#And also snuck in a bit of Percy since it's been a bit since I last doodled them :) Still a cute lad there!
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lumosatnight · 1 year ago
Day 12: As Good Pets Do
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Peter just wants his owner to be happy.
@kinktober2023 day 12: Somnophilia, @hpsnooze prompt: Non-consensual Somnophilia
Peter/Percy, E, 500 words
Unconscious Sex, Non-consensual Hand Jobs, Underage, Rape/non-con
Note: After reading this, go check out this Peter/Percy fic. Percy’s characterization is SO GOOD.
Peter was a good pet, as good a pet as any could be.
He never left his owners’s side. He always appeared when called. His owner gave him a warm bed, and in return, Peter made sure no harm came to him as he slept.
Peter noticed that his owner had been stressed recently — heavy bags under his eyes, a lack of appetite during meals. He had even refused Molly’s blueberry pie, his favourite!
Well, that just wouldn’t do.
Peter needed him healthy. He needed him happy. That was when he would pick Peter up and snuggle him against his chest. That was when he would kiss Peter’s little head, right between the ears, and make him squeak with joy.
When his owner climbed into bed that night, Peter curled up beside him on the pillow. He took off his glasses, setting them carefully on the side table, and pulled the covers over his bony shoulders.
He quickly drifted off, and Peter watched him steadily, waiting for any signs of movement. His breathing evened out, and his body slowly relaxed. But then, a few hours in, he was squirming. Whimpering and keening.
Peter was immediately alarmed and jumped to his owner’s aid.
What could he do though? What help could a rat really be?
For the first time in many years, Peter transformed. His limbs lengthened, and his head grew. His skin itched unpleasantly — it felt uncomfortably stretched — like it wasn’t used to his human form anymore.
His owner whimpered again, and Peter’s attention returned to the problem at hand.
His chest was heaving, his muscles were tensing, his forehead was beaded with sweat. It could have been a nightmare, but it also could have been something else.
Should Peter help? It looked painful. Maybe he should.
Slowly, he snuck a hand below the covers, pressing lightly on his owner’s private area. He’d never touched anyone there before. It was a little bit thrilling.
He rubbed over the area gently, and his owner’s hips bucked into his hand.
Woah, sensitive. Had he always been that sensitive? Maybe it was a teenager thing. It had been a long time since Peter had been a teenager, so he didn’t really remember.
He pressed and stroked, wringing the most delicious little noises from his owner. Sweet and desperate. It almost sounded like squeaking.
Peter pressed harder, and his owner gasped, legs kicking uncontrollably.
“Oh, oh, oh,” moaned his owner, and his eyes flew open as he came.
Their gazes met for three agonising seconds before his owner threw himself out of bed and onto the floor, and Peter transformed.
“But why?” asked Ron. “He’s your rat. Why would you give him to me?”
“I had a dream that he… errr….”
“He what?”
Percy shook his head. “Nevermind. Just take him. He’s yours if you want him.”
“Wicked,” said Ron with a grin, taking the scraggly rat into his palm.
Percy shook off the strange feeling that he had made a huge mistake.
Also read it on AO3!
← Day 11 | Masterlist | Day 13 →
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fabianvalencia561 · 3 years ago
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“Finally outside.”
Harold; See Toby it isn’t that bad–
Toby; I know I know but why did you bring Thomas? If Edward finds out he will have your head!
Harold: Oh you worry too much Toby and besides Edward won’t know because we will be back soon…. I… I just wanted Thomas to be outside for once because he hasn’t been out of that house since… since he first came here! The only other time he went outside was when he was very young and he snuck out. That's when he found Hiro, remember?
Toby: Yeah I remember and Edward almost killed Spencer because of that.
Harold: Spencer didn’t know that Thomas wasn’t allowed outside… and Toby look at Thomas. Do you see how happy he is? I have never seen him that happy in my entire life since he first came to the island.
Toby: I know… 
Harold: So please let us enjoy being outside, especially Thomas?
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Toby *sigh* …. Ok fine…
Harold: Good!
They walk around for a while and make sure to stay away from the forest the best they could just in case. Alfred was getting more worried when people saw them. 
Alfred: …. Did we really have to come with them Timothy?
Timothy: Of course we had to! Also I want to spend time with my brother that I haven’t seen in years.
Alfred: Right.. Right, sorry…. *He stayed quiet and hoped people that walked past them didn’t see him.*
Timothy and the others felt a bit bad for Alfred but someone in the distance was enjoying Alfred suffering. He started to follow them and tried to stay away from the sun.
Thomas: *he sees a sign* !- what’s that?
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Toby: Huh.. The circus must be in town… 
Thomas:???- *In his head*:Wait what’s a circus?... Is that the place Henry told me that Gordon was afraid of??*
Percy, Ben, and Bill: !!- The circus can we go please!!!
Harold: *He smiled* Of course! 
Alfred: *He started to feel something wrong. He felt it watching them…. He felt him watching them.* !!!- uhh maybe he can go to the Circus some other time…. 
Harold: What? *He started to feel the same bad feeling as Alfred.* ….uuuh Yeah you know what… maybe later… and besides it’s starting to get really dark. *He gave Toby and Timothy a look that meant he was very serious.* 
Toby: !!!- Yeah we should go no
Timothy: *He also felt him watching them. He picked up Thomas.* 
Thomas: ?- … wait I thought we were-
Timothy: Maybe some other time bud we promise ok?
Thomas: ok… 
The other young ones were upset but they knew something was not right and kept quiet. ….He knew that they felt his presents. He growled loud and stayed in the forest because of the sun that was still up but soon will be setting down……
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years ago
One Year
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus Rating: Gen Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Nico di Angelo, Will Solace
When the aftermath of one war overlaps with the anniversary of another, something has to give.
Day six of @solangeloweek “collab”.  This fic was inspired by @burning-moths Solangelo art; thank you for letting me write something to go along with it, moth!  I hope you enjoy it!  This is pre-relationship, set a few weeks after the end of BOO.
Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!
The date snuck up on Nico. It probably snuck up on most of the rest of the camp, too, the demigods frayed from the almost-war against the Romans, and then the actual war against Gaia, all of them losing track of the days as they struggled through the aftermath of cease-fire, alliances and brutal honesty between the camps.  As the only demigod considered “impartial”, having spent next to no time in Camp Half-Blood while still being Greek, yet holding the Ambassador of Pluto title for Camp Jupiter, Nico found himself stretched particularly thin as almost all the meetings demanded his presence some way or another.
Of course, he was also having to fit that in between a certain son of Apollo’s demands that he rest, insistence that he spend three days in the infirmary, and general presence everywhere Nico turned – or a yawning gap in his periphery when he wasn’t there, which was something Nico was spending a lot of time not thinking about – which made everything that bit more fraught.
Ironically, it was the most welcome he’d ever felt at camp.  The attention was overwhelming at times, and more than once, Hazel had dug him out of cabin thirteen, reminding him that he wasn’t allowed to shadow travel just yet (his sister had spent far too much time with a certain healer, and to Nico’s horror they had quickly allied against him), and gently nudging him to if not socialise, at least not be a hermit.
Nico wasn’t sure who realised the date first.  It might have been one of the Romans, making an offhand comment about Mount Orthys and how it seemed bizarre that they’d had two wars within a year, it might have been one of the Greeks making the same comment, but the mood at Camp Half-Blood took a sudden dive into sombre as it sank in.
The sixteenth of August wasn’t a date that had any real significance to Nico, but it was the first day of the Battle of Manhattan, and the Greek demigods couldn’t forget that date even if they tried.  Even if it snuck up on them and ambushed them in the wake of another war.
Nico hadn’t joined the battle until the seventeenth, on the cusp of Percy’s birthday when his father finally caved to his demands that he set aside his differences and fight, and he’d never really known what had happened before his arrival.  He’d never expected to know, either, but when he trudged into the infirmary for his obligatory check-up and found Will Solace missing his usual sunshine aura, something didn’t quite settle in his mind.
The son of Apollo had been waning steadily since Gaia’s defeat; Nico had almost never seen him outside of the infirmary, aside from short breaks when Chiron or his siblings kicked him out, or that one memorable occasion when he’d collapsed and sent the entire infirmary into an uproar.  Physically, Will didn’t look as bad as he had done at times, but the small smile he dragged onto his face was painfully, transparently, fake, and there was no energy at all in his voice.
“Be right with you.” No Death Boy, Lord of Darkness or any of the other ridiculous nicknames Nico had found headed his way since the battle.  Nothing to indicate Will even knew who had stepped in the door, even though his light blue eyes had flickered up from some sort of paperwork when the door had opened.
Something had drained all the life from the demigod, leaving him almost as pale and lacklustre as Nico himself, and it felt wrong.  Maybe it was hypocritical of him to complain about someone being withdrawn and antisocial when that was his own default state of being, and realistically he knew he couldn’t expect Will to be chipper all the time, but Nico didn’t like it.
“You look like you should be the one this side of the desk,” he said bluntly, leaning against the desk in question.  He was ignored – no quip about how Will was the doctor, or even an attempt at deflection. Just silence as the son of Apollo finished scrawling something down in handwriting that was even less legible than usual before putting his pen down and pushing himself to his feet.
Nico half-expected him to sway on the spot, but Will remained stable even though he moved lethargically, as though his limbs weighed several times what they should and he was pushing through molasses.  It might have been more reassuring if Will had fallen; at least then there would have been something obvious that Nico could do something about.
Suspicious but with nothing to latch onto, Nico followed when he was mechanically led into the infirmary and suffered through Will poking and prodding at him in silence. The other demigod wasn’t as warm as usual, not in his demeanour (although he made a solid if pathetic attempt at faking it) and not where his fingers touched Nico’s skin, and Nico felt like he should say something.
He just didn’t know what.
Did he know Will well enough to call him out on whatever he was pretending didn’t exist?  Will called him out on things all the time, not always relating to his health, so Nico could probably return the sentiment, but he had no idea what to expect.  Will could be stubborn; memories of the son of Apollo dragging himself back to work in the infirmary barely minutes after regaining consciousness despite Chiron and his siblings protesting loudly filled Nico’s mind.
But it didn’t feel right to go along with Will’s façade.  Nico’s gut told him something was wrong and a chance sighting of the date scrawled on the paperwork Will was making notes on as he confirmed that Nico was indeed on his way back to a clean bill of health (although he refused to lift the ban on shadow travelling) abruptly reminded him of the upcoming anniversary.
“Okay, Solace,” he said, mouth ahead of his brain – body ahead of his brain, as his hand reached out and wrapped around the other boy’s wrist firmly.  “You need a break.”
Lifeless blue eyes met his, devoid of the light Nico had come to associate with him.  “I’m fine,” Will said, in a voice that sounded the complete opposite of fine.  “My shift isn’t over yet.”  The smile that stretched over his face was the least convincing yet, deformed and wobbly in a way that felt a lot like a cry for help, and Nico found himself having to make a decision.
Did he let it go, the way Will was clearly trying to get him to, walk away and leave the problem for someone else to handle – someone who was actually capable of handling whatever was going on – or did he dig his heels in and bulldoze his way through?
Most of his instincts were screaming for him to leave, pointing out that Nico could barely sort himself out, let alone anyone else, and that Will wasn’t asking him for help so he didn’t have to get involved.
The rest of him remembered Will reaching out when Nico refused to accept any hands, pushing past his walls because despite the way he was acting, he’d needed help, and saw the reversed situation in front of him.
Will needed something or someone.  Help. Even Nico could see that, and although he was certain he was the worst person for the job, he was there and his feet wouldn’t let him turn around and leave.  Nor would his heart.
“No-one needs help right now,” he pointed out, gesturing to the mostly-empty infirmary.  No-one in it looked like they needed a doctor’s attention imminently; most of them seemed to be asleep.  “Take a break, Solace.”
“I can’t-”
Nico yanked him to his feet and used the element of surprise to drag the other boy into an unoccupied corner of the room, away from anyone else.  Will looked like he was on the verge of tears, and Nico once again realised how unqualified he was for dealing with whatever this was.
He soldiered on regardless, remembering stubborn blue eyes on the battlefield, snatching whatever time they could to convince Nico not to leave, even if it meant drawing the wrong sort of attention.  If Will could try and bash some sense into him in a warzone, Nico could do it in the serenity of the infirmary.
“You look terrible,” he told him bluntly.
“It’s nothing, Nico,” Will tried to convince him.  “Don’t worry about it.”
Nico growled and tightened his grip on Will’s wrist when the son of Apollo tried to walk away.  “It’s something,” he insisted.  “Talk to me.”
“Don’t,” Will pleaded, his transparent façade cracking even as he visibly tried to hold it together. “Nico, I can’t.”  He started shaking, and to Nico’s alarm, his bright eyes grew glassy with unshed tears.  “I have to- Let me- I can’t.”
A single tear slipped down his face, and in a moment of blind panic, Nico found himself resorting to the same thing Bianca had done whenever he was unhappy, pushing away the memories of his sister as he yanked Will closer and laced his arms around him tightly.
“You need a break,” he repeated, tightening his grip when Will made a futile attempt at escaping before the fight seemed to drain from him entirely.
Nico was caught off-guard when a face buried itself in his shoulder and shaking arms wrapped around his own back.  He was completely blindsided by the sobs as hands balled into fists around the fabric of his t-shirt.
Will clung to him tightly, crying near-silently but intensely, and Nico’s brain panicked as he realised he’d put himself in a situation far too far out of his depth for him to handle. There was no way to escape; shadow travel was still banned and there wasn’t a convenient shadow in reach anyway, and Will’s grip was far too tight to wriggle out of.  All Nico could do was follow instincts he didn’t know he even had and hold the crying son of Apollo tightly, hoping it was helping.
At the least, now that Will’s façade was obliterated, he seemed disinterested in releasing Nico.
“I saw them die,” the son of Apollo hiccupped, an eternity later.  His voice was thick and wet, and his head stayed buried in Nico’s shoulder.  “The bridge…  A year ago.”
The words were disjointed, but Nico could piece together the context.  He didn’t know exactly what had happened during the Battle of Manhattan before he’d arrived, but he knew some of the broader strokes.  The way they’d tried to hold the bridges and tunnels before being forced to retreat.
He’d known, in a detached way, that demigods had died.  He’d been the one to perform their funerary rites in the days after Percy’s birthday and Kronos’ defeat.  He’d never really known any of those demigods, though, and it was only a year later, with Will’s grief overflowing, that he remembered how many golden shrouds had been burned, some with bodies and some without.
Will’s siblings.
Siblings that Will knew, that he shared a cabin with, lived with.
“They’re in Elysium.” It was all he could think to say – everyone who had died fighting for Olympus had been fast-tracked straight through, honoured heroes one and all.  Nico didn’t know how to comfort people, how to handle other people’s grief.
(He didn’t know how to handle his own grief.)
Will shuddered in his arms. “I know,” he sobbed.  “Thank you.”
Nico wasn’t sure who he was thanking, or why, but nodded his head slightly anyway, silently acknowledging the words.
“It’s hard,” the son of Apollo stuttered a moment later.  “I…  It hurts.  So many-  Kronos smiled and Michael saved us-  I miss them so much.”
What was he supposed to say to that?  Nico swallowed and stayed quiet, letting Will struggle his way through incomplete sentences because he didn’t know what else to do and he hoped that having someone listening helped, even a little.
Eventually, Will ran out of steam and Nico felt him sag against him.  He took that as a sign to pull Will down onto the nearest bed; the son of Apollo looked beyond exhausted, and Nico said nothing when a blond head fell onto his shoulder.  He really did need a break, but he knew that if he tried to convince Will he’d get nowhere, and Will would probably have a point if he said that there was no-one else who could take over.
The other Apollo kids were no doubt equally grieving, and the rest of the camp just didn’t know enough to keep the infirmary going without them.
What Nico could do was stay with Will, making sure he didn’t overwork himself again for as long as his shift lasted, so that was exactly what he did.
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chasingpj · 4 years ago
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
pairing: percy jackson x child of zeus!reader and jason x older sibling!reader
requested: yes!
warning: two curse words, mentions of stealing, death of a parent, and i believe that is it!
category: headcanons, fluff
a/n: i may have gotten too carried away but... i had a lot of fun writing this haha. i hope you guys like it!
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you and percy invented the phrase power couple but coming together took a while
your relationship dynamic would be very similar to thalia and percy's at first
you're both natural-born leaders, so you guys butt heads very often
you're more calculated and organized when it comes to things and percy being impulsive really annoyed you
he's lucky that even though he is impulsive, things somehow always work out in the end
if it wasn't for annabeth urging you guys to get along, you probably would still be at each other's neck
how did she get you guys to get along, you may ask?
she locked you guys in a storage closet :)
and said figure it out ♡
this happened after a friendly sparring practice turned into a full-on fight with your powers
annabeth insisted she wouldn't let you guys out until you declared to be friends
at the time, you were like, percy will never be my friend, ew
percy was just as annoyed
after a good hour of bickering and resisting your urge to choke him out
you guys found that you had a lot in common, actually?
huh, who would have known?
apparently annabeth
you guys talked about your life outside of camp and bonded over the worst teachers you've ever had
turns out, percy wasn't that bad
you'd never admit that out loud though
after a while, you started to feel things
were percy's eyes always that pretty?
yes, they've always been
oh look, those freckles over his nose? adorable
did you just call Percy adorable? yeah, you did… gross
you tried to deny your attraction to him
you were pretty sure this was a cruel joke from aphrodite (it was… more for your dad's than for you guys, though)
then you started noticing changes in his behavior too
now you guys were sharing blankets at the campfire when it got chilly
he even shared the blue cookies his mother sent him too
that's when you should have known he was down bad
both of you have awful sleep schedules
you hated sleeping in cabin 1
it was clearly built not to be slept in, and every few days, you found yourself having late-night conversations with percy at the docks
once the harpies snuck up on you and percy told you to get in the water with him
you didn't know how to swim, and you were kinda horrified of open water
you wanted to refuse, but you were cornered on the docks
you either jumped or got eaten
the last thing you said was that you couldn't swim before percy didn't give you a choice
he grabbed your hand and jumped in
his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you in the air bubble he had made around you guys
at first, you didn't focus on it
too busy trying to defend yourself from his teasing
he continued to mimic the way you screamed when he dragged you into the water
"wow, you can fly, but you can't swim?"
you rolled your eyes, trying to defend yourself
you called him annoying, and he playfully threatened to let you drown
you guys joked and laughed, staying a little too long underwater
after your laughter ceased, you found yourself looking into his eyes
the both of you became quiet
suddenly his arm around your waist, the way your chests were pressed against each other made you horribly flustered
and you're not sure what you were thinking
actually, you weren't thinking at all, but you leaned in and kissed him
like really kissed him, it was a proper kiss
probably would have kissed him longer if the water nymphs didn't giggle, exposing their little audience
once you pulled away, they scattered, ready to gossip about what they saw
the news made it to atlantis pretty fast
after the kiss, things were so awkward
you avoided him for days, and he avoided you
annabeth felt the tension, and she was upset because just when you guys were getting along, suddenly, you guys were avoiding each other
the battle of manhattan was approaching soon and the last thing anyone wanted was for you guys not to get along
you both avoided annabeth’s questions, not ready to confess what you guys had shared
eventually, annabeth kept pressing you about what happened
you blew up and admitted that you made out with percy in the water
annabeth was speechless before she burst into laughter
you didn't understand why it was so funny at first
but then you did
the both of you laughed until annabeth said that she wasn't surprised at all
the battle of manhattan comes around, and in the urgency of the moment, you guys were able to rise to the occasion
your movements, thoughts, commands were completely coordinated
you guys were an extension of each other, kicking ass
at the end, you were both offered immortality
the offer took you back to a conversation you guys had where you spoke about how you'd never want to be immortal
the both of you exchanged looks before you simultaneously denied the gift
zeus was offended x2
after that, you guys returned to camp half-blood
the both of you were upset at the campers you've lost and trying to recover from the adrenaline of battle
you and annabeth sang percy happy birthday and the three of you sat together and ate blue cake in a comfortable silence
weeks passed, and one day, you're met with annabeth barging into your cabin asking when you and percy are going to talk about your kiss
it was the last day of camp, and she was insistent on you talking to him
you reluctantly agreed, mainly because annabeth threatened to lock you in a storage closet again
you guys sat on the dunes in silence for a while
the both of you wanted to confess, but neither knew how to do it
after some silence, the both of you spoke at the same time
you stuttered over each other and then began bickering back and forth on who should go first until you blurted out that you like him
you cringed and looked away as percy froze in his spot
it was silent for a moment before percy whispered, "I like you too."
cue your second kiss
your teeth slightly bumping with his since the both of you were smiling so much
and you swore you heard thunder in the distance even though there were clear skies
you lived in a foster home on the other side of manhattan, so you guys saw each other every weekend
you guys went on movie dates, long drives, and you would sleep over pretty often
for the spooky season, you went to haunted houses and carved pumpkins
you watched horror movies together, teasing each other when one of you jumped and tried to cover your face during the scary parts
you went to his place for Thanksgiving and you arrived early so that the both of you could help sally cook all day
you and percy put blue food coloring on the mashed potatoes
for the first time ever, you felt like you were apart of a family since sally had welcomed you with open arms
everything was going great but then december came around
the last time you saw percy, you guys were christmas shopping for his mom
your last day of school ended a few days after his, so you planned to meet at CHB
but when you got there, you found out he never arrived
you called his home from the payphone in the big house
sally was relieved to hear from you, a part of her hoping he was with you
but you both found out that neither of you had heard from him in a few days
meeting jason
you and annabeth tried everything to find him
then you got a dream from hera that the answer to where percy is was with the guy with one shoe
you arrive and you find this blonde kid and not your boyfriend; you were kinda actually very annoyed
but this blonde kid felt familiar
you weren't sure what it was, and then you heard his name — Jason Grace
surely, it was a coincidence that he shared the name of your missing brother
you were too young to remember his disappearance
the only remembrance you had of him was a picture of the both of you as toddlers sitting happily beside thalia
you always wondered who was the little boy in the photo and it wasn't until a few years ago did thalia tell you about him disappearing
you were a bit wary of him at first, especially since he had no memory of where he came from
it wasn't until he conjured lightning with his sword, did you have no doubt in your mind that he was your brother
the first night you guys spent in the cabin together was awkward
you couldn't really catch up since he didn't remember anything, so you told him what thalia told you about him and your mother
you didn't reveal him everything, not wanting to overwhelm him and you had decided to call it a night before you went into detail
you explained the rest of the story after he came back from his quest
you tried to ask him questions hoping he’d remember more, but his memory wasn't coming back fast enough
both you and jason were growing frustrated, so one day you iris messaged thalia
the both of you came up with an idea to jog jason's memory by showing him things that he enjoyed as a toddler
jason was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but he went along with it
thalia recalled that the two of you really liked watching the flintstones as babies
so you and jason sat down and watched every season available on dvd
and well, it didn't work...
thalia also mentioned you both really liked sweets, so you tried to jog his memory with candy bars
you had to convince jason to sneak out of camp with you
he thought it was such a bad idea, but you reassured him he'd be fine
after reluctantly agreeing, jason and you escaped at night to buy actually steal candy bars from the closest gas station
jason panicked as he watches you shove candy bars in your sweatshirt
"we're gonna get caught"
"if you keep looking that scared, we just might," you replied a little too calmly
he tried to relax, but he just looked like he saw a ghost the entire time
on your way back, you may have electrocuted a harpy and fought a couple cyclops and all the fighting and running made you lose one of your snicker bars
you were upset, to say the least
unfortunately, after stuffing him with chocolate, that didn't work either
then you tried to show him the few pictures you were able to salvage before you were taken to the foster home after the death of your mother
jason sat in front of you on the floor as you pulled the box from under your bed
you smiled, finding an old picture of your mother, and you put it up to his face, taking in the similarities between the two
"yep, you look just like her," you confirmed as you smiled sadly
even though jason didn't know her, he felt a sense of pride when you had told him so
every time a memory would come back, you were the first person he told
when his memories with lupa came back, you were shook
and then you teased him, saying that he's basically a dog
once you threw a twig and told him to go fetch
he didn't find it as funny as you and leo did, but oh well
you also asked if he howled at full moons, and you were met with the straightest face you've ever seen on jason
it was the funniest thing ever to you
every week you guys kicked ass in capture the flag
you guys were more alike than you thought
it was guaranteed that whichever team you were on would win
in the months when the argo II was being built, you had a lot of times to bond with jason
your dynamic was really fun as you were a bit more rebellious and silly while he was a lot more responsible and mature
after the argo II departed
you reuniting with percy was something you thought about for months
you were so excited when the argo II was officially ready to fly over to camp jupiter
your pulse was thumping in your ears when you saw percy in the crowd
after months of worrying about where he was and if he was still alive, it was almost surreal to see him right in front of you
you lunged into him so hard, he stumbled back as you kissed him
just like your second kiss, the both of you were smiling so hard your teeth kept bumping against his
"i love your new look," you commented on his toga, and he snorted,
"oh yeah, it's kinda hot."
the both of you laughed, content to be in each other's arms again
after getting on the argo II, you were the reason jason and percy formed some sort of a friendship
you were the mutual ground for the both of them since they had a soft spot for you
the tension between the two was something you couldn't disregard and you hated how weird it was at the beginning
if they butted heads, you tried to mend the problem
you understood both of them well enough to understand where they came from
at some point, you and annabeth thought it would be funny to lock them in a storage closet
so you did
they kept complaining to be let out but eventually, they gave in
little did they know that you were standing near the door and listening to their conversation
jason told him how you helped him a lot and all the ridiculous things you made him do
and percy shared stories of you from quests and at camp
the both of them laughed and bonded over having someone as amazing as you in their lives
"y/n is pretty great," percy smiles
"yeah, they are," jason agreed
needless to say, your heart warmed at the praise from your two favorite boys
masterlists taglist: @xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @Slytherclaw-kitten @-thatgirloverthere- @passionswift @nanskidoodle @idk-bye-no @ilikefluffygingercats @all-hailreyna @autmngirlworld @Sunkissedskin1328 @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @hajigayy @aleksanderwh0r3 @drayshadow @tonyedwardstarkk @londoncherry @ashookykooky @lotusnegra666 @loverstyless
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legolasghosty · 2 years ago
hi!! ❤️‍🔥🏚🥚😊👀📃?
if you feel like returning, pls keep in mind i will not have many answers (i only have 3 fics) but I am happy to answer!
Hiii, thanks for the ask!
❤️‍🔥 Favorite ship you have written about?
Willex my beloved!!!! I frigging love writing them so much!!!! Reading, writing, edits, I am slightly obsessed with them. Slightly.
🏚 A fic you more or less abandoned?
Hmmm, there's several of these, although I've been trying to go back in and finish old stuff lately. I don't really have the attention span to write multichaps though, so I don't have any half-written stories available online. I have a few half written one shots lying around that I just don't remember where I was going with them, so they probably won't get finished.
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
Hmmm, I snuck some random references to Percy Jackson stuff in I Love Losing Track of Time Anytime We're Talking, since that takes place more or less in that universe, but mostly I like including little nods to my friends' fics. Like one friend wrote this fic where Willex was on an ice cream date, and then I took the favorite flavors they chose and put them into one of my fics. So... they are little easter eggs, but they're mainly just for the friend I stole the idea from.
😊 The fic that you’re the most proud of?
Answered here!
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
Also answered here, but I got more so... I had this thought a while back that maybe the deal Willie signed that gave his soul over to Caleb might be a physical piece of paper. After Caleb gets defeated, that paper doesn't mean anything anymore, but Willie keeps it. A few years later, at his and Alex's wedding, they burn it together right before they sign their marriage license. I thought it would be cute but I never go around to writing it.
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone else's fic?
Not really? Like I steal little bits here and there, but I don't think I have any fics that are directly and mainly inspired by someone else's fic. I guess the closest I have to that would be You Are My Getaway, which I wrote for my friend @michelangelinden as a reward for keeping the gays apart until they were actually supposed to get together. I stole some little details and stuff from his writing to make it as good for her as possible. But yeah, I think that's the closest I got.
Thanks for the ask!
Send me some emojis from this list and I'll answer the questions!
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harrypotter-imaginess · 4 years ago
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Commission info for Love Letters from your favorite character here!
- Honestly, your probably meet him through his Dad or all people
- You meet Arthur at the store, you’re probably at a department store or the grocery store
- Maybe you work here, maybe you just come there weekly to run errands
- But you’re probably a personal shopper
- And you’re looking for something in particular, but every time you go to that section, there’s this lanky middle aged man just standing there
- And you really don’t want to get involved
- But your over active imagination gets the best of you
- What’s if he’s a widower? And he’s just not used to shopping because his partner did all of that
- Or what if he’s trying to get a gift for his new love interest and he’s just trying to get back out there
- And well, if he is a widower, and he just needs some help- shouldn’t you help him?
- Isn’t that just the right thing to do?
- So even though you don’t want to get involved, you very hesitantly approach this red haired man
- “Um, excuse me sir- but is there something I can help you with?”
- He lights up when you approach him
- Looks like the poor thing is a widower
- “Would you explain the purpose to me of this item?”
- He’s holding up a bath kit, one that comes with a bath bomb, some bath salts, and bubble bath soap
- “Um well it’s a bath kit sir”
- He looks at the package for several ing moments before pointing to the circular bath bomb
- “Is this a sweet? Is it a treat you eat when you’re in the bath tub?”
- You practically fall over yourself rushing to tell him that no, it is in fact not a treat
- “It’s like a bubble bath type of thing, you drop it into the water and it turns the bath a certain color, this ones a fortune type so after it’s done fizzing out you get a little fortune.”
- “Well isn’t that fascinating, you Muggles are quite remarkable”
- You don’t think it’s that amazing, just some baking soda and aromatics
- Also what’s a muggle? Is that some middle age slang for young people?
- You help him to the register, and you think that’ll be it, you’ll probably never see him
- So imagine your surprise when you see him again next week, this time in front of a completely different section with the same expression
- “Well hello again, can you help me with this?”
- It’s sort of a fast friendship, you learn a little more about him with each visit
- He is in fact, not, a widower
- He has 8, no 7 children
- And he works for the government
- “A glorified paper pusher really” he says, but you get the feeling he’s being humble
- “How old are you, if you don’t mine me asking?”
- You tell him and he smiles
- “That’s how old my Son is, you two would be a good match.”
- “Which one? Don’t you have seven?”
- He smiles, because you still count Fred as his child even though he’s gone, just like him
- “Take your pick, I’ve got a whole volleyball teams for you to pick from”
- You laugh
- He’s a nice guy, the exact image of what a dad is, you think
- You like him
- Arthur likes you too, he thinks you would be a good match for Percy, maybe George
- He wants to give Percy a fighting chance, he’s a good boy-
- But he’s got his nose stuck in a book most days, Arthur considers it lucky if he ever gets married
- So it’s in early winter that he drags Percy with him to the department store hoping he’ll run into you
- “Why do I have to come along again?”Percy asks grumbling as he walks beside his father
- “Because I’m buying gifts for my department-“
- “You never buy us any gifts” Charlie teases from his other side
- Arthur also brought Charlie, to seem a little less obvious about his intentions of setting you up with one of his children
- He figures Charlie is the most harmless, if you see Bill... well that would be disappointing for you
- considering he’s married and all
- And the scars might raise more questions than he’s willing to answer
- And then Ron was busy at the ministry today, an emergency or something.
- He’s already decided as he walks through the store that if this doesn’t work out, he’s bringing George next week-
- And if that doesn’t work out, well-
- Maybe Ginny would be more your type
- how solid are Harry and Ginny really
- He’s so caught up in his own mental gymnastics that he doesn’t realize one of his sons isn’t following him until he’s well inside the store
- “Where’s Percy?”
- “Oh, he left like 15 minutes ago to take a phone call for work, but I bet he snuck off to that bookstore across the street.” Charlie says casually eyeing a brightly colored display
- Arthur sighs, well he does need to get some gifts for the kids, almost Christmas and all
- “Hello Arthur, what are you dissecting today?” You ask when you see him
- “Just picking up gifts with my son-“
- A small frown lilts onto your face, his son?
- It’s only a little shift of your head and you see him
- Well isn’t he just gorgeous
- He’s got a firm build, toned arms littered with dozens of scars and burns
- His face is chiseled, with a light dusting of red hair, matching vivid hair is long and pulled into a bun
- And the deepest brown eyes you’ve ever seen
- Damn what a hottie
- Arthur should have told told you his son was a total smokeshow
- And he’s got 6 of them?!? Are they all this gorgeous?
- Arthur doesn’t miss the way you look at Charlie
- And one glance at Charlie is all He needs to know that the feeling is mutual
- Why didn’t he think of Charlie?
- Well- actually he had started to think that maybe Charlie just didn’t feel that way about people.
- And so, to be supportive, he wasn’t going to push him into any romantic relationship
- But well since he seems to find you pleasing-
- “This is my son Charlie-“ he says putting both his hands on Charlie’s shoulders and jerking him closer to you
- A light red begins to dust Charlie’s cheeks, wether it’s from embarrassment or attraction he’s not sure
- You fidget in front of him feeling oddly self conscious
- “Nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N)”
- He takes you hand in his with a firm squeeze and you feel a little lightheaded
- His hands are surprisingly soft
- On closer inspection he’s got a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose
- Adorable really
- “So how do you know my dad?” He asks when Arthur is busy /giving you two time to get to know each other looking through the candle selection
- “Oh um I don’t know I guess we just became friends talking about how stuff works?”
- It’s a little weird to think about it, Arthur is your dads age, but he’s like your friend?
- It’s kinda weird tbh
- You wonder how Charlie’s digesting it but he just grins
- “Yeah that sounds like Dad.”
- It’s cute, the way he looks at his Dad
- You remember hearing about Charlie, that he works far away and that Arthur and his wife worry about him. And that he likes animals
- It’s kind of like meeting a celebrity, you know all about him
- except for the fact that he’s a wizard of course
- Well, it was nice meeting one of Arthur’s famous son’s, you suppose he’ll go back to Romania soon and -
- “I was wondering-“ he leans down, his voice low “if you might do me a small favor?”
- Your eyebrows thread together and your head tilts to the side a bit
- “It depends on what it is”
- Charlie only grins
- And so you find yourself standing in front of King’s Cross Station on your next free day, wearing a nice outfit that seems neither too causal, or like you’re trying too hard
- Your fingers fiddle with the hem of your shirt until you see Charlie round the corner
- Well doesn’t he look absolutely delicious
- He’s wearing a crisp white collard shirt and a sweater over it, with a pair of khaki trousers
- Very dark academia
- “Sorry have you been waiting long?”
- You shake your head
- “No only a few minutes, have you thought about what you might want to get him?” You ask and he flashes a little and shakes his head
- “The best I could think of was a gadget of some kind?”
- You nod, you can work with that
- The favor Charlie wanted was pretty simple
- He needed help picking out a Christmas gift for his Dad
- Oddly wholesome in its own way
- You take him to a large department store
- “Maybe this pasta maker?”
- “No, Mum’s already got one”
- He should know, his dad enchanted it to make pasta on its own
- “Than maybe this waffle maker?”
- He shakes his head again, they had one and it did not end well
- You go to several stores throughout the day, but there’s nothing quite right at any of them
- Eventually you both slump down on chairs, untouched mugs of tea in front of you, both of you utterly exhausted
- “This is so much harder than I thought” you mumble, Arthur seems like such an easy to please person
- “I’m sorry” Charlie says, honestly the reason neither of you can pick something is because he can’t be honest with you
- Yeah his Dad loves muggle gadgets, but he loves them because he wants to take them apart, to see how it works
- And then he wants to enchant certain parts to make the contraption even better
- But he can’t tell you all that now can he?
- Not when you’re a muggle
- He sighs leaning back in his chair
- Maybe he shouldn’t have asked you for help, he saw how close you and his Dad were, like you were already family-
- But it’s unfair to you to monopolize all your free time like this-
- “It’s no problem really, this is actually really fun”
- You’re not lying, hanging out with Charlie is really fun.
- Usually spending time with people you’ve only just met exhausts you
- But being with him makes you feel comfortable, the two of you falling into a comfortable rhythm
- Guess he’s kinda like his Dad in that way
- You feel your mouth quirk into a small smile at the thought.
- He kinda looks like his dad too on closer inspection, around the jaw and-
- “Are your ears pierced?” You ask, and Charlie immediately flushes. A hand nervously fluttering to his ear
- “U-um yes, I did it when I was younger-“ he lets out a nervous laugh
- You raise an eyebrow
- “What did some girl break your heart?”
- He sputters at that
- “N-no of course not”
- You feel a wicked grin curling on your face, he’s awfully fun to tease
- “Boyfriend then?”
- He’s burning so bright red that you think steam might actually start coming out of his ears
- “N-no it was nothing like that,” his eyes are looking into his mug, fingers still twiddling with his earlobe.
- “My brother and I got them at the same time with our other friend. It was really their thing, wanting to get the piercing that is, I just joined to be apart of it”
- You can certainly see it, Charlie getting swept up in his friends things.
- “Besides this sort of thing... it doesn’t really suit me” he lets out a nervous laugh and you feel your heart swell
- “I think it would look great on you” The words leave your mouth without even thinking and you feel your face grow hot when they do.
- What are you saying!?!
- You’re embarrassed, but Charlie’s flattered.
- He’s never been the favorite sibling, he’s not as brave as Bill, or as funny as George, Percy’s the smart one, Ron’s the charismatic one, and Ginny’s the athletic one
- He hasn’t got anything to compete with honestly-
- All he can do is try to emulate his siblings, he guesses he’s still trying to figure out who he is
- Which is a little pathetic at his age- at least that’s how he feels
- But hearing you say it would look good on him- well it makes his heart flutter
- Meanwhile you’re completely ignorant to the fact that you’re making his heart race
- Completely caught up in your own embarrassment
- Geez you’re just blurting stuff out like a kid
- A lightbulb goes over your head
- “Hey I think I might have an idea of what your Dad might like!”
- You practically tug him into the the next shop, his face contorted in confusion until you show him what you thought of
- “Oh Merlin, it’s perfect”
- You’re both standing in the toy section of a department store
- Charlie’s watching the bubble machine like it’s the best thing he’s ever saw
- His dad is going to love enchanting it
- While Charlie’s asking the clerk about gift wrapping and other things you wander around the store
- Stopping when you see a rack of candles
- They’re the ‘homesick’ candles, with a scent that’s a place
- And then you see something else glint from the corner of your eye
- “Thank you so much for your help today-“
- You’re both standing in front of king’s cross again, you’re about to go home
- Charlie takes a deep gulp, if he was brave like Bill he might ask you on a date- a real day
- But he’s not
- So he’ll just thank you for your time, and ask for a business card so he can send you a tasteful gift with maybe a card asking to spend time again with you
- But before he can get the words out you thrust something out to him
- It’s a neat folded striped pink and green bag
- He takes it carefully on his hands, leading inside
- “Candles?”
- You nod
- “They’re those homesick candles, they have a scent for places, I got you London and then another one that says English country- it’s amber, honeysuckle and moss, I thought you might like it” you’re blabbering-
- There really wasn’t a need to do anything like this for him
- But well- you know he probably feels so homesick, not to mention his rowdy siblings
- So maybe this will offer him some comfort
- But he’s not looking at the candles he’s looking at something else that’s glinting beside them
- Thick fingers gently pinch the end of the thick paper square
- It’s a pair of earrings
- They’re Dragon Earrings
- “Oh that.” You look at the item with a wide expression “it’s really like a gag gift, I know you work with animals and you’ve got the piercing so-”
- Charlie’s grinning
- “You didn’t have to do all this.”
- “O-oh no, it was no big deal at all, I um- I wanted to.” You give him a shy smile and he feels butterflies erupt in his stomach
- He’s never going to be as brave as Bill, or as Smart as Percy, as funny as George or loyal as Ron.
- But he wants to be kind
- As kind as you, if not more
- “No, I couldn’t possibly let you do something like this for me, especially not after all your help today”
- You feel yourself deflate, ah you were overstepping weren’t you?
- It’s just- you’ve heard so much about him and you work so well together,
- You had started to think of him as a friend
- But clearly it was too much -
- “Let me take you out to dinner sometime,” your eyes snap to his face, which is dusted with pink, deep brown eyes staring into your own
- “To repay you for all the kindness you’ve shown me today”
- You feel a smile spread across your face, arching into a goofy grin
- He’s looking at you hopefully, pieces ears burning red. A matching hopeful smile curled onto his face
- “I would love to”
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cursestothemoon · 4 years ago
I Need You To Kiss Me
Bill Weasley x Gender Neutral!Hufflepuff!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1847
This is rather short and unedited but i thought it was cute so i hope you guys like ittt ❤️
Bill watched you with a look of interest, the bright yellow accents of your house robes seemed to glow in the morning stream of sunlight that entered the great hall. You laughed at something Charlie was saying, his hands coming out to mimic the flap of what Bill could only assume was a dragon. It was his favorite part of the day, watching you talk to his brother. Unlike usual sibling rivalry, Bill was rarely ever jealous of other men, especially his own brother, and Charlie was well aware of his brother's feelings for the giggly Hufflepuff.
Charlie Weasley attempted to make a shadow puppet of a dragon, the look of determination and the awkward hand gestures made you erupt into a fit of giggles making Charlie shove your shoulder. You two had met in the year prior, you had been asked to be the study partner of a boy in the year below you, a Gryffindor nonetheless. Charlie was the one who walked into the library the next day, glowing ginger curls sat messily atop his head and freckles littered his face and neck. He was also ridiculously tall and burly, but his goofy smile and energetic wave was enough to prove he’d be good company.
You two had been friends since then, and as if it couldn’t get any better Charlie’s older brother Bill would often come by the library to meet with his brother after the study sessions. Bill was overtly handsome, he had the same red hair- though it fell in a more relaxed wave and was just long enough for the bottom layers to brush his shoulders and the top layers his ears- and freckles that kissed the tip of his nose and scattered across his cheeks. Confidence oozed out his pores like honey, Bill Weasley was the most intimidatingly gorgeous man you had ever seen.
“Oi, Bill! What about it then?”
Bill turned toward the sound, coming face to face with Calvin Clark, a fellow Gryffindor and quidditch teammate. He raised his eyebrows, silently asking to be filled on what he missed while he was doing his morning ogling.
“You’re not still hung up on that puff, are you?” Leonard Throndson asked, another teammate of Bill’s.
Bill chuckled, moving to fully face his pestering friends, “And would that be so bad?”
His facial expression was playful, but his tone let the boys know he’d do as he pleased regardless of what they said.
Calvin was the one to answer, “You’ve never been this interested in someone before and not tried asking them out before.”
“Is it cause they’re screwing Charlie?” Leonard asked, mouth fuller than his focus in the conversation.
The question earned him a whack to the back of the head by Bill making him pout and reach a hand up to rub the back of his head.
“They aren’t screwing Charlie, but they are his friend and we don’t really know each other. Reckon, it would be rather awkward if I just up and snogged my brother’s best friend.”
Calvin and Leonard nodded in agreement but Bill continued, “Maybe I’ll ask Charlie about them…”
“That’s great and all Bill, but back to my question. You up for a party this Friday?”
A sound of shock came out of Leonard’s, once again, full mouth making Bill and Calvin watch him muscle down the large helping of eggs he had shoveled into his mouth just minutes before.
“You should invite Y/n, then bam! Make your move at the party.”
Bill thought for a moment, considering the plan, “Not a bad idea.”
The boys were then immersed in party planning, Bill feeling his excitement start to simmer at the mere prospect of asking you out.
You were leaving transfiguration when Bill Weasley pulled you to the side, a gentle arm guiding the small of your back. Once he came to a stop in front of Professor Binns classroom, you face him with a small smile.
“Everything alright, Bill?”
Bill leaned on the wall next to the door, his shoulder propping him up as he crossed his shins loosely and the best nonchalant expression he could muster fixed on his face.
“There’s a party this Friday in the Gryffindor common room, you should come.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, eyes glancing down at your feet, “Yeah that would be-that would be great I’d love to come.”
“What if I asked you to come with me, as my date.”
You gave him an incredulous look, your mouth opening and closing as you tried to find something to say.
He was incredibly forward and his confidence was exhilarating, not at all a turn off, and of course he was devilishly handsome and you’d want nothing more than to be his date but you didn’t talk to him much, and you thought he didn’t really pay attention to his brother’s friend.
“You wanna go on a date with me?”
Bill chuckled, hand coming up to comb back his hair and you felt your knees wobble at the sight, “Yeah, if you’re comfortable with that. If not you should still come to the party.”
“I’d love to come to the party, Bill, as your date.” You smiled, cheeks starting to ache.
“Brilliant, I’ll come pick you up by the barrels at 7:00 Friday night.”
You nodded, words seemingly having escaped you as your eyes followed his retreating frame, only to be startled by another Weasley. Charlie impressively snuck up behind you, successfully making you just when he popped into your eye line.
“What was Bill saying?” He asked, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.
Charlie had been made aware of Bill’s plans to ask you to the party by the man himself, and he couldn’t be happier at the thought of his older brother dating his best friend. He thought you two would be a perfect match far before any feelings were realized between Bill and yourself. Bill’s rugged exterior would compliment the softness of your being, and vice versa. Not to mention, you were both rather attractive people and Charlie was sure the sight of you two as a couple would be the talk of the school.
“He just asked if I would want to go to the Gryffindor party with- you knew!” You gasped, hand shooting out to smack Charlie’s shoulder.
He just nodded with a blinding smile, “He may have mentioned wanting to ask you out.”
You shook your head in disbelief, unable to keep yourself from laughing, “Get to class you ninny.”
Charlie jogged off, dodging another hit from you as he chuckled, his laughter being heard through the corridor.
Friday night arrived faster than anticipated, and your nerves were barely still intact. You had planned and replanned how the night would go over and over again in your head, praying to any celestial being or otherwise that you wouldn’t make a complete fool of yourself in front of Bill.
That was the time you left your common room to wait for Bill, only he was already standing by the barrels with a smile playing on his lips.
“Was afraid you’d stood me up.” He laughed, hand moving to intertwine with yours as he led you to the Gryffindor towers.
You averted his gaze as you responded, “I thought about it, but felt bad in the end.”
Bill slapped his hand to his chest and he let out a dramatic gasp, “You’ve wounded me, Y/n. I thought Hufflepuffs were meant to be kind?”
“Guess I’ve always been a bit of a rebel.” You teased, glancing to see Bill looking at you with a smile and eye crinkles that made your heart leap.
The party was already in full swing by the time Bill ushered you through the portrait hole, hand finding its way around your waist and unmoving from the spot making unruly butterflies erupt in your belly.
He guided you toward a couch in the middle of the room where Charlie was sitting with a few other quidditch teammates of his and Bill’s that you could vaguely recognize, but they all greeted you with smiles.
“Y/n! How are you? It’s so much nicer seeing you in person rather than hearing Bill describe your dazzling smile or twinkling eyes.” Leonard spoke with such intense honesty, deriving from the few drinks he had before you arrived, it made you giggle as you turned to Bill who was now glaring daggers at Leonard.
“Twinkling eyes huh?” You asked Bill.
He smiled down at you, ignoring the way Leonard was now trying to push his way to the dancefloor, and gave a flirty response, “They are quite the sight, ‘specially when you’re laughing.”
Charlie smiled at the sight of his brother and his best friend getting all cozy on the couch as the party raged on. Bill’s hand resting respectfully on your knee, his thumb rubbing small circles.
It seemed you had melted into the couch and Bill’s side, he had one arm around you while the other rested on your leg that had been pulled to cross over one of his legs. You were completely facing him as you two talked, his hand that was around your shoulder coming up every so often to play with the ends of your hair as he spoke. He was more than happy to talk about his big family, and all his brothers. Charlie you knew, but he told you about Percy, the reserved adult trapped in a boy, then there were Fred and George, the wild twins that had a knack for causing trouble, and Ron, the youngest brother who had a new found love of food after a picky few years. But his smile widened and eyes crinkled with glee as he told you about the youngest, Ginny, his only sister.
“Poor girl’s only going to have brother’s growing up, but I reckon she’ll be able to take care of herself alright, she’s already pretty good at it.” He chuckled thinking of seven year old Ginny telling off Ron for eating her chicken wing.
And you told him about yourself, your family, and your fondest memories all while Bill listened carefully, a fond smile on his face as he watched your eyes twinkle just as he had described to Leonard and Calvin.
Soon your voice started to fade as you, quite literally, lost yourself in his eyes. Both of you leaned closer, at such a slow pace it was almost undetectable but the invisible pull was definitely noticed by you and Bill.
He stopped just before his lips reached yours, his hand coming up to hold your jaw as he looked into your eyes as he spoke, “Would it be terribly inappropriate of me to kiss you right now?”
Words, yet again, escaped you and left a simple, almost desperate, nod as your only answer to his question as you tried to lean closer to his lips.
“I need your words, love.”
Your voice was needy and whispered, “I need you to kiss me, Bill.”
He didn’t hesitate.
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twilightdruig · 4 years ago
talking to the moon
pairing/s: fred weasley x clearwater!fem!reader, percy weasley x penelope clearwater
summary: when fred finds himself running from flich, he ends up in the astronomy tower where he finds out who his comfort person could be.
warnings: ravenclaw!reader, just fluff really, kind of slow burn.
a/n: unedited!! my first fred fic! i kinda hate this btw :)
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y/n clearwater remembered when her sister finally got a boyfriend. not only were their mom proud of her for getting a boyfriend but their dad also being proud because she became the ravenclaw prefect.
y/n on the other hand, she was the troublemaker, the least favorite child, and the misfit. she would use her smarts for something else.
y/n had friends, sure, but she also had rivals. the weasley twin, the more known pranksters of hogwarts. they’ve been each other’s targets for the longest time.
only a few people knew the mysterious and mischievous ravenclaw girl. she spent time either alone or with her only close friend, ally. people did know a few things about her. she was one of the brightest witches of her age (a very close contest to hermione), she loved to mess with people heads and she was a compulsive liar.
she’d spend her time either reading, people watching or star gazing. people thought she was weird.
y/n clearwater remembered when her sister finally got a boyfriend. not only were their mom proud of her for getting a boyfriend but their dad also being proud because she became the ravenclaw prefect.
y/n on the other hand, she was the troublemaker, the least favorite child, and the misfit. she would use her smarts for something else.
she had friends, sure, but she also had rivals. the weasley twins, the more known pranksters of hogwarts. they’ve been each other’s targets for the longest time.
only a few people knew the mysterious and mischievous ravenclaw girl. she spent time either alone or with her only close friend, ally. people did know a few things about her. she was one of the brightest witches of her age (a very close contest to hermione granger), she loved to mess with people heads and she was a compulsive liar.
she’d spend her time either reading, people watching or star gazing. people thought she was weird.
“there she goes again, georgie…” fred sarcastically gushed. their eyes followed the figure that was going up to the astronomy tower.
“you keep that up, i’ll start to think you fancy her” george teased his twin brother
fred fake gagged at that.
little did george know, fred’s been smitten with her every since.
there was an opportunity right there. percy was dating her sister. he would’ve thought they’d share a disgust in that relationship but then again, y/n was mysterious, lonely and a little bit intimidating.
although, she’s been causing a tad bit of mischief around, she’s never actually properly talked to the twins. which was surprising to everyone, they’d thought fred weasley and y/n clearwater would’ve been a great golden couple.
their siblings being the prefects who snogged while doing rounds.
one night, fred was setting up a prank while he let george spend the night sleeping. as per usual, he snuck out of his dorm, avoided filch, whom was roaming the corridors.
he found himself running to the direction of the astronomy tower. he didn’t think, he just ran. not once did it cross his mind y/n would be there. he kind of knew she was there every night but that didn’t matter right now.
he didn’t know how but filch heard some of his footsteps nearby. he ran and ran. he was climbing up the stairs of the astronomy tower.
when he was at the very top, he finally lost filch. he didn’t notice a figure sitting by the edge.
y/n was wrapped in an oversized jumper and her hair was in pigtails. she was quite surprised when someone climbed up here. it was late and no one ever encountered her when she was in her zone.
“uh… hey,” fred panted. he didn’t know who it was. it never registered in his head that y/n came up here until the last minute.
“fred.” she turned around.
“you already said that” she silently giggled “you alright?” she remembered he was panting and speaking breathlessly.
“yeah, yeah,” he made a hand gesture signifying he was fine “filch” he pointed his thumb behind him, by the stairs.
“i wonder why” she rolled her eyes, the sarcastic comment rolling off her tongue.
“clearwater, right?”
“is that sarcasm?” she narrowed her eyes.
“kind of yes, and no. i don’t exactly know you personally, and yes, your sister has an awful taste in men”
“awful taste in men is right” she laughed.
they continued to converse for the rest of the night. they both forgot they were rivals that night.
the next morning came and they woke up in their respective dorms. she passed luna lovegood by the common room.
her and luna were very good friends. they were known as the weirdos from ravenclaw. neither did you care.
luna was such a pretty soul. who couldn’t love her?
“hello, y/n.” her feathery voice interrupted her thoughts.
“hey there, luna” she waved back.
they walked each other to the great hall. everyone was bustling around, eating, or conversing. luna left to find harry or neville, she wasn’t exactly sure.
the weasley twins also came over to the ravenclaw table. she didn’t know which one of them it was but one was helping the other talk to a girl.
y/n and one of them (probably fred) shared eye contact and it may be unspoken but they’ll most definitely see each other very soon.
they did in fact see each other that night. it was the second night you spent not being rivals. people also may have noticed she weren’t pulling as much pranks as you were before.
summer came along, right after percy and penelope’s graduation. the weasley’s invited the clearwater sisters even if percy was reluctant if he wanted his girlfriend (and girlfriend’s sister) to meet his chaotic family.
now, penelope and y/n were standing in front of a slightly slanting, talk wooden house in the middle of a field.
the door burst open as a plump redheaded woman emerged from said door. ‘this must be mrs. weasley’ y/n thought.
“hi, dearies,” she pulled the sisters in for a hug “i’m mrs. weasley! please do call me molly.”
“hi, molly. thank you so much for inviting me and my sister to stay here!” penelope exclaimed.
“yes! thank you for inviting us” y/n exclaimed as well, right after penny’s elbow jabbed her in the ribs.
when molly went back in the house, them following not far behind. “that hurt penny” y/n whispered.
“sorry! i just didn’t want her to have a bad impression on us. especially, you. she barely knows you”
“boys! ginny! hermione! our guests are here!”
the sound of multiple footsteps rattling the stairs could be heard from y/n’s position at the door. there was a small sign that said ‘the burrow’, a small living room, a dining table that was connected to the kitchen. the house felt cozy and homey.
after she examined the area, two tall, identical twins, who grew their hair, appeared in front of her “fred,” she nodded to one twin “george.” she nodded to the other.
she figured penelope was somewhere spending time with her boyfriend.
y/n sure was surprised to see the twins with longer hair and longer legs. they still looked good, though.
wait, did she just call the twins attractive?! no way. no. she shook the thought off. molly told her and penny they’ll be staying in ginny’s room with ginny and hermione. she took her bags up their so she could get settled in.
after she did, she was found outside, reading a book by a large tree. she and hermione were there before ginny and ron called her in.
nighttime arrived, the weasleys and their guests ate under the moonlight with fairy lights around their yard. it was a beautiful sight, a happy family, under the stars and moon and galaxy.
she sat in between penny and hermione. she was very comfortable with hermione. they never really conversed before today, they learned they had so much in common from books to favorite subjects.
after eating, all the girls helped molly wipe the tables and clean the dishes while the boys packed up the tables. molly was making them practice muggle cleaning and organizing. it was obvious they didn’t like it.
y/n proposed she help the boys, because she knew a fair amount of muggle knowledge. it was one of her best classes, after all.
fred has been sending her longing looks and winks all day. while degnoming the backyard and playing quidditch with his siblings. he kept looking at her under the shade of the tree.
before she went back in fred approached her and slipped a little piece of paper in her pocket.
‘meet me at the bottom of the abandoned treehouse in the back at 11:30pm’
it’d be like the astronomy tower.
when it struck 11:30pm, y/n made sure all her roommates were fast asleep before slowly tiptoeing out the room and down the stairs. she slipped past a snoring and cuddling molly and arthur weasley in the living room and finally, out to the backyard. she walked over to the abandoned treehouse and waited for a bit until fred emerged from the same door she came through earlier.
“hey” he murmured when he approached where y/n was sitting on a stable step that was supposedly going up to the treehouse.
“hi there”
“what are you up to?”
“you told me to meet you here, you git”
“right, right” the two laughed.
comfortable silence feel upon them. “there was actually something i wanted to tell you”
you faced him, “oh?”
“okay, go on. spit it out, freddie” the nickname just came out naturally from her tongue.
it gave fred butterflies, for some reason. actually, he did know what ‘some reason’ was.
“i- um…” he stammered.
“do i make fred,” she poked his side “nervous?”
“yeah. you do” he grabbed her hand. he looked up at the star-littered sky and the moon.
“what?” she faltered.
“you make me nervous, y/n.” he looked back at her “the thing is, i fancy you. you’re gorgeous, funny, smart, weird and mysterious and i love all of that about you”
y/n smiled. “i fancy you too, fred”
“oh, thank merlin” he chuckled “i had to ask percy and your sister for advice.”
“oh… well, did it work?”
“oh, i didn’t use it. i just went with my gut like i did that first night.”
they laid there, underneath the galaxy. the stars and moon looking down at them, seeing young true love.
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timelesslords · 4 years ago
time, mystical time (cutting me open then healing me fine)
Read on AO3
The night the second Giant War ends, Percy and Annabeth sneak out together 
For the first time in what felt like years, Annabeth was able to exhale.
They'd done it. Gaea was gone, the Romans were on their side, various monster armies had been defeated. Sitting on the porch of the Big House with the remaining seven after all was said and done had felt like both one of the most anti-climactic, and heaviest moments of her life. Leo was gone, and she hadn't fully processed that yet, she wondered if she would ever fully process that Leo, so full of life and energy, wasn't there anymore. But compared to the Titan War, casualties had been light.
She still felt on edge, like at any moment the dirt in front of her might rise into Gaea's familiar form, shout "surprise!" and murder them all now that they had their guard down. But the hours passed, night fell, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Which, considering how Annabeth's life had gone the past 7 years, was extraordinary in and of itself.
But it still didn't feel right. It didn't feel done . She could breathe out, but breathing in still felt like a struggle, like there was something caught there.
Maybe that was why, once her siblings seemed mostly asleep, Annabeth slipped on her yankees cap and snuck out the door. She reached Cabin 3 easily, and was not at all surprised to find Percy still awake when she tapped on his window. He opened it, letting out a waft of cool sea breeze into the night air. Annabeth pulled off her cap and Percy grinned at her.
"Thank gods, I was wondering if you were ever going to show up." he said.
"Some of us have roommates." Annabeth replied, but she was also smiling. Percy had a conspiratorial grin on his face, the kind that was contagious, and that would make any self-respecting teacher want to cry.
"Give me a sec," He said, disappearing from the window, and returning with a blanket a few moments later. Then he began to climb out.
"You know the door is like six feet away, right?" Annabeth asked, watching with amusement as he maneuvered his way out of the small window hole. Percy managed to slide out of it, his feet landing on solid ground a little harder than he probably intended.
"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"
"You're ridiculous." Annabeth said. She had not meant for it to come out quite so fondly, but she didn't have the heart to try and correct herself.
"You love me anyways." Percy said happily, taking her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. It felt so easy, so natural, Annabeth could almost forget the past 8 months had happened. Like they were still two kids who had only been through one war in their lifetime instead of two Which, okay, maybe a pretty pathetic ideal, but it still made her feel good.
They made their way down to the beach, careful to avoid the cleaning harpy's regular paths, though Annabeth doubted they were even on curfew duty tonight. There was still tons of debris lying around from the earlier battle that hadn't been fully squared away yet, despite everyone working around the clock to get it done. Though, with help from the Romans, Annabeth thought they could probably have camp looking back to normal in the next day or two. They were scarily efficient. Either way, the harpies were probably taking the night off.
The beach, thankfully, had remained relatively untouched from the battle. There were a few dunes she wasn't sure had been there before, and what looked like a bit of wreckage from one of the orangers. But they ignored both, opting for their favorite spot just above the tideline, in the middle of the beach. Percy set down the blanket, and they laid down on it together, still holding hands.
They were quiet, but that didn't bother Annabeth. Quiet moments with Percy were stupidly hard to come by, and just being next to him made her feel whole again. Even after the weeks they'd spent together, Annabeth hadn't fully recovered from the time she had spent with him missing. She wondered if she would ever fully recover from that, or if she was doomed to dream of him disappearing right before her eyes for the rest of her life.
And that had always been the fear, hadn't it? That he would leave like everyone else in her life had, before she had him? It was her fault they had taken so long to get together, the way she kept pulling away, expecting him to get tired and go. But he hadn't. He had stubbornly stuck around, even when she was mad at him and being mean to him and hadn't really been all that pleasant to be around.
And of course, there was the other thing. The prophecy that had ruled their lives since they were twelve, that Annabeth had read at too young an age, and that she had applied to him from the minute that trident flashed over his head. He wasn't even supposed to be here.
"What are you thinking about?"
Annabeth glanced over at Percy, who had apparently been looking at her for the past few minutes.
"You've got that scrunched up look on your face." He said. He at least had the decency to sound apologetic.
"My face doesn't get scrunched." Annabeth protested, though even as she said it she became aware of the tenseness in her forehead and between her eyes. She rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"It does, when you're thinking hard. Don't worry, it's very cute."
"You're biased." Annabeth said, turning herself so she could look at him straight on.
"Maybe so." Percy said, with a soft smile and a half shrug. It was very easy to forget, sometimes, that they were half gods, but Annabeth saw it in Percy just then. Something beyond human in his touch and his eyes. Something divine. She wasn't sure how she had ever thought it would be possible for him to die. Looking at him now, she would swear up and down he was an immortal.
"I was just thinking about last summer. And the one before that. And all the time we wasted." Annabeth admitted.
"In our defence, we were kind of dumb then." Percy said, hitting her with a trademark grin. Annabeth had to smile back, even as she rolled her eyes.
"Speak for yourself, Seaweed Brain."
"Okay, okay. I was an idiot, and you were as brilliant as ever." Percy amended. Annabeth appreciated his undue faith in her, but it wasn't entirely warranted.
"I wasn't brilliant. I was pragmatic, which is just another kind of stupid if you use it wrong." Annabeth sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"Like," Annabeth started, not sure how to explain what she was thinking in a totally not-morbid way, "I guess I was just thinking about the prophecy the whole time. After the labyrinth especially, I just– I don't know. I was so scared of how it would all play out. I kept pushing you away because I thought it would be easier."
"You thought I was going to die." Percy said. He had a look of careful consideration on his face, free from judgement. He didn't let go of her hand.
"Yes." Annabeth said, feeling guilty as she did, "I mean, I should've known better. Prophecies never play out the way you think they will."
"The summer before. We ended things on weird terms." Percy remembered, "Is that because you thought the time was running out?"
Annabeth shuddered inadvertently. If it was up to her, she would never think about that summer again. It had easily been the worst of her life, maybe even now, and she had some really shitty summers to compare it to.
"It was partially that." Annabeth admitted, "Partially Luke. And... it was also sort of my prophecy. When you disappeared those two weeks and we– I thought you had died, I thought... I thought it was my fault. For bringing you on the quest."
Percy was frowning, like he wasn't quite following what she was saying.
"The last line. The one I didn't tell you about until after." Annabeth prompted.
And lose a love worse than death. Annabeth had been well aware of her crush on Percy at that point, but she hadn't fully, truly realized she was in love with him until she had thought he'd died for her prophecy. It was the absolute worst moment to have that clarity. Thankfully she had gotten a do-over of sorts, but it was hard to forget that kind of pain. That probably was why she had avoided him the rest of the summer, more than anything else, because she after she knew that she loved him the thought of losing him again, which had felt desperately inevitable at the time, was absolutely excruciating.
Percy's eyes widened in understanding.
"Oh. Oh. Oh gods, I was an idiot. I didn't even realize how much of an idiot I was for that." he said, "After you kissed me and everything. I just never put it together."
Annabeth couldn't help but laugh a little at the expression on his face.
"It's okay." she said.
"Did I ever apologize for that? I'm really sorry."
"You don't have to apologize. I tortured you enough after the fact."
"You did do that. I deserved it though. Gods." Percy said, rolling onto his back, looking up at the stars.
"Rachel didn't though." Annabeth said. She still felt a little twinge of guilt at how she'd treated Rachel the first few times they'd met. Looking back on it, it really didn't have much to do with Rachel at all; she had mostly been mad at herself, and Percy. Herself for not being brave enough to make a move, Percy for having a crush on a girl who wasn't her, after all they'd been through together. Not exactly fair feelings all around, but at least they'd been equally distributed. And she'd apologized to Rachel afterwards.
"No, probably not." Percy agreed.
"I was just mad, I guess. Luke was gone for good. Thalia had left, and I knew she had to, but it still hurt. And I thought I was going to lose you to her and then you were going to die, again, sort of, and it was all just kind of unbearable."
"I'm sorry. That you had to do that alone." Percy said, squeezing her hand, "I wish I had been better about it. I just didn't really know what to do."
"It's not your fault." Annabeth said. Then, after a moment of contemplation
"Though you could have at least acknowledged the kiss."
Percy groaned, covering his face with his free hand.
"I was so dumb. I still didn't know if you liked me after that. I thought you just wanted to forget about it."
"Well, after you didn't mention it, maybe." Annabeth said, a little teasingly. It was nice to just be able to sit here and talk about things. The past few months had been pretty hellish, but one thing they had done was put things in perspective. It was easy to laugh at their awkward 15-year-old selves' interactions now, while it might've still been uncomfortable a few months ago.
Of course, if Percy hadn't disappeared out of nowhere, they probably would've reached this point in their relationship organically, without all the trauma on the side. But if she thought about that for too long she would just get angry, and she didn't want to ruin the moment. It was a nice moment. The type of moment she wanted to have with him over and over again, until they both died of old age. For the first time that actually felt like an achievable goal.
"Can I get a do-over?" Percy asked, his trouble-maker smile back on his face. Annabeth grinned back.
"You can have as many do-overs as you want."
He leaned over and kissed her, soft and sweet, and frankly much better than the hurried, frantic one in the volcano had been.
"Annabeth Chase," he said as he pulled away, "I am acknowledging that that was an amazing kiss. I hope to have many more amazing kisses with you, for the rest of our lives."
Annabeth laughed and kissed him again, because she had the time, and they finally had the world to themselves again, and now that he had kissed her again, any time not spent kissing him felt like a waste.
"You're very good at that. Have I ever told you you're very good at that?" Percy said, when they finally broke apart again.
"Well, I had lots of practice before you." Annabeth said, unable to stop the sly smile from spreading across her lips.
"Like who?" Percy asked, indignantly. He was joking, but she could tell there was a note of genuine surprise there.
"Oh, lets see." Annabeth said, rolling back onto her back, fingers still laced through Percy's, "There was Zach, from elementary school. He wasn't very good, but practice is practice. And then Jake from that boarding school–"
"You kissed guys at your boarding school?"
"Oh sure. I was sad and you weren't around, I had to make do. I made out with Connor once, that was an experience."
"Our Connor? Connor Stoll?" Percy asked, unable to mask his surprise. Annabeth bit down a giggle.
"Yeah, on a dare. He wasn't so bad, really, but he could have used a little less ton–"
"Okay, okay, I get the point," Percy said hurriedly, and Annabeth finally let herself laugh.  
"Don't worry, you're better than all of them put together." Annabeth said, reaching around her own head and patting his with her spare hand.
"Are you sure you're not just saying that?" Percy asked.
"Mm. Might have to double check." Annabeth said, keeping her voice as serious as she could possibly make it.
"Oh yeah?" Percy said, and it was a dare to him now, which meant that teasing him so much had either been a bad idea, or a really really good one.
"Yeah." Annabeth said, and in a strange way she felt freer than she had before. Like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest.
Annabeth breathed in the salty sea air, revelling in the inhale. She might've started to cry if he hadn't kissed her then, but it was just as well. They had plenty of time.
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sumu-samu · 4 years ago
“Hi i saw that you were gonna start writing stories and we're looking for ideas and things,, maybe a Luke x f!reader oneshot around the time of The Lightning Thief. I think it would be cool if the day before he snapped and revealed himself as the thief,, he confessed his feelings to someone or took an s/o on a special date as a type of "goodbye" without saying anything. There's not many luke fics and his TLT story is so fun to explore :3″
Pairing: Luke Castellan x daughter of Poseidon!f!reader
Genre: Angst basically. Some fluff, but angst.
Warnings: non that I can really think of
A.N: Literally listened to The Lightning Thief musical while writing this.This was super fun to write ngl, I also may have gotten carried away with the back story and such but meh :3. I also took a few freedoms and made you Poseidon’s daughter, hope you don’t mind it too much, and I changed the ending of the book a bit because I can’t remember exactly how it ended, just the basics, and I can’t find my book to fact check myself. Hope it doesn't bother you too much and that you like it.<3
Y/N sat at her cabin table, her newly found brother had just come back from a stupid quest he had to go on because her uncle was throwing a fit (as he usually does) about someone stealing his lightning bolt, and he immediately blamed it on her family. She knew all about the prophecy and the whole half-blood child of the big three turning sixteen and having the power to either save or destroy the world. Thing was she had already turned sixteen (if you’re not sixteen yet, just go along with it please) and nothing special really happened, so when Percy showed up at camp and killed a minotaur on the first day, Her and Chiron had been a bit weary of the new half-blood.
When Percy was claimed by Poseidon you’d think she’d be happy that she had found family, after losing her mother at five and never seeing her father, but she wasn’t, She was more worried than anything. Worried that she would lose the family she had just found. And when Percy left to go on the quest, Y/N felt like she couldn’t breath. She didn’t know him very well, but Percy was a good kid, she could just feel it, and she wanted to get to know him more. The thought that he may not come back from this quest in one piece terrified her. And what made it even worse was that he brought Annabeth with him. Annabeth was like Y/N’s little sister.
Ever since the day she found the seven year old blond they had been through alot together. She had run away from camp after getting into an argument with Chiron, she soon learned that it was a big mistake, then ran into the little girl somewhere in Pennsylvania. She then met Luke and Thalia, and then ran into Grover. The five had been through alot, especially when they lost Thalia, she was yet another pice of family she lost. She hadn’t walked into the camp with the other three, she just stayed and watched as Thaila’s body formed into a tall standing pine tree. She cursed Zues for letting this happen to his own daughter.
As the years went by she took care of the spunky little blond, and Luke liked to help every now and then. Feelings grew for the blond boy, no doubt about it, but she also remembered how Annabeth would squeal to her and rant about her little crush on Luke.
When they came back, all three of them, in one pices to say she was relieved, was an understatement. There had been a lot of events that happened after they were back, her favourite being the look on Clariese’s face when she heard that her father had stolen the bolt. The whole cabin was angry and Percy, and the fact that he had made their father look like a fool. But what she really cherished was right now. She was able to catch up with her brother and everything. Talk about his life, get to know him and how much of a good kid he really was. They talked about the prophecy and how he was confused about being betrayed by a friend and failing to save what matters the most.
“People who know nothing about prophecies may say something like ‘oh well you know the prophecy is crazy and could be wrong in some way,’ but, I know that isn’t the case. So I’d say, that the prophecy isn’t done with you yet.” She shrugged.
“Oh, how great.” he rolled his eyes.
“Hey, Y/N” She heard the smooth deep familiar voice and looked up to meet bright blue eyes. “Right before curfew… could you uh,” he scratched the back of his neck. “Just, meet me by the lake.” he quickly stated then walked off. She sat very confused, she had never seen Luke like that before. He was usually a cocky, joking fellow. Seeing him shy and flustered,and maybe even worried, had concerned her.
When the sun had fallen, and curfew was about twenty minutes away, she snuck out of her cabin and went down to the lake. “Luke?” she called out not seeing him anywhere.
“Y/N.” she then heard from behind her. Turning around she saw a familiar silhouette, She couldn't see his face due to the lack of light but she knew it was him.
“Hey, what’s up?” She walked towards him.
“I-” He looked around and took her by the arm to drag her further away from the cabins so that they could be somewhere where he knew they were truly alone. “I have something to tell you.” He sounded sorrowful and serious. This made Y/N’s heart race faster in worry for the boy in front of her.
“What is it Luke?” She moved her hand to his cheek so he could look at her. He just stared into her eyes for about a minute. He was dazzled by her (e/c) eyes, that she had gotten from her mum and her dark hair that she got from her father. His hands moved to her waist before he viciously pulled her close to him, foreheads touching. Her heart sped up even more, this time from the closeness of the two rather than worry. “Luke?” she questioned.
“I’m so sorry.” He squeezed his eyes shut in pain. “I’m so… so sorry Y/N.” He wrapped his arms further around her waist, pulling her into a hug. She took in his scent as he did hers.
“Luke, I don’t understand, why… why are you sorry?” She pulled away to look into his eyes again.
“Y/N, I… I like you… I like you so much I think I love you. And it hurts me, ever since we lost Thalia, you were there, you were alway there. And I don’t know why I couldn’t be satisfied with just you and Annabeth, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry. I was just so pissed, I needed to get it all out. But in the end, I want you to know that it was you, It was always you.” And that's when he did it. He made her heart completely stop, He leaned in and kissed her. His kiss soft and gentle, the kiss was passionate. She melted into it, wanting it to last forever but alas he pulled away. “I just hope you will forgive me at some point.”
“Luke, what’s going on? What do you mean forgive you?” She was seriously done with this mysterious way he was talking.
“I can’t tell you, not yet. Just, stay with me, for the night. Tonight only, sleep beside me, let me hold you one last time.” He pleaded.
“Luke, where are we gonna sleep, we can’t go to your cabin, because… well,” She thought of the cramped cabin 11 and how embarrassing it might be to wake up in the morning with all those kids around her laughing, or how maybe the twins would try playing a prank of them in their sleep. “Percy’s asleep in my cabin, and we can’t stay out here… the harpies.” She shuddered at the thought of being attacked by those bird ladies.
“Y/N, i’ve seen Percy sleep, there's no way he's gonna wake up before us. I’ll be sure to leave before he even knows I’m there.” He rested his forehead on hers.
She thought for a while. “Alright fine.” She smiled and they walked back to the cabin.
That night she had the best sleep she had ever had. Luke’s warmth,and his scent. It relaxed her in a way that she didn’t know was possible. But he held true to his word of getting out before Percy knew he was there. In fact, she had to sit there for a while trying to be sure it was real and not just a dream, because when she woke up, he wasn’t there. Her heart dropped. It was too vivid, too detailed, too… too real, to be a dream. She got out of bed, and got dressed before hearing a snore. She grabbed her pillow and threw it at the drooling boy, still asleep in his bed.
“Wake up ragworm. You’re gonna miss breakfast.” She said, waiting till he got out of bed and started getting changed to leave and go to breakfast.
They sat at the table eating their food when Mr. D. had stood up to tell everyone to decide whether they were staying for the year or leaving before noon. “What are you gonna do?” Percy looked at his sister.
“I'm staying here.” She shrugged as if not going home was something she was used to.
“You’re not going back to your family?” He sounded confused. But he too was confused if he wanted to go back and see his mum or if he wanted to stay with his new found family. He was kinda hoping she was gonna go so that it would make it easier on him.
“Have no family to go home to, Perc. This right here,” she motioned to all the other kids at their respective tables, “this is the closest thing I have to family.”
As the day had progressed the thought of what happened with Luke last night being real faded as Luke had avoided her all day. And as she was walking around Camp, enjoying her last day with some of her friends she saw some wood nymphs carrying a body wearing blue jeans and a bright orange camp shirt. “Percy.” she gasped as she saw the black head of hair. They carried him to the infirmary where he was tended to and given some nectar to recover.
Once he woke up he started ranting off nonsense. “Luke, it’s Luke we- we need to look for him.” he tried to get up but Chiron stopped him.
“What do you mean it’s Luke, Perc?” She was worried by the tone of her brother's words.
“The… the friend who was supposed to betray me… it’s Luke. He’s the lightning thief” At Percy’s words Y/N’s head went fuzzy, her stomach turned. “He’s serving Kronos, hes trying to bring him back.” she didn’t want to believe what she was hearing, “ Oh… and Y/N… he said that if I happened to survive, to tell you… he meant what he said last night, and that he is really sorry.” Percy said that as if it was irrelevant.
“No, you're lying. Luke, he wouldn… He isn’t... “ She shook her head trying to deny it but then something came back to her.
“I’m sorry. I was just so pissed, I needed to get it all out.” She ran out of the infirmary, tears stinging her eyes and her head steaming. She ran into the cabin, and without thinking rationally started to throw things around out of… well, she wasn’t really sure what she was feeling, she just needed to get it out.
Once she was done throwing things around, and the cabin was totally trashed, she knew exactly what she was feeling. She ran to the lake, feeling angry and sad. She took her shoes off and sat at the edge with her feet in the water. Tears running down her face.
“I just hope you will forgive me at some point.” Luke’s words rang out in her head. “I don’t think I ever can.” She thought. It wasn’t because of the fact that he had betrayed her friends, her family, betrayed her. It was more the fact that Luke was so selfish, so so stupidly selfish that he had to dump that onto her. He had to tell her how he felt and then go and break her like that. Because of that, she hated him, but at the same time, deep in her heart she still loved him, something small was telling her that this wasn’t actually Luke, that he was really the Luke that she loved and that something was controlling him.
She looked up at the sky, the clear blue sky. To anyone else, on any other day, it would have been a beautiful day. But no matter how much the sun shined, all she could see was grey. “Why? Why can’t I be happy? Why do you insist on torturing me constantly. What did I do to make you decide I don’t deserve happiness? Was it because I was born? It’s not my fault that my father can’t keep a stupid promise. It’s not my fault i’m alive. I never asked for this. So why do you do this to me? You petty little brat! I hate you with every bone in my body.” She screamed at her uncle. Zeus wasn’t listening to what his pathetic niece was saying, but someone was.
His chest felt heavy. Listening to what the beautiful broken girl was saying. He had wanted to hold her like he should have for every heart breaking moment of her sixteen years. “I’m sorry i couldn’t save you from that. But I gave you Percy. You have each other now. Take care of each other like I can’t.” Poseidon sighed.
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harryissuchalittleshit · 4 years ago
Potters + Cigarettes + Rehearsal Dinners = Shenanigans
Happy Training Prompt Tuesday!! Instead of writing about one ship I wrote about three!! @petalstosarah
1. James and Lily, 1978, Petunia and Vernon’s Rehearsal Dinner
Lily did everything she could to hold in her temper as she felt Vernon’s beady little eyes on her. The only thing keeping her from cursing him was the large amount of Muggles around her, and James’ warm hand on her waist. It was all ridiculous anyways, Petunia didn’t want her here, and Lily honestly hadn’t wanted to spend her Easter holidays as a member of the wedding crowd.
Petunia had been treating her like a slave since the moment she and had come home. She had been nothing but rude and demanding, had ignored James from the moment he introduced himself, and had called Lily a number of rude things within ear shot. But Lily had been the good sister, she had smiled through the pain and kept her emotions in check.
The rope though was starting to come undone.
“You okay?” whispered James, his lips at her ear, his breath tickling her neck.
“I think I need some air.”
This was the best thing about James, he was observant enough to know when she needed her space, when she was holding in too much. It had been years since she had done accidental magic, had a temper tantrum, had an outburst. Petunia was about to break that streak though.
She didn’t know how James got so good at sneaking through a crowd, appearing in one place and then in another in the blink of an eye. But it was comforting holding his hand and sneaking through the crowd and out of the banquet hall.
Out in the dimly lit parking lot, Lily pulled her hair out of the stupid twist her sister made her wear and accepted the cigarette James handed her. The smoke was comforting in her lungs, the burn familiar and warm.
“Sorry about all of this,” said Lily after a few more puffs. “I should’ve known t-“
“Don’t worry about it,” said James, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around Lily’s shoulders. She hadn’t realized she was cold until the moment his warmth wrapped around her. “You’re sure that there’s an open bar tomorrow, right?”
Lily giggled and kissed his cheek, tucking her head into his shoulder. “From what I understand, yes, but knowing the arse Vernon is, it’ll only last for a little while.”
James sighed and Lily took another pull from her cigarette, before dropping it on the ground and putting it out with the heel of her shoe. There was no way they would be allowed back inside if Petunia smelled them. Not that Lily really minded, she was still hungry from dinner, nothing had been appetizing and they had been one of the last tables to go through the buffet line.
“Are you still hungry?” Lily asked him, turning to look up boyfriend. “Because I’m starving and the diner should still be open.”
James smiled down at her and Lily felt herself return the gesture. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the darkest corner of the parking lot, she had no plans to let go of him anytime soon.
2. Harry and Ginny, 2003, Ron and Hermione’s Rehearsal Dinner
“Let’s sneak out, before she corners us again.” Ginny pushed Harry towards the restaurant door, “I don’t think I can handle another lecture from mum sober.”
“Thank Merlin there’s an open bar tomorrow at the wedding,” Harry replied as they snuck through the door unnoticed, “or I would’ve bailed on you the second I met your family.”
Ginny nodded, “I would’ve bailed on me too, honestly.”
Out in the parking lot, it was marginally quieter and Ginny could feel herself think again. It was one thing to trap a large amount of Weasley’s in one room, but add in Hermione’s extended family, and a language barrier, it was means for disaster.
Even if it was nice to have everyone around, the last time they had all been together had been for George and Angelina’s wedding a few years ago. That day had been fun, but it had also been heavy, they were missing Fred and Angelina’s mother and sister. Ginny had been a bridesmaid then too, she had been paired up with Angelina’s little brother David, who was laugh and who she had a lot of fun with.
But this felt different.
“Knut for your thought?”
Ginny smiled and accepted the cigarette that Harry handed her, she had to admit that she didn’t take him for a smoker. But he was getting increasing good at stealing them from Hermione when she wasn’t looking.
“Do you think it’s time that we set a date?” asked Ginny, passing the cigarette back to him and blowing a steam of smoke pass his face. “It’s been what? Almost four years since you proposed?”
Harry shrugged and Ginny wished that he would make a decision on the matter at hand. Even though she had been the one who wanted a long engagement and had given him shit about making her a child bride. But now that George was married and Ron was getting married and Percy was ready to propose to Audrey at any moment from what Angelina had told George who told Ginny. At this rate, she was going to be the last one married even though she had been the first one engaged after the war.
Everyone had given up on Charlie, well, except for their mum, but that was expected.
“Do you want to get married?” asked Harry, leaning against one of the many cars in the parking lot around them. “I thought you wanted to wait.”
“I did,” offered Ginny, because honestly she had wanted to wait. But not she felt like the youngest all over again, like the baby of the family she was born into. “But at this rate Percy’s going to be married with three kids before we settle on a date.”
“August sixteenth.”
“August sixteenth,” repeated Harry and Ginny stared at him. It wasn’t that Harry didn’t make decisions, it was just that more often than not he didn’t care about these sort of things. “It’s the day I proposed, the day I knew I couldn’t ever live without you.”
Ginny bit her bottom lip and looked at him, taking in his smile and his dancing green eyes. Maybe he cared more than Ginny thought, more than he would ever admit to anyone except for her.
“Okay,” agreed Ginny, stepping into his arms and wrapping her own around his neck. She felt herself relax into his kiss, her whole body turning into jelly. “I’ll be the one in white.”
“Just meet me at the altar.”
3. James and Marci, 2037, James and Marci’s Rehearsal Dinner
“Why did we bring the kids again?”
Marci stared at her soon-to-be husband and rolled her eyes. She had to admit that they may of made a mistake, but she also knew that this was more about James’ family than their children. They were getting married tomorrow, bringing their families together into one.
There would no longer be Potter children and Abraham children, instead they would all be Potters. James’ three kids and her three kids and their daughter Liliana would finally all had the same last name, and would all finally be of one identity.
“James,” said Marci, wrapping her arms around his neck and tucking her head under his chin as she heard the familiar click of a lighter. A moment later she reached up and took the cigarette out of his mouth, taking a pull before putting it back between his lips.
“Sorry,” grumbled James a few moments and another cigarette later. “I just didn’t do this last time, Lily was the only one of us who had a real wedding.”
Marci smiled and pulled away from him, this was new for her too, she got married at eighteen in a quick ceremony at a Muggle courthouse. She knew that marriage was doomed from the start, how she had allowed herself to be forced into that kind of situation she didn’t know.
She knew that a big fancy ceremony wouldn’t change anything, but she wanted to have it. She didn’t want to feel ashamed to marry James, she just wanted to marry him.
Their wedding party was made up of their children, their nieces and nephews, and their siblings. It was in a dingy courthouse late at night or at the Ministry in the early morning, this was everything that they wanted for themselves, for each other.
“This is all new to me too.”
James nodded and Marci reached for his hand, twisting their fingers together and letting him kiss the ring he had given her the day their daughter was born. They really weren’t doing anything too crazy, too many children would be in attendance, and they weren’t stupid kids anymore.
“By this time tomorrow, we’ll be married.”
Marci felt her heart flutter as James stepped forward and held her cheek. His hand was warm, his brown eyes bright and almost golden, everything about him was warm and soft and home to her. Had been from the moment they had met, from their first smile, first words, first kiss. James was the home that she had been searching for when she came to England with a bag and her three children, Josey, Hallie, and Mike Anthony.
Back then she hadn’t expected to meet James, she hadn’t expected to fall in love with Jason, Kerrie, and Hazel. She definitely hadn’t expected to get pregnant within months of her arrival to the country, but it had all been for the better, for the best of all of them.
“Mrs. Marci Olivia Potter,” whispered James and Marci leaned forward, kissing him softly.
“Just promise me that you won’t forget the condoms this time.”
James smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her back towards the doors of the restaurant they had rented out for their rehearsal dinner. In less than twenty-four hours she would be Mrs. James Sirius Potter.
And she couldn’t be happier.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years ago
Omg It’s Your Birthday!
A/N: Happy Birthday anon! I tried to be sort of different with each person, but I hope you enjoy! - Day
(Only 3 in this reaction :^ )
P e r c y
Percy and his mom have a tradition of dying Percy’s cake or any other food blue on his birthday. It’s something they carried on since he was a kid and now that you’re part of the family, they wanted to mimic the tradition. Both you and Percy got permission to leave camp for a week to visit Sally in the city, it also leaves a lot more options for celebration.
You were fast asleep in Percy’s room on the morning of your birthday, completely unaware of the scheming going on in the kitchen. Both Percy and his mom were rushing about the kitchen, whipping up the cake and trying to decorate it without destroying the actual cake. At one point, Percy had to run out to the store to buy more food dye. 
Once it was ready and the kitchen was semi-clean, Percy snuck back into the room to wake you up. He peppered your face with kisses until you groaned and pushed him away, “Stop, that tickles.”
 He chuckled and pulled back the blankets you used to hide your face, “C’mon baby, it’s your birthday!” 
You were still half-asleep when he tugged you into the kitchen, rubbing your eyes when Sally shouted, “Happy birthday, Y/n!”
On the table sat a cake decked out completely in your favorite color, like completely. You grinned and shuffled over to Sally, “Thank you so much, Sally. I love it!”
 She laughed and you felt Percy sandwich you in a hug from behind, all three of you in a big awkward hug, “Hey, I helped out too!”
P i p e r
Your siblings along with a few other party-starved campers decided to throw you a party, but it started to deviate from being your party. You grimaced as the party grew bigger, even Chiron who was starting to enjoy himself grew a bit tired of the antics that were taking place. It was really nice of your siblings to make such a big deal about it, but you weren’t particularly in a partying mood today. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Piper shuffling over with her head turned in confusion. She sat beside you wordlessly and studied you for a moment, “So which part of today has been your favorite so far?”
 Looking over at her you thought carefully over today’s events. “The only thing I’ve enjoyed so far is seeing Chiron try to learn TikTok dances from the new campers.” 
She laughed and nudged your shoulder with hers, “Well I’m sorry you haven’t enjoyed this party, but I got you something!” 
You smiled, “You didn’t have to Pipes, but thank you.”
She scoffed and leaned over to grab something, a decent-sized box covered in wrapping paper with “happy birthday y/n !! :D” written across the top in black sharpie. She handed it to you with a smile, “Of course I did, I wanted to get something else as well but... “
You leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, making her freeze, “This is more than enough, Pipes.”
L e o
“Leo?” You call out as you enter the bunker. He told you to swing by yesterday because he needed another perspective on a project he was working on, but it’s really dark in here… is he here yet? 
You blink into the darkness, trying to maneuver around without tripping over anything he may have left out, “Lee?” You sigh, slightly disappointed that he forgot about your birthday, but even more disappointed that you aren’t going to spend time with him too.
You turned to leave when Leo stumbled over something behind you and flipped on the overhead lights, muttering swears before chuckling into song, “Happy birthday to you…” You whipped around quickly, seeing him holding a cupcake with your name squiggled messily in icing. 
You couldn’t stop the grin from rising on your face as he finished singing, “I thought you forgot,” you muttered, “thank you so much!” 
He feigned hurt, “I would never forget your birthday! The apple of my eye, the Shizzle to my Mc, the--” 
You laughed and took the cupcake from him, “Okay okay, I get it.” He smiled and kissed you quickly.
You studied the sweet, raising a brow teasingly, “What? No candle?”
 His face dropped as he searched his pockets, ignoring you when you said you were just joking. “Uhhh, here!” He said, lighting his pinky up and holding in front of your face, “Make a wish!”
- Day
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vibraniumwing · 4 years ago
a percy weasley x reader blurb wherein the reader gets caught out roaming around the castle by a certain headboy.
WARNING: nsfw, 18+ (literally speaking, do not read if you’re not.) general nasty & steamy stuff (oh and degradation because honestly we all know percy would have no filter when he's angered)
A/N: this is vea’s attempt to write a blurb smut (??) for percy. If mon likes this then i might post it… i might. (also jess, ilysm im glad you liked this fic as well. also, this is set in their 7th year :>
You were currently sneaking around the corridors, laughing quietly as you chewed on on the pumpkin pie you stole from the kitchens, hidden in the shadows of the hallways as you snuck around the castle. 
It was a normal occurrence for you to roam around, finding ways to tire yourself out before going to bed. The sheer thrill of getting caught by one of the prefects and/or that horrid man Filch spices everything up since you get to run away and escape.
or maybe you just wanted to see a certain prefect at this certain hour. 
You waltz around the corner towards the Grand Staircase, eager to see if your boyfriend was around when you heard it, “(L/N)! What on earth are you doing here?” a whispered voice echoed through the hallways and based on the tone of his voice, he wasn’t that happy to see you out and about. 
You turned around to see Percy who wore a pissed expression, obviously unhappy that you broke the rules, “Please enlighten me as to why you’re not inside the Gryffindor Tower.” He spoke, raising an eyebrow at you.
Laughing softly, you waved the same snack you were eating at him before taking a bite once again, “What can I say, I got hungry and ran for a snack.” you answered nonchalantly, shrugging as you took a step closer at him, knowing damn well that Percy didn’t have the heart to take points away from you even though it was against his will. 
He rolled his eyes at you, “Didn’t you eat dinner though?” eyeing the piece of pie you had left before locking his gaze with you once again. 
You simply nodded, finishing the treat before showing him a shit-eating grin, “Like what I said, I got hungry.”
Percy stared at you with his jaw clenched, anger fueled at the fact that you were so laid-back with being caught by him after hours. "You know how I don't like it when you get in trouble, you're lucky I was the one who saw you." 
You challenged his gaze with your own, feeling yourself get needier for your boyfriend. Your lips had this shit-eating grin that pissed him off even more, "What are you gonna do about it—" pausing to pull him by his tie, lips barely touching as you whispered, "—Weasley?" knowing how he hates being addressed by his last name during disputes like this. 
Percy had enough of your bratty attitude and grabbed a hold of your wrists, hastily making way to the Prefect Bathroom where he pushed you in and locked the door. 
He muttered a silencing charm around the room before pinning you against the wall, a hand easily taking hold if both your wrists above your head, "Disobedient little whores like you don't deserve to get fucked." Percy's voice dropped a tone lower as he peered over you through his glasses. 
You could only whimper at how hot he made you feel, this side of him making you go wild. 
Percy's long and slender finger snaked under the skirt you were wearing, smirking at how wet you were for him, "My freaky little girl's needy for me." He teased, running a single finger along your clothed slit making your breath hitch. 
His slender fingers then pushed your underwear aside, rubbing circles around your clit making you moan, bucking your hips to his pace as you bit down, not wanting to create too much noise.
He dipped two digits inside of you and started to pump them in and out of you slowly, "I better hear those moans or you won't get to cum tonight."
As soon as the lewd noises left your mouth, Percy was ruthless with his pace. His lips were leaving opened mouth kisses along your neck as he continued to finger you, your moans were like music to his ears. 
Your legs started to give in as you felt the knot in your stomach form, whining softly, "P-Percy, I'm close–"
He hummed softly and continued, "You've been a real good girl, go on, princess." Groaning softly as he felt your walls tighten around his fingers. 
He rode out your high with his fingers before pulling them out, staring into your eyes as he brought them up to lick them clean off your essence before releasing you from his grip. 
"I'd sneak out all the time if this is the punishment I get from you." You managed to say, wrapping your arms around him for support from your jelly-like state. 
His rare chuckle resonated through the bathroom, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on your lips, "I swear you're the reason why I get to break the rules."
TAGS: (honestly idk who wants to be tagged in this but here) @thisismynerdyself @whiz-bangs78 @dogweedanddeathcaps
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acciofanfics · 5 years ago
Rule Breaker (Percy Weasley x Reader) SMUT
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Request: Hi, I was wondering if you guys could write smut with Percy where both are Gryffindor perfect ( they are on last year in Hogwarts ) and Percy breaks the rules for the first time and they have a first time in prefect bathroom.
Pairing: Percy Weasley x FemReader
Warnings: SMUT, perhaps a bit of language? Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!) and I think that’s it??
Word Count: 1,730
A/N: I hope this isn’t too OOC! I don’t know too much about Percy, but I do hope I did him justice and you like it! Also requests are still open and I am having so much fun writing lately! Also I had a hard time finding a gif...- S
Molly and Arthur rarely left Fred, George, Ron or Ginny alone in the burrow. The first three couldn’t be trusted to not get into some sort of trouble and they were always a little more protective over Ginny (she was the only girl). However, Percy they knew they could trust. He was definitely the responsible one, already a prefect and surely on his way to being Head Boy. No there was no reason they would ever second guess their decision to let him and (Y/N) stay at the burrow while they took Harry and his siblings to do some last minute shopping at Diagon Alley.
(Y/N) and Percy sat comfortably on the older couch. It was nice to have a little alone time, they’d been ‘dating’ since 3rd year and it was a rare occurrence. Between being young and being at Hogwarts there was little time for romance. “It’s so quiet.” Percy commented on the lack of annoyance coming from his siblings.
“It’s a little weird,” (Y/N) giggled, “We could talk or we could....”
Percy leaned across the couch and planted a kiss on her lips. It was innocent at first, as it always was. Something was a bit different this time though; perhaps it was the knowledge of no interruptions or maybe it was the fact that they’re a good deal older than when their crushes first formed. Either way what was once an innocent kiss turned heated, even more so than the kisses they’d shared occasionally in the common room when everyone else was already in bed. Hands wanders and groped and before Percy even thought about what he was doing, he helped (Y/N) lift her jumper off.
“Percy, mum wants to know if- Oh god!” Fred yelped, and tried to hide a laugh when (Y/N) pushed Percy off of her and scrambled to reapply her sweater. He turned around, “Nevermind! I’ll just tell her you’re busy trying to make her a grandchild!”
(Y/N) and Percy were sure Fred didn’t actually give them up, because Molly and Arthur didn’t seem phased at all. Of course, the two love birds were on edge until they arrived at Hogwarts; it was only then that they were sure Mr. and Mrs. Weasley weren’t plotting some elaborate punishment. Unfortunately, even then things didn’t go back to normal... it was only the first week of school and Percy had barely seen (Y/N) despite both being Gryffindor prefects.
Percy had been making an effort to keep their interactions minimal. That day, back on the couch, something had snapped. She was all he could think about, and the thoughts weren’t rarely innocent. Sure, he thought about it before; it was only natural. They’d been together for a long time and they were both practically adults. Hell, they’d even snogged before, but maybe it was the fact that they’d never been THAT close before, because those thoughts had always been somewhat fleeting or at the very least easily pushed back. Not anymore.
(Y/N) wasn’t stupid. She knew very well he was ignoring her and she had enough of it. She’d stalked right up to him while he was patrolling the corridors, “Percy, we need to talk. Meet me at the prefects bathroom tonight, 6 pm?” It came out more as a question but before Percy even had a chance to tell her that would be highly inappropriate, she had spun around and walked away from him.
Needed to talk? Once Fred and George found out they’d told him clearly he wasn’t good enough in the sack and now she was going to get rid of him. Percy didn’t feel it necessary to correct them, it would probably only result in more teasing, but alas he was worried. Maybe she would want to get rid of him.... he hadn’t exactly been a doting boyfriend as of late. His mind reeled the rest of the evening and by the time he reached the prefects’ bathroom he didn’t even think about it before he whispered the password (pine-fresh) and walked right in. “(Y/N)! I didn’t mean to...”
She was seated comfortably in the elaborate bathtub already, he hair twisted into a neat bun and everything but her bare shoulders covered by the bubbles. She chose to ignore him and get straight to the point, “Percy, I’ve been thinking. Lately you’ve been ignoring me, there’s no need to deny it we both know it’s true. Anyways, it always boils down to that afternoon at your house, when Fred interrupted. Do you regret the direction we were headed?”
“No!” Percy was thankful that (Y/N) was a pretty straight forward person (at least with him). She never made him guess what she was feeling, but that didn’t help him right now. He still had to explain what he felt. “Well, that’s not entirely true. Since that interaction... I’ve had a hard time concentrating around you and I worry that maybe we aren’t on the same page? And now we’re at school so it’s not even possible if by some miracle you did feel the same.”
(Y/N) chuckled at him, “You can be a bit thick at times. Percy... there’s no one around now.”
“But...” No there was not.... but that was probably breaking at least 20 rules all at once. Of course being in here with her then was probably grounds for expulsion now. Maybe he could be a little harsher with some younger students and indirectly deduct some house points from himself.... Percy was struggling to come up with a reason to walk away, “You have a point...”
(Y/N) could see Percy’s mind unraveling, and she felt a little guilty, but they had to deal with this. “I’m not trying to push you into anything, Perce.”
“Could you just... turn around for a moment?” It wasn’t that Percy hadn’t wanted to. He just shouldn’t, and his biggest conundrum was that usually he didn’t want to if it meant he shouldn’t. He supposed he wasn’t too conflicted because when she turned around he quickly shed his clothing, putting them in a neat pile, and slipped into the hot bath water. He settled himself close enough that she could see he was in, but not close enough he was touching her.
(Y/N) smiled softly at him. Cautiously she moved closer to him. Percy’s face was only a few shades lighter than his own hair, “You sure you’re okay, Perce?”
Merlin he hated feeling this way. He was normally quite confident in his skills and abilities. He just hadn’t had the opportunity to perfect this aspect of his life, “Yes. I just haven’t-“
She couldn’t help but laugh. Of course she quickly stopped when she saw he wasn’t amused, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean like that, really! But we’ve been together since we were kids Percy, I would surely hope not since I haven’t either.”
That was a good point. He didn’t know why that hadn’t crossed his mind. By no means was he no longer nervous, but he was definitely put more at ease, he even chuckled along with her, “You’re right! I don’t know why I didn’t-“
She cut him off by kissing him, hopefully if she caught him while he was acting normal he wouldn’t have a chance to revert to acting so odd. It worked, and Percy melted into the familiarity of her lips. Their lips and tongues moved together and for a moment he’d forgotten about their predicament, until he reached out to grab her and instead of the fabric of her school robe his palms caught her wet bare skin. They paused again for a moment, but that was only for a moment. The desire that they had suppressed since the summer was back full-fold.
(Y/N) pressed herself against Percy and he had to bite back a groan as she rubbed against him. Both of their hands roamed freely without any hinderances of clothes and it was greatly appreciated by both parties. (Y/N) slid her right hand down his chest, delving lower until she captured his hardened shaft in her hand. Any concern she may have had about being too forward disappeared when he moaned into her mouth. She began stroking him, varying the speed of palm based on the reactions it elicited from him.
Percy didn’t know if he could pinpoint exactly what it was that was had him feeling like he’d snuck firewhiskey from the cupboard. It was probably a mixture of hormones, the naked girl in front of him and perhaps Fred and George were right about breaking the rules being fun. Whatever it was had him acting instinctively, and he mimicked his girlfriend to some degree. He reached between her legs and began to tease her as well, when she began bucking her hips against his palm he gave in and dipped his finger inside of her... and then another one.
They became a mess of sloppy kisses and moans, both experimenting with different movements and methods that brought another grunt of approval from their mouths. Until Percy grabbed her hand and brought her to an abrupt stop, “I can’t handle much more of this.”
Wordless (Y/N) guided him to the shallower end of the bath, where the could both sit with the water only reaching right below their chests. Percy tried to focus on the newly exposed flesh while she slid onto him. He laid kisses across her breasts and neck as he waiting for her to adjust to the new feeling that he had to imagine would be much more uncomfortable to her.
(Y/N) gave herself a moment, the experience wasn’t nearly as bad as she has prepared for. Perhaps it was that she had more control in their positions or that she had been properly worked up before hand, but she found it more uncomfortable than anything. With Percy’s mouth and hands distracting her, she began to move her hips, and slowly the uncomfortable feeling phased into a pleasurable one.
It was probably only a few minutes before the slow pace quickened. His hips snapped up to meet hers and it wasn’t long at all before they both gave into the new and intense pleasure, coming undone in each other’s arms.
A goofy grin was on both of their lips and Percy placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, “Wow. Might have to break the rules more often if you’re involved.”
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official-weasley · 4 years ago
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 7, Ch. 1
PART 7: THE YEAR OF HIDING AND PASSION Chapter 1 - We Suck at Hiding
I don't know what I was thinking when I thought that once we get to the Burrow we won't have to hide as much. Did I forget that Charlie has a big family?
The second I walked through the door Ginny was all over me, followed by Ron. I have missed them so much! I looked around and was a little disappointed when I haven't seen another friendly face that I have been missing very much.
Charlie helped me take my stuff into Ginny's room and I know he was hoping to sneak in a kiss but Ginny was glued to my side. I mouthed later and went back down with her. She was showing me a book Arthur gave her. Apparently, it contained Muggle Fairytales and I couldn't help but be intrigued.
I still didn't feel right and was slightly uncomfortable. I felt part of the family for years now but it was different now that Charlie and I were together. It was more serious and I felt bad that we had to lie to our families.
That night, I had to tell Molly and Ginny all about my dress for the Ball and how it was. I knew I was blushing while talking about it, it was the best night of my life. I hated myself for lying to them, telling them we only danced when so much more happened but I knew we weren't ready to tell them.
After the twins, Ron and Ginny went to bed and Charlie wasn't in the living room I decided to go out and get some air. I sat on the bench right outside the house. I was still feeling down and I didn't know why. I loved spending time at the Burrow but I felt like I was missing something.
“Evening.” Charlie whispered and bestowed me the sweetest smile. “May I join you?” I nodded and he sat down next to me and pulled me in a half hug.
“Charlie, we have to be careful.” I pulled away from him and looked through the window if someone could see us.
“Relax, most of them are upstairs and they are used to us hugging.” He turned my head so I had to look him in the eyes.
“What's wrong?” He asked, concerned.
“I don't know. I just feel so weird.” I answered honestly.
“You hate lying to my family, too.” He said, gently. He knew me so well and I was happy he had the same opinion.
“I just love them all so much and I hated the fact that all I wanted to do was talk about how we got together at the Ball with your mum and Ginny but I just went on and on how good of a dancer you are.” I frowned. He was a good dancer but that didn't make it easier.
“I don't like it, either. But I think it's too soon to tell them.” He lowered his head.
“It is. It's just...” I lifted his chin. I loved his eyes so much. “Usually when you start dating someone you bring them to meet your family for the first time.” I chuckled. “I already feel a part of it for a very long time.” A big smile spread across his face.
“Bill was right when he said that I will make you a Weasley one day.” He leaned towards me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.
“Bill.” That was it! I knew why I was so down!
“Saying my brother's name when I kiss you is not exactly a big turn-on.” He pulled away and looked bemused.
“I'm sorry.” I chuckled. “I have been trying to figure out all day why I felt so weird and now that you said his name I remembered.” I explained.
“You miss him, don't you?” He said gently. “I miss him too.”
“I was just so used to having him around you know and the three of us always had such amazing conversations and I know he's in Egypt but I was secretly hoping...”
“I know.” Charlie stopped me and hugged me. “I was hoping he would be here too.”
We stayed embraced and looked at the stars in silence. I felt better talking to him, I always did. I think I was still processing the whole thing that we were not just friends anymore but that I can still talk to him as to my best friend.
“It's getting late. Mum would kill us if she finds us out of bed.” He chuckled.
“We should meet like this every night.” I turned to him and kissed him. “Might just be the only time we get a chance to kiss.” I smiled weakly. I missed him. I wanted to go to his room and fall asleep in his arms like that one time when I had a nightmare about my dad.
“We can and we shall.” He grinned. “I'm leaving in a few days though.” I knew he was trying to hide his excitement because he knew how much I will miss him while he is in Romania.
“Char, it's okay to be excited!” I ruffled his hair. “I know how long you have been waiting for this.”
“Almost as long as I waited for you.” He was so sweet and for that sentence alone we had to prolong us sitting on the bench for another half an hour. I had to get in as many kisses as I could.
The day of Charlie's departure has arrived. I just got accustomed to everything and was finally feeling myself again and now he would have to leave. I knew we still had an entire month once he comes back but at this point, I was more jealous than anything else.
“Did you pack warm clothes, dear?” Molly was bombarding him with questions the entire morning and I just sat in the kitchen and laughed while he rolled his eyes at her.
“Your boots? Your wand?” Molly kept closing her eyes to think of more things Charlie could forget.
“Mum, I got everything, don't worry.” He was so nice to her. I know she got on his nerves sometimes but I know he appreciated everything she did for him. “Can I say goodbye to my best friend now?” He looked at me.
He hasn't called me that in months. Molly beamed and looked at me then back at Charlie and she gave him a little wink. Then she whispered something that sounded like 'I love you, be safe' and she left the kitchen.
“Well, this is it!” He exclaimed. We had a fight a few nights ago where I scolded him that he shouldn't hide his excitement for something that has been a dream of his for so long, so he finally gave in and I have been listening to nothing else but the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary ever since and I couldn't be happier about it. Listening to him talk with such passion about Dragons was something I could do all day every day.
“Be safe and watch yourself.” I got up and put my hands on his shoulders. “Write to me as often as you can but most importantly...have fun, Char.” I pulled him in a tight hug and he returned it. I waited a moment. I wanted to remember his touch and his smell. Luckily, he smelled like the Burrow, so something will stay with me.
“Thank you, Nova.” He whispered. “For everything.” He turned around to see if anyone was watching and kissed me tenderly. I have to remember that feeling too.
The first week after Charlie left, I missed him so much. Ginny and Ron distracted me to the most of their abilities but the house just felt so empty without him. The next week was easier and I couldn't believe how much I felt like part of the family. I helped Molly around the house and I talked to Arthur about all the Muggle things Penny told me about and he showed me this book about Muggle inventions and we compared them to Magical objects.
I played Quidditch with Fred against George and Ron and one night I snuck out with Ginny, when we were already supposed to be sleeping so that I could show her how to fly. She was over the roof about it and I knew she was happy she had a girl in the house.
I even got a bit closer to Percy as I was reading a book about spells and he sat down next to me on the sofa.
“Hi, Perce. Want to read with me?” I looked at him and smiled.
“Not really.” He said but I could see him eyeing the book with interest.
“Perce, I know we don't talk often but we can read together.” I raised an eyebrow at him, indicating this is his final chance.
“Fine.” He said and rolled his eyes at me.
We sat on that sofa for longer than I initially intended. He got so into the book that I couldn't take it away from him and he had so many questions and I was glad that I had the answers to them because I knew this was probably the only chance for me to bond with him. Now that Charlie was my boyfriend, it was important to me to befriend all his family members even more than before.
Charlie was right when he said that I won't even have the time to miss him. The last day of July was here and I didn't even know where the month went. I was so busy hanging out with his family that I barely had the time to write him back!
Ginny and I played outside or read books together or I talked about Hogwarts. I finally beat Ron at chess and I couldn't wait to tell Charlie about it. It was only one game in the entire month, but it was my proudest achievement. Even Ron was happy for me and said that I won fair and square even though I had a feeling he wasn't trying that much.
I wrote to Penny and she sent me a couple of Muggle books and I gave them to Arthur and of course, we had to discuss those in great detail. I was also interested in everything Muggle as their technology was just as fascinating to me as Magic had to be to them, if they knew about it, of course.
I thought I lost Percy when I gave him two of my books and he shut himself into his room. But only an hour later he came back with one of his books for which he was sure I haven't read before and we sat on the sofa, reading together. That made me miss Charlie the most. We used to do nothing else but read books by the Lake and I was happy Percy was there to keep me company.
After two pranks Fred and George pulled on me, I decided to stay as far away from them as possible. Except when we were playing Quidditch, those two were getting really good and I knew I was going to recommend them to Charlie to put them on his team this year.
I woke up early the morning Charlie was coming back. I couldn't sleep, I was so excited to finally see him. I missed his face, his freckles, his lips, and his touch and I couldn't wait for him to tell me all about his new part-time job soon to be full-time.
I knew it was early because the whole house was still quiet so I decided to go down and make breakfast for everyone.
“Nova, dear, what are you doing?” Molly came down the stairs as I was making eggs, still in her nightgown.
“I thought I would make breakfast today, you have enough trouble as it is.” I smiled. She was preparing a big dinner with 3 different desserts as she was sure that they didn't give Charlie anything to eat in the Sanctuary.
“You are amazing, do you know that.” She sat down and I brewed her some tea.
“Mind if I ask you a question?” She said after I sat down next to her. I nodded.
“I know it's strange to talk to me about these things but you are so good with all my sons and Ginny adores you more than anyone.” She put her hand on mine and I blushed. I knew where this was going and I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
“Are you and Charlie really just friends?” She asked, hopeful that I would give her anything but a no.
I was conflicted. I wanted to tell her but I knew Charlie wanted to wait and he should be the one to tell his family.
“It's not the right time.” I had no idea what I meant by that but I couldn't lie to her and just say no. I wanted to let her know that she can be hopeful but that we can't talk about it.
“But you do fancy him?” She apparently understood what I meant. Her eyes were sparkling.
“I do but it's complicated. We're best friends.” I wasn't lying. That's how I felt for a long time. I just wasn't giving her the right time frame of events.
“I know, I know. I don't mean to rush you.” She stroke my hand. “Charlie is just such a sweet boy and you can see that he is different from the rest.” She sighed. “I always felt like we all misunderstood him no matter how much we tried with buying him books about Dragons and all of that.” She swung her hand and I chuckled.
“And then you came along and it was like a whole new world has opened up to him.” She gestured with her hands. “That Summer after your First Year it was the first time he talked about something else than Dragons.” She giggled and the heat on my cheeks was getting stronger.
“You are just such good friends and I see there is something between you two and I know it shouldn't be any of my business but perhaps a gentle nudge would help you see that you two could be something more.” She pulled me into a tight hug. Charlie's hugs were just like hers, tight and they reminded me of home.
“We'll see how things go.” I smiled. I wanted to give her hope but I didn't want to give anything away. I didn't know what else to say because I was so touched by her words. She wasn't intrusive and she understood that perhaps we might just be friends. She reminded me of Penny and I felt bad thinking that I was lying to her too.
We were just starting dinner when I heard a crackling sound outside the door. Ginny and I exchanged looks and she was already at the door.
“Charlie!” She exclaimed and I heard her jump into his arms. My heart started beating faster and at that moment I realized just how much I missed him. Ron and the twins followed and I decided to wait behind. I was already sad that I won't be able to kiss him and I couldn't wait to go outside after they all go to sleep.
After everyone finally let Charlie inside, our eyes met and I couldn't stop the smile that was spreading across my lips. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I knew there wasn't going to be anything weird about that.
“Imagine that I kissed you.” He whispered in my ear and I closed my eyes and I did.
After dinner, we all gathered around in the living room. Ron and Ginny between Charlie and me on the sofa. Molly was in her armchair and Arthur was sitting on the side of it. Percy, Fred, and George were on the floor, looking up at Charlie as he started talking about Romania. I could listen to him for hours and I could almost see the sparks coming out of his eyes.
He had an amazing time and he couldn't wait to go back and I was grateful that they allowed him to finish school before he starts to work because I would never forgive myself if he stayed for me and lose the job he talked about with such passion. He had a scratch on his hand that Molly almost lost her head about but I knew he was proud of it and I knew he would get many more when he officially starts working there.
I think we were all looking at him, giving occasional 'oh' and 'aww' here and there, for several hours. It wasn't until Ginny fell asleep on my shoulder that Molly realized what the time was and sent everyone to bed. The twins and Ron groaned and I could see that it meant a lot to Charlie that they wanted to listen about his new job so attentively.
After a lot of bickering and shouting from the two bathrooms, the house finally quieted down. Charlie and I were now alone downstairs.
“Want to go outside?” He said, beaming. I knew he was waiting to kiss me as much as I was waiting for it so I got up without a reply.
“I missed you so much, Nova.” He whispered to me when we sat down and he pulled me into the tightest embrace.
“I missed you too, Char.” I pulled away and pressed my lips against his. There was nothing gentle about that kiss. My feelings for him were growing stronger and I couldn't wait for us to explore our love further.
“I had so much fun but I wished you were there all the time.” He admitted.
“I was so jealous with every letter you wrote to me, I wished to be there too.” I sat on his lap and locked out lips together. I know what he was about to start and I didn't want to talk about it.
Since we were together we started this topic once before and almost ended it in a fight. We knew what was going to happen after our Seventh Year and I really didn't want to think about it. He will move to Romania and I didn't have that much figured out yet. At one point I was thinking of going to America and try and get in touch with Mr. Scamander himself. I talked to Kettleburn on several occasions about it and he also suggested for me to visit some of his colleagues in the USA.
Just thinking about how far apart we would be if I went, was killing me but I wanted to be a Magizoologist, not a Dragonologist. And in a place we were right now, living in a fairytale after being so stubborn not to admit our feelings to one another, I didn't want to talk about it with him. I knew that he was hoping I would change my mind and go with him. What is even worst is that if we do good this year and we keep falling more in love, I'm afraid he won't want to go and I couldn't let that happen.
“Nova...” He gently pulled away from my lips. “You know we have to discuss it eventually.” He said softly. I know he didn't want to just as much as I didn't. I placed my hand over his.
“I know. But I don't want to.” I looked at him. I wanted to spend as much time with him and enjoy every moment before we had to decide what we would do. “I'm not ready to face the facts yet.” My voice broke. He pulled me into a hug.
“Okay. We'll talk when we get there.” He said gently. “I just wish there was something that you could do there as well.”
I didn't say anything, I just pressed myself against him even more. He let out a big sigh and found his way back to my lips. I tried to focus on how soft they were rather than the conversation we avoided yet again.
“Nova?” I froze when I heard the voice. I opened my eyes but was still kissing Charlie. His eyes were opened as well and as we looked at each other in horror, we finally both pulled away. We looked in front of us. There was Ginny with Charlie's old Dragon plushie, in her jammies, her eyes wide open. Shit!
Charlie and I instinctively sat as apart on the bench as we could and Ginny, without saying anything, sat between us. She was too smart for a 9-year-old.
“So.” She cleared her throat. “Did you two just miss each other or are you boyfriend and girlfriend?” She didn't look at neither me nor Charlie. She was looking straight ahead just like we were.
“Ginny, you can't tell anyone.” Charlie tried whispering as gently as possible. “We're not ready to tell everyone.”
“So this wasn't your first kiss?” Charlie put his hand over her mouth as she almost shouted out the question.
“Shhh!” She giggled and Charlie lowered his hand. “No. We are dating for a few months now.” He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. There wasn't really anything we could do. She was old enough to know that best friends don't kiss like that.
I felt her shaking next to me and I knew she wanted to burst from excitement. I stood up and kneeled before her, Charlie followed my lead.
“Listen, Ginny.” I started. “I know you're excited but you have to keep this a secret.” I pleaded.
“Who else knows?” She narrowed her eyes. She was negotiating.
“Nobody.” Charlie hissed and I poked him with my elbow. “Look, you're the first one, not even our friends know.” He said, gentler this time.
“Nobody?” Ginny gasped. I could see she was proud that she was the first one. “Okay, I will keep your secret.” She smiled and hugged us both.
“Charlie?” She said gently after a moment.
“Hmm?” He and I finally pulled away from her.
“Thank you, for bringing Nova into the family.” I wanted to cry. She said that so genuinely, my heart couldn't take it.
“You're welcome.” He said, proudly. “Now, promise me again. You don't tell anyone, alright?” She nodded and we sat back down.
“Tell anyone what?” Even though Ginny was sitting between us, I felt Charlie stiffen.
“Fuck.” He said under his breath.
“Language, little brother. Not in front of Ginny.” I finally gathered the courage to look at the door.
“Bill!” I hoped that turning the conversation to him and hugging him would make him forget about his question.
I stood up at once and he pulled me into a hug. I missed him so much, I haven't seen him since last June if you don't count that one time in the flames.
“I missed you too, Nova.” He turned to Charlie and Ginny and hugged them both.
I looked at Charlie and saw that he was nervous. Our eyes met and I knew he wanted to be alone with Bill.
“Come on, Ginny. Let me take you back to bed.” I offered Ginny my hand.
“No, I want to listen to you talk!” She protested.
“We are about to have a very grown-up conversation Ginny, so listen to Nova.” Bill said with the most brotherly voice ever and after rolling her eyes, Ginny finally gave in and I took her inside.
“So, what did you make Ginny promise not to tell?” Bill sat down next to me and I knew I won't be able to lie to him. And to be honest, I didn't want to. I actually needed some brotherly advice.
“You and Nova are finally together, aren't you?” Apparently, I was quiet for too long and he decided to guess himself.
“What gave us away?” I asked sarcastically and smiled, looking at my knees. Suddenly, I got really shy about it.
“Hmm, where do I start?” He rubbed his chin as if he was thinking hard and I laughed. I missed him so much. “You were best friends since First Year. You told me you have a crush on her almost 2 years ago. Nova told me she fancied you when she talked to me through the flames before the dance in May...” He finally looked at me. “I must be a detective to figure it out.” We both laughed.
“She told you she fancied me?” I was blushing like crazy. I didn't know Bill knew.
“She needed some time but she was obvious before that, anyways.” Bill shook his hand as if he knew for ages that we would end up together. He probably did, we were the only ones who were blind.
“So, let me guess...” I finally looked at him. “The Ball?”
“Yeah.” I couldn't stop the grin from spreading all over my face when I remembered how happy I was when we kissed for the first time.
“I was expecting as much when mum told me you asked her.” He smiled.
“Mum?” I rolled my eyes. “Was there anyone who didn't know I took Nova to the Ball?”
“I don't think there was.” Bill chuckled. “I even think Mrs. Moore, the neighbor mum doesn't like, found out.” We both started laughing.
“So, how was it?” He asked after a moment of silence. We never talked about these things before, except when I told him that I fancy Nova and when he made a very scarring attempt of telling me about the Birds and the Bees when I was 13. We both agreed we will never mention that again.
“Bill, you should've seen her.” But for some reason, now I felt like telling him everything. “She was so beautiful. She literally took my breath away.” I didn't even care that my cheeks matched my hair, I knew he's not going to judge me or laugh at me.
“And Andre had to fix my robes, you should've seen what mum sent me, it was ghastly!” Bill laughed.
“And The Weird Sisters performed and we danced so much and then there was this song...” I felt like I could never stop talking. “Magic Works and the lyrics were like they were written for us and then I decided that I had to tell her so I took her outside, by the Lake, you know our usual spot, and I told her how I feel and...” I stopped to catch my breath.
“And I kissed her.” I said softly. Just reminiscing on it, made my heart beat faster.
“I am so proud of you little brother.” He hugged me. “And I don't even know which words to use to describe how happy I am for you.” He continued. “I know how long you've waited for this.” “Thank you.” I got shy again but it felt good talking about it.
“I reckon Ginny was the first one to find out?” He chuckled.
“Yeah and now you know too, but please don't...”
“I won't. I promise. It's none of my business when you tell them.” He interrupted me.
“Thank you, Bill.” I smiled, gratefully.
We were sitting in silence and observed the sky for a few minutes. I was battling myself in my head, wanting to ask him something, but I was too embarrassed to do so.
“Charlie, if you want to talk to me about whatever is going through your head, you can.” He was reading my mind. “I can tell when you're nervous.” He placed his hand on my shoulder.
“Well...” Fuck it. He was here and this was my opportunity. Better talk to him about this stuff than with mum. “I was quite sure even before I went to Romania that I am in love with Nova but the second I laid my eyes on her today when I got back I knew for certain that I am.” Bill let out an 'aww'. “I want to tell her but I don't know how.” I lowered my head.
I wanted to do it before I went to Romania but I felt it would come out forced as if I was only saying it because I was leaving. I wanted it to be special and at the right moment.
“Hmm, that's easy.” Bill surprised me with his answer. “Don't overthink it and don't try to make a special occasion out of it.” I looked at him, bewildered.
“Why not?”
“Because it will look like it was staged. Just say it in a moment. When she does something that gives you butterflies or when she says something that makes you laugh...” He smiled at me. “Do it in a moment. When was the first time the words came to mind?”
“We were studying by the Lake and she was playing with Pip and when he went to me she told him that he might be able to nibble on my ear but she can kiss me and she stuck her tongue out at him. It made me laugh and the words appeared in my head.” I looked at him. I swear he looked like mum when she was teasing me with Nova.
“Then that's your answer, Charlie.” He tapped my shoulder. “Find a moment like that and when the words and feelings come out just say it. It will surprise her and she will know it's genuine.” He grinned at me.
“You're right.” I nodded. “Thank you. I'm glad I told you we are together.” I returned the grin.
“Anything else you want to talk about?” The tone of his voice changed.
There was something else that was going through my mind lately as well. There were so many emotions between Nova and me and we had so many moments where we had to stop ourselves because we knew what we would do if we wouldn't brace ourselves.
We are going to be each other's first and to say that I am nervous wasn't enough. I knew I wanted to do something special about that and I kind of wanted to do it here, because I don't think we can be as sneaky as Tulip and Jae at school.
“Umm...” I gathered the courage to speak. I asked him so many questions, might as well get this one out of the way too. “You remember that talk we had when I was 13?” My face got flushed.
“Charlie, we promised we won't mention that ever again!” He facepalmed himself.
“Do you think, you could give it another try?” I asked hopefully.
“How 'bout you ask me what you want to know and I answer to the best of my abilities?” He smiled awkwardly. “You didn't exactly choose a person with a lot of experience, you know.” He said, embarrassed.
“Well, you're not a virgin, either.” I tried making the situation less awkward.
“No, but still I didn't have that many girls.” I knew that but I didn't care. I wouldn't want to have this talk with anyone else but him.
“Yeah, because I have so much experience.” We both laughed at my comment.
“Alright, Charlie, ask away.” He cracked his fingers to indicate he was ready. I took a deep breath.
“I was kind of thinking of doing it before we go back to Hogwarts.” He nodded, focused. “I think it would be more romantic.”
“Okay. Do you have any ideas how and where?” Bill asked as casually as if we were talking about a cooking recipe.
“Perhaps. I don't want to do it in my bed.” I admitted.
“Not until you remove that Dragon plushie.” He chuckled.
“Hey, leave Welshie out of this! And Ginny has him now.” I rolled my eyes and Bill started laughing.
“Did you think about talking to her about it?” He got serious again.
“We did, a few times. We had moments when we almost...you know.” I was so happy it was dark, my cheeks were burning.
“And what stopped you?” I relaxed when I heard how normal his voice was.
“Well, we felt we weren't ready and we both agreed we would like it to be special.” I answered.
“So what have you come up with so far?” He asked.
“I was thinking of taking her up to the Hill, near the woods. Catch some fireflies in a jar or two. Perhaps make some food and borrow mum's Wireless.” That's as far as I got.
“Blimey, Charlie. I didn't know you were such a romantic.” He winked at me.
“We love stargazing and I thought it would be a relaxing thing to do before you know...it happens.” I looked away. I couldn't look into his eyes talking about this.
“I think it's a great idea.” He grinned. We fell silent again. I kind of wanted to end our conversation there but I had so many other questions.
“Are you nervous?” He continued.
“So much, you have no idea.” I sighed. It felt good saying it out loud.
“I don't want to hurt her.” I frowned. I knew boys have it easier when it comes to having sex for the first time.
“Just be gentle and take it slow. Try to make her laugh and you should both be relaxed as much as possible.” He said lightly.
“And don't be afraid to touch her body. Girls need more stimulation than we do.” He said with a very serious voice.
“O-okay.” I didn't know how to reply to that. “So, kiss her neck and bite her ear and...”
“Go a bit lower than that.” He winked at me and my heart started racing. “Don't be afraid to touch her breasts with your hands and mouth and the same goes for...you know where.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down a couple of times. I laughed.
“How long should I do it for?” I focused again.
“Listen to her body. She might not tell you but the gestures and her movements will tell you what she likes and how much.” He explained. “And stop worrying so much. Once you two take your clothes off it's going to become more natural and if you just give in, it will just happen.” I nodded. I didn't know what to say.
“What if I'm not good at it?” I almost whispered. To be honest, this was my biggest worry.
“Charlie, nobody's good at it the first time.” He laughed. “You gain experience as you go. Just listen to your instincts and listen to hers and you'll be fine.” He hugged me over the shoulder.
“Thank you, Bill.” I said, honestly. “You did much better this time around.” We both laughed.
“One more thing...” He said and I turned to him. “Do you know the Protection spell?”
“The what?” I had no clue what he was talking about. I thought you didn't need magic during sex.
“The Protection spell.” He repeated, chuckling. “To keep you from having babies.” He explained.
“Oh.” I was flushed. I did not think about that one.
He taught me the spell and because of it, I was even more sure that it was the right thing to do to tell him. I would be a goner if he didn't teach me that and I would be 10 times more nervous if he didn't say the things he did.
We then changed the conversation to my stay in Romania and I told him all about it. How they gave me a tour, how nice everyone is, how excited they are to work with me. I told him I fed a Hungarian Horntail and took care of a baby Welsh Green and just when I was about to ask him how's Egypt, Nova came back.
“Interrupting something?” She grinned at me and I could see that she was wondering if I told Bill or not.
“It's okay. He knows.” I returned the smile. She awkwardly sat down next to me.
“Look at you two being adorable!” Bill said with a teasing voice.
“See, this is the reason we didn't want to tell anyone.” I rolled my eyes. Nova was laughing. I knew she missed Bill just as much as I did so I decided to give them some time to catch up.
“Bill, you'll tell me about Egypt tomorrow, right?” I stood up.
“Where are you going?” Nova said, sadly.
“I know you two are friends and I want you to catch up. Bill and I talked enough anyway.” I looked at my brother and he winked at me, leaving Nova confused. I kissed her and Bill quickly looked away.
I locked my eyes with Nova and I knew it meant a lot to her that she could talk to Bill alone. I knew she must have about 1000 questions about Egypt and I know how much she misses her dad's colleagues. I wished them both goodnight and went upstairs.
“Can I just say one thing before you bombard me with questions?” Bill chuckled.
“Okay.” I said slowly. I have no idea what Charlie and he talked about.
“I want to say that I am happy for you two.” I missed his friendly face. “I know it took you forever...” I gently punched him in his shoulder. “But you made it and that's all that matters.” He hugged me and I returned the hug.
“Thank you, Bill.” It meant a lot coming from him.
“And please, I can see the way you look at him, don't think about what will happen when you finish school, will you?” How did he know that?
“How...” I was lost for words.
“You look at him as if you're already saying goodbye. Things will work out fine, trust me.” He patted my shoulder.
“But we will live so far apart.” I sighed, blinking away the tears. “I know we're together for only a few months but we are so great together and I can't bear not being with him...I love him.” I said the last part under my breath.
“I know you do.” He said understandingly. “But with a bond like yours, I know you won't give up easily on each other and will find a way to be with one another.”
“Merlin, I missed you, Bill!” Was all I could say and wiped away the tear that ran down my cheek.
“I missed you too, Nova.” He smiled. “Promise me you'll enjoy being in love without worrying. Don't ruin this for yourself.” He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.
“I promise.” I mumbled.
“So...” His voice changed completely. “You don't want the Birds and the Bees talk as well, do you?” He chuckled. My cheeks turned bright red at once.
“The what?” I asked, pretending I had no idea what he was talking about. “Good! One less traumatized moment for me.” He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with him. I might've been too shy to look him in the eyes for a few minutes but I was happy that he talked to Charlie about that. We are both so nervous about our first time.
“I actually want to talk about Egypt.” I said after focusing my mind again.
“Everyone is sending their regards and they all miss you so much. They wish you would visit them.” He said with a grin on his face.
“I was thinking of doing it next Summer.” I admitted. I was so excited to go. Before Hogwarts, my mum didn't have that much work and we were there almost every Summer. I knew all my dad's colleagues and they were like a second family to me. Like Bill and Charlie's family is now.
“We would be glad to have you.” Bill exclaimed.
He then told me all about his work. How difficult it was at the beginning and how much he had to learn and prepare to be able to do the job properly. He told me that he already got a raise because he found this chest that had some really valuable golden coins inside.
While they were exploring a tomb they accidentally found a whole system of tunnels that connected to different smaller pyramids which were deemed empty before and they were now discovering and working one room at the time. He told me that they are taking every possible precaution and that they are all more careful since my dad passed away.
He reassured me that he is fine and that if something ought to be suspicious he would leave it to someone with more experience and that meant the world to me. I love all the Weasley's but Bill was something else. He was my big brother and I wish I had more time with him and see him more often.
“It's getting late.” He smiled after we finished our debate on how to best capture a Mummy. “I'm here for 10 days, we'll have time to talk more.” He hugged me around my shoulder. “And besides, I have many questions for you too!” He grinned.
“Okay. I have to check on Ginny anyway.” We both stood up.
“How about I check on her and sleep in her room and you go snog your boyfriend.” He winked at me. I looked at him, perplexed.
“Molly would kill us.” I giggled.
“Not if she doesn't find out.” He smirked. “I'll explain it to Ginny. She will understand since she knows about you two and I will come and wake you up in the morning before everyone else wakes up.”
“You would do that for us?” I couldn't believe it.
“I know you missed him and with Ron and Ginny occupying you all the time, I can imagine you don't have that much time to spend with each other.” He giggled. “But just cuddling, got it!” He suddenly turned into the Bill he was at school. Trying to look strict and angry.
“Got it.” I chuckled and hugged him. We said goodnight and I sneaked into Charlie's room. He was already sleeping but still had a candle on.
“Charlie?” I whispered. He got up at once.
“Nova? Is everything okay?” He yawned.
“Yeah. Bill said I have to come and snog you and he'll stay in Ginny's room and cover for us.” I grinned. Suddenly, he was wide awake and covered himself up to his neck.
“You're not naked are you?” I giggled.
“No, I have my boxers on.” He uncovered himself, realizing how silly he looked. I joined him as he scooched over.
I am not going to lie, my heart started racing when I laid down next to him. We never cuddled like this before and we only slept in the same bed once and back then we were friends. I laid my head on his arm, turned away from him. I turned my head to see him. He placed his hand on my hip and squeezed it gently. I laughed as it tickled me.
“I'm in love with you, Nova.” He said with a voice so full of emotions that I couldn't feel my body anymore.
I looked at him. His eyes were sparkling. I couldn't believe he said it. I wanted to say it so many times but I secretly wished he would do it first and he picked such a nice and relaxing moment. I loved that he didn't prepare for it at all.
“I'm in love with you too, Charles.” I breathed and I felt him tremble. I buried my head into his chest and he blew out the candle and his racing heartbeat lulled me to sleep.
It was so fun having Bill around. Because he was home less often the twins behaved more and they listened to him. He was so proud of himself for that. Charlie and I spent as much time with him as possible because he was leaving in a few days.
One night when I came from the bathroom, ready to sneak into Charlie's room, which Bill was guarding perfectly for almost the whole week now, I was stopped by a voice.
“Nova, go downstairs.” I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Bill's head sticking out of Ginny's room.
“Bill, what are you doing?” I giggled, he looked so funny.
“Just go downstairs, trust me.” He repeated.
“Okay.” I narrowed my eyes and started going down the stairs.
“Oh, and have fun.” He winked at me. What was he up to?
I got to the lower floor and saw Charlie waiting for me on the sofa.
“Char, what is going on?” I wanted to sit down next to him but he stopped me.
“Come with me.” He whispered and gently took my hand. He took me outside and we went through the garden and started walking up the Hill.
I recognized the place at once. Charlie took me stargazing here and I couldn't believe he was doing it again. We didn't talk the whole way there and I couldn't help but feel that he was nervous.
“Char, why are you...” But when I saw what he did, I couldn't finish the sentence.
There was this tree on the Hill and he prepared a blanket under it. It also looked like he brought some food and there were three jars of fireflies; one hanging from the tree and one on each side of the blanket.
“I thought we could have a stargazing date.” He pulled my hand a little to make me move again. I was awestruck. He was so romantic.
“Charlie...” We stopped before the blanket, I was lost for words. He opened the bag by the tree and took out two pillows and another blanket.
“I'm glad you like it.” He smiled, being proud of himself.
“Like it, this is...” I sat down and he joined me. “I love it.” I put my hand around his neck and kissed him.
“And I love you.” My whole body shook by his words. This was the second time he said it and it felt like I could never get enough of it.
“I love you too, Charlie.” I laid down, my hand still behind his neck. I gently pushed him towards me so he was on top of me.
My heart was racing faster by the minute and I knew it was time to take the next step in our relationship. It was a perfect moment. He was perfect and I never felt more ready.
I kissed him, a bit more passionately than usual and he got the hint.
“Are you sure?” He asked softly. “Don't think I did all of this just for that.”
“I'm sure.” I whispered. “I want you.” His face brightened up and he kissed me.
He started kissing my neck and I felt my body relax each minute more. His kisses were soft but determined. It made him look like he knew exactly what he was doing. He took off my shirt and I took off his and opened the zipper on his pants. I suddenly got very shy and my hands froze.
“It's okay.” He smiled and kissed me. “I'm nervous too.” If he only knew how much better his words made me feel. We were in this together.
He started kissing my neck again and slowly made his way down. He needed a moment to unhook my bra and I chuckled. I took off my pants and he reached for the blanket to cover me and he joined me underneath.
Slowly but surely we were both naked, embracing each other, while our tongues played with one another. His hand went from my back to my waist and he started touching me. I have never felt such a sensation before, it felt so good. I moaned in his mouth and I knew this was it. My mind went completely blank and I just let go and enjoyed our bodies experimenting with each other.
“Wait, I have to do something.” He pulled away for a second, breathing deeply. He took the wand from the bag and cast a spell.
“You don't have to enchant me.” I giggled.
“It's a Protection spell for you know what.” He said, his cheeks red.
“Oh.” I widened my eyes.
“Bill told me about it.” He said, a bit embarrassed. I blushed, realizing Charlie talked to Bill about this.
“He's a good big brother.” I smiled. He nodded and put away his wand.
He pulled me closer again. I loved how his weight felt on me. I could be like this forever. I opened my eyes and looked at him. His eyes were just as full of emotions as mine. I couldn't wish for anything more, as he disappeared under the covers and started to make his way down with his lips, my mind went blank again and I gave in to him completely.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
A simple misunderstanding (Harry potter)
In many ways what happened on may 19th, the one year anniversary of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter having started dating could of been avoided.
Had either of them ever admitted they're full fetishes is just one example. If Harry hadn't of just gotten too curious to see what was the big surprise and snuck into Draco's room while the latter was out to snoop was anther example. (the boys had a bedroom they shared but each had their own study/room for just themselves that the other technically wasn't suppose to enter..But Harry had never really been one for staying out of trouble.)
Of course If Draco hadn't mentioned a big surprise and then went tip lipped about it then harry might not of been prone to trying to snoop, but sadly Draco just loved how childish harry could act when he wasn't in the know.
In any case, what follows was above all else.. a simple misunderstanding that somehow escalated.
Harry knew he had to be fast, Draco had only gone out for a pint with some of his old friends from slytherin and wouldn't be gone for too long since he wasn't much of a drinker.
He wasn't worried about triggering any of the detection spells or minor traps Draco had put up in his private room due to having to dispel much worse and much stronger at his own job.
In comparison to his own study, Draco's was tidy and clean though Harry suspected a house elf was behind it while his own was tidy and had papers and books stacked everywhere.
The house elf wasn't around though so Harry didn't worry about that and figured his best bet for finding Draco's surprise was a chest that had almost perfectly been covered up with a active invisible cloak. But as muggles say: Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
One small spot on the left front bottom corner was showing and so Harry tugged the cloak off and after studying the locks for all of 12 seconds, used a simple spell and the tap of his wand to unlock the chest.
He had mulled over what the present could be, Knowing Draco wasn't found of muggle electronic gaming devices and the chest wasn't big enough for new broomsticks. what was in the chest brought a blush then a smile to Harry's face.
"How the bloody hell did he find out I'm a daddy dom?!" Harry asked softly, looking in the chest that was stuffed with baby powder, wipes, bottles, dummy's, stuffies and lots and lots of DIAPERS!
Harry had gotten into to teasing and babying other boys after his first time coming to the Wesley household where all the boys were still in nappies when home. It was Mrs.Wesley's way of helping them relax and the twins took took it with delight while Percy had declined that year, and Ron had tried to beg off in front of Harry.
Harry himself was offered nappies but expressed more of a interest in helping with the babying and well from then on he was hooked. He had never even hinted at those feelings with Draco, having figured there was no way his blond prince would ever wanna be a helpless little guy.
'He must of gone to Ron for help with a gift idea! Heh.. Can't say I mind....For the most part.' Harry mused mentally, noting that the nappies were all plastic disposable ones while he was more of a fan of terrycloth and rubber pants. 'Still, I'd have to be a awful git to refuse to put him in them since he's gone to all this trouble'
Closing the lid and resetting the locks for now, Harry adjusted the cloak back to where it had been exactly and made his leave of the room.
'I wonder if he's a full on big baby, a diaper boy or just trying this out for me? that was a awful lot of nappies for just a trial phase.' Harry mused, never once thinking there could of been anther explanation.
Draco chuckled as he made his way back from the market. After all this time and Potter could still be fooled with such a dumb lie. Draco would of never gone down to a pub for a pint, if he was going to drink it would be something more to his standards and taste. Still, it was a good go to lie and Harry fell for it every time and if it wasn't broke, don't fix it.
under his one arm was a larger then normal self assembling high chair that would have restraints built in and be big enough for Harry or himself for that matter,
He had of course known all about the Wesley's being nappy boys, and a normally vengeful Ginny had been delighted to till Draco all about how much Harry loved being a big baby.
'Heh, she likely thought it would scare me off.. still pining for him.' Draco thought.
No, if anything, finding out Harry like to be teased and humiliated in nappies just made Draco love him even more, he had after all inflicted more then a few cases of nappy humiliation on students at Hogwarts. (ironically Raven Claw made the best blushing and submissive big babies, hufflepuff's just made it clear they'd report you since they didn't have anything to lose, being in the worst of the four houses.)
Still having a boyfriend with a great job, a awesome house and was a rocket in the sack that he could also tease and dominate in nappies? Uh, yes please!
the thought that Ginny might of been lying to him never crossed Draco's mind and he made use of a magic breath mint to give him breath a touch of ale on it as he came home.
"Hey luv, I'm back." He called, not seeing Harry in their shared living room or the kitchen, taking the chance to stash the box in the closet.
"Already? Harry called, then appeared as he came into view from the hallway that lead to the studies. "What happened, Crab started chugging beers again? I know how uncomfortable that makes you." Harry added, coming over and wrapping his arms around Draco.
"Someone's in a good mood." Draco chuckle, then returned the hug and added a smooch on Harry's lips, making the more strait edge wizard pull back a little.
"Brush your teeth then get a nap in luv, I have a feeling it's gonna be a long night~"Harry coo'ed.
'Heh, you don't know the half of it~' Draco thought but then out loud gave a little pout. "Awww, a nap? alone? sure you don't wanna join me?"
"..That can be arranged, but first, your teeth. I think I'm getting a buzz off your breath." Harry said and pulled away, and then slapped Draco's butt.
The slimmer blond blushed, but didn't say anything and headed for the washroom.
After a little something to tired them both out the pair of wizards conked out in each others arms, a alarm set for 5 pm sharp which meant they would have in theory a 3 hour nap.
Of course in practice it was actually Harry who would wake up first with use of a little charm he had cast on himself to wake him up 20 minutes sooner and as he slide out of bed he both shut off the alarm and used a sleeping sleep to keep Draco dead to the world.Leaving Draco sprawled out in the bed Harry went and gathered up their clothes they had left on the floor before the love making and found to his amusement a recite from a bondage shop in town for a high chair.
"Oh my, you don't do anything half ass do you my love?" Harry chuckled, though the only response he got was a soft snore from the snoozing blond.
Moving from the bedroom after donning his clothes Harry's first move was to check in the closet by the door, the only place that Draco could of hidden the high chair and grinned ear to ear as he found it and removed the pieces from the box.
Apparently whoever gave the command for the high chair to set up would retain the control over it, control only shifting if it was ordered to dismantle again.
"Simple enough. Set up time." Harry said and watched with mild amusement as the white wooden pieces quickly fitted themselves together. "Blimey, I'll have to see if they got a crib.. this kind of magic would save A LOT of time."
Setting the chair up by the dinning room table, Harry made his way back towards Draco's study and once again let himself in with ease as he went over to the chest.
Peering inside and tapping his chin he had a bit of unexpected trouble..Draco had chosen so many cute outfit's Harry was having a hard time picking what to put him in.
"Well I suppose a pair of those locking booties and mittens, a nappy and bib will work for now. we are gonna eat right away and little guys are SO messy when they munch." Harry said, fishing the items out and chuckling softly then noticing a pacifier gag. "Oh Draco, you ARE a kinky one~"
Coming back into the room and setting down a pair of green mitten and booties with dark gold frilly trim on the ankles and wrist and a bib with the same color scheme plus a cartoon snake on the front forming a S, harry still had the thick white nappy with a nursery print and the paci gag in his hands when he looked at Draco and almost squealed.
the little blond cutie pie was nursing away on his thumb and had a line of drool going down his chin! the only thing keeping him from replacing the thumb at that very moment with Draco's paci is once he did that he would of wanted to get him fully dressed, and Harry still had to get the baby food in the chest out and get a ba-ba of formula ready.
"Truly, Heavy is the burden I bare."
Draco was dreaming about spanking Harry with him over his lap, till the boy who survived was bawling like a baby and had tinkled all over Draco's lap.
Draco was in the middle of scolding Harry in his dream then suddenly his mouth stopped working right, his words muffled! Looking down Draco saw that a dummy had been popped in his mouth and it was Harry now who had him on a giant changing table and was dressing him!
the more dream Draco tried to fight this attack off the bigger dream harry got till he towered over Draco as if he was just a real 2 year old and one solid swat to his rump stopped his fighting in a instant.
'No! this is just a dream! wake up!' Draco willed to himself, and poof!
His eyes were opened, and he went to relax..only to find his mouth was still gagged.
"Mmmmph!?" Draco tried to asked what, but the fat nipple of the dummy filled his mouth even as he looked at Harry in shock.
"Welcome back to the land of the living little guy!" Harry chuckled and leaned down kissing Draco's forehead. "I was getting worried my sleeping charm was too strong."
Draco felt himself being picked up and stood up on his feet and knew even before he was stood in front of a mirror what he would see, his face going crimson as he heard the crinkle, felt the bulk between his legs and could feel his hands and feet encased in the soft cotton of the mitten's and booties.
"Aww is somebody all shy? It's ok Draco, Daddy is SO happy you decided to be his widdle guy for our special night!" Harry was saying and then kissed his cheek.
Draco opened his eyes, turning his head to glare at harry but then caught his reflection and stared in shock. He want's JUST in a nappy, from the looks of it Harry had gone and put in at LEAST 3 of them! he hadn't felt the bib before and naturally couldn't of known which of the booties and mittens Harry had picked out but now he could tell and assumed it was because of the green dummy in his mouth, with the dark gold straps that went around his head to hold them in.
He turn his head fully to Harry know and tried to tell him off, but all it did was make him mumble and drool flow down his chin.
"Hmm, what's wrong buddy?" Harry asked, raising a eyebrow then smiled. "Ohhh I see."
'Thank god, the stupid git figured it out! I'm the da-' Draco was thinking but Harry interrupted his thoughts.
"Your mad because you wanted to surprise me. I get it. Daddy WAS a bit of a bad boy huh?" Harry chuckled.
'...Fuck my life.' Draco mentally groaned as harry droned on.
"Welll I just couldn't help myself from looking around , and I just couldn't believe you found out how much of a daddy dom I am, and you were willing to play along. I never pegged you as a little so wasn't gonna bring it up."
'...Mistakes have been made.' Draco thought and suckled fast.
Clearly Ginny HAD been telling half truths,and with Harry being the snoop he is Draco was paying for it BIG time.
"I know I got carried away with the nappies too, but I just love a thickly diapered baby boy..Plus when I found those poopie pills in the chest as well.. your gonna be making me a BIG present soon and I didn't wanna leak a leak."
"MMMPFFFH!?" Draco cried out into his gag, eyes going wide as they could.
there HAD been a dull pain in his backside but Harry had been highly spirited during their love making and just figured that had been it. He could even feel them starting to work now, a cramping starting up and Draco whimpered and shook his head no over and over.
"ah ah ah, you were gonna be my little stinker anyways, I'm just making it happen sooner. what can I say, I love feeding a smelly boi~" Harry chuckled and kissed Draco's cheek then scooped him up, carrying him with Draco's front to Harry front as the unwilling big baby tried to think of a escape.
Sadly, without his wand he was pretty much SOL.
Harry was loving how much Draco was playing the unwilling baby when they both knew the truth. Like, why else would of Draco had all of this ready to go?
truth be told Ron had been his favorite big baby out of the Wesley boys because of how embarrassed and unwilling he was to have Harry babying him and if anything this cemented that Ron had clued Draco in.
'I'll have to send him a thank you basket.' Harry mentally chuckled.
Patting Draco's bottom he knew any second now his amazing boyfriend would be loading his nappies to the brim.The packaging on the pills had claimed one was enough, but harry wasn't going to chance it and had used three of the large pills, musing how easily they had slid into his love's backside.
Coming into the dinning room/kitchen, Draco took one look at the high chair and then looked back to harry and shook his head no over and over again, which was just frankly ADORABLE!
"Now now, your the one who brought it, I'm just helping out." Harry said, getting ready to set Draco in the high chair when Draco's struggles managed to get the blond big baby free of Harry's arms.
of course this just meant that Draco fell on his rump on the floor, though with all the padding he had on Harry wasn't too concerned.
"Well what are you gonna do now? you can't get that outfit off yourself, and your free to run out into the yard dressed like that." Harry said, stepping back and crossing his arms. "I'm sure we'll be the talk of the street."
Draco whined and glared up, then turned pail, a ominous rumbling coming from his tummy.
"Oh Present time already?" Harry asked.
The cramps had been getting worse and worse, but what Draco knew that harry didn't was the highchair had a unadvertised extra feature in it. Anyone who was restrained in it was looking at a HOUR minimum stuck in it!
It had been Draco's own little added feature and he was about to get to enjoy the fruits of it, unless he could SOMEHOW get out of this, or failing at that..convince Harry to change him before being strapped in.
He knew there was no way in hell he could get to his feet and waddle to his study, when he MIGHT be able to write out a message to Harry...But maybe if he swallowed just a smidge more pride he could maybe avoid much much worse.
Getting on all fours he had the idea to crawl to his study but the act involved basically presenting his puffy nappy clad rear to Harry who was chuckling in amusement.
Operation: crawl for freedom also died right then and there as the movement had pushed his cramps to the limit, Making him push his forehead to the push and jut out his butt as all hell broke loose.
As the contents of his bowels (and a few bones and/or internal organs from what it felt like to him) pushed out into the seat of his diapers Draco suddenly realized why all those Raven claw students had broken down crying.Filling a nappy to the brine didn't exactly feel all that nice if you weren't into it.
'Karma is a fucking bitch!'
On a scale of 1 to 10, Draco was a total 100 at playing the big stinky nappy bitch game, and despite the horrid smell that filled the house Harry had little hearts in his eyes.
the nappies had to of been enchanted, there was simply no way they would of held up THIS well as the back of the diapers ballooned out like you'd see in a cartoon.
'I'll have to get the brand name from him I can totally see this happening more and more often.' Harry cheerfully thought, then chuckled. 'Good thing I didn't put him in a onesie though.. the buttons would of flown off and might of taken out a eye!'
when he judged the mess to be over after about 15 minutes (mostly from Draco just laying there panting, eyes glazed and and beads of sweat dripping off of him, Harry helped the stinker up.
He was going to wait to remove the dummy gag until he got the big baby in the chair, but with such a cute display he just couldn't wait.
Draco wasn't even aware as the gag came out, though there was a soft steady mutter of 'da da da da da' escaping from his mouth. wiping his chin with bib, Harry then mouth in and gave Draco a hot kiss, shocking Draco out of his stupor but not fast enough as Harry pushed Draco back into the chair and cried out resistant as he did so.
instantly the tray came up and over Draco's head, sliding in and locking in place and pinning Draco's arms under the tray instead over in the arm restraints though his feet were locked in.
The feeling of landing on his muck butt had stopped whatever Draco was about to say, at least till he was secured in place.
"I'm sorry, you were going to say something?" Harry chuckled, about to turn and get Draco a bowl of baby food.
Harry froze in his tracks and locked eyes with Draco, it was pretty clear this wasn't big baby regrets.
"Ummm..Oops?" Harry said sheepishly. "I'll um.. just get you free an-"
"I'M STUCK IN HERE FOR A BLOODY HOUR YOU WANKER!" Draco growled and then as he went on ranting, Harry couldn't help but think of two things.
1. He had screwed up BIG time and maybe should stop snooping around and
2. since he was already in the dog house, maybe popping the dummy gag back in till he could release Draco might be a good idea.
The end.
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