#And how I am so glad I decided to make five of them instead of three
miraculouslumination · 7 months
Can we please bring back 20 episode seasons again. Please. Can we please NOT make 5-10 episodes a season the new "MAXIMUM". I am not asking by the way despite my usage of please. I am demanding but through gritted teeth, politely.
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jb5lover · 9 months
obsessed with jude being your brother’s best friend and you guys secretly hooking up behind his back 🤭 and even though your both scared of how he’ll react when he finds out, the thrill of getting caught just makes the whole thing more exciting
him and your brother would go way back, and throughout their entire friendship he had never felt the need to announce that you were off limits. he assumed jude was aware of this, and he was. he knew messing with his honorary brother’s sister would make violating all sorts of boundaries, and he never planned on doing it. but when you saw each other that night at the party, the two of you looking so impeccable and feeling so madly drunk, it was obvious that all plans had gone on the window. since that night, the two of you had been looking for any free moment to be together.
your brother thought nothing of it when you walked downstairs mid-fifa game to come get a drink from the kitchen. he paid no attention to what you were wearing, which was one of jude’s jerseys over your shorts. what he also didn’t know, was that as you headed back upstairs, you gave jude that look that only hinted one thing to him. with a sweet smile, you headed back up to your room knowing he’d be meeting you in a matter of moments.
“gimme a sec, i have to go to the bathroom,” he announced, as he dropped the controller and walked briskly upstairs, skipping every second step just to get there quicker. almost the moment he arrived into the hallway, you were yanking him into your room and pulling him in by his shirt. “wow, you’re needy,” he muttered into the kiss. “you’re slow, i’ve been waiting for like two minutes,” you whined as you worked to remove his sweatpants hastily, rubbing your hands on him through your underwear.
he wasn’t as delicate in undressing you, choosing to yank your shorts down aggressively, before pushing you down on the bed. “you know this is really, really wrong,” you whined as he pulled down his boxers, letting his dick spring out. “really wrong,” he agreed, removing your underwear and tossing them aside.
“we shouldn’t do this,” you told him before letting out as a gasp as he slipped into you with ease, considering how wet you were. “but i’m glad we are,” he told you nonchalantly, lifting your legs onto his shoulders. he gave no time to allow you to adjust to his size, instead deciding that this quickie has to be exceptionally fast.
“oh, you’re so good at this,” you cried, as he rubbed your clip roughly. “fuck, how are you always so tight?” he grunted, throwing his head back in ecstasy. you knew you were both being a bit loud, increasing the risk of getting caught. but somehow that only turned you on more, and you knew it did the same for jude. no less than five minutes later, you felt your own climax approaching. from the twitching of his cock, you knew he felt the same.
“i’m so close,” you told him, fondling your own breasts as he fucked you harder into the mattress. “me too, i need to pull out,” he warned you. “no, i have to cum,” you argued, refusing to let him deprive you of what you’ve been craving since he prematurely pulled out yesterday when he was taking you from behind on the couch yesterday evening. “y/n, i-”
“jude, either hold in or do what you have to do, either way, you cannot pull out right now,” you whined, feeling him hit deeper and deeper inside of you with every thrust. the sensation of you squeezing around him was beyond unbearable. he tried holding it in for as long as he could but he knew it was no use. “fuck, i’m gonna come inside you,” he grunted out. “oh, please fill me up, i’m gonna cum too!” you sighed, feeling his load spurt every last drop that he had to give.
after catching your breath, and allowing him to throw on his clothes, he prepared to head downstairs. “you’re on the pill, right? i can go to the pharmacy if you need me t-”
“yes, i am the pill. no need for the pharmacy. in fact, if you finish up your fifa game a little early, we can try this again maybe. my brother’s got a shift later tonight. you won’t need to cover my mouth this time,” you told him, sending him a suggestive wink.
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voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part SEVEN
Two Parts of the story in one day you guys really are lucky!! How is Y/n going to cope when one Vee is flirty, the other manipulative and the other wants to just help her get in a hot steamy shower ...
Trigger warning: a bit of violence
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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Three heads all explode, one after the other. The only mishap was you were so very close to the splash zone. Groaning to yourself you wipe your cheek with your hand, covered in warm blood you grumble. Gross. Pulling out a pack of tissues from your dropped purse you quickly scrub where you saw had landed but there was no way of getting rid of all of it … biting your lip you decide to carry on walking to the Vee Tower. You did after all have an appointment.
Pushing the door to enter The Vee Tower you ignore the receptionist who tried to make eye contact with you, jabbing the button to the elevator you scrunch your nose up as you notice the blood under your nails. Ew. Gross.
At the ding you climb into the elevator, focused on cleaning your nails and not noticing how the camera moved to focus on you. After a few moments you heard another ding, not paying attention to your surroundings as you noticed you got blood on your boots as well – jeez killing sinners was a messy business - you manage to walk directly into a certain Vee. And not the one you were meant to be meeting. A small squeak escaped your lips as you began to tumble backwards from recoiling however two large, gloved hands grasped your waist pulling you back up firmly against a red coat stopping your fall.
“Woah now Princessa, if you wanted to jump my bones you just had to say”, his mischievous tinted gaze lowered to your own. His mocking smile dropped a little when he registered the state you were in.  
Gripping your chin firmly with his fingers, not letting you move an inch but making sure your gaze  was solely on him: “what has happened?”  That playful tone to his voice was gone but instead was scarily low for him, a snarl lingering under every word. Trying to shake your head but due to his fingers you couldn’t do much, you raise your own hand to try pry his fingers off. Thwarted before you even had a chance to touch him, he clutched both your hands in his other pair holding them down by your waist. This was not fair! Please tell me you didn’t have to use your shriek more than once today?
“Why the fuck do you look like you’ve drowned yourself in blood, the fuck do I have to kill little one?” His mouth was pulled up in a sinister sneer, his gold tooth flashing while his fingers dug into your chin more making you wince.
“It doesn’t matter Valentino, honest” you try to convince the Moth Overlord, the way his fingers squeezed your hips at your answer you just knew he didn’t believe you. But his grip on your chin lessened and allowed you to pull away from it. Scrunching your face you try to ease the little bit of pain.
“It matters Princessa. So again, I ask. Who. Do. I. Have. To. Kill?” At each pause he squeezed either your hands or your waist, not enough to hurt but enough to make you gasp a little bit.
A blue clawed hand appeared in your vision, resting on Valentino’s arm. You both looked to your side to see Vox there with a concerned expression. You’re not sure you’ve ever been so glad to see the TV Demon.
“Now Val, how about you let our little songbird go and we sort this like civilised demons, yes?” A growl from Valentino made you believe he really didn’t want to have a civilised conversation.
“Not until I find out who the fuck has done this to her. Look at the state of her!” Why the hell did he care? He allowed your hands to go free but his two hands stayed locked on your waist.
“Yes, I can see y/n is looking at bit … er … out of sorts but I am sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why, right Y/n?” Nodding in agreement you try to smile convincingly up at Valentino but flinched when you moved your head too fast, the cut on your neck was stinging like a bitch.
“Before we get into all of that, I don’t suppose I could borrow a shower? I’d love to get this crap off me”, you ask motioning at your blood splattered body. Plus, it would give you extra time to think up an explanation on how you ‘killed’ the sinners.  Vox chuckled at your grossed out expression you go to move but couldn’t even make a step away from Valentino as he forced your attention back on him when he waved a gold enamel gun around in front of you both.
“Not before we get names!” He snarled. Seeing how Vox’s method wasn’t exactly working in calming him down you sighed under your breath. Guess it was down to you. Where on earth was Velvette?
Grabbing the waving hand that held the gun you pulled it so it was resting on your waist next to the other one. His tinted gaze now on yours, feeling the tension in his arms you smile softly up at the Overlord. Try to work your charm y/n.
“There’s no need for names, no need for shooting or killing any one as they’re already dead, okay Valentino?” You gently explain, tugging the gun out of his grasp and quickly pulling it behind your back. Cold fingers slipped it from your grasp, spying Vox putting the gun in his jacket pocket you breath a bit easier. The main threat sorted, now to calm the hot head down more.
“They are dead. How?” He demands, glaring at Vox who had taken a seat on one of the sofa’s dotted around Velvette’s studio. Probably grumpy that he had taken his favourite toy away.
“It doesn’t matter how, just know that they are dead”. You place your hands on his that were still on your hips, giving them a squeeze to try and drive your point home.
“It does matter I wan”-
“-Perhaps now that the threat is gone, Velvette can show Y/n where she can shower and get a change of clothes before we start to question her? Hmm?” Giving Valentino your best winning smile, he hums under his breath before nodding after a few moments. You thought you were free until he dragged you close by your hips - so much so that your chest brushed against the fur of his coat. He loomed over you with a flirty expression on his face. Oh dear.
“Are you in such a hurry to leave my arms Y/n? I just know you have been enjoying it, mi cariño, perhaps we can make this a regular thing?” Blushing at feeling a certain part of him that really enjoyed me being pressed up against him a bit too much, you chuckled nervously while pushing yourself away by using both of your hands against his chest. Even if you did which you totally did but wasn’t admitting the last person you would admit that too was the flirty Overlord.  
“Whatever keeps you happy slim, but right now the one thing I am craving more than anything is a hot shower, so if you’ll excuse me”, he finally allows you to escape from his grip. A smug smirk tugged at his lips as he pulled a long cigarette from inside his coat. You could still feel the hot imprints of his hands on your hips.
Vox stopped typing on his phone when he saw you were now free from the clingy Valentino, a charming smile once more on his face as he stands up.
“Now let’s get you cleaned up my dear, you know us Vee’s are known for our perfection, and we can’t have you destroying that reputation for us now, can we?” He joked – or you hoped he was joking but maybe there was a subtle threat under that charming voice – as he showed you back towards the elevator. Pressing the button, it arrives almost immediately. Huh. Weird. Stepping inside you didn’t expect Vox to follow you in. You certainly didn’t expect when the doors shut him to turn to you with a shit-eating grin. Like he knew something that you didn’t. And you really didn’t like that.
“So tell me, how did you kill the sinners, y/n?” The hairs on the back of your neck started to stand up. He knew. Licking your bottom lip nervously you shrugged.
“Ah with a – uh - with a knife” you wanted to look away from him, he was making you more and more nervous but his gaze had you locked in. Dammit!
“Liar” you started to sweat with that one word.  You should have been more careful! You should have checked around you before you used your power. But you didn’t think. You reacted. And now one of the main people you didn’t want to know about your power knew within a week of knowing you. How had you managed to keep it a secret from basically everyone else in Hell and this damn TV Demon found out within days? A blinking from the corner of the elevator made you seethe. He’d warned you. He told you he owned most of the cameras in Pentagram City.
These are the consequences of your own actions come to bite you in the ass.
“Hell’s full of them, what is one more?” you ask, trying to distract him from the conversation. At his unamused look you guessed that didn’t work. “Are you going to show anyone?” biting your lip nervously you could see numerous ideas working through his head, he now had something to hold over your head. What would he ask in exchange for your secret?
“Now y/n do you really think I would show anyone that footage?” His shit-eating grin pissed you off to no end.
“What is it you want in exchange Vox?” You wanted to cut the bullshit and see what the cards had in store for you.
“Your loyalty, to us Vee’s”, he leant against the side of the elevator eyeing you up. Your loyalty?
“My loyalty? What does that entail?”
His grin grew menacingly – his screen glitched red for a second as his eye started to warp again. Pushing yourself back against the other wall you glared up at him, ready to start shrieking again you both were surprised by the door opening and an aggravated Velvette snarling at you both.
“The fuck happened to you?” Thank Lucifer for Velvette! Pushing off against the wall you quickly made your way off the elevator to relative safety. You nearly made it till a cold hand clutched at your wrist as you were fully out of the elevator. Peeking at the TV Demon over your shoulder his expression was much more relaxed than a moment ago, but a mischievous glint danced in his eyes.
“Enjoy your shower, Y/n. We will see you after it, we have much to discuss” he crooned at you. Smirk growing when your gaze narrowed. Yanking your wrist out of his grip you stepped away. Winking as he disappeared when the elevator doors shut you released a nervous breath. Facing the other Overlord who was eyeing you up, displeased with what she was seeing she tutted at you.
“You gotta learn to step away when things go boom babe, blood is not kind to your clothes! Come on, lets get you cleaned up”, she slips her hand into yours pulling you through a living room and into a massive bathroom. Wait … she’s not gonna clean you right?
Tag List:
@tasha-1994  @azullynxx  @reath-solia @leathesimp @klorinda
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scribblesofagoonerr · 7 months
Turmoil of events...
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This update might be a bit all over the place. I'm still ill, but I had a spark to write, even if it doesn't make much sense at all.
Credit to @alotofpockets for the idea on this update; I am very grateful for her help!
⟫ part 1
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After being sick for five days, it became apparent that having the flu was not enjoyable. You spent most of the week confined to your bed, wrapped in blankets, with a noticeable pile of used tissues beside you. You felt cold one moment and hot the next, shivering uncontrollably.
You had been feeling completely miserable. However, the good news was that you were starting to feel better just in time for the training session ahead of the away game against Bristol.
Although, your team's mothers held differing opinions on the matter.
"Maybe you should take a few more days to recover" Beth suggests, shaking her head. "I still don't think this is a good idea" she adds.
"Why? I feel better now" It's not a complete lie. You do feel better, although you're still slightly sniffling and your head is pounding a little bit too much. Overall, you did feel better than previously.
"I just don't think it's a good idea" Beth says, pursing her lips and turns to look at Viv, seeking her input.
The Dutch shakes her head in agreement and adds, "There's no harm in taking extra time to feel better. You don't want to push yourself and make yourself worse" she tells you.
You try your best to resist the urge to inwardly groan at the two of them, "Seriously? Come on. I'll be fine! I have to get back into the squad-- You know that the nations league games are coming up soon so I need to get minutes" You know that it's important to play; you can't be sidelined instead.
"There'll be plenty of chances for that" Viv tells you with a frown, but she can't help but be concerned about how much you've been pushing yourself.
"I can't be sidelined, I need minutes!" You exclaim before you storm off to finish getting ready for training.
"That kid is..." Beth begins to speak.
"Stubborn" Viv finishes the blondes' sentence.
Beth can't help but chuckle slightly, "Well, that's one word for it now, huh?" she jokes.
"If you're talking about Y/N, then she's definitely stubborn," Laura chips in, amusedly, as she appears in the kitchen. "What happened this time?" she wonders.
"Y/N wants to go to training apparently" Beth exhales a sigh and shakes her head. "It's a bad idea" she states.
"It's definitely a bad idea" Laura replies in agreement with the blonde, she knew how stubborn you could be at times.
"Well, hopefully Jonas will realise that's not ready to be playing in the game yet" Viv tells them as she exhales a sigh.
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Apparently, Y/N had done an excellent job of persuading Jonas and the coaching staff that she was fit to play. Therefore, it was not surprising when she secured a spot in the starting eleven for the upcoming game.
This game is significant as Viv is set to return to the pitch, being subbed on during the second half.
"Oh dear" Beth mumbles as she shook her head.
Viv exhales a sigh, "This is not good" she states.
"I'm glad to see that Y/N is feeling better. It'll be good to have her in the starting lineup," Steph says as she looks over to where Kyra and Y/N are joking around on the bus.
"Except that she's not better. We told her she should take more time, but you know what Y/N is like..." Beth remarks.
"Stubborn" Steph pipes in, amusedly.
Beth and Viv both nod in agreement with the woman.
Jen furrows her eyebrows, "You mean she's still sick? I can't see this going well then" she confesses.
"It really isn't going to" Beth exhales a sigh.
"We can't get involved though and decide things for her, or she'd be upset with us for that" Viv states knowingly.
"Yeah, you're right there, Viv" Beth replies in agreement with her girlfriend as she looks over at you, realising that she couldn't say anything and sway the decision or it would backfire on her.
"Cheater!" Y/N shouts aloud, glaring at the australian girl sat opposite her. "Stop cheating!" You protest.
"How am I a cheat? You can't even cheat at Uno!" Kyra delcares with a smug smirk on her face.
"Easy there Y/N, it's just a game now" Laura states, amusedly, although she isn't playing, she's joined all of you on the coach to the game to watch it.
"Nah! Kyra's cheating!" You continue to scowl at the girl while crossing your arms.
"How did I?" Kyra's smug look was starting to annoy you even more.
"You know you did-- You looked at my cards!" You break out into a sudden loud cough as you get worked up, shooting further glares at the 21-year-old.
"You want some water for that cough?" Laura wonders, concerned.
"I'm fine!" You shake your head in protest.
"I thought you said you were better--" Kyra's words are cut off.
"I am, I'm totally fine. It's just a tickle!" You protest, shaking your head as you try and avoid coughing again.
The rest of the girls' don't seem so convinced about it as Kyra and you continue to play uno, under the watchful eye of the rest of the girls.
"Kyra! Stop cheating!" You shout aloud, fed up off the girl constantly cheating with the game and trying to look at your cards.
"Less of the bickering now children" Katie chips in as she laughs, shaking her head from where she sits beside Caitlin.
"There's only one actual child here" You remark, continuing to cross your arms and scowl at the Aussie girl in front of you.
"What's going on?" Alessia wonders, glancing at the two of you confused as she sits in front with Vic.
"Kyra is being a massive cheat!" You exclaim aloud, pointing your finger in the girls' direction accusingly.
"Sure, go and tattle. That's real mature of you kid" Kyra states, smirking cockily.
"Says the 21-year-old whos' acting immature" You remark as the girls all watch you and Kyra bicker amusedly.
"You're being dramatic, Y/N. It's just a game now" Kyra states doing everything in her that she can to wind you up.
"KYRA!" You lunge towards the older girl.
"Y/N!" Kyra shouts back.
"Girls, they're fighting again. Might want to sort that out?" Katie jokes glancing between Beth, Viv and Steph as she watches the two of you almost attempt to wrestle with eachother.
"Kyra, cut it out. Stop winding Y/N up" Steph scolds the younger Aussie girl.
"Kyra, stop winding Y/N up" Steph scolds the younger Aussie girl.
"Y/N you need to calm down, it's just a game. Take it easy" Beth scolds, shaking her head. "Viv, would you talk to her? She'll listen to you" she turns to her girlfriend for help.
"Y/N" Viv scolds you with a knowing firm look
"Sorry" Both you and Kyra apologise after being told off like 2 misbehaved kids, at least you had an excuse that you were an actual kid.
"Handled it like a pro there, girls" Katie jokes with them.
"Well, we've got a few years experience, eh?" Beth remarks to the Irish women.
"It's like I'm permanently babystting" Steph huffs and rolls her eyes. "Caitlin, it's your turn next!" she insists to the fellow Aussie, while the rest of the girls just laugh.
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At first the warm-up is going successful, you run with the rest of the girls to warm up and try and obtain the energy needed, you're feeling good and motivated about the game.
It's going well until it's not...
You can't help but wobble slightly as there's a light pounding in the back of your head, you just put it down to dehydration instead rather than the after-effects of illness instead.
"You alright, Y/N?" Lia notices you stumble slightly and frowns.
"I... I'm good" You're crouching over slightly as you feel out of breath but you try and play it off like its' nothing instead.
"You're sure?" Lia checks in as she's not too keen to give up on the conversation yet.
"Oh yeah I'm great, I'm totally fine" You insist as you try and push off the terrible feeling that you felt looming; You couldn't afford to miss this game due to illness.
"Y/N..." Lia still doesn't look totally convinced, but she knows better than to try and push you.
"I'm fine, really Lia... Uh huh, yep I'm cool" You nod and quickly run off in the opposite direction to avoid any further questions and concerns.
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"Okay, kid. This is it, your time to shine!" Katie's enthusiastic voice comes from behind you in the lineup. "Are you ready for this?" she asks.
You were reluctant to acknowledge that your headache was intensifying. The throbbing sensation in your temple caused you to tightly shut your eyes, and the noise emanating from the crowd only made it worse.
It's worth mentioning that your throat feels somewhat scratchy again. However, you have to play in this game, so you pretend it's nothing and that you're fine.
"I was born ready, let's go!" You cheer and try to be like your usual upbeat self, but never mind how terrible you still feel.
"Let's go girls!" Kim exclaims, leading the team onto the pitch alongside the Bristol team.
As you walk out to the pitch with the rest of your team, you try to keep up the facade of looking happy. You attempt to block out the pounding feeling in your temple, knowing that you only have to make it through 90 minutes before you can finally flop down and fall asleep once again.
As soon as the whistle blows and the game starts, you get your first touch on the ball and begin racing all over the pitch. Despite fighting off the flu, you don't give Bristol a chance to gain possession of the ball.
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It all happened too quickly for you to realise what is happening at that moment. The team is 2-1 ahead of Bristol when everything went wrong.
You went to intercept the ball, a simple move that you had done plenty of times. Suddenly, as you got your toe on the ball, ready to pass it in the direction of Alessia, you felt a sudden pop in your knee, followed by a sharp pain that felt excruciating.
"Agh!" You scream as you fall down onto the pitch in agony.
"Y/N!" Beth is the first to crouch beside you, concern spread across her face. "What's happened?" she questions, worriedly.
The sound of the whistle echoes through the stadium as the girls rush to your side to check on you; the noise is suddenly silent as the crowd of fans watches on in despair as Arsenal's wonder kid falls down on the pitch.
"What hurts-- What's happened?" Katie asks, concerningly as she joins you on the other side.
The tears well up in your eyes as you clutch your knee to stop the pain, "My knee... It's my knee!" You exclaim, letting out a sound of whimpering. "I heard it... I heard the pop!" You add.
"It's okay, Y/N. Don't panic; everything is going to be fine" Viv says as she quickly comes to your side. She had been subbed on to replace Alessia, but you couldn't help but feel awful. This was supposed to be Viv's comeback, her return to the pitch after her ACL injury, and instead, you selfishly took the spotlight away from her.
You could see the girls exchanging looks as they signalled for medics. It's at that moment that you realise you have made a grave mistake. Even though nobody spoke, it was clear that the situation was not good.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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lovinpelova · 8 months
try it out | j. fleming
summary; if jessie likes your hobbies, you should like hers.
🎵 jackie and wilson - hozier
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since you were a little kid you've loved lego, it's just common for children to adore it and want as much as possible until they reach a certain age and decide to throw it out instead of letting it grow dusty on their shelves. you were the opposite to other kids, keeping up with the so-called obsession and spending a fair amount of money on it, hating the idea of making new things yourself and opting to stay with the sets lego would release often. your favourite type of lego set to build was the cars, they were just so cute and didn't take up too much of your day, giving you something to focus on and use to calm down in your free time.
jessie loved your adoration of lego. she found it adorable how you'd get excited when you saw a new set you wanted and bought it almost immediately after a moment of contemplation about the price, the canadian knowing you'd always end up getting it anyways. she'd bought you a new lego set for christmas, a massive white porsche 911 that clearly wouldn't have been cheap due to the size, you complained about the inevitable price but she waved you off with the claim of your smile being worth much more when you saw it and thanked her.
now you were finally getting around to building it and would need help no matter how much you hated to admit it. the bigger sets always got the best of you and you'd either do it wrong or be unable to find a piece you needed, so jessie decided to help out. it was going well so far, sitting comfortably on the living room floor as she'd help you put pieces in place and hand you the odd one you were struggling to find, other than that she would sit and watch in awe as you concentrated more than she'd ever seen- even in training you'd never been this focused.
"since i'm helping you with your hobby, would you wanna try one of mine when we've finished this?"
you looked up momentarily to figure out what she meant before going back to pushing the lego pieces together, finally understanding jessie's question.
"as long as it's not hockey or photography, you know how i am with those two."
"don't worry babe, it's neither of them. i was thinking maybe you'd wanna try painting for the first time?"
jessie handed you a lego piece you were struggling to find for the next step, yourself smiling in thanks and leaning over to kiss her cheek softly as you took it out of her hand.
"yeah, why not? i am pretty bad at painting though, just to warn you."
"you're only bad at painting if you're not fully focused. you'll have me to help out too!"
after another couple hours of piecing together your new lego set you'd finally finished it, looking down in pride alongside jessie as you high-fived to celebrate finally being able to get rid of the hip cramp from how you were sat.
"okay, you go find a place for that whilst i get the stuff for painting yeah?"
"okay baby."
you smiled in response before setting off upstairs and finding your lego shelf, having to move a few things about before you could fit the massive model. looking at it in pride one last time, you set off downstairs to find jessie laying out paints and brushes alongside two canvases next to each other, the canadian opting to sit across from you rather than next to you so you wouldn't get paint on each other.
"oh this is gonna be fun!"
you stated excitedly as jessie grinned at your enthusiasm for her hobby, glad you share an aptitude in exploring each others interests. you sat down across from jessie and picked up a pencil like she did, noticing the small smile she wore once she realised you were copying her in fear of doing anything wrong.
"what are we painting then?"
your question sent jessie deep into thought for a moment as she looked around the room for ideas.
"oh! i've got it. how about we paint what we think the other would be if we were animals but don't tell each other? you know, like a guessing game."
"that's such a cute idea! i'm not sure how i'm gonna draw my animal though."
"just google a picture, you'll be fine baby."
you grabbed your phone and googled 'moose' to remember what they even look like, realising you'd gotten yourself into trouble choosing this animal but it was too late now. you stood your canvas up on the small easel jessie had brought over for you just like she did with her own, making sure she couldn't see when you drew the first couple lines and it immediately went wrong. deciding to commit and feeling it might get better as you draw more, you continued the outline of your moose and it gradually got better, it wasn't the best but it was certainly a lot easier to make out than when you first started a couple minutes ago.
once you'd finished with your outline you grew weary of the painting part, knowing you'd have to get it over and done with otherwise you'd be drawing instead. you grabbed the colours you needed and set them out on a small palette, getting to work on painting the moose and being surprised by how easy it was, deciding to even paint in the background as one that looks like the boreal forest in canada whenever it snowed. jessie was finishing up her painting by now and seemed very proud of it just the same as you, adding a couple finishing touches and putting down her paintbrush a couple minutes before yourself.
"you ready?"
she asked as you stood up in front of your canvases, nodding your head in response. eager to show your work and getting a nod from jessie once she saw your excitement, you turned around your easel and watched her jaw drop in amazement.
"oh my god, baby that's the most beautiful painting i've ever seen. and you think i'm a moose! god i love you so much, you're so good at this!"
"it's mediocre, jess- and of course i think you're a moose! they're all you ever talk about. i need to see what animal i am though, the suspense is killing me."
jessie snapped out of her amazement and grinned down at her painting for a moment before spinning the easel around, showing you a stunning painting of an elephant in the african outback, a beautiful sunset along the background.
"before you take it wrong, i chose an elephant because you're so gentle and caring. you know how nice they can be."
jessie shyly explained as you grinned in appreciation, admiring the painting for a couple more moments before stepping forwards and pulling her into a soft kiss.
"it's almost as beautiful as you jess."
"alright playboy, stop trying to flatter me just so you can get my art for free."
"oh i had to pay hm?"
you teased, jessie nodding her head in response as you smiled at each other and turned towards your paintings.
"of course, artwork like that doesn't come for free. i reckon around three hundred quid."
"i'm selling mine for that amount too, maybe we can swap and call it even?"
"good idea, i want your signature too though."
you quickly grabbed a pencil and signed your painting in a blank area, jessie doing the same with hers as you swapped paintings and shook each others hands.
"pleasure doing business with you."
"but of course."
the brunette laughed with you and leaned forward for a soft kiss, both of you pulling away not long after to clear up all the paints and brushes before looking around the house for a perfect spot. you eventually found one right above your shared bed, the moose being hung up above jessie's side and elephant hung up above yours, like a little inside joke.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
looking for your favorites 3 (sagau)
synopsis !! they can't possibly be your favorite character. . . right?
characters !! wanderer, scaramouche, chongyun, abyss prince aether, razor
note !! EVERYTHING WAS WRITTEN IN MY FREETIME bit by bit, hence why it sometimes sounds a little off i guess? i tried to fix it as much as i could ++ I'm honestly not sure if I can continue writing for the og sagau concept, I keep twisting it into something else eeh- heheheh
contains !! gn reader, mild religious themes, honestly the sagau concept is a little everywhere in this one, i couldnt seem to settle on one type, spoilers on sumeru's archon quest, scaramouche/wanderer spoilers
• • •
A Genshin Player typically has a variety of characters to choose from. Such options can range from free-to-play characters to limited five stars. Regardless of how much one invested in the game, they're bound to have at least a handful of options.
This is what all characters are aware of— that they are options among hundreds to thousands of vision holders across Teyvat, with every character being special and enticing in their own way.
There's no way they could be the favorite.
He doesn't quite know who he is.
He doesn't understand what his purpose is either.
He just wanders, lost, nation to nation in hopes of maybe discovering a sense of fulfillment.
And with all the wandering he's done, he -of course- has heard about you. A special entity to this world. A small part of him wonders if you'd know the answers to his questions (or perhaps, you could make use of him? If he could be useful to someone like you, then surely he would feel fulfilled?).
Despite his quiet hopes, he wasn't in any rush to find you. Nor did he hope for you to actually make use of him. He just continued wandering, from the mountains of Liyue to the forests of Sumeru— all the way to where he is now. The barren desert, with nothing but sand for miles and miles to see (and perhaps that rather intimidating, flipped pyramid at a distance).
Needless to say, he wasn't expecting you of all people to follow his tracks out into the desert.
At first you were just a spech amongst the sands, then you became clearer with your approach, showing more and more the familiar features he once saw in passing amongst statues or paintings.
When you were finally within hearing distance, you raised a hand as if to call out his name, hesitating for a moment before deciding what to say—
He tilts his head, pausing to face you as you walk closer. The sand around you stills, as if no longer fighting against every footstep you take, and instead assisting you to come closer.
"You are. . . the one this world was created for, right?" He asks unsure as soon as you were close enough
"I suppose I am?" You reply with a laugh, and he finds that he quite likes your laugh. "I tried looking for you, I'm glad I caught up before you got too deep into the desert."
"You tried looking for me. . ? Why?"
"Because how could I visit Teyvat without meeting you?" You smile softly. He looks away, it doesn't make sense.
"Meeting me, huh. . . then may I ask for a favor?"
"Anything you want."
His eyes catches yours -sunlight hitting them just right- and without missing a beat, "Can I be of use to you? Can you give me purpose?"
You freeze, hands to your side as you stare back at him. In truth, you were expecting something like this, but now? So soon on your first meeting? He looks back seriously.
"Sca– Wanderer," You begin, "You're doing this. . . to find out who you are, right?"
He nods. You sigh.
"Well. . . I know a friend back in the city who can help you. They're a traveler as well. In fact, you can say they're a friend of yours!"
"A friend of mine. . ?"
"Trust me. You'll love them. And shall we go back?"
Go back? He wonders. There's miles and miles of sand around you.
"It would be nightfall soon. I don't think we'd be able to make it back today. I'm sorry."
You turn to him, lips in a wide smile. There's something wrapped between your fingers as you hold it out for him to catch. He opens his palm, it settles down slowly— it's. . . an anemo vision. Glowing brightly.
"Why walk when we can fly?" You grin.
bonus :
"Don't you feel hot at all?" You whine, shielding your eyes from the glare of sunlight.
"I have a hat."
"I see. . . "
* It's conflicting, really. Scaramouche despises gods— their invisible influence taunting him like he was a defective product, like he should be ashamed to ever think he could stand on their level.
* You were... an oddity in his feelings towards such powerful beings. The world was made for you, catered to you, and people naturally adored you (just like how they adored the traveler you've shown your favor to).
* So when you, the being which his very world was created for your entertainment, landed in Teyvat, as human as any human could be— he didn't know what to expect.
* He didn't care. There are hundreds for you to meet, and he's not about to wait in line, dilly-dallying for your attention like a common peasant.
* But in the open halls of the Tsaritsa's palace, you approach with the quick pattering of your heels.
* The crowd of Fatui workers naturally part as soon as they noticed your approach. It's odd enough to hear that the player begged to go to Snezhnaya -land of nothing but barren snow- but to rush to Scaramouche's main headquarters? Unheard of!
* Yet there you were, face to face with a single option out of hundreds (the single option you chose).
"What in Teyvat are you. . ." He trails off, his face scrunched between irritation and shock. He doesn't know what to say, really. Would insulting you incur some sort of divine fury?
"I came looking for you!" You reply.
He thinks you're an idiot. He shouldn't call you that, right? Would it damn him to the abyss or something?
"Why. . ." He tries to form the words, "Why in Teyvat would you–" He pauses, looking around at the small crowd.
With a glare, the Fatui agents scatter away from the hall. It doesn't take much to scare them away like little rats. As he turns back to you, you look back unafraid, if not a little excited.
"Why are you here? Do you pity me, is that it?" He asks with a bite to his voice.
"I– what? So you admit it?" He scoffs, is there a limit to your shamelessness? Is this a trait natural to the gods? "Unbelievable."
"I pity you, everything you went through, but that's not the reason why I'm here! Isn't it obvious?" You say, a wide grin beginning to form, "You're my absolute favorite!"
He freezes. What? Absolutely. . . favorite?
As if understanding his speechlessness, you continue on, "I've been wanting to meet you since the very first event– ahem, first time I saw you!"
"You truly are an odd one." He mumbles under his breath because why him? Why the one who was abandoned and used numerous times? He's merely a puppet without a heart.
An empty vessel.
"And why should I believe you?" He says unconvincingly, arms folded. He notices the little chatter behind the walls, those darn recruits are listening in.
"Why would I be here if you're not my favorite?" You quip back.
He scoffs, "I don't know, but there's certainly something wrong with you in the head. You're not exactly what I expected."
"If you were expecting a certain level of power, then I could still do that. I can give you gifts."
". . . gifts?" He tilts his head.
"Artifacts, weapons, talents— they're all for you since the very beginning anyway!"
Artifacts, weapons. . . power? He thinks. Truly, if you were such an ultimate being, you could provide him anything? As if pondering over it, he suddenly pauses.
Yes, indeed you could give him these things.
But why him?
Because of favorites?
How could he be favored when he was once thrown away.
". . . Can you give me a gnosis?" He says, voice uncharacteristically soft.
"Um. . . we'll work on that. Maybe on the later arcs."
* Despite modern Liyue's sovereignty from gods, it's still a nation that values traditions and piety. It's natural that with your arrival, you only deserve the best!
* That included invites from some of the highest ranking nobles and guilds. It's no surprise that Xingqiu, the second son of the largest Commerce Guild, makes an appearance to greet you in the Jade Palace, his brother and parents already done with their turns.
* Xingqiu expected a lot from you, maybe discussions of the arts (or perhaps you're even interested in novels?). What he didn't expect was for you to ask such a random question.
"Oh Xingqiu! You're here! Ah– but where's Chongyun?"
He only pauses for a second. Chongyun may be the son of a longstanding exorcist clan, but they're not much to boast about in terms of influence or wealth. Chongyun is... well, Chongyun. His dear best friend.
"I apologize, I wasn't aware that you'd like to meet him as well. Chongyun should be. . . hmm around the harbor by now, perhaps." He stands straight from his bow, "We were planning on meeting after this, your Holiness, to look for haunted h— I mean, to stroll Wuwang Hill."
You already know what they're up to as you clasp your hands together.
"Excellent! I'll go with you!"
"Wait- what?"
* Oh poor Chongyun, he would be a frantic mess in disbelief. It was hard enough to believe that you suddenly went to Liyue, but to approach him of all people? Did you mistake him for someone else? Are you going to ask for directions? Did he do something wrong?
* The thoughts swirling around his head is enough to destabilize his yang energy as you helplessly reassure him that you're there because you want to meet him as soon as you could.
"Chongyun!" You rush up to him, arms wide in an embrace— the cryo allogene freezes in place, stares with his cat-like eyes in wonder because wait, wait, wait– is the one and only controller of this world approaching him for a hug?
"I- Wait, me?" He stutters, tumbling over his words as you smile. His arms are awkwardly raised, unsure if he should hug you back.
"Yes! I met Xingqiu a while back and was wondering why you weren't with him."
"You- you were looking for me?"
"Of course I have! I've always wanted to meet you in person like this!"
As you squeeze him in your arms, you feel him go limp as his face turns red in heat.
"Oh no! His yang energy!"
Aether knew he was damned. The minute he resolved to see through everything till the end, despite everyone thinking otherwise, he knew no one would understand why he decided to do this.
Alone, is how he decided to do this. So he sits lonely on a throne in the nave of what seems to be a dark cathedral. The walls depicting menacing murals of an era where everything went wrong. The abyss mages that normally float in worship are no where to be seen, just the way he wanted it.
Until you appeared, the little soft patter of footsteps echoing down his aisle, the heavy doors moving back to reveal your underwhelming entrance. He sees you and he wonders if he expected you to come, to blame him or get angry because how could he stray so far from his oh-so-favored sister, Lumine.
Yet, you walk up to him with a look of what seems to be sorrow.
"Are you here to blame me?" He asks and his voice echoes against cavernous walls.
"Blame you? No. . ." You reply.
"Then do you pity me?"
"Aether, I just want to understand." You confidently say, finally by the foot of his throne. He doesn't feel comfortable looking down on you like this, not you, so he stands to approach your eye level.
"Shouldn't you already understand?" He questions, curious.
"I— don't. . . I don't know everything there is to this world."
Aether frowns. Maybe because he was hoping that you of all people -mortal or god- would understand why he's doing this.
"That isn't my problem. There are bigger things for me to think about." He turns away and just before he could take the first step;
"I don't know everything about this world but if it's you– then I want to understand. I'm sure you have your reasons. I trust you more than anything."
He pauses, face in wonder, because how could you trust someone so blindly?
With an exhale and a decision made, he turns to you, "Then follow me. If you want to understand why, then stay with me."
It was a classic welcome— arriving in Mondstadt, touring around the city, greeting the characters you've always wanted to meet. Despite their initial formalities and decorum, you've managed to tone down the professionalism and started to treat each other as friends.
That didn't mean they weren't very open to the idea of you meeting the less. . . civil of the bunch.
"I'd like to visit Wolvendom." You tell the small group. It's another day in the city, enjoying drinks by the taverns under the sun. Lucky for you, the Cavalry Captain and the Outrider have their time off to enjoy with you.
"Oh? Is there a reason why?" Kaeya leans back, head tilted.
"To be honest. . . I wanted to visit Razor. I'm sure you know him!"
Truth be told, you just wanted to meet a certain good wolf cub hidden in the woods. While everyone has went out of their way to meet you, Razor kept to himself in Wolvendom. Perhaps he was too intimidated by the crowds pouring into Mondstadt, or maybe he just wasn't familiar about you, but Razor was nowhere to be seen since your arrival.
". . . Razor?" Kaeya says hesitantly, "Hmm while I have no problem with you going to Wolvendom to meet him, there is another issue. . ."
"What issue?"
"The knights decided not to let you meet Razor," Amber quips in, "I mean– It's not that there's anything bad about him, it's just that he hasn't learned his manners yet. We thought it might be disrespectful if he met you so soon."
"Disrespectful?" You voice out in shock.
"Of course we know that you're not strict about that now! But I guess we never clarified the situation with Razor. . "
You huff, standing up tall with new resolve, "That's it! We're going out to find Razor and give him the biggest hug ever!"
"We are?" They echo back in unison.
"Yes we are!" You hook both your arms around theirs, dragging them out the gates of Mondstadt.
ko-fi support || general m.list
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witchinatree · 1 month
i have posted a LOT about the issues i had with season 4 of TUA but i'm going to say everything i've been thinking right here right now. i cannot get this shit out of my head.
i think a lot of it ties back to the flaws i noticed in season 3, they tried to take on too much and abandoned the previous storylines that were waiting for them (viktor's traumatic relationship with leonard, five's trauma in general, lila's parents dying because of five, DAVE, etc etc) and we were all expecting them to tie it all together in season 4
instead they just.. added more..???? jennifer and abigail were thrown in late season 3 and were just suddenly supposed to be super important to us (they were not.) the subway that takes you to other timelines (objectively cool as fuck, why is this only introduced in the last season of The Timeline Show)
and i'm still really upset that reginald is an alien because it makes no fucking sense. i always assumed he created the mystery 43 babies (why else would he seek them out and already have a plan for them) but the alien route was.. ill-fitting. i think it would've worked better if he fell in love with abigail, who was an alien and created marigold, and then his hubris and curiosity was what unleashed it into the world and doomed the timeline. "sure this mystery chemical destroyed the planet my wife is from but i'm reginald hargreeves so that won't happen to me!" [happens to him] also i wish abigail was not just used as "see! abuser not so bad! abuser have wife! he love wife :]" because. what. and then her weird complaints about reginald in episode 6 that came out of nowhere confused me. they just should've written her entirely different if they were gonna have her at all
AAALSO i hated that they regressed all of the characters back to how they were in season 1 (or worse??). luther was living in the old umbrella academy building because apparently he will never leave it?? after everything?? diego's life was different but he was still doing this weird job shit (discount batman and mail carrier are the same thing) and he was miserable with his loving wife and kids (who ARE you.). allison's husband left her again (what the hell raymond) and she was still the neglectful single mother of claire?? after EVERYTHING I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THAT BUT GOD. klaus actually had something going for him, if only his recovery wasn't made into a joke, and then he relapsed and got kidnapped and was just very.. season 1 klaus.. but with no ghost ben anymore. five.. eugh. he was not season 1 five he was just NotFive. crazy how they had a magnus archives crossover and just brought in NotThem to take five am i right guys. ben's also different because it's not the same ben from season 1 but they just made him really fucking mean. like worse than season 3 because there wasn't that underlying "please i just want to be loved" thing. crypto bro ben was funny as fuck though. and VIKTOR just fucked off by himself after working so hard to be part of the family again. glad he got to transition and become canada's #1 manslut but jesus, just abandoned everything you did to be part of the family huh.
my vision for the ending of TUA would go something like this
ending of season 3, pretty much the same but they all have their powers and reginald's head getting sliced in half did not reveal him to be some alien freak. also at some point abigail would have been introduced. i don't feel like rewriting season 3 too okay i'm cutting corners.
luther finds sloane when he goes back to where the umbrella academy building used to be, but it's now a very lovely apartment that the two of them live in together. they host all of the family gatherings for sentimental and space reasons. i think luther would explore the stripper idea but decide not to follow it because of sloane. sloane would be fine with it but luther would still get worried.
diego and lila live in the same house somewhat nearby. lila's family (they do get to be alive but lila does have to overcome the trauma of losing them while simultaneously getting them back) are their neighbors, it was the compromise they came to because diego wanted their house to be their space but lila wanted her family close. they have three kids who are each loved and names get to be in the fucking show. (looking at you mystery twin. grace and coco (?) didn't really get much attention either). they have a big backyard that the kids all play in together when they're visiting
allison and ray are still together and they have claire (maybe another kid...) they also live somewhat nearby the rest of the umbrella family because i refuse to let them separate. i don't have much to say about them other than RAY DID NOT WALK OUT ON HER.
klaus and dave live in allison and ray's neighborhood. maybe they adopted a kid? maybe they didn't? i think their family would be really cute either way. klaus is still overcoming his addiction and dave supports him through it. it's not made into a joke and actually gives klaus a lot of depth and emotional moments. also just in general dave meeting the rest of the family would be really really sweet
five gets to retire. he lives with viktor in my mind. full circle on viktor being the person who always waited for him and offered him a place to stay after he got home in season 1. five would not actually be getting a retirement pay because he has never had a real job so he's just vik's roommate now. he could have a romance plotline with a woman working at the department store down the street named delores. she looks familiar.
ben lives alone and works at a tech company? honestly i don't know what i would do with him in the pre-plot but it would not be put him in jail?? me personally. i think he would probably move further away than everyone else but stay close enough so he could visit sloane sometimes. he still feels like an outsider but doesn't know how to tell the umbrellas he wants to be their brother now
and viktor lives with sissy harlan and five (previously mentioned). his transition gets to actually be explored (PLEASE.), harlan is in therapy, and sissy is a strong working woman!! again i don't really know what to do with him pre-plot. just know he's the happiest he's ever been!!!
and just in general, a lot of this happiness from all of them comes from their powers and that they can finally be one big happy family together (whether ben likes it or not). setting up the inherent tragedy that comes with perfection
episode 1 opens by showing everything i just explained, the tragedy of getting everything you want or whatever the title was. their powers are still integral to their lives. they're either tied to their careers (luther would probably be like a wrestler or something again, diego could try police work again because i want that to be explored) or other aspects of their existence (allison still finds herself doubting how much of her life is real, klaus' relapses are always caused by his trauma surrounding ghosts, five sometimes space jumps when he wants to be alone [also i think he could feel some sort of shame/guilt because he lives with viktor and can't really contribute much without the commission. not really his fault though because of his insanely fucked timeline], ben uses the squid to carry things or grab things that are far away, and viktor plays the violin to help him remind himself that he is in control of his power now, and he won't end the world again)
the main conflict starts when ben meets a new woman named jennifer and shakes her hand when introducing himself (starting the marigold/durango reaction that builds very slowly throughout the season.) it could be romantic but i think it's just devestating. they're slowly realizing they're losing everything they worked so hard for because of something they can't control
yadda yadda yadda figuring shit out while also having conflicts in their life from the earlier seasons and it culminates in the old umbrella academy building, viktor is the only person who can remove the durango and marigold from ben and jennifer and save the world. he finally gets to be the hero, be the one to stop the end of the world instead of cause it, but he needs to take the marigold from each of the siblings in order to balance the amount of durango jennifer had (no idk why he would let the other like 30 something marigold kids keep theirs i really don't know how to fix that. why would they do this to me)
each of the siblings have to give up part of their lives, part of their identities, and it's hard for them!!! they struggle a lot to agree to do it!!! and it's also harder for them because they don't know if viktor will survive doing this. but he's the only one who can? is his life more important than the existence of everything and everyone? ultimately, they all give up their marigold, and viktor takes all of it and the durango to save everyone. it cancels itself out and stops the cleanse reaction, and i think it would kill viktor (but it doesn't have to). we see that same clip of the 'perfect world' but they get to be in it. they were never the problem. lila and diego play in the park with their kids. allison ray and claire are walking together. klaus and dave are talking on a bench. luther and sloane are carrying a large basket of food. ben and five are helping them set up the picnic. harlan is sitting in the grass with sissy next to him. each of the adults have a small violin tattoo on their wrists. their lives will never be as perfect as they were before, but they can finally just rest and move on. because it was never their fault.
also reginald dies. fuck that guy
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seiya-starsniper · 10 months
hello hello i see you're open to prompts 👀
how about #20"I'm just going to lie right here" for dreamling (or any ship you prefer 👀)
happy writing, my dear 💜✨️
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HEY SO REMEMBER THIS PROMPT YOU SENT ME FIVE MONTHS AGO??? Apparently it took me getting another prompt to finally come up with an idea for it, so I've gone and combined the two 😄💖 Gentle Prompts Here and Soft Prompts Here (I'll still accept prompts from both because I am a fluff machine)
Hob knows something is wrong as soon as his roommate enters their shared apartment and slams the door behind him.
“Morph? You all right?” Hob calls out, pausing his movie and turning to the entryway where Morpheus is angrily pulling off his shoes and shoving his coat onto the hooks. He also practically slams his keys down into the tray on the side table by the door, and Hob winces at the loud clang that echoes through the apartment. He considers asking Morpheus again if he’s all right, but decides to let his moody roommate come to him instead. 
Something is definitely very wrong if his roommate is making this much noise. Morpheus Endless is normally so quiet of a roommate that Hob doesn’t always notice when the other man is even in the apartment at the same time as him. Morpheus was so silent and unassuming that Hob had felt like he was being haunted by a ghost rather than living with a real person the first few months they started living together. Hob would be jump-scared in his own kitchen simply by turning around and finding Morpheus there right behind him. He had no idea another person could walk so quietly. The worst time had been in the bathroom, when Hob had accidentally squirted half a tube of toothpaste all over the other man’s black shirt. From that point forward, Morpheus had started knocking along the walls wherever he walked, so that Hob would know where he was at any given moment.
Still, the pale man was an ideal roommate otherwise, if not a little socially awkward at times. On top of his eerily quiet nature, it had taken months for Hob to get Morpheus to even say more than five words to him whenever they were in the same room together. Hob had first thought Morpheus was just disinterested in being friendly all together, but then one night, like a cat, his roommate peeked his head out of his room to the smell of Hob cooking dinner. Hob has since learned to let Morpheus come to him, instead of trying to impress on the man himself.
Hob’s efforts seem to now be paying off, for instead of stomping off to his bedroom to sulk about whatever it is, Morpheus instead makes his way over to the couch and plants himself directly in front of Hob’s line of vision. Hob tries to give his best reassuring smile as he stares up at the pale man.
“Bad day?” Hob asks gently. “I’m happy to listen, if you’d like. Looks like you could use a hug too.”
Morpheus doesn’t answer, he simply sways somewhat unsteadily for a few moments, before he practically collapses onto the couch. The only problem is, Hob is still very much sitting on said couch, and instead of aiming for the empty spot next to him, Hob instead finds himself with an armful of gangly limbs and untamed hair. 
“Oof,” Hob grunts as he takes on the unexpected weight. Hug it is, then. Morpheus isn’t heavy by any means, but it still takes a moment for Hob to adjust to having what is effectively an oversized cat suddenly in his lap. Hob eventually manages to wiggle his arms out from under Morpheus, before wrapping them around the pale man and pulling him against his chest. Morpheus immediately takes the cue and buries his face in Hob’s shoulder, shaking like a leaf and failing to keep his breathing even.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, it’s all right,” Hob soothes, rubbing at Morpheus’s back. His roommate is freezing from the cold weather outside, but he’s quickly warming up the longer Hob holds him.
Hob doesn’t know what it is that’s upset Morpheus so much, but whatever it is, he’s glad that his roommate isn’t trying to deal with it alone, that they’ve come far enough in their friendship (though Morpheus has yet to call him a friend at this point) for him to show Hob this vulnerable side of him. 
The only downside to this is that this newfound vulnerability is doing absolutely nothing to help Hob’s teeny tiny, absolutely miniscule crush on his roommate. But that’s neither here nor there. Hob tucks the yearning feelings that arise from their newfound intimacy quietly behind his ribs and focuses all his energy into comforting Morpheus instead. 
“Do you…want to talk about it?” Hob asks Morpheus. 
A soft inhale. Then a shake of the head against his shoulder. The motion alerts Hob to the fact that his shoulder is damp, and the realization makes his heart lurch up into his throat. He wants to go out and find whoever or whatever it is that’s upset Morpheus so much and give them an introduction to his fists.
“Okay…” Hob continues, taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down. He’s here for comfort, not to be a white knight. “That’s fine, we don’t need to get into it. Uhm…can I readjust though? This position’s a bit uncomfortable.”
There’s a short pause, and then eventually, Hob feels Morpheus nod against his shoulder.  
Moving Morpheus is a fairly easy task. If Hob didn’t know any better, he’d think his roommate had been replaced by some sort of mannequin from the way he lets Hob manhandle him so easily. He seems to be mostly aware of what’s happening, which is good, but it’s clear he’s no in any sort of headspace for conversation just yet.
Eventually, Hob is able to rearrange them so that he’s lying with his back resting on the arm of the couch, and Morpheus is sprawled on top of him. Their legs are tangled together and Hob’s also thrown the large throw blanket over them for good measure. Morpheus, of course, reburies his head in Hob’s shoulder, and Hob takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around his roommate’s shoulders once more, rubbing soothing circle’s into the other man’s back.
“See, that’s better now, isn’t it?” Hob asks gently. “Nothing beats a good hug and a cuddle on the couch when you’ve had a bad day.”
Morpheus hums, but otherwise doesn’t offer any other sort of verbal reply. It’s a start.
“You can stay as long as you like,” Hob adds. “I’m just going to lay right here until you decide you want to move.”
“Then you’ll be here until tomorrow,” Morpheus croaks, his voice clearly cracked from crying.
Hob laughs and moves his hand up from Morpheus’s back to ruffle the man’s messy black hair. Morpheus groans in annoyance and bats his hand away, but otherwise does not move from his chin perch on Hob’s shoulder. Somehow, Morpheus's hair looks exactly the same.
“There you are,” Hob says, his voice fond. “Was starting to worry you’d gone mute on me.”
“No,” Morpheus says. “...I still don’t want to talk about it.”
“That’s fine,” Hob replies, then adds, “and we can stay here until tomorrow, really, if you like. But I will need to pee at some point.”
Morpheus huffs. “I suppose that is acceptable.”
“Can I tempt you with some food too?” Hob asks. “I’ll even feed it to you if you’d like.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Morpheus replies. “I can feed myself.”
“All right,” Hob says, shrugging and shifting himself into a more comfortable lying position. “Need anything else? Want to take a nap?”
Morpheus doesn’t answer for some time, and Hob almost thinks the man fell asleep on him already, but then his roommate readjusts his limbs as well and moves his body downwards until his head is resting on Hob’s chest. Hob wants to cry at how adorable he looks, at how right it feels that their bodies fit together so perfectly, like they were made for each other. 
“A nap sounds nice,” Morpheus finally replies, mumbling quietly into Hob’s chest. “And perhaps food when we wake up.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Hob agrees. He already knows he’s going to be ordering take-out for tonight, but come tomorrow, he’s going to make all of Morpheus’s favorite foods for the rest of his week. For the rest of his life, if he’d let him.
It doesn’t take terribly long for Morpheus to fall asleep on him, and Hob resists the urge to plant a kiss in the man’s hair, settling instead for gently rubbing at Morpheus’s back. Hob falls asleep not too long after his roommate, and when he dreams, he dreams of a home filled with warmth and joy and love.
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goodluckclove · 5 months
I've been meaning to say something. (100 follower hot take)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've had a nice day. Why don't you rest with me for a while? I made some chocolate chip cookies - with shortening instead of butter, so they're very soft and very chocolatey. I made way too many and they aren't my wife's favorite, so I could use some help in eating them.
You're probably a writer, right? Or maybe you think about how you could be. Browse the tags here, or on other social media platforms. Maybe you used to write stories as a kid. I bet those were fun. Teachers might've thought they were impressive, or they dissected them line by line until the words didn't make sense in your head anymore. Either way, if you're here you're probably here for a reason.
(rant alert)
I dipped a toe in online writing communities on and off. My last attempt was forty-five minutes scrolling through the writing hashtag on Youtube Shorts (so TikTok, I guess? I don't know). I didn't like it. I really didn't. The thing that sticks out the strongest in my mind is one particular video where a woman claims that every story needs a second act plot twist.
Huh? Every story? All of them? Why? Since when? Who are you? What qualifications do you have to make a statement like that?
That's the common thread that makes a lot of writing spaces very uncomfortable for me. Successful writers are really only successful in their genre and for the given moment, so they don't have that much objective authority in the craft. And yet I see a lot of people deciding the things that you can't do in writing. Or the things you have to do, and how you have to do them. It was so much of Writeblr at first glance that I almost dipped out once again. I didn't, though, and I'm glad I didn't because now I get to watch some of the next great storytellers from across the world grow and examine and forge their way forward.
No one can teach you how to write. No, that's not true. Teachers teach literacy. Handwriting. Typing maybe - do schools still teach typing? Let me try saying it in a different way - no one, not one single person on this goddamned planet, has the right to tell you how to make a story.
I was supposed to get my MFA in creative writing before my first breakdown. My uncle stayed in the program I was meant to be in, and a few years after I dropped out he graduated. Recently I had the thought to look up his thesis novella, and as I searched I found myself regretting my decision to leave school. If I stayed and got to develop my writing in an actual class, with other writers and a knowledgeable professor, how much further along would I be than where I am right now?
It was bad. His novella was terrible. It was so bad I had a small existential crisis for, like, three days. He spent so much money on years and years of professional education and came out with a truly soulless story that read as if you prompted an AI to write the next Great American Novel. So if you think you need a writing degree to be a legitimate author, it could help connections-wise, but it ultimately won't be the thing that does the work for you.
Not all advice I see online on writing is bad. I find the people who are able to capture the "I" statements of therapy and phrase advice as things that have worked for them, or things that they personally enjoy, to be fine. Some writing advice can spark inspiration.
But if someone is the type of person to boil every story down to troupes and cliches, and then immediately say that every story that uses the trait they don't like is automatically bad for everyone? I'm dropping the kindness for a second - that's trash. That's a trash take and I see far too many writers use it as a reason to stop before they begin.
I don't like whump. I say my reasons in previous posts if you go back through my blog. But you will never hear me say that any story with whump in it is bad, because I don't know that. You might prove me wrong. I am an adult human being and I have the humility to admit that I can like something I didn't expect to. I genuinely enjoy the direction of The Human Centipede (only the first one) and if you cringed just now that probably means you haven't seen it.
There are so many types of books and movies and plays and comics out there. To enjoy a specific genre is fine, to ignore the existence of everything else is a really, really, really odd thing to do. Maybe someone will hate your story because they think everything should be Neil Gaiman, and therefore have no way to understand your epistolary high-Western. You are not the wrong end of that situation just for existing.
And at there is a definite threshold on how many writing tips you can gather before they stop being useful. If you find them interesting, that's one thing. That's fine. But if the culture of creativity online has made you feel like you need to educate yourself on every possible angle before you can write a story, you are actively harming yourself.
Imagine taking the level of structure you put on yourself in that way and putting it on children playing pretend in the backyard. Oh, Susie, don't you know that it's overdone for your Kitsune have dead parents? Xyler, shouldn't you ask someone else before you decide how Spiderman would react to this? It would make no sense and they do not need it. Kids will make a whole world out of nothing and it's the most fucked thing in my heart that at some point they get access to Reddit and dipshits start insisting that's wrong.
They aren't wrong and you aren't either. Your favorite creative influencer can't tell you your story, strangers on the internet can't tell you your story, your teachers and loved ones can't tell you your story. They can influence it, but they can't write it honestly the way you can.
You do that. That's the thing you do.
Man that makes me upset. I can't tell you how to make a story, either. If anyone sends me asks for writing advice the most I'll do is say what I've done before hopping into your DMs and starting a direct conversation. it's so personal to each individual artist, and I'd like to think that the people selling these classes and software and promoting these platforms haven't thought about that before. Otherwise it does feel manipulative. If you have a willingness to practice and imagine and really experiment with the possibilities, you are ready to write your story.
And if it doesn't work? Try again. That's what you do.
Stephen King has written roughly a thousand books and maybe five of them have decent endings. He is unimaginably successful.
I'm rambling now. I think I got that out of my system. I was really worried to say this out of fear of being too weird or somehow reverse-gatekeeping so hard that it circles back into also being a bad thing. I've just spoken to a lot of people who I still think of throughout my day, and I truly ache for them to get past the fear of creation. Because it's worth it. It's worth it and it's fun, even when it's messy and you're tired.
Let it Be just came on. Beatles. I haven't listened to The Beatles in a long time. Feels a little apropos.
I love you, reader. Reader, Writer, Colleague. Take care of yourself. Especially the little you, still sitting there in the backyard of your soul, bathing in the sun with their bare feet in the damp earth.
Consider joining them, maybe.
146 notes · View notes
You're not good at keeping secrets from the boys. Turns out, Will isn't either.
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Pairing - Will Miller x female reader. Benny Miller, Santiago Garcia, Frankie Morales x female reader.
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - Brief allusion to sexual content. No cursing in this one!!
Word Count - 4.3k
Author's Note - hi lovelies. here's another triple frontier fic for you all!! i love writing these boys so much. we all know by now that i am a total will girly, so it's no surprise he takes the lead in this one. but all the boys are included - i can't leave them out <3. as always, if you have any specific requests or thoughts, send them over!! lots of love x
my other triple frontier fics - Tethered, Time, and Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Masterlist. Requests.
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“Baby, we gotta go!”
“Coming!” you yell, running down the stairs with a duffel bag in your hand. “Almost forgot my toothbrush.”
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t on your neck,” Will winks, nudging you with his shoulder.
“Shut up, Miller,” you tease, no real malice in your voice. You lean up to peck his lips gently, before he takes a step back.
“We can’t be late again. I can’t make up another excuse – last time was bad enough.”
“That was literally your fault! You were the one that couldn’t keep your hands off me, like some sort of teenage boy,” you laugh.
“It was the green dress’ fault, not mine. I don’t regret it,” he chuckles.
Will winks at you again before picking up your bags and walking outside to pack up the car.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Four days by the lake with your boys sounded like complete and utter bliss. When Frankie had suggested it, initially, everyone had laughed it off. Realistically, it wouldn’t work. You all struggle to plan a day off at the same time, never mind multiple. It sounded like a sweet little idea. Nothing more.
Then, life got stressful. Work was tough on everyone, families causing issues, deadlines looming – the mundane routine of every day wearing the five of you down. Eventually, it was Santiago that snapped.
“We’re going to that damn lake house,” he exclaimed one evening in Benny’s backyard. “I don’t care what we have to do. I don’t care if we all have to call in sick. We are going to the lake house.”
He looked around at his friends, expecting them to instantly shut him down. Instead, he was met with unanimous nods of agreement.
That was months ago. It was a logistical nightmare, working out your schedules to intertwine with each other, but you did it. You were ridiculously ready for four days of swimming, drinking, sunbathing and laughing with your favourite people in the entire world. It sounded like the well deserved break everyone needed.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Will’s warm palm meets the bare skin of your thigh as he drives. The roads are long and monotonous, but you don’t care. Everything is an adventure with him.
“You still sure about not telling ‘em?” he asks, blue eyes flitting over to you briefly. He’s got a gentle smile on his face. He always does when he’s with you. It’s like his default setting.
“Yeah, I think I am. Are you?”
“Yeah. Think we should live in paradise a little longer.”
“Paradise, huh?” you tease, squeezing his hand.
“You know it is. I’m on cloud nine every moment I’m with you, baby.”
His words make your head spin, and you’re glad you’re sitting down already. You wonder everyday how you got so lucky. It’s rare, to know with full certainty that you are someone’s favourite person in the world. The centre of their universe. Sometimes, it’s overwhelming. Mostly, it’s astounding. It warms up your bones, settles itself carefully into your ribcage, pumping your heart to the beat of Will’s love. What a gift.
Which is why you’ve decided to keep the two of you a secret from the boys. You know that it won’t change anything between the group, not really – but you’re a little worried nonetheless. It’s scary, altering a dynamic that works so well. The five of you, stuck like glue, know each other like the lyrics to your favourite songs. You know each others strengths, weaknesses, favourite ice cream flavours, middle names, star signs, families – everything. It’s the kind of friendship that binds you together for life. Changing that in any way would break your heart. Will’s too. You know, deep down, that they’ll be perfectly accepting. But the fear still lingers, ugly and unwavering.
Also - you and Will didn’t take the most conventional route into a relationship.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The two of you met in Delta Force. Co-workers, first. Comrades in arms. He had your back, you had his. You saved each other’s lives countless times. You’d stitch up each other’s wounds, carry each other back to base, share your water even though you only had a drop left. You were a team.
Then, you became friends. It’s hard not to, when you’re thrown into a life-or-death situation. You spent 24 hours a day together, wherever you were sent – sometimes Asia, sometimes South America, sometimes Africa. You got to know each other, learnt one another’s quirks and habits and likes and dislikes. The five of you bonded quickly and effortlessly. It made you a slick team, your missions running like clockwork. You could all predict each other’s movements, finish each other’s sentences. It’s what made you so successful, so revered.
After Delta Force, you became friends outside of work. Forced proximity friendship is one thing, but actually making the time to see each other back on home soil is another. You were worried that you were going to drift, and all of the trust built would perish. That wasn’t the case. The five of you quickly adjusted to being home together. You’d all spend Saturdays in Frankie’s backyard, Friday nights on Santiago’s porch, Sundays in Will’s kitchen. You’d pop by and see Benny on a Wednesday night after work, ready to watch another episode of that reality show you both couldn’t get enough of. You’d see Will any chance you got. Sunday morning farmers market trips and early swims and pancakes for breakfast and why don’t you just stay over? It’ll save you driving home.
You’d been best friends with Will for years before you realised how you felt about him.
It’d hit you, all of a sudden, one Sunday morning. You drove over to Will’s to pick him up, ready to go to the flea market downtown. You were going to grab lunch after, maybe cook some dinner together later. Just an average day.
You let yourself in to his house using the key he’d had made for you years ago. You had keys to all the boy’s places – just in case. You found Will at the stove, shirtless, golden skin on display. Whatever he was cooking smelled heavenly, and you wondered for a minute how it was fair that he was talented at everything.
“Morning, Miller,” you sing, throwing your bag down and striding over to him.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he replies, turning around to face you. He opens his arms and you step into his space, wrapping yourself around him and resting your head on his bare chest. You inhale, breathing in his scent deliberately. He smells like warmth and sleep and sunshine and promises.
You take a step back, craning your neck to look at him. The morning sunlight is gleaming through the windows, casting a gold hue across the room. Will’s hair is glowing, illuminating him like some sort of halo. Angelic boy.
Those ocean blue eyes survey you carefully. He rests his hands on your hips, pulling you in closer.
“What’s on your mind? I can see it runnin’ a mile a minute,” he murmurs. You try to look down, but he catches your chin with his thumb and forefinger, gently guiding you back up.
How do you explain that you’ve just realised that you’re completely, utterly, irreversibly in love with Will Miller? That it’s just dawned on you like a sunrise, warm and promising? How do you tell someone that you’re quite convinced you’ll drop dead if you don’t kiss them immediately? Is it even possible to explain these feelings? Is it possible to put all of these emotions into words? Are there enough words in any language to explain the enormity of what you’re experiencing?
Instead, you simply say,
“I’m in love with you.”
Will’s pupils blow wide, and he sways slightly, as if the weight of your confession has knocked him off balance. You steady him by cradling his face, forcing him to look at you.
“You don’t have to say it back,” you continue. “But I’ve kind of just put the pieces together, and it seems stupid not to tell you. You of all people know that life is short and fragile and can change in the blink of an eye, so I just thought –”
Will cuts you off by smashing his lips against yours. The kiss is passionate and tender and so full of love you’re convinced you could get drunk off it. He pulls back for air and looks at you earnestly.
“Don’t have to say it back? Sweetheart, do you know how often I’ve dreamt of you saying those words to me?”
You can’t help but break out into a grin. You feel like you’re floating, levitating above ground, held up purely by the love William Miller has for you.
“You have?” you ask, disbelief written on your features. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was waiting for you,” he beams. “I knew you’d figure it out eventually.”
You smile at him ear to ear before jumping into his arms. You kiss him again, legs wrapping around his waist to anchor yourself, closing the distance. He spins around the kitchen with you in his arms, the joy of being in love filling the room.
Suddenly, Will puts you down.
“Stay here,” he tells you, before sprinting upstairs.
Usually, you can predict Will’s every move. But not now. Now, you’re more confused than you’ve ever been.
He returns, placing a kiss to your forehead, before getting down on one knee in front of you.
“Marry me,” he says, complete certainty in his voice. You’ve never heard him this assured.
“Will… what?” you ask incredulously. You confessed your love for each other ten minutes ago, and you’ve skipped straight to marriage, apparently.
“Listen. I know it’s crazy. I know it seems fast. But we’ve loved each other for years, sweetheart. I realised when I met you that I was never, ever going to love anyone else again.”
He pulls out a box from the pocket of his pyjama pants and opens it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. It’s understated and it’s elegant and it’s just so you.
“I bought this two years ago. Maybe you think I’m insane, and maybe you’re going to run out of that door the minute I stop talking. But I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life.”
You’ve been trying to catch your breath unsuccessfully for the past few minutes. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion, and your brain is trying to keep up.
“Will, we aren’t even technically dating,” you tease playfully. You already know your answer. You just like hearing him bear his truth to you like this.
“We’ve been dating for years, technically,” he rallies. “Everyone always thinks we’re a couple. We’re together every weekend, we go on dates, you sleep over… we went grocery shopping last week!”
You grin, remembering how you’d jokingly argued over whether to get the red or the green grapes, and how you’d ended up getting both. It was all so domestic it made your heart ache.
The two of you sit in the silence for a minute, Will still on one knee. He’s looking up at you like you hung the stars in the sky just for him. There’s no doubt in your mind what you’ll say.
“Yes, Will. God, yes. The easiest yes of my entire life.”
He jumps up to grab you, spinning you in circles. You kiss him with so much force he stumbles backwards. Will takes your left hand, and carefully slides the ring onto your finger. It looks like it’s always belonged there.
You always knew it’d be Will Miller. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
That was months ago. The other boys know that you and Will spend a lot of time together one on one, so no one has suspected anything out of the ordinary. You have no doubt they’ll be happy for you both, but you’re content to keep everything a secret a little while longer. It’s easier, that way. It means you and Will get to keep living in your bubble of bliss, unphased by the outside world. You’ll tell them soon enough. You’re just trying to savour every last second.
“We’ll tell them soon,” you reassure Will, interlocking your fingers with his where they rest on your leg. “We’ll make it a whole thing, if you like. It feels like something that warrants a celebration.”
“Oh, definitely,” he grins, turning his eyes back to the road. “We’re almost there. So, you’re gonna have to act like you’re not totally head over heels in love with me for four days. You think you can manage?”
You scoff playfully, and squeeze his hand.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay,” you tease. He chuckles, and the melody of it is music to your ears.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You arrive at the lake house only ten minutes late, which you and Will agree is not entirely unacceptable.
“Finally, they’re here!” Benny yells as he bounds over to the car. He envelopes you in a bear hug, picking you up off the ground accidentally.
“Frankie is inside,” Santiago reassures when he catches you looking over his shoulder. You turn to give him a hug, and he kisses you on the cheek. Old habit.
“Santi, did you pack bug spray? You know the mosquitoes love you,” you wink, running your hands through his hair affectionately. He has greys coming through, and they suit him beautifully.
“Yes, hermosa, I got your text reminding me,” he smiles. “Thank you.”
You and Will grab your bags and make your way inside, where Frankie is making margaritas.
“Hola, mi amor,” he greets, wrapping his arms around you. “How was the journey?”
“All good, Francisco,” you reply. “I have a very reliable chauffeur.”
Will laughs from behind you, and it makes your knees weak.
“Bad news, you guys!” Benny interrupts, jumping to sit on the counter. “You two have to share a room, since you were the last ones here. Finders, keepers, and all that.”
That really isn’t the inconvenience that the boys think it is, but you and Will play along nonetheless.
“Damn it. He snores, you know!” you laugh, looking over to where Will is pretending to be offended, hand over his heart.
“That’s what you get for being late, losers!” Benny retorts, throwing his head back in amusement. Everyone laughs along with him, and all the tension melts from your body.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It’s day one, and you’re already struggling. You’re all relaxing on the dock, soaking up the sun’s rays. Will is wearing his forest green swim trunks with a ridiculously small inseam, his strong thighs on display. You so badly want to kiss them, lick them, bite down on them in the way you know he likes. Instead, you sip your margarita and settle for ogling him over the rim of your sunglasses.
He dives into the lake elegantly, and a bead of sweat drips down your neck. He breaks the surface, coming up for air, and pushes his hair back, water cascading down his golden skin. He’s glowing, beaming, gleaming in the sunlight like an ancient marble statue. You’re practically panting. Santiago notices.
“You okay, hermosa?” he asks, giving you a once over.
“Yeah, Santi, I’m good. Just super warm,” you lie. He seems to buy it, because he moves to grab his book, fanning you with it. Admittedly, the light breeze does cool you off, and distracts you from Will. Double win.
“Thank you, kind sir,” you joke, as he pretends to tip his hat towards you.
“You should join us!” Benny shouts from the lake. When did he even jump in?
“Yeah, come on, darlin’” Will chimes in, watching you with a slight smirk on his face. He’s not going to pass up the chance to see you sun soaked and dripping wet.
“Fine!” you huff jokingly, pulling your oversized t shirt (which you’re realising belongs to Frankie – when did you steal that?) over your head. You’re left in a bikini that leaves little to the imagination, the bright colour accentuating your skin beautifully. You look good. You feel good.
Will looks you up and down and takes a deep breath. You’re just friends, remember? He’s trying to convince himself, attempting to make the act somewhat believable. You break him out of his thoughts by running along the dock as fast as you can, and diving into the lake with a surprising amount of grace.
The five of you spend all afternoon in the water. Benny thinks it’s hilarious to pick you up, placing you on his shoulders before jumping backwards, sending you both flying through the air. You all play catch, laughing when Frankie misses the ball and accidentally punches Santi right in the stomach. You and Will easily fall back into your old habits of being friends, but you can’t help but notice the way his eyes linger just a second too long every now and again. You’re sure nobody else clocks on, all of the boys too busy splashing each other like children.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When the evening comes, you all shower and dry off while Will and Frankie make dinner. You, Benny and Santi curl up on the couch, trying to warm each other up after hours of being in the water. You eat, you laugh, and you all swap stories about the things that you’ve missed since you last saw each other properly. It’s bliss. Perfect tranquility.
The sun sets, and you all move outside to the deck. Santi starts a campfire, and the five of you grab beers, settling into the warmth of the crackling wood. Everyone is relaxed, not a care in the world. You wish, for a moment, that life could always be like this. As if reading your thoughts, Will reaches out and brushes your cheekbone with his thumb in a fleeting moment, before retracting his hand as if nothing happened.
“I’m gonna make us some warm ciders,” Frankie decides, rising from his chair.
“I’ll come and help you. You always put way too much alcohol in - these idiots can’t handle it,” you signal towards where Benny, Will and Santiago are sat. They all scoff at you, laughing because they know it’s true.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You sit atop the counter next to where Frankie begins gathering his ingredients. When a strand of hair falls into his eyes, you move it away gently.
“Will you let me cut your hair tomorrow? It’s getting in your way,” you ask him softly.
“Of course, mi amor. Wouldn’t trust anyone else.”
He smiles at you, and your heart swells. You love this man so much - some days you wonder how you got so lucky. All five of you are bonded for life, best friends until the end. But there’s no denying that you and Frankie have always understood each other on another level.
He stops making the drinks, moving to stand between your legs. He looks at you intently, as if he’s trying to solve something.
“I like seeing you happy like this,” he murmurs.
“How can I not be?” you whisper back. “I’m with my favourite people. I have everything I could ever want.”
“Yeah, but this is different.”
You scrunch your brows in confusion, and he chuckles. He begins to draw slow circles just above your bare knee. You can tell he’s thinking carefully.
“It’s Will, isn’t it?” he asks, gentle smile on his face.
In this moment, you could lie. You could feign innocence, deny it with your life, maintain that you and Will are just friends. But what’s the use? Why hide the best thing that’s ever happened to you from one of the people you love the most in the world?
“Yeah,” you grin. “It’s Will.”
He’s practically beaming at you now, equal parts proud of himself and you.
“Knew it,” he murmurs, careful to keep his voice down. “Did something happen?”
You realise now that there’s absolutely no point in lying to Frankie. You’ve come this far. Might as well tell him the truth.
“We’re engaged,” you whisper, grinning from ear to ear.
He pauses for a moment, processing the news. You can see the shock registering on his face. Then, he lunges forward, wrapping his arms around you.
“Oh my god, hermosa! You’re kidding!”
He’s squeezing you so tight you can barely breathe. You hear a shout from the boys outside and remember where you are.
“We haven’t told anyone yet. We’re just living in our little bubble of happiness for a while.”
“Hey, I get it,” he reassures. “I’m so happy for you. Both of you. I knew it’d happen eventually. It was just a question of when.”
You hug him again, so overwhelmed with love. What a miracle, to be loved like this by so many brilliant people.
“We’ll tell everyone soon, I promise. We were thinking of making it a party, a whole celebration.”
“Of course. Just tell me when, and I’ll be there.”
He pinches your knee playfully, before making his way back to his drinks, smile still plastered across his face.
“Hey, Francisco?” you murmur, still aware of the volume of your voice.
“Yeah?” he turns, giving you his full attention.
“So, I know it’s not traditional, but, I mean, when have me and Will ever done traditional?” you both laugh, and you continue. “I was just thinking – and you don’t have to say yes… I’d love it if you did, but really, you don’t have to – “
“Spit it out, mi amor,” he teases gently.
“Will you be my best man?”
He stops in his tracks, suddenly serious, and you’re worried you’ve made a mistake. Then, he breaks out into a grin, practically running over to bear hug you again.
“Of course I will,” he confirms into your ear. “I’d love nothing more.”
“I love you,” you tell him earnestly.
“I love you too, hermosa. So much.”
Frankie kisses you on the forehead once, then again, and begins to pick up the drinks he’s made.
“They’re gonna get suspicious if we’re gone too long. You know how they get,” he winks, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You sit in your happiness for a little while, just basking in the glow. You’ve never felt so at peace.
Will wanders into the kitchen, immediately coming over to stand in front of you. His warm palms find your hips, and he leans in to kiss you softly.
“Hi, sugar,” he murmurs against your mouth.
“Hi, handsome,” you mutter back.
“You okay? You disappeared,” he asks, fingers moving in warm circles on the bare skin of your waist.
“I’m good. So good,” you smile, kissing him again.
It’s then you realise what you’ve done. You broke the rule – don’t tell the boys.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I have something I need to confess.”
He pulls away so he can see your face, and smiles at you gently, before putting the pieces together in his head.
“You told Frankie, didn’t you?” he asks, still smiling.
There’s a pause before you bare your truth.
“Yes. I’m sorry! He kind of figured it out himself, and he asked, and I didn’t have the heart to lie to him. He’s my best friend, he can see right through me at any given moment. I know I was the one who said we shouldn’t tell them and I know this makes me a hypocrite and I’m sorry – “
Will cuts you off - just like that day in his kitchen - by smashing his lips to yours.
“It’s okay. Sweetheart, it’s okay,” he reassures when you pull away.
“Yes. I promise.”
He rests his forehead against yours, and allows you to breathe him in. Then, he chuckles softly.
“What?” you ask.
“We’re idiots,” he replies.
“I mean, yes. But why?”
He chuckles again, clearly amused, before answering,
“I totally just told Benny and Santi while you were in here telling Frankie.”
You process the information, before bursting into a fit of giggles. He joins you, the both of you laughing like fools.
“You’re kidding!”
“I wish I was. Benny made a comment, said he’s kinda noticed that something has changed, and I just sort of confessed.”
You’re both laughing so hard your sides hurt. What are the chances? It all feels like fate. The two of you, together. The timing of the evening. It couldn’t have worked out any more perfect.
“We’re idiots,” you agree, throwing your arms around his neck. Will pulls you off the counter and spins you around, making you shriek. It’s the most beautiful déjà vu.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The two of you make your way back out to the deck. As you walk over to the boys at the campfire, you’re suddenly caught off guard by two of them rugby tackling you, the three of you barrelling into the ground with a thud. Benny and Santiago are crushing you beneath them, shouting as they do it.
“Hell yeah, sweetheart!”
“How did you even keep this a secret for so long?”
“Yeah, when were you planning to tell us, huh?”
“Can’t believe you’re marrying my brother. Oh my god, we’re gonna be family!”
“The five of us are already family, Ben.”
“Yeah, but, like, legally. Brother and sister!”
Benny’s hair is in your mouth and Santiago’s knee is in your ribcage and your earring is caught in someone’s shirt and the grass is scratching your back and you can’t breathe. Will and Frankie are watching from a distance, chuckling. You wouldn’t change it for the world.
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sassycheesecake · 11 months
Uncle!Osamu who has just having a regular day at his onigiri restaurant when the entrance doorbell chimes, followed by squeals of excitement of a twin pair, one boy, one girl.
The gray-eyed man looks at the direction of the voices, happy to see his niece and nephew again after not seeing them for almost two weeks.
The girl of the twin pair has dark brown hair and your eyes, while the boy has your hair color and hazel brown eyes.
Today, both of them are wearing matching MSBY training suits, a gift from uncle Hinata and uncle Bokuto.
As uncle!Osamu engulfs the five-year-olds in a big hug, his brother walks in, a tired look adorning his usual confident, cheeky expression.
Now Atsumu Miya, Setter of the MSBY Black Jackals looks like he hasn’t slept properly in a couple months.
He looks like he's been through hell and as a father, he is more than justified to look like hell.
After all, he was a child once and along with Osamu they both always got into trouble. His mother was a single parent and how she managed two raise two boys with a job all by herself without having to give up the twins for adoption is still a mystery to Atsumu.
As Osamu looks at his brother, he notices that the Setter's hair is unruly, he has dark circles under his eyes and is looking at his children with a scolding look on his face.
"I told ya brats a million times not ta run across the street when we go see uncle Samu. If ya get hit by a car, mommy will kill me and marry yer uncle instead."
"Would that be so bad?" Osamu grins in mischief at his twin, letting go of the kids, who apologize to their father with apologetic and guilty looks.
"Shut yer trap, I am too tired ta deal with ya right now. I came ta ask for a favor." Atsumu trots over to the bar stools in front of the counter, ignoring the hushed whispers of excitement from some of the costumers.
"Don’t curse in front of yer kids, they’ll pick up that habit. What do ya want?" Osamu turns around to prepare some lunch for his niece and nephew.
"Can ya watch the kids this weekend? I have been wantin' some alone time with (Y/N) and these little shits interrupt every damn time." The blonde leans over the counter and quietly hisses at the ravenette.
"Sorry, but no." Osamu declines.
"Please, please, pweeeeeaaaaaase can ya watch ‘em this weekend? I can’t even remember the last time I had sex with (Y/N)! And my dick is about to fall off from the pent up frustration of games, takin’ care of the kids and tryin’ ta get alone time with my wife!"
Osamu huffs annoyed at his plea, he already has plans for the weekend, sleeping in, to be more precise.
"Welcome to family life. I can’t Tsumu. I already have plans." The ravenette explains, giving each of the twins a pair of grilled salmon cream cheese onigiris, your favorite and also the twins’.
"Oh yeah? What do ya have planned huh? Ya got no marriage, no kids, no responsibilities, if I remember correctly. I call bullshit." Atsumu stares at his brother with a skeptical expression, seeing that Osamu is walking to the back, he decides to follow after him into the back, telling his offspring to stay put.
"I really want ta sleep in this weekend and I have been wantin’ to ask that girl out from the book store down the street. The brunette I told ya about?" Osamu takes a few bags of rice and hands it to his brother, who takes them without hesitation.
"The only thing that’s in my memory department right now is the Paw Patrol intro theme song, along with ‘We don’t talk about Bruno’ in like 15 different languages."
To be honest, Osamu is glad that he doesn’t have kids yet.
Taking two more bags, both brothers make their way to the kitchen area, where Osamu starts up a few new batches of cooked rice.
Atsumu also puts the rice bags down, staring almost pleadingly at his brother.
"Do ya want me ta go down on my knees for ya and beg? I ain’t asking for much, just please, watch them this weekend. Just one weekend. I really need it and so does Atsumu junior."
"Please don’t talk about yer dick in my product storage, ya will ruin my food." Osamu scoffs in disgust.
"Seriously, what do I gotta do ta make ya watch 'em? Name it." Atsumu keeps trying to persuade his brother.
Osamu pretends to think and after watching his brother who looks so desperate it's almost funny, sighs in defeat and agrees to watch the little rascals this weekend.
"Fine, I'll watch 'em this weekend but ya owe me. That was ma only free weekend in a while."
"Whatever ya want bro, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" Atsumu jumps up and down in excitement like a little kid and hugs his brother while he jumps and down.
"Get off of me, ya dumb idiot. I'll said I'll watch 'em for a weekend, not adopt them." Osamu shoves his brother off and straightens out his cooking uniform.
Atsumu literally glows in excitement and happiness and immediately calls his wife, walking back out to check on his children.
As Osamu watches him leave, he sighs deeply.
What have I gotten myself into?
338 notes · View notes
inawickedlittletown · 5 months
I've Been Waiting for the Tides to Change (bucktommy one-shot)
Summary: It was itching at him, the pull that he felt towards Evan. He hadn’t been attracted to someone that quickly in a long while and the thing was that Tommy got it. He got how scary it was to come out and the bravery it took to not only admit that to yourself, but also to everyone else.
Or 7x05 from Tommy's perspective and what happens after the coffee date.
Words: 4,987
On Ao3
“How’d the date go?” 
Tommy slowly put his sandwich down. He chewed on the food in his mouth, glad that it gave him time to think. Lucy dropped into the chair across from him, tearing the stem of a green apple off. 
“It was good,” he said, took a sip of his water. “He’s a really interesting guy.” 
Lucy smiled easily. “That’s great. Seeing him again?” 
“Uh, maybe. I don’t know yet. Kinda up to him, I guess. How was your time off?” 
She groaned, still playing with her apple instead of eating it. “I love my parents. Not so sure about my siblings. Either way, it always reminds me how happy I am living far away from all of them. I did hear I missed a visit from the 118.”
“I forgot you worked with them for a bit,” Tommy said. 
Lucy grinned. “It was fun. They’re an interesting lot. Tight knit.”
“That they are,” Tommy said. 
“I’m glad you were here to help them out,” Lucy said. “I get it, you know, I would have done it too. They’re family over there.” 
She gave him a knowing look that spoke of how obvious the Chief had been about taking the credit for the whole thing. At least none of them had lost their jobs. Tommy hadn’t even given it a second thought after Chim called and then showed up five minutes later with Evan and Eddie. 
“That they are,” Tommy said. He took another bite of his sandwich and wondered when he would hear from any of them again. When he would hear from Evan. 
Tommy didn’t want to push. Evan was clearly still trying to figure things out and he didn’t think there was room for him in that, not when his very presence made Evan so nervous. Tommy hadn’t known for sure until Evan said it, that it was the first time he was on a date with a man — a “dude” as Evan put it. He’d suspected, but seeing him get so flustered and panicked had left Tommy with few options but to cut the date short. 
He’d seen the disappointment written in Evan’s face and it had taken everything in Tommy to not offer up more than just the truth, that Evan wasn’t ready. 
It was just that before Evan got in his head about it, things had been going really well. 
They’d texted a little to make plans, deciding it was best to just meet up at the restaurant. Tommy had arrived a little earlier only to find Evan getting out of his uber. He’d smiled so wide when seeing Tommy, the dimple on his cheek coming through. He was so painfully gorgeous. 
It hadn’t been hard to tell that Evan was a little nervous, but he was enthusiastic too. Their conversation came easy. Evan was interested in what Tommy had to say and he responded not only with questions and observations but linked it to his own train of thought. They laughed a lot, had comfortable silences that could be used for focusing on their food, and then went back to talking. All in all, it was one of the better dates that Tommy had been on. That is until Evan realized they were on a date. 
Well, no, it wasn’t that he hadn’t known it was a date…as much as that he’d let himself be immersed in it. When that was suddenly broken by the arrival of the check, it had brought something else out in Evan. Nerves and worry and panic. His body had literally tensed up. Eddie appearing hadn’t helped at all, but Eddie was also as oblivious as they came. Tommy didn’t think that Eddie would have caught on even if he and Evan were holding hands across the table. 
Tommy didn’t know the next move, not really. So, he decided it was better if he let Evan reach out first. It was his move. Tommy didn’t want to push and if Evan really was that bothered by the idea that he was more than just an ally, then it was for the better. 
A few days later found him with Lucy headed out on a call. Med-evac. 
“Hey, you didn’t say, your guy call yet?” 
“He’s not out,” Tommy said because it was true and also because he didn’t want Lucy to press for details and figure out just who Tommy had gone on a date with. 
“Oh,” Lucy said. “That a problem?” 
Tommy didn’t answer for a moment. He focused on flying for a bit. “No,” he settled on. “It’s not a problem. It’s just muddled, I was his first date with a guy and he’s still figuring things out. I don’t want to add to everything he’s already trying to figure out.” 
Lucy shot him a smile. “You’re a good one, Tommy.” 
At one point in his life, Tommy hadn’t known that he would be able to talk about things like this so easily. He’d been so deep in denial, lying to himself and everyone else, and unaware that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. He liked to give himself some credit, but a lot of it also went to Hen. After she arrived at the 118, Tommy just couldn’t help but listen. Hen was loud and proud and more than anything an inspiration. 
He didn’t fully embrace that part of himself until he left the 118, but he felt such a relief when he did, but also when the world didn’t fall apart. People were more accepting than anyone really realized. 
When they got back to Harbor, Lucy helped him clean the chopper. 
“I can tell you like him,” Lucy said. “You wouldn’t be waiting to see if he’ll reach out if you didn’t.” 
“And why don’t we discuss your love life?” Tommy shot back. 
“Maybe because mine isn’t as exciting right now and we’ve discussed it plenty. What happened on this date exactly?”
He eyed Lucy and then sighed. She wasn’t wrong. They did often spend a lot of time talking about her dates. At the moment she was single, but knowing Lucy it wouldn’t take long before someone caught her eye. 
“Okay. So, date is going great. Good conversation. Good vibes. He’s smart. He’s funny. We’re clicking in so many ways and did I mention how adorable he is? Anyway, the whole time he’s a bit nervous, but it’s a first date that’s all normal. But I think it hit him that he was on a date with a guy and he got a little self-conscious and we’re kinda talking about it and I’m bringing up my own experiences when his best friend walks in.”
“Oh no,” Lucy said. 
Tommy grimaced. “Yeah, and his friend spots us and immediately comes over with his date and his friend has no idea we’re on a date.”
“But your guy freaked out,” Lucy said. 
“Yeah. Big time. Said some nonsense about us going to pick up girls, just…” he trailed off and hung his head a bit. 
“Overcorrected,” Lucy filled in. “So what did you do?” 
“Well, we left the restaurant and we were supposed to go to a movie, but I just couldn’t…I felt like I was pushing him into doing more than he’s ready for.”
“And you haven’t spoken to him since?” 
He shook his head. “I thought about it. Checking in with him, but I don’t even know if he wants to hear from me and maybe it’s better if he takes some time to figure things out. I don’t know.” 
Lucy turned to face him entirely. Her blond hair fluttered with the wind. “I get that, but if he’s as skittish as you’re saying then maybe he needs you to call first.”
It was itching at him, the pull that he felt towards Evan. He hadn’t been attracted to someone that quickly in a long while and the thing was that Tommy got it. He got how scary it was to come out and the bravery it took to not only admit that to yourself, but also to everyone else. 
“I don’t know,” Tommy said. 
“Hey, it’s all on you,” Lucy said. 
He did think about it when he got home. Lucy did have a point that Evan might just need some prompting. Tommy did like him, he was interested in getting to know him and certainly interested in a lot more. He also had to look out for himself. As good as the date had gone, it was one date. He and Evan didn’t really know each other. A lot of what Tommy knew came from little tidbits from Eddie and Christopher. It wasn’t much to go on, and maybe it was better to end things before they went downhill. 
Tommy resigned himself to not hearing from Evan. He would hear about him from Eddie, maybe even see him eventually and they might become friends or Evan might be more prepared. 
So, when Evan called, Tommy almost stared at his phone too long and only just managed to pick up before the call went to voicemail. 
“Hi,” Evan said. He sounded breathy. “Hi, Tommy. I was…well, I was wondering if you would meet me for coffee.”
Evan sounded nervous, but also sure. He waited too long to answer, so Evan spoke again. 
“If you want, I mean…I’ll understand if you don’t.”
“When?” Tommy asked. 
“Is tomorrow good?” Evan sounded eager. 
“Yeah, Evan. Tomorrow’s good.”
“Good. Good. Great. I’ll — I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Evan hung up and not a minute later Tommy got a text with a link to a cafe and a time. He sent back a thumbs up.
The next day, his nerves were mixed with anticipation. For a very short moment right before he arrived at the cafe, he wondered if it was a good idea. Then, he decided that of course it was. Even if all that came out of it was Evan wanting to be just friends, that was still worth seeing through. 
Evan was already seated. He’d even bought Tommy coffee. He looked cute, all eager and determined. Nervous too. Tommy could see himself falling for him and that was dangerous. 
The coffee tasted awful. It was coffee masked by milk and sugar. Tommy did for a moment wonder if this was Evan’s own coffee order and that was more than a little concerning. 
“Seems there are a lot of things we don’t know about each other,” Evan said. 
He was gorgeous, and while he was definitely right that they didn’t know each other at all, Tommy wanted to know him. He wanted to know everything about him. 
“Practically everything,” Tommy said. 
“Well I — I would like to change that,” Evan said and he looked right at Tommy. “First, I need to apologize for the way I behaved the other night.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he was quick to say because in Tommy’s eyes he didn’t. 
“No, I — I do,” Evan said and he was so serious. Earnest. 
“No,” Tommy repeated, shaking his head a little and hoping that Evan got where Tommy had been coming from. “I didn’t cut things short because you behaved badly. I did it because I didn’t want to pressure you.”
“Still the way I reacted was not my proudest moment.” 
“Uh, so you said before, um, that…that you don’t think I’m ready,” Evan said and the nervous energy was back.
Tommy braced himself because this was the moment when Evan made a decision. He would shut down anything romantic between them or he would ask Tommy to wait or he would—
“And the truth is I don’t know what I’m ready for, but I am ready for something and I think maybe that something could be with you.” 
He couldn’t tell if Evan was saying it in some effort to convince Tommy or what, but the way he looked at him was so hopeful. There was confidence there too, like Evan was embracing that it was okay not to know and it was also okay to be honest and hopeful. 
“You already know that I’m interested,” Tommy said. 
He would take whatever pace Evan wanted to set…would do whatever Evan wanted. It was scary how invested he was in it already and this something that Evan wanted hadn’t even been defined. 
Tommy didn’t expect for Evan to jump right in with, “Come with me to my sister’s wedding.”
He laughed in surprise. “What?”
Evan barreled on. “I want you to be my date at my sister’s wedding.”
Tommy didn’t know what to think. He didn’t know how he was supposed to handle that. It had been barely a week since they kissed and even less than that since their date where Evan had babbled on in a feeble attempt to cover up for something Eddie hadn’t even suspected. And now he wanted Tommy to be his date at his sister’s wedding. 
“Evan,” he said and he meant it to come out incredulous. 
“Come on,” Evan said. “I’m serious. Listen, you…you already know half the people there and…and she wants to meet you.”
He’d told her about him. Evan had told his sister about him and probably so much more. Come out to her, maybe. Discussed his feelings and his new found identity. Told her about Tommy which was…wow. This wasn’t at all what Tommy had expected. In for a penny, in for a pound and all that. Evan did nothing by halves. 
“Are you absolutely sure about this?”
Evan was smiling. He wasn’t rushing into this without thinking, or at least he was doing an amazing job at faking that he hadn’t just asked Tommy on a whim. 
“Yes, I’m sure. There’s going to be free food and I need someone to dance with.”
“Yeah?” Evan asked with just a tinge of surprise as if he had somehow still expected Tommy to put up a fight
“Yeah,” Tommy said. 
“Okay, great,” Evan said and he was quite literally shinning. 
Evan was amazing. His face was open and happy and when his hand came to rest atop Tommy’s, he felt himself go warm. Evan’s thumb was moving over his fingers and he placed his other hand over Evan’s, cradling it there and feeling such a deep connection with this gorgeous boy who was so brave and so wonderful and who didn’t seem to care one bit that they were in a very public place holding hands across a table. 
“So,” Evan said, “and this is very important, how do you take your coffee?” 
Tommy chuckled. “Medium roast black with cinnamon and two sugars.”
“Noted,” Evan said. He was still smiling. 
“You told your sister about me.” 
His cheeks flushed pink. In the light of day it was glorious. 
“I didn’t mean to,” Evan admitted. “I started off by telling her that I’d lied to Eddie while I was on a date and then I slipped with the pronoun. Didn’t even catch it until she pointed it out. But it felt…it felt good once she knew. Maddie’s great, she’s going to love you.” 
Tommy couldn’t quite believe how quickly Evan had gone from a nervous wreck, to talking to a family member about being into men. 
Evan did frown a little, then. “I, uh, I also told Eddie.”
Maddie was one thing. Telling Eddie…that was — after the lengths that Evan had gone to throw Eddie off, Tommy almost hadn’t expected it. Of course, Eddie would be at the wedding…all of Evan’s firehouse and probably other family and Evan wanted him there at his side, he wanted to dance with him. He didn’t just want Tommy as a friend, he wanted him as his date and he didn’t care at all how loud it would be for anyone that didn’t already know. 
“He was a little shocked, but it went alright,” Buck said. “He’s…he’s the one that told me I should call you.”
“I should thank him, then,” Tommy said. 
Evan shrugged. “He might be a bit busy.” 
“Right, his girlfriend was moving in.” 
“And is now moving back out,” Evan said. “Are you…do you have anything going on today?” 
Tommy shook his head. “Not until later. I’ve got an overnight shift. Why?” 
“Well,” Evan said, “I’d really like to keep hanging out with you.”
“Alright,” Tommy said and couldn’t help but smile. “Do you have anything in mind?”
Evan tilted his head to the left. “I do, actually.”
Evan’s idea turned out to be the California Science Center. Tommy hadn’t expected it, but then it seemed like Evan was out to surprise him. Evan drove them and it gave Tommy time to admire him. He looked good behind the wheel of a car, especially when his hand was shifting gears and Tommy could trace his tendons with his eyes. He really was gorgeous. 
Tommy noticed the signs for the Science Center as they approached it. 
Buck’s cheeks pinked. “There’s a new exhibit,” he said. 
Tommy had never been into museums or art shows or any of that stuff. The last time he’d probably stepped foot in one — other than a call back when he was with the 118 — was some field trip with school. He didn’t think he’d ever even been to the California Science Center. 
“On what?” Tommy asked, curious. 
“Da Vinci,” Evan said after they’d parked. When he turned to look at Tommy he looked a bit deflated, as if he could tell that Tommy wasn’t all that excited. 
“I’m getting this all wrong again, aren’t I,” Evan said. 
Tommy shook his head at once. “No. No, you’re not. Now come on, Da Vinci, you say, was he the one that cut off his ear?” 
Evan laughed. “No, Tommy. As far as I know he had both his ears at death. That was Van Gogh. And hey, now I know one more thing about you.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Art isn’t your thing. It isn’t really mine either, to be clear.” 
“If it isn’t your thing, then, why—” Tommy motioned towards the building they were walking towards. 
Evan looked amused more than anything, his lips tilted up and his eyes squinting a little in the sun. 
“I like science,” Evan said. There was wonder in his eyes that remained even when he stopped just outside the door of the building to turn to look directly at Tommy. “And when I saw this exhibit, it made me think of you.” 
“Me?” He said, more than a little shocked. 
Evan nodded. “Aviation,” he said. “Da Vinci’s flying machine. I think he called it an ornithopter.”
And that…that was incredibly sweet. He didn’t say it outloud, but it was possible that his face said it all considering how wide Evan smiled back at him. 
“Come on,” Evan said and he grabbed Tommy’s hand, pulling him towards the door. 
Tommy’s mind went blank. He felt the calluses on Evan’s fingers, knew his own hands held some too. Evan’s hands were solid, and his hold was gentle but sure. Tommy hadn’t held hands with too many people, not like this. He barely noticed getting inside or Evan leading him past the lobby and towards the Da Vinci exhibit. 
“Here it is,” Evan said.
It was some kind of flying bicycle thing and it was sort of amazing. Not because it could have ever flown, but because Tommy could see that there had been a lot of thought and imagination put to the creation of it. 
Tommy had never experienced a museum quite like his experience with Evan. None of it was boring. There was plenty to look at within the Da Vinci exhibit. After the ornithopter there was the aerial screw and Tommy knew machinery — he especially knew helicopters and he could tell readily enough where other inventors had taken these ideas and improved on them until they arrived at something that could actually fly.
Evan had facts to add to the information on the placards, he got animated as he explained something that was so random and yet connected to whatever display they were in front of that Tommy was sure more than one person had assumed he was some kind of guide. He was brilliant and amazing and Tommy never wanted to stop looking at him. 
They didn’t hold hands the whole time, but they stood so close that their shoulders were always brushing. They were unmistakably together. Evan showed not one ounce of caring for who might notice, not even when some eyes stayed on them long enough to show some disdain. 
When Evan wasn’t looking at a display or gushing facts out, his attention was on Tommy. They got to know each other and the more that he discovered about Evan, the more he liked him. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Evan asked when they were on their way out. 
“I did.” 
Evan ducked his head. “Good. Thought maybe you wouldn’t.” 
“I think it’s all down to the company,” Tommy said. “This wouldn’t have been nearly as fun if I didn’t have you as my guide.”
He blushed so pretty. Tommy hoped that it would never stop happening. 
“Good second date,” Evan said. 
“I don’t believe it’s over yet,” Tommy said.  
“No?” Evan asked, still smiling and still blushing. 
“How about some lunch, Evan?” 
When Tommy had agreed to coffee, he hadn’t known he’d be spending most of the day with Evan. It was a good thing he didn’t have any other plans, although come to think of it he would have probably canceled them. 
“Sounds like a plan,” Evan said. 
An hour later they were seated across from each other. Evan was telling him about all the time he’d spent driving around the country when he was younger and Tommy was enthralled. 
“I was searching for somewhere to belong,” Evan said. “I never quite fit with my parents. Once Maddie was out of the house it got even harder and then she got me out…and I just kept moving until I stepped foot in the 118.”
Tommy nodded. It was funny, the timing of things. Tommy had left and Evan had taken his spot essentially. He didn’t know if Evan had put that together, not that it really mattered. Tommy had always aimed to get back in the air, he had no regrets about leaving or where it had led him. He did wonder about what he would have made of Evan if he had been there while he was rookie. It wouldn’t have been this, that’s for certain. 
“It’s so different over there now,” Tommy said. 
“It didn’t come easy,” Evan said. “I was such a dumb kid. Bobby fired me.”
Tommy laughed and he was reminded of Sal. “What did you do?”
Evan expressed himself with his whole body. He ducked his head and his hands were up as if ready to form the explanation. 
“It — it doesn’t matter,” Evan said, his words coming out stuttered and quick and a blush rising on his cheeks. “Point is that we’ve come a long way.”
Tommy eyed him. Whatever it was, he was obviously not proud of it and Tommy wouldn’t press despite his curiosity. One day maybe Evan would tell him. 
When they were done, they fought over the check. 
“You paid last time,” Evan said. 
“You paid at the exhibit,” Tommy said. They were each holding an end of the little black book. “And you got the coffee this morning.” 
“You didn’t even drink it,” Evan said. 
Tommy pulled the book towards him. Evan narrowed his eyes. 
“If you let me pay this time, then you can take care of our next date,” Tommy said. 
Evan’s cheeks went pink. His grip slacked. “Our next date?” 
Tommy put the book on his lap. “I know you asked me to your sister’s wedding, but I’d like to see you before then, Evan.” 
Evan nodded. Tommy slipped his credit card in the slot. 
They had left his car back by the cafe, and Evan insisted on driving him back instead of letting him take an uber. When Tommy tried to make a point for how it wasn’t necessary, Evan just shook his head. 
“I don’t want to end this yet,” Evan said.
Tommy found he agreed with him, but Tommy knew that the anticipation for the next time he saw Evan would hold him over. When Evan got out of the car before Tommy could after they parked, he didn’t expect to be walked to his truck. 
“This day was amazing,” Evan said. 
“It really was,” Tommy said. 
Evan was smiling, eyes ducked down to the ground. When he looked up again, he seemed to have come to a conclusion. “Can I—”
“What?” Tommy asked. 
Evan inhaled a breath. “I just…I’d like to kiss you again.” 
Oh. Evan’s tongue dipped out from between his lips, and then it was gone again. He was red and his eyes were blown wide. 
“Yes,” Tommy breathed. He shifted closer. 
Evan’s hand was shaking when it touched his cheek, but Tommy leaned into it and Evan’s thumb moved over his skin, leaving a trail of fire. Their eyes were locked into each other and Tommy could get lost in that blue. He felt Evan’s breath on his skin and Tommy had to restrain himself from leaving in, letting Evan do it instead. It was chaste, similar to the first kiss and yet when their lips brushed together, it sparked something. He wanted to push closer, to lick into Evan’s mouth and taste him. Instead he settled for touching Evan’s chest. He could feel how wildly his heart was beating as his hand climbed up to Evan’s neck, touching the warm soft skin. 
When Tommy stepped back, Evan almost seemed to chase him. Tommy chuckled between them and it took everything not to grasp Evan and kiss him again. 
“I’ll see you soon, Evan.” 
“Stay safe tonight,” Evan responded. 
When he got to work some hours later, Tommy couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Lucy noticed it immediately and she cornered him. 
“Spill,” she said. 
“He called. We went for coffee this morning and spent the whole day together.” 
She made a noise of excitement. “The whole day! That’s great.” 
“It is. He’s amazing, Lucy. Evan is…he’s everything I’ve always dreamed of and never knew was out there.” 
“Evan is it,” Lucy said, a glint in her eye. “Didn’t you say he wasn’t out?”
Tommy froze. “Uh, turns out his closet was badly constructed. He, uh, he asked me to a wedding.”
Lucy was staring at him, mouth agape. “Wait, wait, wait, back up, Kinard, you’ve hardly been on a second date and you’re already going to a wedding with him. Last time we spoke you thought he wasn’t even going to call and…wow, this is—”
“I know,” Tommy said. 
Maybe he should have been more concerned about it, but Tommy found that he wasn’t. It was about him and Evan, and Evan was clearly comfortable with bringing him along as a date otherwise he wouldn’t have asked. And somehow, Tommy just knew that if things did somehow go wrong, that they would get through it. 
“That’s a lot of pressure,” Lucy said. “Meeting the family and his friends, I’d assume.” 
“It helps that I know a lot of his friends already,” Tommy said and it was exactly what Evan had said to him. 
“Evan,” Lucy repeated and Tommy saw it the moment realization hit. “Not Evan Buckley? You’re…Tommy, tell me you’re not dating Buck.” 
“I can’t. I am.” 
The shock went right into laughter, loud and ridiculous laughter in a way that Lucy rarely ever laughed. 
“Wow,” she said and she was still laughing. “I — wow…this makes so much sense.”
“What does?” 
“All of it. Him. You. Your first date. The wedding.” 
Tommy stared at her waiting for elaboration, but it seemed that she was still processing. 
“What about it?” Tommy asked, when he couldn’t wait any longer. 
“It’s just that I know you, and I know him, and I can see it. You two together, it could work if neither of you get in your own way. You care about him, and while I didn’t expect him to be into men, that makes sense too.”
Tommy couldn’t help his smile. Lucy’s however faded and she looked a little more serious. 
“There’s something I should tell you,” she said. 
“What is it?” 
Lucy regarded him for a long moment. “I’m saying this for the sake of transparency. Buck and I kissed once.”
“Oh,” Tommy said. 
She grimaced. “We were very drunk. This shouldn’t change anything for you two, this is about us. I didn’t want to keep that from you and I’m sure Buck will tell you, just like I’m telling you, it meant nothing and nothing ever happened after.” 
Tommy had no right to judge. They hadn’t really talked past relationships, but he got the sense that Buck hadn’t had the best luck in that department. They were the same that way. Whatever had happened between him and Lucy was in the past. 
“He’s a good kisser, isn’t he?” Tommy asked.
Lucy’s smile returned. She looked relieved. “From what I can remember, yes. I get it, Tommy, man’s hot.” 
“Yes, he is.” 
He was more than that too. So much more. Tommy already loved everything that he knew so far and that was just the surface. 
“When are you seeing him again?” Lucy asked. 
“And you can’t wait, can you,” Lucy said. 
His face probably said it all. A whole day he’d spent with Evan and he was ready to see him again already. It was going to be far too easy to fall for him, it was as scary as it was exciting and Tommy was ready for it. 
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f1bordeaux · 1 year
If You Cared (Part 4) | mv1
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It's been years since you've indulged in a vacation. What better time is there than summer? Your family, the beach house in Italy-it seems perfect. But, for things to be just like good old times, your family needs to invite his. So of course you are having mixed feelings as the boy who broke your heart re-enters your life like nothing happened. Warnings: Suggestive content in the beginning, implied nudity, angst Pairing: Max Verstappen x Reader Word count: 2.3k Poetry style | Story style A/n: One more part left! I decided to do 5 chapters instead of only 4, so the next part is the last part. This was kinda rushed, sorry if you can tell, but I'm leaving soon and I really wanted to finish this up for you guys so you weren't waiting for two months lmao. I'll come back one day and revise it, but ur stuck with this for now. Enjoy! Part 5 will be up tomorrow <;3 Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four|Part Five
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“Goodnight!” You waved as your mom and dad sombered down the hall. Finally.
You ran into your room, reaching for your phone on your desk. Max’s contact was the first one to pop up. Come up. You sent.
Victoria and I are still in the living room chatting. I’m trying to get up there. He sent back immediately. 
I’ll be waiting, just come in. Don’t knock. With that, you set your phone down and cracked open your window. A thick, cold gust of wind blew in. It would rain soon, a perfect background noise for what was about to happen. You smirked thinking about it. You smirked thinking about how worked up you made Max on the yacht, just to say in the end, “You have to wait until we get home to do anything more than kiss.”
This would be fun.
The only light in the room was coming from a lamp on your desk. It created a warm, soft, dreamy atmosphere. Your sheets seemed softer than normal, your pillow seemed thicker than normal, the wood on your feet seemed colder than normal. Maybe it was the exhaustion finally setting in from the day on the boat, but your senses were heightened. You wondered what it would feel like to kiss Max again. Would it be different? Would it feel better?
Only a few more minutes would pass before your door opened so quietly that you almost didn’t notice. Max slid in through the crack, a smile on his lips. “Hello.” He said.
“Glad to see you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t pass this up for the world.” He said, sitting next to you on your bed. His arms wrapped around you, pulling your body into a tight embrace. You both fell backwards, giggling as your bodies hit the bed. At once, you both closed your eyes just basking in each other's body heat and feeling your breath on one another's skin.
Your legs dangled off the bed, and when you realized, you pulled them up and curled into Max. He just hummed softly, placing a kiss on the top of your head. It would be so easy to just fall asleep. To just postpone this until later. What if you both just…
“Hey.” He whispered.
You blinked slowly, taking in the now different view. The two of you were now laying normally on your bed, your body being held by Max still. It was raining pretty hard outside. You could hear it clearly through your open window. The lamp was off now and the alarm clock on your desk read 4:55 AM. You remembered it being only midnight.
“Hi.” You whispered back. Max drew stars on your cheek, smiling as you looked up at him with gleaming eyes. You were always so amazed by him, it didn’t take a scientist to figure that out. He could honestly say that he felt the same about you.
“We fell asleep.”
“Yeah,” You tucked your head into his chest. His shirt smelled of sunscreen and salt. “I guess we did.”
“Do you feel alright?”
You just nodded, not pulling your face away from his body. He, however, reached his hand under your chin, pulling your face just a few inches below his. Even in the dark you could see the outline of his features. You could see his lips, his beautiful eyes, his nose, his messy hair. As you studied his face, he studied yours. It was like you both got lost in one another. These moments had been more frequent lately. You enjoyed every second of them.
“If you want something, Max,” You smirked, inching closer. “Just ask.”
You watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. “Can I kiss you?”
It happened in a flash, his lips connected to yours in a rushed haze. His hand came to the small of your back pulling your pelvis into his. His other hand gripped the back of your head with such force that a small moan slipped into the kiss. Max loved it. He wanted you to do it again and again. You remained like this for only a few seconds before he flipped you onto your back, pulling away as he did so.
“God,” He whispered. “You look so good. How’d I get so lucky?”
You just looked away, hiding underneath your arm. Max pulled it away, insisting that he wanted to admire your blissed out look. The rain picked up outside. You felt so happy that you could cry. This was a moment you’d been wanting with Max since you were a teenager. Honestly, this made you have a hopeful outlook for the future. He wouldn’t have sex with you then just leave. Surely this was the beginning of something new, something you’d wanted for years.
“Can I take your shirt off?”
You nodded, lifting your arms straight up so he could slide it off. “Now yours,” You instructed.
“Yes ma’am.”
Your body was humming in pure ecstasy as his bare skin was flush against yours. He stared at you for a few seconds, looking at your face, then your body, then your lips. He was practically drooling as he consumed the image before him. Not only was this a dream come true for you, but it was for him, too. He’d always had eyes for you, he’d always wanted to feel and kiss you. As much as he was your first crush, you were his. His first kiss was also you, even though he lied at the time and said he’d been with plenty of girls. He was determined to do things right this time, to not be idiotic or selfish, to not be doubtful or despondent.
Max kissed your neck before moving down to place small kisses on your chest. They were quick, his lips moving to another spot only seconds after attaching to the first. “Max,” You moaned, hand entwined in his hair. “Give me more.”
He looked up, a smile on his face. “More?”
You nodded. “More.”
“We’re going to be late!” Your mom yelled from down the hall.
Right, this was not what you were supposed to be doing. “Max, we gotta go.” You gasped, pulling away from him.
Max frowned, adjusting his tie as you walked to your desk to reapply your jewelry. “I was having fun.”
The ‘fun’ he was talking about was having you pushed into the wall of your bedroom as the two of you feverishly made out. This had become rather common in the past few days. Ever since the night on the yacht, the dynamic between the two of you had changed from best friends with a mutual crush to best friends with benefits. Max used these benefits every chance he got. Even if it was ten minutes before a big formal charity ball.
You stepped in front of the mirror to admire your outfit. A long, skin tight, wine-red dress clung to your body. There was a slit up the left leg. Your hair was up, your makeup was done perfectly, you were flawless. Max stepped into the mirror, too, his arms wrapping around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder.
“You look stunning, baby.” Max whispered in your ear. Your skin began to rise with chills. “So good.”
“You do too, Max.” You turned to kiss him on the cheek. He wore a black suit and tie, but somehow he made the simple outfit look so complex, so elegant, so royal. “Let's go.”
He opened your door for you, extending an arm as you walked by. When the two of you walked down the stairs, everyone looked. It truly was like two members of a royal family were walking into the room. Your dad whistled, your mom and Max’s pulled out their phones to take photos, Victoria smiled, holding onto her husband, Luca and Mia shared-concerning glances? Mia-without a doubt-looked worried. Like, next level worried. Cat just got hit by a car worried.
“You two look phenomenal.” Sophie said.
“Thanks, mom.” Max responded.
The eleven of you were all dressed to impress. The cameras would surely find their way to you, tonight. This charity ball was something you attended every summer, but now that Max was a celebrity who had millions of people watching his every move, cameras were going to be present. So, you all took a little extra time to look good. Luca wondered if any girls would see his photo and ask about him. Max boosted his ego and said, “Maybe.”
When you all got there, the venue was packed. A small, round table had the name cards for you, Max, your siblings and Victoria’s family. Your parents and Sophie were elsewhere, sitting at a table with high-end contributors who were older than dust.
You were on one side of Max, his brother-in-law was on the other. Mia was on the opposite side of the table and still she carried this worrying look. Was she sick? “Mia?” You asked. “Are you alright?”
“I-um,” She looked at Max. He looked away, tapping on the table to get his little nephew's attention. “Yes. I am ok.”
“Are you sure? I can drive you home.”
“Yes, y/n. I’m alright.”
Odd. All night she would furrow her brows, frown, sigh or just be overall sad whenever you and Max whispered in each others ears, whenever his hand came to rest on your knee, whenever he fed you a piece of food, whenever you leaned into his shoulder while laughing. Luca began leaning into her, whispering something that you couldn’t quite hear.
“So, Max. You leave soon, right?” She started up.
He cleared his throat, setting his napkin on the table. “I do, yeah. Four days.”
Your heart began to pang in your chest. How could you have forgotten? The three weeks Max spent with you were almost up. You two would have to go your own ways now. You were hopeful, however. This hurt way less than the first time it happened.
“What comes next for,” Mia waved her hand between the two of you. “This?”
You sighed. Why was she being so rude? “Mia-”
“What do you mean?” Max asked.
She sipped from her wine glass, setting it back down with such force that a bit splashed out over the side. “When you go back to Monaco and she goes back to the states. What happens then? Are you gonna break her heart again?”
“Mia! Enough.” You corrected her. “What is your problem tonight-you know what, no. Not even tonight. You’ve been a bitch to Max for the past week. Why?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you explain, Max.” She turned her whole body to face Luca who sat to her right. “Or you can explain, Luca.”
Luca almost spit out his water. “Me?”
“What are you talking about?” You asked. You slowly turned to look at Max. His hand came from off your thigh to the wine glass in front of him. He downed the last of the red liquid, almost as if he was refusing to speak.
“Nobody? No takers?” Mia proceeded. “Fine then, I’ll tell y/n.”
At that moment, at that table, your summer crumbled. No longer would the sun feel as warm, would the beach feel as calming, would Elba feel as homely, would Max feel so wonderful. All the worries you had, all the wonders that plagued your mind, all of the what ifs, all of the maybes-everything came crashing down. Everything became a slew of nevers, of goodbyes, of I would just rather forget you’s.
Mia sighed. “Y/n, Luca bet Max that he wouldn’t be able to kiss you this summer. And he took it.”
“He bet what?” You asked. “What do you mean?”
“At dinner on the first night you got up to go to the bathroom. When you were gone, Luca bet Max one hundred dollars that he couldn’t get you to kiss him. Max took the bet and said that he could make it happen.”
Oh. So, was it real? Was any of it real? The first night after dinner when he sat next to you by the pool, was he just trying to win the bet? When he stayed home to watch the sunrise with you, was he just trying to win the bet? When he apologized, was it just a step in his plan to win the bet? Wherever you and him would ride together in his car, go to the beach together, play games together, fall asleep on the couch together-was it for his bet? When you first kissed, did he feel good because of you or because he knew he beat Luca?
“Max,” You practically whispered. “Tell me she’s lying.”
He said nothing. There was now this deafening silence hanging over the table. You felt sick. Why wouldn’t Max just look at you and say that it was fake, that Mia was making shit up?
“Max, please.” You begged. Tears formed in your eyes. “Why wont you say anything?”
“It’s true.” Was all he said. He didn’t look at you, he looked at Luca. So you looked at Luca. He hung his head as soon as you made eye contact with him.
“How could you-why did you-Mia. How’d you find out?” Was your next question.
“Luca was playing video games with one of his friends talking about it,” She said. “And I overheard it and made him explain it all.”
“Luca, how could you do that to me?” Your voice was so quiet, so close to breaking. “You’re my brother.”
“Y/n, I-”
You stood up, chair scratching the floor as you did so. With quick, long steps, you darted out of the dining venue. Mia was quick to follow. Max didn’t get up, neither did Luca. Not that you cared anymore. There was one thing you wanted and it wasn’t an apology from anyone, it was the first flight back to New York.
You’d done it again. He’d done it again.
Max Verstappen once again had broken your heart and didn't bother to watch you cry or attempt to apologize.
How foolish of you to fall once again.
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tracingpatternswrites · 4 months
Decision week pt 2 | Married at First Sight
(Read the whole thing from the beginning here)
The time has come for our couples to make their final decisions. Will they choose to stay married, or will they go their separate ways? They have come a long way in the past five weeks, and now it’s time for them to decide whether or not they want to continue on this journey together.
Welcome to Married at First Sight - the Final.
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Read on AO3.
Snippet below the cut.
Sirius had been right, the house did feel empty without Remus there. It surprised him, in a way, that he had grown used to the presence of someone else so quickly. Before Remus moved in, the only experience Sirius had of living with other people, that wasn’t family, was when he and James had shared a dorm during school.
He was normally fiercely protective of his own space, and he didn’t mind spending time on his own. Whenever he wanted company he would go over to James’ and Lily’s place, he knew he was always welcome there, but one reason he loved visiting them was that he knew that at the end of the day, he could go back home.
He had been tossing and turning all night after he returned from Brighton, unable to sleep. He wondered if Remus did the same, if his mind was also buzzing with thoughts of the big decision they had coming up.
When the clock on his bedside table showed six am, Sirius couldn’t bring himself to stay in bed any longer. He made himself a coffee before heading out into the garden. He sat down in the same place where he and Remus had sat talking about their future and it felt absurd that it had only been a few days ago.
Sirius wanted to call Remus, wanted to check in on him, but they weren’t allowed to have any contact before they met at the studio to make their decision. So, instead, Sirius was left to his own thoughts, his mind whirring a mile a minute.
He was glad that Remus had asked him to come to Brighton. He felt as if he had seen one Remus here, in the house with him in London, and another one when they went up north to meet his parents. The Remus he had seen with his friends was yet another version, and now he could add Brighton Remus as a piece to the puzzle.
It had made sense to see Remus there, and it suited him to walk through the narrow lanes with the small shops and cafés and vintage boutiques. Even the flat had made sense, and Sirius honestly didn’t think that it was as bad as Remus had made it out to be. It was supposed to be a temporary thing anyway, and Sirius had seen much worse places in his youth.
He knew that he might have become a little carried away as he told Remus he could imagine living in Brighton, he was still a London boy at heart, but being close to the beach and the sea had its appeal. Especially if they were going to start a family.
That was the other thing – a family. Sirius wanted one; he wanted to do things differently and break the Black family curse of horrible parents and dysfunctional childhoods. He hadn’t thought too much of the details, he hadn’t been close enough to get what he wanted to properly consider it, but when they had talked about it he had realised it was important to him.
He knew that Remus had said that he would consider it, that he needed to think about it, but what if he decided that it wasn’t for him? Would Sirius be able to accept that, or would it be a deal breaker?
He tried to imagine how it would have felt if Remus had told him that the day before. If Remus had told him straight up that children were out of the question, would Sirius have walked away? He wasn’t sure and that scared him.
When he couldn’t put up with his own thoughts any more he pulled his phone out. It was barely gone eight but he knew that James would be up, they were both far too full of energy to sleep in. Unsurprisingly, James picked up after only two rings.
“Pads! What’s up?”
“Not much,” replied Sirius, sighing softly as he leaned back against the wall behind him. “I just– I’m back home. Alone.”
“Remus back in Brighton?” James’ voice was sympathetic. “That sucks, mate.”
“Yeah,” Sirius exhaled. “I know that we’re supposed to spend this time apart to figure out what we want but…”
He trailed off, and he heard some rustling on the other end before James’ voice came back.
“But you’re worried that thinking is going to give you, or him, cold feet?”
Sirius gave a non-committal grunt.
“I just want to call him but I know that I can’t.”
James didn’t reply straight away, there was another rustling noise and Sirius could imagine James making his way down the stairs and into the kitchen of his and Lily’s house.
“Y’know, we were thinking of going to Hampton Court for the day,” said James as Sirius heard the sound of his coffee machine on the other end of the line. “You should come with us. It’d be good for you to get out a bit, and Harry’s been asking for you.”
Sirius felt his chest tighten with affection for his best friend, grateful that James always seemed to know exactly what he needed, even before Sirius knew it himself.
“Yeah,” he said, exhaling softly. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
Continue on AO3.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.5 Sakamaki Laito Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 5 逆巻ライト アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 5 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke 
Translator’s note: Bowling master Laito kind of threw me for a loop, but it also makes sense? Like he strikes me as the type of guy who would be unexpected skilled at a bunch of random things. In general, I’ve been really enjoying these ‘date scenario’ CDs. They actually did a good job making every one of them unique and choosing fun locations for each boy. I know the chances of us getting another DL anime are really slim, but if they do decide to make one, I really hope it’s not a season 3 based on DF or LE but a bunch of OVAs instead based on the drama CDs.
“...What’s this? There’s quite a lot of people here despite it being so late at night. I guess bowling is pretty popular. I thought I’d be able to do all sorts of fun things with my Bitch-chan, such a shame! ーー Ah! Our lane is over here. Ah! Check out the monitor over there! It actually displays our names as ‘Laito’ and ‘Bitch’! I love your name. It really stands out amongst the others! I would have loved to be able to input ‘Bitch-chan’ instead, honestly. I felt pretty bummed when they told me that I could only input up to five characters. Right, Bitch-chan?”
You frown. 
“...? You’ve been quiet this whole time. What’s wrong? Did you want me to add the ‘-chan’ as well?”
You shake your head.
“Then what’s the matter?”
You complain about him wanting to come here. 
“Eeh~? Is it really that strange? Even I feel like playing a game of bowling every now and then. There’s no ulterior motive behind it!”
You squint your eyes. 
“Oh dear. You’re still suspicious of me? ...Fine. I’ll fess up the truth. ーー We actually gave here today because I wanted to do you a favor.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Mmh. We’re usually active at night, so most places where high schoolers like to hang out are closed by that hour, no? So we’re limited in the things we can do, right? Well, you might be fine with that, but you’re still a blossoming high school girl, so I figured that you might fantasize about the kind of cute dates depicted in shoujo manga and such. ーー I thought it wouldn’t hurt to go on a typical high schoolers’ date for once, so I started looking around for places which are open 24/7, which brings us here today. How’s that? Do you understand now?”
You nod.
“Nfu~ I’m glad. With that misunderstanding lifted...Now that we’re here anyway, why don’t we get started? I’m up first, aren’t I? Let me think...Which ball should I pick? ーー Ah. This one will do.”
“It has the same color as your hair. I’ll throw it as hard as I can, imagining its your head instead~”
You protest.
“Nfu~ Oh come on, you may say that, but I know you’re happy deep down! You love to get pushed around by me, don’t you? ...Ah! When it’s your turn, why don’t you pick a ball in the same color as my hair? I don’t dislike the idea of being at your mercy either~”
You refuse. 
“Geez...You’d be able to get so much more of of life if you just enjoy it as one of many fetishes. You’re so easily embarrassed. Fine. ...I’ll throw the ball, okay?”
Laito faces towards the lane.
“Let me think...I’m supposed to throw it leaning down...or from up top? 
You seem surprised he has never bowled before. 
“Eh!? Bitch-chan...Do you really think I’ve come to this sorta place before? Today’s obviously my first bowling experience!”
“But don’t worry! Experience isn’t what matters...It’s all about chemistry...!”
Laito throws his ball.
*Clatter clatter*
“Huh? I knocked all of them over. Is this what you’d call a ‘strike’?”
You seem very impressed.
“...Nfu~ I got praised~ Anyway, is this really so amazing?”
You nod.
“Heeh...I wonder if I am a natural at bowling? Control is key, so it might be the perfect game some someone who is very technique-minded such as myself. In that case, I’m quite curious what you are capable of, Bitch-chan~”
You frown.
“Now, now, no need to be so modest. Show me what you’re made of. Go give it a shot! ...Nfu~ I’m very much looking forward to this.”
You walk towards the lane.
“Break a leg, Bitch-chan~! Throw it with everything you’ve got!” 
You throw the ball. 
*Thud thud* 
“Nfu~ Ah-ahー I guess the excitement ended up being her downfall. What a shame. ...They call this a ‘gutter’, don’t they? I can’t believe you didn’t even manage to knock over one of them. ...Ah, come on. One more try, no?”
You try once more.
“Ahー You really suck at this, don’t you?”
You seem disappointed.
“No need to be so sad. My strike might have been just a fluke. I’ll go next, so watch me, okay?”
Laito walks up to the lane again. 
“Aah~ I guess it wasn’t just beginner’s luck! I might have a knack for bowling after all! ...In that case, Bitch-chan, why don’t you come over here with your ball?”
You pick up your ball and approach him.
“Okay! Let’s practice how to hold the ball!”
“Geez, no need to be so surprised. We came here to treat you to a good time today, so I’ll teach you very gently~ Come on, hold the ball.”
“Hmー That won’t do.”
*Rustle rustle*
“You need to stretch your arm a little more.”
You try to scoot away from him, asking why he is touching you.
“What are you saying? I’m fixing your posture! I think I proved earlier that my bowling skills far exceed yours, so don’t you think it’s in your best interest to take my advice?” 
You frown.
“I mean, it’d be kind of difficult to tell you what to do without clinging to you like this, is it? I’m positive that it’d be so much easier to teach you good posture through direct touch!”
“Come on, lean back against me and stand straight.”
“Don’t move! You want to be able to throw the ball properly don’t you?”
You tell him to move away. 
“How mean, telling me to back off! I’m only trying to show my good heart by teaching you! I mean, if you lose this duel against me, you’ll get punished, remember?”
You seem surprised by that. 
“I mean, duh? Didn’t I tell you? All games have some kind of punishment game attached to it, don’t they? You have to expect those kind of things! By the way, now that you’ve already thrown once, you’re part of the game, so there’s no backing out~”
You ask him if he would punish you right here in public.
“Fufu~ Why would you ask that? ーー I get it. You’re curious about what this punishment would entail, aren’t you~? Were you perhaps hoping that I’d suck your blood~?”
You deny it.
“Nfu~ No point in trying to deny it~ I bet you imagined my fangs sinking deeply into your fair nape, didn’t you? Aah~ I suppose I have no other choice. That wasn’t the plan, but I’ll live up to your expectations and make the punishment something deliciously painful~ Please look forward to this punishment...which will turn both your body and soul to putty~”
You try to make a run for it.
*Rustle rustle* 
“Ahaha~ Oh come on, hold up! I told you that there’s no way out, didn’t you? You better behave...or I’ll do it right here, right now.”
You immediately stop resisting. 
“Nfu~ Good girl. Besides, there’s only a 50% chance that you’ll get punished, so just remember that you could always win and try to make the best out of it!”
You sigh in defeat.
“Well then, let’s continue your lesson. Now, where’s your spine?”
“Nfu~ Found it~ Mm~
*Rustle rustle* 
“What are you saying? I’m helping you straighten your back! By tracing my fingers across your spine like this...See? You pushed out your chest which improved your stance! Try to hold this proper posture, okay?”
You ask him if he knows what hte proper posture for bowling is.
“Eh? No idea! How am I supposed to know what is the ‘right posture’ for bowling when I’m still a newbie at the game myself.”
You ask him what he has been teaching you then. 
“You’re just so terrible at this, I’ve just been giving you random points and then it was up to you whether or not you’d take my words for granted. ...Anyway, ahaha~ They’re really hard to miss when you’re standing looking straight ahead like that.”
You tilt your head to side.
“Over here. These bite marks on・your・neck~”
You squeak.
“They’re the proof of the love we share with each other every night~ It’s too bad you can’t really see them unless you move this close. I promise I’ll make them stand out even more by biting you nice and hard when we get back home, so rest assured~”
You complain. 
“You’re adorable when you pretend to dislike something. However, no losing on purpose because you want to get bitten ,okay?”
You insist that you would never do that. 
“I wonder~? You’re a naughty girl who seduces other by feigning discomfort. You want me to completely overpower you, run away with the victory and inflict pain upon you as a result, don’t you? And then you’d try to play innocent by saying ‘Oh I don’t actually want this, but it can’t be helped because I lost the game~', won’t you? ...Sure. Two can play that game. I like that sort of thing as well after all. I’ll make sure to slowly drive you into a corner...and then tease the living hell out・of・you~”
Your cheeks grow hot.
“Oh? What’s wrong? ...Nfu~ You’re flustered, aren’t you? Oh come, you are so shy~ ...Anyway, let’s get this game going! Try throwing the ball following my tips from earlier.”
You nod and throw the ball. 
“Wow~ You actually knocked them all over! I’m shocked!” 
You rejoice.
“Nfu~ Congratulations, Bitch-chan. Judging from your sheer excitement, could it be that this is the first time you’ve ever hit a strike?”
You nod.
“Mmh, mmh~ I’m happy for you! In that case, why don’t we end on a positive note and wrap up the match right here? It’s obvious you’ll lose after all.”
You protest.
“I mean, even if continue to bowl one strike after the other now, you already threw a gutter once, so you have no chance at getting ahead of me.There’s no way I’d give away the win now.”
You shake your head. 
“Ah~ We can keep going until I have a slip-up if you want, but in return, your punishment will get more and more severe, the longer the game lasts. I believe you’d be much better off admitting defeat right now and simply heading home with me. 
I’m fine with either scenario. We’re here on a date today for you after all. You can choose whether you want to call it a day right now and quickly get your punishment, or if you’d rather have me tend to you thoroughly after I’ve messed with you a little longer.”
You call him out on being unreasonable. 
“Nfu~ Exactly. I might be messed up. But you love this crazy guy, don’t you? In which case, you have no other choice but to play along with me and slowly become insane as well.”
You sigh.
“Fufu~ Since you sighed in defeat, does that mean you’ve made your choice?”
You choose to go home. 
“Nfu~ Sure. As you wish. Well then...Shall we head home, Bitch-chan~? I’ll treat you to plenty of the good stuff which you love oh-so much~”
ーー THE END ーー
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turvi · 2 years
Like Mother, Like Son
Severus Snape x Fem! Reader
Summary: A slice of life in the life of Severus Snape.
A/N: I had this inspiration after watching Modern Family. So hi five who watches it.
Severus had two lovely children. Clementine and Aiden. Their names suited well to their personalities. While Clementine has taken after Severus, Aiden has taken after his mother and while he loves his children to the core the latter can be a bit chaotic. Like his mother.
"Hey" Y/n climbed down the stairs to find Severus and Clementine sitting in front of the fireplace enjoying the morning peace. "Good morning, what are you reading Clem?"
Clementine gave her a warm smile "Good Morning Mother, I am reading Nancy Drew"
"Hmm are you enjoying it"
"Yes, mama thank you so much for gifting me this book I love it so much."Y/n gave her a loving smile.
Severus couldn't help but blush. She looked as lovely as the day they met. She settled herself on the arm of the couch Severus was sitting on.
"Where is my good morning?" he asked her raising his eyebrows.
She giggled as she kissed him promptly on his "Good Morning my love" she said with such love Severus was thankful he was sitting as his knees got weak at her loving voice.
"I am still here" Clementine reminded her eyes still on her book.
"Which reminds me where is our little troublemaker" he smirked at his wife.
"He is not a troublemaker" Y/n gasped. As soon as she finished her sentence the boy in question quickly made himself known.
"Are you sure he was not adopted?" Clementine asked
"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" Aidan yelled interrupting Clementine and quickly made his way downstairs.
"Aidan please be careful on the stairs you will get hurt," Severus said sternly giving a look to Y/n "See what I meant?"
"Sorry Papa" he quickly settled himself on Severus' other lap and gave a kiss on his cheek.
"Aww see he is so adorable and tell Papa how you are becoming responsible" Y/n cooed as Aidan preened
"Papa today I made my own bed," Aiden said with such a big smile that Severus had to bite his cheek to let his smile spread.
Aidan quickly got up from Severus' lap and ran towards his room.
"Careful on the steps" Severus reminded him.
Y/n couldn't stop looking at her husband she always knew he would make a great father and while she accepts they can be a handful he has always been patient with them. Severus starts blushing once he realizes Y/n's gaze on him
"You are staring at me" he smirked watching Y/n blush at his words
"I am just happy at the fact that you are happy" she softly smiled at him.
He caressed her back gently "I am," he said smiling lovingly at her.
"Ma I am going to explode some color-filled ballons on neighbors will you join me?" he asked Y/n wide-eyed
"Yes," she replied to him instantly getting. Giggles escape them as they leave their humble abode.
"Huh, I guess that answers my question" Clementine sighed going back to her reading.
"I am glad you took after me" Severus smiles sweetly at his daughter.
"I kind of want to watch them," She said finally closing her book
"Go, the more the merrier" he watched as she left quickly to join her brother and mother.
Severus went to the window to watch Y/n and the children fill the water balloons. Clementine finally decided to join them instead of watching.
Severus is happy with his family forgetting his past was not easy but creating a happy future was what Severus was looking forward to.
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