#And he's not wearing his guan
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kirstenly · 9 months ago
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Yin Yu Appreciation Week Day 1, In which Hua Cheng quietly delivers a threat expressing that Yin Yu is going on vacation, and he does not have a choice in the matter.
Day 1 Extra:
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lazycranberrydoodles · 1 year ago
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english translation book 5 baby we are in the ‘people assuming kid form hua cheng is xie lian’s son’ era 🔥🔥🔥 / follow for more hualian silliness
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hualianschild · 11 months ago
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xie lian : guys I'm innoce-
shi qingxuan : YEAH MY BRO IS B1TCHLESS
xie lian : that's righ-
xie lian's mind : *shalalala music* *gay thoughts abt a certain ghost king* *rose tinted bg*
xie lian : AHEM SO *nervous laughter*
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myheartismadeofstars · 26 days ago
Thinking about Guard!Hua Cheng. (In the AU I'm working on, he joins the guards under the name of Wu Ming, but I'll use HC for this post)
HC joins the guard to be close to XL, but because XL already has an official bodyguard, he doesn't always get lucky enough to guard him directly.
He HATES guarding pretty much anyone but XL. But for pretty obvious reasons, guarding QR is the absolute bane of his existence.
He also hates guarding the King. He has no respect for him. Whatsoever. Honestly all he had to do was see XL argue with him ONCE and he could only be bothered so do his job well enough to not get fired.
The Queen is a different matter. He loves the Queen. She's kind to him, and will talk to him, even telling him stories about XL when he was younger. HC suspects that she might be aware of his feelings for XL, and supports him in this. (She's more cautious than HC thinks, due to what happened with her sister, but after seeing him with XL the Queen can't help but think their relationship is sweet)
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potatosaresweet · 2 months ago
im still thinking about how jun wu placed the cursed shackle around yin yu and mu qing's wrists but xie lian's was around his neck
he placed a literal collar on him
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opintheot · 3 months ago
It makes sense that little Mo wouldn't want to live with He Tian, he likes his space and independence
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menelaus-blue · 11 months ago
back on my usual mxtx bullshit ig but i always find it so funny when artists draw mu qing in heels but no feng xin bc…they’re the same height…if mu qing put on heels and he was taller than feng xin, i am 1100% sure that feng xin would just wear heels as well. i’m sorry but it needed to be said
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crimsonmonsoon · 1 year ago
My Qi Rong headcannon of the day (incorporating my design for him) is that like Hua Cheng, he can change his appearance so that even after he loses his mask in the second book/season, people can’t exactly say he looks like Xie Lian. My design for him really turns him into a goblin so if we pretend he looks like that then he’s intentionally becoming something as far from Xie Lian as he can, but his true form would be much more beautiful and their similarity much more prominent. But in canon he doesn’t actually have enough power to do that I don’t think? Hua Cheng is powerful enough to have multiple forms so maybe Qi Rong can get by with having only one.
And ignoring my design for him, I think this is also why he wears a mask. Pretty boy don’t like being reminded he’s related to Xie Lian.
I also have a headcannon that he was executed by decapitation with the royal xianle family so in the afterlife he has a huge scar around his neck. He’d get pissed off to find it mirrors Xie Lian’s cursed shackle.
In other words he’s trying to be something as far from Xie Lian as possible, even if he has to make himself as ugly as he can to do so.
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He’s on my walls now…
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 10 months ago
I have been haunted by the Mud AU since you answered the ask about it? It's just so good in all the parts? Sad and muddy Xie Lian with a hole through his chest being mistaken for a ghost (and he doesn't care, he's So Tired) asking Hua Cheng to kill him? He doesn't recognize him because of the mud, and then when he loses you say he'll be hired by the Gambler's Den so he'll be wearing a uniform and a mask- The mention at the end of the summary of Hua Cheng and unintentionally disguised Xie Lian's contentious relationship, what's going on there... I'm so intrigued 👀👀👀
YESS omg. im so excited for mudlian au. he's suffering every day
my fav subgenre of tgcf fics is anything where either A) hc and xl dont recognize each other right away or B) xl ends up working in ghost city for some reason, so i want the best of both worlds (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ i also think the idea of them initially disliking each other is soooooo funny just given how besotted they usually are with each other. the HC pipeline of 'who cares about this random asshole ghost' to 'hhhhnnnnggg id do anything for him and also i need to disperse myself for disloyalty to his highness by looking at this ghosts biceps to much' is a rich vein of untapped potential
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fluffypurpleglitterdemon · 7 months ago
Hua Cheng using his real appearance as his "Someone's about to get fucked up" look...
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lazycranberrydoodles · 2 years ago
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woe mundane monopoly headcanons be upon ye
follow for more of modern au hua cheng’s outfits
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spock-adoodledoo · 3 months ago
jinshi looks more handsome w his hair up sry
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gravity-what · 1 month ago
Slightly off topic but this definitely gives some credibility to the idea that Chase and Guan’s fight was actually planned. I mean:
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There is no way Guan somehow snuck in unless he, somehow, has a way around Chase’s ability to sense people coming into his domain.
Chase can usually sense when people are in his domain in the Land of Nowhere, but especially when they're at his lair. He's very aware when people are at his door.
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It's how he locks the door and traps the monks in the second they cross the open threshold.
It's how he sent the jungle cats to escort Omi inside to him before Omi even had to so much as knock.
It's how he always makes sure the door falls on Jack regardless of which direction he goes to avoid it.
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He's even able to track a literal fly coming in and out of his lair.
Usually, characters who come into or make it out of Chase's lair do so because he's allowing it.
But that ability to sense others in his territory seems to be one of the many powers dulled when the Heylin Eclipse comes around.
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Wuya and Hannibal are able to have this meetup about their plan to jump Chase during the Eclipse, right at Chase's literal doorstep. They know he's too weakened to sense them there right now or to do anything to stop them there at the moment.
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quietly-sleeping · 3 months ago
When he first started doing Liu Qingge's hair he didn't expect the other man to be so sensitive. Shen Yuan had carefully pulled out the dripping hair pins, the now stained ribbon, and a guan the man usually refused to wear. He thought at first the shivering was due to the sticky sap that still coated most of Liu Qingge's robes, of which he really needed to get out of.
But it continued after Liu Qingge's bath. His shoulders would tense, flinching slightly as Shen Yuan began to drag the comb through his hair. But as it continued, the shivers would return, his shoulders would drop and he began to sway slightly. Shen Yuan knew he shouldn't mess with his shidi like this, but he couldn't help himself sometimes.
It was fascinating to watch Liu Qingge begin to melt as Shen Yuan worked the hair oil in. As he carefully braided his shidi's hair and pulled him towards his awfully Spartan bed, Shen Yuan wondered when he would be able to do this again.
The answer was: less than a week. The Mud Slinging Toad followed through with its name, leaving Shen Yuan, Liu Qingge, and a less than pleased Mu Qingfang covered.
Mu Qingfang left them quickly, citing a lecture he needed to prepare for while Shen Yuan herded his uncooperative shidi towards the Beast Peak. Shen Yuan was delighted to discover that it took less time to make Liu Qingge melt this time around. The man blinking like a content cat while Shen Yuan worked clumps of mud out of his long hair.
His shidi's sudden infliction of loose limbs lasted until Shen Yuan was clean as well. The other Peak Lord gathering his senses enough to stumble over to the bed and promptly pass out. Which Shen Yuan wouldn't have minded, however, Liu Qingge had laid across most of the bed. Leaving Shen Yuan with the choice of either waking his shidi, not going to happen, or adjusting the man enough for Shen Yuan to fit as well.
Shen Yuan certainly wasn't going to be sleeping else where. He liked his bed far too much for that.
That decision caused an unfortunate amount of activity that morning. With his very pretty shidi, clad in his inner robes and flushed down his neck, storming out of Shen Yuan's modest house with Shen Yuan's outerrobe in hand. If he were more awake Shen Yuan was certain he would have called out for his shidi and taken his outerrobe back. However, he was tired, and his bed was so warm, and it smelled sweet like the soap he'd given his shidi to use last night.
He'd simply get his robe back later, Shen Yuan assured himself, he'd have to return Liu Qingge's anyway.
It was nearly two weeks until Shen Yuan got to put his hands on Liu Qingge's hair again. This time they weren't covered in suspicious substances, and Shen Yuan had taken the chance to return Liu Qingge's outerrobe. Despite his shidi attempting to run out the door again, as he had most of the last two weeks, Shen Yuan had managed to coax the man into a cup of tea.
Shen Yuan had found himself staring at a strand of his shidi's hair for most of their talk, it had escaped the braid that lead most of Liu Qingge's hair back to his ponytail. In fact, his shidi's hair seemed softer today, and Shen Yuan could feel his hand twitching slightly. It was a little amusing to watch the tint of red blossom down Liu Qingge's neck when Shen Yuan asked if he could tidy his hair.
However, it was so much more, in multiple ways to have Liu Qingge loose limbed and blinking slowly while resting his head on Shen Yuan's lap. He wasn't entirely sure how they ended up this way, but he certainly wasn't opposed to it. He followed the curve of Liu Qingge's cheek as it pressed against his leg, tracing a line with his eyes down his relaxed shidi's back.
It was a lovely line, and for a moment Shen Yuan longed for the skill to paint or draw the human form. How pretty a painting it would be, his stiff and tense shidi, pliant and soft, permanently recorded for Shen Yuan to study.
He had long finished combing his shidi's hair, simply stroking down his back and shoulders, the man burrowing closer to Shen Yuan the longer it lasted. It left his pretty shidi so relaxed that only Shen Yuan jumped when the door to his home snapped open.
Fighting the heat in his own cheeks now, Shen Yuan tried to smile at his shixiong in a manner that told him I have an explanation for this. Shen Yuan wasn't sure he succeeded when Shen Qingqiu smiled back at him.
"Well," The smile, paired with sharp brown eyes made a shiver of something Shen Yuan assumed to be fear run down his spine. "This is certainly a sight."
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fiftysevenacademics · 1 month ago
How slutty is his ponytail?
Rating men's ponytails in wuxia/xianxia I've seen. Part 2. Part 1.
Jiang Cheng (The Untamed) 6/10
The most underrated ponytail in The Untamed. He's canonically "maidenless" but that's just because Zidian is even sluttier than his ponytail and that scares people. That's OK, boo. You're a solid 6 on my scale.
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Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) 7/10
This ponytail isn't half as slutty as that luscious red ribbon that falls somewhere between necromancer work wear and sexy lingerie. Truly a look that takes him effortlessly from office to the club! Whether he's summoning the dead or making goo-goo eyes at Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian's ponytail slays.
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Wen Kexing (Word of Honor) 7/10
I really wanted to rate him higher but he mostly wears a little bun, which falls outside the parameters of this assessment. So I am rating this anemic little ponytail higher than it probably deserves.
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Xiao Heng (The Double) 8/10
Duke Su always wears his hair in a neat, proper, masculine bun held by a golden guan that suits his high status and emphasizes his power. He only wears it in a ponytail in the situations where having long hair flying around your face could get you killed: during battle. He also does it when he's training shirtless in the rain, as one does. His simple, unadorned ponytail serves cunt way above its paygrade.
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Xue Yang (The Untamed) 8/10
This crazy motherfucker's ponytail is just as chaotic and unpredictable as he is. He's so dangerous that even his ponytail could probably kill a man at 50 paces.
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Young Zhao Yuanzhou and Li Lun (Fangs of Fortune) 9/10
I mean...just look at them! Can't even be bothered to comb their hair properly before tying it up in shaggy little ponytails because they know they're going to tumble right back into bed anyway, so why bother. So slutty.
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Scorpion King (Word of Honor) 9/10
The braids! The silver and turquoise guan! The lavish yet restrained and obviously kinky longing they imply!
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Mu Sheng (Love Game in Eastern Fantasy) 10/10
I've only seen a couple episodes so far, but this guy's ponytail is a whole mood. It looks like something a 1960s pinup model would wear, and he flounces it around like one constantly, pouting and letting strands of hair fall seductively over his face.
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Xu Qi'an (Guardians of the Dafeng) 10/10
Xu Qi'an's ponytail is so slutty it's on OnlyFans. It's so slutty he needs to use birth control every time he does his hair. It's so slutty it whistles at construction workers when he walks past them. How long does it take him to curl his hair to give it the maximum bounce and fullness? Why does he also wear it on the top of his head like a 60s pinup girl? How can everyone tell he's not a virgin? PUH-LEEZE! I still haven't finished this show, but as far as I'm concerned, this ponytail is the star.
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