards me. His hands slide to my ass, gripping both cheeks with his strong hands. His mouth encloses mine. My fingers card through his long hair, tugging the strands slightly just how he loves. “Oof. Okay, we better go before I change my mind.”
“When do I get to know where we are going?” I ask him as I click my seatbelt into place. 
“When we get there.” He insists, pulling out of our garage. “Enjoy the ride, baby.” He jokes as he puts on my favorite true crime podcast that he literally loathes. I squeal in delight, tucking my legs into a pretzel, gripping my tumbler and listening intently. 
We are on the road, traveling through the morning humidity haze until we come to an obscure building with windows only facing out towards a fenced wooded area. I turn to Brady expectantly. 
“Today is all about you.” He murmurs. “You’ve been so good to me this season. Taking care of every detail with the house renovation, food for us, attending every home game, and making sure I’m always ready to hit the road. I love and appreciate you so much. I couldn’t be successful in this league without you.”
“B-” I pout sweetly at him.
“Nah. Don’t deflect. I mean it, I’m so lucky to have you. So, I planned a whole spa day for you. Just you. I know you really want to get some alone time in to recharge, so it’s all set for you.” 
“Yeah, whatever they do here, you’re getting it. You deserve to be pampered. And I would gladly do it, but I think you’ll be getting better service from the professionals.” I laugh, thinking of Brady attempting to paint my nails.
“Let’s be honest. We wouldn’t get passed the massage part.” I grin, leaning across the center console to kiss him. “You’re so sweet. Thank you.”
“Thank you. Now, get out of this car. I’ll pick you up in five hours.”
Brady wasn’t kidding. He absolutely went all out for me. The spa had it all- tranquil music, cozy waiting areas, and the most luxurious robes I’d ever slipped onto my body. I started with a gentle, Swedish massage, then moved into a moisturizing facial. By the time I got to my manicure and pedicures, I was a puddle of goo in the chair. I sipped on expensive champagne, ate delicious snacks of fruit and assorted cheeses all while enjoying my own company and several podcasts that had built up in my Spotify episodes. By the time I saw my husband again, I felt like a completely different person.
“Holy shit.” I say to him as I collapse into the passenger seat. His hand immediately finds my thigh, rubbing his thumb against the smooth fabric of my pants. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this relaxed in my whole life. And that includes our honeymoon.” I rest my head back against the seat, sighing contently. I slowly open my eyes, turning to Brady who gives me that same look from this morning- like I’m the best thing he’s ever seen. “Thank you.” I finish in a whisper. “This season has been a grind.” I admit, not that it’s news. After two shortened seasons, the 82 game season was an adjustment. 
“I know.” He reaches his hand up, cupping my cheek to bring our lips together. He feels like heaven. I can’t help but moan. The air in the car shifts and Brady presses his mouth tighter to mine. I nibble his bottom lip in my mouth, reaching my hand out to skirt across the zipper of his shorts. 
“Only one more thing could make this day perfect.”
“Oh, we aren’t even close to done yet.” He tells me. “That was just phase one.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” I whine, watching as he pulls away to start driving.
“It was the five star head on our 1st date.”
“Brady!” I snap, slapping his thigh. His quad seemingly claps back, making my hand sting. My cheeks tint red at the memory. Normally I’m not someone to put out on the first date, but something about Brady was different from the start. I wanted to.. no I had to, at that sophomore year homecoming party hosted by the hockey team.
“I think about that on a weekly basis.” He admits to me, flipping his turn signal on and heading to the right. “Knew I’d do just about anything to keep that mouth on me.” I drop my head in my hands, laughing. I slide my fingers apart, swiveling my head to look at him.
“What would you do for it right now?” I can feel the breath rush from his chest at the thought. Most of our way home is obscure backroads. Very little traffic is with us or going the opposite direction. It’s risky, but not impossible.
“You start us in this car and I’ll finish us inside of you.”
“Promise?” I ask, skirting my fingers along the growing bulge.
“Yeah, baby.” He moans as I work the button of his shorts apart.
After a little awkward maneuvering, I get him out of his boxer briefs. I work the seatbelt around my shoulders, keeping it across my lap and perching my mouth in front of his thick shaft. I wrap my fingers delicately around it, pumping the velvet skin and watching as a bead appears at his slit. My tongue licks at it, savoring the salty pleasure. Brady’s hand comes between my shoulder blades like he’s bracing himself for what is next. I kiss his tip the leisurely part my lips for pull him into my mouth. The passionate sigh he releases has anticipating tightening my inner core.
“Was it this good?” I ask him before taking him all the way into my mouth. I let him thrust deeper, nudging down my throat. 
“No.” He admits. “It’s better now that you’re my wife.” I smile around him, then grip the base of his shaft with my hand. When my mouth and hand begin to work together, Brady groans deeply. His breathing increases and his grip on the steering wheel tightens. He presses into my back, encouraging me deeper. I do, then revel in the tortured sounds coming from his mouth. I feel the car stop, sensing we are just about to turn left into our neighborhood. “Go faster until the light turns green.” He begs. I comply, working him over quickly- sucking, licking, and squeezing. “Fuuuuuck.” He moans. A car honks behind us. Brady tugs my ponytail for me to stop. “No more until we are home. Damn, I hate saying that, but I won’t make it if you keep going.”
I pop back up, shoulders rolled back like a queen while wiping at my mouth. Brady’s hand moves to between my legs, feeling the heat radiating. He works his fingers in deeper as I spread wider for him. I grip his wrist as he teases me with the tips of his fingers, not able to get the movement he wants through my Lulu’s. 
“Hold on a bit longer, babe.” He says as he turns onto our street.
The garage door is barely open enough for the car to clear. I cringe, expecting Brady to hit it and breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn’t. When the car is in park, he pushes the button again to close. I shove my door open, meeting him on the outside. Our hands grope each other greedily. He works us backwards towards the door. He presses me hard against the wood, wrapping my knee around his waist to grind into my folds.
I reach behind me, twisting the knob so we crash into the mudroom. Brady spins us, then pulls me towards the built in oak, cubbies.
“Come here.” He demands, sitting in the middle of the built ins. I laugh, thinking of how we built these slots for our future children to have a place for their little coats and shoes.
Brady’s shorts drop to his ankles. I work myself to straddle his lap, more than ready for him to be stuffed inside of me. I grip his rigid cock so I can slide down. I glide down him, settling my thighs against his. I moan, accepting his immediate thrusting up into me. I’m so wet, him so rigid, that the feelings are electing profound moans from us both. 
“Good God.” He pants, looking up into my face as I ride him. He shoves my shirt up, pulling my sports bra down to reveal my nipple. I sob out in pleasure as he works the bud with his tongue. I reach up, gripping the metal hooks and adjusting my angle on him. 
“Yes. Oh my god, yes.” I laugh incredulously at how unbelievable it feels. I can already feel my orgasm torturing me for release. “Babe.” I warn him.
“Mmm, you’re so beautiful fucking me like this.” He insists between tugs on my nipple.
“I’m coming.” I tell him. He keeps the exact tempo I need, keeping my nipple flush against his tongue as he wiggles me to my explosive orgasm. “Fu-fuck yes.” I wail, gripping the back of his neck, my fresh manicure digging into his tan skin. “Shit.” I sob to him as my inner muscles clench tightly around him.
“God damn.” He moves his hand to the small of my back, working my hips into him until he fills me. I rut against him to help him finish completely, then collapse against his chest. 
“So our least favorite kid gets this one?” He jokes of the cubbies. 
“That’s mean…” I trail off, hot breath dancing against his t-shirt.
“Fair… maybe the one we just made then.” I smile against his skin. 
“So we are trying now?”
“I mean, you threw your birth control out of the car last night on the way home from dinner?”
“What!” I exclaim, shocked.
“Yeah, you were like… I’m ready Brady!” He mocks me with a high voice. His hand tosses over his shoulder.
“What the…” I trail off, not remembering that. “Stop letting me drink Palomas.”
“I mean, I just came in you unprotected so, I’ve done what I can on that for nine months.”
“Yeah… then I guess we are trying. Thanks drunk me.” I giggle, placing our lips together. Brady gently lifts me. I wince a bit as he slides out, my folds feeling used and a bit raw. 
“Okay?” He asks me, searching my face.
“Way better than okay.” I assure him.
“You ready for phase two?” 
“Good. Trashy TV, couch cuddles, and take out- coming right up.”
It’s finally confirmed, I think to myself as Brady exits the mudroom to get phase 2 prepared. Being married to Brady Skjei is heaven on earth.
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 7
Finally it's Vin's turn! This one gets mildly nsfw towards the end :)
"Hydrate," Vince bossed, passing Leo the gatorade bottle and the other man rolled his eyes.
"You're not the boss of me," he scoffed, but took a large gulp regardless.
Vince's birthday had been yesterday and they had originally planned to sing him happy birthday with his whole giant family, the italian part too. However those plans had been delayed by a day since Leo had gotten so horribly sick no one felt in the mood to celebrate until he was back on his feet.
That meant the cakes, yes plural, Wendy had ordered and all the snacks were still in the fridge and by god was Vince salivating over them. He didn't mind the actual date getting changed, after all the whole week had been basically one big celebration of his birthday, but dammit did he mind not eating the cake.
Vince watched Leo finish drinking and then raise his eyebrows, all attitude as he said, "see? I'm fine. I've been fine since yesterday evening, chill out."
"I'm chill," Vin shrugged and indeed he felt that compared to Jonah and Luke, he was very very chill. Jonah was watching Leo like a hawk and Lucas had been distraught when him and Bella had come home the day before yesterday and found Leo bedridden with a fever and a bucket next to his head.
"You're all the opposite of chill," Leo sighed, rubbing his face, "so how should I dress for tonight? Should I break out the singular button up I brought?"
Vince couldn't help but chuckle. He nodded, "yeah and shave, sexy homeless man isn't exactly your look."
"Says you," Leo showed him his tongue like a kid, "Jonah says the stubble is hot."
"Jonah has horrible taste," Vince teased back, then let out a oof when Wendy sped in the room and threw herself on top of him, "jesus, Wen, don't do that!" he cried out, fixing her legs and rubbing the sore spot on his side where her elbows had hit him.
"Sorry, sorry," she said, distracted, sounding excited "you two have to look at this."
She was holding a magazine and she unrolled it. It was a 90s gossip magazine and Vince frowned, glancing at Leo, who looked equally confused.
"The fuck is that?" Leo asked and Wendy shushed him, pointing the cover.
It was a black model in her 30s, with extremely voluminous chocolate hair and striking green eyes, dressed in an emeralds dress that was clearly being blown back by a fashion fan. Vince squinted.
"Is that... Is that Jon's mom?"
Leo immediately perked up, scooting closer and studying her face, "Oh it totally is Jackie!"
Wendy nodded, opening the magazine, "wait for it," she said, flipping quickly through the pages and then opening in the article. There was another editorial picture of Jackie and Wendy flipped another page, then tapped it, grinning like a mad woman, "look at him!"
Little Jonah was sitting in his mom's lap, he couldn't be older than one. He had the cutest little afro and his eyes were more green than the current hazel they were. He was clad in a little shirt and social pants.
"OH MY GOD," Leo squealed, snatching the magazine, "he was the cutest fucking thing."
"Let me see," Vince grabbed the back of Leo's shirt, pulling him closer and opened a wide grin, "can we steal this magazine? Make copies?"
"It gets better," Wendy giggled, turning the pages again. She quickly passed by two different articles and one "what is your season?" quiz. Then reached the gossip column and slowed down, passing over familiar faces that Vince had seen before but couldn't name, until Wendy stopped in one and then pointed at it, "tell me this isn't the best thing ever!"
Leo leaned in to look and then started laughing, "oh my god, I need this to be my laptop's wallpaper."
Little Jonah, in a different outfit, was sitting in a little picnic tablecloth and next to him there was a different little boy. One Vince recognized far too quickly, because Lucas, unlike Jonah, still had a lot of his baby features.
Little Lucas had a mop of brown wavy hair and his eyes were lighter too and he was fighting Jon for his stuffed plushie. Around them Vince recognized Jackie, Luke's mom, two women he had never seen before and he assumed were nannies and a man an extremely sharp outfit and the tackiest blow out hairdo Vin had ever seen.
"Is that my dad?" Jon said, startling all three of them as he walked behind the couch, "what the fuck are you- Give me that."
"That's your dad?" Leo sat on his knees on the couch, trying to snatch the magazine back, but Jon slammed it shut. His cheeks turned darker with a blush.
"You three have no business digging through this old stuff."
"You and little Luke were so cute," Wendy teased him, "what happened with all that cuteness?"
Jonah looked like he wanted for the ground to open up and swallow him, "this is getting shredded" he said darkly and then glared at them, "where did you find this?"
Wendy blushed, "uh... I was just looking around the house...Found this in an office upstairs..."
"My dad's office?" Lucas said, jumping off the last step of the stairs, "the one with the albums on the wall?"
"Yeah, that one..." Wendy's face was red at being caught snooping, "I'm sorry, I was just bored-"
"No, it's fine," Lucas shrugged, while Vince frowned.
"Uhm... Are we not gonna talk about the fact there's a magazine on Jon's sexy mom in your dad's office or...?"
"Shut the fuck up about my mum!" Jonah exclaimed, holding the magazine protectively to his chest, while Wendy gasped and Lucas rolled his eyes,
"Shut up, Vince."
"I'm not saying anything!" He laughed, looking between the two of them, "just that your dad was a serial cheater and Jonah had green eyes as a baby, just like you."
"SHUT UP!" Jonah exclaimed, while Leo let out a wheeze, falling on his back while laughing and exclaiming.
It was the fact that Lucas looked absolutely unbothered by the joke that had Vince's laughter dying in his throat. He widened his eyes, ready to exclaim wait, really?! But Livia interrupted him, running in the room and throwing herself on Jon.
"Why aren't you dressed!" she exclaimed, hugging him by the middle "we're going to Vinny's party!"
"Yeah," Jonah smiled to her, then glared at the rest of them, "go get fucking dressed and stop saying Luke's stupid father boned my mum, thanks."
Livia gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up, still holding the magazine.
"Bad word!"
"Oh I'm so sorry, darling, but they're morons, they deserve it," Jonah's voice trailed off as he carried Livia down the hallway with him.
Leo let out a wheezing breath, "oh man, that was too funny," he sighed, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes and rubbing his side, "my stomach hurts from laughing."
Vince glared at Lucas, "please say that's not possible."
"I don't know and I don't wanna know," Luke shrugged, not looking even a little bit as amused as they were, "he's right, we should start getting dressed if we don't wanna be late to your grandma's house, Vin."
He got up too and Leo gladly took the hand Luke stretched out, both of them going back upstairs. Wendy let out a giggle, falling against Vince's side.
"So, you and I agree they're totally half brothers, right?" she whispered, causing Vince to snort.
"Absolutely," he agreed, grabbing her legs and throwing Wendy up in his arms, getting up too while she let out a squeal, wrapping her arms around his neck and continued to laugh.
Nonna Monacelli's place was fifty minutes away from Luke's summer house, in a tiny town. It wasn't big or fancy like the house they were staying at, but Vince immediately felt like crying the minute he crossed the threshold, his family and friends right behind him.
He remembered every corner of that place. He remembered sleeping over at his nonna so many times that he had his own room - that once used to be his father's. It was his father's side that was from Sicily, his mother's people were from Rome and they didn't talk much.
His nonna was well into her eighties, almost ninety, but she was still very active. She lit up as they entered the house and quickly ushered them to backyard.
Vince hadn't been to a real italian party in so long, but he immediately felt at ease. He watched, with a smile, as his grandmother made a face to the cakes they were carrying.
"I made cake!" she exclaimed in italian, offended, "you don't need store bought!"
Wendy frowned, "what is she saying...?" she asked and Vince grinned.
"I think she's declaring you her mortal nemesis, honey."
"Oh shut up," she scoffed.
It was funny to smack his friends right in the middle of his family that only spoke italian, but Vince needn't have worried. Lucas and Jon both knew enough not to die and his parents were engaged into translating.
Besides, certain things didn't need translation.
None of them needed translation to know the music was for dancing and none of them needed translation to know when to sing happy birthday, in the weirdest chorus Vince had ever heard, of english and italian mixing together.
His grandma, Ludovica, tugged on his earlobe 24 times and then pulled him into a hug, letting out a yell when he pulled her off her feet.
Vince grinned, planting her down and then pointing Wendy, "nonna, this is my grilfriend, Wendy" he said in italian, before quickly translating it in english.
"Tell her she's beautiful," nonna said, studying Wendy, "and to let her hair grow."
"I will-"
"And say thank you for bringing my grandson home."
"And that if she ever orders another cake in my house she'll be kicked out."
Vince laughed, translating the entire thing and Wendy blushed, touching her hair in a self conscious manner, "I'm sorry nonna!"
"She sounds very american," Nonna scoffed, "tell her she needs to learn italian."
"I'm not telling her that," Vince rolled his eyes, kissing his grandma's temple, then flashed Wendy a smile as he said, "I promise I'll eat your cake too, nonna."
"You better," his grandmother huffed, before moving away.
Wendy pouted, looking at him, "So? What did she say?"
"She just told me to eat her cake," Vince translated partially, pulling Wendy by her hand as the music slowed down. He twirled her around. She was wearing a peach drapey dress and it created a circle as she twirled.
Wendy smiled, her hand small and dainty in his and she threw her weight partially back so she could get a good look of his face, "oh no," she pouted in an amused way, "whatever will you do, big guy? You know you can't touc-"
"Well, obviously, I'm gonna eat it," Vince shrugged, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. Wendy rolled her eyes, still smiling.
"Amore mio," she dragged the words, "you can't even glance that cake's way. It's all milk. That's why I bought a second one."
"And risk breaking my nonna's heart? No chance," he twirled her again and this time Wendy's back pressed against his chest, so he leaned in to whisper in her ear as they swayed from side to side, "besides, my girlfriend is into tummy aches, so I don't think she'd mind."
Wendy's face turned beet red as if he had just whispered her the filthiest thing and she scoffed, looking ahead, "doesn't mean I want you to get one purposefully-"
"No?" Vince said in a quizzical manner, enjoying the fact no one was paying them much mind and nibbling on her earlobe, "what if I kinda enjoy it too?"
"But you don't," Wendy said, forcefully pulling back so she could glare at him, "you can't lie to-"
"I'm not lying," Vince shrugged, "just a little tummy ache is not the end of the world, I want my grandma's cake. It's my birthday goddammit... And belly rubs do sound like an added bonus."
Her pupils were blown in her eyes and he could tell she was struggling to string together a coherent thought. It made his chest ache with pride. That was the kind of distraught, lustful eye contact he only got in the bedroom, it made him terribly smug that he could get her this worked up over only a few words.
"Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?"
She scowled at him, cheek red and then glanced at the cake table, then back at him, "...You can't eat it now," Wendy decided, voice all breathy.
Vince nodded, pulling her closer again and she pressed against him. If he pressed a little closer, he could feel she had the start of a boner, trapped by the shapewear. He smiled, cheek meeting her temple.
"Alright, honey. When can I eat it?"
"When we're almost going home," she whispered, breath hot against his neck, "so you're all mine when it hits."
"Okay," he continued to sway them, "just one slice, I don't want to puke."
"Uhm..." she hummed and he wasn't sure if she wanted him to be sick or not, but Vince decided to call the shots in this one. He didn't want to spend his birthday night praying to the porcelain god.
He glanced over her head, letting out a sigh as Wendy rested her forehead to his shoulder, enjoying the music. He could see Luke and Bell and Leo and Jonah dancing too. Leo looked beyond surprised that Jonah could slow dance like a pro and Bella and Lucas were in their own little world, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed. His father was trying to convince ma to join him in the dancefloor.
"Thank you," Vince whispered in Wendy's ear, "for all this. It's the best gift I ever got."
She let out a huff, turning her face in order to kiss his cheek, "you deserve this, my love."
The party went on for a while still, stretched into the night aided by all the wine.
Vince chuckled as he watched his dad drunkenly intermediate a conversation between Bella and his uncle, flipflopping between english and italian and failing miserably.
"Happy birthday, man," Lucas jumped on his back, squeezing him into a big hug and planting a kiss to his cheek. Vince let out a choked out noise at the sudden weight and they nearly fell, but he managed to hold the man after some stumbling, Lucas giggling the entire time.
"You're killing me!"
"Oh deal with it," Lucas squeezed him again, but let go, in time for Leo to tackle him in a hug.
Vince couldn't help but laugh, all air escaping him as the blonde squeezed him by the middle, Jonah getting dragged by Bella by his wrist as they piled him in a big group hug.
He wheezed for air, "okay okay, let me go!"
"No," Leo mumbled, voice muffled by his shirt and Vince laughed, losing his balance and causing all five of them to fall in the middle of the grass in a pile of limbs.
"You're crushing my arm!" Lucas cried out, giggling still and Vince tried to roll away, only for Leo to cry out at the movement and Bella scream "Jonah you're pulling my hair- Stop-"
"It got caught in my cufflink!"
"What are you doing?" Wendy laughed, walking over and crouching down in order to free Bella's hair from the tangle around Jonah's wrist, only for Lucas to grab her arm and pull her to them.
She fell on top of Leo and Vince with a yell and Jonah cackled, while Bella slapped Wendy's bum since it was right up her face and caused the other girl to let out a squeal and giggle.
Finally they managed to straighten up, still all shaking with wine fueled giggles. Sophia let out a scoff as she passed them by.
"Seems like you're turning four, not twenty four," she said, causing Vince to flip her off, his chest hurting with how happy he was.
"Okay guys, I think my nonna is gonna kick us out any minute now, we should go," Vince said, an hour later, as it was almost 2 AM. Bella nodded, getting up from her seat.
"I drive," she declared, which was wise, seeing as she was the most sober from all of them.
"We're staying," his mother said, waving him off when Vince circled the table to tell them they were leaving.
"Buona notte, mamma," He nodded in understanding, kissing the top of her head and smiling when his father hugged him again. Vince messed Sophia's hair as he passed her by, causing the teenager to hiss and slap his hand away.
"Where should I put her?" Jonah whispered and Vince let out a snort. Livia was completely passed out in his arms, drooling on his shoulder.
"I never pegged you for such a softie," Vince grinned, guiding him back inside the house, "put her in my old room, it's the last door in the hallway."
"You're not leaving without taking cake," nonna scoffed, "you're so skinny, you poor thing. Don't they have food in America?"
She filled a plastic tupperware with all sorts of snacks and another one with cake, out of pettiness not even touching the two beautiful cakes sitting on her table, that already had some slices missing.
They had come in two different cars, but since they had left one for his parents, now they were all squeezed in one. Leo was giggling, sitting up front on the passenger's seat, on Jon's lap, while Wendy was squeezed between Luke and Vince in the backseat, Bella driving.
"C'mere," Vince grabbed Wendy's waist, pulling her to sit across his lap, while Lucas reached in the space between the two front seats in order to grab some of the snacks in the tupperware that Leo was holding.
Wendy uncovered the tupperware with cake, breaking off a piece and holding it up to his mouth and Vince grinned, biting it off. It was what used to be his favorite: dulce de leche and chocolate, squished between two layers of a spongy vanilla batter.
He nibbled at her fingertips, letting out a moan when the flavor exploded in his mouth and eagerly finishing up the slice in four more bites. Wendy bit into the next one herself, nodding with a groan, "yeah, this is really good."
"Let me taste," Lucas said, grabbing his own slice and letting out a hum, licking off his fingers, "Bell did you try the cake?"
Vince was salivating for more, but he firmly dug his metaphorical heels. He didn't want to suffer too much, he just wanted the cuddles and tummy rubs and for Wendy to have that look in her eyes as if she was about to explode in flames.
"Wow," Leo grumbled as the car finally came to a stop and he jumped out, "I didn't realize I was so drunk until now."
Jonah laughed, wrapping an arm around his neck, "c'mere, baby. Let's get you to bed."
Bella was leaning heavily on the car as she undid the straps of her heels and Wendy winked at her, tugging on Vince's hand to pull him inside the house.
She was almost vibrating out of her skin as they entered the bedroom and Vince sat down with a groan, falling flat on his back against the pillows and chuckling, tipsy.
"My face is on fire," Wendy whispered, locking the door and walking to him, "I feel high."
"You kinky deviant," Vin chuckled, but his voice was less breathy. He grabbed her hand, planting it over his stomach, "it's bubbling here."
She could feel it. His stomach was packed full with two slices of the non-lactose cake and other foods, wine mixing everything together. Wendy danced her fingers over his skin, "hurts?"
"Not yet," he struggled with the buttons of his shirt, "I'm all yours."
Wendy let out a little huff as she patted his thigh, "lie against the pillows," she bossed, removing her own heels while he did so and then crawling on the bed. She sat on his lap, undoing his belt and pants and Vince let out a little relieved sigh.
She had seen him more stuffed before, straight up looking pregnant, but today he was looking good enough to eat. His belly was rounding out nicely, poking over his boxers and pushing gently against the buttons of his shirt. Wendy busied herself undoing the buttons one by one, leaning in to plant a kiss at every little inch of exposed skin.
He cupped the back of her head, fingers curling on the wavy hair and Vince combed his fingers through them, guiding her kisses to where his stomach was churning the most, "I can feel it right here."
"Here?" Wendy planted her lips over his skin, then Vince let out a surprised chuckle as she bit him. Teasing and light, not enough to leave a mark, but enough to send a jolt of desire down his body. Vince nodded, his mouth drying up.
As if wanting to join the party, he could feel his tummy finally making sense it had been fed its mortal enemy The Milk, because suddenly there was a loud whine from his midsection, loud enough that Wendy pulled back with a chuckle.
"Oh no, we upset it," she said, her voice deeper.
Vince let out a groan, one he wasn't playing up for her. Suddenly everything didn't feel as good in his belly and he shifted uncomfortably in the bed, "okay, I was promised tummy rubs, honey."
"I know, I know," Wendy nodded, planting both her hands on his stomach, fingers drumming his belly. The lightly bloat was getting worse, not enough that she could see anything, but enough they'd soon take notice of it.
Wendy rubbed her thumbs on each side of his stomach, in deep circular motions and then dragged them up, towards his navel. Vince let out a grunt, squirming and Wendy tried not to show just how much every little noise was turning her on.
"Here," Vin grabbed her hand, wincing and planting it over his belly button, "right there."
She pressed her palm flat in, in a half circle motion, in and out, and Vince pressed a fist to his mouth, letting out a sick belch, "ugh, I shouldn't have done this with my favorite cake," he scoffed at his own silliness and leaned his head back, "keep rubbing."
"It's so gurgly," Wendy whispered, leaning in so she could hear the noises better, licking her lips when there was yet another loud whine from his tummy, "it's amazing this is all from one slice."
"Uhm, amazing," Vin said sarcastically, pushing his own hand against his left side and letting out another airy, weak burp, "it hurts here."
"It's where you had those stitches," Wendy noted, gently rubbing her hand over the area and working up another delicate burp from him, "you're so dainty tonight, Vince."
"I know, right? A gentleman," he grimaced as she moved on his lap and caused the cake to splash in his throat, "ugh, wait, don't squirm so much, you're giving me reflux."
Wendy let out a sigh under her breath, heartbeat in her ears as she nodded and continued to stroke and rub his upset tummy, forcing up a gentle burp here and there.
"I can feel just how turned on you are by this," Vince mumbled a couple minutes later, relaxing a little bit. Wendy blushed.
"It's not like I can control it-" she started to defend herself, only for Vin to pull at the front of her dress and bring her mouth in for a kiss. She let out a little surprised noise, before kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He smiled against the kiss, rolling them on the bed and Wendy let out another moan as she felt his stomach press against hers, "you're gonna make it worse," she whispered against his ear, locking her legs around his torso.
Vince let out a scoff, starting to kiss her neck, "as if you mind," he mumbled, pushing the straps of her dress and letting out a little groan as his belly immediately took his words as a challenge. He leaned in, pressing a little sick burp against her chest, while Wendy stroked his hair back.
"You said you don't wanna be sick," she scoffed, pushing his shoulders, "I'm not gonna make you sick. Lie back down."
"Uhm, changed my mind," Vince teased, but he allowed her to push him on his back again and sighed in relief when the movement reduced the nausea, "it was one little slice, this is ridiculous."
"It's fucking hot, that's what it is," Wendy teased, sliding down on the bed so she could press her cheek to his chest, hand resting on his belly, "close your eyes."
"I wanted to fuck," Vince whined and she let out a loud cackle, turning her face to muffle it against his skin.
"You absolute dweeb," she shook with giggles, "you can't even make out without feeling queasy. Hush."
"This is the most convoluted kink ever, honey," Vin sighed, closing his eyes as he felt his stomach churn in a queasy manner, Wendy pressing little kisses over it and still rubbing.
"We just need to get a hang at this, that's all," she whispered, voice thick with lust and then leaned in, kissing him again, "happy birthday, love."
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sevenpersona · 2 months
Jin x gn reader imagine
Warnings: none bit cheeky at the end tho
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Jin and you are sitting down each playing on your Nintendo Switch when suddenly you have the bright idea to challenge him to Mario Kart
Jin obviously is Princess Peach and while you have a few favourites you eventually pick Yoshi
It starts off as light-hearted with oh look I'm gonna win and oops sorry I red shelled you but the longer you race the more competitive you both get
Swears and curses start being thrown around when you overtake one another or you deliberately start throwing shells at each other
Finally on the last race for the cup, you decide to make a wager with Jin... loser cooks dinner and has to dress up as a Mario kart character and post it on ig
It's always fun gaming with Jin, even if you have to hold your amusement in at his frustration but teasing him as you banana peel him just as he is about to overtake you, makes you cackle as you cross the finish line at 1st place
Taunting him after is the best part bc while you know he is a bit sulky after losing, he takes great joy in shutting you up
"Oof runner up 3rd time in a row has to-mmfp" Jin cuts you off with a quick kiss
When you go to kiss him this time he just shoots you a mischievous grin "sorry baby, I have to cook dinner remember?"
The next morning you see Jin dressed as Mario (moustache and all) taking his punishment with grace.
After Jin is finished he gives you an odd look, "think we can get a princess peach outfit for you?"
You laugh and respond "this isn't my punishment."
You end up in the princess peach costume for scandalous reasons
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f0point5 · 9 months
ok ok i will 100% understand if you don't post this ask because i know any mention of kelly gets you 100 rabid bitter people hate spamming her on your ask box
But i was looking at her skiing posts and I really like the fact that she dresses P like a normal child 😭 like yes the bar is low but it's nice to see a child wearing color and not a sad beige baby
also love the little moments she posts of max he looks so endearing
I am not scared of the rabid mob lol. Gets annoying but we do not negotiate with terrorists. Imma post it.
That said, I have to say, I love a sad beige baby. Not necessarily all beige, but coordinated. The biggest issue for me as a mother would be watching my daughter go out in bright and uncoordinated outfits and knowing I have to let her because you don’t want to control them so much they rebel. But oof. But generally I think Penelope is a well dressed child.
Kelly also is a not a sad beige type of person, she wears a lot of vibrant colours and can be quite daring with her fashion choices so that clearly rubs off on P. Their ski outfits have been *chef’s kiss* for me!
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alukaforyou · 2 months
just saw ur tags abt getting back into tkrb and i just gotta ask 1) who is ur fave a) character-wise (personality) and b) aesthetics (design) and 2) have u ever drawn any of them ; w; ur art is so pretty ngl i miss it and id love to see ur tkrb art if u ever made any
oh em geee i cant pick omg i love sm of the charas 😭😭😭😭 im gonna answer 1b first, screen shots from my game:
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my current fave is jikkyuu mitsutada cuz the art for him looks soooo tasty 😭 AND hes voiced by THE koyasu takehito like everyone SHUT UP DIO BRANDO / TOJI FUSHIGURO IS SPEAKING 🗣️ jk but his in game voice is so soft uwu i got him from the sea shell event, which i've never rly put in effort into before cuz its not one of my fave events BUT i grinded SO HARD to get My Boi 👍🏻
runner ups are kogi and iwachan, kogitsunemaru looks so 💯💯💯 the artstyle the outfit oof like the off shoulder kimono and the neck piece and the gloves with the fingers out 🥴🥴🥴 also the artist for his sprite is rly good at drawing everything feet?? akakskkal rly pretty looking peet & toez 💀 i nabbed him as a node drop on the regular map it took me 500+ tries, yes i counted 😭 as for iwachan his kiwame art is a Major glow up, i dont always like the kiwame sprite redesign (kogi & hotarumaru looks better reg version imo) BUT iwatooshi looks sm better 10000/10 also hes like 200cm tall 🫠 im gonna motorboat his b00bs who said that btw those 3 are also my fave bgs, i still rly like the old spring sakura bg so i use that one alll the time too 🌸
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honorable mentions^ oodenta looks like. if u mashed up kenchan from bleach and madara from nardo. love the shibari bdsm top but i hate the gold stuff on his legs 😭👎🏻 kanechan is the og long black haired pretty boy, the way he talks is younger brother coded lol. fudo & akita r my fave tantous cuz they look like if me & madara had babies LMFAO shizukagata's design is so cunty 💯, hanjin is my fave pink haired boy 💖 wish he wasnt wearing camo tho 😐 and i got nukemaru & shichiseiken semi recently so they are sorta novelty faves rn xD
1a. the game is in jp and i cant read all that so idk abt their personalities much 😭 like i did google a lot of the charas dialogue lines on the wiki but ngl i forgor 💀 i just remem kogi and jikkyu being kinda flirty LOL? 👁️👄👁️ just off the top of my head, maybe fudo cuz i remem his pre kiwame self was rly sad, hes actually the first boy i sent off to kiwame :') im so here for the Character Development thats MY SON!!!! good for him :)
2. i've drawn kanechan ONCE a loooooong time agooooooo i dont draw so much lately RIP and when i do, its anime boys from Shows™ 💀
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rookie-chenford · 5 months
Keeping A Secret
Description: Based slightly on Season 2 Episode 6, but a little farther into the future, about 6 months after they've graduated to P2, and also a little twist. Also took a scene from Season 5 Episode 11, because I love it so much lol.
Words: 3202
Warnings: false missle threat, mentions of anxiety, not sure of anything else, but please let me know if there are any!
Lucy jolted awake as her daughter, Ellie, jumped on her bed and shouted, "Mommy, wake up! It's time for school!" Lucy turned over, grabbed her phone, and looked at it. 4:00 a.m. flashed across the screen, and she groaned. "Ellie bug, we still have an two hours before we have to get up." 
Lucy jolted awake as her daughter, Ellie, jumped on her bed and shouted, "Mommy, wake up! It's time for school!" Lucy turned over, grabbed her phone, and looked at it. 4:00 a.m. flashed across the screen, and she groaned. "Ellie bug, we still have an two hours before we have to get up." 
Ellie quit jumping and kneeled by Lucy's side. "But, Mommy, I'm ready to go to school now." She whined. Lucy chuckled and grabbed Ellie so she could lay beside her. "I know, bug. But school doesn't open for a couple of more hours. Let's try to get a little more sleep, and then we can get ready, okay?" Ellie nodded and shut her eyes. Lucy looked over and smiled at Ellie, moving the little bit of hair off her face. When Ellie's breathing evened out, Lucy closed her eyes and drifted asleep. 
The alarm on her phone blared, waking both Lucy and Ellie up. Lucy groaned internally, and Ellie quickly popped up. Lucy grabbed her phone and turned the alarm off. "Is it time for school now, mommy?" Lucy chuckled as she sat her phone down. "Yeah, baby, it is. Go get ready." Ellie hopped out of Lucy's bed, squealing. Lucy shook her head and chuckled as she got out of bed and got ready for the day. 
"Alright, Ellie. Are you ready to go?" Lucy hollered as she poured coffee into her travel mug. Ellie came running out, wearing a plain white long-sleeve shirt, the cutest olive green overalls, and white Converse. "Ready, Mommy!" she squealed as she struck a pose. "Wow, you look absolutely beautiful." Lucy gushed as she grabbed her things and Ellie's backpack. "Aunt Tamara helped me pick out my outfit, and we match!" She exclaimed. Tamara walked out of her room, wearing an almost identical outfit, and struck the same pose beside Ellie. Lucy laughed and shook her head in amusement, loving the relationship between Ellie and Tamara. "Well, you both look beautiful. Say goodbye to Aunt Tamara." Tamara bent down to be the same height as Ellie and squeezed her, making Ellie squeal. "Alright, kiddo, have a good day at school." Tamara released her from the hug, and Ellie waved and blew her a kiss. Before Lucy closed the door, she stuck her head back in. "Are you still good with picking her up after school?" Tamara nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." Lucy quickly thanked her, headed to drop Ellie off at school, and then went to work. 
Lucy and Nolan walked in, seeing Tim at the new coffee machine, trying to figure out how it worked. He pulled levers, twisted knobs, and pushed buttons, but nothing was working. He turned around when he heard Lucy rustling around in the snack basket. "Hey, what was wrong with the old coffee machine?" Lucy smirked as she saw Tim struggling with the new machine. "Oof, led levels for one," Nolan said. 
"Mice infestation, for two," Lucy added. She grabbed a breakfast bar and headed over towards Tim. "Here, let me show you." Lucy turned the portafilter and pushed the lever up, coffee dispensing into Tim's cup. "See, it's easy." She shrugged with a smile. "That was easy." Tim agreed. 
"I learned it from ClipTok." Tim nodded his head as he grabbed the now coffee-filled mug. "So, what'd you guys get up to last night?" Nolan asked. A look of panic took over Tim's face as he quickly answered. "Uhh, nothing. Just watched the Rams game." Lucy, with a smile on her face, responded with a breeze. "I went to the new Chagall exhibit." 
Nolan's eyes lit up. "Oh, Bailey has been dying to go there." 
"You should totally take her. You get such a great sense for the evolution of his style." Nolan nodded as he walked towards the breakroom door. "Thanks for the recommendation. We'll check it out." 
Tim walked closer to Lucy, and she turned to him. "Really, you had all morning to come up with a cover story, and 'nothing, just watched the Rams game' was all you could come up with?" She chuckled. Tim got defensive. "Whoa, okay, he bought it, didn't he? What if he would have had follow up questions about the exhibit?" He challenged. 
Lucy replied smugly, "Let him. I read the catalog cover to cover." She smiled. Tim shook his head and laughed, not surprised that she had. "So," She dragged out. "What are you doing this weekend?" 
Tim shrugged. "I was hoping the girl I went on a date with last night would want to check out a food truck event." Lucy hummed. "I bet she would like that." Tim laughed. "Then I guess I'll see her at 8:30 on Saturday?" She nodded with a smile. "I think 8:30 would be perfect." 
They exited the breakroom and headed into the roll call room. Lucy sat as Tim walked up to the front of the room and stood by Grey. "Alright, everyone take a seat. We've got some things to go over." Everyone sat down and put their attention forward. "First thing on the agenda, we have to pick up on night shifts slack, so pick up an assignment at the front desk on your way out. Second, Nolan and Smitty, you have been assigned to hospital detail. You'll be swapping out with the guards watching room 326. Last thing, Officer West Angela needs your help with a case. Alright, that's it. Everyone be safe." 
As everyone dispersed, Grey called for Tim and Lucy to hang back as everyone exited the room. Lucy walked to the front and stood between Tim and Grey. "What's up, Sarge?" Lucy asked. "I need you to ride with Tim today. Think y'all can manage that?" Tim and Lucy looked at each other, confirming they could work together. "Yes, sir. We'll be fine." Tim answered. Grey nodded and walked off. 
Tim drove around as Lucy sat in the passenger seat, watching the streets of LA. "So, what's this food truck event about?"
"It's called Midnight Cravings. They'll have a ton of food trucks open from 9-12. Seemed like something we'd like and we get to try out some new food." 
"Oooh, that sounds cool. There's this one food truck I've been dying to try, hopefully they're there." Lucy's eyes lit up with excitement. 
Tim was just about to speak when the radio crackled. "7-Adam-100 pawn shop on Crenshaw Boulevard, owner states they've been robbed. No injuries reported." 
Tim picked up the radio. "7-Adam-100 show us responding." 
They arrived at the pawn shop a few minutes later. Lucy looked around to see if there was any trouble outside. Tim opened the door and let Lucy in, following right behind her. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked. The pawn shop owner held up a 100-dollar bill and then placed it on the counter, sliding it towards them. Lucy put a glove on one of her hands and picked it up. "This idiot took a counterfeit bill without checking it first." Lucy chuckled. "You realize Abraham Lincoln is on the 5-dollar bill, right?"
"You have a." Before Tim could finish his sentence, everyone's cell phones started blaring an alarm sound. Lucy placed the bill back on the counter and grabbed her phone. Tim and the two pawn shop employees were doing the same. They both looked at each other, shock and confusion written on their faces. "What does this mean?" one of the employees asked. Tim grabbed Lucy's arm and yanked her towards the door. "It means find a bomb shelter quickly." 
Tim and Lucy hop into the shop quickly and take off. Lucy dials Tamara, but after several rings, the call goes to voicemail. She then tries the school, but no one is answering there either. Panic starts to set in as she tries Tamara and the school again and doesn't get an answer. Tim sees the worry etched on her face. He squeezes his hand on her thigh, trying to get her attention. She looks up, tears forming in her eyes. "I can't get a hold of Tamara." 
She doesn't mention Ellie. Lucy has kept her daughter a secret from everyone since she started at the police academy. The only ones who know are Grey and Anderson because of her file. When she first started at Mid-Wilshire, she made them promise not to tell anyone about Ellie. She wasn't ashamed of her daughter. But Lucy knew from the beginning that if she ever made it through the academy, she'd want to keep her daughter even safer and not have her used as leverage or any of the sorts when it came to her job.
Lucy's thumbs flew across her phone, typing a text message to Tamara and Ellie's teacher, hoping someone would answer her soon. "Where's Tamara?" Tim asked. Lucy looked at the time on her phone. "She would be in class right now." Tim nodded. "Okay, let's head up to the school." Lucy's phone rang before Tim could finish his sentence, and relief flooded her when Tamara's name popped up. She quickly answered and put it on speaker. "Hey, where are you?" Lucy's voice filled with worry, and she was trying to remain calm for Tamara's sake, knowing she was probably even more scared than Lucy. "I'm at school. What's this about a missile threat?" Lucy could hear the fear in her voice, and she wanted nothing more than to get Tamara and Ellie to safety as quickly as possible. "I need you to get to Mid-Wilshire and wait for me there." 
"What about Ellie?" Lucy closed her eyes and then looked over at Tim. He quirked a brow, and she knew he was wondering who this Ellie person was. She took a deep breath and answered Tamara. "Don't worry about her. Tim and I will go get her." Tamara gasped. "Lucy, I-" Lucy shook her head, even though Tamara couldn't see her. "Don't worry about it. I just need you to get to Mid-Wilshire as fast as you can. And text me when you get there." Lucy hung up the phone and stared straight out the front window. "I need you to head to Treehouse Elementary." Tim was still confused but nodded anyway as he turned the shop around. "You gonna tell me who Ellie is?" 
Lucy looked down at her hands and wrung them together. Well, she thought to herself, here goes nothing. Time to rip the bandaid off. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat before speaking. "Ellie's my daughter." Tim's breath caught in his throat. So many questions were swirling in his head, but no words would come out. After a moment of silence, Lucy looked up at him, trying to read his face, but couldn't get a good read on it. She looked back down at her lap, guilt eating up at her. "No one knows except for Gray. Well, Anderson knew too, but you know." She trailed off. "Look, I just- I wasn't going to keep it from you forever, obviously; I just wanted to know this was going somewhere before I told you." Tim finally spoke, making Lucy look up at him. "How did- how have you kept that a secret for so long? You talk about every other aspect of your personal life but never mentioned your daughter once. I'm just- Why did you keep her a secret?" 
"I promised myself that if I ever made it through the police academy and to an actual division, I'd protect Ellie at whatever cost. I didn't want any criminals to find out who she was in case something bad ever happened to me. I don't have photos of her on my phone. I've never posted her on social media. I'm doing everything I can as a mom and cop to protect her." Tim nodded, still reeling from the news. "Not even Jackson and Nolan know?" Lucy shook her head no. "Damn. You really were keeping her hidden." Tim chuckled lightly. Lucy was surprised at the humor he was trying to infuse. "You're not mad?" 
"I mean no, slightly disappointed you didn't want me or anyone to know. But I understand." Lucy nodded. "I'm sorry. I promise I wasn't going to keep her a secret forever." Tim placed his hand on her thigh, throwing a smile her way. "You don't have to apologize." She nods and grabs his hand, squeezing it for comfort. 
They arrive at Ellie's school. Lucy quickly jumps out, and Tim follows her to the front doors. She presses the button on the front door multiple times, hoping someone will soon open the doors. Lucy hears the buzzer for the door and throws the door open. They run to the front office, spotting the secretary at her desk. "I need to pick up Eleanor Chen from Mrs. Wallen's class." The secretary picks up her phone and speaks into it. "Mrs. Wallen, Miss Chen is here to pick up her daughter Eleanor. Okay, thank you." She hangs up the phone and looks at Lucy. "She'll be here in just a moment." 
Lucy passes the office and waits what feels like hours before hearing a shrill. "Mommy!" Lucy turns around, and Ellie jumps into her arms, a bright smile adorning her face. "Hey bug, you ready to go?" Lucy asks as calmly as she can, trying not to spook her daughter. Ellie nods and wraps her arms around Lucy's neck. They quickly make their way back to the shop, and Lucy puts Ellie in the backseat and buckles her in. "Mommy, where's my car seat?" 
"Mommy forgot to grab it. Just stay in the seat and don't unbuckle, okay." Lucy shuts the back door and gets into the passenger side. Tim puts the shop in reverse and heads toward the station. Lucy takes her phone out of her pocket and looks at the time remaining before the missile is supposed to strike. Fifteen minutes flash across the screen. "15 more minutes." She whispers so only Tim can hear. He pushes his foot into the gas pedal. Lucy's anxiety is getting the best of her, and she's trying her hardest to calm herself down for Ellie. 
"Mommy, where are we going?" Lucy turns to look back at Ellie, smiling at her. "We are going to mommy's work." Ellie's eyes go big, and a bigger smile adorns her face. "Yay!" She shouts. "I finally get to go to mommy's work." She dances as best as she can while buckled up. Tim and Lucy laugh as she continues dancing. "Mommy, who's this?" Lucy looked over at Tim and then back at Ellie. "This is Sergeant Tim Bradford." Tim smiled, stuck his hand up, and waved. "Hi, Ellie." She waved back shyly. "Is he your partner?" Lucy smiled. "Yeah, sometimes." 
A couple of minutes later, they arrive at Mid-Wilshire. Lucy grabs Ellie and holds onto her as they jog into the division. She looks left and right as she enters the building, trying to spot Tamara. Ellie is the first one to see her. "Aunt Tamara!" Tamara and everyone else in the building turn around. Ellie wiggles out of Lucy's grip and runs towards her. Tamara bends down as Ellie gets closer and wraps her in a big hug. "I missed you, sweet girl!" Tamara beamed. "Why are you at mommy's work?" Tamara looks up at Lucy, wondering what she should tell her. "Tamara wanted to come see where I work," Lucy answered. 
Grey walked out of his office into the middle of the room. "Alright, everyone, we've got about 5 minutes left. Let's quickly and safely head to the shelter." Lucy picked up Ellie, and everyone went down to the bomb shelter and gathered inside. Lucy, Tim, Ellie, and Tamara all gathered in a corner. Tim stood behind Lucy, placing one of his hands on her back in a comforting manner. Lucy hoisted Ellie up higher to hold her with one arm while placing her other hand in Tim's. Tamara wrapped her arms around Lucy's arm and put her head on her shoulder. Lucy laid hers on top of Tamara's. "Mommy," Ellie whispered. "what are we doing down here?" Lucy lifted her head and looked at Tim, not knowing what to say. "Uhm, we're-" But before she could continue, Tim stepped in. "We're playing a big of hide and seek." Ellie's eyes lit up. "Really?" Tim nodded. "Yea. Do you like hide and seek?" "It's my favorite game." They continued talking about their favorite things, and Tim did an amazing job keeping her distracted. Lucy smiled at their interaction, loving that they were getting along so well. 
"30 seconds." Someone in the crowd said. Lucy and Tim squeezed each other's hands. Lucy counted down the seconds in her head. Someone banged on the door when she reached the last 10 seconds. "Sarge, open up. It was a false alarm." Grey opened the door and saw Angela and Jackson on the other side. "It was a false alarm. DHS and the FBI confirmed it was a false alarm." Lucy let out a breath, which she didn't realize she was holding, and everyone else breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright, everyone, let's get back to work," Grey said. Everyone filed out of the room and made their way back upstairs. 
"Alright, bug, Aunt Tamara is going to take you back home and I'll see you in a little while, okay?" Ellie wrapped her arms around Lucy's neck and hugged her. She returned her hug, hugging her a little tighter as a tear streamed down her face. "Mommy, I can't breathe." Lucy let out a wet chuckle. "Sorry, bug." Ellie wiped Lucy's tears. "Don't cry mommy, I'll see you in just a little bit silly." Lucy kissed her on the cheek. "I know, bug. Alright, go with Aunt Tamara. I love you." Ellie blew her a kiss as they walked away. "Bye Sergeant Tim Bradford!" Ellie yelled as she waved. Tim and Lucy chuckled. "Bye, Ellie!" He yelled back. They waited until Tamara and Ellie left the building to head back out on patrol. 
After shift, Lucy headed out to the parking garage and waited by Tim's truck for him. A few minutes later, he headed toward the parking garage and spotted Lucy near his truck. He smiles and picks up his pace. "Hey, you didn't have to wait for me." Lucy looked up and smiled. "I wanted to. I figured we could talk." Tim looked around the parking garage as he approached Lucy and bent down to kiss her quickly. "Lucy, we don't have anything to talk about. I promise I'm not mad about you keeping Ellie a secret." 
"Are you sure?" Tim smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you did it to protect her, and that's all any parent wants to do." Lucy nodded. "Okay. Uhm, would you like to come over and properly meet her?" Tim's smile grew. "I would love that." Lucy laughed. "Alright, I'll see you at my place in 20 minutes?" Tim thought about it for a moment. "Make it 30. I'll pick up dinner on the way." Lucy nodded and headed towards her car, happy with how everything turned out. 
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satancopilotsmytardis · 7 months
""Everyone else sucks!" Magne says cheerfully." I think this sums up how you write the League's attitude pretty well, lol.
Though Toga is so sweet. She finally finds people who accept her quirk and are willing to give her blood as if it doesn't mean anything, as if it doesn't mean the world to Toga (they do know, they know now) and I love that for her.
"Dabi wishes he could take some of the work from his shoulders" They're so sweet. Especially with how much you make sure the reader knows Dabi does take off of Shigaraki's shoulders. Even here, when as a cat he can't work as much, he's helping.
I love Compress. Without Dabi, he's the second in command and he fills that position well. Of course Onigiri is actually first but since we don't count that...
Shigaraki arguing with his cat over said cat's drinking habits is funny as fuck. No wonder Compress thinks Onigiri is some kind of nomu.
The designer sounds fun! The thing about fashion! Yes! Absolutely! Especially since they're UA gym uniforms you'd think they would be fireproof, but no. God, I cannot imagine how expensive quirk adjusted clothes would be, if you think about how expensive even glasses can get (which are rarely covered by insurance). Damn.
It's interesting to see them pick their outfits! Nice!
Oof, being told off like that has to suck for Spinner, but it's something he needs to hear, especially since they're going to work with Stain in the future.
Oh, that's interesting! How Dabi views all of their resolves now that he's calmer than in canon. I like that a lot.
The League interacting with each other without the constant threat of death is so nice to see. I love that for them. They deserve a happy domestic life (of planning and training for terrorism).
I'm really happy that Muscular and Moonfish aren't part of the League here! It shows that they're really Shigaraki's group and he makes more confident decisions. I mentioned more of this in my last comment, but yeah, I like that a lot.
Dabi's trust in Shigaraki has grown so much since the first chapter. Not only Shigaraki, but everyone in the League. He trusts that they won't hurt him, that Tomura especially will keep him safe even while he's a cat and small. Ahhhh, I love this. Well, at least he trusts them not to hurt Onigiri. Dabi is once again seperating himself from the others by making a clear cut between Dabi and Onigiri. He thinks he can only be either one or the other. Oh damn.
The fact that Shigaraki especially tells the League that the Doctor is lying should he tell them to do anything really speaks of how much trust he has in the guy. It's none.
Compress being in physical pain about how Shigaraki washes his fancy clothes is very amusing.
"He can enjoy being human for a little while" if only Dabi knew how incredibly wrong everything starts going in the very next scene.
(I felt like with more scenes, I should add to my last comment and finish my reaction to this chapter! Thanks for giving us this!)
The League is a family!! Shigaraki didn't just give them a job, he gave them a home! It's all about connection baby!!!!
Magne deserves to be loud and supportive and really earning of the title "Big Sis" by treating the rest of them like family! Toga deserves to have people who accept her "evil" quirk as a part of her and not even blink about giving her what she needs to fuel it! And Compress deserves to show off how intelligent he is!
I think we all should spend more time thinking about how everyone being a superhero would affect pop culture and the world. Like Superhero movies? Documentaries now. So do the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres take off more? In a world with people with non-standard human biology, are there more years required to train as a doctor? If there aren't, how many more medical malpractice suits are made? Why does the fashion in the age of superheroes look so similar to that of fashion from well before that time? I can't get into all of these things in my writing, but it's something that SHOULD be considered in the world-building. MHA rests on the idea that all entertainment comes from heroes, heroes are the toys, heroes market products, heroes make clothes, etc. But I would like to mention if that is true, it speaks to an even more stilted and withered version of culture than has been explored in the Canon.
Spinner's having a rough time, but just like Shigaraki having to see his ideas/behaviors were stunting his growth, Spinner is at a point where he needs that too. This guy went from a law-abiding citizen to a villain from watching some videos online of a serial killer. That's not a great pipeline, and it's clear he's kind of using his obsession with Stain to keep from deeply examining the societal and racial injustice that he's been facing his whole life and deciding how he wants to fight back against that. He has strong beliefs, but he'll only be able to see them realized and stand up on his own if he takes the time to figure himself out and not just try to rip-off of someone else's.
Muscular and Moonfish are never part of my League! All my homies hate Muscular and Moonfish! ✊🏼
Thank you for going back for the rest of the chapter and commenting here! I'm so glad that you found so much to enjoy in the missing material! 🖤
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foliejpg · 6 months
do you have any girlpete outfit ideas? i struggle so hard to pin down her outfits!
oof join the club 😭 last week i had a hard time finding something for her to wear to a club but i came up with this, w no other accessories so patrick gets to hold her phone and wallet <3 she will eventually steal his denim jacket
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i had her in a skirt in one fic to tease patrick and this was what i had kind of imagined but a little lower on her hips, like. Way lower. hip bones OUT
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the next pic was what i based her easter outfit off of but the sweater was black not orange, and the pic after is just one i like and i think she would wear in the summer
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i know ppl get super strict about like.. clothing in genderswap fics but i believe that both girlpete and girltrick would wear skirts/dresses on occasion!!! for the most part, the rest of their wardrobe is the exact same in my head. pete still rocks the baby tees and super skinny low rise jeans and converse, still makes all of her own clan shirts/hoodies, they just get paired with skirts occasionally <3
if you’re writing a girlpete fic or drawing her please send it my way!!! i’d love to see and share it <3
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
My School President Episode 11: So what now?
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Man I freaking loved this episode. Grief, healing and the power of friendship? An overprotective mother's internal struggle to let her son grow up and live his own life? Sign me up. An incredibly focused episode this week, as Chinzhilla doesn't win Hot Wave and almost comes apart over it, and Ms. Potjanee contemplates how to broach the subject of Gun with Tinn now that she's realised they're together.
Verse: Sad est moi
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Didn't I give it all? Tried my best Gave you everything I had, everything and no less
Adele | Take It All (2011)
The stages of grief, starring Anger as the main character. Watching our boys first turn away from each other, then lash out at each other as Por (!) tries desperately to keep them all together...that hurt a lot. To fail at this thing they had so much of their self-worth tied up in causes a big spiral. They really left everything on that stage, and still came up short. Life goes that way sometimes. Add in the disastrous return trip to the temple at the beach where everything that can go wrong does go wrong, and it's no wonder they're all at each other's throats. Harsh words are spoken. Fisticuffs are threatened. Tears are shed. Watching Win lash out at Gun was especially painful, because Win has been the most loyal. He has been the one most supportive of Gun's leadership, so to see him scream repeatedly at Gun that their loss is his fault...oof. We already know that's exactly how Gun feels, so for Win to just scream it in his face over and over and over was the absolute worst. I hated every minute of the boys fighting, they're all so fragile, so scared, so hurt, so sad.
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We've already seen that Por may be dumber than a bag of hair, but has a keen emotional intelligence. I loved him bringing the fight to a swift close by taking the blame onto himself, by reminding them that THEY ARE FRIENDS FIRST AND FOREMOST and they shouldn't be fighting like this, that they have to mourn together, and keep going. He basically shames them all into acting right, all while wearing a fab outfit and sporting a broken leg. And then Yak, who understands intimately this particular pain, calls to remind them in his own way that there's life after this. That losing Hot Wave doesn't mean they're losers. Yak's band winning their Freshy Music Contest (look, in my head BB and MSP exist in the same universe, just go with it) is some sweet after the bitter. This defeat isn't the end, as much as it feels that way. There will be victories to come, and one of those victories is getting to see the next generation try and hopefully succeed.
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There hasn't been a great deal made of the fact that the Music Club doesn't have any juniors for Gun et al to hand the Holy Chinchilla over to, but it's been noteworthy to me. Chinzhilla is a tradition that's been passed down, along with You Got Ma Back, for generations we've been told, but Gun and the gang seem to be the end of the line. There hasn't been interest in joining the bunch of slacker losers who just eat BBQ pork and never accomplish anything. But it seems like the band are more loved than they think, with the student body voting for them to play the prom. The school year might be winding down, graduation might be approaching, but there's still time for some kid or kids to poke their head around that corner and ask 'is this Music Club?'
Bridge: Facing the music
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I'm holding on (barely) Mama's got a lot to learn (it's heavy) I'm holding on (catch me) Mama's got a lot to learn (teach me)
Adele | My Little Love (2021)
The other big story this week is Ms. Potjanee slowly and quietly coming to terms with her baby boy being queer. She almost fumbles it at every juncture, but she always pulls back and does the right thing. I was SO NERVOUS when she went to see Gun, but in the end she didn't put her jumbled feelings on him and I breathed a sigh of relief. Her asking Tinn flat out if Gun invited him to the beach, and him deciding to trust her with the truth that he is going on Gun's invitation, and her just quietly allowing it without asking questions in that moment...it's all so well done. Potjanee is trying so hard to do right by her son, even as she struggles with all that means, like not being overprotective and trusting that she has raised Tinn to handle the slings and arrows of the world. It's a different response from Ms. Gim, who I think is going to start wedding planning when Gun tells her he and Tinn are dating, but it's still the response of a loving mother. It's why I don't buy the cliffhanger dread and the doom preview: because Potjanee has continued to struggle but in the end do the right thing.
Ad Libs
It looks like most of the Chinzhilla boys haven't secured a university place. I wasn't surprised at Gun and Win, but Pat and Por not having future plans in place yet was a bit unexpected. I wonder if this is kids who've done the direct admission exams at this point while the others are still preparing for the GAT.
Watching Chinzhilla dream-sing 'Healing' to themselves put me right in my feels.
Is Ford gunning for the Mix Sahaphap sultriness crown? There was WAY too much sauce for a high school romcom coming off Por when he was flirting with Tiw.
That said, the Tiw/Por came out of nowhere but I refuse to be mad about it.
Tinn is EXACTLY the kind of boy who would gift his musician boyfriend a custom-made music box that plays the love song he wrote for him. Mixtapes are for the weak!
They're playing with us now when it comes to a Tinn/Gun kiss...lol. But in a way I'm glad they're dealing with the parents stuff first.
After the Bad Buddy episode 12 preview I'm absolutely not believing a single moment of this one.
The finale is going to be prom, and I can't think of a more fitting way to end this story (until Our Skyy 2 anyway).
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Iliana’s Zora Wedding Gown and her attire/armor after she becomes queen. Honestly, the second is probably the fanciest outfit I have ever drawn. Oof. My guess is (based on how long Link’s hair is TotK- as I used to have the exact same hairstyle in high school so I know exactly how long it takes to grow out) it’s been one or two years between the events of BotW and TotK. So Link and Zelda have probably been missing a long while.
Girl is gonna freak when Link shows up at the Zora Domain’s doorstep with new scars and a new arm. 
I also changed up Miphara and Rayan’s design some (mostly Miphara’s) because Hylian/Zora can have children together (My brain is still reeling) so I used Queen Rutela as a reference seeing as she is the only actual Hylian/Zora mix we’ve seen. (Honestly, her “hair” makes so much more sense now that I know. Like, she was super pretty but that design choice always confused me, but now??? Her being a canonical Hylian/Zora baby explains everything.) Rayan’s changes were mostly suggested by my sister.
Edit: So apparently the Queen Rutela is a Hyrule: Total War lore thing?? So it’s not actually canon??? But I think it makes sense given her character design, so I’m gonna headcanon it as such. 
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