#Analysis on the Lok Sabha Election
chunavicharcha · 4 months
Analysis on the Lok Sabha Election: यह जनादेश किसकी जीत किसकी हार? 10 साल बाद लौट रहा गठबंधन सरकार का दौर
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Analysis of the Lok Sabha Elections: #1 इस जनादेश के क्या मायने हैं?
एनडीए को 400 पार और पार्टी को 370 पार ले जाने की भाजपा की रणनीति कामयाब नहीं हो पाई।.
जनादेश बताता है कि गठबंधन की अहमियत का दौर 10 साल बाद फिर लौट आया है। भाजपा के पास अकेले के बूते अब वह आंकड़ा नहीं है, जिसके सहारे वह अपना एजेंडा आगे बढ़ा सके।
जनादेश ने साफ कर दिया कि सिर्फ प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के चेहरे के भरोसे रहने से भाजपा का काम नहीं चलेगा। उसके निर्वाचित सांसदों और राज्य के नेतृत्व को भी अच्छा प्रदर्शन करना होगा।
एग्जिट पोल्स की भी हवा निकल गई। 11 एग्जिट पोल्स में एनडीए को 340 से ज्यादा सीटें मिलने का अनुमान लगाया था। तीन सर्वेक्षणों में तो एनडीए को 400 लोकसभा सीटें मिलने का अनुमान था। रुझानों/नतीजों में एनडीए उससे तकरीबन 100 सीट पीछे है।
2# क्या इसे सत्ता विरोधी लहर कहेंगे?
1999 में 182 सीटें जीतने वाली भाजपा जब 2004 में 138 सीटों पर आ गई तो उसने सत्ता गंवा दी। उसके पास स्पष्ट बहुमत 1999 में भी नहीं था और उससे पहले भी नहीं था। 2009 में कांग्रेस इससे बढ़कर 206 सीटों पर पहुंच गई, लेकिन 2014 में 44 पर सिमट गई। इसे स्पष्ट तौर पर यूपीए के लिए सत्ता विरोधी लहर माना गया। फिर भी यह माना गया कि जनादेश भाजपा के 'फील गुड फैक्टर' के विरोध में था।वहीं, 2004 में भाजपा से महज सात सीटें ज्यादा यानी 145 सीटें जीतकर कांग्रेस ने यूपीए की सरकार बना ली। 
हालांकि,यहां भाजपा 34-35 सीटों पर सिमटती दिख रही है, जबकि 2014 में यहां भाजपा ने 71 और 2019 में 62 सीटें जीती थीं। जब उत्तर प्रदेश जैसे सबसे अहम राज्य के नतीजे देखते हैं तो तस्वीर इस बार अलग नजर आती है।   सबसे बड़ा नुकसान भाजपा को इसी राज्य से हुआ है।
3# क्या कम मतदान ने भाजपा की सीटें घटा दीं और कांग्रेस-सपा की बढ़ा दीं?
वैसे तो इस बार लोकसभा चुनाव के शुरुआती छह चरण में ही पिछली बार के मुकाबले ढाई करोड़ से ज्यादा वोटरों ने मतदान किया था।क्योंकि भाजपा को पसंद करने वाले वोटरों ने तेज गर्मी के बीच संभवत: खुद ही यह मान लिया कि इस बार भाजपा की जीत आसान रहने वाली है।  फिर भी मतदान का प्रतिशत कम रहा। इसके ये मायने निकाले जा रहे हैं|इसलिए वोटरों का एक बड़ा तबका वोट देने के लिए निकला ही नहीं। कि भाजपा अब की पार 400 पार के नारे में खुद ही उलझ गई। उसके वोट इसलिए नहीं बढ़े |
4# तो यह किसकी जीत, किसकी हार? यह BJP की स्पष्ट जीत नहीं है। यह NDA की जीत ज्यादा है। आंकड़ों की दोपहर तक की स्थिति को देखें तो यह माना जा सकता है|  नीतीश कुमार और चंद्रबाबू नायडू, दोनों ही अतीत में एनडीए से अलग हो चुके हैं।इंडी गठबंधन की बात करें तो यह उसकी स्पष्ट जीत कम और बड़ी कामयाबी ज्यादा है। इन दोनों दलों के बारे में यह कहना मुश्किल है कि ये भाजपा के साथ पूरे पांच साल बने रहेंगे या नहीं। कि पूरे पांच साल भाजपा गठबंधन के सहयोगियों खासकर जदयू और तेदेपा के भरोसे रहेगी।  राज्य के लिए विशेष पैकेज और केंद्र और प्रदेश की सत्ता में भागीदारी के मुद्दे पर इनके भाजपा से मतभेद के आसार ज्यादा रहेंगे।  यह गठबंधन 200 का आंकड़ा आसानी से पार कर रहा है। इसके ये सीधे तौर पर मायने हैं कि अगले पांच साल विपक्ष केंद्र की राजनीति में मजबूती से बना रहेगा। क्षेत्रीय दल देश की राजनीति में अपरिहार्य बने रहेंगे।
5# मुकाबला भाजपा बनाम विपक्ष था या मोदी बनाम मोदी?
आंकड़ों की मानें तो इसका जवाब है हां, लेकिन इसका दूसरा जवाब यह भी है  पहली बार में ही वह अकेले के बूते 282 सीटों पर पहुंी। In 2019, 303 सीटें जीतीं। कि यह मुकाबला 2014 और 2019 में मोदी की लोकप्रियता बनाम 2024 में मोदी की लोकप्रियता का रहा। भाजपा ने नरेंद्र मोदी के चेहरे पर पहली बार 2014 का लोकसाा चुनाव लड़ा था। भाजपा ने इस बार भाजपा की अपनी सीटें 240 के आसपास हैं। यानी वह 2014 से 40 सीटें और 2019 से 60 सीटें पीछे है।
6# तो क्या गठबंधन की राजनीति लौट रही है?
बिल्कुल, भाजपा ने 10 साल स्पष्ट बहुमत से सरकार चलाई, लेकिन अब गठबंधन सरकार का दौर लौटेगा। भाजपा को भले ही पांच साल तक आसानी से सरकार चला लेने का भरोसा हो, लेकिन उसकी निर्भरता जदयू और तेदेपा जैसे दलों पर रहेगी।
7# पिछली गठबंधन सरकारों के मुकाबले भाजपा किस स्थिति में रहेगी?
डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह के समय कांग्रेस ने इससे भी कम सीटें लाकर गठबंधन की सरकार चलाई। अटल-आडवाणी भी भाजपा को अधिकतम 182 सीटों पर पहुंचा सके थे, लेकिन सरकार चला पाए। भाजपा की 2024 की स्थिति इससे बेहतर है।
8# यह जनादेश कबकी याद दिलाता है?
1991 नतीजे के लोकसभा चुनाव जैसे हैं। 232 सीटें जीतीं और पीवी नरसिंहा राव प्रधानमंत्री बने। उन्होंने पूरे पांच साल अन्य दलों के समर्थन से सरकार चलाई। इस बार भाजपा भी 240 के आसपास है। गठबंधन अब उसकी मजबूरी है।
9# यह चुनाव किसके लिए उत्साहजनक हैं?
इसके पीछे कई चेहरे हैं। जैसे राहुल गांधी। कांग्रेस 2014 में 44 और 2019 में 52 सीटों पर थी तो उन्हें जिम्मेदार माना गया। इस बार वह 100 सीटों के करीब है। देशभर में भाजपा को सबसे बड़ा झटका सपा ने ही दिया है। सपा ने पिछली बार बसपा के साथ गठबंधन किया। यानी पिछली बार के मुकाबले लगभग दोगुनी सीटों पर वह जीत रही है।दूसरा बड़ा नाम है अखिलेश यादव।बसपा को 10 सीटें मिली थीं, लेकिन सपा पांच ही सीटें जीत पाई थी। इस बार सपा ने कांग्रेस से हाथ मिलाया। । 2004 के लोकसभा चुनाव में उसे 35 सीटें मिली थीं। वह 34 से ज्यादा सीटों पर जीत रही है। यह लोकसभा चुनावों में वोट शेयर के लिहाज से सपा का अब तक का सबसे अच्छा प्रदर्शन हो सकता है वहीं, वोट शेयर के लिहाज�� पार्टी का सबसे बेहतर प्रदर्शन 1998 में था जब उसे करीब 29 फीसदी वोट मिले थे। इस बार यह आंकड़ा 33 फीसदी से ज्यादा हो सकता है।
तीसरा बड़ा नाम हैं चंद्रबाबू नायडू। उनकी तेदेपा आंध्र प्रदेश में सरकार बनने के करीब है और एनडीए के सबसे अहम घटक दलों में से एक रहेगी।
ऐसा ही एक नाम उद्धव ठाकरे का है। यह उनके लिए अस्तित्व की लड़ाई थी। शिंदे गुट से ज्यादा सीटें जीतकर उद्धव ठाकरे यह कहने की स्थिति में होंगे कि उनकी शिवसेना ही असली शिवसेना है।
10# इस बार क्या रिकॉर्ड बन सकते हैं?
इस बार का लोकसभा चुनाव भले ही सुस्त नजर आया, लेकिन जनादेश ऐतिहासिक हो सकता है। अगर भाजपा ही सरकार बनाती है तो यह प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की हैट्रिक होगी। पीएम मोदी पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू के बाद वे ऐसे दूसरे नेता होंगे, जो लगातार तीसरी बार प्रधानमंत्री बनेंगे। 1947 में पंडित नेहरू पहली बार प्रधानमंत्री जरूर बने, लेकिन चुनावी राजनीति शुरू होने के बाद उन्होंने 1951-52, 1957, 1962 का चुनाव जीता और लगातार प्रधानमंत्री रहे। वहीं, शपथ लेने के बाद प्रधानमंत्री मोदी अटलजी की भी बराबरी कर लेंगे। अटलजी का कार्यकाल कम रहा, लेकिन उन्होंने तीन बार प्रधानमंत्री पद की शपथ ली थी। more.
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townpostin · 3 months
BJP Gears Up for Jharkhand Assembly Elections Under Babulal Marandi
Former CM to lead party’s campaign despite recent Lok Sabha setbacks Jharkhand’s BJP prepares for crucial assembly polls, reaffirming faith in tribal leader Babulal Marandi despite internal challenges and recent electoral performance. RANCHI – The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Jharkhand has commenced preparations for the upcoming assembly elections, confirming former Chief Minister Babulal…
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newspatron · 4 months
Maharashtra 2024: Election Insights
Join us as we dissect the Lok Sabha Election Result Analysis Maharashtra 2024. Whether you’re a political aficionado or a curious reader, this article offers valuable insights into the changing landscape of Indian politics. Dive in!
Lok Sabha Election Result Analysis 2024: The Maharashtra Scenario [email protected]: A Political RollercoasterThe Power Trio: UP, Maharashtra, and BiharAlliance Dynamics: NCP and BJP’s Half-Hearted UnionLeadership and Anti-Incumbency: A Silent WaveThe Numbers Game: BJP’s Unexpected DipThe Positives Amidst the ChaosModi’s Campaign: Missing the Pulse of MaharashtraThe Shiv Sena…
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easterneyenews · 4 months
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PM Modi's Prediction for Sensex on Lok Sabha Election Results Day: A Detailed Analysis
As India approaches another crucial Lok Sabha election, the financial markets are abuzz with anticipation. Historically, election results have had a significant impact on market movements, often reflecting investor sentiment towards the incoming government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his economic reforms and market-friendly policies, recently made a bold prediction regarding the…
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graphaizesmm · 2 months
Lok Sabha Seats 2024: Visualizing Election
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The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are set to redefine India’s political landscape, with prominent alliances like the NDA and INDI vying for dominance. Currently, the NDA holds a considerable number of seats, yet forecasts suggest a tight race. This article explores the 2024 Lok Sabha seat statistics, offering a clear and visual representation of the shifting electoral dynamics. Through detailed infographics and data visuals, we aim to provide an in-depth analysis of how political alliances are evolving for the upcoming elections. Stay with us to grasp the intricate details and trends influencing one of the most significant elections in recent Indian history.
Busting Modi’s “400 Paar” promise
During the 2019 Indian general election campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi boldly promised to achieve “400 paar” (crossing 400 seats) in the Lok Sabha elections. Despite the BJP’s good performance leading to the most voted party, they fell short of this ambitious goal, securing just 240 seats. This pledge, while showcasing the party’s confidence and aggressive campaigning strategy, ultimately was not fulfilled.
Critics argue that the “400 paar” promise was overly optimistic, possibly a strategic move to energize the party’s base and create an image of invincibility. The final results, though a clear victory for the BJP, highlighted the limitations of political forecasting and the complexities of voter behavior in a diverse and vast democracy like India. This outcome emphasized the challenges in converting campaign rhetoric into electoral reality and underscored the dynamic nature of Indian politics.
Various polls and political analyses project the NDA securing around 290-320 seats, falling short of the 400-seat mark. The INDI alliance and other political entities have made significant inroads, complicating the NDA’s path to a supermajority.
The surprising rise of the INDI Alliance
The surprising rise of the INDI Alliance has notably reshaped India’s political landscape. Formed as a coalition of opposition parties, the alliance aims to present a unified front against the BJP. The coalition includes major players like the Indian National Congress, which has seen a resurgence in influence, and the Samajwadi Party (SP), which has consolidated its regional base.
The formation of the INDI Alliance is a strategic move to pool resources and voter bases, creating a formidable challenge to the BJP’s dominance. Congress’s growth within the alliance is notable, leveraging its national presence and historical legacy to rally support. The SP, with its stronghold in Uttar Pradesh, adds significant weight to the coalition, enhancing its ability to mobilize voters.
This alliance effectively challenges the BJP by presenting a cohesive alternative, addressing key issues like economic disparity, social justice, and democratic governance. Their collaborative efforts resonate with a diverse electorate, making the upcoming elections highly competitive and unpredictable. The INDI Alliance’s rise highlights the evolving dynamics of Indian politics and the potential for coalition politics to disrupt established power structures.
No clear majority: The role of kingmakers
India’s political landscape often sees scenarios where no party secures a clear majority, leading to the emergence of kingmakers who play pivotal roles in government formation. This time BJP’s long time ally Nitish Kumar of the Janata Dal (United) (JDU) and Chandrababu Naidu of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) helped the party in forming the government.
As the 2024 Lok Sabha elections approach, the political landscape in India is more unpredictable than ever. The “400 paar” promise by Prime Minister Modi has highlighted the ambitious goals of the NDA, but current projections suggest they may fall short of this target. Meanwhile, the emergence of the INDI Alliance has introduced a new dynamic, reshaping alliances and creating a more competitive field.
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nuovos00 · 2 months
Transforming Mumbai into the Global Capital of FinTech_ New Academic Pathways and Infrastructure Projects
As the financial industry undergoes a digital transformation, FinTech (financial technology) has emerged as a critical field, integrating finance and technology to create innovative financial solutions. Academic programs in FinTech are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic industry. This article explores the landscape of FinTech academic programs, highlighting their significance, curriculum components, career prospects, and the importance of merging finance and technology education.
The Significance of FinTech Education
The rise of FinTech has reshaped traditional financial services, introducing advancements such as blockchain technology, digital payments, robo-advisors, and peer-to-peer lending platforms. As a result, there is a growing demand for professionals who understand both finance and technology. According to a recent report by PwC, 82% of financial services companies plan to increase their FinTech partnerships in the next three to five years, indicating a strong need for skilled FinTech professionals.
The importance of FinTech is underscored by initiatives such as those seen in Mumbai, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims to make the city a global FinTech capital, supported by significant infrastructure projects worth ₹29,396 crore. This ambition highlights the critical role that FinTech professionals will play in the future of global finance.
Curriculum Components
FinTech academic programs are typically interdisciplinary, combining courses in finance, computer science, data analytics, and regulatory compliance. Key components of the curriculum often include:
Financial Markets and Instruments: Understanding the Fundamentals of Financial Markets, Investment Strategies, and Financial Instruments.
Programming and Software Development: Learning programming languages such as Python, R, and Java, which are essential for developing FinTech applications.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Exploring the Principles of Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency Markets, and Smart Contracts.
Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Applying data analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms to financial data for predictive modeling and decision-making.
Cybersecurity and Risk Management: Studying cybersecurity measures and risk management strategies to protect financial systems and data.
Career Prospects
Graduates of FinTech academic programs have a wide range of career opportunities in both traditional financial institutions and innovative FinTech startups. Some potential career paths include:
FinTech Developer: Creating and maintaining software applications for financial services, including mobile banking apps, trading platforms, and payment systems.
Data Scientist: Analyzing large datasets to extract insights and support decision-making processes in financial organizations.
Blockchain Developer: Designing and implementing blockchain solutions for secure and transparent financial transactions.
Cybersecurity Analyst: Protecting financial systems from cyber threats and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
Financial Analyst: Using technology to analyze financial data, assess investment opportunities, and provide strategic recommendations.
The Future of FinTech
The future of FinTech education lies in continuous adaptation to technological advancements and industry needs. Academic institutions must stay ahead of trends by incorporating emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and decentralized finance (DeFi), into their curricula. Additionally, partnerships between universities and industry players can provide students with real-world experience and networking opportunities.
The Role of Mumbai in Global FinTech
In his maiden visit to Maharashtra after the recent Lok Sabha election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stones and inaugurated multiple public projects worth ₹29,396 crore. Announcing his ambition to make Mumbai the world’s capital in financial technology and Maharashtra the leading state in tourism, Mr. Modi emphasized the state’s potential to become an economic powerhouse. He highlighted Maharashtra’s rich heritage, including the forts of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Konkan coastline, and the Sahyadri mountain range, as key assets for tourism development.
Addressing media owners and senior management at the inauguration of the Indian Newspaper Society Towers in Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex, Modi urged the media to promote tourism in each Indian state to boost their economies. This initiative reflects the broader vision of integrating FinTech advancements with regional economic development.
Government Initiatives and Infrastructure Projects
Mr. Modi also emphasized the government’s efforts to improve connectivity and infrastructure. Projects include the Thane-Borivali twin tunnel and the Goregaon-Mulund twin tunnel, with a combined investment of ₹22,900 crore, aimed at enhancing Mumbai’s transportation network. Additionally, the Kalyan yard remodeling and the Gati Shakti multimodal cargo terminal at Turbhe in Navi Mumbai were launched to improve logistics and transportation efficiency.
Furthermore, new platforms at the Lokmanya Tilak Terminus and the extension of two platforms at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus were inaugurated to accommodate longer trains and increase passenger capacity.
The Prime Minister also launched the Mukhyamantri Yuva Karya Prashikshan Yojana, an internship program with an outlay of around ₹5,600 crore aimed at addressing youth unemployment through skill enhancement and industry exposure.
The Role of Media in Promoting Economic Development
During his address, Modi highlighted the critical role of the media in shaping national discourse and promoting economic development. He urged media professionals to create awareness about the strengths and potential of various states, contributing to the vision of a developed India (Viksit Bharat) over the next 25 years. By highlighting success stories and fostering a positive narrative, the media can play a pivotal role in driving investment, tourism, and economic growth.
How MBA FinTech Students Can Take Advantage of This Opportunity
MBA FinTech students can leverage Mumbai’s growing status as a global FinTech hub by actively engaging in academic programs and internships that align with industry needs. By staying abreast of government initiatives and infrastructure projects, such as those championed by Prime Minister Modi, students can gain insights into emerging trends and opportunities. Networking with industry professionals and participating in collaborative projects can provide valuable hands-on experience. Additionally, focusing on skills in blockchain, AI, data analytics, and cybersecurity will position students for success in this dynamic field.
FinTech academic programs play a crucial role in merging finance and technology education, preparing students for the evolving landscape of the financial industry. By offering interdisciplinary curricula and hands-on learning experiences, these programs equip graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to drive innovation and shape the future of finance.
Mumbai’s ambition to become a global FinTech capital, supported by significant government initiatives and infrastructure projects, underscores the importance of integrating technological advancements with regional economic development. As FinTech continues to transform the financial services industry, MBA Fintech will remain a key driver in equipping the next generation of professionals to lead this transformation.
As fintech continues to evolve, it will shape the financial landscape, influence government policies, and impact society at large. Embracing fintech’s potential is not just a choice; it is a necessity for businesses and individuals seeking to thrive in the digital age. By staying abreast of fintech trends, fostering a culture of innovation, and maintaining a strong commitment to data security and privacy, we can collectively harness the transformative power of fintech to create a more equitable and prosperous financial ecosystem.
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gazetteweekly · 2 months
Uttarakhand Bypoll Analysis: BJP Admits Mistakes in Ticket Distribution
In a surprising turn of events, the recent bypolls in Uttarakhand saw the Congress clinching victory in both Assembly seats, dealing a setback to the ruling BJP. Mahendra Bhatt, the BJP state president, acknowledged that fielding turncoat leaders from other parties was a strategic error that contributed to these losses.
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Analysis of Bypoll Results
Despite its resounding victory in the general elections earlier this year and its recent win in the 2022 Assembly polls, the BJP faltered in the bypolls. The party lost the Manglaur seat, historically challenging for them, and the religiously significant Badrinath seat, where they had previously held a strong position.
Mahendra Bhatt, reflecting on the outcomes, stated, “In Manglaur, where historically we have struggled, we lost by just 422 votes… In Badrinath, the contest was close throughout, with margins as slim as 200–300 votes per round. We need to thoroughly assess our strategy moving forward.”
Admission of Mistakes
One significant factor Bhatt highlighted was the decision to award tickets to leaders who had recently switched allegiance from the Congress. “During the Lok Sabha elections, we assured these leaders of tickets for the Assembly seats. In hindsight, this decision was a mistake,” Bhatt admitted during a state working committee meeting.
He further pledged to review these decisions and rectify any errors in future electoral strategies. Bhatt emphasized, “I am committed to reclaiming Badrinath for the BJP soon.”
Key Contestants and Their Backgrounds
The Badrinath bypoll saw Rajendra Singh Bhandari, a three-time Congress MLA who joined BJP earlier this year, losing to Congress’s Lakhpat Singh Butola by 5,224 votes. This loss is seen as a significant shift in the political landscape of Garhwal, where BJP previously held all 14 Assembly segments.
In Manglaur, Kartar Singh Bhadana, a recent BJP entrant from BSP and brother of noted politician Avtar Singh Bhadana, lost to senior Congress leader Qazi Nizamuddin by a narrow margin of 422 votes. This seat, traditionally contested between Congress and BSP, showcased a competitive environment.
The bypoll results serve as a critical reminder to the BJP of the importance of candidate selection and strategic planning. As they navigate the fallout from these losses, the party aims to regroup and strengthen its position in Uttarakhand politics.
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On the indian elections
The question of free and fair elections is deeply tied to the question of social production relations, premised on the basic thought that if consent is not given freely (without coercion and compulsion), it cannot be said to be consent. Free consent is a basic democratic value. The question of consent needs to be further penetrated- one needs to ask how did this democratic value historically develop? Historical analysis shows the parliament’s role as a progressive body in countries which completed their democratic revolution with the slogans of freedom, equality, and sovereignty in the era of capitalism. However, the era of imperialism under the phase of monopoly capitalism sees the Parliament differently, with the Second Congress of Comintern remarking, “it turned out to be an instrument of untruth, deception, violence and powerless gossip”. 
In the phase of neocolonialism (a method of imperialism; indirect control over a country by a foreign state), imperialists have created fake parliaments in oppressed countries to deceive the masses, extract their resources and exploit their cheap labour. The declaration of independence as adopted on 15th August 1947 is fake – neither the Indian economy is independent nor is India free from indirect control over its policies and decisions. All electoral parties in India are manifestations of the ruling class interests. They are anti-people parties meant to serve the ruling classes in India i.e. the comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie (people who rely on foreign funds and governmental policies in support of corporatisation to produce capital) and the big landlords who serve their imperial masters. 
In the name of developing an independent nation, the ruling classes have made India dependent on imperialist powers for capital and technology. This is seen in the fact that the services sector accounts for 54.86% of India’s GVA of 266.78 lakh crore Indian rupees. At the same time, at a GVA of Rs. 73.50 lakh crore, the industry sector contributes 27.55%. 
A study of the Lok Sabha voting patterns based on the relationship between caste and class reveals “the limitations of the democratic upsurge of the 1990s and the difficulties in concretizing politics of the poor and underprivileged.” This implies that the parliamentary system is not a place to gain democratic rights and development, thereby showing the futility of elections in India. This caste-class nature of voting and democracy in India is explained further in our article Indian Parliament- The Nursery of Fascism.
Even in urban areas, voting for parties is not a question of politics, but a question of money, liquor and religious and casteist sentiments. 
Parliament as a Space to Breed the Hindu Rashtra 
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peoples-insight · 3 months
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Exit Polls in india
Get the latest updates on Lok Sabha Elections 2024 with our comprehensive coverage of exit polls in India. PeoplesInsight brings you expert analysis, real-time data, and insights into voter trends and predictions. Stay informed with the most accurate and up-to-date information on India's pivotal election.
visit us more information: https://www.peoplesinsight.in/
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nirpakhpost · 4 months
Lok Sabha Election 2024
The Lok Sabha election 2024 is set to be a defining moment in India's democratic journey. As political parties gear up for this significant battle, voters across the nation eagerly anticipate the policies and leadership that will shape their future. At Nirpakh Post, we bring you comprehensive coverage, in-depth analysis, and real-time updates on the electoral landscape, candidates, and key issues influencing the electorate. Stay informed with our unbiased reporting and expert opinions as India prepares to decide its next government, ensuring that you have all the information needed to understand the implications of this pivotal election.
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lokmargnews · 4 months
Live Breaking News: Lok Sabha Election Updates
Stay tuned for live breaking news and updates on the ongoing Lok Sabha elections with Lokmarg. As the nation gears up for one of the most significant political events, our team brings you real-time coverage, insightful analysis, and detailed reports on every development.
Our live updates will keep you informed about the latest polling trends, voter turnout, and major statements from key political leaders. We cover all constituencies, ensuring you don’t miss any critical information. From campaign rallies to voter reactions, we provide a comprehensive view of the election process.
With expert panel discussions and interviews, we delve into the implications of the elections on the country's future. Our correspondents are stationed across various states, providing ground-level reports and exclusive insights. 
Stay connected with our live coverage to know which party is leading, which alliances are forming, and what the potential outcomes could mean for India. 
Join us on our website and mobile app for uninterrupted live streaming of the Lok Sabha elections. Follow our social media channels for instant updates and share your thoughts using #LokSabhaLive. Don’t miss a moment of this pivotal event in Indian democracy.
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townpostin · 3 months
BJP Starts Preparations for Oncoming Jharkhand Assembly Elections
Party leaders strategize after Lok Sabha setback, claim lead in 52 assembly seats Bharatiya Janata Party intensifies preparations for upcoming Jharkhand assembly elections, with senior leaders visiting the state to boost campaign efforts. RANCHI – The BJP has initiated its campaign for the forthcoming Jharkhand assembly elections, following a recent Lok Sabha performance that saw the party lose…
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newspatron · 4 months
Lok Sabha Elections: The Verdict
Thank you for following our Lok Sabha Elections series. Your engagement has made this analysis a meaningful dialogue. Stay tuned for more insightful content on newspatron.
Unravelling the Election Saga Welcome to the concluding chapter of our insightful journey through the Lok Sabha Election Results Analysis of 2024. As we’ve navigated through the intricate narratives of political strategies and voter tides in our previous four parts, we now stitch together the final threads of this election’s story. Lok Sabha Elections: The VerdictUnravelling the Election…
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seoprivatetourguide · 4 months
india election results 
"India election results" describes the results of elections that were conducted in India. Elections for local, state, or federal offices could be held at different levels of government. This is a synopsis:
Comprehending the Indian Election Outcomes: A Summary
India, the largest democracy in the world, has periodical elections at different levels to choose representatives to run the government. The outcome of the elections has a significant impact on how politics are shaped and how government is run.
Important Points: Diverse Elections: There are several levels of elections held in India, including:
National Elections: The Lok Sabha, the lower chamber of the Indian Parliament that chooses the Prime Minister, is composed of the members chosen in these elections. State Elections: To select representatives for their separate legislative assemblies, all of India's states and union territories hold elections. Elections for Local entities: To choose local representatives, local entities including municipalities, panchayats, and municipal corporations also have elections. Election Procedure: In India, the election procedure involves voter registration, polling, candidate and political party campaigning, and vote counting. The Indian Election Commission supervises election administration and guarantees impartiality and openness.
Political Parties: A number of national and regional political parties are fighting for control in India's multiparty system. Among the major national parties are the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC). In some states, regional parties are very powerful.
Consequences of Results: The results of the Indian elections will have a significant impact on socioeconomic development, governance, and policymaking. It establishes the leadership at different governmental levels and represents the desire of the populace.
Impact on Governance: The majority-seat coalition or party in the legislature establishes and takes control of the government. Millions of residents' lives are impacted by the policies and choices made by the ruling party, which also shapes the direction of government.
Media Coverage: News outlets provide live updates, analysis, and commentary on the electoral process, trends, and outcomes. The election results in India are widely covered by the media.
In conclusion, the outcomes of the Indian election demonstrate the democratic process in operation, highlighting the strength of participatory governance and the voice of the people. Millions of people's lives are impacted by the policies and decisions they influence, so determining the direction of politics and government in the nation.
For the most recent information and analysis on the outcomes of the Indian election as they develop and influence the country's future, keep an eye on reputable news sites.
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signode-blog · 5 months
"Political Pundits Predict: Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in India Set to Shake NDA's Majority"
As the anticipation builds for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections in 2024, political analysts and pundits are scrutinizing every indicator, from public sentiment to the betting trends in places like Phalodi Satta Bazar. While the outcome remains uncertain, one prevailing sentiment emerges: the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) might face challenges in securing a resounding victory. Contrary to…
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