#Anatomy of a Metahuman
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years ago
DC’s Anatomy of a Metahuman
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Explore the powers of DC Comics' greatest characters like never before through stunning anatomical cutaways and in-depth commentary from the Dark Knight.
Concerned about the threat that so-called "metahumans" may pose to the world, Batman has begun compiling a detailed dossier on their incredible physiology and abilities. From villains like Killer Croc, Bane, and Brainiac, to Batman's own comrades, including Superman and Cyborg, the file brings together the Dark Knight's fascinating personal theories on the unique anatomical composition of these formidable individuals.
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krdaaaa · 7 months ago
I think a perfect way for Bruce and Damien to bond is through art. Like guys, have you seen that metahuman anatomy book that was canonically written and drawn by Bruce.
The man can draw.
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wiz0moz · 2 years ago
Custom Metahuman
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Custom metahuman for personal use
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months ago
The weirdly competent Doctor
So! The Watchtower's Medical Bay is a hub of constant Activity. With the number of Heroes who work under the Justice League, there are always injuries, health check-Ups, and illnesses that need healing.
But with the amount of Variant Biologies that those Heroes have, it's always a guessing game as to how to help them best. Some Metahumans react positively to penicillin, but others react like it's their Kryptonite. Some Aliens have anatomy similar to Humans, others are so different you can't tell the Stomach from the Bladder.
So when they hired a New Doctor for the Medical Bay, they had to run him through an entire Course on Variant Biologies and how best to treat specific Heroes. It was long and difficult to remember fully, but it was necessary for him to know.
But then the new Doctor started correcting Them.
"Actually, Martian's react better to the Syrup of Eucalyptus Plants better than Penicillin, since Eucalyptus is very similar to a medicinal plant from Mars which they used in many of their antibiotics."
"I don't think just pumping double doses of sedative is the best way to calm down a Speedster, that could have adverse effects on their body. Perhaps try Psychic Intervention? Their minds move a Mile a Second, but if you can calm them down their bodies will follow suit."
"Of course you use Micro-Doses of Kryptonite to operate on Superman! What else would you do?! I don't know, maybe ask JLD to enchant your Equipment to make use of Kryptonian suseptiblity to Magic? The Kryptonite is just gonna give him Cancer!"
Of course the Doctors didn't take kindly to being rudely corrected by a newbie, and Fired him on his first day.
Then a few days later their usual Treatments don't work, and they decide to give those strategies the Quack Doctor gave them out of desperation.
And Lo and Behold, they work! Martian Manhunter is fully healed and feels much better than the previous times he has needed surgery. Apparently they used a different Antibiotic that worked better with his Biology. Which was incredible, how had they figured it out?
Another Doctor you say? One who was experienced on Martian Biology and Medicinal History? He would very much like to meet with the man!
What do you mean you fired him for talking back?!
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kal8elle · 10 months ago
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Anatomy of Metahuman
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zeddpool · 6 months ago
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Superbat Week 2024 - Day 3
Xenobio Extravaganza
A/B/O | Alien Biology | Kryptonian Diet
(I am a massive xenobiology nerd, you have no idea the monster you've unleashed)
So I’m perpetually annoyed by the fact that Kryptonians look exactly like humans, have the same blood colour as humans, are reproductively compatible with humans, etc. despite being from completely unrelated planets
So I thought, what if Kryptonians developed a very mild form of shapeshifting as some kind of survival mechanism
So Kryptonian children slowly but surely grow to almost exactly mimic the dominant species of whatever place they grew up, or, like, the species they were raised by
So a Kryptonian raised by Skrull or Vulcans or wtvr would grow up to look like those species instead
It’s not a perfect explanation but it’s the first one that’s made any sense to me
Anyway, the illustration is just more of my headcanons on what remaining Kryptonian traits Supes might have, written in the style of Anatomy of a Metahuman, ie I tried to write it like these were Bruce's notes
Text from the image under the cut
Kryptonians produce far more varied pigments than Humans, and as such have a wider variety of hair, eye, and even skin colours: Kal has blue-pigmented eyes and hair a similar iridescent black as ravens and crows
Vestigial pointed ears, though what the ancestral purpose was, I can only guess
Kryptonians seem to have some similar membrane to the Tapetum Lucidum, giving Kal far superior night vision, though it must make it difficult for Clark to have his picture taken with flash
Very prominent canine teeth, Kryptonian ancestors were definitely meat-eaters, and his teeth seem to be actual bone, unlike humans
As muscle mass can only increase through repeated micro-tearing and healing during regular and strenuous exercise, Kal doesn't actually have that much bulk since he'd have to bench press an aircraft carrier every other day to "get big"
Lack of nipples would indicate non-mammalian ancestry, but the presence of a belly-button suggests Kryptonians were a placental species. The only alternative would be that Kryptonians lay eggs, which is...
...I have seen this man knowingly and willingly consume metal multiple times. I have no idea what is going on in here, but I fear asking him if I could get in his guts could be misconstrued. (Here's what inspired this point!)
From my translations of some Kryptonian texts, their society had wildly different concepts of gender than Humans, as well as indications that there was a wide array of how their biological sex presented. Perhaps my theory about egg-laying isn't so far-fetched...
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worldofmetahumans · 3 months ago
Met-U Classes! In the DC Universe!
When you join World of Metahumans - your character will be starting out as a first year on Metropolis University. A place where your character will learn how to deal with their powers and what it is like in the Metahuman world. Here we will give you a look into our classes!
Computer Science - Found on the ground floor, in Computer Science you are capable of learning many different things related to computers, including programming and different computer languages. You will get to hear about the history of Computer Science, alongside practising this information practically. Computer Science is a three-year class, which means that you can take this class from Year 1 to Year 3. Weaponomics - Found on the 3rd floor, Weaponomics is a three-year course, starting in year 1 and ending in year 3. This course is supposed to teach you about different weapons. This includes anything from weapon history, to how to wield different weapons and find the weapon that works perfectly with your powers. Home Economics - Found on the 1st floor, Home Economics is a seven-year course, meaning that you will be able to study this for all 7 years at the University. In Home Economics, you will be learning about all the basic needs at home, like how to clean your house, how to cook, how to use the space properly, and even how to raise a family. Healing - Found on the 1st floor, Healing is a class that many will find useful. It is taught as a seven-year course and will teach you everything that you need about your body, medical care and medical training. All of these are incredibly good knowledge to have when going out in the world and when using your powers and abilities. Villainry - Found on the 3rd floor, this is a course that those who wish to become anti-heroes or villains might find exciting. It is a 7-year course, which is supposed to teach students about different villains, their abilities and powers, and how to become a perfect villain. History - Found on the 5th floor, this is another course for those who are interested in learning about events all over the metahuman world. This course offers not only memorable heroes and villains across the universe, but also important events that affect the entire world until the one that we know now. This is a 7-year course, meaning that you can start it in your first year and it ends during your 7th year. Music - Found on the 6th floor, this class is for those who are interested in learning deeply about various music genres and instruments. You will also be able to learn more about music theories and find the meaning of those notes on the music sheet that you might never understand before. This is a 4-year class, meaning you can start it during year one. Botany - Found outside, you will be able to find your Botany class. This class will teach you anything about plants, including their types, its anatomy, and of course, its uses. You can even start making your own garden after attending this class! This is also a 7-year course that you can start taking in your first year. Hero Advisory - Found on the 5th floor, this is a course for those who wish to become true heroes. This course does not focus as much on different heroes, but it focuses on creating the perfect hero identity and learning different hero abilities and talents to form you to become a great hero. This is a 7-year course, from your first year until 7th year. Superpower Training - Also found outside, this class focuses on your powers and their development. This class also teaches you power theories for all races and superpowers. If you want to practice your powers more to get used to them, this is the perfect class for you. This is another 7-year course that you can take starting your first year.
Psychology - Found on the 7th floor, this is a class which focuses on different aspects of the human brain and its way of thinking. Different parts of the subject can include sociology, how the brain works and different details about it and people’s ways of thinking. This class can be started when you start your 3rd year and lasts until year 7.
Astronomy - Found in the student center, this class focuses on outer space. You will learn different things such as information about the different planets, phenomena in outer space and zodiac signs. This class starts in your 4th year and lasts until year 7. Art and Literature - Found in the student center, this class is to teach you about the arts. It focuses on topics such as arts, literature, music, language and much, much more. This class starts in your year 4 and lasts until year 7. Combat - Found outside, this is a class that teaches you to be physically ready for any possible fights. Living as a superbeing, despite your alignment, you can never avoid fighting. Hand-to-hand combats, ranged combats, you will have to get used to them. This is also a four-year course starting from year 4 until year 7.
Diplomacy - Found on campus hall, this course focuses on relations between people, followed by theories and practices on how to build better connections with people, personally and professionally. Diplomacy can be taken during your 6th and 7th years.
But there are even some classes you can follow after graduation! Such as Heroes and Heroism to become a Superhero or Trickery and Deceit to become a Supervillain, but also classes such as Athlete Training to become a Professional Sports Player, Law to become a Lawyer, or Secret Intelligence to become a Secret Agent; and much more!
Interested in any of these? Join https://worldofmetahumans.com/ now to become a part of our site!
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thatpointything · 1 year ago
Decided to do some stuff on the Greylock Tapes. Like other mutations the survivors had that we didn’t see in the pictures shown.
Warning! Body horror galore below the cut!
Thomas Rockford
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Other mutations: Just ever so slightly taller than he was before the incident. Adrenal glands are also discolored and dysfunctional, which causes the random outbursts.
Samuel Washington
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Other mutations: Mutated thalamus produces psilocybin nonstop, which causes the constant delusions and paranoia. One side of the jaw is also grossly elongated, and flesh around the shoulders is sloughing off.
Ramón Herrera
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Other mutations: Aside from the broken-looking neck, several organs have fused into one large sack-like structure that produces a highly acidic compound (it’s not puke anymore) that must be expelled every now and then. This compound, as it evaporates, emits a highly potent nerve agent that is structurally similar to Novichok. Arms and legs are slightly atrophied due to lack of use.
Charles Flemming
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Other mutations: Aside from the obvious, his brain is relatively untouched and he would be more talkative (though he’d mostly beg for God to save him and the other patients) if his vocal cords didn’t crap out. Even though he’s still mostly sane, his ‘attack and eat on sight’ thing is less a sight thing and more a physical proximity thing, and he seemingly blacks out shortly before going on the attack. His feet are also digitigrade, like the feet of a dog or wolf (long feet, heel always off the ground). This means he’s REALLY fast once he starts running.
Scott Oakhurst
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Other mutations: Sociopathic narcissistic asshole before he mutated, and he’s even worse now that he’s a metahuman freak. That large wounded eye of his was not there before. He lost the old one five years prior to mutating. His new teeth are also self-sharpening, meaning that whenever he shuts his mouth, the teeth get sharper as they rub against each other. The bones in his fingers also burst through his skin and basically became claws. And not only is his increased bite force strong enough to crush bones like crackers, but the motherfucker chewed through a wooden door made from Australian Buloke like a beaver on steroids during the April 6th, 1987 incident.
Eduard Kowalski
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Other mutations: In comparison to the others in terms of psychology, the original Eduard Kowalski is just not there anymore. Physically, those eyes of his should be functionally blind, consisting mostly of scar tissue and… something else. However, he can see in the infrared spectrum of light just fine, so he isn’t blind. Plus his arms are a lot longer than they were prior to mutation, and in comparison to the anatomy of normal people, his proportions are more similar to those of gibbons than people. And as for his newfound ability to get people to do just about anything using only his words… Those eyes of his might have something to do with it.
John Rafferty
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Other mutations:
Poor little Johnny…
Poor weak, pathetic little Johnny…
Too afraid to be himself…
Too weak to be anything else…
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jkknight98 · 6 months ago
Bite-Sized Bats 1
So after who knows how long it's been, I'm finally making a comeback to writing again and it's for a new fandom, the DC universe! I hope everyone enjoys this first part of a series I am doing with Batman and Superman at its center. Of course, do not share this to the main fandom tag, and if you send me hate messages, do get a better hobby.
Warnings: Soft vore, implied character death, injuries, strong language.
Life in Gotham was never easy; the local populace was constantly infighting between the rich and lower class; villains and heroes caused property damage almost daily; and even the city atmosphere had an air of despair hanging around it. It was rare that a new building would stay pristine before it quickly ‘broke in’ as the city accepted it, robbery being the most common form. The normal citizen would always need to walk with both eyes and ears open, or else they would be robbed, killed, or used in a hostage situation by one of the many villain groups. Life in Gotham was tough, but somehow people managed to do it.
The other aspect of Gotham life that didn't help keep things easy was the secondary caste system that labeled everyone as either Predator, Standard, or Prey. A predator was a metahuman with enhanced senses and instincts like that of their categorization; they were a predator wearing a human mask, with mannerisms that caused the other casts to be wary of their very presence. They also have a dangerous ability to produce a strong pheromone when they enter a hunting state, having a major impact on prey castes and only affecting standards if the predator is especially strong or ravenous. It wasn’t uncommon that before the modernization of society, predators would actively hunt the other two groups for both sustenance and sport; now it happens rarely due to the work of the Gotham police. One would be a fool to think that it still didn’t happen behind closed doors and paid off hands, however. A predator takes full control of the prey or weakened standard when they shrink them down, especially in the case they decide to swallow them. This is done as a means to gain sustenance in an especially cruel manner, or in some worse situations, a predator has full control over their digestive system to create a living prison.
A prey is a metahuman that is almost indistinguishable from the Standard but is heavily influenced by a predator's pheromones, forcing them to become frantic and compress in size to hide/escape from the threat. This may have been advantageous when there were hiding places in the outdoors, but it would have almost become a death sentence if the city wasn’t so cluttered. Prey have also grown to be as difficult or unappealing to consume as possible, their anatomy changing to look as similar to predators as possible or to have a more lanky appearance to hide the hidden muscular system in their body. These metahumans are built to move and escape from any potential predation, so they excel in more athletic and sport-related career fields to keep their skills fresh, but it was too easy for a predatory manager to decide to thin his team and write it off as,’ They decided to pursue a different career path’.
The standard is, as the name itself states, they’re a human that can’t produce a predator's pheromones or be as easily influenced by them as a prey is. They sit in the middle ground as they usually can’t compete with the hyper-competitiveness of the predator while also lacking the physical abilities to compete with prey, leaving them to balance between the two sides without being attacked by either, almost acting as the mediator between the two. This wasn’t always the case as there would forever be bad blood between the two, and even a standard human could find themselves being shrunk or faced with the savagery of a cornered prey. 
But there is a glimmer of hope when a Predator decides to act against their nature and becomes the silent hero of Gotham, becoming both a symbol of hope for all three casts and an annoyance for those who seek the old ways or pure chaos.
Bruce sighed as he adjusted the black tie at his neck, both loosening and tightening it as his mind continued to wander. This event was supposed to act as a memorial for the passing of his parents as well as a means to raise funds to end the predator-on-prey violence charity he started ages ago, but he can’t help but think back to that fateful night down crime alley...
Bruce couldn’t help but laugh as he ran about the alleyway with his arms spread wide and spinning about; he wanted to be just like the superhero in the movies. He looked back at his parents with a hopeful smile. "Do you think I could be a hero too, even if I’m a prey?”
He remembered the look his parents shared before his father leaned down and ruffled his hair with a soft smile: "Well, we may not be like the superheroes on screen, but we are heroes to our fellow prey. By being at the top of the social ladder as we are, we beat out those predators and stand as a shining example for our people.”
His father was smiling so brightly when he finished that statement, it made Bruce’s heart sore with happiness... But a subtle smell caught his nose and caused both him and his parents to freeze. Bruce couldn’t even open his mouth before he was pulled behind his father and into the protective grasp of his mother, but it didn’t stop the smell from growing stronger. It was an almost heavy smell, full of musk and a sour smell of breath, which sent his hair to stand on end... This was the smell of a predator.
“Damn Wayne Family... stupid prey not knowing their place... even with all your money... I’ll show you where you belong on the food chain.” Stepping out of the shadows was a disheveled man; his clothes and physical appearance likened him to a coyote, a lurking predator that excelled in the city's darkened alleyways. He bared his teeth in a predatory smile that oozed hatred while the air started to grow thick with a sickly sweet smell.
Bruce’s father tried to pull out a handheld air purifier (a handy device that attempted to ward off a predator's pheromones), but the man tackled him to the ground before he could. His mother couldn’t help but scream at the sight before her, unfortunately causing her to breathe in deeply, which she realized as she turned and shoved Bruce toward the entrance as her body started to convulse. "Brucie... Run baby... and don’t stop til you get home!”
Bruce froze as his eyes traveled over his mother’s shoulder to see the man standing up with his shrunken father in his hands, squeezing him tightly as he laughed loudly, ”How do you like that Wayne, being put in your rightful place… I’m going to do that to your bitchy wife and bratty son too~” He lifted his father upwards and opened his mouth wide, Bruce turned and started to run as fast as he could. He stumbled slightly as his own body started to shake from his own exposure to the pheromones, feeling tears roll down his face and he fell and scraped his knees, staining the pants he and his mother worked so hard to pick out to match his father's.
He turned at the sound of his mother’s scream and cried harder at the sight, his mother's pearl necklace had been ripped from her neck and the white orbs were sent flying across the alleyway all while she was rapidly shrinking like his father. The Predator was standing over her form cackling as he watched her shrink, saying something that Bruce forced himself to block out as he got back to his feet and ran out of the alleyway, trying to blink away tears as his mother's screams grew fainter. He stumbled again as his body tried to stop the shrinking, but his training was done in a safe setting with a predator his family trusted, but this was real and the effect much stronger.
“Oooh Wayne Bratt…..Where did you go??”
Bruce froze at the crooning voice of the predator, he needed to hide because he couldn’t run anymore at his now tiny size. He looked for the best hiding space he could and dove into an opening formed by a collapsed building, hoping to find safety in the rubble and trash. He burrowed his way deeper into the debris and dirt hoping to hide his terrified scent and hide anything that would stand out, especially his crisp white button-down that Alfred worked so hard to iron. He made his way to a wall and curled tightly against it, using the small opening made by a water-wilted box to keep an eye out for his hunter… just when he thought he could relax and think he could think of a plan to get home… the voice came again.
“Are you here Bratt, this is the closest place a prey could get to at your size, you think I won’t smell you out, all you rich trash smell the same..” He couldn’t see the man yet but he could feel the small tremor of the man’s steps…. Almost as if he was in the dinosaur movie his father sometimes watched that had the T-rex and its booming steps….he wondered if this is how that goat felt. A shadow fell over his box and Bruce just closed his eyes to accept what was coming… he couldn’t fight or run anymore…but at least he would be with his parents.
But something else happened.
“Damn Bats…Rats with wings!!” The shadow moved away as a flurry of squeaks filled the air and the man left the building,” Damn kid probably isn’t here…” The muttering grew fainter as the man moved on, leaving Bruce in total disbelief…
It wasn't until a few hours later that a worried Alfred went to leave the manor to search for the missing Waynes and he stumbled upon a very disheveled Bruce just outside the manor grounds. The boy somehow managed to make it back though he looked like he'd been drugged through hell, and when he got the sob-filled story from the boy, the older man couldn’t help but think he did. Alfred knelt and pulled the boy to his chest, ignoring the smell of filth, and had to stop a protective growl at the scent of a predator on his young master.
“Come on Master Bruce, let's get you a bath drawn and I’ll set you up in your parent's room for the night.”
He tried to pull his arms away, but when the boy's arms tightened around his neck, Alfred sighed and resigned himself to lift the young master into his arms. He slowly began to walk back towards the manor as he listened to the boy's muffled sobbing, he liked working for the Waynes, even with the fact he was also a predator. He would take his own time to grieve the loss later but for now, he needed to focus on the boy he also viewed as a surrogate son, the young master will need a lot of help for this trama but he would see to it that all of Thomas’s and Martha’s work would not be in vain. 
His eyes were drawn upwards as a group of bats darted around overhead as they chased the midnight insects, he was oddly drawn to them.
“You’re going to wear out the fabric of that tie, Master Bruce, are you trying to start a fire with it, That really would put on a show for those stuck-up predators out there.” Bruce jumped slightly when Alfred appeared behind him in the mirror, the older man smiling softly up at him as he moved around him, gentle hands reaching up to fix the tie to perfection.
“You are truly a skilled man Alfred; I would never have defeated that horrible thing.” Bruce couldn’t help but crack the joke as the older man huffed in disappointment, but enjoyed the comforting feeling of the man’s warm hands as they brushed away any wrinkled or speck of dust he must have missed when he pulled on the suit. “I’ll be fine Alfred, I’ll deal with those predators trying to intimidate me into making deals or threaten to eat me with the hors d’oeuvres we will be serving tonight... What do you think I would go best with?”
Alfred could only huff as he turned away to check his attire for any blemishes,” For the bullheaded attitude like to take up with me and the villains you face... You would pair best with a toasted crostini with whipped goat cheese and pesto while you act as the sliced tenderloin, but you will not be on the menu tonight, Master Bruce.” The elder gentleman then turned to leave the room, pausing just enough to slightly ruffle the younger man's hair before he fully left, his voice echoing in the halls as he directed other staff to their roles for the night.
Bruce huffed as he tried to smooth his hair, ”What kind of butler ruffles his master’s hair.”
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mitsuko-saito · 2 months ago
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Y'know how much I HAAAATE this sketch.
Ana's face looks shitty and her anatomy WTF!! Thank God I've got DAZ 3D to help me when I need, because I feel Pinterest's references isn't helping us.
Reasons why I hate Pinterest:
It's full of AI
The poses for references seems dull (Idk the right word, but I mean that I don't feel life on them)
AND the Pinterest references doesn't give me motivation to draw my OC's in them because they are used by all artists and I start to feel generic
You cannot have another angle of a pose because they are different photos of a same prompt, like: mother hugging daughter pose reference.
That's why I prefer using 3D posing apps like DAZ 3D because I can not only just pose my 3d model, but I can re-model them. I can change their body type, put clothes on them, etc. And I use Metahuman for human's faces reference.
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prehistorictoast · 1 year ago
Some more oc doodle stuff because I got bored.
On the real tho, been considering making a “Anatomy of a Metahuman” type series post on my version of the werewolf. They have a lot of very interesting lore to their biology and I’d really like to share their story. Especially since I and my friend working with me on these characters do plan to make a comic series with them. IDK maybe if I get to it.
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mischiefbuckley · 4 months ago
My favorite part of being a multishiper is that I can put "omg I love them" and later repost an edit of another ship
Hi anon!!!
OMG that's exciting! I usually am not a multishiper for shows I tend to just be a one ship type of person in terms of the main characters like usually ship pairings of a main character and a side character I have never gravitated towards like again it is main character ships for me.
Some examples of the ships I enjoy are like Buddie, Madney, Bathena and Henren on 911; Merder, Slexie and Japril on Grey's Anatomy; Delena on The Vampire Diaries; Peraltiago on Brooklyn Nine Nine; Stydia on Teen Wolf; Fabina and Peddie on House of Anubis; Jafael on Jane the Virgin; Olicity in Arrow; Karamel in Supergirl; Snowbarry in The Flash (my only ship I adored to have never gone canon, but they did have the one kiss but it also wasn't Barry it was the metahuman shapeshifter they were dealing with lol at least we have that and the fun karaoke night) and now with my new obsession with the Rookie Chenford as well to name a few from my favorite shows.
But yes very good for you anon that's exciting you get to enjoy all the content and more. Again I really don't have an issue with multishipers in general like I just stay in my own bubble for my own sanity because again fandoms and shipping for me is a way to distract myself from my own shitty life and enjoy my favorites, but generally speaking on like the 911 sorts of things I am a buddie truther and have always been a buddie truther. A certain section currently of the fandom and the reactions after episode 6 left me feeling disappointed and I didn't really want to speak on that topic too much because again it's not everyone that was a fan of the ship, but a large majority have not had the kindest things to say and attacking Oliver and Ryan or the director of the episode or the showrunner of the show is not the way to go about things.
But yes shipping in fandoms is such a beautiful thing I love it very much if you couldn’t tell from all the buddie of it all on my blog lmao
Thank you for sending this anon :)
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months ago
Any backstory info (or anything you want to say about it, really) on Broken Pieces?👀
Oooooh absolutely!! (link to the fic here for anyone who's curious - fair warning, it's super whumpy)
So I've always been a huge nerd for anatomy and the human body, I even was a forensic anthropology major before I dropped out of college. I can't claim I'm any sort of authority on anatomy or how to write it, but I do have a decent base of knowledge and I love working it into my whump pieces.
The first spark of an idea I had here was the image of Eris chained up with their ribs surgically opened, with their healing factor strong enough to keep them awake and lucid during it. Super dark concept, and it only got darker as I continued to flesh it out, but... metahuman angst is just KILLER and I love leaning into that sort of anatomical, scientific style of whump.9
And you'll see that the fic is listed as inspired by a one-line prompt I was given - that's not exactly true. I was in the process of writing this fic when I received that prompt, and I decided to work it in rather than writing a whole separate piece for it. It actually had very little bearing on what I had planned for the overall fic, but it guided the softer scene at the end. Originally, I didn't have Eris quite so rattled after what happened, but I think the hesitation works. It was an intensely traumatizing situation to be in, even for them, and it opens up a bit more of that deeper emotion that we rarely see from Eris (along with how much he really trusts Rick)
I really do love writing for Eris. The combination of their healing factor and simply their view on the world makes for some fascinating whump, especially when it comes to finding that point where they can't muscle down their emotions anymore. They'll fight as much as they can, but press on the right nerve... they're just SO good for whumpy fics like that.
I've actually been working on a few different ideas for them recently: I've mainly been focusing on this three-part Corto Maltese fic, which is going well, but I also have a few oneshots in the works (including that one you came up with about Rick being used as blackmail for Eris in a meta fighting ring)... and they're all pretty angsty >:)
Thank you so much for the ask!! <3 <3 <3
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godstaff · 1 year ago
It's a kind of magic...
This is a topic I touched some time ago, but it's still happening and is still bothering me: Everything human heroes do is perfectly natural. Everything metahumans do need to be explained scientifically.
Batso, like Cyrano, can beat 100 opponents at once because he practice a shit ton of martial arts. No questions asked. This is so. Period.
Green Arrow can place an arrow in the asshole of a cockroach a 100 yards away. Okay, he's an artist with the bow. He was alone on a desert island an practiced a lot. Cool.
Superman flies. How the hell can Superman fly???? Well, he manipulates gravity forces and such...yeah. But how can he change directions so fast? He manipulates gravity very fast, even in deep space, where gravity is so thin, you must go near a solar system to feel some. But...how???
Bullets bounce out of his chest. His body is as hard as steel. Better yet: he projects an energy field about one inch around his body which deflects the bullets, that's why his clothes are unharm...or his clothes are indestructible...or something...
It never ends. It's a kind of magic.
For humans doing the impossible is like breakfast: happens every day. It just is.
For Supers it's like going to the Moon: there has to be an explanation, a reason why this is so.
Iron man has metal shrapnels inserted milimeters from his hart. He parties, drinks, fights, has sex. No problem. Business as usual. Batso has his entire body scarred and sewed together like a map. It only bothers him when he laughs. No biggy. Nothing too severe.
Superman catches a tiny fragment of Kryptonite in his torso, every human around him must carry his fainted body to the nearest meta medical emergency facility before he dies.
I know it is to celebrate the immense resilience of the human condition...but, how about extend the same courtesy to the metas and aliens?
In the end, all explanations reach a loop. A neverending circle where How and Why are repeating incesantly ad infinitum, like Pi. Then writers, exhausted their meager imagination, conclude shouting "It just is!" in annoyance. Then why didn't you say that earlier, instead of the scavenger hunt for explanations, one more idiotic than the other. (it must be said that scientists stil have supercomputers working 24/7 on Pi, it must be the same sentiment).
DC went so far as to post a book, supposedly written by Batso, called "Anatomy of a Metehuman", which offers little or none answers to the big "how" and "why". It just complicates matters. For a price.
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Basically, don't look for answers there. It's a waste of your hard earned money and your precious time.
Interesting thing is: in spite considering Superman a different species than us all together, he still has sex and reproduces with a human...sort of.
Like in the fifties Sci Fi movies, where aliens abducted women to procreate.
No so different after all.
Just admit it's a kind of magic and everybody happy. Stop digging for plausible explanations that don't exist.
Remember in the "Golden Age" of comics when couples got married and children magically appeared from the woodwork? No questions asked.
Let's leave it at that. The better answer is always the simpler one. Specially in literature.
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batmannotes · 2 years ago
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Explore over eighty years of Batman history in this updated official edition featuring a wealth of new content, including a new chapter on acclaimed feature film The Batman.
Full video review below:
Featuring two new chapters and content from the new feature film The Batman, this updated volume tells the complete story of Batman and his many guises throughout the years. Since his 1939 debut in the pages of Detective Comics, Batman has become an icon, instantly recognizable the world over. Yet, despite being known to millions, Gotham City’s Guardian has been interpreted in so many radically different ways that we all now have our own Batman. To some he’s the colorful Caped Crusader who dispatches villains with a POW! To others he’s the grim Dark Knight hell-bent on avenging the death of his parents. And to others still he’s made of LEGO, has great abs, and likes to eat lobster thermidor!
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This deluxe edition explores the Batman across comics, TV, animation, film, video games, and beyond, to present a compelling portrait of one of the most recognizable and versatile characters in the history of fiction. Covering the complete history of Batman in vivid detail, this deluxe edition features exclusive commentary from the key creatives who have been instrumental in building the Dark Knight’s ongoing legacy, including Neal Adams, Tim Burton, Paul Dini, Steve Englehart, Mark Hamill, Grant Morrison, Julie Newmar, Christopher Nolan, Denny O’Neil, Joel Schumacher, Scott Snyder, and Zack Snyder.
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Along with taking readers on an unparalleled journey into the creation of the most memorable Batman moments in the character’s eighty-year history—from the “Knightfall” comics arc to Tim Burton’s films and the Arkham video game series—the book busts open the DC Comics and Warner Bros. archives to deliver an avalanche of never-before-seen visual treasures that are guaranteed to blow the minds of Batman fans everywhere.
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Filled with exclusive insert items that further deepen the reading experience, this updated edition of Batman: The Definitive History of the Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond is the ultimate exploration of a true legend whose impact on our culture has no limits.
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COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY: Over 400 pages detailing every incarnation of The Caped Crusader across comics, TV, animation, movies, videogames and beyond. ALL-STAR CONTRIBUTORS: Read interviews and insights from those who have shaped The Dark Knight’s legend, including Christopher Nolan, Mark Hamill, Tim Burton, Michael Keaton, Grant Morrison, Julie Newmar, Joel Schumacher, Scott Snyder, Frank Miller, Kevin Conroy and more.
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 EXCLUSIVE BONUS INSERTS: Filled with pull-out cards, posters, mini-books, and other interactive ephemera that bring the history of the caped crusader to life. NEVER BEFORE SEEN IMAGES: Taken directly from the archives of DC and Warner Bros., enjoy exclusive, unseen treasures from the 80-year history of Batman. COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: Batman: The Animated Series, DC Comics: Anatomy of a Metahuman and DC Comics Variant Covers: The Complete Visual History also available.
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Publisher ‏ : ‎ Insight Editions; Updated edition (December 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 440 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1647228964
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1647228965
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 7.5 pounds
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 9.25 x 2 x 12.75 inches
Available now at Amazon. Direct link here.
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yourneutralscientist · 2 months ago
[Master post]
This is the master post for all the logs for each and every single person that has taken a vial, eaten food, or participated in a study regarding the human/metahuman/other anatomy and mind.
Please proceed with caution as not all logs will be accessed normally and will require a specific password or key card to access.
Log Entries
Entry [45483290]: Log 4583290 Sect. 32 Green Lantern
*Entry [893842]: Log 893842 Sect. 10 Batman
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