#And I’m pretty sure it’s the newest form of bots :
whyoneartheven · 2 months
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bots-and-cons · 3 years
Hi! I have another request, but I want to thank you for writing that minimized/human K.O and y/n fic I requested! I love it! So, I was wondering if I could request y/n getting some cuddles with K.O and smokescreen? Maybe wheeljack? (Not poly) It could be tooth rotting sweetness or after angst, it's completely up to you! Luv ya! Hope your doing well and have a great day/night! ❤️
You're welcome, I enjoyed writing it. I hope you’re doing well too. Idk about cuddles, but it’s certainly fluffy. For Knockout I did bot!reader, for Smokes it’s human!reader. There’s no nsfw in this but for the sake of the joke, spike=dick, like usual
You were having a bit of a bad day, and Smokescreen knew that, so he wanted to surprise you. He asked, or more like begged Jack to buy some flowers that he could give you. Smokescreen knew that sometimes humans gave their partner flowers and it seemed like a very nice gesture, so he wanted to try it too.
Smokescreen got his flowers and before going to pick you up, he swung by the base to drop off the flowers. He was very careful when handling them, because he didn’t want to break a single one.
When he finally arrived to pick you up, you had been standing outside for a while, since even though it was winter, the weather was nice.
“Hey” he said as you sat in the front seat.
“Hey to you too” you said with a yawn.
“I take it you didn’t sleep too well?” Smokescreen inquired.
“Yeah, but it’s my own fault. I spent the night watching some shows and the time got away from me”
“What did you watch?”
“Remember that anime I showed you? Demon slayer? I binged the newest season, so I’m now up to date with that and I watched some other stuff  too”
Smokescreen drove to the base, while you kept talking about the shows that had kept you up almost all of last night. When you got to the base, you hopped out and Smokescreen transformed to his bot form.
“I have a surprise for you” he said as he lifted you to his shoulder.
“Okay?” you said with a bit of reservation in your voice. Smokescreen’s surprises didn’t always really go as planned.
Smokescreen walked to the door of his habsuite, but before opening it, he told you to close your eyes. You did as you were told.
You could hear the door opening and you had to grab one of the edges of Smokescreen’s shoulder plating so you didn’t fall when he started moving. He set you down on what was probably his berth, since it was so high up, and it’s not like he had any furniture. You could hear him shuffling around a little, before he told you to open your eyes.
In front of you was the biggest bouquet of flowers you’d ever laid your eyes on. It had so many different flowers and you didn’t even recognize most of them.
“Omg” you said with your mouth hanging open.
“I wasn’t sure what flowers you liked, so I told Jack to get a bit of everything” he said as you took the bouquet to yourself.
“I love them… But you didn’t make Jack pay for them, right?”
“No no, I asked agent Fowler for the money, and I had to pretty much beg for it before he gave it to me” Smokescreen said awkwardly.
“Okay, that’s good then” you smiled.
You smelled the flowers and even though the scent was a mix of all the different kinds of flowers, it still smelled pleasant, even though the scent was very strong.
“Can I ask, what’s the occasion?” you continued.
“No occasion, I just wanted to make you feel appreciated”
“Well you certainly achieved your goal, thank you Smokes” you smiled widely. “Give me your hand” you requested as you carefully set the flowers down next to you.
Smokescreen offered his hand to you, and you grabbed two of his digits and brought them to your forehead. You just held them there for a while, before saying: “Thank you for making me feel loved”
“Of course, you do that for me everyday. I know I can be a bit of a reckless idiot sometimes, but I’m glad you still have the patience to love me” he grinned happily.
You and Knockout had both been working long days on the Nemesis. Sure you both were medics and worked in the medbay, but you had barely had time to pay any attention to each other outside of work, because so many injured had come in after another fight with the autobots.
When the two of you finally finished, you were both exhausted, so you pretty much just headed for your shared habsuite and planned on recharging for the next day.
“I’m beat” you said as the two of you walked to your habsuite and you stretched your arms and back.
“Me too” Knockout yawned.
“We had a lot of patients again. It’s always like this when they come back from fighting, and I feel like less and less of the vehicons are returning each time” you sighed.
“I know, it’s not good” Knockout said.
“I just wish this whole war would just stop, there’s no point to it anyway, and now we’re just trampling another planet for no reason”
“They’re just having a spike measuring contest at this point” Knockout said, which made you chuckle.
“You’re not wrong” you said with a tired smile.
You got to the habsuite and walked in, Knockout locked the door behind him. It was just out of habit, since sometimes the vehicons that kept the Nemesis tidy would just go into a habsuite without knocking, because so many of them were empty these days.
“I know you take it hard, losing so many of our friends and fellow decepticons” Knockout said.
“This might sound a bit bad, but I’m pretty much used to it. We’ve been at war for what? Five million years now? I don’t really have anyone left anymore, aside from you I mean” you said, as you laid down on the berth, staring at the ceiling with one of your hands behind your head.
“You’ll always have me, I promise” Knockout said as he laid down next to you, putting a servo on your chest and snuggling to your side.
You wrapped your other arm around his shoulders and squeezed him closer.
“I know, and I love you so much Knocky, but you shouldn’t make promises you’re not sure you can keep” you said, you always were a bit of a pessimist, or maybe just a realist in this matter.
“I can keep it though, and you know me, I wouldn’t lie to you”
“I hope that’s true, I hope I’ll never lose you” you said and ran your digits up and down his upper arm.
“You won’t” Knockout assured.
You just held Knockout tightly, even when he fell into recharge mode, you stayed awake. He was your only source of light in the darkness of this war, and if he ever were to be extinguished, you would surely be lost.
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Pairing: Pietro Maximoff (MCU) x Fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU
Warnings: Mild language, cannon divergence, reader is kind of an oblivious shy dumb-ass who avoids her problems TvT
Summary: After everything life has put you through you just want to walk through life unnoticed and unbothered, but that seems to be out of the question when you're an enhanced working for the avengers and catch the eye of a certain speedster who just so happens to be your soulmate.
Word Count: 3.1k
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a/n: this is very shitty and doesn’t make much sense im sorry i haven’t written something like this in so long :’) 
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Sokovia. 2015.
“Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.” Fury said punching buttons on his data pad, “Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do.” Fury laughed, looking over at the small but capable team of Ex-SHIELD agents, smiling, as the old helicarrier pulled up beside the ever rising city.
You looked out of the window as the battle raged on in the city, you still weren’t sure why Fury had asked you to come with him. After all, you didn’t exactly have a useful skill set for this fight, you couldn’t operate the fancy systems that kept the helicarrier in the air, and despite being enhanced you definitely didn’t have the fighting set to help out the avengers, who were fighting in the city, saving the planet from total destruction once again.
You sighed, turning your back to the window and going to stand next to Fury, who rarely let you out of his sight.
“Sir, I’m grateful you trusted me enough to bring me along but if I could ask, why did you bring me?, My skills aren't exactly useful here.” you said with a frown.
Fury looked down at you grimly, “Just a feeling Mrs. [L/N].”
You nodded, turning your attention to your colleagues, who were diligently aiding in the rescue of the sokovian citizens, and the battle raging on outside. You watched in awe as Tony Stark- or rather Iron Man and War Machine began to destroy the bots that had begun to attack the helicarrier.
Suddenly Agent Hill’s voice rang out “INCOMING!”. You barely had time to jump out of the way as a robot crashed through the front window, Maria immediately emptying her clip into it as Fury finished it off with a piece of metal debris.
“And here I was thinking I wasn’t going to see any action”, you quipped, staring at the mess of metal and oil on the helicarrier floor.
You sighed, trying to even your breathing, absentmindedly running your fingers over the inky black words imprinted on the inside of your wrist. In this world everyone had a soulmate, all 7 billion people, and the first words they’ll say to you appear on the inside of your left wrist when your born, which turns red after you have your first kiss with your soulmate, however you don’t have any expectations to ever meet yours, and you don’t really want too, after all life moves pretty fast when your an Ex-HYDRA experiment and an Ex-SHIELD trainee, and these days you really just wanted to spend the rest of your days unnoticed and unbothered - aside from work of course.
You were broken out of your thoughts when a voice crackled over the comms, “Guys we have a problem!” It was Agent Barton, his voice was panicked and his breathing was ragged, “Pietro’s been hit, I can’t tell if he’s alive or not.”
Fury looked over at you, his face as stoic as ever, but you could see the slight bit of fear in his eyes “Showtime kid, let’s see what you can do.”
You nodded, taking off down the hall and jumping into a small craft, piloting it to the city where you could see Barton leaning over someone’s body. You landed, running over to them, it was one of the twins, a fellow enhanced experiment of HYDRA. You leaned down placing a hand on his bullet riddled chest, a small teal light eminitated from your hand as you closed your eyes and concentrated.
Suddenly your eyes snapped open, you looked up at Clint, “He’s alive,” Clint let out a sigh of relief. “but just barely, I  need to get him back to the medical bay immediately.” You finished. Clint nodded, helping you get the man loaded on the craft you arrived in, he gave you a small nod of thanks before running back to the rescue transports.
Back in your lab you had him hooked up to nearly every medical machine available, while your abilities had managed to stop the blood and heal the internal damage there was still the possibility of him not making it through the night, after all he had yet to regain consciousness and enhanced powers could only do so much, bringing back the dead wasn’t really one of those.
You sighed, leaning over his resting form, brushing a stray piece of his bleach blonde hair out of his face. You studied his face, he was quite possibly one of the most handsome people you’d ever seen, and that was even with the blood and dirt caked on him.
You turned gathering a cloth and a bowl of water, deciding it would be best to at least clean what grime you could off of him. You started with his face before moving to his chest, it was still caked in blood and dirt from where the bullets had ripped through him, though the wounds were closed and healed now. You took note of how well built he was but tried to focus on that as little as possible, after all he was your patient and you hadn’t ever even spoken to him.
As you ran the wet cloth over his body your mind began to wander, however you were broken out of your thoughts when a hand grabbed your arm. It was Pietro. You let out a squeak, mildly startled by his sudden consciousness, however it was clear that he was extremely disoriented and out of it. You moved, setting the washcloth and bowl back on the counter before gathering your clipboard to write that he had regained consciousness.
“Are you an angel?” He asked weakly, you turned looking at him, shocked. Those words, the ever familiar words that had been carried with you since birth, it was him. You inhaled, pushing all that aside, shaking your head as you approached his side.
“Rest.” Was all you said, before you walked out of the room, and for the rest of the night Pietro faded in and out of consciousness, only holding on to the fading sound of your voice.
Avengers Tower. One Month Later.
It had been a month since Sokovia. One month since Pietro Maximoff had almost died. He often found himself wondering what would have happened if he had died, would Wanda have been okay? Would anyone have cared? The other question that seemed to plague his mind day and night, the thought that had burrowed it’s way into his dreams and his absent minded musings, was the thought of seeing that girl that had saved him again.
He didn’t remember much about that day after he was shot, but everytime he closed his eyes he could see her, the girl with the (y/h/c) hair and the soothing voice, he couldn’t remember her fcae or if he had said anything to her but he could remember her touch and he craved to feel it again. The word “rest” also filled his mind, the way it sounded rolling off her tongue, it was the same word that had kept him grounded over the years, and the word that he so often traced on the inside of his wrist. He found himself feeling like the prince from that old animated mermaid movie Wanda made him watch as a kid, looking for the girl that saved him. Looking for his soulmate.
He broke himself out of his thoughts when he heard Maria Hill, one of the many people that had eagerly welcomed him to the Avengers and the remnants of SHIELD calling his name.
“Agent Hill, what can I do for you?” He asked, lifting himself off of the couch, turning to face her.
“Are you doing anything around 1:30 today? I’m supposed to be giving a tour to our newest Avenger today but I have a prior obligation around that time and was wondering if you would mind running it instead, normally I would ask someone else but I feel that you would be the best option in this case due to your…” Maria trailed off trying to come up with the word “Commonalities.”
Pietro’s ears perked up, a new member? Commonalities? Needless to say it was intriguing and would definitely provide a good distraction from his thoughts. “Okay.” He said, shrugging.
Maria smiled, handing him the manilla folder that was your file. “Her name is [Y/N] [L/N], she’s talented, all the necessary information should be in there.” Maria sighed inwardly as she clasped her hands behind her as she watched Pietro speed read through the folder.
To be honest, though she’d never tell Fury, she was hesitant to let you join the Avengers. You were talented no doubt, but she worried about you, maybe it was the fact that she had been the one to rescue you all those years ago, before the fall of SHIELD, before she ever worked for Stark, but still something told her maybe it was too soon, after all you had seemed pretty shaken after the Ultron ordeal.
“Well, you’ll need to meet her at the west elevator on floor 34 in an hour. Just take her through the itinerary there and get to know her, make her feel welcome.” Maria said with a smile before leaving back the way she came.
Pietro smiled as he waved goodbye, before looking down at the picture of you, of his soulmate, the girl that saved him.
Avengers Tower Floor 34. One Hour Later.
You rocked back and forth on your heels. It had been a month since Sokovia. One month since you had saved the man who was supposedly your soulmate. After that fateful day you went back into hiding with Fury, back to training with Fury, but now, according to Fury at least, it was time for you to join the Avengers as their medic.
You walked down the long glass hall, Agent Hill had told you that your guide would meet you outside the west elevator. She had also told you that your tour guide was one of the twins, due to your “commonalities” both in being enhanced and in being the newest members. You hoped it wasn’t going to be him, after all you still hadn’t really had time to process it all. Of course, life never really listened when you asked it for things.
The elevator dinged, signaling it’s arrival, you turned your attention from your wrist to the elevator,pulling down your sleeve to cover it as the doors slid open to reveal the gray clad speedster.
“They told me we were getting a new recruit, but they failed to tell me of your beauty.” Pietro smirked leaning against the elevator wall. You blushed, looking down at your shoes before sliding past him and stepping into the elevator. “Not talking huh? It’s okay I'll get you to crack eventually.” He smiled, winking at you only causing your face to flush even more.
As the tour went on Pietro did what he could to make you talk, though you usually only answered with one or two words. He was confused to say the least, did you not know? It was as the tour came to a close that he finally asked you the question that had been plaguing his mind the whole time, wondering if you would admit to him that you knew or if you were just clueless. “So, [Y/N], they tell me you are enhanced, like us, with healing abilities.” You nodded, “Were you there in Sokovia? Last month I mean, when Ultron attacked.”
You looked up sharply. “Um yeah, yeah I was.” You sighed, fidgeting with your sleeves.
“Then you're the one who saved me that day, thank you.” He smiled, bringing your hands into his, “I’m very happy you’re with us, and I hope that you will allow me to thank you properly? Maybe dinner?” His eyes were hopeful.
Did he know? You wondered, would he bring it up then, ease into it, charm you? Or had he been too out of it to even realise and was simply trying to be nice? Either way it was too much too fast.  “Um, I’ll think about it, I’m just kinda tired right now.”
“I understand, I’ll see you in the morning then beautiful, yes?” He smiled walking you down the hall to your room. You nodded, before looking down at the floor again. “Well if you need anything Wanda and I are both on this floor and if we’re not here we’re likely on the common floor.” He smiled watching you nod once again before retreating into your room.
Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair, you had to know by now, if he hadn’t spoken to you that day what he said on the elevator should have been the words on your wrist? Why were you so hesitant? Did you not like him, was he not everything you had ever hoped for in a soulmate? He let out a short breath as he pushed the button to call the elevator, fine, he was charming right? He’d do whatever it took to convince you that he was the perfect guy for you, after all you were an angel to him.
A Stark Party at Avenger Tower. Two Months Later.
It had been two months, two months since you had joined the Avengers and you were still just as shy around Pietro as you had been on your first day. He couldn’t understand it, while you were shy around most of the other members too, save for his own sister and Sam Wilson, yet you seemed to purposefully avoid him. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had done something to make you mad or uncomfortable, he couldn’t understand why but it hurt, it hurt more than getting shot in Sokovia had, it was raw and painful but he did his best to hide it and simply be as polite and nice to you as possible.
“Hey there speedy, you seem quieter than normal and I don’t think I’ve heard one smart remark out of you today, what’s going on?” Clint Barton said, placing his hand on Pietro’s shoulder. Despite Clint’s general teasing of the younger man he did genuinely care for him and that was something Pietro was grateful for.
“I’m just lost in thought, thank you though Clint.” Pietro sighed, taking his coffee and heading to his room, after all Stark was having one of his infamous parties tonight and even if he wasn’t there with you Pietro still wanted to look nice for you.
Nearly six hours later everyone was downstairs, the floor alive with people, and Pietro found himself seated at the bar, nursing a whiskey as he watched you converse with his twin. You looked amazing, your gorgeous body clad in a gray knee length cocktail dress with gorgeous lace sleeves and accents. Despite the fact that you rarely spoke to him somehow, some way every little thing you did imprinted itself in his brain and only made himself fall harder and harder for you.
His mood quickly changed however from adoration to jealousy as he watched a group of suit clad men isolate you from his sister and begin to speak to you. Under normal circumstances he would have simply let you be, never wanting to make you uncomfortable or angry, but you were picking at your nails, something he had noticed you only did when you were uncomfortable.
So he did what any love-sick gentlemen would do, and he went to rescue you. Within seconds Pietro was by your side, snaking a hand around your waist, secretly praying to god that he wasn’t making you more uncomfortable.You tensed at the contact but relaxed with a sigh of relief as you looked up to find Pietro.
“Hello my love,” Pietro smiled looking down at you before turning back to the group of men, “Hello gentlemen, I hope you don’t mind if I steal my soulmate for a minute, it’s important Avenger business, you know?” He smirked, giving them no room to respond as he turned and led you to the balcony.
When you arrived on the balcony you sighed as you let the cool air roll over you. “Thank you for that Pietro.” You said softly. “I’m really grateful.”
Pietro smiled softly, “Of course, what are friends for.” He turned heading for the door, but stopped when your voice rang out.
“I’m sorry Pietro.” He turned back to look at you, your eyes trained on the floor, “I’ve been cold and distant and all you’ve done is try and be nice and make me feel happy and safe and welcome here and I’m just so sorry.”
Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You’ve known this whole time haven’t you. That we were soulmates.”
You looked up meeting his eyes, they were blue and piercing and oh so gorgeous but they were filled with pain.
“Yes, I’ve known since Sokovia. When you first regained consciousness you asked if I was an angel, I couldn’t focus on the fact that we were soulmates in that moment so I pushed it away, after that I just began to wonder, I mean I’m so different compared to you, you're so handsome and kind and talented and I’m just plain and boring, I figured that the universe probably made a mistake, and that you would be better of with someone else, but I never meant to hurt you,” You looked up at him, his face filled with a mix of shock and pain “I’m so so sorry.” You said, your voice breaking as you looked down, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“You are the most oblivious girl I’ve ever met.” Pietro chuckled, your head snapping up to look at him, “For one I’ve been flirting with you since you got here, you’d think that that would be a sign that I find you attractive, No?” You chuckled, “Second, Not talented? You saved my life, I was nearly dead and would be without you. Not kind? You have made my sister feel so happy and so welcome, you’ve given her the best friend she’s always wanted. Not pretty? My Angel, you are the most beautiful girl at this party. I’ve loved you from the minute I saw you, your smile can light up a room, and your laughter can make any sadness fade away, you my darling are perfect.” He smiled softly at you, cupping your cheek as you stared up into his eyes. “I love you moy angel”  
You stared up in awe at the silver haired speedster, “I- You’re so perfect, you have been so understanding and-” Your voice broke as more tears rushed down your face, Pietro simply whispered sweet nothings as he wiped away your tears. “I love you too.” You whispered smiling softly.
“Could I kiss you?” Pietro asked with an airy chuckle, you smiled,nodding before pressing your lips to his, letting the world around you melt away, as both of you reveled in the warm feeling of your marks changing from black to red.
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transformersrelay · 5 years
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Weathervane is the newest member of the Bisector family, but first he needs the grand tour!
When Radius and Mace stepped from the ship out onto the planet’s surface, a slim, yet clunky biplane was on the stretch of landing across them, still steadying himself from the gust of air accompanying their landing. The Bisector was a ship of impressive scale, to be certain. It sloped distinctly at its bow, the arching figure imposing in itself, even from the inside. By the way he hadn’t even glanced their way in favor of staring up at it, it seemed their new recruit had been taken off-guard.
Radius huffed a laugh, already fond of the blatant awe and nerves playing across this mech’s face. Mace, the miniscule drone of a bot (so small as to often be mistaken as a minibot,) waved one clawed servo excitedly, hopping into a run over to greet him. He’d been telling Radius earlier all about how excited he was to be having another flier on board, and it was a little infectious, he’d admit. He sauntered on after.
“Hello! Hello! It’s so nice to meet you!” Mace grabbed one of the biplane’s wire-thin servos in both of his, which cause the other to flinch away subtly. “My designation is Mace, it’s super cool to meet another Autobot flier! And with a very fashionable color, as well, I might add!”
The newcomer glanced down at his orange-heavy paint, then Mace’s, and blinked. The poor thing seemed a little overwhelmed. Radius laughed good-naturedly. He picked Mace up and set him on one of his massive shoulders, before turning back and smiling.
“I’m Radius. You’re Weathervane, right?”
He, Weathervane, stopped frowning nervously at Mace to meet Radius’ warm blue visor.
“Y-yeah, that’s right,” he said softly, an attempt at a little return of the smile gracing is face. “Nice to meet you. And thank you for taking me aboard.”
“No problem!” Mace said, his wings fluttering pointlessly as he spoke, (apparently mildly confusing the biplane,) “You made the right choice requesting us, ‘cuz we’re the best ship around, it’s true!” He punctuated his declaration with a pose from atop Radius’ shoulder, prompting him to chuckle.
“Alright, alright, let’s not take too long getting back in. That Captain of mine won’t be too happy.” He gestured for Weathervane to follow as he lumbered towards the ship. “We’ll give you the grand tour once we’re back up, too, so don’t worry about finding your way around.”
Weathervane hurried to follow. Radius was a Wrecker-- that would be clear to anyone. Heavy armor sat on his shoulders, towering far above Weathervane’s helm, pedes making the ship protest with every step he took aboard. He cradled obvious scars, but his smile was a constant.  
As they boarded the loading bay, looming bay doors shuttering closed behind them, Radius glanced back to see the biplane once again taking in the impressive scale of his surroundings. As he looked around, his focus seemed to settle on the one ship docked within, taking only a third of the space. He turned fully towards him and both he and Mace threw out their hands with excitement.
“Welcome aboard!” He chimed, almost too cheerfully, the smile on his lips somehow evident in the visor over his optics, “Now you’re officially part of the Bisector!”
“Ah, yes, I… am. Thank you?” His long wings fluttered anxiously as the ship rumbled, beginning to lift off.
“Haha, Primus, you have manners. Echo’ll be thrilled,” Mace’s blue visor beamed, vibrated with energy and mischief, very much like his voice did. Weathervane didn’t look thrilled.
“Don’t mind him,” Radius teased, “he’s simply full of friendly things to say.”
“Who would mind, that Radius? Don’t be silly.” the tiny flier replied, crossing his arms triumphantly.
“Anyway, it’ll be my job to show ya ‘round the place. We don’t want you getting lost on your first day.”
Weathervane simply nodded slowly. He didn’t want that either.
Weathervane was led through hallway after bright hallway. The ship seemed to have no shortage of power, which was somewhat impressive in its own right. That wasn’t something that was common, anymore, what with their vast resources all but a hollow memory now. There was general wear and tear to every surface, dings and scratches and the odd spot of random-planet dirt along the walls or floor plating, but the place was almost too normal to be an active warship. Almost like it had just come off the bays of Cybertron a cycle prior, rather than centuries.
“So, we’re a pretty average sized crew. We’ve got folks from Paradron to Dahros, so don’t worry,” Radius smiled lazily as they walked, “We’re all a little out of our zone, here. Luckily, there’s plenty of room here for all of us, and everything runs pretty smoothly. The Bisector’s a class-A warship--”
“From Optimus himself!” Mace interrupted, sounding like he’d just spilled their most precious secret, though Weathervane did perk slightly. Out of curiosity on how that happened, Radius assumed.
“--and she’s gotten us around more than well enough, with plenty to spare.” Weathervane didn’t add anything immediately, resigning to a distinct interest in the ship, now that its praises had been sung. Radius didn’t blame him, it was a lot to take in at once.
“Plus she’s just so full of charm!” Mace chattered. “Although considering TD, I don’t think she feels the same way about us, you know? I wonder why! Also, more orange paint, nothing better am I right?”
“I take offense,” Radius teased.
“Well, I can make exceptions. You lose points for being blue and not a flyer, but you still have a very high overall score!”
“That sure is reassuring. I was worried you’d moved on to better things and forgotten all about me.”
Mace gasped with fervor. “Never! I would never do that!”
Weathervane murmured some question, but Radius didn’t catch it, instead laughing at his companion’s dramatised distress. And off they went, chatting amongst themselves, forgetting their new company for the moment. He followed along silently nonetheless.
Radius considered himself an incurable optimist, which he knew didn’t mesh well with everyone. Weathervane didn’t strike him as all sunshine, so he tried to tone back his usual enthusiasm, if for no other reason than to make his transition easier.
Mace, on the other servo, was a chatterbox. A chatterbox who didn’t pick up cues-- ever, really. His antenna clacked constantly as he talked--which meant that they clacked a lot. He had it on good authority that the way his wings bobbed incessantly as some form of fidgeting also confused other fliers (or in his “good authority”’s case-- that being the only other flier on the ship-- it was incredibly frustrating.) He prattled on in his absurdly energetic tone about every room they passed on their way to the main deck.
“This one is the hangar, obviously!” Okay. “These are the suites, rec room, energon storage-” Uh-huh. “Armory, storage closet, ventilation shafts, staff exit-”. Got it. And the Wrecker just passively encouraged him as they went. He did start to worry that Mace’s breakneck-speed introductions were beginning to stress Weathervane out, though. He seemed like the type to get stressed. Radius supposed, thinking fondly of his sparkmate, that he would know. So he kept an eye out, but nothing came of it.
There was no mistake to be made, the Bisector was stocked impressively. They clearly weren’t wealthy in resources, but the armory was fully loaded with some of the highest-end weaponry in the cosmos. The hangar was large enough for at least 3 cruisers-- one of which already present in the bay. Weathervane gave it special attention, perhaps wondering if it was an emergency escape, or if it belonged to anyone on board. Energon was in fair supply, Radius informed him, or at least rationed very responsibly, and the hab suites were big enough for 4 average mechs.
The rec room sat at the very end of the hallway, and wound down the inner edge of the ship, a large, curved room lined with windows that peered out into the inky abyss of space. The guides spoke of this particular area fondly, their hub for gathering and socializing, and it bred a sense of comfort and normalcy.
“Most of us end up in here at the same time at least once a cycle,” Radius mused. “It’s pretty relaxed. The whole crew is pretty easy to get along with.”
And like clockwork, there was a new face. She was small, very small, and stalking down the hallways with purpose. The seering yellow visor flickered over Weathervane so fast- so unfeeling- that Radius could see him suppress the flinch. Only Radius’ booming voice slowed her down, a simple, “Hey, Batt, meet the newbie! This is Weathervane.”
“Battery,” she all but spat back, and despite the visor, very blatantly scanned his entirety in both disinterest and critique. And without another word from any of them, she turned on her heel and sped off on whatever she was doing.  Perhaps the largest mech sensed the biplane’s nerves, so he was the first to speak again.
“She’s uh… Like that with everyone. It’s not personal,” he gave a slight shrug before leading on. “She’ll warm up to you, they always do!” The biplane wasn’t going to bring up the contradiction.
Radius was all too excited to give their newest the rundown on their crew. It wasn’t the first time he’d played welcome party, and this part was always his favorite. They had twin medical chiefs, outlying agents, and specialists on every facet of the ship’s workings, in one way or another. Battery, in all her pleasantries, was in charge of managing and maintaining the armory. “She’s a weapons specialist,” Mace offered, as if he was proud on her behalf.
“That explains a lot,” and Weathervane managed to rouse a laugh out of both of them.
From that point on, the crew would come floating by one-by-one. Bumper, an easy-going grounder about Weathervane’s size, meandered into their path shortly after the first encounter with Battery, emerging from the far end of the rec room. He seemed friendly, with a lazy smile and an obnoxious, optic-aching color scheme.
“Bumper’s our ‘inventory manager’,” Radius offered, and Bumper immediately chuckled.
“Ah, that’s what we’re callin’ it now, ey?” He turned to the new recruit, “They give me scrap about ‘loiterin’’ around the high grade, but don’t listen to ‘em, it’s not true.”
Mace sputtered from his perch, “It so is! I’ve seen it with my own two optics! Don’t try and mislead our poor naive recruit, it’s his first day!” Weathervane muttered that he was new to the Bisector, not being an Autobot, and Bumper just waved the drone off. The three bursting into laughter. Their recruit seemed to sulk.
“So, where you from? How’d y’end up here? That last rock was a long ways from anythin’.”
“Vos. Last crew… uh… didn’t make it.”
“... Oh.”
And everyone got quiet for a moment longer than Weathervane was probably comfortable with. Thank Primus that Bumper broke the silence.
“Sorry to hear that,” he said. Generic condolences were standard this deep in a war. “Listen, we should meet up for a ‘newbie drink’ when you’re settled in. It’s kinda customary around here.” He smiled. “Helps with the nerves.”  Weathervane watched him for a moment, and his optics seemed to soften, if only slightly. That was almost comforting. Genuine.
“I’d like that,” the new flier simply agreed, and that seemed to lift the heavy mood that had come upon them.
Next to cross their path was Stagger. Mace hung off this poor mech even worse than he did with Radius.  He was hulking, much like his crewmate, and nearly the same height, just with less bulk to his silhouette. He was an almost unnatural, pristine white, and his face rested at a distinct sag. He didn’t look pleased at a new recruit, and was very clearly skeptical of the stalky biplane being introduced to him.
“Nice to have you.” He greeted simply, before turning to Radius. They were a striking pair, with their brilliant red accents and clashing blues and whites.
“Another one?” He’d tried to be subtle, but wasn’t quite out of range. The taller mech just sighed, flashing an apologetic smile, and rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Try not to worry, Short-Stuff. It’s always a good thing.” Whether Stagger knew better than to believe him or was simply annoyed at the dismissal, Weathervane couldn’t tell based on his glare.
Whatever it was was promptly left behind as his guides moved on. “More ship to show!” Mace chirped, “We’re running a tight schedule and you’re distracting us!” Stagger groaned, but didn’t seem offended as Mace shifted back from Stagger’s shoulders to Radius’, and the group parted to continue their tour.
“‘Another’?” Weathervane repeated, curiosity getting the best of him as they entered the main hub of the ship.
“Ah, don’t mind him,” the Wrecker assured, “Not everyone on board is uh... as inclined to strays as Echo is. It’s just a running joke.”
There was a peculiar, empty space where Mace’s response should have been. Weathervane spared him a glance.
The main deck was as any bridge in any good ship should be. It was huge. It framed the space above and before them so powerfully that even Radius couldn’t help but feel small as it all towered above him.  It was clean-- almost obsessively so-- and brimming with shouts when they arrived.
A behemoth of a mech, all wingspan, turbines, and angry red biolights stood in the center of the bridge, hovering over some holographic diagram projecting from the middle of the room. Pitch black in color, and so high up that his words either vaporized halfway to the ground or shook it entirely. By the look on the new recruit’s face he felt his energon go cold. Their astro class crewmate seemed to have that effect on everyone.  
Somewhere far, far below him was who he was arguing with: a smaller mech glowing an electric shade of blue.
“-risk will outweigh the reward. It’s idiocy, Shrapnel.”
“You can continue to play these things safe! It’s absurd to not use these opportunities!”
“‘Opportunities’ that will easily cost us lives. More than we will ever have to spare. Is that a worthy sacrifice to you?”
“Or what? Taking no chances, making no moves, just waiting to be struck first? It’s not tactically sound judgement to--”
“This is not a discussion of tactics. This is a denial.”
“... Fine! Captain.”
Unceremoniously, the astro class turned, some frustrated sound whirring dangerously through turbines as large as Weathervane himself, and saw himself out. He didn’t acknowledge the small welcome party as he passed, and didn’t offer so much as a nod in his fellow flier’s direction. Weathervane settled, if only a little, paused and frowned. He glanced back at the other mech, smaller than he was, evidently putting it together that this was the Captain. Perhaps he’d assumed it was Shrapnel, Radius thought bemusedly.
He casually continued from where they left off, as if nothing had happened to begin with. Very little on this ship made him feel out of place anymore, not an awkward strut left in him. It seemed Weathervane didn’t have the same luxury.
“You got a minute, Echo?”
The smaller Autobot turned, as if just noticing them himself. “Never,” He replied, almost vacantly, before eyeing the new recruit, “Weathervane, I take it. Captain Echo.”
The addressed nodded. If he seemed to have relaxed any at Shrapnel’s absence, the calm evaporated once more under the piercing, uncomfortable power this bot-- Echo-- exerted by glance alone. Immediately the signs of suppressed anxiety resurfaced.
Thankfully, Echo only focused on him for a fraction of time, though it felt much longer, before coming to a simple, “We’ll discuss your position, shortly. Welcome aboard.” With that, he went back to his control panel and a not-at-all-apologetic excuse of ‘I have work to do.’
Radius hesitated, if only slightly, before turning to usher the recruit out towards the exit on the other side of the main deck. “We’ll show you the medbay and the rest of the quarters, next,” He thought aloud, returned to his same enthusiastic way. As the door opened to let them pass, two sleek black figures strolled past. Their engines purred as they went with their floating gaits and flippant conversation.
They were Velocitronians, clearly, with their flashy, athletic features. They paused as they passed by, throwing warm greetings at the guides and unambiguously sized the newcomer up. The femme with her blazing yellow optics, warm orange stripes and bulky frame, and her partner, all sleek points and neon greens slicing across the black pearled paint. They watched him carefully, curiously, and he pressed his lips to a thin line-- the barest sign he was scrutinizing them in return. Perhaps he just didn’t like the attention. Perhaps he felt challenged. While the two weren’t all pure Velocitronian vanity, some of them definitely was.
“These are Circuitblitz and Calgarydome!” Mace chirped, unprompted as always.
“Pleasure,” The femme-- Circuitblitz-- drawled finally, her lazy accent obvious and thick, “Blitz is fine”. She watched him with unburdened optics sharp, as calculated as steel, and painted orange lips upturned in a vibrant, practiced smile. He managed a soft ‘Weathervane’ in return.
“And I’m Calgarydome,” the other offered energetically, his helm quirked slightly and his smile much more open than hers, “I go by Cal, though! Don’t go forgetting it~”
“I won’t.”
Calgarydome laughed. “Man, you sure are nervous, huh?” He leaned to nudge Weathervane playfully, though the biplane tensed significantly.
“We don’t bite, promise!” Mace giggled from Radius’ shoulder.
“Supposedly.” The Velocitronian shot the drone a taunting look, as if about to start a debate with the little flier. The newbie simply smiled weakly, taking a step back to account for the contact.
“W-well, that’s reassuring.”
“We should be moving on,” Radius finally interjected, interrupting the incoming standoff-- swear to Primus, this always happened. He reached to steady the new recruit, his hand sitting squarely on Weathervane’s shoulder, covering it. “We’re almost done with the tour.”
“Ah, yes. Come on, beau, let’s not harass him,” Blitz purred patiently, mirroring the Wrecker’s hint and reaching to turn her partner back towards the main deck. “We have to report in to the Captain.” Calgarydome groaned.
“Glad to have you two back,” the Wrecker finished as they went their separate ways, and the duo laughed.
“Flattered,” Blitz replied, as the doors closed between them.
“Iii like them!”
“I know you do, Mace.”
“They’re so cool. Do you think they think I’m that cool?”
“Oh, certainly.”
“aHA good! ‘Cause I think I’m pretty close but--”
Weathervane just took a moment to breathe.
“This’ll be where your quarters are,” Radius explained, opening a hab suite for the recruit to inspect.
It was near identical to all the others they’d already passed by, two layered berths sat against the far end, a small screen on the closest wall, and even had a small desk, littered with datapads. Lights were built into the upper rim near the ceiling and lit the room a soft, hazy blue. These suites were on the inner edge of the ship, and therefore didn’t have windows like the rooms on the other side, but that was okay. There was plenty of room for a mech his size, clunky wings and all, and that was more than enough.
“Thank you,” He said simply, appreciatively. The Wrecker almost beamed.
“Of course! Nothing like a little slice of home, right?”
“And lastly, right down here is the medbay.” Radius stopped as the double doors slid open to let Weathervane in first. He was quickly met by two large bots. They weren’t quite Radius’ size, but still dwarfed the biplane easily. They looked identical in every way except paint, and didn’t have any obvious indicators of vehicle mode-- no wings, no wheels. One looked at him in distant curiosity, while the other--
“OH recruit day was today!?” She gasped, bright yellow optics on him immediately, “I didn’t know it was today!”
“That’s because you don’t keep track of the schedule,” The darker teal one offered humorlessly. The femme shot him a look, but didn’t focus on him.
“Hi! I’m Operandi!” She smiled, bending down slightly so that she was closer to face-to-face with the flier. “That’s my brother, Modus,” she jabbed a finger in the other’s direction, “But don’t mind him. He’s not very friendly--”
“--But I, for one, am super excited to meet you!” She was obviously quite young, her voice curious and innocent. She didn’t reach to touch him, which was such a welcome change already.
“Weathervane. It’s nice to meet you, too,” he answered with a small smile.
“Welcome to the medbay! Come right in! We hope not to see you often--” she paused, “No offense.” The other twin, Modus, groaned quietly in the background, setting down the datapad in his hands and looking both apologetic and embarrassed. He’d clearly heard that one many times before.
The medical ward was moderately sized, but looked like two different rooms entirely. Half was neat and organized. Datapads were stacked precisely, all the same height, medical supplies in easy reach, labeled in careful, delicate New Cybertronian. The vials were color coded.
The other wasn’t quite sloppy, but was definitely less maintained. Though, this side seemed to have more to do with aftercare and cosmetic fixes than the more surgical, meticulous other half. There were coolant creams with the caps half off and buffers with the cords sloppily wound, pieces of emergency patchmetal and spare pieces in a disorganized pile.
“Well, I hope not to be here often,” Weathervane returned carefully, but Operandi (and Mace) laughed, and so he allowed himself a grin.
“How’re you sparkplugs doing?” Radius asked, seeming content that Weathervane had warmed up to them enough to joke.
“Excellent, Sir.” Modus replied with surprising volume, “We’re finishing our medical evaluations, per Captain Echo’s request.”
“Relax kiddo. Good work.” The Wrecker smiled, and the medic immediately sputtered, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’. “And Peri?”
“She’s also finished with her assessments, Sir, she’s on her way to log them. Barring your information, of course.” He looked at the biplane indicatively.
Weathervane paused at the nod. “...Information?”
“It’s standard medical protocol,” Modus answered. “We log your serial numbers and proto-activation date to narrow down what kind of parts you require. It’s purely to make sure that if you’re injured, we can treat wounds effectively with as little discomfort and incompatibility-shock as possible.”
“...You can do that? How do you find the parts…?”
“Cal and Blitz are experts at tracking down stuff like that,” Radius offered, “They’re amazing once they get talking.” Weathervane found himself curious, but didn’t get the chance to ask after more.
“Hello, kids--Oh! and others!” A femme poked into the medbay along with them, datapads in her servos. Bumper wasn’t far behind her, sipping absently at a cube and giving Weathervane a lazy smile that was quickly returned.  
“Weathervane, Perimeter. Perimeter, Weathervane. Peri, this is the new guy,” Radius introduced, gesturing between the two.
“Phew! I think that’s finally all of them, Rad!” Mace sighed, as if he were so exhausted by their endeavors, before looking down at the biplane from his perch, “That’s officially it, bud! You’re fully educated!”
“Well, aside from the guys who aren’t aboard,” Radius said.
Weathervane didn’t pay Mace much mind, which just prompted more indignant squawking from the drone. Operandi laughed openly at him and Bumper seemed bemused.While Radius’ comment interested him, the new bot held the biplane’s attention, as always. He simply disliked being in the dark about someone, especially when he would be working with them for quite a while. Call him a people person.
“Very nice to meet you, Weathervane!” Perimeter’s pale faceplate was calm and open, reaching to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you, too,” he replied, suddenly relieved to not have to repeat the phrase anymore. For a moment, he found the sentiment in himself funny. He took her servo tentatively. She had a firm grip for such a small thing.
“I’m sorry that I can’t stay for now, but I’m sure we’ll be able to talk much more in depth soon! I’ll be sure to ask Echo to excuse you for your evaluation as soon as possible.”
“Ah, yes. I’m a psychologist, so it’s part of the medical analysis process to chat with you upon your introduction to the crew.” His optics tightened. “Which is to say that I look forward to knowing you better!”
He nodded stiffly, but if she noticed she didn’t mention it. He’d been dealing with Radius and Mace all cycle, afterall. Surely he looked tired.
She handed off a stack of her notes to Modus, appreciative of his willingness to rewrite them into the ship’s logs by hand, and doted on Operandi for a brief moment before excusing herself. She spared him a quick smile as she went, eyes suddenly trained so firmly to him that he almost flinched--as if she was looking right through him. Weathervane had the impression she was perceptive. Smart, more so than she let on. He frowned.
“So, where are you from?” The mech twin suddenly turned to Weathervane, snapping him from his thoughts.
“Oh, uh. Vos.” He said. Modus had a datapad back in hand, he noticed, already writing things down.
“And how old--”
“Oh, Vos!” Operandi interrupted, “That’s one of the big cities, right? On Cybertron!”
“Y-yes, it is?” Weathervane frowned, confused. Why ask such an obvious question, unless-- ah, unless, of course, they’d never been on Cybertron. Oh, they were very young, weren’t they.
“I heard it was super tall, since all the fliers lived there!” She was saying, enthused.
“What was it like, living there… if you don’t mind?” Her twin asked.
Weathervane tipped his head, considering. “That’s a lot to cover, if you haven’t even seen the place.”
“I would hope!” She smiled brightly at him. There was a glitter in her eyes, a pure eagerness to learn. Modus, too, had his full attention turned to him from a safer distance, unabashedly interested. There was a passion for knowledge burning in both of them, it was clear to see. He couldn’t help the little spark of fondness that cropped up.
“Alright, alright,” Bumper put up his hands, frowning. “That’s enough ‘reminiscin’ for my tastes. If you’re gon’ start talkin’ about all this, I’ll just catch ya later--”
::All report to the main deck. We’re landing::
“Ah, that can’t be good,” Radius mumbled, not sounding as concerned as his observation suggested he should be.
“What’s going on?”  
“Probably just another maintenance check.  Fuel’s been spotty.”
Weathervane frowned. That would’ve been nice to know before he boarded.
“If that’s the case, it’s a quick fix. Let’s just hustle up to the--” Before the Wrecker could finish, the lights-- so impressive to him before-- suddenly died. Red filled the ship’s hallways, blinking slowly, threateningly.
“Well, that’s definitely a bad sign,” Radius was moving, and Weathervane decided all he could do was follow, taking twice the steps to keep up. “So, this is defensive protocol,” the larger explained, his calm demeanor turned unsettling, “We’re very likely under attack-- or going to be.”
The biplane glanced back at the twins, but they hadn’t moved. Staying behind, he discerned. He moved to keep up with the Wrecker.
“Suitin’ up?” Bumper asked from beside him. Radius hummed an affirmative. They whisked away to where Weathervane recalled the armory was. It was on the way to the main deck, so he didn’t bother to point out the detour wasn’t part of their orders. Especially as a number of others were gathered, too, with the minibot, Battery, handing out various weapons.
Weathervane hesitated, hanging back. Bumper grabbed a small blaster for himself and Radius holstered one. The smaller gave him a questioning glance.
“Not really good with those,” he answered, giving an apologetic smile in the pulsing red light.
“They hinder flying,” Mace agreed, now on his own two feet. He seemed more subdued. Nervous, perhaps. Weathervane supposed they all were, but it was still a noticeable contrast to his previous demeanor. At least he was making himself helpful, though.
“Let’s get to the deck” Radius said, taking a step and then pausing, glancing down at Battery for a moment.
“I’ll catch up once everyone’s stocked.” She tipped her visor his way. “Don’t be reckless.”
“We’re Wreckers,” Mace said, cheer returning a little, “it’s in the name!”
She gave him a look. Didn’t say anything more.
“Right, well,” Radius said, continuing on in a rush. He was good at playing calm, but Weathervane knew enough to spot the cracks.
He suddenly realized he hated lingering this long in the hallways, red swimming in his vision softly. It was ominous, and everyone was much too quiet, with the exception of footsteps. They couldn’t reach the deck fast enough.
Once they did, the Captain was already there, as was the largest of their crewmembers-- Shrapnel, he recalled. They weren’t arguing this time, seeming to agree in their stoic, battle-readiness. The difference in their size was stark, but they held the same tense air of authority.
“Line up,” Shrapnel boomed, once they had all entered. The same holographic map from before was still sitting in the center of the main console, a large red dot looming over the otherwise peaceful blue diagram of their current planet.
The entire squadron obliged, as close to ‘shoulder to shoulder’ as they could be. Shots clearly rang out from beyond the ship’s sturdy walls, and the battle plans immediately began.
The hatch on the bay doors came undone easily, the dense metal sheet retracting into itself and into the Bisector’s high ceilings. It took with it the sense of protection and the physical shield from the foreign planet’s surface-- and whatever was waiting for them.
He couldn’t help the shudder that chilled his plates as white light filtered through the opening. Everyone around him shifted into their alt modes as he stood, hesitating and disoriented, and when he got a grip Bumper was by his side.
“Come on, keep close,” he said, giving Weathervane’s arm a soft tug along as he went. The sounds of fire and explosions never stopped frightening him. They ran out and around, as far out from the ship as possible-- couldn’t attract gunfire to it if they were able. He noted the area they were in was full of boulders, rock faces, outcroppings. Nothing so exaggerated as to make for a bottleneck or hinder flight, but he wasn’t sure if that was to their advantage or not. Ohh, spatial awareness was never his strong suit.
“Now listen up,” Bumper startled him out of his thoughts as they slid down behind cover of a small, half-buried boulder. He poked his head up, blaster held ready in front of him. “These guys don’t know we have an extra flier on our hands, y’know? That means you’ve got the element of surprise.” He shifted back down, gave Weathervane a confident smile. “We just need to figure out how to use that.”
“Right,” Weathervane said, glancing around. Checking what he could see. “I’ll figure it out.”
Behind them, up on the side of the ship, (Primus, she really was small to be able to fit up there,) Battery had climbed out with a variety of heavy weapons in tow. She had what appeared to be a rocket launcher and was taking shots at a very large flier above them, probably an astro class. Shrapnel was almost too difficult to keep track of, flying with tremendous speed and grace. He was doing an excellent job of keeping the astro class’ attention, as well as two other fliers. The fire coming from the enemy Cybertronian jet made Battery’s rocket launcher look like a pea shooter. How frightening…
A number of other fliers were sweeping low, trying to get behind the Autobots’ cover and flush them out. It was clear to Weathervane they were experts, probably military caste (what a useless thought, most of the survivors this far in were,) maneuvering with such elegance and ferocity. Zipping closely to their position, a little drone caught his sudden attention. That paint was terribly familiar--
He felt himself yanked harshly into Bumper’s side as a shot connected with the rock where his chassis had been a moment earlier. Bumper peppered fire back at the drone, forcing them to pull back. Likely to loop back around on them, though. Weathervane, still leaned against his companion, watched their direction carefully.
“This might as well be a good moment,” he muttered, getting back to his feet and creeping to the other side of their cover. Bumper watched curiously, face still set, but a tiny, approving grin dancing across it. He coiled his wires and anticipated when the dark blue flier burst into their line of sight, leaping forward and feeling his wings snap into place, the air buoying him from his falling arc. He surprised them, for sure, by the way they hadn’t started shooting yet.
He just had to get close, which might be a bit easier said than done. It was moments like these he wondered if he really ought to invest in learning to use blasters. Not that he wanted the drone dead, there were things he wanted to ask them, after all. They were far more experienced in the air than he was, as earlier surmised, of course, which was unfortunate but not unpredictable. They tried to loop up and behind him, but had to twist away to dodge a few shots from the ground. Weathervane was quickly becoming quite fond of Bumper.
He lurched and pulled straight up, climbing altitude with as much speed as he could muster, and he could barely hear the quiet hum of the drone’s sleek engines as they followed. They climbed and climbed, and his metal suddenly burned with the attention of several other hostiles in the air. Fire hailed around him, and he felt panic suddenly starting to bubble beneath his stupid fucking plans. He throttled it. Not now.
Abrupt, he dropped into root mode, slamming feet-first into the drone’s nose. Briefly they flipped, but recovered on sheer instinct. Weathervane had counted on it in order to land safely on their back. With a flick of the wrist, his digits became long and sickeningly pointed, rose above his helm as he eyed the metal body beneath.
They spiraled, interrupting his attack. He managed to cling on, but then they shifted to root mode and he was finally thrown off.
He saw her visor, and paused.
She shifted her arms to their blasters as they fell, she head-first and still as graceful as ever.
Weathervane snapped out of it and frantically shifted back, boosting himself in the air just out of the way as she shot at him. He evened out and decided it was time to regroup with-- someone. She was certainly chasing. Think.
A sudden bang from dead center made him stutter his flight, shrieking, absolute maniacal laughter filling the air. He tilted to see another astro class in the middle of the field, (how many did this Decepticon fleet have?) tanking multiple shots in order to stand there and laugh. When she was done, she broke into a full sprint and there was an audible panic from below. A shot grazed his wing and he was reminded he couldn’t afford to stand back and observe right then.
New Decepticon paint flashed under him, passing beneath and ahead with ease before whipping around to face him. He dropped, engines cut just in time to avoid a new set of fire. Mace’s bright orange paint caught him completely off-guard, rushing to his defense with fervor. Though he targeted the pink-and-white jet, the other drone twisted and fled.
Weathervane just focused on getting away.
In the distance to his side, a tower of rock toppled over. Certainly there was a group of Autobots that way, but if he were a guessing mech…
Out of the question. He felt more than saw the explosion. The grounded astro class, still laughing, was tossed smoldering and battered from the blast below. Frantically, he looked for the Autobots. Radius and Stagger were there, with Echo behind them, still on their feet, he noted with some relief. From the way they were heaving, they must have had an intense confrontation with the ‘Con. From the size of the blast damage, he could understand why.
Unbidden, he wondered if Echo had devised some devious plan. Wreckers were known for brute power, not deception.
Unable to find a group not locked in battle, he decided to duck down to the ground and hide while he collected his thoughts and came up with something better than aimlessly buzzing around in death-infested air.
He dropped behind a secluded-looking outcropping, and immediately realized his mistake.
The Decepticon whipped around to face him.
He locked eyes with burning red goggles, frozen.
To be fair, the other mech looked just as plainly shaken as he felt. Neither of them moved for what could have only been less than a couple seconds. Felt a lot longer, as he took a small, shuddering breath in. His fans begged for air.
Slowly, the other mech holstered his gun and raised his hands. Weathervane, feeling a twinge of relief, gave him a slight nod. They break away with a jump, he transforming and skimming the ground back to where he remembered that rock tower toppling. The crumbly surface whips past as panic starts trying to set in again.
He landed into the company of Bumper, Circuitblitz, and Calgarydome just in time to hear the issue clearly:
::They’re pulling back, retreat to the Bisector before they get a chance to regroup.::
Weathervane passed a glance to his teammates, the two Velocitronians already shifting gracefully to their sleek vehicle modes and tearing off without more than an acknowledging nod.
“They’ll buy us extra time,” Bumper’s voice was short and rugged, quick to follow their lead and transform. Weathervane just nodded, shifting back to his shaky wings and tearing off towards the warship, its engines roaring back to life.
“-Battery?” “Here”
“Stagger.” “Here”
He started, “Uh, here.”
Echo was much smaller up close than he’d even originally thought --perhaps just shorter than Bumper, who was already quite short-- but not any less intimidating. Where there might’ve been expression in another mech’s visor, much like Radius’ immediately gave him away, there was nothing. He looked in Weathervane’s direction, but didn’t look at him. It was almost cold in its calculation, but the fact that he was here, personally checking his soldier’s wounds, was contradictory and perplexing.
“All present, Captain.” Bumper’s voice caught the flier’s attention, calm as always from where he sat along the wall of the main deck. His leg had been grazed by stray laser fire, so he’d been made to sit while they checked their ranks, but he was otherwise unharmed. He flashed Weathervane a lazy smile, catching him looking his way. He weakly smiled back.
Frustration at their disadvantages seemed to be running high, if the silence was anything to go by, but everyone had made it back in one piece, so he didn’t hear any complaining, either.
They had been largely unscathed. Injuries were mostly minor, some burns and new dents at the worst, nothing that couldn’t be easily mended. Radius and Stagger had taken the most impressive damage from that astro class on the ground, it seemed, but he hadn’t seen the Wreckers so much as flinch at their oozing wounds. Weathervane himself was surprised-- and grateful-- that he’d managed to avoid anything severe. Those fliers had given him a run, and he knew his aerial skills weren’t anything to brag about.
“Good work,” Echo finally addressed, once the crew list had been affirmed, voice resonating in the hollow chamber of the main deck, “The Dreadnought’s crew have certainly become aware of our shortage, but pushing them back is a victory in itself for now. Those of you with injuries, report to the medbay. The rest, back to your stations. We’ll regroup to discuss our plan of action once the cycle is through.”
The Dreadnought, hm?
There was the low buzz of ‘Yessir’s and shifting footsteps. Their own resident astro class was the first to leave, opposite the way of the medbay, he noted, despite the fact he had clear chemical burns trailing up his wings. Battery wasn’t far behind. Weathervane didn’t move though, given that he was both uninjured and still station-less, instead opting to wait until a familiar face could point him in the right direction.
He watched for Radius, who was likely his best bet. He wasn’t difficult to spot in a space much too big for a crew their size to hide him, standing off with Mace, across the room from Weathervane’s perch by the door frame. The obnoxiously colored little drone stood quickly at the dismissal and began to crumple in on himself as soon as his weight reached his pedes.  Radius seemed aware of this before it even happened, a hand waiting to catch the little flier before he even started to tilt. Weathervane didn’t see any injuries on him. Something internal?
Bumper left towards the medbay, not limping but not quite walking right, and Radius followed with Stagger and his little companion not long after.  Weathervane waited, watching his Captain’s back as he worked and eyeing the ship’s many flashing dashboards in shaken curiosity. He hadn’t been on a battlefield in too long, maybe. His long fingers were still twitching from the rush and the panic, and the stress and exertion and the panic. Ah, what a nuisance. It didn’t usually take this long to calm down.  
“Hey, you good, rookie?” Radius’ voice surprised him.
He’d been staring in vacant interest for too long. The Wrecker still sported his new injuries, but the leaking energon had been taken care of via a quick solder.
Mace was nowhere in sight.
“Yea, I’m fine,” He answered breezily, not sounding terribly convincing.  
“Listen, I gotta talk to Echo, but if you want to take a breather in the rec room? Might do you some good, it’s been a hell of an orn.”
Weathervane wasn’t going to argue with the offer. “Sure, I think I can manage that.” Radius seemed pleased with that answer, again resting an overly large servo on his shoulder in what he assumed was encouragement. He resisted the flinch.
“Excellent. I’ll catch up with you later.” The smaller nodded, inching out from under the other mech’s hand, and they parted ways, Radius towards the silent mech in the center of the room. He’d almost forgotten he was there at all-- he hadn’t moved or made a sound since the crew had cleared out. Then again, neither had he.
The biplane turned to leave out of the door nearest to his new destination. Once he was in the hallway, he turned to look back across the deck and watched Radius quietly take the captain close to him.
The doors closed behind him, so he kept walking.
It didn’t take him any time at all to remember where the lounge was, but the sound of his designation stopped him. Bots on this ship sure did enjoy interrupting each other--
“Just the mech I was lookin’ for,” Bumper wasn’t walking like he’d been shot anymore, which was a good thing. He had two cubes in hand, both the telltale hot pink of high-grade.
“What a day, hm?” The grounder asked, stopping just short of the newbie and offering him a cube, “As promised.”  
Weathervane took it curiously, swirling the liquid in its container, before looking back up to see him walking ahead already. He moved to follow Bumper’s easy stride towards a long, high-set table near the back of the room.
“Shrap-- the second-in-command-- keeps this stuff stocked pretty well,” he was saying, “Not sure why, never seen ‘im drink any, but maybe it’s a build related thing. I always figured jets must just drink stronger stuff. Or would it be fliers in general?”  He was asking, but truthfully, Weathervane didn’t know. Purified Energon was still a new concept to him, let alone something as filtered and potent as high-grade. He’d heard others say the stuff was supposed to burn faster, but they could have easily been misinformed. The feeling of being in the dark about something was not doing his nerves any favors, though he was relaxing quite a bit in Bumper’s presence as it was.
“Not that I’ve ever heard, but I don’t know,” he said as much. He then, belatedly, wondered why Bumper was allowed to take it, if it were Shrapnel’s. Could be for the whole crew, but somehow Weathervane doubted Shrapnel kept the stuff in supply out of the kindness of his heart.
“Ah, well. Don’t have enough fliers on our squad to know for sure. Unlikely we’d ever get the reason outta Shrap anyway,” Bumper chuckled, easing into gossip so easily, as if they hadn’t just been on a battlefield not too long ago, “He’s not the talkative type.”
“I noticed. He seems… standoff-ish?”
“That’s an understatement. ‘N’ he’s hardly the worst of them.”
Weathervane’s interest was piqued, and he thought Bumper could tell. The look he gave him all but said ‘go for it’, a devious, lazy spark to his visor as he sipped his cube in no delicate fashion. The biplane cautiously took a sip of his own, trying not to balk at the foreign, overpowering taste of it. It wasn’t bad, but he’d have to adjust to it-- it was a far cry from the barely processed fuel he was used to. Bumper didn’t seem offended by the hesitance.
“Nice work out there today, by the way. Wasn’t an easy first day,” the grounder mused, filling the silence, “But you handled it well. ‘N’ you’re pretty quick.” He tapped the side of his helm indicatively.
Weathervane smiled, not as thin as before. “Thanks.” He glanced away, as if, perhaps, bashful. “For having my back, that is.”
“No worries, rookie. That’s how it goes around here. Luckily, only most of our fights are that intense,” He laughed slightly, as if it was a joke.  Weathervane took another conservative drink.
“I’m… not actually a rookie, you know.”
“Sure y’are, a rookie to the Bisector, anyways.”
“That’s not how that works.” Weathervane pouted, which got an amused grin out of the other mech.
“A matter of perspective,” he teased, and Weathervane was surprised that he chuckled at that. It only made the other smile a little more.
“Woe is me,” he said, trying at his drink again. It kinda burned. Not in a bad way, but also a bit in a bad way. He wasn’t sure what he thought of it yet, but it gave him something to do.
“So,” Bumper started slowly, after a bout of comfortable silence, “you look like you’ve got questions.”
“Well, then ask away.”
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rippergiles · 6 years
I was tagged by: @51kas81 , thanks!
1. Nickname - a bastardization of my last name has led to Chandi/Chondles/etc. I’m pretty sure I’m still The Great Hambino in @imawifethat‘s phone
2. Gender - (vaguely feminine squiggly line)
3. Star sign - Aries
4. Height - 5′7, 5′8, somewhere in there
5. Time - 10:45pm when I started this, I got distracted so it’s 11:32 now
6. Birthday - April 5
7. Fave bands - Louden Swain is the constant. The Whomping Willows when it comes to wrock. Been listening to a lot of Bastille as I finished my fic because I realized the “Bad Blood” album fits that relationship well, haha.
8. Fave solo artists - Dessa, Hank Green (though I love everything Hank does not just his music)
9. Song stuck in your head - the RWBY theme song because I just caught up to see Blake and Yang hold hands!!!!
10. Last movie watched - Beautiful Boy
11. Last show watched - RWBY if webseries count. Otherwise, Masterchef Junior.
12. When did I create my blog - It would appear my current earliest posts are from February of 2011. I know I deleted some really old ones when I organized my blog so there might be a few months before then when I was around.
13. What do I post – Buffyverse, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Doctor Who
14. Last thing I googled - "The Last Werewolf” which is supposed to be a sexy werewolf novel where the audiobook is narrated by Robin Sachs. It feels on brand for me right now, was just deciding whether to buy it.
15. Do you have any blogs - Besides this one? I have one where we posted GISHWHES items and one where I test out new themes before putting them here, haha
16. Do you get asks - occasionally
17. Why did you choose your url - hahahahahaha
18. Following blogs - 381 but so many of those are inactive now :(
19. Followers - 1099 but so many of the newest ones are just porn bots...not sure what tumblr was hoping to accomplish but it didn’t work.
20. Favourite colour - purple or green
21. Average hours of sleep – like 6 during the week because I have to wake up early for my job but I also make bad decisions like stay up reading fanfic mindlessly scrolling social media. Usually more like 8-9 on weekends.
22. Piercings - yeah, two in each earlobe plus an industrial bar in my cartilage
23. Instruments - I am a talentless fool
24. What I’m wearing - a t-shirt and underwear.
25. How many blankets do you sleep with - one
26. Dream Job – Oooh. Can I run like a cool animal sanctuary or something?
27. Dream trip - I’d like to visit Cairo or Athens or Rome. Somewhere with lots of history.
28. Fave food - most forms of potatoes. Pasta. Fried plantains.
29. Nationality - American
30. Current fave song - How do you pick just one? “Call Off Your Ghost” by Dessa “Marilyn Hanson” by Hank Green “Non-Stop” from Hamilton “Overachiever” by Louden Swain “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie “Hurricane” by Thirty Seconds to Mars “Blister in the Sun” by Violent Femmes “Wolfstar” by The Whomping Willows “This Year” by The Mountain Goats “Rasputin” by Boney M
and I’m tagging everyone! Go forth!
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over-canon-watchh · 7 years
Hi! I really love your writing ❤❤ who do you think the kids from south park would play as/who's their main?(main group, craig and those guys and it'd be awesome if you could also include some of the girls!)
​Okay this is hands down my favourite request so far!! I mean South Park X Overwatch?! It’s a dream come true ❤️ (I beg, anyone who’s good at art, PLEASE draw this AU!)
Cartman: He’s a Roadhog main - this one is fairly obvious. All of that destruction and power? Plus, with Roadhog’s ability to heal himself, that’s definitely something Cartman would claim to do himself when playing RPGs with the other boys. He aspires to one day be just like Roadhog, blowing up things for money, however he also has Junkrats brains when it comes to thinking up schemes. He’s that guy who is beyond toxic - taking out every defeat on his team.
Stan: He’s a Reaper main because he’s an EdGy BoY. He once claimed that he “identified with Reyes on a spiritual level” and the boys haven’t let him live it down since. Aside from that, he’s probably has the highest ranking out of all the boys because he grinds all day. He once achieved a sextuple death blossom and wouldn’t shut up about it for three weeks.
Kyle: He’s a Hanzo main. I’m sorry, he just is. As much as I love him, there’s no one else that I can imagine him playing. He gets very angry very quickly when the team isn’t formed properly but he’ll also refuse to switch. Kills are extremely rare for him so when he once took out half the team with his ultimate, he proceeded to celebrate. He was immediately killed after that.
Kenny: He’s a Mercy main. 100%. It’s funny and ironic that he’s the healer but he totally plays her for her for the abilities… definitely not for the kill cams or anything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). He’s one of those Mercy mains that screams about her nerfs for at least two weeks after Jeff Kaplan releases an update. Despite Cartman’s ability to heal himself, Kenny is always being shouted at by him to heal him. He saves up all his money just to buy loot boxes 
Butters: He’s a Bastion main. They matches his personality and backstory quite well. For example, both have two sides of good and evil (Bastion’s tank mode and Butter’s Professor Chaos persona). Whenever he gets POTG, Cartman tends to let rip on him saying that he clearly didn’t deserve it when Cartman was no better than the latter. He picked an easy hero due to his inability to play as frequently as the other boys because of his parents.
Craig: He’s a Soldier: 76 main. It works out well with him and Stan being “rivals” and he just really likes the colour blue. The grumpy old dad persona is something that make Craig laugh, plus he’s a natural born leader. “If I had the ability to shoot triple helix rockets out of my gun, I would be sooooo happy.” He normally saves his healing ability for Tweek when he can zip over to him quickly.
Tweek: He’s a Tracer main. Her blinking ability is somewhat perfectly matched to his constant twitching. Plus: gay levels are off the charts. He likes her character design - both of them share the wild and spiky hair - and her backstory. When he’s in a good mood, he’ll poke fun at the other boys and gloat about his main’s skins and highlight intros and ask where theirs are In every single event.
Clyde: He’s a McCree main, without a doubt. Sure, the boy can’t aim for toffee, but you’d be foolish to deny that both of them have a charming and flirty aspect to them. Clyde tends to panic and he CONSTANTLY fans the hammer which really annoys his teammates. He’s nearly always on the payload so that’s one thing he’s frequently commended for. He lies about spending all his time on the game, you’ll normally find him practising against AI bots,
Token: He’s an Ana main. It fits perfectly with his role of Mom™ of the group, plus he’s a hell of a sniper. He’s constantly healing people on his team (even if they barely need it) and he tends to direct people on tactics. He has every golden weapon, even for the heroes he’s never even played before. There’s not much that annoys him about other players, however nothing makes him angrier than spawn campers.
Jimmy: He’s a Junkrat main. He’s constantly cracking jokes in a terrible Australian accent, but he can imitate Junkrat’s laugh pretty well. He definitely tea-bags every corpse he kills despite being 17. He’s probably using hacks 95% of the time. He’s that guy who will Solo-Ult you if you’ve done him dirty in a previous round. He’s never where he’s supposed to be - whether that be defending the point or escorting the payload.
Wendy: She’s a Zarya main. Pink hair? Amazing. Beauty standards? Unneeded. They’re a perfect match. She’s always campaigning for Zarya to gET SOME DECENT SKINS. She’s able to time her ultimates perfectly every single time, ending in a perfect kill streak. She’s EXTREMELY invested in the lore and the conspiracy theories. Wendy probably runs some sort of fan art blog for all of her personal Overwatch ships.
Bebe: She’s a D.Va main. She’s a damn good one too. She’d never admit it to anyone else though so she would pay under an anonymous gamer tag. She has every skin, spray, highlight intro, voice line and emote for D.Va because she cares so much about her heroes presentation. One time, she tried to speak to her other teammates but gained too much harassment when they found out she was a girl.
Heidi: She’s a Moira main. She’s probably the newest gamer out of everyone so it was fitting for her to choose the newest character. Her abilities to switch between healing and destruction is almost like Heidi and Heidi 2.0, but she would never admit that to herself. She will always heal Cartman even if he doesn’t need it. Her and Kyle’s friendship builds as they’re both not the greatest at the game so they share secrets and tactics.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Apr 9 Dancitron Movie Night - Vertigo
The characters were very easily hate-able. That made the movie, by default, very easily hate-able. It was actually a well-written suspense movie, it just had loathsome characters.
But there was a brief semblance of harmony—if not peace—as everyone in the room yelled at the screen.
Today Specs 7:40 pm *in comes a dragon! she bears comfort food this time, rust sticks and oil cakes and tinsel cookies shaped like glitchmice.* Hello, Soundwave! ItsyBitsySpyers 7:40 pm *Soundwave was hoping to get a moment of dancing in before everyone got there, but he'll abort that leg flick and sit right the frag down.* Specs 7:41 pm *the dragon would never judge you for dancing, Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:41 pm *Ravage IMMEDIATELY pokes his helm out of the stairwell* =I SMELL TINSEL.= Prowl 7:41 pm *Prowl arrives and tilts her helm at the music* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:41 pm [[Good evening, dragon, Prowl.]] Specs 7:41 pm You do! I was just experimenting a little with it, since it's the right sort of thing... You like tinsel? Prowl 7:42 pm Good evening, Soundwave. *nods to Specs and Ravage too she guesses* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:42 pm *Ravage's optics are so pale they're nearly white. Oh, does he ever. It's like catnip for murder felines.* =What you are wanting for all of them?= Specs 7:44 pm *the dragon just passes that platter to Ravage* Just tell me if they're suitable according to your refined palate. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:45 pm *He takes the edge of it in his mouth - can't use his paws, and someone might grab it if it's in his feeler/tail claws - and murmurs a thank you around it as best he can.* Shocky 7:45 pm Good evening ItsyBitsySpyers 7:45 pm *Soundwave sits up straighter and looks over. What's this, then?* Specs 7:45 pm *Ravage is always welcome to help himself to anything she makes. It's her privilege to make these and bring them in, and her delight.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:45 pm [[Good evening. From which universe might you hail...?]] Prowl 7:46 pm *stiffens visibly* Smokescreen 7:46 pm /Smokescreen's coming in and is going to go immediately for the drinks./ Shocky 7:46 pm I believe you might know it as the 'prime verse' ((i have no idea, my shockers is kinda a divergent)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *Nods.*
((what's the url?)) ((so i can keep track of which ones he talks to about what when they're here)) Bull 7:48 pm ((*goes to get munchies*)) Shocky 7:49 pm ((@illogicalshockwave but if you want the actual link its https://illogicalshockwave.tumblr.com/ )) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:49 pm ((OH! i know yours already, hello 😀 )) Prowl 7:49 pm ((*follows* Smokescreen 7:49 pm /Smokescreen's going to grab a few drinks, before going to sit next to prowl. setting one down/ Prowl! It's been a little while- what've you been up to? Shocky 7:52 pm *Shockwave sits a respectful distance away from the two, examining the music with a half curious half confused look* Prowl 7:52 pm *Prowl relaxes a notch at hearing Smokescreen's voice* Hello, Smokescreen. I've been up to a great deal. Ultra Magnus and I had to reassess the police force's goals and plan training for the newest recruits. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm *Ravage tries to fuss at Smokescreen and finds he can't sound angry with a tray in his mouth. He runs up stairs with it to set it in his room, then charges over to Smokescreen and swats at his leg with a claw.*
=Payment!= *Soundwave nods again at Shockwave.*
[[We are watching an Earth film from this music's time period. It seemed appropriate.]] Smokescreen 7:53 pm /Smokescreen's looking up at Shockwave, and waves!/ Shocks! I don't think I've seen you here before- you like movies? Shocky 7:54 pm I have never had the time to watch one. I am interested to see what this film is about however Smokescreen 7:54 pm Ohh- did that all go well, though? that sounds like a lot of work- sounds like we've both been busy with stuff! Education systems don't build themselves, apparently. Smokescreen 7:55 pm Wait. Wait, really? Man- I'd love to show you some sometime! Some of them might be helpful science-wise? /Smokescreen's looking through his subspace, and is offering out a half-full cube of low-grade/ How's this? Bull 7:57 pm [*has chips and halfa*] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm ((what's halfa?)) Bull 7:57 pm ((meant to use out of character 😛)) Shocky 7:57 pm ...Indeed? I am unsure as to how fictional films would aid in scientific discovery, but I would be willing to listen Magnum Ace 7:57 pm ((the next time you come by, you should bring some over)) Bull 7:58 pm ((It's a candy; either made from sesame seeds or flour based)) Prowl 7:58 pm It is. We've only had a few... awkward adjustments. Bull 7:58 pm ((found it at the store and decided to try it)) Smokescreen 7:58 pm It could give you different ideas! And there's multiversal documentaries- they might have science advancements that even you haven't found yet. ... Awkward adjustments? What kinda adjustments are those? Magnum Ace 7:59 pm -pings Soundwave. Mind them coming over for movie night?- Shocky 7:59 pm ((i'm so jelly, i have to be on a diet now q.q fitness is going to be a pain in the ass to get started in but ehh)) Prowl 7:59 pm My understanding was that these were non-fiction documentaries. Prowl 8:00 pm Recruits with the wrong idea of what an enforcer should do. Nothing we can't fix with time. Bull 8:01 pm ((I wasn't even sure what it was when I found it; got that and some gunpowder green tea and black rice)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Ravage growls louder.* =PAYMENT.= *SWIPE hard with the claws. Get some scratches, you.* Smokescreen 8:01 pm Ohhhh- oh, yeah. That kinda thing is pretty important! Come to think of it- I don't really know what's going on with law enforcement where I am Magnum Ace 8:01 pm ((you do find the weird stuff Specs 8:02 pm ((ayy gunpowder green tea)) Smokescreen 8:02 pm OW- ow, come on, Ravage. That was payment! What about helm pats? Orrr- I could tell you a story. From Alpha Trion. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm ((we will start soon-ish, get any snacks and whatever you need)) Bull 8:02 pm ((I want to get the ice cream cake looking deserts they had; and some Russian coffee)) Smokescreen 8:02 pm But I don't have any shanix. Prowl 8:02 pm I would advise you to ensure they're not abusing their position to abuse the civilians on your Cybertron. Magnum Ace 8:02 pm ((shhhhh, I'm getting hungry ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm =Touch my helm and die, Autobot.= *Bares his glowing fangs.* =Story or items. Or bleed.= Bull 8:03 pm ((Then eat; I know you got yourself foods)) Specs 8:03 pm *this would be a terrible time to inform Ravage that he's the coolest cat this dragon has seen, but she's definitely thinking it.* *chimera, of course, is the cutest cat* Bull 8:03 pm ((and it better not just be Mountain Dew)) Magnum Ace 8:03 pm ((I did, but I want sweets now ((......... ((<.< Smokescreen 8:04 pm I mean- I don't really mind bleeding all that much, if I can still have the drinks! /Smokescreen's leaning down to take a sip of his drink./ Prowl 8:05 pm *lets out a small huff in amusement* Shocky 8:05 pm *Shockwave is just... baffled at how smokescreen is like this* annoying the hosts is most unwise, Smokescreen. Prowl 8:05 pm Just pay him, Smokescreen, before you wind up missing metal. Smokescreen 8:06 pm Hey, what? I'm not even trying to be annoying- and I've had worse ways of paying bots before. It's not like I'm letting Ravage rip off plating or something. Bull 8:07 pm ((I swear I will attack you with a leek next time I come over)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm *Specs should tell them both later. They'll appreciate it more then, for sure.*
[[Indeed it is. You should listen to Shockwave. Ravage has been known to bite thieves.]] Magnum Ace 8:07 pm ((OAO noooooo ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm [[And he's not known for letting go.]] Smokescreen 8:07 pm Well- I guess Ravage'll have to get used to living in my quarters, then, if he won't let go. Bull 8:07 pm ((eat healthier then)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((we start at 8:15)) Smokescreen 8:07 pm ... But I guess I can give a story. VProwl 8:08 pm *Prowl has been here less than a minute, and he's already sick of Smokescr why is shockwave here* Magnum Ace 8:08 pm ((Maybe Shocky 8:08 pm What are the accepted forms of payment? Being a new guest to these events I am unsure if Shanix is, or something with more weight in the multiverse ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm [[Anything we might find interesting or useful. We do not have a functional currency yet, and barter has been more useful.]] VProwl 8:09 pm *not what he needs. NOT what he needs.* Magnum Ace 8:09 pm ((ANYWAY, before I'm assaulted by leeks, should me and Bull just assume they're in the room now?)) VProwl 8:09 pm @Soundwave «Is he going to be sitting with you.» Bull 8:09 pm ((*has a bag of celery ready for the smacking*) Magnum Ace 8:09 pm ((PUT THE BAG DOWN ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm ((crud was i pinged for a bridge? i've been scattered, lemme just--))
*Anyone who might've been asking for a way in now has one.*
@P: [[...No. Why would he?]] Bull 8:10 pm ((eat REAL food!)) Magnum Ace 8:10 pm ((I am! SHUSH! Smokescreen 8:10 pm I'm not a useful bot and you know it, Sounds. But for stories, stories... What kind of story would you want, anyway? Magnum Ace 8:10 pm ((and thanks snek VProwl 8:10 pm @S «I can't tell if it's yours.» *if he's not, though, Prowl is sitting next to Soundwave and making himself as unobtrusive as possible.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm [[Vital events in that bot's timeline's history. Ones he wouldn't already have easy access to, that is.]]
@P: [[It is not.]] *He'll gently bump a knee while pretending to shift for comfort.* Magnum Ace 8:12 pm -and he's just going to trot through the bridge at a quicker clip than normal- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((LAST SONG GRAB YO STUFF)) Bull 8:13 pm *Bull follows in after* Smokescreen 8:13 pm ... Oh. Well, that's pretty personal- he was pretty private about slag, and I don't know what parts you would know already. VProwl 8:14 pm @S «Good. I've had quite enough of—everything, lately. People. People who can screw up reality.» Magnum Ace 8:14 pm ...I think Meckel is a bit angry. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm [[Greetings, Ace, Bull.]]
*He'll nod over to the small stepladder stashed next to one of the couches. Zori proposed it as a possibly helpful item recently.* Prowl 8:14 pm *clasps her hands together on the table and listens to the music/room* Magnum Ace 8:14 pm Hello, Soundwave! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm @P: [[...He apologizes for that.]] Bull 8:14 pm I was not sticking around to find out. Hi, Soundwave Magnum Ace 8:15 pm I...might have had something to do with it? VProwl 8:15 pm @S «You're only involved in half of it.» @S «... That's not true. Sixty-eight percent of it.» Bull 8:16 pm What did you do? *Bull was already regretting asking the question* Magnum Ace 8:16 pm ....... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm ((WARNINGS: idfk i wanted to go into this blind, it's hitchcock, that means murder mysteries. so, uh. murder, mystery, probably fifties sexism, a blond lady in trouble or causing it, and then the rest is whatever it is tonight.)) Magnum Ace 8:16 pm I may have.....decided to exit through a window. Again. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm ((oh, and heights, i guess, probably. it is called vertigo.)) Shocky 8:16 pm *There is an awful lot of bots here. He'll shift a little further away from people and quietly observe from there* Bull 8:17 pm Why?! *There was a slight whine to his voice; not liking the idea of an angry Meckel* Magnum Ace 8:17 pm -oh, look, he's being distracted by climbing up to the table- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Soundwave settles in and half listens to the talk about Meckel while the movie starts.*
@P: [[He will endeavor to be as realistic as possible for at least three weeks.]] Specs 8:18 pm *be mindful of where you sit, Shockwave. the dragon is only the size of a fox, and she tends to perch on the back of couches where no one else is sitting* VProwl 8:18 pm @S «I think I'm going to need more than three weeks, but I appreciate the effort.» Magnum Ace 8:18 pm -Guilt, what guilt, he's fine- Bull 8:19 pm *Bull follows Magnum to their normal spot; still giving his fellow leaguer a look* Magnum Ace 8:19 pm .... Omicron 8:19 pm *Ice queen stepps in, looking around* Magnum Ace 8:19 pm The other exit was blocked. By Richard. -who he still hasn't talked to- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm (("guys we forgot to make credits" "uhhhh my kid's got a Spirograph set?" "good, use that") Bull 8:20 pm Oh... *that was understandable* Specs 8:20 pm Ice Queen! *here comes the fluffiest dragon, looking to become the fluffiest epaulette* How have you been? Shocky 8:20 pm *Shockwave half looks at the new comer before focusing on the strange abstract film opening* Smokescreen 8:21 pm /Smokescreen's going to go ahead and offer the cube of high grade to Prowl!/ Hitchcock, huh? He did that bird documentary, right? Omicron 8:21 pm *Icy ducks her head and chirps to fluffy dragon, offering a wing for them to climb up to her back with racer* Magnum Ace 8:21 pm ....Carl may have seen me do that. And decided to try... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[Yes. And the murder surrounding the key.]] Magnum Ace 8:21 pm -That's why Meckel was mad at him- Smokescreen 8:21 pm And that movie about clowning around? Bull 8:22 pm No, he didn't... Oh Silkie's not gonna be happy either. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm [[...About what?]] Smokescreen 8:22 pm You know, it was about clowns doing the slag that clowns do? VProwl 8:22 pm *oh, police offic— oh. never mind.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Well, that was an unpleasant opening.* Magnum Ace 8:23 pm He...did. He's being fixed, and...kinda my fault he has to be Specs 8:23 pm *floof floof* *dragon solidarity* VProwl 8:23 pm *oh, another police officer. one that's quitting but still.* Magnum Ace 8:24 pm .....he's really not going to be -he was bracing himself for that talk- Bull 8:24 pm *he really didn't want be in Magnum's place* Smokescreen 8:24 pm W. What saying I think she just wants to get rid of him Magnum Ace 8:25 pm -he's in for it- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm [[Ah. Then they do not date anymore.]] Smokescreen 8:26 pm War? Wait, what war? Shocky 8:26 pm *Shockwave likes this femme so far. Seems like a practical quiet sort* Omicron 8:26 pm *the big predacon settles in her spot to the side, crossing forelegs and gives fluffy dragon a lick, and grins as Racer tries to groom them too* Swoop 8:27 pm ((I'm ooc. Don't mind me.)) Omicron 8:27 pm ((what is the name of the movie?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm ((Yo)) ((Vertigo)) VProwl 8:28 pm Perhaps they shouldn't have done that next to the window. Bull 8:29 pm He's got it worse then me. *knows what it's like to be afraid of heights* Specs 8:29 pm *the smaller dragon chirps at Racer, and gives him a lick back too. HE'S certainly clean, especially in comparison to smokescreen. as long as he's careful and doesn't tug out her fur, he can try to groom her as much as he pleases.* VProwl 8:29 pm He's got the right idea, though. Gradual desensitization. Omicron 8:29 pm ((thanks!)) Smokescreen 8:29 pm whoa that's a fancy desk Magnum Ace 8:29 pm You're getting better with yours ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Hmm. He wonders how Blades is doing these days...]] Bull 8:30 pm *Bull gives a rueful chuckle* I don't know if I should thank or blame the Deus. Prowl 8:30 pm He's a grounder now. Smokescreen 8:30 pm ... Man, it's been forever since I've since those rescue bots where I am- I wonder if they ever learned about, uh, stuff. Magnum Ace 8:30 pm Both ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm [[He knows that. He means afterward.]] ((... the phone rang once, stopped, and then about 30 seconds later rang once and stopped. what even?)) Magnum Ace 8:30 pm I'm surprised Windy isn't scared of heights after that though Omicron 8:31 pm Racer: *he's very clean! he just got groomed by one of his insecticon minders before coming! gives a rumbly like purr attempt as he tries to groom* Smokescreen 8:31 pm ....... Shocky 8:31 pm **That gavin fellow sounds an awful lot like the old senators* Smokescreen 8:31 pm . . . Bull 8:31 pm I think he'd hate volcanoes and lava more. Prowl 8:31 pm He avoids some of the higher roads according to Chase, but other than that, he's functioning well enough. VProwl 8:32 pm He's a fool. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm ((i was looking at the phone stuff, why is he supposed to be following?)) VProwl 8:32 pm Even if you don't believe those things, you investigate the situation to find out what's going on. Magnum Ace 8:32 pm True. I don't blame him, though. VProwl 8:32 pm ((this dude thinks that his wife is being haunted by someone dead and wants a retired detective to follow her and see what's up)) Specs 8:32 pm *chirps at Racer and licks the top of his head gently. the dragon's got a rough, catlike tongue, designed for grooming all that thick fluffy fur. not so good for cleaning metal.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm [[He has heard that Earth felines and Earth canines sense ghosts. If this human thinks his conjunx is being haunted, he should get her one.]] Magnum Ace 8:33 pm ...that entire trip was just one disaster after another Smokescreen 8:33 pm Do you really need to snoop into her life that much? Bull 8:34 pm More or less. *They all had their experiences on that trip* VProwl 8:34 pm Has he tried getting involved with HER yet? Ask her about those apparent gaps in her behavior? Call out her contradictions? Rather than involving either doctors OR detectives? Shocky 8:34 pm *These health conditions with their conjunx is uncomfortably close to touching with issues with his own* Prowl 8:35 pm Doubtful if he's asking someone else to do it. VProwl 8:35 pm He doesn't know yet whether she's possessed or simply lying, and already he's having somebody stalk her. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[That is a good point.]] Omicron 8:35 pm Racer: *doesn't mind one bit, reflexively gives a lick back, little smoother of a forcked glossa, no drools or left over energon though! ....she might get gold dust shines though* Magnum Ace 8:35 pm Hopefully this season goes better Smokescreen 8:35 pm Maybe she's trying to get away from him? Bull 8:35 pm If anyone says we should 'take a vacation' or that we should go training overseas, I'll say no thanks. Omicron 8:36 pm *Icy just watches movie, little confused, but liking some of the humans* Specs 8:36 pm *nothing wrong with being a little sparkly! as long as there's no energon drool on her, Racer's a good bean.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *What went wrong on that trip, he wonders.* Magnum Ace 8:36 pm -snorts in laughter- I'm sure you won't be the only one Omicron 8:37 pm Interesting the difference between the views....wonder if any mech has been those cars Shocky 8:37 pm strange altmodes they drive in... Magnum Ace 8:38 pm I like my plating attached, thanks Smokescreen 8:38 pm They're ancient alt modes! Bull 8:38 pm I think I rather go training with Jurota in the mountains; gotta be safer. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[He will give the humans one advantage: it must be easier to follow each other in their cars since they do not identify each other by which one they are.]] Magnum Ace 8:38 pm -EVERYTHING went wrong on it- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[Or in their case, are driving.]] Omicron 8:39 pm this...is very stalker like Smokescreen 8:39 pm But can't they see each other inside the cars? Magnum Ace 8:39 pm ....just watch for storms. They get nasty up there Bull 8:39 pm Still; safer. Smokescreen 8:39 pm Her husband did pay him to basically professionally stalk because he doesn't want to talk to his own wife. Omicron 8:40 pm so...is smokescreen still not clean? *to specs* Magnum Ace 8:40 pm True. Less...everything that was that trip Specs 8:40 pm Unless I can prove he's taken a bath today, and it's not his first one this month? Absolutely not. Shocky 8:40 pm *looks at the one insisting on cleanliness and tilts his helm* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm [[Humans have terrible vision. They measure their visual acuity in lengths shorter than he is tall.]] Specs 8:41 pm *look, she grooms herself with her tongue. she HAS to insist on cleanliness. there's just too many bad things that happen otherwise.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm [[They would consider it a badge of honor to lay on the ground and still be able to see the glyphs on his visor. It is sad.]] Smokescreen 8:41 pm /Smokescreen's snooping, and is staring at Specs right now./ Omicron 8:41 pm .....*grings at the fluffy dragon* want to get him over here and I can make sure he's clean? at least for the evening Magnum Ace 8:41 pm Still, at least we shouldn't have to do that again ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *The useless facts you pick up when you're investigating octopus eyes...* Magnum Ace 8:42 pm Unless Owner has another relative that's playing dead somewhere Smokescreen 8:42 pm Seriously? Humans have vision that bad? But isn't that why some of them wear glasses? so their vision can be as good as ours? Prowl 8:42 pm Glasses? Specs 8:42 pm ...*ooh, she's considering that* Does that qualify as a disruption, you think? Bull 8:43 pm .... *now that he thought about it; no one ever talked about her mother* Omicron 8:43 pm *Ice Queen isn't sure, staaaaaaaaares at Soundwave, and give him a ping* Magnum Ace 8:43 pm ..... Smokescreen 8:43 pm Yeah! They're kinda like visors, but they have two pieces of glass that by- I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it gives them super good vision. VProwl 8:43 pm *looks at Soundwave* ... How do they drive? Bull 8:43 pm *Then again that was a can of worms Bull was NOT gonna pry at* Magnum Ace 8:43 pm -please don't- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Ravage stumbles back downstairs and over to the dragons. He flops down, flips onto his back, and whispers.* =Very... very good.= *PURRING AWAY. Content felinoid.*
[[Please, do not forcibly bathe anyone onthe premises. If you must remove the stink, take them outside and use a hose.]] Shocky 8:44 pm these close up shots are quite unnecessary Prowl 8:44 pm Ah. Smokescreen 8:44 pm It's supposed to show what the humans are focusing on! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm @Prowl: [[The humans? Haven't you had them driving you before?]] Smokescreen 8:45 pm ... Wait, forcibly bathing? Why would anyone do that anyway? Specs 8:45 pm *that's one delighted chirp from the dragon* I think I'll make that again, then! *always nice to see someone appreciate her cooking* Omicron 8:46 pm hm... maybe outside. *blinks, lowers head and sniffs at Ravage?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm *Ravage goes wide-opticked and bats at the nose.* *He then DARTS THE HELL OFF and into a corner* Magnum Ace 8:47 pm -what the hell was that blur?- Specs 8:48 pm *poofs up* *well, that's something* Magnum Ace 8:48 pm -it looked cat shaped- VProwl 8:48 pm @S «I didn't know they couldn't see that far.» Omicron 8:48 pm *big dragon blinks, well...did she do that?* VProwl 8:49 pm *he retroactively feels much less safe.* Smokescreen 8:50 pm ... Sounds, do you know how glasses work? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm [[-He- would like a question like that. He doesn't see what the Midge human has against it.]]
[[Of course he knows how glasses work. Some Cybertronians require visual assistance as well.]] Magnum Ace 8:51 pm ...-tempted to ask for a baseball, to see if it was a cat- Smokescreen 8:51 pm But what about glasses for humans? How do they make the glass that lets them see better? VProwl 8:51 pm Her issue with it is that it clearly wasn't his original question and he's dodging the question. @S «... What's up with Ravage?» Prowl 8:52 pm Ah, so they are the same as visors. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm @P: [[Tinsel cookies. Something about the substance overstimulates his olfactory sensors. Temporary glitch.]]
[[He does not know how the glasses are made. Only the ones they put in their eyes.]] Omicron 8:53 pm *Icy turns back and gives her hatchling and fluffy dragon a good few licks, purring under them* Smokescreen 8:53 pm Wait- the ones they put into their eyes? They what? Specs 8:54 pm *purrs and chirrups at the predacon. SHE'S clean, at least* Shocky 8:54 pm this investigator seems quite the rude type... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm [[Sharp, isn't she.]] VProwl 8:55 pm Quite. Omicron 8:55 pm *Icy approves of the clean!* oh, thought you might like to meet someone new by chance. Likely won't get her out from under her hiding place Prowl 8:55 pm She should be a detective. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm [[And why rude, do you say?]] *Not that he disagrees. He just wants to know.* Specs 8:56 pm Oh? Shocky 8:56 pm They are too abrupt in their treatment, to stern with no manners it is slighly vexing. VProwl 8:58 pm Why wouldn't he tell his own spouse these things about her own history. He's a terrible spouse. Omicron 8:58 pm *Icy nods at her left wing, shifting a little so her passenger can just hear a protesting mew under* Specs 8:59 pm Are genealogy records simply not available to these humans? *blinks and turns her head. there's someone there!* Omicron 8:59 pm apparently not....or not easy to find? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm *SOUNDWAVE HEARD A MEW.* Omicron 9:00 pm *There was a tiny mew!* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *There is a cat in here and it is not Ravage. His screen goes ! and all.* Magnum Ace 9:00 pm -is there a cat in here?- -other than Ravage- Bull 9:00 pm !!! Specs 9:00 pm *chirrups and searches for the mewler* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *It then goes ! brighter and redder. She threw herself off!?* Magnum Ace 9:00 pm !!! Omicron 9:01 pm whaaa...what? !! VProwl 9:01 pm Maybe she's being "driven mad" by a husband that sneaks behind her back, stalks her, and keeps secrets from her about her own family. Prowl 9:01 pm That seems a great deal more plausible than a ghost. Omicron 9:01 pm *specs can hear another little mew as icy moves, and Racer just...jumps on the spot* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm [[...He's not going to explain why she is there without her outerwear?]] [[Or who he is? Or where she is?]] Shocky 9:03 pm *shockwave is frustrated with the film now* why not simply call their conjunx? would it not be more rational? Specs 9:04 pm Racer! *why he jump on the mewler. wait...* *the dragon actually turns and noses around- could this be a second hatchling?* Omicron 9:05 pm Racer: *bounces on Icy's wing, its strong enough that he doesn't hurt, then he's showing the other small dragon how to get in under the big wing, squiring over to his sibling* Specs 9:06 pm *follows Racer, and then gasps gently. it IS another hatchling! hello, little one. have a lick.* Prowl 9:06 pm Rational behavior seems to have died with the officer on that rooftop. Magnum Ace 9:08 pm -what just happened?- Omicron 9:08 pm *little sparkling meeps, wide golden optic at new person! omgomgomg new person- oh, a lick...sparkling calms down* VProwl 9:09 pm Their sexual tension is boring, unconvincing, and distracting from the far more important mystery at hand. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm [[Agreed.]] Omicron 9:09 pm I agree Specs 9:09 pm *chirps at the hatchling again, before curling up nearby and purring as strongly as possible. the dragon's no motorcycle engine, but she can manage a decent rumble.* Bull 9:10 pm And she's gone... Shocky 9:10 pm perhaps not the wisest idea to turn their back on them ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm [[He would not blame her for fleeing.]] Magnum Ace 9:10 pm ..... Prowl 9:11 pm Is that what the overly long wrist touch was meant to be? The audio description didn't go into detail. VProwl 9:11 pm Not at all. Omicron 9:11 pm RAcer: *noses his sibling, snuggling and loving on until little hands shyly reach out at take a small bat at fluffy purring thing-person of soft* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm [[He's following her AGAIN?]] VProwl 9:11 pm Yes, there was hand-touching and silent staring at each other. When characters silently stare at each other for no good reason, especially while touching, it's usually meant to indicate sexual tension. Prowl 9:12 pm Humans have strange ideas of what sexual tension is. Specs 9:12 pm *chirrups and licks the hatchling again. yes, she is a Soft and Safe purry furry dragon. you may touch.* Omicron 9:12 pm These are really strange humans.... Magnum Ace 9:12 pm -huffs- VProwl 9:13 pm *...... does his alternate have a conception of staring or is it all completely abstract to her. he doesn't know.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm [[One moment. How did he get both of their cars to his home location after the fall into the water?]] Magnum Ace 9:13 pm This is... Omicron 9:13 pm ....that is a good question Prowl 9:13 pm *has a very good idea but since she's never discussed her blindness with her alternate, he wouldn't really know* Shocky 9:13 pm he must of walked there after getting her home VProwl 9:13 pm ... Perhaps he towed it? *no, he wouldn't. and he feels like it might be rude to ask. so he'll just wonder.* Omicron 9:14 pm *little hatchling slowly inches closer...and then sniffs...she bops her head int othe soft fluff* Magnum Ace 9:14 pm ...a bit uncomfortable ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm [[A little more than a bit.]] VProwl 9:15 pm "A bit." Bull 9:15 pm ...Getting even creepier. Specs 9:15 pm *oh, that's precious. the dragon continues to purr, and licks the hatchling on the head comfortingly. hatchlings are perfect beings.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm [[Drive off, human.]] VProwl 9:15 pm Leave without him. Magnum Ace 9:15 pm ...... VProwl 9:15 pm ... Well, as long as your stalker always knows where you are, you might as well always know where he is, I suppose. Prowl 9:15 pm Why are they pausing so much while talking? Is this another human sexual attraction thing? VProwl 9:16 pm Yes. I think so, anyway. Omicron 9:16 pm Racer: *wiggles over to flop on them both, going back to snuggling with his sister, and happy* ((9231y23tyhgsgsg!!!!!!!!!! That's WHERE I LIVE!!)) (Was part of this filmed in washington???) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm [[It's hardly the tree's fault she is an organic with a short life span.]] VProwl 9:17 pm ... So now she thinks she's the dead person. Has she thought that all along during their interactions? Smokescreen 9:18 pm wait frag I kinda got distracted what'd I miss Magnum Ace 9:18 pm .... Bull 9:18 pm .... *is getting a bad feeling* Specs 9:18 pm ((most of it was, probably- hitchcock either lived in washington or liked it a lot)) Magnum Ace 9:18 pm -same here, Bull- Omicron 9:19 pm ....the frag human VProwl 9:19 pm Oh, leave her alone. Omicron 9:19 pm (Mwahah! I know that rest stop) (good work with the camera angles to avoid it) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm ((lmao)) Magnum Ace 9:20 pm What.... Specs 9:20 pm *OOF. Racer is a good bean, but predacon hatchlings are so heavy! still, there are snuggles to be had, and hatchling foreheads to clean.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm [[He refuses to be responsible for Wheeljack forever.]] Shocky 9:20 pm *shockwave hides a quiet snort* Omicron 9:20 pm That sound like something my insecticons would say ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Soundwave wouldn't have minded if Shockwave snorted out loud. It's a miserable situation and he knows it.* Magnum Ace 9:21 pm ...... Omicron 9:21 pm *new hatchling smiles at grooming, and she pokes her glossa out off and on, petting dragon* Prowl 9:22 pm Madeline thinks she's a dead human. She and the ex-detective are having sexual tension while he continues to stalk her as instructed by her... huzband? Magnum Ace 9:22 pm -what is going on in this movie?- VProwl 9:22 pm Husband, yes. A conjunx that uses "he." Magnum Ace 9:22 pm ........ VProwl 9:22 pm Eugh. Prowl 9:22 pm Oh, and the ghost is trying to kill her. Specs 9:22 pm *yes. this is perfect. this is a blessed day all around. if the dragon could purr any more vigorously, she'd be at risk of shaking herself apart* Omicron 9:22 pm .....what in Primus' name you strange organics Bull 9:22 pm That's gonna cause trouble Magnum Ace 9:23 pm -facepalms- Shocky 9:23 pm ..... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[...What.]] Prowl 9:23 pm Primus. Tarantulas 9:23 pm *guess who's super duper fashionably late to the party and gonna linger at the back of the room next to the snacks for a while* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[Could we not have had a film about this Midge human? He likes her far more.]] Prowl 9:23 pm Hm, agreed. Shocky 9:23 pm midge is indeed much more interesting VProwl 9:24 pm She's intelligent, she's competent, she's got her life together. She's not emotionally unstable enough to carry a movie. Omicron 9:24 pm *Icy sniffs at the air, and looks over at Tarantulas, gives a soft chirp* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm *Soundwave huffs. That may be true, but he'd watch it anyway.* *Soundwave pings Tarantulas hello.* [[Ha.]] Tarantulas 9:25 pm *ping for soundwave, and a spidery-limbed wave in icy's direction* Bull 9:25 pm .... awkward VProwl 9:25 pm *tragically, hasn't seen tarantulas yet.* Shocky 9:25 pm it is quite the pretty painting... Prowl 9:26 pm *conjunx that uses he...* Is there an English word for a conjunx that doesn't use he or she? Omicron 9:26 pm *Icy shifts her wing, grings at the chirp and mew and shifts the cuddle pile under her wing to a better balanced spot* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm [[Oh, don't ruin it over him.]] [[It was a good message.]] VProwl 9:26 pm I think all humans use he or she. All the ones I've ever met or heard about, anyway. Prowl 9:26 pm Ah. Omicron 9:27 pm *looks at Prow* I think 'they' is used a lot? at least one human my crew liked did? *does that help?* Magnum Ace 9:28 pm . . . VProwl 9:28 pm ... I've heard of /one/ person who uses "they." They aren't human, though. Maybe it's just rare among humans. Smokescreen 9:29 pm !!! /Smokescreen's waving to Tarantulas!/ Prowl 9:29 pm I've only spoken with one human and she used she. Tarantulas 9:29 pm *there's no way tarantulas is gonna be able to catch up and pay attention to the movie is there, not this late and with - a shOCKWAVE. THERE'S A SHOCkwave in here, act natural tara* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm [[Who were they?]] *Looking at Prowl.* Tarantulas 9:30 pm *for now he'll edge his way over to smokescreen and say hello via a pat on the helm* Prowl 9:30 pm Ratchet's human partner, June. Smokescreen 9:31 pm ... /He wasn't expecting Tarantulas to come to him, especially when Prowl's here. The helm pat gets his doorwings wiggling, and Smokescreen's reaching to pat Messy back!/ VProwl 9:32 pm Chimera. Magnum Ace 9:32 pm ........ VProwl 9:32 pm *...which prowl were you looking at, soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm [[She's clearly uncomfortable. Desist.]]
[[...He didn't expect you to remember them. Few others do.]] Omicron 9:33 pm .....I don't think 'kissing' is supposed to work that way? Bull 9:33 pm *is not liking this* VProwl 9:33 pm They don't know each other at all! They're being absurd. Bull 9:33 pm don't let her go in alone.... Shocky 9:33 pm this is quite unrealistic Specs 9:33 pm *see, hanging in a cuddlepuddle with the hatchlings is far better than watching this ridiculous movie* Smokescreen 9:34 pm ... Is this what human religious buildings are like? VProwl 9:34 pm *puzzled look at Soundwave* Why wouldn't I remember them? Magnum Ace 9:34 pm Oh...that's not good Bull 9:34 pm *doesn't like where this is going; starts to duck his head* Omicron 9:34 pm *icy's tempted to stick her head under her wing too* .......... Magnum Ace 9:34 pm .......... Omicron 9:35 pm ..........what....the....frag Bull 9:35 pm *doesn't look up; he knows what happened* VProwl 9:35 pm ... Excellent work, detective. Tarantulas 9:35 pm *near smokey, not loudly* ...Oh goodness, I've come in at the most wonderful time, haven't I. Magnum Ace 9:35 pm -pats Bull's shoulders- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm @P: [[They are sparkless, and a Cybertronian creation, not a Cybertronian as they are commonly understood. Most who discover that dismiss and ignore them. The rest simply forget because Chimera is too shy to appear in person most times. That is why.]] [[...How unfortunate for the Madeleine human.]] Specs 9:36 pm *shifts a little so that she can poke her snout out from beneath Ice Queen's wing momentarily* Did I hear Chimera's name? Smokescreen 9:36 pm /Smokescreen's starting to cling to Tarantulas a bit, nodding/ You did- you mostly missed this one human being a jerk. It's good to see you again! VProwl 9:36 pm @S «Hm. Well. ... I haven't forgot them.» Smokescreen 9:36 pm the husband can be blamed for everything didn't even try to talk to her Omicron 9:37 pm Racer: *head resting on the the dragon poof, blep at her* Prowl 9:37 pm *will move a little away from Smokescreen so his new visitor can sit down if he likes* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm @P: [[...Thank you, in all sincerity. He will tell them that.]]
[[Yes. They're upstairs right now, playing a dice game with Zori.]] VProwl 9:37 pm *longing side glance at Tarantulas. he's all the way over there.* Bull 9:38 pm It wouldn't help... It's never that easy. Tarantulas 9:38 pm It's good to see you as well, Smokescreen. *another pet to the helm, and he offers smokey some snacks he'd snatched from the back table - but he's not sitting down, no, seems to just be stopping by* Smokescreen 9:38 pm ... /He's happy to accept the treat, happy to have Tarantula's company while he can./ Specs 9:38 pm How fitting, the cutest cat and cutest scorpion spending time together. *returns to the hatchlings and licks Racer right onna nose* Prowl 9:38 pm *oh good, Prowl's not up for strangers* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm [[They often do, those two.]] Specs 9:39 pm ((...what the FUCK is going on here with that coroner. does he know the detective? is he just a bitch?)) Windchill 9:39 pm *He's here, sorry.* Omicron 9:39 pm [he's being an aft] Specs 9:40 pm ((wait, judge? coroner? whatever. aft confirmed.)) Shocky 9:41 pm *Shockwave has seen quite enough of this story. It is far too tragic and unsatisfying for his liking. He gets up to leave* Omicron 9:41 pm Racer: !! 😀 *licks back, then licks his sibling, tugging on a little kibble bits to get her to make sound and wiggle a bit. other hatchling hides her head under specs* Windchill 9:41 pm This is one of those talking movies, isn't it? Shocky 9:41 pm good evening all, thank you for the evening. Tarantulas 9:41 pm *a ping to smokey with a promise to visit later? words are hard for tarantulas right now while he knows his science idol's nearby and - is he leaving? oh nooooo* Prowl 9:41 pm I thought Chimera was a serpent? *that's what Mirage's one report that mentioned them said anyway* Are they a shifter of some kind, Soundwave? Smokescreen 9:41 pm Awww- bye Shocks! Can I show you some more movies later? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm [[Farewell.]] ((oof i'm sorry to anyone about the colors changing)) Windchill 9:42 pm *He's not going to bother sitting down this late in the game.* Omicron 9:42 pm *Ice Queen nods at Shockwave, wary, but polite * VProwl 9:42 pm *not a fan of the flashing colors. Would rather they don't.* Specs 9:42 pm *chirps at Racer, gently reaching out to boop him on the nose* No, be nice to your sibling. She can hide if she wants. Shocky 9:42 pm perhaps Smokescreen. Good night. *he leaves promptly* Windchill 9:42 pm *Snorts.* Smokescreen 9:43 pm /Smokescreen looks a little disappointed- is Tarantulas going there already? Oh... Well, he's going to pet Tarantulas a bit more, before letting go, letting him go over to Prowl if he wants./ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm [[Chimera is a serpent, yes. And a bird, and a feline, when it suits them. You could call them a shapeshifter, yes.]] VProwl 9:44 pm "Triplechanger," I'd think. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Oh, that /would/ be closer.]] Smokescreen 9:44 pm ... What is that place and what is that thing Prowl 9:44 pm It would be much closer if they're limited to only those forms. Magnum Ace 9:44 pm ....... Specs 9:44 pm *sticks her snout out again real quick* Chimera is a good person. VProwl 9:44 pm *... he's been committed, hasn't he.* *tenses.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *Overturns hand and pings.* Magnum Ace 9:45 pm He lost his mind, didn't he? VProwl 9:45 pm *... takes it.* Specs 9:45 pm *and there she goes again. gotta speak in support of that Good Chimera Friend* Tarantulas 9:45 pm *visibly loosens up a bit after shockwave leaves and comes over to vprowl - here, have yet another distraction* Prowl 9:45 pm I've never met Chimera personally. Smokescreen 9:45 pm Melancholia? Omicron 9:45 pm *The younger hatchling snuggles, then mews at the fluffy leaving !! she edges closer after, sniffing* Specs 9:46 pm *don't worry, little one. the fluffy returns. can't leave little bitlets unsnuggled for long!* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[A very good person. One of the best he's ever known, in fact.]] *Glances to the other Prowl, nodding at Tarantulas on the way.* [[He could arrange for them to drop by, if you like. They might like to have unusual company.]] Smokescreen 9:46 pm ... /shifting himself so he doesn't see Boxy Prowl or Tarantulas./ Prowl 9:47 pm *sorry Smokescreen, you're stuck with her* Bull 9:47 pm .... Smokescreen 9:47 pm /He's probably looking right at Rounder Prowl, scooting in again/ VProwl 9:48 pm *oh good. hello tara.* Magnum Ace 9:48 pm . . . Prowl 9:48 pm *can feel him scooting, yes?* Windchill 9:48 pm *That's a lot of red.* *He doesn't care for it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Thinks it's fantastic.* Omicron 9:48 pm Racer: *gives licks, but soon he wiggles out to bounce around on Icy's back, leaving his sibling to snuggle* Windchill 9:48 pm *All things in moderation please.* VProwl 9:49 pm *in what ways can prowl latch on to you.* Prowl 9:49 pm Is he going to stalk some one else now? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[Is he following another-- that is what he wondered.]] Omicron 9:49 pm it looks like it Windchill 9:50 pm (( Is anyone else's chat shifting up and down? It's starting to irritate me. )) Magnum Ace 9:50 pm -is concerned now- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm ((OH there's a fix for that update uhhhh hold on)) Magnum Ace 9:50 pm ((yeah Omicron 9:50 pm (a little) Smokescreen 9:50 pm /Yep! Smokescreen's getting pretty comfy, but is giving Prowl a bit of space so she can choose if she wants to get closer./ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Rubs thumb on Prowl's hand and delivers a question ping. Better now that he's out?* Bull 9:50 pm *Bull is internally noping* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm (( https://userstyles.org/styles/149395/rabb-it-css-fixup?utm_campaign=stylish_stylepage )) Tarantulas 9:50 pm *if vprowl's talking about latching onto tara - all the ways. he's settling in as near to prowl as he can get* Windchill 9:51 pm (( Okay no worries I was just wondering if it was me and I needed to update or something. Every time Rabbit does something new I suddenly don't know how to use it anymore. Me? Resistant to change? Yes. )) Prowl 9:51 pm *she'll allow him to hover nearby, that's close enough, but she's relaxed now that Shockwave has left* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm ((if it doesn't work right away refresh rabbit))
((and ye no prob we all hated it too, it's a bad update)) Specs 9:51 pm *that's okay. the fluffy is happy to ignore the movie and snuggle whichever hatchlings want snuggles.* Windchill 9:51 pm (( KK thanks! I'll update later now that I know I won't be plagued with it the rest of my life. )) Creepy. Magnum Ace 9:52 pm .... VProwl 9:52 pm *he's going to wrap a hand around Tarantulas's elbow.* Smokescreen 9:52 pm What a creep. Omicron 9:52 pm what...the frag human. Magnum Ace 9:52 pm .... VProwl 9:52 pm He's a jerk. He's been a jerk the whole movie and he's still a jerk now. Windchill 9:53 pm She could have kicked him in the nuts. Smokescreen 9:53 pm Are there really humans like this? Windchill 9:53 pm There are mecha like this. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm [[There are mechs like this as-- yes, thank you.]] Prowl 9:53 pm She should have closed the door in his face. VProwl 9:53 pm She should. Smokescreen 9:53 pm I know there are mecha like this- but are there really humans awful in this way? Bull 9:54 pm He shouldn't be there... He should just get away from there. Windchill 9:54 pm Humans aren't special. Omicron 9:54 pm There are some predacons alike too...but most of the time they will get bitten Magnum Ace 9:54 pm He...is a human I would not like coming near our compound ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm [[She should have punched him and gone for assistance.]] Prowl 9:54 pm He should also know better than to follow others to their homes. Smokescreen 9:54 pm You don You don't have to apologize! He's the one being a creep. Prowl 9:54 pm No matter who they look like. Windchill 9:54 pm *Why is she taking pity on him, damn you script.* VProwl 9:54 pm I'd blame it on his emotional instability but he's been like this the whole way through. Prowl 9:55 pm Exactly. Smokescreen 9:55 pm I see bots that look like certain other bots all the time- doesn't mean I follow them and force them to feel bad for me. Windchill 9:55 pm Say no. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm [[Who in Primus' name would go on a date after that.]] Windchill 9:55 pm Damn it. Magnum Ace 9:55 pm ............. Omicron 9:55 pm *sparkling slowly inches up and careful flop of the fluffy dragon, she's about a third racer's side* Magnum Ace 9:55 pm -facepalms- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm [[Change hotels, human.]] Prowl 9:55 pm Foolish. Omicron 9:56 pm why...are you... leave woman Windchill 9:56 pm *Well, he might have, but he was in a darker place at the time.* Bull 9:56 pm *Bull ducks his head again* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm *Sits up fast* Prowl 9:57 pm Oh. Omicron 9:57 pm ...what the frag Smokescreen 9:57 pm Oh good she's getting out of there Windchill 9:57 pm One can hope. VProwl 9:57 pm Where'd she get a license from another state with someone else's name? Specs 9:57 pm *oh goodness. such a tiny little hatchling. so cute, so pure. snug snug.* Magnum Ace 9:57 pm Leave, don't...what? Smokescreen 9:57 pm Huh- she's left handed too? I heard that's unusual for humans. Prowl 9:58 pm Her real name? Smokescreen 9:58 pm Fake IDs are really easy to get if you know where to go Windchill 9:58 pm ...Huh. Omicron 9:58 pm what... VProwl 9:58 pm ... Aha. Windchill 9:59 pm Gross. Smokescreen 9:59 pm you know he's the kind to rummage through seemingly-stranger's trash though Windchill 10:00 pm It's that red again. Magnum Ace 10:00 pm ..... Omicron 10:00 pm *little sparkling gives a happy sound, tucks her arms and legs up into the snuggling* Prowl 10:00 pm Is there something wrong with the red? Windchill 10:01 pm I think they used too much. Omicron 10:01 pm *Icy lets racer down to sniff around the snack table* Smokescreen 10:01 pm They had a LOT of red paint Prowl 10:01 pm Ah. Windchill 10:01 pm Like a dark ritual meant to summon a headache. Smokescreen 10:01 pm Ugh. What a creep. You've gone one ONE date. Omicron 10:01 pm ......what the frag VProwl 10:02 pm You think you've known her one night. Magnum Ace 10:02 pm ....... Bull 10:02 pm Even if it was faked, he's broken... Magnum Ace 10:02 pm This is not going to go well ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm [[She is no better for lying to him.]] VProwl 10:02 pm To be fair, in reality, he ALSO barely knows her. Prowl 10:03 pm She should have given him the letter and turned herself into the police for her part in the murder. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm [[And after having forced him through all of that.]] Specs 10:03 pm *oh, no. just when the baby's gotten all comfortable... five more minutes. she'll just keep purring and cuddling with the bitlet for now.* Windchill 10:03 pm Man. Smokescreen 10:04 pm The lying is wrong, but that doesn't make his behavior right. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[Neither should be anywhere near the other.]] VProwl 10:04 pm Hm. Of course, she should turn herself in. However, at this point I like him quite a lot less than her. And I don't like her. Windchill 10:04 pm She's got more paint on her eyebrows than I do. Impressive. Bull 10:04 pm *he knows exactly what he's trying to do* Omicron 10:05 pm Racer, go say hello if you want before its too late *Icy snorts, watches him scoot around to go doe that....then she snorts at the screen* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm [[...Is he attempting to dress her like the other?]] Smokescreen 10:05 pm ... Yeeeep. Bull 10:05 pm ...... Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ................ Windchill 10:05 pm What a control freak. VProwl 10:06 pm He needs to let go of her. Magnum Ace 10:06 pm He's a worrying type of human Smokescreen 10:06 pm Ugh. Omicron 10:06 pm ....little female smack him Specs 10:06 pm *the dragon stretches, and reluctantly scoots out from under Ice Queen's wing after giving the bitlet one last lick on the forehead* Good night, everyone! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm [[Who is this 'we'.]] Smokescreen 10:06 pm ... There really aren't humans like this, are there? Windchill 10:06 pm Of course there are. Humans wrote this about themselves. Smokescreen 10:06 pm ... Specs 10:06 pm ((gneh. normally I'd be able to handle this, but... night, everyone!)) VProwl 10:06 pm ((night)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm ((night)) Smokescreen 10:06 pm ((aaaaa night night Prowl 10:06 pm ((night! Windchill 10:07 pm (( Goodnight! )) Tarantulas 10:07 pm (( night! Magnum Ace 10:07 pm ((g'night! Omicron 10:07 pm (good night!) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm ((next week's should be far more enjoyable and light)) Omicron 10:07 pm *icy gives a purr to her and a chirp goodbye* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm ((i think it's the whales Trek)) Prowl 10:07 pm It's only been a few days. Smokescreen 10:08 pm Did you really have that much fun? He kinda barged into your room Windchill 10:08 pm *Visibly shudders* Prowl 10:08 pm *thinks they should both be arrested at this point* Smokescreen 10:08 pm He's not worth it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[It is her appearance! How does that not matter to her?]] Omicron 10:08 pm Why is she tolerating this.... even I can see this is unheathy Smokescreen 10:09 pm ... That's really bad. VProwl 10:09 pm She's saying "no" over and over, of course it matters to her. I think she's a far better judge of what matters to her than he is! Prowl 10:09 pm Because she believes she's in love with him. VProwl 10:09 pm *disgusted noise* Bull 10:09 pm ..... *Bull really does not like this* Omicron 10:09 pm *also gives a disgusted sound* Smokescreen 10:09 pm But that doesn't mean she has to change herself- she shouldn't have to Magnum Ace 10:09 pm This man is....uncomfortable Bull 10:11 pm One year is not enough time to get over such trauma. Staying in the same place only makes it worse. Smokescreen 10:11 pm ... This is like. If I went up to Megs and was like "I want you to keep leading Cybertron but can you change your alt mode to be a truck and also paint yourself blue and red" Omicron 10:11 pm love is not that, love is being able to lean on someone. To be able to let your guard down around them for a time. To know what energon they like and they know how you like it *grumbling to herself* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm ((man i had a slight spoiler that there was an impersonation somewhere in it but i had nooooo idea it would be this messed up a story. i mean i'm fascinated in that trainwreck way but damn.)) Windchill 10:11 pm *Blonde is not her colour.* Tarantulas 10:12 pm *hrm. tara's having a few uneasy thoughts but having little trouble shunting them into a mental box that might as well be a trashcan. not so much thoughts about the situation, but personal ones* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *Is someone having a bit of an epiphany over there* VProwl 10:13 pm *makes another disgusted sound* Magnum Ace 10:14 pm -UNCOMFORTABLE- Prowl 10:14 pm *shakes her head* Bull 10:14 pm *Bull is fully noping again* VProwl 10:14 pm *and another for good measure* Omicron 10:14 pm Primus I'm glade racer has no interest in screens outside of consoles Windchill 10:15 pm If Ernie's is the red place I vote no. Smokescreen 10:15 pm ... Muss you? Prowl 10:15 pm Ruin her paint. Smokescreen 10:15 pm Ohhh. VProwl 10:16 pm ... Isn't she not supposed to— yes. The jewelry is a giveaway. Bull 10:16 pm *red flags again* Windchill 10:17 pm How long before one of them ends up dead? Bull 10:17 pm no.... no.... Prowl 10:17 pm Not long at this rate. Magnum Ace 10:17 pm ..... Windchill 10:17 pm He could crash the car and take them both out. Omicron 10:17 pm I would not imagine long Smokescreen 10:17 pm Nooo- Prowl, come on. That won't happen, right? Magnum Ace 10:17 pm Oh no Smokescreen 10:17 pm ... oh no VProwl 10:18 pm That's not ominous at all. Omicron 10:18 pm *snorts* Windchill 10:18 pm They've got a dark filter on the screen and everything! Omicron 10:18 pm Racer: *edging ever to sniff soundwave's pede* Windchill 10:18 pm *He's not taking this seriously anymore. Easier to cope that way.* Smokescreen 10:18 pm Primus Bull 10:19 pm Don't go back into the past... Smokescreen 10:19 pm Reliving this stuff only makes it hurt more Bull 10:19 pm *is ducking his head again* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[Scream for help, human.]] VProwl 10:19 pm He's done nothing but manhandle her the whole movie, regardless of whether they were strangers or lovers, getting along or fighting. Tarantulas 10:20 pm *ok now it's hard to ignore a brief flashback, tarantulas shivers* Magnum Ace 10:20 pm -burying face in knees- Bull 10:20 pm *this is leading to all sorts of bad places for Bull* Omicron 10:20 pm BITE him! Smokescreen 10:21 pm Why would you want to relive traumatic events anyway? It's easier to just... Pretend they didn't happen. And avoid the stuff- and I swear if he's responsible for her getting hurt again I'm gonna be Omicron 10:21 pm Something human VProwl 10:21 pm *felt that. He moves his hand to lace with tarantulas's fingers.* Tarantulas 10:22 pm *he's got no idea what's going on in the movie aside from someone impersonating someone else's loved one and being forced to relive the prior one's death, and while he knows prowl would never do that to him, still...* Magnum Ace 10:23 pm -nopenopenope- Prowl 10:23 pm *leans her shoulder against Smokescreen's, is certain she knows how this is going to end, either on purpose or accident* VProwl 10:23 pm *rest easy, tara. he likes your fuzz too much for that.* Tarantulas 10:24 pm *fair, but Trust Issues™️ * VProwl 10:24 pm *Trust Issues* Smokescreen 10:24 pm /Tensing up, leaning against Prowl as well- he doesn't like where this is going at all./ Bull 10:25 pm *is still not looking* VProwl 10:25 pm *disgusted noise* Windchill 10:25 pm How unsurprising. Prowl 10:25 pm *joins in with a disgusted noise of her own* VProwl 10:25 pm ... How did she—? She was nowhere near— Of all the stupid— Smokescreen 10:25 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[Well. That was horrid.]] Windchill 10:26 pm *Well. It wasn't a dead baby movie but it was pretty bad.* Magnum Ace 10:26 pm .......... Smokescreen 10:26 pm sounds why are there humans like that Prowl 10:26 pm That's it? No retribution for the murder victim? Her husband walks away free? VProwl 10:26 pm ......... *laughs* Bull 10:26 pm .......... Tarantulas 10:26 pm *is startled by the laugh, squeezes prowl's hand* Windchill 10:26 pm I think that was worse than Titanic, even. Omicron 10:26 pm *snarls at the screen* I dare say that was a flop. Sorry Soundwave VProwl 10:26 pm *he's just. gonna take back one of his hands. and laugh into it.* Windchill 10:26 pm Good job, Soundwave. You've outdone yourself. Smokescreen 10:26 pm I know, right? There's no real resolution, and- Primus, that's a pretty depressing end. VProwl 10:26 pm sh-she just fell. Bull 10:27 pm *knows he's gonna have flashbacks and nightmares tonight* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *...Is mildly alarmed by this laughter, but.*
[[He has, hasn't he. He'll try not to break that record again.]] Prowl 10:27 pm Fell from her own clumsiness. VProwl 10:27 pm *IT WAS THE MOST ABSURD ENDING* Tarantulas 10:27 pm What are you - what do you mean? Windchill 10:27 pm *Applauds politely.* VProwl 10:27 pm *okay. okay. he's collecting himself. he pats soundwave's shoulder.* Magnum Ace 10:27 pm -pats Bull's back- VProwl 10:27 pm It was an excellent movie with detestable characters. Omicron 10:28 pm *icy shakes her head, checks on Racer to see who's pedes he's sniffing* Prowl 10:28 pm .... Smokescreen 10:28 pm ....... Windchill 10:28 pm It was as if they couldn't quite commit to writing him pushing her off himself. Smokescreen 10:28 pm Soundwave ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm (( 😀 )) Smokescreen 10:28 pm did you really just Tarantulas 10:28 pm (( lmao VProwl 10:28 pm A solid, suspenseful plot. It didn't stop being suspensefffff-- *SOUNDWAVE.* Prowl 10:28 pm *was just startled by the music, not... Soundwave, really?* VProwl 10:28 pm *he's laughing again, give him a minute.* Magnum Ace 10:28 pm ........... -seriously!?- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm *Morbid humor, dear baseball player.* Omicron 10:29 pm *back to shaking her head* Windchill 10:29 pm *More polite applause.* Prowl 10:29 pm *huffs in amusement* Windchill 10:29 pm *He approves.* Bull 10:29 pm *has no humor about that movie* VProwl 10:29 pm *"falling for you" indeed* Magnum Ace 10:29 pm -huffs- Smokescreen 10:29 pm Sounds have I mentioned that you stink smellywave ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Sometimes it's the only way to handle something deeply unpleasant. Soundwave's really, really uncomfortable with the idea of being controlled like that.* Prowl 10:30 pm *is still mad the murderer got away with it* Magnum Ace 10:30 pm Bull, are you okay? VProwl 10:30 pm I was—TRYING to say. Didn't stop being suspenseful, even when the mystery was revealed. Good. Tarantulas 10:30 pm *startled again, withdrawing from prowl a bit. their internal states are a tad dissonant* Prowl 10:30 pm I thought you were the one that was supposed to stink? VProwl 10:30 pm But loathsome characters. Omicron 10:30 pm agreed Smokescreen 10:30 pm Hey, what? I don't stink! I haven't gotten dirty recently. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Tries not to laugh harder at Prowl's comment about stinking.*
[[Very loathsome.]] Bull 10:31 pm .... no... I'm not recharging tonight *he is gonna avoid the nightmares anyway he can* Prowl 10:31 pm *chuckles* Windchill 10:31 pm *Why are these lyrics misspelled #offended* Omicron 10:31 pm Smoke screen have you cleaned since last time we met? Smokescreen 10:31 pm Well, no- but it's not like I'm particularly dirty. And I've been, uh, busy. Magnum Ace 10:31 pm ...I might join you in that ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm ((also i've never seen james stewart be anything except that A Wonderful Life guy so this is very. very much a shock, i think)) Magnum Ace 10:32 pm How made do you think Meckel would be if he found out, though? VProwl 10:32 pm *looks at Tarantulas.* Sorry. *he's not sure what he did but it apparently drove Tarantulas away, which is very hard to do.* Magnum Ace 10:32 pm *mad Omicron 10:32 pm You said you washed a long time ago before that. It builds up mech Smokescreen 10:32 pm ... I mean, it's not that long ago. And I just haven't been up to get clean, anyway. Also Knock Out used all my polish anyway And he likes bathing more than I do- so I gotta save that stuff for him. Bull 10:33 pm I'll take his wrath... better than the alternative *Bull unconsciously rubs one of his wrists* Prowl 10:33 pm I'd have noticed if he stank. Omicron 10:33 pm You can see use a washrack without polish...I don't think I even have any Prowl 10:34 pm *interacts with an Ironhide that thinks medical attention means you probably stop the bleeding maybe* Tarantulas 10:34 pm *confused@prowl* Wh-? Why are you apologizing? Smokescreen 10:34 pm But the other soaps are also- I can't use them while Knock Out's at my place. He'll get way too upset if he doesn't have any. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm ((AND since I promised elsewhere: someone was gonna show this movie like a year and a half ago, and I couldn't stand the idea of watching it then and here is why it took until now:)) VProwl 10:34 pm Because I did something that made you move away. Omicron 10:35 pm Does your world have more then one washing area? or even worker insecticons? Magnum Ace 10:35 pm ...not a very good movie for you, huh... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm ((I watch Gotham and in it, the Riddler accidentally kills someone before he's the Riddler. Much later, this other very creepy lady who looks just like the first one appears and refuses to let him go. In an effort to make him love her, she changes her appearance to that of the first lady. How does this second lady look when she first shows up, you might ask? Well.)) Tarantulas 10:35 pm *hadn't realized he'd moved away, actually; attempts to settle back in* Oh - no, no you've done no such thing, hush. Smokescreen 10:36 pm Well, of course there are- but I just- I haven't been up to get washed. It's not that big a deal, really. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm ((complete with the evening dress, a necklace, blond hair, and the FUCKING SWIRLIES IN THE BACK)) Prowl 10:36 pm ((IsabellAH Bull 10:36 pm no.... Magnum Ace 10:36 pm ((hooooly shitcakes)) Windchill 10:36 pm (( HUH. )) Omicron 10:36 pm ... ....! *tilts head and listens to the music* VProwl 10:37 pm ((omg)) Omicron 10:37 pm *humms along* Prowl 10:37 pm ((fucking gotham still hasn't explained it and i'm so mad ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm ((so everyone knew it was gonna be some kinda Vertigo play the moment she showed up, and that's how come i knew impersonation had Something to do with this movie but nothing else.)) VProwl 10:37 pm ((somebody in the gotham costume department is a hitchcock fan)) Magnum Ace 10:37 pm It's okay...we can talk later, okay? -scoots closer to pat Bull's back again- VProwl 10:38 pm I obviously did something, you don't need to pretend I didn't. Bull 10:38 pm *He wasn't sure he'd want to talk about it at all but nodded anyways* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm ((oh yeah, and like... i forgot to mark the time. i'll give 15 more minutes)) Omicron 10:39 pm *Icy worldless soft singing along to the tune, it sounds like something that's been played for her hatchlings* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm *Also: He saw that wrist rub. It is suspicious.* Magnum Ace 10:40 pm -Nods. Good. He hoped. Still, time to get going now.- You good to go home now? Tarantulas 10:40 pm It's not - *tiny sigh* You're fine, Prowl, it must've been your laughter, I'd wager. The movie - it was a tad disorienting. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm *Did someone lock them up? He's going to have to point that out to Prowl later.* Windchill 10:40 pm Well. *He shakes himself as if the grossness would dislodge itself.* I'm going to go home and invent something to complain about. VProwl 10:41 pm ... Oh. ... Sorry. It was—the end—took me by surprise. Omicron 10:41 pm Racer: *sitting beside Soundwave still...might be laying down really* VProwl 10:42 pm No, not—not surprise—just... the... non-sequitur-ness of how it was done. Magnum Ace 10:42 pm -stands up, and offers Bull a hand up as well- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *Soundwave will idly stick a hand down to offer a quick pat to Racer before the youngling has to go.*
[[Goodnight, Windchill. Maybe your mate will have painted everything red.]] Tarantulas 10:42 pm I do think that was the point, wasn't it? *wry visor quirk, seems more at ease* VProwl 10:42 pm ... Was it? Windchill 10:43 pm Maybe... *he taps his chin.* Maybe I'll suggest it so I can complain about it. Bull 10:43 pm *After a moment Bull takes the offered hand to stand* Tarantulas 10:43 pm I hadn't seen the whole movie, but I do get the impression it was a sort of ironic twist. Omicron 10:43 pm Racer: *lifts his head into the pat, tryng to turn in into a pet, he had to say hi* Magnum Ace 10:44 pm -up to your feet, Bull. Time to get home to NOT sleep apparently- VProwl 10:44 pm Yes, but that doesn't mean the way it was done wasn't... absurd. Magnum Ace 10:44 pm -and he's helping him up- Windchill 10:44 pm *He won't, actually, he's caused enough strife without anything being painted red.* Prowl 10:45 pm *stands up with a flick of her doors* Goodnight, Smokescreen. Soundwave. *a nod to the rest of the room* Smokescreen 10:45 pm Aww- goodnight, Prowl It was nice seeing you again! Talk to you later? VProwl 10:45 pm Of course, somebody was going to fall. But after a movie where every element was precisely triggered by something that happened ten steps earlier, for it to happen by random dumb happenstance is—incongruous. Bull 10:45 pm Let's go... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[Goodnight, Prowl. He'll see about arranging for you to meet Chimera.]] Omicron 10:45 pm *Icy waves her free wing before getting up and streaching some* Magnum Ace 10:45 pm Yeah. Soundwave? Can we have a way home now? Windchill 10:46 pm *Creepy creeps away.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm [[Of course you may. Try to take care of yourselves.]] Prowl 10:46 pm I'm sure, Smokescreen, and thank you, Soundwave. I'd like that. Magnum Ace 10:46 pm Thank you. -and off he goes, tugging Bull behind him- Tarantulas 10:47 pm Ah - I see. *distracted by watching ppl leave and by settling down against prowl again, should he permit* Smokescreen 10:47 pm Oh yeah! Sounds- did you get the chance to share those educational documents? Are you guys close to setting anything up over there? Prowl 10:48 pm *and she's out the door* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm [[...It completely slipped his mind in all the ch-- in recent events. He will look into that soon.]] VProwl 10:49 pm *prowl will permit, but he doesn't reciprocate just yet. he still feels like he messed up.* Smokescreen 10:50 pm You know? That's fair- it's been pretty hectic. I haven't had the chance to do too much, either. Though I'm kinda wondering if there's any other public services like that that should be around, that'd make life nicer for everyone. Omicron 10:50 pm *rumbles and says something in predacon*
Racer: ...! *inches over to sniff at Prowls pede, not touching* pbbt...? biu? VProwl 10:51 pm *leans forward slightly and looks down.* Pbbt. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm [[Places for the public to make their own art and leave it on display until someone else covers it with their own. Buzzsaw would be furious if he didn't suggest that.]] Omicron 10:52 pm Racer: ! Pbbtowl! Tarantulas 10:52 pm *is rapt watching this exchange* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm ((two minute warning)) Smokescreen 10:52 pm OH that would be so cool- you know, I wanna see about getting that in. VProwl 10:52 pm Hello, Racer. ((a very loose definition of classical music, here)) Smokescreen 10:53 pm And maybe a proper theater of some kind? It'd be great for events that the outdoor theater in the gardens wouldn't fit as well. Omicron 10:53 pm Racer: *gives the pede a quite lick and bounces away in case of kick, then meeps at Soundwave as he starts to scuttle back to Icy* Smokescreen 10:53 pm Like performing or talks with larger audiences. VProwl 10:54 pm *huff. he can have that lick. prowl saw it coming so he's not going to kick for it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[Indeed. He is in full support of theaters. But now it is time to close the building.]] *Soundwave beeps at Racer as he scuttles.* Smokescreen 10:56 pm Of course- thanks, Sounds. I'm gonna see what all we'll need to make those things happen. Have a good night. /Smokescreen's getting up and is starting to head home./ Omicron 10:56 pm *eerily quiet as she shifted up right then drops into a mock battle stance as Racer comes bounding over and floofs up at her, meeps as he's scooped up. She chirps a goodbye around her hatchling, might let the other one out next time if racer stays home* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[You're welcome. Goodnight.]]
[[And goodnight to you too, Ice Queen, Racer... unidentified young one. He looks forward to meeting you another time.]] Omicron 10:57 pm ((thank you for the stream,!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm ((np!)) Omicron 10:57 pm *soundwave gets a mew from under a wing as the predacons leave* Tarantulas 10:59 pm *referring to the Pbbt-owl* When did /that/ happen? Have I been absent from movie nights for that long? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *And now he'll look over at Tarantulas and bob his helm. He didn't get to see much of the mech past Prowl's chest and the events on screen.*
[[Several weeks. It's...]] Choose your words carefully, Soundwave. [[Quite charming.]] VProwl 10:59 pm Maybe you haven't been coming to the right ones. Tarantulas 11:00 pm Obviously not, hyeh. VProwl 11:02 pm He's a Predacon newbuild. He's been learning to make sounds. Recently he's been moving up to whole words. *with just the barest hint of glee:* He can say my name. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm [[He said half of his the other night. Yours is far more complete.]] *Confirming nod* VProwl 11:04 pm Mine's shorter. Tarantulas 11:04 pm That's absolutely precious. That is - I've seen Racer around, but - the linguistic development. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm [[And requires a difficult sound at the front. It is impressive.]] Tarantulas 11:05 pm He must have taken a liking to you, hm? VProwl 11:05 pm *with slightly more than just the barest hint of glee:* Apparently. Tarantulas 11:07 pm *leans in to briefly nuzzle his forehelm against, visor-smile, it's just too adorable* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm [[You've no idea. Prowl seems to be quite good with younglings. He's held conversations, pbbt-ed repeatedly, let the little one climb on him and attack his foot...]]
*Casually ticking things off on his fingers.* [[Much more patience and kindness than most show them, to be sure.]] Tarantulas 11:10 pm *sw you're making tara's spark hurt with the cute* VProwl 11:10 pm *where did this nuzzle come from?* ... Ah. Well, I'm getting along with /a/ youngling, we can say that much. Tarantulas 11:13 pm I suppose that simply means we ought to have more of them around to increase the trial sample size, mm? *has like 2% regret saying that but it can't be retracted* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[That is a tall order. He doesn't exactly have any lying around, himself.]] [[That one will have to do for now, unless someone else brings one.]] VProwl 11:15 pm I don't see any need to further experiment. But yyyes, that /would/ be the way to increase the sample size. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Hears the extended y in that yyyes and wonders if he missed something here.* VProwl 11:16 pm *it's a "that's how it would be done if it were to be done but why is it something you want to be done" yyyes* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm *Because he's damned curious by nature, and Prowl's the one who insisted it was /a/ youngling. Soundwave kind of wants to find like three more and see.* Tarantulas 11:18 pm *tara's curious too, but he's got his own personal reasons tied into it as well, shh* VProwl 11:18 pm ... There's one youngling who sends me bad jokes. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm [[Swoop?]] Tarantulas 11:18 pm What sort of "bad"? VProwl 11:19 pm No. Time... something. Timeframe? Timewarp? Something. "Bad" like "negative four degrees looks like a human defecating." ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[Timeline.]] VProwl 11:20 pm Yes. Tarantulas 11:20 pm ......... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[...What does a cold temperature have to do with organic digestive functions?]] VProwl 11:22 pm I went around with her for a couple of minutes trying to figure it out. Apparently you're supposed to treat the numbers like a pictogram. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm [[That's ridiculous. The four doesn't even have a head.]] VProwl 11:22 pm That's what the degree sign is for. The negative sign is the defecated matter. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm [[He prefers Swoop's jokes.]] Tarantulas 11:23 pm *vague facepalming* VProwl 11:23 pm Oh, and the pictogram only works if the four is in a font that makes the top half look like a triangle instead of parallel lines. I told you they were bad. Tarantulas 11:25 pm ...I take it Timeline's at a slightly more advanced stage of development relative to Racer, yet far from full maturity. VProwl 11:25 pm She can talk. I don't know what her "full maturity" is supposed to look like. She has, for example, already surpassed Smokescreen. Tarantulas 11:26 pm *snorts and feels a little bad* VProwl 11:26 pm *Dead Serious* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Looks thoughtful for a second, glancing up to the ceiling. Then:*
[[He'll buy that.]] [[But there are a great many mechs who can talk and have nothing sensible to say with the ability. Smokescreen's not alone in that respect.]] [[Would that /they/ were the ones condemned to silence and /he/ could enjoy being able to talk.]] Tarantulas 11:29 pm *confused squint* What do you mean by that? VProwl 11:29 pm *soundwave you know you can talk, right* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *...Pauses and looks back at both of them.*
[[In a 'will they /please/ be quiet, my helm hurts' sense and not a tyrannical denial of the population's right to say anything, mind you.]] VProwl 11:30 pm Understood. And sympathized with. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *And yes, he knows. Someone else here doesn't.* [[...Though if they have something crude or cruel to say about minicons, he would just as soon not hear it.]] *You know what, he's going to be quiet. This hole is getting bigger.* Tarantulas 11:31 pm Sure, but - condemned to silence? Is there something I'm missing, here? *he's going to pry, he's never known or asked about sw's silence, but apparently now's the time* VProwl 11:32 pm *Prowl's not answering that. Go ahead, Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm [[If he could speak, and avoid subjecting himself to the brains of mechs like Smokescreen, don't you think he would.]] VProwl 11:34 pm *... does it count as lying to tarantulas if prowl doesn't contradict this blatant lie.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm *That is a lie of omission, and he doesn't count those, himself.* VProwl 11:34 pm *...... well as long as Tarantulas doesn't ask Prowl.* Tarantulas 11:37 pm *calculating pause* .../Can/ you not speak? I suppose I never thought you could or couldn't, one way or the other. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm [[You've heard him 'talk' through recordings played over his speakers,]] *Motions to them* [[But replaying files is all they are good for. They are not connected to a vocalizer.]] VProwl 11:42 pm *... translation: his vocalizer is not connected to his speakers.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *Not to the ones he gestured to, anyway.* Tarantulas 11:47 pm *slight squint, can't help but ask* ...Do you /have/ a vocalizer? And if yes, is it a voluntary choice to have it disconnected? VProwl 11:48 pm *Ah, and Tarantulas caught the dodge. very clever, Tarantulas.* *he feels like he's watching a hax match.* *Tarantulas is, as usual, playing very aggressively tonight. Can Soundwave continue to evade.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[He has one. It is erratic enough to be considered nonfunctional and irreparable, and that was not a voluntary choice.]]
*Soundwave has told a hundred lies to thousands of people about his voice. He'll dance this dance all night.* VProwl 11:52 pm *well SOME people are OVERLY JUDGMENTAL if they think his vocalizer is nonfunctional and irreparable.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm *Of course. And seeing as it's not fully disconnected, no choices were involved in its severing, voluntary or otherwise.* Tarantulas 11:52 pm But you've chosen not to replace it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm [[It is his, and he has other forms of communication.]] VProwl 11:53 pm *he can say "greetings" and "one," what else does he need to say.* Tarantulas 11:54 pm True, of course - and far be it for me to dictate how one ought communicate oneself. I'm simply trying to understand what the situation is. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Nods.* Tarantulas 11:55 pm *is itching with a few other questions, but sits on them for now* You could simply tell me what happened, but I'm aware that's not your style. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm < -- soundwave rn )) Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm [[No, it's not. There are some details about himself and his history he prefers to keep /to/ himself - and in the past, where they belong.]] Tarantulas 12:00 am *tiny snicker* I'd believe that if you hadn't just brought the topic up yourself, tangentially. VProwl 12:00 am ((if he ever wants to tapdance like that...)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am [[There is a difference between a widely known fact and the reason it /is/ fact.]] [[It's considered rude to ask Bumblebee what happened to his, and everyone actually knows that story.]] Tarantulas 12:01 am To be fair, /I/ don't, hyeh. VProwl 12:02 am And you'd ask him, too. Tarantulas 12:05 am Pft, you're not wrong - but it doesn't necessarily make it /rude/ per se. VProwl 12:05 am Soundwave just said it's considered rude. Rudeness is decided by social consensus, not by the actor. So it does necessarily make it rude. Tarantulas 12:07 am Hmmm, I'd think rudeness is determined by the person the so-called rudeness is directed toward - so, do you think I've been rude to you, Soundwave? VProwl 12:07 am ... Fair. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am [[You've been invasive, and without asking if it is something you are welcome to investigate. He considers it rude, yes.]]
[[Being trapped in that Noisemaze for so long had to have had lasting effects of some kind, but you'll notice he isn't asking if your shyness around crowds has something to do with that.]] Tarantulas 12:18 am *squint* You're free to confirm with Prowl on that one - my relatively antisocial nature has been around longer than the Noisemaze has, to be sure. But - hyeh, I find that less invasive to talk about than you seem to find your vocal situation to be, so. VProwl 12:19 am ... I can't tell if this is cordial pecking at each other or bordering-on-hostile pecking, so I'm going to say now that if you two get into an argument I'm not refereeing. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am [[Cordial with a mild hostility garnish. He dislikes it when a point or the area around it continues to be nudged at after he has made it clear he is unwilling to speak of it.]] *But hey, free factoid about Tarantulas.* Tarantulas 12:22 am I only nudged out of innocent curiosity, I promise. *the sincerity of that statement is yours to judge* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:23 am *He doesn't trust a single glyph, but he'll pretend he does.*
[[Naturally. Now, if we're done with that...? It grows late.]] VProwl 12:24 am *oh-so-slowly, oh-so-casually slides onto Soundwave's lap.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:31 am *Will oh-so-slowly-and-casually wrap a feeler around Prowl after Tarantulas is safely home and tug him backward down onto the couch. Tonight is a share a close space night, he thinks? It's been a while, and things having been what they were, well. It'll be good to remind each of them the other hasn't gone and isn't going anywhere?* VProwl 12:32 am *god yes, please. he desperately needs that reassurance right now. he's been a lot more shaken than he's letting himself show.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:34 am *Then he'll get it, and lots of it.*
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funkymeihem-fiction · 7 years
My Lovely Assistant- Chapter 4 (Junkenstein Meihem)
Junkenstein sat with Mei’s body propped up against him, his tongue stuck out in concentration as he ran a hairbrush through her locks, carefully bundling it with one hand before snapping the circlet back around her new pigtails. “There we go! You look good, darl, I think I’m getting better at this. No more tangles for you, eh?” He eased her stiff form back down into his bed, tucking the quilt around her chin before pausing. “Oh! Looks like you’ve uh…s’popped open again; here, lemme get that for you.” One of the jiangshi’s eyes had half opened, staring blank and white as the doctor leaned across to lick his broad thumb and very carefully push her eyelid back closed. “There! Pretty as a picture! I’m just…I’m just gonna be over there if you need me.” His own eyes felt droopy and tired, and the bags under them had turned almost black with exhaustion. He had shut himself into his personal quarters days ago, with piles upon piles of books and papers. He hadn’t been eating or drinking, hadn’t been sleeping, and definitely had not been bathing. Even he had to admit that he was beginning to stink a bit, spending all his time hunched over his notes of translated Chinese characters, useless taosims, charms, and manuscripts as he tried to understand everything he had on hand about the jiangshi. Everything had to be cross-referenced and then corrected, filling in the bits that were lost in translation, piecing together what he could…but he’d always been good at piecing things together. “Don’t worry about a thing, love, we’re almost there. You’re going to be right as rain. Here, you got lots of room if you need it; you got the bed all to yourself again, wouldn’t want to suggest anything improper while you’re asleep. Don’t you fret, I’m going to keep working and make it all better. Don’t let anyone say that Dr. Junkenstein ever gives up on a project.” He gently patted her head before moving back to his desk, slumping down into the chair and taking up his pen. The words and symbols all over the papers were starting to blend and blur together, an incomprehensible mess of ink and parchment as he tried to focus. Sure he was feeling a bit tired and all, but he had to keep at it. His genius was the only one who could fix her, after all. He still blearily remembered falling to his knees with the jiangshi in both arms, pleading with the Witch to bring her back. But the Witch had turned him away time and time again. Mei was his servant, not hers. She owed the Witch no debt and had never been bound to her will, not like Junkenstein or the Reaper. Mei was not one of hers, and no matter what the good doctor had tried, the jiangshi’s life could not be bartered for. He had asked for the Summoner, and received a curt reply that the ancient Dragon’s power had no way to revive a creature that had already felt the ice of death. He had even asked for the advice of the Reaper, but the Reaper had never bothered with an answer at all. So it was up to him to undo what he had done. There had been a particular character that had caught his attention, seeing it used time and time again. 血液, for ‘blood’. Over and over, it spoke of blood. The jiangshi were not precisely like their Western vampire counterparts, but they had a specific interest in their victim’s essences and their blood. And though Dr. Junkenstein didn’t know how to harvest something as nebulous as ‘essence’, he knew how to get blood. And not just any blood…
He’d taken a bath and forced a meal into his jaws, waiting for the moon to rise into the sky. The Monster stood firmly by his side, his gut shuddering occasionally as his piecemeal lungs struggled to breathe life into his massive form. Junkenstein fussed nervously at his hair, still a little damp where it had formed into a spike on one side and dried that way, refusing to change shape now. Scarecrow was nowhere to be seen, though that was hardly unusual. A small group of zomnics drifted around the enormous lab space, carrying tools and stacking equipment…And a new figure lay under a large white cloth on the same table that had birthed his beloved first creations. He waited, chewing at the tip of his glove nervously, the rubber catching in a disgusting textural way between the tips of his teeth, squeaking as he gnawed and waited. Occasionally he heard the opening and shutting of doors as the zomnics moved around the tower and courtyard, but they were not the sounds he was listening for. The only solace was that this breed of company was never late, and he waited for them with bated breath as the clock on his wall ticked down the minutes to their alloted meeting time. The Monster tilted his head down to him, and offered one of his very, very rare instances of input. “Hrm…Bad idea.” Junkenstein’s glare snapped upward, baring his teeth with the sharp canines still sunk into his glove. “Begging your pardon for my language, mate, but that’s tough tits for you! Because it’s the only idea we got. You know what to do! I’m going to bring her back, just like I brought you back. And this is the only way I can do it.” The Monster rumbled unhappily and turned back, lifting his ponderous chin as footsteps sounded from down the hallway. Junkenstein beamed, clasping her hands together as the doors to his lab creaked open with the squeal of old wood and even older hinges. The Reaper came first, metal boots heavy against the cracked tiles, the grin of his jack-o-lantern head throwing eerie shadows over his leather-clad form, coat trailing behind him. The Summoner was second, scaly hide emanating heat and malice as her eyes glowed wild yellow against the darkness of her scales. And behind them came the Witch herself, carrying her broom in one hand and not nearly so intimidating as her servants; her expression kind but cold, and her soft lips curled into that ever-present smile that never truly reached her eyes, her presence a potent mixture of both offputting and soothing that Junkenstein had never been able to understand. Her attendants stood aside to let her pass as the Witch strode forward, resting her broom on the ground before removing it again with a little curl of her lip…The floor was too filthy even for her broom. Glancing back up to the twitching Dr. Junkenstein, she placed a gloved hand to her hip, her eyes drawn past him to the sheet-covered form on the slab. “I understand that you think this is worth gathering us all here, good Doctor?” Junkenstein wheezed out a shrill giggling laugh, tapping his fingers together nervously. “Ladies and gentlemen! I’ve had some spare time on my hands as of late, and I happened to remember an old prototype I’d been working on ages ago. I’ve improved on the zomnic formula to make them better than ever. But we’re still missing something, don’t you think? The zomnic shock troops and the rank and file are all well and good, but what we need is something a bit more…in-your-face, shall we say?” The Summoner examined her claws, somehow managing to look the most unimpressed out of all his audience. “You brought us here to look at an old prototype?” He tried not to bristle at the criticism, tried to remember Mei’s sleeping face on his pillow instead. “N-not at all, my dear Lady! I brought you here to look at its improvements. If we put a few of these out onto the battlefield during our attack, it’ll make them think twice, if they’re still alive to think at all! So, for your approval, I want to present you…The Harvester!” With a curt nod, he signaled the Monster, and the sheet was yanked from the table to reveal his newest creation. The zomnic below was thin and scrawny, with skinny metal digitrade legs and curved claws. Its top half resembled something of a cocoon, almost a thin metal barrel with vertical slits up and down its circumference, up to a metal skull-like head, its mouth brimming with needle-sharp spikes, on top of a spring-loaded coil neck. It wasn’t really the most elegant thing he’d ever made. Honestly when he looked at it now, it looked a bit topheavy and silly, and judging by the expressions of his ‘business partners’, they thought even less of it. He quickly lifted a hand, bearing a remote control panel, and fumbled with the switches. “Unassuming now, isn’t it? But wait until you see what she’s capable of!” With a press of the button, the Harvester whirred to life, its eyelights flickering on and glowing bright blue as electricity crackled over it, shuddering to life. It launched abruptly upright, landing with a click of rigged-together metal feet as numerous arms extended and unfolded from the length of its body, unfurling into multi-jointed appendages that each ended with a sharp metal scythe. Junkenstein made it perform a little twirl, its movements rapid, but unnatural and jerky as its arms whirled and spun, transforming it into a whirling dervish of deadly metal blades, whistling through the air as it tromped forward at them. The Reaper tilted his head and for once seemed thoughtful. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but…this one isn’t that bad.” The Witch tapped her chin and nodded. “I suppose we could use a more deft sort of troop to deal with melee distractions. What else can it do?” A zomnic target-bot drifted forward at that, and the Harvester turned its head and immediately set upon it, scythes whirring and slicing as its unlucky victim was shredded into parts with a screech of metal. The next several target-bits suffered much the same as the Harvester gave several agile little leaps, slashing apart anything that stood in its way. But then it shuddered hard as electricity suddenly crackled around its lithe body, head jerking to and fro before its glowing eyes set upon its next target, and it leapt again… This time it slammed into the ground next to the Reaper, and its scythes swung straight for him. The pumpkin-headed specter managed to dodge the first two, much to his credit, but the third and fourth caught him across the arm and torso, spraying black ichor as the ghostly figure bellowed. The Summoner’s yellow eyes widened and she tried to step back as the berserk Harvester turned upon her next, its blades clanking against her hard dragon-like scales. The Witch turned upon the doctor, eyes narrowed. “Turn it off!” Junkenstein slammed at the buttons, “It’s not listening! It’s not listening!” The Summoner’s armor broke, a long cut opening up along her upper arm as it bled molten yellow-red. She clutched at it and fell back, just as gunshots echoed through the hall. The Reaper was retaliating, his lower half shrouded in black smoke as the bullets clicked and clanged off the Harvester’s steel form, bouncing off its armor plating where it did not manage to rip through. Junkenstein made a show of slamming his fist into the buttons of its controls, then paused when the metal monstrosity turned its eyes not upon the Witch…but onto him. With a warped cry of mock vocal-cords, the Harvester set upon him, one of its blades catching him across the chest and another along his shoulder and nicking his cheek. He fell, red fountaining out over his once clean labcoat, the control panel shattering under him. Still, even as he grasped at his new wounds, Dr. Junkenstein watched as the Harvester finally -finally- fixated on the Witch herself. It advanced, its blades dripping with blood of all sorts, as the Witch took several steps back, cursing under her breath. But before it could reach her, The Reaper blocked its path yet again, more gunshots ripping through it and sending two  of its arms clattering to the ground. And Junkenstein almost screamed aloud when his Monster joined the fray, grasping one huge hand onto its spiked head and pulling it up away, crushing and ripping even as the Harvester flailed its scythes at its bulky form. With several more wrenching blows and the squeal of metal, the blade-bearing omnic monstrosity went limp, sparks occasionally erupting from its twitching body. Blood still oozed down his front and onto the ground around him as Junkenstein clutched his chest. The rush of adrenaline in his ears almost drowned out the words of those that gathered around him, shouting insults and abuse at his stupidity. He saw the wounds on the Reaper and the Summoner above him, and only the presence of the Witch and his Monster kept the two from destroying him outright as he lay bleeding on the floor. His eyes darted under his goggles, searching for any sign of a cut or gash on the Witch herself, but his heart sank when he found none, her skin as young and beautiful and unmarred as she had always been. He mumbled apologies and excuses, promising to do better, that this was just an unfortunate accident. The Reaper was not convinced, his gravely tones still raving. The Summoner even spat on him, a glob of molten saliva oozing down his coat and eating away the fabric. Junkenstein quailed and shook slightly, and the Monster rumbled dangerously and moved to shield him, grasping him by the peg leg and pulling him out of the fray, smearing red as he went. “The next time one of your creations goes awry, I’m putting it- and you- in the ground,” the Reaper snarled after him. “You’re lucky it didn’t manage to hurt Our Lady or I would have destroyed your mad soul!” “I told you including this lunatic was a worthless endeavor!” The Summoner ran a claw ruefully along her wounded arm. “If your zomnics were not necessary to this plan, I would do this world a favor by sparing it from your further ineptitude!” The Witch waved a hand to calm her associates, speaking platitudes and calming things that Junkenstein could barely hear. “Well, it seems as though we have seen enough here for tonight, I think. The prototype I liked, I think. The mess that came from it? Well…” She gestured to the wounded. “Come now, my friends, I will take you back and heal your wounds. Although I believe I will let the good Dr. Junkenstein think on his mistakes for just a bit longer.” The Summoner and the Reaper vanished in a spout of black flame just as Dr. Junkenstein slipped into unconsciousness, still holding his wounded front. ***
Things returned to a tenuous quiet despite the carnage around them, as the Witch tapped a finger to her chin and watched as the Monster leaned down to scoop up the doctor’s limp body. “You know,” she said in an almost conversational tone, “This was all a rather bad idea.” “Mmm,” the Monster agreed. “I will admit, I actually do like the prototype. We might be able to use it later, although I believe there are more…pressing matters to attend to. It’s a shame he ruined the thing with this little plan of his.” “Ghmm.” “Still, there’s almost a part of me that’s impressed that he had the gall. And another part that was impressed that he actually managed to get my servants to bleed. I suppose it’s the only way he could get it. His acting could use a bit of improvement, but I appreciate the effort,” she waved a hand, a little flicker appearing in her palm before going to hand the Monster a tiny vial. “This is a single drop of my blood. If he is planning what I believe he is planning, there may actually be a small chance for it to work. Or well, I hope it does. I’d love to be able to invite Mei for tea again, she’s a breath of fresh air in the chaos of this place.” The Monster nodded and took the vial carefully into one huge palm, before offering up the Doctor’s sprawled form. “Mm?” “He will live, and really, it’ll be a good reminder about caution during these schemes of his. Do let me know if all this works, won’t you? This has been…amusing.” With that, the Witch vanished in a whirl of black shadow, and was gone. The Monster placed one huge hand to his creator’s chest, staunching the blood under his fingers as he carried him away. ***
Junkenstein awoke later, his chest and shoulder crudely bandaged, slumped in his favorite armchair in his study. He groaned, clutching at the stained gauze, muscles sore and his mind still delirious from stress and lack of sleep. He coughed wetly and heard the answering shuffle of someone nearby, as his Monster loomed up out of the dark and into the fire’s light. Junkenstein allowed himself to relax slightly. “Did we get everything?” “Mm,” the Monster confirmed. Scarecrow appeared on the other side of his chair, straw shuffling with a dry hush as it held out containers filled to the brim with blood; the black sludge from the Reaper, the molten yellow of the Dragon’s servant, the bright red from Junkenstein himself…and there was the teeny, unassuming vial that glowed eerily from within. Her blood. The Witch’s blood. Strange. He couldn’t remember seeing his creation wound the Witch, but he must have simply been mistaken. He had all the blood he needed now. “Victoryyyy!” he managed weakly, lifting both fists in his chair. “All right, naptime’s over, boys. I’ll take these!” He snatched the vials from Scarecrow’s hands, heading for the set of vials and tubes he had rigged up on the table earlier. Turning on the burners, he went right back to work. Far from the chaotic mess he had caused down in the kitchens, now he had the need of being precise and careful, no matter how much his hands were shaking. Dumping the blood from vial to vial, he carefully measured, poured, and stirred. The blood was not the sort to mix naturally, and he had done all the research he could on getting them to meld. The Summoner, a being of fire, and the Reaper, a dead thing of black cold, were not exactly close friends in business relationship or blood types, and it had taken all his chemical finesse to get them to blend. Perhaps it had been a good thing the Harvester had accidentally provided so much more of Junkenstein’s own blood then, a human blood that the other blood types could blend into and dominate, adding in more and more of his own red as it was threatened to be consumed by the yellow and black. When the balancing act was perfected and boiled and blended and finally stabilized…then came the final ingredient; the Witch’s own blood, that single, precious drop of glowing red that was so much stronger than his own. The droplet bobbled and wobbled, clinging reluctantly to the lip of the vial before gravity finally seized hold, dripping into the mixture. There was no crackle of electricity, no steam or smoke, not even the faintest of booms, but Junkenstein felt something ripple across the mixture, change it, and its power changed tenfold. Very carefully, he took the mixture and dumped a portion into the ink pot, taking the jiangshi’s spell paper and her old peacock feather. Dipping it into the mixture, he carefully painted the Chinese symbols he had made before, the bloody mixture seeping into the paper, redder than ink and blacker than blood. With his tongue stuck out and biting until it almost bled even more, he carefully swirled the pen into the last symbol, finishing the new spell into an infinitely more powerful version. “Bring her in!” Junkenstein shrilled quickly, just as the door opened and the Monster reappeared, cradling her stiff body in both powerful hands. He brought her down to Junkenstein’s level, the Monster shifting her into one massive arm so his other could pry her fanged jaws open. The doctor took the remainder of the blood mixture and, after pulling her tongue out of the way with two delicate pinching fingers, poured it down her cold and unresponsive throat. Pushing her jaws shut once more, he attached the spell paper to her hat and then draped it across her forehead as the charm fluttered slightly, the symbols on it seeming to glow for a moment before going dull. Junkenstein held his breath as he and the monster leaned in expectantly. Scarecrow, lurking nearby, also tried to lean in, only to have Dr. Junkenstein roughly grab onto its head and shove it away again. He and the Monster listened quietly…and then they heard the jiangshi swallow. Smacking away the sticky blood concoction in her throat with a few gulps, Mei’s eyes rolled back down into focus, turning from unseeing white back to their usual gentle darkness as she blearily adjusted her glasses as though that would help. Junkenstein didn’t feel tired anymore, a too-wide grin stretching nearly across the entire width of his skull, baring almost every single one of his sharp teeth. Especially when she coughed a little and tried to find her voice, whispering aloud in her strong accent, “D…doc-..tor?” “Welcome back, Mei.”
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spidxysense · 7 years
Different | 03
Summary: You weren’t like them. You didn’t submit yourself to experiments, unlike them, you didn’t have a choice in becoming what you were. Now, years later Mr. Stark has sent you over to Queens to watch over one of his newest proteges in order to get your mind off of your sister.
Word Count: 3,247
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader/Spiderman x Reader
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A/N: Alright, I said I’d make this longer but honestly, I wanted to finish it early for you guys so I decided that 3,000 would be my average word count. Hope you guys like it. You all super effing rock btw for getting my other chapters to 200+ which is like so friggin amazing! Sorry about the action scenes, I am just shit at writing those. I might not update for the rest of the week though, because I really need to finish writing for my other fan account, but I’ll be sure to work on the next chapter when I get some time. Thanks for all the love and feedback, I love you guys!
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You reach the abandoned gas station just in time to see Spiderman fling himself off the building towards a moving truck that the villain, who Michelle insisted on calling Vulture after you briefed her on what you were doing, just took over. Instead of joining the good fight in the truck, you decided to stay on top of the truck, waiting for a chance to ambush Vulture. You reach in you leg strap pocket and take out the tiny black metallic ball, a device you designed back when you stayed at the Stark compound. You press both sides of the sphere and it automatically unfolds into a tiny version of Ironman except this was painted black.
“Trail Spiderman. Connect AV comms.” You speak into your watch as the iron bot nods and flies to the entrance of the truck.
You sit there for hours when to your surprise, two green circular glowing eyes meet your own. It flies up into the air, taking you by the hands, and without you noticing it, he knocks one of the cubes he attached to the truck earlier, making the entryway into the truck completely disappear, and locking Peter inside.
You struggle to break free from his grasp, without your hands, you could create dark energy to escape your current predicament. As soon as you're dropped, you land head first into a tree branch and drop onto the floor beneath a tree, you stand up quickly, looking around you, you no longer have sight of the highway, instead you're surrounded by trees, and the waiting Vulture ready to attack.
You tread carefully, and then all at once, you fly your hands in his direction, covering his metallic wings. He chuckles before slowly reaching up to press a button near his covered mouth and high pitched sonic screams engulf your ear, making you lose focus and successfully releasing his wings. You cover your ears, and press as hard as you can, when you see him approaching your kneeling figure in the dirt.
You wince at the continuous high pitched screams, "What do you want?!" You shut your eyes tight.
He kneels down next to you on one knee, slowly pressing the button once again to make the noise stop; he grabs the back of his mask, pulling it free from his head and chuckles, "What do I want?" He looks up, scratching his chin, "I want you and your little Spider boyfriend to stop meddling in my business. You better hope to God I don't find out who you are unless you want me killing you right where you stand." He stands up, puts his helmet back on and starts to walk away, "Just know that the only reason I'm keeping you alive is so you relay this to that Spider freak." That's where he leaves you, grabbing the mulch filled dirt in pain.
You didn't have a choice, in your current state using your dark energy wasn't an option, so you started on your journey back to the hotel. You arrive just shy of five in the morning, you knock on the door quietly with your head, unable to conjure up the strength to even lift your hands.
Michelle opens the door, looking above your head, but looks down in horror when you collapse on her, "Oh my God! Y/N?! What happened to you?!" She pulls you inside.
"Jesus Christ, you're bleeding out on the bed." She sighs.
You blinding look around, everything turning blurry, "I-I don't know w-why I'm bleeding."
She grabs the closest ice pack and presses it to the side of your head, "Yeah? Well you are, your jaw is bruised too. You lip is cut open." She tilts your head to the side, "Your head is busted slightly, and it looks like you collided with something sharp looking at this gnarly scar stemming from wound." She sighs, "You look pretty fucking beat up Y/N."
You laugh hollowly, “Yeah, well I was pretty fucking beat.” You try to sit up, before she's pushing you back down, "I have to get to my computer-"
"God dammit Y/N, are you really willing to risk your own life for whatever phantom you're chasing with Peter? You've done your job! Now let the adults handle it!" She holds you down, and presses the ice pack harsher on your wound, making you wince, "You don’t need to do their job. He doesn't even know who you are under that mask."
You open your eyes, finally seeing her, "He...doesn't need to." You breathe out, "We need..." you gasp out in pain, "to save everybody." You lose consciousness.
By the time you wake up, it's around two in the afternoon. You look around before a wincing pain from the side of your head feels like it’s slapped you across the face, when you touch it, it starts to ache even more, but at least the blood's stopped. You look at Michelle’s bed; your decathlon jacket is placed on her bed. Upon realizing why you were here, you get up, and walk into the bathroom, looking at the mirror, "I look like shit." You sigh, before getting into the shower. You stretch your sore muscles upon coming out of the shower and you find MJ’s note, explaining where they were. You got dressed and you walked towards the Championship venue, which according to Michelle's note is directly across the Washington monument, you walk in slowly and Mr. Goldstein is the first to greet you.
"Y/N!" He grasps your shoulders, "I heard what happened with the stairs. Next time, make sure that the ice bucket isn't leaking melted water when going up the stairs alright?"
You nod slowly, "Yeah, sorry. That was on me." You look at the team, the MC announces that it's the final round, "Mr. Goldstein, could I may be participate?"
He smiles brightly, "O-of course! Hold on." He moves toward the stage, "Flash! Flash! Get off the stage! Y/N's taking your place!"
Flash gapes at him as Mr. Goldstein pushes you forward onto the stage where you take over Flash's seat after he storms off stage.
"Alright! This is the final question which will determine out winner!" He looks to the left and then to the right at your team, "This metal alloy is an extremely stable molecular structure which prevents it from being further molded even if the temperature is high enough to keep it in its liquefied form. In its solid form, it is described as a dark, shiny gray like high-grade steel or titanium, in this state, it is indestructible, and when molded to a sharp edge, it can penetrate lesser material with minimal force."
You ding the bell quickly, "Midtown Science!" The MC calls out.
You look at the MC, then to your teammates, which makes you realize, Peter wasn't here, "A-Adamantium."
A loud buzz breaks the tension in the room and balloons and confetti are being released, "And Midtown High takes the win with A-adamantium!" The MC copied your stuttering.
Cheers are surrounding you and hugs are thrown your way, you catch Flash taking the trophy straight out of the MC’s hands, but you remember; Peter isn’t here, he’s supposed to be here. He was supposed to be here way earlier than when you made it back, but he wasn’t.
A hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling you out of the venue is what gets your attention; it was Michelle, “They want to go see the Washington Monument.” She sighs, “Besides, nobody’s here.” She points out, “Are you…?” She points to her head with a little twirling gesture, “Y’know, are you like fine up there? I mean you lost a lot of blood.”
You furrow your eyebrows and blink in quick successions, there was nobody around anymore, “Yeah, I’m fine, um right, sorry I was thinking-“
“About Peter?” She gives you a smug smile, “Don’t worry about him... He’s Spiderman.” She waves as you two continue to walk toward the monument having been left behind by the team.
You walk into the monument having watched the hilarious exchange between Mr. Goldberg, Michelle, and her resistance to “go inside a monument built by slaves”. You stop by the metal detectors and look over at the Midtown Decathlon team waiting for the elevator to take them up as you dump your bag onto the basket that would scan for any weapons, once you get to the other side a security guard approaches you.
“Hope you don’t mind waiting for more people.” He begins walking back to his post, “It’s been a pretty slow day for tourists.” You look at your watch, it was already past three.
“It’s fine.” You keep turning to look back just in case Peter comes running through the entrance, but he doesn’t.
Suddenly, you felt the floor shake and the walls vibrate with a violet light shining through the cracks of the closed elevator doors; you looked around as the ceiling begins to crumble. You frantically turn in every possible angle, trying to find an exit point but all you see is a child whose body is trapped under the fallen piecing of the ceiling crying out for his mom and a hysterical woman trying to push back the security guards and in a moment of impulsiveness, you run and use your powers to lift the large rubble and broken pieces off to help the kid and as you carry him to transport him to his mother, you hear the tiniest of thank you’s in your very ear. However, just as you hand him off to his mother you hear the screams for help from the elevator, it doesn’t take you too long to look over the still closed doors, but that was all it took before the ceiling of the lobby completely falls apart and blocks the entrance.
With nobody around left to see you use your powers, you run to the elevator doors and pull them open with a great deal of concentration which has your already injured head pounding against you skull. You gasp into your mouth when you hear the screams clearer, with slow steps, you find yourself inside the elevator shaft, right where it would stop and you look up, you see the elevator but it’s already ready far up with a large hole on the floor, you spot a couple of sparks coming from the sides as the elevator seems to move, they must be moving inside or at least trying to get out of it.
You look to the blocked entrance and back up at the elevator, it would be the easiest thing to just lift the rubble with what little energy you had left and all you had to do was step out of the elevator. It’s the easiest choice, and to someone that wants to survive, it should be the only choice, but it’s not what you needed to do, not what you wanted (indent) to do. This was your life, and just like you told Peter back at that lake, somebody had to save the day. You completely understood what you would be risking, but it seems that trying at all is all the more better than leaving these people to die. This was your responsibility, this was the responsibility you shared with all the heroes out in the world, with Ironman, Captain America, your sister, and Peter, and knowing that you didn’t even need to hesitate or second guess your decision made it all the more clearer that you’d willingly die for these people if it meant saving them.
You close your eyes and form a familiar hand position near your stomach, you think of your sister, and of your brother. You were not going to die with the same sacrifice of saving the world as him, but you were going to willingly sacrifice everything for these people, and you were fine with that. You think back on how your sister made larger energy projections from bunching it up in her hands before aiming it, so you imitate her hands as you push your hands and arms towards the now falling elevator. You scream out in pain as you feel the blood spurting out your nose, but you don’t look away from the elevator, you push back harder, until you realize the weight is slowly being lifted. You watch it move up, until it stops on what you guess would be the floor everybody else had evacuated to, and then it’s falling completely. You stare at it dumbfounded with a lingering pain in your head and muscles, you feel your heart pound in your chest as if it was treasuring your last moment alive, like your heart would willingly stop if you asked it to, but you push through, you look down at the ground and smile, looking back up and releasing dark energy extending from your fingertips, you scream when you catch it and start extending the energy matter to push it up from where it already nearly touched your head. You push it up high enough before you spot large pipes surrounding it. With the quickest motion, you move one hand in the direction of the leftmost pipe, moving it along so it runs along on the left side of the bottom of the elevator which has you gasping in pain; you move onto the other sides, it has you sighing when you succeed in stopping the elevator. You drop to your knees, and slump, but when you look up something tiny and metallic catches your eye, it looks like a tiny metallic spider.
You hear distant screaming, but you never feel him plop down on the ground next to you. You shut your eyes in anticipation for Spiderman himself hanging upside-down, with your arms feeling slightly numb, you muster up enough strength to bring the jacket over your nose and wipe it, and when you turn to look behind you, he’s there.
He gives you a tiny salute, “H-hello-Ehem.” He clears his throat in order to deepen his voice, “Hello Ma’am. Do you need help getting up?”
You look back at him with a tired smile which probably shocks him.
“Oh my God.” The white part of his eyes retracts, “Holy shit what happened to you?” He touches your face softly, tracing your jaw before letting it linger on the bruise; he turns your head slightly to look at the side of your head.
You twitch slightly from his grasp before removing your head completely from his touch, “I’m fine.” You stand up slowly, with wobbly feet, “Is everyone safe?”
He tilts his head, “Is everyone saf-?” His voice gets louder, “How about you?! Were you safe?! What if you died here?”
You smile a tired smile and say the one thing that shocks him, “What if everyone else died up there?” You look back at him and remember that he doesn’t even know you survived, “This black plasma thing helped me.” You look up at the still elevator, “Got that thing to stay up there and to be honest, the black energy didn’t look like something you could conjure up from mixing chemicals.”
He looks around, “Black energy?” He mumbles, “So she must have saved you…” He trails off.
He suddenly stops speaking, and then looks directly at you without moving, “This tiny voice in my suit says I should kiss you.” He points at his head and pulls his mask off up to the nose, “And for once in my damn life, I’m not going to think about the consequences.” He pulls you in to kiss him.
You break apart first, clearing your throat, “I-I can’t. I’m sorry.” You look down.
He chuckles to himself, “It’s alright, even if that was an option. Some crazy girl with powers is in love with me.” He sighs, “You just remind me of someone I really want to protect.” He pulls his mask back on just as the authorities manage to dig all the rubble out of the way, and find you, Spiderman already gone. You follow one of the medics who has placed and orange blanket around your shoulders, where she leads you to the nearby ambulance and properly treats your wounds.
“Y/N!” You hear the panic filled voice feet away before you’re being embraced by your best friend.
You close your eyes and laugh softly, “I can hear your heart MJ, and it’s beating so fast.”
She pulls away, crouching so you’re looking her in the eye, “That’s all thanks to you, you self-righteous, hero driven idiot!” She wipes her tears quickly, “What if you died in there?”
“I didn’t.”
“Oh God, you’re still an idiot.” She sobs.
You look for Spiderman, or Peter, given that he disappeared before the authorities found you and you realize the sun is no longer up which has you looking at your watch, showing you that it was already past six. Upon looking back up, you meet eyes with Peter who’s suddenly appeared, he’s looking at you, but with a face that looks as if he were contemplating something. He pulls his hoodie over his head and sticks his hands in his hoodie pockets and starts to approach you, which Michelle takes as a sign to leave.
He stops in front of you, “So Mr. Goldberg told me you fell down the stairs.”
You sigh and shrug, “I’m more interested in why you’re talking to me, Peter.” You look him squarely in the eye, “Last I remember, you pretty much broke my heart, so don’t take it personally if I tell you that you aren’t allowed to care about me.”
“But I do.” His answer is instant, he paces back and forth a few times before finally stopping, “Look, I’m sorry I told you that we couldn’t be toge-“
You jump up to stand directly in front of him, “Could you please not mention that bullshit again?” You cut him off, “I feel like that’s been ringing in my ears all this time, and I am so tired of it.”
He freezes which you take as an opportunity to continue, “We’re not perfect okay? We’re gonna keep secrets, everybody has them, and honestly whatever you’re keeping from me that has you thinking this way, I don’t care, Peter.” You grab his hands, “I have told myself time and time again that I shouldn’t even like you this much but even when I try, I feel myself loosening my grip. There are so many things I’m unsure of in this world, but I know that feeling this way isn’t one of them. So I don’t care if we can’t be together, Peter. I want to be, and I don’t know what bogus shit you were giving me with having to protect me, but I can put up a damn fight so you don’t have to protect me.” You pull him closer by the collar, “You’re all I want, Peter. No amount of “I can’t’s” can change that, and if you tell me you don’t feel the same then you’re a goddamn liar Peter Parker.” You kiss him, it takes a few seconds but he kisses back.
It’s only cut short by a slow clapping, which turns out the be Michelle, “About. Damn. Time you two.” She gives you a wink before going back to talk with Mr. Goldstein. You wanted to believe this would last, but you knew better, something was going to happen; you could feel it.
This time, Peter kisses you first.
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redbladereviewing · 4 years
Breath of the Wild VS Twilight Princess: Open World or Guided Goals?
Open World Action Adventure games. They’re all over the market and there’s likely no chance of them going away. It’s pretty easy to think that these games take no effort, but designing a gigantic map with different landscapes, biomes, towns, and proper enemy spawn locations takes a lot of time, money and manpower to create. And The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of those games that certainly took a lot of time to make. Originally planned for Nintendo’s best dust collecting device, the Wii U, the game was met with a multitude of delays from 2014 to 2017, and even being released onto their newest console, the Nintendo Switch, with Shigeru Miyamoto famously saying “A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is forever bad”. While this quote would later be mocked with the heavily delayed release of Mighty No. 9 later in 2017, Miyamoto was right. Breath of the Wild, despite its delays, was met with universal critical acclaim, winning Game of the Year at the annual Game Awards 2017, and even having a direct sequel announced and in development at E3 2019. But as time went on, as it always does, opinions towards Breath of the Wild started to sour. With people presenting complaints for its barren open world, brittle weapon durability, and complete lack of character from our main protagonist, that people were starting to cast doubt upon whether it was even good in the first place. Now this is nothing new. Game franchises that have been around for decades are likely to have people question the quality of some installments. Just ask Sonic the Hedgehog fans today what they think of Colors compared to Black Knight then when those games came out. But Zelda fans are a bit different. The Zelda franchise has had a set formula for almost about a decade since Ocarina of Time was released in 1998. A simple dungeon full of puzzles to solve, some monsters to deal with, and a special weapon that helps with defeating the boss of said dungeon. It’s a formula that worked for a long time, and only was Breath of the Wild released itself from that cycle its forefathers created. However, while some cycles should be broken, the one that Zelda was in wasn’t really in need of a change. People will say that you often have to change up a series’ gameplay to keep it fresh, but I don’t think that’s true. Call of Duty has been keeping people invested in its games for decades, and it doesn’t change much outside of minor additions, for better and for worse. But the core of the gameplay stays the same. Twilight Princess, in my own humble opinion, was the game that took the most advantages it could with the set Zelda gameplay formula. With the best dungeons in the series, and a story that had a lot more depth than most other entries before and after it. Meanwhile, Breath of the Wild went so far away from the set formula you’d be mistaken for thinking it was a completely different game. So between a massive open world and a set structure of events, which of the two is a better direction for the Hero of Hyrule to go down?
Breath of the Wild has itself set on breaking its formula from the very start. You aren’t a village child or a farmhand; you’re a random dude in his undies waking up from a century long slumber in a water bed, and being given an alien looking smartphone. Complete with a map, camera, and telescope to help you explore this massive world. Even as you enter into the open world, you’re situated atop a plateau, complete with everything you’ll need to learn about how this world works. From weather climate, to resource gathering, to even cooking meals and sneaking past fights you can’t win. It’s quite the departure from what we’ve come to expect. That is, if you’ve only played major Zelda games after 1998. In interviews, the developers said they wanted to go back to the roots of how this series started. With a big world that you don’t really know how it works, but steadily guide you towards what you can do, what you need to do, and how to do things. It certainly has that feel, with the entire intro of the game setting up everything that you’ll be doing in the game. From dealing with enemy camps that hold helpful resources, to climbing towers on loan from one of Ubisoft’s old open world games, to going through Shiekah Shrines to learn the basic abilities your smartphone can use. Such as freezing objects in place, picking up metal boxes, and blowing stuff up with two types of bombs. It’s a lot of stuff to learn that’s steadily leading to you learning more about the state of this version of Hyrule. In this version, Ganon has technically won. The world is in ruins, the people are isolated, there’s monsters running around everywhere, and Zelda is keeping Ganon locked away inside the castle as best she can. It creates a serene, but almost horrifying apocalypse where giant spider bots are roaming the world and blasting people to ashes. It’s quite a daunting adventure ahead, and the gameplay reflects this. Weapons are incredibly brittle, almost as if they haven’t been maintained for a century. Even the most legendary of Royal Guard armaments break after constant use despite looking so expertly constructed. From a narrative perspective, it makes sense. The world is in ruins and you have to find what you can to get an edge against the monsters that roam the world. But from a gameplay perspective, it creates the unfortunate result of collecting a lot of powerful weapons that you will never use because you wanna save them for when you need them. Except you never really will need them because you can run past most enemies in the game and they’ll give up chasing you, especially when fighting enemies into the mid-game doesn’t give you rewards that feel worth it. Oh wow, a shiny rock. I’m glad I used up my Soldier’s Greatsword on those Bokoblins to get it. I’m sure that’ll be worth something to someone. Turns out, it might be, but only to upgrade your armor with pieces of junk you collect from the open world to make yourself tankier. Combat in open world games often has to exist to give the player something to easily do when they start up the game, or create some kind of challenge. But when you can literally go anywhere, even to the final boss right away and fight them with only the weapons you can carry and whatever you found in the castle, it makes the combat in Breath of the Wild not all that worth it. Even when many high skilled players discover new ways of breaking the games physics and mechanics to get themselves some massive combat advantages, it doesn’t really feel satisfying when the rewards aren’t worth it. While its certainly worthy of praise that Nintendo have made an extremely open world with all kinds of directions you can go, it’s not nearly as satisfying to beat a game when the challenge keeps going down and down, and there’s not enough story motivation to get character invested players to keep going. Combat has to have enough of a satisfying reward for players to seek it out. It can be anything from a sense of character progression, to just the satisfying feeling of combat itself. Breath of the Wild struggles with these two things so often simply because combat has no direct changes outside of dodge, flurry attack, repeat, that all those special methods of combat feel like too much effort. Dominant Strategy dictates that players will always use the most effective method of overcoming obstacles in a game, and Breath of the Wild’s Dominant Strategy is basically playing Dark Souls for little kiddies. Stat buff meals and potions don’t mean anything if the combat doesn’t have a satisfying feel to it that makes it worth seeking out, or rewards that encourage facing greater threats.
By contrast, Twilight Princess is so much of a Zelda game it’s dripping with Ocarina of Time’s Happy Ending massage aftermath. The game starts out with Link living in a small rural forest village with his horse, working as a farmhand who herds goats, and even enjoys spending time with the village children, indulging in their praise of his super cool sword and slingshot skills. Twilight Princess does a good job of setting up a status quo. Almost too good of a job. A common criticism of the game is the entire intro before the first dungeon. It goes to great lengths to establish what your home was like before the twilight began to spread, and it even has a few dumb story moments. Like your village crush Ilia taking your horse away because of a minor injury it took from jumping over a fence. Despite Epona not even being her horse. Then there’s Link giving his training sword to a child just to get your horse back. Would’ve been helpful to fight back against those invading Bulbins if I had that glorified stick. Thanks, Talo, you little twerp. All that ends up happening to you and your friends is entirely your fault. The giant wall of Twilight that cuts off the forest? Well, I can’t blame a child for encroaching darkness. That would be too far. However, that same darkness is also where another criticism of this game comes up. “Oh no! Link’s been turned into a furry! Guess this game is responsible for my diaperfur fetish.” Obvious joke against a community that the internet has yet to accept as just another part of itself aside, Wolf Link’s gameplay is not really all that well utilized. It’s fairly simply exploration in an animal form that will be responsible for a number of young folk’s sexual discovery. It has you exploring the segments you’ll later explore as your normal form so that you can get some idea of the state of that region. After getting the Master Sword, the wolf form becomes something that you can use for easy fast travel through the portals you’ve unlocked, and going through areas that would be too difficult for your normal form to travel through. There is, however, one big thing that Wolf Link helps you unlock. Before you enter the first dungeon, you have a run-in with a golden wolf that lunges at you and sends into a foggy void where a Stalfos named Shade teaches you a number of combat abilities. While they appear to be situational to some extent, they do a lot to spice up the combat and give you more available options when fighting monsters. And the only way to get these special combat moves is to find special Triforce Wind Stones around the map where you howl along to old classic songs from the previous Zelda games. With these moves, you’ll have much more combat options when fighting enemies like the Darknut, who acts as the mini-boss of the Temple of Time dungeon, but becomes a common enemy in the final dungeon where they appear in almost every room one after another. It’s a great escalation of challenge while giving the player the skills that they have to find for themselves without making the fights easier, as the Darknuts are tanky fights that you can’t so easily cheese like the toughest of enemies in Breath of the Wild.
Which reminds me. I haven’t actually talked about the dungeons in Breath of the Wild. Though honestly, the dungeons themselves don’t have a lot to talk about. It’s basically running around a giant mech and activating four panels before fighting the boss of it which can be easily cheesed with enough bomb arrows and rushdown attacks. As well as making use of the dungeon’s special environment controls to change one thing about the environment. While it’s likely they made the dungeons all follow the same rhythm to give players the option to explore each dungeon in a different order of their choice, it doesn’t really help these dungeons not feel like a bit of an afterthought compared to the real meat and potatoes of BotW. The Shrines. These suckers are all over Hyrule and each reward you with a Spirit Orb. Said Orb can be used to get either Heart Containers or Stamina Boosts when you give four of them to any Goddess Shrine in the world. These Shrines can have you solving a physics puzzle, going through an obstacle course, solving a memory puzzle, or just straight up fighting an enemy of specific difficulty. While these can be fun little challenges, the major reward you get from them can become extremely predictable and somewhat tiresome. Early game, I was finding shrines to help level up my health so I can better face the enemy, but about halfway through the game I grew tired of doing the shrines because they just weren’t worth it when I already had a lot of health and stamina. Yet if you want to get the classic iconic tunic that Link has always worn without having to search through amiibo scalpers for Legend of Zelda amiibos that give you Links tunic, you have to go through all 120 Shrines to get it. So while you will be jacked as all get out when you get all the shrines and you’ll have a classic tunic for when you fight Calamity Ganon, the final boss fight itself ends up being way easier than most other challenges you’ve faced up to that point, so the effort of leveling yourself up and getting all these big upgrades doesn’t feel like it’s being used against a foe that really deserves the kind of punishment you can dish out.
Despite all my negativities surrounding Breath of the Wild, I do think it’s a good game and an admirable product. The scale of the world is impressive, with so many moments when I just stopped moving and took in all the beautiful scenery. It’s a good game and a good Zelda game. I just feel that the difficulty balance, the lack of protagonist characterization, and very basic dungeon design keep it from being my favorite of the series. As for Twilight Princess, it will always be my personal favorite of the franchise. From its characters, to its dungeons, to its sword combat, to just the whole experience as a whole, it’s what I immediately think of when I think of Legend of Zelda. And if you feel the same way about Breath of the Wild, I think that’s great. I just wanted to share what personal issues I had with BotW now that it’s been three years since it came out.
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Seven Common Myths About SEO 2019
The good SEO strategy is your own first step towards developing a good online relationship with your clients. The number one particular reason for using video upon your site to improve SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to increase the quantity of time users remain upon your site. Search engine optimization had been but still is fascinating in order to me. The SEO placement with regard to any size business begins along with proper web site optimization, a good excellent link building strategy plus a well planned online marketing and advertising plan. One section of focus for higher marketing and SEO performance within 2018 is the confluence associated with content, influence, and social. This can be helpful for SEO, because it helps avoid search engine crawlers from becoming confused by syntax or acceptance errors, and leads to even more accurate indexing. Stop thinking in terms associated with SEO vs. content marketing” plus start exploring how well these people perform together. (Give it a try tone of voice search using OK Google through your cell phone and enquire "What Is BlowFish SEO" ) When all remains as it will be, Google will read out loud most about my company in the short to the point method, These cards are formatted in order to fit the screen of your own cell with no scrolling upward or down. Although SEO is really the time-consuming process but believes me personally, if you work well along with dedication and trendy techniques, the particular combined results of on-page plus off-page SEO holds you upon the top with rank #1 for a specific search outcome. Fairly lately, I've seen a resurgence associated with on-page SEO factors making the difference searching engine rankings. It helps your SEO attempts to ensure that your key phrases are added to the destinazione description and it will provide you a ranking boost in the event that your specific terms are noticeable in this area. Moreover, a Google Penguin update drastically changed the function of backlinks on SEO, generating it more difficult to find link juice to a web site. Gone are the times of traditional SEO techniques, on-line content is changing. The cognitiveSEO Rank System offers accurate country, language plus city precision for all your own tracked keywords. Even if your URLs not necessarily pretty, ” if you no longer feel as though they're adversely impacting users and your company in general, don't change all of them to be more keyword concentrated for better SEO. ” In case you do need to alter your URL structure, make certain to make use of the proper (301 permanent) type of redirect. In this particular post, we've broken down the particular very best SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your number of regular visitors. An accessible URL will be an important SEO ranking element. Heidi Cohen: To increase 2018 SEO results, marketers will proceed moving away from disposable, as soon as and done content. They concentrate on SEO Internet marketing objectives and provide top search motor rank like Google and Askjeeve. Collectively, these developments are plus can continue to have the dramatic impact on the method in which we search optimize our websites in 2019 plus form the core of our own newest SEO 2019 update briefing. You may generally see outcomes of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efforts once the webpage proceeds to be crawled and listed by a internet search motor. Most likely the best form of cultural media to pay attention in order to when turning to SEO is definitely Google Plus. 1 of the most successful methods to ensure your clients get your photography business is simply by implementing an SEO strategy, this particular is more than just producing it to number 1 about Google, it means ensuring the fact that a varied and steady supply of traffic is proceeding to your site, over plus above that of your competition. If you are usually willing to improvise your web site search and boost up your own Google ranking, but do not really have time or resources intended for doing that, hire an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialist for the same objective. Mobile SEO is definitely mobile search engine optimization or even optimizing content for a much better search ranking. Titles on pages and explanations affect what people see within search results, so it's important to check these out within any SEO audit. Search motors give some guidelines for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, but big search engines maintain result ranking as a business secret. Along with $80 billion forecast to turn out to be spent annually on SEO — and content marketing set in order to be considered a $300+ billion industry by simply 2019 — it might end up being tempting for stakeholders to observe SEO and content marketing since cost centers rather than income centers. While that will theory is sound (when concentrated on a single page, when the particular intent is to deliver electricity content to a Google user) using old school SEO strategies on especially a large web site spread out across many webpages seems to amplify site high quality problems, after recent algorithm adjustments, and so this type associated with optimisation without keeping track associated with overall site quality is self-defeating in the long run. Join us for a new three-day, one-track conference full associated with forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, growth marketing, the mobile surroundings, analytics, content marketing, and a lot more. The objective associated with SEO is to get the website ranked as high because possible on search engines, for example Google. In the event that you are improving user encounter by focusing primarily on the particular quality of the MC associated with your pages and avoiding -- even removing - old-school SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques - those certainly are usually positive steps to getting even more traffic from Google in 2018 - and the type associated with content performance Google rewards is definitely in the end largely with least about a satisfying consumer experience. For instance, when I'm logged in to Google+ and I actually search for SEO, I obtain the following in my top 5 search results. Black head wear SEO practice involves breaking almost all of the rules and rules of the search engine. Every time you notice or hear the phrase research engine optimization, ” substitute exactly what create quality and indicating relevance” and you'll have the correct mindset permanently SEO work. SEOs conveniently call this effect ‘domain authority' and it appeared in order to be related to ‘PageRank' -- the system Google started in order to rank the web within 1998. In case you have more time plus are keen to follow the particular SEO industry, subscribe to Moz and Search Engine Land. Integrating these keywords into the blog post allows you to add range while still retaining SEO energy. UnGagged Birmingham is really a 2-day SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION & Digital Marketing conference that will takes place June 11-12th, along with one-day intensive masterclasses on August 13th. These ‘quality updates' are very reminiscent of Search engines Panda updates and often influence many websites at the exact same time - and often these types of concentrate on demoting similar ‘low-quality' SEO techniques we have already been told Panda focuses on. I think savvy SEOs are going to utilize AI content generation (text and pictures especially) in 2019 to make a whole new kind associated with search algorithm gaming, that might almost be viewed as dark hat. This course covers how in order to build strong links for much better SEO. SEO companies ensure that will your site has all associated with the SEO Internet marketing like as business improvement, localized item sales, high quality online era and the rest. 2018 brought many alterations to the world of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION, including a few new protocol evolutions through Google. An expert Seo agency may help any dimensions of company take full advantage of web marketing and boost the likelihood associated with actual sales while simultaneously boost brand awareness one of the particular customers segment. Recently we were speaking about the subject with the friendly agency in Valencia plus we directed to this entrance of Search Engine Journal along with the 20 questions that ought to be done to any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or SEO agency that desires to hire. The traditional strategy to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via lookup engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 may still use many of these kinds of newly implemented tactics, but look for engine optimization experts are likewise suggesting there will be a lot more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile products, and the number will surely proceed up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning ought to come from online resources, yet there are a few publications that will help you conceptually understand the history of research, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the many years. There are a lot of methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for a lot of companies because if individuals find you with a web lookup and find what they're searching for, you can receive plenty of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword study for the specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website. Siteimprove SEO incorporates sixty six unique SEO checks, including tests for missing meta descriptions, transliteration mistakes, broken links, outdated documents, poor readability, and links in order to unsafe domains. But in case we're looking for a larger trend it's that SEO plus what we call real marketing” will continue to blur the particular lines between them as the particular job of the SEO gets that of a traditional internet marketer - having to understand the particular user, the competitors, the market place and also the implementation aspect. Thanks for going to the world of Search Motor Optimization (SEO). For example, we regularly generate content on the topic associated with "SEO, " but it's nevertheless very hard to rank properly on Google for such the popular topic on this acronym alone. What can this industry shifts show about the particular future of SEO and content material marketing? Search engine search engine optimization (SEO) is on a move. Whether a person are an SEO Professional, Electronic Marketing Agency, SMB or Brand name, looking to increase your visitors or to monitor your website's evolution, this SEO software will certainly provide you with best within class digital marketing strategy evaluation and insights for your company. Their expertise is definitely incredibly valuable because there is usually lots of science to SEO, plus it is constantly changing because search engines like Google carry on to update their algorithms. From a content viewpoint, I'd say one of the particular best ways to get SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value out of video is definitely to focus your efforts upon addressing your customer's pain factors. One thing is definitely crystal clear: if you desire people to discover your function, you need search engine search engine optimization (SEO). This most means when you're thinking regarding your SEO strategy, you require to think about how your own social networking strategy fits into the particular puzzle, too. As your visitors slowly increases, ensure that you include some other SEO strategies (like adding exterior and internal links, guest publishing, etc) to engage more customers and keep your metrics higher. Google has remaining a very narrow band associated with opportunity when it comes in order to SEO - and punishments are developed to take you out associated with the game for some period while you cleanup the infractions. Head of Marketing, Shiny Edstrom, at BioClarity, a San Diego based health-science company, thinks Blog9T that SEO is going in order to see a decreased importance within 2019, and SEOs should begin ensuring they're competent in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING. The best rank that you could see the profile with contact information and maps on right hands side of search result web page is achieved after long process for using SEO tactics. Numerous search engine optimisation. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the technique of customizing a website for search motor discovery and indexing. SEO is actually a technique which search motors require that sites must enhance properly, so that they show up high in search results. The European Search Honours is an international competition that will shines the spotlight around the best SEO and Content Marketing organizations in Europe. SEO focuses upon rankings in the organic (non-paid) search results. SEO therefore helps you get traffic through search engines. With Ahrefs, a great kick off point for keyword research regarding SEO is the Keywords Explorer tool. Topics: SEO, backlink, content material marketing, social media marketing plus advertising, analytics, and more. 60+ sessions on hot topics, accomplishment stories and strategies in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION, SEA, PPC, Social Media, On the web Marketing and SMX Future Trail. 2018 (I believe) will be a lot associated with catch up on current SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION themes, with the biggest trends” occurring around voice queries to find results. Therefore, SEOmonitor tracks all of the appropriate data that could influence SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance and displays it within the Keyword Events Timeline. If you forget that will quality content is a best priority, then you can definitely forget about having an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy. The particular way we asking the device is different from person in order to person. therefore, optimizing your site 100% mobile friendly to accomplish cellular voice search is very essential to SEO 2019. We am just newbie and significantly i do get frustrated whenever articles doesn't rank on best or near top, but individuals like you and many some other also inspire me to never ever give up. There are a number of points that i wasn't recognized up to now but say thanks to to you, you are often make us learn important points about seo. Deciding on the best key phrases is critical for successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and it is easy in order to choose the wrong ones through falling into the trap associated with optimization. Research engine marketing, or SEO, is the procedure of enhancing your site's rank in search results. Web Marketing SEO, and in specific, Google SEO is the essential. Get into your competitor's URL into the particular SEMRush search bar and you will end up being provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, with their ratings and traffic. About: Brighton SEO is made up of courses and a one-day search marketing conference. Before this change, the greatest practice was to avoid concealed content at any cost because it wasn't as effective with regard to SEO (it was either as well much to crawl for the particular bot in some instances or even given less important by Search engines in others). This is due to the particular fact that you will require contents to be submitted in order to the websites for whom a person are working as an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, when you build the hyperlinks, you will need to supply the profile information, and a person will also have to supply articles for submissions as properly as numerous other types associated with written work. If you've actually searched for something online (and most of us have), a person already know read more regarding SEO than you think a person do. All of us already see this trend within several places, like extremely exact targeting of social ads : some brands still approach SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and content creation with the one-size-fits all attitude. SEO is really the shortened phrase for search motor optimization. I believe SEO within 2019 will largely be such as SEO in 2018, with the particular exception of some big” Search engines update that wipes out sufficient websites to make people think the algorithms have grown significantly smarter. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION works by optimizing a cyberspace pages, conducting keyword research, plus earning inbound links. The business offers excellent SEO packages that will help rank the clients' site within top three pages associated with search engine pages. That can make SEO an ideal lead era tool, because when searchers adhere to links back to your web site, you have the chance in order to convert them to leads, plus later make sales. Whenever asked to point out principles that are unique towards the particular web, most people will arrive up with two main types: SEO and social media. How many links do a person need for good off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION? If you are carrying out a professional SEO audit to get a genuine business, you are going in order to have to think like the Google Search Quality Rater Along with a Google search engineer to supply real long-term value to the client. 44. Give your own social media profiles an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION boost. 10% of our experts believe that will there's likely to be the lot of focus on cellular in 2019, as older SEOs realize optimizing for desktop is definitely pointless. White hat SEO is not really just about following guidelines, yet is about ensuring that the particular content google search indexes and eventually ranks will be the same content the user will see. Every advertising SEO blog is usually talking about online video marketing and advertising and every third company professional you talk to is going to shift marketing dollars to a good online video campaign. ” Simply by 2019, video is expected in order to account for 80 percent associated with all web traffic. Don't set it and neglect it. Take time to review your SEO keyword strategy each few months to make certain it's still relevant and attaining the final results you want. Stories are a easy method to do marketing, you simply need to include some custom made images or text in purchase to let people know these people could swipe to click plus see where you can obtain a skirt, grill, buy SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, or anything else you're attempting to pitch to the people. Jana Granko, PR (public relations) head in SEMrush - one of the particular top marketing tools of the particular world - believe that within 2019 AI (artificial intelligence) would certainly change the way people research for keywords. In fact, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is simply one part associated with every successful digital marketing technique, but possibly the most essential part. These are called SEO positioning factors. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the art and technology of driving the most skilled visitors to your website simply by attaining high search engine outcomes. From Digital SEO Land, Rintu Biswas a professional SEO expert inside Kolkata will assist you to be able to build quality backlinks to your site. This ‘what is SEO‘ guide (and this whole website) is not about churn and burn type of Search engines SEO (called webspam to Google) as that is too dangerous to deploy on a genuine business website in 2018. You've added even more relevant content to your website article and increased the on-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION targeted against your focus keyword(s). Before my first ISS, My partner and i had always thought I may just learn everything by personally about global online marketing matters like International SEO just simply by doing online investigation and experimentation, but honestly nothing beats typically the efficiency of attending a seminar like ISS where one can easily share your experiences and immediately gain a treasure trove associated with learnings and best practices through other international marketers. That method, you and your SEO may ensure that your site is definitely designed to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up. Even so, a good SEO can furthermore help improve a current web site. If you desire to know what kind associated with SEO trends are going in order to develop in 2019, look simply no further than the trends that will are developing in search within both 2017 and 2018. Webmasters are usually going to remain competitive within the online business when these people stick with SEO experts. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and social media marketing assure that one's site has the particular best SEO Online marketing, which usually means that their company may remain competitive in the on-line market. An SEO ("search engine optimization") expert is somebody trained to improve your presence on search engines. From an SEO perspective, an individual want to have more inside links pointing to your the majority of important content. By merging a whole new way to work along with SEO and prioritized lists associated with recommendations—not to mention competitor evaluation and keyword monitoring—Siteimprove SEO is usually your all-in-one tool to develop traffic, prove ROI, and easily create content. All the SEO styles listed here may have started in late 2017 or earlier 2018, but their true advantage could be reaped in 2019. Google's Ruben Mueller said on Twitter, along with the disclaimer of him placing his user hat on (ofcourse not Google hat), that relabeling outdated content as new, with simply no additional changes is a poor SEO hack. All of us associated with creatives, designers & developers function alongside our SEO & content material teams to ideate, research, style & create remarkable infographics and interactive content for brands that will get shared across the internet. Contemporary SEO strategy could be The Rank Of SEO 2019 In Consumer's Market the process associated with organizing a website's content simply by topic, which helps engines like google realize a user's intent when looking. Page loading time is dependent upon Page Load speed, Web page loading time is one associated with the important factors in Portable SEO 2017. Sociable Media as a platform can not be ignored in any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION plan. Seo stands regarding search engine optimization, when a person are searching for an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Search Engine Optimization Firm then you needs to appear for various factors which may have a favorable and undesirable affect on your business. Looking deeper: In present-day SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you can't simply include because several keywords as possible to achieve the people who are searching for you. SEO stands for Search Motor Optimization and refers to strategies you can use to assist ensure that your site rates high in the results associated with search engines like Google. It blends ratings and search volumes in the manner that makes it even more relevant, insightful and easier in order to understand than any other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance tracking approach. About: Advanced Search Summit is definitely designed for advanced SEO specialists, digital marketers, and analysts in enterprise and mid-market sized businesses who want advanced tactics plus techniques. SEO stands for seo. ” It is the process associated with getting traffic in the free, ” organic, ” editorial” or natural” search results on search motors like google. If you're thinking about about ramping up SEM attempts to complement organic SEO, become sure to take a appearance at Google Adwords ' Lookup Ads page. The large section of SEO is producing valuable, high-quality content (e. gary the gadget guy., blog articles and web web page copy) that your customers will certainly find helpful. SEO alone cannot perform much for your business yet when combined with content advertising, social internet marketing, email marketing and advertising, mobile marketing and PPC advertising, it can help businesses achieve the pinnacle of success on-line.
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sirlennon · 6 years
15 Ways To Learn SEO 2019 Effectively
When one hears "SEO, inches it's almost automatic to begin thinking of technical matters for example links, website indexing, and therefore forth. The traditional technique to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via lookup engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 will certainly still use many of all these newly implemented tactics, but research engine optimization experts are furthermore suggesting there will be a great deal more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile products, and the number will definitely move up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning ought to come from online resources, yet there are a few publications that will help you conceptually understand the history of lookup, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the yrs. There are several methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for a lot of companies because if individuals find you using a web research and find what they're searching for, you can receive plenty of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword analysis to get a specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website. It helps your SEO initiatives to ensure that your key phrases are added to the coto description and it will provide you a ranking boost when your specific terms are apparent in this area. Moreover, a Google Penguin update drastically changed the function of backlinks on SEO, doing it more difficult to find link juice to a internet site. Gone are the times of traditional SEO techniques, on the internet content is changing. The cognitiveSEO Rank System offers accurate country, language plus city precision for all your own tracked keywords. Even if your URLs usually are pretty, ” if you avoid feel as though they're adversely impacting users and your company in general, don't change all of them to be more keyword concentrated for better SEO. ” In the event that you do need to modify your URL structure, make certain to utilize the proper (301 permanent) type of redirect. In this particular post, we've broken down the particular very best SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your number of regular monthly visitors. An accessible URL is usually an important SEO ranking element. Heidi Cohen: To increase 2018 SEO results, marketers will carry on moving away from disposable, when and done content. They concentrate on SEO Internet marketing objectives and provide top search motor rank like Google and Bing. Collectively, these developments are plus can continue to have the dramatic impact on the method in which we search optimize our websites in 2019 plus form the core of our own newest SEO 2019 update briefing. The main stage of SEO is to become friendly both to users plus search engines. Based in Colorado springs municipal airport terminal, CO, SocialSEO has been the particular preeminent digital marketing firm within Colorado since 1996. Although the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION experts provide great SEO providers for their clients, there are usually a few who ruin the particular internet design industry through their particular greed in marketing efforts plus manipulate search engine rank. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION may target different kinds associated with search, including image search, regional search, video search, academic lookup, news search and industry-specific top to bottom search engines. The benefits of powerful digital marketing plans are quite much proven throughout the board nevertheless when it comes to firms within the photography industry this SEO aspects of the marketing method really do make all regarding the difference to helping a new photographer stand out from this crowd. HISTORY LESSON: Old SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice suggested you connect along with websites and trade links along with each other True, a large genuine site linking to you may boost up your ranking, yet, it's not going to assist your relevancy score when the particular linked content isn't related in order to the website sharing it. 10. Quality back back links need to be built upward to your site for efficient SEO. SEO is about attracting individuals to your site to start with by making sure this shows up searching queries. The Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keyword Electrical generator is like a thesaurus regarding SEO -minded content marketers. SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to determine and analyze the keywords that will your competitors are using. I'm heading to share some of the most effective SEO tips that will I've used within all types of campaigns to increase organic lookup traffic. FAST SEO ADVICE search engine marketing is not magic, and are not able to perform wonders. This SEO suggestions and tricks cover all the required information you should know with regards to Search Engine Optimization. The SEO content article writer should have a strong knowing of the keywords that are usually ranking and trending on the particular analytics framework. In 2018, there were certain trends that will ruled the world of internet Blog9T commerce SEO (search engine optimization). Don't get frightened by them but make certain to use only natural hyperlinks and keep in mind that will their SEO potential may become a bit lower in evaluation with single links. As a friend to the table, Internet research engine Land's Guide To SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION explains the ranking factors within more depth, inside a tutorial supplying tips and advice on applying them. Google states that sociable media is not an fast SEO ranking factor, but many experts agree that things these kinds of as retweets and facebook gives DO, in fact, effect websites' rankings. And since SEO furthermore targets users who are definitely searching for products and providers like yours, the traffic ensuing from SEO is more competent than many other marketing techniques, leading to cost-savings for businesses. Search engines regard metadata plus meta keywords as less essential than they used to, thanks a lot to many years of dark hat misuse, however the name of your page and the relevancy towards the content may always be a highly essential factor in SEO. SEO is important because this helps you get found simply by improving your ranking on the internet research results. Inorganic SEO is definitely good for populating links regarding your website, even on some other websites which signed up regarding online ads to be proven on their web pages. Of course, finding the period for you to write your own SEO articles every single day can end up being difficult in light of the particular fact that you still have got a company to run. Social media offers its very own perks aside from SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value. So when you think about it, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is really just a procedure of proving to look engines that will you are the best web site, probably the most authoritative, the most reliable, the most unique and fascinating site that they can provide to their customer - the particular searcher. SEO professionals employ the variety of different ways associated with make websites appear higher inside your list of results and create it much more likely that will you'll click on them in order to find what you're looking intended for. SEO more usually talk regarding domain trust and domain power in line with the quantity, type and quality of inbound links to a site. SEO entails attaining a higher ranking within search engines via changes in order to your site content and program code to make it more appropriate and therefore more search motor compatible. For blog websites the greatest SEO practice would be in order to set the title of your own post in a heading1 label. Search engines is the gatekeeper to substantial amounts of traffic and potential clients - search engine optimization (SEO) opens the doors. Simply because long as they are gained naturally, inbound links are most likely the most dependable authority contractors in the world of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. We all call this new methodology AdaptiveSEO so that as its title suggests, it is made in order to adapt to the evolving plus sometimes unexpected changes in lookup algorithms. Numerous get confused in this region of SEO article writing recommendations for either they in place too little or maybe the particular wrong kind of keywords, or even they mention the keyword method too much which is occasionally called keyword over stuffing. Social SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION isn't a separate branch associated with SEO and it won't quickly be replacing traditional SEO, yet social signals are becoming significantly incorporated into search engine methods. Perhaps the particular most important aspect of lookup engine optimization is how a person can actually leverage SEO in order to assist drive more relevant visitors, leads, and sales for your own business. Just browse through the various types of our SEO blog site to find those important on-page ranking factors. According to him, key phrases have already lost their significance and in 2019 this tendency would only get stronger. Seo (SEO) is definitely the most efficient way in order to drive traffic to your site. You've added even more relevant content to your site blog post and increased the on-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION targeted against your focus keyword(s). Before my first ISS, I actually had always thought I may possibly just learn everything by me personally about global online marketing matters like International SEO just by means of doing online investigation and playing, but honestly nothing beats this efficiency of attending a seminar like ISS where one could share your experiences and rapidly gain a treasure trove regarding learnings and best practices coming from other international marketers. That method, you and your SEO may ensure that your site will be designed to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up. Nonetheless, a good SEO can furthermore help improve a current web site. If you would like to know what kind associated with SEO trends are going in order to develop in 2019, look simply no further than the trends that will are developing in search within both 2017 and 2018. Webmasters are usually going to remain competitive within the online business when they will stick with SEO experts. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and social media marketing assure that one's site has the particular best SEO Online marketing, which usually means that their company may remain competitive in the on-line market. An SEO ("search engine optimization") expert is somebody trained to improve your presence on search engines. From an SEO perspective, a person want to have more inside links pointing to your many important content. SEO differs from local lookup engine optimization in that the particular latter is targeted on customization a business' online presence therefore that its web pages is definitely going to be displayed simply by search engines when a consumer enters a local search intended for its products or services. The challenge for webmasters plus SEO is that Google does not want company owners to rank regarding lots of keywords using autogenerated content especially when that generates A LOT of pages upon a website using (for instance) a list of keyword variants page-to-page. In time, the range between social media marketing management, channel advancement, and SEO will be considerably blurrier than it really is definitely today. In 2016, SEO experts possess determined which factors are almost all likely to affect your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION rankings. Customers and marketers will need in order to begin implementing multiple forms associated with digital marketing tactics including compensated search, social media marketing, nearby SEO, in addition to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION if they hope to control a given Google SERP. Before beginning with this, the SEO experts should visit your organization and realize each and every aspect associated with your company so that they will can help your achieve your own marketing goals. What really matters in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2018 is what a person prioritise today to ensure that will in 3-6 months you may see improvements in the high quality of your organic traffic. Mobile will account for 72% of US digital ad invest by 2019. If you speak about search ranking in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you're talking about the place of your content on lookup results pages (SERPs). Kent Lewis, Owner, and President of Anvil, the performance-based firm based out associated with Portland, says that in 2019 voice search and Amazon research can be a lot more notable than they were in 2018. Google Search Console (Webmaster tools) is one of the particular SEO basics. If you desire to find out how I actually actually do it, visit Write-up Czar to get a free gift plus details of could use content marketing and SEOcious to acquire top Google listings. It really is geared towards SEO professionals (in-house and agency), marketing managers, and company owners. But now SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION considers tweets, retweets, Google+ authorship, as well as other social signals. Besides rating the site, the SEO team gets fault Client's marketing or product sales team by converting surfers or even visitors into buyers. Because therefore much sharing now takes place on major social media systems, social signals may become mainly because important to SEO as period on page, editorial linking, plus content quality. Using social press marketing in PA with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tactics can help boost the website's ranking and popularity. This may create friction and the impact that most well-designed websites are usually very poorly optimized for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. They have impacted SEO previously as well by bringing back links, and today it's even even more. Every advertising SEO blog is definitely talking about online video advertising and every third company professional you talk to is about to shift marketing dollars to a good online video campaign. ” Simply by 2019, video is expected in order to account for 80 percent associated with all web traffic. Don't set it and neglect it. Take time to review your SEO keyword strategy every single few months to make certain it's still relevant and attaining the final results you want. Stories are a easy method to do marketing, you simply need to include some custom made images or text in purchase to let people know they will could swipe to click plus see where you can obtain a skirt, grill, buy SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, or anything else you're attempting to pitch to the public. Jana Granko, PR (public relations) head in SEMrush - one of the particular top marketing tools of the particular world - believe that within 2019 AI (artificial intelligence) might change the way people research for keywords. In fact, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is simply one part associated with every successful digital marketing technique, but possibly the most essential part. These are called SEO rank factors. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the art and technology of driving the most skilled visitors to your website simply by attaining high search engine outcomes. In Digital SEO Land, Rintu Biswas a professional SEO expert inside Kolkata will assist you in order to build quality backlinks to your site. This ‘what is SEO‘ guide (and this whole website) is not about churn and burn type of Search engines SEO (called webspam to Google) as that is too dangerous to deploy on a true business website in 2018. This particular SEO model is called the "topic cluster, " and contemporary search engine algorithms rely upon them to connect users along with the information they're looking regarding. Your own SEO strategy likely involves content material designed to be shared upon social media. Take this article regarding example, if you search with regard to reverse engineer Google, ” seo secrets, ” reverse engineering seo, ” this informative article is on the particular first page for every associated with those search terms. Social networking and SEO ought to be working together, sharing content material or utilizing engagement metrics since data for future article advertising. Simply put, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is marketing through an knowing of how search algorithms function combined with a knowledge associated with what human users might research for. The results furthermore underscore the value of creating new content with your SEO online marketing strategy. Once you create new content centered on your priority keywords, a person have several advantages by having an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION marketing strategy. Both SEO and content material marketing converge in several places; these people do not work in solitude. Free to show up at SearchLeeds covers everything from technological SEO and analytics, to PUBLIC RELATIONS, content marketing, paid media in addition to more. Following technical mobile SEO greatest practices (e. g., image optimisation, redirects, JavaScript and CSS) is definitely a necessary barrier to access in today's digital world. We cover every topic within the digital marketing sphere which include SEO, technical SEO, local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, PPC, SEM, content marketing, CRO, analytics, backlink, marketing strategy, cell phone marketing, social media marketing and even much more. Any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION company has to be capable to create high quality articles on an ongoing basis. SEO is the process for making changes to the website to be able in order to improve its position in the particular search engines like google. Robert thinks that by 2019 most cellular searches will be conducted simply by voice by mobile devices or even virtual assistants in fact this is very important to obtain your positioning in the lookup engine ranking positions as quickly as possible. As the particular factors search engines like Search engines, Bing, and Yahoo use in order to rank sites are kept key and change frequently, we create all known SEO best methods into every Squarespace site. Black hat SEO may get you to the best of SERP in a brief time, however, search engines such as google will most probably punish and ban the website more rapidly or later. If you have read from the beginning, a person know that links are the key SEO ranking factor. Generally there are 2 types of lookup engine optimization or SEO. Now, pay shut attention to the components of which make up on-page SEO, since this is where non-SEO authorities will be able to help to make the most meaningful impact upon their search engine rankings. When a person think of a white head wear you may think of the particular Kentucky Derby or perhaps a Royal Wedding ceremony but in SEO speak this means the group of methods involving the best practice, the particular ones that earn you most of the gold stars plus brownie points, the ones that will don't use bad manipulations to achieve traction or ranking, but individuals who do what they perform to the best of their own abilities, create wonderful content plus follow all the rules. Also, worthy of bearing in mind is that will Google pay attention to developments and what their customers would like, if you want to continue to be ahead of the game and even make sure your SEO is usually fit for any 2019 audience, the idea is worth ensuring you furthermore include SEO techniques that take up newer trends such as words searching. Our own search engine optimisation (SEO) providers are designed to increase presence inside the algorithmic (natural”, organic”, or free”) search results in order to deliver high quality, targeted visitors to your site. We might suggest them as an agency for any range of digital marketing providers from content marketing and on-page SEO. In short, we think that SEO in 2019 may have to shift focus actually more towards answering people's queries and solving people's problems. With this SEO article composing guidelines formula it pleases the particular search engines and the visitors reading the content. Search Engine Marketing Starter Guide — This manual was written by Google and possesses many SEO best practices with regard to webmasters. Regarding successful team management and inter-client cooperation, online editors really are usually a must, especially those which usually detect and highlight critical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION errors, non-unique, text, and key word stuffing. By the end of this particular module, you should be capable to define Search Engine Search engine optimization and explain the basics associated with SEO like a business (as properly as how SEO shapes the particular Internet itself. ) You'll furthermore be able to explain the particular differences between three main SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION job types, and be ready to choose a career that will best suits your current objectives. A highly effective research marketing campaign, will encompass each search engine optimisation (SEO) plus pay per click advertising (PPC). One of our favorite on the web toolkits is SEMrush, which consists of a variety of tools regarding SEO, content marketing, and search engine marketing techniques. An SEO Content Writer will be somebody who writes content for the particular purpose of having it display up on search engines plus gain website visitors. Internet marketing perfect for the platform of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Seo. With voice search arrives two areas of interest in order to SEO folks wishing to link with consumers: intent and framework. SocialSEO is proud to help future experts in the globe of business and marketing along with the annual SocialSEO Digital Marketing and advertising and SEO Scholarship. Finally SEO Wise links enables you to arranged nofollow attribute and open hyperlinks in new window. But definitely, the acronym many people ask about is SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, or search engine optimization. Between this plus 2017's Best SEO Campaign prize from the UK Search Honours, it's clear the world will be starting to recognize Elephate since one of the most reliable SEO and Content Marketing firms in Europe. To understand how SEO functions to improve search rankings, most of us have to break it straight down a little. Whichever way you choose in order to categorize keywords, one of the particular most important steps in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION does keyword research. Some good examples of White Hat SEO consist of optimizing META tags, putting key phrases in URLs, submitting sites in order to directories, making sitemaps, obtaining hyperlinks on related sites, and generating keyword-optimized content. An SEO Executive optimizes internet What It's Like Dating SEO 2019 sites to generate them show up increased on search engines like search engines and gain more website website visitors. Nevertheless, the brand-new trend in SEO is ideal for long-tail keywords and even more conversational searches. SEO is the great marketing tool for the particular websites promoting their businesses on-line. Still, the keyword element of SEO is becoming progressively difficult with Google Adwords concealing volume data. Making use of advanced Search engines semantic search algorithms, we link the gap between old college SEO and the new content material marketing. Tug has been appointed specifically to roll out a multi-lingual internet marketing campaign using its experience in international SEO and PAY PER CLICK.
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