#And if he's not there she's alone trully alone
yiyika1929 · 2 years
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Guys, the funny robot killing show started to produce angst-
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erineas · 8 months
Did you see 6 skeletons 1 maid updated?
I was saving this ask to make a little comic of how that last chapter felt but- lets say it didn't turn out how i wanted. Instead, i just dug out some of my old Maid-chan drawings and stared at them blankly for the next days.
I'm still particularly fixed on this one little page:
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Mister Green was my absolute favorite and the only light i saw at the end of her tunnel. He was so kind and sweet, and pretty much the only one that treated her like a person (besides Yellow of course). When i first read this fic so many years ago i didn't trully realized the dark tone of this story but i still chose the only "healthy" option. I wanted MC to be happy and free, and oh how i wanted him to give her that. I held those drawings of him for years imagining a chapter where they would encounter again and that would drive her to a better ending (either skeletons overcoming their issues and treating her with respect or him taking her away).
But then this final chapter appeared and it was... a thing.
(Kinda spoilers for the babes that haven't read it)
Second of all, it didn't look good at all and it was getting worse as I read. But then good because it was a week alone for her to rest and Sans was eating with her?? But also that whole scene reminded me how bad her situation really was so it actually wasn't good at all.
And then the scene that broke me.
I was aware that I wanted her to flee before, but I never thought she could.
It was oddly satisfying, if not a bit anxiety inducing because of the thought that they would caught her eventually. As always.
But then Asgore, and Orange. And nothing...
I got mad that he found her. Which was a weird feeling since I remember liking him a lot. It felt to me like he ruined her good enough ending. But despite that, it makes sense it was him so I don't complain.
What crushed me though, wasn't that she couldn't say goodbye or that Sans got tired of trying to get her back. It was the fact the Gs didn't even try looking for her. They didn't even got mentioned. What happened there, I wonder. Didn't they like her? Care for her? Mister Green wrote her letters, of course he liked her. But then why...?
Suddenly he looked like a fairytale.
The ending was great, finally lending her the ability to choose. It made absolutely everything worth it and the way it was written made me feel like I do have a say in the matter. And for the first time, i didn't choose the skeletons.
I realized she could find her happy ending alone.
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(My live reaction)
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﴾ i drink your blood and i eat your skin, part two.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
genre: vampire au
word count: 3,2k
warnings: mentions of last chapter
It was the next day, maybe more like few hours after what happened. You didn’t sleep, couldn’t even think about going to bed as your eyes were wide open from the very moment of your near death experience. When you got home that night, you immediately went to the bathroom, falling under the warm stream of water that slowly warmed up your frozen skin. Not caring about getting out of your dress, you sat there in your tub, watching the dirt and blood get washed out into the drain and you just wished that also the memories would.
You felt like throwing up. Thinking about how you just watched someone get murdered before your own eyes while almost getting a taste of that same fate and being so close to getting raped, weren’t strangely the things that frightened you the most. The fact that you now knew about the existence of the supernatural made you feel even more unsafe in this god-forsaken world. It seemed so bizarre but also not shocking at all. You were never a sceptic but also not a true believer before this. You never knew that when you would finally came across a supernatural entity it would be like that. So bloodcurdling, so brutal…you didn’t even have time till now to trully process this new information about the world. They really couldn’t be human, their strength, speed, so perfect looking and menacing aura…The power that man had over you…you have never felt something like that. It was almost like you wouldn’t even think twice about putting your life into his hands and letting him do with it whatever his cold heart desired.
A vampire. He was the creature of the night that fed from the lives of others. They could easily make everyone fall to their feet, just by a glimpse of their striking beauty alone. But did you yourself? Yes, in a sense that you became putty in his beautiful hands but you still did not do what he ask you to do. The handsome stranger said to forget but you were now doing opposite of that. You remembered everything to the very detail.
It quickly made fear creep up on you. What if you see him again? What if he figures it out that you know? What would he do to you? Would he try to compel you again? Or maybe just simply kill you? Sucking the life out of you as you would then meet your maker?
‘No, I will not.’ You will find a way to protect yourself if needed, find a way how to get out of this mess.
As you sipped at the hot cup of coffee, letting yourself drown further into your blanket and the softness of your couch, your thoughts went to your friend. You can’t just tell her what happened, Mia wouldn’t believe you…but maybe she would. You had never lied to each other and also told each other everything...but can you tell her this?
Your phone ranged suddenly, the loud noise making you jump in your seat. The noise made your headache heighten, grimacing at the pain in and quickly grabbing your phone to spare yourself from the unnecessary noise.
Looking at the caller ID, you let out a small sigh before picking it up. “Hi, Mrs. Johnson.” You said, your voice slightly rough, making you cough into your arm right after. You then put your phone on speaker, placing it on to the table.
“Oh-Hi! Y/N are you okay? You sound like you’ve got a cold, honey.” Said the woman, her sweet tone filling up your otherwise quiet apartment.
You shakes your head, pain shooting right after and also realizing your company couldn’t see you as you were met with silence. “No, no….just had a rough night that’s all.” Sipping at your coffee, you hear a small chuckle from the other side.
“So, I suppose the date went good?”
Almost choking at your hot drink, you replied in hurry. “No!” You cough out, it made your throat hurt like hell. “That’s not it…em–may I ask why are you calling?” You chuckle quietly with Mrs. Johnson who find your reaction overly amusing.
“Well, I’m running late and I need someone to get groceries but it’s okay if you’re not feeling well…”
“No! That’s okay, it’s just a sore throat from the weather, I can get them.”
Immediately a revealed sigh came from the other side. “Thank you so much, Y/N! You’re a lifesaver.” You blushed slightly from the praise. “I will give you the money when I get home, I really gotta go. I will be home at four, so no need to hurry just yet.”
“Alright Mrs. Johnson, goodbye till then.”
“Bye and thank you again!”
Before you could tell her it was nothing she hung up, making you whine, throwing your head carefully back against the couch. You actually kind of wanted to be the one to thank her because you finally had some distraction but you also wanted to spend the whole day only by yourself, lay down and do nothing but you were basically incapable to say no to someone in need. Realization then hits you.
You have to cover up the bruises and the awful red marks on your neck before even considering to go out. Thankfully it was quite cold today, so you could probably just go for turtleneck or something. Maybe by masking the marks from last night will help you forget…
As you pushed the trolley down the aisle, you pulled at her turtleneck, grimace falling over your features. The fabric was itchy on your skin and rather uncomfortable on your still open wounds. Having no other choice, you sucks it up, looking down at your shopping list. Mrs. Johnson sure loved her healthy food but at least she wasn’t that type of person to let the whole house go on a diet just because she was. Still it surprised you. That woman was five months pregnant and kept her cravings at minimum. You and even her children didn’t like how she just wouldn’t let herself slip. Her husband was also against her strict diet, making jokes out of it that he was actually the one with the pregnancy cravings. Thankfully she also wasn’t like those pregnant ladies that almost starve their unborn child, so they could keep their slim physique. She did it because she wanted her child to be as healthy as possible and only a nine month diet was more than worth it for her. You admired her for that.
It will be almost two years since you started to work for them. It was more than just babysitting, not just for you but also them. You could’ve not dream about a better job than this, it almost felt like you were part of their family.
Waking up from your train of thoughts, you make a surprise noise as someone grabbed at your sides, squeezing the softness of your hips. The sudden touch made you jump, your heart pounding in your chest. “What the hell!” You whisper shouts, turning back to look over your shoulder, only coming face to face with your friend who was laughing loudly at your reaction. “Mia!~” You hissed her name, blush of embarrassment adoring your cheeks.
The named girl, trying to cover up her amusement, waves teasingly at you. “Girl, you should’ve seen your face.” Says Mia, quickly imitating your face, making scowl.
“You know that’s not funny, I could’ve punched you.”
“Yeah sure, I would like to see that.”
“I swear to God, you gonna catch these hands some day.”
The blonde smiled at your words, completely ignoring your warning tone and at that you finally registered the man standing next to your friend who watched you two quietly the whole time.
“Hi.” He says, smiling at you awkwardly.
“Hi?” You greet back, looking at your friend who in answer skips to him, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Baby, get me powdered donuts while me and my friend catch up?” Says Mia battling her pretty eyelashes, the petname making you raise an eyebrow.
Grinning, he nods his head, completely under her spell. “Sure, meet me at my car after?”
Your friend humms, giving the man a kiss on the cheek. You and Mia then watched how he walked his way to the sweets section before giving each other knowing looks.
“You can’t be for real…”
Laughing Mia firstly hugs you, before going to explain herself. Your friend’s hands pressed little bit too harshly onto your side, right underneath your bruise, making you puffed out a breathe, thankfully your friend didn’t seem to catch the sudden noise. “I don’t know, he’s cute…when the lights are out.” You laughed together at her words, your laughter however sounding a little bit hoarse compare to Mia’s. Coughing into your elbow, you gripped at the handle of your trolley a little tighter. The blonde before you quickly picked up on that. “Hey, you okay?”
Hearing the concern in your friend’s voice, you wave it off. “It’s nothing.”
“Okay…” Trails off Mia skeptical while going to walk next to you as you picked up your pace without even saying anything. “But girl you sure? I’ve never seen some much greens and you together before.” Amused, your friend gestured to your shopping cart.
Raising your eyebrow, you take a glance at her. “So you’re saying I’m fat?”
“Well you sure got that ass girl~” Laughs Mia, hearing the teasing tone in the your voice. “But if you want to loose it up, it’s up to you.” Shrugging, both of you then go to the freezers.
“It’s for Mrs. Johnson.” You clarified, goosebumps appearing on your skin from the sudden cold.
Humming, your company also nods at your answer. “Well that makes more sense, you need help?” That question makes you look at her in confusion.
“Sure, I don’t mind but I don’t want your date to keep waiting.”
Waving you off Mia than goes to side hug you, thankfully missing any of your bruises, finally coming to enjoy your friend’s embrace. “Don’t worry about him, I’m with my girl right now.” Laughing softly with her, you go to open up one of the freezers to pick up what was needed.
God, now being with her it makes it even harder for you to not say anything. What even her reaction would be? Just concern? Also fear? Or would she just not believe you? You both joked around each other a lot but you immediately knew when the other was just lying and making fun. But you thought about the consequences again. You would also put her into danger…or not? There is a possibility that you will never see them again, never see him again…
For a moment you left those thoughts behind, not even registering you were already at the cashier, paying for the groceries. Your friend looked at you in concern but she knew if she would push you to say what’s really bordering you, it would only made you more lock into yourself.
As you went outside while carrying the bag full of groceries, someone spoke up from behind you, making you both stop in your tracks. “Hey! Where are you going?” It was the man Mia was with and to be honest you both almost forgot about him.
Laughing to herself the blonde went to him where he was standing next to his car. “Oh yeah…” Quickly taking the powdered donuts from his hand she then goes to lightly pat him on the cheek. “Thanks.” At that she goes back to you, leaving him downfounded while you only laughed in his direction.
You huffed, pulling the heavy shopping bag as high as your arms would let you, feeling the handle slightly piercing your skin. Your grimace then quickly turned into a grin as you sees a small girl, peaking from behind a corner. The girl gasps excitedly at your appearance, jumping. “Y/N is here, Y/N is here, Y/N is here, Tobias!” Sam, the 6 year old dark haired girl, jumping and screaming to her. Her older brother after few seconds came out from the other room, rolling his eyes and cringing at his sister’s shouting.
“Yeah, yeah, stop yelling” He grumbles, making his way to you just as you had to put down the shopping bag when the small girl jump into your arms without any warning. Sam wrapped her arms around your neck, making you smile into the girl’s hair that seemed a bit longer since you last remembered. How are they growing up so fast?
A scoff was heard from behind them. You three turn to look into the direction, only coming across Mia with her hand on her hip, giving you a quite unimpressed look. “And what about me?” The blonde kissed her teeth, gesturing to herself before pulling her hand from behind her back, showing the bag of powdered donuts. The girl shrieked again, jumping at her, making the older woman laugh at her excitement.
Tobias goes to you grabbing onto your heavy shopping back without saying anything. “You sure you got it?” You asked teasingly, seeing the boy stumble a bit under the weight, gripping it also with his other hand. He rolls his eyes, grumbling an agreement as you only watched in amusement when he wobbles his way to the kitchen.
Walking into the kitchen, you tsked, seeing your friend giving the little girl a donut. “No, no don’t…give them both some after they help.” The kids groan, displeased from their babysitter’s words.
Shaking your head at their behavior, you waited for the boy to put down the bag, almost collapsing with it before finally going to take out the contents. The kids also went to help, each one of them making it quite easier for them to put it inside the fridge. They sure were helpful when you promise them a reward afterwards.
It was quiet for a few moments as you cleaned up the kitchen but just as you were putting some snacks into the cabinet with two pairs of hungry eyes, trying to sneak a look, the sound of keys jiggling was heard from the front door. For a moment you all listened to the shuffling, waiting quietly for their new company to join them.
Older, dark haired woman at that walked into the room with a smile so bright as her open arms. “Hi, my babies! Hi, girls!” Said Mrs. Johnson, her arms wrapping around her daughter who happily ran to her. You and Mia greeted her simultaneously while Tobias went to steal a small hug from his mom. Even being in the raging stage of puberty he still couldn’t resist those warm, love filled embraces.
Releasing her children from her grasp, the woman put down her purse with a big sigh, before her eyes light up seeing the blonde. Gasping lightly, she walks up to her, pulling her into a hug. “Mia! Haven’t seen in a while, you sure do look lovely.” The named girl grinned at her words, waving her off as it was nothing, before Mrs. Johnson goes to look at you, immediately concern overtaking her face. “And you Y/N…are you better?”
“Yes, I’m already fine, it was probably just the morning sore throat.” You laughed sheepishly as your friend send you a small glare. The older woman nodded, not that sold from your quick answer before going to get the tea ready.
You watched as Mia gave the kids finally their promised treat, the blonde turning to look at you, still looking in the direction of Tobias and Sam who now chased after her brother who ran away with the donuts.
The blonde then clicks her tongue finally getting your attention. “Then if you’re fine..do you wanna go out tomorrow?” The question sounded little bit uncertain even from her.
“To w-where?”
Mia shrugged, going around the kitchen island to stand next to you. “Just clubbing.”
You sigh, not very sure if it’s a good idea. “I don’t know it’s been a while, also-“
“Hey, it’s fine we have the whole day tomorrow so you have a lot of time to decide.” She stopped your rambling, leaning on to you. “Just a thought.”
Suddenly a cup of hot tea was placed in your hands from Mrs. Johnson, the apple and cinnamon immediately hitting your nose. It was your favorite and the woman always had some for you safed in the house. Smiling in her direction, you thanked her quietly.
As you took a small sip of your favorite tea, the older woman gives you a look. “How was the date by the way?” Mia hummed loudly into her mug in excitement, also wanting to know.
And by that the events of the night before flashed in your head and as soon as you started reminiscing, you swallowed thickly. “I got stood up actually.” You said, trying to distract yourself from your thoughts by tracing the ornaments on the cup. You actually didn’t mean to sound sad about that as you only got loud gasps back in return.
“What?!?” The blonde almost spilled her drink from how quick she snapped her head to look at you. “Who in the right mind wouldn’t want to go out with you?”
The same question also crossed your mind too many times than you would like to admit, but your wondering would always end at the same place where you started. She was unloveable. You knew, you were loved by your closest but when it came to being loved in a romantic way? You always heard how love at very young age was only damaging. The heartbreak will linger longer than all of the love you’ve ever felt for that person. But you want that…you wanted that. Having your first love while still growing up and learning, not sure what to do with it, only knowing that it was right, the feeling was right. But as you grew older, you wondered if something was wrong with you. Everyone was expressing this feeling called love to one another and you could only watch from afar and wonder. ‘When will be my turn?’ You asked herself. You were getting so tired and frustrated, maybe you should just let it go…
Slowly realizing that you were letting yourself drown in your thoughts, your eyes look up to your company who watched you silently, waiting. Those saddened looks made you want to sink deeper. God, you must look so desperate right know.
Taking another short sip from your tea, you shrugged, glancing at the two with the most unbothered look you could do. “I don’t know, you tell me…”
After a beat of silence Mrs. Johnson spoke up, filling up the silent kitchen while Mia started to regret her choice of words, but still knowing she meant every word. “You should go out.” She says, making it sound a bit commanding. “Make it up for yesterday and see that there is more to life.”
“Says the pregnant lady.” Teases Mia, laughing as the so called pregnant lady gave her a unimpressed look while you started to think about the risks you would’ve to take to go out at night again, now knowing there was a new, bigger danger to be afraid of. But you also only lived once and maybe because of yesterday, you deserve a good night out with your friend.
Maybe you could even truly distract yourself enough to stop and not think of him in every passing moment…
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tamtuliko · 28 days
Well well well...
Episode 6... the episode you are... you have everything, top-tier acting, camerawork, lighting, music, characters. You made me climb to the highest mountains and 9th sky, only to drop me dead.
I have talked about 10 dimensions, butterfly effects, timelines, timetravelling, and timezones.
Let's talk about characters. How gray they are, their non existing morals, and how they copy with everything.
Let's start with Great.
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Born as mistress child, he was happy when it was just him and his mother. But she wanted more, for herself and of course for her only son. So they got their place at main house. Which made Great lose mother to money. He didn't gain anything from becoming rich. He lost his favorite person, maybe got big brother, but while growing up he became cold, distant, no emotions. We see him crash the car and see the woman bleed. His first move is to run away, knowing that his rich dad will get him out cause he might have done similar things before. Title did mention fighting, condoms at his condo, drugs Korn asks.
So Great is not a good person. Of course, he is not. He killed someone, hid it, helped Title to kill Dome, and went for a drink. Met hot doctor and was like, yeah let's fuck, you're hot and I'm in need of to get my brain fucked out.
So no, Great is not a good person. Great is broken, lonely, very sad person. His brain was so overwhelmed that it created the beat scenarios from him. He wanted to be a better person, but with society he lives in, didn't get him the opportunity to be a better person, better son, better brother, better lover, and better friend. His family is fucked up, his friends are fucked up, his lover is fucked up. So no, Great is not a good person, Great is a broken child who is acting on impulsices, knowing that he can do whatever he wants, and nobody will say a shit.
Until he meets Tyme. Until he understands that, he cant get all, until Tyme tell him truth about himself, the truth he's been avoiding, the truth of his cowardence, the truth about his family, the truth about the world he is living.
Great is not a good person, but Great is not bad either. Great wants to be loved, Great want attention, he wats to love too. But Great didn't get the chance to love or to be loved, and in his 4 minutes, he created his broken, perfect world, where Tyme is the one chasing after him, where he chooses to save people, where he choose right side, where he loves and where he is loved. Where he is the best version of himself. Not perfect, but the best.
So yes, Great is not a good person, but Great is trying his best to be a better person.
Please look at this shot. The only light is behind, where the family portrait is. Around is all dark. Family must be the most important in one's life. They must be each others pillers. For Great, they are just soulless figures frozen on photo, placed on the wall. That's his family. He is alone. In his own home, with his family. That's the saddest part of Greats story. To live, to have everything, yet missing the most important thing, thing that makes us decent human beings: family, love, friends.
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His story, his tjmeline, is twisted.
I don't think anyone would be able to portray Great better than Bible. 1-5 episodes, he baby girled so hard, in 6 episodes he was brat, his eyes full of mischief, but sad same time. The way he chased after Tyme like lost kitten. Oh boy, the duality of this man. I'm impressed. Trully, wow.
Let's go for the next baby. -> will be Tyme.
But I need to put this here
This, dears is hungry, lust, need, hurry. I've got no words to describe the beauty of this scene.
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star-rie · 6 months
episode dedicated to banished!merlin and seperated!morgana in s4 from my fix it au
warning: this is LONG
a bit background: there’s a year and a half timeskip between s3 finale and this ep.
merlin had been training, and getting closer to his roots (studying magic, becoming one with nature, etc etc, no he didn’t go back to ealdor) all the while protecting camelot from the shadows (yes arthur had been getting into a few troubles now and then and merlin had always been there, but never really appearing in front of his face, arthur knows but never really comments about it, settles for ignoring him)
meanwhile after a few months after the s3 finale (morgana and morgouse attacked camelot) morgana finally had a huge fight with her sister and they go on their own ways. So now morgana is alone, doesn’t really know what to do since she killed uther, but doesn’t want to obliterated camelot either
So during season 3 aithusa was born and shes been helping merlin and morgana there and then, there’s also mordred. Oh and merlin’s magic is public information at this point
actual ep:
episode starts off with morgana, tending to her cottage. She lives in the middle of the woods, in the middle of no where. She’s trully alone now, after the fight with morgause. She regretted it a little. Maybe her sister is right, maybe bringing camelot to total destruction and crowning her queen is the best course of action.
But morgana didn’t want that. She just wants uther’s reign to end. It’s not her place now to rule camelot, there’s really no benefit in killing everyone either. Although there really is no change, arthur is still banning magic…
Morgana puts down her firewood with a bit too much force. Truth is morgause is right. Magic is still banned in the land, even in Arthur’s reign. And morgana is scared. She isn’t ready to kill her brother, she isn’t ready to kill the girl who’s there for her each night, every time she’s confused of her nightmares, or the citizens that gave her flowers. Morgana remembers uther’s look of despair and confusion, she feels her hand trembles
Morgause: (in a flashback) You’re nothing but a coward Morgana! A coward!
No matter, she’s not part of it anymore, it’s better to leave it alone. Let morgause finish their revenge.
When morgana leaves to wash her cauldron, it feels weird. It felt like she’s being watched. She scanned the woods with her magic, she didn’t feel anything. That’s really strange, morgana must be…
The first thing morgana sees is the stone floor. Her head is splitting, her vision is unfocused. Morgana sits up slowly, trying to regain balance.
The room is dark, she can barely see anything. When she tries to move her hair, she realizes that she’s chained to the wall
Great. She’s kidnapped.
She scowls, trying to free herself from the chains. She tries to draw her magic, but she feels nothing. Whoever kidnapped her knows what they’re dealing with…
She hears a groan from her left and she saw a man. Wearing god knows what. Laying on the floor, chained like she is. She calls for him, trying to wake him up. The more she looks at him, the more she felt like she knew this man.
???: where am i… Morgana: (realize who this is) Merlin??? Merlin: …morgana…?
The man looked at her, no longer the merlin she last seen. He looks like a stray being, as if he’s the spirit of the forest. He is covered in cloth, a cloak on his head. His skin peaks out from where the cloth didn’t touch him, even in the dark, morgana can see the light bouncing off his slender thighs and the faint outline of his….nipple
Morgana: you look like a prostitute… Merlin: that's rich from someone who dress like a beggar Morgana: I’ll have you know this is one of the finest dresses i have- Merlin: Your hair could really do some work Morgana: you don't get to say that when you don't need to maintain your hair every day!!
They bicker back and forth about their fashion choices. Morgana also hates his serving clothes, especially that tattered neckerchief on his neck…And he barely changes everything. It’s a boring to look at every single day. At least Gwen changes her clothes once in a while.
It was so heated they didn’t notice the door opening until they heard footsteps entering the room. They eye their predator carefully, backing themselves to the wall. But the guards only un-cuffs them from the wall, forcing them to stand.
They were bringing into a room, full of people with chains on their hands. Morgana stands close to Merlin, maybe Morgana can kill him when he wasn’t looking, morgana HATES him after all…
The ringleader came into view, told them to fight to the death. Anyone who succeed can go to the second round or something morgana wasn’t really listening. She’s too busy to think of ways of killing Merlin.
They put a bunch of weapon in the middle of the room, probably to aid them or something. Morgana grabs a sword just in case. Merlin didn’t grab anything. What an idiot.
Ringleader: The battle starts….now
It was a blur after that. Morgana remembers slaying people, people who aren’t merlin. Morgana tries to cast a spell towards him every now and then, she saw Merlin doing the same. But it was never strong enough to kill, probably too distracted by the threat in front of them.
It suddenly stops. Only Morgana and a few other people stands unscathed, including Merlin, always Merlin. It makes a lot of sense now why he has a habit of not dying. Morgana remembers when she discovers that he has magic. What a hypocrite.
They were thrown to their prison cells not long after. After a speech that morgana really didn’t bother to listen
(in their cell)
Merlin: You have any idea what they want? (body swelling with blood and bruises) Morgana: we’re stuck in a slavery ring
Morgana seen one back when she was still with morgause. She tracks them down when one crosses her path, a potential army for her. She remembers that one of those rings would pit off prisoners like this, probably to find new slaves
Morgana: I couldn’t wait to see your demise when one of those brutes mortally wound you…” (giggling, imagining Merlin suffering a slow and painful death) Merlin: (shakes his head) look morgana…i’m sorry alright? I didn’t mean to betray you like that, and i… Morgana: i don’t want to hear your excuses you liar! You’re the same as that old fool! (screaming)
morgana wish she can slit his throat right now. Morgana wants to stab her dagger, revenge for every time Gaius told her she doesn’t have magic, for every time merlin stay quiet
Merlin: well i’m sorry for being a liar when i’m constantly threatened to be executed! At least you don’t get to suffer any consequences!! Morgana: you don’t get to say that!! You meddle into things when you don’t need to!!
they scream to each-other faces. Spit and all. It’s a bit disgusting, but Merlin is more disgusting. And every time she hears his excuses it brings something ugly within her. When Morgana was about to throw another insult at his face the door opens harshly
Guard: Quiet before I snap your necks (throwing a piece of bread and then leaving) Morgana: …at least i’m not an idiot in love like you Merlin: what do you mean? Morgana: (snorts) you spent every single day protecting arthur from harm, you took poisons and blows for arthur, you poisoned me because i’m hurting arthur, you hunt a child like a pig because of some wishy-washy prophecy, a child merlin, a child! Merlin: … Morgana: how’s arthur? was he sad that i killed his daddy??
it didn’t go unnoticed that Merlin was silent at the mention of his brother. Which was weird, usually when she brought him up he never shut up about him.
Merlin: (gets the bread, tossing it to Morgana with his bound hand) eat up, tomorrow is going to be a rough day Morgana: I don’t want food from you (tosses it back to him with gnawing stomach) it’s probably poisoned anyways Merlin: (sighs) if i ate it and i didn’t die, would you eat it? Morgana: ….no
merlin shrugs, biting a bit of his bread. When he shows no indication of poisoning, he tosses it back to her
Merlin: See? No poison Morgana: (rolled her eyes, grumpily tossing the bread back to him) i don’t trust you until you finished it
they toss the bread back and forth, biting into it until there’s no more food left to toss. After another stupid remark, Morgana greets him goodnight, and sleep on her side of the cell
It became a routine after that, they were toss at the arena, got toss back in the cell, tossed back at the arena….
Morgana hates it when she spends time with him. She’s sick of Merlin’s wicked humor. When he managed to rung a laugh out of her. For the first time since Morgause she feels like she’s not alone anymore
Merlin: …and then I told him that it was a sidhe, but he didn’t believe me! Morgana: Well he’s stupid, the stupidest man i’ve ever known…
Morgana didn’t enjoy talking to him, she hates it, she’s sick of the joy crawling on her skin
Morgana: What about Gwen? Merlin: Gwen? Oh she’s fine, she’s sad when you’re gone that time, we couldn’t really comfort her, it’s the same with arthur…it’s the same with everyone really…we miss you Merlin: …and what about you? What of you and arthur? Merlin: … Morgana: Oh come on merlin! There must be something that you did right? It’s been what? A year since that kiss? I saw it you know. Surely you already did something?? Are you still Arthur’s manservant? i don’t know how you handle that magic though…are you still keeping secrets from him? Why are you here anyways? Is arthur here with you? Merlin: Arthur banished me Morgana: Sorry? Merlin: I’m banished from camelot...
Morgana didn’t know what to feel. She should be happy, merlin is banished from camelot! That’s what she wanted right? For Merlin to suffer?
Merlin: it’s fine though, I learned a lot, did you know the druids grows the best of fruits? Must be their connection with nature or something. Their grapes are divine-
Morgana couldn’t stop the ire rising from herself when she kicks him. Merlin immediately bends to touch his leg
Merlin: WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! Morgana: YOU’RE AN IDIOT MERLIN SON OF HUNNITH! Wow i know you’re an idiot but i can’t believe you’re THAT BIG of an idiot Merlin: What???? Morgana what are you even- Morgana: Should i chop Arthur’s manhood for what he did to you? Gosh, you’re probably still protecting camelot even in banishment aren’t you??? I know that’s you when morgouse sends the hydra on the castle….are you an IDIOT??? Why are you still chasing this guy?? I can’t even…i get that he’s hot, but really merlin? Why did you get banished anyway? was it the magic?? Or is he hates homosexual relationship? It’s the magic isn’t it…that bastard….
Morgana swears when she gets out, she will kill him, even with her own two hands-
Merlin: stop it morgana, i don’t want you to kill arthur! Morgana: Of course you’re going to say that! you lovesick fool! Merlin: Really? Do you want me to kill gwen because she stabbed you that one time?!
Morgana shuts up, merlin must be referring to that time when gwen is forced to stab her when she reigns the castle with morgause, she doesn’t like thinking about it
Morgana: (huffed) he shouldn’t banish you, not when you’re always by his side, and what do you get?
it’s stuff like this that made her truly hate camelot. Morgana could understand her banishment, but to banish merlin? Why didn’t anyone do anything? It truly made morgana sick to her stomach
Merlin: you know, banishment isn’t that bad…and i made choices…I deserved it
Before morgana can reply a guard enters their room, uncuffing them and dragging them outside their cell. They arrived at a different room, like that of an arena. But smaller this time. But only morgana and merlin stand in the middle of the room. The ringleader stands on a balcony
What happened on the last arena again? Right, only merlin and morgana were left standing, which means…
Ringleader: Merlin and Lady Morgana, once the pride and joy of Camelot, only to be banished by King Arthur himself. What a pity Merlin: If you think that I’m willing to help you to destroy camelot, count me out. My loyalties will always lie on king arthur Ringleader: Oh no no, I don’t want any of that. I don’t know how you ended up together as prison-mates but i did not expect the witch and emrys to be in my doorstep, inside the same cell nonetheless! Morgana: And? You want us to be your slaves? do you really think we’re willing to submit to you? Ringleader: don’t worry, i can think of ways to tame you
Morgana stomach jolted at the implication
Ringleader: Despite your…peerless reputation, you’re both are a headache for me to handle…so i just want one (sat on his make-shift throne) go ahead then, fight to the death! don’t you hate each-other?
Morgana looks at Merlin, and he looks at her. It’s true, Morgana had been wanting to kill Merlin for a long time but…
She doesn’t want to kill another one of her kind. And she doesn’t want to kill her friend
Ringleader: Come on! I’m waiting…
The shackles on their hand cracks, and Morgana felt her magic restored. They stare at each-other, circling. Is Merlin going to kill her now? Morgana saw how Merlin body is poised, ready to strike.
She strike first.
They danced around each-other, exchanging blows. The blow was sometimes deadly, other-times unnecessary spells. But they never land a fatal blow, even if morgana is panting, and merlin is out of breath
Morgana: …what’s wrong Merlin?…scared? Merlin: You wish (strike a spell that tore the fabric of her skirt) Morgana: (gasped) My dress! Merlin: …oops…
Morgana screams, sending a curse towards merlin. Morgana can’t believe it, it actually hits him, and for a moment merlin was confused, because nothing happened
Merlin: well that was anti-climactic (in a girl's voice, realization) morgana change me back right now! Morgana: No
she puts another curse on him, but he dodges it this time. It didn’t take long for merlin to tackle her, she fights back, trying to push him off and they fight like children.
Merlin: Get off me! (shrieking unladylike, his long nose (yes how ironic morgana is a genius) touching the ground) Morgana: You get off! (fights back, hair green. Fingers feels like rubber)
They rolled on each-other back, trying to murder the other until they gave up and just sprawled on the floor, too exhausted to do anything. If Morgana have to fire a spell one more time it feels like she’s going go throw up
Morgana: You’re pathetic Merlin Merlin: You’re even more pathetic Morgana: At least I’m stronger than you, you look like a twig Merlin: Well I’ll let you know that- Ringleader: ENOUGH
(they both look at him)
Ringleader: Just die already! I don’t care who dies! Just kill someone! If you don’t want to do it, then I’m going to kill the both of you! Morgana + Merlin: ….HAHAHAHAHHA Merlin: Did you hear that??? He says he’s going to kill us Morgana: ‘Just die already’ (still laughing even as she felt her hair is being pulled. She felt hands shoving her down, Merlin next to her) Ringleader: Do you have any final words? Morgana: (looks at Merlin) You’re not as worse as I thought Merlin: I’m glad to meet you too Morgana
When the axe about to fall down on their neck, the rooftop shake, and suddenly a dragon is screaming at them. Their assaulters ran, terrified of the beast.
Morgana: Aithusa!!
Merlin laughs beside her, chanting in a foreign language. Aithusa squeal and Morgana paused
Morgana: You’re also a dragonlord Merlin: Yeah not many people know that
Aithusa breathes fire, fending off their attacker
Morgana: merlin if you dare as to so much touches her- Merlin: Morgana, i birthed her Morgana: …??
Morgana had no time to argue when the ringleader is starting to ran to them. She quickly climbed onto her, when Morgana reaches out her hand for Merlin to grab but Merlin fell. Limbs grabbed by the ringleader
Morgana: MERLIN!
Aithusa is shrieking, trying to shield herself and Morgana from the fire. Merlin chants and Morgana felt Aithusa leaving
Morgana: Merlin? MERLIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Merlin: Goodbye Morgana Morgana: STOP!!
Morgana tries to reach him, but Aithusa keeps flying, away from the dungeon, away from Merlin
Episode ends
End notes: i rlly didn’t expect it to be this long. Anyways sorry if it didn’t made sense and the pacing is off, i’m really rambling here 😭 but this is how i think morgana merlin interaction should go
Link to main thread and other snippets:
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idontknowmyownmind · 11 months
Just randomly remember threads I read on Twitter long time ago, so my memories are vague at best
It's a combination of more than two threads
The idea is, twin krs and cale used to be so close but since the arrival of violan and basen, they become distant
Different from cale who choose to be the 'bad', roksu actually try to be close with his new family members
Cale and roksu share bed, but since then cale told him that he doesn't want to again
Roksu comply because he can't really reject cale even though it's make him sad
Cale can only watch from afar how his twin play with basen with their parents watching
Making a perfect picture of family without him
He miss his twin dearly but he know that it's his own fault and consequence of his choice
Cale went to sleep, ignoring the aches of his heart
The next morning, hans found cale laying in the middle of blood soaked bed with dagger still stabbed in his heart
The dagger has arm symbol but no one know that beside the molans
Let's say that ws mistake cale for roksu, someone in the 'oracle' who is said will end him
Hans immediately check whether cale still alive while shouting for someone to come
A maid stood frozen for too long hans has to slap her and tell her to get the count
She frantically run toward the dinning room and inform everyone
She only manage to says, "young master cale.. blood.." before roksu bolt toward his twin room
His eyes shaking and his breath ragged but he keep running
When he arrived, he feel like the world stop and his world started to crumble
Hans, despite crying, try to get rid of the bloody sheet while calling cale
Roksu stumble toward his twin, calling him deperately
But it's too late
Cale is gone
Roksu, drown in guilt and sorrow, refuse to burried his twin
Treat him as if he still alive
Keep him locked in a room far from everyone, deep inside the mansion
He keep cale's body 'healthy' with magic
He is trully spiralling into insanity, obssessing over his twin body and refusing to believe that he is dead
He will dress cale up, doing his hair, cuddle with him, and tell him stories or his daily life
He forbid anyone to enter the chamber he keep cale
The only one allowed to enter beside him is only hans and the molans, he even forbid his family
His irrational mind blame them, blame his father who neglect them, blame violan and basen for coming here, but mostly blame himself for leaving his twin alone
He also become obssesses with arm, wanting to razzed them to the ground, leaving no one acquainted with them alive
The events still happen like lcf but with darker and more insane and crueler roksu
He show no mercy toward his enemies
His people both respect and fear him
Once, the kids accidently enter cale's chamber and that's the first time roksu look at them with wild and harsh eyes and spoke to them coldly
He ignore them for a week, locking himself inside with his twin
And that's when his people found out about the event from the past through the molans
Rosalyne once try to talk roksu out of his madness but almost got killed in his rage if not for choi han stopping roksu
It wasn't something that could be touched anymore because it was already rooted in roksu's heart, mind and soul
From then on, no one ever bring it up again
Hmmm.. some ideas how I want to continue this
Roksu find a way to wake cale up
Make him more of an empty vessel, a soulless puppet than anything
But roksu doesn't care, at least cale is awake and moving
Roksu stick close to him
Hugging him on his laps while he caressing his hair lovingly
Sleeping on cale's lap while he comb his hair gently with his fingers
Cale face eerily blank, his eyes like those of glass, he never talk and only react to roksu
A cale from another worldline, where he still very much alive, accidently got transported into this fuck up worldline
He doesn't know that he is in a completely different world and think he still inside his world
Walk back to henituse teritory, ignoring the weird and shocked gaze from thw citizen because he think it's must be because he is a trash anyway
When he arrived, he weird out with how everyone acting and he kinda feels scared seeing his twin gaze him intently with those dark eyes
When Eruhaben want to tell him that he is in different world, after they 'interrogated' him, roksu immediately take cale with him
With his glibe tongue, he convinced cale that everyone just being weird and he doesn't need to worried about anything
Send a silent warning to everyone that no one will not tell this cale the truth or else
A week passed by and it's the first time (after a long time for the henituse and staffs) they see roksu to look actually geniunely happy
It's a twisted situation but they can't do anything it might trigger roksu
He never leave cale's side, when cale complaint he manipulate his way and guilt trip cale to let him
Then roksu from cale original worldline also sent there after he threatening GoD
GoD warning him about this world other him, roksu doesn't think much thinking that they're not that different
Oh boy, he is so surprised when he witness it with his eyes
His possessive side (he always possessive over his people, especially his twin) can't acccept it
[Or for more darker situation, this cale's roksu is also equally obssesses and possessive toward him]
[And for darker result, this cale is killed by roksu because he can't accept that there is him who still get to have his twin alive while he can't. If he can't have his twin beside him, then no other him should]
Roksu transported to tboah world when cale just started his trash endeavor
Manipulate his way to be accepted into the family through cale
He is the image of a perfect, loving, and caring brother toward cale
Everyone like him
But the henituse feels something off with him, but they just brush it off because as fast as it come, it's gone when roksu smile at them
The molans know something is not right with their young master's twin brother from another world
With the way he stick close to cale, subtly monitor him and 'move' him as he want
But they can't do much more than keep watching and make sure that their your master is safe
Roksu slowly isolate cale from anyone, make him believe that no one truly there for him but him
He orchestrated that cale will getting beat up by choi han, but not to severe, and manipulate the molans to leave with choi han
He then twisted the story and sealed cale fate with him
The GoD actually bothering roksu to get back to his world but he refuse
GoD even use his real twin as a bait but he still refuse, he know that the molans and hans from his world will take care of his cale, they know better than neglect him
Maybe he can keep both cales
Always thinking about some reaction verse
Earth 1, st, lcf, and this alter tboah react
Of course the first three world confuse and shocked at first but not think much
The cales and roksoos can't get rid of wrongness from roksu but just brush it off
Alter tboah getting unsummoned and the other three react to roksu...
Roksu let cale get burried
But he started to hallucinate that cale still alive and here
He doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want to share
It's worsen as time goes by
....what if the hallucination is not actually hallucination
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chocol4tte · 4 months
More dimension travel au!!
It could also evolve to sasusakunaru??? I still need to read the manga (the anime is still something I might think on watching or not...)
Anyway, not everything is still set in Stones for the au or some events.
When the OG timeline!Team 7 arrives to the new dimension, Kakashi is on the borderline of life and death due to chackra exhaustion and they don't have any ally close to them to treat their wounds or trully rest.
Sakura and Sasuke, still with a kind of rocky relationship after all, manage to find their village in pristine conditions and both of them are found by other Shinobi thinking that something bad happened in their mission! Why are they so hurt and with different clothes???
Meanwhile, both of them are wondering if they are under a genjutsu? Because, why the hell is the village completely reconstructed without the 5th hokage?? In their shock they are redirected to the general hospital and realize that things are... different?
Sasuke is on edge all the time, because why is nobody trying to kill him for becoming a missing nin? Yet they are treating him with kindness? Sakura is more calm, yet anxious, they don't really have time to just stay around when their other two teammates are hurt and one about to kick the bucket... again?
When they are in the hospital being treated for their broken bones and other wounds, two familiar women come rushing to the office, to say that Sasuke was close to bursting into tears when he saw his mother, with a few more wrinkles yet still so beautiful like he remembered, was an understatement.
The same could be said to Sakura, it has been a while since she saw her parents, but seeing how her ex? Teammate react... they needed to go away. Now.
They waited until they were left alone, just for a moment, before Sakura, dragging Sasuke behind her and taking some medical supplies as well thinking that they were definitely under a genjutsu or something and their sensei and teammate being in danger.
In the meantime, notice goes around that Sakura and Sasuke came back to Konoha with injuries, yet their teacher was not with them. When Nohara Rin, head doctor of the main hospital, hears that, she rushes to see them and ask where Obito and Sai were, if they needed help or worse... yet they are not there. They try to look for them and it's just only the beginning of a manhunt. (Also, most likely the Alt!Sakura has longer hair and OG! Still has her short hair)
Before that, Team 7 finally arrive at their village, Obito, Sasuke, Sakura and Sai, (or the OSSS for the funsies), are ready to just, hand the report of their successful mission and rest in their beds. They didn't expect that the village came rushing right at them and began interrogating why and how the heck does Sakura and Sasuke heal from their injuries so quick?!
It trully becomes a manhunt and investigation of the "fake Sakura and fake Sasuke" and for them to be possible spies? Minato wouldn't allow it at all, he wouldn't allow that his dear wife and students village go through another war.
In the meantime, while Sakura and Sasuke are unaware thay they are being chased by most of the shinobi for almsot 2 days, Naruto waits for his teammates while taking care of his sensei, with the little medical knowledge that Sakura beat into his brain in a few minutes, plus some basic care to keep Kakashi alive.
He wished to go to Konoha with either of his teammates, but his wounds were a little more severe and was more weakened by attacking Kaguya. He takes the opportunity to speak with Kurama, or attempt to, since the lazy fox was now resting.
While waiting for Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto is attacked by a group of missing nin that were hired to spy Konoha, it's not that they were remarkably strong... yet he was so weakened and still kind of injured that... when he tries to confront them, he almost has his sensei killed by mere stupidity.
Anyway, while Naruto decides to hide himself and Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke are running towards them, now actively knowing that they are being chased by their own village.
I'm getting excited as well for the dynamics of the alternative dimension and Obito with his team!!
I'm putting my foot in my own mouth and mostlikely need to speedrun in reading naruto lmao also, this Au, for a possible fic, may be called: Tell me About Grief!
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love-is-a-pearl · 6 months
Watching Pokemon mezamas for the first time because I can't binge DP rn orz
If you wanna see me ranting and reacting, I'll leave things under the readmore >w<)b
Starting with ep 1 and 2! Cause I dont have as much free time as I wish I had so I'm doing 2 episodes per day till friday.
Winds of Beginning! The Endless Road!!
It's just me or the music at the beggining was Alola music? If yes.. That's just the cutest. Alola music as Ash's music QAQ
The best part of the episode was the 5 minutes we spent with Ash and Pikachu before the stupid Latias appeared. Add that one to the pokemon I now hate because of the anime..
Man, I'm still bitter those 10 episodes weren't focused on Ash and his Pokemon only. It would've been the absolute best way to use those 10 episodes (and still reach the same conclusion Mezamas as it is reached), why couldn't Ash ever be alone with his mons? He can be enjoyable if the writers tried. Sigh
At least Buizel is here ♥ Also it was adorable to see Noivern and Sceptile in security duty while everyone else slept! Babies! However I'm sad Buizel and Donphan didn't go to cuddle with AshPika and Latias ù3ú
What was the point of all the drama about "Ash's pokemon not being able to attack TR because it could hurt him" when... Pikachu just went and... did just that? (also, Noivern going there and breaking the glass would've hurt Ash less??????) I get they needed "Ash suicidal tendencies make him likeable" moment but gosh, it could've been done better, for sure.
And you know, mandatory Dawn mention, but it's kinda poetic that both Ash and Dawn got done dirty in their final moments because of some stupid legendaries. They're trully one and the same. Even in shitty writing decisions from anipoke staff LMAO
Satoshi VS Kasumi! Seaside One-on-One!!
I know that Misty's metaphor about how her and Clauncher are meant to be is an obvious Pokeshipping hint, of course it is! I know that! but...
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the fact Pikachu ignored Psyduck for Misty, and Clauncher didn't seem at all to reciprocate Misty's feelings is... interesting... Added to that how Ash just replaced her lure with Cilan's is.. Almost like adding to her own metaphor, that while Misty still has feelings for Ash and believes that they're meant to be, because of fate, because she is the "OG twerpette" like TR called her, Ash himself is like.. Pikachu to Psyduck and Clauncher to her. Neutral at most, and with someone else having their favoritism.
And y´know, it's even more interesting that at the beggining of Sinnoh Ash still had her lure (and was protective of it) and immediately after Sinnoh he changed her lure for Cilan's. I sure wonder what happened between those events for him- It's Dawn! its Dawn that happened!
Dont judge me I can make anything be about pearlshipping if I try hard enough.
Shipping aside, I adore seeing episodes with the general same plot but with different characters. Compare this to the Buneary catch and it's really interesting to see just how different Ash acts with Misty and Dawn about the same thing. Him and Misty have a battle about who is gonna get it, which does makes sense, they will resolve all their arguments with battles instead of actual talking and I adore that trait of their relationship~
And even Misty's disappointment at the end, that Clauncher still likes hanging with Corphish is very different than Dawn bringing up her closeness with Ash to win Buneary over. I love those sort of similar episodes, it's great to understand how each character thinks.
Gosh, even comparing to Totodile's catch shows how Misty and Ash themselves have become closer and more understanding of eachother! In here they make rules about how to catch Clauncher instead of fighting the whole time, it's a nice showcase of how they've grown! I'm just sad that Totodile was in this episode and no one mentioned the similarities :T
Also I will never get tired of Pikachu's "Pikachupi"! Ikue Otani does it in the cutest voice and I just want to squeeze the rat's cheeks every time he says it!!!
Speaking of Pikachu, I love that at the very least in those 10 episodes he went back to having some hint of a personality since he hadn't shown much of it for... a long time before it (and remembered the names of the people he cares for. I was so angry at the lack of "Pikapi" in Alola).
Same goes for TR, is nice to see their motto being animated instead of some re-used footage. One of the things that made their apparitions enjoyable in OG-DP was that they always added some personality to it. That was fun to see again.
And that's it for today.
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Hope - Clay Miller x Reader
Friday 13th (2009) Oneshot
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Warnings: Some cringy dialogue ( let's face it,the group are all cringy stereotypes lol). Allusions to Jason's story and some grim warnings regarding him. I'm also expanding the new rule introduced in the 2009 film, where sense of familiarity with his past not only distracted him but also made him spare a life for a while.
Summary: You are the only person who has given Clay any hope on the desperate search for his sister. Unlike most of the locals he had approached, some mysterious reason keeps you convinced that she could still be alive and on this determination you join forces with him.
Nobody else seems to mind about it and when the blatant disrespect from a tourist really pisses you off, you stand up for Clay giving him a frightening show exposing why he should care.
Tags: @drum-bot-brian
It was weird for Clay to find a self presented volunteer when the entire community was ignoring him, but when you approached him with the missing poster in hand offering your help he felt slightly relieved. At least he wasn’t completely alone and although you were a bit odd, you had a strong will to support him. Looking at Whitney’s picture, you simply stated that she looked like a sweet girl and that could possibly mean she could still be around. When asked about it, you acted as if some intuition based on practical knowledge would be telling you that. You wouldn’t tell him why, but you were convinced that she was still to be found. 
Of course, it was not going to be easy and the shitty attitudes you would find in the way were unnerving. The handsome, soft tempered boy you were following had the patience of a saint, but you wouldn’t stand it. The tone deaf blond guy at the gas station was the moment when you knew you had enough. 
After a very brief argument Clay was just going to leave, but you had other plans.  
“ He will wreck you.” You casually told the stranger in a sinister tone. “ Mock us while you still can, blondie. I believe his sister has a chance ... You? Not so much."
Everyone was weirded, but he thought you were just looking for a fight. 
“ Yeah, I don’t think so.” Was his self satisfying reply. “ You, him and who else?” 
It made you chuckle and you struggled for it not to turn into a full loud cackle.  
“ You aren’t from here, aren’t you? " You followed, giving a few steps closer to him with a weirdly intimidating demeanor. “ People don’t get to be jerks here and walk out harmless, the forest has eyes and its guardian loathes people like you the most..”
The asshole clearly didn't get to fully comprehend the meaning of your words. Still, you managed to creep him and his girlfriend, what was enough vengeance for you. The most inmediate reaction you obtained for Clay was a bit of hard to hide laughing, probably thinking that you were just messing with the guy, but he did capture some underneath intentionality in your strange warning.
He trully thought it was a joke, untill he later referenced it again in a lighter note and your face let him know it wasn't a funny little scheme he should feel thankfull for.
" You don't have to thank me, it's all real. " You cutted him off. " Weird things happen arround here, the kind that nobody would believe. People go missing to never be found and we pretend is not our problem … I need to help you because i really like you and you HAVE to get out from here as soon as possible. "
Your hand was shaking and he held it as as a reassuring gesture before inviting you to continue.
" If you know anything that could make this easier, please share it. "
Your soft look adquired a glimpse of skepticism.
" It doesn't matter. Even if i try to explain you, it would be impossible to make you understand. One does not believe it untill you see it and very few survive to tell the tale. "
He smiled and you couldn't help to internally melt to the softness in his expression.
" I promise i will believe you. Or at least I will do my best, anything that may help me understand would be amazing ríght now. "
The indirectly mocking tone in the last part made you smile back, then you swallowed hard ríght before starting your tale.
" To many persons he can mean different things, but I see him as a guardian of the forest. Not necesarily of the enviromental care type, but we know he hunts down people for doing stupid shit. It's a sort of local legend: a bullied kid who died back in the old summer camp and now remains as an undead watcher of the area. Legend says that once triggered he can't be stopped, but i believe different and that's why i feel your sister could be alive. "
He wasn't getting it, but kept himself loyal to the promise and didn't question you. His guess was in myth and reality mixing up to end up covering the activity of a serial killer whose victims were attributed to the legend by the locals.
One way or another, it wasn't the hopefull take he once expected.
" What made you think that? Besides from an obvious bias coming from your interest in me."
You felt a bit embarrased, but it didn't ruined your disposition to continue.
" I believe he is capable of sparing a life only when coming across things he finds familar. I saw it happening with my own two eyes. "
It wasn't easy, but you had to tell him the truth.
" Back in highschool I wanted so badly to belong, to feel how was like to be a part of something. I was hanging out with people who just wanted to make fun of me, fooling myself into believing someday i could be friends. "
You began to cry, pausing for an instant untill the sobbing would be slow enough to allow you finish.
" … They are gone and i'm still here. Common sense would be thinking i just hid myself well, i fooled him. I didn't, i can't help thinking he just pretended not to spot me. The pathetic, lonely, bullied looser must have have hitted close to home. "
You hugged him out of sudden and he didn't protest about it. Of all the weird things you said, he only understood you were admitting to be the only survivor of a massacre.
" Your sister seems like a lovely girl. If i'm still breathing, you can count there is hope for her. "
He had no words that could possibly express any processing of what you just told him, but trully appreciated the deep comfort of your embrace.
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glitteringcrab · 9 months
Evil Morty's ending
The main reason I wanted the Freaky Mortys Theory to be true is that it could be the start of Evil Morty's healing. Like, if he thought that it is, after all, possible for a Morty to be loved and cared for, and it's just a matter of circumstance if THIS or THAT version of Morty who gets to live in a loving family, and all Mortys are the same, and why should it not be Evil Morty the one who gets to have a happy family life...
...well, then that could have kickstarted his own healing process (after a lot of ups and downs) and led him to find true peace eventually, to be trully understood and appreciated at some point in the future. By surrounding himself with people who loved "him", he could begin getting the help he needs.
Now, that it is apparent that Evil Morty is still all alone in the edges of the universe, doing nothing but adding shield after shield separating himself from everyone else...
there's... there's no one who can help him.
Rick C-137 would be promptly attacked if he approached, because Evil Morty would immediately assume (not unreasonably) he does not have good intentions. Not to mention he is unable to take care not only of his own mental health, but of Morty Prime's. The best things he can offer Evil Morty are respect, understanding and pity, but Evil Morty could NEVER be adequately loved by Rick C-137. Morty Prime would always be the priority. If Rick C-137 ever caught whiff that Evil Morty had been abducted and needed help, would he REALLY attempt a rescue or would he seize the chance to kill Evil Morty to remove the Omega Device threat (like the SEAL Ricks team did)? And if he DID attempt a rescue, it would be out of pity or desire for them to be "even" since Evil Morty allowed him to kill his nemesis. Is this really enough?
Morty Prime might NOT get promptly attacked if HE approached (and if the Freaky Mortys - Unmorticken Edition Theory is true he might have some residual buried memory of Evil Morty's base and therefore theoretically able to teleport himself there). I also think that Evil Morty's offer for him to join him in escaping the Curve was genuine... but Morty Prime can barely take care of HIMSELF. He shouldn't be RICK'S morality pet, nor responsible for Rick's mental well-being, let alone another, even more traumatized Morty's well-being!!! I mean, even if genuine, Evil Morty's offer at escaping together was little better than pointing a gun at Morty Prime's head and saying "you can join me if you like". Evil Morty's best, most genuine attempt at vulnerability was basically coersion under threat of death (and it STILL backfired, OUCH. Talk about unwanted) although Evil Morty might not have done this deliberately. Imagine if Morty Prime had joined him; that would NOT have been a healthy relationship for Morty Prime. No, Evil Morty needs an emotionally mature ADULT. Someone who knows AND understands what he's been through and is willing to stand by his side AND who is able to put up the necessary boundaries that Evil Morty might otherwise consciously or unconsiously trample.
Beths... I do not think they have the neccessary emotional maturity. The domestic one does love her family, but would definitely put her "real" son's health and safety first. The space one seems unwilling to parent anymore and even if she took him with her in her rebel base, I think Evil Morty would believe that she wants him for his tech and intellect and not out of any genuine appreciation.
Jerry is really nice and I think he would be a positive influence, but... I'm not sure he could keep up with Evil Morty. I mean sure, he can, like, cook for him, take him for ice-cream, play videogames with him, listen to him rant, give hugs freely... but would he really be able to understand what was going on in the Citadel, or not be nervous about the fact that this version of his son is capable of killing him at a whim? If they got attacked, Evil Morty would be the one to protect Jerry and not the other way round. Not to mention Jerry already has his own life and family.
Summer is only a teenager, NOPE.
Then... who remains? Doofus Rick? Birdperson? Dr. Wong? These are all capable, mature adults who also all have a life of their own and little connection to everything that goes on. Letting one of them take upon this burden honestly feels cheap.
This is Rick's mess really, Rick should be the one to clean it up. Rick is the only one who could keep up with Evil Morty without needing anything from him, the only one who could both protect and respect him... But Rick fails to do all that with the version of his grandson that he loves. How could he possibly do this with Evil Morty?
And this all becomes more relevant now that we know for sure that Morty's maxed intelligence and charisma stats that we saw in the atribute slider (that would definitely fit Evil Morty) are Morty Prime's default stats. This means (among many things) that there's nothing special about Evil Morty. He's not more intelligent. He's not more capable. He is not, as Rick Prime put it, "an evil Morty; a clever one". He's a regular Morty.
Our Morty could be the one building forcefield shields to protect himself from getting shot, our Morty could be the one torturing other Mortys, our Morty could be the one exploding the Citadel in his way out in a desperate bid to escape.
Likewise at some point in the past Evil Morty would also have cried had he been abandoned all alone in the cronenberged remains of his home. He has the exact same emotional needs as Morty Prime does...
...only his remained extremely unfullfilled.
I can't see a way out.
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goldyluna · 1 month
Ask game: Kyoko Sakura?
First impression: her design was the first thing I really noticed. She looked really cool. I wasn't really a fan of her personality at first tho
Impression now: She is one my favorites, mainly because of my Magica Goddess Au and her religious past. I love the symbolism. And as fucked as it sounds, her traumatic past speaks to me the most and it suits her character. The hunger, anger, love. She is a great character
Favorite moment: spoiler!! when she died with Sayaka so she would not be alone. It makes me cry, they deserve so much, I would give them the world
Idea for a story: spoiler!! a moment of death, where there is only her and Sayaka in her human form. "You shouldn't do that", "You can't tell me what I should do", "You didn't-", "But I did", "...Thank you", "Always"
Unpopular opinion: uhhhhh, next question? I dunno.... As much as I love her outfit and I think it's one of the bests, I think she should have pants, not a skirt. And in general I don't like that every girl has the same body type, but I know it is hard to find anime where characters have different bodies, are not all super skinny. But I think it would be a nice touch to show some more aspects of a character that way
Favorite relationship: Kyoko and Sayaka is my favourite relationship (can platonic or not). Kyoko and her loyality are really something, she died for her. Even if she didn't like her at the beginning. There trully isn't any better relationship that Kyoko has
Favorite headcanon: she has a eating disorder. I headcanon her praying for her father as a way to talk to him one more time, telling him how her day went, that she made friends, that being a magical girl is hard but fun, that she wishes he was there. Even if he was a really bad father, she still misses and loves him
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I think it’s a pretty sad takeaway from V9 but sensible one. While Penny was good friends with everyone by the end of V8 (and I’m a big advocate of Penny having friends other than Ruby), their friendship was too fresh and shallow for everyone else to feel really sorry about this loss, aside from Ruby.
JN_R had proper moments of mourning, and also discussed Pyrrha when Jaune was at a low point in V6 in front of the statue. But they were all relatively close to her before her death, she was a teammate, a student at Beacon, they shared classes everyday and a dorm bedroom. The loss affects the whole team and their bond evolves with it.
Put that in perspective with Ruby mourning Penny and WBY saying almost nothing to her. There was an attempt to reach out and bring Penny up by Weiss but that went nowhere as deep as Jaune’s discussion of Pyrrha with Nora and Ren. Ruby is mourning Penny alone, and the only one feeling as sorry as her is Jaune, precisely because he knows how deep Penny’s connection to Ruby was. When Ruby gives her eulogy while holding Penny’s blade, WBY seem surprised more than anything. They didn’t realize how much this girl represented to Ruby.
I’m not blaming WBY and the rest of the gang for Penny not being close enough to them, I’m mostly blaming the environment she was put in V7-8. In V7 during the truck scene, she admits to Ruby that Ironwood tells her she doesn’t have time for friends. During the montage sequence, we only see Penny when she wakes RWBY up, talking enthusiastically with Ruby. It’s easy to assume Penny had 0 allowed free time and the only occasions where she could bond with others were when she was on duty. Heck, Ruby uses her day off to go see Penny at the rally, presumably because she was on duty with Marrow while everyone else her age were allowed a day off.
Then shit went down and nobody had time to hang out for the next volume and a half. She wasn’t given the chance to bond with the gang beyond a surface-level, at all. The narrative was against her. We see her interact a bit with Yang and Nora in V7, and slightly more in V8 with the whole gang comforting her post virus. One could argue Nora trully started to care about her during this volume and frankly I wanted to see more of that friendship myself. But aside from Ruby and her, there wasn’t a lot of developped interactions.
And now, we’re in the ever after. No Pietro, no Nora, just WBY and a very different Jaune. Ruby’s alone to mourn her dearest friend.
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I have had a weird idea. A AU where the demon god, during the moment where everyone travel to the humans world, speak with both Norman and Ray to ask them if they want to share Emma's payment. Of course they say "yes". They didn't even ask what is the payment. They will share it, they will not let her pay alone.
The price? All three are de-aged to their 6 years old self. And send in different forbidden zones of the world, but with their respective mother and sibling if they have one.
Emma (now 6) falls in the same location that in canon, with Sienna and Carol (3). She has lost all her memories. Sienna has had a vision of the demon god telling her to enjoy this new chance. Or something like that. She is hesitant to call the others because she is afraid that her daugthers be taken of her. She needs a lot of time to heal, to learn to know her daugthers and to turst other humans. They'll be the last to be found.
Norman (now 6) falls with Mathilda and Rossi (7) in a opposite forbidden zone of the one where Emma is. Mathilda has had the vision of the demon god too and wants to enjoy this chance. She has thought that Norman was dead so much times. She thinks that nobody will want to leave her her kids. Rossi, who is kinda smart, realizes her fear and speaks with her about telling the truth to the rest of the Grace Field kids. He doesn't tell them by himself (zeven if he could) because he wants her to trust them. He sees how much she is hurt and can't trust perople. Norman doesn't remember anything but has very realistic dreams. Some are innocent (like one where he dreams about being very sick and having two friends triying to speak with him), but when he'll be 11 again, he'll have nightmares about Conny's death body and Lambda. They'll be probably found after Ray and Isabella.
Ray (now 6) ends with Isabella (who has survived but is severely hurt) in another forbidden zone, away of the others. They are in a zone where they have access to medical help. Ray remembers his 6 first years but not below for now. His last memory is the deal with Isabella (because of course it has to be THAT memory) but he's very lost. A lot of humans? Adult humans? Adult men? Where are Norman and Emma? He's a ball of anxiety, he's stressed and listen Isabella because survival instinct. People make genetic tests to be sure that they are related and so, they are left together. They speak a lot as soon that Isabella can have a long discussion. There are a lot of turst issues from Ray but he's six, and a part of him trully wanted to be loved, trully wanted Isabella to sayè that she doesn't want him to die. Ray will remember while growing up but only the most important things. It means that, when he'll reach the night between 11 and 12 again, you can guess what he will remember. They'll probably the first who will be found by the grace field children.
Of course they say "yes". They didn't even ask what is the payment. They will share it, they will not let her pay alone.
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They are so good 🖤🧡🤍
Also Emma & Carol and Norman & Rossi biosibs truther.
Interesting to think about Matilda and Rossi interacting since he's aware of the farm system and has a vague idea of what Matilda went through having him, so even with being given a new chance, she's never truly able to pretend for a while like Sienna might be able to.
I'm assuming this plays a part in why Isabella and Ray are found by the other Grace Field children first though. Despite having two people who are fully cognizant of their situation, Rossi might feel guilty pushing for them to go out and find the means to contact the others with the same amount of fervor the kids have looking for Emma in canon.
I hesitate to call Matilda selfish without knowing exactly how much time it takes for them to be found, but since it appears Scribbles didn't make any stipulations about the mothers needing to raise the trio in isolation from the rest of their family, it is an interesting throughline to explore, weighing wanting to maintain the facade of a single mother raising two sons who wasn't the victim of systemic generational abuse and exploitation and the damage that did to her mind, body, and spirit, against her youngest-turned-oldest son's desire to reunite with the rest of his family that he misses terribly.
I'm assuming it's more that she's slower going about it and subtly reluctant about pursuing any leads they might have as opposed to being outwardly antagonistic toward Rossi whenever the matter comes up, but still, at some point after a lot of introspection you'd like to believe a parent would be mature to make that sacrifice of their personal preferred comfort for the benefit of their child. If not, though, it's interesting to think about how that affects her relationship with him, if it creates a distance between them by the time they're reunited, and how the Grace Field children might view her for keeping them separated from their brothers longer than they might have had to be.
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(Chapter 55 showing Rossi being comforted by almost all of his brothers present in the bunker.)
His last memory is the deal with Isabella (because of course it has to be THAT memory) but he's very lost. A lot of humans? Adult humans? Adult men? Where are Norman and Emma? He's a ball of anxiety, he's stressed and listen Isabella because survival instinct. People make genetic tests to be sure that they are related and so, they are left together. They speak a lot as soon that Isabella can have a long discussion. There are a lot of trust issues from Ray but he's six, and a part of him truly wanted to be loved, truly wanted Isabella to say that she doesn't want him to die.
OOF the highlighting of adult men here is particularly interesting with how being in the care of Sisters and Isabella his whole known life, they're the greatest unknown to him, so him developing a bit of misandry because going with the devil you do known over the one you don't. Same with him clinging to Isabella and listening to her despite the tumultuous emotions he undoubted has about it.
Assuming Isabella doesn't have some degree of amnesia, it's also interesting to compare how she handles the information Ray tells her to Matilda and Sienna and if that factors into why they're found first, with her actively seeking out the family she knows can help them to both provide comfort for her son and closure to the children she raised who are missing their lost siblings.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Do you think kiris and Neytiris relationship would be negatively effected due to spider leaving? Kiri and spider were close
I think things would be tense, but not hostile. Kiri is wise for her age, but also still a kid
she understands why everything happened as it did; neytiri couldn't look at humans the same after what happened and to no fault of his own, spider was a living reminder of her suffering. no one wanted to raise spider, and the Sully's most likely gave him the best chance at a family, even if they treated him like a stray. spider would have been neglected no matter what, but at least with the sully's he had the kids, he had jake who at least attempted to be a father, and Neytiri who never truly forced spider away.
she can't bring herself to trully blame neytiri, but she is still angry, because her actions caused her to lose a friend and brother. she can't ring herself to be angry with spider for just wanting a loving family, but she aches to have him back as her brother.
so things are strained, but there is little permanent damage. with spider in a home where he is loved, neytiri forcing herself to do better for spider (even as just an adult and friend, no longer a mother), and a little bit of time; I think it would actually make things a lot better for all of them.
neytiri is not constantly having her trauma tossed into a blender by the presence of a human day in and day out, she has space to heal and get into a better head space. spider is happier, more sure of himself, no longer forcing himself into a family dynamic that just doesn't work, so his relationship with the sully's is a lot healthier on a group and individual level. the lack of tension in the family unit allows all of them to come together in a way they haven't been able to do before.
things would be easier, healthier, and just over all better.
on their relationship alone, I think they would probably have a very tense period of time where they don't talk much followed by what can best be described as a breakdown. it isn't an argument or a blow up; its tears, its yelling, its questions, its a release of everything the mother/daughter duo has felt, thought, and questioned for as long as they remember. and by the end of it, things start to get better, all the laundry has bee aired, everything that needed to be said, to be let out, has been dealt with, and the healing begins.
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l3st1b0urn3s-707 · 2 months
I just recently finished Tehanu (the fourth book in the Earthsea cycle) and it was sooooo good!!!
Let me start this by saying that I absolutely love Therru. She's so sweet and cute and desereves every good thing in the world. She was definitely the coolest character in the book (and probably from the whole series), and the poor thing suffered so much when she was younger, it makes me really sad. She's also a dragon! It was hinted very heavily, but still, it was such a fun revelation.
I also really loved Tenar in this book. The tombs of Atuan is my second favourite book from this series, and I really enjoyed seeing her as an adult. She's always been a really strong woman, and I love that about her. She's also a great mom! She cares so deeply for Therru, and tries to make her happy after all she's suffered. And her relationship with Ged is really cute! He's a bit reserved, I think, used to being alone often. But I think they've always been in love with and cared for each other. This is shown in The furthest shore when Ged is traveling to Selidor and says he really wants to see her (such a cute moment) or at the begining of this very book, when Tenar asks herself where could he be and is worried about him. They really deserved to finally be together.
This book was really fun to read, and the story was trully amazing. I love all of the characters so much, and I loved the fact that Arren also appeared for a short period of time! It explained the ending of the third book a bit better, and I think it was a really cute detail. I really loved this book, and I'm excited to keep on reading this series :)
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leonornaves · 1 year
An open love and appreciation letter-post to Taylor Swift:
i know no one is probably going to see this, let alone taylor swift herself, but to be honest i needed you to know the great deal in which taylor has mpacted my life. so here it goes...
dear taylor swift,
your music has impacted me in ways i have never thought someone could.
besides the typical 'shake it off' and 'blank space' discovery in like 2015 i really didn't know much about you and your music. that is until i was 12. when i was 12 years old (around 2018) my dad was diagnosed with leukemia and i found myself numb, really numb. up until that point, i had never had any big issues with my parents... i was happy.
so you can imagine my shock to have my world turned. with that numbness came a necessity to hear/read words from someone who was exactly in the same head space as me, a child of a parent who had a life threatening disease but i could find words that made me feel.
honestly i don't think i was really looking because i didn't want to feel, i didn't want to think about my dad being the same weight as me or the fact that my mom and i were so close to losing him that she started "getting me ready for the worst".
that was until late 2019 almost 2020, when i (re)discovered you taylor. i was suddenly sucked into obssessing over one of the best lyricis and songwriter of my generation. obssesed with analyzing and re analyzing your lyrics and finding more hidden meanings on them (although that came more with folklore and evermore).
your song 'soon you'll get better' (ft. the chicks) is in my opinion your saddest one ever. of course atw and other songs like marjorie and many, many songs are incredibly sad but there is something about the rawness in your voice even when i listening to it that alwyas makes me cry even now!! singing it was not a talented 30 year old famous lady with 2 cats (soon to be 3) and hundreds of awards but a girl, girl so afraid to lose her mother to a horrible and terrifying cancer and what exactly it would entail in her life.
that song, those lyrics... were exactly the words i needed to hear. after that i started to myself feel and take the time to be with my dad who was so close to death that i was starting to wonder what life without him would be like. so close that i, at the time 12, was starting to feel jealous of all the people who got to spend time with my dad because that was time i would never have with him.
during the pandemic, he got so much better and i know how lucky i am to be able to say that. i hope your mom got better too. thank you for making me feel! im now 17, and terified of what i would've been like if i hadn't really taken time with my dad during those days when it felt like the end and he had died. i wouldn't have felt anything. would i still be numb? i don't know. thank you for that.
nowadays my problems are different, i have so many fights with my mom it's toxic at this point, and after those all i want to do is put on my folklore cd and cry. cry for all the bad words said between us. cry for allthat i could be experiencing if my mom would let me grow up. cry for my teenage years. cry for everything.
honestly, i think this letter has become sort of messy. but in the end i hope you, taylor swift, know how much your appreciated and how much your music has saved my from my own life and thoughts. thank you so much for writing something that trully makes me feel like you're there for me, even if a thousands miles away and on tour.
also thank you for finally coming to my country!! my godfather got me tickets ( he survived the great war lol) and i will be on the pit bawling my eyes out to every song, yes even the happy ones, beacuse i just can't believe i will be in the same space as you. thank you for saving me!!
this is super cringy and im crying so much while writing this.
thank you again, love from a forever and always fan <3
@taylorswift @taylornation
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