#And bumping into kakyoins parents on the street
just-a-shark333 · 28 days
Thinking about Jotaro having to be the one to find Kakyoins parents and tell them their son is dead.
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Yandere prompt 21 with Kakyoin please?
Welp I just want to say before we start that the Yakuza scam that is mentioned is actually a true story that my Japanese teacher told the class about as a warning about all of the corruption that happens in Tokyo.
Anyway here's the fic
Foreign treasure
(Yandere Kakyoin X Female Reader)
Kakyoin couldn't help but stare at the new exchange student, her name was (Y/n) (L/n). He couldn't help but lose focus in his classes as he looked at her. Her soft (h/c) hair, her stunning (E/C) eyes that gleamed in the sun like jewels. She truely was a foreign treasure.
He wanted her to know he existed but was to shy to even give direct eye contact, little more actually speak to her.
"That'll be 1500 yen" the shop clerk said. Kakyoin looked through his wallet and picked out the notes and coins in his hand. 1155 yen, it wasn't enough to pay for his lunch and drink. He felt embarrassed and he didn't know what to say until a hand grazed against his as they placed a 1000 yen note in his hand.
"You can keep the change" a familiar soft voice said. He looked to his side to see the familiar (h/c)ed female, giving him a smile that was possibly sweeter then any candy.
"Uh... O, thanks" he stuttered in embarrassment.
"No problem, sorry if I scared you" she said as her smile grew.
"No you didn't" he said as he handed the clerk the money and grabbed the plastic bag.
"Your name's Kakyoin, right?" She asked him.
"Y... Yes" he stuttered.
"Well I'm (Y/n)" she said as she took his hand and shook it.
His heart skipped a beat as he felt her holding his hand and the butterflies grew in his stomach.
"Everytime I've seen that you've always been alone, what's up with that?" She asked as they both walked out.
"I just think that it's more important to study then socialise" he lied.
"Oh, I just thought you might've of been lonely..." You sighed.
"Thou that's nothing to be ashamed of, back in my country I'm pretty lonely at school" she said to him.
"It's so much nicer here. Everything's cleaner, the streets the houses, even the people" she said.
"Oh I'm sorry... I must rambling" she apologized.
"No, no it's perfectly fine, I enjoy listening to y- people" he said avoiding to say you to not sound creepy but it was the truth, he did enjoy listening to you. On many occasions he had used his stand to possess others just so he could hear her voice. He had even used a possessed to stalk you, but to his misfortune she had caught him and ran off too quickly for him to follow.
"What are you listening to?" He asked as he saw her headphones that were plugged into a cassette player, he could hear the tune ever so faintly.
"Oh... I'm not sure if you know him... Then again you Japanese sure do have a love of western music" she replied.
"Even if I don't I'm sure he's great"
"Well if you must know... I'm listening to Sting" she said. His eyes light up with suprise.
"You like Sting, He's my favourite musician" he said, trying so desperately to his his joy. Him and her were so much alike, he just knew that she had to have some feeling for him.
Over the weeks he seemed so much brighter, every week day he jumped out of bed excited to see you once more but one day you had to leave, this was only a exchange program. You had to go back.
"(Y/n) I just wanted to give you something before you go!" He yelled as he tried to catch up to catch up to her as he held an envelope in his hand.
"Yes?" She asked as she stopped.
"Here" he said as he put the envelope in her hand.
"Don't open it now, but please reply when you get back" he asked her.
"Of course" she said.
But she never did...
Several years had passed and the year was 1996 and the world was a different place, especially after the crusaders back in 85. They had all gone their separate ways. Polnareff had gone back to France, Joseph had gone back to America, Jotaro had left Japan shortly after graduating and was now a marine biologist as well as a husband and father.
And Kakyoin... He had decided that he would just stay in Japan and live a normal, quiet life. He had a office job in the heart of Tokyo, occasionally doing a bit of painting but over all the years he never forgot about the (h/C) haired female, he still had some delusional hope that he may one day get a response. He still remembered what he had written. A confession, a declaration and a promise of love for her.
It was like every Tuesday night. He was heading back to his apartment through a park when he saw two small children, a boy and girl around 5 and 7 playing around, he could tell they were foreigners.
One accidentally bumped into him and apologized before a woman ran towards them.
"I'm so sorry about that sir" a familiar voice said.
He felt the butterflies that had once been in his stomach as he saw her.
"(Y/n)..." Was all that came out of his mouth. The lady looked into his eyes. God he didn't think she could have gotten anymore beautiful but he had been proven wrong, she had aged so well.
"Kakyoin..." She softly replied before hugging him.
"God Kakyoin, it sure is a small world we live in" she said.
"Mommy who's this" the little girl asked. He felt his insides twist as he heard her say Mommy, had you really just forgotten him and just gotten with someone else.
"Oh he's a friend I made while I studied here years ago" she explained.
"Could you guys go on the play over there, I want to talk with with Kakyoin, if that's ok with you?" She said as she sat down on the small garden wall.
"Yes that's ok, I don't have any plans" he said as he sat next to her. The two children the ran around the park but always kept in her view.
"Wow I really can't believe you became a mother, where's the lucky man?" he sighed, he was truly horrified by this discovery.
"It's a long story" she sighed.
"I don't mind a long story" he said pulling a slightly amused voice in attempt to cheer you up.
"Well Paige and Matthew are actually my niece and nephew but their parents were involved in a horrific car crash, their father died instantly and their mother wasn't recovering in hospital. She knew that she wasn't going to make it... A few hours later she passed away as well, she told me she only wanted me to adopt them before she did, so for her dying wish I did, I've never been able to land a guy since then because let's be honest who wants to hustle with a single mom" she said before letting out a chuckle at the end. Relief washed over him,  she hadn't settled down. He still had hope.
She look at the time before telling him she needed to get the kids back to her friend's house that she was staying at before giving him her number.
"If your free maybe I could take you to a bar on Friday? I just really want some more time to catch up" he said.
"Sure, I think that could work, I could have the kids stay home with Natsuko and her kids" she replied.
"Then it's settled"
"Is this the place?" she asked.
"Yes" he replied as he brought her into the small bar, it wasn't much and it didn't have a lot of patrons either but that's what he liked about it. She took a seat before waving the bartender over.
"Could I please order a long island iced tea?" She asked which the bartender nodded.
"That's pretty strong..." He remarked as he sat next to her.
"Yeah, but it's nice" she replied.
"And I'd like a Cherry buzz" he said.
"Cherry buzz? I've never heard of a cocktail like that" she said.
"Yeah it's one of this bars signature drinks. Cherry brandy, milk, and a shot of coffee. I know it's not the manliest of drinks but I enjoy it" he explained.
"So tell me what you done with your life besides becoming an instant mother?" He asked her before the bartender handed them their drinks.
"Well prior to being a mom wasn't much, I had boring job as a waitress but awhile after adopting Paige and Matthew I decided to become a children's book writer and illustrator. That's actually one of the reasons I came back to Japan, to get some inspiration for a new book and also to show the kids how great this place is" she explained before taking a sip.
"Wow that great to hear" he said.
"But I will warn you that Tokyo is very different to the rest of Japan, the Yakuza have their firm grip over it and target foreigners often, even I got scammed by them once" he continued.
"Really how?"
"It's kind of embarrassing, shortly after moving into Tokyo I went to a bar to get something to drink, a few ladies asked if they could sit by me and I said yes... Turns out the bar was linked to a nearby brothel and they were prostitutes... I hadn't done anything with them but the bar charged me an absurd amount for them because I'd had a few conversations with them. They wouldn't let me leave until I paid up" he explained before sipping his drink.
"Wow it's pretty scary how easily it can happen" she replied.
"Yeah" he lightly chuckled.
"Hey could I ask you something?" She asked.
"Sure, go ahead"
"What happened to you eyes?"
"oh just some unfriendly locals in Egypt"
The night went on and on and on, she kept saying she'd stop drinking but Kakyoin would insist here to have another one and told her he'd pay until she was buzzed up enough.
He sighed as he could feel her arms wrap around him, her mobility wasn't the best and she was nearly staggering. He completely relished in the fact that he was the one she was relying on.
"(Y/n) I'll take you home, it's to dangerous for you to walk by yourself" he cooed as he tangled his fingers in her soft locks while walking her through the city until she spoke up.
"We were supposed to make a left turn..." She muttered, a sliver of worry in her voice.
"I'm taking you back to mine, I'm sure Natsuko will understand that you just got a little bit too drunk" he said.
Despite the seeming kind act that Kakyoin was displaying she couldn't help but have that gut feeling telling her something was up.
"No no, I want to go back to her's please I know it's a little extra to walk but I'd just feel a bit safer there" she said but he ignored her and continued to follow his intended path until she began to struggle.
He quickly used his stand to control her. Her body pressed against his own as he finally got into his apartment. She muttered loving nothing to him and told him how much she loved him, but just using his stand to make her say it wasn't enough... He wanted her to say them honestly to him.
He lauded her on the small couch before locking the door. Then he released her from his possession.
She looked at him in fear as she realised what happened.
"Y...you, what did you do to me?" She stuttered.
"I knew you would try to run at some stage if I didn't, you should have no reason to be afraid of me but you seem to believe there is" he said as he approached the female who stood up. As he tried to embrace her she pushed him away.
"Leave me alone!" She screamed.
"(Y/n) calm down your drunkenness is effecting your mind" he explained as he tried to approach her again but I was becoming a repeating cycle of being pushed away. Eventually he grew sick and tired of this stupid game of back and forward.
Her body stiffened and moved unnaturally, like she was struggling against restraints. She couldn't see the cause but he could.
"Why?! Why are you-?!" She yelled before another of limb of his stand covered her mouth.
"(Y/n) I missed you so much after you left... I've been waiting for all these years hoping you would reply to my letter, I can't bare the thought of you leaving me again" he said.
"All I want is you, all I've ever wanted was you... I just want you to never leave me, I don't care about the fact that your a mother... I just want you to stay with me forever" he explained, almost as if he was on the verge of tears but his face did not reflect that sadness in his voice, the blank piercing gaze on his face showed the twisted emotion that he believed was love.
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Headcannons of The crusaders reaction meeting a child and thinking she is a normal child but when a enemy stand user comes she lets out a demonic roar and uses her demonic powers
Headcanons of the crusader’s reaction meeting a child and thinking she is a normal child but when an enemy stand user comes, she lets out a demonic roar and uses her demonic powers. (Sorry if the replay took a long time, I had exams and a huge writer’s block but nevertheless enjoy!)
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Jotaro didn’t care too much when he met the child during his journey to defeat Dio. He simply ignored her and moved on since he wasn’t a fan of annoying little girls. But suddenly he was attacked by a fearsome stand user and he could hear a demonic screech nearby. He thought that screech was from the stand user but in fact, it was the little girl! 
There was a dark aura surrounding her as demon wings, a tail, two pairs of horns emerged from her body, her eyes turned crimson as she was transforming into a demon. Jotaro assumed the spawn of Satan was also an enemy stand but to his surprise, the pint-sized demon used her demonic powers to defeat the stand user
 After that experience, Jotaro decided to take her to the crusaders and they all agreed to take her on the journey to slay Dio. He wasn’t keen on dealing with children and he ignored her when she asked him to play games with her. He refused and she transformed into her demon form which he still didn’t agree to play with her. She was angry with Jotaro, she tried to beat him up which Jotaro without using his stand just whacked her head hard and he knocked her out. He was scolded by the crusaders for doing that and he was forced to make it up to her by playing with her. He didn’t find it as awful as he thought it would be since the child had such a vivid imagination and he even enjoyed it. 
These activities would become common as he would use them as a ploy to get her to behave more and not wander off. He became fond of her because he never had to deal with younger siblings, and it was pleasant to him that he had someone that looked up to him. After killing Dio, Jotaro returned to Japan taking her with him to live with him. His mother Holly liked the small child a lot and she treated her like her own daughter. He would often walk with her to school and no one messes with her otherwise they have Jotaro to deal with 
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Kakyoin bumped into the little girl during the journey to defeat Dio. He wondered if the little girl was lost so he approached her and asked if she was lost. Before the little girl could answer him, an enemy stand user appeared out of nowhere. Kakyoin told her to run for her life expecting her to flee in fear like a normal child. 
But he was in for a shock when she slowly transformed into a demon, her tail popped out, her wings emerged from her shoulder blades, her eyes turned crimson and two pairs of horns grew from her. She didn’t need to demonstrate her demonic powers to the enemy stand user as the moment they saw the little demon, they were the one to flee from the scene like a coward.
 Kakyoin assumed she was a stand user and he took her to the crusaders. They decided to take her on their journey which Kakyoin didn’t care too much as long she was not a second Polnareff. He kept being pestered to play with her which he decided to agree but he said he could only do it for 30 minutes. 
He did enjoy playing with her as he was surprised that she could come up with some really imaginative twists with the example of playing hide and seek with her, every time he found her, she transformed into his demon form and she chased him. When playtime was up, he had to stop despite the child protesting but he promised her he would play with them again. He found the child imaginative and he could see them using that to become an amazing adult. After the events of killing Dio, he decided to take the child back to live with him and his mother because he decided he wanted her as his little sister since he never had any siblings when he was younger.
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Joseph met the little girl on the streets of New York, and he wondered where her parents were since she was alone. He was about to approach her when an enemy stand user attacked him and out of nowhere, he heard a demonic roar. 
To his surprise it was from the child and he could see the child slowly transforming into the devil. She slowly transformed into a demon, her tail popped out, her wings emerged from her shoulder blades. A dark aura surrounded the little demon and she used her demon powers to kick the stand enemy’s butt. Joseph could not believe this girl was a stand user and had such a powerful ability. 
After the little girl was back to normal, he took her into the speed wagon foundation to help her use her stand for good and luckily since she was at a young age, she accepted it quickly. She was trained under Joseph and Adbul as they taught her how to use her stand effectivity so that one day, she could use it to fight against evil. She would often demand anyone in the speed wagon foundation to play with her, but they were often too busy, so Joseph took over the duties of getting some energy out of her. 
He liked to play hide and seek with her; he would often carry her and tickle her to make her laugh. He liked her as his own little granddaughter. He liked to spoil her with lots of presents and treats. The child loved him like her own grandpa since she never had a caring parent in her life. Surprisingly, he didn’t take her on the journey to defeat Dio because he wanted to wait until she was old enough to handle her stand and he didn’t want her to be killed. He would murder Dio with his bare hands if he ever laid a hand on her. The little child cried many tears as she begged him to let her come with her because she was terrified that it might be the last time, she saw him. Joseph hugged her tight as he said, “Don’t worry, your old gramps will be back soon”.
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Polnareff met her in the streets of Egypt and he ignored the little girl because he was too busy flirting with a beautiful woman to care about a child. But suddenly, the beautiful woman summoned her stand and she attacked Polnareff when his guard was down. He suddenly heard a demonic roar and before he knew it, he saw the child kicking the stand user’s ass like it was nothing.
 He was completely amazed that this little girl managed to beat the stand user like it was nothing. He decided to quickly take the child to the crusaders to deal with her. He was not happy when all of the crusaders agreed to take the child with them instead of sending her home, he didn’t want to deal with some brat, why oh why it couldn’t be a beautiful woman instead?
 He hated it when the child kept interrupting him to play with him when he was trying to get a woman but when the woman he was flirting with liked that he was being pestered by a kid because she found it adorable and she thought he was the father, he decided this child wasn’t so bad and he could win some good dad points with the women since they seemed to appreciate a good father figure. 
He started to have her next to him pretending to be his daughter with the promise of games or sweets. The other crusaders found this completely stupid, but they were not surprised. After playing this charade, he found himself being more and more immersed with being this girl’s father. After the events of Dio, he asked her: “Do you actually want me to be your father? I mean for real, not just to get pretty girls,”. The girl didn’t think for a moment and cried happily: “Yes!” 
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Abdul was walking in the streets of Egypt in the events before he met Joseph Joestar, he found a little girl playing on the streets alone and he asked her where her parents are. When she answered she didn’t have any, he decided to help her find suitable parents for her but on his way to find someone, a stand user attacked him. This stand user was too powerful for him, they managed to put him on the brink of death, just when he thought this was the end for him; he heard a demonic roar, he saw the little girl transformed into a demon and scare off the stand user with her powers. 
He was surprised that this little girl was a stand user, so he decided to take her in for a short time to learn about her stand powers until he found her parents or someone to look after her. While he learned about her stand and teaching her about her powers, he bonded with her as she was eager to learn; she was very energetic and constantly demanded his attention to play with her which he did occasionally.
 He found the child imaginative and unique in a way as he never had a child be so clingy towards him. The child kept following him and sticking to him like glue. When he met Joseph Joestar, he was invited to the Speedwagon Foundation. He knew he had to leave her and luckily for him, the girl’s actual father came along to claim her. He was a monster of a man and when he showed up, the little girl hid behind Abdul in fear. He wondered why the child was scared of her father and he was suspicious of her father.
 He found out from the child that she ran away from her father because he was abusive to her, constantly putting her on the constant fear that he would explode, and he was always on a warpath with her, often using physical violence as a harsh punishment. Adbul decided to tell the father to leave, he was not going to claim his daughter since he clearly wasn’t a good father to her. Her father was furious and tried to fight Abdul. After a lot of shouting and fighting, the father left in defeat as he cursed to himself. Abdul told the little girl that he was gone, he was hugged by her and she told him he was way better than her real dad. Adbul felt this warm father like love to her and he promised himself that he will be a better father than her real father.
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Iggy didn’t like the little girl at first, he found her annoying that she kept trying to play with him and pet him. Despite the Crusader’s warnings, she continued to annoy him until he lashed out on her and chased her. The little girl ran off in fear, but she suddenly stopped, she let out a demonic roar and soon she was the one chasing Iggy. After a lot of chasing, they were both tired and they started to appreciate each other. The little girl would often give him bits of food and he liked it. Soon, the little girl was the only human that he didn’t bite or lash out at her. 
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SDC gang trying to make to their upset s/o smile/laugh??
SDC Gang and Making Their S/O Smile
He’s so loud and it comes off as annoying but in his old age he has learned to read a room, he dials it down so it more like quiet joking and poking fun at small things.
If anything his mannerisms are like Lele pons and that in itself is like a cringe laughter.
If you are out in public he overexaggerates dumb shit like, LOOK AT THIS PLATE! THIS PLATE IS SO STUPID! HOW DARE IT BE SO ROUND!
He likes to show you pictures of dogs, or cats, or whatever is your favorite animal.
He tells you funny stories from his youth, and most of them you’re pretty sure he’s making up because of how utterly ridiculous they are.
You know how parents are with baby pictures???? Yeah, good luck.
Mostly facial expressions, he may even try to do impressions of famous people you like just to see you cringe and laugh.
His stand is very AAAAH so when his stand sees you upset if you can see his stand, will try everything in its power to help Avdol make you feel better.
Avdol has a habit of going on long rants about someone’s looks, like shoes, choice of colors, the gawdy jewelry the person is wearing, it is quite funny and he knows you find it hilarious so he’ll do something like that.
He may just talk to you privately and try to make you laugh by making light of why you are upset, trying to turn it into a positive thing or complimenting you in some ridiculous way that makes you laugh because you’re flustered and flighty.
 He’s all about spoiling his baby.
Makes tea when you come home and makes sure you’re comfortable and relaxed.
Loves to just shower you with gifts.
If he sees you oggling a certain thing while you guys are window shopping he will buy it the next day for you just to make your day better.
Helping you when you get frustrated it something he does often but he helps you excessively that it might get quite annoying.
He makes jokes here and there, lighthearted but clever.
Hard one, in all honesty, the most he will do is passively buy you flowers and tell you, you’re handsome/pretty as instructed by his granddad.
Though most of the comfort will come from star, he’s lovey, he’s puppy.
He loves cuddles, hugs, kisses the works.
Though if you can’t see him star just leaves you present he makes himself, he’s an artist so he would draw you and jotaro, or just you.
He’s very happy to see you perk up at these things when you wake up in the morning, or get out of the shower and the mirror has written on it “Have a good day” before jotaro leaves for somewhere.
Plat is such a good boy as well, he makes funny faces, loves hearing you laugh at his goofy expressions and jotaro just goes along with it.
If anything Jotaro isn’t going to show a lot, but Platinum makes up for it all.
Loud=Funny but he does it the right way.
He doesn’t yell he just enquires being loud at the right times when he wants something to be funny.
He mixes this with overexaggerating things as well.
He’s super clumsy, so you would just laugh at him is he bumped into a table, or tripped over his own feet, he also happens to ruin his hair on door frames.
He’s a goofy man he knows how to physically make you laugh, and even knows how to twist himself into awkward positions that are funny, he likes to crack jokes about people on the street as well.
He loves to look at things you love?
He loves talking about your interests and watching your face light up at him being genuinely interested.
He may buy you candy every now and then if you mention wanting something to eat.
Big on getting ice cream when you’re upset, taking a walk down to the parlor and just hanging out in the park and chatting lightly.
Cuddles, good breath, and unconditional undying love that every dog has for good hearted humans.
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