#And now back into tun hai
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memorydragon · 1 year ago
Okay, so I know I'm shouting to the void here and you guys probably want mdzs updates instead of my rambling about the more obscure novel that I started reading before mdzs was a blip on my radar, but I'm going mental over here and this is what you're getting.
I'm just so Normal about Jiang Ting saying "Don't test me. I'm on your side." And when I say normal, I mean completely normal levels of Absolute Unhinged.
Because he will fail the test every time.
"Don't test me." When Yan Xie questions him on why he hid the packet of drugs, of course it's suspicious. Of course he lies. (Though is it a lie, that he wanted it for himself, to hide the evidence that will lead Yan Xie further to the truth) The truth will damn him, the lies will damn him, what else can he do?
"Don't test me." When Yan Xie asks why he wasn't tortured by the drug lord when he was captured, he asks back, "Who says I wasn't?" Yan Xie's anger at the lie, at the omission he knows is there was real. But the truth will damn him more, that sensory deprivation was the gentlest form of torture, because why would a drug cartel need to be gentle with a cop?
"Don't test me." When Yan Xie drops a recorder in his pocket to listen in as Jiang Ting interrogates Li Yuxin, and lies to her about being the betrayer, and they're texting right next to each other. He can't help the small panic that Yan Xie had been listening in. Because that was a lie, but it held too much truth, that to be betrayed there had to be relationship before. He failed the test, only to see Yan Xie's final message while waiting outside the operation room, because Yan Xie was dying in the next room, and his message was "What are you afraid about? Why don't you trust I'll help you?"
"Don't test me." When Yan Xie loses his temper and does test him, when he's a little too violent because he's being blocked from investigating and tries to force Jiang Ting to the martyr's cemetery. He apologies to Jiang Ting softly, wiping the water away with a gentleness Jiang Ting doesn't believe he deserves. When his feet are burned because Yan Xie needs answers - answers that he cannot and will not give, despite everything, Yan Xie again apologizes and tends the burns. Yan Xie wasn't in the wrong suspecting him, and he's failed every test, but Yan Xie is the one who apologizes and realizes he's gone too far. Except he hadn't gone far enough to get to the truth that would have Jiang Ting fail once again.
"Don't test me." When Bu Wei jumps off the bridge and tries to take Jiang Ting with her. He sees too much of himself in her - Yan Xie sees too much of Jiang Ting in her - but he'd let her go to save himself. Except then she jumped and that wasn't how it was supposed to end, because there had to be something after the realization that the worst betrayal wasn't being left behind. When he looks at Yan Xie and tells him it's up to you. To turn Jiang Ting in or not, to believe him or not please, don't believe him he'll accept whatever Yan Xie decides he is, a traitor or friend. He cannot trust, cannot give his faith, and it's up to Yan Xie to decide if he can still accept that.
(And that's a whole different rant about how Jiang Ting cannot define himself, how he can only mold himself into what other people want him to be, say what they want him to say, because the only time he tried to choose who he wanted to be, his whole team died and he was left in a coma for three years. I'll be Unhinged about that in a perfectly normal way another day)
"I'm on your side." When Yan Xie has seen the orphanage's records, followed the evidence to it's natural conclusion, that all the times Jiang Ting had lied and omitted to save himself were finally exposed. Yan Xie has deleted the only picture of Jiang Ting on his phone and has already broken his own heart when Jiang Ting asks, "Do you still believe in me? - It's better you don't."
"I'm on your side." When he kisses Yan Xie after all the cards are on the table, as tears run down Yan Xie's face while the King of Spades watches for any flaw. He points a gun at Yan Xie's head, ready to pull the trigger that will keep Yan Xie from coming after him and tells the truth for the first time. "I love you, Yan Xie." In front of his adoptive family of drug lords, in front of the man who betrayed him and that took him in as a brother, in front of the bodies of the people he had just mercilessly shot down, as the Queen of Hearts, whose own heart is enchained by hatred and thorns caused by the drugs he can't escape, he tells the truth, which can only be accepted as a lie.
"I'm on your side." When Yan Xie finds the evidence that Chief Lu is lying, that Jiang Ting went undercover to get rid of the drug cartel once and for all and he realizes that his wavering faith in Jiang Ting was expected. That he was the one who failed that time, even though it was necessary for the King of Spades to take Jiang Ting back. That despite that, Jiang Ting had still left him a way out and saved his life. And Yan Xie is going to drag Jiang Ting home, no matter how dangerous.
"I'm on your side." When Jiang Ting asks him, "why are you here?" when Yan Xie holds him and kisses him softly after nearly dying because he was exposed, and Yan Xie replies that no matter how harsh the betrayal - the truth - he couldn't love Jiang Ting less. That just because Jiang Ting pointed a gun at his head, didn't make Yan Xie miss him less. (You want to talk about scenes that make Mem absolutely feral, this is one.) He has to go back under cover, he has to leave again, but Yan Xie will drag him back.
"Don't test me." One last test. Yan Xie tells him to jump, that they are either going to get out of this together or die together. Yan Xie refuses to let him fail this time. No matter what, he won't leave without Jiang Ting. I'll be by your side, because living is harder than dying.
And Jiang Ting jumps.
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ruanbaijie · 3 years ago
Hi, wuyus.....I don't know if you receive my first ask or not (my phone's signal suddenly off limit), so sorry if you receive it twice....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask, who are your top 5 favorite couples (can be canon or non-canon) from all of the danmei novels that you've finished reading until now? Thanks and sorry if you've answered this before...🌻
hello! ahh yes I received it twice hehe but no worries~ here are my top 5 (5 plus) and because I’m extra, I’m throwing in some past gifs I’d edited and screenshots of the manhua/ AD and my favourite quotes HAH (ง ื▿ ื)ว
RanWan - Mo Ran x Chu Wanning (2ha)
ranwan is really just... ANGST. PAIN. SO MUCH TEARS. really my all-time favourite cp ;-;
是我薄你,死生不怨。 It is I who wronged you, I won’t blame you in life or death.
长阶血未尽,那是他带你回家的路! The long stairs are still stained with blood, that’s the path he took to bring you home!
原来光阴荏苒,我已然活成了我心目中,你的模样。 it turns out, in the passage of time, I have already lived to become the you whom I see in my mind.
师尊,我想为你撑一辈子伞。 Shizun, I want to hold the umbrella for you for a lifetime.
想要和你一样,吃火锅的时候,两双筷子可以伸进一个热闹的锅里,不再是一红一白,泾渭分明。 I want to be like you, when we’re eating hotpot, two pairs of chopsticks can reach into one hot, bubbling pot, no longer separated so distinctly by red and white.
他看到他的神祇在哭,楚晚宁……在哭啊。 He saw his god crying, Chu Wanning... was crying.
地狱太冷了。墨燃,我来殉你。 Hell is too cold. Mo Ran, I will accompany you (in death).
别怕,我不会不要你。我会一直和你在一起,生或者死,我带你回家。 Don’t be afraid, I won’t abandon you. I will always be with you, in life or in death, I will bring you home.
两辈子,都属于你。 Two lifetimes, they both belong to you.
人间很好。晚宁,我不要你殉我。 The mortal world is very good. Wanning, I don’t want you to accompany me (in death).
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ConghuaYu - Bu Chonghua x Wu Yu (Tun Hai)
a tie with ranwan! completely different genre from 2ha and very much “normal” in comparison to the magical and fantastical elements of 2ha (xianxia genre) BUT despite that their romance and the angst (SO MUCH ANGST) and how much they love one another really shines through the writing and I just... I love them so much okay
fun fact their cp name in chinese is 葱花鱼 which literally means “fish with scallions” lmao
今天这座桥上只能有一个人活着走下去,那个人是我。因为这世上已经没人在等你了,但还有一个人在等我回家。 Today, only one person can walk off this bridge alive, and that person is me. Because you no longer have anyone waiting for you on this earth, but there is still one person waiting for me to go home.
尽管我们都有一些秘密隐瞒彼此,我还是爱你。我会独自向着长夜,去寻找那湮没在岁月背后的正义与公平。 Even though we still have some secrets we’re keeping from one another, I still love you. I will face the long night alone, search for the justice and fairness that have been buried in the passage of time.
但他已经忘记了更多年以前,他曾经分给过我一把火种,我也想追着那火种把他带回来。除了我没人能把他带回到这个世界里来。 But he has already forgotten that even more years ago, he once shared with me a seed of fire, I also want to chase that seed of fire and bring him back. Besides me, no one else can bring him back to this world.
我追了二十年,才终于追上你。不管再危险我都会来接你,你梦里都叫我了,我怎么能不来? After chasing for twenty years, I finally caught up with you. No matter how dangerous the situation I will always come and get you, you even called for me in your dreams, how could I not come?
你也是我一生的伴侣,直到永远。 You are also my partner for a lifetime, until forever.
“你要带我回家吗?”“不,我不用带你。你在的地方就是我的家。” “Are you going to bring me home?” “No, I don’t have to bring you. Wherever you are, that is my home.”
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*screams at that bottom left*
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wu yu is the best okay
YanJiang - Yan Xie x Jiang Ting (Po Yun)
not as ultimate favourite as ranwan and conghuayu but I still adore them so much! shan ya zi (yan xie’s nickname in chinese fandom because the chinese character for “xie” 峫 can be split up into those three radicals 山牙子 lol) is an idiot (affectionate) but when it comes to his wife (yes they actually did get married it’s canon and yan xie calls ting ting “wife”)
I didn’t take note of my favourite lines while I was reading po yun alsdfkllk so I really only remember this one:
我活到九十九,你九十七够了。 I’ll live till ninety-nine, and you till ninety-seven. That will be enough.
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RongNan - Zhou Rong x Si Nan (Bu Si Zhe)
LOOK bu si zhe REALLY needs a manhua/ donghua adapt okay so that I can see more of rongnan absolutely kicking ass and also moving from being cautious of one another to the most mutually over-protective idiots in love despite the world literally crumbling into an apocalypse
“下次有危险就叫戎哥。只要叫戎哥……不管在哪都去救你。”不论多远,都能接到你。 “The next time there’s danger, just call for Rong-ge. As long as you call for Rong-ge... No matter where, I will come and save you.” No matter how far, I will be able to come and get you.
山长水远,���年不见……如同你曾许下的承诺,最后请再来接我一次。 The road has been long, and we haven’t seen one another in years... Just as you once promised, please come and get me one more time.
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JiLing - Xuan Ji x Sheng Lingyuan (Lie Huo Jiao Chou)
MORE ANGST (I have a type) but angst aside their day to day interactions are so funny sheng lingyuan is the sassiest, cockiest bastard EVER (I thought xuan ji would take that role in this cp alas I was proven wrong) and xuan ji is just BARELY tolerating this asshole but also very much in love with him
你曾说过,我同天上璇玑星。 You once said, I’m just like the Xuanji star in the sky.
他筋疲力尽,最后只能紧紧地……紧紧地把他再也碰不到的人搂在怀里。  He was completely exhausted, and in the end, he could only very tightly... very tightly wrap the person he could no longer touch in his embrace.
没有人知道这两三句话整整讲了三千年。 No one knew that those two or three words spoke of an entire three thousand years.
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honourable mention: wangxian! for being my first danmei cp and till now I still break down when I think over their angsty scenes
non-canon cps: songxiao in mdzs, nangongxi in 2ha (het cp but still)
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shijiujun · 4 years ago
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I’m here with a zombie apocalypse (think Resident Evil level) + ABO danmei! I’m not usually a fan of ABOs tbh and I picked up this book for the zombie part and was surprised by the ABO part, but this one was a good nice balance between both. Surviving the zombie apocalypse still takes centre stage while the ABO part is more of a subplot/backdrop, but it’s cool all the same haha
Written by the author who wrote Swallowing the Sea (Tun Hai) & Breaking the Clouds (Po Yun)!
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
In a world that has been overrun by a virus that turns people into zombies, Si Nan wakes up with no memory of who he is and what he’s doing in this rescue camp, only that he’s an omega that is scheduled to be air-lifted out of an affected zone to a safe sanctuary, where omegas are prized individuals meant to be protected so they can give birth and contribute to a new population, which has been decimated with attacking zombies globally. 
He’s not sure who he is and what he was supposed to be doing, but his instincts tell him to not go along with these people, and he flees into the crowd of attacking zombies. Much to everyone’s surprise, he has strong combat abilities (despite being an omega) and manages to escape from the team and also the zombies.
He chances upon Zhou Rong, Captain of the 118 Retrieval Special Unit and his team during another zombie attack in a nearby city, and joins them out after his escape route is blocked. Si Nan hides his omega scent with suppressants he finds in a supermarket, and unbeknownst to him, he has actually met Zhou Rong before when they were both much younger in a different setting, before zombies were even a thing. Zhou Rong leads a team of beta soldiers, which die one after the other as they flee, leaving the team down to its last bullet and six members.
Si Nan decides to follow them for a while, and due to his skilled fighting prowess, he gains the trust of this team and the civilians they’re protecting. Zhou Rong also takes a liking to him, and so does another team member Yan Hao, while Si Nan mistakenly thinks that Zhou Rong and Yan Hao are a couple together instead. As they flee from one city to another trying to get back to the 118 base, they realize the situation and virus is worser than they thought. They have to fight to survive while also figure out who Si Nan is, and why he’s a wanted individual by authorities from another country.
*A pretty accurate representation of a zombie apocalypse I have to say, I had Resident Evil flashbacks when I was reading this, people start dying right off the bat, but nothing hurts more than 2ha so I only teared up at minor character deaths
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - December 2020 Print | Novel Translations 
1. 司南 Si Nan - Amazing pouty and fierce mix-blood blond-haired omega who has amnesia and doesn’t even know his own name. He sees some product in a convenience store where he meets Zhou Rong for the first time that has the words 司南 on it and decides that his name for now. Combat specialist and can take out a lot of zombies just on his own - he’s also immune to the zombie virus but they don’t know this until much later. He doesn’t go with the shady troop that rescued him initially, but with Zhou Rong because he’s intrigued by how brash and kind and a bit dumb this Captain is. Masquerades as a beta with the help of suppressants
He has a stepbrother (an alpha) who tortured him for many years due to Si Nan’s special condition and the mystery surrounding his childhood with his scientist mother and dead-but-terribly-revived father. Said stepbrother also wants to mate with him because he ‘loves’ him but is just insane af. 
Si Nan actually met Zhou Rong when they were much younger before this whole zombie thing came along, and Si Nan actually pretended to be a helpless participant of the competition they were in and lets Zhou Rong help him, only to steal away the prize at the very last moment. He liked Zhou Rong a lot then, but due to him being taken hostage technically by his stepbrother and also his allegiance to a Western state (he’s mixed blood, stepbrother is American-ish) they were unable to be together. 
He’s compassionate, but doesn’t show mercy to anyone who doesn’t deserve it. Like Zhou Rong, he wants to save everyone they possibly can, but they’re not dumb enough to think they can save everyone. As he travels with Zhou Rong and his team and other civilians, he starts to remember little things about himself and is caught by his stepbrother again midway through the novel, and just as he despairs that no one will ever save a monster like him, Zhou Rong turns up to do just that.
2. 周戎 Zhou Rong - Extremely confident, brash but handsome and strategic alpha Captain of the 118 unit, a special unit which was sent out a few months prior to the start of the book to clear out regions of civilians, but they lose touch with a major city and headquarters, and are forced to find ways to return to big HQ amidst unusual bursts of zombie attacks and a new strain of zombies who were infected without being bitten. Masquerades as a beta, like the rest of his team.
He loses a lot of his team along the way, and has to carry the burden of killing them before they turn at their requests, and also promising to find their families and take care of them for his dead team members. He wants to save everyone, but also knows that with dwindling supply to food, medicine etc. they can only choose their battles along the way. 
Takes a huge liking to strong Si Nan, unknowing that he’s the boy he met and fell in love with when they were younger. Because of the competition then, despite Si Nan winning over him, he decides to openly court Si Nan after the competition, and brings flowers to go see him, only to see Si Nan being given a temporary claiming bite on the back of his neck by another man (the stepbrother). Dejected and devastated, his first budding love kind of ended there, and from then on he openly disses omegas as he thinks that Si Nan basically seduced him to deceive him, and that all the affection they shared during the days of the competition in the wild were fake.
After the truth about Si Nan is out, he does a 180 hahahaha, and Si Nan forgives him XD 
3. 颜豪 Yan Hao - Another alpha-hiding-as-a-beta team member of Zhou Rong’s unit. After Si Nan saves him twice, he falls in love with Si Nan, not knowing that Si Nan thinks that Zhou Rong and himself are together. His feelings after are known to Si Nan, but Zhou Rong and he openly (and hilariously) fight for Si Nan’s affections. Zhou Rong is way more direct than Yan Hao is though, and Si Nan obviously likes Zhou Rong much more than he does Yan Hao, so naturally he was kicked out of the competition hahaha. He’s very sporting about it though!
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
Zhou Rong calls himself Rong-ge, asks everyone to call him that, he takes on the brotherly protector role in the team and amongst the civilians he rescued - Tells Si Nan to call for Rong-ge whenever he’s in danger and he’ll turn up - So there’s a part where Si Nan is bombarded with his memories while he’s about to be kidnapped by his stepbrother and also chased down by incoming hordes of zombies, and he yells out for Rong-ge, and Rong-ge really turns up ;-;
Si Nan is pouty and glowering all the time, a bit cold and aloof at other times, but he’s always drawn to Zhou Rong’s warmth
After they confirm their feelings for each other and spend his heat together, they are literally inseparable, like forever holding hands and looking out for each other like they go from flirty at 20% to 200% as a couple midway through the novel
Si Nan kicks ass, all the time! He’s super good at fighting
Zhou Rong promises to get Si Nan a huge rock as an engagement ring but he spends all his check on the families of his dead team members at the end of the novel, and Si Nan teases him, “So what are you going to use to afford my ring now huh?” Also, they’re just recovering from the zombie apocalypse so the commercialisation of marriages will once again have to wait, but Zhou Rong literally does turn up with a bigass ridiculous diamond ring (from where they raided a diamond ring story during a mission) and presents it to him
Yan Hao always teases Si Nan for how he thought him and Zhou Rong were together, because both men are always rough-housing and fighting like actual brothers than lovers XD
Yan Hao tells Zhou Rong that they should compete fairly for SI Nan’s affections, and Zhou Rong rolls his eyes and grabs Si Nan over and kisses him full on on the lips while Yan Hao splutters in defeat
The novel depicts deaths and helplessness really, really well. LIke seriously, I almost couldn’t finish it but it’s actually a pretty nice novel that doesn’t focus entirely on the doom and gloom of the apocalypse
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xtruss · 3 years ago
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Cornelia Bohn stands among oak barrels in her whiskey distillery in the German village of Schönermark. The trained pharmaceutical engineer has been producing her Preußischer Whisky single malt since 2009. Photograph By Patrick Pleul, Picture Alliance/DPA/AP Images
— By Mike MaCeacheran | February 2, 2021
The whole scene along this whiskey road trip is strangely familiar: historic castles and deer-filled forests, then rows of ploughed soil, golden barley fields, and the sweet scent of cereal grains.
But this isn’t somewhere in Scotland. Nor is it in Ireland or the United States. This is Brandenburg, a sparsely populated region in Germany surrounding Berlin. It the most compact part of a seductive new whiskey country that has upwards of 250 producers—almost twice as many as Scotland, yet with just a fraction of the visitors. Factor in an increasing emphasis on grain-to-glass provenance, and it’s evident that interest in German whiskey is rocketing.
With five compelling distilleries all within a 60-mile radius of the new Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (which opened in October 2020), Brandenburg is a fruitful place to taste whiskey. A circumnavigation of the German capital region promises new-found tradition and adventure in equal measure, with warehouses, whiskey cellars, and sampling rooms.
“Distilling has been part of Brandenburg’s fabric for centuries,” says Cornelia Bohn, producer of Preußischer Whisky. “But this knowledge was lost during the Communist era when liquor production was controlled and limited to state-produced vodka. It’s amazing to think that whiskey was an outlaw spirit, only available on the black market. So we’re catching up now.”
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Spirited Revival
No manufacturer is doing more to put German whiskey on the map than Bohn. Growing up behind the Berlin Wall in Soviet-occupied Uckermark in the former German Democratic Republic, she fell in love with the romance of whiskey advertisements broadcast from uncensored West German TV channels. She took note of the smoky bars, the clinking glasses, the talk of exotic overseas adventures, and revered the banned liquor without ever having tasted it. For her, it represented the West, escape from behind the Iron Curtain, and freedom.
When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and Bohn crossed the unified German capital for the first time, one small shop caught her eye. “Everyone was gifted 100 Deutsche marks welcome money on arrival and my first instinct was to buy a bottle of whiskey,” says Bohn, who was 24 at the time. “It was a Johnnie Walker, and it was the most amazing moment of my life.”
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A barley field in the Uckermark region, known as the granary of Brandenburg, glows golden at sunset. Photograph By Preussischer Whisky
Now 31 years later, Bohn is one of Germany’s most respected whiskey makers and one of the first women to open her own distillery. As Rumpelstiltskin spun gold from straw, she has turned a modest family inheritance into a label born from a teenage dream, producing Germany’s only organic single malt.
Here in the Uckermark region, grasslands tip into beech woods and pastures filled with black horses that, tradition dictates, are still used to pull carriages for village weddings and funerals. The Friesians are central to the local Slavic culture and, fittingly, Bohn’s stills are housed in red-brick stables. The Preußischer mascot, too, is a sleek colt sporting a pickelhaube, a spiked soldier’s helmet. (Preußischer translates to “Prussian.”)
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The woman-owned Preußischer Whisky is one of the hundreds of German distillers gaining global recognition. Photograph BY Patrick Pleul, Picture Alliance/DPA/AP Images
Tales like this are everywhere in Brandenburg, hidden behind distillery doors and in the barley and rye fields. At Grumsiner Brennerei, the attitude towards whiskey is to dig deeper into the past. Distillery owner Thomas Blätterlein is reviving ancient strains of forgotten grains.
One cereal is East Prussian eppweizen, an overlooked wheat used for his fruity, single-grain malt Mammoth. On the nose, the hay-gold spirit hints at caramel; the taste is floral and lightly spiced.
Grain Expectations
Less than 40 miles southeast of Berlin, former bartender Bastian Heuser founded Stork Club/Spreewald, Germany’s first rye whiskey distillery, in the village of Schlepzig. Flour mills, witch’s-hat spires, and ramshackle farmsteads point to the town’s centuries-old heritage.
The distillery’s origins began with a road trip. In 2015, Heuser and co-owners Steffen Lohr and Sebastian Brack were looking for a particular cask to take back to Berlin. It turned out that the incumbent owner of one distillery they visited had no family and was looking for a successor.
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Left: Spreewald Distillery, located in Schlepzig, produces Stork Club, Germany’s first rye whiskey. Photograph By Markus Schreiber, AP Images Right: Bastian Heuser stands next to a 600-liter (158-gallon) still. The former Berlin barkeeper co-founded Stork Club/Spreewald Distillery. Photograph By Bernd Settnik, Picture Alliance/DPA/AP Images
“Serendipity,” recalls Heuser. “The absurdity is we went from wanting to buy just the one barrel to taking over an entire distillery.”
Behind its brick walls, the venue retains the cobbled courtyard, whiskey barn, and garden built a century ago, but the brand’s hipster vibe is clearly here-and-now.
Ostensibly, what Stork Club offers the visitor is stunning whiskey. But the distillery is cleverly engineered on the Spreewald canal network. An added thrill is discovering more than 200 intertwined waterways vibrant with wildlife, including 250 pairs of white storks that return each year to nest. A punting trip into the marshy meadows, where the crank of the mash tun fades to silence, comes highly recommended. At times, it is too easy to miss that the wilderness is in the thick of the largest rye-growing greenbelt in Europe.
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Visitors to Spreewald Distillery can make a day of it with a boat ride along the region’s canal network. Photograph By Hans-Joachim Aubert, Alamy Stock Photo
“Most German distilleries look towards Scotland for inspiration,” Heuser says. “But we’re more drawn to whiskies made in the United States. It’s funny, really, because rye is part of Brandenburg’s history, but we’ve never wholly embraced it. Until now.”
Transatlantic Ties
Pull this thread and a whole other backstory unravels. Where Brandenburg rye really prevails is across the Atlantic in the stills of some of the largest distillers in the United States, including Kentucky’s Wild Turkey and Four Roses, both of which stockpile the region’s crop. It would be difficult, in fact, to overstate the impact of Germany’s distilling heritage on the U.S., with the roots of many distilleries on the American Whiskey Trail and Kentucky Bourbon Trail first sown by immigrants.
“It’s no great surprise Germans kickstarted the pre-Prohibition rye whiskey industry in the 1800s because of what they learned back home,” says Dave Broom, author of the World Atlas of Whisky and a whiskey writer for 30 years.
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Bastian Heuser inspects whiskey at the Spreewald Distillery. Photograph By Tobias Schwarz, AFP/Getty Images
Pennsylvania’s Old Overholt, said to be America’s oldest continuously operating whiskey brand, was founded by German Mennonite farmer Henry Oberholzer in 1810. Johannes Jakob Böhm moved to Kentucky to sell bourbon under the name Old Jake Beam (now better known as Jim Beam).
There are many other immigrant tales, too, including those of George Dickel, from Grünberg, Hesse, who came to Nashville in 1844; and the founders of the Stitzel-Weller distillery, maker of cult favorite Pappy Van Winkle. Predictably, after 13 years of Prohibition (1920–1933), many German distillers were forgotten, and today it is hard for whiskey historians to tease out personal stories from romanticized brand mythologies.
The Future of Brandenburg
The blurring of distinctions is common when appraising whiskey, and this paradox is all too familiar to Tim Eggenstein of Old Sandhill Whisky, in the town of Bad Belzig, 55 miles southwest of Berlin. The distiller ages his single malt in virgin German, American, and French oak barrels, as well as scented sherry casks and barrique barrels from Bordeaux, accepting that everyone puts their own spin on a whiskey’s story.
At Glina Distillery, 10 miles outside state capital Potsdam, distiller Michael Schultz is driven to create a rare rye-barley hybrid, using oak casks made by Brandenburg’s last remaining master cooper. This is whiskey rendered in muted, earthy tones.
As a journey around Brandenburg makes clear, whiskey is now part of life in Germany—at once looking backwards to a forgotten past and forwards to a more enterprising and fertile future.
— The National Geographic
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kabargames · 4 years ago
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Cobain Nih! 6 Tips Farming Mobile Legends Biar Cepat Kaya
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Lagi nyari kunci jawaban game Word Across karena ingin lancar berbahasa Inggris? Buat Kamu yang ingin lancar berbahasa Inggris tapi nggak punya cukup uang untuk ikut kursus atau sekedar membeli kamus Bahasa Inggris. Kamu bisa memanfaatkan game Word Across sebagai sarana belajar dan praktek berbahasa Inggris. Pasalnya, game yang menghubungkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris ini sangat baik buat Kamu yang sedang mempelajari kata-kata dari bahasa Inggris. Kalau kesulitan menjawab dibeberapa level tertentu Kamu bisa menggunakan kunci jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210 yang sudah Kabar Games siapakan berikut ini. Baca Juga : Nikahan Mantan: Saatnya Lampiaskan Rasa Sakit Hatimu Disini 5 Hero Mobile Legends dengan Kemampuan Mirip Cheat Map Hack Hiram, Update Berskala Besar Pertama ArcheAge! Ini Fiturnya Genshin Impact: Gameplay, Karakter, Review & Spesifikasi PC Kunci Jawaban Braindom Terbaru dari Level 1 – 225 googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 1 – 20 Level 1 How, Who Level 2 Add, Dad Level 3 Are, Ear, Era Level 4 Six, Is Level 5 Wall, All, Law Bonus Awl Level 6 Yard, Day, Dry, Ray Bonus Dray, Rad, Rya, Yar Level 7 Your, Our, You Level 8 Wars, Raw, Saw, War, Was Bonus Raws Level 9 Eyes, Eye, See, Yes Level 10 Gold, Dog, God, Log, Old Bonus Dol Level 11 Note, Tone, Net, Not, One, Ten, Toe, Ton Bonus Eon Level 12 Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Paly, Alp, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 13 Sink, Skin, Ink, Kin, Sin, Ski Bonus Inks, Kins Level 14 Sends, Ends, Send, Den, End Bonus Dens, Ness, Sned, Eds, Ens Level 15 Eight, Get, Hit, The, Tie Bonus Gite, Gie, Git, Hie, Teg Level 16 Worn, Nor, Now, Own, Row, Won Level 17 Black, Back, Lack, Cab, Lab Bonus Balk, Calk, Alb, Bal, Kab, Lac Level 18 Unity, Tiny, Unit, Nut, Tin Bonus Nit, Tui, Tun, Yin Level 19 Cakes, Cake, Case, Sack, Sake, Ask, Sea Bonus Aces, Cask, Kaes, Keas, Ace, Kas, Kea, Sac, Sec, Ska Level 20 Meets, Meet, Seem, Met, See, Set Bonus Metes, Teems, Emes, Mete, Seme, Stem, Teem, Tees, Eme, Tee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 21 – 40 Level 21 Pact, Act, Apt, Cap, Cat, Pat, Tap Bonus Pac Level 22 Hosts, Shots, Host, Shot, Toss, Hot Bonus Hots, Sots, Tosh, Sot, Tho Level 23 Guide, Die, Dig, Due, Dug Bonus Gied, Gude, Ged, Gid, Gie Level 24 Loves, Solve, Lose, Love, Sole Bonus Voles, Levo, Oles, Sloe, Voes, Vole, Lev, Ole, Sel, Sol, Voe Level 25 Seems, Mess, Seem, Sees, See Bonus Semes, Emes, Seme, Eme Level 26 Suits, Sits, Suit, Its, Sit Bonus Situs, Tuis, Sis, Tis, Tui Level 27 Slips, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Lisps, Lisp, Psis, Sips, Sis Level 28 Clues, Clue, Cues, Cue, Sec, Sue, Use Bonus Luces, Ecus, Luce, Lues, Slue, Cel, Leu, Sel Level 29 Petty, Type, Pet, Yep, Yet Bonus Yett, Pye Level 30 Eased, Ease, Seed, Sad, Sea, See Bonus Aedes, Dees, Sade, Ads, Eds Level 31 Doubt, Bout, Bud, But, Dot, Tub, Out, Duo Bonus Bod, Bot, Dub, Oud, Tod Level 32 Drums, Drum, Mud, Rum, Sum Bonus Muds, Rums, Surd, Urds, Urd Level 33 Hardy, Hard, Yard, Day, Dry, Had, Hay, Ray Bonus Hydra, Dray, Dah, Rad, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 34 Deter, Deer, Reed, Tree, Red Bonus Treed, Dere, Dree, Rede, Rete, Teed, Ere, Ree, Ret, Ted, Tee Level 35 Lousy, Soul, Sly, Soy, You Bonus Yous, Sol, Sou Level 36 Allow, Wall, All, Law, Low, Owl Bonus Alow, Olla, Awl Level 37 Wagon, Gown, Ago, Now, Own, Wan, Won Bonus Gowan, Agon, Gnaw, Awn, Gan, Goa, Nag, Nog, Wag Level 38 Brash, Bars, Bash, Rash, Ash, Bar, Bra, Has Bonus Arbs, Bras, Abs, Arb, Sab Level 39 Style, Lets, Let, Set, Yes, Yet Bonus Lest, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Stye, Tels, Tyes, Ley, Lye, Sel, Sly, Sty Level 40 Texts, Test, Text, Set, Sex Bonus Sett, Sext, Stet, Tets Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 41 – 60 Level 41 Flood, Fold, Food, Fool, Old Bonus Loof, Dol, Loo Level 42 Sears, Ears, Seas, Are, Ear, Era, Sea Bonus Rases, Eras, Rase, Sear, Sera, Sers, Ers, Res, Ser Level 43 Donor, Door, Odor, Don, Nod, Nor, Rod Bonus Rondo, Ordo, Rood, Dor Level 44 Apply, Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Palp, Paly, Alp, App, Pap, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 45 Catch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Tach Level 46 Kicks, Kick, Sick, Sic, Ski Level 47 Seven, Even, Seen, Eve, See Bonus Evens, Neves, Esne, Eves, Neve, Sene, Vees, Ens, Nee Level 48 Third, Dirt, Hid, Hit, Rid Bonus Thir, Dit Level 49 Knelt, Ken, Let, Net, Ten Bonus Kelt, Kent, Lent, Elk, Lek Level 50 Saved, Save, Vase, Sad, Sea Bonus Devas, Deva, Devs, Sade, Ads, Eds, Vas Level 51 Signs, Sings, Sign, Sing, Sins, Gin, Sin Bonus Gins, Sis Level 52 Snack, Sack, Sank, Scan, Ask, Can Bonus Cans, Cask, Kas, Sac, Ska Level 53 Lofty, Loft, Fly, Lot, Toy Bonus Oft Level 54 Berth, Herb, Bet, Her, The Bonus Beth, Reb, Ret Level 55 Mixed, Dime, Die, Dim, Mid, Mix Bonus Idem, Med Level 56 Bends, Beds, Bend, Ends, Send, Bed, Den, End Bonus Bens, Dens, Nebs, Sned, Ben, Bes, Deb, Eds, Ens, Neb Level 57 Rough, Hour, Hog, Hug, Our, Rug Bonus Gor Level 58 Flips, Flip, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Fils, Lisp, Fil Level 59 Ounce, Cone, Once, Cue, One Bonus Unco, Con, Eon Level 60 Brink, Rink, Bin, Ink, Kin, Rib Bonus Birk, Kirn, Irk, Kir, Nib Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 61 – 80 Level 61 Porch, Chop, Crop, Cop, Hop, Pro Bonus Cor, Orc, Roc Level 62 Notch, Cot, Hot, Not, Ton Bonus Chon, Con, Hon, Nth, Tho Level 63 Thumb, But, Hub, Hum, Hut, Tub Bonus Bhut, Bum, Mut Level 64 Swung, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sun Bonus Gnus, Gnu Level 65 Comer, Come, Core, More, Ore Bonus Cero, Corm, Merc, Omer, Cor, Moc, Orc, Rec, Rem, Roc, Roe Level 66 Yells, Sell, Yell, Sly, Yes Bonus Ells, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Ley, Lye, Sel Level 67 Stall, Last, Salt, Tall, All Bonus Talls, Alls, Alts, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Level 68 Drama, Arm, Dam, Mad, Mar Bonus Damar, Dram, Maar, Mara, Rad, Ram Level 69 Agree, Eager, Gear, Rage, Age, Are, Ear, Era Bonus Eagre, Agee, Ager, Gree, Ere, Erg, Gar, Rag, Ree, Reg Level 70 Grill, Gill, Girl, Ill, Rig Bonus Rill Level 71 Terms, Rest, Stem, Term, Met, Set Bonus Erst, Rems, Rets, Tres, Ers, Rem, Res, Ret, Ser Level 72 Would, Loud, Duo, Low, Old, Owl Bonus Wold, Dol, Dow, Oud, Wud Level 7 Hairy, Airy, Hair, Air, Hay, Ray Bonus Ahi, Rai, Ria, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 74 Crown, Corn, Crow, Worn, Cow, Nor, Own, Row, Won, Now Bonus Con, Cor, Orc, Roc Level 75 Plank, Plan, Lap, Nap, Pal, Pan Bonus Knap, Lank, Alp Level 76 Match, Chat, Math, Act, Cat, Ham, Hat, Mat Bonus Cham, Mach, Tach, Cam, Mac Level 77 Graph, Harp, Gap, Par, Rap Bonus Gar, Hag, Hap, Rag Level 78 Feeds, Feed, Fees, Seed, Fed, Fee, See Bonus Dees, Feds, Def, Eds Level 79 Sixth, Hits, This, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Six Bonus Hist, Sith, Tis Level 80 Dirty, Dirt, Tidy, Dry, Rid, Try Bonus Yird, Dit Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 81 – 100 Level 81 Bases, Base, Bass, Seas, Sea Bonus Sabes, Sabs, Abs, Bes, Sab Level 82 Event, Even, Teen, Vent, Net, Ten, Vet, Eve Bonus Neve, Nee, Tee Level 83 Lacks, Slack, Lack, Sack, Ask Bonus Calks, Calk, Cask, Lacs, Kas, Lac, Sac, Sal, Ska Level 84 Slots, Loss, Lost, Lots, Slot, Toss, Lot Bonus Sols, Sots, Sol, Sot Level 85 Lands, Land, Sand, And, Lad, Sad Bonus Ands, Dals, Dans, Lads, Ads, Dal, Sal Level 86 Blues, Blue, Bus, Sub, Sue, Use Bonus Lubes, Bels, Lube, Lues, Slub, Slue, Bel, Bes, Leu, Sel Level 87 Needy, Deny, Eyed, Need, Den, Dye, End, Eye Bonus Dene, Dyne, Eyen, Eyne, Dey, Nee, Yen Level 88 Guard, Drag, Drug, Grad, Dug, Rug Bonus Dura, Gaud, Gaur, Guar, Ruga, Dag, Gad, Gar, Rad, Rag, Urd Level 89 Spicy, Icy, Sic, Sip, Spy Bonus Pics, Pyic, Yips, Pic, Yip Level 90 Zones, Nose, Ones, Zone, One, Son Bonus Eons, Noes, Sone, Ens, Eon Level 91 Sinks, Skins, Kiss, Sink, Sins, Skin, Skis, Ink, Kin, Ski, Sin Bonus Inks, Kins, Sis Level 92 Props, Pops, Prop, Pop, Pro Bonus Pros, Sop Level 93 Mount, Unto, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Notum, Muon, Mon, Mot, Mut, Tom, Tun Level 94 Humor, Hour, Hum, Our, Rum Bonus Mohur, Mho, Ohm Level 95 Shuts, Huts, Shut, Thus, Hut Bonus Tush Level 96 Loser, Roles, Lore, Lose, Role, Rose, Sole, Sore, Ore Bonus Lores, Orles, Sorel, Oles, Ores, Orle, Roes, Sloe, Ers, Ole, Res, Roe, Sel, Ser, Sol Level 97 Fungi, Fin, Fun, Gin, Gun Bonus Fig, Fug, Gnu Level 98 Wally, Ally, Wall, All, Law, Lay, Way Bonus Yawl, Awl, Yaw Level 99 Farms, Arms, Farm, Mars, Arm, Far, Mar Bonus Arfs, Rams, Ram Level 100 Aware, Area, Wear, Are, Awe, Ear, Era, Raw, War Bonus Ware, Awa, Wae Daftar Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 101 – 120 Level 101 Ghost, Hogs, Host, Shot, Hog, Hot, Got Bonus Goths, Gosh, Goth, Hots, Shog, Togs, Tosh, Sot, Tho, Tog Level 102 Tells, Lest, Lets, Sell, Tell, Let, Set Bonus Ells, Tels, Sel Level 103 Mound, Undo, Don, Duo, Nod, Mud Bonus Muon, Udon, Dun, Mod, Mon, Oud Level 104 Theme, Meet, Them, Hem, The, Met Bonus Heme, Mete, Meth, Teem, Thee, Eme, Tee Level 105 World, Lord, Word, Low, Old, Owl, Rod, Row Bonus Wold, Dol, Dor, Dow Level 106 Firms, Firm, Rims, Fir, Rim, Sir Bonus Firs, Mirs, Rifs, Mir, Rif, Sri Level 107 Rapid, Arid, Drip, Paid, Pair, Raid, Aid, Air, Pad, Par, Rap, Rid, Rip, Dip Bonus Pardi, Pard, Dap, Pia, Rad, Rai, Ria Level 108 Hatch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Hath, Tach Level 109 Plump, Lump, Plum, Pulp, Pump, Pup Bonus Pul, Ump Level 110 Knees, Keen, Knee, Seek, Seen, Ken, See Bonus Keens, Skene, Ekes, Esne, Kens, Sene, Skee, Eke, Ens, Nee Level 111 Width, With, Hid, Hit, Wit Bonus Whid, Whit, Dit Level 112 Blast, Bats, Last, Salt, Slab, Tabs, Bat, Lab, Tab, Stab Bonus Blats, Albs, Alts, Bals, Bast, Blat, Labs, Lats, Slat, Abs, Alb, Alt, Bal, Lat, Sab, Sal, Sat Level 113 Peace, Cape, PaCepe, Cep, Pac, Pea Level 114 Shake, Sake, Ash, Ask, Has, Sea, She Bonus Hakes, Haes, Hake, Kaes, Keas, Shea, Hae, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 115 Plots, Lost, Lots, Plot, Post, Pots, Slot, Spot, Stop, Tops, Lot, Opt, Pot, Top Bonus Lops, Opts, Pols, Slop, Lop, Pol, Sol, Sop, Sot Level 116 Burly, Blur, Bury, Ruby, Buy, Rub Bonus Burl, Bur Level 117 Blush, Bush, Lush, Bus, Hub, Sub Bonus Buhls, Buhl, Hubs, Shul, Slub Level 118 Spend, Ends, Pens, Send, Sped, Den, End, Pen Bonus Pends, Dens, Peds, Pend, Sned, Eds, Ens, Ped, Pes Level 119 Grand, Darn, Drag, Grad, Rand, Rang, And, Ran Bonus Dang, Gnar, Gran, Nard, Dag, Gad, Gan, Gar, Nag, Rad, Rag Level 120 Chips, Chip, Ship, His, Sic, Sip Bonus Chis, Hips, Ichs, Phis, Pics, Pish, Hip, Ich, Pic Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 121 – 140 Level 121 Cones, Cone, Nose, Once, Ones, One, Sec, Son Bonus Scone, Cons, Eons, Noes, Sone, Con, Ens, Eon Level 122 Saint, Satin, Stain, Anti, Ant, Its, Sin, Sit, Tan, Tin Bonus Antis, Tains, Ains, Aits, Anis, Ants, Nits, Sain, Sati, Snit, Tain, Tans, Tins, Ain, Ait, Ani, Nit, Sat, Tis Level 123 Hazel, Hale, Haze, Heal, Zeal, Ale Bonus Laze, Hae, Lea Level 124 Count, Unto, Cot, Cut, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Unco, Con, Tun Level 125 Coupe, Cope, Coup, Cop, Cue, Cup Bonus Puce, Cep, Ope Level 126 Budge, Bed, Beg, Bud, Bug, Due, Dug Bonus Debug, Gude, Deb, Dub, Ged Level 127 Taxed, Date, Ate, Axe, Eat, Tad, Tax, Tea Bonus Axed, Tae, Ted Level 128 Bring, Grin, Ring, Big, Bin, Gin, Rib, Rig Bonus Brig, Girn, Gib, Nib Level 129 Aptly, Play, Apt, Lay, Pal, Pat, Pay, Tap, Lap Bonus Platy, Typal, Paly, Paty, Plat, Alp, Alt, Lat, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 130 Genus, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sue, Sun, Use Bonus Negus, Engs, Gens, Genu, Gnus, Negs, Ens, Gen, Gnu, Neg Level 131 Dared, Dread, Dare, Dead, Dear, Read, Add, Are, Dad, Ear, Era, Red Bonus Adder, Readd, Redd, Rad Level 132 Crawl, Claw, Arc, Car, Law, Raw, War Bonus Carl, Craw, Awl, Caw, Lac, Lar Level 133 Tents, Nest, Nets, Sent, Tent, Test, Net, Set, Ten Bonus Netts, Stent, Nett, Sett, Stet, Tens, Tets, Ens Level 134 Found, Fond, Fund, Undo, Don, Duo, Fun, Nod Bonus Fondu, Udon, Dun, Fon, Fou, Fud, Oud Level 135 Thyme, Myth, Them, They, Hem, Met, The, Yet Bonus Hyte, Meth, Thy Level 136 Clown, Cow, Low, Now, Owl, Own, Won Bonus Cowl, Lown, Col, Con Level 137 Minor, Iron, Norm, Ion, Nor, Rim Bonus Inro, Morn, Noir, Mir, Mon, Nim Level 138 Yacht, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat, Hay Bonus Achy, Chay, Tach, Cay, Thy, Yah Level 139 Abyss, Bass, Bays, Says, Bay, Say Bonus Bassy, Abys, Sabs, Abs, Aby, Ays, Sab Level 140 Knife, Fine, Fin, Ink, Ken, Kin Bonus Fink, Kief, Kine, Fen, Kef, Kif Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 141 – 160 Level 141 Gamut, Gum, Gut, Mat, Mug, Tag, Tug Bonus Gaum, Gam, Gat, Mag, Mut, Uta Level 142 Drift, Dirt, Rift, Fir, Fit, Rid Bonus Frit, Dif, Dit, Fid, Rif Level 143 Short, Host, Shot, Sort, Hot, Rot Bonus Horst, Hots, Orts, Rhos, Rots, Thro, Tors, Tosh, Ort, Sot, Tho, Tor Level 144 Paced, Cape, Pace, Ace, Ape, Cap, Pad Bonus Caped, Aced, Aped, Cade, Dace, Cep, Dap, Pac, Pea, Ped Level 145 Asked, Desk, Sake, Ask, Sad, Sea Bonus Daks, Kaes, Keas, Sade, Ads, Dak, Eds, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 146 Sheen, Hens, Seen, Hen, See, She Bonus Esne, Sene, Ens, Nee Level 147 Awash, Wash, Ash, Has, Saw, Was Bonus Haws, Shaw, Shwa, Awa, Haw Level 148 Brush, Shrub, Bush, Rubs, Rush, Bus, Hub, Rub, Sub Bonus Buhrs, Buhr, Burs, Hubs, Urbs, Bur Level 149 Lends, Ends, Lend, Lens, Send, Sled, Den, End, Led Bonus Dels, Dens, Elds, Sned, Del, Eds, Eld, Ens, Sel Level 150 Waved, Wade, Wave, Awe, Dew, Wad, Wed Bonus Awed, Deva, Daw, Wae Level 151 Picks, Pick, Sick, Skip, Sic, Sip, Ski Bonus Kips, Pics, Spik, Kip, Pic Level 152 Opens, Nope, Nose, Ones, Open, Pens, Pose, One, Pen, Son Bonus Peons, Pones, Eons, Epos, Noes, Opes, Peon, Peso, Pone, Pons, Sone, Ens, Eon, Ope, Pes, Sop Level 153 Twins, Twin, Wins, Its, Sin, Sit, Tin, Win, Wit Bonus Nits, Snit, Tins, Wist, Wits, Nit, Tis, Wis Level 154 Glaze, Gale, Gaze, Zeal, Age, Ale, Gal, Gel, Lag, Leg Bonus Egal, Laze, Lea, Zag Level 155 Mores, More, Rose, Some, Sore, Ore Bonus Morse, Omers, Mors, Omer, Ores, Rems, Roes, Roms, Ers, Rem, Res, Roe, Ser, Som Level 156 Pouch, Chop, Coup, Ouch, Cop, Cup, Hop Level 157 Snaps, Spans, Pans, Pass, Snap, Span, Nap, Pan, Sap, Spa Bonus Asps, Naps, Sans, Saps, Spas, Asp, Pas Level 158 Tonal, Alto, Loan, Ant, Lot, Not, Tan, Ton Bonus Notal, Talon, Tolan, Lota, Nota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat Level 159 Begin, Being, Binge, Beg, Big, Bin, Gin Bonus Bine, Gibe, Ben, Gen, Gib, Gie, Neb, Neg, Nib Level 160 Flats, Fast, Flat, Last, Salt, Aft, Fat Bonus Alts, Fats, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 161 – 180 Level 161 Puree, Peer, Pure, Per, Rep, Rue Bonus Rupee, Pere, Pree, Ere, Ree Level 162 Amber, Bare, Beam, Bear, Mare, Are, Arm, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Mar Bonus Bream, Embar, Barm, Bema, Berm, Brae, Ream, Arb, Bam, Mae, Ram, Reb, Rem Level 163 Fumes, Fuse, Muse, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Emus, Fems, Feus, Fume, Emu, Fem, Feu Level 164 Belts, Belt, Best, Bets, Lest, Lets, Let, Set, Bet Bonus Blest, Bels, Tels, Bel, Bes, Sel Level 165 Dough, Dog, Dug, Duo, God, Hog, Hug Bonus Hod, Oud Level 166 Deity, Diet, Edit, Tide, Tidy, Tied, Die, Dye, Tie, Yet Bonus Dite, Yeti, Dey, Dit, Ted Level 167 Crowd, Cord, Crow, Word, Cod, Cow, Rod, Row Bonus Cor, Doc, Dor, Dow, Orc, Roc Level 168 Muted, Duet, Mute, Due, Met, Mud Bonus Emu, Med, Mut, Ted, Ute Level 169 Batch, Bath, Chat, Act, Bat, Cab, Cat, Hat, Tab Bonus Bach, Baht, Tach Level 170 Crime, Mice, Rice, Ice, Ire, Rim Bonus Cire, Emic, Emir, Merc, Mire, Rime, Mic, Mir, Rec, Rem Level 171 Libel, Bell, Bile, Bill, Ill, Lie Bonus Bel, Lei, Lib Level 172 Admit, Amid, Maid, Aid, Aim, Dam, Dim, Mad, Mat, Mid, Tad Bonus Adit, Ait, Ami, Dit Level 173 Drink, Kind, Rind, Rink, Din, Kid, Kin, Rid, Ink Bonus Dink, Dirk, Kirn, Irk, Kir Level 174 Youth, Hot, Hut, Out, Toy, You Bonus Thou, Hoy, Tho, Thy Level 175 Ports, Sport, Port, Post, Pots, Sort, Spot, Stop, Tops, Opt, Pot, Pro, Rot, Top Bonus Prost, Strop, Opts, Orts, Pros, Rots, Tors, Trop, Ort, Sop, Sot, Tor Level 176 Snake, Sneak, Sake, Sane, Sank, Ask, Ken, Sea Bonus Kanes, Skean, Anes, Kaes, Kane, Keas, Kens, Ane, Ens, Kas, Kea, Nae, Ska Level 177 Tenth, Tent, Then, Hen, Net, Ten, The Bonus Hent, Nett, Teth, Nth Level 178 Shady, Dash, Days, Hays, Ash, Day, Had, Hay, Sad, Say, Shy, Has Bonus Dashy, Ashy, Dahs, Shad, Shay, Ads, Ays, Dah, Yah Level 179 Champ, Camp, Chap, Cap, Ham, Map Bonus Caph, Cham, Mach, Amp, Cam, Hap, Mac, Pac, Pam Level 180 Dense, Needs, Ends, Need, Seed, Seen, Send, Den, End, See Bonus Denes, Dees, Dene, Dens, Esne, Sene, Sned, Eds, Ens, Nee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 181 – 200 Level 181 Spike, Pies, Pike, Skip, Pie, Sip, Ski Bonus Kepis, Pikes, Kepi, Keps, Kips, Sike, Sipe, Skep, Spik, Kep, Kip, Pes, Sei Level 182 Canoe, Ocean, Cane, Cone, Once, Ace, Can, One Bonus Acne, Aeon, Ane, Con, Eon, Nae, Oca Level 183 Drawn, Darn, Dawn, Draw, Rand, Wand, Ward, Warn, And, Ran, Raw, Wad, Wan, War Bonus Nard, Awn, Daw, Rad Level 184 Ninth, Hint, Thin, Hit, Inn, Tin Bonus Hin, Nit, Nth Level 185 Stirs, Sits, Stir, Its, Sir, Sit Bonus Sirs, Sris, Sis, Sri, Tis Level 186 Apple, Leap, Pale, Plea, Ale, Ape, Lap, Pal, Pep Bonus Appel, Palp, Peal, Alp, App, Lea, Pap, Pea Level 187 Scrub, Curb, Rubs, Bus, Cub, Rub, Sub Bonus Curbs, Burs, Crus, Cubs, Curs, Urbs, Bur, Cru, Cur Level 188 Pasta, Past, Pats, Taps, Apt, Pat, Sap, Spa, Tap Bonus Tapas, Spat, Tapa, Asp, Pas, Sat Level 189 Helms, Helm, Mesh, Elm, Hem, She Bonus Elms, Hems, Mels, Mel, Sel Level 190 Owing, Gown, Wing, Gin, Ion, Now, Own, Wig, Win, Won Bonus Wino, Nog Level 191 Aloft, Float, Alto, Flat, Loaf, Loft, Aft, Fat, Lot Bonus Foal, Lota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat, Oft Level 192 Cruel, Ulcer, Clue, Cure, Curl, Lure, Rule, Cue, Rue Bonus Lucre, Ecru, Luce, Cel, Cru, Cur, Leu, Rec Level 193 Zebra, Bare, Bear, Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era Bonus Braze, Brae, Raze, Arb, Reb Level 194 Mouse, Muse, Some, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Moues, Emus, Moue, Sumo, Emu, Som, Sou Level 195 Steps, Pest, Pets, Sets, Step, Pet, Set Bonus Pests, Septs, Psst, Sept, Pes Level 196 Cover, Core, Cove, Over, Rove, Ore, Rev Bonus Cero, Cor, Orc, Rec, Roc, Roe, Voe Level 197 Rebel, Beer, Reel, Bee, Eel, Lee Bonus Leer, Bel, Ere, Reb, Ree Level 198 Cloud, Could, Cold, Loud, Cod, Duo, Old Bonus Clod, Col, Cud, Doc, Dol, Oud Level 199 Field, Filed, File, Fled, Idle, Lied, Life, Die, Elf, Fed, Led, Lid, Lie Bonus Felid, Flied, Deil, Deli, Diel, Lief, Def, Del, Dif, Eld, Fid, Fil, Lei Level 200 Boost, Boots, Boot, Soot, Sob, Too Bonus Boos, Bots, Oots, Stob, Bot, Sot Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 200 – 210 Level 201 Thank, Hank, Tank, Than, Ant, Hat, Tan Bonus Ankh, Hant, Khan, Khat, Kat, Nth Level 202 Grief, Fire, Rife, Ire, Rig, Fir Bonus Frig, Reif, Erg, Fer, Fig, Gie, Ref, Reg, Rif Level 203 Smart, Arms, Arts, Mars, Mast, Mats, Rats, Star, Tram, Arm, Art, Mar, Mat, Tar, Rat Bonus Marts, Trams, Mart, Rams, Tams, Tars, Tsar, Ram, Sat Level 204 Finds, Find, Fins, Din, Dis, Fin, Sin Bonus Difs, Dins, Fids, Dif, Fid Level 205 Mouth, Moth, Hot, Hum, Hut, Out Bonus Thou, Mho, Mot, Mut, Ohm, Tho, Tom Level 206 Story, Rosy, Sort, Toys, Rot, Soy, Toy, Try Bonus Ryots, Stroy, Troys, Tyros, Orts, Rots, Ryot, Tors, Tory, Troy, Tyro, Ort, Sot, Sty, Tor Level 207 Beams, Base, Beam, Mesa, Same, Seam, Sea Bonus Bemas, Mabes, Bams, Bema, Maes, Abs, Bam, Bes, Mae, Sab Level 208 Stalk, Talks, Last, Salt, Talk, Task, Ask Bonus Alts, Kats, Lats, Skat, Slat, Alt, Kas, Kat, Lat, Sal, Sat, Ska, Tsk Level 209 Cards, Arcs, Card, Cars, Scar, Arc, Car, Sad Bonus Cads, Rads, Sard, Scad, Ads, Rad, Sac Level 210 Doors, Door, Odor, Rods, Rod, Sod Bonus Odors, Ordos, Roods, Dors, Ordo, Rood, Dor Nah itulah tadi semua Kunci Jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210. Kabar Games akan mengupdatenya kembali jika telah menemukan kunci jawaban ke level lebih tinggi lainnya, jangan lupa baca juga kunci jawaban Tebak Gambar, TTS Pintar, TTS Jenius, Brain Blow, Stump Me dan Tebak Tebakan 2020! Nantikan terus berita terbaru dan terupdate seputar game dan gadget hanya di Kabar Games. (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
#TipsTrick #MobileLegends
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soopranatural · 7 years ago
A rooster with some serious issues
Summary: Sam, Dean and the reader have to kill something they can't look at.
Pairing: Sam x reader
Warnings: idk, the usual? If you're afraid of chicken don't read
Words: 2796
A/N: This was written for the Rejects of Supernatural Challenge, hosted by @sisterhoodofsam​ (I took so long to write it because I thought it had to be posted on the 10th oops)
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(I’m sorry I spent like five minutes laughing, I find this dude hilarious, just look at this scary chicken hahaha)
Your name: submit What is this?
"I think I found something" you raised your head from the book you were reading and sighed. So much for finally having a relaxing weekend.
Dean looked up from cleaning the guns and shot you a forlorn look, you were both going to the diner to get some pie after the sun went down a bit and you knew that wouldn't be happening now.
"Do we have to?" You whined.
Sam turned his head to look at you in disbelief. "It's killed five people Y/N." You sighed and gestured vaguely with your hand for him to continue, you still pouted though.
"So, it says here that these people have all died of heart failure, probably died instantly" Dean leaned back in his chair and turned to look at Sam directly.
"What's so weird about that? A lot of people die of heart failure." Sam turned in his chair to look at Dean, gesturing with his hands like he did when he wanted someone to understand what he was saying. You hid your fond smile behind your hand. "Well yeah, but these people were of all ages, and heart failure is usually an old people thing" he turned back to his laptop and scanned the screen again "there was an old lady, but also a couple of middle aged people, someone in their late twenties and" he paused for a beat and his brow furrowed "a seventeen year old."
"Shit" Dean said quietly. "Yeah" Sam replied, nodding distantly. You were struck with a sudden urge to get up from the couch and go over to Sam and smooth out his frown. You coughed and both men looked at you.
"Anything else we need to know about the case? Do we know what did it?" Sam clicked around a bit and read silently for a minute, his lips moving silently around the words. "Yeah, um, they all died at night and they all had their eyes open and glazed over. No other clues besides that but we can figure out what it is after we get there."
Dean's mouth quirked in a disgusted gesture "What kind of article writes that?" Sam shrugged.
"Well" you started, closing your book "I say it seems weird  enough for us, when do we head out?"
"We can pack and go now, and question people when we get there in the morning, maybe take tuns sleeping in the car?" Sam looked at both of you in turn.
"It's your call, I'm the one who actually fits in the back seat" you stood up and stretched, your back popped into place and you sighed in pleasure.
"I thought we were getting pie." Dean murmured and you laughed "we can stop by the diner and eat it on the way there" you replied and Dean grunted.
He still got up and started packing his things, grumbling the whole time.
The drive there was like it always was. Sam drove first while you and Dean ate pie. You talked and laughed at old hunting stories. You and Dean sang loudly and off key to Dean's music. Sam told you to stop. You sang louder. Sam finally gave in and sang with you.
When it got late you slept in the backseat for an hour and then changed seats so Sam could sleep and Dean could drive. After two hours they changed places and Sam drove again while Dean slept. You didn't drive the car, you didn't take it personally. You knew Dean trusted you, but not that much.
When you got to town you were all groggy and tired. You stretched out and waited with Sam while Dean booked you a room.
"I was thinking we should all freshen up and go have breakfast at that place we saw earlier, start the questioning right after" you nodded at his suggestion. You could use a shower, and breakfast. You also needed to pee. Why was Dean taking so long?
Right then Dean came running and opened the trunk to get your stuff out. "I call first shower" you said as soon as he handed you your bag "I stink."
"Well I smell like roses" Dean teased, opening his arms for a hug. You made an exaggerated gagging sound and then squealed with laughter when he started chasing you.
"You guys are imposible" Sam sighed when you finally calmed down. You were still panting and giddy. Sam placed a hand on the small of your back to lead you forward into the room and you instantly tensed, going serious. You cleared your throat and frowned at Dean when he shot you a knowing look.
You got to the diner a little before nine, you had decided to take your badges in case something happened but wore normal clothes. The diner was full of people having breakfast or drinking coffee. In a small town like this it was probably where everyone ate.
You sat down on a table with four chairs and set up your laptops. A waitress came briefly and you all looked up from what you were doing. Sam was looking for more clues on other articles and you were crossing out monsters that couldn't be responsible for this case. You were writing in the journal as well.
"What can I get y'all today" she was young and pretty and blonde, she had big eyes and a doe eyed look. You nudged Dean and winked at him, this was his area of expertise. He smiled up at the waitress and you hid your laughter under your hand when he talked in his panty dropper voice.
"Um we'll have three black coffees and three house breakfasts, two with pancakes and one with waffles" you raised your eyebrows, impressed, when the girl just nodded and asked if you wanted anything else, seemingly immune to Dean's charm. "That'd be all, thank you sweetheart."
"Yeah, of course" she stuttered, flushing beet red and turning to walk away hurriedly. You giggled under your palm. Bingo.
"I knew I'd break her" said Dean when he turned back to you. You elbowed him softly and Sam rolled his eyes.
When the waitress returned with your orders she looked at you curiously as you moved your things aside and she placed your food in front of you.
"So, what brings y'all here, we don't get many visitors in a small town like this"
"We're actually here on a job" Dean took out his badge and you and Sam did the same "I'm agent Williams and these are my colleagues agents Barnes and Porter"
The girl's eyes widened and she looked at you in surprise. "I thought you'd be wearing suits" she said finally.
"We're just here to have breakfast" Dean smiled "but if you know anything about the deaths that have been going on we appreciate you telling us."
The girl looked at you all again and then scratched her arm contemplatively. "Um I guess, I don't know much about it, but I know they all got killed outside the Rogers' barn, lotta folks go there to look at the stars or have a smoke, but not so much now. Horrible stuff, what happened to all of 'em."
"That's all you know?" She nodded, paused, and then shook her head. "Well, it's silly" she looked up for a moment and then back down. "Try us" you said, speaking to her for the first time. "I live near the barn. And I've heard a rooster crow every time someone's died." She looked at you again "The barn's empty."
Back at the motel you got back to work immediately, several books were open on the desk and you were all searching for stuff about roosters in omens and stuff like that. So far you were having little luck. Roosters usually meant good stuff, and that was not what you were looking for.
"I think I found something" Sam said suddenly and you all looked up to him. "All I found about roosters was stuff about new beginnings and chasing away bad spirits" you nodded, you had found the same. "So I went with the sudden death and open eyes thing. At first I thought maybe a basilisk."
"Like the one in Harry Potter?" You asked, that made sense.
"Nerd" teased Dean and you stuck out your tongue at him.
"Yes" replied Sam, rolling his eyes "but the rooster crowing didn't fit in anywhere, so I searched those two together and I think I know what we're hunting" he read over the screen again and looked at you "it's called a cockatrice."
"Sounds like a dick" Dean said bluntly. You burst out laughing and soon Dean joined in. Sam rolled his eyes again and you worried they would stay stuck in the back of his head because of how many times he did that lately.
"Real funny Dean"
"Not to get cocky..." you giggle- snorted as he paused for the doble meaning to his words to kick in and Sam huffed, amused. "But how hard..." another pause "can it be to kill a rooster- monster?"
Pretty hard, as it turns out. The only way to kill it was to have it look at itself in a mirror or for it to hear a rooster crow. And you couldn't let it look you in the eye or even let it breathe on you. Because if it did you would die.
You also had to look around for yolk-less eggs that had been incubated by a toad, apparently, and then toss them over the barn. This had to be the weirdest case you had been on.
When you got to the barn you could see why it would be a common hangout spot. It looked old but well taken care of. There was a picnic table right in front of it and a tall window which probably meant it had a second floor inside.
It was dark, and you came armed with guns that you knew would be useless and a bunch off different sized mirrors. You also had a recording of a rooster crowing in your phones but you doubted that would work.
You knew the cockatrice could be here already so you had to be careful. The door was open which was a good thing, but the hinges creaked and groaned horribly when you opened them. You waited for a minute in complete silence before going in.
With the mirrors in front of you and your eyes pointing to the ground you went inside, walking quietly and hiding behind a stack of hay.
"Now we wait?" You whispered and Sam nodded. You waited for maybe ten minutes before you heard something. There was a rustling sound and you peeked over the hay just in time to see something that you thought was another haystack covered by a blanket move and slowly rise.
You watched with wide eyes as it slowly grew in size. It had a long spiky tail, scaly gray skin and impressive long wings that looked like they belonged on a dragon. It stretched it's wings and then fluttered them down back to it's sides. Small strands of hay and dust flew around it and then settled back down. You could see small black feathers, shiny like a raven's, starting from it's back and then growing towards the head, where they turned longer and closer together. It was about to turn around when you felt someone grab the back of your shirt and yank you back down.
"What are you doing?!" Hissed Sam into your ear. You shook your head, you had almost been killed, you felt shaky and your heart was pounding in your ears, that thing was bigger than you had anticipated.
"...we spread out and then I play the recording. If that doesn't work it'll be angry. So we need to be careful and fast. Keep your mirrors close. Got it?" You run Dean's plan again in your head and nod. Shaking out your arms to release tension and concentrate, you prepare to run to the other side of the barn.
Dean creeps to the wall, staying hidden in the shadows. He walks slowly and silently towards the stairs, creeping up them carefully. You keep your eyes on him. You can still hear the cockatrice scuffling around and scratching the floor. You hold your breath, hoping the steps won't creek.
Dean gets to the top with no problem and shoots you a thumbs up. You smile, relieved. "On three" whispers Sam, and you shiver at the feeling of his breath against your neck. "One, two" he signals Dean "three."
You immediately spring into a full speed run at the same time as a horribly loud rooster crow echoes inside the barn. It doesn't work.
The cockatrice screeches behind you, it's the loudest, most terrifying thing you have ever heard. And you jump in surprise. You had hoped it would die.
You curse when you trip over a pebble lying on the floor. The mirror falls to the ground and shatters loudly.
Your heart is beating frantically with sudden adrenaline and your hands grow clammy. You can hear it behind you and you know if it catches up you're dead.
You duck behind an old tractor, closing your eyes for a second and taking a deep breath to center yourself. You look under it and you see the mirror in front of you, only a few feet away. The cockatrice is pacing on the other side. It's waiting for you, you realize with a shudder.
Your hands shake and you gulp when you realize what you're going to have to do. You take another deep breath and roll your shoulders.
You count the seconds until the cockatrice turns around, finding a pattern to it's pacing. You wait until it turns around.
Crap. Here goes nothing.
You jump and roll under the tractor. Jumping towards the mirror as soon as you're on the other side. The cockatrice screeches again.
You grab the mirror and roll onto your back, pointing it upwards and squeezing your eyes shut. Praying it works.
Your scream of terror is cut short with a choked sound when the cockatrice falls on top of you with all it's weight. You feel your ribs crunch.
"Y/N?!" You hear someone yell.
You're still seeing stars but you can hear heavy steps hurriedly approaching you.
"Well that sucked" you groan and you hear a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god" you hear Sam sigh. "Dean come help me with this."
They both lift it from you and you grunt in pain when it finally rolls off you. Sam helps you up and pulls you into a tight hug. "You scared me" he whispers.
He places a gentle hand on your cheek and before you have time to react his lips are on yours. Your eyes are wide with surprise and your heart starts pounding again.
He pulls away before you can kiss back, his eyes are wide as well. "Shit" he whispers.
A low whistle from Dean startles you, you had forgotten he was there. "I'm just gonna wait outside" he jerks his thumb in the direction of the door and leaves awkwardly.
"Shit" says Sam again, running a hand over his face. "I'm sorry Y/N, I don't know what came over me" Oh, that hurts a little bit, you had almost dared to hope... "The truth is I've liked you for some time" what? "But I know how you feel about Dean and I respect that, so I'll back off, I'm sorry" Dean? What the hell?
"Dean?" You ask, your voice higher than normal "why Dean?" Sam shrugs and looks down. And oh that's just plain unfair, grown men shouldn't be this adorable. "Dean's just my.." you scrunch up your face "ew, no, just no."
Sam looks up again, almost hopefully, and you really want to kiss him again. "Plus, I like you" you say, smiling shyly.
He looks at you in surprise, beaming. You laugh softly and walk closer to him, stand on your tippy toes and kiss him on the mouth. He smiles into the kiss and deepens it. Oh, you're in heaven.
"You done making out yet?" Dean yells into the barn. Sam huffs and you give him one last peck on the lips. "Yeah" you call out.
Dean comes up to you, smirking that insufferable knowing smirk. He pats Sam on the back and whispers something at him that has Sam pushing him away and Dean laughing loudly.
You all move to stand around the unmoving cockatrice, grimacing. It's very big, and very heavy, and very dead. Dean huffs.
"Man, I was hoping it would disintegrate or somethin', do you guys feel like chicken soup?"
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
(You can be added to my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
Forever tags:
@artgurl559-blog @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @mandilion76 @docharleythegeekqueen @call--me--princess @emmysthougts @ladylachesis @raylin19 @hells-angel-hevens-demon @sgarrett49 @jane00doe @boxywrites @lilyleely @gemini75eeyore
Sam tag:
@barbedwireandbubblegum @ginger-wayward-assbutt
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tinmsn · 7 years ago
Barn là gì
About Hatnote [[Image:Zalmon Read Barn back view.jpg|thumb|Timber framed with siding of vertical boards was typical in early New England. Red is a traditional color for paint. [[Connecticut]].]] [[Image:TTCdairybarn.jpg|thumb|The [[Texas Technological College Dairy Barn]] in [[Lubbock, Texas]], U.S., was used as a teaching facility until 1967.]] [[File:Лебедев Гумно 1894.jpg|thumb|Russian women using a hand powered [[winnowing]] machine in a threshing barn. Note the board across the doorway to prevent grain from spilling out of the barn, this is the origin of the term threshold.Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM (v. 4.0) © Oxford University Press 2009. Threshold. Painting from 1894 by [[Klavdy Lebedev]] titled the floor or the threshing floor (Гумно).]] [[File:GrangeBarn-interior.jpg|thumb|[[Grange Barn, Coggeshall|Grange Barn]], [[Coggeshall]], England, originally part of the Cistercian monastery of Coggeshall. Dendrochronologically dated from 1237–1269, it was restored in the 1980s by the Coggeshall Grange Barn Trust, Braintree District Council and Essex County Council.]] [[File:Barn Barberêche Mar 2011.jpg|thumb|A bridge barn in Switzerland. The bridge (rather than a ramp) in this case also shelters animals.]] A ”’barn”’ is an agricultural building usually on [[farm]]s and used for various purposes. In the [[North America]]n area, a barn refers to structures that house [[livestock]], including [[cattle]] and [[horse]]s, as well as equipment and fodder, and often grain.Allen G. Noble, ”Traditional Buildings: A Global Survey of Structural Forms and Cultural Functions” (New York: Tauris, 2007), 30. As a result, the term barn is often qualified e.g. tobacco barn, dairy barn, sheep barn, potato barn. In the [[British Isles]], the term barn is restricted mainly to storage structures for unthreshed cereals and [[fodder]], the terms ”’byre”’ or ”’shippon”’ being applied to [[cow]] shelters, whereas horses are kept in buildings known as [[stables]].archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20121102204240/http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/byre On the Continent, however, barns were often part of integrated structures known as [[byre-dwelling]]s (or [[housebarn]]s in US literature). In addition, barns may be used for equipment storage, as a covered workplace, and for activities such as [[threshing]]. ==Etymology== The word ”barn” comes from the [[Old English]] ”bere”, for barley (or grain in general), and ”aern”, for a storage place—thus, a storehouse for barley.Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM (v. 4.0) © Oxford University Press 2009. Barn, n. “Another word for ‘barn’ in Old English was ”beretun,” “barley enclosure” (from ”tun”: ‘enclosure,’ ‘house’,archivedate=2013-10-29 referenced 4/19/2013 or ”beretun” (barton), also meaning a threshing floor.Bosworth, J.. ”A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language”…. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1838. 50. Print. In historical times, the barn was to be distinguished from the [[granary]], which was used to store threshed grain or cut off ears. Now, however, the common English name for a grain storage building is [[granary]]. Modern barns may include a [[stable]], from Latin ”stabulum” ‘stall, fold, aviary’ (literally “a standing place,”),http://www.etymonline.com date=2007-07-13 Stable ”byre” (‘cow shed’, from ”bower” which is from Old English ”bur”— “room, hut, dwelling, chamber,” from Proto-Germanic *”buraz” (cf. Old Norse ”bur” “chamber,” Swedish ”bur” “cage,” Old High German ”bur” “dwelling, chamber,” German Bauer “birdcage”)…”,http://etymonline.com url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130420044417/http://etymonline.com/ Byre or [[animal stall|stall]], “…place in a stable for animals,” from Old English ”steall” “place where cattle are kept, place, position,” and Proto-Germanic *”stallaz” (cf. Old Norse ”stallr” “pedestal for idols, altar,” Old Frisian ”stal”, Old High German ”stall” “stand, place, stable, stall,” German ”Stall” “stable,” Stelle “place”.http://etymonline.com url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130420044417/http://etymonline.com/ Stall ==History== The modern barn largely developed from the three [[aisle]]d medieval barn, commonly known as [[tithe barn]] or monastic barn. This, in turn, originated in a 12th-century building tradition, also applied in [[hall]]s and ecclesiastical buildings. In the 15th century several thousands of these huge barns were to be found in Western-Europe. In the course of time, its construction method was adopted by normal farms and it gradually spread to simpler buildings and other rural areas. As a rule, the aisled barn had large entrance doors and a passage corridor for loaded wagons. The storage floors between the central posts or in the aisles were known as [[bay (architecture)|bays]] or mows (from Middle French ”moye”).Malcolm Kirk, ”The Barn. Silent Spaces”, London 1994; Graham Hughes, ”Barns of Rural Britain”, London 1985; Walter Horn, ‘On the Origins of the Medieval Bay System’, in: ”Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians” 17 (1958), nr. 2, p. 2-23. The main types were large barns with sideway passages, compact barns with a central entrance and smaller barns with a transverse passage. The latter also spread to Eastern Europe. Whenever stone walls were applied, the aisled [[bent (structural)|timber frame]] often gave way to single-naved buildings. A special type were [[byre-dwelling]]s, which included living quarters, byres and stables, such as the [[Frisian farmhouse]] or [[Gulf house]] and the [[Black Forest house]]. Not all, however, evolved from the medieval barn. Other types descended from the prehistoric [[longhouse]] or other building traditions. One of the latter was the [[Low German house|Low German (hall) house]], in which the harvest was stored in the attic.Jeremy Lake, ”Historic Farm Buildings. An Introduction and Guide”, London 1989; Eric Sloane, ”An Age of Barns. An Illustrated Review of Classic Barn Styles and Construction”, New York 1967, 4th ed. 2005; Jean-René Trochet, ”Maisons paysannes en France et leur environnement, XVe-XXe siècles”, Paris 2007. In many cases, the New World colonial barn evolved from the Low German house, which was transformed to a real barn by first generation colonists from the Netherlands and Germany.John Fitchen, ”The New World Dutch Barn. A Study of its Characteristics, its Structural System, and its Probable Erectional Procedures”, Syracuse N.Y. 1968. ==Construction== [[Image:Beautiful Post and Beam Horse Barn.JPG|thumb|The skeleton of a post and beam horse barn just after raising]] [[Image:Round barn Indiana.jpg|thumb|px|right|[[Thomas Ranck Round Barn]] in [[Fayette County, Indiana]], U.S.]] In the U.S., older barns were built from [[timbers]] hewn from trees on the farm and built as a [[Crib barn|log crib barn]] or [[Timber framing|timber frame]], although stone barns were sometimes built in areas where stone was a cheaper building material. In the mid to late 19th century in the U.S. barn framing methods began to shift away from traditional timber framing to “truss framed” or “plank framed” buildings. Truss or plank framed barns reduced the number of timbers instead using dimensional lumber for the rafters, joists, and sometimes the trusses.url= https://books.google.com/books?id=M7swAQAAMAAJ The joints began to become bolted or nailed instead of being mortised and tenoned. The inventor and patentee of the Jennings Barn claimed his design used less lumber, less work, less time, and less cost to build and were durable and provided more room for hay storage.Fink, Daniel. Barns of the Genesee country, 1790–1915: including an account of settlement and changes in agricultural practices. Geneseo, N.Y.: J. Brunner, 1987. Print. 416. Mechanization on the farm, better transportation infrastructure, and new technology like a hay fork mounted on a track contributed to a need for larger, more open barns, sawmills using steam power could produce smaller pieces of lumber affordably, and machine cut nails were much less expensive than hand-made (wrought) nails. Concrete block began to be used for barns in the early 20th century in the U.S.Fink, Daniel. Barns of the Genesee country, 1790–1915: including an account of settlement and changes in agricultural practices. Geneseo, N.Y.: J. Brunner, 1987. Print. Modern barns are more typically steel buildings. From about 1900 to 1940, many large [[dairy]] barns were built in northern USA. These commonly have [[gambrel]] or hip roofs to maximize the size of the hay [[loft]] above the dairy roof, and have become associated in the popular image of a [[dairy farm]]. The barns that were common to the [[Wheat belt (United States)|wheatbelt]] held large numbers of pulling horses such as [[Clydesdale (breed)|Clydesdales]] or [[Percheron]]s. These large wooden barns, especially when filled with [[hay]], could make spectacular fires that were usually total losses for the farmers. With the advent of balers it became possible to store hay and [[straw]] outdoors in stacks surrounded by a plowed fireguard. Many barns in the northern United States are painted [[Variations of red#Barn red|barn red]] with a white trim. One possible reason for this is that [[ferric oxide]], which is used to create red paint, was the cheapest and most readily available chemical for farmers in [[New England]] and nearby areas. Another possible reason is that ferric oxide acts a preservativearchivedate=27 March 2010 and so painting a barn with it would help to protect the structure. With the popularity of tractors following [[World War II]] many barns were taken down or replaced with modern [[Quonset hut]]s made of plywood or [[Galvanization|galvanized]] steel. Beef ranches and dairies began building smaller loftless barns often of Quonset huts or of steel walls on a treated wood frame (old telephone or power poles). By the 1960s it was found that cattle receive sufficient shelter from trees or wind fences (usually wooden slabs 20% open). ==Gallery of barns with different wall building materials== File:Scheune Langes Mühle.jpg|Half-timbered barn with brick infill. [[Uetersen]], Germany. This barn’s proportions resemble a [[Low German house]]. File:Ysgubor Stryd Lydan, Sain Ffagan.jpg|Half-timbered with wattle-work walls for ventilation. Stryd Lydan Barn, originally at Llannerch Banna, Flintshire, North Wales. Re-erected at the St Fagans National History Museum, [[Cardiff]], Wales in 1951. File:Exterieur OVERZICHT – Ruurlo – 20264854 – RCE.jpg|Wattle work walls in a sheep barn in [[Ruurlo]], Netherlands File:2011-10-27 Baudenkmal Rödinghausen 98.jpg|Half-timbered barn walls with stone infill. [[Rödinghausen]], Germany. File:Surikow;s_barn.JPG|A barn (ovin) in the museum-estate of Surikov. [[Krasnoyarsk]], Russia. File:2011-10-27 Rödinghausen. Baudenkmal. Hansastraße (4).jpg|Half-timbered wall with [[wattle and daub]] infill. Some of the plaster coating survives. [[Rödinghausen]], Germany. File:25104100067 Syke Fuldenriede 4 Scheune.jpg|A rare half-timbered barn with board infill in Syke, [[Lower Saxony]], Germany. File:GrangeBarn.jpg|Grange barn, Coggeshall, England. This is a ”studded barn” so the wall sheathing must be applied horizontally and covered with a siding material in this case clapboards (weatherboards). File:Metylovice, Na kopci, stodola 01.jpg|A type of barn in [[Metylovice]], Czech Republic with stone piers and an infill of horizontal timbers. File:Wooden barn in Bartoszówka, Poland.jpg|Board-on-board siding and a thatch roof on this three bay barn in [[Bartoszówka, Masovian Voivodeship]], Poland. File:HennikerNH BennettFarmBarn.jpg|Timber framed with the sheathing covered in clapboards. [[New Hampshire]], U.S.A. File:Zicht op doorgang van de schuur – Schoonebeek – 20411613 – RCE.jpg|Rare walls of boards and thatch. [[Drenthe]], Netherlands File:Barn end – geograph.org.uk – 1628962.jpg|Gable end of a brick barn with ventilation holes built into the brickwork. File:Oak Hall Historic District – Irvin Barn.JPG|LImestone walls in the [[Oak Hall Historic District]], Pennsylvania, U.S.A. File:Gable end – geograph.org.uk – 202611.jpg|Stone barns are common in parts of the United Kingdom, United States, France, and some Mediterranean countries. The projecting stones are a style in part of England. File:Abiah Taylor Barn ChesCo PA.jpg|Abidiah Taylor Barn Chester County, Pennsylvania. Part of the Taylor-Cope Historic District. Built in either 1724 (date stone) or 1744 (wooden beam investigation), it is one of the oldest extant barns in the United States. Field stone walls. File:Farm buildings, Ewelme Park – geograph.org.uk – 677140.jpg|The combination of brick quoins with flint walls is common in (mostly older) buildings in this area of the Chilterns, Oxfordshire, England. File:Rudge Farm 3 – geograph.org.uk – 1303923.jpg|A rare wall material is [[Cob (material)|Cob]] which is similar to adobe. [[Devon]], England. File:SMBL stodola Jaszczew 1870 p.jpg|Round log barn in the skansen (open-air museum) in Sanok, Poland File:Hda gammelgård 20101010 (15).jpg|Hewn log barn painted red in [[Hedemora]], Sweden. File:Dutch barn – geograph.org.uk – 458981.jpg|No walls are a characteristic of what in the United Kingdom is called a Dutch barn. File:Barn opposite Sampson’s Hall – geograph.org.uk – 1474507.jpg|Corrugated metal siding File:Barn-227557.jpg|Rustic barn made out of wood. ==Uses== [[File:DETAIL OF ROOF TRUSS STRUCTURE AND HAY HOOK CABLE AND PULLEY SYSTEM LOCATED ON WEST END OF BARN. CAMERA POINTED EAST. – James H. Lane Ranch, Barn, One Mile South of Richfield on HABS ID,32-RICHF,1A-14.tif|thumb|The ”hay track” developed in the early 19th century, here showing how the ”hay hood” (roof extension) covers the track. The gable wall of this barn is missing.]] In older style North American barns, the upper area was used to store [[hay]] and sometimes grain. This is called the mow (rhymes with cow) or the [[hayloft]]. A large door at the top of the ends of the barn could be opened up so that hay could be put in the loft. The hay was hoisted into the barn by a system containing [[pulley]]s and a trolley that ran along a track attached to the top ridge of the barn. [[Trap door]]s in the floor allowed animal feed to be dropped into the [[manger]]s for the animals. In [[New England]] it is common to find barns attached to the main farmhouse ([[Connected farm|connected farm architecture]]), allowing for chores to be done while sheltering the worker from the weather. In the middle of the twentieth century the large broad roof of barns were sometimes painted with slogans in the United States. Most common of these were the 900 barns painted with ads for [[Rock City (roadside attraction)|Rock City]]. In the past barns were often used for communal gatherings, such as [[barn dance]]s. ==Features== [[Image:Barn-southern-ontario.jpg|thumb|A barn in southern [[Ontario]], [[Canada]]]] [[File:Uster – Schloss – Nebengebäude (NW) IMG 3515.JPG|thumb|A barn of the Uster castle in the city of [[Uster]], [[Switzerland]]]] [[File:WAK Föhlritz 02.jpg|thumb|This barn in [[Thuringia]], Germany has two ”outshots” forming the recess to the middle barn doors.]] A farm may have buildings of varying shapes and sizes used to shelter large and small animals and other uses. The enclosed pens used to shelter large animals are called [[stall (animal)|stall]]s and may be located in the cellar or on the main level depending in the type of barn. Other common areas, or features, of an American barn include: *a [[horse tack|tack]] room (where [[bridle]]s, [[saddle]]s, etc. are kept), often set up as a [[lunchroom|breakroom]] *a feed room, where [[compound feed|animal feed]] is stored – not typically part of a modern barn where feed bales are piled in a stackyard *a drive bay, a wide corridor for animals or machinery *a [[silo]] where fermented grain or hay (called [[ensilage]] or [[haylage]]) is stored. *a milkhouse for dairy barns; an attached structure where the milk is collected and stored prior to shipment *a grain (soy, corn, etc.) bin for dairy barns, found in the mow and usually made of wood with a chute to the ground floor providing access to the grain, making it easier to feed the cows. *modern barns often contain an indoor corral with a squeeze chute for providing [[Veterinarian|veterinary]] treatment to sick animals. ==Derivatives== The physics term “[[barn (unit)|barn]]”, which is a subatomic unit of area, 10−28 m2, came from experiments with uranium nuclei during World War II, wherein they were described colloquially as “big as a barn”, with the measurement officially adopted to maintain security around nuclear weapons research. ==Barn idioms== *”He couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn” is a popular expression for a person having poor aim when throwing an object or when shooting at something. *To “lock the barn door after the horse has bolted” implies that one has solved a [[problem]] too late to prevent it. * “Were you born/raised in a barn?” is an accusation used differently in various parts of the English-speaking world, but most commonly as a reprimand when someone exhibits poor manners by either using ill-mannered language (particularly if related to [[manure]]), or leaving doors open. *”Your barn door is open” is used as a [[euphemism]] to remind someone to zip the fly of their [[trousers]]. *To “barnstorm” is to travel quickly around a large area making frequent public appearances. ==Types== Barns have been classified by their [[Functionally classified barn|function]], structure, location, or other features. Sometimes the same building falls into multiple categories. * Apple barn or fruit barn – for the storage of fruit crops *[[Bank barn]] – A multilevel building built into a banking so the upper floor is accessible to a wagon, sometimes accessed by a bridge or ramp. * Bridge barn or covered bridge barn – general terms for barns accessed by a bridge rather than a ramp. *[[Boô]] – A sheep-barn and dwelling in the Netherlands, seasonal or sometimes year round. *[[Pennsylvania barn]] (U.S.) of which there are sub-categories such as ”standard” and ”sweitzer” types. Also known as ”forebay” or ”porch barns”. *Cantilever barn – a type of log [[crib barn]] with cantilevered upper floor(s) which developed in Appalachia (U.S.A.) *Combination barn — found throughout England, especially in areas of [[pastoral]] farming and the standard barn type in America. This general term means the barns were used for both crop storage and as a byre to house animals.Marshall, Jeffrey L., and Willis M. Rivinus. ”Barns of bucks county”. S.l.: Heritage Conservancy & The Bucks County Audubin Society, 2007. Print. *[[Crib barn]] – Horizontal log structures with up to four cribs (assemblies of crossing timbers) found primarily in the southern U.S.A. *Drying barns for drying crops in Finland and Sweden are called ”riihi” and ”ria”, respectively. *[[Dutch barn|New World Dutch Barn]] – An ancient barn type in the U.S. Also see ”Dutch barn (U.K.)” in Other farm buildings section below. *[[New England barn]] – a common style of barn found in rural New England and in the U.S. *[[English barn]] (U.S.), also called a Yankee or Connecticut barn – An ancient and widespread barn type in the U.S. *[[Granary]] — to store grain after it is threshed, some barns contain a room called a granary, some barns like a [[rice barn]] blur the line between a barn and granary. *[[Gothic arch barn]], has profile shaped as a Gothic arch, which became feasible to be formed by laminated members *[[Housebarn]], also called a [[byre-dwelling]] – A combined living space and barn, relatively common in old Europe but rare in North America. Also, [[longhouse]]s were housebarns. *[[Pole barn]] — a simple structure that consists of poles embedded in the ground to support a roof, with or without exterior walls. The pole barn lacks a conventional foundation, thus greatly reducing construction costs. Traditionally used to house livestock, hay or equipment. *Potato barn or [[potato house]]– A semi-subterranean or two story building for storage of potatoes or sweet potatoes. *[[Prairie barn]] – A general term for barns in the Western U.S. *[[Rice barn]] and the related [[winnowing barn]] *[[Round barn]], built in a round shape the term often is generalized to the include [[Polygonal Barn (disambiguation)|polygonal barn]] and [[Octagon barn (disambiguation)|octagonal barn]] *[[Swing beam barn]] – A rare barn type in part of the U.S. designed for threshing with animals walking around a pole held by a ”swing beam” inside the barn. *[[Tobacco barn]] – for drying of tobacco leaves *[[Tithe barn]] — a type of barn used in much of northern Europe in the Middle Ages for storing the tithes — a tenth of the farm’s produce which had to be given to the church *[[Threshing]] barn — built with a [[threshing floor]] for the processing and storage of [[cereals]], to keep them in dry conditions. Characterised by large double [[door]]s in the centre of one side, a smaller one on the other, and storage for cereal [[harvest]] or unprocessed on either side. In England the grain was beaten from the crop by flails and then separated from the husks by winnowing between these doors. The design of these typically remained unchanged between the 12th and 19th centuries. The large doors allow for a horse wagon to be driven through; the smaller ones allow for the sorting of sheep and other stock in the spring and summer.[http://www.southhams.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=3975&p=0 Barn Guide:Traditional Farm Buildings in South Hams: Their Adaption and Reuse] date=2014-07-14 ==Other farm buildings often associated with barns== *[[Carriage house]] — cart shed * Dutch barn (U.K.) — an open sided structure for hay storage. The type with a movable roof is called a [[hay barrack]] in the U.S or a ”hooiberg” (”kapberg”) in the Netherlands. * A [[corn crib]] —a well ventilated storage space for dried ears of [[maize]] (corn). * A [[granary]] or [[hórreo]] — a storage space for [[threshing|threshed]] grains, sometimes within a barn or as a separate building. * [[Linhay]] (linny, linney, linnies) — A shed, often with a lean-to roof but may be a [[circular linhay]] to store hay on the first floor with either cattle on the ground floor (cattle linhay), or farm machinery (cart linhay). Characterised by an open front with regularly spaced posts or pillars. * Milk room or milk house — to store milk. *[[Oast house]]s — an outbuilding used for drying [[hops]] as part of the brewing process. * Shelter sheds — open-fronted structures for stock * Shippon — a shed which houses [[oxen]] and [[cattle]]. Has [[fodder]] storage above, regularly spaced doors on the yard side, a pitching door or window on the first floor. * [[Stable]] — Usually for housing horses. ==Historic farm buildings== [[File:Barn Pano(9467)-Relic38.jpg|thumb|right|300px|alt=A short silo in the centre of the photograph is slanted slightly to the right, topped by a conical red roof. Three barns form a V shape behind the silo. To its right is a large barn, with slanted red roof and open doors. Perpendicular to it are two similar but smaller barns in series, visible to the left of the silo.|Barns and silo in [[Newmarket, Ontario|Newmarket]], [[Ontario]], [[Canada]]. These structures were torn down in March 2009.]] [[File:Traditional Sasak Village Sade rice barn.JPG|thumb|Traditional [[Sasak people|Sasak]] rice barn in village of Sade, [[Lombok]], Indonesia.]] [[File:Steinhude Scheunenviertel Panorama.jpg|thumb|In Germany some hay barns were kept away from urban areas due to the risk of fire. These areas are called a Scheunenviertel from the German name for a barn, Scheune, which translates as “barn quarter”.Cattelan, Maurizio. ”Von Mäusen und Menschen: 4. Berlin Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst = Of mice and men : 4th Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art”. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2006. 89. Print. This barn quarter is in [[Steinhude]], Germany]] [[File:NMA.0064816 Bjärka-Säby. Ladugården.jpg|thumb|The barn at [[Bjärka-Säby Castle]], [[Sweden]], around 1909.]] Old farm buildings of the countryside contribute to the landscape, and help define the history of the location, i.e. how farming took place in the past, and how the area has been settled throughout the ages. They also can show the agricultural methods, building materials, and skills that were used. Most were built with materials reflecting the local geology of the area. Building methods include earth walling and [[thatching]]. Buildings in stone and brick, roofed with tile or slate, increasingly replaced buildings in clay, timber and thatch from the later 18th century. Metal roofs started to be used from the 1850s. The arrival of canals and railways brought about transportation of building materials over greater distances. Clues determining their age and historical use can be found from old maps, sale documents, estate plans, and from a visual inspection of the building itself,noting (for example) reused timbers, former floors, partitions, doors and windows. The arrangement of the buildings within the farmstead can also yield valuable information on the historical farm usage and landscape value. Linear farmsteads were typical of small farms, where there was an advantage to having cattle and fodder within one building, due to the colder climate. Dispersed clusters of unplanned groups were more widespread. Loose courtyard plans built around a yard were associated with bigger farms, whereas carefully laid out courtyard plans designed to minimize waste and labour were built in the latter part of the 18th century.last=EnglandThe Conversion of Traditional Farm Buildings: A guide to good practice, by [[English Heritage]]. The barns are typically the oldest and biggest buildings to be found on the farm. Many barns were converted into cow houses and fodder processing and storage buildings after the 1880s. Many barns had [[owl holes]] to allow for access by barn owls, encouraged to aid vermin control. The [[stable]] is typically the second-oldest building type on the farm. They were well built and placed near the house due to the value that the [[horse]]s had as [[draught animal]]s Modern granaries were built from the 18th century. Complete granary interiors, with plastered walls and wooden partitioning to grain bins, are very rare. [[Longhouses]] are an ancient building where people and animals used the same entrance. These can still be seen, for example, in North Germany, where the [[Low Saxon house]] occurs. Few interiors of the 19th century cow houses have survived unaltered due to dairy-hygiene regulations in many countries. Old farm buildings may show the following signs of deterioration: rotting in timber-framed constructions due to damp, cracks in the masonry from movement of the walls, e.g. ground movement, roofing problems (e.g. outward thrust of it, deterioration of [[purlin]]s and [[gable]] ends), [[Foundation (engineering)|foundation]] problems, penetration of tree roots; [[lime mortar]] being washed away due to inadequate weather-protection. Walls made of [[cob (material)|cob]], earth mortars or walls with rubble cores are all highly vulnerable to water penetration, and replacement or covering of breathable materials with cement or damp-proofing materials may trap moisture within the walls. First Aid Repair to Traditional Farm Buildings produced by the [[Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings]] gives useful guidance How to deal with damp produced by the [[Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings]] gives useful guidance In England and [[Wales]] some of these historical buildings have been given “[[listed building]]” status, which provides them some degree of [[archaeological]] protection. Some grant schemes are available to restore Historic Farmland buildings, for example [[Natural England]]’s [[Environmental Stewardship]], [[Countryside Stewardship]] and [[Environmentally Sensitive Areas Scheme]]s. ==See also== *[[Barn Church, Kew]] *[[Conversion (barn)|Barn conversion]] *[[Barn raising]] *[[Barnyard]] *[[Farmhouse]] *[[Functionally classified barn]] *[[Gambrel roof]] *[[Gin gang]] or round house — an extension to a [[threshing]] barn. It contained a [[horse]] driven engine, used to power a [[threshing machine]]. Sometimes called a wheel house. Water power and wind power were also used to drive the machine, and by the 1850s portable steam engine machines were used. Horse-engines, original threshing or winnowing machines are exceptionally rare. *[[Hayrack]] *[[Historic Barns of Connecticut]] *[[National Barn Dance]] *[[Dairy]] *[[Dovecote]] — built to house pigeons, which provided variety to the diets of high-status households and a rich source of manure. Examples survive from the medieval period. *[[Scaffold (barn)]] *[[Shed]] *[[The Wonderful Barn]] *[[Treppenspeicher]] *[[Barn dance]] *[[Ovinnik]] ==References== 30em ==External links== Barns Architectural drawings from the Netherlands of farms *[https://web.archive.org/web/20070823110338/http://www.antiquefarming.com/barn/dairy.html Dairy Barn History] *[http://www.thebarnjournal.org/stories/story006/ www.thebarnjournal.org] *[http://barnalliance.org/ National Barn Alliance] *[http://www.iowabarnfoundation.org/books.htm Books about barns] *[http://www.preservationnation.org/information-center/saving-a-place/rural-heritage/barn-again/ Barn Again! program] *[http://www.tfguild.org/ Timber Framers Guild] *[http://mek.oszk.hu/02700/02790/html/45.html Paper on barns in Hungry] *[[:es:Borda (edificio)|The Spanish borda (borde) is a type of barn or housebarn]] *[https://web.archive.org/web/20150922000248/http://www.planexus.com/focus/rudy/barn_symbol_of_ohio.pdf Excellent paper on historic barns, focus on Ohio, USA] *[http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/barn_types/21170 Barn types and information from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission] [[Category:Barns| ]] [[Category:Agricultural buildings]] [[Category:Vernacular architecture]]
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marketingadvisorvietnam · 8 years ago
Century-old buildings that stand proud for Saigon
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/century-old-buildings-that-stand-proud-for-saigon/
Century-old buildings that stand proud for Saigon
Century-old buildings that stand proud for Saigon
Most of the structures were built during French colonial times in Vietnam.
Ben Thanh Market
Ben Thanh Market is a located in District 1, downtown Saigon. The market developed from a string of smaller stalls tun by street vendors in the early 17th century before being moved to its current location by French colonialists in 1912. Covering an area of 13,000 square meters (3.2 acres), the market is one of the must-see destinations for both foreign and local tourists.
Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral
Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral (officially the Basilica of Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception) was constructed between 1863 and 1880 by French colonists, following their conquest of the city. Its design highlights the influence of French civilization and Christianity over Saigon at that time. The building reaches a height of 60 meters (197 feet), and was built using materials imported from France.
Saigon Central Post Office
Located next door to Notre Dame Cathedral, the Central Post Office is a beautifully preserved remnant of French colonial times. It was built between 1886 and 1891 by renowned architect Gustave Eiffel,who also designed the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. Here visitors can send and receive mail, use the phone bank to make international calls, send a quick postcard home and meet Saigon’s last letter writer Duong Van Ngo, who has been translating Vietnamese letters into English and French for over a decade.
Independence Palace
Independence Palace, also known as Reunification Palace, was built between 1868 and 1871 on the site of the former Norodom Palace, a landmark in Ho Chi Minh City. When Vietnam was split into North and South, the building served as the presidential home and workplace for the southern government. The palace is now remembered vividly as marking the end of the war, just like the fall of Berlin Wall, as a North Vietnamese tank crashed through its gates on April 30, 1975.
Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens were built in 1864. It's one of the oldest zoos in the world. On May 3, 1865, the Governor General of Indochina invited JB. Loius Pierre – who was in charge of taking care of the botanical gardens – to work as director of the garden. The zoo is now home to 125 species of animals, 260 species of trees, 23 species of domestic orchids, 33 species of cactus and 34 kinds of bonsai, and more are currently being added.
Turtle Tower
Starting life as a water tower located in Maréchal Joffre Square to provide drinking water for residents in the area, Turtle Tower in District 3 has become a sightseeing spot for many local and foreign tourists. From 1965-1967, the Republic of Vietnam's government built a roundabout, fountain and four walkways spiraling towards the central area, where stood a monument and an iconic stone turtle bearing a stele on its back. In 1976, the stele and the turtle were destroyed in an explosion, but people still fondly remember the area's former name.
Ho Chi Minh City Hall
Ho Chi Minh City Hall was built in 1902-1908 in the French colonial style for the then city of Saigon. It was renamed after 1975 as the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Hall. Although this elegant colonial building is not open to the public, it remains popular with tourists and offers great photo opportunities. Tourists can take photographs outside and many people choose to do this at night when the building and its grounds are lit up.
Saigon Opera House
Saigon Opera House (District 1) had a strong gothic theme which was very popular in the late 19th century. The structure was designed and built in 1898 by a group of French architects consisting of Félix Olivier, Ernest Guichard and Eugène Ferret. The main features of this work of art were an ingenious collaboration between architecture and sculpture. The entire decorative patterns, frieze facade and interior of the theater were designed to look similar to French theaters in the late 19th century.
Dragon Wharf
Dragon Wharf, located at the junction of the Saigon River in District 4, is the city's original commercial port. Construction began in 1862 and took more than a year to complete. In 1911, Ho Chi Minh (at the time named Nguyen Tat Thanh) departed from Dragon Wharf on a French ship on a 30-year journey around the world. In 1979, the old building and its grounds were converted into a memorial park.
Mong Bridge
Crossing the Tau Hu – Ben Nghe Canal and linking District 1 and District 4, Mong Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Saigon. It was built in 1893 -1894 by French company Messageries Maritimes Hai Duong Carriers. According to its original design, Mong Bridge was black and served both pedestrians and motor vehicles. In the process of building the East-West Highway and Saigon River Tunnel, the bridge was completely dismantled. Afterwards, the bridge was reassembled following its original design, but the paths leading to the bridge were demolished and replaced with stairs for pedestrians.
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viralhottopics · 8 years ago
Kuching, Malaysia: what to see plus the best restaurants, hotels and bars
The capital of Malaysian Borneo is one of Asias most alluring cities, with fabulous food and new hotels, but little traffic and few high-rises to spoil the laid-back vibe
Just as Penang was swiftly transformed into one of Asias hottest destinations a few years ago, the buzz in Malaysia right now is all about another under-the-radar spot, the little-known city of Kuching, riverside capital of Sarawak on the island of Borneo. There are several theories as to how the city got its name (Kuching is cat in Malay), but its roots are as a trading post, built up by the family of Sir James Brooke, the first of the white rajahs who ruled Sarawak for a century. When I first visited 20 years ago, Kuching was a backwater, where tourists would hardly break their journey on their way to trek in Borneos rainforests and national parks.
Kuching, Malaysia, map
Going there today still reminds me of a time when Asian cities were not clogged with traffic, pollution and skyscrapers. Kuchings architectural heritage and historic Chinatown are well-preserved, even though it lacks Unesco protection, and there is scarcely a high-rise to spoil the skyline.
The street food has always been spectacular here, but now there are also bistros and fun bars, and a great choice of accommodation from boutique hotels to backpacker hostels. Despite its growth it retains a laid-back, small-town ambiance, with friendly locals who love to meet travellers who have made it all the way to Borneo.
What to see and do
Ji India, a popular street in Kuching. Photograph: Alamy
Kuching is defined by its historic waterfront, and the perfect introduction is to take a sunset stroll along the one-mile pedestrian promenade that follows the snaking Sarawak river. Across the water lie sleepy Malay kampongs, the once-imposing colonial Fort Margherita and the White Rajahs palace, both dwarfed today by an immense modern parliament building resembling a surreal golden spaceship. There are river cruises, but the simple sampan ferry, which rows people back and forth for M$1 a ride (under 20p), is more fun.
A tambang (sampan water taxi) boatman on the Sarawak River. Photograph: Andrew Watson/Getty Images
At the end of the prom, opposite the ancient prison that is now a fashionable restaurant, is the jewel in Kuchings colonial crown, the 19th-century Old Court House withcolonnaded terraces, which has become a culture hub since it was taken over by the people behind Penangs bohemian China House arts and leisure centre. Today the various court buildings host exhibitions, theatre, poetry reading and live music, as well as a fashion boutique, cafe and restaurant. Parallel to the waterfront runs Main Bazaar Street, lined with shops selling tribal handicrafts. The back streets behind form Kuchings Chinatown, a maze of incense-filled temples, coffee shops, street food stalls and noisy workshops full of tinsmiths, cobblers, carpenters and tailors.
Kenyah Dayak mural in the Sarawak Museum. Photograph: Andrew Watson/Getty Images
Kuching is not big on sights, but one venue not to miss isSarawak Museum, which has barely changed since it first opened in 1891, with an incredible collection of local flora and fauna, and a genuine insight into the indigenous tribes of the Borneo rainforest.
Local designer Jacqueline Fong has opened Tanoti Crafts, a workshop/boutique for young weavers that produces ethnic silk songket cloth, including affordable accessories like shawls and bags.
Tanoti Crafts
No one could fail to notice the large number of tattooed people in Kuching: body art is an integral part of the indigenous culture, especially the Iban, once also known for headhunting. Today, more than 20 tattoo studios draw in travellers. The man to visit is the world-renowned Ernesto Kalum, whose Borneo Headhunter studio (47 Wayang Street) offers both contemporary tattoos using modern machines and tribal designs created with the traditional tap technique.
For a less invasive insight into local life, book a course at Bumbu Cooking Class (about 28pp), where Joseph Jissin, from the Bidayuh tribe, takes small groups to the market to shop for ingredients from the jungle such as ferns and pineapples, colourful Malinjau nuts and fragrant pandan leaves, which everyone then cooks under his supervision before eating everything for lunch.
Where to eat
Prawn laksa, a traditional Sarawak dish. Photograph: Andrew Watson/Getty Images
Kuching is a foodie paradise, particularly the street food, where most dishes cost less than a pound. Begin at Chinatowns Seng Kee (main dishes about 90p, 37 Carpenter Street), where theres a choice of fishball soup, pork satay, Sarawak laksa, Chinese rice porridge with salted egg and preserved vegetables, or the adventurous kueh chap, a feast of slow-braised pork ribs and intestines.
In nearby Padungan Road, theres always a queue for Noodle Descendents (188 Padungan Road) which serves an awesome bowl of kolo mee, the favourite local dish of minced pork and noodles, served by a tiny lady who has been cooking here since 1957.
Top Spot food court is on top of a multi-storey car park. Photograph: BobSam
At night, the crowds head to Top Spot (main dishes from 1.80, Bukit Mata Street), an immense open-air food court on the roof of a car park. More than 500 diners sit at communal tables, ordering from neon-lit seafood stalls displaying live crabs, prawns, razor clams, wriggling squid, grouper, pomfret and parrot fish.
There are plenty of fine dining addresses too, from Asian fusion cuisine at Bla Bla Bla (27 Tabuan Street, mains 7) to excellent pasta and pizza at Junk (mains from 4, 80 Wayang Street), decorated with eclectic antiques collected by flamboyant chef George Ling. He also owns a row of Chinese shophouses, the latest being the lovingly preserved Barber Cafe just up the road, serving comfort food: tangy prawn soup, chilli burgers and healthy salads accompanied by a bloody mary or dirty martini.
Kuching street food stall. Photograph: John Brunton for the Guardian
But what is really exciting in Kuching right now is the rediscovery of the cuisine of Sarawaks indigenous tribes in creative restaurants such as Lepau (395 Ban Hock Road) and the.Dyak (29 Simpang Tiga Road). Dishes include manok lulun (chicken stewed in bamboo with tapioca leaves and herbs); umai (thinly sliced river fish marinated ceviche-style); and vegetables such as cangkuk manis (star gooseberry leaves) and midin (wild ferns).
Where to drink
The Monkeebar
For the best river views, take afternoon tea or sunset cocktails at the James Brooke Bistro (7 Tunku Abdul Rahman Street), which recalls the days of the white rajahs. Locals, though, tend to prefer freshly roasted coffee from beans grown on Sarawak plantations, at Black Bean Coffee (87 Ewe Hai Street). From early evening happy hour until well after midnight, the Drunk Monkey (68 Carpenter Street), in Chinatown, is Kuchings latest hot spot, though easily confused with the equally popular Monkeebar (12 Song Thian Cheok Street), owned by a conservation NGO that gives a third of its profits to an orang-utan conservation project. For live reggae and heavy metal, head for The Canteen (7 Tun Haji Openg Street) at weekends. And21 Bistro (64 Padungan Road) is a gritty bar where Filipino musicians entertain a raucous crowd: its the place to try a glass of tuak, lethal home-brewed rice wine.
Where to stay
The Ranee hotel
Kuching has plenty of modern five-star hotels, but a much more original place to stay is the Ranee (doubles from 53 B&B), a romantic boutique hotel in two former Chinese shophouses, decorated with antiques and tribal handicrafts. Just next door is a charming budget alternative, the Waterfront Lodge (doubles 21) with a traditional interior courtyard. There are a host of inexpensive backpacker hostels, such as Singgahsana Lodge (dorm bed 6.50, singgahsana.com), which has a rooftop bar with pool tables and occasional live music, or in Chinatown, the hip DIY Dorm (dorm bed 4.60) with its popular Wrong Place cafe.
Trips out of town
Bako national park. Photograph: ElenaMirage/Getty Images/iStockphoto
There are several destinations an hour or so from Kuching that offer an exciting taste of Borneos ancient rainforests (see sarawaktourism.com for contacts). Bako national park, the oldest and one of the smallest national parks, is reached by a steamy boat ride along the Santubong river (full day 55pp). Jungle trails weave past mangrove swamps and dense tropical vegetation, with several coming out at quiet sandy beaches on the South China Sea. For staying overnight, there are simple two-person jungle chalets to rent (about 30) or dorm beds (under 4), with the chance to go on after-dark treks.
Mother and baby orangutans at Semenggoh Wildlife Centre. Photograph: Grant Dixon/Getty/Lonely Planet
A trip to the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre (24) offers a rare opportunity to see orangutans in their natural habitat. Travellers need to understand though, that this is a rehabilitation centre for a species whose future is still seriously threatened, not a tourist attraction. Semenggohs 26 orang-utans roam free in the jungle and swing through the trees when forest wardens arrive for the twice-daily feeding. Visitors can respectfully watch in silence from a platform around 100 metres away.
The Night Market in Siniawan Old Town. Photograph: Chee Jiun Chong
Rarely mentioned in guidebooks is Siniawan Old Town whose night market held in an abandoned 1860s gold mining settlement makes an offbeat foodie escapade just 30km from Kuching (about 15pp). On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from sunset till 11pm, this riverside ghost town of clapboard houses comes alive as scores of food stalls set up shop, frying noodles and vegetables, grilling fish, chicken wings and satay. Tables are set up all along the high street, under red Chinese lanterns, to cater for hundreds of hungry visitors.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jA6QM4
from Kuching, Malaysia: what to see plus the best restaurants, hotels and bars
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memorydragon · 1 year ago
Spoilers ahead. Confusing spoilers if you haven't started the novel, but if you're half-way through please scroll past.
So when I say this scene is what drove me mental years ago back when I first started reading Po Yun and Tun Hai, that reading it again even after so many years still made me feral. This was the Ride or Die moment that never left while translations were dropped and disappearing. Please understand when I say that reading again after reading the whole novel makes me 10x more feral than before. That is not an exaggeration. I am 100% not okay and these are crying in the club hours. F̴̻̹̊͑̉̿e̵̘̠͈͗ͅr̶̞̠͍̮̓̊͠ā̶͈̹̅̓͠ḻ̵͓̏͑͘.
Because Wu Yu's long, long panic attack, because when he's finally able to come up for air when the waves recede just the slightest, he's pushed back down again and again, because his 'safe' person has been taken away.
Because this 'elite' who had an easy life, just admitted he'd been dragged from the fire when he was nine years old after his parents were murdered in front of him. This person who wants to take him out of this hell and pull him back, who should be safe, is covering Wu Yu with his whole body, cradling his head and covering his eyes as a ruthless mob decends on them. Because this shouldn't be happening again - but death follows behind him mercilessly cutting everyone down but leaving him. Because dying is easy living is more difficult. Bu Chonghua's blood is on his face and this person should be safe but keeping their promise requires sacrifice. Please don't promise any more.
(Bu Chonghua was supposed to run. He was supposed to leave Wu Yu to deal with the mob. But if he'd done that, people would have died, and it probably wouldn't be Wu Yu, and he'd promised to pull Wu Yu back from this abyss. He wouldn't let the rage of the mob swallow Wu Yu like a wave, dragging him back under. As they beat him, he cradle's Wu Yu's head and covers his eyes, because he won't give Wu Yu up, not to the ocean or to fire, and I'm so fucking Normal about this.)
Liao Gang sees Wu Yu at the hospital and knows something is wrong. Something is off, this is not the meek and submissive Wu Yu they've met for these past few months. He correctly pulls Wu Yu aside and instead of admonishing him to go get checked over, he says 'hey, why don't you get checked out by the hospital because someone needs to look after Captain Bu tonight. If you let them patch you up, you'll be put with the captain.' And Wu Yu finally - finally relents and allows the hospital staff to look him over.
When the lights are off and he can't sleep because there's no light he tries to trace over the current Bu Chonghua with the memory of the child he'd saved in the past, and he can't sleep but he can finally breathe. Now he can agree that Bu Chonghua and Zhang Boming are different, that Bu Chonghua isn't just an elite who sends his subordinates to death for greater glory, but someone who wants to pull him back. (And I'm putting it more politely. I honestly love that Wu Yu is still sort of cursing Bu Chonghua out when he says this, because of course he is, and Bu Chonghua is immediately gonna chew him out for smoking. I love Them.)
But when he wakes up, Bu Chonghua is gone. The hospital bed is empty and cold, and there's a committee of directors who have come to question him. He asks where his safe person Bu Chonghua is, but they put him off, saying they just want to ask a few questions. Bu Chonghua has been isolated because there's been a death - death always follows him - and they're pushing the blame on him and Bu Chonghua. Why did Zhang Boming jump to his death? What did you say to him? Why did you survive? What right do you have to survive? He'll take all the blame on himself. He was the one who killed the suspect, Bu Chonghua didn't hurt any of the mob. It was him, it was all him, and what right do you have to speak about loyalty and sacrifice, when the hospital report on their injuries is right in front of you. They assume Wu Yu will see this is just a formality, but he doesn't have the frame of reference they knew he should It wasn't him with that frame of reference, he never had one and he lashes out. They're caging him, blaming him again, and what right do you have to talk about loyalty to someone who is on the front lines?
What right do you have to come back? What right do you have to survive?
After they sedate him and bring him back, leaving him in confinement (there's a bed, his wounds have been dressed, and there's even a tv and above average food left out for him. It's a plush confinement, only for one night. They think they're going easy on him and he should be grateful, because no one told them he's panicking and has been in danger undercover his whole life for twelve years and he hasn't been able to handle eating meat since he was a child. The lights are off when he wakes up, and he's alone. The lights are off and no one is responding when he asks them to turn on the lights. No one is there when he's progressively slipping back under the waves of panic. And when he lifts the lid on the food, all he can smell is meat.
He bites his own finger, trying to wash it out with the smell of the disinfectant from his wounds and blood, but he can still smell the meat that he spilt in his own revulsion and the lights are still off. (Wu Yu, little fish, I'm not blaming you, but please, please learn to talk about your triggers and let people know so they can accommodate you, because they would actually like to accommodate you and you're not weak because you have ptsd, you're breaking our hearts. Also, as an aside, Song Ping is actually quite hilarious in this fight. He's not to blame either, but he's making things so much worse and I love that Bu Chonghua has to yell at both of them to calm down because they're both set off on his sake)
And when someone finally comes, finally turns on the lights, they're blaming him. Look how you're acting! You're acting like a spoiled child when we've sacrifed been so nice to you! We've brought you back here, to this place you've worked for several months, your new home!
Except he never came back.
He was never brought back.
He was sacrificed for to catch the criminal. He died because his life was less important than catching someone on the wrong side of the law.
He was never asked if he wanted this sacrifice. He never wanted to be a cop. Who is Wu Yu? He's never had a name. Let him go, let him go - let him go!
He was never brought back. He never came back - Zhang Boming made the correct choice, but he never came back. The sacrifice was chosen, the promise was paid. Why did he survive? What right did Wu Yu have to survive when we he never came back.
"Wu Yu!"
He never came back.
"It's me. Okay, calm down." Someone restraining him, and he struggles automatically, but slowly stops. "It's me, Wu Yu. It's me. Just calm down."
Bu Chonghua came back. Held him above the water untll he could catch his breath. And finally, finally...
The boy left his own blood on Bu Chonghua's cheek, disappearing for twenty years, leaving only one command - Survive.
"I arrived late."
"I was just a little worried. It wasn't very late." It wasn't his whole life twelve years. It was only one nightmare. You pulled me back.
The boy who rushed off to save a child he didn't know finally appeared before Bu Chonghua again. He came back.
He came back.
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memorydragon · 1 year ago
So I thought I was going to take a day off from ranting about how mental I am because of these gay cops, but nope. Normal levels have not receded.
First of all, I really do adore Bu Chonghua. He's a condescending prick at times, but I love him and I love how Huai Shang lets him be so very wrong at times.
Even when that wrong hurts like fuck.
There's this moment when they're both out of town-ish to interrogate someone and they stay in the same room because it's too late to go back. That morning, Bu Chonghua sees Wu Yu walking around, half asleep and shirtless and completely relaxed, and he realized that at some point, Wu Yu has marked him as 'safe'. And yes, I'm normal about that, but the point is, when exactly did Wu Yu mark him as such?
I made that post about misunderstandings being well done in this plot, but I need to clarify that there are sometimes Bu Chonghua is a condescending prick and Wu Yu is very correct when he's calling acab. The first time I read through it, I was like, yeaaaaaah, Hua-ge, I love you, but you're really being a condescending prick. And Wu Yu was well deserved in bitching him out.
The second time I read through it, it hurt like a fucking truck. Putting aside my personal flashbacks of being othered by someone who thinks you're part of 'them' while being completely and totally dismissive of my identity, when Bu Chonghua tries to draw the line between criminal scum and say they don't change, he was off. He was so off by miles and Wu Yu sneers and says he'll never become like Bu Chonghua because he really, really fucked that one up.
Which is why not even half an hour later when Wu Yu gets triggered so badly he's throwing up his stomach lining (onto Bu Chonghua's shirt XD), it had to be so jarring. Because Bu Chonghua correctly assesses his ptsd (which he knows, because he's been living that same empty life and have I mentioned I'm Normal about these trauma kittens?) then says 'I want to pull you back from that.'
If you saw my post from yesterday, yes I've been thinking about this all day to the point I can't even keep reading because massive fucking ow. Now, if you've been following me for a decent length of time, you're probably aware how I feel about spoilers. Namely, I don't care a wit about them. You can spoil me anytime and I won't care. Honestly, I prefer spoilers on some things (not to be hipster, but I was into tgcf before any of my friends and I would have really liked a spoiler about certain things but had no one to give them to me) and my enjoyment always comes from the journey rather than the destination in most cases. My spoiler tag is a polite accommodation for everyone else, which I sometimes completely forget to do, but I do try to keep up with it. (On that note, I'm so sorry, tgcf donghua second season was completely untagged for that. I completely forgot. -_-;;; ) That said, what I'm about to discuss is one of the few times I've actually danced around a major spoiler, because this one is quite big. I've avoided mentioning it explicitly in my previous posts about Tun Hai, but I'm about to mention details. So this is your warning, I'm about to talk about a spoiler that even I consider to be a significant one. If you don't want spoilers, scroll past and don't click the read more.
Because the only two people in his life who have ever genuinely cared about him and not who they thought he was wanted to take him out of that hell. Because his aunt gave him a name he can no longer use, because Xie Xing came back just for that promise. Because he's been forced to live someone else's life, the life of the only person who gave a damn, because he wants so badly to escape to a place where poppies aren't grown and he can't do that as himself. Because he's carrying Xie Xing's wish that he lives on for the both of them. And just fucking ow, little fish, please stop breaking my heart.
And this is where Bu Chonghua is marked safe, even so close after he fucked up so badly, because that's the one thing he's been promised by people who actually see him, that they're going to take him out of that hell and into the light. And Bu Chonghua just casually says this, not understanding why Wu Yu is stunned by something that to him is just normal amount of caring. Because two people died before they could make good on that promise, despite how hard they both tried, and how hard Wu Yu knew they both tried and died in their attempts. And I'm so fucking unhinged by this.
Because when before Bu Chonghua has even realized it, he's put himself along side what only two people have ever tried in in Wu Yu's life. All of that night, when Wu Yu shows him his favorite 'movie' (this little fish, Wu Yu, baby, why are you like this XD), when he follows Bu Chonghua out, when he watches Bu Chonghua basically take on a whole street gang while venting, only stepping in when Bu Chonghua was actually in danger, when Bu Chonghua is sitting there thinking by himself that Wu Yu deserves so much better, and when he realizes that Wu Yu can occasionally stick his head out of his shell and look around if someone is patient enough to wait (Abso-fucking-lutely feral). All of that time, Wu Yu has marked him as safe and I'm so Normal about Them.
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