#And Chile with Iggy
cars3s · 1 month
Honestly, if more Latin American countries were canon in Hetalia, we could have Portugal as the funny uncle and Spain as the overprotective father who tries to fix things with his children.
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iggy-licious · 2 years
I Put a Spell on You, Iggy and Catherine Ringer. Do yourself a favor and watch this. 🙈🙉🙊 French TV hits different.
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qatos · 2 years
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Iggy Pop en Chile (2016) screenshots de videos que nunca publiqué aqui<3 
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Ignatius Mycenae
Legacy of Perseus, Slayer of Medusa & King of the Mycenae | Devotee Of Lord Ares, Worshipper of the Chthonic Gods
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[Moodboard Created By Me | Images All Found On Bing]
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Name: Ignatius Mycenae
Ignatius - "Fire"/"Firey"
Mycenae - The City That Perseus Ruled Within Mythology; Named After Either The Cap That Fell Off His Sword [Myces] At The Sight, Or While Drinking Water & Picking Up A Myces/Mushroom In The Process
Parentage: Legacy of Perseus; Of The Direct Royal Line
Pronouns: He/Him - "It/Its" In Spirit
Age: 18
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↳ Imagine being a legacy of the hero Perseus... yet holding a Medusa tattoo. Fucking pathetic, right?
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Ethnicity: Chilean
Somewhere along the lines of--the probably tragic parts--History™️, Ignatius's Ancestors moved to the "bottom" of South America to live their lives in/among Spanish Culture. From 16 on--once he finished High School early & graduated--he juggled between Olympus as his "job" (to run parts of the "Camps" and afterschool activities) and living with his family in Chile. He's still shit at Offering things and keeping up with the Deities--he's always been--but something settles in him now. Just a little bit, to see Olympus in all its glory and to know he's apart of that, just like he's apart of his own family. Of course, he still gets grilled for being so far from his family sometimes but he likes the chaos of everything. It makes the little things worth it.
Powers: Increased Strength, Speed, Durability, & Endurance
Weapons: Wrench, Sarcasm, Deception
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Characters That Inspired My Creation Of Him: Leo Valdez, Jim Street, Penelope Garcia, Feminine Rage Songs, Most Villains
Likes: Fixing Things & Being Useful; Mischief; Interacting With Children; Teaching [He Wants To Be A Teacher...]
Dislikes: Bullies [Very Known For Beating Them Up Back When He Was Younger]; Abusers [Especially Child-Abusers... He Likes To Take Missions Specifically For That]; The Sun [Very Bright :))]
Enemies: "The Gatsby"
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Fun Facts:
Funnily enough... the last name did not come from his family originally, despite being the direct descendants of Lord Perseus, but instead from a... vaguely distant relative that one of them married & then continued the line with :)). It's a small world, isn't it? /lh
He teaches Mechanics to the kids upon Olympus during his free time and during the Summer. He would be apprenticing under Hephaestus, but he hasn't particularly worked himself up to that yet. Hephaestus is patient, though, and allows it to happen under his watchful eye to make sure things are okay.
Ignatius--"Ignis"/"Iggy" to the kids--worships the Chthonic Gods primarily because he likes how gruesome their domains are--it's soothing, somehow, especially because they kind of remind him of his own, big, weird family. Everyone ultimately cares about each other but they all have their own lives to go about and function within. Ignatius is and will always be horrible at Communicating and Offering to his Gods--it just always slips his mind until the dead of night and he'll go weeks without Worship even occuring to him, even though he sees and interacts with them everyday. It's amusing, at this point, to Lord Hades and Phobos & Deimos, and he gets lightly teased each time he rushes toward his scruffy altar to beg for Their forgiveness.
...Ignatius's Main Weapon--which is a weapon unique to each demigod, created by their own ichor which runs silently alongside their red blood cells--is a replica of Medusa's Head, complete with the ability to turn those she looks at into stone. He's known this since he was 16 and attacked on the subway with no way to get out. It still remains a huge mystery to mortals, what happens there, but he carries that shame with him everyday. I mean, a Legacy of Perseus--the original slayer of Medusa--carrying Her head around again?
{TW: Implied/Referenced Rape}
[Secretly, that comforts him too. Because, up until he was 14, he had a weird Uncle that would come into his room every night since he was 7 and leave him begging every being he knew (and he knew a lot from his large, polytheistic family) to make it stop. Secretly, he's been wanting Medusa's Head every night, even before she knew what she represents. He feels wrong for begging Medusa to save him just like she did Perseus and his Mother, but there's a strangely feminine voice that stops those sorry's in the middle of their tracks.]
Ignatius and Penelope are the best-est of friends, according to Ignis's childish words. They originally bonded over college--since Ignatius is going to study Philosophy within texts and Penelope is studying Marine Microbiology--but Ignatius just likes to ramble and Penelope enjoys listening, so they get along great & can be found in each others' presence literally whenever possible.
{She's even met his family, on multiple occasions, and he must suffer being asked when they are getting together Every. Single. Time. even when she was actively engaged to another man. Penelope, the menace, just smirked and went to go help his Abuelas and Mother in the kitchen while he sulked with the men of his family.}
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
"Meenah is iggy azalea"
thats it, thank you
i mean come on, meenah is a thief of life! if you play that straight her entire character is racist as fuck, and what internet troll is she even supposed to make fun of? but if you see it as meenah culturally appropiating and her wearing a hairstyle similar to damaras, it starts making sense. shes those catty girls on twitter with a million dollar iphone that tells you chile means child when you were speaking about the fucking country being on fire!
Plus, a white woman being the main bad guy. That's a good thing, right? They don't want black people to represent as antagonists? Oh wait, yes they do if they are a black woman. Wait, not they don't anymore. But if black women don't get portrayed as antagonists too, is that racist? Yes? No? Which is it? Why can't people make up their minds?
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metaleterno · 2 months
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Poseidótica lanza su nuevo disco ¨Las palabras y la realidad¨.  La banda de rock instrumental expansivo, para este disco, se planteó el desafío de evolucionar tanto a nivel compositivo como sónico, abundando en matices con su particular psicodelia energética, más allá de la inconfundible dinámica de la banda que los lleva desde pasajes fuertes, densos y oscuros a momentos de luminosidad, calma y reflexión. 
Grabado en el legendario Estudio del Abasto Monsterland por Gonzalo Villagra y en el coqueto estudio del C.C. Richards por Maxi Leivas, este álbum tiene la particularidad de contar con un ingeniero de mezcla diferente para cada tema, elegidos especialmente para otorgarle su toque personal de acuerdo a lo que necesite cada canción, es así que la búsqueda y la experimentación rodea este nuevo trabajo de Poseidótica, dando como resultado una atrapante, variada e hipnótica sucesión de sonoridades que se desarrollan en cada track dando forma a una heterogénea y adictiva obra.
Entre algunos de los productores que participaron podemos mencionar a Billy Anderson (Melvins, Sleep, High On Fire), Estanislao López (Mujer Cebra, Buenos Vampiros, Atrás Hay Truenos) y Santiago De Simone (Dillom, Winona Riders, Nenagenix).
“Las palabras y la realidad” también cuenta con invitados como Nico Bereciartúa en guitarra slide (The Black Crowes) y Santiago Córdoba en percusión (Violentango), ambos en la canción “El Duelo”, y Matías Romero (Miembro estable de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional) aportando violín en “La Gema”.Escucha ¨Las palabras y la realidad¨
Sin letras, desde un aparente silencio, Poseidótica logra conmover con sus épicas melodías, estimula la imaginación con su sonido envolvente y sacude el pensamiento con sus estructuras complejas llenas de progresiones, en esta ocasión ampliando el abanico estilístico a terrenos inexplorados. Una buena dosis de música no convencional para sumergirse a través de las profundidades de la mente.
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Poseidótica, grupo de rock instrumental expansivo formado en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, a finales del año 2000, posee una identidad propia y un sonido particular, en gran parte posibilitado por la facilidad que tiene la banda en filtrar diferentes estilos, logrando una música intensa, progresiva, psicodélica, matemática y experimental, a partir de estructuras variadas y complejas, que abundan en matices, climas y un permanente juego de dinámicas, sin perder en ningún momento su sello personal.
La banda tiene cinco discos editados, “Intramundo” del 2005, “La Distancia” del 2008, “Crónicas del Futuro” del 2011, “El Dilema del Origen” del 2015 y “Pascuas Profanas” (En Vivo) del 2018, además de un DVD llamado “En Viaje Hacia una Nueva Dimensión”.
A lo largo de su historia Poseidótica ha pasado por una enorme cantidad de escenarios destacados, compartiendo festivales con legendarios artistas internacionales como Iggy & The Stooges, Megadeth, Motley Crue y Marilyn Manson, y también han tocado junto a bandas de culto como Dead Meadow (USA), Kadavar (Alemania), Earthless (USA), Mars Red Sky (Francia), Yawning Man (USA) y The Shrine (USA).  
En la actualidad, habiendo girado por Latinoamérica (Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay) después de editar en vinilo toda su discografía a través de su sello Aquatalan Records, la vibrante agrupación continúa su imparable marcha en el marco del “Alquimia Tour” y se encuentran más vigentes que nunca, luego de ser elegidos por Ghost para abrir su recital en el Movistar Arena ante 15 mil personas en septiembre del 2023 y habiéndose presentado en 2024 junto a artistas internacionales del calibre de Brant Bjork (Ex Kyuss y Fu Manchu) y Austin TV (México).
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simbelmyne20niniel · 2 years
hi! It's your secret Santa again! omg I think I'm a fan of your pets, they're so cute! Oh, cooking turkey with my sister is great! I cook for Christmas with my grandfather. Your movie would definitely be interesting and with a wonderful soundtrack! I would like to make a road movie with music by Iggy Pop haha. My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone, my whole family loves it and we always watch it in the morning after the holiday.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would go to a Led Zeppelin concert haha. or would I be happy to join you to observe people in different places. Oh, that would be the coolest collaborations! I would like to hear Robert Plant with Lana Del Rey, I think it would be great.
Do you like to travel? Where would you like to visit and do you have a favorite place? Do you like to cook? Maybe you have a dish that you like the most? What is your dream Christmas like?
and I think that tomorrow I will write about the films that you recommended to me!
Iggy Pop!! a great choice for a road movie!!
OMG I love Home Alone too, me an my family we always watch it too in this season. It's a classic
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and yes, Robert Plant ft Lana del Rey would be MASTERPIECE
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No, I've only travel one time when I was younger to another state from my country. It's a good memorie, it was a church camp and we were next to an apple crops. The apples were not ripe yet so we couldn't eat them but the sight was beautiful. So much green and fresh air around, it was very peaceful.
I do want to travel, I would like to go to Vienna, any part of Norway, Italy, New York...
And you? Have you travel to another city from your country o to another country? How was your experience?
Yes I like to cook, what I like to cook are:
Beef broth
Chicken broth
Chiles rellenos
Mole (with this dish I always buy the mole paste, but I want to do it traditionally)
Deshebrada, chicharron tacos
Mole, enchiladas, entomatadas and chicharron tacos are my comfort food. You? What do you like to cook?
My dream Christmas would look like: cold weather, music, cuddle with my pets, presents, quiet and pleasant conversations, wear pajamas, if possible snow. The times that it has snowed in the city are rare, and when it does happen, it is in a municipality further north. Yours?
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Os fazendeiros da Gasconha lançaram segundo single Swallows. A trilha é acompanhada por um vídeo animado impressionante, que está disponível aqui. O single é retirado do nono álbum de estúdio da banda, Horizon, a ser lançado em 27 de janeiro de 2023, via F.thebassplayer Records. O vídeo de Swallows foi desenhado por Cecilia Pepper e animado por Maxime Cazaux, e encarna perfeitamente o espírito desta faixa. Swallows é essencialmente uma canção do The Inspector Cluzo, é mais do que uma balada, traz para a linha da frente questões cruciais que todos enfrentamos, com elegância rock, tristeza e raiva profunda. ASSISTA O VÍDEO AQUI / OUÇA AQUI ANUNCIA NOVO ÁLBUM: HORIZON DISPONÍVEL DIA 27 DE JANEIRO 2023 PRÉ-ENCOMENDA DISPONÍVEL AQUI The Inspector Cluzo comenta: "Na fazenda de orgânicos de Lou Casse, temos a sorte de ver aves migratórias como as andorinhas que constroem o seu ninho no antigo celeiro. Os pesticidas utilizados em todo o mundo tornam difícil para as andorinhas encontrar alimento, porque os insectos estão sendo mortos nos campos. Além disso, a proliferação de zonas urbanas impede-as de encontrar um abrigo adequado para criar os seus filhotes. Podemos vê-las a desaparecer pouco a pouco. É irônico saber que o uso de pesticidas é dito para "alimentar as pessoas" - a maior parte dos alimentos na Terra é feita usando técnicas de agricultura química - enquanto que destrói cada pequena vida à sua volta. Decidimos escrever uma canção sobre as andorinhas não só porque elas são tão bonitas girando no céu ou voando sobre nosso campo de trigo ou milho orgânico para conseguir insetos para seus filhotes, mas também para apontar que outra agricultura é possível sem destruir o mundo: a agricultura agro-ecológica. Embora seja um tiro no escuro e uma longa luta até que a sociedade moderna entenda isto. Em Lou Casse, estamos experimentando este sistema agroecológico há mais de 10 anos e temos a sorte de receber as andorinhas todos os anos...” O próximo disco da banda, Horizon, vem depois do aclamado LP We The People Of The Soil (2018) e do álbum ao vivo Brothers In Ideals - We The People Of The Soil Unplugged (2020). Gravado em três semanas e produzido pelo ganhador do Grammy Vance Powell, Horizon é o álbum mais profundo e verdadeiro que o The Inspector Cluzo escreveu até hoje. Cada canção compartilha e se inspira em eventos e experiências da vida real. Por exemplo: Wolfs At The Door, conta a história da luta que os dois fazendeiros enfrentaram ao enfrentar uma fábrica de patos localizada na frente de sua fazenda e a luta que tiveram que travar diante de uma enorme pandemia de gripe aviária. Saving The Geese descreve a desobediência civil contra o Estado francês e as grandes corporações agroindustriais locais que queriam matar os animais saudáveis do bando como "prevenção". Shenanigans evoca os grandes momentos que a banda passou em Nashville com seu amigo Bill Elder que dirige o bar Shenanigans e que os colocou durante todas as sessões do estúdio de Nashville. Rockophobia, por outro lado, é uma das surpresas O inspetor Cluzo reservado aos fãs, é um número de rock engraçado, no qual a banda se pergunta "o que significa rock hoje?" rindo de Iggy Pop, que mais tarde decidiu aparecer na faixa. Mantendo sua reputação como uma das bandas em turnê mais prolíficas do mundo (já tocaram mais de 1200 shows em 67 países até hoje), The Inspector Cluzo completou turnês de apoio esgotados nos EUA com Clutch e Eels em 2019, ao lado de uma série de participações em festivais em todo o mundo (incluindo Lollapalooza Chile e Brasil) e uma primeira turnê nos EUA. No verão de 2022, The Inspector Cluzo tocou extensivamente em palcos de prestígio em toda a Europa, incluindo o amplamente reconhecido Festival Hellfest, onde reuniram uma multidão de 50.000 fãs. Horizon Tracklist 1. Act Local Think Global 2. Wolfs At The Door 3. Running A Family Farm Is More Rock Than Playing Rock ‘n’ Roll 4. Shenaningans 5. The Outsider 6. Swallows – Where are The Swallows Gonna Build Their Nest
7. Horizon 8. Rockophobia – feat. Iggy Pop 9. The Armchair Activist 10. 9 Billion Solutions 11. Saving The Geese 12. Swallows Back – When Will The Swallows Return
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rubylioness · 4 years
post on tumblr...
I remember copying this post from Tumblr, but I can’t seem to find it again. Was it deleted?
“ The level of rewarded white mediocrity I’ve seen lately is killing me.
I mean, I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that Beyonce did not win shit but the Urban Contemporary category at the Grammys. This is the woman who fucking revolutionized the music industry with the whole “surprise album” schtick and she loses to someone who is literally just there to serve as white people’s colorless soul singer who has never done anything iconic, started a movement, gained as loyal a fanbase as Beyonce’s nor will her already weak voice–remember, she had to take a break from music because she was wearing out her voice trying to keep up with people like Beyonce–make it long enough where she can even reach a tenth of what Beyonce has done. It just reminds me of the infamous Hot 97 interview Azealia Banks did back when she was somewhat sane, where she said white people will always reward white people and coax them into thinking “you’re great, you can do whatever you want” while simultaneously telling black people, “you don’t own shit, not even the shit you created for yourself.” And if you don’t believe me, just look at how easily people flock to a select few white artists doing what truckloads of black artists have done well for centuries. We don’t need Chris Brown anymore, because we have Zayn Malik, a non-black POC and Nick Jonas. We don’t need Beyonce, now we have Adele. We don’t need Nicki Minaj when we have Iggy Azalea. We don’t need Kendrick Lamar when we have Macklemore. Just trade in the scary, uncomfortable reality of a black body performing their black art for a safer, diluted version, with its mimicked delivery.
Adele apparently didn’t even sing the George Michael song correctly! But everything was okay, she basically just cried mulligan and everyone clapped and then she sang it again and that was that. It just reminded me of the time when Patti Smith forgot the lyrics to a Bob Dylan song and she just sat there and cooed and cried and kept insisting she was nervous because it was Bob Dylan. Nobody cared. Nobody was going to call her an old, dried up whore who can’t remember anything anymore. Nobody was gonna do that to this white woman! That white audience clapped loud as fuck for a very long time and she re-did the song correctly. Even when these white artists MESS UP, they are STILL rewarded and praised and given pats on the back for being human and making a simple mistake. Meanwhile, let a black performer mess up one lyric, miss a step, sound too good live or lip sync momentarily, and all the racists are on Twitter being the first ones to make jokes about how inferior we are to their corny, boring white musicians they love so much. It’s fucking maddening.
Anyways, fuck the Grammys. They’re snoozeworthy, corny, whitewashed, TOO SAFE and I’m sick of boring white shit always getting accolades while brilliant black works are constantly ignored. White people have cheated for years yet they claim we’re the inferior ones. I’m just saying, it’s fucking easy as hell to say you won when you rigged the game. ”
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teterastuff · 4 years
CBGB (2013) - Randall Miller
Película que se centra en la figura de Hilly Kristal un hombre que quería un club country y termino siendo el padrino del punk, el dueño del "CBGB".
Fueron gran cantidad de bandas las que dejaron actuaciones míticas del célebre local del Bowery Neoyorkino cómo: Ramones, Blondie, Television, Richard Hell, Iggy Pop o Talking Heads.
Recomendable para hacerse una idea global de lo que fue el CBGB, entretiene nomas
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childhood-s--end · 5 years
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hypaalicious · 2 years
I'm a body hair fan to a degree but it depends on the person. I don't think the goatee looks horrible on Prom, but I'm not the biggest fan of it lol I prefer him without. But the chest hair idea is 👌👌👌 and Iggy wasn't my first hand/wrist kink but he sure is my strongest with the feeling lol I was so indifferent to xv for so long but I wanted it because I'm a die hard FF fan I've played all the games minus some of the early ones. I only just got xv in August though so I'm new to the Fandom but I didn't think I'd love it THIS much. It's my 2nd fave by far, and only past by X due to nostalgia of X being my first FF. And Ignis.. Was not the one I expected to be into AT ALL lol
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Ignis hell is warm, and so very eternal. ☺️
Yeah I don’t care for body hair, but if it’s well trimmed or not a tremendous amount I can handle it. Just don’t be coming at me with shit I gotta take a weed whacker to and we all good 😂
My first FF was FFX, too! I had no reason to play any single player games prior to that point; I have an older brother that kept me on my toes with Street Fighter and racing games and stuff like that. But when he got married and moved out, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Fighting games weren’t as fun anymore and I got bored racing the computer on anything else, so I picked up FFX when it came out and absolutely fell in love! Also cried through the whole ending credits; that’s how I learned FF will emotionally cripple you 😂
After that, I went backwards in the series. I have FFI-VI on my phone, and the rest in physical Playstation copies. But tbh, after FFXII I kinda… stopped being as hype for new FF. FFXIII wasn’t very memorable to me, the sequel tried to be what FFX-2 was and failed, and I have the 3rd game but never even touched it. Then ofc, Squenix decided to break into MMORPGs and i don’t fuck with those. It was a pleasant surprise that FFXV got me as good as it did cause I wasn’t intrigued initially.
The new single-player FF just… 🥴 Chile, I’m not here for it, sorry. None of the characters are hot, they look plain asf, the flashiness of the combat system doesn’t sell me, and what little they hinted at the storyline is meh. So… I’m good with XV being the last new FF I play, not counting remakes like FFVIIR.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay in FFXV fandom hell (and Ignis hell)! I actually don’t even know how active it is anymore, but every time the anniversary comes up I’m reminded that the community is still kicking ☺️
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imtoogoodtoyou · 7 years
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metaleterno · 4 months
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presenta su nuevo disco ¨Las palabras y la realidad¨ en el Teatro Flores
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Poseidótica llega por primera vez al mítico Teatro Flores para dar un show a la altura de la leyenda, presentando su esperado nuevo disco que lleva por nombre “Las palabras y la realidad” con un concierto que tendrá una puesta visual alucinante e invitados especiales para que sea una noche única e inolvidable.
Con más de 23 años de historia, en su flamante quinto álbum, que será lanzado en el mes de junio, el grupo de rock instrumental expansivo se plantea el desafío de evolucionar tanto a nivel compositivo como sónico, abundando en matices con su particular psicodelia energética, más allá de la inconfundible dinámica de la banda que los lleva desde pasajes fuertes, densos y oscuros a momentos de luminosidad, calma y reflexión.  La cita será el sábado 10 de agosto, 19hs, Teatro Flores (Av. Rivadavia 7806), entradas a la venta por sistema Passline
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Poseidótica, grupo de rock instrumental expansivo formado en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, a finales del año 2000, posee una identidad propia y un sonido particular, en gran parte posibilitado por la facilidad que tiene la banda en filtrar diferentes estilos, logrando una música intensa, progresiva, psicodélica, matemática y experimental, a partir de estructuras variadas y complejas, que abundan en matices, climas y un permanente juego de dinámicas, sin perder en ningún momento su sello personal.
La banda tiene cinco discos editados, “Intramundo” del 2005, “La Distancia” del 2008, “Crónicas del Futuro” del 2011, “El Dilema del Origen” del 2015 y “Pascuas Profanas” (En Vivo) del 2018, además de un DVD llamado “En Viaje Hacia una Nueva Dimensión”.
A lo largo de su historia Poseidótica ha pasado por una enorme cantidad de escenarios destacados, compartiendo festivales con legendarios artistas internacionales como Iggy & The Stooges, Megadeth, Motley Crue y Marilyn Manson, y también han tocado junto a bandas de culto como Dead Meadow (USA), Kadavar (Alemania), Earthless (USA), Mars Red Sky (Francia), Yawning Man (USA) y The Shrine (USA).  
En la actualidad, habiendo girado por Latinoamérica (Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay) después de editar en vinilo toda su discografía a través de su sello Aquatalan Records, la vibrante agrupación continúa su imparable marcha en el marco del “Alquimia Tour” y se encuentran más vigentes que nunca, luego de ser elegidos por Ghost para abrir su recital en el Movistar Arena ante 15 mil personas en septiembre del 2023 y habiéndose presentado en 2024 junto a artistas internacionales del calibre de Brant Bjork (Ex Kyuss y Fu Manchu) y Austin TV (México).
El quinto álbum de estudio de Poseidótica lleva por título “Las Palabras y La Realidad”, tiene fecha de lanzamiento junio de este año.
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Como tercer adelanto del disco Poseidótica lanzó “El Duelo”.  Cruzando la música western con la psicodelia y la experimentación, el grupo de rock instrumental expansivo ofrece una polvorienta y melódica suite que cuenta con el aporte de dos invitados fundamentales, por un lado Nico Bereciartua con su refinada guitarra slide, ex integrante de Viticus y actual guitarrista de ni más ni menos que The Black Crowes, y por otro lado Santiago Córdoba, un permanente colaborador de la banda, baterista de Violentango, quien aporta su peculiar toque de percusiones y sonidos espaciales.
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ofctherworldly · 5 years
☆゚*・゚WOAH is that IGNACIO ‘IGGY’ BASTIAN ? i’ve heard they’re a CAMBION originally from VINA DEL MAR, CHILE. they came here because WANTED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE HIM and they’ve been here for 0 years. as a 65 / 24 year-old, i’m sure they’re skilled. someone told me they’re FLIGHTY & UNPREDICTABLE  but i think they’re CREATIVE & JOYFUL. i can’t help but think of RIPPED JEANS, FUN FACES DOODLED ON BALLOONS, A WALL FULL OF MIXED MATCHED POSTERS when i look at them. ( jorgel lopez, cismale, he/him ) — boo
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So in all honesty he does not know who his father is, he was raised by  a single mother who happened to be the child of a government official.  He was basically raised by his grandparents, before his actual eighteenth birthday when they kicked him out for being the hijo del diablo.  
He ended up on the streets, where he began using his tricks and skills to create a small plausible job for himself.  He was a petty criminal up until he realized, he was no longer aging.  Scared what his town might think as his 40th birthday neared.
He escaped to The States reinventing himself and by another decade, he finally began hearing word of a place for people like him.  He began trying to gather information on such a location.  
In turn he discovered Elysium and the rest was history.  (well mainly because, he only just arrived)
Iggy is the type of guy who can make you feel like you are the only person in the room, and yet simultaneously make someone feel like they’ve never existed.  He can be a bit gullible and misinformed, but he means well and tries to do right even if it doesn’t always work out his way.
if you wanna plot, hmu
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