#And its making doing anything besides laying in bed very difficult
Having some awful vertigo recently as well as just having a lot of other new problems and stressors popping up every day so i may not be as consistent with daily edits for a little bit until I'm feeling better and/or things calm down. Thanks for your support and understanding. Hope to be back to daily Beef posting for you all soon!
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7-wonders · 1 year
Wishful Drinking
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x GN!Reader
Summary: After Morpheus cruelly dismisses you, you decide that you'll get back at him by staying out of the Dreaming one night for as long as you can. What you don't anticipate is letting your feelings get the best of you and getting very drunk instead.
Or, drunk shenanigans galore!
Word Count: 3.5k
Author's Note: I don't know what this is, y'all. I haven't written anything in more than a month, and it was so tough to even write this, but I wanted to write SOMETHING. As always, hope you enjoyed, let me know your thoughts, and likes, comments, and reblogs make my world go round.
ALSO! Dream logic applies here, in that you're still drunk when you reach the Dreaming.
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You know that certain coping mechanisms, like, say, going out clubbing with your friends and getting crazy drunk for the first time in a long time, aren’t exactly healthy. But things have been difficult for you lately! You’ve been struggling a lot, in both your professional and personal life. These hardships are only compounded by the fact that the one person (or person-shaped being) in your life that you thought you could count on, your Morpheus, has been too busy to have time for you.
Literally. He said those exact words to you a mere three days ago, when you had found him in his personal study (a study that he almost never used) after what felt like a day spent chasing him around the Dreaming. You meant for it to come out as teasing when you took note of the fact that you hardly saw him around lately and that it felt like he was purposefully avoiding you, but he had sighed and glared at you before saying, “I have much to do, and I am far too busy to entertain you right now.”
You glowered, but, as he said, he was too busy to see it. Fine, you thought as you turned around and stalked out of his study. Leave him to his business. 
Cut to today. When your friends asked if you wanted to go out with them, you almost said no, having gotten accustomed in the past couple of months to the routine of going to bed by nine o’clock in order to maximize time spent in your lover’s realm. But then, the more you thought about it, the more you realized that you didn’t want to just continue sitting around in the Dreaming and hoping that Morphues would come out of whatever funk he was in. After all, why should you make an effort when he won’t? You’re not about to beg for his attention.
With that in mind, you texted back that you very much wanted to go out with them and proceeded to get ready for a fun night out.
The plan was to have a couple of drinks, dance for a bit, and stay out of the Dreaming just long enough to make Morpheus sweat a bit.
But then shots had been ordered.
And your friend bought you a drink because they knew you had had a tough week.
And you bought yourself two drinks.
And a group of guys bought you another round of shots, and though you all laughed at the fact that they were not getting anything out of this, you still took them because you weren’t about to turn down free alcohol.
This leads to you and your friends stumbling out of a bar at two in the morning, holding each other up as you do. Definitely not the plan, but what’s that one quote about plans and mice and men?
“What about a mouse?” your friend asks from beside you, making you realize that you said that out loud.
“Don’ worry ‘bout it,” you say.
Somehow, you make it into a Lyft (thank the gods for friends who don’t get carried away), and somehow, you make it into your home. Not without its difficulties–you dropped your keys multiple times on the walk to your front door, and there might be a you-shaped indent in the entryway wall from where you fell into it when trying to kick your shoes off. 
When you reach your bedroom, you decide that actually, the floor looks comfier than your bed does. You’re so drunk that the room feels like it’s spinning when you lay down, and you close your eyes to enjoy the ride.
“Fuck, I’m so drunk right now,” you say out loud, laughing at the sound of your slurred words.
You don’t mean to fall asleep, really. You know that you need to crawl to the bathroom to wash your face and find enough dexterity to change clothes before hopefully sobering up just enough that you can make it to the kitchen to grab painkillers and water for the inevitable killer hangover you’re going to have tomorrow. The floor is just so soft, though, and you work yourself into a trance-like state by staring up at the ceiling fan and watching it go around and around and around. On one blink, you’re staring at your ceiling.
And on the next, you’re staring at another ceiling, one that’s not really a ceiling at all, but an entire galaxy above your head.
It’s easy to get lost in the magnificent colors swirling above you (especially in your current state), and you do, until you hear someone calling your name. When you look away from the universe, you see the love of your life looking at you, though at present, he is not reciprocating the heart eyes that you are always looking at him with.
“Where have you been?” Morpheus demands.
“Morpheus, my love!” You throw your arms out and grin. “I’ve missed you.”
“Do you have any idea how worried I have been? I sent Matthew to find you hours ago when first you were late, only for him to report that he could not find you at your home.” You’re a little surprised that Matthew hadn’t managed to track you down; your little raven friend was almost scarily good at finding people/places/things.
“Aw, you’ve missed me?” It makes sense, of course; after all, you’ve missed him, so it’s only natural that he would miss you in return. Still, the sentiment makes you feel all warm and melty on the inside.
 It’s obvious to anybody who actually takes the time to know Morpheus—a tiny list of people and beings, two of whom are in the room with him right now—that he’s fighting a war between wanting to scold you and wanting to hold you and check you up and down for wounds. Morpheus crosses the room towards you, and you ready yourself for the inevitable lecture you’re about to get, about how you’re just a fragile little human and he worries every moment that you’re away from him (y’know, now that you have the clarity of a drunk person, you’re actually annoyed that this is constantly coming from the being that’s meant to be your lover).
But that’s not what happens.
Instead, you find his arms wrapped tightly around you and his face buried in your neck. He’s hugging you, not the other way around. He’s never done such a thing before, and you don’t know how to react. What you do know is that any of the residual anger you had been feeling drains out of you like water from an unstoppered bathtub. You really didn’t think that being away for—the math isn’t mathing for you currently, and you don’t actually know how long it’s been—a couple of hours would affect him this much.
“You are the one most dear to my heart,” he mutters into your ear, cognizant of the fact that you are not alone in this throne room. “Of course, I missed you.”
“Oh. When you said you were ‘too busy to entertain’ me, I just kinda assumed you wouldn’t notice I was gone.” Though you don’t mean to weaponize your words, the poison darts make contact with their target anyway, and Morpheus stiffens in your hold.
“Are you alright?” he asks instead, choosing to wait until a later time to have this particular conversation.
“Aw, dream boy” you coo, snaking a hand up to clumsily run it through his hair. “I’m okay baby, swear it! Like, absolutely, one hundred percent fine.”
Morpheus pulls away from you so that he can look you up and down to confirm that you really are okay. “You smell like a pub,” he notes. 
“How can you tell that in the Dreaming?”
He ignores your question when a realization seems to hit him. “Are you inebriated?”
“No, I’m drunk,” you correct very matter-of-factly.
“That is–” he stops, choosing instead to just shake his head.
“Oh, dear,” Lucienne mutters from behind Morpheus, reminding you of her presence in the first place.
“Lucienne! Hi! How have you been!” 
You crane around Morpheus to be able to see your favorite librarian, but you almost fall over in the process. Before you can tip too far over, Morpheus is there to right you again. When he does, he looks down at you with quite the serious expression on his perfect face.
“Who did this to you?” he asks, ready to punish whoever put you in such a state.
“Vodka. Rum, maybe?” You think back on your drinks for the evening, though it’s hard to think back that far. “Yeah, the second round of shots was definitely rum.”
“You put yourself in this state?”
“Yes?” Has Morpheus never heard of the concept of going out and getting shitfaced with your pals? “To be fair, I didn’t think that my drunkenness would…” You search for the word that you want to use, but it’s just not coming to you! “Uh, carry over?”
“Please tell me you managed to make it home safely?”
You nod. “Sure did! Pretty sure I fell asleep on the floor, though.”
Lucienne slowly begins to back up towards the door, and Morpheus stares at you for a long moment before sighing heavily.
“Are you mad at me?” you ask nervously, starting to get upset the longer the silence drags on. Did you say something that you shouldn’t have? Is there a rule you don’t know about against sleeping on floors?
Instead of answering you, Morpheus waves a hand in the air and says, “This dream is over.” 
You’re awake and once again staring up at your ceiling fan, only this time, Morpheus is also in your line of sight. It’s impossible to stop yourself from touching him when you’re sober, so it’s not at all surprising that your hands go up to caress his face now when you’re drunk.
“Hi cutie,” you greet, laughing in delight when he flushes just the slightest amount.
He grabs your hands and kisses the back of both before setting them against your chest. “Why are you sleeping on your floor?”
“Because,” is your simple, childish reply.
“That is not a good answer.”
“It’s the one you get because it’s the one I have.” You throw in a peace sign to be extra spicy, but Morpheus, unfortunately, doesn’t comprehend your 21st-century humor, and instead just segues into the next order of business.
“Might I help you up, so that we can get you properly ready for bed?”
“But I’m comfy,” you groan. Morpheus is not buying what you’re selling, unfortunately, so you sigh. “Fine.”
Morpheus holds his hands out for you to take and helps you to your feet. Too fast, apparently, because the room begins to spin and your stomach tilts dangerously, making you clap a hand over your mouth.
“Oh no. Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy,” you chant, squeezing your eyes shut and laying your head against Morpheus’s shoulder while you try to breathe through sudden nausea. You will not throw up on your super hot eldritch nightmare king boyfriend, you command yourself. Not tonight, and not ever.
“What is wrong?” Morpheus sounds panicked, and you want to reassure him, but you hold up a finger in the meantime.
When the nausea finally passes, you take a deep breath and slowly look up. “Okay, I think I’m good now.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. Sometimes drinking too much combined with moving too fast makes people feel sick. It’s my fault, but I’ll be okay.”
“Are you well enough to move?”
“Yes, I promise.” 
To prove your point, you let go of his hand and start walking heel to toe as the police require during field sobriety tests (honestly, you’re a little surprised that you can actually do this right now). You can practically feel your lover's amusement behind you, but it proves to him that you are capable. Morpheus lets you walk to the bathroom on your own power, and you think the only reason he doesn’t sweep you off your feet is because he’s worried you’ll throw up if he does. He watches you intently the entire time, though. 
You sit on the lip of the bathtub, watching Morpheus move about your bathroom as though he knows where everything is; he probably does, you realize, whether it be from that endless wealth of knowledge about everyone and everything that he possesses, or just his familiarity with your home. After rummaging around for a few moments, he comes back with a washcloth and your favorite pajamas. The sight of the familiar material makes you tear up, and you sniffle loudly.
Morpheus looks up in alarm. “Are you okay?”
“You remembered my favorite pajamas,” you say, trying to not start crying. You can count on one hand the number of times he’s come directly to see you off to his realm, and you’ve probably worn those pajamas twice. Yet he remembered the one-off comment you had made about how they were your favorite because of course he did.
His face softens. “Of course I did.”
You clear your throat and wipe your eyes. “Sorry. I’m okay! Just drunk.”
Morpheus hands you said pajamas before turning the faucet on and letting the water run. He seems to realize something after a moment and looks at you helplessly. “I do not feel temperature as you do. Is the water alright?” 
You grin and stick your hand under the faucet, moving the tap just a smidge hotter before nodding at him. “It’s good now. Thank you for asking.”
He begins to run the damp washcloth gently over your face, a barely-there smile appearing on his own when you wrinkle your nose at the cool sensations. Where this situation would be awkward with anybody else, it feels entirely natural with Morpheus. You’ll take these little moments of domesticity with him whenever you can get them, even when you’re still half drunk.
Even if you wanted to, you can’t hold yourself back from saying, “You’re so beautiful, do you know that? Seriously, you’re the prettiest man-slash-anthropomorphic-personification I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” The words are heavy on your tongue, but you’re pretty proud of the way you only barely stumble through ‘anthropomorphic’.
“You are still under the influence,” he notes.
“So? Drunk words equal sober thoughts, right?”
“‘A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.’ Jean-Jacques Rosseau,” he supplies.
“Sure, that. I’d tell you how pretty you are even if I was sober, and you know that.”
“Perhaps.” He says it in that infuriatingly sexy way of his, the one that makes you want to tear his clothes off.
Instead, you’re the one taking your own clothes off, though not for any fun reason. Getting changed is not as difficult a task as it would have been when you first arrived home, with the benefit of time naturally sobering one up on your side. Morpheus still keeps a hand held out, just in case you lose your balance and need something to grab onto, but after you’ve finished changing, that hand slips under your shirt and caresses your side.
“Thought you were supposed to be helping me keep my clothes on,” you say with a shiver, grabbing his wrist and pulling the offending extremity out from under your shirt.
“Apologies.” His tone implies that he’s not sorry at all, not that you would want him to be. “I simply couldn’t resist.”
He looks down at you with so much love in those blue eyes of his that you feel like you don’t think your mortal mind could ever truly comprehend it. Nobody has ever loved you the way that Morpheus has—all-consuming and passionate. He told you once that many of his relationships had ended because he had been seen as too intense, too obsessive in his love. Bring it on, you had told him when he expected you to back down. To date, you haven’t regretted that.
You don’t think you ever will.
Now that you can see the end of your night in sight, tiredness begins to seep into your bones. Though your bed is just right through the bathroom door, it feels miles away. With that in mind, you ask,  “Will you carry me?” 
“Were you not worried that you would feel sick?”
“Yeah, but I’m tired.” You pout (on purpose because you know what it does to him), and you can practically see his resolve break. “Just be careful?”
“Always,” he promises.
And careful he is, slowly picking you up and waiting until you nod to carry you to your bed. He sets you down gently, You’re thrilled to see a glass of water already waiting for you on your bedside table, Morpheus anticipating your needs before you’ve even realized you have them in the first place.
Crawling under the covers after finishing your water, you motion for Morpheus to sit next to you on the bed. He does as you ask, and you move your pillows so that you can sit up and lean on him. When you’re comfortable, you say, “Thank you for everything tonight. I know taking care of me wasn’t what you had planned.”
“You need not thank me. I enjoy caring for you, no matter the situation.” 
Your eyes flutter closed at the sensation of his hand carding through your hair, and you start to feel yourself inching closer to the Dreaming. Something keeps you from truly falling asleep, though, and when Morpheus shifts next to you, you realize what it is: the conversation’s not over. Morpheus is trying to figure out how to say what it is he wants to say.
Finally, he figures it out. “Might I ask you something?”
You open your eyes to give him your full attention and nod.
“Earlier, when you seemed surprised that I had noticed your absence. Did you do this,” ‘this’ being getting very drunk, “because of what I said?”
“No. I mean, I went out because I was mad at you, and I figured that me being a couple of hours late would make you learn your lesson, but I got drunk because I wanted to have fun with my friends and let loose.”
“And did you?”
“Maybe a little too much,” you admit cheekily.
“I apologize for my harsh words the other day. I have been…feeling burdened under the weight of my realm, and I took it out on you for no reason.”
“It’s okay, Morpheus. You’re busy running an entire realm and overseeing the collective unconscious. I shouldn’t be so needy.”
He shakes his head. “It is not okay. I should never talk to you in such a way, and you should never feel as though I do not want you around. I do want you around, always.”
“People say things that they don’t mean. That doesn’t mean they’re not worthy of forgiveness. But you gotta talk to me, okay? When you’re feeling stressed, or when things get to be too much. I’m here for you, and I want to support you however I can.”
“I love you,” he says. The fact that he’s being so open with his emotions is a pleasant surprise; it took him so long to be the first to say it, and even longer to be comfortable with it. You smile up at him.
“I love you, too. Stay with me until I fall asleep?”
“Of course.”
Morpheus turns your bedroom light off without you needing to ask (seriously, you love him so much), and you close your eyes. Then, a thought hits you.
“Hey,” you say, staring up at him in the dark and waiting until he looks at you to continue. “Can you get drunk?”
“Why not? I mean, isn’t there special alcohol for preternatural beings? You’d think gods and goddesses would’ve figured out a way to get turnt by now.”
Though he doesn’t want to give in to your rambling when you’re meant to be trying to fall asleep, he can’t help but indulge you. “Gods and goddesses can. We, the Endless, cannot.”
“What? That’s so fucking lame. No. That’s–that’s an injustice! I’m so sorry.
“I promise, it is okay. Now, please go to sleep.”
You nod, but close your eyes for maybe thirty seconds before they snap open again with a realization. “Wait.”
“You mentioned other gods and goddesses. How many are there? Are they all real? Is actual God real? I mean, I know the devil is real, you kicked their ass for your helm, but for some reason that’s more believable than–”
“Go. To. Sleep,” Morpheus commands.
“Ugh, you’re no fun!”
“I am not afraid to use my sand if need be.”
“You wouldn’t.” You raise an eyebrow in challenge, and he raises one right back. After a brief stalemate, you’re the first to give in. “You have to understand how world-altering this information is to a regular human like me, I mean–”
You’re asleep before your head hits the pillow.
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strwberri-milk · 7 months
incubus Lads boys where mc starts falling in love with them on accident 🔞🤭😫
HMM im seeing this as??? like. l&ds beginning a sexual relationship only to satisfy their incubus desires and mc falling in love w them thereby breaking their friends w benefits situation but also. its so sweet if both of them are in love and i kinda did that bc if i didnt itd be too angsty and i just like happiness ;-; - also pls mind the growing pains theres a reason why rafayels the only well levelled chara in my account <33 so uhh theres more mutual pining bc they both fell in love by accident :(
He was very clear about the relationship that the two of you would enter. You want companionship and he has a need that has to be fulfilled. It didn't matter that the reason why he asked you and you specifically was because he already knew that there could be nobody else. You are absolutely perfect for him in every way that matters - from the way you fit in his arms to the pretty way his name sounds on your lips.
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Zayne did his best to keep things professional. He was sure to meet you on your terms, even if it felt like he was starving for your touch. He already felt awful about needing you as badly and as frequently as he does and asking to have you when he needs you feels like a line he just refuses to cross.
You on the other hand found yourself wanting to do just that. You had no idea if it was because of his nature as an incubus or if it was the slow growing of your feelings for him that made you want to see him again and again no matter how little time has passed. You wanted more than anything to be as detached as he was, not wanting to make things difficult.
It didn't matter though. You lay there catching your breath, watching as he dresses again after another night. Your eyes lightly dance over the way his suit slips over his strong arms, face barely flush as though the two of you had done nothing more than catch up over a cup of coffee. He doesn't say much - he's never been one to talk too much in your presence regardless - but when he looks at you you feel your heart stop.
You don't even realise that you're reaching out to him until you feel his lips press against your fingertips. Your eyes are wide, unsure what the gesture itself meant. You didn't want to get your hopes up of course, but when he presses his lips against your forehead in a show of affection before leaving you allow yourself a moment of limerence.
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Xavier has a tendency to forget that he has other needs until he sees you've texted him or a photo of you that pops up on his phone as a reminder that besides the friendship you two have, there's another level to your agreements.
He found himself always being gentler with you than you might want him to be. It didn't matter how you'd ask him or if you tried to convince him that you can handle it - a part of him was terrified that he'd lose you if he misjudged your passions and worked you too hard.
You sigh breathlessly as he presses another kiss to your throat, feeling the weight of his body as he presses himself closer in the throes of pleasure. He feels amazing as always and the rush of energy he gets from your pleasure is already something addictive. He knows he can't be without you now that he's had you and he known that for quite a while.
He turns back around partway through getting dressed, thinking you were trying to tell him something. You've always been sluggish after have sex, playfully teasing him and blaming him for sapping too much of your energy. He watches carefully to see if you'll say anything else, softening even more when you reach out for him.
You know that you need him here with you right now, fully aware this whole time that you loved him more than you are ever allowed to. That didn't seem like something you could ever entertain but here in your pleasure addled fatigue all you could think about was the need to feel your arms around him as he held you to sleep.
The bed felt warmer in the morning and you're absolutely certain you weren't wearing these clothes last night. You're not sure if you're just imagining the smell of his cologne in your sheets but you bury yourself in them regardless, quickly falling back asleep with dreams of him.
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Rafayel was fun - that's how you saw it. The two of you practically fell into bed once you came to an agreement of terms and your relationship made it easy for you to trust him. He made you feel good and perhaps it was just in his nature but he was just always so romantic. He's an artist so perhaps that was just your imagination but his absolutely needy nature for your attention always spilled into bed.
You can barely breathe when he's got his lips on yours again, stealing your breath despite not needing it. You willingly give it to him as you always will, knowing that the way you held him was not just to ground yourself but borne out of a visceral need that eclipsed whatever kinds he has. He holds you just as tightly, reassuring words whispered into your ear.
You couldn't help but fall in love with him. You adored him more than you could ever fathom, staring up into the glass panes of his ceiling as you willed yourself to get up and get dressed. He was already up and about, well energised from your efforts and you tried your best to will back the fear of being nothing more than an agreement for him.
He sees your hesitation and you can hear him pause at the head of the bed, raising his brow as you turn to face him. You're not sure what he sees when he looks at you, unaware that he would be pleased to do nothing more than admire you until the day he died. The two of you don't notice how much time passes, scarcely moving a muscle until he reaches out and cups your cheek affectionately.
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
enemies w/ wooyoung
“i can’t believe i have to share a room with you,” wooyoung spits as he dumps his bag on the floor at the side of his bed. he wastes no time in throwing himself down onto the matress, keeping a stern aye on you as you make your way inside, “out of all the people on this trip, its you.”
you scoff as you follow him, slamming the door in your wake. trust you to draw the same colour marble as him. jung fucking wooyoung. number 1 on your hit list ever since the very first time he pulled your hair in junior school. hatred may have been a strong word, but it wasn’t nearly strong enough for the way you feel about him.
and now you have to spend the next week of your life in a combined space with him. perhaps you’ve done something wrong that the universe is punishing you for. maybe it’s a curse, or some evil spirit messing with you. you’re not entirely sure, but either way you’re certain something is out for your blood.
“the couch is available if you want it,” you snarl, barely able to keep a modicum of civility when it comes to wooyoung. there’s just something about him that makes you so inexplicably mad, “you know, if you have that much of a problem with me.”
“i’m fine here, actually,” he puts his hands behind his head in a display of arrogance. it’s difficult not to go over there and slap it out of him as you move to sit on your own bed, “but you can go and sleep there if you want; you won’t find me stopping you.”
you scoff, “what exactly is your problem with me?”
it’s hypocritical of you to ask that, you know. if anyone has the problem, its you. you’re the one who’s always fought against him; eye rolls and back handed comments the only things you give him whenever he’s around you. and you’re the one who’s always arguing with him over the tiniest of things, even if you know deep down that he’s actually right. some days you can’t even find a reason behind your incessant need to hate him, but that never stops you.
he’s just so annoying.
“you’re a stuck up little princess,” wooyoung supplies with that cocky grin still spread across his face. god, what you wouldn’t do to wipe that away and put him in his place; it’s almost a desperate need that you have to knock him down a few pegs.
“anything else, youngie,” you throw the nickname at him like it’s an insult. he catches it effortlessly, chuckling at your attempt to throw him off.
“yes,” he pushes himself from the mattress, sitting himself up straight so he can look at you; look down at where you lay on the bed beside him. so cute, with your arms crossed over your chest in a petulant attempt to act tough in front of him. it doesn’t work, your little act. not with the way your arms push your tits together, making your cleavage look so fuckable. wooyoung’s dick twitches in his sweatpants, “most of my problems are about you, actually.”
cliche, you think as you roll your eyes; of course he thinks you’re the cause of all his problems. just because he doesn’t like you, doesn’t mean he has to blame everything on you.
still, you’re curious.
when he starts talking again, you’re all ears.
“like how you think you’re so tough when you’re being a condescending little brat, when actually it just makes me want to pull you over my lap and make you scream,” the words take a second to sink in, but when they do, your jaw drops. he smirks, “or when you bite your lips when you’re mad; it just makes me think about how pretty they’d look wrapped around my cock.”
you can’t help the way your eyes flicker to the crotch of his sweats. he’s hard, or halfway there at least. fucking huge too, by the looks of it. you dart out your tongue to lap at your dry lips. holy fuck, what’s happening to you.
“and do you know that i see these pretty little things in my dreams?” a single finger brushes gently over your nipple, hard and visible through the thin material of your t-shirt. you suck in a sharp breath, barely catching a moan before it slips out, “wake up covered in my own cum every single time. dream you is just such a good little slut for me.”
the hand that sits gently on your tit begins to move, climbing gently up your chest until it lands on your neck. he squeezes down lightly, your head spinning under the barely there pressure.
“it’s a shame real life you takes a little more taming, hm?” wooyoung drawls as he bends down to your level. warmth spreads across your face as your lifelong enemy blows a stream of cold air over your face, chuckling to himself when you shiver.
how the fuck had you let this happen? one second you’re sure you had the high ground, and the next you have a hand around your throat and wetness leaking from your pussy. part of you wants to fight back. spit in his face and push him away. set a boundary and let him know that this, whatever the fuck this is, will never happen.
what scares you is that an even bigger part of you is begging you to give in.
and it’s a really shame that you’ve never been very good at saying no to yourself. it makes it borderline impossible for you to listen to that ever-shrinking part of your brain that’s telling you to run.
“wooyoung,” you whisper, although youre not even sure of your next words yourself. you haven’t decided whether this is going to happen or not. whether you’re going to let him tame you like he so clearly wants to. you open your mouth, hoping to all that is holy that you make a good choice.
“what do you want, baby?”
“fuck me,” you say.
“such a good girl.”
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“you can call me on my phone i’ll run to you, you won’t ever have to Sleep Alone”
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“but if you want it you can have it, you can have me in full”
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synopsis// the lines between platonic and romantic become even more blurred for you, if possible, when you realize your best friend truly would do anything for you.
pairing// maki zenin x gn!reader
word count// 1.8k
contents// ages arent specified but everyone is adults, angst if you squint maybe, ooc maki/soft maki, hurt/comfort?, mentions of nightmares
notes// YES THIS IS INSPIRED BY ANOTHER WATERPARKS SONG LMFAOOOO. i cannot be stopped but cmon its sleep alone!! sleep alone supremacy!! my fav!!! also also this was supposed to be wayyyy more light hearted n then it suddenly got kinda deep for a moment idk how that happened... anyways do ppl even read maki ff?
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Nightmares were nothing new to you; you had them quite frequently, if not all the time, and your best friend had repeatedly told you to call her when they occurred, and she would be more than willing to come and comfort you. But how could you do that? You couldn't for two reasons.
The first being that your best friend was Maki, and she wasn't much of a touch person (or really a people person in general), which is all you wanted in those moments: to be held. and two, that your best friend was Maki. the girl you are quite literally in love with. Is it silly to be in love with the oh-so independent girl who demands to do things herself? Yes, very much so, and you know that considering you’re the exact opposite. Neither of which is a bad thing; it just makes things difficult— well it would if you two were dating, you think. 
Tonight was just like any other night: you got yourself comfy in bed, scrolled through your phone for a few minutes before texting a sweet little goodnight to Maki, who quickly replied back, wishing you sweet dreams; it was just like any other night, nightmares included. which is why you woke up in a cold sweat, practically panting; the only thing illuminating your room was the moon.
Once you had slightly calmed down, you sat up and grabbed your phone. You flinched away from the bright screen until your eyes could adjust, finally seeing that it was around two a.m. You sighed as you unlocked your phone and called Maki. You constantly refused her offer of coming over at times like this, but you always accepted her offer of calling; you’d take what you could get— which could be quite literally everything you want, but alas, you’re not aware of that yet.
Maki hums over the line. “Hey, you ok?”
You hum back. “nightmare.”
Maki clears her throat. “I’ll call you back in, like, ten minutes, maybe, ok?”
You go wide-eyed at her statement, and you can feel your heart drop a bit. Were you bothering her? “I'm sorry, are you busy?”
“Yeah, something like that, but i promise we’ll talk ok?" Maki says goodbye almost too eagerly before hanging up. 
You sigh and practically throw your phone back onto your side table as you flop back down in bed. You knew this day would come, where she’d get annoyed with how you called almost every night, with how you weren’t as self-sufficient as she was, and besides, what could she be doing at two in the morning? You don't know how long you lay there staring at your ceiling, feeling like you wanted the world to swallow you whole, but you know it's been awhile. You probably would have stayed like that until morning if it hadn't been for the knock on your front door bringing you back to your senses.
Your feet dragged as you begrudgingly made your way toward the door, opening it only to see Maki there with a slight tired smile on her face as she held a bag full of things you couldn't quite make out in one hand. Standing there in your pjs, you suddenly felt very vulnerable; yes, she's your best friend, but you didn't want her to see you like this, see you as a person? It would complicate things, complicate your feelings even further. Your face feels hot and blue as the two of you stand there in silence for a few moments. 
“Are you gonna let me in?” she asks flatly with a slight tilt of her head. 
You don't say anything; you just move out of the way and let her in, and she walks toward your room as if she'd been here before, which she hasn't.
“Maki, what are you doing here?” you ask in disbelief as she sits on your bed. 
“Well, I had a feeling you’d call, and I don't know; I thought it would be better for you if I was actually here, right?” She speaks so softly to you, which isn't much of a surprise; Maki was softer in general with you than she was with other people, and it always leaves you with butterflies, it always leaves you with a hope you know you shouldn’t entertain for your own sanity. 
“You could’ve told me,” you huff as you sit next to her on the bed. 
Maki laughs slightly. “Why, so you can tell me not to come? Yeah, right," she says jokingly.
You hum in agreement; she’s right; you'd never willingly let her come. “So what’s in the bag?”
Maki looks at the bag in her hand briefly before placing it on your side table. “Just some snacks; I wasn’t really sure what we’d do when I got here…”
You hum sleepily; you weren’t sleepy a few seconds ago, so why now? Why does just being around Maki soothe you like a lullaby? 
“Or we can lay down,“ she adds when she realizes how droopy your eyes are getting now. 
You don't try to protest her suggestions; you're too tired at this point, and your sole wish is just to lay down with her. You nod and get up to turn off the light you had turned on earlier when you heard the door. While you're up, Maki gets herself comfortable on the far side of the bed, and you quickly join her. The two of you lay there stiffly on your backs, and although you were sleepy and happy in her presence, it's not enough; you need to feel her, be held by her. 
“Maki?” you question meekly. 
“Yeah?” she hums.
“You can totally say no, but, um, do you think you could hold me?” You ask nervously as you fidget with your hands. 
Maki turns her head to look at you and doesn’t say anything; she just smiles sweetly at you while she lifts her arm, which you can see from your peripheral vision; she’s giving you access to lay on her. You look at her wide-eyed briefly before practically scrambling to get your head on her chest, your arm draping over her torso as she brings hers back down to rest on your back. You two lay still for a few moments before she starts to rub her hand up and down your back soothingly, an action she never thought would come naturally to her, yet here she is, and she has to say it might be the best feeling in the world—even better than proving her “family” wrong. 
"Y/N, how come you’ve never let me come over before?” She asks out of the blue, fingers still trailing up and down your back, which, along with the question, sends shivers down your spine that you hope she can’t feel. 
“I don’t know. I guess I’m embarrassed?” You murmur against her. 
“Embarrassed?” she asks, clearly confused. 
You groan slightly. “Haven’t you ever noticed how different we are?” 
Maki tilts her head down slightly to look at you, eyes and eyebrows narrowing at you in confusion. “what?” 
“You’re so self-sufficient, so independent, and I’m what? can’t go a night without a nightmare? need you there for me every night?” You respond back almost bitterly, disgusted by your own needs. 
maki scoffs. "Y/N, you might be more “independent” than I am.” 
“what? "How—I mean, look, you're here because of me!” you exclaim. 
“Did you ask me to be here?” she asks. 
you frown. “well no but-“ 
She cuts you off. “Have you ever asked me to be here?” 
“no…” you reply quietly, unaware of where she’s going with this. 
“exactly! You deal with all your shit by yourself, even when I’ve made it abundantly clear that I’m more than willing to be here for you. maybe you aren’t independent because you want to be, but you’re still independent,” she states matter-of-factly. 
“Isn’t being independent a good thing?” You ask quietly, your voice shaking slightly.
She shrugs slightly, as much as she can with you on top of her. “To an extent, but you can be independent and still let me be here for you; they aren’t mutually exclusive.”
You nuzzle your face into her and sigh. This is nice—nicer than you could’ve ever expected. Cuddling with Maki while she rubs her hand up and down your spine, comforting you in more ways than one, is something you could only dream about, but your dreams don’t even come close to this; the real thing is so much better. and suddenly you're clutching her shirt as words fly out of your mouth faster than you can keep up.
“Maki, I like you,” you murmur against her considering your face is practically shoved into her, almost like you're trying to become one with her, which to be honest, you kinda are.
She stifles a laugh. “i know.” 
You shake your head and reiterate, “No, I like you.” 
She hums and repeats, “I know.”
You blink a few times before you abruptly lift your head to look at her. “wait what?” 
She nods and smiles at you. “Oh yeah, I’ve known for a long time.” 
“How?” you exclaim. 
“You’re very obvious,” she replies nonchalantly. 
“And- And you’re okay with it?” You ask nervously, this was not how you were expecting your night to go at all. You were expecting to just call Maki for a little bit until you inevitably felt like you were bothering her and hung up, but not before she tells you she’s more than willing to go over, but you say no, and then you’d stare out your window until you eventually fell back asleep and maybe or maybe not get woken back up from another nightmare. That’s how you were expecting this night to go.
“Of course I’m okay with it; I like you too, moron,” she replies back playfully. 
You try to stop your mouth from dropping open, but to no avail; you’re absolutely shocked. You would have never guessed that she liked you back—okay, maybe you could considering how soft she was with you compared to everyone else, but that’s just how best friends are, right? Oh my god, are you seriously trying to convince yourself that she still sees you as just a friend when she just confessed otherwise? you’re insane.
Sometime while you were lost in thought, staring at Maki with your jaw dropped, she brought her free hand that wasn’t caressing your back up and shut your jaw for you, her hand on your face quickly bringing you back to earth.
You clear your throat and blink a few times before stumbling over your words, “So, uh, um, what now?” 
She hums and pretends to think for a moment. 
“Well, I think now you won’t ever have to sleep alone.” 
“If you tell anyone about me cuddling you, I’ll kill you, by the way,” she adds on not even a few moments later. 
You giggle before littering kisses on her face, speaking through the kisses, “Yeah, I know.” 
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football-and-fanfics · 6 months
Comfort - Caoimhin Kelleher
Who: Caoimhin Kelleher Request: U are the only one I know that writes for Caoimh, so please do one about him and the atalanta game and where reader comforts him after the loss and its all very sweet or smth. Requested by: anonymous Word count: 462 Warnings: slight mentions of bruising. Contains descriptions of being sad.
A/N: I know my requests are closed, but this was sent in anyway and it just kind of poured out of me the moment I read the request. So, there you go 😁
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Nothing, absolutely nothing about this match had gone right. Liverpool had lost, driving them to the brink of elimination from the Europa League, he had let in three goals, and to make matters even worse: Caoimhin had taken a ball hard to the face when trying to make a save.
You were already in bed when Caoimhin came home. You weren't asleep, but sat up reading, knowing he would probably need some TLC after this difficult night.
Caoimhin quietly shuffled into your bedroom, only humming softly as a greeting. He just took the time to change into some shorts and a T-shirt for the night, before he defeatedly lay himself down in bed next to you.
"Let me see." You gently took his chin in your hands to have a look at the obvious black eye he was sporting from where the ball had hit his cheek. "It's sore," Caoimhin mumbled, but the doctors don't think I broke anything or have a concussion." "Well, at least that's some good news," you answered. Caoimhin scoffed softly, rearranging his body under the covers. "That seriously is the only good news. All the rest was a downright nightmare." "Do you want to talk about it?" You softly prompted. Caoimhin shook his head. "No."
You watched his beaten down appearance, made even more pronounced by the bruising on his face. "Come here." You pulled one of the smaller pillows towards you and placed it on your stomach. Caoimhin didn't need any further explanation, and didn't need to be asked twice either. He scooted over, lying down even closer to you, and rested his head on the pillow on your stomach.
His hands silently twisted around your pajamas, as you slung an arm around him. You didn't say anything, nor did he, but right now that was all Caoimhin needed: peace and quiet after a nightmarish evening.
You continued reading your book, whilst your fingers softly combed through his hair and curled around strands of his blonde locks. You didn't know for how long the two of you just lay there, silently. Slowly, you felt Caoimhin relax beside you. The tensed muscles grew softer, and his breathing got more tranquil. His head felt heavier on your stomach and he lay absolutely still now.
"Caoimh?" You whispered after a while. No reaction whatsoever came, and you knew he had fallen asleep. Very careful not to wake him, you put away your book and switched off the reading light. As best as you could, you slouched down a little lower, but made sure Caoimhin still lay comfortably with his head on your stomach. You ran your fingers through his hair one final time, before pressing a soft kiss to his head. "Sleep tight, sweetie, it's going to be alright."
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Tags: @stonesyyyy, @footballffbarbiex, @football1921, @laurasstufff1, @hbstre, @sarah10r-blog, @mountsgirlsblog
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smokeprincess24 · 2 years
Hey could you make a Morpheus x reader story where yn finds out she's pregnant whit his child but she doesn't want the baby so she leaves and dissapears so he makes it his mission to find her..😅ik it's long but it would be an honor!
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At first I was going to decline the question because I haven't done anything written for a fandom since 2014-5 and what I've done as a sandman has been more phrases and loose ideas than anything else, besides that when I read it the first few times I didn't know how or what where to direct the idea but then I said fuck it I'll do it with the OC that I have in mind and its story (I'm more of creating my character with a back story and everything but never taking it to "paper")
So here's a warning 1 (and the most important) I don't speak English I can read and listen to it but I'm not that good at writing it so here I am using google translator for this (if there's something wrong let me know so I can edit it, sometimes the translator It is not so exact and although I check that if it is well written, I may miss some errors)
2. for convenience because I'm not so good at writing (not even in my own language -Spanish-) this will be a headcanon (I think it can be considered like this) but very detailed
so here goes nothing
(ps: I always give my OCs the same name but for the convenience of the sandman community I will refer to the character as her or y/n)
•Everything was going well, she had an boyfriend, they already had a year of relationship (and almost two since she found him in the basement)
•Johanna once jokingly told her that she was going to end up with a hot emo boyfriend who looks like he pouts 24/7 (and it would probably end badly), she definitely wasn't wrong. Luckily having a hot emo boyfriend means tons of hot time.
•Y/n usually alternated the days between The Dreaming and her apartment
•Morpheus was simply attached to her, always seeking her touch, from holding her hand to laying her down and fucking her on one of the library tables, but he was always close to her in his free time, it was as if they were in a honey moon phase (for a whole year)
•But then it started
•Y/n do not tend to get sick (or stay sick for a long time) thanks to their ancestry, she also hates vomiting and basically doing so is the peak of a possible illness.
•One day she began to feel tired, aching all over her body and one morning she woke up quickly from a dream to run to the bathroom
•Out of the corner of his eye she could see Matthew at er window, possibly his abrupt exit from The Dreaming caused Morpheus to send to look how she was
she was in bed all day but she thought they were just seasonal illnesses
•Oh boy, they weren't
•Fortunately the days passed and Y/N was able to recover even feeling nauseated from time to time (convincing herself that it was because she hadn't eaten much because she was sick)
• It wasn't until a week later that his roommate and best friend commented (joking) that it was a good thing she had taken a break from her boyfriend, because if they kept fucking like that she was going to end up pregnant.
•At first Y/N just laughed and let it go, until she remembered that she had been weeks without her period, this definitely freaked her out
•She waited until she was alone in her apartment to go to the pharmacy so she could get a test, a simple piss on a stick, a negative and everything ended, probably she was just thinking to much about it and really was nothing
•Over the years, she'd learned that the universe's favorite game was to contradict her and make things difficult, and this time the universe had given her the big middle finger.
•A bit of a panic attack here, okay? a fucking baby is a big responsibility for 18-20(ish) year olds
•Yep she was definitely screwed
•She could only think of Johanna when she had told at the beginning of her adolescence how she should have to scare the boys (emos and edgys) away from her, or else she would end up "knock up"
•Yeah she was definitely fuck up (and not in a good way)
ok here is the first part, I have several things planned for the morpheus part but I needed to cut it and upload this to know if (I) this had a future or what
ps: I accept suggestions for a title
ps2: you can make requests and I can try to write something, both within the sandman universe with or without my OC
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prettywhenibleed · 2 years
𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖄𝖔𝖚 (Kill For You)
Pt 2
Fem!Reader x Paul
Most of this chapter is just the reader, Paul doesn’t make an appearance until the end. 
TW: Physical abuse, not the happiest chapter, language
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That night, I found it kind of difficult to fall asleep. I was tired, very tired, but I was also really excited about tomorrow night. As I lay in bed, my head swimming with thoughts of Paul, I sat up a bit and I picked up the necklace from where I had put it on the bedside table. I held it up to admire it for a moment before clasping it around my neck. It was a pretty simple necklace. Just a chain with a bat on it. But I loved it so much. I don’t know what it is about bats, but I’ve always just loved them. Besides, since Paul had gifted it to me, it made it all the more special to me. Its weird to say this about someone that I have only just met.. But I feel like I can really, and I mean truly trust Paul. I feel so comfortable and safe with him. God! I must sound completely insane. I let out a huff and flopped my head back down onto the pillow. I laid there in the dark for what seemed like hours, before I eventually managed to drift off to sleep.
I woke up the next day later than usual. I rolled over onto my side to check the time on my alarm clock. 1:12 pm. Shit! I cant believe that I slept in that long. I guess I shouldn’t really be that surprised since I did stay out until nearly 2am. I quickly got up and made my way to my bathroom. It's times like these where I'm glad that I have a bathroom connected to my bedroom. I stripped out of my clothes from last night, only now realising that in my daze from last night, I had forgotten to change. Once in the shower, I felt my muscles relax under the, admittedly very hot, water. I let our a content sigh.
After my shower and getting dressed for the day, I carefully made my way downstairs. Trying to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want to do anything that might set my parents off. I hated the weekends. Purely for the fact that both of my parents would be home all day for the next two days. I silently prayed that, for whatever reason, they had decided to go out today. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I found that I was out of luck. I could hear my parents in the kitchen. I almost debated turning back around and going back to my room before they noticed me..... But yet again, I was shit out of luck. "Get your ass in here now!" I heard my dad yell from the kitchen. I closed my eyes, took a deep, shaky breath, and slowly made my way into the room. As soon as I stepped foot in there, I was met with a swift and harsh slap to the face. I stumbled back, not expecting to be attacked. I held my now throbbing cheek with my hand. I tried my best stop the tears from making their way out of my eyes. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I just remained silent as I looked at her with a blank look in my eyes. "Where the HELL were you last night?" My mom screeched. Hands on her hips and a rage in her blue eyes that I've become all to familiar with. I wracked my brain, trying to come up with an excuse that would be believable. "Well? Answer your mother you disrespectful little shit." My dad said, walking up behind me and smacking me in the back of the head. I flinched in pain as his large hand made contact with my head. "I-I’m sorry. I just.. I went for a walk and lost track of time." I tried to tell them. My plan of not letting them see me cry, quickly getting harder and harder to achieve. I tried taking deep, shaky breaths to calm myself and bury the need to cry deep down. "Fucking idiot. Can’t do anything right." My dad said in a low, patronizing voice.
After they decided that they had had their fill of abusing me, I was able to make my way back up to my room. The second I reached my room I locked myself in my bathroom, fell to the floor, and proceeded to bawl my eyes out. I have never, and probably will never, understand why my parents hate me so much. I never did anything to them.... At least, I don’t think I did. Either way, I am stuck here. This is just my life. At least now, for the first time in my life, I have something... Someone to look forward to seeing. Paul. The thought of him was enough to bring me back down to earth. I lifted my head from my knees and leaned it back to rest on the cabinet, under the sink, that I was sitting on the floor in front of. I tried to steady my breathing, taking long, deep breaths. Focusing on the fact that I needed to pull myself together so I didn’t look a complete mess when I meet up with Paul later tonight. I was sat on the bathroom floor for another half hour or so, before I felt composed enough to slowly pull myself to my feet. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed at what I saw. I looked like a complete mess. And to make matters worse, I had a swollen, red mark that almost completely covered my left cheek. I really hope it goes down before I am supposed to meet Paul. I have no idea what I am going to say to him if it doesn’t. I filled up the sink with cold water and used that to clean my face and maybe try and make myself NOT look like I had just been hit and then bawled my eyes out.
It was about 7 pm now, and thankfully, I looked almost completely back to normal.. Save for a bit of lingering redness, but that can be covered up with a little bit of makeup. I'll be having to start my walk to the boardwalk soon. I've already gotten ready. I don’t really have to do that much besides get dressed, brush my hair and, when needed, put makeup in certain places to cover any evidence of my parents hatred towards me. I felt around the back of my head to check on how that was feeling. It wasn’t really that bad anymore. I mean when it happened, it felt like my dad almost knocked me out, but now it was only slightly tender. I should be grateful it didn't get any worse than it did. I tried to shake away those feelings and thoughts, and just focus on the night ahead. Ready, I walked over to my window and climbed through. Repeating the actions from last night. My heart always raced like crazy when I did this. Knowing that at any moment, one or both of my parents could catch me, and that... That punishment would put me out of commission for weeks. I didn't sneak out too often. Only when I really needed to get out for a few hours, but I was never gone for too long, knowing that if my parents walked into my room to find me missing, there would be hell to pay. But now.. Now I felt this unexplainable pull to leave. To spend as much time as I possibly could, with Paul. I didn't know what it was or why he could elicit such strong emotions from me, only having met him last night, but I didn't care. All I knew was that I wanted to see him. To be near him.
After my semi long walk, my feet were finally met with the boardwalk. I sighed with relief. Instantly feeling calmer, knowing that I was only moments away from another amazing night with Paul and the others. As I made my way through the crowd, occasionally bumping into people, I kept my eyes peeled for three blonde heads and one brunette. My search was put to a quick end when I felt someone suddenly grab me and pick me up from behind. My mind immediately going into panic mode and I started to desperately try to free myself. "Hey calm down sugar! It's only me" Paul assured me as he put me down, obviously getting the hint that I probably didn't like being snuck up on and grabbed like that. He honestly didn't mean any harm by it. He was just excited to see you and well, Paul's a very handsy guy. I let out a breath and turned to face him. "Sorry Paul. I just wasn't really expecting to be grabbed like that." I told him before pulling him into a hug. I wanted to let him know that, I too was glad to see him, and that I was fine. Paul instantly, but more gently this time, reciprocated my hug. "I didn't mean to scare you sugar pie. Just happy to see you is all." He said as he pulled away. I just shook my head and waved my hands in a dismissive gesture. "It's okay Paul. Really. I guess I just startle easily." I told him with a small laugh. He raised a brow at me and smirked. "Oh yeah?" He said in a tone that I could only guess meant he had something nefarious going on up in that head of his. "Don't even think about it Paul." I told him with a knowing look. He just broke out in a genuine, sweet smile and laughed. "Ahh! I'm only messing with ya babe." He reassured. Paul wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started to lead me to, I'm guessing, where the others were. I leaned into his side and wrapped my own arm around his waist. Enjoying the comfortable closeness and feeling of safety he provided. Paul looked down and just smiled to himself. He was ecstatic that you was warming up to him so quickly. He would have been pretty bummed out if his mate didn't like him all that much. So he just held onto you a little tighter.
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kingmabry · 1 year
T.R.Kanakammal’s uncle Ramakrishna Iyer, a Munsif at Tiruvannamalai, was one of the earliest devotees of Sri Ramana. Her father had also settled down in the town. Married against her wishes, she never led a family life. The book Cherished Memories (originally in Tamil) and the video Guru Ramana contain her memoires.
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"I have been visiting the Ashram regularly but came to settle permanently in 1946. A few days before shifting, I had a strange and wonderful experience. It was my normal practice to get up at four in the morning and spend time in meditation. One morning, when I had not risen from the bed, I felt Bhagavan sitting beside me caressing my neck and throat. He smiled and said, “What is it that you gave me? Why is it that I love you so much?” All my senses were aware of Bhagavan’s presence by my side. I have no idea how long I lay like that. Even after getting up, I continued to be aware of some unusual feeling deep in my heart. A great peace had taken possession of my senses. Though I carried on with my routine activities, I was in a dazed state. My parents noticed the change in me. They had no choice but to let me have my way, and allowed me to be in Bhagavan’s company.
Living alone in a room near the Ashram, managing cooking and handling many domestic chores, meant difficulties and frustrations. But every morning my heart sang at the very thought of spending the day in Bhagavan’s presence. Entering the Ashram I could feel a transformation within myself. All my petty worries disappeared as if by magic. I also found each one of my faculties slowly calming down. It is difficult to describe this feeling. At times, it was as though I was totally detached from my body. I was in a state of ecstasy.
Sometimes, I found Bhagavan directing his eyes at me. The intensity of his gaze was, at times, almost impossible to bear. My mind would get completely absorbed in the Self without any kind of effort on my part. The peace and joy of the experience used to linger on for a long time after leaving the hall.
One day, after I prostrated and settled down in the hall, Bhagavan’s eyes stayed on me. Bhagavan’s gaze makes it impossible for you to keep your eyes open. The intensity of his direct look is too much for an ordinary human being to take. It is as though some invisible power has entered you and made its way to the very core of your being and there is nothing but the blissful awareness of the Self.
When this happened for a short while, I would gaze at Bhagavan with my eyes open. But within a few seconds, my eyes would close of their own accord and I got totally immersed in a peace, which is beyond description. I do not know how long I would stay in that state of bliss. When I managed to open my eyes, I saw that Bhagavan’s gaze was still upon me. Then I saw Bhagavan getting up and going out of the hall. I also stood up.
Kameswaramma (a lady devotee) embraced me and with tears in her eyes, said, “Kanakamma, you are indeed fortunate. Bhagavan’s eyes were on you all the time. Not for a moment did he shift his gaze. I was watching you and Bhagavan all the time. Bhagavan has been extremely gracious to you today. What more can you want!” I was unable to respond to these words because I was in a state beyond speech. The state of my mind was indescribable. I felt a deep peace within me, which stayed for many days afterwards. Every time I think about that day’s experience, I feel the same thrill of ecstasy.
One day a young, well-educated man came to Bhagavan, prostrated and sat down. Addressing Bhagavan he said, “Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was able to elevate Vivekananda to the state of nirvikalpa samadhi with just a touch. Can Bhagavan do the same for me?” Bhagavan did not say anything. The young man waited with obvious impatience for Bhagavan’s reply. After a few minutes of silence, Bhagavan looked at the youth and, in a soft voice asked, “You are another Vivekananda, I presume?” The young man was taken aback. He was at a loss for words. Greatly embarrassed, he left the hall quietly.
Bhagavan then told us, “It is difficult to appreciate the need for self-analysis and self-criticism. The tendency is to think of oneself as perfect. Though this person was eager to see whether I had the power of Sri Ramakrishna, he was not bothered whether he himself merited comparison with Vivekananda. That is because he assumed that he was perfect. Sri Ramakrishna bestowed that rare state upon Vivekananda alone because he was a person of rare spiritual merit.”
Once Subbalakshmi Ammal, a long-standing devotee and a cook at the Ashram was indiscriminately plucking flowers from a bush. Bhagavan asked, “What are you doing, Lakshmi?” She replied, “I am plucking flowers for puja.”
Pointing to the towel, which she had spread on the ground to collect flowers, Bhagavan said, “You already have so many flowers. Why pluck more?”
The lady artlessly replied, “There are so many flowers on this bush. I thought it would be better to gather them, rather than let them go waste.” Bhagavan retorted, “You have already seen and enjoyed the sight of the bush laden with beautiful flowers. Now you do not care whether anybody else gets a chance to enjoy the same heart-warming sight. Or maybe you have some exclusive right over this bush. Did you plant it and nurture it yourself, thus making it your personal property?”
Subbalakshmi Ammal told us that after the incident, she was reminded of Bhagavan’s words every time she saw a flowering bush!"
- Face to Face
On Jayanti morning, January 1, 2010, Kanakammal circumambulated the Matrubhuteswara Shrine and then entered Bhagavan's Samadhi Hall. Walking around the Samadhi she stopped on the north side to gaze at the Lingam of the Maharshi, while it was washed in preparation for the grand puja that was about to take place, commemorating the 130th birth anniversary of Sri Ramana. Right at that place she collapsed and was absorbed into her Master and Lord. How fitting an end for one who knew no other in her long life than Bhagavan Sri Ramana.
Kanakammal was an inestimable source of inspiration to the legions of devotees who sought her presence. She left us her reminiscences (Cherished Memories, in English) and several other books which shed light on the teachings of Bhagavan.
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kyetalksshit · 6 months
my dream last night was chaotic and difficult and I only remember glimpses. I was just reminded of a moment with thorns because I was checking my rune app and it mentioned poems that talked about thorns.
so I remember at one point traversing some kind of land to get... somewhere? (will go deeper in a sec) and I have this very vivid memory of, in my dream, accidentally touching thorns and getting them stuck on my right hand. it was very painful (and I almost remember physically feeling it...) and the people I was traveling with (p sure one was my cousin crystal) had to stop and turn back to help me. I unstuck the thorns from my hand as best as I could and met them halfway, incredibly distressed, but there were still thorn slivers that were stuck in my finger, and not only that but somehow the base of that finger and also a part of my wrist were wrapped super tight and cutting off circulation and physically warping my skin, even though it was just thorns. the people I was with (again, my cousin I think and maybe my little sister?) tried for a second to help but there was some kind of sound that alerted us to danger and that we had to keep going and rush to our destination, and only once we were hidden could they help get it off. so we're running and I just keep staring at my hand and freaking out and being upset that I can't detangle it myself because I can't even see the strings that are wrapped around my finger and wrist cutting off circulation. like the thorns suck but I can get those out later, these strings could make me lose my entire finger or hand???
i remember at some point getting to a safe spot (not to our destination but a hideout of sorts) and crystal (?) turned to me and explained that the thorns I touched shoot out strings of cotton when someone gets stuck in them, like a defense mechanism. she was going to try to help me detangle them but something happened that she had to focus on. but after she told me about the cotton I suddenly could see the strands I couldn't see before? it looked like a spiderweb at its thinnest, but as I started to gently unravel myself, it started to look more like floss. as it turned out, there was even more than what was just cutting off my circulation, there was also some draped around my shoulders and wrapped lightly around my arm before the intense wraps around my finger and wrist. but I DID finally get myself free before we continued on.
before that, I remember being on the interstate in a hay bale ride type thing? it was flatter than that but that's the closest I can describe it as. and I (and the few other people riding there with me) was laying flat and gripping onto the sides. weirdly, it was also on the front end of the truck which doesn't make any sense to me but yk. and at one point my cousin crystal was in a drone plane above me. I saw it and thought "omg that's probably crystal lol" but didn't say anything bc I was in a flat truck bed on the interstate, but then she backed up and I saw a camera come out and look down at me. knowing it was her, I risked letting go of the bar for a second to wave at her, and she waved back and then the dumbass just jumped straight to the road from her drone plane (which... either disappeared or had other people in it that flew it away? idk lol) and I was like whAT ARE YOU DOING YOURE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED BRO and she ran and hopped on the truck bed with me and the strangers I was on. not sure what exactly happened right after that,
but at some point I met up with family and also was waiting for a car to be given to me. I also was dressed up in business clothes and about to apply for a clerical job inside the brick building in the parking lot I saw everybody in. I was on my way inside when my car was delivered, so I walked back and then drove it into the parking spot beside my mom's car, but it kept turning funny so I kept trying and got it parked before going inside. my mom said she'd meet me at her house. when I opened the door to the building though the lights were off and I almost closed the door right back behind myself except I saw someone in there look up at me. so I opened it back up (it looked like grandma earley's house) and apologized and said why I was there. they told me to come on in. the lights stayed off but we did do an interview. I don't remember if I got the job or was told to wait or what, but it was time to leave and meet my mom at her house. I believe I completely forgot about my new car or maybe it disappeared I'm not sure, but I started walking and crystal was there again, and i'm pretty sure my little sister appeared shortly after as well to walk with us. I don't know when it turned into a run, but it may have had something to do with the weather?
although at some point I was in a truck (can't remember if I was driving or not but I think I might have been) with Heather and crystal, and we were looking for somebody specific. I'm not sure who irl but I knew them in my dream and it was very hush hush but we had to deliver a message to them or something. so we went to the meeting spot we all knew of behind a shack of a house, and when we didn't see them, we walked down the sidewalk to the place that they were supposed to be living. but the woman who answered the door didn't know who we were talking about, but she let us in anyway. the house was a bit of a maze and it was very... like political intrigue meets supernatural lol it was a dangerous place to be in and after a little while we were sure it was just a ruse and we had to escape from there. I think after that is when I got stuck on thorns while we were running.
anyway fast forward to after I unraveled myself from the "cotton" from the thorns, we go a bit further and FINALLY find my mom's house. when we get there and get inside, my mom is like omg I was worried about you getting here in this snow! and it had been a warm California day lol so we were like snow?????? and she opened the curtains to the picture window in the living room and sure as shit it was a full foot + of snow outside. she had her books out and some coffee and said something about how harsh and cold it is outside and how much she loves it. I just remember seeing the snow covering up a bag of garbage, and then looking up to stare at the icy tree branches. at one point I even tried to brush some of the snow off the front porch (we somehow entered through the back door or a side door that doesn't actually exist idk it was almost like we opened a door to a different house but the door was a portal and we just appeared at my mom's) but even though a little bit fell, I didn't actually make a dent.
and then I woke up.
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mrkis · 2 years
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✗a little warning, this is very long and very detailed.
✗renjuns, chenles and jisungs sections may be shorter than the others because i'm still new to writing abt them and i find it a little tricky trying to see them in such a way at the moment so i'm sorry if its shitty. @saintlyhyuck helped me out with renjuns.
✗sidenote, donghyucks section is a slight spoiler to his series i'm going to be doing lol. it gives off stalker/yandere vibes, please be cautious when reading or skip it if you're not comfortable with that!!!
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you meet mark at a café where you work and he’s never been here before, but he only came because he lost a bet and had to buy everyone drinks. mark definitely has that ‘love at first sight’ mindset going on so the second he makes brief eye contact with you? he’s immediately in awe. he’s so infatuated. he can’t stop looking at you, he’s a stuttering mess ordering the drinks. purposely sits down just to stare at you longer even though he desperately has to be somewhere.
you know exactly what’s happening by the way. it’s blatantly obvious but honestly?? you don’t mind. not only do you kinda like the attention but it’s from the most prettiest boy you have ever laid eyes on??? its a win-win situation right here.
eventually, mark does makes the first move. he literally just scribbles his number onto a napkin and leaves it open on the table hoping that you'd be the one to pick it up and not some random customer or another worker, god he really should've thought this through because now he's panicking about his number getting into the wrong hands and— never mind you called him.
you talk back and forth for a while. he even meets you during your breaks just so he sit with you and keep you company. it doesn't take long for him to feel comfortable touching you. his shoulders brush against yours, his thigh pressed against yours, his fingers linger on your arm a little longer than usual. he definitely does that fake yawn and put his arm around your shoulders manoeuvre, thinks he's so slick and cool. it doesn't take long for the both of you to share a few small kisses when he walks you home or even in the back alleyway when you go outside for some fresh air on breaks.
mark, without a doubt, wants to sleep with you now but he will not be the first to initiate anything... which leaves you in a difficult position. you have never slept with anyone. it hasn't crossed your mind. you weren't interested in having sex with anyone until you met mark. but he doesn't know that and you're far too embarrassed to admit it... until you invited him in one night (purely under innocent intent) and his lips were feverishly on yours and his hands were moving beneath your shirt.
saying he was shocked is an understatement. he has no words. probably gets a little emotional over the fact that you're basically giving him your virginity but then it dawns on him that YOU are GIVING HIM your VIRGINITY and its suddenly becomes the hottest thing ever. he's gentle with you. laying beside you on the bed as he kisses you, shyly caressing your body and calling you the most beautiful girl. the two of you for sure share some giggles and some laughs, but it eases the tension. he makes you feel really good even though he has a extremely hard time controlling himself around you, especially while he's now hovering above you with your walls contracting around his dick, trying to accustom to the size.
he's breathing so heavily through his nose, his brain fuzzy, unable to comprehend what the fuck is actually going on but he's able to voice small little praises, his hands gently caressing your cheek and pushing your hair out of your face, asking how you feel and if anything hurts. he wants to move so badly but he remains still just for you. it's torture, but you matter more.
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renjun is a friend of a friend, someone who is in your friendship group but never really speak to. he keeps to himself, head buried into a book with his glasses slipping down his nose, drowning in oversized sweaters and wearing bulky headphones to block out the chatter around him, way too focused on the words that are written on the pages. you'd be lying if you said you weren't intrigued by him. there was just something about renjun that piqued your interest, and it wasn't a secret that you were clearly attracted to the quiet nerd in the group. you're positive renjun even knows about your little attraction towards him, although he's never made a move much to your dismay.
that is until you two are alone at a small gathering one of your mutual friends hosted, the others disappearing to go buy more beers and snacks while you both are made to stay at the house, the car too small to fit all of you inside. as always, renjun brings his book, but you're not entirely convinced he's able to focus on the words with the way he's peering over the top of the book to meet your eyes across the room, cheeks tinted a light shade of red.
he asks why you're staring at him to which you reply that he's pretty to look at, the alcohol giving you a boost of confidence. he's flustered, the book almost slipping from his grasp but he clears his throat to regain himself, muttering how you look pretty too with his own sudden confidence. it doesn't take long for you to clamber into his lap after a few back and forth compliments, ripping the book out of his hands and throwing it somewhere to the side before your lips connected.
the kiss is awkward. it's soft and hesitant, but it's one of the best kisses you've ever had. to be fair, you haven't shared a lot of kisses with other people, but you're giving renjun everything you've got and he seems to be giving his 100%, fingers gripping your hips tightly as your lips trail down his neck, marking him up, almost claiming him as yours. he's a whining mess, hips jerking beneath yours as his cock strains against his pants, desperate to be touched. you want to touch him, relieve him of his pent up frustration, but there's just one problem. you have no idea what you're actually doing.
when you whisper to him that you're a virgin and haven't gone further than some very light petting, something inside him switches. he flips you both around, your back crashing down against the sofa cushions and he's hovering above you, eyes dark and wild. that sub exterior completely slipping away, replacing with a dom that's eager to take control which excites you. clothes are immediately peeled off of both of your bodies once he mutters that you don't have a lot of time to yourselves until the others get back, his hips uncontrollably rut against yours, tip brushing against your clit.
you're whining for him to touch you, almost pleading him to do something, to do anything to help get rid of that ache between your legs but you gasp as you feel a sting spread across your cheek, looking up at renjun in surprise at the sudden slap. you never expected this from the quiet nerd in your friend group and you never would expect him to wrap his hand around your throat as he slowly eases his cock inside of you, making sure not to move too abruptly and hurt you, which is a complete contrast to his actions a mere few seconds prior. he's grunting in your ears about how tight your pussy feels around him, fucking you slow and deep that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your hands grasping at his around your throat.
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jeno's your next door neighbour that you've been friends with for years that suddenly got hot over the summer break and now you can't stop thinking about him in such vulgar ways. you've been close since middle school, always sharing secrets and stories, having sleepovers and laughing until the crack of dawn. you could confidently say he is your best friend and you are his but the summer break got too busy to the point you were unable to see each other. you didn't hang out at all.
the first time you see jeno is when the summer break is almost over and he's standing in his front garden, shirtless, holding a beer in his hand and standing next to his best friend who's grilling meat for their get together bbq that they have almost every weekend. he's so pretty to look at, especially with his newly dyed pink hair that's tousled from the amount of times he ran his fingers through it.
the first time jeno sees you is when you emerge from your house in the most tiniest of shorts to accompany your family members who were relaxing in the garden. jeno was, admittedly, staring at your legs and your ass the entire time, wondering when the fuck did you have that glow up. he has always found you cute and adorable since you were both young, but now? you're hot. you're sexy.
your mother notices him looking over and is the first to initiate the conversation, beckoning him on over and asking all types of questions, even complimenting his appearance which makes you embarrassed at her behaviour, but this helps start yours and Jeno's first conversation of the last remaining week of summer break. you click straight away.
you're back to hanging out and talking every day, sitting in his garden under the blazing sun in your most tight fitted bikinis which jeno starts to notice, but he doesn't comment on it, instead he wears his own tight fitted swim shorts, flexing his thighs whenever he sits down beside you. you both get a little tipsy and this is where the honestly rolls off of your tongue. you tell him how you don't want to be a virgin anymore and that going into college with no sexual experience sounds lame (although it really doesn't). jeno just stares at you with a smirk on his face, nodding and humming along to all the things that you say and then he says it.
the way he so casually offers to take your virginity almost makes you choke on your own saliva but you keep calm and collected, simply nodding your head. you thought maybe jeno would've dropped the subject after that or laughed and told you that he was joking, but what you didn't expect was jeno to take your hand in his and tug you inside of his house, immediately pulling you onto his lap the second he sits down on his sofa.
he leans back against the cushions, smirking with his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he shoves your bikini bottoms to the side and circles his fingers around your entrance. jeno is all but kind to you for your first time. of course he makes sure that you are wet enough but he at least wants to make you cum twice on his fingers before he even thinks about shoving his cock inside you. he makes you do that. he makes you sit on his cock, gesturing you to grip his cock and put it in yourself with a simple nod of his head, capturing your lips with his in a messy kiss as he first enters inside of you.
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the thing is with donghyuck, he obsesses over things and gets attached pretty easily. if there's a new game he likes, he'll continuously play it as if there's no other game in the world. if there's a new food he likes, he'll only eat that until the thought of it makes him violently sick and he finds something different. with people he crushes on, donghyuck does everything and anything to be around them, forcing his way into their comfort zone... and you were his next target.
he first met you during a morning class you shared together and you were made to sit next to him due to a minor inconvenience, bare faced and covered in an oversized red hoodie, smelling like fresh strawberries. donghyuck froze in his seat, unable to tear his eyes away from the side of your head. his favourite colour is red and he really likes strawberries. what a coincidence? you're perfect. you're his.
his staring wasn't subtle, which made you feel a little more annoyed than you already were from being forced to move seats, and you turn to look at him to tell ask him what the fuck he was staring at until you see the look in his eyes. they're filled with want, with desire, with need. a smirk is now plastered across his lips and he leans his elbows on the table, his eyebrow raising at your own staring but you tear your eyes away from him in an instant, focussing your attention on the professor in front.
you notice the appearances donghyuck starts to make in your everyday life; sitting near your table at lunch, studying at the library while you're there, present in every class you're in together, following you on your social medias, liking your posts on instagram, creating stories with your favourite music playing in the background... he isn't slick, and he knows it.
you eventually end up cornering donghyuck the next time you see him, especially when he ends up sitting in one of your favourite restaurants eating one of your favourite meals (which, by the way, you have never posted or hardly spoke about).he's beaming when you plant yourself in the chair opposite him, demanding him to answer all of your questions about him knowing so much about you, but obvious donghyuck doesn't care, not when he finally has your attention after craving it for so long.
how you end up in a five hour conversation with him is beyond you. you expected to be gone after confronting him, but you're captivated by his smile and the way he talks to you, so you didn't have it in you to get up and leave just like that. he's already got you wrapped around his fingers, he's already obsessed, but he feels his obsession grow a little more stronger when he manages to get a raw confession out of you.
your virginity hardly meant anything to you. you never actively went out looking for a hookup nor are you saving it up for that 'someone special', it was just there. but donghyuck manages to persuade you to bring him home with you, promising that it wasn't for any other motive than to hang out, but you eventually end up with both of your clothes thrown carelessly on the floor and him in between your legs, desperate lips biting and sucking at your skin, savouring the way you taste. he's always been curious.
donghyuck feels like he's in heaven once he's sheathed inside of you, buried to the hilt, body flush against yours. he feels like he could cry as he cradles your cheek in his hand, a smile creeping onto his lips as he watches your face contort from pain into pleasure, nails digging into his biceps and creating raw scratch marks that he can't wait to admire later. his grip tightens around your jaw, his thumb harshly digging in your bottom lip before pushing through the small gap, pressing his thumb against your tongue as he rolls his hips forward, your squeals and moans filling his ears. he's got you. you're his.
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jaemin is your flatmate. he's a good flatmate. he's clean and tidy, he makes dinner every other night, he washes the dishes and he helps with the laundry. he's a perfect flatmate... so, what's the problem? you are, undoubtedly, cursed with a fuckboy as a flatmate.
he fucks loud. it's loud and obvious. his bedframe rattles against the bedroom wall, his grunts fill the hallways and his hookups scream the whole flat down with their squeals and moans of pleasure. he has zero shame.
truth be told, you're jealous. not because he's having sex with other people and not you. you're jealous because he's able to have sex whenever he wants without any concerns or problems. you're too shy to look for a hookup and you most definitely don't want to hookup with just any person. it's frustrating and it's irritating... which is why you make the stupid decision in finding the courage to ask jaemin to be your first.
he emerges out of his room one morning shirtless, scratch marks decorating his shoulders and lower back, a smile on his lips as he leads last nights hookup to the front door, waving her a quick goodbye and allowing her to plant her lips on his cheek before leaving. he closes the door, meeting your eyes across the room that stare at him. he's pulling a face, asking you what's wrong as he walks on over, hands resting on his hips with sass.
the look on his face when you tell him you want him to experience what sex is like with him would've made you piss your pants if it wasn't for your embarrassment and insecurities. when he asks you why you want him, you're taken back. you expected a simple yes or no, not an explanation which makes you feel a little awkward now, refusing to make eye contact with him when you explain your situation. you even add on that you want your first to be with someone experienced... and jaemin has a lot of experience.
he takes his time to answer and you accept defeat, preparing yourself to get turned down and be a helpless virgin for the rest of your life but jaemin's already taking your hand in his, dragging you to his bedroom with such urgency.
it baffles you how gentle jaemin is with your body, knowing what he's truly like behind the four walls of this bedroom. the light touches and soft kisses he makes on your skin makes your head spin. the praises and words of encouragement warms your heart. he's all about foreplay he claims, fingering you open with his middle and ring finger, talking you through the process all while leaving kitten licks and soft kisses on your folds.
he allows you to control the pace even though he's on top, not before making sure you're comfortable and ready. you're scared, gripping his bicep tightly in your grasp, sucking in a deep breath when you tell him to just fuck you. he's laughing, cooing at you words, calling you sweet and cute as his cock slips into your prepped pussy. he whispers sweet little nothings in your ears to calm you down when he feels your body tensing up, mumbling about how tight you feel around his cock and that you feel so good, that you're doing so well for him.
he even holds your hand throughout it, smothering your face with the most tender kisses, waiting for you to tell him his next move.
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you hate chenle. you hate him with a passion. he's loud. he's annoying. he's sassy and he's overly confident that it makes you sick. he lives and breathes to tease you, to rile you up and cause a reaction. you loathe him.
chenle knows this, of course. he thrives off of it, almost making it a mission to make you angry at least once a day. he makes small comments, he steals your shit, he mocks you when you talk and he tries to trip you whenever you walk by. it's a game for him. a sick and twisted game that makes you want to strangle him to death.
you never really laid your hands on chenle before, minus a few arm punches here and there, but the first time you actually touched him with the intent of killing him was when chenle took his teasing a step too far. your hands were around his throat before realising, cursing and shouting at the top of your lungs as you climb onto his lap for a better grip, threatening to end his life for making your life a living hell.
chenle's cackling, finding joy in your anger as he tries to peel you off of him, digging his hands under your armpits to tickle you, pinching your sides to throw you off but his ministrations die down when he feels the way you're moving on top of him, your hips accidentally grinding down on his to keep yourself stable.
he's gulping, eyes blown out wide, hands resting on your waist as he stares up at you and you go to make a comment about who the fuck he was staring at until you feel it, the hardness poking at your inner thigh. you reel back in surprise but chenle's got you trapped in his hold, unable to move off his lap without you struggling, causing you to move on his cock that continues to grow in his pants.
you call him a sick fuck, chiding him for enjoying this but he's not listening, panting heavily with each movement of your hips. you raise your hand to hit his arm for his attention but he's quick to grab it, pressing the palm of your hand around his throat tightly as he begs you to do it again. you're dumbstruck, unable to form a sentence as you stare at him incredulously.
you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the position you were in, allowing yourself to wrap your fingers around his neck and grind your hips down on his cock. he's gasping and grunting, his own fingers digging into your waist to quicken your movements and it doesn't take long for him to remove each of your clothes, begging to be touched and pleased.
before either of your underwear are thrown across the room, he confesses that he's never had sex before, that this is his first time to which you nod your head, admitting that you've never gone this far with anyone either. a few messy handjobs and awkward fingering sessions have been present in your lifetime but never sex. this is new for the both of you.
it's exciting. it's exhilarating to have sex with someone you despise so much, but that's what makes it so fun, especially when you're fucking each other with so much hatred and pent up frustrations.
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jisung has been your boyfriend for a little over four months. relationships are fairly new to you both and being as shy as you are, neither of you have gone further than a few shared kisses. it's not like you didn't want to have sex with jisung, because you really do, it's the fact that you literally have no idea what to do and you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your first boyfriend.
jisung is in a similar position, he wants to have sex with you, he wants to know what it's like to be so intimate and close to you... but how the fuck is he supposed to do that with no experience? what would happen if he can't please you the way you deserve to be pleased? what if he can't make you cum? god, he's a mess. his head is in his hands and his phone is unlocked beside him with multiple tabs open with articles and videos teaching him how to please a woman, some a little more intimidating than others, babbling to himself how he's going to be a virgin forever.
you're standing at the bedroom door, watching him with wide eyes and the second you step further into the room, the floorboards creak beneath your weight and his head snaps up in alarm. his hand slams down on his phone when the woman on a video starts to explain where the clit is and you try your best to supress your laugh when his face turns red and eyes glassy, clearly embarrassed at being caught.
jisung's rambling now, confessing while also making excuses that make no sense whatsoever but his words die down when you sit beside him and unlock your phone to show him your own research, flicking through countless of tabs that teaches you how to give a handjob and how to ride a dick. he swears that he even saw a article with the title: "how to make someone cum"
this stirred something inside of jisung so he, shockingly, made the first move to kiss you and you happily reciprocated. the two of you awkwardly move around on your bedsheets, struggling to peel items of clothing off of your bodies and you laugh at the way his sweater gets caught around his head. laughing helps eases the situation and you both share a few giggles but the nerves come immediately flying back when jisung is between your open legs, hands shaking as he rolls the condom on his length.
your body trembles with anxiety, trying to hold yourself back from covering your most intimate areas and you refuse to meet his eyes when he hovers over you, his breath fanning across your cheeks. jisung feels his own body shake with anxiety as he wraps his hand around himself, nudging his tip at your entrance and the painful gasp you let out during his first initial push makes him freak out, pulling back almost immediately you shake your head, fingers interlocking with his tightly, eyes staring into his so lovingly as he pushes back into you.
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killersbasement · 2 years
random romantic slasher headcanons
i'm basically just writing this out of boredom i haven't posted my writing in several years plz forgive me (also i'm still getting used to writing for the slashy boys so GOD FORGIVE ME if i get them wrong)
characters included : micheal myers, jason voorhees, "bubba" sawyer, thomas hewitt, brahms heelshire, billy lenz
warnings : none
micheal myers
very stoic, and also quite bad at showing affection
its kind of difficult for him to show love/be vulnerable since he's not used it so plz be patient with him
once he gets more comfortable with you being around he might get better at being affectionate towards you and showing his appreciation
in the beginning though he definitely makes it tough for you to be patient LMAO
i swear he's trying but you're gonna have to initiate most things
jason voorhees
also pretty stoic, but more out of shyness than anything
he wants to show affection, he really does, but he's nervous and not sure what he's doing and you're gonna have to initiate stuff with him a lot too
after a while he gets more comfortable with what he's doing and will start initiating things with you so you don't have to
but gets pretty nervous when you try to start new things (especially of the promiscuous sort) so ease him into stuff
overall a very decent boyfriend! he's definitely trying and will protect you as best he can
bubba sawyer
despite, yk, he's actually quite the gentle soul
you're surprised to find out he's very considerate!
you'd think he's just like a crazed chainsaw wielding madman but come to find out he's actually quite quiet and reserved, especially compared to his family (still pretty crazed though not gonna lie)
is, in many ways, a large teddy bear
also he's gonna treat you like his small teddy bear, so the feeling is mutual
like many of the slashers, takes a bit to come out of his shell but once he does he is very affectionate
also his brothers are gonna be all over you, not in a romantic way but they're gonna ask you a lot of questions
thomas hewitt
despite looking, in every sense of the word, intimidating, he is also a sweetheart at the core!
and similar to bubba his family is gonna accept you as one of their own almost immediately
if anyone threatens, bullies, or otherwise mistreats you they're gonna have a rough go of things
latches onto you when you start being affectionate towards him, not his fault he's kinda touch-starved (and just affection starved in general)
also pretty tense at the beginning because he's scared of messing something up and scaring you off but if you reassure him enough he'll start getting more comfortable
brahms heelshire
my guy is SO TOUCH-STARVED it's not even funny
god forbid you accept him once he comes out of the walls cuz he's gonna be all over you
in a perfect world you spend all day every day just holding him
unfortunately, he does have to accept you both have things to do
he's gonna loosen up on the schedule a little bit to allow more time for you guys to spend together, just laying in bed or on the couch
sometimes will hide the doll in the walls so that you have to pay more attention to real brahms
besides, what does a chunk of porcelain have that he doesn't?
don't expect to be leaving the house anytime soon btw
billy lenz
similarly, extremely touch-starved
and since he doesn't have a schedule and spends basically his entire day in a dark attic, he doesn't see a problem with just sitting in bed with you 24/7
you're gonna have to pry him off you cuz his grip is like iron
will eventually relent on his own if you promise you'll cook something for him
will occasionally bring you random stuff he finds in the attic as if it's brand new, though sometimes he finds some interesting stuff up there you forgot about
likes staying in your room but will go back up to his attic if he's feeling especially vulnerable or upset
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eatommo · 3 years
Do it for me [m.m]
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C.W. Toys, overstimulation, praise kink, use of blindfolds, impact play, sensory deprivation, crying, degradation, a little d/s, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fem! reader, begging, squirting
Summary: Matt hears a sex toy from blocks away and decides its a worthy investment.
word count: 3471
Notes: My first (of many hopefully) one shots to be posted. Unedited so send any feedback my way. Also semi new to the DD fandom, thanks for having me :) Also check out my masterlist for my other works and what I'm working on currently.
Matt didn’t typically need any sort of accessories in the bedroom. After months of experimenting and carefully documenting your body's responses to the angles of his hand or the pressure of his tongue he had a very clear understanding of your body’s needs.
Yet, he found it exceptionally difficult to pass up the opportunity of a new gadget as he came across one he could hear the demo for from a block away.
A few stops later and he would be ready for dinner tonight. Deciding on something light so that he may eat his fill (of anything he may like) and still have a chance to go on patrol.
Setting the kitchen table he heard the flick of the light switch and the buzz of the lightbulb above his head. He was still adapting to this new living situation, lights being left on or turned off when he had known no difference but the drone of the coil inside.
Often he would lay down in bed beside you with three or four of the lights left on inside the apartment. It was endearing, as was your promise of kissing him for each lightbulb he had to get up to turn off. Even more often he’d ask to kiss in specific places. The back of your neck to feel the chill fall down your spine, the collarbones to hear the flutter as your eyelashes shut. You both knew that he had begun to do it on purpose, as much as you assured him that he could kiss you anytime he felt like it, he still liked the little game it grew into. No harm, no foul.
“Murdock?” you chuckled with a small eye roll. Watching him cook in the dark was a little fascinating albeit a little unnerving, especially seeing him cut things like fruit or vegetables.
“Oh, sorry. Come sit down sweetheart, I'm just putting dinner together.” That signature smirk, the one that got him out of court cases, bills, interrogations, and the occasional bar tab, playing across his face.
You could almost feel your mouth start to water, there was a strong scent of lemon in the kitchen and as you peered around to see if you could piece together what exactly he had cooked up he stepped directly into your eyesight.
“Caesar salad with some chicken, I had to make my own dressing. The bottle I had bought was absolutely horrid. Luckily Ms.Bridges paid us in fruit so I have plenty of lemons.” A proud smile spread across his face followed by a small chuckle as your stomach began to growl. One hand falling to rest of your ass to pull you in for a kiss, he licked lightly at your bottom lip.
“Mm, smells delightful all I had to eat today was some burnt coffee and a stale bagel from the breakroom, we didn’t even have cream cheese could you believe that? You spoil me, how could I ever-” He protested slightly at your words, you knew that he hated it when you didn’t eat properly throughout the day.
“I’ll tell you how I’d like to be repaid later, will you get some ice water out on the table? I’m sure you haven’t quite had enough today.” He heard the twinge in his own voice, if he sounded as eager as he felt there was no way you would let him get away with what he had planned.
He had come home early, changed the bedding and added a waterproof mattress pad below his expensive sheets, made sure he had an extra set clean and made sure he had an adequate amount of filtered water in the fridge. He was going to make you cum as many times as humanly possible tonight, because he knew what you were capable of and his new toy would make it even more fun to push the limit of those boundaries.
You finished washing the dishes from earlier, finishing your glass of water and putting the cup on the drying rack. When you felt Matt’s strong hands on your shoulders massaging out the knots that had come from the last few stressful days. “Thank you for doing the dishes beautiful. You’ve been such a good girl for me and I’d like to reward you.”
Your head tilted to the side almost on instinct, granting him, no asking him to kiss you there. Eagerly following your lead he placed a few wet kisses starting at the collar of your blouse and working his way toward your earlobe where he took it between his teeth and growled, “I am going to have you for as long as I want you tonight, and you're going to take all of me like the perfect little whore you are.”
Your mouth fell open at the thought, you knew that he had something planned when dinner was taken care of before you even walked in the door, usually it involved a night of rooftop games or a walk in the park followed by hours of Matt’s face buried in your cunt. It seemed tonight was getting straight to the action.
“Is that a promise?” Quirking an eyebrow, you nuzzled your cheek to his stubble and pressed into him.
“Mm, it's not in question. You don’t have any other options sweetheart,” he takes a deep breath, “Yet, I don’t see you wanting it any other way.”
It was true, you could feel the all too familiar build of heat in the pit of your stomach, blood rushing between your legs and your cheeks. You were a little embarrassed. You had gotten used to his ability to smell your arousal, tasting it on the air any chance he could get, but there was a little part of you that felt ashamed of how easy it was for him to rile you up.
Your eyes fell shut as you felt the warmth of his hands run over your blouse, undoing the buttons one by one each punctuated with soft kisses down your shoulder blades as they were revealed. He bit at your bra strap pulling it away and letting it snap back with a small sting.
“On your knees for me.”
No hesitation on your part, you sank down, still facing away from him. His hand crept up the back of your neck rooting in your hair, gripping it and pulling your head back to look at him.
He was so undeniably beautiful, his lips plump and parted slightly tongue darting out to taste you on the air, and his hair already a fluffy mess atop his head, and man you could not wait to tangle your fingers in it while he ate you out like his life depended on it.
His hand ran up to your cheek stroking it with his fingers. You keened, leaning into his warmth as he slipped his thumb in between your lips, pressing on your tongue as you opened your mouth wider for him.
It was his turn to shiver, “So gorgeous.” His other hand reaches back and reveals his old black mask.
A puzzled look plastered to your face, and you know he sensed the skip of your heart and the tension of your face change.
You saw the shadow in his blank eyes, the quirk of his jaw, and the air in the room felt heavy. The devil was upon you and he was telling you to wear his mask.
Letting out a huff of air in approval you sidled up closer to him, “Such a good girl, I just have something I’d like to surprise you with a time or two before I let you see the marks I’m going to be leaving on this flawless skin of yours.”
The mask fit over your head easily enough, the smell of his skin had sunk into the fabric, musky, salty, with just a faint scent of copper left over from his victories. It was intoxicating, the world was black, only the sound of his shoes scuffing on the floor indicating he had walked away. Your own heartbeat seemed to be pounding its way out of your chest, enraptured by this man who had deviled his way into your life, and he was not about to let up any time soon.
His hand reappeared on your back out of nowhere, a flash of heat across your cool skin, his ability to move silently would definitely come in handy tonight.
He bent to scoop you up into his arms, holding you to his suddenly bare chest. Determined to press every inch of skin together you nuzzle your face against him, nose bumping into the cool touch of the cross he wears around his neck. You make the decision to press a kiss to it, and then lightly draw it between your teeth and tug.
His breath hitches and you sense just the slightest change of his gait, “Such a dirty girl. That pretty mouth of yours gets you everything you ask for.”
The strength of his arms never fails to amaze you, he lowers you on the bed, the familiar caress of the silk sheets welcome to your soft skin. The roughness of his knuckles brush against the tender sensitive flesh of your breasts.
There was irony in how absolutely disorienting being unable to see him was, and with every stroke of his fingers across your skin. The urge to see the smirk that was plastered to his smug face was almost as your need to satiate him.
“Matt, can I please take this off? I wanna see your face.” you whined. Just as his fingers brushed a circle around your nipple, pulling a startled sound from you.
“Deep breath angel, I wanna hear you come undone for me first.” His lips met yours, the kiss was intoxicatingly slow, agonizing even, you heard the jingle of his belt buckle, the slide of the leather across his palm.
“Give me your hands.” a shy smile fell to your face but you held them in front of you eager to feel him. Instead you felt the cool leather slide onto your wrists, tightening with a jerk. “Lay back and keep them over your head, be good for me please.”
With a huff, you obliged. Feeling more exposed with every second passing, his scent swirling around you bringing a little comfort to your brain. You listened attentively, trying to picture the layout of the room and where he could possibly be standing. You made a small kissy noise, asking for just a slight indication of where he was standing over you.
You felt the bed dip slightly, something cold falling to rest on the side of your thigh, and his warm soft lips pressed to the corner of your mouth. His body was burning above you. One of his hands comes to cradle your head towards him, tongue just barely touching your lips savoring your taste.
He inched lower, feeling the ends of his hair tickle your chin as he kissed the tender flesh between your collarbones, taking one of them between his teeth and sucking a small deep mark to your skin.
His stubble dragged across your skin in sweet agony, marking you with his scent and relishing the squeaks and pants you made beneath him when he drug his chin over your nipple before cooling the burn with his tongue.
When he got to your hips he bit at them with a little more tenacity, his breathing growing deeper as he inhaled the scent of your arousal. He could smell the mixture of your need and his own perfuming the air, groaning as he settled in between your thighs.
You winced, the soft flesh of your inner thigh being rolled between his teeth. A hand came to rest on your hips and he shifted his face, licking a bold strip through your folds. His thumb rubbing circles over the ebbing pain of his mark on your hip bone.
Matt continued teasing licks at your center, never quite the pressure or place you were aching for, your hips starting to shift attempting to push his sinful mouth against you for relief.
“Use your words angel, what do you want?” his voice was ragged and strained.
Without thinking you reached to fist his hair in your hands, eager to cum on his mouth.
You grasped at air, suddenly the warmth of his body was gone and you let out a low whine. You heard his wicked chuckle and all at once your senses were flooded.
His hand grabbed your jaw, shoving his index finger onto your tongue and pulled you towards his face, while his other hand slapped the inside of your thigh with a sharp crack.
“You were being so good darling, what happened? So needy you can’t follow simple instructions?”
Shame flooded your chest, “I’m sorry, I want you so bad Matt,” you choked around his finger, as the sting from another slap spread across your thigh again, “please. It won’t happen again.” You sucked lightly on his finger, letting your tongue swirl around him.
You felt his hand slide up and down your pussy, cupping you for a moment before letting his middle finger sink inside of you. Fighting every urge to grind down on his hand, his thumb starting to rub slow circles around your clit changing pressure every few circles. It was luxurious.
You could sense the flex of his wrist as he added a second finger and began pressing up into you in deep firm strokes.
Your body was starting to climb the ladder of your release, but something felt different. Rather than a white hot burn you felt an intense amount of pressure building from deep inside you.
Matt could feel it, he could feel that spot inside you growing firmer and your body tightening as it was nearing its release. He also heard the leap of your heart, you didn’t know what was happening. He let a smirk befall his lips, “Let go sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
You gasped, as you felt your body shake violently, clenching on Matt's fingers and a rush of fluid gushed over your thighs. He was unrelenting, thumb pushing harder and rubbing faster against your clit, and his wrist also quickening its pace. Like that you came, body flushing and your hands gripping at the pillows above you, you could almost cry at how overwhelming the drag of his fingers felt inside of you. Uttering a few curses under your breath as he settled himself between your legs again.
Wasting no time, he began by licking the inside of your thighs, moaning against them as he savored the sickly sweet taste of your release. His boxers were painfully tight and the cool draft that ran through the apartment teased the bead of precome on his tip. The hitch of your breath as he lapped at your sensitive clit combined with the smell of your sex as your legs wrapped around his head could’ve finished him then and there.
He wrapped his hands on your thighs and pried them apart so he could sit up and run his hands over your body, before reaching for the vibrator that came to rest against your hip. He felt the heavy weight of it in his hand, and laid it gently on top of your clit.
“Is that-” click.
The low hum filled the room, you shifted your hips away from it, “Fuck Matt it hurts, I can’t.” You panted, the intensity of the toy against you felt like it was going to burn into your flesh.
“Shh, you can do it for me baby, I love you so much.” He laid his forearm across your hips holding you in place, pressing down slightly harder with the toy.
You ached. The vibrator was pulling you over the edge so quickly you couldn’t even utter a warning before coming a second time practically thrashing against the bed. Your hands still pulling at the pillows above you, white knuckled, shoulders lifting off the bed as your back arched. Tears began to well in your eyes, the sound of the vibrator and the blood rushing through your ears the thing your brain could focus on until you heard another click and the humming faded out.
“Making so many beautiful noises for me sweetheart. Do you still want the blindfold off?” he whispered. You noticed he had shifted his position once more, running his hands down your thighs in a soothing manner.
“Yes please.” You closed your eyes expecting the world to be the cruel white light of the overhead light, but as you opened your eyes this light was red and blue, casting the most beautiful colors across his scarred chest and his pale face.
His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, lips swollen and glossy. The shifting color of the billboard was framing his body in the most picturesque way, highlighting the shapes of his biceps, the sharp lines of his collar bones and the light trail of hair leading from his navel to the black hem of his boxers.
He analyzed your breath, letting your heart rate slow while he sat letting you gawk at him, he could sense your eyes raking over him like lasers. He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow as he heard the blood rush between your legs again.
He let out an exasperated sigh, “Such a needy little whore. Hands.” He caught them as you hurriedly shoved them forward, loosening the belt and sliding it off your wrists.
Sitting up so quickly your head began to spin and you pulled him for a deep kiss running one hand into his hair tugging lightly, and dipping the other hand into his boxers, desperately tugging at his aching cock.
He moaned into your mouth, rutting into your hand. He let you pump him a few more times before he shoved you back down onto the bed, yanking his boxers off and tossing them to the floor.
You watched his hand reach above you pulling the pillow you had clung to for dear life and he effortlessly lifted your hips on to it with a smirk. You pulled him flush against you with your legs, thick cock just teasing your entrance.
“Please Matthew, I need you inside me.” shifting your hips to grind against him.
His breath faltered as he gave up his control, he hurriedly sunk himself to the hilt. He started at a brutal pace, fucking into you like his life depended on it with strong and purposeful thrusts. He loved hearing the squelch of your cunt as it clung to him slick and hot, the slapping of his hips to yours punctuating every stab of your cervix.
Your weak little grunts egging him on, he reached for the vibrator again. Click
The noise was louder this time, and with an impossible jerk you bucked as it settled against your clit again, this time vibrating at an even more agonizing pace.
It was Matt’s turn to fall apart, he drawled, “God, I can feel the vibrator through you.” His pace was beginning to stutter and you knew he was getting close, twitching inside you.
He snaked a hand around your throat, “Come on my cock sweetheart, I wanna feel that pretty pussy cum while I cum inside it do you hear me?”
You thoughtlessly shook your head, and he applied more pressure with the head of the vibrator waiting for confirmation. “Yes, please.” you cried, tears falling from your eyes, digging your nails into the muscles on his back. The same pressure was building in the pit of your stomach with every jab of his cock, you made miserable attempts to speak praising the way he felt inside you.
You faltered, muscles contracting as you came for a third time, you felt yourself clenching around him. A few more strokes and he uttered a single fuck as he pushed into you as deep as could before letting himself spill into your cunt.
He buried his head into your neck turning the vibrator off, chucking it to the side and letting his arms collapse and resting his entire weight on you.
You ran your fingers up and down his back. “I love you so much Matt, you’re so good to me.” You gave him a kiss on the forehead, and you felt the teeth of his smile press into your throat.
He let out a soft mmm and pressed a kiss to your pulse. You laid there together for a little while, before Matt stood up and brought you a warm rag to clean off with.
“I’ll be back soon, just a quick lap around the city I promise.” he expected you to protest but you just motioned for another kiss goodbye.
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phantomenby · 3 years
Batty boys
Can I request a poly lost boys imagine? I'm having bat fever so maybe a cute imagine cuddling the boys as bats? Pretty please and thank you very much.
Hope your bat fever lasts forever anon <3
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You were woken by something slamming into your window. Or even better four things.
Opening it up and glancing outside you couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, it was when you heard some faint squeaks that you looked down at four balls of fuzz beneath where your upper half was suspended out the window.
Four fluffy bats, ranging from black to golden to curly and one even albino
It was an unusual sight to see, bats weren't uncommon but they rarely took it upon themselves to interact with humans.
As you began reaching for them they yowled at you and tried nipping your hands, "hey! I'm just helping. Ow!" the snowy toned one bit down on your palm when you tried to pick him up. Growling you moved away, glaring down at them.
"Fine, if you want to lay on the ground in pain be my guest," as you went to shut the window and return to bed their whining increased tenfold, looking back out they stared up at you with big puppy-like eyes.
Sighing you went to grab some of the flimsy scarves on your dresser.
"I'll help you but if you bite me you're becoming shark bait, got it?" they bristled but accepted, this time you went for the smooth golden one who seemed the calmest out of the group. He turned as you bundled him up, letting you place him on the footstool at the end of your bed.
Next was the dark-haired one, the top of his head seemed particularly fluffy as he fussed in the scarf, rubbing into you like a cat. For a moment it seemed like he was purring but you dismissed it as you went for the other two.
They were definitely smaller than the first two you had picked up but managed to be the most difficult. The curly one was giving you a devilish look with his large almost green eyes, you didn't even think bats could have green eyes, he seemed more than happy to be placed by his golden-haired friend as his teeny clawed hands reached for him.
Shaking your head with a smile at their strangeness you grabbed your thickest scarf and bundled your hands inside it as you reached for the last one, the stink eye he sent you could have killed a small child but you didn't hesitate to send him a threatening look back.
After all I'm doing for you, tsk
And there they all were, four flying puppies staring at you from the end of your bed.
"Now, let me go find a box you can all sleep in, then I'll take you to the vets in the morning," watching them send each other a similar look was comical, you swore there were humans trapped in there.
Leaving your room and entering the hall you looked through the cupboard beside the kitchen that was full of produce boxes, grabbing the sturdiest one and testing its strength. This will do nicely, as long as they don't chew through it by the morning.
By the time you got back, the scarves were falling off of them. They stilled though as they watched you place the box down beside your bed and lay a blanket on the bottom before placing them in one by one, in the corner was a small water bowl and some cut-up fruit you had prepared.
"There, goodnight pups! Time for the human to get some rest."
You climbed back under your covers after making sure the window was shut tightly, curling up with your arm under the pillow. Now if you could just get back to that dream-
What the-?! Tiny sharp claws were digging into your leg as something climbed across you, tugging down your quilt with it. Looking up you met the green eyes of the curly-haired bat, he didn't care for your confusion as he dug his head into your shoulder and wrapped himself around it. Cosying up like he owned the place.
You were getting ready to grab him and put him back when three other tiny animals followed his lead, each of them curling against you. The snowy one was beside your head and digging into your hair as he took over your pillow, the darker one curling behind your knees with a slight grip on your pajama pants which were sticking out from under the quilt. Under your arm there was the golden-haired bat, nuzzling into your chest and refusing to let go of your shirt when you tried to usher him away slightly.
Sighing you accepted defeat, not thinking about the possibility of one of them carrying something bad at the moment.
As you drifted off into the sweet release of sleep you swore you heard purring all around you.
When you woke the next morning all four bats were gone, and the window was wide open.
I swore I locked it last night...
Dismissing the events as some sort of lucid dream you returned to your sleep, missing the small earring that had been placed on your bedside table.
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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sleepless summer nights spent with him.
yuta okkotsu x reader
the summer night was thick with humidity, and you found yourself waking up due to how uncomfortable you felt.
your eyes had a difficult time adjusting as the moonlight was just a slither of silver, its magnificent shine covered by the curtains that decorated your window as the wind gently blew against them.
your skin was damp with a light sheen of sweat, causing you to lightly moan as you carefully slide the blankets off your form. you allow your body to be engulfed by the feeble cold air from the fan that currently ran within your shared apartment and close your eyes.
one sheep.
two sheep.
three sheep...
by the fiftieth sheep you counted, you realize that your attempts of falling back asleep would be futile and fall back against your bed with a scowl on your face.
your hands lightly tapped against your abdomen as you thought about what you could do instead of sleeping. after all, it was the summer and you were technically allowed to do whatever the hell you wanted.
trailing your eyes over to the digital clock, you saw the time read 3:43am and decided it was too late to do anything substantial-
that is, until you heard the sounds of light snoring from beside you.
you look over to see your beloved boyfriend blissfully asleep, unaware of your awakening as he rests on his back with his hands on his stomach. his breathing was even; his mouth only slightly open as a thin trail of drool was seen coming out from the corner of it.
ah, if only the curses could see how vulnerable yuta appeared now. you were sure they'd have a field day with just how ridiculous he looked alone.
making sure that your movements were slight and gentle, you lean across the bed to wipe away at the drool with the ends of your shirt. now being closer to him than ever, you decide that it was more fun to watch and admire yuta in his sleep than do anything else at this ungodly hour.
if anyone asked you how and when you and yuta got together, you honestly wouldn't be able to answer. it all just happened so naturally-
being with yuta was so natural.
you had met during a time when yuta was at his strongest, being known as a powerful sorcerer that had already eliminated his fair share of curses. those pale hands you had come to know intimately well were littered with callouses and scars from all of his past battles.
admiring him now, you knew full well that he could kill you if he wanted to-
but truly, he never could.
yuta was a man who wore his heart on his sleeves, and when he finally told you that he loved you, you knew that he meant it.
those same hands that cut down numerous curses were ones that gently framed at your face, telling you that he needed to remove an invisible eyelash off your skin just as an excuse to touch you.
those same hands were the ones that interlocked with yours each time you walked around the city together, keeping you close to him so as to prevent you from getting lost within the crowd.
and those same hands were the ones you cherished so deeply as they held on to you tightly each time you were intimate.
there truly was something to be proud of to have such a powerful man be completely enamored with you.
before you could take a hold of those very hands you grew to love, you felt yourself becoming trapped within his arms as you were suddenly flipped against the bed. your back met with the mattress once more as a now awake yuta hovers over you.
you watch with bated breath as he takes a hold of your hand to press several butterfly kisses against the back of them. "why are you still awake?" his voice was hoarse due to how he had just woken up, and you fought back a shiver at how nice it sounded.
"i couldn't sleep because of the heat." you admit to him in a whisper.
"hm, my poor baby." he lays back down, this time hiding his face within the base of your throat as he presses lazy kisses against your skin. "if you behave and sleep, i promise i'll take you to the beach when we wake up."
"ah, do you mean it?" his kisses were enough to get your heart racing, and you wondered if you could truly fall back asleep.
"mhmm, now come on my love, let's get some rest so we can enjoy our date later."
adjusting his hold on you so that you were now pressed against his chest, he gives the top of your head another kiss while whispering goodnight to you.
with the gentle sounds of his heart beating thrumming against your ear, you allow it to lull you back to sleep. your eyelids grew heavier, and with his promise of a much needed date at the beach fresh on your mind, you fell asleep dreaming of swimming in those aquamarine depths with your beloved yuta.
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a.n. - i wrote this in 30 min bc i love yuta so much and would love to spend my summers with him, so i apologize if this is an unedited mess.
extra note: made a title change bc i wasn't vibing with the original title anymore 。゚(TヮT)゚。 so if it's different from other reblogs, that's why.
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Could you do merlin headcanons for a scenario where reader has to go visit family far away and doesn't know how to ride a horse, so sir elyan is tasked with taking her, aka the classic trope-- there was only one horse.
𝐒𝐢𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
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SFW (this will all be sfw, Elyan wouldn’t make a move on you until you were together.) 
⭑ As a good friend of the King’s fiance, you were always protected. Guinevere loved your company and never wanted you harmed or in danger. 
⭑ But your sister was getting married to a man who lived a few kingdoms away. And Guinevere didn’t want you traveling alone. 
⭑ You said you would be fine, but with the threat of Morgana, anyone from Camelot wasn’t safe outside its walls (and sometimes, in them.) 
⭑ Guinevere suggested Elyan, since she knew something you didn’t ... 
⭑ You woke from bed with a yawn, your stomach slightly churning with nerves. 
⭑ A light travel bag sat ready in the corner of your room, since you had packed eagerly as soon as you heard of your sister’s news. 
⭑ But it wasn’t just the journey ahead that had you nervous. It was the fact that you didn’t know how to ride horseback. Whenever you travelled, it was with a horse and cart, a few others with you as well. 
⭑ You left just as the sun rose, wanting to get to your sister as quickly as possible. 
⭑ Guinevere woke to see the two of you off, a smile on her lips but a firm warning. 
   “Keep safe, and come back whole.” She smiled at you and gave her brother a stern look. 
⭑Somehow your fears had been avoided because there had only been one horse waiting with Guinevere and Elyan. 
⭑ Elyan looked regal as he hooked a foot and swung himself onto a brown horse. His hand flung out towards you, helping you hoist yourself onto the horse’s back. 
⭑ You sat behind Elyan, a firm around his waist. 
⭑ You turned to see Guinevere waving, a curious look on her face. Shrugging it off, you turned to see Camelot flash before your eyes.  
⭑ The weather was cold, even in the sun it felt like your goosebumps would never disappear. Even while holding onto Elyan’s waist, his body heat wasn’t warm enough. 
⭑ You had been riding all day, and when the sky started to darken, Elyan said it was time to rest. Relief flooded your body; horseback riding was much more difficult than everyone let on. 
   “I’ll start the fire, can you find some branches?” Elyan had unpacked your bed rolls and tied the brown horse to a nearby tree. 
The fire was warm, and you couldn’t stop rotating like a pig on a stick. 
“Cold, aye?” Elyan smirked at you, his eyes reflecting the firelight. 
    “Very,” you responded, too tired for anything witty to spur. 
⭑ He patted the bed beside him
⭑ And you sat
⭑ He wrapped a blanket around your shoulder, “You’re safe with me y/n,” Elyan whispered after a while. 
    “I know,” you replied, moving closer to him 
⭑ You both sat like that for a while, watching the flames flicker and dance. You were warming by the minute. 
⭑ “Are you excited about the wedding?” Elyan asked casually, moving to the flask of water. 
    “I am actually, I haven’t seen my sister in a year.” The conversation wasn’t a forced one. You felt comfortable in each other’s presence. Like you had known one another for years. When really, you knew Elyan for only a few months. 
⭑ The stars shone overhead, they twinkled and looked almost as if they were winking. 
⭑ Elyan pointed out constellations. showing you figurations that you didn’t know existed. 
⭑ Exhaustion soon took hold, and your eyelids couldn’t hold themselves open any longer. 
Your bedroll lay empty. 
⭑ Somewhere in the distance, a rooster crowed, and a body lay against you, firm and warm. 
⭑ Your eyes fluttered open to see an arm tucked underneath your own. A hand interlaced with yours. A blush bloomed on your cheeks. 
⭑ “Elyan,” you whispered, not quite knowing what to do. 
“I think we should get going,” you slide from him. Trying not to show your red face. 
⭑ The journey was only another day’s ride. And Elyan kept the same pace as the day before. 
⭑ It wasn’t until you reached the familiar woods that your stomach started to flip in anticipation. 
⭑ “I’ll be back when you send a raven,” Elyan stated. He had made conversation on the way, the same as yesterday. And the night’s events didn’t seem to affect him. 
⭑ “Oh-” you felt a bit disappointed. 
“I mean... you could stay?” 
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